diff --git a/packages/addon-dev/src/rollup-app-reexports.ts b/packages/addon-dev/src/rollup-app-reexports.ts
index 9e72c3809..036852367 100644
--- a/packages/addon-dev/src/rollup-app-reexports.ts
+++ b/packages/addon-dev/src/rollup-app-reexports.ts
@@ -32,10 +32,17 @@ export default function appReexports(opts: {
- pkg['ember-addon'] = Object.assign({}, pkg['ember-addon'], {
- 'app-js': appJS,
- });
- writeJsonSync('package.json', pkg, { spaces: 2 });
+ let originalAppJS = pkg['ember-addon']?.['app-js'];
+ let hasChanges = JSON.stringify(originalAppJS) !== JSON.stringify(appJS);
+ // Don't cause a file i/o event unless something actually changed
+ if (hasChanges) {
+ pkg['ember-addon'] = Object.assign({}, pkg['ember-addon'], {
+ 'app-js': appJS,
+ });
+ writeJsonSync('package.json', pkg, { spaces: 2 });
+ }
diff --git a/packages/addon-dev/src/rollup-public-assets.ts b/packages/addon-dev/src/rollup-public-assets.ts
index 6856624d1..80147ead8 100644
--- a/packages/addon-dev/src/rollup-public-assets.ts
+++ b/packages/addon-dev/src/rollup-public-assets.ts
@@ -26,11 +26,18 @@ export default function publicAssets(
- pkg['ember-addon'] = Object.assign({}, pkg['ember-addon'], {
- 'public-assets': publicAssets,
- });
+ let originalPublicAssets = pkg['ember-addon']?.['public-assets'];
+ let hasChanges =
+ JSON.stringify(originalPublicAssets) !== JSON.stringify(publicAssets);
+ if (hasChanges) {
+ pkg['ember-addon'] = Object.assign({}, pkg['ember-addon'], {
+ 'public-assets': publicAssets,
+ });
- writeJsonSync('package.json', pkg, { spaces: 2 });
+ writeJsonSync('package.json', pkg, { spaces: 2 });
+ }
diff --git a/tests/scenarios/v2-addon-dev-watch-test.ts b/tests/scenarios/v2-addon-dev-watch-test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70ae90872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/scenarios/v2-addon-dev-watch-test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+import path from 'path';
+import { baseV2Addon } from './scenarios';
+import { PreparedApp, Scenarios } from 'scenario-tester';
+import fs from 'fs/promises';
+import { spawn } from 'child_process';
+import QUnit from 'qunit';
+import merge from 'lodash/merge';
+const { module: Qmodule, test } = QUnit;
+Scenarios.fromProject(() => baseV2Addon())
+ .map('v2-addon-dev-watch', async addon => {
+ addon.pkg.name = 'v2-addon';
+ addon.pkg.files = ['dist'];
+ addon.pkg.exports = {
+ './*': './dist/*.js',
+ './addon-main.js': './addon-main.js',
+ './package.json': './package.json',
+ };
+ addon.pkg.scripts = {
+ build: 'node ./node_modules/rollup/dist/bin/rollup -c ./rollup.config.mjs',
+ start: 'node ./node_modules/rollup/dist/bin/rollup -c ./rollup.config.mjs --watch --no-watch.clearScreen',
+ };
+ merge(addon.files, {
+ 'babel.config.json': `
+ {
+ "presets": [
+ ["@babel/preset-env"]
+ ],
+ "plugins": [
+ "@embroider/addon-dev/template-colocation-plugin",
+ ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "legacy": true }],
+ [ "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties" ]
+ ]
+ }
+ `,
+ 'rollup.config.mjs': `
+ import { babel } from '@rollup/plugin-babel';
+ import { Addon } from '@embroider/addon-dev/rollup';
+ const addon = new Addon({
+ srcDir: 'src',
+ destDir: 'dist',
+ });
+ export default {
+ output: addon.output(),
+ plugins: [
+ addon.publicEntrypoints(['components/**/*.js']),
+ addon.appReexports(['components/**/*.js']),
+ addon.hbs(),
+ addon.dependencies(),
+ addon.publicAssets('custom-public'),
+ babel({ babelHelpers: 'bundled' }),
+ addon.clean(),
+ ],
+ };
+ `,
+ 'custom-public': {
+ 'demo.css': `button { color: red; }`,
+ 'index.css': `button { color: green; }`,
+ },
+ src: {
+ components: {
+ 'button.hbs': `
+ `,
+ 'out.hbs': `{{yield}}`,
+ 'demo.js': `
+ import Component from '@glimmer/component';
+ import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
+ import FlipButton from './button';
+ import Out from './out';
+ export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {
+ Button = FlipButton;
+ Out = Out;
+ @tracked active = false;
+ flip = () => (this.active = !this.active);
+ }
+ `,
+ 'demo.hbs': `Hello there!
+ {{this.active}}
+ `,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ addon.linkDependency('@embroider/addon-shim', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDependency('@embroider/addon-dev', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDependency('babel-plugin-ember-template-compilation', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDevDependency('@babel/core', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDevDependency('@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDevDependency('@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDevDependency('@babel/preset-env', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDevDependency('@rollup/plugin-babel', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDevDependency('rollup', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ })
+ .forEachScenario(scenario => {
+ Qmodule(scenario.name, function (hooks) {
+ let addon: PreparedApp;
+ let watcher: DevWatcher | undefined;
+ hooks.before(async () => {
+ addon = await scenario.prepare();
+ // run the build *once* so we have a known stable state
+ await addon.execute('pnpm build');
+ });
+ hooks.beforeEach(function (assert) {
+ // None of these tests should take longer than even 1s, but
+ // if something goes wrong, they could hang, and we don't want to hold up
+ // all of C.I.
+ assert.timeout(5_000);
+ });
+ hooks.afterEach(async () => {
+ watcher?.stop();
+ });
+ Qmodule('Watching the addon via rollup -c -w', function () {
+ test('the package.json is not updated since it would be the same', async function (assert) {
+ watcher = new DevWatcher(addon);
+ await watcher.start();
+ let someFile = path.join(addon.dir, 'src/components/demo.hbs');
+ let manifestPath = path.join(addon.dir, 'package.json');
+ await isNotModified({
+ filePath: manifestPath,
+ assert,
+ // Update a component
+ fn: async () => {
+ let someContent = await fs.readFile(someFile);
+ // generally it's bad to introduce time dependencies to a test, but we need to wait long enough
+ // to guess for how long it'll take for the file system to update our file.
+ //
+ // the `stat` is measured in `ms`, so it's still pretty fast
+ await aBit(10);
+ await fs.writeFile(someFile, someContent + `\n`);
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ test('the package.json *is* updated, since app-js changed', async function (assert) {
+ watcher = new DevWatcher(addon);
+ await watcher.start();
+ let manifestPath = path.join(addon.dir, 'package.json');
+ await becomesModified({
+ filePath: manifestPath,
+ assert,
+ // Remove a component
+ fn: async () => {
+ // generally it's bad to introduce time dependencies to a test, but we need to wait long enough
+ // to guess for how long it'll take for the file system to update our file.
+ //
+ // the `stat` is measured in `ms`, so it's still pretty fast
+ await aBit(10);
+ await fs.rm(path.join(addon.dir, 'src/components/demo.js'));
+ await fs.rm(path.join(addon.dir, 'src/components/demo.hbs'));
+ await watcher?.settled();
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ test('the package.json *is* updated on a rebuild, since public assets changed', async function (assert) {
+ let someFile = path.join(addon.dir, 'custom-public/demo.css');
+ let manifestPath = path.join(addon.dir, 'package.json');
+ await becomesModified({
+ filePath: manifestPath,
+ assert,
+ // Delete a publicAsset
+ fn: async () => {
+ await fs.rm(someFile);
+ // publicAssets are not watched, as they are not part of The Module Graphâ„¢
+ await addon.execute('pnpm build');
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+class DevWatcher {
+ #addon: PreparedApp;
+ #singletonAbort?: AbortController;
+ #waitForBuildPromise?: Promise;
+ #lastBuild?: string;
+ constructor(addon: PreparedApp) {
+ this.#addon = addon;
+ }
+ start = () => {
+ if (this.#singletonAbort) this.#singletonAbort.abort();
+ this.#singletonAbort = new AbortController();
+ /**
+ * NOTE: when running rollup in a non-TTY environemnt, the "watching for changes" message does not print.
+ */
+ let rollupProcess = spawn('pnpm', ['start'], {
+ cwd: this.#addon.dir,
+ signal: this.#singletonAbort.signal,
+ stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe'],
+ // Have to disable color so our regex / string matching works easier
+ // Have to include process.env, so the spawned environment has access to `pnpm`
+ env: { ...process.env, NO_COLOR: '1' },
+ });
+ let settle: (...args: unknown[]) => void;
+ let error: (...args: unknown[]) => void;
+ this.#waitForBuildPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ settle = resolve;
+ error = reject;
+ });
+ if (!rollupProcess.stdout) {
+ throw new Error(`Failed to start process, pnpm start`);
+ }
+ if (!rollupProcess.stderr) {
+ throw new Error(`Failed to start process, pnpm start`);
+ }
+ let handleData = (data: Buffer) => {
+ let string = data.toString();
+ let lines = string.split('\n');
+ let build = lines.find(line => line.trim().match(/^created dist in (.+)$/));
+ let problem = lines.find(line => line.includes('Error:'));
+ let isAbort = lines.find(line => line.includes('AbortError:'));
+ if (isAbort) {
+ // Test may have ended, we want to kill the watcher,
+ // but not error, because throwing an error causes the test to fail.
+ return settle();
+ }
+ if (problem) {
+ console.error('\n!!!\n', problem, '\n!!!\n');
+ error(problem);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (build) {
+ this.#lastBuild = build[1];
+ settle?.();
+ this.#waitForBuildPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ settle = resolve;
+ error = reject;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ // NOTE: rollup outputs to stderr only, not stdout
+ rollupProcess.stderr.on('data', (...args) => handleData(...args));
+ rollupProcess.on('error', handleData);
+ rollupProcess.on('close', () => settle?.());
+ rollupProcess.on('exit', () => settle?.());
+ return this.#waitForBuildPromise;
+ };
+ stop = () => this.#singletonAbort?.abort();
+ settled = () => this.#waitForBuildPromise;
+ get lastBuild() {
+ return this.#lastBuild;
+ }
+async function becomesModified({
+ filePath,
+ assert,
+ fn,
+}: {
+ filePath: string;
+ assert: Assert;
+ fn: () => Promise;
+}) {
+ let oldStat = (await fs.stat(filePath)).mtimeMs;
+ await fn();
+ let newStat = (await fs.stat(filePath)).mtimeMs;
+ assert.notStrictEqual(
+ oldStat,
+ newStat,
+ `Expected ${filePath} to be modified. Latest: ${newStat}, previously: ${oldStat}`
+ );
+async function isNotModified({ filePath, assert, fn }: { filePath: string; assert: Assert; fn: () => Promise }) {
+ let oldStat = (await fs.stat(filePath)).mtimeMs;
+ await fn();
+ let newStat = (await fs.stat(filePath)).mtimeMs;
+ assert.strictEqual(
+ oldStat,
+ newStat,
+ `Expected ${filePath} to be unchanged. Latest: ${newStat}, and pre-fn: ${oldStat}`
+ );
+function aBit(ms: number) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));