Features group similar patterns together, it can be similar patch patterns or similar code logic, and totally ignore the patches.
Each feature has a specific goal, for example: number of xrefs - searches for specific function calls that has changed, removed or added.
All the features can be found in the folder features/
The base features is found in the features/feature.py
An example of a simple feature is "string extractor", it will extract all the strings from a specific executable.
is the name of the feature, that will be used in the output handlers.
In the __init__
function you can see an init of GroupByOrderedPE
which is the grouping object.
This object gets all the versions of a specific PE and returns all the compare objects that
will be sent to the function _score
There are multiple ways to group PEs, all of them you can find in features/groupby.py
The function _score
function returns a generator that returns Result
that contains all the results it found.
For results with score (how interesting the finding is use Score
class StringExtractor(features.feature.PEFeature):
METHOD_NAME = "StringExtractor"
def __init__(self):
compared_number = 1
group_by = features.groupby.GroupByOrderedPE(compared_number)
super().__init__(type(self).METHOD_NAME, compared_number, group_by)
def _score(self, compare_object):
pe = compare_object.objects_to_compare[compare.compare.OLDEST]
for string_in_ida in pe.get_all_strings():
related_function = string_in_ida.pop('function_addr', None)
ranked_feature = pe
if related_function is not None:
ranked_feature = pe[related_function]
yield core.score.Result(type(self), [ranked_feature], **string_in_ida,
In order to register a feature - so the code will use it, you need to add it to the feature handler.
The feature handler holds all the features, and it can be found in rank_changes.py
in the function get_features