diff --git a/packages/kbn-pm/dist/index.js b/packages/kbn-pm/dist/index.js index 7ba71fb12f30e..3cc49c15524c3 100644 --- a/packages/kbn-pm/dist/index.js +++ b/packages/kbn-pm/dist/index.js @@ -1655,158 +1655,158 @@ convert.rgb.gray = function (rgb) { /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; - - -module.exports = { - "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255], - "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215], - "aqua": [0, 255, 255], - "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212], - "azure": [240, 255, 255], - "beige": [245, 245, 220], - "bisque": [255, 228, 196], - "black": [0, 0, 0], - "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205], - "blue": [0, 0, 255], - "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226], - "brown": [165, 42, 42], - "burlywood": [222, 184, 135], - "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160], - "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0], - "chocolate": [210, 105, 30], - "coral": [255, 127, 80], - "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237], - "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220], - "crimson": [220, 20, 60], - "cyan": [0, 255, 255], - "darkblue": [0, 0, 139], - "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139], - "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11], - "darkgray": [169, 169, 169], - "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0], - "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169], - "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107], - "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139], - "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47], - "darkorange": [255, 140, 0], - "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204], - "darkred": [139, 0, 0], - "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122], - "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143], - "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139], - "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79], - "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79], - "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209], - "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211], - "deeppink": [255, 20, 147], - "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255], - "dimgray": [105, 105, 105], - "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105], - "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255], - "firebrick": [178, 34, 34], - "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240], - "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34], - "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255], - "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220], - "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255], - "gold": [255, 215, 0], - "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32], - "gray": [128, 128, 128], - "green": [0, 128, 0], - "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47], - "grey": [128, 128, 128], - "honeydew": [240, 255, 240], - "hotpink": [255, 105, 180], - "indianred": [205, 92, 92], - "indigo": [75, 0, 130], - "ivory": [255, 255, 240], - "khaki": [240, 230, 140], - "lavender": [230, 230, 250], - "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245], - "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0], - "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205], - "lightblue": [173, 216, 230], - "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128], - "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255], - "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210], - "lightgray": [211, 211, 211], - "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144], - "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211], - "lightpink": [255, 182, 193], - "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122], - "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170], - "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250], - "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153], - "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153], - "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222], - "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224], - "lime": [0, 255, 0], - "limegreen": [50, 205, 50], - "linen": [250, 240, 230], - "magenta": [255, 0, 255], - "maroon": [128, 0, 0], - "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170], - "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205], - "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211], - "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219], - "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113], - "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238], - "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154], - "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204], - "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133], - "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112], - "mintcream": [245, 255, 250], - "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225], - "moccasin": [255, 228, 181], - "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173], - "navy": [0, 0, 128], - "oldlace": [253, 245, 230], - "olive": [128, 128, 0], - "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35], - "orange": [255, 165, 0], - "orangered": [255, 69, 0], - "orchid": [218, 112, 214], - "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170], - "palegreen": [152, 251, 152], - "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238], - "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147], - "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213], - "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185], - "peru": [205, 133, 63], - "pink": [255, 192, 203], - "plum": [221, 160, 221], - "powderblue": [176, 224, 230], - "purple": [128, 0, 128], - "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153], - "red": [255, 0, 0], - "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143], - "royalblue": [65, 105, 225], - "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19], - "salmon": [250, 128, 114], - "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96], - "seagreen": [46, 139, 87], - "seashell": [255, 245, 238], - "sienna": [160, 82, 45], - "silver": [192, 192, 192], - "skyblue": [135, 206, 235], - "slateblue": [106, 90, 205], - "slategray": [112, 128, 144], - "slategrey": [112, 128, 144], - "snow": [255, 250, 250], - "springgreen": [0, 255, 127], - "steelblue": [70, 130, 180], - "tan": [210, 180, 140], - "teal": [0, 128, 128], - "thistle": [216, 191, 216], - "tomato": [255, 99, 71], - "turquoise": [64, 224, 208], - "violet": [238, 130, 238], - "wheat": [245, 222, 179], - "white": [255, 255, 255], - "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245], - "yellow": [255, 255, 0], - "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50] -}; + + +module.exports = { + "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255], + "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215], + "aqua": [0, 255, 255], + "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212], + "azure": [240, 255, 255], + "beige": [245, 245, 220], + "bisque": [255, 228, 196], + "black": [0, 0, 0], + "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205], + "blue": [0, 0, 255], + "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226], + "brown": [165, 42, 42], + "burlywood": [222, 184, 135], + "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160], + "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0], + "chocolate": [210, 105, 30], + "coral": [255, 127, 80], + "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237], + "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220], + "crimson": [220, 20, 60], + "cyan": [0, 255, 255], + "darkblue": [0, 0, 139], + "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139], + "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11], + "darkgray": [169, 169, 169], + "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0], + "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169], + "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107], + "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139], + "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47], + "darkorange": [255, 140, 0], + "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204], + "darkred": [139, 0, 0], + "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122], + "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143], + "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139], + "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79], + "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79], + "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209], + "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211], + "deeppink": [255, 20, 147], + "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255], + "dimgray": [105, 105, 105], + "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105], + "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255], + "firebrick": [178, 34, 34], + "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240], + "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34], + "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255], + "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220], + "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255], + "gold": [255, 215, 0], + "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32], + "gray": [128, 128, 128], + "green": [0, 128, 0], + "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47], + "grey": [128, 128, 128], + "honeydew": [240, 255, 240], + "hotpink": [255, 105, 180], + "indianred": [205, 92, 92], + "indigo": [75, 0, 130], + "ivory": [255, 255, 240], + "khaki": [240, 230, 140], + "lavender": [230, 230, 250], + "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245], + "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0], + "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205], + "lightblue": [173, 216, 230], + "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128], + "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255], + "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210], + "lightgray": [211, 211, 211], + "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144], + "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211], + "lightpink": [255, 182, 193], + "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122], + "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170], + "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250], + "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153], + "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153], + "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222], + "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224], + "lime": [0, 255, 0], + "limegreen": [50, 205, 50], + "linen": [250, 240, 230], + "magenta": [255, 0, 255], + "maroon": [128, 0, 0], + "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170], + "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205], + "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211], + "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219], + "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113], + "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238], + "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154], + "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204], + "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133], + "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112], + "mintcream": [245, 255, 250], + "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225], + "moccasin": [255, 228, 181], + "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173], + "navy": [0, 0, 128], + "oldlace": [253, 245, 230], + "olive": [128, 128, 0], + "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35], + "orange": [255, 165, 0], + "orangered": [255, 69, 0], + "orchid": [218, 112, 214], + "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170], + "palegreen": [152, 251, 152], + "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238], + "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147], + "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213], + "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185], + "peru": [205, 133, 63], + "pink": [255, 192, 203], + "plum": [221, 160, 221], + "powderblue": [176, 224, 230], + "purple": [128, 0, 128], + "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153], + "red": [255, 0, 0], + "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143], + "royalblue": [65, 105, 225], + "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19], + "salmon": [250, 128, 114], + "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96], + "seagreen": [46, 139, 87], + "seashell": [255, 245, 238], + "sienna": [160, 82, 45], + "silver": [192, 192, 192], + "skyblue": [135, 206, 235], + "slateblue": [106, 90, 205], + "slategray": [112, 128, 144], + "slategrey": [112, 128, 144], + "snow": [255, 250, 250], + "springgreen": [0, 255, 127], + "steelblue": [70, 130, 180], + "tan": [210, 180, 140], + "teal": [0, 128, 128], + "thistle": [216, 191, 216], + "tomato": [255, 99, 71], + "turquoise": [64, 224, 208], + "violet": [238, 130, 238], + "wheat": [245, 222, 179], + "white": [255, 255, 255], + "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245], + "yellow": [255, 255, 0], + "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50] +}; /***/ }), @@ -20184,192 +20184,192 @@ __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "__makeTemplateObject", function() { return __makeTemplateObject; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "__importStar", function() { return __importStar; }); /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "__importDefault", function() { return __importDefault; }); -/*! ***************************************************************************** -Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use -this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the -License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY -KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED -WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, -MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. - -See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions -and limitations under the License. -***************************************************************************** */ -/* global Reflect, Promise */ - -var extendStatics = function(d, b) { - extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || - ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || - function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; - return extendStatics(d, b); -}; - -function __extends(d, b) { - extendStatics(d, b); - function __() { this.constructor = d; } - d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); -} - -var __assign = function() { - __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { - for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { - s = arguments[i]; - for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; - } - return t; - } - return __assign.apply(this, arguments); -} - -function __rest(s, e) { - var t = {}; - for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) - t[p] = s[p]; - if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") - for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0) - t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; - return t; -} - -function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { - var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; - if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); - else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; - return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; -} - -function __param(paramIndex, decorator) { - return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); } -} - -function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { - if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); -} - -function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { - return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { - function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } - step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); - }); -} - -function __generator(thisArg, body) { - var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; - return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; - function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } - function step(op) { - if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); - while (_) try { - if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t; - if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; - switch (op[0]) { - case 0: case 1: t = op; break; - case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; - case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; - case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; - default: - if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } - if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } - if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } - if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } - if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); - _.trys.pop(); continue; - } - op = body.call(thisArg, _); - } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } - if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; - } -} - -function __exportStar(m, exports) { - for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p]; -} - -function __values(o) { - var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator], i = 0; - if (m) return m.call(o); - return { - next: function () { - if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; - return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; - } - }; -} - -function __read(o, n) { - var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!m) return o; - var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e; - try { - while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); - } - catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } - finally { - try { - if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i); - } - finally { if (e) throw e.error; } - } - return ar; -} - -function __spread() { - for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) - ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i])); - return ar; -} - -function __await(v) { - return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v); -} - -function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { - if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); - var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; - return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i; - function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; } - function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } } - function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); } - function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); } - function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); } - function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); } -} - -function __asyncDelegator(o) { - var i, p; - return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i; - function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; } -} - -function __asyncValues(o) { - if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); - var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; - return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i); - function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } - function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); } -} - -function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) { - if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; } - return cooked; -}; - -function __importStar(mod) { - if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; - var result = {}; - if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k]; - result.default = mod; - return result; -} - -function __importDefault(mod) { - return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod }; -} +/*! ***************************************************************************** +Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use +this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the +License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + +THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED +WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, +MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. + +See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions +and limitations under the License. +***************************************************************************** */ +/* global Reflect, Promise */ + +var extendStatics = function(d, b) { + extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || + ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || + function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; + return extendStatics(d, b); +}; + +function __extends(d, b) { + extendStatics(d, b); + function __() { this.constructor = d; } + d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); +} + +var __assign = function() { + __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { + for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { + s = arguments[i]; + for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; + } + return t; + } + return __assign.apply(this, arguments); +} + +function __rest(s, e) { + var t = {}; + for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0) + t[p] = s[p]; + if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function") + for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0) + t[p[i]] = s[p[i]]; + return t; +} + +function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { + var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; + if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); + else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; + return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; +} + +function __param(paramIndex, decorator) { + return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); } +} + +function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { + if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); +} + +function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { + return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { + function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } + function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } + function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } + step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); + }); +} + +function __generator(thisArg, body) { + var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; + return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; + function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } + function step(op) { + if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); + while (_) try { + if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t; + if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; + switch (op[0]) { + case 0: case 1: t = op; break; + case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; + case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; + case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; + default: + if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } + if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } + if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } + if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } + if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); + _.trys.pop(); continue; + } + op = body.call(thisArg, _); + } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } + if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; + } +} + +function __exportStar(m, exports) { + for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p]; +} + +function __values(o) { + var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator], i = 0; + if (m) return m.call(o); + return { + next: function () { + if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0; + return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o }; + } + }; +} + +function __read(o, n) { + var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator]; + if (!m) return o; + var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e; + try { + while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); + } + catch (error) { e = { error: error }; } + finally { + try { + if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i); + } + finally { if (e) throw e.error; } + } + return ar; +} + +function __spread() { + for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) + ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i])); + return ar; +} + +function __await(v) { + return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v); +} + +function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) { + if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); + var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = []; + return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i; + function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; } + function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } } + function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); } + function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); } + function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); } + function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); } +} + +function __asyncDelegator(o) { + var i, p; + return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i; + function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === "return" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; } +} + +function __asyncValues(o) { + if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); + var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i; + return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i); + function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; } + function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); } +} + +function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) { + if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; } + return cooked; +}; + +function __importStar(mod) { + if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; + var result = {}; + if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k]; + result.default = mod; + return result; +} + +function __importDefault(mod) { + return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod }; +} /***/ }), @@ -31761,7 +31761,7 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, 'buildProductionProjects', { } }); -var _prepare_project_dependencies = __webpack_require__(585); +var _prepare_project_dependencies = __webpack_require__(547); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'prepareExternalProjectDependencies', { enumerable: true, @@ -31946,8 +31946,8 @@ const EventEmitter = __webpack_require__(45); const path = __webpack_require__(16); const arrify = __webpack_require__(370); const globby = __webpack_require__(371); -const cpFile = __webpack_require__(577); -const CpyError = __webpack_require__(584); +const cpFile = __webpack_require__(539); +const CpyError = __webpack_require__(546); const preprocessSrcPath = (srcPath, options) => options.cwd ? path.resolve(options.cwd, srcPath) : srcPath; @@ -32069,8 +32069,8 @@ module.exports = function (val) { const arrayUnion = __webpack_require__(138); const glob = __webpack_require__(36); const fastGlob = __webpack_require__(372); -const dirGlob = __webpack_require__(573); -const gitignore = __webpack_require__(574); +const dirGlob = __webpack_require__(535); +const gitignore = __webpack_require__(536); const DEFAULT_FILTER = () => false; @@ -32219,10 +32219,10 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var merge2 = __webpack_require__(374); var optionsManager = __webpack_require__(375); var taskManager = __webpack_require__(376); -var reader_async_1 = __webpack_require__(552); -var reader_stream_1 = __webpack_require__(571); -var reader_sync_1 = __webpack_require__(572); -var arrayUtils = __webpack_require__(568); +var reader_async_1 = __webpack_require__(514); +var reader_stream_1 = __webpack_require__(533); +var reader_sync_1 = __webpack_require__(534); +var arrayUtils = __webpack_require__(530); /** * Returns a set of works based on provided tasks and class of the reader. */ @@ -32948,10 +32948,10 @@ var extend = __webpack_require__(394); * Local dependencies */ -var compilers = __webpack_require__(520); -var parsers = __webpack_require__(548); -var cache = __webpack_require__(549); -var utils = __webpack_require__(550); +var compilers = __webpack_require__(488); +var parsers = __webpack_require__(510); +var cache = __webpack_require__(511); +var utils = __webpack_require__(512); var MAX_LENGTH = 1024 * 64; /** @@ -33828,16 +33828,15 @@ module.exports = micromatch; var toRegex = __webpack_require__(385); var unique = __webpack_require__(397); var extend = __webpack_require__(394); -var define = __webpack_require__(398); /** * Local dependencies */ -var compilers = __webpack_require__(405); -var parsers = __webpack_require__(420); +var compilers = __webpack_require__(398); +var parsers = __webpack_require__(413); var Braces = __webpack_require__(423); -var utils = __webpack_require__(406); +var utils = __webpack_require__(399); var MAX_LENGTH = 1024 * 64; var cache = {}; @@ -33940,8 +33939,9 @@ braces.create = function(pattern, options) { throw new TypeError('expected a string'); } - if (pattern.length >= MAX_LENGTH) { - throw new Error('expected pattern to be less than ' + MAX_LENGTH + ' characters'); + var maxLength = (options && options.maxLength) || MAX_LENGTH; + if (pattern.length >= maxLength) { + throw new Error('expected pattern to be less than ' + maxLength + ' characters'); } function create() { @@ -33975,7 +33975,11 @@ braces.create = function(pattern, options) { arr = unique(arr); } - define(arr, 'result', result); + Object.defineProperty(arr, 'result', { + enumerable: false, + value: result + }); + return arr; } @@ -34002,8 +34006,9 @@ braces.makeRe = function(pattern, options) { throw new TypeError('expected a string'); } - if (pattern.length >= MAX_LENGTH) { - throw new Error('expected pattern to be less than ' + MAX_LENGTH + ' characters'); + var maxLength = (options && options.maxLength) || MAX_LENGTH; + if (pattern.length >= maxLength) { + throw new Error('expected pattern to be less than ' + maxLength + ' characters'); } function makeRe() { @@ -35106,1544 +35111,1486 @@ module.exports.immutable = function uniqueImmutable(arr) { /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -/*! - * define-property - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ +var utils = __webpack_require__(399); -var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(399); - -module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { - if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected an object or function.'); - } +module.exports = function(braces, options) { + braces.compiler - if (typeof prop !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected `prop` to be a string.'); - } + /** + * bos + */ - if (isDescriptor(val) && ('set' in val || 'get' in val)) { - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, val); - } + .set('bos', function() { + if (this.output) return; + this.ast.queue = isEscaped(this.ast) ? [this.ast.val] : []; + this.ast.count = 1; + }) - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { - configurable: true, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - value: val - }); -}; + /** + * Square brackets + */ + .set('bracket', function(node) { + var close = node.close; + var open = !node.escaped ? '[' : '\\['; + var negated = node.negated; + var inner = node.inner; -/***/ }), -/* 399 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + inner = inner.replace(/\\(?=[\\\w]|$)/g, '\\\\'); + if (inner === ']-') { + inner = '\\]\\-'; + } -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-descriptor - * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ + if (negated && inner.indexOf('.') === -1) { + inner += '.'; + } + if (negated && inner.indexOf('/') === -1) { + inner += '/'; + } + var val = open + negated + inner + close; + var queue = node.parent.queue; + var last = utils.arrayify(queue.pop()); + queue.push(utils.join(last, val)); + queue.push.apply(queue, []); + }) -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(400); -var isAccessor = __webpack_require__(401); -var isData = __webpack_require__(403); + /** + * Brace + */ -module.exports = function isDescriptor(obj, key) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - if ('get' in obj) { - return isAccessor(obj, key); - } - return isData(obj, key); -}; + .set('brace', function(node) { + node.queue = isEscaped(node) ? [node.val] : []; + node.count = 1; + return this.mapVisit(node.nodes); + }) + /** + * Open + */ -/***/ }), -/* 400 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { + .set('brace.open', function(node) { + node.parent.open = node.val; + }) -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + /** + * Inner + */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - if (val === void 0) return 'undefined'; - if (val === null) return 'null'; + .set('text', function(node) { + var queue = node.parent.queue; + var escaped = node.escaped; + var segs = [node.val]; - var type = typeof val; - if (type === 'boolean') return 'boolean'; - if (type === 'string') return 'string'; - if (type === 'number') return 'number'; - if (type === 'symbol') return 'symbol'; - if (type === 'function') { - return isGeneratorFn(val) ? 'generatorfunction' : 'function'; - } + if (node.optimize === false) { + options = utils.extend({}, options, {optimize: false}); + } - if (isArray(val)) return 'array'; - if (isBuffer(val)) return 'buffer'; - if (isArguments(val)) return 'arguments'; - if (isDate(val)) return 'date'; - if (isError(val)) return 'error'; - if (isRegexp(val)) return 'regexp'; + if (node.multiplier > 1) { + node.parent.count *= node.multiplier; + } - switch (ctorName(val)) { - case 'Symbol': return 'symbol'; - case 'Promise': return 'promise'; + if (options.quantifiers === true && utils.isQuantifier(node.val)) { + escaped = true; - // Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap - case 'WeakMap': return 'weakmap'; - case 'WeakSet': return 'weakset'; - case 'Map': return 'map'; - case 'Set': return 'set'; + } else if (node.val.length > 1) { + if (isType(node.parent, 'brace') && !isEscaped(node)) { + var expanded = utils.expand(node.val, options); + segs = expanded.segs; - // 8-bit typed arrays - case 'Int8Array': return 'int8array'; - case 'Uint8Array': return 'uint8array'; - case 'Uint8ClampedArray': return 'uint8clampedarray'; + if (expanded.isOptimized) { + node.parent.isOptimized = true; + } - // 16-bit typed arrays - case 'Int16Array': return 'int16array'; - case 'Uint16Array': return 'uint16array'; + // if nothing was expanded, we probably have a literal brace + if (!segs.length) { + var val = (expanded.val || node.val); + if (options.unescape !== false) { + // unescape unexpanded brace sequence/set separators + val = val.replace(/\\([,.])/g, '$1'); + // strip quotes + val = val.replace(/["'`]/g, ''); + } - // 32-bit typed arrays - case 'Int32Array': return 'int32array'; - case 'Uint32Array': return 'uint32array'; - case 'Float32Array': return 'float32array'; - case 'Float64Array': return 'float64array'; - } + segs = [val]; + escaped = true; + } + } - if (isGeneratorObj(val)) { - return 'generator'; - } + } else if (node.val === ',') { + if (options.expand) { + node.parent.queue.push(['']); + segs = ['']; + } else { + segs = ['|']; + } + } else { + escaped = true; + } - // Non-plain objects - type = toString.call(val); - switch (type) { - case '[object Object]': return 'object'; - // iterators - case '[object Map Iterator]': return 'mapiterator'; - case '[object Set Iterator]': return 'setiterator'; - case '[object String Iterator]': return 'stringiterator'; - case '[object Array Iterator]': return 'arrayiterator'; - } + if (escaped && isType(node.parent, 'brace')) { + if (node.parent.nodes.length <= 4 && node.parent.count === 1) { + node.parent.escaped = true; + } else if (node.parent.length <= 3) { + node.parent.escaped = true; + } + } - // other - return type.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ''); -}; + if (!hasQueue(node.parent)) { + node.parent.queue = segs; + return; + } -function ctorName(val) { - return val.constructor ? val.constructor.name : null; -} + var last = utils.arrayify(queue.pop()); + if (node.parent.count > 1 && options.expand) { + last = multiply(last, node.parent.count); + node.parent.count = 1; + } -function isArray(val) { - if (Array.isArray) return Array.isArray(val); - return val instanceof Array; -} + queue.push(utils.join(utils.flatten(last), segs.shift())); + queue.push.apply(queue, segs); + }) -function isError(val) { - return val instanceof Error || (typeof val.message === 'string' && val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.stackTraceLimit === 'number'); -} + /** + * Close + */ -function isDate(val) { - if (val instanceof Date) return true; - return typeof val.toDateString === 'function' - && typeof val.getDate === 'function' - && typeof val.setDate === 'function'; -} + .set('brace.close', function(node) { + var queue = node.parent.queue; + var prev = node.parent.parent; + var last = prev.queue.pop(); + var open = node.parent.open; + var close = node.val; -function isRegexp(val) { - if (val instanceof RegExp) return true; - return typeof val.flags === 'string' - && typeof val.ignoreCase === 'boolean' - && typeof val.multiline === 'boolean' - && typeof val.global === 'boolean'; -} + if (open && close && isOptimized(node, options)) { + open = '('; + close = ')'; + } -function isGeneratorFn(name, val) { - return ctorName(name) === 'GeneratorFunction'; -} + // if a close brace exists, and the previous segment is one character + // don't wrap the result in braces or parens + var ele = utils.last(queue); + if (node.parent.count > 1 && options.expand) { + ele = multiply(queue.pop(), node.parent.count); + node.parent.count = 1; + queue.push(ele); + } -function isGeneratorObj(val) { - return typeof val.throw === 'function' - && typeof val.return === 'function' - && typeof val.next === 'function'; -} + if (close && typeof ele === 'string' && ele.length === 1) { + open = ''; + close = ''; + } -function isArguments(val) { - try { - if (typeof val.length === 'number' && typeof val.callee === 'function') { - return true; - } - } catch (err) { - if (err.message.indexOf('callee') !== -1) { - return true; - } - } - return false; -} + if ((isLiteralBrace(node, options) || noInner(node)) && !node.parent.hasEmpty) { + queue.push(utils.join(open, queue.pop() || '')); + queue = utils.flatten(utils.join(queue, close)); + } -/** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer - */ + if (typeof last === 'undefined') { + prev.queue = [queue]; + } else { + prev.queue.push(utils.flatten(utils.join(last, queue))); + } + }) -function isBuffer(val) { - if (val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function') { - return val.constructor.isBuffer(val); - } - return false; -} + /** + * eos + */ + .set('eos', function(node) { + if (this.input) return; -/***/ }), -/* 401 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + if (options.optimize !== false) { + this.output = utils.last(utils.flatten(this.ast.queue)); + } else if (Array.isArray(utils.last(this.ast.queue))) { + this.output = utils.flatten(this.ast.queue.pop()); + } else { + this.output = utils.flatten(this.ast.queue); + } -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-accessor-descriptor - * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ + if (node.parent.count > 1 && options.expand) { + this.output = multiply(this.output, node.parent.count); + } + this.output = utils.arrayify(this.output); + this.ast.queue = []; + }); +}; -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(402); +/** + * Multiply the segments in the current brace level + */ -// accessor descriptor properties -var accessor = { - get: 'function', - set: 'function', - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean' -}; +function multiply(queue, n, options) { + return utils.flatten(utils.repeat(utils.arrayify(queue), n)); +} -function isAccessorDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } +/** + * Return true if `node` is escaped + */ - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } +function isEscaped(node) { + return node.escaped === true; +} - if (has(obj, 'value') || has(obj, 'writable')) { - return false; - } +/** + * Returns true if regex parens should be used for sets. If the parent `type` + * is not `brace`, then we're on a root node, which means we should never + * expand segments and open/close braces should be `{}` (since this indicates + * a brace is missing from the set) + */ - if (!has(obj, 'get') || typeof obj.get !== 'function') { - return false; - } +function isOptimized(node, options) { + if (node.parent.isOptimized) return true; + return isType(node.parent, 'brace') + && !isEscaped(node.parent) + && options.expand !== true; +} - // tldr: it's valid to have "set" be undefined - // "set" might be undefined if `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` - // was used to get the value, and only `get` was defined by the user - if (has(obj, 'set') && typeof obj[key] !== 'function' && typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } +/** + * Returns true if the value in `node` should be wrapped in a literal brace. + * @return {Boolean} + */ - for (var key in obj) { - if (!accessor.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; - } +function isLiteralBrace(node, options) { + return isEscaped(node.parent) || options.optimize !== false; +} - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === accessor[key]) { - continue; - } +/** + * Returns true if the given `node` does not have an inner value. + * @return {Boolean} + */ - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } +function noInner(node, type) { + if (node.parent.queue.length === 1) { + return true; } - return true; + var nodes = node.parent.nodes; + return nodes.length === 3 + && isType(nodes[0], 'brace.open') + && !isType(nodes[1], 'text') + && isType(nodes[2], 'brace.close'); } -function has(obj, key) { - return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); +/** + * Returns true if the given `node` is the given `type` + * @return {Boolean} + */ + +function isType(node, type) { + return typeof node !== 'undefined' && node.type === type; } /** - * Expose `isAccessorDescriptor` + * Returns true if the given `node` has a non-empty queue. + * @return {Boolean} */ -module.exports = isAccessorDescriptor; +function hasQueue(node) { + return Array.isArray(node.queue) && node.queue.length; +} /***/ }), -/* 402 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { +/* 399 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; +"use strict"; -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - if (val === void 0) return 'undefined'; - if (val === null) return 'null'; - var type = typeof val; - if (type === 'boolean') return 'boolean'; - if (type === 'string') return 'string'; - if (type === 'number') return 'number'; - if (type === 'symbol') return 'symbol'; - if (type === 'function') { - return isGeneratorFn(val) ? 'generatorfunction' : 'function'; - } +var splitString = __webpack_require__(400); +var utils = module.exports; - if (isArray(val)) return 'array'; - if (isBuffer(val)) return 'buffer'; - if (isArguments(val)) return 'arguments'; - if (isDate(val)) return 'date'; - if (isError(val)) return 'error'; - if (isRegexp(val)) return 'regexp'; +/** + * Module dependencies + */ - switch (ctorName(val)) { - case 'Symbol': return 'symbol'; - case 'Promise': return 'promise'; +utils.extend = __webpack_require__(394); +utils.flatten = __webpack_require__(406); +utils.isObject = __webpack_require__(404); +utils.fillRange = __webpack_require__(407); +utils.repeat = __webpack_require__(412); +utils.unique = __webpack_require__(397); - // Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap - case 'WeakMap': return 'weakmap'; - case 'WeakSet': return 'weakset'; - case 'Map': return 'map'; - case 'Set': return 'set'; +utils.define = function(obj, key, val) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { + writable: true, + configurable: true, + enumerable: false, + value: val + }); +}; - // 8-bit typed arrays - case 'Int8Array': return 'int8array'; - case 'Uint8Array': return 'uint8array'; - case 'Uint8ClampedArray': return 'uint8clampedarray'; +/** + * Returns true if the given string contains only empty brace sets. + */ - // 16-bit typed arrays - case 'Int16Array': return 'int16array'; - case 'Uint16Array': return 'uint16array'; +utils.isEmptySets = function(str) { + return /^(?:\{,\})+$/.test(str); +}; - // 32-bit typed arrays - case 'Int32Array': return 'int32array'; - case 'Uint32Array': return 'uint32array'; - case 'Float32Array': return 'float32array'; - case 'Float64Array': return 'float64array'; - } +/** + * Returns true if the given string contains only empty brace sets. + */ - if (isGeneratorObj(val)) { - return 'generator'; +utils.isQuotedString = function(str) { + var open = str.charAt(0); + if (open === '\'' || open === '"' || open === '`') { + return str.slice(-1) === open; } + return false; +}; - // Non-plain objects - type = toString.call(val); - switch (type) { - case '[object Object]': return 'object'; - // iterators - case '[object Map Iterator]': return 'mapiterator'; - case '[object Set Iterator]': return 'setiterator'; - case '[object String Iterator]': return 'stringiterator'; - case '[object Array Iterator]': return 'arrayiterator'; - } +/** + * Create the key to use for memoization. The unique key is generated + * by iterating over the options and concatenating key-value pairs + * to the pattern string. + */ - // other - return type.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ''); +utils.createKey = function(pattern, options) { + var id = pattern; + if (typeof options === 'undefined') { + return id; + } + var keys = Object.keys(options); + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + var key = keys[i]; + id += ';' + key + '=' + String(options[key]); + } + return id; }; -function ctorName(val) { - return val.constructor ? val.constructor.name : null; -} - -function isArray(val) { - if (Array.isArray) return Array.isArray(val); - return val instanceof Array; -} +/** + * Normalize options + */ -function isError(val) { - return val instanceof Error || (typeof val.message === 'string' && val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.stackTraceLimit === 'number'); -} +utils.createOptions = function(options) { + var opts = utils.extend.apply(null, arguments); + if (typeof opts.expand === 'boolean') { + opts.optimize = !opts.expand; + } + if (typeof opts.optimize === 'boolean') { + opts.expand = !opts.optimize; + } + if (opts.optimize === true) { + opts.makeRe = true; + } + return opts; +}; -function isDate(val) { - if (val instanceof Date) return true; - return typeof val.toDateString === 'function' - && typeof val.getDate === 'function' - && typeof val.setDate === 'function'; -} +/** + * Join patterns in `a` to patterns in `b` + */ -function isRegexp(val) { - if (val instanceof RegExp) return true; - return typeof val.flags === 'string' - && typeof val.ignoreCase === 'boolean' - && typeof val.multiline === 'boolean' - && typeof val.global === 'boolean'; -} +utils.join = function(a, b, options) { + options = options || {}; + a = utils.arrayify(a); + b = utils.arrayify(b); -function isGeneratorFn(name, val) { - return ctorName(name) === 'GeneratorFunction'; -} + if (!a.length) return b; + if (!b.length) return a; -function isGeneratorObj(val) { - return typeof val.throw === 'function' - && typeof val.return === 'function' - && typeof val.next === 'function'; -} + var len = a.length; + var idx = -1; + var arr = []; -function isArguments(val) { - try { - if (typeof val.length === 'number' && typeof val.callee === 'function') { - return true; + while (++idx < len) { + var val = a[idx]; + if (Array.isArray(val)) { + for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { + val[i] = utils.join(val[i], b, options); + } + arr.push(val); + continue; } - } catch (err) { - if (err.message.indexOf('callee') !== -1) { - return true; + + for (var j = 0; j < b.length; j++) { + var bval = b[j]; + + if (Array.isArray(bval)) { + arr.push(utils.join(val, bval, options)); + } else { + arr.push(val + bval); + } } } - return false; -} + return arr; +}; /** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer + * Split the given string on `,` if not escaped. */ -function isBuffer(val) { - if (val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function') { - return val.constructor.isBuffer(val); +utils.split = function(str, options) { + var opts = utils.extend({sep: ','}, options); + if (typeof opts.keepQuotes !== 'boolean') { + opts.keepQuotes = true; } - return false; -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 403 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + if (opts.unescape === false) { + opts.keepEscaping = true; + } + return splitString(str, opts, utils.escapeBrackets(opts)); +}; -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-data-descriptor +/** + * Expand ranges or sets in the given `pattern`. * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. + * @param {String} `str` + * @param {Object} `options` + * @return {Object} */ +utils.expand = function(str, options) { + var opts = utils.extend({rangeLimit: 10000}, options); + var segs = utils.split(str, opts); + var tok = { segs: segs }; - -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(404); - -module.exports = function isDataDescriptor(obj, prop) { - // data descriptor properties - var data = { - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean', - writable: 'boolean' - }; - - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; + if (utils.isQuotedString(str)) { + return tok; } - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; + if (opts.rangeLimit === true) { + opts.rangeLimit = 10000; } - if (!('value' in obj) && !('writable' in obj)) { - return false; - } + if (segs.length > 1) { + if (opts.optimize === false) { + tok.val = segs[0]; + return tok; + } - for (var key in obj) { - if (key === 'value') continue; + tok.segs = utils.stringifyArray(tok.segs); + } else if (segs.length === 1) { + var arr = str.split('..'); - if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; + if (arr.length === 1) { + tok.val = tok.segs[tok.segs.length - 1] || tok.val || str; + tok.segs = []; + return tok; } - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === data[key]) { - continue; + if (arr.length === 2 && arr[0] === arr[1]) { + tok.escaped = true; + tok.val = arr[0]; + tok.segs = []; + return tok; } - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } - } - return true; -}; + if (arr.length > 1) { + if (opts.optimize !== false) { + opts.optimize = true; + delete opts.expand; + } + if (opts.optimize !== true) { + var min = Math.min(arr[0], arr[1]); + var max = Math.max(arr[0], arr[1]); + var step = arr[2] || 1; -/***/ }), -/* 404 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { + if (opts.rangeLimit !== false && ((max - min) / step >= opts.rangeLimit)) { + throw new RangeError('expanded array length exceeds range limit. Use options.rangeLimit to increase or disable the limit.'); + } + } -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + arr.push(opts); + tok.segs = utils.fillRange.apply(null, arr); -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - if (val === void 0) return 'undefined'; - if (val === null) return 'null'; + if (!tok.segs.length) { + tok.escaped = true; + tok.val = str; + return tok; + } - var type = typeof val; - if (type === 'boolean') return 'boolean'; - if (type === 'string') return 'string'; - if (type === 'number') return 'number'; - if (type === 'symbol') return 'symbol'; - if (type === 'function') { - return isGeneratorFn(val) ? 'generatorfunction' : 'function'; + if (opts.optimize === true) { + tok.segs = utils.stringifyArray(tok.segs); + } + + if (tok.segs === '') { + tok.val = str; + } else { + tok.val = tok.segs[0]; + } + return tok; + } + } else { + tok.val = str; } + return tok; +}; - if (isArray(val)) return 'array'; - if (isBuffer(val)) return 'buffer'; - if (isArguments(val)) return 'arguments'; - if (isDate(val)) return 'date'; - if (isError(val)) return 'error'; - if (isRegexp(val)) return 'regexp'; +/** + * Ensure commas inside brackets and parens are not split. + * @param {Object} `tok` Token from the `split-string` module + * @return {undefined} + */ - switch (ctorName(val)) { - case 'Symbol': return 'symbol'; - case 'Promise': return 'promise'; +utils.escapeBrackets = function(options) { + return function(tok) { + if (tok.escaped && tok.val === 'b') { + tok.val = '\\b'; + return; + } - // Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap - case 'WeakMap': return 'weakmap'; - case 'WeakSet': return 'weakset'; - case 'Map': return 'map'; - case 'Set': return 'set'; + if (tok.val !== '(' && tok.val !== '[') return; + var opts = utils.extend({}, options); + var brackets = []; + var parens = []; + var stack = []; + var val = tok.val; + var str = tok.str; + var i = tok.idx - 1; - // 8-bit typed arrays - case 'Int8Array': return 'int8array'; - case 'Uint8Array': return 'uint8array'; - case 'Uint8ClampedArray': return 'uint8clampedarray'; + while (++i < str.length) { + var ch = str[i]; - // 16-bit typed arrays - case 'Int16Array': return 'int16array'; - case 'Uint16Array': return 'uint16array'; + if (ch === '\\') { + val += (opts.keepEscaping === false ? '' : ch) + str[++i]; + continue; + } - // 32-bit typed arrays - case 'Int32Array': return 'int32array'; - case 'Uint32Array': return 'uint32array'; - case 'Float32Array': return 'float32array'; - case 'Float64Array': return 'float64array'; - } + if (ch === '(') { + parens.push(ch); + stack.push(ch); + } - if (isGeneratorObj(val)) { - return 'generator'; - } + if (ch === '[') { + brackets.push(ch); + stack.push(ch); + } - // Non-plain objects - type = toString.call(val); - switch (type) { - case '[object Object]': return 'object'; - // iterators - case '[object Map Iterator]': return 'mapiterator'; - case '[object Set Iterator]': return 'setiterator'; - case '[object String Iterator]': return 'stringiterator'; - case '[object Array Iterator]': return 'arrayiterator'; - } + if (ch === ')') { + parens.pop(); + stack.pop(); + if (!stack.length) { + val += ch; + break; + } + } - // other - return type.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ''); + if (ch === ']') { + brackets.pop(); + stack.pop(); + if (!stack.length) { + val += ch; + break; + } + } + val += ch; + } + + tok.split = false; + tok.val = val.slice(1); + tok.idx = i; + }; }; -function ctorName(val) { - return val.constructor ? val.constructor.name : null; -} +/** + * Returns true if the given string looks like a regex quantifier + * @return {Boolean} + */ -function isArray(val) { - if (Array.isArray) return Array.isArray(val); - return val instanceof Array; -} +utils.isQuantifier = function(str) { + return /^(?:[0-9]?,[0-9]|[0-9],)$/.test(str); +}; -function isError(val) { - return val instanceof Error || (typeof val.message === 'string' && val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.stackTraceLimit === 'number'); -} +/** + * Cast `val` to an array. + * @param {*} `val` + */ -function isDate(val) { - if (val instanceof Date) return true; - return typeof val.toDateString === 'function' - && typeof val.getDate === 'function' - && typeof val.setDate === 'function'; -} +utils.stringifyArray = function(arr) { + return [utils.arrayify(arr).join('|')]; +}; -function isRegexp(val) { - if (val instanceof RegExp) return true; - return typeof val.flags === 'string' - && typeof val.ignoreCase === 'boolean' - && typeof val.multiline === 'boolean' - && typeof val.global === 'boolean'; -} +/** + * Cast `val` to an array. + * @param {*} `val` + */ -function isGeneratorFn(name, val) { - return ctorName(name) === 'GeneratorFunction'; -} +utils.arrayify = function(arr) { + if (typeof arr === 'undefined') { + return []; + } + if (typeof arr === 'string') { + return [arr]; + } + return arr; +}; -function isGeneratorObj(val) { - return typeof val.throw === 'function' - && typeof val.return === 'function' - && typeof val.next === 'function'; -} +/** + * Returns true if the given `str` is a non-empty string + * @return {Boolean} + */ -function isArguments(val) { - try { - if (typeof val.length === 'number' && typeof val.callee === 'function') { - return true; - } - } catch (err) { - if (err.message.indexOf('callee') !== -1) { - return true; - } - } - return false; -} +utils.isString = function(str) { + return str != null && typeof str === 'string'; +}; /** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer + * Get the last element from `array` + * @param {Array} `array` + * @return {*} */ -function isBuffer(val) { - if (val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function') { - return val.constructor.isBuffer(val); - } - return false; -} +utils.last = function(arr, n) { + return arr[arr.length - (n || 1)]; +}; + +utils.escapeRegex = function(str) { + return str.replace(/\\?([!^*?()[\]{}+?/])/g, '\\$1'); +}; /***/ }), -/* 405 */ +/* 400 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; +/*! + * split-string + * + * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */ -var utils = __webpack_require__(406); -module.exports = function(braces, options) { - braces.compiler +var extend = __webpack_require__(401); - /** - * bos - */ - - .set('bos', function() { - if (this.output) return; - this.ast.queue = isEscaped(this.ast) ? [this.ast.val] : []; - this.ast.count = 1; - }) - - /** - * Square brackets - */ - - .set('bracket', function(node) { - var close = node.close; - var open = !node.escaped ? '[' : '\\['; - var negated = node.negated; - var inner = node.inner; - - inner = inner.replace(/\\(?=[\\\w]|$)/g, '\\\\'); - if (inner === ']-') { - inner = '\\]\\-'; - } - - if (negated && inner.indexOf('.') === -1) { - inner += '.'; - } - if (negated && inner.indexOf('/') === -1) { - inner += '/'; - } - - var val = open + negated + inner + close; - var queue = node.parent.queue; - var last = utils.arrayify(queue.pop()); - - queue.push(utils.join(last, val)); - queue.push.apply(queue, []); - }) +module.exports = function(str, options, fn) { + if (typeof str !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected a string'); + } - /** - * Brace - */ + if (typeof options === 'function') { + fn = options; + options = null; + } - .set('brace', function(node) { - node.queue = isEscaped(node) ? [node.val] : []; - node.count = 1; - return this.mapVisit(node.nodes); - }) + // allow separator to be defined as a string + if (typeof options === 'string') { + options = { sep: options }; + } - /** - * Open - */ + var opts = extend({sep: '.'}, options); + var quotes = opts.quotes || ['"', "'", '`']; + var brackets; - .set('brace.open', function(node) { - node.parent.open = node.val; - }) + if (opts.brackets === true) { + brackets = { + '<': '>', + '(': ')', + '[': ']', + '{': '}' + }; + } else if (opts.brackets) { + brackets = opts.brackets; + } - /** - * Inner - */ + var tokens = []; + var stack = []; + var arr = ['']; + var sep = opts.sep; + var len = str.length; + var idx = -1; + var closeIdx; - .set('text', function(node) { - var queue = node.parent.queue; - var escaped = node.escaped; - var segs = [node.val]; + function expected() { + if (brackets && stack.length) { + return brackets[stack[stack.length - 1]]; + } + } - if (node.optimize === false) { - options = utils.extend({}, options, {optimize: false}); - } + while (++idx < len) { + var ch = str[idx]; + var next = str[idx + 1]; + var tok = { val: ch, idx: idx, arr: arr, str: str }; + tokens.push(tok); - if (node.multiplier > 1) { - node.parent.count *= node.multiplier; + if (ch === '\\') { + tok.val = keepEscaping(opts, str, idx) === true ? (ch + next) : next; + tok.escaped = true; + if (typeof fn === 'function') { + fn(tok); } + arr[arr.length - 1] += tok.val; + idx++; + continue; + } - if (options.quantifiers === true && utils.isQuantifier(node.val)) { - escaped = true; + if (brackets && brackets[ch]) { + stack.push(ch); + var e = expected(); + var i = idx + 1; - } else if (node.val.length > 1) { - if (isType(node.parent, 'brace') && !isEscaped(node)) { - var expanded = utils.expand(node.val, options); - segs = expanded.segs; + if (str.indexOf(e, i + 1) !== -1) { + while (stack.length && i < len) { + var s = str[++i]; + if (s === '\\') { + s++; + continue; + } - if (expanded.isOptimized) { - node.parent.isOptimized = true; + if (quotes.indexOf(s) !== -1) { + i = getClosingQuote(str, s, i + 1); + continue; } - // if nothing was expanded, we probably have a literal brace - if (!segs.length) { - var val = (expanded.val || node.val); - if (options.unescape !== false) { - // unescape unexpanded brace sequence/set separators - val = val.replace(/\\([,.])/g, '$1'); - // strip quotes - val = val.replace(/["'`]/g, ''); - } + e = expected(); + if (stack.length && str.indexOf(e, i + 1) === -1) { + break; + } - segs = [val]; - escaped = true; + if (brackets[s]) { + stack.push(s); + continue; } - } - } else if (node.val === ',') { - if (options.expand) { - node.parent.queue.push(['']); - segs = ['']; - } else { - segs = ['|']; + if (e === s) { + stack.pop(); + } } - } else { - escaped = true; } - if (escaped && isType(node.parent, 'brace')) { - if (node.parent.nodes.length <= 4 && node.parent.count === 1) { - node.parent.escaped = true; - } else if (node.parent.length <= 3) { - node.parent.escaped = true; - } + closeIdx = i; + if (closeIdx === -1) { + arr[arr.length - 1] += ch; + continue; } - if (!hasQueue(node.parent)) { - node.parent.queue = segs; - return; + ch = str.slice(idx, closeIdx + 1); + tok.val = ch; + tok.idx = idx = closeIdx; + } + + if (quotes.indexOf(ch) !== -1) { + closeIdx = getClosingQuote(str, ch, idx + 1); + if (closeIdx === -1) { + arr[arr.length - 1] += ch; + continue; } - var last = utils.arrayify(queue.pop()); - if (node.parent.count > 1 && options.expand) { - last = multiply(last, node.parent.count); - node.parent.count = 1; + if (keepQuotes(ch, opts) === true) { + ch = str.slice(idx, closeIdx + 1); + } else { + ch = str.slice(idx + 1, closeIdx); } - queue.push(utils.join(utils.flatten(last), segs.shift())); - queue.push.apply(queue, segs); - }) + tok.val = ch; + tok.idx = idx = closeIdx; + } - /** - * Close - */ + if (typeof fn === 'function') { + fn(tok, tokens); + ch = tok.val; + idx = tok.idx; + } - .set('brace.close', function(node) { - var queue = node.parent.queue; - var prev = node.parent.parent; - var last = prev.queue.pop(); - var open = node.parent.open; - var close = node.val; + if (tok.val === sep && tok.split !== false) { + arr.push(''); + continue; + } - if (open && close && isOptimized(node, options)) { - open = '('; - close = ')'; - } + arr[arr.length - 1] += tok.val; + } - // if a close brace exists, and the previous segment is one character - // don't wrap the result in braces or parens - var ele = utils.last(queue); - if (node.parent.count > 1 && options.expand) { - ele = multiply(queue.pop(), node.parent.count); - node.parent.count = 1; - queue.push(ele); - } + return arr; +}; - if (close && typeof ele === 'string' && ele.length === 1) { - open = ''; - close = ''; - } +function getClosingQuote(str, ch, i, brackets) { + var idx = str.indexOf(ch, i); + if (str.charAt(idx - 1) === '\\') { + return getClosingQuote(str, ch, idx + 1); + } + return idx; +} - if ((isLiteralBrace(node, options) || noInner(node)) && !node.parent.hasEmpty) { - queue.push(utils.join(open, queue.pop() || '')); - queue = utils.flatten(utils.join(queue, close)); - } +function keepQuotes(ch, opts) { + if (opts.keepDoubleQuotes === true && ch === '"') return true; + if (opts.keepSingleQuotes === true && ch === "'") return true; + return opts.keepQuotes; +} - if (typeof last === 'undefined') { - prev.queue = [queue]; - } else { - prev.queue.push(utils.flatten(utils.join(last, queue))); - } - }) +function keepEscaping(opts, str, idx) { + if (typeof opts.keepEscaping === 'function') { + return opts.keepEscaping(str, idx); + } + return opts.keepEscaping === true || str[idx + 1] === '\\'; +} - /** - * eos - */ - .set('eos', function(node) { - if (this.input) return; +/***/ }), +/* 401 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - if (options.optimize !== false) { - this.output = utils.last(utils.flatten(this.ast.queue)); - } else if (Array.isArray(utils.last(this.ast.queue))) { - this.output = utils.flatten(this.ast.queue.pop()); - } else { - this.output = utils.flatten(this.ast.queue); - } +"use strict"; - if (node.parent.count > 1 && options.expand) { - this.output = multiply(this.output, node.parent.count); - } - this.output = utils.arrayify(this.output); - this.ast.queue = []; - }); +var isExtendable = __webpack_require__(402); +var assignSymbols = __webpack_require__(405); +module.exports = Object.assign || function(obj/*, objects*/) { + if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') { + throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object'); + } + if (!isObject(obj)) { + obj = {}; + } + for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var val = arguments[i]; + if (isString(val)) { + val = toObject(val); + } + if (isObject(val)) { + assign(obj, val); + assignSymbols(obj, val); + } + } + return obj; }; -/** - * Multiply the segments in the current brace level - */ +function assign(a, b) { + for (var key in b) { + if (hasOwn(b, key)) { + a[key] = b[key]; + } + } +} -function multiply(queue, n, options) { - return utils.flatten(utils.repeat(utils.arrayify(queue), n)); +function isString(val) { + return (val && typeof val === 'string'); } -/** - * Return true if `node` is escaped - */ +function toObject(str) { + var obj = {}; + for (var i in str) { + obj[i] = str[i]; + } + return obj; +} -function isEscaped(node) { - return node.escaped === true; +function isObject(val) { + return (val && typeof val === 'object') || isExtendable(val); } /** - * Returns true if regex parens should be used for sets. If the parent `type` - * is not `brace`, then we're on a root node, which means we should never - * expand segments and open/close braces should be `{}` (since this indicates - * a brace is missing from the set) + * Returns true if the given `key` is an own property of `obj`. */ -function isOptimized(node, options) { - if (node.parent.isOptimized) return true; - return isType(node.parent, 'brace') - && !isEscaped(node.parent) - && options.expand !== true; +function hasOwn(obj, key) { + return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); } -/** - * Returns true if the value in `node` should be wrapped in a literal brace. - * @return {Boolean} - */ - -function isLiteralBrace(node, options) { - return isEscaped(node.parent) || options.optimize !== false; +function isEnum(obj, key) { + return Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(obj, key); } -/** - * Returns true if the given `node` does not have an inner value. - * @return {Boolean} - */ -function noInner(node, type) { - if (node.parent.queue.length === 1) { - return true; - } - var nodes = node.parent.nodes; - return nodes.length === 3 - && isType(nodes[0], 'brace.open') - && !isType(nodes[1], 'text') - && isType(nodes[2], 'brace.close'); -} +/***/ }), +/* 402 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -/** - * Returns true if the given `node` is the given `type` - * @return {Boolean} +"use strict"; +/*! + * is-extendable + * + * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -function isType(node, type) { - return typeof node !== 'undefined' && node.type === type; -} -/** - * Returns true if the given `node` has a non-empty queue. - * @return {Boolean} - */ -function hasQueue(node) { - return Array.isArray(node.queue) && node.queue.length; -} +var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(403); + +module.exports = function isExtendable(val) { + return isPlainObject(val) || typeof val === 'function' || Array.isArray(val); +}; /***/ }), -/* 406 */ +/* 403 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; +/*! + * is-plain-object + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */ -var splitString = __webpack_require__(407); -var utils = module.exports; -/** - * Module dependencies - */ +var isObject = __webpack_require__(404); -utils.define = __webpack_require__(398); -utils.extend = __webpack_require__(394); -utils.flatten = __webpack_require__(413); -utils.isObject = __webpack_require__(411); -utils.fillRange = __webpack_require__(414); -utils.repeat = __webpack_require__(419); -utils.unique = __webpack_require__(397); +function isObjectObject(o) { + return isObject(o) === true + && Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Object]'; +} -/** - * Returns true if the given string contains only empty brace sets. - */ +module.exports = function isPlainObject(o) { + var ctor,prot; -utils.isEmptySets = function(str) { - return /^(?:\{,\})+$/.test(str); -}; + if (isObjectObject(o) === false) return false; -/** - * Returns true if the given string contains only empty brace sets. - */ + // If has modified constructor + ctor = o.constructor; + if (typeof ctor !== 'function') return false; -utils.isQuotedString = function(str) { - var open = str.charAt(0); - if (open === '\'' || open === '"' || open === '`') { - return str.slice(-1) === open; + // If has modified prototype + prot = ctor.prototype; + if (isObjectObject(prot) === false) return false; + + // If constructor does not have an Object-specific method + if (prot.hasOwnProperty('isPrototypeOf') === false) { + return false; } - return false; + + // Most likely a plain Object + return true; }; -/** - * Create the key to use for memoization. The unique key is generated - * by iterating over the options and concatenating key-value pairs - * to the pattern string. - */ -utils.createKey = function(pattern, options) { - var id = pattern; - if (typeof options === 'undefined') { - return id; - } - var keys = Object.keys(options); - for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { - var key = keys[i]; - id += ';' + key + '=' + String(options[key]); - } - return id; -}; +/***/ }), +/* 404 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -/** - * Normalize options +"use strict"; +/*! + * isobject + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -utils.createOptions = function(options) { - var opts = utils.extend.apply(null, arguments); - if (typeof opts.expand === 'boolean') { - opts.optimize = !opts.expand; - } - if (typeof opts.optimize === 'boolean') { - opts.expand = !opts.optimize; - } - if (opts.optimize === true) { - opts.makeRe = true; - } - return opts; + + +module.exports = function isObject(val) { + return val != null && typeof val === 'object' && Array.isArray(val) === false; }; -/** - * Join patterns in `a` to patterns in `b` + +/***/ }), +/* 405 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +"use strict"; +/*! + * assign-symbols + * + * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. */ -utils.join = function(a, b, options) { - options = options || {}; - a = utils.arrayify(a); - b = utils.arrayify(b); - if (!a.length) return b; - if (!b.length) return a; - var len = a.length; - var idx = -1; - var arr = []; +module.exports = function(receiver, objects) { + if (receiver === null || typeof receiver === 'undefined') { + throw new TypeError('expected first argument to be an object.'); + } - while (++idx < len) { - var val = a[idx]; - if (Array.isArray(val)) { - for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { - val[i] = utils.join(val[i], b, options); - } - arr.push(val); - continue; - } + if (typeof objects === 'undefined' || typeof Symbol === 'undefined') { + return receiver; + } - for (var j = 0; j < b.length; j++) { - var bval = b[j]; + if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols !== 'function') { + return receiver; + } - if (Array.isArray(bval)) { - arr.push(utils.join(val, bval, options)); - } else { - arr.push(val + bval); + var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; + var target = Object(receiver); + var len = arguments.length, i = 0; + + while (++i < len) { + var provider = Object(arguments[i]); + var names = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(provider); + + for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) { + var key = names[j]; + + if (isEnumerable.call(provider, key)) { + target[key] = provider[key]; } } } - return arr; + return target; }; -/** - * Split the given string on `,` if not escaped. - */ -utils.split = function(str, options) { - var opts = utils.extend({sep: ','}, options); - if (typeof opts.keepQuotes !== 'boolean') { - opts.keepQuotes = true; - } - if (opts.unescape === false) { - opts.keepEscaping = true; - } - return splitString(str, opts, utils.escapeBrackets(opts)); -}; +/***/ }), +/* 406 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -/** - * Expand ranges or sets in the given `pattern`. +"use strict"; +/*! + * arr-flatten * - * @param {String} `str` - * @param {Object} `options` - * @return {Object} + * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -utils.expand = function(str, options) { - var opts = utils.extend({rangeLimit: 10000}, options); - var segs = utils.split(str, opts); - var tok = { segs: segs }; - if (utils.isQuotedString(str)) { - return tok; - } - if (opts.rangeLimit === true) { - opts.rangeLimit = 10000; +module.exports = function (arr) { + return flat(arr, []); +}; + +function flat(arr, res) { + var i = 0, cur; + var len = arr.length; + for (; i < len; i++) { + cur = arr[i]; + Array.isArray(cur) ? flat(cur, res) : res.push(cur); } + return res; +} - if (segs.length > 1) { - if (opts.optimize === false) { - tok.val = segs[0]; - return tok; - } - tok.segs = utils.stringifyArray(tok.segs); - } else if (segs.length === 1) { - var arr = str.split('..'); +/***/ }), +/* 407 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - if (arr.length === 1) { - tok.val = tok.segs[tok.segs.length - 1] || tok.val || str; - tok.segs = []; - return tok; - } +"use strict"; +/*! + * fill-range + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */ - if (arr.length === 2 && arr[0] === arr[1]) { - tok.escaped = true; - tok.val = arr[0]; - tok.segs = []; - return tok; - } - if (arr.length > 1) { - if (opts.optimize !== false) { - opts.optimize = true; - delete opts.expand; - } - if (opts.optimize !== true) { - var min = Math.min(arr[0], arr[1]); - var max = Math.max(arr[0], arr[1]); - var step = arr[2] || 1; +var util = __webpack_require__(29); +var isNumber = __webpack_require__(408); +var extend = __webpack_require__(394); +var repeat = __webpack_require__(410); +var toRegex = __webpack_require__(411); - if (opts.rangeLimit !== false && ((max - min) / step >= opts.rangeLimit)) { - throw new RangeError('expanded array length exceeds range limit. Use options.rangeLimit to increase or disable the limit.'); - } - } +/** + * Return a range of numbers or letters. + * + * @param {String} `start` Start of the range + * @param {String} `stop` End of the range + * @param {String} `step` Increment or decrement to use. + * @param {Function} `fn` Custom function to modify each element in the range. + * @return {Array} + */ - arr.push(opts); - tok.segs = utils.fillRange.apply(null, arr); +function fillRange(start, stop, step, options) { + if (typeof start === 'undefined') { + return []; + } - if (!tok.segs.length) { - tok.escaped = true; - tok.val = str; - return tok; - } + if (typeof stop === 'undefined' || start === stop) { + // special case, for handling negative zero + var isString = typeof start === 'string'; + if (isNumber(start) && !toNumber(start)) { + return [isString ? '0' : 0]; + } + return [start]; + } - if (opts.optimize === true) { - tok.segs = utils.stringifyArray(tok.segs); - } + if (typeof step !== 'number' && typeof step !== 'string') { + options = step; + step = undefined; + } - if (tok.segs === '') { - tok.val = str; - } else { - tok.val = tok.segs[0]; - } - return tok; - } - } else { - tok.val = str; + if (typeof options === 'function') { + options = { transform: options }; } - return tok; -}; -/** - * Ensure commas inside brackets and parens are not split. - * @param {Object} `tok` Token from the `split-string` module - * @return {undefined} - */ + var opts = extend({step: step}, options); + if (opts.step && !isValidNumber(opts.step)) { + if (opts.strictRanges === true) { + throw new TypeError('expected options.step to be a number'); + } + return []; + } -utils.escapeBrackets = function(options) { - return function(tok) { - if (tok.escaped && tok.val === 'b') { - tok.val = '\\b'; - return; + opts.isNumber = isValidNumber(start) && isValidNumber(stop); + if (!opts.isNumber && !isValid(start, stop)) { + if (opts.strictRanges === true) { + throw new RangeError('invalid range arguments: ' + util.inspect([start, stop])); } + return []; + } - if (tok.val !== '(' && tok.val !== '[') return; - var opts = utils.extend({}, options); - var brackets = []; - var parens = []; - var stack = []; - var val = tok.val; - var str = tok.str; - var i = tok.idx - 1; + opts.isPadded = isPadded(start) || isPadded(stop); + opts.toString = opts.stringify + || typeof opts.step === 'string' + || typeof start === 'string' + || typeof stop === 'string' + || !opts.isNumber; - while (++i < str.length) { - var ch = str[i]; + if (opts.isPadded) { + opts.maxLength = Math.max(String(start).length, String(stop).length); + } - if (ch === '\\') { - val += (opts.keepEscaping === false ? '' : ch) + str[++i]; - continue; - } + // support legacy minimatch/fill-range options + if (typeof opts.optimize === 'boolean') opts.toRegex = opts.optimize; + if (typeof opts.makeRe === 'boolean') opts.toRegex = opts.makeRe; + return expand(start, stop, opts); +} - if (ch === '(') { - parens.push(ch); - stack.push(ch); - } +function expand(start, stop, options) { + var a = options.isNumber ? toNumber(start) : start.charCodeAt(0); + var b = options.isNumber ? toNumber(stop) : stop.charCodeAt(0); - if (ch === '[') { - brackets.push(ch); - stack.push(ch); - } + var step = Math.abs(toNumber(options.step)) || 1; + if (options.toRegex && step === 1) { + return toRange(a, b, start, stop, options); + } - if (ch === ')') { - parens.pop(); - stack.pop(); - if (!stack.length) { - val += ch; - break; - } - } + var zero = {greater: [], lesser: []}; + var asc = a < b; + var arr = new Array(Math.round((asc ? b - a : a - b) / step)); + var idx = 0; - if (ch === ']') { - brackets.pop(); - stack.pop(); - if (!stack.length) { - val += ch; - break; - } - } - val += ch; + while (asc ? a <= b : a >= b) { + var val = options.isNumber ? a : String.fromCharCode(a); + if (options.toRegex && (val >= 0 || !options.isNumber)) { + zero.greater.push(val); + } else { + zero.lesser.push(Math.abs(val)); } - tok.split = false; - tok.val = val.slice(1); - tok.idx = i; - }; -}; + if (options.isPadded) { + val = zeros(val, options); + } -/** - * Returns true if the given string looks like a regex quantifier - * @return {Boolean} - */ + if (options.toString) { + val = String(val); + } -utils.isQuantifier = function(str) { - return /^(?:[0-9]?,[0-9]|[0-9],)$/.test(str); -}; + if (typeof options.transform === 'function') { + arr[idx++] = options.transform(val, a, b, step, idx, arr, options); + } else { + arr[idx++] = val; + } -/** - * Cast `val` to an array. - * @param {*} `val` - */ + if (asc) { + a += step; + } else { + a -= step; + } + } -utils.stringifyArray = function(arr) { - return [utils.arrayify(arr).join('|')]; -}; + if (options.toRegex === true) { + return toSequence(arr, zero, options); + } + return arr; +} -/** - * Cast `val` to an array. - * @param {*} `val` - */ +function toRange(a, b, start, stop, options) { + if (options.isPadded) { + return toRegex(start, stop, options); + } -utils.arrayify = function(arr) { - if (typeof arr === 'undefined') { - return []; + if (options.isNumber) { + return toRegex(Math.min(a, b), Math.max(a, b), options); } - if (typeof arr === 'string') { - return [arr]; + + var start = String.fromCharCode(Math.min(a, b)); + var stop = String.fromCharCode(Math.max(a, b)); + return '[' + start + '-' + stop + ']'; +} + +function toSequence(arr, zeros, options) { + var greater = '', lesser = ''; + if (zeros.greater.length) { + greater = zeros.greater.join('|'); } - return arr; -}; + if (zeros.lesser.length) { + lesser = '-(' + zeros.lesser.join('|') + ')'; + } + var res = greater && lesser + ? greater + '|' + lesser + : greater || lesser; -/** - * Returns true if the given `str` is a non-empty string - * @return {Boolean} - */ + if (options.capture) { + return '(' + res + ')'; + } + return res; +} -utils.isString = function(str) { - return str != null && typeof str === 'string'; -}; +function zeros(val, options) { + if (options.isPadded) { + var str = String(val); + var len = str.length; + var dash = ''; + if (str.charAt(0) === '-') { + dash = '-'; + str = str.slice(1); + } + var diff = options.maxLength - len; + var pad = repeat('0', diff); + val = (dash + pad + str); + } + if (options.stringify) { + return String(val); + } + return val; +} + +function toNumber(val) { + return Number(val) || 0; +} + +function isPadded(str) { + return /^-?0\d/.test(str); +} + +function isValid(min, max) { + return (isValidNumber(min) || isValidLetter(min)) + && (isValidNumber(max) || isValidLetter(max)); +} + +function isValidLetter(ch) { + return typeof ch === 'string' && ch.length === 1 && /^\w+$/.test(ch); +} + +function isValidNumber(n) { + return isNumber(n) && !/\./.test(n); +} /** - * Get the last element from `array` - * @param {Array} `array` - * @return {*} + * Expose `fillRange` + * @type {Function} */ -utils.last = function(arr, n) { - return arr[arr.length - (n || 1)]; -}; - -utils.escapeRegex = function(str) { - return str.replace(/\\?([!^*?()\[\]{}+?/])/g, '\\$1'); -}; +module.exports = fillRange; /***/ }), -/* 407 */ +/* 408 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * split-string + * is-number * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. */ -var extend = __webpack_require__(408); +var typeOf = __webpack_require__(409); -module.exports = function(str, options, fn) { - if (typeof str !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected a string'); - } +module.exports = function isNumber(num) { + var type = typeOf(num); - if (typeof options === 'function') { - fn = options; - options = null; + if (type === 'string') { + if (!num.trim()) return false; + } else if (type !== 'number') { + return false; } - // allow separator to be defined as a string - if (typeof options === 'string') { - options = { sep: options }; - } + return (num - num + 1) >= 0; +}; - var opts = extend({sep: '.'}, options); - var quotes = opts.quotes || ['"', "'", '`']; - var brackets; - if (opts.brackets === true) { - brackets = { - '<': '>', - '(': ')', - '[': ']', - '{': '}' - }; - } else if (opts.brackets) { - brackets = opts.brackets; +/***/ }), +/* 409 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); +var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + +/** + * Get the native `typeof` a value. + * + * @param {*} `val` + * @return {*} Native javascript type + */ + +module.exports = function kindOf(val) { + // primitivies + if (typeof val === 'undefined') { + return 'undefined'; + } + if (val === null) { + return 'null'; + } + if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { + return 'boolean'; + } + if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { + return 'string'; + } + if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { + return 'number'; } - var tokens = []; - var stack = []; - var arr = ['']; - var sep = opts.sep; - var len = str.length; - var idx = -1; - var closeIdx; + // functions + if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { + return 'function'; + } - function expected() { - if (brackets && stack.length) { - return brackets[stack[stack.length - 1]]; - } + // array + if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { + return 'array'; } - while (++idx < len) { - var ch = str[idx]; - var next = str[idx + 1]; - var tok = { val: ch, idx: idx, arr: arr, str: str }; - tokens.push(tok); + // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` + if (val instanceof RegExp) { + return 'regexp'; + } + if (val instanceof Date) { + return 'date'; + } - if (ch === '\\') { - tok.val = keepEscaping(opts, str, idx) === true ? (ch + next) : next; - tok.escaped = true; - if (typeof fn === 'function') { - fn(tok); - } - arr[arr.length - 1] += tok.val; - idx++; - continue; - } - - if (brackets && brackets[ch]) { - stack.push(ch); - var e = expected(); - var i = idx + 1; - - if (str.indexOf(e, i + 1) !== -1) { - while (stack.length && i < len) { - var s = str[++i]; - if (s === '\\') { - s++; - continue; - } - - if (quotes.indexOf(s) !== -1) { - i = getClosingQuote(str, s, i + 1); - continue; - } - - e = expected(); - if (stack.length && str.indexOf(e, i + 1) === -1) { - break; - } - - if (brackets[s]) { - stack.push(s); - continue; - } - - if (e === s) { - stack.pop(); - } - } - } - - closeIdx = i; - if (closeIdx === -1) { - arr[arr.length - 1] += ch; - continue; - } - - ch = str.slice(idx, closeIdx + 1); - tok.val = ch; - tok.idx = idx = closeIdx; - } - - if (quotes.indexOf(ch) !== -1) { - closeIdx = getClosingQuote(str, ch, idx + 1); - if (closeIdx === -1) { - arr[arr.length - 1] += ch; - continue; - } - - if (keepQuotes(ch, opts) === true) { - ch = str.slice(idx, closeIdx + 1); - } else { - ch = str.slice(idx + 1, closeIdx); - } - - tok.val = ch; - tok.idx = idx = closeIdx; - } - - if (typeof fn === 'function') { - fn(tok, tokens); - ch = tok.val; - idx = tok.idx; - } - - if (tok.val === sep && tok.split !== false) { - arr.push(''); - continue; - } + // other objects + var type = toString.call(val); - arr[arr.length - 1] += tok.val; + if (type === '[object RegExp]') { + return 'regexp'; } - - return arr; -}; - -function getClosingQuote(str, ch, i, brackets) { - var idx = str.indexOf(ch, i); - if (str.charAt(idx - 1) === '\\') { - return getClosingQuote(str, ch, idx + 1); + if (type === '[object Date]') { + return 'date'; } - return idx; -} - -function keepQuotes(ch, opts) { - if (opts.keepDoubleQuotes === true && ch === '"') return true; - if (opts.keepSingleQuotes === true && ch === "'") return true; - return opts.keepQuotes; -} - -function keepEscaping(opts, str, idx) { - if (typeof opts.keepEscaping === 'function') { - return opts.keepEscaping(str, idx); + if (type === '[object Arguments]') { + return 'arguments'; + } + if (type === '[object Error]') { + return 'error'; } - return opts.keepEscaping === true || str[idx + 1] === '\\'; -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 408 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - -var isExtendable = __webpack_require__(409); -var assignSymbols = __webpack_require__(412); + // buffer + if (isBuffer(val)) { + return 'buffer'; + } -module.exports = Object.assign || function(obj/*, objects*/) { - if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') { - throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object'); + // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet + if (type === '[object Set]') { + return 'set'; } - if (!isObject(obj)) { - obj = {}; + if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { + return 'weakset'; } - for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var val = arguments[i]; - if (isString(val)) { - val = toObject(val); - } - if (isObject(val)) { - assign(obj, val); - assignSymbols(obj, val); - } + if (type === '[object Map]') { + return 'map'; } - return obj; -}; - -function assign(a, b) { - for (var key in b) { - if (hasOwn(b, key)) { - a[key] = b[key]; - } + if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { + return 'weakmap'; } -} - -function isString(val) { - return (val && typeof val === 'string'); -} - -function toObject(str) { - var obj = {}; - for (var i in str) { - obj[i] = str[i]; + if (type === '[object Symbol]') { + return 'symbol'; } - return obj; -} - -function isObject(val) { - return (val && typeof val === 'object') || isExtendable(val); -} -/** - * Returns true if the given `key` is an own property of `obj`. - */ - -function hasOwn(obj, key) { - return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); -} + // typed arrays + if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { + return 'int8array'; + } + if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { + return 'uint8array'; + } + if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { + return 'uint8clampedarray'; + } + if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { + return 'int16array'; + } + if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { + return 'uint16array'; + } + if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { + return 'int32array'; + } + if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { + return 'uint32array'; + } + if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { + return 'float32array'; + } + if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { + return 'float64array'; + } -function isEnum(obj, key) { - return Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(obj, key); -} + // must be a plain object + return 'object'; +}; /***/ }), -/* 409 */ +/* 410 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-extendable + * repeat-string * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. */ -var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(410); +/** + * Results cache + */ -module.exports = function isExtendable(val) { - return isPlainObject(val) || typeof val === 'function' || Array.isArray(val); -}; +var res = ''; +var cache; +/** + * Expose `repeat` + */ -/***/ }), -/* 410 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +module.exports = repeat; -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-plain-object +/** + * Repeat the given `string` the specified `number` + * of times. * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. + * **Example:** + * + * ```js + * var repeat = require('repeat-string'); + * repeat('A', 5); + * //=> AAAAA + * ``` + * + * @param {String} `string` The string to repeat + * @param {Number} `number` The number of times to repeat the string + * @return {String} Repeated string + * @api public */ +function repeat(str, num) { + if (typeof str !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected a string'); + } + // cover common, quick use cases + if (num === 1) return str; + if (num === 2) return str + str; -var isObject = __webpack_require__(411); - -function isObjectObject(o) { - return isObject(o) === true - && Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Object]'; -} - -module.exports = function isPlainObject(o) { - var ctor,prot; - - if (isObjectObject(o) === false) return false; - - // If has modified constructor - ctor = o.constructor; - if (typeof ctor !== 'function') return false; + var max = str.length * num; + if (cache !== str || typeof cache === 'undefined') { + cache = str; + res = ''; + } else if (res.length >= max) { + return res.substr(0, max); + } - // If has modified prototype - prot = ctor.prototype; - if (isObjectObject(prot) === false) return false; + while (max > res.length && num > 1) { + if (num & 1) { + res += str; + } - // If constructor does not have an Object-specific method - if (prot.hasOwnProperty('isPrototypeOf') === false) { - return false; + num >>= 1; + str += str; } - // Most likely a plain Object - return true; -}; + res += str; + res = res.substr(0, max); + return res; +} /***/ }), @@ -36652,1016 +36599,478 @@ module.exports = function isPlainObject(o) { "use strict"; /*! - * isobject + * to-regex-range * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. * Released under the MIT License. */ -module.exports = function isObject(val) { - return val != null && typeof val === 'object' && Array.isArray(val) === false; -}; +var repeat = __webpack_require__(410); +var isNumber = __webpack_require__(408); +var cache = {}; +function toRegexRange(min, max, options) { + if (isNumber(min) === false) { + throw new RangeError('toRegexRange: first argument is invalid.'); + } -/***/ }), -/* 412 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + if (typeof max === 'undefined' || min === max) { + return String(min); + } -"use strict"; -/*! - * assign-symbols - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ + if (isNumber(max) === false) { + throw new RangeError('toRegexRange: second argument is invalid.'); + } + options = options || {}; + var relax = String(options.relaxZeros); + var shorthand = String(options.shorthand); + var capture = String(options.capture); + var key = min + ':' + max + '=' + relax + shorthand + capture; + if (cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + return cache[key].result; + } + var a = Math.min(min, max); + var b = Math.max(min, max); -module.exports = function(receiver, objects) { - if (receiver === null || typeof receiver === 'undefined') { - throw new TypeError('expected first argument to be an object.'); + if (Math.abs(a - b) === 1) { + var result = min + '|' + max; + if (options.capture) { + return '(' + result + ')'; + } + return result; } - if (typeof objects === 'undefined' || typeof Symbol === 'undefined') { - return receiver; - } + var isPadded = padding(min) || padding(max); + var positives = []; + var negatives = []; - if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols !== 'function') { - return receiver; + var tok = {min: min, max: max, a: a, b: b}; + if (isPadded) { + tok.isPadded = isPadded; + tok.maxLen = String(tok.max).length; } - var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; - var target = Object(receiver); - var len = arguments.length, i = 0; + if (a < 0) { + var newMin = b < 0 ? Math.abs(b) : 1; + var newMax = Math.abs(a); + negatives = splitToPatterns(newMin, newMax, tok, options); + a = tok.a = 0; + } - while (++i < len) { - var provider = Object(arguments[i]); - var names = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(provider); + if (b >= 0) { + positives = splitToPatterns(a, b, tok, options); + } - for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) { - var key = names[j]; + tok.negatives = negatives; + tok.positives = positives; + tok.result = siftPatterns(negatives, positives, options); - if (isEnumerable.call(provider, key)) { - target[key] = provider[key]; - } - } + if (options.capture && (positives.length + negatives.length) > 1) { + tok.result = '(' + tok.result + ')'; } - return target; -}; + cache[key] = tok; + return tok.result; +} -/***/ }), -/* 413 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +function siftPatterns(neg, pos, options) { + var onlyNegative = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-', false, options) || []; + var onlyPositive = filterPatterns(pos, neg, '', false, options) || []; + var intersected = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-?', true, options) || []; + var subpatterns = onlyNegative.concat(intersected).concat(onlyPositive); + return subpatterns.join('|'); +} -"use strict"; -/*! - * arr-flatten - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ +function splitToRanges(min, max) { + min = Number(min); + max = Number(max); + var nines = 1; + var stops = [max]; + var stop = +countNines(min, nines); + while (min <= stop && stop <= max) { + stops = push(stops, stop); + nines += 1; + stop = +countNines(min, nines); + } -module.exports = function (arr) { - return flat(arr, []); -}; + var zeros = 1; + stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1; -function flat(arr, res) { - var i = 0, cur; - var len = arr.length; - for (; i < len; i++) { - cur = arr[i]; - Array.isArray(cur) ? flat(cur, res) : res.push(cur); + while (min < stop && stop <= max) { + stops = push(stops, stop); + zeros += 1; + stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1; } - return res; -} + stops.sort(compare); + return stops; +} -/***/ }), -/* 414 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * fill-range - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. +/** + * Convert a range to a regex pattern + * @param {Number} `start` + * @param {Number} `stop` + * @return {String} */ +function rangeToPattern(start, stop, options) { + if (start === stop) { + return {pattern: String(start), digits: []}; + } + var zipped = zip(String(start), String(stop)); + var len = zipped.length, i = -1; -var util = __webpack_require__(29); -var isNumber = __webpack_require__(415); -var extend = __webpack_require__(394); -var repeat = __webpack_require__(417); -var toRegex = __webpack_require__(418); + var pattern = ''; + var digits = 0; -/** - * Return a range of numbers or letters. - * - * @param {String} `start` Start of the range - * @param {String} `stop` End of the range - * @param {String} `step` Increment or decrement to use. - * @param {Function} `fn` Custom function to modify each element in the range. - * @return {Array} - */ + while (++i < len) { + var numbers = zipped[i]; + var startDigit = numbers[0]; + var stopDigit = numbers[1]; -function fillRange(start, stop, step, options) { - if (typeof start === 'undefined') { - return []; - } + if (startDigit === stopDigit) { + pattern += startDigit; - if (typeof stop === 'undefined' || start === stop) { - // special case, for handling negative zero - var isString = typeof start === 'string'; - if (isNumber(start) && !toNumber(start)) { - return [isString ? '0' : 0]; + } else if (startDigit !== '0' || stopDigit !== '9') { + pattern += toCharacterClass(startDigit, stopDigit); + + } else { + digits += 1; } - return [start]; } - if (typeof step !== 'number' && typeof step !== 'string') { - options = step; - step = undefined; + if (digits) { + pattern += options.shorthand ? '\\d' : '[0-9]'; } - if (typeof options === 'function') { - options = { transform: options }; - } + return { pattern: pattern, digits: [digits] }; +} - var opts = extend({step: step}, options); - if (opts.step && !isValidNumber(opts.step)) { - if (opts.strictRanges === true) { - throw new TypeError('expected options.step to be a number'); - } - return []; - } - - opts.isNumber = isValidNumber(start) && isValidNumber(stop); - if (!opts.isNumber && !isValid(start, stop)) { - if (opts.strictRanges === true) { - throw new RangeError('invalid range arguments: ' + util.inspect([start, stop])); - } - return []; - } +function splitToPatterns(min, max, tok, options) { + var ranges = splitToRanges(min, max); + var len = ranges.length; + var idx = -1; - opts.isPadded = isPadded(start) || isPadded(stop); - opts.toString = opts.stringify - || typeof opts.step === 'string' - || typeof start === 'string' - || typeof stop === 'string' - || !opts.isNumber; + var tokens = []; + var start = min; + var prev; - if (opts.isPadded) { - opts.maxLength = Math.max(String(start).length, String(stop).length); - } + while (++idx < len) { + var range = ranges[idx]; + var obj = rangeToPattern(start, range, options); + var zeros = ''; - // support legacy minimatch/fill-range options - if (typeof opts.optimize === 'boolean') opts.toRegex = opts.optimize; - if (typeof opts.makeRe === 'boolean') opts.toRegex = opts.makeRe; - return expand(start, stop, opts); -} + if (!tok.isPadded && prev && prev.pattern === obj.pattern) { + if (prev.digits.length > 1) { + prev.digits.pop(); + } + prev.digits.push(obj.digits[0]); + prev.string = prev.pattern + toQuantifier(prev.digits); + start = range + 1; + continue; + } -function expand(start, stop, options) { - var a = options.isNumber ? toNumber(start) : start.charCodeAt(0); - var b = options.isNumber ? toNumber(stop) : stop.charCodeAt(0); + if (tok.isPadded) { + zeros = padZeros(range, tok); + } - var step = Math.abs(toNumber(options.step)) || 1; - if (options.toRegex && step === 1) { - return toRange(a, b, start, stop, options); + obj.string = zeros + obj.pattern + toQuantifier(obj.digits); + tokens.push(obj); + start = range + 1; + prev = obj; } - var zero = {greater: [], lesser: []}; - var asc = a < b; - var arr = new Array(Math.round((asc ? b - a : a - b) / step)); - var idx = 0; + return tokens; +} - while (asc ? a <= b : a >= b) { - var val = options.isNumber ? a : String.fromCharCode(a); - if (options.toRegex && (val >= 0 || !options.isNumber)) { - zero.greater.push(val); - } else { - zero.lesser.push(Math.abs(val)); - } +function filterPatterns(arr, comparison, prefix, intersection, options) { + var res = []; - if (options.isPadded) { - val = zeros(val, options); - } + for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + var tok = arr[i]; + var ele = tok.string; - if (options.toString) { - val = String(val); + if (options.relaxZeros !== false) { + if (prefix === '-' && ele.charAt(0) === '0') { + if (ele.charAt(1) === '{') { + ele = '0*' + ele.replace(/^0\{\d+\}/, ''); + } else { + ele = '0*' + ele.slice(1); + } + } } - if (typeof options.transform === 'function') { - arr[idx++] = options.transform(val, a, b, step, idx, arr, options); - } else { - arr[idx++] = val; + if (!intersection && !contains(comparison, 'string', ele)) { + res.push(prefix + ele); } - if (asc) { - a += step; - } else { - a -= step; + if (intersection && contains(comparison, 'string', ele)) { + res.push(prefix + ele); } } - - if (options.toRegex === true) { - return toSequence(arr, zero, options); - } - return arr; + return res; } -function toRange(a, b, start, stop, options) { - if (options.isPadded) { - return toRegex(start, stop, options); - } - - if (options.isNumber) { - return toRegex(Math.min(a, b), Math.max(a, b), options); - } +/** + * Zip strings (`for in` can be used on string characters) + */ - var start = String.fromCharCode(Math.min(a, b)); - var stop = String.fromCharCode(Math.max(a, b)); - return '[' + start + '-' + stop + ']'; +function zip(a, b) { + var arr = []; + for (var ch in a) arr.push([a[ch], b[ch]]); + return arr; } -function toSequence(arr, zeros, options) { - var greater = '', lesser = ''; - if (zeros.greater.length) { - greater = zeros.greater.join('|'); - } - if (zeros.lesser.length) { - lesser = '-(' + zeros.lesser.join('|') + ')'; - } - var res = greater && lesser - ? greater + '|' + lesser - : greater || lesser; +function compare(a, b) { + return a > b ? 1 : b > a ? -1 : 0; +} - if (options.capture) { - return '(' + res + ')'; - } - return res; +function push(arr, ele) { + if (arr.indexOf(ele) === -1) arr.push(ele); + return arr; } -function zeros(val, options) { - if (options.isPadded) { - var str = String(val); - var len = str.length; - var dash = ''; - if (str.charAt(0) === '-') { - dash = '-'; - str = str.slice(1); +function contains(arr, key, val) { + for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + if (arr[i][key] === val) { + return true; } - var diff = options.maxLength - len; - var pad = repeat('0', diff); - val = (dash + pad + str); - } - if (options.stringify) { - return String(val); } - return val; + return false; } -function toNumber(val) { - return Number(val) || 0; +function countNines(min, len) { + return String(min).slice(0, -len) + repeat('9', len); } -function isPadded(str) { - return /^-?0\d/.test(str); +function countZeros(integer, zeros) { + return integer - (integer % Math.pow(10, zeros)); } -function isValid(min, max) { - return (isValidNumber(min) || isValidLetter(min)) - && (isValidNumber(max) || isValidLetter(max)); +function toQuantifier(digits) { + var start = digits[0]; + var stop = digits[1] ? (',' + digits[1]) : ''; + if (!stop && (!start || start === 1)) { + return ''; + } + return '{' + start + stop + '}'; } -function isValidLetter(ch) { - return typeof ch === 'string' && ch.length === 1 && /^\w+$/.test(ch); +function toCharacterClass(a, b) { + return '[' + a + ((b - a === 1) ? '' : '-') + b + ']'; } -function isValidNumber(n) { - return isNumber(n) && !/\./.test(n); +function padding(str) { + return /^-?(0+)\d/.exec(str); +} + +function padZeros(val, tok) { + if (tok.isPadded) { + var diff = Math.abs(tok.maxLen - String(val).length); + switch (diff) { + case 0: + return ''; + case 1: + return '0'; + default: { + return '0{' + diff + '}'; + } + } + } + return val; } /** - * Expose `fillRange` - * @type {Function} + * Expose `toRegexRange` */ -module.exports = fillRange; +module.exports = toRegexRange; /***/ }), -/* 415 */ +/* 412 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-number + * repeat-element * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT license. */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(416); - -module.exports = function isNumber(num) { - var type = typeOf(num); +module.exports = function repeat(ele, num) { + var arr = new Array(num); - if (type === 'string') { - if (!num.trim()) return false; - } else if (type !== 'number') { - return false; + for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { + arr[i] = ele; } - return (num - num + 1) >= 0; + return arr; }; /***/ }), -/* 416 */ +/* 413 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; +"use strict"; + + +var Node = __webpack_require__(414); +var utils = __webpack_require__(399); /** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * Braces parsers */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } +module.exports = function(braces, options) { + braces.parser + .set('bos', function() { + if (!this.parsed) { + this.ast = this.nodes[0] = new Node(this.ast); + } + }) - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } + /** + * Character parsers + */ - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } + .set('escape', function() { + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(/^(?:\\(.)|\$\{)/); + if (!m) return; - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } + var prev = this.prev(); + var last = utils.last(prev.nodes); - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); + var node = pos(new Node({ + type: 'text', + multiplier: 1, + val: m[0] + })); - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } + if (node.val === '\\\\') { + return node; + } - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } + if (node.val === '${') { + var str = this.input; + var idx = -1; + var ch; - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } + while ((ch = str[++idx])) { + this.consume(1); + node.val += ch; + if (ch === '\\') { + node.val += str[++idx]; + continue; + } + if (ch === '}') { + break; + } + } + } - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; - } + if (this.options.unescape !== false) { + node.val = node.val.replace(/\\([{}])/g, '$1'); + } - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; -}; + if (last.val === '"' && this.input.charAt(0) === '"') { + last.val = node.val; + this.consume(1); + return; + } + return concatNodes.call(this, pos, node, prev, options); + }) -/***/ }), -/* 417 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + /** + * Brackets: "[...]" (basic, this is overridden by + * other parsers in more advanced implementations) + */ -"use strict"; -/*! - * repeat-string - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ + .set('bracket', function() { + var isInside = this.isInside('brace'); + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(/^(?:\[([!^]?)([^\]]{2,}|\]-)(\]|[^*+?]+)|\[)/); + if (!m) return; + var prev = this.prev(); + var val = m[0]; + var negated = m[1] ? '^' : ''; + var inner = m[2] || ''; + var close = m[3] || ''; + if (isInside && prev.type === 'brace') { + prev.text = prev.text || ''; + prev.text += val; + } -/** - * Results cache - */ + var esc = this.input.slice(0, 2); + if (inner === '' && esc === '\\]') { + inner += esc; + this.consume(2); -var res = ''; -var cache; + var str = this.input; + var idx = -1; + var ch; -/** - * Expose `repeat` - */ + while ((ch = str[++idx])) { + this.consume(1); + if (ch === ']') { + close = ch; + break; + } + inner += ch; + } + } -module.exports = repeat; + return pos(new Node({ + type: 'bracket', + val: val, + escaped: close !== ']', + negated: negated, + inner: inner, + close: close + })); + }) -/** - * Repeat the given `string` the specified `number` - * of times. - * - * **Example:** - * - * ```js - * var repeat = require('repeat-string'); - * repeat('A', 5); - * //=> AAAAA - * ``` - * - * @param {String} `string` The string to repeat - * @param {Number} `number` The number of times to repeat the string - * @return {String} Repeated string - * @api public - */ + /** + * Empty braces (we capture these early to + * speed up processing in the compiler) + */ -function repeat(str, num) { - if (typeof str !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected a string'); - } + .set('multiplier', function() { + var isInside = this.isInside('brace'); + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(/^\{((?:,|\{,+\})+)\}/); + if (!m) return; - // cover common, quick use cases - if (num === 1) return str; - if (num === 2) return str + str; + this.multiplier = true; + var prev = this.prev(); + var val = m[0]; - var max = str.length * num; - if (cache !== str || typeof cache === 'undefined') { - cache = str; - res = ''; - } else if (res.length >= max) { - return res.substr(0, max); - } + if (isInside && prev.type === 'brace') { + prev.text = prev.text || ''; + prev.text += val; + } - while (max > res.length && num > 1) { - if (num & 1) { - res += str; - } - - num >>= 1; - str += str; - } - - res += str; - res = res.substr(0, max); - return res; -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 418 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * to-regex-range - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var repeat = __webpack_require__(417); -var isNumber = __webpack_require__(415); -var cache = {}; - -function toRegexRange(min, max, options) { - if (isNumber(min) === false) { - throw new RangeError('toRegexRange: first argument is invalid.'); - } - - if (typeof max === 'undefined' || min === max) { - return String(min); - } - - if (isNumber(max) === false) { - throw new RangeError('toRegexRange: second argument is invalid.'); - } - - options = options || {}; - var relax = String(options.relaxZeros); - var shorthand = String(options.shorthand); - var capture = String(options.capture); - var key = min + ':' + max + '=' + relax + shorthand + capture; - if (cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - return cache[key].result; - } - - var a = Math.min(min, max); - var b = Math.max(min, max); - - if (Math.abs(a - b) === 1) { - var result = min + '|' + max; - if (options.capture) { - return '(' + result + ')'; - } - return result; - } - - var isPadded = padding(min) || padding(max); - var positives = []; - var negatives = []; - - var tok = {min: min, max: max, a: a, b: b}; - if (isPadded) { - tok.isPadded = isPadded; - tok.maxLen = String(tok.max).length; - } - - if (a < 0) { - var newMin = b < 0 ? Math.abs(b) : 1; - var newMax = Math.abs(a); - negatives = splitToPatterns(newMin, newMax, tok, options); - a = tok.a = 0; - } - - if (b >= 0) { - positives = splitToPatterns(a, b, tok, options); - } - - tok.negatives = negatives; - tok.positives = positives; - tok.result = siftPatterns(negatives, positives, options); - - if (options.capture && (positives.length + negatives.length) > 1) { - tok.result = '(' + tok.result + ')'; - } - - cache[key] = tok; - return tok.result; -} - -function siftPatterns(neg, pos, options) { - var onlyNegative = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-', false, options) || []; - var onlyPositive = filterPatterns(pos, neg, '', false, options) || []; - var intersected = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-?', true, options) || []; - var subpatterns = onlyNegative.concat(intersected).concat(onlyPositive); - return subpatterns.join('|'); -} - -function splitToRanges(min, max) { - min = Number(min); - max = Number(max); - - var nines = 1; - var stops = [max]; - var stop = +countNines(min, nines); - - while (min <= stop && stop <= max) { - stops = push(stops, stop); - nines += 1; - stop = +countNines(min, nines); - } - - var zeros = 1; - stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1; - - while (min < stop && stop <= max) { - stops = push(stops, stop); - zeros += 1; - stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1; - } - - stops.sort(compare); - return stops; -} - -/** - * Convert a range to a regex pattern - * @param {Number} `start` - * @param {Number} `stop` - * @return {String} - */ - -function rangeToPattern(start, stop, options) { - if (start === stop) { - return {pattern: String(start), digits: []}; - } - - var zipped = zip(String(start), String(stop)); - var len = zipped.length, i = -1; - - var pattern = ''; - var digits = 0; - - while (++i < len) { - var numbers = zipped[i]; - var startDigit = numbers[0]; - var stopDigit = numbers[1]; - - if (startDigit === stopDigit) { - pattern += startDigit; - - } else if (startDigit !== '0' || stopDigit !== '9') { - pattern += toCharacterClass(startDigit, stopDigit); - - } else { - digits += 1; - } - } - - if (digits) { - pattern += options.shorthand ? '\\d' : '[0-9]'; - } - - return { pattern: pattern, digits: [digits] }; -} - -function splitToPatterns(min, max, tok, options) { - var ranges = splitToRanges(min, max); - var len = ranges.length; - var idx = -1; - - var tokens = []; - var start = min; - var prev; - - while (++idx < len) { - var range = ranges[idx]; - var obj = rangeToPattern(start, range, options); - var zeros = ''; - - if (!tok.isPadded && prev && prev.pattern === obj.pattern) { - if (prev.digits.length > 1) { - prev.digits.pop(); - } - prev.digits.push(obj.digits[0]); - prev.string = prev.pattern + toQuantifier(prev.digits); - start = range + 1; - continue; - } - - if (tok.isPadded) { - zeros = padZeros(range, tok); - } - - obj.string = zeros + obj.pattern + toQuantifier(obj.digits); - tokens.push(obj); - start = range + 1; - prev = obj; - } - - return tokens; -} - -function filterPatterns(arr, comparison, prefix, intersection, options) { - var res = []; - - for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { - var tok = arr[i]; - var ele = tok.string; - - if (options.relaxZeros !== false) { - if (prefix === '-' && ele.charAt(0) === '0') { - if (ele.charAt(1) === '{') { - ele = '0*' + ele.replace(/^0\{\d+\}/, ''); - } else { - ele = '0*' + ele.slice(1); - } - } - } - - if (!intersection && !contains(comparison, 'string', ele)) { - res.push(prefix + ele); - } - - if (intersection && contains(comparison, 'string', ele)) { - res.push(prefix + ele); - } - } - return res; -} - -/** - * Zip strings (`for in` can be used on string characters) - */ - -function zip(a, b) { - var arr = []; - for (var ch in a) arr.push([a[ch], b[ch]]); - return arr; -} - -function compare(a, b) { - return a > b ? 1 : b > a ? -1 : 0; -} - -function push(arr, ele) { - if (arr.indexOf(ele) === -1) arr.push(ele); - return arr; -} - -function contains(arr, key, val) { - for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { - if (arr[i][key] === val) { - return true; - } - } - return false; -} - -function countNines(min, len) { - return String(min).slice(0, -len) + repeat('9', len); -} - -function countZeros(integer, zeros) { - return integer - (integer % Math.pow(10, zeros)); -} - -function toQuantifier(digits) { - var start = digits[0]; - var stop = digits[1] ? (',' + digits[1]) : ''; - if (!stop && (!start || start === 1)) { - return ''; - } - return '{' + start + stop + '}'; -} - -function toCharacterClass(a, b) { - return '[' + a + ((b - a === 1) ? '' : '-') + b + ']'; -} - -function padding(str) { - return /^-?(0+)\d/.exec(str); -} - -function padZeros(val, tok) { - if (tok.isPadded) { - var diff = Math.abs(tok.maxLen - String(val).length); - switch (diff) { - case 0: - return ''; - case 1: - return '0'; - default: { - return '0{' + diff + '}'; - } - } - } - return val; -} - -/** - * Expose `toRegexRange` - */ - -module.exports = toRegexRange; - - -/***/ }), -/* 419 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * repeat-element - * - * Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT license. - */ - - - -module.exports = function repeat(ele, num) { - var arr = new Array(num); - - for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { - arr[i] = ele; - } - - return arr; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 420 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var Node = __webpack_require__(421); -var utils = __webpack_require__(406); - -/** - * Braces parsers - */ - -module.exports = function(braces, options) { - braces.parser - .set('bos', function() { - if (!this.parsed) { - this.ast = this.nodes[0] = new Node(this.ast); - } - }) - - /** - * Character parsers - */ - - .set('escape', function() { - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(/^(?:\\(.)|\$\{)/); - if (!m) return; - - var prev = this.prev(); - var last = utils.last(prev.nodes); - - var node = pos(new Node({ - type: 'text', - multiplier: 1, - val: m[0] - })); - - if (node.val === '\\\\') { - return node; - } - - if (node.val === '${') { - var str = this.input; - var idx = -1; - var ch; - - while ((ch = str[++idx])) { - this.consume(1); - node.val += ch; - if (ch === '\\') { - node.val += str[++idx]; - continue; - } - if (ch === '}') { - break; - } - } - } - - if (this.options.unescape !== false) { - node.val = node.val.replace(/\\([{}])/g, '$1'); - } - - if (last.val === '"' && this.input.charAt(0) === '"') { - last.val = node.val; - this.consume(1); - return; - } - - return concatNodes.call(this, pos, node, prev, options); - }) - - /** - * Brackets: "[...]" (basic, this is overridden by - * other parsers in more advanced implementations) - */ - - .set('bracket', function() { - var isInside = this.isInside('brace'); - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(/^(?:\[([!^]?)([^\]]{2,}|\]\-)(\]|[^*+?]+)|\[)/); - if (!m) return; - - var prev = this.prev(); - var val = m[0]; - var negated = m[1] ? '^' : ''; - var inner = m[2] || ''; - var close = m[3] || ''; - - if (isInside && prev.type === 'brace') { - prev.text = prev.text || ''; - prev.text += val; - } - - var esc = this.input.slice(0, 2); - if (inner === '' && esc === '\\]') { - inner += esc; - this.consume(2); - - var str = this.input; - var idx = -1; - var ch; - - while ((ch = str[++idx])) { - this.consume(1); - if (ch === ']') { - close = ch; - break; - } - inner += ch; - } - } - - return pos(new Node({ - type: 'bracket', - val: val, - escaped: close !== ']', - negated: negated, - inner: inner, - close: close - })); - }) - - /** - * Empty braces (we capture these early to - * speed up processing in the compiler) - */ - - .set('multiplier', function() { - var isInside = this.isInside('brace'); - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(/^\{(,+(?:(\{,+\})*),*|,*(?:(\{,+\})*),+)\}/); - if (!m) return; - - this.multiplier = true; - var prev = this.prev(); - var val = m[0]; - - if (isInside && prev.type === 'brace') { - prev.text = prev.text || ''; - prev.text += val; - } - - var node = pos(new Node({ - type: 'text', - multiplier: 1, - match: m, - val: val - })); + var node = pos(new Node({ + type: 'text', + multiplier: 1, + match: m, + val: val + })); return concatNodes.call(this, pos, node, prev, options); }) @@ -37795,7 +37204,7 @@ module.exports = function(braces, options) { .set('text', function() { var isInside = this.isInside('brace'); var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(/^((?!\\)[^${}\[\]])+/); + var m = this.match(/^((?!\\)[^${}[\]])+/); if (!m) return; var prev = this.prev(); @@ -37878,14 +37287,14 @@ function concatNodes(pos, node, parent, options) { /***/ }), -/* 421 */ +/* 414 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var isObject = __webpack_require__(411); -var define = __webpack_require__(398); +var isObject = __webpack_require__(404); +var define = __webpack_require__(415); var utils = __webpack_require__(422); var ownNames; @@ -38377,4494 +37786,2384 @@ exports = module.exports = Node; /***/ }), -/* 422 */ +/* 415 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; - - -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(416); -var utils = module.exports; - -/** - * Returns true if the given value is a node. +/*! + * define-property * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * var node = new Node({type: 'foo'}); - * console.log(utils.isNode(node)); //=> true - * console.log(utils.isNode({})); //=> false - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @returns {Boolean} - * @api public + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -utils.isNode = function(node) { - return typeOf(node) === 'object' && node.isNode === true; -}; -/** - * Emit an empty string for the given `node`. - * - * ```js - * // do nothing for beginning-of-string - * snapdragon.compiler.set('bos', utils.noop); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @returns {undefined} - * @api public - */ -utils.noop = function(node) { - append(this, '', node); -}; +var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(416); -/** - * Appdend `node.val` to `compiler.output`, exactly as it was created - * by the parser. - * - * ```js - * snapdragon.compiler.set('text', utils.identity); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @returns {undefined} - * @api public - */ +module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { + if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('expected an object or function.'); + } -utils.identity = function(node) { - append(this, node.val, node); -}; + if (typeof prop !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected `prop` to be a string.'); + } -/** - * Previously named `.emit`, this method appends the given `val` - * to `compiler.output` for the given node. Useful when you know - * what value should be appended advance, regardless of the actual - * value of `node.val`. - * - * ```js - * snapdragon.compiler - * .set('i', function(node) { - * this.mapVisit(node); - * }) - * .set('i.open', utils.append('')) - * .set('i.close', utils.append('')) - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @returns {Function} Returns a compiler middleware function. - * @api public - */ + if (isDescriptor(val) && ('set' in val || 'get' in val)) { + return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, val); + } -utils.append = function(val) { - return function(node) { - append(this, val, node); - }; + return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { + configurable: true, + enumerable: false, + writable: true, + value: val + }); }; -/** - * Used in compiler middleware, this onverts an AST node into - * an empty `text` node and deletes `node.nodes` if it exists. - * The advantage of this method is that, as opposed to completely - * removing the node, indices will not need to be re-calculated - * in sibling nodes, and nothing is appended to the output. - * - * ```js - * utils.toNoop(node); - * // convert `node.nodes` to the given value instead of deleting it - * utils.toNoop(node, []); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {Array} `nodes` Optionally pass a new `nodes` value, to replace the existing `node.nodes` array. - * @api public - */ -utils.toNoop = function(node, nodes) { - if (nodes) { - node.nodes = nodes; - } else { - delete node.nodes; - node.type = 'text'; - node.val = ''; - } -}; +/***/ }), +/* 416 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -/** - * Visit `node` with the given `fn`. The built-in `.visit` method in snapdragon - * automatically calls registered compilers, this allows you to pass a visitor - * function. +"use strict"; +/*! + * is-descriptor * - * ```js - * snapdragon.compiler.set('i', function(node) { - * utils.visit(node, function(childNode) { - * // do stuff with "childNode" - * return childNode; - * }); - * }); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {Function} `fn` - * @return {Object} returns the node after recursively visiting all child nodes. - * @api public + * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -utils.visit = function(node, fn) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(isFunction(fn), 'expected a visitor function'); - fn(node); - return node.nodes ? utils.mapVisit(node, fn) : node; -}; -/** - * Map [visit](#visit) the given `fn` over `node.nodes`. This is called by - * [visit](#visit), use this method if you do not want `fn` to be called on - * the first node. - * - * ```js - * snapdragon.compiler.set('i', function(node) { - * utils.mapVisit(node, function(childNode) { - * // do stuff with "childNode" - * return childNode; - * }); - * }); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {Object} `options` - * @param {Function} `fn` - * @return {Object} returns the node - * @api public - */ -utils.mapVisit = function(node, fn) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(isArray(node.nodes), 'expected node.nodes to be an array'); - assert(isFunction(fn), 'expected a visitor function'); +var typeOf = __webpack_require__(417); +var isAccessor = __webpack_require__(418); +var isData = __webpack_require__(420); - for (var i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { - utils.visit(node.nodes[i], fn); +module.exports = function isDescriptor(obj, key) { + if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { + return false; } - return node; + if ('get' in obj) { + return isAccessor(obj, key); + } + return isData(obj, key); }; -/** - * Unshift an `*.open` node onto `node.nodes`. - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * snapdragon.parser.set('brace', function(node) { - * var match = this.match(/^{/); - * if (match) { - * var parent = new Node({type: 'brace'}); - * utils.addOpen(parent, Node); - * console.log(parent.nodes[0]): - * // { type: 'brace.open', val: '' }; - * - * // push the parent "brace" node onto the stack - * this.push(parent); - * - * // return the parent node, so it's also added to the AST - * return brace; - * } - * }); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {Function} `Node` (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node][]. - * @param {Function} `filter` Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node. - * @return {Object} Returns the created opening node. - * @api public - */ -utils.addOpen = function(node, Node, val, filter) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(isFunction(Node), 'expected Node to be a constructor function'); +/***/ }), +/* 417 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { - if (typeof val === 'function') { - filter = val; - val = ''; - } +var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - if (typeof filter === 'function' && !filter(node)) return; - var open = new Node({ type: node.type + '.open', val: val}); - var unshift = node.unshift || node.unshiftNode; - if (typeof unshift === 'function') { - unshift.call(node, open); - } else { - utils.unshiftNode(node, open); +module.exports = function kindOf(val) { + if (val === void 0) return 'undefined'; + if (val === null) return 'null'; + + var type = typeof val; + if (type === 'boolean') return 'boolean'; + if (type === 'string') return 'string'; + if (type === 'number') return 'number'; + if (type === 'symbol') return 'symbol'; + if (type === 'function') { + return isGeneratorFn(val) ? 'generatorfunction' : 'function'; } - return open; -}; -/** - * Push a `*.close` node onto `node.nodes`. - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * snapdragon.parser.set('brace', function(node) { - * var match = this.match(/^}/); - * if (match) { - * var parent = this.parent(); - * if (parent.type !== 'brace') { - * throw new Error('missing opening: ' + '}'); - * } - * - * utils.addClose(parent, Node); - * console.log(parent.nodes[parent.nodes.length - 1]): - * // { type: 'brace.close', val: '' }; - * - * // no need to return a node, since the parent - * // was already added to the AST - * return; - * } - * }); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {Function} `Node` (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node][]. - * @param {Function} `filter` Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node. - * @return {Object} Returns the created closing node. - * @api public - */ + if (isArray(val)) return 'array'; + if (isBuffer(val)) return 'buffer'; + if (isArguments(val)) return 'arguments'; + if (isDate(val)) return 'date'; + if (isError(val)) return 'error'; + if (isRegexp(val)) return 'regexp'; -utils.addClose = function(node, Node, val, filter) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(isFunction(Node), 'expected Node to be a constructor function'); + switch (ctorName(val)) { + case 'Symbol': return 'symbol'; + case 'Promise': return 'promise'; - if (typeof val === 'function') { - filter = val; - val = ''; - } + // Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap + case 'WeakMap': return 'weakmap'; + case 'WeakSet': return 'weakset'; + case 'Map': return 'map'; + case 'Set': return 'set'; - if (typeof filter === 'function' && !filter(node)) return; - var close = new Node({ type: node.type + '.close', val: val}); - var push = node.push || node.pushNode; - if (typeof push === 'function') { - push.call(node, close); - } else { - utils.pushNode(node, close); + // 8-bit typed arrays + case 'Int8Array': return 'int8array'; + case 'Uint8Array': return 'uint8array'; + case 'Uint8ClampedArray': return 'uint8clampedarray'; + + // 16-bit typed arrays + case 'Int16Array': return 'int16array'; + case 'Uint16Array': return 'uint16array'; + + // 32-bit typed arrays + case 'Int32Array': return 'int32array'; + case 'Uint32Array': return 'uint32array'; + case 'Float32Array': return 'float32array'; + case 'Float64Array': return 'float64array'; } - return close; -}; -/** - * Wraps the given `node` with `*.open` and `*.close` nodes. - * - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {Function} `Node` (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node][]. - * @param {Function} `filter` Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node. - * @return {Object} Returns the node - * @api public - */ + if (isGeneratorObj(val)) { + return 'generator'; + } -utils.wrapNodes = function(node, Node, filter) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(isFunction(Node), 'expected Node to be a constructor function'); + // Non-plain objects + type = toString.call(val); + switch (type) { + case '[object Object]': return 'object'; + // iterators + case '[object Map Iterator]': return 'mapiterator'; + case '[object Set Iterator]': return 'setiterator'; + case '[object String Iterator]': return 'stringiterator'; + case '[object Array Iterator]': return 'arrayiterator'; + } - utils.addOpen(node, Node, filter); - utils.addClose(node, Node, filter); - return node; + // other + return type.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ''); }; -/** - * Push the given `node` onto `parent.nodes`, and set `parent` as `node.parent. - * - * ```js - * var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'}); - * var node = new Node({type: 'bar'}); - * utils.pushNode(parent, node); - * console.log(parent.nodes[0].type) // 'bar' - * console.log(node.parent.type) // 'foo' - * ``` - * @param {Object} `parent` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Object} Returns the child node - * @api public - */ +function ctorName(val) { + return val.constructor ? val.constructor.name : null; +} -utils.pushNode = function(parent, node) { - assert(utils.isNode(parent), 'expected parent node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); +function isArray(val) { + if (Array.isArray) return Array.isArray(val); + return val instanceof Array; +} - node.define('parent', parent); - parent.nodes = parent.nodes || []; - parent.nodes.push(node); - return node; -}; +function isError(val) { + return val instanceof Error || (typeof val.message === 'string' && val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.stackTraceLimit === 'number'); +} -/** - * Unshift `node` onto `parent.nodes`, and set `parent` as `node.parent. - * - * ```js - * var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'}); - * var node = new Node({type: 'bar'}); - * utils.unshiftNode(parent, node); - * console.log(parent.nodes[0].type) // 'bar' - * console.log(node.parent.type) // 'foo' - * ``` - * @param {Object} `parent` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {undefined} - * @api public - */ +function isDate(val) { + if (val instanceof Date) return true; + return typeof val.toDateString === 'function' + && typeof val.getDate === 'function' + && typeof val.setDate === 'function'; +} -utils.unshiftNode = function(parent, node) { - assert(utils.isNode(parent), 'expected parent node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); +function isRegexp(val) { + if (val instanceof RegExp) return true; + return typeof val.flags === 'string' + && typeof val.ignoreCase === 'boolean' + && typeof val.multiline === 'boolean' + && typeof val.global === 'boolean'; +} - node.define('parent', parent); - parent.nodes = parent.nodes || []; - parent.nodes.unshift(node); -}; +function isGeneratorFn(name, val) { + return ctorName(name) === 'GeneratorFunction'; +} -/** - * Pop the last `node` off of `parent.nodes`. The advantage of - * using this method is that it checks for `node.nodes` and works - * with any version of `snapdragon-node`. - * - * ```js - * var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'}); - * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'foo'})); - * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'})); - * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'})); - * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3 - * utils.popNode(parent); - * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2 - * ``` - * @param {Object} `parent` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Number|Undefined} Returns the length of `node.nodes` or undefined. - * @api public - */ +function isGeneratorObj(val) { + return typeof val.throw === 'function' + && typeof val.return === 'function' + && typeof val.next === 'function'; +} -utils.popNode = function(node) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - if (typeof node.pop === 'function') { - return node.pop(); +function isArguments(val) { + try { + if (typeof val.length === 'number' && typeof val.callee === 'function') { + return true; + } + } catch (err) { + if (err.message.indexOf('callee') !== -1) { + return true; + } } - return node.nodes && node.nodes.pop(); -}; + return false; +} /** - * Shift the first `node` off of `parent.nodes`. The advantage of - * using this method is that it checks for `node.nodes` and works - * with any version of `snapdragon-node`. - * - * ```js - * var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'}); - * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'foo'})); - * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'})); - * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'})); - * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3 - * utils.shiftNode(parent); - * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2 - * ``` - * @param {Object} `parent` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Number|Undefined} Returns the length of `node.nodes` or undefined. - * @api public + * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), + * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer */ -utils.shiftNode = function(node) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - if (typeof node.shift === 'function') { - return node.shift(); +function isBuffer(val) { + if (val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function') { + return val.constructor.isBuffer(val); } - return node.nodes && node.nodes.shift(); -}; + return false; +} -/** - * Remove the specified `node` from `parent.nodes`. + +/***/ }), +/* 418 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +"use strict"; +/*! + * is-accessor-descriptor * - * ```js - * var parent = new Node({type: 'abc'}); - * var foo = new Node({type: 'foo'}); - * utils.pushNode(parent, foo); - * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'})); - * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'})); - * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3 - * utils.removeNode(parent, foo); - * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2 - * ``` - * @param {Object} `parent` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Object|undefined} Returns the removed node, if successful, or undefined if it does not exist on `parent.nodes`. - * @api public + * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -utils.removeNode = function(parent, node) { - assert(utils.isNode(parent), 'expected parent.node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - if (!parent.nodes) { - return null; + +var typeOf = __webpack_require__(419); + +// accessor descriptor properties +var accessor = { + get: 'function', + set: 'function', + configurable: 'boolean', + enumerable: 'boolean' +}; + +function isAccessorDescriptor(obj, prop) { + if (typeof prop === 'string') { + var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); + return typeof val !== 'undefined'; } - if (typeof parent.remove === 'function') { - return parent.remove(node); + if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { + return false; } - var idx = parent.nodes.indexOf(node); - if (idx !== -1) { - return parent.nodes.splice(idx, 1); + if (has(obj, 'value') || has(obj, 'writable')) { + return false; } -}; -/** - * Returns true if `node.type` matches the given `type`. Throws a - * `TypeError` if `node` is not an instance of `Node`. - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * var node = new Node({type: 'foo'}); - * console.log(utils.isType(node, 'foo')); // false - * console.log(utils.isType(node, 'bar')); // true - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {String} `type` - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ + if (!has(obj, 'get') || typeof obj.get !== 'function') { + return false; + } -utils.isType = function(node, type) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - switch (typeOf(type)) { - case 'array': - var types = type.slice(); - for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { - if (utils.isType(node, types[i])) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - case 'string': - return node.type === type; - case 'regexp': - return type.test(node.type); - default: { - throw new TypeError('expected "type" to be an array, string or regexp'); - } + // tldr: it's valid to have "set" be undefined + // "set" might be undefined if `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` + // was used to get the value, and only `get` was defined by the user + if (has(obj, 'set') && typeof obj[key] !== 'function' && typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { + return false; } -}; -/** - * Returns true if the given `node` has the given `type` in `node.nodes`. - * Throws a `TypeError` if `node` is not an instance of `Node`. - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * var node = new Node({ - * type: 'foo', - * nodes: [ - * new Node({type: 'bar'}), - * new Node({type: 'baz'}) - * ] - * }); - * console.log(utils.hasType(node, 'xyz')); // false - * console.log(utils.hasType(node, 'baz')); // true - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {String} `type` - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ + for (var key in obj) { + if (!accessor.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + continue; + } -utils.hasType = function(node, type) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - if (!Array.isArray(node.nodes)) return false; - for (var i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { - if (utils.isType(node.nodes[i], type)) { - return true; + if (typeOf(obj[key]) === accessor[key]) { + continue; + } + + if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { + return false; } } - return false; -}; + return true; +} + +function has(obj, key) { + return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); +} /** - * Returns the first node from `node.nodes` of the given `type` - * - * ```js - * var node = new Node({ - * type: 'foo', - * nodes: [ - * new Node({type: 'text', val: 'abc'}), - * new Node({type: 'text', val: 'xyz'}) - * ] - * }); - * - * var textNode = utils.firstOfType(node.nodes, 'text'); - * console.log(textNode.val); - * //=> 'abc' - * ``` - * @param {Array} `nodes` - * @param {String} `type` - * @return {Object|undefined} Returns the first matching node or undefined. - * @api public + * Expose `isAccessorDescriptor` */ -utils.firstOfType = function(nodes, type) { - for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { - var node = nodes[i]; - if (utils.isType(node, type)) { - return node; - } +module.exports = isAccessorDescriptor; + + +/***/ }), +/* 419 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { + +var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + +module.exports = function kindOf(val) { + if (val === void 0) return 'undefined'; + if (val === null) return 'null'; + + var type = typeof val; + if (type === 'boolean') return 'boolean'; + if (type === 'string') return 'string'; + if (type === 'number') return 'number'; + if (type === 'symbol') return 'symbol'; + if (type === 'function') { + return isGeneratorFn(val) ? 'generatorfunction' : 'function'; } -}; -/** - * Returns the node at the specified index, or the first node of the - * given `type` from `node.nodes`. - * - * ```js - * var node = new Node({ - * type: 'foo', - * nodes: [ - * new Node({type: 'text', val: 'abc'}), - * new Node({type: 'text', val: 'xyz'}) - * ] - * }); - * - * var nodeOne = utils.findNode(node.nodes, 'text'); - * console.log(nodeOne.val); - * //=> 'abc' - * - * var nodeTwo = utils.findNode(node.nodes, 1); - * console.log(nodeTwo.val); - * //=> 'xyz' - * ``` - * - * @param {Array} `nodes` - * @param {String|Number} `type` Node type or index. - * @return {Object} Returns a node or undefined. - * @api public - */ + if (isArray(val)) return 'array'; + if (isBuffer(val)) return 'buffer'; + if (isArguments(val)) return 'arguments'; + if (isDate(val)) return 'date'; + if (isError(val)) return 'error'; + if (isRegexp(val)) return 'regexp'; -utils.findNode = function(nodes, type) { - if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { - return null; + switch (ctorName(val)) { + case 'Symbol': return 'symbol'; + case 'Promise': return 'promise'; + + // Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap + case 'WeakMap': return 'weakmap'; + case 'WeakSet': return 'weakset'; + case 'Map': return 'map'; + case 'Set': return 'set'; + + // 8-bit typed arrays + case 'Int8Array': return 'int8array'; + case 'Uint8Array': return 'uint8array'; + case 'Uint8ClampedArray': return 'uint8clampedarray'; + + // 16-bit typed arrays + case 'Int16Array': return 'int16array'; + case 'Uint16Array': return 'uint16array'; + + // 32-bit typed arrays + case 'Int32Array': return 'int32array'; + case 'Uint32Array': return 'uint32array'; + case 'Float32Array': return 'float32array'; + case 'Float64Array': return 'float64array'; } - if (typeof type === 'number') { - return nodes[type]; + + if (isGeneratorObj(val)) { + return 'generator'; } - return utils.firstOfType(nodes, type); -}; -/** - * Returns true if the given node is an "*.open" node. - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * var brace = new Node({type: 'brace'}); - * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); - * var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'}); - * - * console.log(utils.isOpen(brace)); // false - * console.log(utils.isOpen(open)); // true - * console.log(utils.isOpen(close)); // false - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ + // Non-plain objects + type = toString.call(val); + switch (type) { + case '[object Object]': return 'object'; + // iterators + case '[object Map Iterator]': return 'mapiterator'; + case '[object Set Iterator]': return 'setiterator'; + case '[object String Iterator]': return 'stringiterator'; + case '[object Array Iterator]': return 'arrayiterator'; + } -utils.isOpen = function(node) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - return node.type.slice(-5) === '.open'; + // other + return type.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ''); }; -/** - * Returns true if the given node is a "*.close" node. - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * var brace = new Node({type: 'brace'}); - * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); - * var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'}); - * - * console.log(utils.isClose(brace)); // false - * console.log(utils.isClose(open)); // false - * console.log(utils.isClose(close)); // true - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ +function ctorName(val) { + return val.constructor ? val.constructor.name : null; +} -utils.isClose = function(node) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - return node.type.slice(-6) === '.close'; -}; +function isArray(val) { + if (Array.isArray) return Array.isArray(val); + return val instanceof Array; +} -/** - * Returns true if `node.nodes` **has** an `.open` node - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * var brace = new Node({ - * type: 'brace', - * nodes: [] - * }); - * - * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); - * console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // false - * - * brace.pushNode(open); - * console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // true - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ +function isError(val) { + return val instanceof Error || (typeof val.message === 'string' && val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.stackTraceLimit === 'number'); +} -utils.hasOpen = function(node) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - var first = node.first || node.nodes ? node.nodes[0] : null; - if (utils.isNode(first)) { - return first.type === node.type + '.open'; +function isDate(val) { + if (val instanceof Date) return true; + return typeof val.toDateString === 'function' + && typeof val.getDate === 'function' + && typeof val.setDate === 'function'; +} + +function isRegexp(val) { + if (val instanceof RegExp) return true; + return typeof val.flags === 'string' + && typeof val.ignoreCase === 'boolean' + && typeof val.multiline === 'boolean' + && typeof val.global === 'boolean'; +} + +function isGeneratorFn(name, val) { + return ctorName(name) === 'GeneratorFunction'; +} + +function isGeneratorObj(val) { + return typeof val.throw === 'function' + && typeof val.return === 'function' + && typeof val.next === 'function'; +} + +function isArguments(val) { + try { + if (typeof val.length === 'number' && typeof val.callee === 'function') { + return true; + } + } catch (err) { + if (err.message.indexOf('callee') !== -1) { + return true; + } } return false; -}; +} /** - * Returns true if `node.nodes` **has** a `.close` node - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * var brace = new Node({ - * type: 'brace', - * nodes: [] - * }); - * - * var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'}); - * console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // false - * - * brace.pushNode(close); - * console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // true - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public + * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), + * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer */ -utils.hasClose = function(node) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - var last = node.last || node.nodes ? node.nodes[node.nodes.length - 1] : null; - if (utils.isNode(last)) { - return last.type === node.type + '.close'; +function isBuffer(val) { + if (val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function') { + return val.constructor.isBuffer(val); } return false; -}; +} -/** - * Returns true if `node.nodes` has both `.open` and `.close` nodes - * - * ```js - * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); - * var brace = new Node({ - * type: 'brace', - * nodes: [] - * }); - * - * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); - * var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'}); - * console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // false - * console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // false - * - * brace.pushNode(open); - * brace.pushNode(close); - * console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // true - * console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // true - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ -utils.hasOpenAndClose = function(node) { - return utils.hasOpen(node) && utils.hasClose(node); -}; +/***/ }), +/* 420 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -/** - * Push the given `node` onto the `state.inside` array for the - * given type. This array is used as a specialized "stack" for - * only the given `node.type`. +"use strict"; +/*! + * is-data-descriptor * - * ```js - * var state = { inside: {}}; - * var node = new Node({type: 'brace'}); - * utils.addType(state, node); - * console.log(state.inside); - * //=> { brace: [{type: 'brace'}] } - * ``` - * @param {Object} `state` The `compiler.state` object or custom state object. - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Array} Returns the `state.inside` stack for the given type. - * @api public + * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -utils.addType = function(state, node) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(isObject(state), 'expected state to be an object'); - - var type = node.parent - ? node.parent.type - : node.type.replace(/\.open$/, ''); - - if (!state.hasOwnProperty('inside')) { - state.inside = {}; - } - if (!state.inside.hasOwnProperty(type)) { - state.inside[type] = []; - } - var arr = state.inside[type]; - arr.push(node); - return arr; -}; -/** - * Remove the given `node` from the `state.inside` array for the - * given type. This array is used as a specialized "stack" for - * only the given `node.type`. - * - * ```js - * var state = { inside: {}}; - * var node = new Node({type: 'brace'}); - * utils.addType(state, node); - * console.log(state.inside); - * //=> { brace: [{type: 'brace'}] } - * utils.removeType(state, node); - * //=> { brace: [] } - * ``` - * @param {Object} `state` The `compiler.state` object or custom state object. - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @return {Array} Returns the `state.inside` stack for the given type. - * @api public - */ +var typeOf = __webpack_require__(421); -utils.removeType = function(state, node) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(isObject(state), 'expected state to be an object'); +module.exports = function isDataDescriptor(obj, prop) { + // data descriptor properties + var data = { + configurable: 'boolean', + enumerable: 'boolean', + writable: 'boolean' + }; - var type = node.parent - ? node.parent.type - : node.type.replace(/\.close$/, ''); + if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { + return false; + } - if (state.inside.hasOwnProperty(type)) { - return state.inside[type].pop(); + if (typeof prop === 'string') { + var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); + return typeof val !== 'undefined'; } -}; -/** - * Returns true if `node.val` is an empty string, or `node.nodes` does - * not contain any non-empty text nodes. - * - * ```js - * var node = new Node({type: 'text'}); - * utils.isEmpty(node); //=> true - * node.val = 'foo'; - * utils.isEmpty(node); //=> false - * ``` - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {Function} `fn` - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ + if (!('value' in obj) && !('writable' in obj)) { + return false; + } -utils.isEmpty = function(node, fn) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + for (var key in obj) { + if (key === 'value') continue; - if (!Array.isArray(node.nodes)) { - if (node.type !== 'text') { - return true; - } - if (typeof fn === 'function') { - return fn(node, node.parent); + if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + continue; } - return !utils.trim(node.val); - } - for (var i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { - var child = node.nodes[i]; - if (utils.isOpen(child) || utils.isClose(child)) { + if (typeOf(obj[key]) === data[key]) { continue; } - if (!utils.isEmpty(child, fn)) { + + if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { return false; } } - return true; }; -/** - * Returns true if the `state.inside` stack for the given type exists - * and has one or more nodes on it. - * - * ```js - * var state = { inside: {}}; - * var node = new Node({type: 'brace'}); - * console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> false - * utils.addType(state, node); - * console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> true - * utils.removeType(state, node); - * console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> false - * ``` - * @param {Object} `state` - * @param {String} `type` - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ - -utils.isInsideType = function(state, type) { - assert(isObject(state), 'expected state to be an object'); - assert(isString(type), 'expected type to be a string'); - - if (!state.hasOwnProperty('inside')) { - return false; - } - - if (!state.inside.hasOwnProperty(type)) { - return false; - } - - return state.inside[type].length > 0; -}; -/** - * Returns true if `node` is either a child or grand-child of the given `type`, - * or `state.inside[type]` is a non-empty array. - * - * ```js - * var state = { inside: {}}; - * var node = new Node({type: 'brace'}); - * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); - * console.log(utils.isInside(state, open, 'brace')); //=> false - * utils.pushNode(node, open); - * console.log(utils.isInside(state, open, 'brace')); //=> true - * ``` - * @param {Object} `state` Either the `compiler.state` object, if it exists, or a user-supplied state object. - * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] - * @param {String} `type` The `node.type` to check for. - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ +/***/ }), +/* 421 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { -utils.isInside = function(state, node, type) { - assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - assert(isObject(state), 'expected state to be an object'); +var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - if (Array.isArray(type)) { - for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) { - if (utils.isInside(state, node, type[i])) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } +module.exports = function kindOf(val) { + if (val === void 0) return 'undefined'; + if (val === null) return 'null'; - var parent = node.parent; - if (typeof type === 'string') { - return (parent && parent.type === type) || utils.isInsideType(state, type); + var type = typeof val; + if (type === 'boolean') return 'boolean'; + if (type === 'string') return 'string'; + if (type === 'number') return 'number'; + if (type === 'symbol') return 'symbol'; + if (type === 'function') { + return isGeneratorFn(val) ? 'generatorfunction' : 'function'; } - if (typeOf(type) === 'regexp') { - if (parent && parent.type && type.test(parent.type)) { - return true; - } - - var keys = Object.keys(state.inside); - var len = keys.length; - var idx = -1; - while (++idx < len) { - var key = keys[idx]; - var val = state.inside[key]; + if (isArray(val)) return 'array'; + if (isBuffer(val)) return 'buffer'; + if (isArguments(val)) return 'arguments'; + if (isDate(val)) return 'date'; + if (isError(val)) return 'error'; + if (isRegexp(val)) return 'regexp'; - if (Array.isArray(val) && val.length !== 0 && type.test(key)) { - return true; - } - } - } - return false; -}; + switch (ctorName(val)) { + case 'Symbol': return 'symbol'; + case 'Promise': return 'promise'; -/** - * Get the last `n` element from the given `array`. Used for getting - * a node from `node.nodes.` - * - * @param {Array} `array` - * @param {Number} `n` - * @return {undefined} - * @api public - */ + // Set, Map, WeakSet, WeakMap + case 'WeakMap': return 'weakmap'; + case 'WeakSet': return 'weakset'; + case 'Map': return 'map'; + case 'Set': return 'set'; -utils.last = function(arr, n) { - return arr[arr.length - (n || 1)]; -}; + // 8-bit typed arrays + case 'Int8Array': return 'int8array'; + case 'Uint8Array': return 'uint8array'; + case 'Uint8ClampedArray': return 'uint8clampedarray'; -/** - * Cast the given `val` to an array. - * - * ```js - * console.log(utils.arrayify('')); - * //=> [] - * console.log(utils.arrayify('foo')); - * //=> ['foo'] - * console.log(utils.arrayify(['foo'])); - * //=> ['foo'] - * ``` - * @param {any} `val` - * @return {Array} - * @api public - */ + // 16-bit typed arrays + case 'Int16Array': return 'int16array'; + case 'Uint16Array': return 'uint16array'; -utils.arrayify = function(val) { - if (typeof val === 'string' && val !== '') { - return [val]; - } - if (!Array.isArray(val)) { - return []; + // 32-bit typed arrays + case 'Int32Array': return 'int32array'; + case 'Uint32Array': return 'uint32array'; + case 'Float32Array': return 'float32array'; + case 'Float64Array': return 'float64array'; } - return val; -}; - -/** - * Convert the given `val` to a string by joining with `,`. Useful - * for creating a cheerio/CSS/DOM-style selector from a list of strings. - * - * @param {any} `val` - * @return {Array} - * @api public - */ -utils.stringify = function(val) { - return utils.arrayify(val).join(','); -}; + if (isGeneratorObj(val)) { + return 'generator'; + } -/** - * Ensure that the given value is a string and call `.trim()` on it, - * or return an empty string. - * - * @param {String} `str` - * @return {String} - * @api public - */ + // Non-plain objects + type = toString.call(val); + switch (type) { + case '[object Object]': return 'object'; + // iterators + case '[object Map Iterator]': return 'mapiterator'; + case '[object Set Iterator]': return 'setiterator'; + case '[object String Iterator]': return 'stringiterator'; + case '[object Array Iterator]': return 'arrayiterator'; + } -utils.trim = function(str) { - return typeof str === 'string' ? str.trim() : ''; + // other + return type.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ''); }; -/** - * Return true if val is an object - */ - -function isObject(val) { - return typeOf(val) === 'object'; +function ctorName(val) { + return val.constructor ? val.constructor.name : null; } -/** - * Return true if val is a string - */ - -function isString(val) { - return typeof val === 'string'; +function isArray(val) { + if (Array.isArray) return Array.isArray(val); + return val instanceof Array; } -/** - * Return true if val is a function - */ - -function isFunction(val) { - return typeof val === 'function'; +function isError(val) { + return val instanceof Error || (typeof val.message === 'string' && val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.stackTraceLimit === 'number'); } -/** - * Return true if val is an array - */ - -function isArray(val) { - return Array.isArray(val); +function isDate(val) { + if (val instanceof Date) return true; + return typeof val.toDateString === 'function' + && typeof val.getDate === 'function' + && typeof val.setDate === 'function'; } -/** - * Shim to ensure the `.append` methods work with any version of snapdragon - */ - -function append(compiler, val, node) { - if (typeof compiler.append !== 'function') { - return compiler.emit(val, node); - } - return compiler.append(val, node); +function isRegexp(val) { + if (val instanceof RegExp) return true; + return typeof val.flags === 'string' + && typeof val.ignoreCase === 'boolean' + && typeof val.multiline === 'boolean' + && typeof val.global === 'boolean'; } -/** - * Simplified assertion. Throws an error is `val` is falsey. - */ - -function assert(val, message) { - if (!val) throw new Error(message); +function isGeneratorFn(name, val) { + return ctorName(name) === 'GeneratorFunction'; } - -/***/ }), -/* 423 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var Snapdragon = __webpack_require__(424); -var compilers = __webpack_require__(405); -var parsers = __webpack_require__(420); -var utils = __webpack_require__(406); - -/** - * Customize Snapdragon parser and renderer - */ - -function Braces(options) { - this.options = utils.extend({}, options); +function isGeneratorObj(val) { + return typeof val.throw === 'function' + && typeof val.return === 'function' + && typeof val.next === 'function'; } -/** - * Initialize braces - */ - -Braces.prototype.init = function(options) { - var opts = utils.createOptions({}, this.options, options); - this.snapdragon = this.options.snapdragon || new Snapdragon(opts); - this.compiler = this.snapdragon.compiler; - this.parser = this.snapdragon.parser; - - compilers(this.snapdragon, opts); - parsers(this.snapdragon, opts); - - /** - * Call Snapdragon `.parse` method. When AST is returned, we check to - * see if any unclosed braces are left on the stack and, if so, we iterate - * over the stack and correct the AST so that compilers are called in the correct - * order and unbalance braces are properly escaped. - */ - - utils.define(this.snapdragon, 'parse', function(pattern, options) { - var parsed = Snapdragon.prototype.parse.apply(this, arguments); - this.parser.ast.input = pattern; - - var stack = this.parser.stack; - while (stack.length) { - addParent({type: 'brace.close', val: ''}, stack.pop()); +function isArguments(val) { + try { + if (typeof val.length === 'number' && typeof val.callee === 'function') { + return true; } - - function addParent(node, parent) { - utils.define(node, 'parent', parent); - parent.nodes.push(node); + } catch (err) { + if (err.message.indexOf('callee') !== -1) { + return true; } - - // add non-enumerable parser reference - utils.define(parsed, 'parser', this.parser); - return parsed; - }); -}; - -/** - * Lazily initialize braces - */ - -Braces.prototype.lazyInit = function(options) { - if (!this.isInitialized) { - this.isInitialized = true; - this.init(options); } -}; - -/** - * Decorate `.parse` method - */ - -Braces.prototype.parse = function(ast, options) { - if (utils.isObject(ast) && ast.nodes) return ast; - this.lazyInit(options); - return this.snapdragon.parse(ast, options); -}; + return false; +} /** - * Decorate `.compile` method + * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), + * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer */ -Braces.prototype.compile = function(ast, options) { - if (typeof ast === 'string') { - ast = this.parse(ast, options); - } else { - this.lazyInit(options); +function isBuffer(val) { + if (val.constructor && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function') { + return val.constructor.isBuffer(val); } - var res = this.snapdragon.compile(ast, options); - return res; -}; - -/** - * Expand - */ - -Braces.prototype.expand = function(pattern) { - var ast = this.parse(pattern, {expand: true}); - return this.compile(ast, {expand: true}); -}; - -/** - * Optimize - */ - -Braces.prototype.optimize = function(pattern) { - var ast = this.parse(pattern, {optimize: true}); - return this.compile(ast, {optimize: true}); -}; - -/** - * Expose `Braces` - */ - -module.exports = Braces; + return false; +} /***/ }), -/* 424 */ +/* 422 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var Base = __webpack_require__(425); -var define = __webpack_require__(473); -var Compiler = __webpack_require__(480); -var Parser = __webpack_require__(517); -var utils = __webpack_require__(497); -var regexCache = {}; -var cache = {}; +var typeOf = __webpack_require__(409); +var utils = module.exports; /** - * Create a new instance of `Snapdragon` with the given `options`. + * Returns true if the given value is a node. * * ```js - * var snapdragon = new Snapdragon(); + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * var node = new Node({type: 'foo'}); + * console.log(utils.isNode(node)); //=> true + * console.log(utils.isNode({})); //=> false * ``` - * - * @param {Object} `options` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @returns {Boolean} * @api public */ -function Snapdragon(options) { - Base.call(this, null, options); - this.options = utils.extend({source: 'string'}, this.options); - this.compiler = new Compiler(this.options); - this.parser = new Parser(this.options); - - Object.defineProperty(this, 'compilers', { - get: function() { - return this.compiler.compilers; - } - }); - - Object.defineProperty(this, 'parsers', { - get: function() { - return this.parser.parsers; - } - }); - - Object.defineProperty(this, 'regex', { - get: function() { - return this.parser.regex; - } - }); -} +utils.isNode = function(node) { + return typeOf(node) === 'object' && node.isNode === true; +}; /** - * Inherit Base + * Emit an empty string for the given `node`. + * + * ```js + * // do nothing for beginning-of-string + * snapdragon.compiler.set('bos', utils.noop); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @returns {undefined} + * @api public */ -Base.extend(Snapdragon); +utils.noop = function(node) { + append(this, '', node); +}; /** - * Add a parser to `snapdragon.parsers` for capturing the given `type` using - * the specified regex or parser function. A function is useful if you need - * to customize how the token is created and/or have access to the parser - * instance to check options, etc. + * Appdend `node.val` to `compiler.output`, exactly as it was created + * by the parser. * * ```js - * snapdragon - * .capture('slash', /^\//) - * .capture('dot', function() { - * var pos = this.position(); - * var m = this.match(/^\./); - * if (!m) return; - * return pos({ - * type: 'dot', - * val: m[0] - * }); - * }); + * snapdragon.compiler.set('text', utils.identity); * ``` - * @param {String} `type` - * @param {RegExp|Function} `regex` - * @return {Object} Returns the parser instance for chaining + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @returns {undefined} * @api public */ -Snapdragon.prototype.capture = function() { - return this.parser.capture.apply(this.parser, arguments); +utils.identity = function(node) { + append(this, node.val, node); }; /** - * Register a plugin `fn`. + * Previously named `.emit`, this method appends the given `val` + * to `compiler.output` for the given node. Useful when you know + * what value should be appended advance, regardless of the actual + * value of `node.val`. * * ```js - * var snapdragon = new Snapdgragon([options]); - * snapdragon.use(function() { - * console.log(this); //<= snapdragon instance - * console.log(this.parser); //<= parser instance - * console.log(this.compiler); //<= compiler instance - * }); + * snapdragon.compiler + * .set('i', function(node) { + * this.mapVisit(node); + * }) + * .set('i.open', utils.append('')) + * .set('i.close', utils.append('')) * ``` - * @param {Object} `fn` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @returns {Function} Returns a compiler middleware function. * @api public */ -Snapdragon.prototype.use = function(fn) { - fn.call(this, this); - return this; +utils.append = function(val) { + return function(node) { + append(this, val, node); + }; }; /** - * Parse the given `str`. + * Used in compiler middleware, this onverts an AST node into + * an empty `text` node and deletes `node.nodes` if it exists. + * The advantage of this method is that, as opposed to completely + * removing the node, indices will not need to be re-calculated + * in sibling nodes, and nothing is appended to the output. * * ```js - * var snapdragon = new Snapdgragon([options]); - * // register parsers - * snapdragon.parser.use(function() {}); - * - * // parse - * var ast = snapdragon.parse('foo/bar'); - * console.log(ast); + * utils.toNoop(node); + * // convert `node.nodes` to the given value instead of deleting it + * utils.toNoop(node, []); * ``` - * @param {String} `str` - * @param {Object} `options` Set `options.sourcemap` to true to enable source maps. - * @return {Object} Returns an AST. + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {Array} `nodes` Optionally pass a new `nodes` value, to replace the existing `node.nodes` array. * @api public */ -Snapdragon.prototype.parse = function(str, options) { - this.options = utils.extend({}, this.options, options); - var parsed = this.parser.parse(str, this.options); - - // add non-enumerable parser reference - define(parsed, 'parser', this.parser); - return parsed; +utils.toNoop = function(node, nodes) { + if (nodes) { + node.nodes = nodes; + } else { + delete node.nodes; + node.type = 'text'; + node.val = ''; + } }; /** - * Compile the given `AST`. + * Visit `node` with the given `fn`. The built-in `.visit` method in snapdragon + * automatically calls registered compilers, this allows you to pass a visitor + * function. * * ```js - * var snapdragon = new Snapdgragon([options]); - * // register plugins - * snapdragon.use(function() {}); - * // register parser plugins - * snapdragon.parser.use(function() {}); - * // register compiler plugins - * snapdragon.compiler.use(function() {}); - * - * // parse - * var ast = snapdragon.parse('foo/bar'); + * snapdragon.compiler.set('i', function(node) { + * utils.visit(node, function(childNode) { + * // do stuff with "childNode" + * return childNode; + * }); + * }); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {Function} `fn` + * @return {Object} returns the node after recursively visiting all child nodes. + * @api public + */ + +utils.visit = function(node, fn) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(isFunction(fn), 'expected a visitor function'); + fn(node); + return node.nodes ? utils.mapVisit(node, fn) : node; +}; + +/** + * Map [visit](#visit) the given `fn` over `node.nodes`. This is called by + * [visit](#visit), use this method if you do not want `fn` to be called on + * the first node. * - * // compile - * var res = snapdragon.compile(ast); - * console.log(res.output); + * ```js + * snapdragon.compiler.set('i', function(node) { + * utils.mapVisit(node, function(childNode) { + * // do stuff with "childNode" + * return childNode; + * }); + * }); * ``` - * @param {Object} `ast` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] * @param {Object} `options` - * @return {Object} Returns an object with an `output` property with the rendered string. + * @param {Function} `fn` + * @return {Object} returns the node * @api public */ -Snapdragon.prototype.compile = function(ast, options) { - this.options = utils.extend({}, this.options, options); - var compiled = this.compiler.compile(ast, this.options); +utils.mapVisit = function(node, fn) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(isArray(node.nodes), 'expected node.nodes to be an array'); + assert(isFunction(fn), 'expected a visitor function'); - // add non-enumerable compiler reference - define(compiled, 'compiler', this.compiler); - return compiled; + for (var i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { + utils.visit(node.nodes[i], fn); + } + return node; }; /** - * Expose `Snapdragon` + * Unshift an `*.open` node onto `node.nodes`. + * + * ```js + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * snapdragon.parser.set('brace', function(node) { + * var match = this.match(/^{/); + * if (match) { + * var parent = new Node({type: 'brace'}); + * utils.addOpen(parent, Node); + * console.log(parent.nodes[0]): + * // { type: 'brace.open', val: '' }; + * + * // push the parent "brace" node onto the stack + * this.push(parent); + * + * // return the parent node, so it's also added to the AST + * return brace; + * } + * }); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {Function} `Node` (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node][]. + * @param {Function} `filter` Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node. + * @return {Object} Returns the created opening node. + * @api public */ -module.exports = Snapdragon; +utils.addOpen = function(node, Node, val, filter) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(isFunction(Node), 'expected Node to be a constructor function'); + + if (typeof val === 'function') { + filter = val; + val = ''; + } + + if (typeof filter === 'function' && !filter(node)) return; + var open = new Node({ type: node.type + '.open', val: val}); + var unshift = node.unshift || node.unshiftNode; + if (typeof unshift === 'function') { + unshift.call(node, open); + } else { + utils.unshiftNode(node, open); + } + return open; +}; /** - * Expose `Parser` and `Compiler` + * Push a `*.close` node onto `node.nodes`. + * + * ```js + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * snapdragon.parser.set('brace', function(node) { + * var match = this.match(/^}/); + * if (match) { + * var parent = this.parent(); + * if (parent.type !== 'brace') { + * throw new Error('missing opening: ' + '}'); + * } + * + * utils.addClose(parent, Node); + * console.log(parent.nodes[parent.nodes.length - 1]): + * // { type: 'brace.close', val: '' }; + * + * // no need to return a node, since the parent + * // was already added to the AST + * return; + * } + * }); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {Function} `Node` (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node][]. + * @param {Function} `filter` Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node. + * @return {Object} Returns the created closing node. + * @api public */ -module.exports.Compiler = Compiler; -module.exports.Parser = Parser; +utils.addClose = function(node, Node, val, filter) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(isFunction(Node), 'expected Node to be a constructor function'); + if (typeof val === 'function') { + filter = val; + val = ''; + } -/***/ }), -/* 425 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + if (typeof filter === 'function' && !filter(node)) return; + var close = new Node({ type: node.type + '.close', val: val}); + var push = node.push || node.pushNode; + if (typeof push === 'function') { + push.call(node, close); + } else { + utils.pushNode(node, close); + } + return close; +}; -"use strict"; +/** + * Wraps the given `node` with `*.open` and `*.close` nodes. + * + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {Function} `Node` (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node][]. + * @param {Function} `filter` Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node. + * @return {Object} Returns the node + * @api public + */ +utils.wrapNodes = function(node, Node, filter) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(isFunction(Node), 'expected Node to be a constructor function'); -var util = __webpack_require__(29); -var define = __webpack_require__(398); -var CacheBase = __webpack_require__(426); -var Emitter = __webpack_require__(427); -var isObject = __webpack_require__(411); -var merge = __webpack_require__(445); -var pascal = __webpack_require__(448); -var cu = __webpack_require__(449); + utils.addOpen(node, Node, filter); + utils.addClose(node, Node, filter); + return node; +}; /** - * Optionally define a custom `cache` namespace to use. + * Push the given `node` onto `parent.nodes`, and set `parent` as `node.parent. + * + * ```js + * var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'}); + * var node = new Node({type: 'bar'}); + * utils.pushNode(parent, node); + * console.log(parent.nodes[0].type) // 'bar' + * console.log(node.parent.type) // 'foo' + * ``` + * @param {Object} `parent` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Object} Returns the child node + * @api public */ -function namespace(name) { - var Cache = name ? CacheBase.namespace(name) : CacheBase; - var fns = []; +utils.pushNode = function(parent, node) { + assert(utils.isNode(parent), 'expected parent node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - /** - * Create an instance of `Base` with the given `config` and `options`. - * - * ```js - * // initialize with `config` and `options` - * var app = new Base({isApp: true}, {abc: true}); - * app.set('foo', 'bar'); - * - * // values defined with the given `config` object will be on the root of the instance - * console.log(app.baz); //=> undefined - * console.log(app.foo); //=> 'bar' - * // or use `.get` - * console.log(app.get('isApp')); //=> true - * console.log(app.get('foo')); //=> 'bar' - * - * // values defined with the given `options` object will be on `app.options - * console.log(app.options.abc); //=> true - * ``` - * - * @param {Object} `config` If supplied, this object is passed to [cache-base][] to merge onto the the instance upon instantiation. - * @param {Object} `options` If supplied, this object is used to initialize the `base.options` object. - * @api public - */ + node.define('parent', parent); + parent.nodes = parent.nodes || []; + parent.nodes.push(node); + return node; +}; - function Base(config, options) { - if (!(this instanceof Base)) { - return new Base(config, options); - } - Cache.call(this, config); - this.is('base'); - this.initBase(config, options); +/** + * Unshift `node` onto `parent.nodes`, and set `parent` as `node.parent. + * + * ```js + * var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'}); + * var node = new Node({type: 'bar'}); + * utils.unshiftNode(parent, node); + * console.log(parent.nodes[0].type) // 'bar' + * console.log(node.parent.type) // 'foo' + * ``` + * @param {Object} `parent` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {undefined} + * @api public + */ + +utils.unshiftNode = function(parent, node) { + assert(utils.isNode(parent), 'expected parent node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + + node.define('parent', parent); + parent.nodes = parent.nodes || []; + parent.nodes.unshift(node); +}; + +/** + * Pop the last `node` off of `parent.nodes`. The advantage of + * using this method is that it checks for `node.nodes` and works + * with any version of `snapdragon-node`. + * + * ```js + * var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'}); + * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'foo'})); + * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'})); + * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'})); + * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3 + * utils.popNode(parent); + * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2 + * ``` + * @param {Object} `parent` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Number|Undefined} Returns the length of `node.nodes` or undefined. + * @api public + */ + +utils.popNode = function(node) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + if (typeof node.pop === 'function') { + return node.pop(); } + return node.nodes && node.nodes.pop(); +}; - /** - * Inherit cache-base - */ +/** + * Shift the first `node` off of `parent.nodes`. The advantage of + * using this method is that it checks for `node.nodes` and works + * with any version of `snapdragon-node`. + * + * ```js + * var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'}); + * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'foo'})); + * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'})); + * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'})); + * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3 + * utils.shiftNode(parent); + * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2 + * ``` + * @param {Object} `parent` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Number|Undefined} Returns the length of `node.nodes` or undefined. + * @api public + */ - util.inherits(Base, Cache); +utils.shiftNode = function(node) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + if (typeof node.shift === 'function') { + return node.shift(); + } + return node.nodes && node.nodes.shift(); +}; - /** - * Add static emitter methods - */ +/** + * Remove the specified `node` from `parent.nodes`. + * + * ```js + * var parent = new Node({type: 'abc'}); + * var foo = new Node({type: 'foo'}); + * utils.pushNode(parent, foo); + * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'})); + * utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'})); + * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3 + * utils.removeNode(parent, foo); + * console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2 + * ``` + * @param {Object} `parent` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Object|undefined} Returns the removed node, if successful, or undefined if it does not exist on `parent.nodes`. + * @api public + */ - Emitter(Base); +utils.removeNode = function(parent, node) { + assert(utils.isNode(parent), 'expected parent.node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - /** - * Initialize `Base` defaults with the given `config` object - */ + if (!parent.nodes) { + return null; + } - Base.prototype.initBase = function(config, options) { - this.options = merge({}, this.options, options); - this.cache = this.cache || {}; - this.define('registered', {}); - if (name) this[name] = {}; + if (typeof parent.remove === 'function') { + return parent.remove(node); + } - // make `app._callbacks` non-enumerable - this.define('_callbacks', this._callbacks); - if (isObject(config)) { - this.visit('set', config); - } - Base.run(this, 'use', fns); - }; + var idx = parent.nodes.indexOf(node); + if (idx !== -1) { + return parent.nodes.splice(idx, 1); + } +}; - /** - * Set the given `name` on `app._name` and `app.is*` properties. Used for doing - * lookups in plugins. - * - * ```js - * app.is('foo'); - * console.log(app._name); - * //=> 'foo' - * console.log(app.isFoo); - * //=> true - * app.is('bar'); - * console.log(app.isFoo); - * //=> true - * console.log(app.isBar); - * //=> true - * console.log(app._name); - * //=> 'bar' - * ``` - * @name .is - * @param {String} `name` - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ +/** + * Returns true if `node.type` matches the given `type`. Throws a + * `TypeError` if `node` is not an instance of `Node`. + * + * ```js + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * var node = new Node({type: 'foo'}); + * console.log(utils.isType(node, 'foo')); // false + * console.log(utils.isType(node, 'bar')); // true + * ``` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {String} `type` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ - Base.prototype.is = function(name) { - if (typeof name !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected name to be a string'); +utils.isType = function(node, type) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + switch (typeOf(type)) { + case 'array': + var types = type.slice(); + for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { + if (utils.isType(node, types[i])) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + case 'string': + return node.type === type; + case 'regexp': + return type.test(node.type); + default: { + throw new TypeError('expected "type" to be an array, string or regexp'); } - this.define('is' + pascal(name), true); - this.define('_name', name); - this.define('_appname', name); - return this; - }; + } +}; - /** - * Returns true if a plugin has already been registered on an instance. - * - * Plugin implementors are encouraged to use this first thing in a plugin - * to prevent the plugin from being called more than once on the same - * instance. - * - * ```js - * var base = new Base(); - * base.use(function(app) { - * if (app.isRegistered('myPlugin')) return; - * // do stuff to `app` - * }); - * - * // to also record the plugin as being registered - * base.use(function(app) { - * if (app.isRegistered('myPlugin', true)) return; - * // do stuff to `app` - * }); - * ``` - * @name .isRegistered - * @emits `plugin` Emits the name of the plugin being registered. Useful for unit tests, to ensure plugins are only registered once. - * @param {String} `name` The plugin name. - * @param {Boolean} `register` If the plugin if not already registered, to record it as being registered pass `true` as the second argument. - * @return {Boolean} Returns true if a plugin is already registered. - * @api public - */ +/** + * Returns true if the given `node` has the given `type` in `node.nodes`. + * Throws a `TypeError` if `node` is not an instance of `Node`. + * + * ```js + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * var node = new Node({ + * type: 'foo', + * nodes: [ + * new Node({type: 'bar'}), + * new Node({type: 'baz'}) + * ] + * }); + * console.log(utils.hasType(node, 'xyz')); // false + * console.log(utils.hasType(node, 'baz')); // true + * ``` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {String} `type` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ - Base.prototype.isRegistered = function(name, register) { - if (this.registered.hasOwnProperty(name)) { +utils.hasType = function(node, type) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + if (!Array.isArray(node.nodes)) return false; + for (var i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { + if (utils.isType(node.nodes[i], type)) { return true; } - if (register !== false) { - this.registered[name] = true; - this.emit('plugin', name); - } - return false; - }; - - /** - * Define a plugin function to be called immediately upon init. Plugins are chainable - * and expose the following arguments to the plugin function: - * - * - `app`: the current instance of `Base` - * - `base`: the [first ancestor instance](#base) of `Base` - * - * ```js - * var app = new Base() - * .use(foo) - * .use(bar) - * .use(baz) - * ``` - * @name .use - * @param {Function} `fn` plugin function to call - * @return {Object} Returns the item instance for chaining. - * @api public - */ - - Base.prototype.use = function(fn) { - fn.call(this, this); - return this; - }; - - /** - * The `.define` method is used for adding non-enumerable property on the instance. - * Dot-notation is **not supported** with `define`. - * - * ```js - * // arbitrary `render` function using lodash `template` - * app.define('render', function(str, locals) { - * return _.template(str)(locals); - * }); - * ``` - * @name .define - * @param {String} `key` The name of the property to define. - * @param {any} `value` - * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. - * @api public - */ - - Base.prototype.define = function(key, val) { - if (isObject(key)) { - return this.visit('define', key); - } - define(this, key, val); - return this; - }; - - /** - * Mix property `key` onto the Base prototype. If base is inherited using - * `Base.extend` this method will be overridden by a new `mixin` method that will - * only add properties to the prototype of the inheriting application. - * - * ```js - * app.mixin('foo', function() { - * // do stuff - * }); - * ``` - * @name .mixin - * @param {String} `key` - * @param {Object|Array} `val` - * @return {Object} Returns the `base` instance for chaining. - * @api public - */ - - Base.prototype.mixin = function(key, val) { - Base.prototype[key] = val; - return this; - }; - - /** - * Non-enumberable mixin array, used by the static [Base.mixin]() method. - */ - - Base.prototype.mixins = Base.prototype.mixins || []; - - /** - * Getter/setter used when creating nested instances of `Base`, for storing a reference - * to the first ancestor instance. This works by setting an instance of `Base` on the `parent` - * property of a "child" instance. The `base` property defaults to the current instance if - * no `parent` property is defined. - * - * ```js - * // create an instance of `Base`, this is our first ("base") instance - * var first = new Base(); - * first.foo = 'bar'; // arbitrary property, to make it easier to see what's happening later - * - * // create another instance - * var second = new Base(); - * // create a reference to the first instance (`first`) - * second.parent = first; - * - * // create another instance - * var third = new Base(); - * // create a reference to the previous instance (`second`) - * // repeat this pattern every time a "child" instance is created - * third.parent = second; - * - * // we can always access the first instance using the `base` property - * console.log(first.base.foo); - * //=> 'bar' - * console.log(second.base.foo); - * //=> 'bar' - * console.log(third.base.foo); - * //=> 'bar' - * // and now you know how to get to third base ;) - * ``` - * @name .base - * @api public - */ - - Object.defineProperty(Base.prototype, 'base', { - configurable: true, - get: function() { - return this.parent ? this.parent.base : this; - } - }); - - /** - * Static method for adding global plugin functions that will - * be added to an instance when created. - * - * ```js - * Base.use(function(app) { - * app.foo = 'bar'; - * }); - * var app = new Base(); - * console.log(app.foo); - * //=> 'bar' - * ``` - * @name #use - * @param {Function} `fn` Plugin function to use on each instance. - * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining - * @api public - */ - - define(Base, 'use', function(fn) { - fns.push(fn); - return Base; - }); - - /** - * Run an array of functions by passing each function - * to a method on the given object specified by the given property. - * - * @param {Object} `obj` Object containing method to use. - * @param {String} `prop` Name of the method on the object to use. - * @param {Array} `arr` Array of functions to pass to the method. - */ - - define(Base, 'run', function(obj, prop, arr) { - var len = arr.length, i = 0; - while (len--) { - obj[prop](arr[i++]); - } - return Base; - }); - - /** - * Static method for inheriting the prototype and static methods of the `Base` class. - * This method greatly simplifies the process of creating inheritance-based applications. - * See [static-extend][] for more details. - * - * ```js - * var extend = cu.extend(Parent); - * Parent.extend(Child); - * - * // optional methods - * Parent.extend(Child, { - * foo: function() {}, - * bar: function() {} - * }); - * ``` - * @name #extend - * @param {Function} `Ctor` constructor to extend - * @param {Object} `methods` Optional prototype properties to mix in. - * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining - * @api public - */ - - define(Base, 'extend', cu.extend(Base, function(Ctor, Parent) { - Ctor.prototype.mixins = Ctor.prototype.mixins || []; - - define(Ctor, 'mixin', function(fn) { - var mixin = fn(Ctor.prototype, Ctor); - if (typeof mixin === 'function') { - Ctor.prototype.mixins.push(mixin); - } - return Ctor; - }); - - define(Ctor, 'mixins', function(Child) { - Base.run(Child, 'mixin', Ctor.prototype.mixins); - return Ctor; - }); - - Ctor.prototype.mixin = function(key, value) { - Ctor.prototype[key] = value; - return this; - }; - return Base; - })); - - /** - * Used for adding methods to the `Base` prototype, and/or to the prototype of child instances. - * When a mixin function returns a function, the returned function is pushed onto the `.mixins` - * array, making it available to be used on inheriting classes whenever `Base.mixins()` is - * called (e.g. `Base.mixins(Child)`). - * - * ```js - * Base.mixin(function(proto) { - * proto.foo = function(msg) { - * return 'foo ' + msg; - * }; - * }); - * ``` - * @name #mixin - * @param {Function} `fn` Function to call - * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining - * @api public - */ - - define(Base, 'mixin', function(fn) { - var mixin = fn(Base.prototype, Base); - if (typeof mixin === 'function') { - Base.prototype.mixins.push(mixin); - } - return Base; - }); - - /** - * Static method for running global mixin functions against a child constructor. - * Mixins must be registered before calling this method. - * - * ```js - * Base.extend(Child); - * Base.mixins(Child); - * ``` - * @name #mixins - * @param {Function} `Child` Constructor function of a child class - * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining - * @api public - */ - - define(Base, 'mixins', function(Child) { - Base.run(Child, 'mixin', Base.prototype.mixins); - return Base; - }); - - /** - * Similar to `util.inherit`, but copies all static properties, prototype properties, and - * getters/setters from `Provider` to `Receiver`. See [class-utils][]{#inherit} for more details. - * - * ```js - * Base.inherit(Foo, Bar); - * ``` - * @name #inherit - * @param {Function} `Receiver` Receiving (child) constructor - * @param {Function} `Provider` Providing (parent) constructor - * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining - * @api public - */ - - define(Base, 'inherit', cu.inherit); - define(Base, 'bubble', cu.bubble); - return Base; -} - -/** - * Expose `Base` with default settings - */ - -module.exports = namespace(); - -/** - * Allow users to define a namespace - */ - -module.exports.namespace = namespace; - - -/***/ }), -/* 426 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var isObject = __webpack_require__(411); -var Emitter = __webpack_require__(427); -var visit = __webpack_require__(428); -var toPath = __webpack_require__(431); -var union = __webpack_require__(432); -var del = __webpack_require__(436); -var get = __webpack_require__(434); -var has = __webpack_require__(441); -var set = __webpack_require__(444); - -/** - * Create a `Cache` constructor that when instantiated will - * store values on the given `prop`. - * - * ```js - * var Cache = require('cache-base').namespace('data'); - * var cache = new Cache(); - * - * cache.set('foo', 'bar'); - * //=> {data: {foo: 'bar'}} - * ``` - * @param {String} `prop` The property name to use for storing values. - * @return {Function} Returns a custom `Cache` constructor - * @api public - */ - -function namespace(prop) { - - /** - * Create a new `Cache`. Internally the `Cache` constructor is created using - * the `namespace` function, with `cache` defined as the storage object. - * - * ```js - * var app = new Cache(); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `cache` Optionally pass an object to initialize with. - * @constructor - * @api public - */ - - function Cache(cache) { - if (prop) { - this[prop] = {}; - } - if (cache) { - this.set(cache); - } - } - - /** - * Inherit Emitter - */ - - Emitter(Cache.prototype); - - /** - * Assign `value` to `key`. Also emits `set` with - * the key and value. - * - * ```js - * app.on('set', function(key, val) { - * // do something when `set` is emitted - * }); - * - * app.set(key, value); - * - * // also takes an object or array - * app.set({name: 'Halle'}); - * app.set([{foo: 'bar'}, {baz: 'quux'}]); - * console.log(app); - * //=> {name: 'Halle', foo: 'bar', baz: 'quux'} - * ``` - * - * @name .set - * @emits `set` with `key` and `value` as arguments. - * @param {String} `key` - * @param {any} `value` - * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. - * @api public - */ - - Cache.prototype.set = function(key, val) { - if (Array.isArray(key) && arguments.length === 2) { - key = toPath(key); - } - if (isObject(key) || Array.isArray(key)) { - this.visit('set', key); - } else { - set(prop ? this[prop] : this, key, val); - this.emit('set', key, val); - } - return this; - }; - - /** - * Union `array` to `key`. Also emits `set` with - * the key and value. - * - * ```js - * app.union('a.b', ['foo']); - * app.union('a.b', ['bar']); - * console.log(app.get('a')); - * //=> {b: ['foo', 'bar']} - * ``` - * @name .union - * @param {String} `key` - * @param {any} `value` - * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. - * @api public - */ - - Cache.prototype.union = function(key, val) { - if (Array.isArray(key) && arguments.length === 2) { - key = toPath(key); - } - var ctx = prop ? this[prop] : this; - union(ctx, key, arrayify(val)); - this.emit('union', val); - return this; - }; - - /** - * Return the value of `key`. Dot notation may be used - * to get [nested property values][get-value]. - * - * ```js - * app.set('a.b.c', 'd'); - * app.get('a.b'); - * //=> {c: 'd'} - * - * app.get(['a', 'b']); - * //=> {c: 'd'} - * ``` - * - * @name .get - * @emits `get` with `key` and `value` as arguments. - * @param {String} `key` The name of the property to get. Dot-notation may be used. - * @return {any} Returns the value of `key` - * @api public - */ - - Cache.prototype.get = function(key) { - key = toPath(arguments); - - var ctx = prop ? this[prop] : this; - var val = get(ctx, key); - - this.emit('get', key, val); - return val; - }; - - /** - * Return true if app has a stored value for `key`, - * false only if value is `undefined`. - * - * ```js - * app.set('foo', 'bar'); - * app.has('foo'); - * //=> true - * ``` - * - * @name .has - * @emits `has` with `key` and true or false as arguments. - * @param {String} `key` - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ - - Cache.prototype.has = function(key) { - key = toPath(arguments); - - var ctx = prop ? this[prop] : this; - var val = get(ctx, key); - - var has = typeof val !== 'undefined'; - this.emit('has', key, has); - return has; - }; - - /** - * Delete one or more properties from the instance. - * - * ```js - * app.del(); // delete all - * // or - * app.del('foo'); - * // or - * app.del(['foo', 'bar']); - * ``` - * @name .del - * @emits `del` with the `key` as the only argument. - * @param {String|Array} `key` Property name or array of property names. - * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. - * @api public - */ - - Cache.prototype.del = function(key) { - if (Array.isArray(key)) { - this.visit('del', key); - } else { - del(prop ? this[prop] : this, key); - this.emit('del', key); - } - return this; - }; - - /** - * Reset the entire cache to an empty object. - * - * ```js - * app.clear(); - * ``` - * @api public - */ - - Cache.prototype.clear = function() { - if (prop) { - this[prop] = {}; - } - }; - - /** - * Visit `method` over the properties in the given object, or map - * visit over the object-elements in an array. - * - * @name .visit - * @param {String} `method` The name of the `base` method to call. - * @param {Object|Array} `val` The object or array to iterate over. - * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. - * @api public - */ - - Cache.prototype.visit = function(method, val) { - visit(this, method, val); - return this; - }; - - return Cache; -} - -/** - * Cast val to an array - */ - -function arrayify(val) { - return val ? (Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]) : []; -} - -/** - * Expose `Cache` - */ - -module.exports = namespace(); - -/** - * Expose `Cache.namespace` - */ - -module.exports.namespace = namespace; - - -/***/ }), -/* 427 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - - -/** - * Expose `Emitter`. - */ - -if (true) { - module.exports = Emitter; -} - -/** - * Initialize a new `Emitter`. - * - * @api public - */ - -function Emitter(obj) { - if (obj) return mixin(obj); -}; - -/** - * Mixin the emitter properties. - * - * @param {Object} obj - * @return {Object} - * @api private - */ - -function mixin(obj) { - for (var key in Emitter.prototype) { - obj[key] = Emitter.prototype[key]; - } - return obj; -} - -/** - * Listen on the given `event` with `fn`. - * - * @param {String} event - * @param {Function} fn - * @return {Emitter} - * @api public - */ - -Emitter.prototype.on = -Emitter.prototype.addEventListener = function(event, fn){ - this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; - (this._callbacks['$' + event] = this._callbacks['$' + event] || []) - .push(fn); - return this; -}; - -/** - * Adds an `event` listener that will be invoked a single - * time then automatically removed. - * - * @param {String} event - * @param {Function} fn - * @return {Emitter} - * @api public - */ - -Emitter.prototype.once = function(event, fn){ - function on() { - this.off(event, on); - fn.apply(this, arguments); - } - - on.fn = fn; - this.on(event, on); - return this; -}; - -/** - * Remove the given callback for `event` or all - * registered callbacks. - * - * @param {String} event - * @param {Function} fn - * @return {Emitter} - * @api public - */ - -Emitter.prototype.off = -Emitter.prototype.removeListener = -Emitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = -Emitter.prototype.removeEventListener = function(event, fn){ - this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; - - // all - if (0 == arguments.length) { - this._callbacks = {}; - return this; - } - - // specific event - var callbacks = this._callbacks['$' + event]; - if (!callbacks) return this; - - // remove all handlers - if (1 == arguments.length) { - delete this._callbacks['$' + event]; - return this; - } - - // remove specific handler - var cb; - for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { - cb = callbacks[i]; - if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) { - callbacks.splice(i, 1); - break; - } - } - return this; -}; - -/** - * Emit `event` with the given args. - * - * @param {String} event - * @param {Mixed} ... - * @return {Emitter} - */ - -Emitter.prototype.emit = function(event){ - this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; - var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1) - , callbacks = this._callbacks['$' + event]; - - if (callbacks) { - callbacks = callbacks.slice(0); - for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; ++i) { - callbacks[i].apply(this, args); - } - } - - return this; -}; - -/** - * Return array of callbacks for `event`. - * - * @param {String} event - * @return {Array} - * @api public - */ - -Emitter.prototype.listeners = function(event){ - this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; - return this._callbacks['$' + event] || []; -}; - -/** - * Check if this emitter has `event` handlers. - * - * @param {String} event - * @return {Boolean} - * @api public - */ - -Emitter.prototype.hasListeners = function(event){ - return !! this.listeners(event).length; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 428 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * collection-visit - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var visit = __webpack_require__(429); -var mapVisit = __webpack_require__(430); - -module.exports = function(collection, method, val) { - var result; - - if (typeof val === 'string' && (method in collection)) { - var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 2); - result = collection[method].apply(collection, args); - } else if (Array.isArray(val)) { - result = mapVisit.apply(null, arguments); - } else { - result = visit.apply(null, arguments); - } - - if (typeof result !== 'undefined') { - return result; - } - - return collection; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 429 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * object-visit - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var isObject = __webpack_require__(411); - -module.exports = function visit(thisArg, method, target, val) { - if (!isObject(thisArg) && typeof thisArg !== 'function') { - throw new Error('object-visit expects `thisArg` to be an object.'); - } - - if (typeof method !== 'string') { - throw new Error('object-visit expects `method` name to be a string'); - } - - if (typeof thisArg[method] !== 'function') { - return thisArg; - } - - var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 3); - target = target || {}; - - for (var key in target) { - var arr = [key, target[key]].concat(args); - thisArg[method].apply(thisArg, arr); - } - return thisArg; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 430 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var util = __webpack_require__(29); -var visit = __webpack_require__(429); - -/** - * Map `visit` over an array of objects. - * - * @param {Object} `collection` The context in which to invoke `method` - * @param {String} `method` Name of the method to call on `collection` - * @param {Object} `arr` Array of objects. - */ - -module.exports = function mapVisit(collection, method, val) { - if (isObject(val)) { - return visit.apply(null, arguments); - } - - if (!Array.isArray(val)) { - throw new TypeError('expected an array: ' + util.inspect(val)); - } - - var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 3); - - for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { - var ele = val[i]; - if (isObject(ele)) { - visit.apply(null, [collection, method, ele].concat(args)); - } else { - collection[method].apply(collection, [ele].concat(args)); - } - } -}; - -function isObject(val) { - return val && (typeof val === 'function' || (!Array.isArray(val) && typeof val === 'object')); -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 431 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * to-object-path - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(416); - -module.exports = function toPath(args) { - if (typeOf(args) !== 'arguments') { - args = arguments; - } - return filter(args).join('.'); -}; - -function filter(arr) { - var len = arr.length; - var idx = -1; - var res = []; - - while (++idx < len) { - var ele = arr[idx]; - if (typeOf(ele) === 'arguments' || Array.isArray(ele)) { - res.push.apply(res, filter(ele)); - } else if (typeof ele === 'string') { - res.push(ele); - } - } - return res; -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 432 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var isObject = __webpack_require__(395); -var union = __webpack_require__(433); -var get = __webpack_require__(434); -var set = __webpack_require__(435); - -module.exports = function unionValue(obj, prop, value) { - if (!isObject(obj)) { - throw new TypeError('union-value expects the first argument to be an object.'); - } - - if (typeof prop !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('union-value expects `prop` to be a string.'); - } - - var arr = arrayify(get(obj, prop)); - set(obj, prop, union(arr, arrayify(value))); - return obj; -}; - -function arrayify(val) { - if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') { - return []; - } - if (Array.isArray(val)) { - return val; - } - return [val]; -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 433 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -module.exports = function union(init) { - if (!Array.isArray(init)) { - throw new TypeError('arr-union expects the first argument to be an array.'); - } - - var len = arguments.length; - var i = 0; - - while (++i < len) { - var arg = arguments[i]; - if (!arg) continue; - - if (!Array.isArray(arg)) { - arg = [arg]; - } - - for (var j = 0; j < arg.length; j++) { - var ele = arg[j]; - - if (init.indexOf(ele) >= 0) { - continue; - } - init.push(ele); - } - } - return init; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 434 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -/*! - * get-value - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - -module.exports = function(obj, prop, a, b, c) { - if (!isObject(obj) || !prop) { - return obj; - } - - prop = toString(prop); - - // allowing for multiple properties to be passed as - // a string or array, but much faster (3-4x) than doing - // `[].slice.call(arguments)` - if (a) prop += '.' + toString(a); - if (b) prop += '.' + toString(b); - if (c) prop += '.' + toString(c); - - if (prop in obj) { - return obj[prop]; - } - - var segs = prop.split('.'); - var len = segs.length; - var i = -1; - - while (obj && (++i < len)) { - var key = segs[i]; - while (key[key.length - 1] === '\\') { - key = key.slice(0, -1) + '.' + segs[++i]; - } - obj = obj[key]; - } - return obj; -}; - -function isObject(val) { - return val !== null && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function'); -} - -function toString(val) { - if (!val) return ''; - if (Array.isArray(val)) { - return val.join('.'); - } - return val; -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 435 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * set-value - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var toPath = __webpack_require__(431); -var extend = __webpack_require__(394); -var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(410); -var isObject = __webpack_require__(395); - -module.exports = function(obj, path, val) { - if (!isObject(obj)) { - return obj; - } - - if (Array.isArray(path)) { - path = toPath(path); - } - - if (typeof path !== 'string') { - return obj; - } - - var segs = path.split('.'); - var len = segs.length, i = -1; - var res = obj; - var last; - - while (++i < len) { - var key = segs[i]; - - while (key[key.length - 1] === '\\') { - key = key.slice(0, -1) + '.' + segs[++i]; - } - - if (i === len - 1) { - last = key; - break; - } - - if (!isObject(obj[key])) { - obj[key] = {}; - } - obj = obj[key]; - } - - if (obj.hasOwnProperty(last) && isObject(obj[last])) { - if (isPlainObject(val)) { - extend(obj[last], val); - } else { - obj[last] = val; - } - - } else { - obj[last] = val; - } - return res; -}; - - - -/***/ }), -/* 436 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * unset-value - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var isObject = __webpack_require__(411); -var has = __webpack_require__(437); - -module.exports = function unset(obj, prop) { - if (!isObject(obj)) { - throw new TypeError('expected an object.'); - } - if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { - delete obj[prop]; - return true; - } - - if (has(obj, prop)) { - var segs = prop.split('.'); - var last = segs.pop(); - while (segs.length && segs[segs.length - 1].slice(-1) === '\\') { - last = segs.pop().slice(0, -1) + '.' + last; - } - while (segs.length) obj = obj[prop = segs.shift()]; - return (delete obj[last]); - } - return true; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 437 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * has-value - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var isObject = __webpack_require__(438); -var hasValues = __webpack_require__(440); -var get = __webpack_require__(434); - -module.exports = function(obj, prop, noZero) { - if (isObject(obj)) { - return hasValues(get(obj, prop), noZero); - } - return hasValues(obj, prop); -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 438 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * isobject - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var isArray = __webpack_require__(439); - -module.exports = function isObject(val) { - return val != null && typeof val === 'object' && isArray(val) === false; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 439 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -var toString = {}.toString; - -module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { - return toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]'; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 440 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * has-values - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - - - -module.exports = function hasValue(o, noZero) { - if (o === null || o === undefined) { - return false; - } - - if (typeof o === 'boolean') { - return true; - } - - if (typeof o === 'number') { - if (o === 0 && noZero === true) { - return false; - } - return true; - } - - if (o.length !== undefined) { - return o.length !== 0; - } - - for (var key in o) { - if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - return true; - } - } - return false; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 441 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * has-value - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var isObject = __webpack_require__(411); -var hasValues = __webpack_require__(442); -var get = __webpack_require__(434); - -module.exports = function(val, prop) { - return hasValues(isObject(val) && prop ? get(val, prop) : val); -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 442 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * has-values - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(443); -var isNumber = __webpack_require__(415); - -module.exports = function hasValue(val) { - // is-number checks for NaN and other edge cases - if (isNumber(val)) { - return true; - } - - switch (typeOf(val)) { - case 'null': - case 'boolean': - case 'function': - return true; - case 'string': - case 'arguments': - return val.length !== 0; - case 'error': - return val.message !== ''; - case 'array': - var len = val.length; - if (len === 0) { - return false; - } - for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { - if (hasValue(val[i])) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - case 'file': - case 'map': - case 'set': - return val.size !== 0; - case 'object': - var keys = Object.keys(val); - if (keys.length === 0) { - return false; - } - for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { - var key = keys[i]; - if (hasValue(val[key])) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - default: { - return false; - } - } -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 443 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type - */ - -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } - - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } - - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } - - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); - - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - if (type === '[object Promise]') { - return 'promise'; - } - - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } - - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } - - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; - } - - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 444 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * set-value - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var split = __webpack_require__(407); -var extend = __webpack_require__(394); -var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(410); -var isObject = __webpack_require__(395); - -module.exports = function(obj, prop, val) { - if (!isObject(obj)) { - return obj; - } - - if (Array.isArray(prop)) { - prop = [].concat.apply([], prop).join('.'); - } - - if (typeof prop !== 'string') { - return obj; - } - - var keys = split(prop, {sep: '.', brackets: true}); - var len = keys.length; - var idx = -1; - var current = obj; - - while (++idx < len) { - var key = keys[idx]; - if (idx !== len - 1) { - if (!isObject(current[key])) { - current[key] = {}; - } - current = current[key]; - continue; - } - - if (isPlainObject(current[key]) && isPlainObject(val)) { - current[key] = extend({}, current[key], val); - } else { - current[key] = val; - } - } - - return obj; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 445 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var isExtendable = __webpack_require__(446); -var forIn = __webpack_require__(447); - -function mixinDeep(target, objects) { - var len = arguments.length, i = 0; - while (++i < len) { - var obj = arguments[i]; - if (isObject(obj)) { - forIn(obj, copy, target); - } - } - return target; -} - -/** - * Copy properties from the source object to the - * target object. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @param {String} `key` - */ - -function copy(val, key) { - var obj = this[key]; - if (isObject(val) && isObject(obj)) { - mixinDeep(obj, val); - } else { - this[key] = val; - } -} - -/** - * Returns true if `val` is an object or function. - * - * @param {any} val - * @return {Boolean} - */ - -function isObject(val) { - return isExtendable(val) && !Array.isArray(val); -} - -/** - * Expose `mixinDeep` - */ - -module.exports = mixinDeep; - - -/***/ }), -/* 446 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-extendable - * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(410); - -module.exports = function isExtendable(val) { - return isPlainObject(val) || typeof val === 'function' || Array.isArray(val); -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 447 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * for-in - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -module.exports = function forIn(obj, fn, thisArg) { - for (var key in obj) { - if (fn.call(thisArg, obj[key], key, obj) === false) { - break; - } - } -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 448 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -/*! - * pascalcase - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - -function pascalcase(str) { - if (typeof str !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected a string.'); - } - str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1'); - if (str.length === 1) { return str.toUpperCase(); } - str = str.replace(/^[\W_]+|[\W_]+$/g, '').toLowerCase(); - str = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); - return str.replace(/[\W_]+(\w|$)/g, function (_, ch) { - return ch.toUpperCase(); - }); -} - -module.exports = pascalcase; - - -/***/ }), -/* 449 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var util = __webpack_require__(29); -var utils = __webpack_require__(450); - -/** - * Expose class utils - */ - -var cu = module.exports; - -/** - * Expose class utils: `cu` - */ - -cu.isObject = function isObject(val) { - return utils.isObj(val) || typeof val === 'function'; -}; + } + return false; +}; /** - * Returns true if an array has any of the given elements, or an - * object has any of the give keys. + * Returns the first node from `node.nodes` of the given `type` * * ```js - * cu.has(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c'); - * //=> true - * - * cu.has(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'z']); - * //=> true + * var node = new Node({ + * type: 'foo', + * nodes: [ + * new Node({type: 'text', val: 'abc'}), + * new Node({type: 'text', val: 'xyz'}) + * ] + * }); * - * cu.has({a: 'b', c: 'd'}, ['c', 'z']); - * //=> true + * var textNode = utils.firstOfType(node.nodes, 'text'); + * console.log(textNode.val); + * //=> 'abc' * ``` - * @param {Object} `obj` - * @param {String|Array} `val` - * @return {Boolean} + * @param {Array} `nodes` + * @param {String} `type` + * @return {Object|undefined} Returns the first matching node or undefined. * @api public */ -cu.has = function has(obj, val) { - val = cu.arrayify(val); - var len = val.length; - - if (cu.isObject(obj)) { - for (var key in obj) { - if (val.indexOf(key) > -1) { - return true; - } - } - - var keys = cu.nativeKeys(obj); - return cu.has(keys, val); - } - - if (Array.isArray(obj)) { - var arr = obj; - while (len--) { - if (arr.indexOf(val[len]) > -1) { - return true; - } +utils.firstOfType = function(nodes, type) { + for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { + var node = nodes[i]; + if (utils.isType(node, type)) { + return node; } - return false; } - - throw new TypeError('expected an array or object.'); }; /** - * Returns true if an array or object has all of the given values. + * Returns the node at the specified index, or the first node of the + * given `type` from `node.nodes`. * * ```js - * cu.hasAll(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c'); - * //=> true + * var node = new Node({ + * type: 'foo', + * nodes: [ + * new Node({type: 'text', val: 'abc'}), + * new Node({type: 'text', val: 'xyz'}) + * ] + * }); * - * cu.hasAll(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'z']); - * //=> false + * var nodeOne = utils.findNode(node.nodes, 'text'); + * console.log(nodeOne.val); + * //=> 'abc' * - * cu.hasAll({a: 'b', c: 'd'}, ['c', 'z']); - * //=> false + * var nodeTwo = utils.findNode(node.nodes, 1); + * console.log(nodeTwo.val); + * //=> 'xyz' * ``` - * @param {Object|Array} `val` - * @param {String|Array} `values` - * @return {Boolean} + * + * @param {Array} `nodes` + * @param {String|Number} `type` Node type or index. + * @return {Object} Returns a node or undefined. * @api public */ -cu.hasAll = function hasAll(val, values) { - values = cu.arrayify(values); - var len = values.length; - while (len--) { - if (!cu.has(val, values[len])) { - return false; - } +utils.findNode = function(nodes, type) { + if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { + return null; } - return true; + if (typeof type === 'number') { + return nodes[type]; + } + return utils.firstOfType(nodes, type); }; /** - * Cast the given value to an array. + * Returns true if the given node is an "*.open" node. * * ```js - * cu.arrayify('foo'); - * //=> ['foo'] + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * var brace = new Node({type: 'brace'}); + * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); + * var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'}); * - * cu.arrayify(['foo']); - * //=> ['foo'] + * console.log(utils.isOpen(brace)); // false + * console.log(utils.isOpen(open)); // true + * console.log(utils.isOpen(close)); // false * ``` - * - * @param {String|Array} `val` - * @return {Array} + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ -cu.arrayify = function arrayify(val) { - return val ? (Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]) : []; -}; - -/** - * Noop - */ - -cu.noop = function noop() { - return; -}; - -/** - * Returns the first argument passed to the function. - */ - -cu.identity = function identity(val) { - return val; +utils.isOpen = function(node) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + return node.type.slice(-5) === '.open'; }; /** - * Returns true if a value has a `contructor` + * Returns true if the given node is a "*.close" node. * * ```js - * cu.hasConstructor({}); - * //=> true + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * var brace = new Node({type: 'brace'}); + * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); + * var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'}); * - * cu.hasConstructor(Object.create(null)); - * //=> false + * console.log(utils.isClose(brace)); // false + * console.log(utils.isClose(open)); // false + * console.log(utils.isClose(close)); // true * ``` - * @param {Object} `value` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ -cu.hasConstructor = function hasConstructor(val) { - return cu.isObject(val) && typeof val.constructor !== 'undefined'; +utils.isClose = function(node) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + return node.type.slice(-6) === '.close'; }; /** - * Get the native `ownPropertyNames` from the constructor of the - * given `object`. An empty array is returned if the object does - * not have a constructor. + * Returns true if `node.nodes` **has** an `.open` node * * ```js - * cu.nativeKeys({a: 'b', b: 'c', c: 'd'}) - * //=> ['a', 'b', 'c'] - * - * cu.nativeKeys(function(){}) - * //=> ['length', 'caller'] - * ``` + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * var brace = new Node({ + * type: 'brace', + * nodes: [] + * }); * - * @param {Object} `obj` Object that has a `constructor`. - * @return {Array} Array of keys. - * @api public - */ - -cu.nativeKeys = function nativeKeys(val) { - if (!cu.hasConstructor(val)) return []; - return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(val); -}; - -/** - * Returns property descriptor `key` if it's an "own" property - * of the given object. + * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); + * console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // false * - * ```js - * function App() {} - * Object.defineProperty(App.prototype, 'count', { - * get: function() { - * return Object.keys(this).length; - * } - * }); - * cu.getDescriptor(App.prototype, 'count'); - * // returns: - * // { - * // get: [Function], - * // set: undefined, - * // enumerable: false, - * // configurable: false - * // } + * brace.pushNode(open); + * console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // true * ``` - * - * @param {Object} `obj` - * @param {String} `key` - * @return {Object} Returns descriptor `key` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ -cu.getDescriptor = function getDescriptor(obj, key) { - if (!cu.isObject(obj)) { - throw new TypeError('expected an object.'); - } - if (typeof key !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected key to be a string.'); +utils.hasOpen = function(node) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + var first = node.first || node.nodes ? node.nodes[0] : null; + if (utils.isNode(first)) { + return first.type === node.type + '.open'; } - return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key); + return false; }; /** - * Copy a descriptor from one object to another. + * Returns true if `node.nodes` **has** a `.close` node * * ```js - * function App() {} - * Object.defineProperty(App.prototype, 'count', { - * get: function() { - * return Object.keys(this).length; - * } + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * var brace = new Node({ + * type: 'brace', + * nodes: [] * }); - * var obj = {}; - * cu.copyDescriptor(obj, App.prototype, 'count'); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `receiver` - * @param {Object} `provider` - * @param {String} `name` - * @return {Object} - * @api public - */ - -cu.copyDescriptor = function copyDescriptor(receiver, provider, name) { - if (!cu.isObject(receiver)) { - throw new TypeError('expected receiving object to be an object.'); - } - if (!cu.isObject(provider)) { - throw new TypeError('expected providing object to be an object.'); - } - if (typeof name !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected name to be a string.'); - } - - var val = cu.getDescriptor(provider, name); - if (val) Object.defineProperty(receiver, name, val); -}; - -/** - * Copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors - * from one object to another. * - * @param {Object} `receiver` - * @param {Object} `provider` - * @param {String|Array} `omit` One or more properties to omit - * @return {Object} - * @api public - */ - -cu.copy = function copy(receiver, provider, omit) { - if (!cu.isObject(receiver)) { - throw new TypeError('expected receiving object to be an object.'); - } - if (!cu.isObject(provider)) { - throw new TypeError('expected providing object to be an object.'); - } - var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(provider); - var keys = Object.keys(provider); - var len = props.length, - key; - omit = cu.arrayify(omit); - - while (len--) { - key = props[len]; - - if (cu.has(keys, key)) { - utils.define(receiver, key, provider[key]); - } else if (!(key in receiver) && !cu.has(omit, key)) { - cu.copyDescriptor(receiver, provider, key); - } - } -}; - -/** - * Inherit the static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors - * from of an object. + * var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'}); + * console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // false * - * @param {Object} `receiver` - * @param {Object} `provider` - * @param {String|Array} `omit` One or more properties to omit - * @return {Object} + * brace.pushNode(close); + * console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // true + * ``` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ -cu.inherit = function inherit(receiver, provider, omit) { - if (!cu.isObject(receiver)) { - throw new TypeError('expected receiving object to be an object.'); - } - if (!cu.isObject(provider)) { - throw new TypeError('expected providing object to be an object.'); - } - - var keys = []; - for (var key in provider) { - keys.push(key); - receiver[key] = provider[key]; +utils.hasClose = function(node) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + var last = node.last || node.nodes ? node.nodes[node.nodes.length - 1] : null; + if (utils.isNode(last)) { + return last.type === node.type + '.close'; } - - keys = keys.concat(cu.arrayify(omit)); - - var a = provider.prototype || provider; - var b = receiver.prototype || receiver; - cu.copy(b, a, keys); + return false; }; /** - * Returns a function for extending the static properties, - * prototype properties, and descriptors from the `Parent` - * constructor onto `Child` constructors. + * Returns true if `node.nodes` has both `.open` and `.close` nodes * * ```js - * var extend = cu.extend(Parent); - * Parent.extend(Child); - * - * // optional methods - * Parent.extend(Child, { - * foo: function() {}, - * bar: function() {} + * var Node = require('snapdragon-node'); + * var brace = new Node({ + * type: 'brace', + * nodes: [] * }); + * + * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); + * var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'}); + * console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // false + * console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // false + * + * brace.pushNode(open); + * brace.pushNode(close); + * console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // true + * console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // true * ``` - * @param {Function} `Parent` Parent ctor - * @param {Function} `extend` Optional extend function to handle custom extensions. Useful when updating methods that require a specific prototype. - * @param {Function} `Child` Child ctor - * @param {Object} `proto` Optionally pass additional prototype properties to inherit. - * @return {Object} + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ -cu.extend = function() { - // keep it lazy, instead of assigning to `cu.extend` - return utils.staticExtend.apply(null, arguments); +utils.hasOpenAndClose = function(node) { + return utils.hasOpen(node) && utils.hasClose(node); }; /** - * Bubble up events emitted from static methods on the Parent ctor. + * Push the given `node` onto the `state.inside` array for the + * given type. This array is used as a specialized "stack" for + * only the given `node.type`. * - * @param {Object} `Parent` - * @param {Array} `events` Event names to bubble up + * ```js + * var state = { inside: {}}; + * var node = new Node({type: 'brace'}); + * utils.addType(state, node); + * console.log(state.inside); + * //=> { brace: [{type: 'brace'}] } + * ``` + * @param {Object} `state` The `compiler.state` object or custom state object. + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Array} Returns the `state.inside` stack for the given type. * @api public */ -cu.bubble = function(Parent, events) { - events = events || []; - Parent.bubble = function(Child, arr) { - if (Array.isArray(arr)) { - events = utils.union([], events, arr); - } - var len = events.length; - var idx = -1; - while (++idx < len) { - var name = events[idx]; - Parent.on(name, Child.emit.bind(Child, name)); - } - cu.bubble(Child, events); - }; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 450 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var utils = {}; - - - -/** - * Lazily required module dependencies - */ - -utils.union = __webpack_require__(433); -utils.define = __webpack_require__(451); -utils.isObj = __webpack_require__(411); -utils.staticExtend = __webpack_require__(458); - - -/** - * Expose `utils` - */ - -module.exports = utils; - - -/***/ }), -/* 451 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * define-property - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(452); +utils.addType = function(state, node) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(isObject(state), 'expected state to be an object'); -module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { - if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected an object or function.'); - } + var type = node.parent + ? node.parent.type + : node.type.replace(/\.open$/, ''); - if (typeof prop !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected `prop` to be a string.'); + if (!state.hasOwnProperty('inside')) { + state.inside = {}; } - - if (isDescriptor(val) && ('set' in val || 'get' in val)) { - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, val); + if (!state.inside.hasOwnProperty(type)) { + state.inside[type] = []; } - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { - configurable: true, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - value: val - }); + var arr = state.inside[type]; + arr.push(node); + return arr; }; - -/***/ }), -/* 452 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-descriptor +/** + * Remove the given `node` from the `state.inside` array for the + * given type. This array is used as a specialized "stack" for + * only the given `node.type`. * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. + * ```js + * var state = { inside: {}}; + * var node = new Node({type: 'brace'}); + * utils.addType(state, node); + * console.log(state.inside); + * //=> { brace: [{type: 'brace'}] } + * utils.removeType(state, node); + * //=> { brace: [] } + * ``` + * @param {Object} `state` The `compiler.state` object or custom state object. + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @return {Array} Returns the `state.inside` stack for the given type. + * @api public */ +utils.removeType = function(state, node) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(isObject(state), 'expected state to be an object'); + var type = node.parent + ? node.parent.type + : node.type.replace(/\.close$/, ''); -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(453); -var isAccessor = __webpack_require__(454); -var isData = __webpack_require__(456); - -module.exports = function isDescriptor(obj, key) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - if ('get' in obj) { - return isAccessor(obj, key); + if (state.inside.hasOwnProperty(type)) { + return state.inside[type].pop(); } - return isData(obj, key); }; - -/***/ }), -/* 453 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - /** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. + * Returns true if `node.val` is an empty string, or `node.nodes` does + * not contain any non-empty text nodes. * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * ```js + * var node = new Node({type: 'text'}); + * utils.isEmpty(node); //=> true + * node.val = 'foo'; + * utils.isEmpty(node); //=> false + * ``` + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {Function} `fn` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - var type = typeof val; - - // primitivies - if (type === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (type === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (type === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } +utils.isEmpty = function(node, fn) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); - // functions - if (type === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - if (typeof val.constructor.name !== 'undefined' && val.constructor.name.slice(0, 9) === 'Generator') { - return 'generatorfunction'; + if (!Array.isArray(node.nodes)) { + if (node.type !== 'text') { + return true; } - return 'function'; + if (typeof fn === 'function') { + return fn(node, node.parent); + } + return !utils.trim(node.val); } - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; + for (var i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { + var child = node.nodes[i]; + if (utils.isOpen(child) || utils.isClose(child)) { + continue; + } + if (!utils.isEmpty(child, fn)) { + return false; + } } - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } + return true; +}; - // other objects - type = toString.call(val); +/** + * Returns true if the `state.inside` stack for the given type exists + * and has one or more nodes on it. + * + * ```js + * var state = { inside: {}}; + * var node = new Node({type: 'brace'}); + * console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> false + * utils.addType(state, node); + * console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> true + * utils.removeType(state, node); + * console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> false + * ``` + * @param {Object} `state` + * @param {String} `type` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - if (type === '[object Promise]') { - return 'promise'; - } +utils.isInsideType = function(state, type) { + assert(isObject(state), 'expected state to be an object'); + assert(isString(type), 'expected type to be a string'); - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; + if (!state.hasOwnProperty('inside')) { + return false; } - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } - - if (type === '[object Map Iterator]') { - return 'mapiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Set Iterator]') { - return 'setiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object String Iterator]') { - return 'stringiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Array Iterator]') { - return 'arrayiterator'; - } - - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + if (!state.inside.hasOwnProperty(type)) { + return false; } - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + return state.inside[type].length > 0; }; /** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer - */ - -function isBuffer(val) { - return val.constructor - && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' - && val.constructor.isBuffer(val); -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 454 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-accessor-descriptor + * Returns true if `node` is either a child or grand-child of the given `type`, + * or `state.inside[type]` is a non-empty array. * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * ```js + * var state = { inside: {}}; + * var node = new Node({type: 'brace'}); + * var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'}); + * console.log(utils.isInside(state, open, 'brace')); //=> false + * utils.pushNode(node, open); + * console.log(utils.isInside(state, open, 'brace')); //=> true + * ``` + * @param {Object} `state` Either the `compiler.state` object, if it exists, or a user-supplied state object. + * @param {Object} `node` Instance of [snapdragon-node][] + * @param {String} `type` The `node.type` to check for. + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public */ +utils.isInside = function(state, node, type) { + assert(utils.isNode(node), 'expected node to be an instance of Node'); + assert(isObject(state), 'expected state to be an object'); - -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(455); - -// accessor descriptor properties -var accessor = { - get: 'function', - set: 'function', - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean' -}; - -function isAccessorDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } - - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - - if (has(obj, 'value') || has(obj, 'writable')) { - return false; - } - - if (!has(obj, 'get') || typeof obj.get !== 'function') { + if (Array.isArray(type)) { + for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) { + if (utils.isInside(state, node, type[i])) { + return true; + } + } return false; } - // tldr: it's valid to have "set" be undefined - // "set" might be undefined if `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` - // was used to get the value, and only `get` was defined by the user - if (has(obj, 'set') && typeof obj[key] !== 'function' && typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; + var parent = node.parent; + if (typeof type === 'string') { + return (parent && parent.type === type) || utils.isInsideType(state, type); } - for (var key in obj) { - if (!accessor.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; + if (typeOf(type) === 'regexp') { + if (parent && parent.type && type.test(parent.type)) { + return true; } - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === accessor[key]) { - continue; - } + var keys = Object.keys(state.inside); + var len = keys.length; + var idx = -1; + while (++idx < len) { + var key = keys[idx]; + var val = state.inside[key]; - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; + if (Array.isArray(val) && val.length !== 0 && type.test(key)) { + return true; + } } } - return true; -} - -function has(obj, key) { - return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); -} + return false; +}; /** - * Expose `isAccessorDescriptor` + * Get the last `n` element from the given `array`. Used for getting + * a node from `node.nodes.` + * + * @param {Array} `array` + * @param {Number} `n` + * @return {undefined} + * @api public */ -module.exports = isAccessorDescriptor; - - -/***/ }), -/* 455 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; +utils.last = function(arr, n) { + return arr[arr.length - (n || 1)]; +}; /** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. + * Cast the given `val` to an array. * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * ```js + * console.log(utils.arrayify('')); + * //=> [] + * console.log(utils.arrayify('foo')); + * //=> ['foo'] + * console.log(utils.arrayify(['foo'])); + * //=> ['foo'] + * ``` + * @param {any} `val` + * @return {Array} + * @api public */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } - - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } - - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } - - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); - - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } - - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } - - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; +utils.arrayify = function(val) { + if (typeof val === 'string' && val !== '') { + return [val]; } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + if (!Array.isArray(val)) { + return []; } - - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + return val; }; +/** + * Convert the given `val` to a string by joining with `,`. Useful + * for creating a cheerio/CSS/DOM-style selector from a list of strings. + * + * @param {any} `val` + * @return {Array} + * @api public + */ -/***/ }), -/* 456 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +utils.stringify = function(val) { + return utils.arrayify(val).join(','); +}; -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-data-descriptor +/** + * Ensure that the given value is a string and call `.trim()` on it, + * or return an empty string. * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * @param {String} `str` + * @return {String} + * @api public */ +utils.trim = function(str) { + return typeof str === 'string' ? str.trim() : ''; +}; +/** + * Return true if val is an object + */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(457); +function isObject(val) { + return typeOf(val) === 'object'; +} -// data descriptor properties -var data = { - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean', - writable: 'boolean' -}; +/** + * Return true if val is a string + */ -function isDataDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } +function isString(val) { + return typeof val === 'string'; +} - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } +/** + * Return true if val is a function + */ - if (!('value' in obj) && !('writable' in obj)) { - return false; - } +function isFunction(val) { + return typeof val === 'function'; +} - for (var key in obj) { - if (key === 'value') continue; +/** + * Return true if val is an array + */ - if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; - } +function isArray(val) { + return Array.isArray(val); +} - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === data[key]) { - continue; - } +/** + * Shim to ensure the `.append` methods work with any version of snapdragon + */ - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } +function append(compiler, val, node) { + if (typeof compiler.append !== 'function') { + return compiler.emit(val, node); } - return true; + return compiler.append(val, node); } /** - * Expose `isDataDescriptor` + * Simplified assertion. Throws an error is `val` is falsey. */ -module.exports = isDataDescriptor; +function assert(val, message) { + if (!val) throw new Error(message); +} /***/ }), -/* 457 */ +/* 423 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; +"use strict"; + + +var extend = __webpack_require__(394); +var Snapdragon = __webpack_require__(424); +var compilers = __webpack_require__(398); +var parsers = __webpack_require__(413); +var utils = __webpack_require__(399); /** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * Customize Snapdragon parser and renderer */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } +function Braces(options) { + this.options = extend({}, options); +} - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } +/** + * Initialize braces + */ - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } +Braces.prototype.init = function(options) { + if (this.isInitialized) return; + this.isInitialized = true; + var opts = utils.createOptions({}, this.options, options); + this.snapdragon = this.options.snapdragon || new Snapdragon(opts); + this.compiler = this.snapdragon.compiler; + this.parser = this.snapdragon.parser; - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } + compilers(this.snapdragon, opts); + parsers(this.snapdragon, opts); - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); + /** + * Call Snapdragon `.parse` method. When AST is returned, we check to + * see if any unclosed braces are left on the stack and, if so, we iterate + * over the stack and correct the AST so that compilers are called in the correct + * order and unbalance braces are properly escaped. + */ - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } + utils.define(this.snapdragon, 'parse', function(pattern, options) { + var parsed = Snapdragon.prototype.parse.apply(this, arguments); + this.parser.ast.input = pattern; - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } + var stack = this.parser.stack; + while (stack.length) { + addParent({type: 'brace.close', val: ''}, stack.pop()); + } - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } + function addParent(node, parent) { + utils.define(node, 'parent', parent); + parent.nodes.push(node); + } - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + // add non-enumerable parser reference + utils.define(parsed, 'parser', this.parser); + return parsed; + }); +}; + +/** + * Decorate `.parse` method + */ + +Braces.prototype.parse = function(ast, options) { + if (ast && typeof ast === 'object' && ast.nodes) return ast; + this.init(options); + return this.snapdragon.parse(ast, options); +}; + +/** + * Decorate `.compile` method + */ + +Braces.prototype.compile = function(ast, options) { + if (typeof ast === 'string') { + ast = this.parse(ast, options); + } else { + this.init(options); } + return this.snapdragon.compile(ast, options); +}; - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; +/** + * Expand + */ + +Braces.prototype.expand = function(pattern) { + var ast = this.parse(pattern, {expand: true}); + return this.compile(ast, {expand: true}); +}; + +/** + * Optimize + */ + +Braces.prototype.optimize = function(pattern) { + var ast = this.parse(pattern, {optimize: true}); + return this.compile(ast, {optimize: true}); }; +/** + * Expose `Braces` + */ + +module.exports = Braces; + /***/ }), -/* 458 */ +/* 424 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -/*! - * static-extend + + +var Base = __webpack_require__(425); +var define = __webpack_require__(386); +var Compiler = __webpack_require__(455); +var Parser = __webpack_require__(485); +var utils = __webpack_require__(465); +var regexCache = {}; +var cache = {}; + +/** + * Create a new instance of `Snapdragon` with the given `options`. * - * Copyright (c) 2016, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * ```js + * var snapdragon = new Snapdragon(); + * ``` + * + * @param {Object} `options` + * @api public */ +function Snapdragon(options) { + Base.call(this, null, options); + this.options = utils.extend({source: 'string'}, this.options); + this.compiler = new Compiler(this.options); + this.parser = new Parser(this.options); + + Object.defineProperty(this, 'compilers', { + get: function() { + return this.compiler.compilers; + } + }); + + Object.defineProperty(this, 'parsers', { + get: function() { + return this.parser.parsers; + } + }); + Object.defineProperty(this, 'regex', { + get: function() { + return this.parser.regex; + } + }); +} -var copy = __webpack_require__(459); -var define = __webpack_require__(466); -var util = __webpack_require__(29); +/** + * Inherit Base + */ + +Base.extend(Snapdragon); /** - * Returns a function for extending the static properties, - * prototype properties, and descriptors from the `Parent` - * constructor onto `Child` constructors. + * Add a parser to `snapdragon.parsers` for capturing the given `type` using + * the specified regex or parser function. A function is useful if you need + * to customize how the token is created and/or have access to the parser + * instance to check options, etc. * * ```js - * var extend = require('static-extend'); - * Parent.extend = extend(Parent); + * snapdragon + * .capture('slash', /^\//) + * .capture('dot', function() { + * var pos = this.position(); + * var m = this.match(/^\./); + * if (!m) return; + * return pos({ + * type: 'dot', + * val: m[0] + * }); + * }); + * ``` + * @param {String} `type` + * @param {RegExp|Function} `regex` + * @return {Object} Returns the parser instance for chaining + * @api public + */ + +Snapdragon.prototype.capture = function() { + return this.parser.capture.apply(this.parser, arguments); +}; + +/** + * Register a plugin `fn`. * - * // optionally pass a custom merge function as the second arg - * Parent.extend = extend(Parent, function(Child) { - * Child.prototype.mixin = function(key, val) { - * Child.prototype[key] = val; - * }; + * ```js + * var snapdragon = new Snapdgragon([options]); + * snapdragon.use(function() { + * console.log(this); //<= snapdragon instance + * console.log(this.parser); //<= parser instance + * console.log(this.compiler); //<= compiler instance * }); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `fn` + * @api public + */ + +Snapdragon.prototype.use = function(fn) { + fn.call(this, this); + return this; +}; + +/** + * Parse the given `str`. * - * // extend "child" constructors - * Parent.extend(Child); + * ```js + * var snapdragon = new Snapdgragon([options]); + * // register parsers + * snapdragon.parser.use(function() {}); * - * // optionally define prototype methods as the second arg - * Parent.extend(Child, { - * foo: function() {}, - * bar: function() {} - * }); + * // parse + * var ast = snapdragon.parse('foo/bar'); + * console.log(ast); * ``` - * @param {Function} `Parent` Parent ctor - * @param {Function} `extendFn` Optional extend function for handling any necessary custom merging. Useful when updating methods that require a specific prototype. - * @param {Function} `Child` Child ctor - * @param {Object} `proto` Optionally pass additional prototype properties to inherit. - * @return {Object} + * @param {String} `str` + * @param {Object} `options` Set `options.sourcemap` to true to enable source maps. + * @return {Object} Returns an AST. * @api public */ -function extend(Parent, extendFn) { - if (typeof Parent !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected Parent to be a function.'); - } - - return function(Ctor, proto) { - if (typeof Ctor !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected Ctor to be a function.'); - } +Snapdragon.prototype.parse = function(str, options) { + this.options = utils.extend({}, this.options, options); + var parsed = this.parser.parse(str, this.options); - util.inherits(Ctor, Parent); - copy(Ctor, Parent); + // add non-enumerable parser reference + define(parsed, 'parser', this.parser); + return parsed; +}; - // proto can be null or a plain object - if (typeof proto === 'object') { - var obj = Object.create(proto); +/** + * Compile the given `AST`. + * + * ```js + * var snapdragon = new Snapdgragon([options]); + * // register plugins + * snapdragon.use(function() {}); + * // register parser plugins + * snapdragon.parser.use(function() {}); + * // register compiler plugins + * snapdragon.compiler.use(function() {}); + * + * // parse + * var ast = snapdragon.parse('foo/bar'); + * + * // compile + * var res = snapdragon.compile(ast); + * console.log(res.output); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `ast` + * @param {Object} `options` + * @return {Object} Returns an object with an `output` property with the rendered string. + * @api public + */ - for (var k in obj) { - Ctor.prototype[k] = obj[k]; - } - } +Snapdragon.prototype.compile = function(ast, options) { + this.options = utils.extend({}, this.options, options); + var compiled = this.compiler.compile(ast, this.options); - // keep a reference to the parent prototype - define(Ctor.prototype, '_parent_', { - configurable: true, - set: function() {}, - get: function() { - return Parent.prototype; - } - }); + // add non-enumerable compiler reference + define(compiled, 'compiler', this.compiler); + return compiled; +}; - if (typeof extendFn === 'function') { - extendFn(Ctor, Parent); - } +/** + * Expose `Snapdragon` + */ - Ctor.extend = extend(Ctor, extendFn); - }; -}; +module.exports = Snapdragon; /** - * Expose `extend` + * Expose `Parser` and `Compiler` */ -module.exports = extend; +module.exports.Compiler = Compiler; +module.exports.Parser = Parser; /***/ }), -/* 459 */ +/* 425 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(416); -var copyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(460); -var define = __webpack_require__(461); +var util = __webpack_require__(29); +var define = __webpack_require__(426); +var CacheBase = __webpack_require__(427); +var Emitter = __webpack_require__(428); +var isObject = __webpack_require__(404); +var merge = __webpack_require__(446); +var pascal = __webpack_require__(449); +var cu = __webpack_require__(450); /** - * Copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from one object to another. - * - * ```js - * function App() {} - * var proto = App.prototype; - * App.prototype.set = function() {}; - * App.prototype.get = function() {}; - * - * var obj = {}; - * copy(obj, proto); - * ``` - * @param {Object} `receiver` - * @param {Object} `provider` - * @param {String|Array} `omit` One or more properties to omit - * @return {Object} - * @api public + * Optionally define a custom `cache` namespace to use. */ -function copy(receiver, provider, omit) { - if (!isObject(receiver)) { - throw new TypeError('expected receiving object to be an object.'); - } - if (!isObject(provider)) { - throw new TypeError('expected providing object to be an object.'); +function namespace(name) { + var Cache = name ? CacheBase.namespace(name) : CacheBase; + var fns = []; + + /** + * Create an instance of `Base` with the given `config` and `options`. + * + * ```js + * // initialize with `config` and `options` + * var app = new Base({isApp: true}, {abc: true}); + * app.set('foo', 'bar'); + * + * // values defined with the given `config` object will be on the root of the instance + * console.log(app.baz); //=> undefined + * console.log(app.foo); //=> 'bar' + * // or use `.get` + * console.log(app.get('isApp')); //=> true + * console.log(app.get('foo')); //=> 'bar' + * + * // values defined with the given `options` object will be on `app.options + * console.log(app.options.abc); //=> true + * ``` + * + * @param {Object} `config` If supplied, this object is passed to [cache-base][] to merge onto the the instance upon instantiation. + * @param {Object} `options` If supplied, this object is used to initialize the `base.options` object. + * @api public + */ + + function Base(config, options) { + if (!(this instanceof Base)) { + return new Base(config, options); + } + Cache.call(this, config); + this.is('base'); + this.initBase(config, options); } - var props = nativeKeys(provider); - var keys = Object.keys(provider); - var len = props.length; - omit = arrayify(omit); + /** + * Inherit cache-base + */ - while (len--) { - var key = props[len]; + util.inherits(Base, Cache); - if (has(keys, key)) { - define(receiver, key, provider[key]); - } else if (!(key in receiver) && !has(omit, key)) { - copyDescriptor(receiver, provider, key); - } - } -}; + /** + * Add static emitter methods + */ -/** - * Return true if the given value is an object or function - */ + Emitter(Base); -function isObject(val) { - return typeOf(val) === 'object' || typeof val === 'function'; -} + /** + * Initialize `Base` defaults with the given `config` object + */ -/** - * Returns true if an array has any of the given elements, or an - * object has any of the give keys. - * - * ```js - * has(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c'); - * //=> true - * - * has(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'z']); - * //=> true - * - * has({a: 'b', c: 'd'}, ['c', 'z']); - * //=> true - * ``` - * @param {Object} `obj` - * @param {String|Array} `val` - * @return {Boolean} - */ + Base.prototype.initBase = function(config, options) { + this.options = merge({}, this.options, options); + this.cache = this.cache || {}; + this.define('registered', {}); + if (name) this[name] = {}; -function has(obj, val) { - val = arrayify(val); - var len = val.length; + // make `app._callbacks` non-enumerable + this.define('_callbacks', this._callbacks); + if (isObject(config)) { + this.visit('set', config); + } + Base.run(this, 'use', fns); + }; - if (isObject(obj)) { - for (var key in obj) { - if (val.indexOf(key) > -1) { - return true; - } + /** + * Set the given `name` on `app._name` and `app.is*` properties. Used for doing + * lookups in plugins. + * + * ```js + * app.is('foo'); + * console.log(app._name); + * //=> 'foo' + * console.log(app.isFoo); + * //=> true + * app.is('bar'); + * console.log(app.isFoo); + * //=> true + * console.log(app.isBar); + * //=> true + * console.log(app._name); + * //=> 'bar' + * ``` + * @name .is + * @param {String} `name` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + + Base.prototype.is = function(name) { + if (typeof name !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected name to be a string'); } + this.define('is' + pascal(name), true); + this.define('_name', name); + this.define('_appname', name); + return this; + }; - var keys = nativeKeys(obj); - return has(keys, val); - } + /** + * Returns true if a plugin has already been registered on an instance. + * + * Plugin implementors are encouraged to use this first thing in a plugin + * to prevent the plugin from being called more than once on the same + * instance. + * + * ```js + * var base = new Base(); + * base.use(function(app) { + * if (app.isRegistered('myPlugin')) return; + * // do stuff to `app` + * }); + * + * // to also record the plugin as being registered + * base.use(function(app) { + * if (app.isRegistered('myPlugin', true)) return; + * // do stuff to `app` + * }); + * ``` + * @name .isRegistered + * @emits `plugin` Emits the name of the plugin being registered. Useful for unit tests, to ensure plugins are only registered once. + * @param {String} `name` The plugin name. + * @param {Boolean} `register` If the plugin if not already registered, to record it as being registered pass `true` as the second argument. + * @return {Boolean} Returns true if a plugin is already registered. + * @api public + */ - if (Array.isArray(obj)) { - var arr = obj; - while (len--) { - if (arr.indexOf(val[len]) > -1) { - return true; - } + Base.prototype.isRegistered = function(name, register) { + if (this.registered.hasOwnProperty(name)) { + return true; + } + if (register !== false) { + this.registered[name] = true; + this.emit('plugin', name); } return false; - } + }; - throw new TypeError('expected an array or object.'); -} + /** + * Define a plugin function to be called immediately upon init. Plugins are chainable + * and expose the following arguments to the plugin function: + * + * - `app`: the current instance of `Base` + * - `base`: the [first ancestor instance](#base) of `Base` + * + * ```js + * var app = new Base() + * .use(foo) + * .use(bar) + * .use(baz) + * ``` + * @name .use + * @param {Function} `fn` plugin function to call + * @return {Object} Returns the item instance for chaining. + * @api public + */ -/** - * Cast the given value to an array. - * - * ```js - * arrayify('foo'); - * //=> ['foo'] - * - * arrayify(['foo']); - * //=> ['foo'] - * ``` - * - * @param {String|Array} `val` - * @return {Array} - */ + Base.prototype.use = function(fn) { + fn.call(this, this); + return this; + }; -function arrayify(val) { - return val ? (Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]) : []; -} + /** + * The `.define` method is used for adding non-enumerable property on the instance. + * Dot-notation is **not supported** with `define`. + * + * ```js + * // arbitrary `render` function using lodash `template` + * app.define('render', function(str, locals) { + * return _.template(str)(locals); + * }); + * ``` + * @name .define + * @param {String} `key` The name of the property to define. + * @param {any} `value` + * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. + * @api public + */ -/** - * Returns true if a value has a `contructor` - * - * ```js - * hasConstructor({}); - * //=> true - * - * hasConstructor(Object.create(null)); - * //=> false - * ``` - * @param {Object} `value` - * @return {Boolean} - */ + Base.prototype.define = function(key, val) { + if (isObject(key)) { + return this.visit('define', key); + } + define(this, key, val); + return this; + }; -function hasConstructor(val) { - return isObject(val) && typeof val.constructor !== 'undefined'; -} + /** + * Mix property `key` onto the Base prototype. If base is inherited using + * `Base.extend` this method will be overridden by a new `mixin` method that will + * only add properties to the prototype of the inheriting application. + * + * ```js + * app.mixin('foo', function() { + * // do stuff + * }); + * ``` + * @name .mixin + * @param {String} `key` + * @param {Object|Array} `val` + * @return {Object} Returns the `base` instance for chaining. + * @api public + */ -/** - * Get the native `ownPropertyNames` from the constructor of the - * given `object`. An empty array is returned if the object does - * not have a constructor. - * - * ```js - * nativeKeys({a: 'b', b: 'c', c: 'd'}) - * //=> ['a', 'b', 'c'] - * - * nativeKeys(function(){}) - * //=> ['length', 'caller'] - * ``` - * - * @param {Object} `obj` Object that has a `constructor`. - * @return {Array} Array of keys. - */ + Base.prototype.mixin = function(key, val) { + Base.prototype[key] = val; + return this; + }; -function nativeKeys(val) { - if (!hasConstructor(val)) return []; - return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(val); -} + /** + * Non-enumberable mixin array, used by the static [Base.mixin]() method. + */ -/** - * Expose `copy` - */ + Base.prototype.mixins = Base.prototype.mixins || []; -module.exports = copy; + /** + * Getter/setter used when creating nested instances of `Base`, for storing a reference + * to the first ancestor instance. This works by setting an instance of `Base` on the `parent` + * property of a "child" instance. The `base` property defaults to the current instance if + * no `parent` property is defined. + * + * ```js + * // create an instance of `Base`, this is our first ("base") instance + * var first = new Base(); + * first.foo = 'bar'; // arbitrary property, to make it easier to see what's happening later + * + * // create another instance + * var second = new Base(); + * // create a reference to the first instance (`first`) + * second.parent = first; + * + * // create another instance + * var third = new Base(); + * // create a reference to the previous instance (`second`) + * // repeat this pattern every time a "child" instance is created + * third.parent = second; + * + * // we can always access the first instance using the `base` property + * console.log(first.base.foo); + * //=> 'bar' + * console.log(second.base.foo); + * //=> 'bar' + * console.log(third.base.foo); + * //=> 'bar' + * // and now you know how to get to third base ;) + * ``` + * @name .base + * @api public + */ -/** - * Expose `copy.has` for tests - */ + Object.defineProperty(Base.prototype, 'base', { + configurable: true, + get: function() { + return this.parent ? this.parent.base : this; + } + }); -module.exports.has = has; + /** + * Static method for adding global plugin functions that will + * be added to an instance when created. + * + * ```js + * Base.use(function(app) { + * app.foo = 'bar'; + * }); + * var app = new Base(); + * console.log(app.foo); + * //=> 'bar' + * ``` + * @name #use + * @param {Function} `fn` Plugin function to use on each instance. + * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining + * @api public + */ + + define(Base, 'use', function(fn) { + fns.push(fn); + return Base; + }); + /** + * Run an array of functions by passing each function + * to a method on the given object specified by the given property. + * + * @param {Object} `obj` Object containing method to use. + * @param {String} `prop` Name of the method on the object to use. + * @param {Array} `arr` Array of functions to pass to the method. + */ -/***/ }), -/* 460 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + define(Base, 'run', function(obj, prop, arr) { + var len = arr.length, i = 0; + while (len--) { + obj[prop](arr[i++]); + } + return Base; + }); -"use strict"; -/*! - * copy-descriptor - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ + /** + * Static method for inheriting the prototype and static methods of the `Base` class. + * This method greatly simplifies the process of creating inheritance-based applications. + * See [static-extend][] for more details. + * + * ```js + * var extend = cu.extend(Parent); + * Parent.extend(Child); + * + * // optional methods + * Parent.extend(Child, { + * foo: function() {}, + * bar: function() {} + * }); + * ``` + * @name #extend + * @param {Function} `Ctor` constructor to extend + * @param {Object} `methods` Optional prototype properties to mix in. + * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining + * @api public + */ + define(Base, 'extend', cu.extend(Base, function(Ctor, Parent) { + Ctor.prototype.mixins = Ctor.prototype.mixins || []; + define(Ctor, 'mixin', function(fn) { + var mixin = fn(Ctor.prototype, Ctor); + if (typeof mixin === 'function') { + Ctor.prototype.mixins.push(mixin); + } + return Ctor; + }); -/** - * Copy a descriptor from one object to another. - * - * ```js - * function App() { - * this.cache = {}; - * } - * App.prototype.set = function(key, val) { - * this.cache[key] = val; - * return this; - * }; - * Object.defineProperty(App.prototype, 'count', { - * get: function() { - * return Object.keys(this.cache).length; - * } - * }); - * - * copy(App.prototype, 'count', 'len'); - * - * // create an instance - * var app = new App(); - * - * app.set('a', true); - * app.set('b', true); - * app.set('c', true); - * - * console.log(app.count); - * //=> 3 - * console.log(app.len); - * //=> 3 - * ``` - * @name copy - * @param {Object} `receiver` The target object - * @param {Object} `provider` The provider object - * @param {String} `from` The key to copy on provider. - * @param {String} `to` Optionally specify a new key name to use. - * @return {Object} - * @api public - */ + define(Ctor, 'mixins', function(Child) { + Base.run(Child, 'mixin', Ctor.prototype.mixins); + return Ctor; + }); -module.exports = function copyDescriptor(receiver, provider, from, to) { - if (!isObject(provider) && typeof provider !== 'function') { - to = from; - from = provider; - provider = receiver; - } - if (!isObject(receiver) && typeof receiver !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected the first argument to be an object'); - } - if (!isObject(provider) && typeof provider !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected provider to be an object'); - } + Ctor.prototype.mixin = function(key, value) { + Ctor.prototype[key] = value; + return this; + }; + return Base; + })); - if (typeof to !== 'string') { - to = from; - } - if (typeof from !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected key to be a string'); - } + /** + * Used for adding methods to the `Base` prototype, and/or to the prototype of child instances. + * When a mixin function returns a function, the returned function is pushed onto the `.mixins` + * array, making it available to be used on inheriting classes whenever `Base.mixins()` is + * called (e.g. `Base.mixins(Child)`). + * + * ```js + * Base.mixin(function(proto) { + * proto.foo = function(msg) { + * return 'foo ' + msg; + * }; + * }); + * ``` + * @name #mixin + * @param {Function} `fn` Function to call + * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining + * @api public + */ + + define(Base, 'mixin', function(fn) { + var mixin = fn(Base.prototype, Base); + if (typeof mixin === 'function') { + Base.prototype.mixins.push(mixin); + } + return Base; + }); + + /** + * Static method for running global mixin functions against a child constructor. + * Mixins must be registered before calling this method. + * + * ```js + * Base.extend(Child); + * Base.mixins(Child); + * ``` + * @name #mixins + * @param {Function} `Child` Constructor function of a child class + * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining + * @api public + */ - if (!(from in provider)) { - throw new Error('property "' + from + '" does not exist'); - } + define(Base, 'mixins', function(Child) { + Base.run(Child, 'mixin', Base.prototype.mixins); + return Base; + }); - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(provider, from); - if (val) Object.defineProperty(receiver, to, val); -}; + /** + * Similar to `util.inherit`, but copies all static properties, prototype properties, and + * getters/setters from `Provider` to `Receiver`. See [class-utils][]{#inherit} for more details. + * + * ```js + * Base.inherit(Foo, Bar); + * ``` + * @name #inherit + * @param {Function} `Receiver` Receiving (child) constructor + * @param {Function} `Provider` Providing (parent) constructor + * @return {Object} Returns the `Base` constructor for chaining + * @api public + */ -function isObject(val) { - return {}.toString.call(val) === '[object Object]'; + define(Base, 'inherit', cu.inherit); + define(Base, 'bubble', cu.bubble); + return Base; } +/** + * Expose `Base` with default settings + */ + +module.exports = namespace(); + +/** + * Allow users to define a namespace + */ + +module.exports.namespace = namespace; /***/ }), -/* 461 */ +/* 426 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! * define-property * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(462); +var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(416); module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { @@ -42889,552 +40188,570 @@ module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { /***/ }), -/* 462 */ +/* 427 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -/*! - * is-descriptor + + +var isObject = __webpack_require__(404); +var Emitter = __webpack_require__(428); +var visit = __webpack_require__(429); +var toPath = __webpack_require__(432); +var union = __webpack_require__(433); +var del = __webpack_require__(437); +var get = __webpack_require__(435); +var has = __webpack_require__(442); +var set = __webpack_require__(445); + +/** + * Create a `Cache` constructor that when instantiated will + * store values on the given `prop`. * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. + * ```js + * var Cache = require('cache-base').namespace('data'); + * var cache = new Cache(); + * + * cache.set('foo', 'bar'); + * //=> {data: {foo: 'bar'}} + * ``` + * @param {String} `prop` The property name to use for storing values. + * @return {Function} Returns a custom `Cache` constructor + * @api public */ +function namespace(prop) { + /** + * Create a new `Cache`. Internally the `Cache` constructor is created using + * the `namespace` function, with `cache` defined as the storage object. + * + * ```js + * var app = new Cache(); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `cache` Optionally pass an object to initialize with. + * @constructor + * @api public + */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(463); -var isAccessor = __webpack_require__(464); -var isData = __webpack_require__(465); - -module.exports = function isDescriptor(obj, key) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - if ('get' in obj) { - return isAccessor(obj, key); + function Cache(cache) { + if (prop) { + this[prop] = {}; + } + if (cache) { + this.set(cache); + } } - return isData(obj, key); -}; - -/***/ }), -/* 463 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { + /** + * Inherit Emitter + */ -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + Emitter(Cache.prototype); -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type - */ + /** + * Assign `value` to `key`. Also emits `set` with + * the key and value. + * + * ```js + * app.on('set', function(key, val) { + * // do something when `set` is emitted + * }); + * + * app.set(key, value); + * + * // also takes an object or array + * app.set({name: 'Halle'}); + * app.set([{foo: 'bar'}, {baz: 'quux'}]); + * console.log(app); + * //=> {name: 'Halle', foo: 'bar', baz: 'quux'} + * ``` + * + * @name .set + * @emits `set` with `key` and `value` as arguments. + * @param {String} `key` + * @param {any} `value` + * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. + * @api public + */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - var type = typeof val; + Cache.prototype.set = function(key, val) { + if (Array.isArray(key) && arguments.length === 2) { + key = toPath(key); + } + if (isObject(key) || Array.isArray(key)) { + this.visit('set', key); + } else { + set(prop ? this[prop] : this, key, val); + this.emit('set', key, val); + } + return this; + }; - // primitivies - if (type === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (type === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (type === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } + /** + * Union `array` to `key`. Also emits `set` with + * the key and value. + * + * ```js + * app.union('a.b', ['foo']); + * app.union('a.b', ['bar']); + * console.log(app.get('a')); + * //=> {b: ['foo', 'bar']} + * ``` + * @name .union + * @param {String} `key` + * @param {any} `value` + * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. + * @api public + */ - // functions - if (type === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - if (typeof val.constructor.name !== 'undefined' && val.constructor.name.slice(0, 9) === 'Generator') { - return 'generatorfunction'; + Cache.prototype.union = function(key, val) { + if (Array.isArray(key) && arguments.length === 2) { + key = toPath(key); } - return 'function'; - } + var ctx = prop ? this[prop] : this; + union(ctx, key, arrayify(val)); + this.emit('union', val); + return this; + }; - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } + /** + * Return the value of `key`. Dot notation may be used + * to get [nested property values][get-value]. + * + * ```js + * app.set('a.b.c', 'd'); + * app.get('a.b'); + * //=> {c: 'd'} + * + * app.get(['a', 'b']); + * //=> {c: 'd'} + * ``` + * + * @name .get + * @emits `get` with `key` and `value` as arguments. + * @param {String} `key` The name of the property to get. Dot-notation may be used. + * @return {any} Returns the value of `key` + * @api public + */ - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } + Cache.prototype.get = function(key) { + key = toPath(arguments); - // other objects - type = toString.call(val); + var ctx = prop ? this[prop] : this; + var val = get(ctx, key); - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - if (type === '[object Promise]') { - return 'promise'; - } + this.emit('get', key, val); + return val; + }; - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } + /** + * Return true if app has a stored value for `key`, + * false only if value is `undefined`. + * + * ```js + * app.set('foo', 'bar'); + * app.has('foo'); + * //=> true + * ``` + * + * @name .has + * @emits `has` with `key` and true or false as arguments. + * @param {String} `key` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } - - if (type === '[object Map Iterator]') { - return 'mapiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Set Iterator]') { - return 'setiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object String Iterator]') { - return 'stringiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Array Iterator]') { - return 'arrayiterator'; - } - - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; - } + Cache.prototype.has = function(key) { + key = toPath(arguments); - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; -}; + var ctx = prop ? this[prop] : this; + var val = get(ctx, key); -/** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer - */ + var has = typeof val !== 'undefined'; + this.emit('has', key, has); + return has; + }; -function isBuffer(val) { - return val.constructor - && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' - && val.constructor.isBuffer(val); + /** + * Delete one or more properties from the instance. + * + * ```js + * app.del(); // delete all + * // or + * app.del('foo'); + * // or + * app.del(['foo', 'bar']); + * ``` + * @name .del + * @emits `del` with the `key` as the only argument. + * @param {String|Array} `key` Property name or array of property names. + * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. + * @api public + */ + + Cache.prototype.del = function(key) { + if (Array.isArray(key)) { + this.visit('del', key); + } else { + del(prop ? this[prop] : this, key); + this.emit('del', key); + } + return this; + }; + + /** + * Reset the entire cache to an empty object. + * + * ```js + * app.clear(); + * ``` + * @api public + */ + + Cache.prototype.clear = function() { + if (prop) { + this[prop] = {}; + } + }; + + /** + * Visit `method` over the properties in the given object, or map + * visit over the object-elements in an array. + * + * @name .visit + * @param {String} `method` The name of the `base` method to call. + * @param {Object|Array} `val` The object or array to iterate over. + * @return {Object} Returns the instance for chaining. + * @api public + */ + + Cache.prototype.visit = function(method, val) { + visit(this, method, val); + return this; + }; + + return Cache; } +/** + * Cast val to an array + */ -/***/ }), -/* 464 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +function arrayify(val) { + return val ? (Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]) : []; +} -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-accessor-descriptor - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. +/** + * Expose `Cache` */ +module.exports = namespace(); +/** + * Expose `Cache.namespace` + */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(416); +module.exports.namespace = namespace; -// accessor descriptor properties -var accessor = { - get: 'function', - set: 'function', - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean' -}; -function isAccessorDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } +/***/ }), +/* 428 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - if (has(obj, 'value') || has(obj, 'writable')) { - return false; - } +/** + * Expose `Emitter`. + */ - if (!has(obj, 'get') || typeof obj.get !== 'function') { - return false; - } +if (true) { + module.exports = Emitter; +} - // tldr: it's valid to have "set" be undefined - // "set" might be undefined if `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` - // was used to get the value, and only `get` was defined by the user - if (has(obj, 'set') && typeof obj[key] !== 'function' && typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } +/** + * Initialize a new `Emitter`. + * + * @api public + */ - for (var key in obj) { - if (!accessor.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; - } +function Emitter(obj) { + if (obj) return mixin(obj); +}; - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === accessor[key]) { - continue; - } +/** + * Mixin the emitter properties. + * + * @param {Object} obj + * @return {Object} + * @api private + */ - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } +function mixin(obj) { + for (var key in Emitter.prototype) { + obj[key] = Emitter.prototype[key]; } - return true; -} - -function has(obj, key) { - return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); + return obj; } /** - * Expose `isAccessorDescriptor` + * Listen on the given `event` with `fn`. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public */ -module.exports = isAccessorDescriptor; +Emitter.prototype.on = +Emitter.prototype.addEventListener = function(event, fn){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + (this._callbacks['$' + event] = this._callbacks['$' + event] || []) + .push(fn); + return this; +}; +/** + * Adds an `event` listener that will be invoked a single + * time then automatically removed. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public + */ -/***/ }), -/* 465 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +Emitter.prototype.once = function(event, fn){ + function on() { + this.off(event, on); + fn.apply(this, arguments); + } -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-data-descriptor + on.fn = fn; + this.on(event, on); + return this; +}; + +/** + * Remove the given callback for `event` or all + * registered callbacks. * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * @param {String} event + * @param {Function} fn + * @return {Emitter} + * @api public */ +Emitter.prototype.off = +Emitter.prototype.removeListener = +Emitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = +Emitter.prototype.removeEventListener = function(event, fn){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + // all + if (0 == arguments.length) { + this._callbacks = {}; + return this; + } -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(416); - -// data descriptor properties -var data = { - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean', - writable: 'boolean' -}; + // specific event + var callbacks = this._callbacks['$' + event]; + if (!callbacks) return this; -function isDataDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; + // remove all handlers + if (1 == arguments.length) { + delete this._callbacks['$' + event]; + return this; } - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; + // remove specific handler + var cb; + for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { + cb = callbacks[i]; + if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) { + callbacks.splice(i, 1); + break; + } } + return this; +}; - if (!('value' in obj) && !('writable' in obj)) { - return false; - } +/** + * Emit `event` with the given args. + * + * @param {String} event + * @param {Mixed} ... + * @return {Emitter} + */ - for (var key in obj) { - if (key === 'value') continue; +Emitter.prototype.emit = function(event){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1) + , callbacks = this._callbacks['$' + event]; - if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; + if (callbacks) { + callbacks = callbacks.slice(0); + for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; ++i) { + callbacks[i].apply(this, args); } + } - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === data[key]) { - continue; - } + return this; +}; - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } - } - return true; -} +/** + * Return array of callbacks for `event`. + * + * @param {String} event + * @return {Array} + * @api public + */ + +Emitter.prototype.listeners = function(event){ + this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; + return this._callbacks['$' + event] || []; +}; /** - * Expose `isDataDescriptor` + * Check if this emitter has `event` handlers. + * + * @param {String} event + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public */ -module.exports = isDataDescriptor; +Emitter.prototype.hasListeners = function(event){ + return !! this.listeners(event).length; +}; /***/ }), -/* 466 */ +/* 429 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * define-property + * collection-visit * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(467); +var visit = __webpack_require__(430); +var mapVisit = __webpack_require__(431); -module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { - if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected an object or function.'); - } +module.exports = function(collection, method, val) { + var result; - if (typeof prop !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected `prop` to be a string.'); + if (typeof val === 'string' && (method in collection)) { + var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 2); + result = collection[method].apply(collection, args); + } else if (Array.isArray(val)) { + result = mapVisit.apply(null, arguments); + } else { + result = visit.apply(null, arguments); } - if (isDescriptor(val) && ('set' in val || 'get' in val)) { - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, val); + if (typeof result !== 'undefined') { + return result; } - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { - configurable: true, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - value: val - }); + return collection; }; /***/ }), -/* 467 */ +/* 430 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-descriptor + * object-visit * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. * Released under the MIT License. */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(468); -var isAccessor = __webpack_require__(469); -var isData = __webpack_require__(471); +var isObject = __webpack_require__(404); -module.exports = function isDescriptor(obj, key) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; +module.exports = function visit(thisArg, method, target, val) { + if (!isObject(thisArg) && typeof thisArg !== 'function') { + throw new Error('object-visit expects `thisArg` to be an object.'); } - if ('get' in obj) { - return isAccessor(obj, key); + + if (typeof method !== 'string') { + throw new Error('object-visit expects `method` name to be a string'); } - return isData(obj, key); + + if (typeof thisArg[method] !== 'function') { + return thisArg; + } + + var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 3); + target = target || {}; + + for (var key in target) { + var arr = [key, target[key]].concat(args); + thisArg[method].apply(thisArg, arr); + } + return thisArg; }; /***/ }), -/* 468 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { +/* 431 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +"use strict"; -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + +var util = __webpack_require__(29); +var visit = __webpack_require__(430); /** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. + * Map `visit` over an array of objects. * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * @param {Object} `collection` The context in which to invoke `method` + * @param {String} `method` Name of the method to call on `collection` + * @param {Object} `arr` Array of objects. */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - var type = typeof val; - - // primitivies - if (type === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (type === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (type === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - - // functions - if (type === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - if (typeof val.constructor.name !== 'undefined' && val.constructor.name.slice(0, 9) === 'Generator') { - return 'generatorfunction'; - } - return 'function'; - } - - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } - - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; +module.exports = function mapVisit(collection, method, val) { + if (isObject(val)) { + return visit.apply(null, arguments); } - // other objects - type = toString.call(val); - - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - if (type === '[object Promise]') { - return 'promise'; + if (!Array.isArray(val)) { + throw new TypeError('expected an array: ' + util.inspect(val)); } - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } + var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 3); - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } - - if (type === '[object Map Iterator]') { - return 'mapiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Set Iterator]') { - return 'setiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object String Iterator]') { - return 'stringiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Array Iterator]') { - return 'arrayiterator'; - } - - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { + var ele = val[i]; + if (isObject(ele)) { + visit.apply(null, [collection, method, ele].concat(args)); + } else { + collection[method].apply(collection, [ele].concat(args)); + } } - - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; }; -/** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer - */ - -function isBuffer(val) { - return val.constructor - && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' - && val.constructor.isBuffer(val); +function isObject(val) { + return val && (typeof val === 'function' || (!Array.isArray(val) && typeof val === 'object')); } /***/ }), -/* 469 */ +/* 432 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-accessor-descriptor + * to-object-path * * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. * Licensed under the MIT License. @@ -43442,672 +40759,463 @@ function isBuffer(val) { -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(470); +var typeOf = __webpack_require__(409); -// accessor descriptor properties -var accessor = { - get: 'function', - set: 'function', - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean' +module.exports = function toPath(args) { + if (typeOf(args) !== 'arguments') { + args = arguments; + } + return filter(args).join('.'); }; -function isAccessorDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } +function filter(arr) { + var len = arr.length; + var idx = -1; + var res = []; - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; + while (++idx < len) { + var ele = arr[idx]; + if (typeOf(ele) === 'arguments' || Array.isArray(ele)) { + res.push.apply(res, filter(ele)); + } else if (typeof ele === 'string') { + res.push(ele); + } } + return res; +} - if (has(obj, 'value') || has(obj, 'writable')) { - return false; - } - if (!has(obj, 'get') || typeof obj.get !== 'function') { - return false; - } +/***/ }), +/* 433 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // tldr: it's valid to have "set" be undefined - // "set" might be undefined if `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` - // was used to get the value, and only `get` was defined by the user - if (has(obj, 'set') && typeof obj[key] !== 'function' && typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } +"use strict"; - for (var key in obj) { - if (!accessor.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; - } - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === accessor[key]) { - continue; - } +var isObject = __webpack_require__(395); +var union = __webpack_require__(434); +var get = __webpack_require__(435); +var set = __webpack_require__(436); - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } +module.exports = function unionValue(obj, prop, value) { + if (!isObject(obj)) { + throw new TypeError('union-value expects the first argument to be an object.'); } - return true; -} -function has(obj, key) { - return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); -} + if (typeof prop !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('union-value expects `prop` to be a string.'); + } -/** - * Expose `isAccessorDescriptor` - */ + var arr = arrayify(get(obj, prop)); + set(obj, prop, union(arr, arrayify(value))); + return obj; +}; -module.exports = isAccessorDescriptor; +function arrayify(val) { + if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') { + return []; + } + if (Array.isArray(val)) { + return val; + } + return [val]; +} /***/ }), -/* 470 */ +/* 434 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; +"use strict"; -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type - */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; +module.exports = function union(init) { + if (!Array.isArray(init)) { + throw new TypeError('arr-union expects the first argument to be an array.'); } - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } + var len = arguments.length; + var i = 0; - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } + while (++i < len) { + var arg = arguments[i]; + if (!arg) continue; - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } + if (!Array.isArray(arg)) { + arg = [arg]; + } - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); + for (var j = 0; j < arg.length; j++) { + var ele = arg[j]; - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; + if (init.indexOf(ele) >= 0) { + continue; + } + init.push(ele); + } } + return init; +}; - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } +/***/ }), +/* 435 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; +/*! + * get-value + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. + */ + +module.exports = function(obj, prop, a, b, c) { + if (!isObject(obj) || !prop) { + return obj; } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + + prop = toString(prop); + + // allowing for multiple properties to be passed as + // a string or array, but much faster (3-4x) than doing + // `[].slice.call(arguments)` + if (a) prop += '.' + toString(a); + if (b) prop += '.' + toString(b); + if (c) prop += '.' + toString(c); + + if (prop in obj) { + return obj[prop]; } - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + var segs = prop.split('.'); + var len = segs.length; + var i = -1; + + while (obj && (++i < len)) { + var key = segs[i]; + while (key[key.length - 1] === '\\') { + key = key.slice(0, -1) + '.' + segs[++i]; + } + obj = obj[key]; + } + return obj; }; +function isObject(val) { + return val !== null && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function'); +} + +function toString(val) { + if (!val) return ''; + if (Array.isArray(val)) { + return val.join('.'); + } + return val; +} + /***/ }), -/* 471 */ +/* 436 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-data-descriptor + * set-value * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(472); - -// data descriptor properties -var data = { - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean', - writable: 'boolean' -}; +var toPath = __webpack_require__(432); +var extend = __webpack_require__(394); +var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(403); +var isObject = __webpack_require__(395); -function isDataDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; +module.exports = function(obj, path, val) { + if (!isObject(obj)) { + return obj; } - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; + if (Array.isArray(path)) { + path = toPath(path); } - if (!('value' in obj) && !('writable' in obj)) { - return false; + if (typeof path !== 'string') { + return obj; } - for (var key in obj) { - if (key === 'value') continue; + var segs = path.split('.'); + var len = segs.length, i = -1; + var res = obj; + var last; - if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; + while (++i < len) { + var key = segs[i]; + + while (key[key.length - 1] === '\\') { + key = key.slice(0, -1) + '.' + segs[++i]; } - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === data[key]) { - continue; + if (i === len - 1) { + last = key; + break; } - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; + if (!isObject(obj[key])) { + obj[key] = {}; } + obj = obj[key]; } - return true; -} -/** - * Expose `isDataDescriptor` - */ + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(last) && isObject(obj[last])) { + if (isPlainObject(val)) { + extend(obj[last], val); + } else { + obj[last] = val; + } + + } else { + obj[last] = val; + } + return res; +}; -module.exports = isDataDescriptor; /***/ }), -/* 472 */ +/* 437 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. +"use strict"; +/*! + * unset-value * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } - - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } - - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } - - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } +var isObject = __webpack_require__(404); +var has = __webpack_require__(438); - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; +module.exports = function unset(obj, prop) { + if (!isObject(obj)) { + throw new TypeError('expected an object.'); } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { + delete obj[prop]; + return true; } - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + if (has(obj, prop)) { + var segs = prop.split('.'); + var last = segs.pop(); + while (segs.length && segs[segs.length - 1].slice(-1) === '\\') { + last = segs.pop().slice(0, -1) + '.' + last; + } + while (segs.length) obj = obj[prop = segs.shift()]; + return (delete obj[last]); } - - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + return true; }; /***/ }), -/* 473 */ +/* 438 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * define-property + * has-value * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Jon Schlinkert. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ -var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(474); - -module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { - if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected an object or function.'); - } - - if (typeof prop !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected `prop` to be a string.'); - } +var isObject = __webpack_require__(439); +var hasValues = __webpack_require__(441); +var get = __webpack_require__(435); - if (isDescriptor(val) && ('set' in val || 'get' in val)) { - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, val); +module.exports = function(obj, prop, noZero) { + if (isObject(obj)) { + return hasValues(get(obj, prop), noZero); } - - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { - configurable: true, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - value: val - }); + return hasValues(obj, prop); }; /***/ }), -/* 474 */ +/* 439 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-descriptor + * isobject * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(475); -var isAccessor = __webpack_require__(476); -var isData = __webpack_require__(478); +var isArray = __webpack_require__(440); -module.exports = function isDescriptor(obj, key) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - if ('get' in obj) { - return isAccessor(obj, key); - } - return isData(obj, key); +module.exports = function isObject(val) { + return val != null && typeof val === 'object' && isArray(val) === false; }; /***/ }), -/* 475 */ +/* 440 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; +var toString = {}.toString; -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. +module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { + return toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]'; +}; + + +/***/ }), +/* 441 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +"use strict"; +/*! + * has-values * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - var type = typeof val; - - // primitivies - if (type === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (type === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (type === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - // functions - if (type === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - if (typeof val.constructor.name !== 'undefined' && val.constructor.name.slice(0, 9) === 'Generator') { - return 'generatorfunction'; - } - return 'function'; - } - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; +module.exports = function hasValue(o, noZero) { + if (o === null || o === undefined) { + return false; } - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; + if (typeof o === 'boolean') { + return true; } - // other objects - type = toString.call(val); - - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - if (type === '[object Promise]') { - return 'promise'; + if (typeof o === 'number') { + if (o === 0 && noZero === true) { + return false; + } + return true; } - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; + if (o.length !== undefined) { + return o.length !== 0; } - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } - - if (type === '[object Map Iterator]') { - return 'mapiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Set Iterator]') { - return 'setiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object String Iterator]') { - return 'stringiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Array Iterator]') { - return 'arrayiterator'; - } - - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + for (var key in o) { + if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + return true; + } } - - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + return false; }; -/** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer - */ - -function isBuffer(val) { - return val.constructor - && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' - && val.constructor.isBuffer(val); -} - /***/ }), -/* 476 */ +/* 442 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-accessor-descriptor + * has-value * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(477); +var isObject = __webpack_require__(404); +var hasValues = __webpack_require__(443); +var get = __webpack_require__(435); -// accessor descriptor properties -var accessor = { - get: 'function', - set: 'function', - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean' +module.exports = function(val, prop) { + return hasValues(isObject(val) && prop ? get(val, prop) : val); }; -function isAccessorDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } +/***/ }), +/* 443 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - if (has(obj, 'value') || has(obj, 'writable')) { - return false; - } +"use strict"; +/*! + * has-values + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */ - if (!has(obj, 'get') || typeof obj.get !== 'function') { - return false; - } - // tldr: it's valid to have "set" be undefined - // "set" might be undefined if `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` - // was used to get the value, and only `get` was defined by the user - if (has(obj, 'set') && typeof obj[key] !== 'function' && typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } - for (var key in obj) { - if (!accessor.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; - } +var typeOf = __webpack_require__(444); +var isNumber = __webpack_require__(408); - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === accessor[key]) { - continue; - } +module.exports = function hasValue(val) { + // is-number checks for NaN and other edge cases + if (isNumber(val)) { + return true; + } - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { + switch (typeOf(val)) { + case 'null': + case 'boolean': + case 'function': + return true; + case 'string': + case 'arguments': + return val.length !== 0; + case 'error': + return val.message !== ''; + case 'array': + var len = val.length; + if (len === 0) { + return false; + } + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (hasValue(val[i])) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + case 'file': + case 'map': + case 'set': + return val.size !== 0; + case 'object': + var keys = Object.keys(val); + if (keys.length === 0) { + return false; + } + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + var key = keys[i]; + if (hasValue(val[key])) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + default: { return false; } } - return true; -} - -function has(obj, key) { - return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); -} - -/** - * Expose `isAccessorDescriptor` - */ - -module.exports = isAccessorDescriptor; +}; /***/ }), -/* 477 */ +/* 444 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); @@ -44171,6 +41279,9 @@ module.exports = function kindOf(val) { if (type === '[object Error]') { return 'error'; } + if (type === '[object Promise]') { + return 'promise'; + } // buffer if (isBuffer(val)) { @@ -44229,1135 +41340,1300 @@ module.exports = function kindOf(val) { /***/ }), -/* 478 */ +/* 445 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-data-descriptor + * set-value * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(479); - -// data descriptor properties -var data = { - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean', - writable: 'boolean' -}; +var split = __webpack_require__(400); +var extend = __webpack_require__(394); +var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(403); +var isObject = __webpack_require__(395); -function isDataDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; +module.exports = function(obj, prop, val) { + if (!isObject(obj)) { + return obj; } - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; + if (Array.isArray(prop)) { + prop = [].concat.apply([], prop).join('.'); } - if (!('value' in obj) && !('writable' in obj)) { - return false; + if (typeof prop !== 'string') { + return obj; } - for (var key in obj) { - if (key === 'value') continue; + var keys = split(prop, {sep: '.', brackets: true}); + var len = keys.length; + var idx = -1; + var current = obj; - if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + while (++idx < len) { + var key = keys[idx]; + if (idx !== len - 1) { + if (!isObject(current[key])) { + current[key] = {}; + } + current = current[key]; continue; } - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === data[key]) { - continue; + if (isPlainObject(current[key]) && isPlainObject(val)) { + current[key] = extend({}, current[key], val); + } else { + current[key] = val; } + } - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; + return obj; +}; + + +/***/ }), +/* 446 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +"use strict"; + + +var isExtendable = __webpack_require__(447); +var forIn = __webpack_require__(448); + +function mixinDeep(target, objects) { + var len = arguments.length, i = 0; + while (++i < len) { + var obj = arguments[i]; + if (isObject(obj)) { + forIn(obj, copy, target); } } - return true; + return target; } /** - * Expose `isDataDescriptor` + * Copy properties from the source object to the + * target object. + * + * @param {*} `val` + * @param {String} `key` */ -module.exports = isDataDescriptor; +function copy(val, key) { + var obj = this[key]; + if (isObject(val) && isObject(obj)) { + mixinDeep(obj, val); + } else { + this[key] = val; + } +} + +/** + * Returns true if `val` is an object or function. + * + * @param {any} val + * @return {Boolean} + */ + +function isObject(val) { + return isExtendable(val) && !Array.isArray(val); +} + +/** + * Expose `mixinDeep` + */ + +module.exports = mixinDeep; /***/ }), -/* 479 */ +/* 447 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; +"use strict"; +/*! + * is-extendable + * + * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */ -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. + + +var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__(403); + +module.exports = function isExtendable(val) { + return isPlainObject(val) || typeof val === 'function' || Array.isArray(val); +}; + + +/***/ }), +/* 448 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +"use strict"; +/*! + * for-in * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; +module.exports = function forIn(obj, fn, thisArg) { + for (var key in obj) { + if (fn.call(thisArg, obj[key], key, obj) === false) { + break; + } } +}; - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); +/***/ }), +/* 449 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports) { - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } +/*! + * pascalcase + * + * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. + */ - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; +function pascalcase(str) { + if (typeof str !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected a string.'); } + str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1'); + if (str.length === 1) { return str.toUpperCase(); } + str = str.replace(/^[\W_]+|[\W_]+$/g, '').toLowerCase(); + str = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); + return str.replace(/[\W_]+(\w|$)/g, function (_, ch) { + return ch.toUpperCase(); + }); +} - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; +module.exports = pascalcase; + + +/***/ }), +/* 450 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +"use strict"; + + +var util = __webpack_require__(29); +var utils = __webpack_require__(451); + +/** + * Expose class utils + */ + +var cu = module.exports; + +/** + * Expose class utils: `cu` + */ + +cu.isObject = function isObject(val) { + return utils.isObj(val) || typeof val === 'function'; +}; + +/** + * Returns true if an array has any of the given elements, or an + * object has any of the give keys. + * + * ```js + * cu.has(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c'); + * //=> true + * + * cu.has(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'z']); + * //=> true + * + * cu.has({a: 'b', c: 'd'}, ['c', 'z']); + * //=> true + * ``` + * @param {Object} `obj` + * @param {String|Array} `val` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + +cu.has = function has(obj, val) { + val = cu.arrayify(val); + var len = val.length; + + if (cu.isObject(obj)) { + for (var key in obj) { + if (val.indexOf(key) > -1) { + return true; + } + } + + var keys = cu.nativeKeys(obj); + return cu.has(keys, val); } - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; + if (Array.isArray(obj)) { + var arr = obj; + while (len--) { + if (arr.indexOf(val[len]) > -1) { + return true; + } + } + return false; } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; + + throw new TypeError('expected an array or object.'); +}; + +/** + * Returns true if an array or object has all of the given values. + * + * ```js + * cu.hasAll(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c'); + * //=> true + * + * cu.hasAll(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'z']); + * //=> false + * + * cu.hasAll({a: 'b', c: 'd'}, ['c', 'z']); + * //=> false + * ``` + * @param {Object|Array} `val` + * @param {String|Array} `values` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + +cu.hasAll = function hasAll(val, values) { + values = cu.arrayify(values); + var len = values.length; + while (len--) { + if (!cu.has(val, values[len])) { + return false; + } } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; + return true; +}; + +/** + * Cast the given value to an array. + * + * ```js + * cu.arrayify('foo'); + * //=> ['foo'] + * + * cu.arrayify(['foo']); + * //=> ['foo'] + * ``` + * + * @param {String|Array} `val` + * @return {Array} + * @api public + */ + +cu.arrayify = function arrayify(val) { + return val ? (Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]) : []; +}; + +/** + * Noop + */ + +cu.noop = function noop() { + return; +}; + +/** + * Returns the first argument passed to the function. + */ + +cu.identity = function identity(val) { + return val; +}; + +/** + * Returns true if a value has a `contructor` + * + * ```js + * cu.hasConstructor({}); + * //=> true + * + * cu.hasConstructor(Object.create(null)); + * //=> false + * ``` + * @param {Object} `value` + * @return {Boolean} + * @api public + */ + +cu.hasConstructor = function hasConstructor(val) { + return cu.isObject(val) && typeof val.constructor !== 'undefined'; +}; + +/** + * Get the native `ownPropertyNames` from the constructor of the + * given `object`. An empty array is returned if the object does + * not have a constructor. + * + * ```js + * cu.nativeKeys({a: 'b', b: 'c', c: 'd'}) + * //=> ['a', 'b', 'c'] + * + * cu.nativeKeys(function(){}) + * //=> ['length', 'caller'] + * ``` + * + * @param {Object} `obj` Object that has a `constructor`. + * @return {Array} Array of keys. + * @api public + */ + +cu.nativeKeys = function nativeKeys(val) { + if (!cu.hasConstructor(val)) return []; + return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(val); +}; + +/** + * Returns property descriptor `key` if it's an "own" property + * of the given object. + * + * ```js + * function App() {} + * Object.defineProperty(App.prototype, 'count', { + * get: function() { + * return Object.keys(this).length; + * } + * }); + * cu.getDescriptor(App.prototype, 'count'); + * // returns: + * // { + * // get: [Function], + * // set: undefined, + * // enumerable: false, + * // configurable: false + * // } + * ``` + * + * @param {Object} `obj` + * @param {String} `key` + * @return {Object} Returns descriptor `key` + * @api public + */ + +cu.getDescriptor = function getDescriptor(obj, key) { + if (!cu.isObject(obj)) { + throw new TypeError('expected an object.'); } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; + if (typeof key !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected key to be a string.'); } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; + return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key); +}; + +/** + * Copy a descriptor from one object to another. + * + * ```js + * function App() {} + * Object.defineProperty(App.prototype, 'count', { + * get: function() { + * return Object.keys(this).length; + * } + * }); + * var obj = {}; + * cu.copyDescriptor(obj, App.prototype, 'count'); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `receiver` + * @param {Object} `provider` + * @param {String} `name` + * @return {Object} + * @api public + */ + +cu.copyDescriptor = function copyDescriptor(receiver, provider, name) { + if (!cu.isObject(receiver)) { + throw new TypeError('expected receiving object to be an object.'); } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; + if (!cu.isObject(provider)) { + throw new TypeError('expected providing object to be an object.'); } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; + if (typeof name !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected name to be a string.'); } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; + + var val = cu.getDescriptor(provider, name); + if (val) Object.defineProperty(receiver, name, val); +}; + +/** + * Copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors + * from one object to another. + * + * @param {Object} `receiver` + * @param {Object} `provider` + * @param {String|Array} `omit` One or more properties to omit + * @return {Object} + * @api public + */ + +cu.copy = function copy(receiver, provider, omit) { + if (!cu.isObject(receiver)) { + throw new TypeError('expected receiving object to be an object.'); } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + if (!cu.isObject(provider)) { + throw new TypeError('expected providing object to be an object.'); } + var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(provider); + var keys = Object.keys(provider); + var len = props.length, + key; + omit = cu.arrayify(omit); - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + while (len--) { + key = props[len]; + + if (cu.has(keys, key)) { + utils.define(receiver, key, provider[key]); + } else if (!(key in receiver) && !cu.has(omit, key)) { + cu.copyDescriptor(receiver, provider, key); + } + } }; +/** + * Inherit the static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors + * from of an object. + * + * @param {Object} `receiver` + * @param {Object} `provider` + * @param {String|Array} `omit` One or more properties to omit + * @return {Object} + * @api public + */ -/***/ }), -/* 480 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +cu.inherit = function inherit(receiver, provider, omit) { + if (!cu.isObject(receiver)) { + throw new TypeError('expected receiving object to be an object.'); + } + if (!cu.isObject(provider)) { + throw new TypeError('expected providing object to be an object.'); + } -"use strict"; + var keys = []; + for (var key in provider) { + keys.push(key); + receiver[key] = provider[key]; + } + keys = keys.concat(cu.arrayify(omit)); -var use = __webpack_require__(481); -var define = __webpack_require__(473); -var debug = __webpack_require__(490)('snapdragon:compiler'); -var utils = __webpack_require__(497); + var a = provider.prototype || provider; + var b = receiver.prototype || receiver; + cu.copy(b, a, keys); +}; /** - * Create a new `Compiler` with the given `options`. - * @param {Object} `options` + * Returns a function for extending the static properties, + * prototype properties, and descriptors from the `Parent` + * constructor onto `Child` constructors. + * + * ```js + * var extend = cu.extend(Parent); + * Parent.extend(Child); + * + * // optional methods + * Parent.extend(Child, { + * foo: function() {}, + * bar: function() {} + * }); + * ``` + * @param {Function} `Parent` Parent ctor + * @param {Function} `extend` Optional extend function to handle custom extensions. Useful when updating methods that require a specific prototype. + * @param {Function} `Child` Child ctor + * @param {Object} `proto` Optionally pass additional prototype properties to inherit. + * @return {Object} + * @api public */ -function Compiler(options, state) { - debug('initializing', __filename); - this.options = utils.extend({source: 'string'}, options); - this.state = state || {}; - this.compilers = {}; - this.output = ''; - this.set('eos', function(node) { - return this.emit(node.val, node); - }); - this.set('noop', function(node) { - return this.emit(node.val, node); - }); - this.set('bos', function(node) { - return this.emit(node.val, node); - }); - use(this); -} +cu.extend = function() { + // keep it lazy, instead of assigning to `cu.extend` + return utils.staticExtend.apply(null, arguments); +}; /** - * Prototype methods + * Bubble up events emitted from static methods on the Parent ctor. + * + * @param {Object} `Parent` + * @param {Array} `events` Event names to bubble up + * @api public */ -Compiler.prototype = { +cu.bubble = function(Parent, events) { + events = events || []; + Parent.bubble = function(Child, arr) { + if (Array.isArray(arr)) { + events = utils.union([], events, arr); + } + var len = events.length; + var idx = -1; + while (++idx < len) { + var name = events[idx]; + Parent.on(name, Child.emit.bind(Child, name)); + } + cu.bubble(Child, events); + }; +}; - /** - * Throw an error message with details including the cursor position. - * @param {String} `msg` Message to use in the Error. - */ - error: function(msg, node) { - var pos = node.position || {start: {column: 0}}; - var message = this.options.source + ' column:' + pos.start.column + ': ' + msg; +/***/ }), +/* 451 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var err = new Error(message); - err.reason = msg; - err.column = pos.start.column; - err.source = this.pattern; +"use strict"; - if (this.options.silent) { - this.errors.push(err); - } else { - throw err; - } - }, - /** - * Define a non-enumberable property on the `Compiler` instance. - * - * ```js - * compiler.define('foo', 'bar'); - * ``` - * @name .define - * @param {String} `key` propery name - * @param {any} `val` property value - * @return {Object} Returns the Compiler instance for chaining. - * @api public - */ +var utils = {}; - define: function(key, val) { - define(this, key, val); - return this; - }, - /** - * Emit `node.val` - */ - emit: function(str, node) { - this.output += str; - return str; - }, +/** + * Lazily required module dependencies + */ - /** - * Add a compiler `fn` with the given `name` - */ +utils.union = __webpack_require__(434); +utils.define = __webpack_require__(386); +utils.isObj = __webpack_require__(404); +utils.staticExtend = __webpack_require__(452); - set: function(name, fn) { - this.compilers[name] = fn; - return this; - }, - /** - * Get compiler `name`. - */ +/** + * Expose `utils` + */ - get: function(name) { - return this.compilers[name]; - }, +module.exports = utils; - /** - * Get the previous AST node. - */ - prev: function(n) { - return this.ast.nodes[this.idx - (n || 1)] || { type: 'bos', val: '' }; - }, +/***/ }), +/* 452 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /** - * Get the next AST node. - */ +"use strict"; +/*! + * static-extend + * + * Copyright (c) 2016, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. + */ - next: function(n) { - return this.ast.nodes[this.idx + (n || 1)] || { type: 'eos', val: '' }; - }, - /** - * Visit `node`. - */ - visit: function(node, nodes, i) { - var fn = this.compilers[node.type]; - this.idx = i; +var copy = __webpack_require__(453); +var define = __webpack_require__(386); +var util = __webpack_require__(29); - if (typeof fn !== 'function') { - throw this.error('compiler "' + node.type + '" is not registered', node); - } - return fn.call(this, node, nodes, i); - }, +/** + * Returns a function for extending the static properties, + * prototype properties, and descriptors from the `Parent` + * constructor onto `Child` constructors. + * + * ```js + * var extend = require('static-extend'); + * Parent.extend = extend(Parent); + * + * // optionally pass a custom merge function as the second arg + * Parent.extend = extend(Parent, function(Child) { + * Child.prototype.mixin = function(key, val) { + * Child.prototype[key] = val; + * }; + * }); + * + * // extend "child" constructors + * Parent.extend(Child); + * + * // optionally define prototype methods as the second arg + * Parent.extend(Child, { + * foo: function() {}, + * bar: function() {} + * }); + * ``` + * @param {Function} `Parent` Parent ctor + * @param {Function} `extendFn` Optional extend function for handling any necessary custom merging. Useful when updating methods that require a specific prototype. + * @param {Function} `Child` Child ctor + * @param {Object} `proto` Optionally pass additional prototype properties to inherit. + * @return {Object} + * @api public + */ - /** - * Map visit over array of `nodes`. - */ +function extend(Parent, extendFn) { + if (typeof Parent !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('expected Parent to be a function.'); + } - mapVisit: function(nodes) { - if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { - throw new TypeError('expected an array'); - } - var len = nodes.length; - var idx = -1; - while (++idx < len) { - this.visit(nodes[idx], nodes, idx); + return function(Ctor, proto) { + if (typeof Ctor !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('expected Ctor to be a function.'); } - return this; - }, - /** - * Compile `ast`. - */ + util.inherits(Ctor, Parent); + copy(Ctor, Parent); - compile: function(ast, options) { - var opts = utils.extend({}, this.options, options); - this.ast = ast; - this.parsingErrors = this.ast.errors; - this.output = ''; + // proto can be null or a plain object + if (typeof proto === 'object') { + var obj = Object.create(proto); - // source map support - if (opts.sourcemap) { - var sourcemaps = __webpack_require__(516); - sourcemaps(this); - this.mapVisit(this.ast.nodes); - this.applySourceMaps(); - this.map = opts.sourcemap === 'generator' ? this.map : this.map.toJSON(); - return this; + for (var k in obj) { + Ctor.prototype[k] = obj[k]; + } } - this.mapVisit(this.ast.nodes); - return this; - } + // keep a reference to the parent prototype + define(Ctor.prototype, '_parent_', { + configurable: true, + set: function() {}, + get: function() { + return Parent.prototype; + } + }); + + if (typeof extendFn === 'function') { + extendFn(Ctor, Parent); + } + + Ctor.extend = extend(Ctor, extendFn); + }; }; /** - * Expose `Compiler` + * Expose `extend` */ -module.exports = Compiler; +module.exports = extend; /***/ }), -/* 481 */ +/* 453 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -/*! - * use - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ +var typeOf = __webpack_require__(409); +var copyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(454); +var define = __webpack_require__(386); -var utils = __webpack_require__(482); - -module.exports = function base(app, opts) { - if (!utils.isObject(app) && typeof app !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('use: expect `app` be an object or function'); - } +/** + * Copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from one object to another. + * + * ```js + * function App() {} + * var proto = App.prototype; + * App.prototype.set = function() {}; + * App.prototype.get = function() {}; + * + * var obj = {}; + * copy(obj, proto); + * ``` + * @param {Object} `receiver` + * @param {Object} `provider` + * @param {String|Array} `omit` One or more properties to omit + * @return {Object} + * @api public + */ - if (!utils.isObject(opts)) { - opts = {}; +function copy(receiver, provider, omit) { + if (!isObject(receiver)) { + throw new TypeError('expected receiving object to be an object.'); } - - var prop = utils.isString(opts.prop) ? opts.prop : 'fns'; - if (!Array.isArray(app[prop])) { - utils.define(app, prop, []); + if (!isObject(provider)) { + throw new TypeError('expected providing object to be an object.'); } - /** - * Define a plugin function to be passed to use. The only - * parameter exposed to the plugin is `app`, the object or function. - * passed to `use(app)`. `app` is also exposed as `this` in plugins. - * - * Additionally, **if a plugin returns a function, the function will - * be pushed onto the `fns` array**, allowing the plugin to be - * called at a later point by the `run` method. - * - * ```js - * var use = require('use'); - * - * // define a plugin - * function foo(app) { - * // do stuff - * } - * - * var app = function(){}; - * use(app); - * - * // register plugins - * app.use(foo); - * app.use(bar); - * app.use(baz); - * ``` - * @name .use - * @param {Function} `fn` plugin function to call - * @api public - */ - - utils.define(app, 'use', use); - - /** - * Run all plugins on `fns`. Any plugin that returns a function - * when called by `use` is pushed onto the `fns` array. - * - * ```js - * var config = {}; - * app.run(config); - * ``` - * @name .run - * @param {Object} `value` Object to be modified by plugins. - * @return {Object} Returns the object passed to `run` - * @api public - */ - - utils.define(app, 'run', function(val) { - if (!utils.isObject(val)) return; - decorate(val); + var props = nativeKeys(provider); + var keys = Object.keys(provider); + var len = props.length; + omit = arrayify(omit); - var self = this || app; - var fns = self[prop]; - var len = fns.length; - var idx = -1; + while (len--) { + var key = props[len]; - while (++idx < len) { - val.use(fns[idx]); + if (has(keys, key)) { + define(receiver, key, provider[key]); + } else if (!(key in receiver) && !has(omit, key)) { + copyDescriptor(receiver, provider, key); } - return val; - }); + } +}; - /** - * Call plugin `fn`. If a function is returned push it into the - * `fns` array to be called by the `run` method. - */ +/** + * Return true if the given value is an object or function + */ - function use(fn, options) { - if (typeof fn !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('.use expects `fn` be a function'); - } +function isObject(val) { + return typeOf(val) === 'object' || typeof val === 'function'; +} - var self = this || app; - if (typeof opts.fn === 'function') { - opts.fn.call(self, self, options); - } +/** + * Returns true if an array has any of the given elements, or an + * object has any of the give keys. + * + * ```js + * has(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c'); + * //=> true + * + * has(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['c', 'z']); + * //=> true + * + * has({a: 'b', c: 'd'}, ['c', 'z']); + * //=> true + * ``` + * @param {Object} `obj` + * @param {String|Array} `val` + * @return {Boolean} + */ - var plugin = fn.call(self, self); - if (typeof plugin === 'function') { - var fns = self[prop]; - fns.push(plugin); +function has(obj, val) { + val = arrayify(val); + var len = val.length; + + if (isObject(obj)) { + for (var key in obj) { + if (val.indexOf(key) > -1) { + return true; + } } - return self; - } - /** - * Ensure the `.use` method exists on `val` - */ + var keys = nativeKeys(obj); + return has(keys, val); + } - function decorate(val) { - if (!val.use || !val.run) { - base(val); + if (Array.isArray(obj)) { + var arr = obj; + while (len--) { + if (arr.indexOf(val[len]) > -1) { + return true; + } } + return false; } - return app; -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 482 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var utils = {}; - - + throw new TypeError('expected an array or object.'); +} /** - * Lazily required module dependencies + * Cast the given value to an array. + * + * ```js + * arrayify('foo'); + * //=> ['foo'] + * + * arrayify(['foo']); + * //=> ['foo'] + * ``` + * + * @param {String|Array} `val` + * @return {Array} */ -utils.define = __webpack_require__(483); -utils.isObject = __webpack_require__(411); - - -utils.isString = function(val) { - return val && typeof val === 'string'; -}; +function arrayify(val) { + return val ? (Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]) : []; +} /** - * Expose `utils` modules + * Returns true if a value has a `contructor` + * + * ```js + * hasConstructor({}); + * //=> true + * + * hasConstructor(Object.create(null)); + * //=> false + * ``` + * @param {Object} `value` + * @return {Boolean} */ -module.exports = utils; - - -/***/ }), -/* 483 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +function hasConstructor(val) { + return isObject(val) && typeof val.constructor !== 'undefined'; +} -"use strict"; -/*! - * define-property +/** + * Get the native `ownPropertyNames` from the constructor of the + * given `object`. An empty array is returned if the object does + * not have a constructor. * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * ```js + * nativeKeys({a: 'b', b: 'c', c: 'd'}) + * //=> ['a', 'b', 'c'] + * + * nativeKeys(function(){}) + * //=> ['length', 'caller'] + * ``` + * + * @param {Object} `obj` Object that has a `constructor`. + * @return {Array} Array of keys. */ +function nativeKeys(val) { + if (!hasConstructor(val)) return []; + return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(val); +} +/** + * Expose `copy` + */ -var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(484); - -module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { - if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected an object or function.'); - } - - if (typeof prop !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected `prop` to be a string.'); - } +module.exports = copy; - if (isDescriptor(val) && ('set' in val || 'get' in val)) { - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, val); - } +/** + * Expose `copy.has` for tests + */ - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { - configurable: true, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - value: val - }); -}; +module.exports.has = has; /***/ }), -/* 484 */ +/* 454 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-descriptor + * copy-descriptor * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. + * Licensed under the MIT License. */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(485); -var isAccessor = __webpack_require__(486); -var isData = __webpack_require__(488); - -module.exports = function isDescriptor(obj, key) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - if ('get' in obj) { - return isAccessor(obj, key); - } - return isData(obj, key); -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 485 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - /** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. + * Copy a descriptor from one object to another. * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * ```js + * function App() { + * this.cache = {}; + * } + * App.prototype.set = function(key, val) { + * this.cache[key] = val; + * return this; + * }; + * Object.defineProperty(App.prototype, 'count', { + * get: function() { + * return Object.keys(this.cache).length; + * } + * }); + * + * copy(App.prototype, 'count', 'len'); + * + * // create an instance + * var app = new App(); + * + * app.set('a', true); + * app.set('b', true); + * app.set('c', true); + * + * console.log(app.count); + * //=> 3 + * console.log(app.len); + * //=> 3 + * ``` + * @name copy + * @param {Object} `receiver` The target object + * @param {Object} `provider` The provider object + * @param {String} `from` The key to copy on provider. + * @param {String} `to` Optionally specify a new key name to use. + * @return {Object} + * @api public */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - var type = typeof val; - - // primitivies - if (type === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (type === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (type === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - - // functions - if (type === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - if (typeof val.constructor.name !== 'undefined' && val.constructor.name.slice(0, 9) === 'Generator') { - return 'generatorfunction'; - } - return 'function'; - } - - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; +module.exports = function copyDescriptor(receiver, provider, from, to) { + if (!isObject(provider) && typeof provider !== 'function') { + to = from; + from = provider; + provider = receiver; } - - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; + if (!isObject(receiver) && typeof receiver !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('expected the first argument to be an object'); } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; + if (!isObject(provider) && typeof provider !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('expected provider to be an object'); } - // other objects - type = toString.call(val); - - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - if (type === '[object Promise]') { - return 'promise'; + if (typeof to !== 'string') { + to = from; } - - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; + if (typeof from !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected key to be a string'); } - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } - - if (type === '[object Map Iterator]') { - return 'mapiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Set Iterator]') { - return 'setiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object String Iterator]') { - return 'stringiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Array Iterator]') { - return 'arrayiterator'; - } - - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; + if (!(from in provider)) { + throw new Error('property "' + from + '" does not exist'); } - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(provider, from); + if (val) Object.defineProperty(receiver, to, val); }; -/** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer - */ - -function isBuffer(val) { - return val.constructor - && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' - && val.constructor.isBuffer(val); +function isObject(val) { + return {}.toString.call(val) === '[object Object]'; } + /***/ }), -/* 486 */ +/* 455 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -/*! - * is-accessor-descriptor - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ +var use = __webpack_require__(456); +var define = __webpack_require__(386); +var debug = __webpack_require__(458)('snapdragon:compiler'); +var utils = __webpack_require__(465); -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(487); +/** + * Create a new `Compiler` with the given `options`. + * @param {Object} `options` + */ -// accessor descriptor properties -var accessor = { - get: 'function', - set: 'function', - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean' -}; +function Compiler(options, state) { + debug('initializing', __filename); + this.options = utils.extend({source: 'string'}, options); + this.state = state || {}; + this.compilers = {}; + this.output = ''; + this.set('eos', function(node) { + return this.emit(node.val, node); + }); + this.set('noop', function(node) { + return this.emit(node.val, node); + }); + this.set('bos', function(node) { + return this.emit(node.val, node); + }); + use(this); +} -function isAccessorDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } +/** + * Prototype methods + */ - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } +Compiler.prototype = { - if (has(obj, 'value') || has(obj, 'writable')) { - return false; - } + /** + * Throw an error message with details including the cursor position. + * @param {String} `msg` Message to use in the Error. + */ - if (!has(obj, 'get') || typeof obj.get !== 'function') { - return false; - } + error: function(msg, node) { + var pos = node.position || {start: {column: 0}}; + var message = this.options.source + ' column:' + pos.start.column + ': ' + msg; - // tldr: it's valid to have "set" be undefined - // "set" might be undefined if `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` - // was used to get the value, and only `get` was defined by the user - if (has(obj, 'set') && typeof obj[key] !== 'function' && typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } + var err = new Error(message); + err.reason = msg; + err.column = pos.start.column; + err.source = this.pattern; - for (var key in obj) { - if (!accessor.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; + if (this.options.silent) { + this.errors.push(err); + } else { + throw err; } + }, - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === accessor[key]) { - continue; - } + /** + * Define a non-enumberable property on the `Compiler` instance. + * + * ```js + * compiler.define('foo', 'bar'); + * ``` + * @name .define + * @param {String} `key` propery name + * @param {any} `val` property value + * @return {Object} Returns the Compiler instance for chaining. + * @api public + */ - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } - } - return true; -} + define: function(key, val) { + define(this, key, val); + return this; + }, -function has(obj, key) { - return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); -} + /** + * Emit `node.val` + */ -/** - * Expose `isAccessorDescriptor` - */ + emit: function(str, node) { + this.output += str; + return str; + }, -module.exports = isAccessorDescriptor; + /** + * Add a compiler `fn` with the given `name` + */ + set: function(name, fn) { + this.compilers[name] = fn; + return this; + }, -/***/ }), -/* 487 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + /** + * Get compiler `name`. + */ -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + get: function(name) { + return this.compilers[name]; + }, -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type - */ + /** + * Get the previous AST node. + */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } + prev: function(n) { + return this.ast.nodes[this.idx - (n || 1)] || { type: 'bos', val: '' }; + }, + + /** + * Get the next AST node. + */ + + next: function(n) { + return this.ast.nodes[this.idx + (n || 1)] || { type: 'eos', val: '' }; + }, - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } + /** + * Visit `node`. + */ - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } + visit: function(node, nodes, i) { + var fn = this.compilers[node.type]; + this.idx = i; - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } + if (typeof fn !== 'function') { + throw this.error('compiler "' + node.type + '" is not registered', node); + } + return fn.call(this, node, nodes, i); + }, - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); + /** + * Map visit over array of `nodes`. + */ - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } + mapVisit: function(nodes) { + if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { + throw new TypeError('expected an array'); + } + var len = nodes.length; + var idx = -1; + while (++idx < len) { + this.visit(nodes[idx], nodes, idx); + } + return this; + }, - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } + /** + * Compile `ast`. + */ - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } + compile: function(ast, options) { + var opts = utils.extend({}, this.options, options); + this.ast = ast; + this.parsingErrors = this.ast.errors; + this.output = ''; - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; - } + // source map support + if (opts.sourcemap) { + var sourcemaps = __webpack_require__(484); + sourcemaps(this); + this.mapVisit(this.ast.nodes); + this.applySourceMaps(); + this.map = opts.sourcemap === 'generator' ? this.map : this.map.toJSON(); + return this; + } - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + this.mapVisit(this.ast.nodes); + return this; + } }; +/** + * Expose `Compiler` + */ + +module.exports = Compiler; + /***/ }), -/* 488 */ +/* 456 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /*! - * is-data-descriptor + * use * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. */ -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(489); - -// data descriptor properties -var data = { - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean', - writable: 'boolean' -}; +var utils = __webpack_require__(457); -function isDataDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; +module.exports = function base(app, opts) { + if (!utils.isObject(app) && typeof app !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('use: expect `app` be an object or function'); } - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; + if (!utils.isObject(opts)) { + opts = {}; } - if (!('value' in obj) && !('writable' in obj)) { - return false; + var prop = utils.isString(opts.prop) ? opts.prop : 'fns'; + if (!Array.isArray(app[prop])) { + utils.define(app, prop, []); } - for (var key in obj) { - if (key === 'value') continue; + /** + * Define a plugin function to be passed to use. The only + * parameter exposed to the plugin is `app`, the object or function. + * passed to `use(app)`. `app` is also exposed as `this` in plugins. + * + * Additionally, **if a plugin returns a function, the function will + * be pushed onto the `fns` array**, allowing the plugin to be + * called at a later point by the `run` method. + * + * ```js + * var use = require('use'); + * + * // define a plugin + * function foo(app) { + * // do stuff + * } + * + * var app = function(){}; + * use(app); + * + * // register plugins + * app.use(foo); + * app.use(bar); + * app.use(baz); + * ``` + * @name .use + * @param {Function} `fn` plugin function to call + * @api public + */ - if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; + utils.define(app, 'use', use); + + /** + * Run all plugins on `fns`. Any plugin that returns a function + * when called by `use` is pushed onto the `fns` array. + * + * ```js + * var config = {}; + * app.run(config); + * ``` + * @name .run + * @param {Object} `value` Object to be modified by plugins. + * @return {Object} Returns the object passed to `run` + * @api public + */ + + utils.define(app, 'run', function(val) { + if (!utils.isObject(val)) return; + decorate(val); + + var self = this || app; + var fns = self[prop]; + var len = fns.length; + var idx = -1; + + while (++idx < len) { + val.use(fns[idx]); } + return val; + }); - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === data[key]) { - continue; + /** + * Call plugin `fn`. If a function is returned push it into the + * `fns` array to be called by the `run` method. + */ + + function use(fn, options) { + if (typeof fn !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('.use expects `fn` be a function'); } - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; + var self = this || app; + if (typeof opts.fn === 'function') { + opts.fn.call(self, self, options); + } + + var plugin = fn.call(self, self); + if (typeof plugin === 'function') { + var fns = self[prop]; + fns.push(plugin); } + return self; } - return true; -} -/** - * Expose `isDataDescriptor` - */ + /** + * Ensure the `.use` method exists on `val` + */ -module.exports = isDataDescriptor; + function decorate(val) { + if (!val.use || !val.run) { + base(val); + } + } + + return app; +}; /***/ }), -/* 489 */ +/* 457 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type - */ +"use strict"; -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } +var utils = {}; - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); +/** + * Lazily required module dependencies + */ - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } +utils.define = __webpack_require__(386); +utils.isObject = __webpack_require__(404); - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } +utils.isString = function(val) { + return val && typeof val === 'string'; +}; - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; - } +/** + * Expose `utils` modules + */ - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; -}; +module.exports = utils; /***/ }), -/* 490 */ +/* 458 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** @@ -45366,14 +42642,14 @@ module.exports = function kindOf(val) { */ if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.type === 'renderer') { - module.exports = __webpack_require__(491); + module.exports = __webpack_require__(459); } else { - module.exports = __webpack_require__(494); + module.exports = __webpack_require__(462); } /***/ }), -/* 491 */ +/* 459 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** @@ -45382,7 +42658,7 @@ if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.type === 'renderer') { * Expose `debug()` as the module. */ -exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(492); +exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(460); exports.log = log; exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; exports.save = save; @@ -45564,7 +42840,7 @@ function localstorage() { /***/ }), -/* 492 */ +/* 460 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { @@ -45580,7 +42856,7 @@ exports.coerce = coerce; exports.disable = disable; exports.enable = enable; exports.enabled = enabled; -exports.humanize = __webpack_require__(493); +exports.humanize = __webpack_require__(461); /** * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. @@ -45772,7 +43048,7 @@ function coerce(val) { /***/ }), -/* 493 */ +/* 461 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** @@ -45930,14 +43206,14 @@ function plural(ms, n, name) { /***/ }), -/* 494 */ +/* 462 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ -var tty = __webpack_require__(495); +var tty = __webpack_require__(463); var util = __webpack_require__(29); /** @@ -45946,7 +43222,7 @@ var util = __webpack_require__(29); * Expose `debug()` as the module. */ -exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(492); +exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(460); exports.init = init; exports.log = log; exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; @@ -46125,7 +43401,7 @@ function createWritableStdioStream (fd) { case 'PIPE': case 'TCP': - var net = __webpack_require__(496); + var net = __webpack_require__(464); stream = new net.Socket({ fd: fd, readable: false, @@ -46184,19 +43460,19 @@ exports.enable(load()); /***/ }), -/* 495 */ +/* 463 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = require("tty"); /***/ }), -/* 496 */ +/* 464 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = require("net"); /***/ }), -/* 497 */ +/* 465 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -46207,8 +43483,8 @@ module.exports = require("net"); */ exports.extend = __webpack_require__(394); -exports.SourceMap = __webpack_require__(498); -exports.sourceMapResolve = __webpack_require__(509); +exports.SourceMap = __webpack_require__(466); +exports.sourceMapResolve = __webpack_require__(477); /** * Convert backslash in the given string to forward slashes @@ -46251,7 +43527,7 @@ exports.last = function(arr, n) { /***/ }), -/* 498 */ +/* 466 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* @@ -46259,13 +43535,13 @@ exports.last = function(arr, n) { * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE.txt or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ -exports.SourceMapGenerator = __webpack_require__(499).SourceMapGenerator; -exports.SourceMapConsumer = __webpack_require__(505).SourceMapConsumer; -exports.SourceNode = __webpack_require__(508).SourceNode; +exports.SourceMapGenerator = __webpack_require__(467).SourceMapGenerator; +exports.SourceMapConsumer = __webpack_require__(473).SourceMapConsumer; +exports.SourceNode = __webpack_require__(476).SourceNode; /***/ }), -/* 499 */ +/* 467 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -46275,10 +43551,10 @@ exports.SourceNode = __webpack_require__(508).SourceNode; * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ -var base64VLQ = __webpack_require__(500); -var util = __webpack_require__(502); -var ArraySet = __webpack_require__(503).ArraySet; -var MappingList = __webpack_require__(504).MappingList; +var base64VLQ = __webpack_require__(468); +var util = __webpack_require__(470); +var ArraySet = __webpack_require__(471).ArraySet; +var MappingList = __webpack_require__(472).MappingList; /** * An instance of the SourceMapGenerator represents a source map which is @@ -46687,7 +43963,7 @@ exports.SourceMapGenerator = SourceMapGenerator; /***/ }), -/* 500 */ +/* 468 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -46727,7 +44003,7 @@ exports.SourceMapGenerator = SourceMapGenerator; * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -var base64 = __webpack_require__(501); +var base64 = __webpack_require__(469); // A single base 64 digit can contain 6 bits of data. For the base 64 variable // length quantities we use in the source map spec, the first bit is the sign, @@ -46833,7 +44109,7 @@ exports.decode = function base64VLQ_decode(aStr, aIndex, aOutParam) { /***/ }), -/* 501 */ +/* 469 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -46906,7 +44182,7 @@ exports.decode = function (charCode) { /***/ }), -/* 502 */ +/* 470 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -47329,7 +44605,7 @@ exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsInflate /***/ }), -/* 503 */ +/* 471 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -47339,7 +44615,7 @@ exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsInflate * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ -var util = __webpack_require__(502); +var util = __webpack_require__(470); var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var hasNativeMap = typeof Map !== "undefined"; @@ -47456,7 +44732,7 @@ exports.ArraySet = ArraySet; /***/ }), -/* 504 */ +/* 472 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -47466,7 +44742,7 @@ exports.ArraySet = ArraySet; * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ -var util = __webpack_require__(502); +var util = __webpack_require__(470); /** * Determine whether mappingB is after mappingA with respect to generated @@ -47541,7 +44817,7 @@ exports.MappingList = MappingList; /***/ }), -/* 505 */ +/* 473 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -47551,11 +44827,11 @@ exports.MappingList = MappingList; * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ -var util = __webpack_require__(502); -var binarySearch = __webpack_require__(506); -var ArraySet = __webpack_require__(503).ArraySet; -var base64VLQ = __webpack_require__(500); -var quickSort = __webpack_require__(507).quickSort; +var util = __webpack_require__(470); +var binarySearch = __webpack_require__(474); +var ArraySet = __webpack_require__(471).ArraySet; +var base64VLQ = __webpack_require__(468); +var quickSort = __webpack_require__(475).quickSort; function SourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap) { var sourceMap = aSourceMap; @@ -48629,7 +45905,7 @@ exports.IndexedSourceMapConsumer = IndexedSourceMapConsumer; /***/ }), -/* 506 */ +/* 474 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -48746,7 +46022,7 @@ exports.search = function search(aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias) { /***/ }), -/* 507 */ +/* 475 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -48866,7 +46142,7 @@ exports.quickSort = function (ary, comparator) { /***/ }), -/* 508 */ +/* 476 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ @@ -48876,8 +46152,8 @@ exports.quickSort = function (ary, comparator) { * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ -var SourceMapGenerator = __webpack_require__(499).SourceMapGenerator; -var util = __webpack_require__(502); +var SourceMapGenerator = __webpack_require__(467).SourceMapGenerator; +var util = __webpack_require__(470); // Matches a Windows-style `\r\n` newline or a `\n` newline used by all other // operating systems these days (capturing the result). @@ -49285,17 +46561,17 @@ exports.SourceNode = SourceNode; /***/ }), -/* 509 */ +/* 477 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Copyright 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Simon Lydell // X11 (“MIT”) Licensed. (See LICENSE.) -var sourceMappingURL = __webpack_require__(510) -var resolveUrl = __webpack_require__(511) -var decodeUriComponent = __webpack_require__(512) -var urix = __webpack_require__(514) -var atob = __webpack_require__(515) +var sourceMappingURL = __webpack_require__(478) +var resolveUrl = __webpack_require__(479) +var decodeUriComponent = __webpack_require__(480) +var urix = __webpack_require__(482) +var atob = __webpack_require__(483) @@ -49593,7 +46869,7 @@ module.exports = { /***/ }), -/* 510 */ +/* 478 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;// Copyright 2014 Simon Lydell @@ -49656,7 +46932,7 @@ void (function(root, factory) { /***/ }), -/* 511 */ +/* 479 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Copyright 2014 Simon Lydell @@ -49674,13 +46950,13 @@ module.exports = resolveUrl /***/ }), -/* 512 */ +/* 480 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Copyright 2017 Simon Lydell // X11 (“MIT”) Licensed. (See LICENSE.) -var decodeUriComponent = __webpack_require__(513) +var decodeUriComponent = __webpack_require__(481) function customDecodeUriComponent(string) { // `decodeUriComponent` turns `+` into ` `, but that's not wanted. @@ -49691,7 +46967,7 @@ module.exports = customDecodeUriComponent /***/ }), -/* 513 */ +/* 481 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -49792,30 +47068,30 @@ module.exports = function (encodedURI) { /***/ }), -/* 514 */ +/* 482 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -// Copyright 2014 Simon Lydell -// X11 (“MIT”) Licensed. (See LICENSE.) - -var path = __webpack_require__(16) - -"use strict" - -function urix(aPath) { - if (path.sep === "\\") { - return aPath - .replace(/\\/g, "/") - .replace(/^[a-z]:\/?/i, "/") - } - return aPath -} - -module.exports = urix +// Copyright 2014 Simon Lydell +// X11 (“MIT”) Licensed. (See LICENSE.) + +var path = __webpack_require__(16) + +"use strict" + +function urix(aPath) { + if (path.sep === "\\") { + return aPath + .replace(/\\/g, "/") + .replace(/^[a-z]:\/?/i, "/") + } + return aPath +} + +module.exports = urix /***/ }), -/* 515 */ +/* 483 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -49829,7 +47105,7 @@ module.exports = atob.atob = atob; /***/ }), -/* 516 */ +/* 484 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -49837,8 +47113,8 @@ module.exports = atob.atob = atob; var fs = __webpack_require__(23); var path = __webpack_require__(16); -var define = __webpack_require__(473); -var utils = __webpack_require__(497); +var define = __webpack_require__(386); +var utils = __webpack_require__(465); /** * Expose `mixin()`. @@ -49981,19 +47257,19 @@ exports.comment = function(node) { /***/ }), -/* 517 */ +/* 485 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var use = __webpack_require__(481); +var use = __webpack_require__(456); var util = __webpack_require__(29); -var Cache = __webpack_require__(518); -var define = __webpack_require__(473); -var debug = __webpack_require__(490)('snapdragon:parser'); -var Position = __webpack_require__(519); -var utils = __webpack_require__(497); +var Cache = __webpack_require__(486); +var define = __webpack_require__(386); +var debug = __webpack_require__(458)('snapdragon:parser'); +var Position = __webpack_require__(487); +var utils = __webpack_require__(465); /** * Create a new `Parser` with the given `input` and `options`. @@ -50521,7 +47797,7 @@ module.exports = Parser; /***/ }), -/* 518 */ +/* 486 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -50628,13 +47904,13 @@ MapCache.prototype.del = function mapDelete(key) { /***/ }), -/* 519 */ +/* 487 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var define = __webpack_require__(473); +var define = __webpack_require__(386); /** * Store position for a node @@ -50649,14 +47925,14 @@ module.exports = function Position(start, parser) { /***/ }), -/* 520 */ +/* 488 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var nanomatch = __webpack_require__(521); -var extglob = __webpack_require__(531); +var nanomatch = __webpack_require__(489); +var extglob = __webpack_require__(500); module.exports = function(snapdragon) { var compilers = snapdragon.compiler.compilers; @@ -50733,7 +48009,7 @@ function escapeExtglobs(compiler) { /***/ }), -/* 521 */ +/* 489 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -50751,10 +48027,10 @@ var extend = __webpack_require__(394); * Local dependencies */ -var compilers = __webpack_require__(522); -var parsers = __webpack_require__(523); -var cache = __webpack_require__(525); -var utils = __webpack_require__(527); +var compilers = __webpack_require__(490); +var parsers = __webpack_require__(491); +var cache = __webpack_require__(493); +var utils = __webpack_require__(495); var MAX_LENGTH = 1024 * 64; /** @@ -51583,7 +48859,7 @@ module.exports = nanomatch; /***/ }), -/* 522 */ +/* 490 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -51909,7 +49185,7 @@ module.exports = function(nanomatch, options) { /***/ }), -/* 523 */ +/* 491 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -51917,7 +49193,7 @@ module.exports = function(nanomatch, options) { var regexNot = __webpack_require__(396); var toRegex = __webpack_require__(385); -var isOdd = __webpack_require__(524); +var isOdd = __webpack_require__(492); /** * Characters to use in negation regex (we want to "not" match @@ -52304,7 +49580,7 @@ module.exports.not = NOT_REGEX; /***/ }), -/* 524 */ +/* 492 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -52317,7 +49593,7 @@ module.exports.not = NOT_REGEX; -var isNumber = __webpack_require__(415); +var isNumber = __webpack_require__(408); module.exports = function isOdd(i) { if (!isNumber(i)) { @@ -52331,14 +49607,14 @@ module.exports = function isOdd(i) { /***/ }), -/* 525 */ +/* 493 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -module.exports = new (__webpack_require__(526))(); +module.exports = new (__webpack_require__(494))(); /***/ }), -/* 526 */ +/* 494 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -52351,7 +49627,7 @@ module.exports = new (__webpack_require__(526))(); -var MapCache = __webpack_require__(518); +var MapCache = __webpack_require__(486); /** * Create a new `FragmentCache` with an optional object to use for `caches`. @@ -52473,7 +49749,7 @@ exports = module.exports = FragmentCache; /***/ }), -/* 527 */ +/* 495 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -52487,11 +49763,11 @@ var path = __webpack_require__(16); */ var Snapdragon = __webpack_require__(424); -utils.define = __webpack_require__(398); -utils.diff = __webpack_require__(528); +utils.define = __webpack_require__(496); +utils.diff = __webpack_require__(497); utils.extend = __webpack_require__(394); -utils.pick = __webpack_require__(529); -utils.typeOf = __webpack_require__(530); +utils.pick = __webpack_require__(498); +utils.typeOf = __webpack_require__(499); utils.unique = __webpack_require__(397); /** @@ -52858,7 +50134,45 @@ utils.unixify = function(options) { /***/ }), -/* 528 */ +/* 496 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + +"use strict"; +/*! + * define-property + * + * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */ + + + +var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(416); + +module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { + if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { + throw new TypeError('expected an object or function.'); + } + + if (typeof prop !== 'string') { + throw new TypeError('expected `prop` to be a string.'); + } + + if (isDescriptor(val) && ('set' in val || 'get' in val)) { + return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, val); + } + + return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { + configurable: true, + enumerable: false, + writable: true, + value: val + }); +}; + + +/***/ }), +/* 497 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -52912,7 +50226,7 @@ function diffArray(one, two) { /***/ }), -/* 529 */ +/* 498 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -52925,7 +50239,7 @@ function diffArray(one, two) { -var isObject = __webpack_require__(411); +var isObject = __webpack_require__(404); module.exports = function pick(obj, keys) { if (!isObject(obj) && typeof obj !== 'function') { @@ -52954,7 +50268,7 @@ module.exports = function pick(obj, keys) { /***/ }), -/* 530 */ +/* 499 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var toString = Object.prototype.toString; @@ -53107,7 +50421,7 @@ function isBuffer(val) { /***/ }), -/* 531 */ +/* 500 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -53125,10 +50439,10 @@ var toRegex = __webpack_require__(385); * Local dependencies */ -var compilers = __webpack_require__(532); -var parsers = __webpack_require__(545); -var Extglob = __webpack_require__(547); -var utils = __webpack_require__(546); +var compilers = __webpack_require__(501); +var parsers = __webpack_require__(507); +var Extglob = __webpack_require__(509); +var utils = __webpack_require__(508); var MAX_LENGTH = 1024 * 64; /** @@ -53445,13 +50759,13 @@ module.exports = extglob; /***/ }), -/* 532 */ +/* 501 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var brackets = __webpack_require__(533); +var brackets = __webpack_require__(502); /** * Extglob compilers @@ -53621,7 +50935,7 @@ module.exports = function(extglob) { /***/ }), -/* 533 */ +/* 502 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -53631,14 +50945,14 @@ module.exports = function(extglob) { * Local dependencies */ -var compilers = __webpack_require__(534); -var parsers = __webpack_require__(536); +var compilers = __webpack_require__(503); +var parsers = __webpack_require__(505); /** * Module dependencies */ -var debug = __webpack_require__(490)('expand-brackets'); +var debug = __webpack_require__(458)('expand-brackets'); var extend = __webpack_require__(394); var Snapdragon = __webpack_require__(424); var toRegex = __webpack_require__(385); @@ -53839,13 +51153,13 @@ module.exports = brackets; /***/ }), -/* 534 */ +/* 503 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var posix = __webpack_require__(535); +var posix = __webpack_require__(504); module.exports = function(brackets) { brackets.compiler @@ -53933,7 +51247,7 @@ module.exports = function(brackets) { /***/ }), -/* 535 */ +/* 504 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -53962,14 +51276,14 @@ module.exports = { /***/ }), -/* 536 */ +/* 505 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var utils = __webpack_require__(537); -var define = __webpack_require__(538); +var utils = __webpack_require__(506); +var define = __webpack_require__(386); /** * Text regex @@ -53988,858 +51302,256 @@ function parsers(brackets) { brackets.parser .capture('escape', function() { - if (this.isInside('bracket')) return; - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(/^\\(.)/); - if (!m) return; - - return pos({ - type: 'escape', - val: m[0] - }); - }) - - /** - * Text parser - */ - - .capture('text', function() { - if (this.isInside('bracket')) return; - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(not); - if (!m || !m[0]) return; - - return pos({ - type: 'text', - val: m[0] - }); - }) - - /** - * POSIX character classes: "[[:alpha:][:digits:]]" - */ - - .capture('posix', function() { - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(/^\[:(.*?):\](?=.*\])/); - if (!m) return; - - var inside = this.isInside('bracket'); - if (inside) { - brackets.posix++; - } - - return pos({ - type: 'posix', - insideBracket: inside, - inner: m[1], - val: m[0] - }); - }) - - /** - * Bracket (noop) - */ - - .capture('bracket', function() {}) - - /** - * Open: '[' - */ - - .capture('bracket.open', function() { - var parsed = this.parsed; - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(/^\[(?=.*\])/); - if (!m) return; - - var prev = this.prev(); - var last = utils.last(prev.nodes); - - if (parsed.slice(-1) === '\\' && !this.isInside('bracket')) { - last.val = last.val.slice(0, last.val.length - 1); - return pos({ - type: 'escape', - val: m[0] - }); - } - - var open = pos({ - type: 'bracket.open', - val: m[0] - }); - - if (last.type === 'bracket.open' || this.isInside('bracket')) { - open.val = '\\' + open.val; - open.type = 'bracket.inner'; - open.escaped = true; - return open; - } - - var node = pos({ - type: 'bracket', - nodes: [open] - }); - - define(node, 'parent', prev); - define(open, 'parent', node); - this.push('bracket', node); - prev.nodes.push(node); - }) - - /** - * Bracket text - */ - - .capture('bracket.inner', function() { - if (!this.isInside('bracket')) return; - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(not); - if (!m || !m[0]) return; - - var next = this.input.charAt(0); - var val = m[0]; - - var node = pos({ - type: 'bracket.inner', - val: val - }); - - if (val === '\\\\') { - return node; - } - - var first = val.charAt(0); - var last = val.slice(-1); - - if (first === '!') { - val = '^' + val.slice(1); - } - - if (last === '\\' || (val === '^' && next === ']')) { - val += this.input[0]; - this.consume(1); - } - - node.val = val; - return node; - }) - - /** - * Close: ']' - */ - - .capture('bracket.close', function() { - var parsed = this.parsed; - var pos = this.position(); - var m = this.match(/^\]/); - if (!m) return; - - var prev = this.prev(); - var last = utils.last(prev.nodes); - - if (parsed.slice(-1) === '\\' && !this.isInside('bracket')) { - last.val = last.val.slice(0, last.val.length - 1); - - return pos({ - type: 'escape', - val: m[0] - }); - } - - var node = pos({ - type: 'bracket.close', - rest: this.input, - val: m[0] - }); - - if (last.type === 'bracket.open') { - node.type = 'bracket.inner'; - node.escaped = true; - return node; - } - - var bracket = this.pop('bracket'); - if (!this.isType(bracket, 'bracket')) { - if (this.options.strict) { - throw new Error('missing opening "["'); - } - node.type = 'bracket.inner'; - node.escaped = true; - return node; - } - - bracket.nodes.push(node); - define(node, 'parent', bracket); - }); -} - -/** - * Brackets parsers - */ - -module.exports = parsers; - -/** - * Expose text regex - */ - -module.exports.TEXT_REGEX = TEXT_REGEX; - - -/***/ }), -/* 537 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; - - -var toRegex = __webpack_require__(385); -var regexNot = __webpack_require__(396); -var cached; - -/** - * Get the last element from `array` - * @param {Array} `array` - * @return {*} - */ - -exports.last = function(arr) { - return arr[arr.length - 1]; -}; - -/** - * Create and cache regex to use for text nodes - */ - -exports.createRegex = function(pattern, include) { - if (cached) return cached; - var opts = {contains: true, strictClose: false}; - var not = regexNot.create(pattern, opts); - var re; - - if (typeof include === 'string') { - re = toRegex('^(?:' + include + '|' + not + ')', opts); - } else { - re = toRegex(not, opts); - } - - return (cached = re); -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 538 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * define-property - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var isDescriptor = __webpack_require__(539); - -module.exports = function defineProperty(obj, prop, val) { - if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { - throw new TypeError('expected an object or function.'); - } - - if (typeof prop !== 'string') { - throw new TypeError('expected `prop` to be a string.'); - } - - if (isDescriptor(val) && ('set' in val || 'get' in val)) { - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, val); - } - - return Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { - configurable: true, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - value: val - }); -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 539 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-descriptor - * - * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(540); -var isAccessor = __webpack_require__(541); -var isData = __webpack_require__(543); - -module.exports = function isDescriptor(obj, key) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - if ('get' in obj) { - return isAccessor(obj, key); - } - return isData(obj, key); -}; - - -/***/ }), -/* 540 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; - -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type - */ - -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - var type = typeof val; - - // primitivies - if (type === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (type === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (type === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } - - // functions - if (type === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - if (typeof val.constructor.name !== 'undefined' && val.constructor.name.slice(0, 9) === 'Generator') { - return 'generatorfunction'; - } - return 'function'; - } - - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } - - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } - - // other objects - type = toString.call(val); - - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } - if (type === '[object Promise]') { - return 'promise'; - } - - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } - - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } - - if (type === '[object Map Iterator]') { - return 'mapiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Set Iterator]') { - return 'setiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object String Iterator]') { - return 'stringiterator'; - } - if (type === '[object Array Iterator]') { - return 'arrayiterator'; - } - - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; - } - - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; -}; - -/** - * If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser), - * take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer - */ - -function isBuffer(val) { - return val.constructor - && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' - && val.constructor.isBuffer(val); -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 541 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-accessor-descriptor - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ - - - -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(542); - -// accessor descriptor properties -var accessor = { - get: 'function', - set: 'function', - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean' -}; - -function isAccessorDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } - - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - - if (has(obj, 'value') || has(obj, 'writable')) { - return false; - } + if (this.isInside('bracket')) return; + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(/^\\(.)/); + if (!m) return; - if (!has(obj, 'get') || typeof obj.get !== 'function') { - return false; - } + return pos({ + type: 'escape', + val: m[0] + }); + }) - // tldr: it's valid to have "set" be undefined - // "set" might be undefined if `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` - // was used to get the value, and only `get` was defined by the user - if (has(obj, 'set') && typeof obj[key] !== 'function' && typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } + /** + * Text parser + */ - for (var key in obj) { - if (!accessor.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; - } + .capture('text', function() { + if (this.isInside('bracket')) return; + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(not); + if (!m || !m[0]) return; - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === accessor[key]) { - continue; - } + return pos({ + type: 'text', + val: m[0] + }); + }) - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } - } - return true; -} + /** + * POSIX character classes: "[[:alpha:][:digits:]]" + */ -function has(obj, key) { - return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); -} + .capture('posix', function() { + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(/^\[:(.*?):\](?=.*\])/); + if (!m) return; -/** - * Expose `isAccessorDescriptor` - */ + var inside = this.isInside('bracket'); + if (inside) { + brackets.posix++; + } -module.exports = isAccessorDescriptor; + return pos({ + type: 'posix', + insideBracket: inside, + inner: m[1], + val: m[0] + }); + }) + /** + * Bracket (noop) + */ -/***/ }), -/* 542 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + .capture('bracket', function() {}) -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; + /** + * Open: '[' + */ -/** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type - */ + .capture('bracket.open', function() { + var parsed = this.parsed; + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(/^\[(?=.*\])/); + if (!m) return; -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } + var prev = this.prev(); + var last = utils.last(prev.nodes); - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } + if (parsed.slice(-1) === '\\' && !this.isInside('bracket')) { + last.val = last.val.slice(0, last.val.length - 1); + return pos({ + type: 'escape', + val: m[0] + }); + } - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } + var open = pos({ + type: 'bracket.open', + val: m[0] + }); - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } + if (last.type === 'bracket.open' || this.isInside('bracket')) { + open.val = '\\' + open.val; + open.type = 'bracket.inner'; + open.escaped = true; + return open; + } - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); + var node = pos({ + type: 'bracket', + nodes: [open] + }); - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } + define(node, 'parent', prev); + define(open, 'parent', node); + this.push('bracket', node); + prev.nodes.push(node); + }) - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } + /** + * Bracket text + */ - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } + .capture('bracket.inner', function() { + if (!this.isInside('bracket')) return; + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(not); + if (!m || !m[0]) return; - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; - } + var next = this.input.charAt(0); + var val = m[0]; - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; -}; + var node = pos({ + type: 'bracket.inner', + val: val + }); + if (val === '\\\\') { + return node; + } -/***/ }), -/* 543 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + var first = val.charAt(0); + var last = val.slice(-1); -"use strict"; -/*! - * is-data-descriptor - * - * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert. - * Licensed under the MIT License. - */ + if (first === '!') { + val = '^' + val.slice(1); + } + if (last === '\\' || (val === '^' && next === ']')) { + val += this.input[0]; + this.consume(1); + } + node.val = val; + return node; + }) -var typeOf = __webpack_require__(544); + /** + * Close: ']' + */ -// data descriptor properties -var data = { - configurable: 'boolean', - enumerable: 'boolean', - writable: 'boolean' -}; + .capture('bracket.close', function() { + var parsed = this.parsed; + var pos = this.position(); + var m = this.match(/^\]/); + if (!m) return; -function isDataDescriptor(obj, prop) { - if (typeOf(obj) !== 'object') { - return false; - } + var prev = this.prev(); + var last = utils.last(prev.nodes); - if (typeof prop === 'string') { - var val = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop); - return typeof val !== 'undefined'; - } + if (parsed.slice(-1) === '\\' && !this.isInside('bracket')) { + last.val = last.val.slice(0, last.val.length - 1); - if (!('value' in obj) && !('writable' in obj)) { - return false; - } + return pos({ + type: 'escape', + val: m[0] + }); + } - for (var key in obj) { - if (key === 'value') continue; + var node = pos({ + type: 'bracket.close', + rest: this.input, + val: m[0] + }); - if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { - continue; - } + if (last.type === 'bracket.open') { + node.type = 'bracket.inner'; + node.escaped = true; + return node; + } - if (typeOf(obj[key]) === data[key]) { - continue; - } + var bracket = this.pop('bracket'); + if (!this.isType(bracket, 'bracket')) { + if (this.options.strict) { + throw new Error('missing opening "["'); + } + node.type = 'bracket.inner'; + node.escaped = true; + return node; + } - if (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined') { - return false; - } - } - return true; + bracket.nodes.push(node); + define(node, 'parent', bracket); + }); } /** - * Expose `isDataDescriptor` + * Brackets parsers */ -module.exports = isDataDescriptor; - - -/***/ }), -/* 544 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var isBuffer = __webpack_require__(391); -var toString = Object.prototype.toString; +module.exports = parsers; /** - * Get the native `typeof` a value. - * - * @param {*} `val` - * @return {*} Native javascript type + * Expose text regex */ -module.exports = function kindOf(val) { - // primitivies - if (typeof val === 'undefined') { - return 'undefined'; - } - if (val === null) { - return 'null'; - } - if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) { - return 'boolean'; - } - if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) { - return 'string'; - } - if (typeof val === 'number' || val instanceof Number) { - return 'number'; - } +module.exports.TEXT_REGEX = TEXT_REGEX; - // functions - if (typeof val === 'function' || val instanceof Function) { - return 'function'; - } - // array - if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) { - return 'array'; - } +/***/ }), +/* 506 */ +/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString` - if (val instanceof RegExp) { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (val instanceof Date) { - return 'date'; - } +"use strict"; - // other objects - var type = toString.call(val); - if (type === '[object RegExp]') { - return 'regexp'; - } - if (type === '[object Date]') { - return 'date'; - } - if (type === '[object Arguments]') { - return 'arguments'; - } - if (type === '[object Error]') { - return 'error'; - } +var toRegex = __webpack_require__(385); +var regexNot = __webpack_require__(396); +var cached; - // buffer - if (isBuffer(val)) { - return 'buffer'; - } +/** + * Get the last element from `array` + * @param {Array} `array` + * @return {*} + */ - // es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet - if (type === '[object Set]') { - return 'set'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakSet]') { - return 'weakset'; - } - if (type === '[object Map]') { - return 'map'; - } - if (type === '[object WeakMap]') { - return 'weakmap'; - } - if (type === '[object Symbol]') { - return 'symbol'; - } +exports.last = function(arr) { + return arr[arr.length - 1]; +}; - // typed arrays - if (type === '[object Int8Array]') { - return 'int8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') { - return 'uint8array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') { - return 'uint8clampedarray'; - } - if (type === '[object Int16Array]') { - return 'int16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') { - return 'uint16array'; - } - if (type === '[object Int32Array]') { - return 'int32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') { - return 'uint32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float32Array]') { - return 'float32array'; - } - if (type === '[object Float64Array]') { - return 'float64array'; +/** + * Create and cache regex to use for text nodes + */ + +exports.createRegex = function(pattern, include) { + if (cached) return cached; + var opts = {contains: true, strictClose: false}; + var not = regexNot.create(pattern, opts); + var re; + + if (typeof include === 'string') { + re = toRegex('^(?:' + include + '|' + not + ')', opts); + } else { + re = toRegex(not, opts); } - // must be a plain object - return 'object'; + return (cached = re); }; /***/ }), -/* 545 */ +/* 507 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var brackets = __webpack_require__(533); -var define = __webpack_require__(398); -var utils = __webpack_require__(546); +var brackets = __webpack_require__(502); +var define = __webpack_require__(496); +var utils = __webpack_require__(508); /** * Characters to use in text regex (we want to "not" match @@ -54994,14 +51706,14 @@ module.exports = parsers; /***/ }), -/* 546 */ +/* 508 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var regex = __webpack_require__(396); -var Cache = __webpack_require__(526); +var Cache = __webpack_require__(494); /** * Utils @@ -55070,7 +51782,7 @@ utils.createRegex = function(str) { /***/ }), -/* 547 */ +/* 509 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -55081,15 +51793,15 @@ utils.createRegex = function(str) { */ var Snapdragon = __webpack_require__(424); -var define = __webpack_require__(398); +var define = __webpack_require__(496); var extend = __webpack_require__(394); /** * Local dependencies */ -var compilers = __webpack_require__(532); -var parsers = __webpack_require__(545); +var compilers = __webpack_require__(501); +var parsers = __webpack_require__(507); /** * Customize Snapdragon parser and renderer @@ -55155,14 +51867,14 @@ module.exports = Extglob; /***/ }), -/* 548 */ +/* 510 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -var extglob = __webpack_require__(531); -var nanomatch = __webpack_require__(521); +var extglob = __webpack_require__(500); +var nanomatch = __webpack_require__(489); var regexNot = __webpack_require__(396); var toRegex = __webpack_require__(385); var not; @@ -55245,14 +51957,14 @@ function textRegex(pattern) { /***/ }), -/* 549 */ +/* 511 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { -module.exports = new (__webpack_require__(526))(); +module.exports = new (__webpack_require__(494))(); /***/ }), -/* 550 */ +/* 512 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -55266,11 +51978,11 @@ var path = __webpack_require__(16); */ var Snapdragon = __webpack_require__(424); -utils.define = __webpack_require__(398); -utils.diff = __webpack_require__(528); +utils.define = __webpack_require__(496); +utils.diff = __webpack_require__(497); utils.extend = __webpack_require__(394); -utils.pick = __webpack_require__(529); -utils.typeOf = __webpack_require__(551); +utils.pick = __webpack_require__(498); +utils.typeOf = __webpack_require__(513); utils.unique = __webpack_require__(397); /** @@ -55568,7 +52280,7 @@ utils.unixify = function(options) { /***/ }), -/* 551 */ +/* 513 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var toString = Object.prototype.toString; @@ -55703,7 +52415,7 @@ function isBuffer(val) { /***/ }), -/* 552 */ +/* 514 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -55719,8 +52431,8 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () { }; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -var readdir = __webpack_require__(553); -var reader_1 = __webpack_require__(566); +var readdir = __webpack_require__(515); +var reader_1 = __webpack_require__(528); var ReaderAsync = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ReaderAsync, _super); function ReaderAsync() { @@ -55756,15 +52468,15 @@ exports.default = ReaderAsync; /***/ }), -/* 553 */ +/* 515 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -const readdirSync = __webpack_require__(554); -const readdirAsync = __webpack_require__(562); -const readdirStream = __webpack_require__(565); +const readdirSync = __webpack_require__(516); +const readdirAsync = __webpack_require__(524); +const readdirStream = __webpack_require__(527); module.exports = exports = readdirAsyncPath; exports.readdir = exports.readdirAsync = exports.async = readdirAsyncPath; @@ -55848,7 +52560,7 @@ function readdirStreamStat (dir, options) { /***/ }), -/* 554 */ +/* 516 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -55856,11 +52568,11 @@ function readdirStreamStat (dir, options) { module.exports = readdirSync; -const DirectoryReader = __webpack_require__(555); +const DirectoryReader = __webpack_require__(517); let syncFacade = { - fs: __webpack_require__(560), - forEach: __webpack_require__(561), + fs: __webpack_require__(522), + forEach: __webpack_require__(523), sync: true }; @@ -55889,7 +52601,7 @@ function readdirSync (dir, options, internalOptions) { /***/ }), -/* 555 */ +/* 517 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -55898,9 +52610,9 @@ function readdirSync (dir, options, internalOptions) { const Readable = __webpack_require__(28).Readable; const EventEmitter = __webpack_require__(45).EventEmitter; const path = __webpack_require__(16); -const normalizeOptions = __webpack_require__(556); -const stat = __webpack_require__(558); -const call = __webpack_require__(559); +const normalizeOptions = __webpack_require__(518); +const stat = __webpack_require__(520); +const call = __webpack_require__(521); /** * Asynchronously reads the contents of a directory and streams the results @@ -56276,14 +52988,14 @@ module.exports = DirectoryReader; /***/ }), -/* 556 */ +/* 518 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; const path = __webpack_require__(16); -const globToRegExp = __webpack_require__(557); +const globToRegExp = __webpack_require__(519); module.exports = normalizeOptions; @@ -56460,7 +53172,7 @@ function normalizeOptions (options, internalOptions) { /***/ }), -/* 557 */ +/* 519 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (glob, opts) { @@ -56597,13 +53309,13 @@ module.exports = function (glob, opts) { /***/ }), -/* 558 */ +/* 520 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -const call = __webpack_require__(559); +const call = __webpack_require__(521); module.exports = stat; @@ -56678,7 +53390,7 @@ function symlinkStat (fs, path, lstats, callback) { /***/ }), -/* 559 */ +/* 521 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -56739,14 +53451,14 @@ function callOnce (fn) { /***/ }), -/* 560 */ +/* 522 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; const fs = __webpack_require__(23); -const call = __webpack_require__(559); +const call = __webpack_require__(521); /** * A facade around {@link fs.readdirSync} that allows it to be called @@ -56810,7 +53522,7 @@ exports.lstat = function (path, callback) { /***/ }), -/* 561 */ +/* 523 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -56839,7 +53551,7 @@ function syncForEach (array, iterator, done) { /***/ }), -/* 562 */ +/* 524 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -56847,12 +53559,12 @@ function syncForEach (array, iterator, done) { module.exports = readdirAsync; -const maybe = __webpack_require__(563); -const DirectoryReader = __webpack_require__(555); +const maybe = __webpack_require__(525); +const DirectoryReader = __webpack_require__(517); let asyncFacade = { fs: __webpack_require__(23), - forEach: __webpack_require__(564), + forEach: __webpack_require__(526), async: true }; @@ -56894,7 +53606,7 @@ function readdirAsync (dir, options, callback, internalOptions) { /***/ }), -/* 563 */ +/* 525 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -56921,7 +53633,7 @@ module.exports = function maybe (cb, promise) { /***/ }), -/* 564 */ +/* 526 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -56957,7 +53669,7 @@ function asyncForEach (array, iterator, done) { /***/ }), -/* 565 */ +/* 527 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -56965,11 +53677,11 @@ function asyncForEach (array, iterator, done) { module.exports = readdirStream; -const DirectoryReader = __webpack_require__(555); +const DirectoryReader = __webpack_require__(517); let streamFacade = { fs: __webpack_require__(23), - forEach: __webpack_require__(564), + forEach: __webpack_require__(526), async: true }; @@ -56989,15 +53701,15 @@ function readdirStream (dir, options, internalOptions) { /***/ }), -/* 566 */ +/* 528 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var path = __webpack_require__(16); -var deep_1 = __webpack_require__(567); -var entry_1 = __webpack_require__(570); +var deep_1 = __webpack_require__(529); +var entry_1 = __webpack_require__(532); var Reader = /** @class */ (function () { function Reader(options) { this.options = options; @@ -57063,14 +53775,14 @@ exports.default = Reader; /***/ }), -/* 567 */ +/* 529 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -var arrayUtils = __webpack_require__(568); -var pathUtils = __webpack_require__(569); +var arrayUtils = __webpack_require__(530); +var pathUtils = __webpack_require__(531); var patternUtils = __webpack_require__(378); var DeepFilter = /** @class */ (function () { function DeepFilter(options, micromatchOptions) { @@ -57146,7 +53858,7 @@ exports.default = DeepFilter; /***/ }), -/* 568 */ +/* 530 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57169,7 +53881,7 @@ exports.max = max; /***/ }), -/* 569 */ +/* 531 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57187,7 +53899,7 @@ exports.isDotDirectory = isDotDirectory; /***/ }), -/* 570 */ +/* 532 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57265,7 +53977,7 @@ exports.default = DeepFilter; /***/ }), -/* 571 */ +/* 533 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57282,8 +53994,8 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () { })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var stream = __webpack_require__(28); -var readdir = __webpack_require__(553); -var reader_1 = __webpack_require__(566); +var readdir = __webpack_require__(515); +var reader_1 = __webpack_require__(528); var TransformStream = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TransformStream, _super); function TransformStream(reader) { @@ -57326,7 +54038,7 @@ exports.default = ReaderStream; /***/ }), -/* 572 */ +/* 534 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57342,8 +54054,8 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () { }; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -var readdir = __webpack_require__(553); -var reader_1 = __webpack_require__(566); +var readdir = __webpack_require__(515); +var reader_1 = __webpack_require__(528); var ReaderSync = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ReaderSync, _super); function ReaderSync() { @@ -57378,7 +54090,7 @@ exports.default = ReaderSync; /***/ }), -/* 573 */ +/* 535 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57433,7 +54145,7 @@ module.exports.sync = (input, opts) => { /***/ }), -/* 574 */ +/* 536 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57441,9 +54153,9 @@ module.exports.sync = (input, opts) => { const fs = __webpack_require__(23); const path = __webpack_require__(16); const fastGlob = __webpack_require__(372); -const gitIgnore = __webpack_require__(575); +const gitIgnore = __webpack_require__(537); const pify = __webpack_require__(62); -const slash = __webpack_require__(576); +const slash = __webpack_require__(538); const DEFAULT_IGNORE = [ '**/node_modules/**', @@ -57535,7 +54247,7 @@ module.exports.sync = o => { /***/ }), -/* 575 */ +/* 537 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57967,7 +54679,7 @@ typeof process !== 'undefined' && (process.env && process.env.IGNORE_TEST_WIN32 /***/ }), -/* 576 */ +/* 538 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -57985,17 +54697,17 @@ module.exports = function (str) { /***/ }), -/* 577 */ +/* 539 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; const path = __webpack_require__(16); const fsConstants = __webpack_require__(23).constants; -const {Buffer} = __webpack_require__(578); -const CpFileError = __webpack_require__(580); -const fs = __webpack_require__(582); -const ProgressEmitter = __webpack_require__(583); +const {Buffer} = __webpack_require__(540); +const CpFileError = __webpack_require__(542); +const fs = __webpack_require__(544); +const ProgressEmitter = __webpack_require__(545); module.exports = (src, dest, opts) => { if (!src || !dest) { @@ -58145,11 +54857,11 @@ module.exports.sync = (src, dest, opts) => { /***/ }), -/* 578 */ +/* 540 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */ -var buffer = __webpack_require__(579) +var buffer = __webpack_require__(541) var Buffer = buffer.Buffer // alternative to using Object.keys for old browsers @@ -58213,18 +54925,18 @@ SafeBuffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (size) { /***/ }), -/* 579 */ +/* 541 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = require("buffer"); /***/ }), -/* 580 */ +/* 542 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -const NestedError = __webpack_require__(581); +const NestedError = __webpack_require__(543); class CpFileError extends NestedError { constructor(message, nested) { @@ -58238,7 +54950,7 @@ module.exports = CpFileError; /***/ }), -/* 581 */ +/* 543 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var inherits = __webpack_require__(43); @@ -58292,7 +55004,7 @@ module.exports = NestedError; /***/ }), -/* 582 */ +/* 544 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -58300,7 +55012,7 @@ module.exports = NestedError; const fs = __webpack_require__(22); const makeDir = __webpack_require__(90); const pify = __webpack_require__(62); -const CpFileError = __webpack_require__(580); +const CpFileError = __webpack_require__(542); const fsP = pify(fs); @@ -58445,7 +55157,7 @@ if (fs.copyFileSync) { /***/ }), -/* 583 */ +/* 545 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; @@ -58486,12 +55198,12 @@ module.exports = ProgressEmitter; /***/ }), -/* 584 */ +/* 546 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; -const NestedError = __webpack_require__(581); +const NestedError = __webpack_require__(543); class CpyError extends NestedError { constructor(message, nested) { @@ -58505,7 +55217,7 @@ module.exports = CpyError; /***/ }), -/* 585 */ +/* 547 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; diff --git a/src/dev/build/tasks/patch_native_modules_task.js b/src/dev/build/tasks/patch_native_modules_task.js index 57b6868b2606a..de38feceb7d44 100644 --- a/src/dev/build/tasks/patch_native_modules_task.js +++ b/src/dev/build/tasks/patch_native_modules_task.js @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import { scanCopy, untar, deleteAll } from '../lib'; import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'; -import binaryInfo from '../../../../x-pack/plugins/code/tasks/nodegit_info'; +import { binaryInfo } from '../../../../x-pack/plugins/code/tasks/nodegit_info'; import wreck from 'wreck'; import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'; import { dirname, join, basename } from 'path'; @@ -61,9 +61,8 @@ async function downloadAndExtractTarball(url, dest, log, retry) { async function patchNodeGit(config, log, build, platform) { const plat = platform.isWindows() ? 'win32' : platform.getName(); const arch = platform.getNodeArch().split('-')[1]; - const info = binaryInfo(plat, arch); - const downloadUrl = info.hosted_tarball; - const packageName = info.package_name; + const { downloadUrl, packageName } = binaryInfo(plat, arch); + const downloadPath = build.resolvePathForPlatform(platform, '.nodegit_binaries', packageName); const extractDir = await downloadAndExtractTarball(downloadUrl, downloadPath, log, 3); diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/admin_page/language_server_tab.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/admin_page/language_server_tab.tsx index 0289cc3cb8c82..76a1dce4b0471 100644 --- a/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/admin_page/language_server_tab.tsx +++ b/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/admin_page/language_server_tab.tsx @@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ const LanguageServerInstruction = (props: {


- Stop your kibana Code node, then use the following command to install ${props.name}{' '} + Stop your kibana Code node, then use the following command to install {props.name}{' '} Language Server plugin: {installCode}


- Stop your kibana Code node, then use the following command to remove ${props.name}{' '} + Stop your kibana Code node, then use the following command to remove {props.name}{' '} Language Server plugin:

               bin/kibana-plugin remove {props.pluginName}
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/main/content.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/main/content.tsx
index 2760138953ba2..c4f36f895bc3a 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/main/content.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/main/content.tsx
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class CodeContent extends React.PureComponent {
   public renderButtons = () => {
-    let buttonId = null;
+    let buttonId: string | undefined;
     switch (this.props.match.params.pathType) {
       case PathTypes.blame:
         buttonId = ButtonOption.Blame;
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/search_page/side_bar.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/search_page/side_bar.tsx
index 8fa1d9067c380..987c836c4abc7 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/search_page/side_bar.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/code/public/components/search_page/side_bar.tsx
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ export class SideBar extends React.PureComponent {
+            buttonRef={() => {
+              /* nothing */
+            }}
@@ -67,6 +70,9 @@ export class SideBar extends React.PureComponent {
+            buttonRef={() => {
+              /* nothing */
+            }}
@@ -83,6 +89,9 @@ export class SideBar extends React.PureComponent {
+            buttonRef={() => {
+              /* nothing */
+            }}
@@ -94,6 +103,9 @@ export class SideBar extends React.PureComponent {
+            buttonRef={() => {
+              /* nothing */
+            }}
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/code/public/monaco/monaco.ts b/x-pack/plugins/code/public/monaco/monaco.ts
index b1892cfda81a2..4ea115993d089 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/code/public/monaco/monaco.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/code/public/monaco/monaco.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
  * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import convert from 'color-convert';
 // (1) Desired editor features:
 import 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/browser/controller/coreCommands.js';
 import 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/browser/widget/codeEditorWidget.js';
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/code/tasks/nodegit_info.js b/x-pack/plugins/code/tasks/nodegit_info.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8af3872d4613e..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/plugins/code/tasks/nodegit_info.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-/* eslint-disable */
-export { default } from '@elastic/nodegit/dist/utils/binary_info';
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/code/tasks/nodegit_info.ts b/x-pack/plugins/code/tasks/nodegit_info.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..90caed4b6b2a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/code/tasks/nodegit_info.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+// @ts-ignore
+import binary_info from '@elastic/nodegit/dist/utils/binary_info';
+export function binaryInfo(platform: string, arch: string) {
+  const info = binary_info(platform, arch);
+  const downloadUrl = info.hosted_tarball;
+  const packageName = info.package_name;
+  return {
+    downloadUrl,
+    packageName,
+  };