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⚠️ This repository has been archived and is unmaintained. ⚠️

Equinix Helm chart for the OpenTelemetry Collector

A minimal Helm chart for deploying and configuring the OpenTelemetry Collector. While an excellent community Helm chart exists, this chart is set up to define consistent defaults with very limited configuration required of downstream users.

This chart does the following:

This configuration is specific to the strategy we're using at Metal: one Collector deployment per application namespace (e.g. API, cacher, narhwal, boots, etc.).


This chart is maintained by the [Governor] Metal OpenTelemetry GitHub team.

Deploy the OpenTelemetry Collector for your service

Add k8s-otel-collector as a dependency to the app Helm chart

Add this Helm chart as a dependency:

# Chart.yaml
  - name: k8s-otel-collector
    version: x.x.x  # replace with desired version

If desired, override the available values:

# values.yaml
    tag: "0.x.x" # override with your desired otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib image version:
    limit_mib: "400"
    spike_limit_mib: "100"
    check_interval: "5s"

    enabled: false

Set the OTLP endpoint via environment variable

In addition to deploying the Collector itself to your application namespace, you will need to update your app configuration to enable sending telemetry data to the Collector.

When you add the OpenTelemetry SDK to your application, it will look for the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable to determine where to send data. In this case the OTLP endpoint is the static url of the Collector deployed to that application's namespace.

For apps sending OTLP over HTTP (legacy Ruby services), use the HTTP endpoint:

export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT="http://opentelemetry-collector:55681"

For apps sending OTLP over gRPC (most services), use the gRPC endpoint:

export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT="opentelemetry-collector:4317"

Depending on the app's Helm chart configuration, the environment variable may need to be set in different ways. Most k8s-site-{appname} charts will set environment variables in values.yaml like so:

    . . .
    OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT: "opentelemetry-collector:4317"

Add the ExternalSecretPull for the Honeycomb API key

Equinix Metal uses a global key for all Metal services for each environment. Create an ExternalSecretPull to reference the global key.

# external-secret-honeycomb-key.yaml
kind: ExternalSecretPull
  name: "honeycomb-key"
    component: "opentelemetry-collector"
  backend: ssm
    - key: /{{ .Values.clusterInfo.environment }}/honeycomb-key/v1
      name: honeycomb-key

Create templates/_otel-attributes.tpl partial template in application chart

No indentation needed, the subchart will fix that. It's recommended to include the comment at the top so that future maintainers don't add too many custom attributes here.

# templates/_otel-attributes.tpl
# Attributes included here will be added to every span and every metric that
# passes through the OpenTelemetry Collector in this service's namespace.
# Most custom instrumentation should be done within the service's code.
# This file is a good place to include k8s cluster info that's hard to access elsewhere.
{{- define "otel_attributes" }}
- key: k8s.cluster.endpoint
  value: {{ .Values.clusterInfo.apiEndpoint }}
  action: insert
- key: k8s.cluster.class
  value: {{ .Values.clusterInfo.class }}
  action: insert
- key: k8s.cluster.fqdn
  value: {{ .Values.clusterInfo.fqdn }}
  action: insert
- key:
  value: {{ }}
  action: insert
- key: metal.facility
  value: {{ .Values.clusterInfo.facility }}
  action: insert
{{- end }}

Then update the chart's values.yaml so that k8s-otel-collector knows to use the template:

  include_otel_attributes: true

Ensure that the subchart can read clusterInfo via Atlas

Currently, clusterInfo is not available globally in Atlas. In order to make the data available to subcharts, you will need to update the Atlas configuration for your service, under the apps.d/ directory.

Add these lines under values:

      - name: appname
        repoURL: "[email protected]:equinixmetal/k8s-central-appname.git"
        clusterValuesFile: true
+       values: |
+         k8s-otel-collector:
+           clusterInfo: {{ clusterInfo .Cluster .App | toYaml | nindent 10 }}

Additionally, your chart's GitHub checks might fail because of a bad pointer reference, since the data is not available locally. To fix this, add an empty clusterInfo hashmap to your values.yaml file:

clusterInfo: {}

Atlas will overwrite the empty hashmap with valid data when the chart is deployed.

GitHub checks: make sure github-action-helm3 pulls down dependencies

If you're using github-action-helm3 in your Helm linting check, be sure that you add the --dependency-update flag so it'll pull down remote dependencies. Here's an example:

  name: Yaml Lint
  on: [pull_request]
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Prep helm
        uses: WyriHaximus/github-action-helm3@v3
-         exec: helm template --output-dir test-output/ .
+         exec: helm template --dependency-update --output-dir test-output/ .
      - name: yaml-lint
        uses: ibiqlik/action-yamllint@v3
          file_or_dir: test-output
          config_file: .yamllint.yml

Deploy in your application namespace

For initial deployment and any changes to the OTLP endpoint, the app's pods will need to be restarted in order to pick up the new/updated environment variables. For some configurations, Kubernetes will restart the pods automatically. For others, you may need to manually restart the pods.

Add OpenTelemetry instrumentation to the application code

Go apps should use equinix-labs/otel-init-go. Follow the configuration instructions in the README.

For Ruby apps, follow the instructions in Confluence.

Honeycomb API keys

The ExternalSecretPull file references the global Honeycomb API key that's already available in production clusters.


Follow the instructions in these docs to set the Collector's own logs to DEBUG.

Releasing a new version

This repo uses GitHub Actions to package the Helm chart and publish it at

To create a new release, first update Chart.yaml:

-  version: 0.4.1
+  version: 0.5.0

Commit your change and get your PR merged. Once it's merged create a tag with the same version and push it upstream.

Once you push the new tag, GitHub Actions will automatically create a release with a changelog, package the Helm chart, and publish the package at equinixmetal-helm/charts.

Make sure you fetch/pull the latest tags before making a new one. It's recommended to only push the tag you just created.

$ git fetch --all --tags
Fetching origin
$ git tag --list
$ git tag 0.5.0  # create the new tag
$ git tag --list
0.5.0 # it's better not to prefix with v
$ git push origin 0.5.0  # push the new tag upstream