Advection-aware autoencoders and long-short-term memory networks for reduced order modeling of parametric, advection-dominated PDEs
This is supporting code for the article
Dutta, S.; Rivera-Casillas, P.; Styles, B.; Farthing, M.W.
Reduced Order Modeling Using Advection-Aware Autoencoders.
Math. Comput. Appl. 2022, 27, 34.
This article is part of the Special Issue: "Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering".
Email: [email protected] for any questions/feedback.
Advection-aware Autoencoder Architecture |
- Generate the high-fidelity snapshot data for the 2D linear advection example by running the script
. It automatically saves the snapshot files in thedata
directory. - Generate the high-fidelity snapshot data for the 1D Burgers example by running the notebook
. It automatically saves the snapshot files in thedata
directory and generates snapshot visualizations.
- Python 3.x
- Tensorflow TF 2.x. Install either the CPU or the GPU version depending on available resources.
- A list of all the dependencies are provided in the requirements file.
- The AA autoencoder training and evaluation can be performed using the notebooks
. - The performance of the various AA autoencoder models are compared in the notebooks
. - The LSTM and parametric LSTM models for the 1D Burgers' example are trained and evaluated using the notebooks