Now that we have a basic site set up, let's make the site multilingual by making variations of our content in one more language. For this tutorial, we will make a Danish version of the HomePage
To add a new language, follow these steps:
Go to the Settings tab.
Go to Languages in the Settings tree. The Languages window opens in the editor.
Click Add Language. The Add Language window opens in the editor.
Select a Language from the dropdown list. In this tutorial, we will pick Danish.
In Settings, to set the new language as the:
- Default language for your site, toggle Default Language.
- Mandatory language for your site, toggle Mandatory Language.
Select a Fallback Language from the drop-down list.
Click Save.
To enable language variants on Document Types, follow these steps:
Go to the Settings tab.
Select HomePage from the Document Types folder.
Go to the Permissions tab and toggle Allow vary by culture
Click Save.
Go to the Design tab.
Click on the gear icon ⚙ of the Page Title and toggle Allow vary by culture.
Click Submit.
For this tutorial, we will not make any changes to the Body Text. Click Save.
To add culture and hostnames, follow these steps:
Go to the Content tab.
Right-click on the ... dots next to the Home Page content node and select Allow access to assign culture and hostnames.
- In Umbraco 9 this menu is called Culture and Hostnames.
Add a domain for each hostname, like it's done here:
Click Save.
You will find a language dropdown above your content tree. If it's not there, you might need to refresh the page:
In the language dropdown, you will find all the languages that you have installed for your site. You can switch between them to update the content variations for each language.
To add language variants to the content, follow these steps:
Go to the Home Page node. You will find a language dropdown next to the title at the top:
Click the dropdown and hover over the new language. You will see an Open in Splitview option will appear.
Click Open in Splitview. In this splitview, we can see the content node with each language side by side.
You may notice that the bodytext is greyed out - this is because we haven't checked the Allow vary by culture checkbox.
Enter the Name for your content node and the Page Title in the new language.
Click Save and Publish. The Ready to Publish window opens providing the option to publish in one or more languages.
You can select either one or multiple languages and click Publish.
To view the language variant on the browser, follow these steps:
Go to the Content tab.
Select your new language from the language dropdown above your content tree.
Select the Home Page node and go to the Info tab.
You will notice the links with the new language domain added to it. If it's not there, you might need to refresh the page.
Click on the link to view the new language varied node in the browser.
Alternatively, you can add the domain name to your localhost in the browser. For example: http://localhost:xxxx/dk/