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Personal notes for history books.


Greek History


[TODO]希腊神话:完整定本 The Greek Myths: The Complete and Definitive Edition note

[TODO]古希腊人:从青铜时代的航海者到西方文明的领航员 Introducing the Ancient Greeks note

[TODO]希腊史:迄今至公元前322年 A History of Greece to 322 B.C. note

[TODO]希波战争 The Greco-Persian Wars note

[TODO]伯罗奔尼撒战争 The Peloponnesian War note

[TODO]马其顿的亚历山大 Alexander of Macedon 356-323 BC: A Historical Biography note

[TODO]王座上的幽灵:亚历山大大帝的遗产与马其顿帝国的分裂 Ghost on the Throne:The Death of Alexander the Great and the Bloody Fight for His Empire note

History of Rome at its Peak


[TODO]奥古斯都:从革命者到皇帝 Augustus: From Revolutionary to Emperor note

[TODO]神人之间:黄金时代的罗马皇帝 Between Morals and Gods note

[TODO]恺撒:巨人的一生 Caesar: The Life of a Colossus note

[TODO]哈德良长城:罗马帝国的荣光与文明世界的尽头 Hadrian’s Wall: Rome and the Limits of Empire note

[TODO]以罗马之名:缔造罗马伟业的将军们 In the Name of Rome: the Men who Won the Roman Empire note

[TODO]罗马元老院与人民:一部古罗马史 SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome note

[TODO]布匿战争:罗马、迦太基与地中海霸权的争夺 The Fall of Carthage: The Punic Wars 265-146 BC note

[TODO]坎尼的幽灵:汉尼拔与罗马共和国最黑暗的时刻 The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal & the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic note

[TODO]庞贝:一座罗马城市的生与死 Pompeii: The Life of a Roman Town note

[TODO]牛津古罗马史:The Oxford History of the Roman World note

[TODO]古罗马的日常生活:奇闻和秘史 Una giornata nell’antica Roma:Vita quotidiana,segreti e curiosità note

Late Antiquity


[DONE]穿过针眼:财富、西罗马帝国的衰亡和基督教会的形成,350~550年 Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome & the Making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD note

[IN PROGRESS]古代晚期的世界 The World of Late Antiquity note

[TODO]墨洛温王朝:创建与变革 Before France and Germany: The Creation and Transformation of the Merovingian World note

[TODO]查理大帝:欧洲之父 Carlo Magno Un padre dell’ Europa note

[TODO]古典世界的终结:罗马帝国晚期的历史 DAS ENDE DER ANTIKE: Geschichte des spätrömischen Reiches note

[TODO]帝国与蛮族:从罗马到欧洲的千年史 Empires and Barbarians: Migration, Development and the Birth of Europe note

[TODO]穆罕默德和查理曼 Mohammed and Charlemagne note

[TODO]萨珊波斯:帝国的崛起与衰落 Sasanian Persia: The Rise and Fall of an Empire note

[TODO]君士坦丁大帝时代 The Age of Constantine The Great note

[TODO]罗马帝国的陨落 The Fall of the Roman Empire note

[TODO]罗马帝国的遗产:400-1000 The Inheritance of Rome: A History of Europe from 400 to 1000 note

[TODO]罗马的复辟:帝国陨落之后的欧洲 The Restoration of Rome: Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders note

[TODO]西部罗马的转型 The Transformation of the Roman West note

[IN PROGRESS]古代晚期的权力与劝诫 Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity note

History of the Middle Ages


[IN PROGRESS]追寻千禧年:中世纪的革命千禧年主义者和神秘的无政府主义者 The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages note

[TODO]中世纪盛期的欧洲 Europe in the High Middle Ages note

History of the United States


[TODO]万国一邦:美国在世界历史上的地位 A Nation Among Nations: America’s Place in World History note

[TODO]改革中的人民:新英格兰清教及公共生活转型 A REFORMING PEOPLE: Puritanism and the Transformation of PUBLIC LIFE in New England note

[TODO]林肯时代:废奴运动与南北战争 Abraham Lincoln: A History note

[TODO]阿尔比恩的种子:美国文化的源与流 Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America note

[TODO]美利坚帝国:一部全球史 American Empire: A Global History note

[TODO]美国史 American History: A Survey note

[TODO]美国的尤利西斯:尤利西斯·S.格兰特的故事 American Ulysses: A Life of Ulysses S. Grant note

[TODO]美国优先和美国梦,1900—2017 Behold, America: The Entangled History of "America First" and "the American Dream" note

[TODO]美国官僚体制:政府机构的行为及其动因 Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do And Why They Do It note

[TODO]叛逆爱国者:罗伯特·E.李的生平与传奇 Clouds of Glory: The Life and Legend of Robert E. Lee note

[TODO]七年战争:大英帝国在北美的命运,1754—1766 Crucible of War: The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754-1766 note

[TODO]奠基者:独立战争那一代 Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation note

[TODO]革命之夏:美国独立的起源 Revolutionary Summer: The Birth of American Independence note

[TODO]故土的陌生人:美国保守派的愤怒与哀痛 Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right note

[TODO]美国人:从殖民到民主的历程 The Americans note

[TODO]光荣与梦想:1932-1972年美国社会实录 The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America 1932-72 note

[TODO]危机将至:内战前的美国,1848-1861 The Impending Crisis: America before the Civil War, 1848-1861 note

[TODO]大河与大国:从河流的视角讲述美国史 The Source: How Rivers Made America and America Remade Its Rivers note

[TODO]重建之战:美国最进步时代的暴力史 The Wars of Reconstruction:The Brief,Violent History of America‘s Most Progressive Era note

[TODO]白头鹰的隐形羽毛:新编美国民俗学概论 THE STUDY OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE:An Introduction,4th Edition note

[TODO]猎巫:塞勒姆1692 The Witches: Salem, 1692 note

World History of the 16th Century


[TODO]基督教欧洲的巨变:1517 - 1648 Christendom Destroyed: Europe 1517 - 1648 note

[TODO]四君主:亨利八世、弗朗索瓦一世、查理五世、苏莱曼大帝 Four Princes: Henry VIII, Francis I, Charles V, Suleiman the Magnificent and the Obsessions that Forged Modern Europe note

[TODO]海洋帝国:地中海大决战 Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World note

[TODO]皇帝:查理五世传 Emperor: A New Life of Charles V note

[TODO]腓力二世传 Imprudent King: A New Life of Philip II note

[TODO]英格兰史2·都铎王朝 Tudors note

[TODO]海洋帝国的崛起: 尼德兰八十年战争,1568—1648 Revolt in the Netherlands: The Eighty Yeas War, 1568-1648 note

World History of the 19th Century


[TODO]世界的演变:19世纪史 Die Verwandlung der Welt: eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts note

[TODO]金与铁:俾斯麦、布莱希罗德与德意志帝国的建立 Gold and Iron note

[IN PROGRESS]黄金时代:英国与现代世界的诞生 Heyday:Britain and the Birth of the Modern World note

[TODO]利奥波德国王的鬼魂:贪婪、恐惧、英雄主义与比利时的非洲殖民地 King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa note

[TODO]自由与毁灭:法国大革命,1789 - 1799 Liberty or Death: The French Revolution note

[TODO]法国大革命史 La Révolution française note

[TODO]梅特涅:帝国与世界 Metternich. Stragtege und Visionär. Eine Biografie note

[TODO]拿破仑大帝 Napoleon the Great note

[TODO]王的归程:阿富汗战记,1839-1842 Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan,1839-42 note

[TODO]资本的年代:1848-1875 The Age of Capital: 1848-1875 note

[TODO]帝国的年代:1875-1914 The Age of Empire: 1875-1914 note

[TODO]革命的年代:1789-1848 The Age of Revolution:1789-1848 note

[TODO]普法战争:1870-1871年德国对法国的征服 The Franco-Prussian War: the German conquest of France note

[TODO]大博弈:英俄帝国中亚争霸战 The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia note

[TODO]工业革命(1760-1830)The Industrial Revolution, 1760-1830 note

[TODO]牛津法国大革命史 The Oxford History of The French Revolution note

[TODO]骄傲之塔:战前世界的肖像,1890-1914 The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World Before the War, 1890-1914 note

[TODO]竞逐权力,1815-1914 The Pursuit of Power, Europe 1815-1914 note

[TODO]1848:革命之年 1848: Year of Revolution note

Misc History


[TODO]黑色的旗,蓝色的海:美洲海盗史 Black Flags, Blue Waters: The Epic History of America's Most Notorious Pirates note

[TODO]铁路改变世界 Blood,Iron,and Gold:How the Railways Transformed the World note

[TODO]辉煌信标:美国灯塔史 Brilliant Beacons: A History of the American Lighthouse note

[TODO]皮毛、财富和帝国:美国皮毛贸易的史诗 Fur, Fortune, and Empire: The Epic History of the Fur Trade in America note

[TODO]西方旅游史:16-21世纪 HISTOIRE GÉNÉRALE DU TOURISME du XVIe au XXIe siècle note

[TODO]利维坦:美国捕鲸史 Leviathan: The History of Whaling in America note

[TODO]菜园简史 The Jardin Potager note

[TODO]欧亚皇家狩猎史 The Royal Hunt in Eurasian History note

[IN PROGRESS]无墙之城:美国历史上的城市与自然 note

History of Shanghai


[TODO]霓虹灯外:20世纪初日常生活中的上海 Beyond the Neon Lights: Everyday Shanghai in the Early Twentieth Century note

[IN PROGRESS]八十八师与一·二八淞沪抗战 note

Modern China



Personal notes for history books.






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