const pkg = require('./package.json') const SPLASH_CONFIG = { backgroundColor: '#ffffff', image: './assets/splash.png', resizeMode: 'cover', } const DARK_SPLASH_CONFIG = { backgroundColor: '#001429', image: './assets/splash-dark.png', resizeMode: 'cover', } const SPLASH_CONFIG_ANDROID = { backgroundColor: '#0c7cff', image: './assets/splash.png', resizeMode: 'cover', } const DARK_SPLASH_CONFIG_ANDROID = { backgroundColor: '#0f141b', image: './assets/splash-dark.png', resizeMode: 'cover', } module.exports = function (config) { /** * App version number. Should be incremented as part of a release cycle. */ const VERSION = pkg.version /** * Uses built-in Expo env vars * * @see */ const PLATFORM = process.env.EAS_BUILD_PLATFORM const IS_DEV = process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_ENV === 'development' const IS_TESTFLIGHT = process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_ENV === 'testflight' const IS_PRODUCTION = process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_ENV === 'production' const ASSOCIATED_DOMAINS = [ '', '', '', '', // Allows App Clip to work when scanning QR codes // When testing local services, enter an ngrok (et al) domain here. It must use a standard HTTP/HTTPS port. ...(IS_DEV || IS_TESTFLIGHT ? [] : []), ] const UPDATES_CHANNEL = IS_TESTFLIGHT ? 'testflight' : IS_PRODUCTION ? 'production' : undefined const UPDATES_ENABLED = !!UPDATES_CHANNEL const USE_SENTRY = Boolean(process.env.SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN) const SENTRY_DIST = `${PLATFORM}.${VERSION}.${IS_TESTFLIGHT ? 'tf' : ''}${ IS_DEV ? 'dev' : '' }` return { expo: { version: VERSION, name: 'Bluesky', slug: 'bluesky', scheme: 'bluesky', owner: 'blueskysocial', runtimeVersion: { policy: 'appVersion', }, orientation: 'portrait', icon: './assets/icon.png', userInterfaceStyle: 'automatic', splash: SPLASH_CONFIG, // hsl(211, 99%, 53%), same as palette.default.brandText primaryColor: '#1083fe', ios: { supportsTablet: false, bundleIdentifier: '', config: { usesNonExemptEncryption: false, }, infoPlist: { UIBackgroundModes: ['remote-notification'], NSCameraUsageDescription: 'Used for profile pictures, posts, and other kinds of content.', NSMicrophoneUsageDescription: 'Used for posts and other kinds of content.', NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription: 'Used to save images to your library.', NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription: 'Used for profile pictures, posts, and other kinds of content', CFBundleSpokenName: 'Blue Sky', CFBundleLocalizations: [ 'en', 'ca', 'de', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'ga', 'hi', 'hu', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'zh_CN', 'zh_HK', 'zh_TW', ], }, associatedDomains: ASSOCIATED_DOMAINS, splash: { ...SPLASH_CONFIG, dark: DARK_SPLASH_CONFIG, }, entitlements: { '': true, '': true, '': '', }, privacyManifests: { NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes: [ { NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType: 'NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryFileTimestamp', NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons: ['C617.1', '3B52.1', '0A2A.1'], }, { NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType: 'NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace', NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons: ['E174.1', '85F4.1'], }, { NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType: 'NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime', NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons: ['35F9.1'], }, { NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType: 'NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults', NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons: ['CA92.1', '1C8F.1'], }, ], }, }, androidStatusBar: { barStyle: 'light-content', backgroundColor: '#00000000', }, // Dark nav bar in light mode is better than light nav bar in dark mode androidNavigationBar: { barStyle: 'light-content', backgroundColor: DARK_SPLASH_CONFIG_ANDROID.backgroundColor, }, android: { icon: './assets/icon.png', adaptiveIcon: { foregroundImage: './assets/icon-android-foreground.png', monochromeImage: './assets/icon-android-foreground.png', backgroundImage: './assets/icon-android-background.png', backgroundColor: '#1185FE', }, googleServicesFile: './google-services.json', package: '', intentFilters: [ { action: 'VIEW', autoVerify: true, data: [ { scheme: 'https', host: '', }, IS_DEV && { scheme: 'http', host: 'localhost:19006', }, ], category: ['BROWSABLE', 'DEFAULT'], }, ], splash: { ...SPLASH_CONFIG_ANDROID, dark: DARK_SPLASH_CONFIG_ANDROID, }, }, web: { favicon: './assets/favicon.png', }, updates: { url: '', enabled: UPDATES_ENABLED, fallbackToCacheTimeout: 30000, codeSigningCertificate: UPDATES_ENABLED ? './code-signing/certificate.pem' : undefined, codeSigningMetadata: UPDATES_ENABLED ? { keyid: 'main', alg: 'rsa-v1_5-sha256', } : undefined, checkAutomatically: 'NEVER', channel: UPDATES_CHANNEL, }, plugins: [ 'expo-localization', USE_SENTRY && [ '@sentry/react-native/expo', { organization: 'blueskyweb', project: 'react-native', release: VERSION, dist: SENTRY_DIST, }, ], [ 'expo-build-properties', { ios: { deploymentTarget: '15.1', newArchEnabled: false, }, android: { compileSdkVersion: 34, targetSdkVersion: 34, buildToolsVersion: '34.0.0', kotlinVersion: '1.8.0', newArchEnabled: false, }, }, ], [ 'expo-notifications', { icon: './assets/icon-android-notification.png', color: '#1185fe', sounds: PLATFORM === 'ios' ? ['assets/dm.aiff'] : ['assets/dm.mp3'], }, ], 'react-native-compressor', './plugins/starterPackAppClipExtension/withStarterPackAppClip.js', './plugins/withAndroidManifestPlugin.js', './plugins/withAndroidManifestFCMIconPlugin.js', './plugins/withAndroidStylesWindowBackgroundPlugin.js', './plugins/withAndroidStylesAccentColorPlugin.js', './plugins/withAndroidSplashScreenStatusBarTranslucentPlugin.js', './plugins/shareExtension/withShareExtensions.js', './plugins/notificationsExtension/withNotificationsExtension.js', './plugins/withAppDelegateReferrer.js', [ 'expo-font', { fonts: [ './assets/fonts/inter/InterVariable.ttf', './assets/fonts/inter/InterVariable-Italic.ttf', // Android only './assets/fonts/inter/Inter-Regular.otf', './assets/fonts/inter/Inter-Italic.otf', './assets/fonts/inter/Inter-SemiBold.otf', './assets/fonts/inter/Inter-SemiBoldItalic.otf', './assets/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraBold.otf', './assets/fonts/inter/Inter-ExtraBoldItalic.otf', ], }, ], ].filter(Boolean), extra: { eas: { build: { experimental: { ios: { appExtensions: [ { targetName: 'Share-with-Bluesky', bundleIdentifier: '', entitlements: { '': [ '', ], }, }, { targetName: 'BlueskyNSE', bundleIdentifier: '', entitlements: { '': [ '', ], }, }, { targetName: 'BlueskyClip', bundleIdentifier: '', }, ], }, }, }, projectId: '55bd077a-d905-4184-9c7f-94789ba0f302', }, }, hooks: { postPublish: [ /* * @see */ { file: './postHooks/uploadSentrySourcemapsPostHook', config: { organization: 'blueskyweb', project: 'react-native', release: VERSION, dist: SENTRY_DIST, }, }, ], }, }, } }