In this second part of the course note, we will describe advanced features.
As of November 2020, the EPFL has an institutional subscription for all EPFL members who use Zotero. To have access to this storage, you must set your e-mail address as primary or secondary e-mail in your Zotero account. If you want to modify the address e-mail of Zotero account, you should go to, log in and click on your name. In the menu under your name, select settings. You will land on your Zotero profile. Change to 'Account' to land on the page where you will have the ability to modify the e-mail(s) linked to your account.
EPFL members and members of universtities and institutions of higher education in Switzerland can use SWITCHdrive. SWITCHdrive gives 50 GB of space to use as a free cloud storage (to store files, for instance). However, if you are affiliated with EPFL, you can rely on the unlimited storage described above
SWITCHdrive can also be used to get more storage for your Zotero library. When you start using Zotero with an account on, you freely get access to 300 MB of storage on Zotero's server.
This space is used to synchronise your libraries on several computers and to provide you with an online version of your library, accessible via an internet browser.
SWITCHdrive can do the same, except with a much higher storage size !
If you want to benefit from this space, here is how :
Register on SWITCHdrive registration page
Open Zotero and go to Preferences > Sync
From this pane, you can change your synchronisation settings. Make sure data syncing is set up. You will need to have a Zotero account for this
From the same pane, you can choose which file storage to use. Choose "WebDAV", as shown below
To make the connection between your Library and SWITCHdrive servers, please define the URL as shown below
- Enter your username and password. They are the same you used to create your SWITCHdrive account
- Verify the link with the server by clicking the dedicated button
Synchronisation is now handled through SWITCHdrive.