diff --git a/docs/SUMMARY.md b/docs/SUMMARY.md
index 1cc3f771ead..98faaded96d 100644
--- a/docs/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/docs/SUMMARY.md
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@
* [Loading App Dependencies Manually](tutorials/loading-app-dependencies-manually.md)
* [Two package.json Structure](tutorials/two-package-structure.md)
* [macOS Kernel Extensions](tutorials/macos-kernel-extensions.md)
+ * [Release Using Channels](tutorials/release-using-channels.md)
* Programmatic API
* [electron-builder](api/electron-builder.md)
-* [Donate](donate.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+* [Donate](donate.md)
diff --git a/docs/auto-update.md b/docs/auto-update.md
index ee09486448b..44d5a518558 100644
--- a/docs/auto-update.md
+++ b/docs/auto-update.md
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ Emitted on progress.
* [`.downloadUpdate(cancellationToken)`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+downloadUpdate) ⇒ Promise<any>
* [`.getFeedURL()`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+getFeedURL) ⇒ undefined
\| null
\| String
* [`.setFeedURL(options)`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+setFeedURL)
+ * [`.channel()`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+channel)
* [`.quitAndInstall(isSilent, isForceRunAfter)`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+quitAndInstall)
* [`.Logger`](#Logger)
* [`.debug(message)`](#module_electron-updater.Logger+debug)
@@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ Emitted on progress.
* [`.downloadUpdate(cancellationToken)`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+downloadUpdate) ⇒ Promise<any>
* [`.getFeedURL()`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+getFeedURL) ⇒ undefined
\| null
\| String
* [`.setFeedURL(options)`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+setFeedURL)
+ * [`.channel()`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+channel)
* [`.quitAndInstall(isSilent, isForceRunAfter)`](#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+quitAndInstall)
@@ -193,6 +195,10 @@ Configure update provider. If value is `string`, [GenericServerOptions](/configu
- options [PublishConfiguration](/configuration/publish.md#publishconfiguration)
| String
| [GithubOptions](/configuration/publish.md#githuboptions)
| [S3Options](/configuration/publish.md#s3options)
| [SpacesOptions](/configuration/publish.md#spacesoptions)
| [GenericServerOptions](/configuration/publish.md#genericserveroptions)
| [BintrayOptions](/configuration/publish.md#bintrayoptions)
- If you want to override configuration in the `app-update.yml`.
+#### `appUpdater.channel` (getter and setter)
+Define the channel which the Auto-Updater will follow (see [the auto-update with channels tutorial](tutorials/release-using-channels.md#release_using_channels)) using `appUpdater.channel = 'beta'` or get the current channel with `currentChannel = appUpdater.channel`.
#### `appUpdater.quitAndInstall(isSilent, isForceRunAfter)`
Restarts the app and installs the update after it has been downloaded.
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/release-using-channels.md b/docs/tutorials/release-using-channels.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..faf9f9c372a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorials/release-using-channels.md
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Release Using Channels / Auto-Updates With Channels
+## Description
+Channels are useful to distribute "beta" or "alpha" releases of your application to a chosen set of users. This allows to test an application before release it as "latest" (stable).
+Users which receive "beta" version will get "latest" versions too. Otherwise, users who don't want "beta" will only get "latest" releases.
+There are three channels, ordered by stability:
+1. "latest", your application is stable and this is the default one (example: "1.3.2")
+2. "beta" which means your application works, but should have some bugs (example: "1.3.2-beta")
+3. "alpha" which means your application is not stable and in active development (example: "1.3.2-alpha")
+## Configuration
+To release using channels, you should config electron-builder and define the channels to use in client side.
+### Electron-Builder
+By default (without using channels), all application releases use the "latest" channel.
+If you want to use channels, you should add this to your package.json:
+"version": "x.x.x-beta",
+"build": {
+ "generateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels": true,
+ ...
+> Note: `allowDowngrade` is automatically set to `true` when `generateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels = true`, so you don't need to set it.
+All you have to do to release using channels is to define the channel in the version tag of the `package.json`. Add "-beta" or "-alpha" (nothing for "latest") to automatically build for the related channel.
+### Your Application
+All you need to do here is to define which channel the user will receive with:
+`autoUpdater.channel = 'beta'` (see [the documentation here](../auto-update.md#module_electron-updater.AppUpdater+channel))
+The following versions will be distributed to users depending on the channel defined:
+- "latest" or nothing: users will only get "latest" versions
+- "beta": users will get "beta" and "latest" version
+- "alpha": users will get "alpha", "beta" and "latest" version
+## How To Use It / Example
+Imagine that your application is stable and in version 1.0.1.
+If you want to release a beta for the new 1.1.0 version, you only need to update the package.json "version" with "1.1.0-beta".
+When your application is stable enough, you want to release it to all users. For that, you only need to remove the "-beta" label from the package.json "version" tag.