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Getting started

To use clangd, you need:

  • clangd installed
  • a plugin for your editor
  • to tell clangd how your project is built

Installing clangd

You'll want a recent version of clangd. The current release is 12.0.

After installing, clangd --version should print clangd version 12.0.1 or later.

(Version numbers are based on LLVM. clangd 7 was the first usable release).

Installing with a package manager

Mac OS X

Clangd can be installed (along with LLVM) via Homebrew:

brew install llvm

or with MacPorts:

sudo port install clang-11
Windows Download the LLVM installer from [](
Debian/Ubuntu Installing the `clangd` package will usually give you a slightly older version.

Try to install the latest packaged release (12.0):

sudo apt-get install clangd-12

If that's not found, at least clangd-9 or clangd-8 should be available. Versions before 8 were part of the clang-tools package.

This will install clangd as /usr/bin/clangd-12. Make it the default clangd:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clangd clangd /usr/bin/clangd-12 100
Other systems Most distributions include clangd in a `clangd` package, in a `clang-tools` package, or in the full `llvm` distribution.

For some platforms, binaries are also available at

Standalone .zip releases

You can also download binaries directly for macOS, windows, and Linux (x86-64): latest stable release.

If you live on the bleeding edge, snapshot pre-releases are built weekly and available on the github releases page.

Compiling from sources

You can find instructions in llvm-project.

Editor plugins

Language Server plugins are available for many editors. In principle clangd should work with any of them, though feature set and interface may vary.

Here are some plugins we know work well with clangd:

Vim [YouCompleteMe]( can be installed with clangd support. **This is not on by default**, you must install it with ` --clangd-completer`.

We recommend changing a couple of YCM's default settings. In .vimrc add:

" Let clangd fully control code completion
let g:ycm_clangd_uses_ycmd_caching = 0
" Use installed clangd, not YCM-bundled clangd which doesn't get updates.
let g:ycm_clangd_binary_path = exepath("clangd")

You should see errors highlighted and completions as you type.

Code completion in YouCompleteMe

YouCompleteMe supports many of clangd's features:

  • code completion
  • diagnostics and fixes (:YcmCompleter FixIt)
  • find declarations, references, and definitions (:YcmCompleter GoTo etc)
  • rename symbol (:YcmCompleter RefactorRename)

Under the hood

  • Debug logs: run :YcmDebugInfo to see clangd status, and :YcmToggleLogs to view clangd's debug logs.

  • Command-line flags: Set g:ycm_clangd_args in .vimrc, e.g.:

    let g:ycm_clangd_args = ['-log=verbose', '-pretty']
  • Alternate clangd binary: set g:ycm_clangd_binary_path in .vimrc.

LanguageClient-neovim also has instructions for using clangd, and may be easier to install.

Emacs [eglot]( can be configured to work with clangd.

Install eglot with M-x package-install RET eglot RET.

Add the following to ~/.emacs to enable clangd:

(require 'eglot)
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '((c++-mode c-mode) "clangd"))
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)

After restarting you should see diagnostics for errors in your code, and M-x completion-at-point should work.

Diagnostics in Emacs

eglot supports many of clangd's features, with caveats:

  • code completion, enhanced by company-mode, see below
  • diagnostics and fixes
  • find definitions and references (M-x xref-find-definitions etc)
  • hover and highlights
  • code actions (M-x eglot-code-actions)


eglot does have basic integration with company-mode, which provides a more fluent completion UI.

You can install it with M-x package-install RET company RET, and enable it with M-x company-mode.

Completion in company-mode

Under the hood

  • Debug logs: available in the EGLOT events buffer.
  • Command-line flags and alternate binary: instead of adding "clangd" to eglot-server-programs, add ("/path/to/clangd" "-log=verbose") etc.
Visual Studio Code The official extension is [vscode-clangd]( and can be installed from within VSCode.

Choose View --> Extensions, then search for "clangd". (Make sure the Microsoft C/C++ extension is not installed).

After restarting, you should see red underlines underneath errors, and you should get rich code completions including e.g. function parameters.

Code completion in VSCode

vscode-clangd has excellent support for all clangd features, including:

  • code completion
  • diagnostics and fixes
  • find declarations, references, and definitions
  • find symbol in file (Ctrl-P @foo) or workspace (Ctrl-P #foo)
  • hover and highlights
  • code actions

Under the hood

  • Debug logs: when clangd is running, you should see "Clang Language Server" in the dropdown of the Output panel (View -> Output).
  • Command-line flags: these can be passed in the clangd.arguments array in your settings.json. (File -> Preferences -> Settings).
  • Alternate clangd binary: set the clangd.path string in settings.json.
Sublime Text [tomv564/LSP]( works with clangd out of the box.

Select Tools-->Install Package Control (if you haven't installed it yet).

Press Ctrl-Shift-P and select Package Control: Install Package. Select LSP.

Press Ctrl-Shift-P and select LSP: Enable Language Server Globally. Select clangd.

Open a C++ file, and you should see diagnostics and completion:

Completion in Sublime Text

The LSP package has excellent support for all most clangd features, including:

  • code completion (a bit noisy due to how snippets are presented)
  • diagnostics and fixes
  • find definition and references
  • hover and highlights
  • code actions

Under the hood

Settings can be tweaked under Preferences-->Package Settings-->LSP.

  • Debug logs: add "log_stderr": true
  • Command-line flags and alternate clangd binary: inside the "clients": {"clangd": { ... } } section, add "command": ["/path/to/clangd", "-log=verbose"] etc.
Other editors There is a directory of LSP clients at [](

A generic client should be configured to run the command clangd, and communicate via the language server protocol on standard input/output.

If you don't have strong feelings about an editor, we suggest you try out VSCode, it has excellent language server support and most faithfully demonstrates what clangd can do.

Project setup

To understand your source code, clangd needs to know your build flags. (This is just a fact of life in C++, source files are not self-contained).

By default, clangd will assume your code is built as clang, and you'll probably get spurious errors about missing #included files, etc. There are a couple of ways to fix this.


This file provides compile commands for every source file in a project. It is usually generated by tools. Clangd will look in the parent directories of the files you edit looking for it.

CMake-based projects If your project builds with CMake, it can generate this file. You should enable it with:

compile_commands.json will be written to your build directory. You should symlink it (or simply copy it) to the root of your source tree, if they are different.

ln -s ~/myproject/compile_commands.json ~/myproject-build/
Other build systems, using Bear [Bear]( is a tool to generate a compile_commands.json file by recording a complete build.

For a make-based build, you can run make clean; bear -- make to generate the file (and run a clean build!).

Other tools can also generate this file. See the compile_commands.json specification.


If all files in a project use the same build flags, you can put those flags one-per-line in compile_flags.txt in your source root.

Clangd will assume the compile command is clang $FLAGS

Creating this file by hand is a reasonable place to start if your project is quite simple.