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+# Gateway Performance Measurement
+Measure performance of the Gateway SDK.
+## Overview
+Sample goals:
+- Ensure correctness under stress.
+- Measure latency through gateway.
+- Measure throughput over time.
+There are two modules as part of this sample. There is a simulator module
+producing messages and a metrics module consuming messages. The modules are
+coupled by the message contents and the gateway links. The following is a
+generic overview of the sample gateway:
+## Metrics gathering
+The metrics module assumes some information is present in the message properties
+in order to generate the desired metrics. The following table contains the
+expected message properties:
+| Property | Description |
+| ------------------ | -------------- |
+| "deviceId" | A device ID, assumed to be unique for each simulator module |
+| "sequence number" | The number of the message produced, increased by one for every new message published. |
+| "timestamp" | Time since clock epoch, in microseconds |
+When the gateway shuts down, all metrics modules will log statistics for
+messages received.
+The information the metrics module produces is:
+- Test Duration in seconds. (Time from module start to module destroy.)
+- Messages received.
+- Average latency (in microseconds).
+- Maximum latency (in mocroseconds).
+- Number of non-conforming messages.
+- Number of devices discovered.
+- Per device statistics:
+ - Messages received.
+ - Number of out-of-sequence messages.
+ - Numer of messages lost.
+### Note on latency calculations.
+Messages will report time since clock epoch, and the epoch should be consistent
+between threads and processes on the same system. If this assumption does not
+hold, then the latency measurements will not be accurate.
+### Note on multiplicity.
+The more simulator modules that are running in the gateway, the slower the
+metrics processing will take, as the metrics record information per device.
+## Test Scenarios.
+### Default test setup (basic test setup).
+The default test setup is the most basic setup: A single simulator sending
+messages to a single metrics module. The simulator module has the message delay
+set to 0, so that the simulator will generate messages as quickly as possible,
+all other simulator settings are default.
+![Default setup](default_sample.png)
+The JSON file in the repository is set up for this test.
+Objectives for this test:
+- Non-conforming messages : 0
+- Devices Discovered: 1
+- Out-of-sequence messages: 0
+- Messages Lost: 0
+The remaining information is intended for reference and measurement.
+### Other tests scenarios
+Once baseline performance is measured on the target platforms for the basic
+test setup, the performance tests should be expanded to other tests.
+#### Multiple simulators
+This scenario adds an additional simulator module to the basic test setup. The
+simulator has a different device name, and message delay set to 0.
+Objectives for this test:
+- Non-conforming messages : 0
+- Devices Discovered: 2
+- Out-of-sequence messages: 0
+- Messages Lost: 0
+- Message count between the two devices are roughly equal.
+#### One simulator, multiple metrics
+This scenario adds an additional metrics module to the basic test setup. The
+simulator is linked to both metrics modules.
+Objectives for this test:
+- Non-conforming messages : 0
+- Devices Discovered: 1
+- Out-of-sequence messages: 0
+- Messages Lost: 0
+- Metrics modules process roughly the same number of messages.
+#### Out of process performance
+This test would run the basic setup test with the modules out of process.
+1. simulator out of process, metrics in process.
+2. simulator in process, metrics out of process.
+3. Both modules out of process.
+Objectives for these tests:
+- Non-conforming messages : 0
+- Devices Discovered: 1
+- Out-of-sequence messages: 0
+- Messages Lost: 0
+Performance on these measurements should be compared to the basic test setup
+- Messages received (message rate)
+- Non-conforming messages
+- Average latency
+- Maximum latency
+## Simulator module details
+The Simulator Module produces messages with specified content at the specified
+rate. The messages will be produced once the module is started, and will be
+produced until the module is destroyed.
+### Simulator JSON configuration
+This module expects a JSON string in the format of a JSON object. The following object fields are used:
+| Field | Type | Default | Description |
+| ------------------ | --------------------- | ------- | -------------- |
+| "deviceId" | string | | Required field |
+| "message.delay" | unsigned int | 0 | delay between messages in ms |
+| "properties.count" | unsigned int | 2 | number of additional properties to place in message |
+| "properties.size" | unsigned int | 16 | size of additional properties |
+| "message.size" | unsigned int | 256 | sizes of message content |
+ "deviceId" : "simulated device 1",
+ "message.delay" : 1,
+ "properties.count" : 5,
+ "properties.size" : 24,
+ "message.size: : 100
+### Exposed API
+ const char * device_id;
+ unsigned int message_delay;
+ unsigned int properties_count;
+ unsigned int properties_size;
+ unsigned int message_size;
+MODULE_EXPORT const MODULE_API* Module_GetApi(MODULE_API_VERSION gateway_api_version)
+### Module\_GetApi
+MODULE_EXPORT const MODULE_API* Module_GetApi(MODULE_API_VERSION gateway_api_version)
+`Module_GetApi` will assign all fields in the `MODULE_API_1` structure and return it.
+### SimulatorModule\_ParseConfigurationFromJson
+void* SimulatorModule_ParseConfigurationFromJson(const char* configuration);
+If `configuration` is `NULL` or is not a JSON string, then this function will
+return `NULL`. Otherwise, it will follow the [table describing the input paramters](#SimulatorJsonConfigurationTable)
+to determine how to handle the input parameters. Then it will allocate a
+`SIMULATOR_MODULE_CONFIG` structure, and return this on success.
+### SimulatorModule\_FreeConfiguration
+void SimulatorModule_FreeConfiguration(void* configuration);
+If `configuration` is not `NULL`, `SimulatorModule_FreeConfiguration` will
+release all resources allocated in `configuration`.
+### SimulatorModule\_Create
+MODULE_HANDLE SimulatorModule_Create(BROKER_HANDLE broker, const void* configuration);
+`SimulatorModule_Create` will expect a non-`NULL` `broker` and `configuration`.
+If that check succeeds, then it will allocate memory for the module handle,
+copy all data from the `SIMULATOR_MODULE_CONFIG` structure, and create a block
+of pseudo random text for properties and content.
+The pseudo random block of text will be sufficiently large enough to populate
+the largest property and the largest content.
+### SimulatorModule\_Start
+void SimulatorModule_Start(MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle);
+`SimulatorModule_Start` will start a thread to produce messages.
+### SimulatorModule_thread
+int SimulatorModule_thread(void * context);
+`SimulatorModule_thread` will allocate a properties map with the properties in the following table:
+| Property | Description |
+| ------------------ | -------------- |
+| "deviceId" | The assigned Device ID |
+| "sequence number" | The number of the message produced. |
+| "timestamp" | Time since clock epoch, in microseconds |
+| "property count" | The number of additional properties in this message |
+| "property\" | Where \ is the number of the property, from 0 to "property count" - 1 |
+Each additional property in the property map will be created with the size given when _Create was called and will be populated with text from the pseudo random block of text and null terminated.
+Then, `SimulatorModule_thread` will allocate a buffer for message content. The size of the message content will be the message size given when _Create was called, and the message content will be populated with text from the psuedo random block of text.
+Once the base message is created, it will loop until `SimulatorModule_Destroy`
+is called.
+On each loop, `SimulatorModule_thread` will get the time at the start of the
+loop body (T1), increment the number of messages produced, assign the "sequence
+number" property in the property map to the number of messages produced, assign
+the "timestamp" property in the property map to the value of T1, contruct a
+message from the property map and the message content, and publish the new
+message. Next, `SimulatorModule_thread` will get the time after message is
+published (T2). If the time difference between T2 and T1 is less than the
+message delay, `SimulatorModule_thread` will sleep for the remaining time
+If any step of the sequence fails, `SimulatorModule_thread` will
+log an error and return a negative value. Otherwise, `SimulatorModule_thread`
+will return the number of messages published.
+### SimulatorModule\_Destroy
+void SimulatorModule_Destroy(MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle);
+`SimulatorModule_Destroy` will signal for the `SimulatorModule_thread` to end,
+and join with the `SimulatorModule_thread` and wait for it to terminate. Once
+it is complete, it will report the thread return value on stdout.
+### SimulatorModule\_Receive
+void SimulatorModule_Receive(MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle, MESSAGE_HANDLE messageHandle);
+`SimulatorModule_Receive` will do nothing when called.
+## Metrics Module Details
+The Metrics module will receive messages, track information about these messages and log this information when the module lifetime is complete.
+The information the metrics module produces is:
+| Metric | Measure | Description |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------- | ----------- |
+| Test Duration | Time (seconds) | Time from module start to module destroy in seconds |
+| Messages received | Count | Count of all messages received. |
+| Non-conforming messages | Count | Number of message received that did not contain a timetamp, deviceId, or sequence number |
+| Average latency | Time (microseconds) | Average message latency |
+| Maximum latency | Time (microseconds) | Maximum message latency |
+| Devices Discovered | Count | Number of deviceId names received in message. |
+The metrics module also produces this information for each deviceId recognized:
+| Metric | Measure | Description |
+| ------------------------ | ------------------- | ----------- |
+| Messages received | Count | Messages received for this device. |
+| Out-of-sequence messages | Count | The number of out of sequence messages. Receiving a message out of sequence means either a message was dropped or received in an incorrect order. |
+| Messages Lost | Count | The number of messages lost. This is a count of gaps in the message sequence. |
+### JSON configuration
+This module does not have any configuration.
+### Exposed API
+MODULE_EXPORT const MODULE_API* Module_GetApi(MODULE_API_VERSION gateway_api_version)
+### Module\_GetApi
+`Module_GetApi` will assign all fields in the `MODULE_API_1` structure and
+return it.
+### MetricsModule\_ParseConfigurationFromJson
+void* MetricsModule_ParseConfigurationFromJson(const char* configuration);
+`MetricsModule_ParseConfigurationFromJson` will return `NULL`.
+### MetricsModule\_FreeConfiguration
+void MetricsModule_FreeConfiguration(void* configuration);
+ `MetricsModule_FreeConfiguration` will do nothing.
+### MetricsModule\_Create
+MODULE_HANDLE MetricsModule_Create(BROKER_HANDLE broker, const void* configuration);
+If `broker` is `NULL` then this function will fail and return `NULL`.
+Otherwise, `MetricsModule_Create` will allocate memory for the module handle,
+and initialize all counters and measures.
+### MetricsModule\_Start
+void MetricsModule_Start(MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle);
+`MetricsModule_Start` will do nothing if `moduleHandle` is `NULL`. Otherwise,
+`MetricsModule_Start` will record the time when this function is called as the
+start time.
+### MetricsModule\_Receive
+void MetricsModule_Receive(MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle, MESSAGE_HANDLE messageHandle);
+`MetricsModule_Receive` will do nothing if `moduleHandle` or `messageHandle` is
+`NULL`. Otherwise, `MetricsModule_Receive` will mark the time when the message
+is received. (referred to as T1), and increment the "message received" count.
+`MetricsModule_Receive` will get the message properties, read the "timestamp"
+from the message properties, and determine the duration between T1 and the
+timestamp. This is the message latency. `MetricsModule_Receive` will measure
+the average and maximum latency.
+`MetricsModule_Receive` will read the "deviceId" and "sequence number" from the
+message properties. `MetricsModule_Receive` will increment the "message
+received" count for the device. `MetricsModule_Receive` will increment the
+"out-of-sequence messages" if the expected sequence number does not match the
+message sequence number, and it will increment the "messages lost" if the
+expected sequence is less than the message sequence number, the increment will
+be the difference between the sequence numbers.
+If any message property is not found, or cannot be converted into an integer,
+then `MetricsModule_Receive` will increment the "non-conforming messages" count
+and return.
+### MetricsModule\_Destroy
+void MetricsModule_Destroy(MODULE_HANDLE moduleHandle);
+If `moduleHandle` is `NULL` or if `MetricsModule_Start` was never called, then
+`MetricsModule_Destroy` will do nothing. Otherwise it will report the metrics
+in the [Metrics report table](#MetricsResultsTable). Then, it will release all
+resources allocated in `moduleHandle`.
+## Running the performance test.
+The program accepts 2 command line arguments, the json configuration file and an
+optional test duration in seconds. The sample creates the gateway from the JSON
+file, starts all modules, pauses for a given time (default of 5 seconds), and
+stops the gateway. Stopping the gateway will trigger the metrics module to
+report message statistics.
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