This is a project that I completed for CSCE-462 (Microcontroller systems) last semester. It involves taking an original RC car from and converting it to be controlled remotely via SSH. It also features camera streaming capabilities.
I achieved this by using a Raspberry Pi, a Pi camera module, two L298N motor drivers, a 12V rechargeable batttery, and a 3000 mAH portable power supply for the Pi. For video streaming, I used Mjpg-streamer (
This script governs every aspect of control. Startup initiates an SSH request, starts MJPG-streamer, and automatically opens the stream on the client side. It uses Pythons multiprocessing library to run a few processes simultaneously in order to take forward/reverse, left/right, and stop stream controls with minimal latency.
In order to accurately control the car and to account for latency issues, pulse width modulation is utilized.
To see a demo video with me presenting my project, please see This includes a first person view of driving the RC car.