In this repository I will show how to run cell ranger multi (GEX and TCR) when having multiple subprojects into a single one (i.e. SCGRES_90_91)
Before starting, we need to change the paths of our project and subproject in, which we will later use inside
We update the project and subproject variables by running 0-update_config.cmd, passing as arguments project and subproject names.
Please check and change the main paths according to your project directory structure.
bash 0-update_config.cmd NSCLC SCGRES_90_91
The first step will be to create a folder (es 1-Cellranger) with inside scripts, results, and data folders. Inside results we will have filtered_feature_bc_matrix, metrics_summaries and web_summaries.
mkdir -p 1-Cellranger/{scripts,results,data}
mkdir -p 1-Cellranger/results/{filtered_feature_bc_matrix,metrics_summaries,web_summaries}
cd 1-Cellranger
This script takes the subproject information from the lims and, as for the moment i am writing this,we need to:
A. Run it only from login6 node
B. Run it outside of an interactive session
If we have two different subprojects merged, we will run it separately and then merge the info files.
cd scripts
bash SCGRES_90
bash SCGRES_91
The output will be two different info files. We need to merge them together and to rename the subproject column to "SCGRES_90_91":
cat info_SCGRES_90.txt > info.txt
tail -n +2 info_SCGRES_91.txt >> info.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} {OFS=FS; $2="SCGRES_90_91"; print}' info.txt > temp && mv temp info.txt
Now we need to filter for LanePassFail == pass and libraryPassFail == pass:
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 || ($13=="pass" && $14=="pass")' info.txt > temp && mv temp info.txt
For cellranger multi we need the metadata file, which we will obtain from the info.txt (lims) running the script 2-Create_metadata.R. This script launch a job to execute "2-Create_metadata.R".
sbatch 9-Create_metadata.cmd
Now we want to get the symlink to the fastq files related to our project. We do so by runnig "". You need to load a python environment with Numpy. This script takes as arguments the info.txt file and the subproject name.
module load epitino_py_3.7
python --info info.txt --subproject SCGRES_90_91
Now we have everything to initialize and create the sbatch jobs to run cellranger multi. We run "" with the following arguments: metadata, reference (human,mouse), info_file.
python --info_file info.txt --metadata metadata.csv --reference human
We run all the jobs by calling 4-run_jobs.cmd
bash 4-run_jobs.cmd
We copy the output of cellranger by running the following:
bash 6-Copy_filtered_matrices.cmd
bash 7-Copy_metrics_matrices.cmd
bash 8-Copy_control_reports.cmd