title | description | image | layout |
Events |
DataTalks.Club – the place to talk about data |
images/cover.jpg |
page |
We host multiple types of events:
- Webinars – events on Tuesday, with slides, mostly technical
- Live podcasts – events on Friday, a discussion without slides, the recording is published as a podcast
- Conference – bigger events with multipe talks, both webinar-type talks and podcast-type talks
📅 Pro tip: you can also subscribe to our Google calendar{:target="_blank"} to get notified about all our events (subscribing works from desktop only).
{% assign upcoming = site.data.events | where_exp: "event", "event.draft != true" | where_exp: "event", "event.time > site.time" | sort: 'time' %}
{% if upcoming %}
{% for event in upcoming %}
- {% include event.html event=event speakers=true %} {% endfor %}
{% assign past = site.data.events | where_exp: "event", "event.draft != true" | where_exp: "event", "event.time <= site.time" | sort: 'time' | reverse %}
{% if past %}
{% for event in past %}
- {% include event.html event=event speakers=true %} {% endfor %}