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109 lines (90 loc) · 3.18 KB
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Welcome to DataTalks.Club
DataTalks.Club – the place to talk about data

The place to talk about data

Global online community of data enthusiasts

{% include subscribe-main.html %}

Talk about analytics, machine
learning, and engineering

Ask career questions and
discuss career options

Attend weekly events,
conferences, and office hours

{% assign upcoming = | where_exp: "event", "event.draft != true" | where_exp: "event", "event.time > site.time" | sort: 'time' %}

Upcoming events

    {% for event in upcoming %}
  • {% include event.html event=event speakers=true %}
  • {% endfor %}
<p>Check <a href="/events.html">events</a> for all past events. You can also subscribe to <a href="" target="_blank">our Google calendar</a> to get notified about all our events.</p>

{% assign episodes = site.podcast
  | sort: 'episode'
  | sort: 'season'
  | reverse %}
<h4>Latest podcast episodes</h4>
  {% for episode in episodes limit: 5%}
    <li><a href="{{ }}.html">{{ episode.title }}</a> with 
      {% include authors.html authors=episode.guests %}</li>
  {% endfor %}

<p>Check the <a href="/podcast.html">podcast</a> page for all past podcast episodes.</p>


<h4>Book of the week</h4>
{% assign books = site.books 
    | where_exp: "book", "book.end > site.time"
    | sort: 'end' %}
  {% for book in books %}
      <a href="{{ }}.html">{{ book.title }}</a> by {% include authors.html authors=book.authors %}
        ({{ book.start | date_to_string }} &ndash; {{ book.end | date_to_string }})
  {% endfor %}

<p>Check the <a href="/books.html">book of the week</a> page for more books!</p>


<h4>Latest articles</h4>
  {% for post in site.posts %}
      <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a> by
        {% include authors.html authors=post.authors %}
  {% endfor %}