We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:
- Reporting a bug
- Proposing new features
- Discussing the current state of the code
- Submitting a fix
This is how you should do it:
- A quick summary and/or background
- Steps to reproduce
- Be specific!
- Give sample code if you can
- What you expected would happen
- What actually happens
The team love thorough bug reports - no it's not a joke!
- Brief description of the feature
- What problem/issue will this solve
- A sort of Definition of Done - "How should it look when finsihed"
- Fork this repository from GitHub
- Once, you have a local copy (after forking) you can make edits to the code, make formatting changes, reorganise the code, add documentation etc …
- After you have made the changes, you have to create a pull request
We will review the pull request and if it appropriate and there are no clashes or vulnerabilities, it will be merged to the main code
Voila! you have contributed to a piece of software and the cycle repeats.