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160 lines (116 loc) · 5.53 KB

File metadata and controls

160 lines (116 loc) · 5.53 KB


All commits must follow the Conventional Commits specification syntax. The file is generated automatically using Lerna that requires the commits to be in a specific format in order to be parsed.

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]


The commit type part must be one defined by the Angular convention

  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies.
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts.
  • chore: Changes that you don’t want to appear in the changelog. For example, this can be used to fix the changelog if any release goes wrong.
  • docs: Documentation only changes.
  • feat: A new feature. New components, services, utilities…
  • fix: A bug fix, or a hotfix
  • perf: A code change that improves performance.
  • refactor: An internal code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature while keeping the same public API of the affected parts.
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc).
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests. Every new feature must have its own test, so if you are adding a new component with its tests, the type should be feat, not test.

Optional scope

The scope is optional. If a change affects the whole project, i.e. changing Prettier rules, you do not need to add a scope that says “all the project”. This part must only be added if the change affects a specific part of the code.

The scope is used to group the related changes in the changelog, so you can easily see all the changes that have been done to an specific part of the library.

If you don’t know what scope your commit should have, probably you should do multiple commits.

As a starting point, this project uses the following scopes:

  • components: changes that affect components that do not depend on any X Module.
  • X Modules: If the change only affects one X Module, use the name of the module in kebab-case:
    • device
    • empathize
    • extra-params
    • facets
    • history-queries
    • identifier-results
    • next-queries
    • popular-searches
    • queries-preview
    • query-suggestions
    • recommendations
    • related-tags
    • scroll
    • search
    • search-box
    • tagging
    • url
  • x-plugin: For changes that affect the core of the x-components project. For example, if you modify the X Components plugin, the X Components archetype, or the X bus.
  • wiring: Changes that only affect the wiring operators or wiring factory.
  • e2e: For end-to-end tests.
  • design-system: For design tokens, CSS styling, etc.
  • deps: For upgrading and change dependencies.


The description is a short sentence written in present tense with an imperative mood. The description must explain the intention of the change at a high level. You don’t have to give details on how or why the change has been done; just tell what the change is about.

added Dropdown component ❌ The message uses past tense

add Dropdown component so it can be reused in the SortDropdown component that will be done in another PR ❌ Too specific

adds Dropdown component ❌ Does not use imperative mood

add Dropdown component ✅ Just perfect!

Optional body

If a simple description is not enough to describe the change, you give more details in the body of the commit. The body is optional. Remember that the purpose of using this commit format is to automate changelog generation.

This changelog is read by all users of the library, so keep the level of details low. Users want to know how upgrading a version will affect their project, but they don’t care about internal or private changes.

The `Dropdown` component serves as a replacement for the standard HTML `select` component. It exposes the same API to set the values and selected values. In addition, it also allows you to configure the animation to open and close the dropdown, and determine how each item is rendered.

Optional footer

The footer can contain two parts: a breaking changes section, and an issue section.

Breaking changes

This footer must be prefixed with BREAKING CHANGE:. After that, you can write a brief description of what the breaking change is, and what the users should do to their codebases to support the change.

BREAKING CHANGE: Rename `BaseEventsButton` to `EventsButton`.
BREAKING CHANGE: Rename `BaseFilter` component to `Filter`, and move it from `components` to the `facets` module. Now it can be imported like this: `import { Filter } from '@empathyco/x-components/facets'`.


To properly link the commit with the issue ID, add it to the end of the commit footer. The changelog includes a link to the task so users can read more about the motivation of the change.


Examples of valid commits

Minimal commit

style: switch from tabs to spaces


Commit with scope

perf(search): improve performance of grid item position calculation


Commit with breaking changes

feat(facets): backend filters no longer keep their own `selected` status.

BREAKING CHANGE: backend filters now trust the API selected value. The adapter must not map valid `filter.selected` values.
