diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 12c504419ccb..174cfd06ee3c 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -613,6 +613,7 @@
JSON parser based off Jackson.][8719]
- [Implemented `Table.replace` for the in-memory backend.][8935]
- [Allow removing rows using a Filter_Condition.][8861]
+- [Added `Table.to_xml`.][8979]
@@ -882,6 +883,7 @@
[8865]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/8865
[8935]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/8935
[8861]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/8861
+[8979]: https://github.com/enso-org/enso/pull/8979
#### Enso Compiler
diff --git a/distribution/lib/Standard/Table/0.0.0-dev/src/Data/Table.enso b/distribution/lib/Standard/Table/0.0.0-dev/src/Data/Table.enso
index d9ce8ddf4406..3270e7fc7594 100644
--- a/distribution/lib/Standard/Table/0.0.0-dev/src/Data/Table.enso
+++ b/distribution/lib/Standard/Table/0.0.0-dev/src/Data/Table.enso
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ polyglot java import org.enso.table.data.table.join.conditions.Equals as Java_Jo
polyglot java import org.enso.table.data.table.join.conditions.EqualsIgnoreCase as Java_Join_Equals_Ignore_Case
polyglot java import org.enso.table.data.table.join.lookup.LookupJoin
polyglot java import org.enso.table.data.table.Table as Java_Table
+polyglot java import org.enso.table.data.table.TableToXml as Java_TableToXml
polyglot java import org.enso.table.error.NonUniqueLookupKey
polyglot java import org.enso.table.error.NullValuesInKeyColumns
polyglot java import org.enso.table.error.TooManyColumnsException
@@ -2612,6 +2613,67 @@ type Table
## Creates a text representation of the table using the CSV format.
to_csv : Text
to_csv self = Text.from self (Delimited_Format.Delimited delimiter=",")
+ ## GROUP Standard.Base.Conversions
+ Returns a string containing an XML representation of the table.
+ Arguments:
+ - element_columns: Columns to be used as elements in the XML.
+ - attribute_columns: Columns to be used as attributes in the XML.
+ - value_column: Column to be used as the value for the row tag in the XML.
+ - root_name: The name of the root tag in the XML.
+ - row_name: The name of the row tag in the XML.
+ - on_problems: Specifies how to handle warnings if they occur, reporting
+ them as warnings by default.
+ ! Error Conditions
+ - If a column in `element_columns`, `attribute_columns` or `value_column` is not in
+ the input table, a `Missing_Input_Columns` is raised as an error.
+ - If any incomming columns aree not specified in one of `element_columns`,
+ `attribute_columns` or `value_column`, a `Unexpected_Extra_Columns`
+ is reported according to the `on_problems` setting.
+ ? Example to_xml Operation
+ Input Table `table`:
+ Title | Author | Price | Year
+ ------------------------+---------------------+-------+------
+ A Tale Of Two Cities | Charles Dickens | 9.99 | 1859
+ The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 5.99 | 1925
+ Result `r = t.to_xml ["Year"] ["Author", "Price"] "Title" "Books" "Book"`:
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 1859
+ The Great Gatsby
+ 1925
+ @element_columns Widget_Helpers.make_column_name_vector_selector
+ @attribute_columns Widget_Helpers.make_column_name_vector_selector
+ @value_column Widget_Helpers.make_column_name_selector
+ to_xml self (element_columns : (Vector (Integer | Text | Regex) | Text | Integer | Regex) = self.column_names) (attribute_columns : (Vector (Integer | Text | Regex) | Text | Integer | Regex) = []) (value_column : Text | Integer | Nothing = Nothing) (root_name : Text = "Table") (row_name : Text = "Row") (on_problems : Problem_Behavior = Report_Warning) -> Text =
+ columns_helper = self.columns_helper
+ problem_builder = Problem_Builder.new error_on_missing_columns=True
+ resolved_element_columns = columns_helper.select_columns_helper element_columns Case_Sensitivity.Default False problem_builder
+ java_element_columns = resolved_element_columns.map .java_column
+ resolved_attribute_columns = columns_helper.select_columns_helper attribute_columns Case_Sensitivity.Default False problem_builder
+ java_attribute_column = resolved_attribute_columns.map .java_column
+ resolved_value_column = if value_column.is_nothing then Nothing else (self.at value_column)
+ java_value_column = if value_column.is_nothing then Nothing else resolved_value_column.java_column
+ unused_columns = columns_helper.internal_columns.filter (Filter_Condition.Not_In resolved_element_columns+resolved_attribute_columns+[resolved_value_column]) . map .name
+ if unused_columns.length > 0 then problem_builder.report_other_warning (Unexpected_Extra_Columns.Warning unused_columns)
+ problem_builder.attach_problems_before on_problems <|
+ Java_TableToXml.to_xml self.row_count java_element_columns java_attribute_column java_value_column root_name row_name
columns_helper : Table_Column_Helper
diff --git a/std-bits/table/src/main/java/org/enso/table/data/table/TableToXml.java b/std-bits/table/src/main/java/org/enso/table/data/table/TableToXml.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f785d7f252c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/std-bits/table/src/main/java/org/enso/table/data/table/TableToXml.java
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package org.enso.table.data.table;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import java.util.stream.Stream;
+import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
+import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
+import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
+import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
+import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+public class TableToXml {
+ public static String to_xml(
+ int rowCount,
+ Column[] element_columns,
+ Column[] attribute_columns,
+ Column value_Column,
+ String root_name,
+ String row_name)
+ throws XmlException, ParserConfigurationException {
+ var docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+ var docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
+ var doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
+ var rootElement = doc.createElement(makeXmlTagNameLegal(root_name));
+ doc.appendChild(rootElement);
+ Map legal_column_names =
+ Stream.concat(Stream.of(element_columns), Stream.of(attribute_columns))
+ .collect(
+ Collectors.toMap(
+ e -> e.getName(), e -> makeXmlTagNameLegal(e.getName()), (e1, e2) -> e1));
+ var legal_row_name = makeXmlTagNameLegal(row_name);
+ var context = Context.getCurrent();
+ for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) {
+ var rowElement = doc.createElement(legal_row_name);
+ if (value_Column != null) {
+ get_set_value(value_Column, row, rowElement);
+ }
+ for (var element_column : element_columns) {
+ var legal_name = legal_column_names.get(element_column.getName());
+ get_append_element(element_column, legal_name, row, doc, rowElement);
+ context.safepoint();
+ }
+ for (var attribute_column : attribute_columns) {
+ var legal_name = legal_column_names.get(attribute_column.getName());
+ get_set_attribute(attribute_column, legal_name, row, rowElement);
+ context.safepoint();
+ }
+ rootElement.appendChild(rowElement);
+ context.safepoint();
+ }
+ return convert_to_string(doc);
+ }
+ private static String convert_to_string(Document doc) throws XmlException {
+ var xmlObject = XmlObject.Factory.parse(doc);
+ var options = new XmlOptions();
+ options.setSavePrettyPrint();
+ String xmlString = xmlObject.xmlText(options);
+ return xmlString;
+ }
+ private static void get_set_attribute(
+ Column attribute_column, String legal_name, int row, Element rowElement) throws DOMException {
+ var item = attribute_column.getStorage().getItemBoxed(row);
+ if (item != null) {
+ rowElement.setAttribute(legal_name, item.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ private static void get_append_element(
+ Column element_column, String legal_name, int row, Document doc, Element rowElement)
+ throws DOMException {
+ var item = element_column.getStorage().getItemBoxed(row);
+ if (item != null) {
+ var columnElement = doc.createElement(legal_name);
+ columnElement.setTextContent(item.toString());
+ rowElement.appendChild(columnElement);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void get_set_value(Column value_Column, int row, Element rowElement)
+ throws DOMException {
+ var item = value_Column.getStorage().getItemBoxed(row);
+ if (item != null) {
+ rowElement.setTextContent(item.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public static String makeXmlTagNameLegal(String input) {
+ String nameStartChar =
+ "[^:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\ud800\udc00-\udbff\udfff]";
+ String nameChar =
+ "[^-.0-9:A-Z_a-z\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\ud800\udc00-\udbff\udfff]";
+ // XML tag names cannot start with a number or punctuation character, and cannot contain spaces
+ String cleaned = input.replaceAll(nameChar, "_");
+ // If the cleaned name is empty or doesn't start with a valid character, prefix it with an
+ // underscore
+ if (cleaned.isEmpty() || cleaned.substring(0, 1).matches(nameStartChar)) {
+ cleaned = "_" + cleaned;
+ }
+ return cleaned;
+ }
diff --git a/test/Table_Tests/src/In_Memory/Table_Xml_Spec.enso b/test/Table_Tests/src/In_Memory/Table_Xml_Spec.enso
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ca9a84da981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Table_Tests/src/In_Memory/Table_Xml_Spec.enso
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+from Standard.Base import all
+from Standard.Table import Table
+from Standard.Test_New import all
+from Standard.Table.Errors import all
+import Standard.Base.Errors.Common.Type_Error
+# pretty printed xml actually makes the tests less pretty
+# so all but one tests depretty the xml before comparing
+depretty xmlText =
+ xmlText.replace (Regex.compile "(\r\n|\n)\s*") ""
+type Data
+ # | Title | Author | Price | Year | Last Borrowed
+ #---+------------------------+---------------------+-------+------+------------------------------------------
+ # 0 | A Tale Of Two Cities | Charles Dickens | 9.99 | 1859 | 1999-01-02 03:40:00Z[Europe/London]
+ # 1 | The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 5.99 | 1925 | 2000-02-03 04:50:00Z[Europe/London]
+ # 2 | The Catcher In The Rye | J. D. Salinger | 6.99 | 1951 | 2001-03-04 05:25:00Z[Europe/London]
+ # 3 | The Grapes Of Wrath | John Steinbeck | 7.99 | 1939 | 2002-04-05 06:15:00+01:00[Europe/London]
+ Value ~table
+ setup =
+ make_table =
+ title = ["Title", ["A Tale Of Two Cities", "The Great Gatsby", "The Catcher In The Rye", "The Grapes Of Wrath"]]
+ author = ["Author", ["Charles Dickens", "F. Scott Fitzgerald", "J. D. Salinger", "John Steinbeck"]]
+ price = ["Price", [9.99, 5.99, 6.99, 7.99]]
+ year = ["Year", [1859, 1925, 1951, 1939]]
+ last_borrowed = ["Last Borrowed", [Date_Time.new 1999 1 2 3 40, Date_Time.new 2000 2 3 4 50, Date_Time.new 2001 3 4 5 25, Date_Time.new 2002 4 5 6 15]]
+ Table.new [title, author, price, year, last_borrowed]
+ Data.Value make_table
+add_specs suite_builder =
+ suite_builder.group "to_xml" group_builder->
+ data = Data.setup
+ group_builder.specify "table with no rows should become empty Table element" <|
+ t = data.table . take 0
+ r = t.to_xml
+ e = ""
+ r.should_equal e
+ group_builder.specify "if no columns are specified all fields become child elements" <|
+ t = data.table . select_columns ['Title', 'Year']
+ r = t.to_xml
+ e = '''
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 1859
+ The Great Gatsby
+ 1925
+ The Catcher In The Rye
+ 1951
+ The Grapes Of Wrath
+ 1939
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Single column as element" <|
+ t = data.table . take 4
+ r = t.to_xml ["Year"]
+ e = '''
+ 1859
+ 1925
+ 1951
+ 1939
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Single column as attribute" <|
+ t = data.table . take 4
+ r = t.to_xml [] ["Year"]
+ e = '''
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Single column as value" <|
+ t = data.table . take 4
+ r = t.to_xml [] [] "Year"
+ e = '''
+ 1859
+ 1925
+ 1951
+ 1939
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Different fields can be used as attributes, elements and value" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml ["Year"] ["Author", "Price"] "Title"
+ e = '''
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 1859
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Can use indexes to specify columns" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml [3] [1, 2] 0
+ e = '''
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 1859
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Can use regex to specify columns for element and attribute" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml (Regex.compile ".*e") (Regex.compile ".*a.*") "Author"
+ e = '''
+ Charles Dickens
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 9.99
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "The same fields can be used as attributes, elements and value" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml ["Author", "Price"] ["Author", "Price"] "Author"
+ e = '''
+ Charles Dickens
+ Charles Dickens
+ 9.99
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "If a field is specified duplicate times as an attribute or element it is only included once" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml ["Author", "Price", "Author"] ["Author", "Price", "Price"] "Author"
+ e = '''
+ Charles Dickens
+ Charles Dickens
+ 9.99
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Root and Row tags can be set" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml ["Year"] ["Author", "Price"] "Title" "library" "book"
+ e = '''
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 1859
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Will warn if not all incoming columns specified" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml ["Year"] ["Author", "Price"] "Title"
+ e = '''
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 1859
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ Problems.expect_warning (Unexpected_Extra_Columns.Warning ["Last Borrowed"]) r
+ group_builder.specify "Will not warn if not all incoming columns specified, but warnings are ignored" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml ["Year"] ["Author", "Price"] "Title" on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Ignore
+ e = '''
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 1859
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ Problems.assume_no_problems r
+ group_builder.specify "Will error if not all incoming columns specified and on_problems set to Report_Error" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = t.to_xml ["Year"] ["Author", "Price"] "Title" on_problems=Problem_Behavior.Report_Error
+ r.should_fail_with (Unexpected_Extra_Columns.Warning ["Last Borrowed"])
+ group_builder.specify "Will error if configured with a element column that is not in the table" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = t.to_xml ["Author", "Price", "Not In Table"] ["Year"] "Title"
+ r.should_fail_with (Missing_Input_Columns.Error ["Not In Table"])
+ group_builder.specify "Will error if configured with a attribute column that is not in the table" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = t.to_xml ["Author", "Price"] ["Year", "Not In Table"] "Title"
+ r.should_fail_with (Missing_Input_Columns.Error ["Not In Table"])
+ group_builder.specify "Will error if configured with a value column that is not in the table" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = t.to_xml ["Author", "Price"] ["Year"] "Not In Table"
+ r.should_fail_with (No_Such_Column.Error "Not In Table")
+ group_builder.specify "XML should be pretty printed" <|
+ # pretty printed xml actually makes the tests less pretty
+ # so all the other tests depretty the xml before comparing
+ # this one makes sure it actually is pretty printed for users
+ t = data.table . take 2
+ r = t.to_xml ["Year"] ["Author", "Price"] "Title"
+ e = '\r\n'
+ + ' \r\n'
+ + ' A Tale Of Two Cities\r\n'
+ + ' 1859\r\n'
+ + '
+ + ' \r\n'
+ + ' The Great Gatsby\r\n'
+ + ' 1925\r\n'
+ + '
+ + '
+ r . should_equal e
+ group_builder.specify "Illegal xml names are cleaned up in root_name and row_name" <|
+ t = data.table . take 1
+ r = t.to_xml ["Year"] ["Author", "Price"] "Title" "the library" "22book"
+ e = '''
+ <_22book Author="Charles Dickens" Price="9.99">
+ A Tale Of Two Cities
+ 1859
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Illegal xml names are cleaned up" <|
+ numeric_column_name = ["1", [10]]
+ illegal_column_name = ["Bad & symbols", [1]]
+ last_borrowed = ["Last Borrowed", [Date_Time.new 1999 1 2 3 40]]
+ # | 1 | Bad & symbols | Last Borrowed
+ #---+----+-----------------------+-------------------------------------
+ # 0 | 10 | 1 | 1999-01-02 03:40:00Z[Europe/London]
+ t = Table.new [numeric_column_name, illegal_column_name, last_borrowed]
+ r = t.to_xml ["Bad & symbols", "Last Borrowed", "1"] ["Bad & symbols", "Last Borrowed", "1"]
+ e = '''
+ <_1>10
+ 1
+ 1999-01-02T03:40Z[Europe/London]
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Empty strings are empty attributes/elements. Nothing values omit the entire attribute/element" <|
+ desc_column = ["desc", ["Col1 and Col2 both have values", "Col1 has value, Col2 Nothing", "Col1 empty string, Col2 has value", "Col1 and Col2 both blank string", "Col1 and Col2 both Nothing" ]]
+ col1 = ["Col1", ["Value1", "Value2", "", "", Nothing]]
+ col2 = ["Col2", ["Value1", Nothing, "Value2", "", Nothing]]
+ # | desc | Col1 | Col2
+ #---+-----------------------------------+---------+---------
+ # 0 | Col1 and Col2 both have values | Value1 | Value1
+ # 1 | Col1 has value, Col2 Nothing | Value2 | Nothing
+ # 2 | Col1 empty string, Col2 has value | | Value2
+ # 3 | Col1 and Col2 both blank string | |
+ # 4 | Col1 and Col2 both Nothing | Nothing | Nothing
+ t = Table.new [desc_column, col1, col2]
+ r = t.to_xml ["Col1", "Col2"] ["desc", "Col1", "Col2"] "Col1"
+ e = '''
+ Value1
+ Value1
+ Value1
+ Value2
+ Value2
+ Value2
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "Panic if wrong types passed in element_columns" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = Panic.recover Any (t.to_xml 1.23)
+ r.to_text.should_equal "(Error: (Type_Error.Error Vector | Text | Integer | Regex 1.23 '`element_columns`'))"
+ group_builder.specify "Panic if wrong types passed in element_columns vector" pending='Not working' <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = Panic.recover Any (t.to_xml [1.23])
+ r.to_text.should_equal "(Error: (Type_Error.Error Vector | Text | Integer | Regex 1.23 '`element_columns`'))"
+ group_builder.specify "Panic if wrong types passed in attribute_columns" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = Panic.recover Any (t.to_xml [] 1.23)
+ r.to_text.should_equal "(Error: (Type_Error.Error Vector | Text | Integer | Regex 1.23 '`attribute_columns`'))"
+ group_builder.specify "Panic if wrong types passed in attribute_columns vector" pending='Not working' <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = Panic.recover Any (t.to_xml [] [1.23])
+ r.to_text.should_equal "(Error: (Type_Error.Error Vector | Text | Integer | Regex 1.23 '`attribute_columns`'))"
+ group_builder.specify "Panic if wrong types passed in value_column" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = Panic.recover Any (t.to_xml [] [] 1.23)
+ r.to_text.should_equal "(Error: (Type_Error.Error Text | Integer | Nothing 1.23 '`value_column`'))"
+ group_builder.specify "Panic if wrong types passed in root_name" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = Panic.recover Any (t.to_xml [] [] "Year" 1.23)
+ r.to_text.should_equal "(Error: (Type_Error.Error Text 1.23 '`root_name`'))"
+ group_builder.specify "Panic if wrong types passed in row_name" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = Panic.recover Any (t.to_xml [] [] "Year" "Table" 1.23)
+ r.to_text.should_equal "(Error: (Type_Error.Error Text 1.23 '`row_name`'))"
+ group_builder.specify "Panic if wrong types passed in on_problems" <|
+ t = data.table
+ r = Panic.recover Any (t.to_xml [] [] "Year" "Table" "row" 1.23)
+ r.to_text.should_equal "(Error: (Type_Error.Error Problem_Behavior 1.23 '`on_problems`'))"
+ group_builder.specify "works with unicode characters" <|
+ unicode_column = ["unicode", ['\u00A9', "👩🔬"]]
+ # | unicode
+ #---+-----------
+ # 0 | '\u00A9'
+ # 1 | 👩🔬
+ t = Table.new [unicode_column]
+ r = t.to_xml ["unicode"] ["unicode"] "unicode"
+ e = '''
+ \u00A9
+ \u00A9
+ 👩🔬
+ 👩🔬
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+ group_builder.specify "xml or special characters get escaped" <|
+ xml_column = ["xml", ["", "12", '']]
+ special_chars_column = ["special", ["<", "&>", "'"]]
+ # | xml | special
+ #---+----------------------+---------
+ # 0 | | <
+ # 1 | 12 | &>
+ # 2 | | '
+ t = Table.new [xml_column, special_chars_column]
+ r = t.to_xml ["xml", "special"] ["xml", "special"] "xml"
+ e = '''
+ </Table>
+ </Table>
+ <
+ <tag>12</tag>
+ <tag>12</tag>
+ &>
+ <r><c v="1"></c></r>
+ <r><c v="1"></c></r>
+ '
+ (depretty r).should_equal (depretty e)
+main =
+ suite = Test.build suite_builder->
+ add_specs suite_builder
+ suite.run_with_filter