From 35edfb0e569def7587e6c42ac0c9bcd0487d0a67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Louis Leysens <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 13:35:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/36] [Watcher] More robust handling of license at setup

* Only register watcher app if we have received an indication of license first
Enable app to react to license updates from backend

* Return setup to a synchronous function.

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../helpers/app_context.mock.tsx              |   6 +-
 .../watcher/public/application/app.tsx        |  12 +-
 x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/plugin.ts       | 124 ++++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/watcher/__jest__/client_integration/helpers/app_context.mock.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/watcher/__jest__/client_integration/helpers/app_context.mock.tsx
index 3d8ae2894b320..f0a2816dd57b1 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/watcher/__jest__/client_integration/helpers/app_context.mock.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/watcher/__jest__/client_integration/helpers/app_context.mock.tsx
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import React from 'react';
+import { of } from 'rxjs';
 import { ComponentType } from 'enzyme';
 import {
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import {
 } from '../../../../../../src/core/public/mocks';
 // eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
 import { AppContextProvider } from '../../../public/application/app_context';
+import { LicenseStatus } from '../../../common/types/license_status';
 class MockTimeBuckets {
   setBounds(_domain: any) {
@@ -27,9 +29,7 @@ class MockTimeBuckets {
 export const mockContextValue = {
-  getLicenseStatus: () => ({
-    valid: true,
-  }),
+  licenseStatus$: of<LicenseStatus>({ valid: true }),
   docLinks: docLinksServiceMock.createStartContract(),
   chrome: chromeServiceMock.createStartContract(),
   MANAGEMENT_BREADCRUMB: { text: 'test' },
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/application/app.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/application/app.tsx
index 83501eca1429b..1f418e4475ed0 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/application/app.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/application/app.tsx
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import React from 'react';
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
 import {
@@ -47,12 +48,17 @@ export interface AppDeps {
   uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
   euiUtils: any;
   createTimeBuckets: () => any;
-  getLicenseStatus: () => LicenseStatus;
+  licenseStatus$: Observable<LicenseStatus>;
 export const App = (deps: AppDeps) => {
-  const { valid, message } = deps.getLicenseStatus();
+  const [{ valid, message }, setLicenseStatus] = useState<LicenseStatus>({ valid: true });
+  useEffect(() => {
+    const s = deps.licenseStatus$.subscribe(setLicenseStatus);
+    return () => s.unsubscribe();
+  }, [deps.licenseStatus$]);
   if (!valid) {
     return (
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/plugin.ts b/x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/plugin.ts
index d59041b41253d..7bb422f9a6eb1 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/plugin.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/watcher/public/plugin.ts
@@ -5,80 +5,90 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { CoreSetup, Plugin, CoreStart } from 'kibana/public';
+import { first, map, skip } from 'rxjs/operators';
 import { FeatureCatalogueCategory } from '../../../../src/plugins/home/public';
 import { LicenseStatus } from '../common/types/license_status';
-import { LICENSE_CHECK_STATE } from '../../licensing/public';
+import { ILicense, LICENSE_CHECK_STATE } from '../../licensing/public';
 import { TimeBuckets, MANAGEMENT_BREADCRUMB } from './legacy';
 import { PLUGIN } from '../common/constants';
 import { Dependencies } from './types';
-export class WatcherUIPlugin implements Plugin<void, void, Dependencies, any> {
-  // Reference for when `mount` gets called, we don't want to render if
-  // we don't have a valid license. Under certain conditions the Watcher app link
-  // may still be present so this is a final guard.
-  private licenseStatus: LicenseStatus = { valid: false };
-  private hasRegisteredESManagementSection = false;
+const licenseToLicenseStatus = (license: ILicense): LicenseStatus => {
+  const { state, message } = license.check(PLUGIN.ID, PLUGIN.MINIMUM_LICENSE_REQUIRED);
+  return {
+    valid: state === LICENSE_CHECK_STATE.Valid && license.getFeature(PLUGIN.ID).isAvailable,
+    message,
+  };
+export class WatcherUIPlugin implements Plugin<void, void, Dependencies, any> {
     { application, notifications, http, uiSettings, getStartServices }: CoreSetup,
     { licensing, management, data, home }: Dependencies
   ) {
-    licensing.license$.subscribe(license => {
-      const { state, message } = license.check(PLUGIN.ID, PLUGIN.MINIMUM_LICENSE_REQUIRED);
-      this.licenseStatus = {
-        valid: state === LICENSE_CHECK_STATE.Valid && license.getFeature(PLUGIN.ID).isAvailable,
-        message,
-      };
-      if (this.licenseStatus.valid) {
-        const esSection = management.sections.getSection('elasticsearch');
-        if (esSection && !this.hasRegisteredESManagementSection) {
-          esSection.registerApp({
-            id: 'watcher',
-            title: i18n.translate(
-              'xpack.watcher.sections.watchList.managementSection.watcherDisplayName',
-              { defaultMessage: 'Watcher' }
-            ),
-            mount: async ({ element }) => {
-              const [core, plugins] = await getStartServices();
-              const { chrome, i18n: i18nDep, docLinks, savedObjects } = core;
-              const { eui_utils } = plugins as any;
-              const { boot } = await import('./application/boot');
+    const esSection = management.sections.getSection('elasticsearch');
+    const watcherESApp = esSection!.registerApp({
+      id: 'watcher',
+      title: i18n.translate(
+        'xpack.watcher.sections.watchList.managementSection.watcherDisplayName',
+        { defaultMessage: 'Watcher' }
+      ),
+      mount: async ({ element }) => {
+        const [core, plugins] = await getStartServices();
+        const { chrome, i18n: i18nDep, docLinks, savedObjects } = core;
+        const { eui_utils } = plugins as any;
+        const { boot } = await import('./application/boot');
+        return boot({
+          // Skip the first license status, because that's already been used to determine
+          // whether to include Watcher.
+          licenseStatus$: licensing.license$.pipe(skip(1), map(licenseToLicenseStatus)),
+          element,
+          toasts: notifications.toasts,
+          http,
+          uiSettings,
+          docLinks,
+          chrome,
+          euiUtils: eui_utils,
+          savedObjects: savedObjects.client,
+          I18nContext: i18nDep.Context,
+          createTimeBuckets: () => new TimeBuckets(uiSettings, data),
+        });
+      },
+    });
+    watcherESApp.disable();
-              return boot({
-                getLicenseStatus: () => this.licenseStatus,
-                element,
-                toasts: notifications.toasts,
-                http,
-                uiSettings,
-                docLinks,
-                chrome,
-                euiUtils: eui_utils,
-                savedObjects: savedObjects.client,
-                I18nContext: i18nDep.Context,
-                createTimeBuckets: () => new TimeBuckets(uiSettings, data),
-              });
-            },
-          });
+    // TODO: Fix the below dependency on `home` plugin inner workings
+    // Because the home feature catalogue does not have enable/disable functionality we pass
+    // the config in but keep a reference for enabling and disabling showing on home based on
+    // license updates.
+    const watcherHome = {
+      id: 'watcher',
+      title: 'Watcher', // This is a product name so we don't translate it.
+      category: FeatureCatalogueCategory.ADMIN,
+      description: i18n.translate('xpack.watcher.watcherDescription', {
+        defaultMessage: 'Detect changes in your data by creating, managing, and monitoring alerts.',
+      }),
+      icon: 'watchesApp',
+      path: '/app/kibana#/management/elasticsearch/watcher/watches',
+      showOnHomePage: true,
+    };
-          home.featureCatalogue.register({
-            id: 'watcher',
-            title: 'Watcher', // This is a product name so we don't translate it.
-            category: FeatureCatalogueCategory.ADMIN,
-            description: i18n.translate('xpack.watcher.watcherDescription', {
-              defaultMessage:
-                'Detect changes in your data by creating, managing, and monitoring alerts.',
-            }),
-            icon: 'watchesApp',
-            path: '/app/kibana#/management/elasticsearch/watcher/watches',
-            showOnHomePage: true,
-          });
+    home.featureCatalogue.register(watcherHome);
-          this.hasRegisteredESManagementSection = true;
-        }
+    licensing.license$.pipe(first(), map(licenseToLicenseStatus)).subscribe(({ valid }) => {
+      if (valid) {
+        watcherESApp.enable();
+        watcherHome.showOnHomePage = true;
+      } else {
+        watcherESApp.disable();
+        watcherHome.showOnHomePage = false;

From e00f2628af71cd3d39e04dd56a3509b86d51af36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mikhail Shustov <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 13:57:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/36] [NP] Platform exposes API to get authenticated user
 data (#55327)

* expose auth.get/isAuthenticated. move getAuthHeaders to internal type

* update mocks

* update docs

* update docs

* add integration test for auth
--- |  34 +--
 .../server/  |  64 ++---
 .../      |   6 +- |  14 ++
 .../  |   1 +
 .../   |   2 +-
 .../core/server/       | 228 ++++++++++++++++++ |  30 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 ++-- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 ++-- |  26 +- |  66 ++--- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  36 +-- |  44 ++--
 .../elasticsearch/elasticsearch_service.ts    |   4 +-
 src/core/server/http/auth_state_storage.ts    |  12 +-
 src/core/server/http/http_server.test.ts      | 124 ----------
 src/core/server/http/http_server.ts           |   6 +-
 src/core/server/http/http_service.mock.ts     |  21 +-
 .../integration_tests/core_services.test.ts   | 129 +++++++++-
 src/core/server/http/types.ts                 |  16 ++
 src/core/server/legacy/legacy_service.ts      |   4 +
 src/core/server/mocks.ts                      |   4 +
 src/core/server/plugins/plugin_context.ts     |   1 +
 src/core/server/                 |   9 +-
 32 files changed, 709 insertions(+), 434 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/development/core/server/
 create mode 100644 docs/development/core/server/

diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index b05d28899f9d2..589529cf2a7f7 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
-## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
-Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->. This should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed after `start` lifecycle.
-getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
-`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
+## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
+Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->. This should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed after `start` lifecycle.
+getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
+`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index c36d649837e8a..325f7216122b5 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
-## CoreSetup interface
-Context passed to the plugins `setup` method.
-export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesSetup</code> | [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
-|  [elasticsearch](./ | <code>ElasticsearchServiceSetup</code> | [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpServiceSetup</code> | [HttpServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceSetup</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceSetup</code> | [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [uuid](./ | <code>UuidServiceSetup</code> | [UuidServiceSetup](./ |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. This should only be used inside handlers registered during <code>setup</code> that will only be executed after <code>start</code> lifecycle. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
+## CoreSetup interface
+Context passed to the plugins `setup` method.
+export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesSetup</code> | [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
+|  [elasticsearch](./ | <code>ElasticsearchServiceSetup</code> | [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpServiceSetup</code> | [HttpServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceSetup</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceSetup</code> | [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [uuid](./ | <code>UuidServiceSetup</code> | [UuidServiceSetup](./ |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. This should only be used inside handlers registered during <code>setup</code> that will only be executed after <code>start</code> lifecycle. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 47fc38c28f5e0..1980a81ec1910 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 ## GetAuthState type
-Get authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
+Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
-export declare type GetAuthState = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
+export declare type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
     status: AuthStatus;
-    state: unknown;
+    state: T;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f08bb8b638e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [auth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.auth property
+auth: {
+        get: GetAuthState;
+        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
+    };
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 3b1993841339d..95a95175672c7 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ async (context, request, response) => {
 |  Property | Type | Description |
 |  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [auth](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: GetAuthState;</code><br/><code>        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
 |  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->. |
 |  [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SessionStorageFactory&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./ |
 |  [createRouter](./ | <code>() =&gt; IRouter</code> | Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 15f412710412a..c927b6bea926c 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## IsAuthenticated type
-Return authentication status for a request.
+Returns authentication status for a request.
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fbce46c3f4ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./
+## kibana-plugin-server package
+The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.
+A plugin requires a `kibana.json` file at it's root directory that follows [the manfiest schema](./ to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.
+A plugin's `server/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
+The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
+## Classes
+|  Class | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [BasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path |
+|  [ClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [CspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
+|  [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ | Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as <code>body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]</code> |
+|  [KibanaRequest](./ | Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request. |
+|  [RouteValidationError](./ | Error to return when the validation is not successful. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |  |
+|  [ScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+## Enumerations
+|  Enumeration | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AuthResultType](./ |  |
+|  [AuthStatus](./ | Status indicating an outcome of the authentication. |
+## Interfaces
+|  Interface | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [APICaller](./ |  |
+|  [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ |  |
+|  [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ |  |
+|  [Authenticated](./ |  |
+|  [AuthResultParams](./ | Result of an incoming request authentication. |
+|  [AuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [CallAPIOptions](./ | The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed. |
+|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
+|  [CapabilitiesSetup](./ | APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.<!-- -->Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the <code>registerProvider</code> method.<!-- -->Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the <code>registerSwitcher</code> method.<!-- -->Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples. |
+|  [CapabilitiesStart](./ | APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ | Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See methods documentation for more detailed examples. |
+|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [CoreSetup](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>setup</code> method. |
+|  [CoreStart](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>start</code> method. |
+|  [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code. |
+|  [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationInfo](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationSettings](./ | UiSettings deprecation field options. |
+|  [DiscoveredPlugin](./ | Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started. |
+|  [ElasticsearchError](./ |  |
+|  [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
+|  [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
+|  [FakeRequest](./ | Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins. |
+|  [HttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
+|  [HttpServiceSetup](./ | Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to <code>hapi</code> server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs. |
+|  [HttpServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [ICspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
+|  [IKibanaResponse](./ | A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution |
+|  [IKibanaSocket](./ | A tiny abstraction for TCP socket. |
+|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
+|  [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./ |  |
+|  [IRenderOptions](./ |  |
+|  [IRouter](./ | Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations. |
+|  [IScopedRenderingClient](./ |  |
+|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. |
+|  [KibanaRequestEvents](./ | Request events. |
+|  [KibanaRequestRoute](./ | Request specific route information exposed to a handler. |
+|  [LegacyRequest](./ |  |
+|  [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ |  |
+|  [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ |  |
+|  [Logger](./ | Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins. |
+|  [LoggerFactory](./ | The single purpose of <code>LoggerFactory</code> interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance. |
+|  [LogMeta](./ | Contextual metadata |
+|  [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ | Additional data to extend a response. |
+|  [OnPreResponseInfo](./ | Response status code. |
+|  [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
+|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
+|  [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ | Describes a plugin configuration properties. |
+|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage. |
+|  [PluginManifest](./ | Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file. |
+|  [PluginsServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [PluginsServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [RequestHandlerContext](./ | Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.<!-- -->Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request |
+|  [RouteConfig](./ | Route specific configuration. |
+|  [RouteConfigOptions](./ | Additional route options. |
+|  [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ | Additional body options for a route |
+|  [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ | Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [RouteValidatorConfig](./ | The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set <code>params</code>, <code>query</code> and/or <code>body</code> to specify the validation logic to follow for that property. |
+|  [RouteValidatorOptions](./ | Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour. |
+|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ | Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ | Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance. |
+|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ | Options controlling the export operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ | Structure of the export result details entry |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ | Options to control the import operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
+|  [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ | A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index. |
+|  [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ | Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ | Options to control the "resolve import" operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers. |
+|  [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects. |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ | Return type from a function to validate cookie contents. |
+|  [SessionStorage](./ | Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests. |
+|  [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ | Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism. |
+|  [SessionStorageFactory](./ | SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request |
+|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
+|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
+|  [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
+|  [UuidServiceSetup](./ | APIs to access the application's instance uuid. |
+## Variables
+|  Variable | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibanaResponseFactory](./ | Set of helpers used to create <code>KibanaResponse</code> to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution. |
+|  [validBodyOutput](./ | The set of valid body.output |
+## Type Aliases
+|  Type Alias | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AuthenticationHandler](./ | See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AuthHeaders](./ | Auth Headers map |
+|  [AuthResult](./ |  |
+|  [CapabilitiesProvider](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [ConfigDeprecation](./ | Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration. |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./ | Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./ |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ | A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples. |
+|  [ConfigPath](./ |  |
+|  [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./ |  |
+|  [GetAuthHeaders](./ | Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch. |
+|  [GetAuthState](./ | Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by <code>auth</code> interceptor. |
+|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
+|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
+|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [Headers](./ | Http request headers to read. |
+|  [HttpResponsePayload](./ | Data send to the client as a response payload. |
+|  [IBasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path[BasePath](./ |
+|  [IClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
+|  [ICustomClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IsAuthenticated](./ | Returns authentication status for a request. |
+|  [ISavedObjectsRepository](./ | See [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |
+|  [IScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./ | Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned. |
+|  [KibanaResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing request response payload, HTTP headers, error details, and other data transmitted to the client. |
+|  [KnownHeaders](./ | Set of well-known HTTP headers. |
+|  [LifecycleResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client. |
+|  [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./ | Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation |
+|  [OnPostAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [OnPreAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [OnPreResponseHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [PluginConfigSchema](./ | Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema. |
+|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>server</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
+|  [PluginName](./ | Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious. |
+|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
+|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
+|  [RedirectResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for redirection response |
+|  [RequestHandler](./ | A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions. |
+|  [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of http request context providers. |
+|  [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./ | Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data. |
+|  [ResponseError](./ | Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error. |
+|  [ResponseErrorAttributes](./ | Additional data to provide error details. |
+|  [ResponseHeaders](./ | Http response headers to set. |
+|  [RouteContentType](./ | The set of supported parseable Content-Types |
+|  [RouteMethod](./ | The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing. |
+|  [RouteRegistrar](./ | Route handler common definition |
+|  [RouteValidationFunction](./ | The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements. |
+|  [RouteValidationSpec](./ | Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation. |
+|  [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./ | Route validations config and options merged into one object |
+|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.<!-- -->\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors<!-- -->Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:<!-- -->1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./<!-- -->Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the <code>isXYZError()</code> helpers exposed at <code>SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> should be used to understand and manage error responses from the <code>SavedObjectsClient</code>.<!-- -->Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for <code>error.body.error.type</code> or doing substring checks on <code>error.body.error.reason</code>, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:<!-- -->\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }<!-- -->if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }<!-- -->// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`<!-- -->\#\#\# 404s from missing index<!-- -->From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.<!-- -->At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.<!-- -->From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.<!-- -->\#\#\# 503s from missing index<!-- -->Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's <code>action.auto_create_index</code> setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.<!-- -->See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./ | Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers. |
+|  [ScopeableRequest](./ | A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.<!-- -->See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [SharedGlobalConfig](./ |  |
+|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsClientFactory type
-Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: {
-    request: KibanaRequest;
-}) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./
+## SavedObjectsClientFactory type
+Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: {
+    request: KibanaRequest;
+}) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./
-## SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider type
-Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider = (repositoryFactory: SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory) => SavedObjectsClientFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./
+## SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider type
+Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider = (repositoryFactory: SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory) => SavedObjectsClientFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory type
-Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory type
+Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions interface
-Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance.
-export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions interface
+Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance.
+export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [request](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request property
-request: KibanaRequest;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [request](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request property
+request: KibanaRequest;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
-createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
+createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
-createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
+createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory interface
-Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./
-export interface SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
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+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory interface
+Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./
+export interface SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [addClientWrapper](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper property
-Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority.
-addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [addClientWrapper](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper property
+Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority.
+addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup interface
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers.
-export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup 
-## Remarks
-Note: The Saved Object setup API's should only be used for creating and registering client wrappers. Constructing a Saved Objects client or repository for use within your own plugin won't have any of the registered wrappers applied and is considered an anti-pattern. Use the Saved Objects client from the [SavedObjectsServiceStart\#getScopedClient](./ method or the [route handler context](./ instead.
-When plugins access the Saved Objects client, a new client is created using the factory provided to `setClientFactory` and wrapped by all wrappers registered through `addClientWrapper`<!-- -->. To create a factory or wrapper, plugins will have to construct a Saved Objects client. First create a repository by calling `scopedRepository` or `internalRepository` and then use this repository as the argument to the [SavedObjectsClient](./ constructor.
-## Example
-import { SavedObjectsClient, CoreSetup } from 'src/core/server';
-export class Plugin() { setup: (core: CoreSetup) =<!-- -->&gt; { core.savedObjects.setClientFactory((<!-- -->{ request: KibanaRequest }<!-- -->) =<!-- -->&gt; { return new SavedObjectsClient(core.savedObjects.scopedRepository(request)); }<!-- -->) } }
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [addClientWrapper](./ | <code>(priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) =&gt; void</code> | Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
-|  [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | <code>(clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) =&gt; void</code> | Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup interface
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers.
+export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup 
+## Remarks
+Note: The Saved Object setup API's should only be used for creating and registering client wrappers. Constructing a Saved Objects client or repository for use within your own plugin won't have any of the registered wrappers applied and is considered an anti-pattern. Use the Saved Objects client from the [SavedObjectsServiceStart\#getScopedClient](./ method or the [route handler context](./ instead.
+When plugins access the Saved Objects client, a new client is created using the factory provided to `setClientFactory` and wrapped by all wrappers registered through `addClientWrapper`<!-- -->. To create a factory or wrapper, plugins will have to construct a Saved Objects client. First create a repository by calling `scopedRepository` or `internalRepository` and then use this repository as the argument to the [SavedObjectsClient](./ constructor.
+## Example
+import { SavedObjectsClient, CoreSetup } from 'src/core/server';
+export class Plugin() { setup: (core: CoreSetup) =<!-- -->&gt; { core.savedObjects.setClientFactory((<!-- -->{ request: KibanaRequest }<!-- -->) =<!-- -->&gt; { return new SavedObjectsClient(core.savedObjects.scopedRepository(request)); }<!-- -->) } }
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [addClientWrapper](./ | <code>(priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) =&gt; void</code> | Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
+|  [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | <code>(clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) =&gt; void</code> | Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index ed11255048f19..5b57495198edc 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [setClientFactoryProvider](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider property
-Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail.
-setClientFactoryProvider: (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [setClientFactoryProvider](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider property
+Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail.
+setClientFactoryProvider: (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index d639a8bc66b7e..c33e1750224d7 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
-createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
+createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 7683a9e46c51d..e562f7f4e7569 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
-createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
-## Remarks
-Prefer using `getScopedClient`<!-- -->. This should only be used when using methods not exposed on [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
+createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
+## Remarks
+Prefer using `getScopedClient`<!-- -->. This should only be used when using methods not exposed on [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index cf2b4f57a7461..7e4b1fd9158e6 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart interface
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects.
-export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [getScopedClient](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) =&gt; SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.<!-- -->A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart interface
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects.
+export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [getScopedClient](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) =&gt; SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.<!-- -->A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->. |
diff --git a/src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_service.ts b/src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_service.ts
index aba246ce66fb5..de111e1cb8b9b 100644
--- a/src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_service.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/elasticsearch/elasticsearch_service.ts
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ export class ElasticsearchService implements CoreService<InternalElasticsearchSe
             const coreClients = {
               adminClient: this.createClusterClient('admin', config),
-              dataClient: this.createClusterClient('data', config, deps.http.auth.getAuthHeaders),
+              dataClient: this.createClusterClient('data', config, deps.http.getAuthHeaders),
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ export class ElasticsearchService implements CoreService<InternalElasticsearchSe
       createClient: (type: string, clientConfig: Partial<ElasticsearchClientConfig> = {}) => {
         const finalConfig = merge({}, config, clientConfig);
-        return this.createClusterClient(type, finalConfig, deps.http.auth.getAuthHeaders);
+        return this.createClusterClient(type, finalConfig, deps.http.getAuthHeaders);
diff --git a/src/core/server/http/auth_state_storage.ts b/src/core/server/http/auth_state_storage.ts
index 059dc7f380351..10c8ccca32401 100644
--- a/src/core/server/http/auth_state_storage.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/http/auth_state_storage.ts
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ export enum AuthStatus {
- * Get authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
+ * Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
  * @param request {@link KibanaRequest} - an incoming request.
  * @public
-export type GetAuthState = (
+export type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(
   request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest
-) => { status: AuthStatus; state: unknown };
+) => { status: AuthStatus; state: T };
- * Return authentication status for a request.
+ * Returns authentication status for a request.
  * @param request {@link KibanaRequest} - an incoming request.
  * @public
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ export class AuthStateStorage {
   public set = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest, state: unknown) => {, state);
-  public get: GetAuthState = request => {
+  public get = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
     const key = ensureRawRequest(request);
-    const state =;
+    const state = as T;
     const status: AuthStatus =
       ? AuthStatus.authenticated
       : this.canBeAuthenticated()
diff --git a/src/core/server/http/http_server.test.ts b/src/core/server/http/http_server.test.ts
index df7b4b5af4267..f8ef49b0f6d18 100644
--- a/src/core/server/http/http_server.test.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/http/http_server.test.ts
@@ -1067,130 +1067,6 @@ describe('setup contract', () => {
-  describe('#auth.isAuthenticated()', () => {
-    it('returns true if has been authorized', async () => {
-      const { registerAuth, registerRouter, server: innerServer, auth } = await server.setup(
-        config
-      );
-      const router = new Router('', logger, enhanceWithContext);
-      router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>
-        res.ok({ body: { isAuthenticated: auth.isAuthenticated(req) } })
-      );
-      registerRouter(router);
-      await registerAuth((req, res, toolkit) => toolkit.authenticated());
-      await server.start();
-      await supertest(innerServer.listener)
-        .get('/')
-        .expect(200, { isAuthenticated: true });
-    });
-    it('returns false if has not been authorized', async () => {
-      const { registerAuth, registerRouter, server: innerServer, auth } = await server.setup(
-        config
-      );
-      const router = new Router('', logger, enhanceWithContext);
-      router.get(
-        { path: '/', validate: false, options: { authRequired: false } },
-        (context, req, res) => res.ok({ body: { isAuthenticated: auth.isAuthenticated(req) } })
-      );
-      registerRouter(router);
-      await registerAuth((req, res, toolkit) => toolkit.authenticated());
-      await server.start();
-      await supertest(innerServer.listener)
-        .get('/')
-        .expect(200, { isAuthenticated: false });
-    });
-    it('returns false if no authorization mechanism has been registered', async () => {
-      const { registerRouter, server: innerServer, auth } = await server.setup(config);
-      const router = new Router('', logger, enhanceWithContext);
-      router.get(
-        { path: '/', validate: false, options: { authRequired: false } },
-        (context, req, res) => res.ok({ body: { isAuthenticated: auth.isAuthenticated(req) } })
-      );
-      registerRouter(router);
-      await server.start();
-      await supertest(innerServer.listener)
-        .get('/')
-        .expect(200, { isAuthenticated: false });
-    });
-  });
-  describe('#auth.get()', () => {
-    it('returns authenticated status and allow associate auth state with request', async () => {
-      const user = { id: '42' };
-      const {
-        createCookieSessionStorageFactory,
-        registerRouter,
-        registerAuth,
-        server: innerServer,
-        auth,
-      } = await server.setup(config);
-      const sessionStorageFactory = await createCookieSessionStorageFactory(cookieOptions);
-      registerAuth((req, res, toolkit) => {
-        sessionStorageFactory.asScoped(req).set({ value: user, expires: + 1000 });
-        return toolkit.authenticated({ state: user });
-      });
-      const router = new Router('', logger, enhanceWithContext);
-      router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>
-        res.ok({ body: auth.get(req) })
-      );
-      registerRouter(router);
-      await server.start();
-      await supertest(innerServer.listener)
-        .get('/')
-        .expect(200, { state: user, status: 'authenticated' });
-    });
-    it('returns correct authentication unknown status', async () => {
-      const { registerRouter, server: innerServer, auth } = await server.setup(config);
-      const router = new Router('', logger, enhanceWithContext);
-      router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>
-        res.ok({ body: auth.get(req) })
-      );
-      registerRouter(router);
-      await server.start();
-      await supertest(innerServer.listener)
-        .get('/')
-        .expect(200, { status: 'unknown' });
-    });
-    it('returns correct unauthenticated status', async () => {
-      const authenticate = jest.fn();
-      const { registerRouter, registerAuth, server: innerServer, auth } = await server.setup(
-        config
-      );
-      await registerAuth(authenticate);
-      const router = new Router('', logger, enhanceWithContext);
-      router.get(
-        { path: '/', validate: false, options: { authRequired: false } },
-        (context, req, res) => res.ok({ body: auth.get(req) })
-      );
-      registerRouter(router);
-      await server.start();
-      await supertest(innerServer.listener)
-        .get('/')
-        .expect(200, { status: 'unauthenticated' });
-      expect(authenticate).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-    });
-  });
   describe('#isTlsEnabled', () => {
     it('returns "true" if TLS enabled', async () => {
       const { isTlsEnabled } = await server.setup(configWithSSL);
diff --git a/src/core/server/http/http_server.ts b/src/core/server/http/http_server.ts
index 6b978b71c6f2b..fdc272041ce35 100644
--- a/src/core/server/http/http_server.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/http/http_server.ts
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import {
 } from './cookie_session_storage';
-import { AuthStateStorage, GetAuthState, IsAuthenticated } from './auth_state_storage';
+import { IsAuthenticated, AuthStateStorage, GetAuthState } from './auth_state_storage';
 import { AuthHeadersStorage, GetAuthHeaders } from './auth_headers_storage';
 import { BasePath } from './base_path_service';
 import { HttpServiceSetup } from './types';
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ export interface HttpServerSetup {
   registerOnPostAuth: HttpServiceSetup['registerOnPostAuth'];
   registerOnPreResponse: HttpServiceSetup['registerOnPreResponse'];
   isTlsEnabled: HttpServiceSetup['isTlsEnabled'];
+  getAuthHeaders: GetAuthHeaders;
   auth: {
     get: GetAuthState;
     isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
-    getAuthHeaders: GetAuthHeaders;
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ export class HttpServer {
       auth: {
         get: this.authState.get,
         isAuthenticated: this.authState.isAuthenticated,
-        getAuthHeaders: this.authRequestHeaders.get,
+      getAuthHeaders: this.authRequestHeaders.get,
       isTlsEnabled: config.ssl.enabled,
       // Return server instance with the connection options so that we can properly
       // bridge core and the "legacy" Kibana internally. Once this bridge isn't
diff --git a/src/core/server/http/http_service.mock.ts b/src/core/server/http/http_service.mock.ts
index 6db1ca80ab437..2b2d98d937e85 100644
--- a/src/core/server/http/http_service.mock.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/http/http_service.mock.ts
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { mockRouter } from './router/router.mock';
 import { configMock } from '../config/config.mock';
 import { InternalHttpServiceSetup } from './types';
 import { HttpService } from './http_service';
+import { AuthStatus } from './auth_state_storage';
 import { OnPreAuthToolkit } from './lifecycle/on_pre_auth';
 import { AuthToolkit } from './lifecycle/auth';
 import { sessionStorageMock } from './cookie_session_storage.mocks';
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ import { OnPostAuthToolkit } from './lifecycle/on_post_auth';
 import { OnPreResponseToolkit } from './lifecycle/on_pre_response';
 type BasePathMocked = jest.Mocked<InternalHttpServiceSetup['basePath']>;
+type AuthMocked = jest.Mocked<InternalHttpServiceSetup['auth']>;
 export type HttpServiceSetupMock = jest.Mocked<InternalHttpServiceSetup> & {
   basePath: BasePathMocked;
@@ -42,6 +44,16 @@ const createBasePathMock = (serverBasePath = '/mock-server-basepath'): BasePathM
   remove: jest.fn(),
+const createAuthMock = () => {
+  const mock: AuthMocked = {
+    get: jest.fn(),
+    isAuthenticated: jest.fn(),
+  };
+  mock.get.mockReturnValue({ status: AuthStatus.authenticated, state: {} });
+  mock.isAuthenticated.mockReturnValue(true);
+  return mock;
 const createSetupContractMock = () => {
   const setupContract: HttpServiceSetupMock = {
     // we can mock other hapi server methods when we need it
@@ -62,17 +74,15 @@ const createSetupContractMock = () => {
     createRouter: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => mockRouter.create({})),
     basePath: createBasePathMock(),
     csp: CspConfig.DEFAULT,
-    auth: {
-      get: jest.fn(),
-      isAuthenticated: jest.fn(),
-      getAuthHeaders: jest.fn(),
-    },
+    auth: createAuthMock(),
+    getAuthHeaders: jest.fn(),
     isTlsEnabled: false,
   setupContract.createRouter.mockImplementation(() => mockRouter.create());
+  setupContract.getAuthHeaders.mockReturnValue({ authorization: 'authorization-header' });
   return setupContract;
@@ -107,6 +117,7 @@ const createOnPreResponseToolkitMock = (): jest.Mocked<OnPreResponseToolkit> =>
 export const httpServiceMock = {
   create: createHttpServiceMock,
   createBasePath: createBasePathMock,
+  createAuth: createAuthMock,
   createSetupContract: createSetupContractMock,
   createOnPreAuthToolkit: createOnPreAuthToolkitMock,
   createOnPostAuthToolkit: createOnPostAuthToolkitMock,
diff --git a/src/core/server/http/integration_tests/core_services.test.ts b/src/core/server/http/integration_tests/core_services.test.ts
index 65c4f1432721d..65b8ba551cf91 100644
--- a/src/core/server/http/integration_tests/core_services.test.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/http/integration_tests/core_services.test.ts
@@ -32,17 +32,132 @@ interface StorageData {
   expires: number;
+const cookieOptions = {
+  name: 'sid',
+  encryptionKey: 'something_at_least_32_characters',
+  validate: () => ({ isValid: true }),
+  isSecure: false,
 describe('http service', () => {
+  describe('auth', () => {
+    let root: ReturnType<typeof kbnTestServer.createRoot>;
+    beforeEach(async () => {
+      root = kbnTestServer.createRoot();
+    }, 30000);
+    afterEach(async () => {
+      await root.shutdown();
+    });
+    describe('#isAuthenticated()', () => {
+      it('returns true if has been authorized', async () => {
+        const { http } = await root.setup();
+        const { registerAuth, createRouter, auth } = http;
+        await registerAuth((req, res, toolkit) => toolkit.authenticated());
+        const router = createRouter('');
+        router.get({ path: '/is-auth', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>
+          res.ok({ body: { isAuthenticated: auth.isAuthenticated(req) } })
+        );
+        await root.start();
+        await kbnTestServer.request.get(root, '/is-auth').expect(200, { isAuthenticated: true });
+      });
+      it('returns false if has not been authorized', async () => {
+        const { http } = await root.setup();
+        const { registerAuth, createRouter, auth } = http;
+        await registerAuth((req, res, toolkit) => toolkit.authenticated());
+        const router = createRouter('');
+        router.get(
+          { path: '/is-auth', validate: false, options: { authRequired: false } },
+          (context, req, res) => res.ok({ body: { isAuthenticated: auth.isAuthenticated(req) } })
+        );
+        await root.start();
+        await kbnTestServer.request.get(root, '/is-auth').expect(200, { isAuthenticated: false });
+      });
+      it('returns false if no authorization mechanism has been registered', async () => {
+        const { http } = await root.setup();
+        const { createRouter, auth } = http;
+        const router = createRouter('');
+        router.get(
+          { path: '/is-auth', validate: false, options: { authRequired: false } },
+          (context, req, res) => res.ok({ body: { isAuthenticated: auth.isAuthenticated(req) } })
+        );
+        await root.start();
+        await kbnTestServer.request.get(root, '/is-auth').expect(200, { isAuthenticated: false });
+      });
+    });
+    describe('#get()', () => {
+      it('returns authenticated status and allow associate auth state with request', async () => {
+        const user = { id: '42' };
+        const { http } = await root.setup();
+        const { createCookieSessionStorageFactory, createRouter, registerAuth, auth } = http;
+        const sessionStorageFactory = await createCookieSessionStorageFactory(cookieOptions);
+        registerAuth((req, res, toolkit) => {
+          sessionStorageFactory.asScoped(req).set({ value: user });
+          return toolkit.authenticated({ state: user });
+        });
+        const router = createRouter('');
+        router.get({ path: '/get-auth', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>
+          res.ok({ body: auth.get<{ id: string }>(req) })
+        );
+        await root.start();
+        await kbnTestServer.request
+          .get(root, '/get-auth')
+          .expect(200, { state: user, status: 'authenticated' });
+      });
+      it('returns correct authentication unknown status', async () => {
+        const { http } = await root.setup();
+        const { createRouter, auth } = http;
+        const router = createRouter('');
+        router.get({ path: '/get-auth', validate: false }, (context, req, res) =>
+          res.ok({ body: auth.get(req) })
+        );
+        await root.start();
+        await kbnTestServer.request.get(root, '/get-auth').expect(200, { status: 'unknown' });
+      });
+      it('returns correct unauthenticated status', async () => {
+        const authenticate = jest.fn();
+        const { http } = await root.setup();
+        const { createRouter, registerAuth, auth } = http;
+        await registerAuth(authenticate);
+        const router = createRouter('');
+        router.get(
+          { path: '/get-auth', validate: false, options: { authRequired: false } },
+          (context, req, res) => res.ok({ body: auth.get(req) })
+        );
+        await root.start();
+        await kbnTestServer.request
+          .get(root, '/get-auth')
+          .expect(200, { status: 'unauthenticated' });
+        expect(authenticate).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+      });
+    });
+  });
   describe('legacy server', () => {
     describe('#registerAuth()', () => {
       const sessionDurationMs = 1000;
-      const cookieOptions = {
-        name: 'sid',
-        encryptionKey: 'something_at_least_32_characters',
-        validate: () => ({ isValid: true }),
-        isSecure: false,
-        path: '/',
-      };
       let root: ReturnType<typeof kbnTestServer.createRoot>;
       beforeEach(async () => {
diff --git a/src/core/server/http/types.ts b/src/core/server/http/types.ts
index 9c8bfc073a524..01b852c26ec93 100644
--- a/src/core/server/http/types.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/http/types.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 import { IContextProvider, IContextContainer } from '../context';
 import { ICspConfig } from '../csp';
+import { GetAuthState, IsAuthenticated } from './auth_state_storage';
+import { GetAuthHeaders } from './auth_headers_storage';
 import { RequestHandler, IRouter } from './router';
 import { HttpServerSetup } from './http_server';
 import { SessionStorageCookieOptions } from './cookie_session_storage';
@@ -183,6 +185,19 @@ export interface HttpServiceSetup {
   basePath: IBasePath;
+  auth: {
+    /**
+     * Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
+     * {@link GetAuthState}
+     */
+    get: GetAuthState;
+    /**
+     * Returns authentication status for a request.
+     * {@link IsAuthenticated}
+     */
+    isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
+  };
    * The CSP config used for Kibana.
@@ -245,6 +260,7 @@ export interface InternalHttpServiceSetup
   auth: HttpServerSetup['auth'];
   server: HttpServerSetup['server'];
   createRouter: (path: string, plugin?: PluginOpaqueId) => IRouter;
+  getAuthHeaders: GetAuthHeaders;
   registerRouteHandlerContext: <T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext>(
     pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId,
     contextName: T,
diff --git a/src/core/server/legacy/legacy_service.ts b/src/core/server/legacy/legacy_service.ts
index 0cb717e3832aa..d0e0453564f94 100644
--- a/src/core/server/legacy/legacy_service.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/legacy/legacy_service.ts
@@ -286,6 +286,10 @@ export class LegacyService implements CoreService {
         registerOnPostAuth: setupDeps.core.http.registerOnPostAuth,
         registerOnPreResponse: setupDeps.core.http.registerOnPreResponse,
         basePath: setupDeps.core.http.basePath,
+        auth: {
+          get: setupDeps.core.http.auth.get,
+          isAuthenticated: setupDeps.core.http.auth.isAuthenticated,
+        },
         csp: setupDeps.core.http.csp,
         isTlsEnabled: setupDeps.core.http.isTlsEnabled,
diff --git a/src/core/server/mocks.ts b/src/core/server/mocks.ts
index c0a8973d98a54..50ce507520d04 100644
--- a/src/core/server/mocks.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/mocks.ts
@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ function createCoreSetupMock() {
     isTlsEnabled: httpService.isTlsEnabled,
     createRouter: jest.fn(),
     registerRouteHandlerContext: jest.fn(),
+    auth: {
+      get: httpService.auth.get,
+      isAuthenticated: httpService.auth.isAuthenticated,
+    },
   httpMock.createRouter.mockImplementation(() => httpService.createRouter(''));
diff --git a/src/core/server/plugins/plugin_context.ts b/src/core/server/plugins/plugin_context.ts
index 99cd4eda7374c..30e5209b2fc6a 100644
--- a/src/core/server/plugins/plugin_context.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/plugins/plugin_context.ts
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ export function createPluginSetupContext<TPlugin, TPluginDependencies>(
       registerOnPostAuth: deps.http.registerOnPostAuth,
       registerOnPreResponse: deps.http.registerOnPreResponse,
       basePath: deps.http.basePath,
+      auth: { get: deps.http.auth.get, isAuthenticated: deps.http.auth.isAuthenticated },
       csp: deps.http.csp,
       isTlsEnabled: deps.http.isTlsEnabled,
diff --git a/src/core/server/ b/src/core/server/
index 446990980fdd7..e4ea06769007a 100644
--- a/src/core/server/
+++ b/src/core/server/
@@ -706,9 +706,9 @@ export interface FakeRequest {
 export type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined;
 // @public
-export type GetAuthState = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
+export type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
     status: AuthStatus;
-    state: unknown;
+    state: T;
 // @public
@@ -738,6 +738,11 @@ export type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record<string, any> | Buf
 // @public
 export interface HttpServiceSetup {
+    // (undocumented)
+    auth: {
+        get: GetAuthState;
+        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
+    };
     basePath: IBasePath;
     createCookieSessionStorageFactory: <T>(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions<T>) => Promise<SessionStorageFactory<T>>;
     createRouter: () => IRouter;

From 1ea175e2c613fe105bf33a70471d9925fda53003 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mikhail Shustov <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 14:39:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/36] Normalize EOL symbol for the platform docs (#55689)

* use api-extractor generate command with api-documenter config

* update docs
 api-documenter.json                           |   4 +
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 .../      |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../core/public/   |  44 +-
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 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +-
 .../public/    |  60 +-- |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../  |  88 ++-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../       |  46 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../    |  30 +- |  42 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  30 +-
 .../  |  42 +- |  48 +- |  94 ++-- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  54 +--
 .../  |  54 +-- |  56 +-- |  58 +--
 .../public/   |  26 +- |  52 +-
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 .../public/ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
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 .../       |  42 +-
 .../  |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  24 +- |  68 +--
 .../    |  78 +-- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  32 +- |  24 +-
 .../  |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  70 +-- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../     |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  34 +- |  46 +- |  48 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  48 +-
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 .../       | 140 +++--- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  78 +-- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  34 +-
 .../      | 276 +++++------ |  26 +-
 .../ |  34 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  38 +-
 .../public/  |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  38 +-
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 .../     |  42 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  42 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../    |  24 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../   |  46 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  52 +-
 .../public/  |  72 +--
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
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 .../ |  30 +-
 .../public/  |  40 +- |  48 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  48 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../public/  |  44 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  54 +--
 .../ | 160 +++--- |  68 +--
 .../  |  36 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  46 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  52 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  28 +-
 .../   |  38 +-
 .../public/    |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../   |  56 +-- |  30 +-
 .../   |  56 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../     |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  22 +-
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 .../public/ |  52 +- |  30 +- |  26 +-
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 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  46 +- |  22 +-
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 .../      |  46 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../       |  30 +-
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 .../    |  24 +-
 .../ |  28 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  28 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  72 +-- |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  58 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  44 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  38 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  88 ++-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../core/public/ |  26 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +-
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 .../    |  34 +-
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 .../       |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  60 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  24 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
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 .../     |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
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 .../    |  38 +-
 .../server/ |  44 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  40 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../server/   |  56 +--
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../    |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  54 +-- |  92 ++-- |  94 ++--
 .../ |  40 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../     |  70 +--
 .../ |  36 +- |  72 +-- |  72 +-- |  76 +-- |  70 +-- |  74 +-- |  26 +- |  56 +--
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 .../      | 276 +++++------ |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../server/  |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/  |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../server/  |  56 +--
 .../   |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  70 +-- |  44 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  42 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  40 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../      |  32 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../server/    |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  28 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  | 190 ++++---- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  74 +-- |  26 +-
 .../  |  38 +-
 .../server/  |  30 +-
 .../    |  30 +- |  54 +--
 .../ | 160 +++--- |  68 +--
 .../  |  36 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../server/ |  46 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../   |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  52 +-
 .../     |  58 +-- |  28 +-
 .../   |  38 +- |  24 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  38 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/    |  52 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  38 +- |  82 ++-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  36 +- |  26 +-
 .../     |  68 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- | 236 ++++-----
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../     |  32 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../server/ |  66 +--
 .../       |  50 +-
 .../server/     |  52 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../       |  50 +-
 .../ |  48 +-
 .../     |  40 +-
 .../server/    |  26 +-
 .../core/server/       | 456 +++++++++--------- |  24 +- |  24 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../ |  40 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../  |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  46 +- |  22 +-
 .../server/     |  44 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../       |  30 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- | 100 ++-- |  30 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  34 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  36 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  62 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/ |  26 +-
 .../    |  24 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  38 +-
 .../ |  28 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  84 ++-- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../     |  32 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  34 +-
 .../       |  44 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  36 +- | 124 ++--- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  30 +- |  30 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  42 +- |  40 +- |  84 ++-- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  34 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  28 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  58 +-- |  50 +- |  52 +- |  52 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  52 +- |  72 +-- |  54 +-- |  86 ++-- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  80 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  54 +-- |  26 +- |  32 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  58 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  44 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  54 +-- |  62 +-- |  54 +-- |  56 +-- |  56 +-- |  54 +-- |  48 +- |  56 +-- |  86 ++-- |  56 +-- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  66 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  36 +- |  30 +- |  44 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  30 +- |  44 +- |  52 +- |  52 +- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  44 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  32 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  60 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  80 +-- |  74 +-- |  38 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  34 +-
 .../  |  40 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js |   3 +
 src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts         |   2 +-
 1061 files changed, 18928 insertions(+), 18921 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 api-documenter.json

diff --git a/api-documenter.json b/api-documenter.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a2303b939c8ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api-documenter.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  "newlineKind": "lf",
+  "outputTarget": "markdown"
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 3badb447f0858..be1aaed88696d 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-## API Reference
-## Packages
-|  Package | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibana-plugin-public](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>public/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+## API Reference
+## Packages
+|  Package | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibana-plugin-public](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>public/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [appRoute](./
-## App.appRoute property
-Override the application's routing path from `/app/${id}`<!-- -->. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP.
-appRoute?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [appRoute](./
+## App.appRoute property
+Override the application's routing path from `/app/${id}`<!-- -->. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP.
+appRoute?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
-## App.chromeless property
-Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
-chromeless?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
+## App.chromeless property
+Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
+chromeless?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./
-## App interface
-Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function.
-export interface App extends AppBase 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appRoute](./ | <code>string</code> | Override the application's routing path from <code>/app/${id}</code>. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP. |
-|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
-|  [mount](./ | <code>AppMount &#124; AppMountDeprecated</code> | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./
+## App interface
+Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function.
+export interface App extends AppBase 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appRoute](./ | <code>string</code> | Override the application's routing path from <code>/app/${id}</code>. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP. |
+|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
+|  [mount](./ | <code>AppMount &#124; AppMountDeprecated</code> | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [mount](./
-## App.mount property
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->.
-mount: AppMount | AppMountDeprecated;
-## Remarks
-When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [mount](./
+## App.mount property
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->.
+mount: AppMount | AppMountDeprecated;
+## Remarks
+When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## AppBase.capabilities property
-Custom capabilities defined by the app.
-capabilities?: Partial<Capabilities>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## AppBase.capabilities property
+Custom capabilities defined by the app.
+capabilities?: Partial<Capabilities>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [category](./
-## AppBase.category property
-The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference
-category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [category](./
+## AppBase.category property
+The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference
+category?: AppCategory;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
-## AppBase.chromeless property
-Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
-chromeless?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
+## AppBase.chromeless property
+Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
+chromeless?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## AppBase.euiIconType property
-A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## AppBase.euiIconType property
+A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
+euiIconType?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## AppBase.icon property
-A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
-icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## AppBase.icon property
+A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
+icon?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The unique identifier of the application
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The unique identifier of the application
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./
-## AppBase interface
-export interface AppBase 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>Partial&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Custom capabilities defined by the app. |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference |
-|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The unique identifier of the application |
-|  [navLinkStatus](./ | <code>AppNavLinkStatus</code> | The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to <code>visible</code> if <code>status</code> is <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if status is <code>inaccessible</code> See [AppNavLinkStatus](./ |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
-|  [status](./ | <code>AppStatus</code> | The initial status of the application. Defaulting to <code>accessible</code> |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over app link. |
-|  [updater$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> | An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./
+## AppBase interface
+export interface AppBase 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>Partial&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Custom capabilities defined by the app. |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference |
+|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The unique identifier of the application |
+|  [navLinkStatus](./ | <code>AppNavLinkStatus</code> | The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to <code>visible</code> if <code>status</code> is <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if status is <code>inaccessible</code> See [AppNavLinkStatus](./ |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
+|  [status](./ | <code>AppStatus</code> | The initial status of the application. Defaulting to <code>accessible</code> |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over app link. |
+|  [updater$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> | An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [navLinkStatus](./
-## AppBase.navLinkStatus property
-The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to `visible` if `status` is `accessible` and `hidden` if status is `inaccessible` See [AppNavLinkStatus](./
-navLinkStatus?: AppNavLinkStatus;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [navLinkStatus](./
+## AppBase.navLinkStatus property
+The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to `visible` if `status` is `accessible` and `hidden` if status is `inaccessible` See [AppNavLinkStatus](./
+navLinkStatus?: AppNavLinkStatus;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [order](./
-## AppBase.order property
-An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
-order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [order](./
+## AppBase.order property
+An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
+order?: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [status](./
-## AppBase.status property
-The initial status of the application. Defaulting to `accessible`
-status?: AppStatus;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [status](./
+## AppBase.status property
+The initial status of the application. Defaulting to `accessible`
+status?: AppStatus;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [title](./
-## AppBase.title property
-The title of the application.
-title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [title](./
+## AppBase.title property
+The title of the application.
+title: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## AppBase.tooltip property
-A tooltip shown when hovering over app link.
-tooltip?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## AppBase.tooltip property
+A tooltip shown when hovering over app link.
+tooltip?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [updater$](./
-## AppBase.updater$ property
-An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime.
-updater$?: Observable<AppUpdater>;
-## Example
-How to update an application navLink at runtime
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  private appUpdater = new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(() => ({}));
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.register({
-      id: 'my-app',
-      title: 'My App',
-      updater$: this.appUpdater,
-      async mount(params) {
-        const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
-        return renderApp(params);
-      },
-    });
-  }
-  start() {
-     // later, when the navlink needs to be updated
- => {
-       navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.disabled,
-     })
-  }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [updater$](./
+## AppBase.updater$ property
+An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime.
+updater$?: Observable<AppUpdater>;
+## Example
+How to update an application navLink at runtime
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  private appUpdater = new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(() => ({}));
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.register({
+      id: 'my-app',
+      title: 'My App',
+      updater$: this.appUpdater,
+      async mount(params) {
+        const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
+        return renderApp(params);
+      },
+    });
+  }
+  start() {
+     // later, when the navlink needs to be updated
+ => {
+       navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.disabled,
+     })
+  }
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [ariaLabel](./
-## AppCategory.ariaLabel property
-If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here
-ariaLabel?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [ariaLabel](./
+## AppCategory.ariaLabel property
+If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here
+ariaLabel?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## AppCategory.euiIconType property
-Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## AppCategory.euiIconType property
+Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined
+euiIconType?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [label](./
-## AppCategory.label property
-Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set.
-label: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [label](./
+## AppCategory.label property
+Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set.
+label: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./
-## AppCategory interface
-A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav
-export interface AppCategory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [ariaLabel](./ | <code>string</code> | If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined |
-|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> | Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set. |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000) |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./
+## AppCategory interface
+A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav
+export interface AppCategory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [ariaLabel](./ | <code>string</code> | If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined |
+|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> | Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set. |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000) |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [order](./
-## AppCategory.order property
-The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000)
-order?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [order](./
+## AppCategory.order property
+The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000)
+order?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveAction](./
-## AppLeaveAction type
-Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./
-See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
-export declare type AppLeaveAction = AppLeaveDefaultAction | AppLeaveConfirmAction;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveAction](./
+## AppLeaveAction type
+Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./
+See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
+export declare type AppLeaveAction = AppLeaveDefaultAction | AppLeaveConfirmAction;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveActionType](./
-## AppLeaveActionType enum
-Possible type of actions on application leave.
-export declare enum AppLeaveActionType 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  confirm | <code>&quot;confirm&quot;</code> |  |
-|  default | <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveActionType](./
+## AppLeaveActionType enum
+Possible type of actions on application leave.
+export declare enum AppLeaveActionType 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  confirm | <code>&quot;confirm&quot;</code> |  |
+|  default | <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction interface
-Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.
-export interface AppLeaveConfirmAction 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.confirm</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction interface
+Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.
+export interface AppLeaveConfirmAction 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.confirm</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [text](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.text property
-text: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [text](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.text property
+text: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [title](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.title property
-title?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [title](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.title property
+title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [type](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.type property
-type: AppLeaveActionType.confirm;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [type](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.type property
+type: AppLeaveActionType.confirm;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
-## AppLeaveDefaultAction interface
-Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.
-export interface AppLeaveDefaultAction 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.default</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
+## AppLeaveDefaultAction interface
+Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.
+export interface AppLeaveDefaultAction 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.default</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ &gt; [type](./
-## AppLeaveDefaultAction.type property
-type: AppLeaveActionType.default;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ &gt; [type](./
+## AppLeaveDefaultAction.type property
+type: AppLeaveActionType.default;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveHandler](./
-## AppLeaveHandler type
-A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return `confirm` to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or `default` to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).
-See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples.
-export declare type AppLeaveHandler = (factory: AppLeaveActionFactory) => AppLeaveAction;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveHandler](./
+## AppLeaveHandler type
+A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return `confirm` to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or `default` to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).
+See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples.
+export declare type AppLeaveHandler = (factory: AppLeaveActionFactory) => AppLeaveAction;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./
-## ApplicationSetup interface
-export interface ApplicationSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [register(app)](./ | Register an mountable application to the system. |
-|  [registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$)](./ | Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.<!-- -->This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the <code>updater$</code> property of the registered application instead. |
-|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./
+## ApplicationSetup interface
+export interface ApplicationSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [register(app)](./ | Register an mountable application to the system. |
+|  [registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$)](./ | Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.<!-- -->This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the <code>updater$</code> property of the registered application instead. |
+|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
-## ApplicationSetup.register() method
-Register an mountable application to the system.
-register(app: App): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  app | <code>App</code> | an [App](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
+## ApplicationSetup.register() method
+Register an mountable application to the system.
+register(app: App): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  app | <code>App</code> | an [App](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerAppUpdater](./
-## ApplicationSetup.registerAppUpdater() method
-Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.
-This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the `updater$` property of the registered application instead.
-registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$: Observable<AppUpdater>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appUpdater$ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to register an application updater that disables some applications:
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.registerAppUpdater(
-      new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(app => {
-         if (myPluginApi.shouldDisable(app))
-           return {
-             status: AppStatus.inaccessible,
-           };
-       })
-     );
-    }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerAppUpdater](./
+## ApplicationSetup.registerAppUpdater() method
+Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.
+This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the `updater$` property of the registered application instead.
+registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$: Observable<AppUpdater>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appUpdater$ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to register an application updater that disables some applications:
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.registerAppUpdater(
+      new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(app => {
+         if (myPluginApi.shouldDisable(app))
+           return {
+             status: AppStatus.inaccessible,
+           };
+       })
+     );
+    }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
-## ApplicationSetup.registerMountContext() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
+## ApplicationSetup.registerMountContext() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## ApplicationStart.capabilities property
-Gets the read-only capabilities.
-capabilities: RecursiveReadonly<Capabilities>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## ApplicationStart.capabilities property
+Gets the read-only capabilities.
+capabilities: RecursiveReadonly<Capabilities>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [getUrlForApp](./
-## ApplicationStart.getUrlForApp() method
-Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path.
-getUrlForApp(appId: string, options?: {
-        path?: string;
-    }): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [getUrlForApp](./
+## ApplicationStart.getUrlForApp() method
+Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path.
+getUrlForApp(appId: string, options?: {
+        path?: string;
+    }): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./
-## ApplicationStart interface
-export interface ApplicationStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Gets the read-only capabilities. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getUrlForApp(appId, options)](./ | Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path. |
-|  [navigateToApp(appId, options)](./ | Navigate to a given app |
-|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./
+## ApplicationStart interface
+export interface ApplicationStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Gets the read-only capabilities. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getUrlForApp(appId, options)](./ | Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path. |
+|  [navigateToApp(appId, options)](./ | Navigate to a given app |
+|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [navigateToApp](./
-## ApplicationStart.navigateToApp() method
-Navigate to a given app
-navigateToApp(appId: string, options?: {
-        path?: string;
-        state?: any;
-    }): Promise<void>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>        state?: any;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [navigateToApp](./
+## ApplicationStart.navigateToApp() method
+Navigate to a given app
+navigateToApp(appId: string, options?: {
+        path?: string;
+        state?: any;
+    }): Promise<void>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>        state?: any;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
-## ApplicationStart.registerMountContext() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
+## ApplicationStart.registerMountContext() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMount](./
-## AppMount type
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
-export declare type AppMount = (params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMount](./
+## AppMount type
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
+export declare type AppMount = (params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./ &gt; [core](./
-## AppMountContext.core property
-Core service APIs available to mounted applications.
-core: {
-        application: Pick<ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' | 'navigateToApp'>;
-        chrome: ChromeStart;
-        docLinks: DocLinksStart;
-        http: HttpStart;
-        i18n: I18nStart;
-        notifications: NotificationsStart;
-        overlays: OverlayStart;
-        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
-        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-        injectedMetadata: {
-            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-        };
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./ &gt; [core](./
+## AppMountContext.core property
+Core service APIs available to mounted applications.
+core: {
+        application: Pick<ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' | 'navigateToApp'>;
+        chrome: ChromeStart;
+        docLinks: DocLinksStart;
+        http: HttpStart;
+        i18n: I18nStart;
+        notifications: NotificationsStart;
+        overlays: OverlayStart;
+        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
+        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+        injectedMetadata: {
+            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+        };
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./
-## AppMountContext interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-export interface AppMountContext 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        application: Pick&lt;ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' &#124; 'navigateToApp'&gt;;</code><br/><code>        chrome: ChromeStart;</code><br/><code>        docLinks: DocLinksStart;</code><br/><code>        http: HttpStart;</code><br/><code>        i18n: I18nStart;</code><br/><code>        notifications: NotificationsStart;</code><br/><code>        overlays: OverlayStart;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        injectedMetadata: {</code><br/><code>            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Core service APIs available to mounted applications. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./
+## AppMountContext interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+export interface AppMountContext 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        application: Pick&lt;ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' &#124; 'navigateToApp'&gt;;</code><br/><code>        chrome: ChromeStart;</code><br/><code>        docLinks: DocLinksStart;</code><br/><code>        http: HttpStart;</code><br/><code>        i18n: I18nStart;</code><br/><code>        notifications: NotificationsStart;</code><br/><code>        overlays: OverlayStart;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        injectedMetadata: {</code><br/><code>            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Core service APIs available to mounted applications. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountDeprecated](./
-## AppMountDeprecated type
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
-export declare type AppMountDeprecated = (context: AppMountContext, params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
-## Remarks
-When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountDeprecated](./
+## AppMountDeprecated type
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
+export declare type AppMountDeprecated = (context: AppMountContext, params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
+## Remarks
+When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [appBasePath](./
-## AppMountParameters.appBasePath property
-The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP.
-appBasePath: string;
-## Example
-How to configure react-router with a base path:
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.register({
-     id: 'my-app',
-     appRoute: '/my-app',
-     async mount(params) {
-       const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
-       return renderApp(params);
-     },
-   });
- }
-// application.tsx
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
-import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
-export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element }: AppMountParams) => {
-  ReactDOM.render(
-    // pass `appBasePath` to `basename`
-    <BrowserRouter basename={appBasePath}>
-      <Route path="/" exact component={HomePage} />
-    </BrowserRouter>,
-    element
-  );
-  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(element);
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [appBasePath](./
+## AppMountParameters.appBasePath property
+The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP.
+appBasePath: string;
+## Example
+How to configure react-router with a base path:
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.register({
+     id: 'my-app',
+     appRoute: '/my-app',
+     async mount(params) {
+       const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
+       return renderApp(params);
+     },
+   });
+ }
+// application.tsx
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
+import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
+export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element }: AppMountParams) => {
+  ReactDOM.render(
+    // pass `appBasePath` to `basename`
+    <BrowserRouter basename={appBasePath}>
+      <Route path="/" exact component={HomePage} />
+    </BrowserRouter>,
+    element
+  );
+  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(element);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [element](./
-## AppMountParameters.element property
-The container element to render the application into.
-element: HTMLElement;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [element](./
+## AppMountParameters.element property
+The container element to render the application into.
+element: HTMLElement;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./
-## AppMountParameters interface
-export interface AppMountParameters 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appBasePath](./ | <code>string</code> | The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP. |
-|  [element](./ | <code>HTMLElement</code> | The container element to render the application into. |
-|  [onAppLeave](./ | <code>(handler: AppLeaveHandler) =&gt; void</code> | A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.<!-- -->This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./
+## AppMountParameters interface
+export interface AppMountParameters 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appBasePath](./ | <code>string</code> | The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP. |
+|  [element](./ | <code>HTMLElement</code> | The container element to render the application into. |
+|  [onAppLeave](./ | <code>(handler: AppLeaveHandler) =&gt; void</code> | A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.<!-- -->This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [onAppLeave](./
-## AppMountParameters.onAppLeave property
-A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.
-This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url.
-onAppLeave: (handler: AppLeaveHandler) => void;
-## Example
-// application.tsx
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
-import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
-export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element, onAppLeave }: AppMountParams) => {
-   const { renderApp, hasUnsavedChanges } = await import('./application');
-   onAppLeave(actions => {
-     if(hasUnsavedChanges()) {
-       return actions.confirm('Some changes were not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?');
-     }
-     return actions.default();
-   });
-   return renderApp(params);
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [onAppLeave](./
+## AppMountParameters.onAppLeave property
+A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.
+This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url.
+onAppLeave: (handler: AppLeaveHandler) => void;
+## Example
+// application.tsx
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
+import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
+export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element, onAppLeave }: AppMountParams) => {
+   const { renderApp, hasUnsavedChanges } = await import('./application');
+   onAppLeave(actions => {
+     if(hasUnsavedChanges()) {
+       return actions.confirm('Some changes were not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?');
+     }
+     return actions.default();
+   });
+   return renderApp(params);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppNavLinkStatus](./
-## AppNavLinkStatus enum
-Status of the application's navLink.
-export declare enum AppNavLinkStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  default | <code>0</code> | The application navLink will be <code>visible</code> if the application's [AppStatus](./ is set to <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if the application status is set to <code>inaccessible</code>. |
-|  disabled | <code>2</code> | The application navLink is visible but inactive and not clickable in the navigation bar. |
-|  hidden | <code>3</code> | The application navLink does not appear in the navigation bar. |
-|  visible | <code>1</code> | The application navLink is visible and clickable in the navigation bar. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppNavLinkStatus](./
+## AppNavLinkStatus enum
+Status of the application's navLink.
+export declare enum AppNavLinkStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  default | <code>0</code> | The application navLink will be <code>visible</code> if the application's [AppStatus](./ is set to <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if the application status is set to <code>inaccessible</code>. |
+|  disabled | <code>2</code> | The application navLink is visible but inactive and not clickable in the navigation bar. |
+|  hidden | <code>3</code> | The application navLink does not appear in the navigation bar. |
+|  visible | <code>1</code> | The application navLink is visible and clickable in the navigation bar. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppStatus](./
-## AppStatus enum
-Accessibility status of an application.
-export declare enum AppStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  accessible | <code>0</code> | Application is accessible. |
-|  inaccessible | <code>1</code> | Application is not accessible. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppStatus](./
+## AppStatus enum
+Accessibility status of an application.
+export declare enum AppStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  accessible | <code>0</code> | Application is accessible. |
+|  inaccessible | <code>1</code> | Application is not accessible. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUnmount](./
-## AppUnmount type
-A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous.
-export declare type AppUnmount = () => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUnmount](./
+## AppUnmount type
+A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous.
+export declare type AppUnmount = () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdatableFields](./
-## AppUpdatableFields type
-Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type AppUpdatableFields = Pick<AppBase, 'status' | 'navLinkStatus' | 'tooltip'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdatableFields](./
+## AppUpdatableFields type
+Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type AppUpdatableFields = Pick<AppBase, 'status' | 'navLinkStatus' | 'tooltip'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdater](./
-## AppUpdater type
-Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./
-export declare type AppUpdater = (app: AppBase) => Partial<AppUpdatableFields> | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdater](./
+## AppUpdater type
+Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./
+export declare type AppUpdater = (app: AppBase) => Partial<AppUpdatableFields> | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
-## Capabilities.catalogue property
-Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
-catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
+## Capabilities.catalogue property
+Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
+catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
-## property
-Management section capabilities.
-management: {
-        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
+## property
+Management section capabilities.
+management: {
+        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
-## Capabilities interface
-The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
-export interface Capabilities 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
-|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
+## Capabilities interface
+The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
+export interface Capabilities 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
+|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## Capabilities.navLinks property
-Navigation link capabilities.
-navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## Capabilities.navLinks property
+Navigation link capabilities.
+navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [iconType](./
-## ChromeBadge.iconType property
-iconType?: IconType;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [iconType](./
+## ChromeBadge.iconType property
+iconType?: IconType;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./
-## ChromeBadge interface
-export interface ChromeBadge 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [iconType](./ | <code>IconType</code> |  |
-|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./
+## ChromeBadge interface
+export interface ChromeBadge 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [iconType](./ | <code>IconType</code> |  |
+|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [text](./
-## ChromeBadge.text property
-text: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [text](./
+## ChromeBadge.text property
+text: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## ChromeBadge.tooltip property
-tooltip: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## ChromeBadge.tooltip property
+tooltip: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [logo](./
-## ChromeBrand.logo property
-logo?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [logo](./
+## ChromeBrand.logo property
+logo?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./
-## ChromeBrand interface
-export interface ChromeBrand 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [logo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [smallLogo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./
+## ChromeBrand interface
+export interface ChromeBrand 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [logo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [smallLogo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [smallLogo](./
-## ChromeBrand.smallLogo property
-smallLogo?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [smallLogo](./
+## ChromeBrand.smallLogo property
+smallLogo?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBreadcrumb](./
-## ChromeBreadcrumb type
-export declare type ChromeBreadcrumb = EuiBreadcrumb;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBreadcrumb](./
+## ChromeBreadcrumb type
+export declare type ChromeBreadcrumb = EuiBreadcrumb;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [change](./
-## ChromeDocTitle.change() method
-Changes the current document title.
-change(newTitle: string | string[]): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  newTitle | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to change the title of the document
-chrome.docTitle.change('My application title')
-chrome.docTitle.change(['My application', 'My section'])
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [change](./
+## ChromeDocTitle.change() method
+Changes the current document title.
+change(newTitle: string | string[]): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  newTitle | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to change the title of the document
+chrome.docTitle.change('My application title')
+chrome.docTitle.change(['My application', 'My section'])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./
-## ChromeDocTitle interface
-APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
-export interface ChromeDocTitle 
-## Example 1
-How to change the title of the document
-chrome.docTitle.change('My application')
-## Example 2
-How to reset the title of the document to it's initial value
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [change(newTitle)](./ | Changes the current document title. |
-|  [reset()](./ | Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.) |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./
+## ChromeDocTitle interface
+APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
+export interface ChromeDocTitle 
+## Example 1
+How to change the title of the document
+chrome.docTitle.change('My application')
+## Example 2
+How to reset the title of the document to it's initial value
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [change(newTitle)](./ | Changes the current document title. |
+|  [reset()](./ | Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.) |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [reset](./
-## ChromeDocTitle.reset() method
-Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.)
-reset(): void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [reset](./
+## ChromeDocTitle.reset() method
+Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.)
+reset(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [appName](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.appName property
-Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation
-appName: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [appName](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.appName property
+Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation
+appName: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [content](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.content property
-Custom content to occur below the list of links
-content?: (element: HTMLDivElement) => () => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [content](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.content property
+Custom content to occur below the list of links
+content?: (element: HTMLDivElement) => () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [links](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.links property
-Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button
-links?: ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [links](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.links property
+Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button
+links?: ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension interface
-export interface ChromeHelpExtension 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appName](./ | <code>string</code> | Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation |
-|  [content](./ | <code>(element: HTMLDivElement) =&gt; () =&gt; void</code> | Custom content to occur below the list of links |
-|  [links](./ | <code>ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[]</code> | Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension interface
+export interface ChromeHelpExtension 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appName](./ | <code>string</code> | Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation |
+|  [content](./ | <code>(element: HTMLDivElement) =&gt; () =&gt; void</code> | Custom content to occur below the list of links |
+|  [links](./ | <code>ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[]</code> | Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'custom';
-    content: React.ReactNode;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'custom';
+    content: React.ReactNode;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'discuss';
-    href: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'discuss';
+    href: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'documentation';
-    href: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'documentation';
+    href: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'github';
-    labels: string[];
-    title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'github';
+    labels: string[];
+    title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink = ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink, ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink>>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink = ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink, ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./
-## ChromeNavControl interface
-export interface ChromeNavControl 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [mount](./ | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./
+## ChromeNavControl interface
+export interface ChromeNavControl 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [mount](./ | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [mount](./
-## ChromeNavControl.mount property
-mount: MountPoint;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [mount](./
+## ChromeNavControl.mount property
+mount: MountPoint;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [order](./
-## ChromeNavControl.order property
-order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [order](./
+## ChromeNavControl.order property
+order?: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./
-## ChromeNavControls interface
-[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
-export interface ChromeNavControls 
-## Example
-Register a left-side nav control rendered with React.
-  mount(targetDomElement) {
-    ReactDOM.mount(<MyControl />, targetDomElement);
-    return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(targetDomElement);
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [registerLeft(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header. |
-|  [registerRight(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./
+## ChromeNavControls interface
+[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
+export interface ChromeNavControls 
+## Example
+Register a left-side nav control rendered with React.
+  mount(targetDomElement) {
+    ReactDOM.mount(<MyControl />, targetDomElement);
+    return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(targetDomElement);
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [registerLeft(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header. |
+|  [registerRight(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerLeft](./
-## ChromeNavControls.registerLeft() method
-Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header.
-registerLeft(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerLeft](./
+## ChromeNavControls.registerLeft() method
+Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header.
+registerLeft(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerRight](./
-## ChromeNavControls.registerRight() method
-Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header.
-registerRight(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerRight](./
+## ChromeNavControls.registerRight() method
+Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header.
+registerRight(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [active](./
-## property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen.
-readonly active?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [active](./
+## property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen.
+readonly active?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [baseUrl](./
-## ChromeNavLink.baseUrl property
-The base route used to open the root of an application.
-readonly baseUrl: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [baseUrl](./
+## ChromeNavLink.baseUrl property
+The base route used to open the root of an application.
+readonly baseUrl: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
-## ChromeNavLink.category property
-The category the app lives in
-readonly category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
+## ChromeNavLink.category property
+The category the app lives in
+readonly category?: AppCategory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [disabled](./
-## ChromeNavLink.disabled property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Disables a link from being clickable.
-readonly disabled?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [disabled](./
+## ChromeNavLink.disabled property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Disables a link from being clickable.
+readonly disabled?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## ChromeNavLink.euiIconType property
-A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
-readonly euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## ChromeNavLink.euiIconType property
+A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
+readonly euiIconType?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [hidden](./
-## ChromeNavLink.hidden property
-Hides a link from the navigation.
-readonly hidden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [hidden](./
+## ChromeNavLink.hidden property
+Hides a link from the navigation.
+readonly hidden?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## ChromeNavLink.icon property
-A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
-readonly icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## ChromeNavLink.icon property
+A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
+readonly icon?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-A unique identifier for looking up links.
-readonly id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+A unique identifier for looking up links.
+readonly id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [linkToLastSubUrl](./
-## ChromeNavLink.linkToLastSubUrl property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled.
-readonly linkToLastSubUrl?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [linkToLastSubUrl](./
+## ChromeNavLink.linkToLastSubUrl property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled.
+readonly linkToLastSubUrl?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./
-## ChromeNavLink interface
-export interface ChromeNavLink 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [active](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen. |
-|  [baseUrl](./ | <code>string</code> | The base route used to open the root of an application. |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category the app lives in |
-|  [disabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Disables a link from being clickable. |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
-|  [hidden](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hides a link from the navigation. |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | A unique identifier for looking up links. |
-|  [linkToLastSubUrl](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled. |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
-|  [subUrlBase](./ | <code>string</code> | A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application. |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link. |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> | A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./
+## ChromeNavLink interface
+export interface ChromeNavLink 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [active](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen. |
+|  [baseUrl](./ | <code>string</code> | The base route used to open the root of an application. |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category the app lives in |
+|  [disabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Disables a link from being clickable. |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
+|  [hidden](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hides a link from the navigation. |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | A unique identifier for looking up links. |
+|  [linkToLastSubUrl](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled. |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
+|  [subUrlBase](./ | <code>string</code> | A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application. |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link. |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> | A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
-## ChromeNavLink.order property
-An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
-readonly order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
+## ChromeNavLink.order property
+An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
+readonly order?: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [subUrlBase](./
-## ChromeNavLink.subUrlBase property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application.
-readonly subUrlBase?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [subUrlBase](./
+## ChromeNavLink.subUrlBase property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application.
+readonly subUrlBase?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
-## ChromeNavLink.title property
-The title of the application.
-readonly title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
+## ChromeNavLink.title property
+The title of the application.
+readonly title: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## ChromeNavLink.tooltip property
-A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link.
-readonly tooltip?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## ChromeNavLink.tooltip property
+A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link.
+readonly tooltip?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
-## ChromeNavLink.url property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications.
-readonly url?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
+## ChromeNavLink.url property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications.
+readonly url?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation() method
-Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated.
-enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation(): void;
-## Remarks
-This is only necessary when rendering the status page in place of another app, as links to that app will set the current URL and change the hash, but the routes for the correct are not loaded so nothing will happen.
-Used only by status\_page plugin
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation() method
+Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated.
+enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation(): void;
+## Remarks
+This is only necessary when rendering the status page in place of another app, as links to that app will set the current URL and change the hash, but the routes for the correct are not loaded so nothing will happen.
+Used only by status\_page plugin
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [get](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.get() method
-Get the state of a navlink at this point in time.
-get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [get](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.get() method
+Get the state of a navlink at this point in time.
+get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getAll() method
-Get the current state of all navlinks.
-getAll(): Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getAll() method
+Get the current state of all navlinks.
+getAll(): Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$() method
-An observable of the forced app switcher state.
-getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$() method
+An observable of the forced app switcher state.
+getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getNavLinks$](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getNavLinks$() method
-Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks.
-getNavLinks$(): Observable<Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getNavLinks$](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getNavLinks$() method
+Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks.
+getNavLinks$(): Observable<Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [has](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.has() method
-Check whether or not a navlink exists.
-has(id: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [has](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.has() method
+Check whether or not a navlink exists.
+has(id: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./
-## ChromeNavLinks interface
-[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
-export interface ChromeNavLinks 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation()](./ | Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated. |
-|  [get(id)](./ | Get the state of a navlink at this point in time. |
-|  [getAll()](./ | Get the current state of all navlinks. |
-|  [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$()](./ | An observable of the forced app switcher state. |
-|  [getNavLinks$()](./ | Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks. |
-|  [has(id)](./ | Check whether or not a navlink exists. |
-|  [showOnly(id)](./ | Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id. |
-|  [update(id, values)](./ | Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or <code>undefined</code> if it does not exist. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./
+## ChromeNavLinks interface
+[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
+export interface ChromeNavLinks 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation()](./ | Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated. |
+|  [get(id)](./ | Get the state of a navlink at this point in time. |
+|  [getAll()](./ | Get the current state of all navlinks. |
+|  [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$()](./ | An observable of the forced app switcher state. |
+|  [getNavLinks$()](./ | Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks. |
+|  [has(id)](./ | Check whether or not a navlink exists. |
+|  [showOnly(id)](./ | Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id. |
+|  [update(id, values)](./ | Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or <code>undefined</code> if it does not exist. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [showOnly](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.showOnly() method
-Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id.
-showOnly(id: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Remarks
-NOTE: this is not reversible.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [showOnly](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.showOnly() method
+Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id.
+showOnly(id: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Remarks
+NOTE: this is not reversible.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [update](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.update() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Uses the [AppBase.updater$](./ property when registering your application with [ApplicationSetup.register()](./ instead.
-Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or `undefined` if it does not exist.
-update(id: string, values: ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  values | <code>ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields</code> |  |
-`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [update](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.update() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Uses the [AppBase.updater$](./ property when registering your application with [ApplicationSetup.register()](./ instead.
+Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or `undefined` if it does not exist.
+update(id: string, values: ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  values | <code>ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields</code> |  |
+`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./
-## ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields type
-export declare type ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields = Partial<Pick<ChromeNavLink, 'active' | 'disabled' | 'hidden' | 'url' | 'subUrlBase'>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./
+## ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields type
+export declare type ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields = Partial<Pick<ChromeNavLink, 'active' | 'disabled' | 'hidden' | 'url' | 'subUrlBase'>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [add](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.add() method
-Adds a new item to the recently accessed history.
-add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  link | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  label | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-chrome.recentlyAccessed.add('/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [add](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.add() method
+Adds a new item to the recently accessed history.
+add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  link | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  label | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+chrome.recentlyAccessed.add('/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get() method
-Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history.
-get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[];
-## Example
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get() method
+Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history.
+get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[];
+## Example
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get$() method
-Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history.
-get$(): Observable<ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[]>;
-## Example
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get$() method
+Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history.
+get$(): Observable<ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[]>;
+## Example
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed interface
-[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
-export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessed 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [add(link, label, id)](./ | Adds a new item to the recently accessed history. |
-|  [get()](./ | Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history. |
-|  [get$()](./ | Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed interface
+[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
+export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessed 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [add(link, label, id)](./ | Adds a new item to the recently accessed history. |
+|  [get()](./ | Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history. |
+|  [get$()](./ | Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [label](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem.label property
-label: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [label](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem.label property
+label: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [link](./
-## property
-link: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [link](./
+## property
+link: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem interface
-export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [link](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem interface
+export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [link](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [addApplicationClass](./
-## ChromeStart.addApplicationClass() method
-Add a className that should be set on the application container.
-addApplicationClass(className: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [addApplicationClass](./
+## ChromeStart.addApplicationClass() method
+Add a className that should be set on the application container.
+addApplicationClass(className: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [docTitle](./
-## ChromeStart.docTitle property
-APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
-docTitle: ChromeDocTitle;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [docTitle](./
+## ChromeStart.docTitle property
+APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
+docTitle: ChromeDocTitle;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getApplicationClasses$](./
-## ChromeStart.getApplicationClasses$() method
-Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container.
-getApplicationClasses$(): Observable<string[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getApplicationClasses$](./
+## ChromeStart.getApplicationClasses$() method
+Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container.
+getApplicationClasses$(): Observable<string[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBadge$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBadge$() method
-Get an observable of the current badge
-getBadge$(): Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>;
-`Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBadge$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBadge$() method
+Get an observable of the current badge
+getBadge$(): Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>;
+`Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBrand$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBrand$() method
-Get an observable of the current brand information.
-getBrand$(): Observable<ChromeBrand>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBrand$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBrand$() method
+Get an observable of the current brand information.
+getBrand$(): Observable<ChromeBrand>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBreadcrumbs$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBreadcrumbs$() method
-Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs
-getBreadcrumbs$(): Observable<ChromeBreadcrumb[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBreadcrumbs$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBreadcrumbs$() method
+Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs
+getBreadcrumbs$(): Observable<ChromeBreadcrumb[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getHelpExtension$](./
-## ChromeStart.getHelpExtension$() method
-Get an observable of the current custom help conttent
-getHelpExtension$(): Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>;
-`Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getHelpExtension$](./
+## ChromeStart.getHelpExtension$() method
+Get an observable of the current custom help conttent
+getHelpExtension$(): Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>;
+`Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsCollapsed$](./
-## ChromeStart.getIsCollapsed$() method
-Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome.
-getIsCollapsed$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsCollapsed$](./
+## ChromeStart.getIsCollapsed$() method
+Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome.
+getIsCollapsed$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsVisible$](./
-## ChromeStart.getIsVisible$() method
-Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome.
-getIsVisible$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsVisible$](./
+## ChromeStart.getIsVisible$() method
+Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome.
+getIsVisible$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./
-## ChromeStart interface
-ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser.
-export interface ChromeStart 
-## Remarks
-While ChromeStart exposes many APIs, they should be used sparingly and the developer should understand how they affect other plugins and applications.
-## Example 1
-How to add a recently accessed item to the sidebar:
-```ts'/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
-## Example 2
-How to set the help dropdown extension:
-```tsx => {
-  ReactDOM.render(<MyHelpComponent />, elem);
-  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(elem);
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [docTitle](./ | <code>ChromeDocTitle</code> | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
-|  [navControls](./ | <code>ChromeNavControls</code> | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>ChromeNavLinks</code> | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
-|  [recentlyAccessed](./ | <code>ChromeRecentlyAccessed</code> | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [addApplicationClass(className)](./ | Add a className that should be set on the application container. |
-|  [getApplicationClasses$()](./ | Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container. |
-|  [getBadge$()](./ | Get an observable of the current badge |
-|  [getBrand$()](./ | Get an observable of the current brand information. |
-|  [getBreadcrumbs$()](./ | Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs |
-|  [getHelpExtension$()](./ | Get an observable of the current custom help conttent |
-|  [getIsCollapsed$()](./ | Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome. |
-|  [getIsVisible$()](./ | Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome. |
-|  [removeApplicationClass(className)](./ | Remove a className added with <code>addApplicationClass()</code>. If className is unknown it is ignored. |
-|  [setAppTitle(appTitle)](./ | Sets the current app's title |
-|  [setBadge(badge)](./ | Override the current badge |
-|  [setBrand(brand)](./ | Set the brand configuration. |
-|  [setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs)](./ | Override the current set of breadcrumbs |
-|  [setHelpExtension(helpExtension)](./ | Override the current set of custom help content |
-|  [setHelpSupportUrl(url)](./ | Override the default support URL shown in the help menu |
-|  [setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed)](./ | Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation. |
-|  [setIsVisible(isVisible)](./ | Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./
+## ChromeStart interface
+ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser.
+export interface ChromeStart 
+## Remarks
+While ChromeStart exposes many APIs, they should be used sparingly and the developer should understand how they affect other plugins and applications.
+## Example 1
+How to add a recently accessed item to the sidebar:
+```ts'/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
+## Example 2
+How to set the help dropdown extension:
+```tsx => {
+  ReactDOM.render(<MyHelpComponent />, elem);
+  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(elem);
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [docTitle](./ | <code>ChromeDocTitle</code> | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
+|  [navControls](./ | <code>ChromeNavControls</code> | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>ChromeNavLinks</code> | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
+|  [recentlyAccessed](./ | <code>ChromeRecentlyAccessed</code> | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [addApplicationClass(className)](./ | Add a className that should be set on the application container. |
+|  [getApplicationClasses$()](./ | Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container. |
+|  [getBadge$()](./ | Get an observable of the current badge |
+|  [getBrand$()](./ | Get an observable of the current brand information. |
+|  [getBreadcrumbs$()](./ | Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs |
+|  [getHelpExtension$()](./ | Get an observable of the current custom help conttent |
+|  [getIsCollapsed$()](./ | Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome. |
+|  [getIsVisible$()](./ | Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome. |
+|  [removeApplicationClass(className)](./ | Remove a className added with <code>addApplicationClass()</code>. If className is unknown it is ignored. |
+|  [setAppTitle(appTitle)](./ | Sets the current app's title |
+|  [setBadge(badge)](./ | Override the current badge |
+|  [setBrand(brand)](./ | Set the brand configuration. |
+|  [setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs)](./ | Override the current set of breadcrumbs |
+|  [setHelpExtension(helpExtension)](./ | Override the current set of custom help content |
+|  [setHelpSupportUrl(url)](./ | Override the default support URL shown in the help menu |
+|  [setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed)](./ | Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation. |
+|  [setIsVisible(isVisible)](./ | Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navControls](./
-## ChromeStart.navControls property
-[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
-navControls: ChromeNavControls;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navControls](./
+## ChromeStart.navControls property
+[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
+navControls: ChromeNavControls;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## ChromeStart.navLinks property
-[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
-navLinks: ChromeNavLinks;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## ChromeStart.navLinks property
+[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
+navLinks: ChromeNavLinks;
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index d2e54ca956cae..14b85cea366ec 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [recentlyAccessed](./
-## ChromeStart.recentlyAccessed property
-[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
-recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [recentlyAccessed](./
+## ChromeStart.recentlyAccessed property
+[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
+recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 73a0f65449a20..3b5ca813218dc 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [removeApplicationClass](./
-## ChromeStart.removeApplicationClass() method
-Remove a className added with `addApplicationClass()`<!-- -->. If className is unknown it is ignored.
-removeApplicationClass(className: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [removeApplicationClass](./
+## ChromeStart.removeApplicationClass() method
+Remove a className added with `addApplicationClass()`<!-- -->. If className is unknown it is ignored.
+removeApplicationClass(className: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setAppTitle](./
-## ChromeStart.setAppTitle() method
-Sets the current app's title
-setAppTitle(appTitle: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appTitle | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setAppTitle](./
+## ChromeStart.setAppTitle() method
+Sets the current app's title
+setAppTitle(appTitle: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appTitle | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBadge](./
-## ChromeStart.setBadge() method
-Override the current badge
-setBadge(badge?: ChromeBadge): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  badge | <code>ChromeBadge</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBadge](./
+## ChromeStart.setBadge() method
+Override the current badge
+setBadge(badge?: ChromeBadge): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  badge | <code>ChromeBadge</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBrand](./
-## ChromeStart.setBrand() method
-Set the brand configuration.
-setBrand(brand: ChromeBrand): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  brand | <code>ChromeBrand</code> |  |
-## Remarks
-Normally the `logo` property will be rendered as the CSS background for the home link in the chrome navigation, but when the page is rendered in a small window the `smallLogo` will be used and rendered at about 45px wide.
-## Example
-  logo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo.png) center no-repeat'
-  smallLogo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo-small.png) center no-repeat'
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBrand](./
+## ChromeStart.setBrand() method
+Set the brand configuration.
+setBrand(brand: ChromeBrand): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  brand | <code>ChromeBrand</code> |  |
+## Remarks
+Normally the `logo` property will be rendered as the CSS background for the home link in the chrome navigation, but when the page is rendered in a small window the `smallLogo` will be used and rendered at about 45px wide.
+## Example
+  logo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo.png) center no-repeat'
+  smallLogo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo-small.png) center no-repeat'
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBreadcrumbs](./
-## ChromeStart.setBreadcrumbs() method
-Override the current set of breadcrumbs
-setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs: ChromeBreadcrumb[]): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  newBreadcrumbs | <code>ChromeBreadcrumb[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBreadcrumbs](./
+## ChromeStart.setBreadcrumbs() method
+Override the current set of breadcrumbs
+setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs: ChromeBreadcrumb[]): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  newBreadcrumbs | <code>ChromeBreadcrumb[]</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpExtension](./
-## ChromeStart.setHelpExtension() method
-Override the current set of custom help content
-setHelpExtension(helpExtension?: ChromeHelpExtension): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  helpExtension | <code>ChromeHelpExtension</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpExtension](./
+## ChromeStart.setHelpExtension() method
+Override the current set of custom help content
+setHelpExtension(helpExtension?: ChromeHelpExtension): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  helpExtension | <code>ChromeHelpExtension</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpSupportUrl](./
-## ChromeStart.setHelpSupportUrl() method
-Override the default support URL shown in the help menu
-setHelpSupportUrl(url: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  url | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpSupportUrl](./
+## ChromeStart.setHelpSupportUrl() method
+Override the default support URL shown in the help menu
+setHelpSupportUrl(url: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  url | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsCollapsed](./
-## ChromeStart.setIsCollapsed() method
-Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation.
-setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed: boolean): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  isCollapsed | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsCollapsed](./
+## ChromeStart.setIsCollapsed() method
+Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation.
+setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed: boolean): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  isCollapsed | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsVisible](./
-## ChromeStart.setIsVisible() method
-Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button.
-setIsVisible(isVisible: boolean): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  isVisible | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsVisible](./
+## ChromeStart.setIsVisible() method
+Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button.
+setIsVisible(isVisible: boolean): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  isVisible | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
-## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
-Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
-createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
+## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
+Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
+createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index d4399b6ba70c4..fe9a2e3004708 100644
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@@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
-## ContextSetup interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface ContextSetup 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Example
-Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
-export interface VizRenderContext {
-  core: {
-    i18n: I18nStart;
-    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-  }
-  [contextName: string]: unknown;
-export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
-type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-class VizRenderingPlugin {
-  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
-  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
-        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
-    };
-  }
-  start(core) {
-    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
-    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
-      i18n: core.i18n,
-      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
-    }));
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
-        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
-          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
-        }
-        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
-        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
-        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
-        return handler(domElement);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
+## ContextSetup interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface ContextSetup 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Example
+Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
+export interface VizRenderContext {
+  core: {
+    i18n: I18nStart;
+    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+  }
+  [contextName: string]: unknown;
+export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
+type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+class VizRenderingPlugin {
+  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
+  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
+        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
+    };
+  }
+  start(core) {
+    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
+    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
+      i18n: core.i18n,
+      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
+    }));
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
+        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
+          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
+        }
+        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
+        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
+        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
+        return handler(domElement);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 4b39b2c76802b..2b4b54b0023ee 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [application](./
-## CoreSetup.application property
-application: ApplicationSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [application](./
+## CoreSetup.application property
+application: ApplicationSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index f2a891c6c674e..12f8255482385 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
-## CoreSetup.context property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-context: ContextSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
+## CoreSetup.context property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+context: ContextSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 5d51af0898e4f..8f96ffd2c15e8 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
-## CoreSetup.fatalErrors property
-fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
+## CoreSetup.fatalErrors property
+fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index b89d98b0a9ed5..188e4664934ff 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
-## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
-Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->.
-getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
-`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
+## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
+Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->.
+getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
+`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 7471f7daa668d..112f80093361c 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreSetup.http property
-http: HttpSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreSetup.http property
+http: HttpSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index f9c1a283e3808..a62b8b99ee131 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## CoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
-injectedMetadata: {
-        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## CoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
+injectedMetadata: {
+        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+    };
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 7d75782df2e32..ae423c6e8d79c 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
-## CoreSetup interface
-Core services exposed to the `Plugin` setup lifecycle
-export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationSetup</code> | [ApplicationSetup](./ |
-|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
-|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsSetup</code> | [FatalErrorsSetup](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpSetup</code> | [HttpSetup](./ |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
-|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsSetup</code> | [NotificationsSetup](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
+## CoreSetup interface
+Core services exposed to the `Plugin` setup lifecycle
+export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationSetup</code> | [ApplicationSetup](./ |
+|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
+|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsSetup</code> | [FatalErrorsSetup](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpSetup</code> | [HttpSetup](./ |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
+|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsSetup</code> | [NotificationsSetup](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index ea050925bbafc..52808b860a9e6 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [notifications](./
-## CoreSetup.notifications property
-notifications: NotificationsSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [notifications](./
+## CoreSetup.notifications property
+notifications: NotificationsSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index bf9ec12e3eea2..51aa9916f7f07 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index c26701ca80529..b8565c5812aaf 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [application](./
-## CoreStart.application property
-application: ApplicationStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [application](./
+## CoreStart.application property
+application: ApplicationStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 390bde25bae93..02f410b08b024 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [chrome](./
-## property
-chrome: ChromeStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [chrome](./
+## property
+chrome: ChromeStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 7f9e4ea10baac..641b9520be1a4 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [docLinks](./
-## CoreStart.docLinks property
-docLinks: DocLinksStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [docLinks](./
+## CoreStart.docLinks property
+docLinks: DocLinksStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 540b17b5a6f0b..890fcac5a768b 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
-## CoreStart.fatalErrors property
-fatalErrors: FatalErrorsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
+## CoreStart.fatalErrors property
+fatalErrors: FatalErrorsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 6af183480c663..12fca53774532 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreStart.http property
-http: HttpStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreStart.http property
+http: HttpStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 6a62025874aa9..75baf18a482e1 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [i18n](./
-## CoreStart.i18n property
-i18n: I18nStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [i18n](./
+## CoreStart.i18n property
+i18n: I18nStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 9224b97bc4300..b3f6361d3a8c3 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## CoreStart.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
-injectedMetadata: {
-        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## CoreStart.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
+injectedMetadata: {
+        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+    };
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 83af82d590c36..c0a326b3b01cb 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
-## CoreStart interface
-Core services exposed to the `Plugin` start lifecycle
-export interface CoreStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationStart</code> | [ApplicationStart](./ |
-|  [chrome](./ | <code>ChromeStart</code> | [ChromeStart](./ |
-|  [docLinks](./ | <code>DocLinksStart</code> | [DocLinksStart](./ |
-|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsStart</code> | [FatalErrorsStart](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpStart</code> | [HttpStart](./ |
-|  [i18n](./ | <code>I18nStart</code> | [I18nStart](./ |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
-|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsStart</code> | [NotificationsStart](./ |
-|  [overlays](./ | <code>OverlayStart</code> | [OverlayStart](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsStart</code> | [SavedObjectsStart](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
+## CoreStart interface
+Core services exposed to the `Plugin` start lifecycle
+export interface CoreStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationStart</code> | [ApplicationStart](./ |
+|  [chrome](./ | <code>ChromeStart</code> | [ChromeStart](./ |
+|  [docLinks](./ | <code>DocLinksStart</code> | [DocLinksStart](./ |
+|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsStart</code> | [FatalErrorsStart](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpStart</code> | [HttpStart](./ |
+|  [i18n](./ | <code>I18nStart</code> | [I18nStart](./ |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
+|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsStart</code> | [NotificationsStart](./ |
+|  [overlays](./ | <code>OverlayStart</code> | [OverlayStart](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsStart</code> | [SavedObjectsStart](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index c9533a1ec2f10..b9c75a1989096 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [notifications](./
-## CoreStart.notifications property
-notifications: NotificationsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [notifications](./
+## CoreStart.notifications property
+notifications: NotificationsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 53d20b994f43d..9f2bf269884a1 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [overlays](./
-## CoreStart.overlays property
-overlays: OverlayStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [overlays](./
+## CoreStart.overlays property
+overlays: OverlayStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 5e6e0e33c7f80..80ba416ec5e0c 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreStart.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreStart.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 2ee405591dc08..2831e4da13578 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreStart.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreStart.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 5e7f9f9e48687..453d358710f2d 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./
-## DocLinksStart.DOC\_LINK\_VERSION property
-readonly DOC_LINK_VERSION: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./
+## DocLinksStart.DOC\_LINK\_VERSION property
+readonly DOC_LINK_VERSION: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index b4967038b35d7..9ef871e776996 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./
-## DocLinksStart.ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL property
-readonly ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./
+## DocLinksStart.ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL property
+readonly ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 2a21f00c57461..bb59d2eabefa2 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [links](./
-## DocLinksStart.links property
-readonly links: {
-        readonly filebeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-            readonly installation: string;
-            readonly configuration: string;
-            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
-            readonly startup: string;
-            readonly exportedFields: string;
-        };
-        readonly auditbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly metricbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly heartbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly logstash: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly functionbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly winlogbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly aggs: {
-            readonly date_histogram: string;
-            readonly date_range: string;
-            readonly filter: string;
-            readonly filters: string;
-            readonly geohash_grid: string;
-            readonly histogram: string;
-            readonly ip_range: string;
-            readonly range: string;
-            readonly significant_terms: string;
-            readonly terms: string;
-            readonly avg: string;
-            readonly avg_bucket: string;
-            readonly max_bucket: string;
-            readonly min_bucket: string;
-            readonly sum_bucket: string;
-            readonly cardinality: string;
-            readonly count: string;
-            readonly cumulative_sum: string;
-            readonly derivative: string;
-            readonly geo_bounds: string;
-            readonly geo_centroid: string;
-            readonly max: string;
-            readonly median: string;
-            readonly min: string;
-            readonly moving_avg: string;
-            readonly percentile_ranks: string;
-            readonly serial_diff: string;
-            readonly std_dev: string;
-            readonly sum: string;
-            readonly top_hits: string;
-        };
-        readonly scriptedFields: {
-            readonly scriptFields: string;
-            readonly scriptAggs: string;
-            readonly painless: string;
-            readonly painlessApi: string;
-            readonly painlessSyntax: string;
-            readonly luceneExpressions: string;
-        };
-        readonly indexPatterns: {
-            readonly loadingData: string;
-            readonly introduction: string;
-        };
-        readonly kibana: string;
-        readonly siem: {
-            readonly guide: string;
-            readonly gettingStarted: string;
-        };
-        readonly query: {
-            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
-            readonly queryDsl: string;
-            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
-        };
-        readonly date: {
-            readonly dateMath: string;
-        };
-        readonly management: Record<string, string>;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [links](./
+## DocLinksStart.links property
+readonly links: {
+        readonly filebeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+            readonly installation: string;
+            readonly configuration: string;
+            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
+            readonly startup: string;
+            readonly exportedFields: string;
+        };
+        readonly auditbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly metricbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly heartbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly logstash: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly functionbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly winlogbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly aggs: {
+            readonly date_histogram: string;
+            readonly date_range: string;
+            readonly filter: string;
+            readonly filters: string;
+            readonly geohash_grid: string;
+            readonly histogram: string;
+            readonly ip_range: string;
+            readonly range: string;
+            readonly significant_terms: string;
+            readonly terms: string;
+            readonly avg: string;
+            readonly avg_bucket: string;
+            readonly max_bucket: string;
+            readonly min_bucket: string;
+            readonly sum_bucket: string;
+            readonly cardinality: string;
+            readonly count: string;
+            readonly cumulative_sum: string;
+            readonly derivative: string;
+            readonly geo_bounds: string;
+            readonly geo_centroid: string;
+            readonly max: string;
+            readonly median: string;
+            readonly min: string;
+            readonly moving_avg: string;
+            readonly percentile_ranks: string;
+            readonly serial_diff: string;
+            readonly std_dev: string;
+            readonly sum: string;
+            readonly top_hits: string;
+        };
+        readonly scriptedFields: {
+            readonly scriptFields: string;
+            readonly scriptAggs: string;
+            readonly painless: string;
+            readonly painlessApi: string;
+            readonly painlessSyntax: string;
+            readonly luceneExpressions: string;
+        };
+        readonly indexPatterns: {
+            readonly loadingData: string;
+            readonly introduction: string;
+        };
+        readonly kibana: string;
+        readonly siem: {
+            readonly guide: string;
+            readonly gettingStarted: string;
+        };
+        readonly query: {
+            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
+            readonly queryDsl: string;
+            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
+        };
+        readonly date: {
+            readonly dateMath: string;
+        };
+        readonly management: Record<string, string>;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./
-## DocLinksStart interface
-export interface DocLinksStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [links](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        readonly filebeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly installation: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly configuration: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly startup: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly exportedFields: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly auditbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly metricbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly heartbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly logstash: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly functionbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly winlogbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly aggs: {</code><br/><code>            readonly date_histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly date_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filter: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filters: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geohash_grid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly ip_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly significant_terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cardinality: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly count: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cumulative_sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly derivative: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_bounds: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_centroid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly median: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly moving_avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly percentile_ranks: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly serial_diff: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly std_dev: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly top_hits: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly scriptedFields: {</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptFields: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptAggs: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painless: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessApi: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessSyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneExpressions: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly indexPatterns: {</code><br/><code>            readonly loadingData: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly introduction: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly kibana: string;</code><br/><code>        readonly siem: {</code><br/><code>            readonly guide: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly gettingStarted: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly query: {</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly queryDsl: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly date: {</code><br/><code>            readonly dateMath: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly management: Record&lt;string, string&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./
+## DocLinksStart interface
+export interface DocLinksStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [links](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        readonly filebeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly installation: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly configuration: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly startup: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly exportedFields: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly auditbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly metricbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly heartbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly logstash: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly functionbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly winlogbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly aggs: {</code><br/><code>            readonly date_histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly date_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filter: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filters: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geohash_grid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly ip_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly significant_terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cardinality: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly count: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cumulative_sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly derivative: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_bounds: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_centroid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly median: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly moving_avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly percentile_ranks: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly serial_diff: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly std_dev: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly top_hits: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly scriptedFields: {</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptFields: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptAggs: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painless: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessApi: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessSyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneExpressions: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly indexPatterns: {</code><br/><code>            readonly loadingData: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly introduction: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly kibana: string;</code><br/><code>        readonly siem: {</code><br/><code>            readonly guide: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly gettingStarted: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly query: {</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly queryDsl: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly date: {</code><br/><code>            readonly dateMath: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly management: Record&lt;string, string&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
-## property
-dev: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
+## property
+dev: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
-## EnvironmentMode interface
-export interface EnvironmentMode 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
-|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
+## EnvironmentMode interface
+export interface EnvironmentMode 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
+|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: 'development' | 'production';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: 'development' | 'production';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [prod](./
-## property
-prod: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [prod](./
+## property
+prod: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./
-## ErrorToastOptions interface
-Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs.
-export interface ErrorToastOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message. |
-|  [toastMessage](./ | <code>string</code> | The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./
+## ErrorToastOptions interface
+Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs.
+export interface ErrorToastOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message. |
+|  [toastMessage](./ | <code>string</code> | The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [title](./
-## ErrorToastOptions.title property
-The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message.
-title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [title](./
+## ErrorToastOptions.title property
+The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message.
+title: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [toastMessage](./
-## ErrorToastOptions.toastMessage property
-The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal.
-toastMessage?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [toastMessage](./
+## ErrorToastOptions.toastMessage property
+The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal.
+toastMessage?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./
-## FatalErrorInfo interface
-Represents the `message` and `stack` of a fatal Error
-export interface FatalErrorInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [stack](./ | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./
+## FatalErrorInfo interface
+Represents the `message` and `stack` of a fatal Error
+export interface FatalErrorInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [stack](./ | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
-## FatalErrorInfo.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
+## FatalErrorInfo.message property
+message: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [stack](./
-## FatalErrorInfo.stack property
-stack: string | undefined;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [stack](./
+## FatalErrorInfo.stack property
+stack: string | undefined;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [add](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup.add property
-Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-add: (error: string | Error, source?: string) => never;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [add](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup.add property
+Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+add: (error: string | Error, source?: string) => never;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index a3498e58c33b6..c99c78ef948df 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup.get$ property
-An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with `add()`
-get$: () => Rx.Observable<FatalErrorInfo>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup.get$ property
+An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with `add()`
+get$: () => Rx.Observable<FatalErrorInfo>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup interface
-FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-export interface FatalErrorsSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [add](./ | <code>(error: string &#124; Error, source?: string) =&gt; never</code> | Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [get$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Rx.Observable&lt;FatalErrorInfo&gt;</code> | An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with <code>add()</code> |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup interface
+FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+export interface FatalErrorsSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [add](./ | <code>(error: string &#124; Error, source?: string) =&gt; never</code> | Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [get$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Rx.Observable&lt;FatalErrorInfo&gt;</code> | An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with <code>add()</code> |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsStart](./
-## FatalErrorsStart type
-FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-export declare type FatalErrorsStart = FatalErrorsSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsStart](./
+## FatalErrorsStart type
+FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+export declare type FatalErrorsStart = FatalErrorsSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
-## HandlerContextType type
-Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
-export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
+## HandlerContextType type
+Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
+export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
-## HandlerFunction type
-A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
-export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
+## HandlerFunction type
+A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
+export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
-## HandlerParameters type
-Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
+## HandlerParameters type
+Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asResponse](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.asResponse property
-When `true` the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When `false`<!-- -->, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
-asResponse?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asResponse](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.asResponse property
+When `true` the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When `false`<!-- -->, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
+asResponse?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asSystemRequest](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.asSystemRequest property
-Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
-asSystemRequest?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asSystemRequest](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.asSystemRequest property
+Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
+asSystemRequest?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.headers property
-Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->.
-headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.headers property
+Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->.
+headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./
-## HttpFetchOptions interface
-All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->.
-export interface HttpFetchOptions extends HttpRequestInit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asResponse](./ | <code>boolean</code> | When <code>true</code> the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When <code>false</code>, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
-|  [asSystemRequest](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [prependBasePath](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to <code>true</code>. |
-|  [query](./ | <code>HttpFetchQuery</code> | The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./
+## HttpFetchOptions interface
+All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->.
+export interface HttpFetchOptions extends HttpRequestInit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asResponse](./ | <code>boolean</code> | When <code>true</code> the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When <code>false</code>, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
+|  [asSystemRequest](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [prependBasePath](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to <code>true</code>. |
+|  [query](./ | <code>HttpFetchQuery</code> | The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [prependBasePath](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.prependBasePath property
-Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to `true`<!-- -->.
-prependBasePath?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [prependBasePath](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.prependBasePath property
+Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to `true`<!-- -->.
+prependBasePath?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [query](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.query property
-The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->.
-query?: HttpFetchQuery;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [query](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.query property
+The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->.
+query?: HttpFetchQuery;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./
-## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath interface
-Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included.
-export interface HttpFetchOptionsWithPath extends HttpFetchOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./
+## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath interface
+Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included.
+export interface HttpFetchOptionsWithPath extends HttpFetchOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ &gt; [path](./
-## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath.path property
-path: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ &gt; [path](./
+## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath.path property
+path: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchQuery](./
-## HttpFetchQuery interface
-export interface HttpFetchQuery 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchQuery](./
+## HttpFetchQuery interface
+export interface HttpFetchQuery 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHandler](./
-## HttpHandler interface
-A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response.
-export interface HttpHandler 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHandler](./
+## HttpHandler interface
+A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response.
+export interface HttpHandler 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHeadersInit](./
-## HttpHeadersInit interface
-Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with `kbn-` are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error.
-export interface HttpHeadersInit 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHeadersInit](./
+## HttpHeadersInit interface
+Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with `kbn-` are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error.
+export interface HttpHeadersInit 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./
-## HttpInterceptor interface
-An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->.
-export interface HttpInterceptor 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [request(fetchOptions, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent. |
-|  [requestError(httpErrorRequest, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
-|  [response(httpResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received. |
-|  [responseError(httpErrorResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./
+## HttpInterceptor interface
+An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->.
+export interface HttpInterceptor 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [request(fetchOptions, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent. |
+|  [requestError(httpErrorRequest, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
+|  [response(httpResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received. |
+|  [responseError(httpErrorResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpInterceptor.request() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent.
-request?(fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  fetchOptions | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpInterceptor.request() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent.
+request?(fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  fetchOptions | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [requestError](./
-## HttpInterceptor.requestError() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
-requestError?(httpErrorRequest: HttpInterceptorRequestError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpErrorRequest | <code>HttpInterceptorRequestError</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [requestError](./
+## HttpInterceptor.requestError() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
+requestError?(httpErrorRequest: HttpInterceptorRequestError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpErrorRequest | <code>HttpInterceptorRequestError</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [response](./
-## HttpInterceptor.response() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received.
-response?(httpResponse: HttpResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpResponse | <code>HttpResponse</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [response](./
+## HttpInterceptor.response() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received.
+response?(httpResponse: HttpResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpResponse | <code>HttpResponse</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [responseError](./
-## HttpInterceptor.responseError() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
-responseError?(httpErrorResponse: HttpInterceptorResponseError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpErrorResponse | <code>HttpInterceptorResponseError</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [responseError](./
+## HttpInterceptor.responseError() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
+responseError?(httpErrorResponse: HttpInterceptorResponseError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpErrorResponse | <code>HttpInterceptorResponseError</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError.error property
-error: Error;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## HttpInterceptorRequestError.error property
+error: Error;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError.fetchOptions property
-fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
+## HttpInterceptorRequestError.fetchOptions property
+fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError interface
-export interface HttpInterceptorRequestError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./
+## HttpInterceptorRequestError interface
+export interface HttpInterceptorRequestError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError.error property
-error: Error | IHttpFetchError;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError.error property
+error: Error | IHttpFetchError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError interface
-export interface HttpInterceptorResponseError extends HttpResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>Error &#124; IHttpFetchError</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError interface
+export interface HttpInterceptorResponseError extends HttpResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>Error &#124; IHttpFetchError</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError.request property
-request: Readonly<Request>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError.request property
+request: Readonly<Request>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpRequestInit.body property
-A BodyInit object or null to set request's body.
-body?: BodyInit | null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [body](./
+## HttpRequestInit.body property
+A BodyInit object or null to set request's body.
+body?: BodyInit | null;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [cache](./
-## HttpRequestInit.cache property
-The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching.
-cache?: RequestCache;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [cache](./
+## HttpRequestInit.cache property
+The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching.
+cache?: RequestCache;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [credentials](./
-## HttpRequestInit.credentials property
-The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
-credentials?: RequestCredentials;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [credentials](./
+## HttpRequestInit.credentials property
+The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
+credentials?: RequestCredentials;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpRequestInit.headers property
-headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpRequestInit.headers property
+headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [integrity](./
-## HttpRequestInit.integrity property
-Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace.
-integrity?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [integrity](./
+## HttpRequestInit.integrity property
+Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace.
+integrity?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [keepalive](./
-## HttpRequestInit.keepalive property
-Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created.
-keepalive?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [keepalive](./
+## HttpRequestInit.keepalive property
+Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created.
+keepalive?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./
-## HttpRequestInit interface
-Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s.
-export interface HttpRequestInit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>BodyInit &#124; null</code> | A BodyInit object or null to set request's body. |
-|  [cache](./ | <code>RequestCache</code> | The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching. |
-|  [credentials](./ | <code>RequestCredentials</code> | The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL. |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | [HttpHeadersInit](./ |
-|  [integrity](./ | <code>string</code> | Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace. |
-|  [keepalive](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created. |
-|  [method](./ | <code>string</code> | HTTP method, which is "GET" by default. |
-|  [mode](./ | <code>RequestMode</code> | The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs. |
-|  [redirect](./ | <code>RequestRedirect</code> | The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default. |
-|  [referrer](./ | <code>string</code> | The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the <code>Referer</code> header of the request being made. |
-|  [referrerPolicy](./ | <code>ReferrerPolicy</code> | The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer. |
-|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal &#124; null</code> | Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler. |
-|  [window](./ | <code>null</code> | Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./
+## HttpRequestInit interface
+Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s.
+export interface HttpRequestInit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>BodyInit &#124; null</code> | A BodyInit object or null to set request's body. |
+|  [cache](./ | <code>RequestCache</code> | The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching. |
+|  [credentials](./ | <code>RequestCredentials</code> | The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL. |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | [HttpHeadersInit](./ |
+|  [integrity](./ | <code>string</code> | Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace. |
+|  [keepalive](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created. |
+|  [method](./ | <code>string</code> | HTTP method, which is "GET" by default. |
+|  [mode](./ | <code>RequestMode</code> | The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs. |
+|  [redirect](./ | <code>RequestRedirect</code> | The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default. |
+|  [referrer](./ | <code>string</code> | The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the <code>Referer</code> header of the request being made. |
+|  [referrerPolicy](./ | <code>ReferrerPolicy</code> | The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer. |
+|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal &#124; null</code> | Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler. |
+|  [window](./ | <code>null</code> | Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [method](./
-## HttpRequestInit.method property
-HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
-method?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [method](./
+## HttpRequestInit.method property
+HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
+method?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [mode](./
-## HttpRequestInit.mode property
-The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs.
-mode?: RequestMode;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [mode](./
+## HttpRequestInit.mode property
+The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs.
+mode?: RequestMode;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [redirect](./
-## HttpRequestInit.redirect property
-The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default.
-redirect?: RequestRedirect;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [redirect](./
+## HttpRequestInit.redirect property
+The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default.
+redirect?: RequestRedirect;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrer](./
-## HttpRequestInit.referrer property
-The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request being made.
-referrer?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrer](./
+## HttpRequestInit.referrer property
+The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request being made.
+referrer?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrerPolicy](./
-## HttpRequestInit.referrerPolicy property
-The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
-referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrerPolicy](./
+## HttpRequestInit.referrerPolicy property
+The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
+referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [signal](./
-## HttpRequestInit.signal property
-Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler.
-signal?: AbortSignal | null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [signal](./
+## HttpRequestInit.signal property
+Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler.
+signal?: AbortSignal | null;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [window](./
-## HttpRequestInit.window property
-Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.
-window?: null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [window](./
+## HttpRequestInit.window property
+Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.
+window?: null;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpResponse.body property
-Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly body?: TResponseBody;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [body](./
+## HttpResponse.body property
+Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly body?: TResponseBody;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
-## HttpResponse.fetchOptions property
-The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request.
-readonly fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
+## HttpResponse.fetchOptions property
+The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request.
+readonly fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./
-## HttpResponse interface
-export interface HttpResponse<TResponseBody = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
-|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> | The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request. |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> | Raw request sent to Kibana server. |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./
+## HttpResponse interface
+export interface HttpResponse<TResponseBody = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> | The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request. |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> | Raw request sent to Kibana server. |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpResponse.request property
-Raw request sent to Kibana server.
-readonly request: Readonly<Request>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpResponse.request property
+Raw request sent to Kibana server.
+readonly request: Readonly<Request>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [response](./
-## HttpResponse.response property
-Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [response](./
+## HttpResponse.response property
+Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [addLoadingCountSource](./
-## HttpSetup.addLoadingCountSource() method
-Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0.
-addLoadingCountSource(countSource$: Observable<number>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  countSource$ | <code>Observable&lt;number&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [addLoadingCountSource](./
+## HttpSetup.addLoadingCountSource() method
+Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0.
+addLoadingCountSource(countSource$: Observable<number>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  countSource$ | <code>Observable&lt;number&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [anonymousPaths](./
-## HttpSetup.anonymousPaths property
-APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication
-anonymousPaths: IAnonymousPaths;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [anonymousPaths](./
+## HttpSetup.anonymousPaths property
+APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication
+anonymousPaths: IAnonymousPaths;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
-## HttpSetup.basePath property
-APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
-basePath: IBasePath;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
+## HttpSetup.basePath property
+APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
+basePath: IBasePath;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## HttpSetup.delete property
-Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-delete: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## HttpSetup.delete property
+Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+delete: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [fetch](./
-## HttpSetup.fetch property
-Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-fetch: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [fetch](./
+## HttpSetup.fetch property
+Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+fetch: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [get](./
-## HttpSetup.get property
-Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-get: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [get](./
+## HttpSetup.get property
+Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+get: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [getLoadingCount$](./
-## HttpSetup.getLoadingCount$() method
-Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable.
-getLoadingCount$(): Observable<number>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [getLoadingCount$](./
+## HttpSetup.getLoadingCount$() method
+Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable.
+getLoadingCount$(): Observable<number>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [head](./
-## HttpSetup.head property
-Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-head: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [head](./
+## HttpSetup.head property
+Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+head: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [intercept](./
-## HttpSetup.intercept() method
-Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client.
-intercept(interceptor: HttpInterceptor): () => void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  interceptor | <code>HttpInterceptor</code> |  |
-`() => void`
-a function for removing the attached interceptor.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [intercept](./
+## HttpSetup.intercept() method
+Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client.
+intercept(interceptor: HttpInterceptor): () => void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  interceptor | <code>HttpInterceptor</code> |  |
+`() => void`
+a function for removing the attached interceptor.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./
-## HttpSetup interface
-export interface HttpSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [anonymousPaths](./ | <code>IAnonymousPaths</code> | APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication |
-|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
-|  [delete](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [fetch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [get](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [head](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [options](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [patch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [post](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [put](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [addLoadingCountSource(countSource$)](./ | Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0. |
-|  [getLoadingCount$()](./ | Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable. |
-|  [intercept(interceptor)](./ | Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./
+## HttpSetup interface
+export interface HttpSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [anonymousPaths](./ | <code>IAnonymousPaths</code> | APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication |
+|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
+|  [delete](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [fetch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [get](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [head](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [options](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [patch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [post](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [put](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [addLoadingCountSource(countSource$)](./ | Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0. |
+|  [getLoadingCount$()](./ | Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable. |
+|  [intercept(interceptor)](./ | Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [options](./
-## HttpSetup.options property
-Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-options: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [options](./
+## HttpSetup.options property
+Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+options: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [patch](./
-## HttpSetup.patch property
-Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-patch: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [patch](./
+## HttpSetup.patch property
+Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+patch: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [post](./
-## property
-Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-post: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [post](./
+## property
+Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+post: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [put](./
-## HttpSetup.put property
-Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-put: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [put](./
+## HttpSetup.put property
+Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+put: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpStart](./
-## HttpStart type
-See [HttpSetup](./
-export declare type HttpStart = HttpSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpStart](./
+## HttpStart type
+See [HttpSetup](./
+export declare type HttpStart = HttpSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./ &gt; [Context](./
-## I18nStart.Context property
-React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
-Context: ({ children }: {
-        children: React.ReactNode;
-    }) => JSX.Element;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./ &gt; [Context](./
+## I18nStart.Context property
+React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
+Context: ({ children }: {
+        children: React.ReactNode;
+    }) => JSX.Element;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./
-## I18nStart interface
-I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
-export interface I18nStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [Context](./ | <code>({ children }: {</code><br/><code>        children: React.ReactNode;</code><br/><code>    }) =&gt; JSX.Element</code> | React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./
+## I18nStart interface
+I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
+export interface I18nStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [Context](./ | <code>({ children }: {</code><br/><code>        children: React.ReactNode;</code><br/><code>    }) =&gt; JSX.Element</code> | React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [isAnonymous](./
-## IAnonymousPaths.isAnonymous() method
-Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. `path` should include the current basePath.
-isAnonymous(path: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [isAnonymous](./
+## IAnonymousPaths.isAnonymous() method
+Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. `path` should include the current basePath.
+isAnonymous(path: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./
-## IAnonymousPaths interface
-APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication
-export interface IAnonymousPaths 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [isAnonymous(path)](./ | Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. <code>path</code> should include the current basePath. |
-|  [register(path)](./ | Register <code>path</code> as not requiring authentication. <code>path</code> should not include the current basePath. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./
+## IAnonymousPaths interface
+APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication
+export interface IAnonymousPaths 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [isAnonymous(path)](./ | Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. <code>path</code> should include the current basePath. |
+|  [register(path)](./ | Register <code>path</code> as not requiring authentication. <code>path</code> should not include the current basePath. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [register](./
-## IAnonymousPaths.register() method
-Register `path` as not requiring authentication. `path` should not include the current basePath.
-register(path: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [register](./
+## IAnonymousPaths.register() method
+Register `path` as not requiring authentication. `path` should not include the current basePath.
+register(path: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IBasePath.get property
-Gets the `basePath` string.
-get: () => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IBasePath.get property
+Gets the `basePath` string.
+get: () => string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
-## IBasePath interface
-APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
-export interface IBasePath 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>() =&gt; string</code> | Gets the <code>basePath</code> string. |
-|  [prepend](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
+## IBasePath interface
+APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
+export interface IBasePath 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>() =&gt; string</code> | Gets the <code>basePath</code> string. |
+|  [prepend](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
-## IBasePath.prepend property
-Prepends `path` with the basePath.
-prepend: (url: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
+## IBasePath.prepend property
+Prepends `path` with the basePath.
+prepend: (url: string) => string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IBasePath.remove property
-Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
-remove: (url: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IBasePath.remove property
+Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
+remove: (url: string) => string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
-## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
-Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
-createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
-|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
-`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
-A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
+## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
+Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
+createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
+|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
+`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
+A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
-## IContextContainer interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
-|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
+## IContextContainer interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
+|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
-## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
-Register a new context provider.
-registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
-|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
-The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
-## Remarks
-The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
-Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
+## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
+Register a new context provider.
+registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
+|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
+The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
+## Remarks
+The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
+Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
-## IContextProvider type
-A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
-export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
-## Remarks
-This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
+## IContextProvider type
+A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
+export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
+## Remarks
+This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [body](./
-## IHttpFetchError.body property
-readonly body?: any;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [body](./
+## IHttpFetchError.body property
+readonly body?: any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./
-## IHttpFetchError interface
-export interface IHttpFetchError extends Error 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
-|  [req](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  [res](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./
+## IHttpFetchError interface
+export interface IHttpFetchError extends Error 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
+|  [req](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  [res](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [req](./
-## IHttpFetchError.req property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `request` property instead.
-readonly req: Request;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [req](./
+## IHttpFetchError.req property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `request` property instead.
+readonly req: Request;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [request](./
-## IHttpFetchError.request property
-readonly request: Request;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [request](./
+## IHttpFetchError.request property
+readonly request: Request;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [res](./
-## IHttpFetchError.res property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `response` property instead.
-readonly res?: Response;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [res](./
+## IHttpFetchError.res property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `response` property instead.
+readonly res?: Response;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [response](./
-## IHttpFetchError.response property
-readonly response?: Response;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [response](./
+## IHttpFetchError.response property
+readonly response?: Response;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halt](./
-## IHttpInterceptController.halt() method
-Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers.
-halt(): void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halt](./
+## IHttpInterceptController.halt() method
+Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers.
+halt(): void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halted](./
-## IHttpInterceptController.halted property
-Whether or not this chain has been halted.
-halted: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halted](./
+## IHttpInterceptController.halted property
+Whether or not this chain has been halted.
+halted: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./
-## IHttpInterceptController interface
-Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->.
-export interface IHttpInterceptController 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [halted](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not this chain has been halted. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [halt()](./ | Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./
+## IHttpInterceptController interface
+Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->.
+export interface IHttpInterceptController 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [halted](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not this chain has been halted. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [halt()](./ | Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [body](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.body property
-Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly body?: TResponseBody;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [body](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.body property
+Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly body?: TResponseBody;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides interface
-Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response.
-export interface IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides<TResponseBody = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides interface
+Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response.
+export interface IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides<TResponseBody = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [response](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.response property
-Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [response](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.response property
+Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
-## ImageValidation.maxSize property
-maxSize: {
-        length: number;
-        description: string;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
+## ImageValidation.maxSize property
+maxSize: {
+        length: number;
+        description: string;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
-## ImageValidation interface
-export interface ImageValidation 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
+## ImageValidation interface
+export interface ImageValidation 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IToasts](./
-## IToasts type
-Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IToasts = Pick<ToastsApi, 'get$' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'addSuccess' | 'addWarning' | 'addDanger' | 'addError'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IToasts](./
+## IToasts type
+Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IToasts = Pick<ToastsApi, 'get$' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'addSuccess' | 'addWarning' | 'addDanger' | 'addError'>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get property
-Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the `defaultOverride` parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin.
-get: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get property
+Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the `defaultOverride` parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin.
+get: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get$ property
-Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a `defaultOverride` argument behaves the same as it does in \#get()
-get$: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => Observable<T>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get$ property
+Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a `defaultOverride` argument behaves the same as it does in \#get()
+get$: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => Observable<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
-Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key.
-getAll: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams & UserProvidedValues>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
+Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key.
+getAll: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams & UserProvidedValues>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getSaved$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getSaved$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
-getSaved$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
-        key: string;
-        newValue: T;
-        oldValue: T;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getSaved$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getSaved$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
+getSaved$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
+        key: string;
+        newValue: T;
+        oldValue: T;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdate$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdate$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
-getUpdate$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
-        key: string;
-        newValue: T;
-        oldValue: T;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdate$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdate$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
+getUpdate$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
+        key: string;
+        newValue: T;
+        oldValue: T;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdateErrors$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdateErrors$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class.
-getUpdateErrors$: () => Observable<Error>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdateErrors$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdateErrors$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class.
+getUpdateErrors$: () => Observable<Error>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isCustom](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isCustom property
-Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via `set()`<!-- -->, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object
-isCustom: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isCustom](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isCustom property
+Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via `set()`<!-- -->, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object
+isCustom: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDeclared](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isDeclared property
-Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the `set()` method.
-isDeclared: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDeclared](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isDeclared property
+Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the `set()` method.
+isDeclared: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDefault](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isDefault property
-Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown
-isDefault: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDefault](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isDefault property
+Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown
+isDefault: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
-Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
-isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
+Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
+isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
-## IUiSettingsClient interface
-Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./
-export interface IUiSettingsClient 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; T</code> | Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the <code>defaultOverride</code> parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin. |
-|  [get$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;</code> | Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a <code>defaultOverride</code> argument behaves the same as it does in \#get() |
-|  [getAll](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams &amp; UserProvidedValues&gt;&gt;</code> | Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key. |
-|  [getSaved$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
-|  [getUpdate$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
-|  [getUpdateErrors$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Observable&lt;Error&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class. |
-|  [isCustom](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via <code>set()</code>, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object |
-|  [isDeclared](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the <code>set()</code> method. |
-|  [isDefault](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
-|  [overrideLocalDefault](./ | <code>(key: string, newDefault: any) =&gt; void</code> | Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling <code>set(key, null)</code>, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method. |
-|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the <code>get()</code> method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before <code>set()</code> was called. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
+## IUiSettingsClient interface
+Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./
+export interface IUiSettingsClient 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; T</code> | Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the <code>defaultOverride</code> parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin. |
+|  [get$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;</code> | Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a <code>defaultOverride</code> argument behaves the same as it does in \#get() |
+|  [getAll](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams &amp; UserProvidedValues&gt;&gt;</code> | Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key. |
+|  [getSaved$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
+|  [getUpdate$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
+|  [getUpdateErrors$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Observable&lt;Error&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class. |
+|  [isCustom](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via <code>set()</code>, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object |
+|  [isDeclared](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the <code>set()</code> method. |
+|  [isDefault](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
+|  [overrideLocalDefault](./ | <code>(key: string, newDefault: any) =&gt; void</code> | Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling <code>set(key, null)</code>, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method. |
+|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the <code>get()</code> method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before <code>set()</code> was called. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [overrideLocalDefault](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.overrideLocalDefault property
-Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost.
-overrideLocalDefault: (key: string, newDefault: any) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [overrideLocalDefault](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.overrideLocalDefault property
+Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost.
+overrideLocalDefault: (key: string, newDefault: any) => void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
-Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling `set(key, null)`<!-- -->, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method.
-remove: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
+Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling `set(key, null)`<!-- -->, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method.
+remove: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.set property
-Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the `get()` method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before `set()` was called.
-set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.set property
+Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the `get()` method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before `set()` was called.
+set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## LegacyCoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## LegacyCoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./
-## LegacyCoreSetup interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
-export interface LegacyCoreSetup extends CoreSetup<any> 
-## Remarks
-Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreSetup](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataSetup</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./
+## LegacyCoreSetup interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
+export interface LegacyCoreSetup extends CoreSetup<any> 
+## Remarks
+Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreSetup](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataSetup</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## LegacyCoreStart.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## LegacyCoreStart.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataStart;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./
-## LegacyCoreStart interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
-export interface LegacyCoreStart extends CoreStart 
-## Remarks
-Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreStart](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataStart</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./
+## LegacyCoreStart interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
+export interface LegacyCoreStart extends CoreStart 
+## Remarks
+Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreStart](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataStart</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
-## LegacyNavLink.category property
-category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
+## LegacyNavLink.category property
+category?: AppCategory;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## LegacyNavLink.euiIconType property
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## LegacyNavLink.euiIconType property
+euiIconType?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## LegacyNavLink.icon property
-icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## LegacyNavLink.icon property
+icon?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./
-## LegacyNavLink interface
-export interface LegacyNavLink 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> |  |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./
+## LegacyNavLink interface
+export interface LegacyNavLink 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> |  |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
-## LegacyNavLink.order property
-order: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
+## LegacyNavLink.order property
+order: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
-## LegacyNavLink.title property
-title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
+## LegacyNavLink.title property
+title: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
-## LegacyNavLink.url property
-url: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
+## LegacyNavLink.url property
+url: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./
-## kibana-plugin-public package
-The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.
-A plugin's `public/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
-The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
-## Classes
-|  Class | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects. |
-|  [SimpleSavedObject](./ | This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations. |
-|  [ToastsApi](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. |
-## Enumerations
-|  Enumeration | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AppLeaveActionType](./ | Possible type of actions on application leave. |
-|  [AppNavLinkStatus](./ | Status of the application's navLink. |
-|  [AppStatus](./ | Accessibility status of an application. |
-## Interfaces
-|  Interface | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [App](./ | Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function. |
-|  [AppBase](./ |  |
-|  [AppCategory](./ | A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav |
-|  [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.<!-- -->See  |
-|  [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.<!-- -->See  |
-|  [ApplicationSetup](./ |  |
-|  [ApplicationStart](./ |  |
-|  [AppMountContext](./ | The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AppMountParameters](./ |  |
-|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
-|  [ChromeBadge](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeBrand](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeDocTitle](./ | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtension](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavControl](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavControls](./ | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
-|  [ChromeNavLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavLinks](./ | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
-|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
-|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeStart](./ | ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser. |
-|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [CoreSetup](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> setup lifecycle |
-|  [CoreStart](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> start lifecycle |
-|  [DocLinksStart](./ |  |
-|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
-|  [ErrorToastOptions](./ | Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
-|  [FatalErrorInfo](./ | Represents the <code>message</code> and <code>stack</code> of a fatal Error |
-|  [FatalErrorsSetup](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [HttpFetchOptions](./ | All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ | Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included. |
-|  [HttpFetchQuery](./ |  |
-|  [HttpHandler](./ | A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response. |
-|  [HttpHeadersInit](./ | Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with <code>kbn-</code> are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error. |
-|  [HttpInterceptor](./ | An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ |  |
-|  [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ |  |
-|  [HttpRequestInit](./ | Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s. |
-|  [HttpResponse](./ |  |
-|  [HttpSetup](./ |  |
-|  [I18nStart](./ | I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
-|  [IAnonymousPaths](./ | APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication |
-|  [IBasePath](./ | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
-|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [IHttpFetchError](./ |  |
-|  [IHttpInterceptController](./ | Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ | Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response. |
-|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
-|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
-|  [LegacyCoreSetup](./ | Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
-|  [LegacyCoreStart](./ | Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
-|  [LegacyNavLink](./ |  |
-|  [NotificationsSetup](./ |  |
-|  [NotificationsStart](./ |  |
-|  [OverlayBannersStart](./ |  |
-|  [OverlayRef](./ | Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay. |
-|  [OverlayStart](./ |  |
-|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
-|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
-|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | The available core services passed to a <code>PluginInitializer</code> |
-|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [SavedObjectsStart](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
-|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
-|  [UiSettingsState](./ |  |
-|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
-## Type Aliases
-|  Type Alias | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AppLeaveAction](./ | Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./<!-- -->See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ |
-|  [AppLeaveHandler](./ | A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return <code>confirm</code> to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or <code>default</code> to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).<!-- -->See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples. |
-|  [AppMount](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
-|  [AppMountDeprecated](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
-|  [AppUnmount](./ | A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous. |
-|  [AppUpdatableFields](./ | Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AppUpdater](./ | Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./ |
-|  [ChromeBreadcrumb](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./ |  |
-|  [FatalErrorsStart](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
-|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
-|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpStart](./ | See [HttpSetup](./ |
-|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
-|  [IToasts](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [MountPoint](./ | A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it. |
-|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>public</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
-|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
-|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
-|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
-|  [Toast](./ |  |
-|  [ToastInput](./ | Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
-|  [ToastInputFields](./ | Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [ToastsSetup](./ | [IToasts](./ |
-|  [ToastsStart](./ | [IToasts](./ |
-|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
-|  [UnmountCallback](./ | A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./
+## kibana-plugin-public package
+The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.
+A plugin's `public/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
+The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
+## Classes
+|  Class | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects. |
+|  [SimpleSavedObject](./ | This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations. |
+|  [ToastsApi](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. |
+## Enumerations
+|  Enumeration | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AppLeaveActionType](./ | Possible type of actions on application leave. |
+|  [AppNavLinkStatus](./ | Status of the application's navLink. |
+|  [AppStatus](./ | Accessibility status of an application. |
+## Interfaces
+|  Interface | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [App](./ | Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function. |
+|  [AppBase](./ |  |
+|  [AppCategory](./ | A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav |
+|  [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.<!-- -->See  |
+|  [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.<!-- -->See  |
+|  [ApplicationSetup](./ |  |
+|  [ApplicationStart](./ |  |
+|  [AppMountContext](./ | The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AppMountParameters](./ |  |
+|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
+|  [ChromeBadge](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeBrand](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeDocTitle](./ | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtension](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavControl](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavControls](./ | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
+|  [ChromeNavLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavLinks](./ | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
+|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
+|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeStart](./ | ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser. |
+|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [CoreSetup](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> setup lifecycle |
+|  [CoreStart](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> start lifecycle |
+|  [DocLinksStart](./ |  |
+|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
+|  [ErrorToastOptions](./ | Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
+|  [FatalErrorInfo](./ | Represents the <code>message</code> and <code>stack</code> of a fatal Error |
+|  [FatalErrorsSetup](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [HttpFetchOptions](./ | All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ | Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included. |
+|  [HttpFetchQuery](./ |  |
+|  [HttpHandler](./ | A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response. |
+|  [HttpHeadersInit](./ | Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with <code>kbn-</code> are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error. |
+|  [HttpInterceptor](./ | An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ |  |
+|  [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ |  |
+|  [HttpRequestInit](./ | Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s. |
+|  [HttpResponse](./ |  |
+|  [HttpSetup](./ |  |
+|  [I18nStart](./ | I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
+|  [IAnonymousPaths](./ | APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication |
+|  [IBasePath](./ | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
+|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [IHttpFetchError](./ |  |
+|  [IHttpInterceptController](./ | Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ | Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response. |
+|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
+|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+|  [LegacyCoreSetup](./ | Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
+|  [LegacyCoreStart](./ | Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
+|  [LegacyNavLink](./ |  |
+|  [NotificationsSetup](./ |  |
+|  [NotificationsStart](./ |  |
+|  [OverlayBannersStart](./ |  |
+|  [OverlayRef](./ | Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay. |
+|  [OverlayStart](./ |  |
+|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
+|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
+|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | The available core services passed to a <code>PluginInitializer</code> |
+|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [SavedObjectsStart](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
+|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
+|  [UiSettingsState](./ |  |
+|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
+## Type Aliases
+|  Type Alias | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AppLeaveAction](./ | Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./<!-- -->See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ |
+|  [AppLeaveHandler](./ | A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return <code>confirm</code> to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or <code>default</code> to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).<!-- -->See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples. |
+|  [AppMount](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
+|  [AppMountDeprecated](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
+|  [AppUnmount](./ | A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous. |
+|  [AppUpdatableFields](./ | Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AppUpdater](./ | Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./ |
+|  [ChromeBreadcrumb](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./ |  |
+|  [FatalErrorsStart](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
+|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
+|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpStart](./ | See [HttpSetup](./ |
+|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
+|  [IToasts](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [MountPoint](./ | A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it. |
+|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>public</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
+|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
+|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
+|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
+|  [Toast](./ |  |
+|  [ToastInput](./ | Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
+|  [ToastInputFields](./ | Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [ToastsSetup](./ | [IToasts](./ |
+|  [ToastsStart](./ | [IToasts](./ |
+|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
+|  [UnmountCallback](./ | A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [MountPoint](./
-## MountPoint type
-A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it.
-export declare type MountPoint<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = (element: T) => UnmountCallback;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [MountPoint](./
+## MountPoint type
+A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it.
+export declare type MountPoint<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = (element: T) => UnmountCallback;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./
-## NotificationsSetup interface
-export interface NotificationsSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsSetup</code> | [ToastsSetup](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./
+## NotificationsSetup interface
+export interface NotificationsSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsSetup</code> | [ToastsSetup](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./ &gt; [toasts](./
-## NotificationsSetup.toasts property
-toasts: ToastsSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./ &gt; [toasts](./
+## NotificationsSetup.toasts property
+toasts: ToastsSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./
-## NotificationsStart interface
-export interface NotificationsStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsStart</code> | [ToastsStart](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./
+## NotificationsStart interface
+export interface NotificationsStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsStart</code> | [ToastsStart](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./ &gt; [toasts](./
-## NotificationsStart.toasts property
-toasts: ToastsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./ &gt; [toasts](./
+## NotificationsStart.toasts property
+toasts: ToastsStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [add](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.add() method
-Add a new banner
-add(mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
-a unique identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [add](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.add() method
+Add a new banner
+add(mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
+a unique identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [getComponent](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.getComponent() method
-getComponent(): JSX.Element;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [getComponent](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.getComponent() method
+getComponent(): JSX.Element;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./
-## OverlayBannersStart interface
-export interface OverlayBannersStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [add(mount, priority)](./ | Add a new banner |
-|  [getComponent()](./ |  |
-|  [remove(id)](./ | Remove a banner |
-|  [replace(id, mount, priority)](./ | Replace a banner in place |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./
+## OverlayBannersStart interface
+export interface OverlayBannersStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [add(mount, priority)](./ | Add a new banner |
+|  [getComponent()](./ |  |
+|  [remove(id)](./ | Remove a banner |
+|  [replace(id, mount, priority)](./ | Replace a banner in place |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.remove() method
-Remove a banner
-remove(id: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-if the banner was found or not
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.remove() method
+Remove a banner
+remove(id: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+if the banner was found or not
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [replace](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.replace() method
-Replace a banner in place
-replace(id: string | undefined, mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
-|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
-a new identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [replace](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.replace() method
+Replace a banner in place
+replace(id: string | undefined, mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
+|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
+a new identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [close](./
-## OverlayRef.close() method
-Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the `onClose` Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing.
-close(): Promise<void>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [close](./
+## OverlayRef.close() method
+Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the `onClose` Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing.
+close(): Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./
-## OverlayRef interface
-Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay.
-export interface OverlayRef 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [onClose](./ | <code>Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.<!-- -->Overlays can close from user interaction, calling <code>close()</code> on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via <code>openModal</code> or <code>openFlyout</code>. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [close()](./ | Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the <code>onClose</code> Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./
+## OverlayRef interface
+Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay.
+export interface OverlayRef 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [onClose](./ | <code>Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.<!-- -->Overlays can close from user interaction, calling <code>close()</code> on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via <code>openModal</code> or <code>openFlyout</code>. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [close()](./ | Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the <code>onClose</code> Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [onClose](./
-## OverlayRef.onClose property
-A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.
-Overlays can close from user interaction, calling `close()` on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via `openModal` or `openFlyout`<!-- -->.
-onClose: Promise<void>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [onClose](./
+## OverlayRef.onClose property
+A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.
+Overlays can close from user interaction, calling `close()` on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via `openModal` or `openFlyout`<!-- -->.
+onClose: Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [banners](./
-## OverlayStart.banners property
-banners: OverlayBannersStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [banners](./
+## OverlayStart.banners property
+banners: OverlayBannersStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./
-## OverlayStart interface
-export interface OverlayStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [banners](./ | <code>OverlayBannersStart</code> | [OverlayBannersStart](./ |
-|  [openConfirm](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['openConfirm']</code> |  |
-|  [openFlyout](./ | <code>OverlayFlyoutStart['open']</code> |  |
-|  [openModal](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['open']</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./
+## OverlayStart interface
+export interface OverlayStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [banners](./ | <code>OverlayBannersStart</code> | [OverlayBannersStart](./ |
+|  [openConfirm](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['openConfirm']</code> |  |
+|  [openFlyout](./ | <code>OverlayFlyoutStart['open']</code> |  |
+|  [openModal](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['open']</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openConfirm](./
-## OverlayStart.openConfirm property
-openConfirm: OverlayModalStart['openConfirm'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openConfirm](./
+## OverlayStart.openConfirm property
+openConfirm: OverlayModalStart['openConfirm'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openFlyout](./
-## OverlayStart.openFlyout property
-openFlyout: OverlayFlyoutStart['open'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openFlyout](./
+## OverlayStart.openFlyout property
+openFlyout: OverlayFlyoutStart['open'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openModal](./
-## OverlayStart.openModal property
-openModal: OverlayModalStart['open'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openModal](./
+## OverlayStart.openModal property
+openModal: OverlayModalStart['open'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
-## PackageInfo.branch property
-branch: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
+## PackageInfo.branch property
+branch: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
-## PackageInfo.buildNum property
-buildNum: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
+## PackageInfo.buildNum property
+buildNum: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
-## PackageInfo.buildSha property
-buildSha: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
+## PackageInfo.buildSha property
+buildSha: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
-## PackageInfo.dist property
-dist: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
+## PackageInfo.dist property
+dist: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
-## PackageInfo interface
-export interface PackageInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
+## PackageInfo interface
+export interface PackageInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PackageInfo.version property
-version: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PackageInfo.version property
+version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
-## Plugin interface
-The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
-export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [stop()](./ |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
+## Plugin interface
+The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
+export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [stop()](./ |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
-## Plugin.setup() method
-setup(core: CoreSetup<TPluginsStart>, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreSetup&lt;TPluginsStart&gt;</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
-`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
+## Plugin.setup() method
+setup(core: CoreSetup<TPluginsStart>, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreSetup&lt;TPluginsStart&gt;</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
+`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
-## Plugin.start() method
-start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
-`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
+## Plugin.start() method
+start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
+`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
-## Plugin.stop() method
-stop?(): void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
+## Plugin.stop() method
+stop?(): void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
-## PluginInitializer type
-The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `public` directory should conform to this interface.
-export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
+## PluginInitializer type
+The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `public` directory should conform to this interface.
+export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.config property
-readonly config: {
-        get: <T extends object = ConfigSchema>() => T;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.config property
+readonly config: {
+        get: <T extends object = ConfigSchema>() => T;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.env property
-readonly env: {
-        mode: Readonly<EnvironmentMode>;
-        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.env property
+readonly env: {
+        mode: Readonly<EnvironmentMode>;
+        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
-## PluginInitializerContext interface
-The available core services passed to a `PluginInitializer`
-export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: &lt;T extends object = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: Readonly&lt;EnvironmentMode&gt;;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
+## PluginInitializerContext interface
+The available core services passed to a `PluginInitializer`
+export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: &lt;T extends object = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: Readonly&lt;EnvironmentMode&gt;;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
-A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers.
-readonly opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
+A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers.
+readonly opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
-## PluginOpaqueId type
-export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
+## PluginOpaqueId type
+export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
-## RecursiveReadonly type
-export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
-    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
-}> : T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
+## RecursiveReadonly type
+export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
+    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
+}> : T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObject.error property
-error?: {
-        message: string;
-        statusCode: number;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObject.error property
+error?: {
+        message: string;
+        statusCode: number;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
-## SavedObject interface
-export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
-|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
+## SavedObject interface
+export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
+|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObject.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObject.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references: SavedObjectReference[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObject.type property
-The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObject.type property
+The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
-## SavedObject.updated\_at property
-Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
-updated_at?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
+## SavedObject.updated\_at property
+Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
+updated_at?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObject.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObject.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-## SavedObjectAttribute type
-Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
-export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+## SavedObjectAttribute type
+Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
+export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
-## SavedObjectAttributes interface
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
+## SavedObjectAttributes interface
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
-## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
-Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
+## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
+Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
-## SavedObjectReference interface
-A reference to another saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectReference 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
+## SavedObjectReference interface
+A reference to another saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectReference 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectReference.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectReference.type property
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
-Specify the namespace for this operation
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
+Specify the namespace for this operation
+namespace?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBatchResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsBatchResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## SavedObjectsBatchResponse.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: Array<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## SavedObjectsBatchResponse.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: Array<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions.overwrite property
-If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
-overwrite?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions.overwrite property
+If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
-type: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.version property
-version?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.version property
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate property
-Creates multiple documents at once
-bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<SavedObjectAttributes>[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate property
+Creates multiple documents at once
+bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<SavedObjectAttributes>[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet property
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet: (objects?: {
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }[]) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet property
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet: (objects?: {
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }[]) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
-Update multiple documents at once
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]): Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]</code> |  |
-The result of the update operation containing both failed and updated saved objects.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
+Update multiple documents at once
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]): Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]</code> |  |
+The result of the update operation containing both failed and updated saved objects.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.create property
-Persists an object
-create: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.create property
+Persists an object
+create: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.delete property
-Deletes an object
-delete: (type: string, id: string) => Promise<{}>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.delete property
+Deletes an object
+delete: (type: string, id: string) => Promise<{}>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.find property
-Search for objects
-find: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(options: Pick<SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, "search" | "filter" | "type" | "page" | "perPage" | "sortField" | "fields" | "searchFields" | "hasReference" | "defaultSearchOperator">) => Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.find property
+Search for objects
+find: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(options: Pick<SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, "search" | "filter" | "type" | "page" | "perPage" | "sortField" | "fields" | "searchFields" | "hasReference" | "defaultSearchOperator">) => Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.get property
-Fetches a single object
-get: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.get property
+Fetches a single object
+get: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsClient class
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects.
-export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate](./ |  | <code>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates multiple documents at once |
-|  [bulkGet](./ |  | <code>(objects?: {</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [create](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Persists an object |
-|  [delete](./ |  | <code>(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;{}&gt;</code> | Deletes an object |
-|  [find](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(options: Pick&lt;SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, &quot;search&quot; &#124; &quot;filter&quot; &#124; &quot;type&quot; &#124; &quot;page&quot; &#124; &quot;perPage&quot; &#124; &quot;sortField&quot; &#124; &quot;fields&quot; &#124; &quot;searchFields&quot; &#124; &quot;hasReference&quot; &#124; &quot;defaultSearchOperator&quot;&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Search for objects |
-|  [get](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Fetches a single object |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects)](./ |  | Update multiple documents at once |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, { version, migrationVersion, references })](./ |  | Updates an object |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsClient class
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects.
+export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate](./ |  | <code>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates multiple documents at once |
+|  [bulkGet](./ |  | <code>(objects?: {</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [create](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Persists an object |
+|  [delete](./ |  | <code>(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;{}&gt;</code> | Deletes an object |
+|  [find](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(options: Pick&lt;SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, &quot;search&quot; &#124; &quot;filter&quot; &#124; &quot;type&quot; &#124; &quot;page&quot; &#124; &quot;perPage&quot; &#124; &quot;sortField&quot; &#124; &quot;fields&quot; &#124; &quot;searchFields&quot; &#124; &quot;hasReference&quot; &#124; &quot;defaultSearchOperator&quot;&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Search for objects |
+|  [get](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Fetches a single object |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects)](./ |  | Update multiple documents at once |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, { version, migrationVersion, references })](./ |  | Updates an object |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
-Updates an object
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  { version, migrationVersion, references } | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
+Updates an object
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  { version, migrationVersion, references } | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
-## SavedObjectsClientContract type
-SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf<SavedObjectsClient>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
+## SavedObjectsClientContract type
+SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf<SavedObjectsClient>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-(Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you.
-id?: string;
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+## property
+(Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you.
+id?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you. |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you. |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
-If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
-overwrite?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
+If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
-defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
+defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
-An array of fields to include in the results
-fields?: string[];
-## Example
-SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
+An array of fields to include in the results
+fields?: string[];
+## Example
+SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
-filter?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
+filter?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
-hasReference?: {
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
+hasReference?: {
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
-|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
-|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
-|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
+|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
+|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
+|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
-perPage?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
+perPage?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
-## property
-Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
-search?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
+search?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
-The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
-searchFields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
+The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
+searchFields?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
-sortField?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
+sortField?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
-sortOrder?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
+sortOrder?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
-type: string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
+type: string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic interface
-Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
-\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
-export interface SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic interface
+Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
+\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
+export interface SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic.perPage property
-perPage: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [perPage](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic.perPage property
+perPage: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [total](./
-## property
-total: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [total](./
+## property
+total: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
-type: 'conflict';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
+type: 'conflict';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
-error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
+error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError interface
-Represents a failure to import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError interface
+Represents a failure to import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
-title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
+title?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
+type: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
-blocking: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
+blocking: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
-references: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
+references: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
-type: 'missing_references';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
+type: 'missing_references';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
-errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
+errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
-The response describing the result of an import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
-|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
+The response describing the result of an import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
+|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
-success: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
+success: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
-successCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
+successCount: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
-Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
+Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
-replaceReferences: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        from: string;
-        to: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
+replaceReferences: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        from: string;
+        to: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
-type: 'unknown';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
+type: 'unknown';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
-type: 'unsupported_type';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
+type: 'unsupported_type';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
-## Example
-migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
+## Example
+migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./ &gt; [client](./
-## SavedObjectsStart.client property
-client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./ &gt; [client](./
+## SavedObjectsStart.client property
+client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./
-## SavedObjectsStart interface
-export interface SavedObjectsStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./
+## SavedObjectsStart interface
+export interface SavedObjectsStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `SimpleSavedObject` class
-constructor(client: SavedObjectsClient, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion }: SavedObjectType<T>);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  client | <code>SavedObjectsClient</code> |  |
-|  { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion } | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `SimpleSavedObject` class
+constructor(client: SavedObjectsClient, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion }: SavedObjectType<T>);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  client | <code>SavedObjectsClient</code> |  |
+|  { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion } | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [\_version](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.\_version property
-_version?: SavedObjectType<T>['version'];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [\_version](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.\_version property
+_version?: SavedObjectType<T>['version'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.delete() method
-delete(): Promise<{}>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.delete() method
+delete(): Promise<{}>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.error property
-error: SavedObjectType<T>['error'];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.error property
+error: SavedObjectType<T>['error'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.get() method
-get(key: string): any;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.get() method
+get(key: string): any;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [has](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.has() method
-has(key: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [has](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.has() method
+has(key: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: SavedObjectType<T>['id'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: SavedObjectType<T>['id'];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./
-## SimpleSavedObject class
-This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.
-It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations.
-export declare class SimpleSavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(client, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion })](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>SimpleSavedObject</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\_version](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['version']</code> |  |
-|  [attributes](./ |  | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [error](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['error']</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['id']</code> |  |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['migrationVersion']</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['references']</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['type']</code> |  |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [delete()](./ |  |  |
-|  [get(key)](./ |  |  |
-|  [has(key)](./ |  |  |
-|  [save()](./ |  |  |
-|  [set(key, value)](./ |  |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./
+## SimpleSavedObject class
+This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.
+It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations.
+export declare class SimpleSavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(client, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion })](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>SimpleSavedObject</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\_version](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['version']</code> |  |
+|  [attributes](./ |  | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [error](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['error']</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['id']</code> |  |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['migrationVersion']</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['references']</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['type']</code> |  |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [delete()](./ |  |  |
+|  [get(key)](./ |  |  |
+|  [has(key)](./ |  |  |
+|  [save()](./ |  |  |
+|  [set(key, value)](./ |  |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.migrationVersion property
-migrationVersion: SavedObjectType<T>['migrationVersion'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.migrationVersion property
+migrationVersion: SavedObjectType<T>['migrationVersion'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.references property
-references: SavedObjectType<T>['references'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.references property
+references: SavedObjectType<T>['references'];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [save](./
-## method
-save(): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [save](./
+## method
+save(): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [set](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.set() method
-set(key: string, value: any): T;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  value | <code>any</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [set](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.set() method
+set(key: string, value: any): T;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  value | <code>any</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.type property
-type: SavedObjectType<T>['type'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.type property
+type: SavedObjectType<T>['type'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
-## StringValidation type
-Allows regex objects or a regex string
-export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
+## StringValidation type
+Allows regex objects or a regex string
+export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
-## StringValidationRegex interface
-StringValidation with regex object
-export interface StringValidationRegex 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
+## StringValidationRegex interface
+StringValidation with regex object
+export interface StringValidationRegex 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegex.message property
-message: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegex.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
-## StringValidationRegex.regex property
-regex: RegExp;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
+## StringValidationRegex.regex property
+regex: RegExp;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString interface
-StringValidation as regex string
-export interface StringValidationRegexString 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString interface
+StringValidation as regex string
+export interface StringValidationRegexString 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.message property
-message: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
-regexString: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
+regexString: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Toast](./
-## Toast type
-export declare type Toast = ToastInputFields & {
-    id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Toast](./
+## Toast type
+export declare type Toast = ToastInputFields & {
+    id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInput](./
-## ToastInput type
-Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs.
-export declare type ToastInput = string | ToastInputFields;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInput](./
+## ToastInput type
+Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs.
+export declare type ToastInput = string | ToastInputFields;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInputFields](./
-## ToastInputFields type
-Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ToastInputFields = Pick<EuiToast, Exclude<keyof EuiToast, 'id' | 'text' | 'title'>> & {
-    title?: string | MountPoint;
-    text?: string | MountPoint;
-## Remarks
-`id` cannot be specified.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInputFields](./
+## ToastInputFields type
+Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ToastInputFields = Pick<EuiToast, Exclude<keyof EuiToast, 'id' | 'text' | 'title'>> & {
+    title?: string | MountPoint;
+    text?: string | MountPoint;
+## Remarks
+`id` cannot be specified.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ToastsApi.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ToastsApi` class
-constructor(deps: {
-        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-    });
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  deps | <code>{</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ToastsApi.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ToastsApi` class
+constructor(deps: {
+        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+    });
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  deps | <code>{</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [add](./
-## ToastsApi.add() method
-Adds a new toast to current array of toast.
-add(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [add](./
+## ToastsApi.add() method
+Adds a new toast to current array of toast.
+add(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addDanger](./
-## ToastsApi.addDanger() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon.
-addDanger(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addDanger](./
+## ToastsApi.addDanger() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon.
+addDanger(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addError](./
-## ToastsApi.addError() method
-Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal.
-addError(error: Error, options: ErrorToastOptions): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> | an <code>Error</code> instance. |
-|  options | <code>ErrorToastOptions</code> | [ErrorToastOptions](./ |
-a [Toast](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addError](./
+## ToastsApi.addError() method
+Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal.
+addError(error: Error, options: ErrorToastOptions): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> | an <code>Error</code> instance. |
+|  options | <code>ErrorToastOptions</code> | [ErrorToastOptions](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addSuccess](./
-## ToastsApi.addSuccess() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon.
-addSuccess(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addSuccess](./
+## ToastsApi.addSuccess() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon.
+addSuccess(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addWarning](./
-## ToastsApi.addWarning() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon.
-addWarning(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addWarning](./
+## ToastsApi.addWarning() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon.
+addWarning(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## ToastsApi.get$() method
-Observable of the toast messages to show to the user.
-get$(): Rx.Observable<Toast[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## ToastsApi.get$() method
+Observable of the toast messages to show to the user.
+get$(): Rx.Observable<Toast[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./
-## ToastsApi class
-Methods for adding and removing global toast messages.
-export declare class ToastsApi implements IToasts 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(deps)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ToastsApi</code> class |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [add(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast to current array of toast. |
-|  [addDanger(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon. |
-|  [addError(error, options)](./ |  | Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal. |
-|  [addSuccess(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon. |
-|  [addWarning(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon. |
-|  [get$()](./ |  | Observable of the toast messages to show to the user. |
-|  [remove(toastOrId)](./ |  | Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./
+## ToastsApi class
+Methods for adding and removing global toast messages.
+export declare class ToastsApi implements IToasts 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(deps)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ToastsApi</code> class |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [add(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast to current array of toast. |
+|  [addDanger(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon. |
+|  [addError(error, options)](./ |  | Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal. |
+|  [addSuccess(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon. |
+|  [addWarning(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon. |
+|  [get$()](./ |  | Observable of the toast messages to show to the user. |
+|  [remove(toastOrId)](./ |  | Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## ToastsApi.remove() method
-Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present.
-remove(toastOrId: Toast | string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrId | <code>Toast &#124; string</code> | a [Toast](./ returned by [ToastsApi.add()](./ or its id |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## ToastsApi.remove() method
+Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present.
+remove(toastOrId: Toast | string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrId | <code>Toast &#124; string</code> | a [Toast](./ returned by [ToastsApi.add()](./ or its id |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsSetup](./
-## ToastsSetup type
-export declare type ToastsSetup = IToasts;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsSetup](./
+## ToastsSetup type
+export declare type ToastsSetup = IToasts;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsStart](./
-## ToastsStart type
-export declare type ToastsStart = IToasts;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsStart](./
+## ToastsStart type
+export declare type ToastsStart = IToasts;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
-## UiSettingsParams.category property
-used to group the configured setting in the UI
-category?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
+## UiSettingsParams.category property
+used to group the configured setting in the UI
+category?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
-optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
-deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
+optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
+deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
-## UiSettingsParams.description property
-description provided to a user in UI
-description?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
+## UiSettingsParams.description property
+description provided to a user in UI
+description?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
-## UiSettingsParams interface
-UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
-export interface UiSettingsParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
-|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
-|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
-|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
-|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
-|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
-|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
-|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
-|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
-|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
+## UiSettingsParams interface
+UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
+export interface UiSettingsParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
+|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
+|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
+|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
+|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
+|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
+|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
+|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
+|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
+|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-title in the UI
-name?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+title in the UI
+name?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
-## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
-text labels for 'select' type UI element
-optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
+## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
+text labels for 'select' type UI element
+optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
-## UiSettingsParams.options property
-array of permitted values for this setting
-options?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
+## UiSettingsParams.options property
+array of permitted values for this setting
+options?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
-## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
-a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
-readonly?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
+## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
+a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
+readonly?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
-## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
-a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
-requiresPageReload?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
+## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
+a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
+requiresPageReload?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
-## UiSettingsParams.type property
-defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
-type?: UiSettingsType;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
+## UiSettingsParams.type property
+defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
+type?: UiSettingsType;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.validation property
-validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.validation property
+validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
-## UiSettingsParams.value property
-default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
-value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
+## UiSettingsParams.value property
+default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
+value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsState](./
-## UiSettingsState interface
-export interface UiSettingsState 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsState](./
+## UiSettingsState interface
+export interface UiSettingsState 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
-## UiSettingsType type
-UI element type to represent the settings.
-export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
+## UiSettingsType type
+UI element type to represent the settings.
+export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UnmountCallback](./
-## UnmountCallback type
-A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./
-export declare type UnmountCallback = () => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UnmountCallback](./
+## UnmountCallback type
+A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./
+export declare type UnmountCallback = () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
-isOverridden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
+isOverridden?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
-## UserProvidedValues interface
-Describes the values explicitly set by user.
-export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
+## UserProvidedValues interface
+Describes the values explicitly set by user.
+export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
-## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
-userValue?: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
+## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
+userValue?: T;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-## API Reference
-## Packages
-|  Package | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibana-plugin-server](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin requires a <code>kibana.json</code> file at it's root directory that follows  to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>server/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+## API Reference
+## Packages
+|  Package | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibana-plugin-server](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin requires a <code>kibana.json</code> file at it's root directory that follows  to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>server/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [APICaller](./
-## APICaller interface
-export interface APICaller 
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [APICaller](./
+## APICaller interface
+export interface APICaller 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ &gt; [indices](./
-## AssistanceAPIResponse.indices property
-indices: {
-        [indexName: string]: {
-            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;
-        };
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ &gt; [indices](./
+## AssistanceAPIResponse.indices property
+indices: {
+        [indexName: string]: {
+            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;
+        };
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./
-## AssistanceAPIResponse interface
-export interface AssistanceAPIResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [indices](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [indexName: string]: {</code><br/><code>            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./
+## AssistanceAPIResponse interface
+export interface AssistanceAPIResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [indices](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [indexName: string]: {</code><br/><code>            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams interface
-export interface AssistantAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/assistance'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./
+## AssistantAPIClientParams interface
+export interface AssistantAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/assistance'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams.method property
-method: 'GET';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
+## AssistantAPIClientParams.method property
+method: 'GET';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams.path property
-path: '/_migration/assistance';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
+## AssistantAPIClientParams.path property
+path: '/_migration/assistance';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./
-## Authenticated interface
-export interface Authenticated extends AuthResultParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AuthResultType.authenticated</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./
+## Authenticated interface
+export interface Authenticated extends AuthResultParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AuthResultType.authenticated</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./ &gt; [type](./
-## Authenticated.type property
-type: AuthResultType.authenticated;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./ &gt; [type](./
+## Authenticated.type property
+type: AuthResultType.authenticated;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthenticationHandler](./
-## AuthenticationHandler type
-See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type AuthenticationHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: AuthToolkit) => AuthResult | IKibanaResponse | Promise<AuthResult | IKibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthenticationHandler](./
+## AuthenticationHandler type
+See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type AuthenticationHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: AuthToolkit) => AuthResult | IKibanaResponse | Promise<AuthResult | IKibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthHeaders](./
-## AuthHeaders type
-Auth Headers map
-export declare type AuthHeaders = Record<string, string | string[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthHeaders](./
+## AuthHeaders type
+Auth Headers map
+export declare type AuthHeaders = Record<string, string | string[]>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResult](./
-## AuthResult type
-export declare type AuthResult = Authenticated;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResult](./
+## AuthResult type
+export declare type AuthResult = Authenticated;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./
-## AuthResultParams interface
-Result of an incoming request authentication.
-export interface AuthResultParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [requestHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user. |
-|  [responseHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed. |
-|  [state](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./
+## AuthResultParams interface
+Result of an incoming request authentication.
+export interface AuthResultParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [requestHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user. |
+|  [responseHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed. |
+|  [state](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [requestHeaders](./
-## AuthResultParams.requestHeaders property
-Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user.
-requestHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [requestHeaders](./
+## AuthResultParams.requestHeaders property
+Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user.
+requestHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [responseHeaders](./
-## AuthResultParams.responseHeaders property
-Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed.
-responseHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [responseHeaders](./
+## AuthResultParams.responseHeaders property
+Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed.
+responseHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [state](./
-## AuthResultParams.state property
-Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data.
-state?: Record<string, any>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [state](./
+## AuthResultParams.state property
+Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data.
+state?: Record<string, any>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultType](./
-## AuthResultType enum
-export declare enum AuthResultType 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultType](./
+## AuthResultType enum
+export declare enum AuthResultType 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthStatus](./
-## AuthStatus enum
-Status indicating an outcome of the authentication.
-export declare enum AuthStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor successfully authenticated a user |
-|  unauthenticated | <code>&quot;unauthenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor failed user authentication |
-|  unknown | <code>&quot;unknown&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor has not been registered |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthStatus](./
+## AuthStatus enum
+Status indicating an outcome of the authentication.
+export declare enum AuthStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor successfully authenticated a user |
+|  unauthenticated | <code>&quot;unauthenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor failed user authentication |
+|  unknown | <code>&quot;unknown&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor has not been registered |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./ &gt; [authenticated](./
-## AuthToolkit.authenticated property
-Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through
-authenticated: (data?: AuthResultParams) => AuthResult;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./ &gt; [authenticated](./
+## AuthToolkit.authenticated property
+Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through
+authenticated: (data?: AuthResultParams) => AuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./
-## AuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface AuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authenticated](./ | <code>(data?: AuthResultParams) =&gt; AuthResult</code> | Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./
+## AuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface AuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authenticated](./ | <code>(data?: AuthResultParams) =&gt; AuthResult</code> | Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
-## BasePath.get property
-returns `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
-get: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
+## BasePath.get property
+returns `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
+get: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./
-## BasePath class
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
-export declare class BasePath 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BasePath` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;) =&gt; string</code> | returns <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
-|  [prepend](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
-|  [remove](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
-|  [serverBasePath](./ |  | <code>string</code> | returns the server's basePath<!-- -->See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request |
-|  [set](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;, requestSpecificBasePath: string) =&gt; void</code> | sets <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./
+## BasePath class
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
+export declare class BasePath 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BasePath` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;) =&gt; string</code> | returns <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
+|  [prepend](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
+|  [remove](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
+|  [serverBasePath](./ |  | <code>string</code> | returns the server's basePath<!-- -->See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request |
+|  [set](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;, requestSpecificBasePath: string) =&gt; void</code> | sets <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
-## BasePath.prepend property
-Prepends `path` with the basePath.
-prepend: (path: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
+## BasePath.prepend property
+Prepends `path` with the basePath.
+prepend: (path: string) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## BasePath.remove property
-Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
-remove: (path: string) => string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## BasePath.remove property
+Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
+remove: (path: string) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [serverBasePath](./
-## BasePath.serverBasePath property
-returns the server's basePath
-See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request
-readonly serverBasePath: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [serverBasePath](./
+## BasePath.serverBasePath property
+returns the server's basePath
+See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request
+readonly serverBasePath: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [set](./
-## BasePath.set property
-sets `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
-set: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, requestSpecificBasePath: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [set](./
+## BasePath.set property
+sets `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
+set: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, requestSpecificBasePath: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./
-## CallAPIOptions interface
-The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed.
-export interface CallAPIOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal</code> | A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object. |
-|  [wrap401Errors](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether <code>401 Unauthorized</code> errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into <code>Boom</code> error instances with properly set <code>WWW-Authenticate</code> header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then <code>Basic realm=&quot;Authorization Required&quot;</code> is used as <code>WWW-Authenticate</code>. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./
+## CallAPIOptions interface
+The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed.
+export interface CallAPIOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal</code> | A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object. |
+|  [wrap401Errors](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether <code>401 Unauthorized</code> errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into <code>Boom</code> error instances with properly set <code>WWW-Authenticate</code> header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then <code>Basic realm=&quot;Authorization Required&quot;</code> is used as <code>WWW-Authenticate</code>. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [signal](./
-## CallAPIOptions.signal property
-A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object.
-signal?: AbortSignal;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [signal](./
+## CallAPIOptions.signal property
+A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object.
+signal?: AbortSignal;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [wrap401Errors](./
-## CallAPIOptions.wrap401Errors property
-Indicates whether `401 Unauthorized` errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into `Boom` error instances with properly set `WWW-Authenticate` header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then `Basic realm="Authorization Required"` is used as `WWW-Authenticate`<!-- -->.
-wrap401Errors?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [wrap401Errors](./
+## CallAPIOptions.wrap401Errors property
+Indicates whether `401 Unauthorized` errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into `Boom` error instances with properly set `WWW-Authenticate` header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then `Basic realm="Authorization Required"` is used as `WWW-Authenticate`<!-- -->.
+wrap401Errors?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
-## Capabilities.catalogue property
-Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
-catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
+## Capabilities.catalogue property
+Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
+catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
-## property
-Management section capabilities.
-management: {
-        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
-    };
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+## property
+Management section capabilities.
+management: {
+        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
-## Capabilities interface
-The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
-export interface Capabilities 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
-|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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+## Capabilities interface
+The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
+export interface Capabilities 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
+|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## Capabilities.navLinks property
-Navigation link capabilities.
-navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## Capabilities.navLinks property
+Navigation link capabilities.
+navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesProvider](./
-## CapabilitiesProvider type
-See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-export declare type CapabilitiesProvider = () => Partial<Capabilities>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesProvider](./
+## CapabilitiesProvider type
+See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+export declare type CapabilitiesProvider = () => Partial<Capabilities>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup interface
-APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.
-Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the `registerProvider` method.
-Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the `registerSwitcher` method.
-Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples.
-export interface CapabilitiesSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [registerProvider(provider)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them. |
-|  [registerSwitcher(switcher)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.<!-- -->A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup interface
+APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.
+Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the `registerProvider` method.
+Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the `registerSwitcher` method.
+Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples.
+export interface CapabilitiesSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [registerProvider(provider)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them. |
+|  [registerSwitcher(switcher)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.<!-- -->A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerProvider](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup.registerProvider() method
-Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them.
-registerProvider(provider: CapabilitiesProvider): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  provider | <code>CapabilitiesProvider</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to register a plugin's capabilities during setup
-// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
-public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
-   core.capabilities.registerProvider(() => {
-     return {
-       catalogue: {
-         myPlugin: true,
-       },
-       myPlugin: {
-         someFeature: true,
-         featureDisabledByDefault: false,
-       },
-     }
-   });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerProvider](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup.registerProvider() method
+Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them.
+registerProvider(provider: CapabilitiesProvider): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  provider | <code>CapabilitiesProvider</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to register a plugin's capabilities during setup
+// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
+public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
+   core.capabilities.registerProvider(() => {
+     return {
+       catalogue: {
+         myPlugin: true,
+       },
+       myPlugin: {
+         someFeature: true,
+         featureDisabledByDefault: false,
+       },
+     }
+   });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerSwitcher](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup.registerSwitcher() method
-Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.
-A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored.
-registerSwitcher(switcher: CapabilitiesSwitcher): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  switcher | <code>CapabilitiesSwitcher</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to restrict some capabilities
-// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
-public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
-   core.capabilities.registerSwitcher((request, capabilities) => {
-     if(myPluginApi.shouldRestrictSomePluginBecauseOf(request)) {
-       return {
-         somePlugin: {
-           featureEnabledByDefault: false // `featureEnabledByDefault` will be disabled. All other capabilities will remain unchanged.
-         }
-       }
-     }
-     return {}; // All capabilities will remain unchanged.
-   });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerSwitcher](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup.registerSwitcher() method
+Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.
+A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored.
+registerSwitcher(switcher: CapabilitiesSwitcher): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  switcher | <code>CapabilitiesSwitcher</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to restrict some capabilities
+// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
+public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
+   core.capabilities.registerSwitcher((request, capabilities) => {
+     if(myPluginApi.shouldRestrictSomePluginBecauseOf(request)) {
+       return {
+         somePlugin: {
+           featureEnabledByDefault: false // `featureEnabledByDefault` will be disabled. All other capabilities will remain unchanged.
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     return {}; // All capabilities will remain unchanged.
+   });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./
-## CapabilitiesStart interface
-APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->.
-export interface CapabilitiesStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [resolveCapabilities(request)](./ | Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./
+## CapabilitiesStart interface
+APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->.
+export interface CapabilitiesStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [resolveCapabilities(request)](./ | Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./ &gt; [resolveCapabilities](./
-## CapabilitiesStart.resolveCapabilities() method
-Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request
-resolveCapabilities(request: KibanaRequest): Promise<Capabilities>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./ &gt; [resolveCapabilities](./
+## CapabilitiesStart.resolveCapabilities() method
+Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request
+resolveCapabilities(request: KibanaRequest): Promise<Capabilities>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./
-## CapabilitiesSwitcher type
-See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-export declare type CapabilitiesSwitcher = (request: KibanaRequest, uiCapabilities: Capabilities) => Partial<Capabilities> | Promise<Partial<Capabilities>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./
+## CapabilitiesSwitcher type
+See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+export declare type CapabilitiesSwitcher = (request: KibanaRequest, uiCapabilities: Capabilities) => Partial<Capabilities> | Promise<Partial<Capabilities>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ClusterClient.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ClusterClient` class
-constructor(config: ElasticsearchClientConfig, log: Logger, getAuthHeaders?: GetAuthHeaders);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  config | <code>ElasticsearchClientConfig</code> |  |
-|  log | <code>Logger</code> |  |
-|  getAuthHeaders | <code>GetAuthHeaders</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ClusterClient.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ClusterClient` class
+constructor(config: ElasticsearchClientConfig, log: Logger, getAuthHeaders?: GetAuthHeaders);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  config | <code>ElasticsearchClientConfig</code> |  |
+|  log | <code>Logger</code> |  |
+|  getAuthHeaders | <code>GetAuthHeaders</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
-## ClusterClient.asScoped() method
-Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed.
-asScoped(request?: ScopeableRequest): IScopedClusterClient;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>ScopeableRequest</code> | Request the <code>IScopedClusterClient</code> instance will be scoped to. Supports request optionality, Legacy.Request &amp; FakeRequest for BWC with LegacyPlatform |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
+## ClusterClient.asScoped() method
+Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed.
+asScoped(request?: ScopeableRequest): IScopedClusterClient;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>ScopeableRequest</code> | Request the <code>IScopedClusterClient</code> instance will be scoped to. Supports request optionality, Legacy.Request &amp; FakeRequest for BWC with LegacyPlatform |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
-## ClusterClient.callAsInternalUser property
-Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsInternalUser: APICaller;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
+## ClusterClient.callAsInternalUser property
+Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsInternalUser: APICaller;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [close](./
-## ClusterClient.close() method
-Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API.
-close(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [close](./
+## ClusterClient.close() method
+Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API.
+close(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./
-## ClusterClient class
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare class ClusterClient implements IClusterClient 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(config, log, getAuthHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ClusterClient</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [callAsInternalUser](./ |  | <code>APICaller</code> | Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asScoped(request)](./ |  | Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed. |
-|  [close()](./ |  | Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./
+## ClusterClient class
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare class ClusterClient implements IClusterClient 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(config, log, getAuthHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ClusterClient</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [callAsInternalUser](./ |  | <code>APICaller</code> | Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asScoped(request)](./ |  | Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed. |
+|  [close()](./ |  | Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecation](./
-## ConfigDeprecation type
-Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration.
-export declare type ConfigDeprecation = (config: Record<string, any>, fromPath: string, logger: ConfigDeprecationLogger) => Record<string, any>;
-## Remarks
-This should only be manually implemented if [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ does not provide the proper helpers for a specific deprecation need.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecation](./
+## ConfigDeprecation type
+Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration.
+export declare type ConfigDeprecation = (config: Record<string, any>, fromPath: string, logger: ConfigDeprecationLogger) => Record<string, any>;
+## Remarks
+This should only be manually implemented if [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ does not provide the proper helpers for a specific deprecation need.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory interface
-Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.
-See methods documentation for more detailed examples.
-export interface ConfigDeprecationFactory 
-## Example
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [rename(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied. |
-|  [renameFromRoot(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead. |
-|  [unused(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied. |
-|  [unusedFromRoot(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory interface
+Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.
+See methods documentation for more detailed examples.
+export interface ConfigDeprecationFactory 
+## Example
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [rename(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied. |
+|  [renameFromRoot(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead. |
+|  [unused(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied. |
+|  [unusedFromRoot(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [rename](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.rename() method
-Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
-rename(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Rename 'myplugin.oldKey' to 'myplugin.newKey'
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [rename](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.rename() method
+Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
+rename(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Rename 'myplugin.oldKey' to 'myplugin.newKey'
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [renameFromRoot](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.renameFromRoot() method
-Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
-This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead.
-renameFromRoot(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Rename 'oldplugin.key' to 'newplugin.key'
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ renameFromRoot }) => [
-  renameFromRoot('oldplugin.key', 'newplugin.key'),
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [renameFromRoot](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.renameFromRoot() method
+Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
+This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead.
+renameFromRoot(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Rename 'oldplugin.key' to 'newplugin.key'
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ renameFromRoot }) => [
+  renameFromRoot('oldplugin.key', 'newplugin.key'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unused](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unused() method
-Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
-unused(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Flags 'myplugin.deprecatedKey' as unused
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unused }) => [
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unused](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unused() method
+Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
+unused(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Flags 'myplugin.deprecatedKey' as unused
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unused }) => [
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unusedFromRoot](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unusedFromRoot() method
-Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
-This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead.
-unusedFromRoot(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Flags 'somepath.deprecatedProperty' as unused
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unusedFromRoot }) => [
-  unusedFromRoot('somepath.deprecatedProperty'),
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unusedFromRoot](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unusedFromRoot() method
+Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
+This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead.
+unusedFromRoot(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Flags 'somepath.deprecatedProperty' as unused
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unusedFromRoot }) => [
+  unusedFromRoot('somepath.deprecatedProperty'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./
-## ConfigDeprecationLogger type
-Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./
-export declare type ConfigDeprecationLogger = (message: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./
+## ConfigDeprecationLogger type
+Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./
+export declare type ConfigDeprecationLogger = (message: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./
-## ConfigDeprecationProvider type
-A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.
-See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples.
-export declare type ConfigDeprecationProvider = (factory: ConfigDeprecationFactory) => ConfigDeprecation[];
-## Example
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
-  myCustomDeprecation,
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./
+## ConfigDeprecationProvider type
+A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.
+See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples.
+export declare type ConfigDeprecationProvider = (factory: ConfigDeprecationFactory) => ConfigDeprecation[];
+## Example
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
+  myCustomDeprecation,
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigPath](./
-## ConfigPath type
-export declare type ConfigPath = string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigPath](./
+## ConfigPath type
+export declare type ConfigPath = string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
-## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
-Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
-createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
+## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
+Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
+createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
-## ContextSetup interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface ContextSetup 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Example
-Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
-export interface VizRenderContext {
-  core: {
-    i18n: I18nStart;
-    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-  }
-  [contextName: string]: unknown;
-export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
-type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-class VizRenderingPlugin {
-  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
-  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
-        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
-    };
-  }
-  start(core) {
-    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
-    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
-      i18n: core.i18n,
-      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
-    }));
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
-        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
-          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
-        }
-        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
-        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
-        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
-        return handler(domElement);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
+## ContextSetup interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface ContextSetup 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Example
+Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
+export interface VizRenderContext {
+  core: {
+    i18n: I18nStart;
+    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+  }
+  [contextName: string]: unknown;
+export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
+type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+class VizRenderingPlugin {
+  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
+  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
+        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
+    };
+  }
+  start(core) {
+    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
+    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
+      i18n: core.i18n,
+      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
+    }));
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
+        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
+          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
+        }
+        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
+        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
+        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
+        return handler(domElement);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## CoreSetup.capabilities property
-capabilities: CapabilitiesSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## CoreSetup.capabilities property
+capabilities: CapabilitiesSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
-## CoreSetup.context property
-context: ContextSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
+## CoreSetup.context property
+context: ContextSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [elasticsearch](./
-## CoreSetup.elasticsearch property
-elasticsearch: ElasticsearchServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [elasticsearch](./
+## CoreSetup.elasticsearch property
+elasticsearch: ElasticsearchServiceSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
-## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
-Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->. This should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed after `start` lifecycle.
-getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
-`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
+## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
+Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->. This should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed after `start` lifecycle.
+getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
+`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreSetup.http property
-http: HttpServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreSetup.http property
+http: HttpServiceSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
-## CoreSetup interface
-Context passed to the plugins `setup` method.
-export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesSetup</code> | [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
-|  [elasticsearch](./ | <code>ElasticsearchServiceSetup</code> | [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpServiceSetup</code> | [HttpServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceSetup</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceSetup</code> | [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [uuid](./ | <code>UuidServiceSetup</code> | [UuidServiceSetup](./ |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. This should only be used inside handlers registered during <code>setup</code> that will only be executed after <code>start</code> lifecycle. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
+## CoreSetup interface
+Context passed to the plugins `setup` method.
+export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesSetup</code> | [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
+|  [elasticsearch](./ | <code>ElasticsearchServiceSetup</code> | [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpServiceSetup</code> | [HttpServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceSetup</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceSetup</code> | [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [uuid](./ | <code>UuidServiceSetup</code> | [UuidServiceSetup](./ |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. This should only be used inside handlers registered during <code>setup</code> that will only be executed after <code>start</code> lifecycle. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreSetup.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreSetup.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceSetup;
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index 2b9077735d8e3..45adf1262470d 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uuid](./
-## CoreSetup.uuid property
-uuid: UuidServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uuid](./
+## CoreSetup.uuid property
+uuid: UuidServiceSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 03930d367ee75..937f5f76cd803 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## CoreStart.capabilities property
-capabilities: CapabilitiesStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## CoreStart.capabilities property
+capabilities: CapabilitiesStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
-## CoreStart interface
-Context passed to the plugins `start` method.
-export interface CoreStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesStart</code> | [CapabilitiesStart](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceStart</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceStart</code> | [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
+## CoreStart interface
+Context passed to the plugins `start` method.
+export interface CoreStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesStart</code> | [CapabilitiesStart](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceStart</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceStart</code> | [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |
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index 531b04e9eed07..516dd3d9532d4 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreStart.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreStart.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceStart;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreStart.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreStart.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceStart;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [DEFAULT](./
-## CspConfig.DEFAULT property
-static readonly DEFAULT: CspConfig;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [DEFAULT](./
+## CspConfig.DEFAULT property
+static readonly DEFAULT: CspConfig;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
-## CspConfig.header property
-readonly header: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
+## CspConfig.header property
+readonly header: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./
-## CspConfig class
-CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
-export declare class CspConfig implements ICspConfig 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CspConfig` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [DEFAULT](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>CspConfig</code> |  |
-|  [header](./ |  | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [rules](./ |  | <code>string[]</code> |  |
-|  [strict](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./
+## CspConfig class
+CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
+export declare class CspConfig implements ICspConfig 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CspConfig` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [DEFAULT](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>CspConfig</code> |  |
+|  [header](./ |  | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [rules](./ |  | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+|  [strict](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
-## CspConfig.rules property
-readonly rules: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
+## CspConfig.rules property
+readonly rules: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
-## CspConfig.strict property
-readonly strict: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
+## CspConfig.strict property
+readonly strict: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
-## CspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
-readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
+## CspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
+readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code.
-export interface CustomHttpResponseOptions<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>T</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code.
+export interface CustomHttpResponseOptions<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>T</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams interface
-export interface DeprecationAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/deprecations'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams interface
+export interface DeprecationAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/deprecations'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams.method property
-method: 'GET';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams.method property
+method: 'GET';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams.path property
-path: '/_migration/deprecations';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams.path property
+path: '/_migration/deprecations';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [cluster\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.cluster\_settings property
-cluster_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [cluster\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.cluster\_settings property
+cluster_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [index\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.index\_settings property
-index_settings: IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [index\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.index\_settings property
+index_settings: IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse interface
-export interface DeprecationAPIResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [cluster\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
-|  [index\_settings](./ | <code>IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo</code> |  |
-|  [ml\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
-|  [node\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse interface
+export interface DeprecationAPIResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [cluster\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
+|  [index\_settings](./ | <code>IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo</code> |  |
+|  [ml\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
+|  [node\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [ml\_settings](./
-##\_settings property
-ml_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [ml\_settings](./
+##\_settings property
+ml_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [node\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.node\_settings property
-node_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [node\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.node\_settings property
+node_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [details](./
-## DeprecationInfo.details property
-details?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [details](./
+## DeprecationInfo.details property
+details?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [level](./
-## DeprecationInfo.level property
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [level](./
+## DeprecationInfo.level property
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./
-## DeprecationInfo interface
-export interface DeprecationInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [details](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [level](./ | <code>MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL</code> |  |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./
+## DeprecationInfo interface
+export interface DeprecationInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [details](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [level](./ | <code>MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL</code> |  |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
-## DeprecationInfo.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
+## DeprecationInfo.message property
+message: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [url](./
-## DeprecationInfo.url property
-url: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [url](./
+## DeprecationInfo.url property
+url: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [docLinksKey](./
-## DeprecationSettings.docLinksKey property
-Key to documentation links
-docLinksKey: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [docLinksKey](./
+## DeprecationSettings.docLinksKey property
+Key to documentation links
+docLinksKey: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./
-## DeprecationSettings interface
-UiSettings deprecation field options.
-export interface DeprecationSettings 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [docLinksKey](./ | <code>string</code> | Key to documentation links |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> | Deprecation message |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./
+## DeprecationSettings interface
+UiSettings deprecation field options.
+export interface DeprecationSettings 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [docLinksKey](./ | <code>string</code> | Key to documentation links |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> | Deprecation message |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [message](./
-## DeprecationSettings.message property
-Deprecation message
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [message](./
+## DeprecationSettings.message property
+Deprecation message
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [configPath](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.configPath property
-Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
-readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [configPath](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin.configPath property
+Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
+readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-Identifier of the plugin.
-readonly id: PluginName;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+Identifier of the plugin.
+readonly id: PluginName;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin interface
-Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started.
-export interface DiscoveredPlugin 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. |
-|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
-|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin interface
+Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started.
+export interface DiscoveredPlugin 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. |
+|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
+|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.optionalPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
-readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin.optionalPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
+readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.requiredPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
-readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+## DiscoveredPlugin.requiredPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
+readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./
-## ElasticsearchClientConfig type
-export declare type ElasticsearchClientConfig = Pick<ConfigOptions, 'keepAlive' | 'log' | 'plugins'> & Pick<ElasticsearchConfig, 'apiVersion' | 'customHeaders' | 'logQueries' | 'requestHeadersWhitelist' | 'sniffOnStart' | 'sniffOnConnectionFault' | 'hosts' | 'username' | 'password'> & {
-    pingTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['pingTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['pingTimeout'];
-    requestTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['requestTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['requestTimeout'];
-    sniffInterval?: ElasticsearchConfig['sniffInterval'] | ConfigOptions['sniffInterval'];
-    ssl?: Partial<ElasticsearchConfig['ssl']>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./
+## ElasticsearchClientConfig type
+export declare type ElasticsearchClientConfig = Pick<ConfigOptions, 'keepAlive' | 'log' | 'plugins'> & Pick<ElasticsearchConfig, 'apiVersion' | 'customHeaders' | 'logQueries' | 'requestHeadersWhitelist' | 'sniffOnStart' | 'sniffOnConnectionFault' | 'hosts' | 'username' | 'password'> & {
+    pingTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['pingTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['pingTimeout'];
+    requestTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['requestTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['requestTimeout'];
+    sniffInterval?: ElasticsearchConfig['sniffInterval'] | ConfigOptions['sniffInterval'];
+    ssl?: Partial<ElasticsearchConfig['ssl']>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./ &gt; [\[code\]](./
-## ElasticsearchError.\[code\] property
-[code]?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./ &gt; [\[code\]](./
+## ElasticsearchError.\[code\] property
+[code]?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./
-## ElasticsearchError interface
-export interface ElasticsearchError extends Boom 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\[code\]](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./
+## ElasticsearchError interface
+export interface ElasticsearchError extends Boom 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\[code\]](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateNotAuthorizedError](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
-static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): ElasticsearchError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
+static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): ElasticsearchError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isNotAuthorizedError](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
-static isNotAuthorizedError(error: any): error is ElasticsearchError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
-`error is ElasticsearchError`
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+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
+static isNotAuthorizedError(error: any): error is ElasticsearchError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
+`error is ElasticsearchError`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers class
-Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as `body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]`
-export declare class ElasticsearchErrorHelpers 
-## Example
-Handle errors
-try {
-  await client.asScoped(request).callAsCurrentUser(...);
-} catch (err) {
-  if (ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(err)) {
-    const authHeader = err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate'];
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers class
+Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as `body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]`
+export declare class ElasticsearchErrorHelpers 
+## Example
+Handle errors
+try {
+  await client.asScoped(request).callAsCurrentUser(...);
+} catch (err) {
+  if (ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(err)) {
+    const authHeader = err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate'];
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [adminClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.adminClient property
-A client for the `admin` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly adminClient: IClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = core.elasticsearch.adminClient;
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+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.adminClient property
+A client for the `admin` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly adminClient: IClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = core.elasticsearch.adminClient;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.createClient property
-Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly createClient: (type: string, clientConfig?: Partial<ElasticsearchClientConfig>) => ICustomClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = elasticsearch.createCluster('my-app-name', config);
-const data = await client.callAsInternalUser();
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+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.createClient property
+Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly createClient: (type: string, clientConfig?: Partial<ElasticsearchClientConfig>) => ICustomClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = elasticsearch.createCluster('my-app-name', config);
+const data = await client.callAsInternalUser();
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [dataClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.dataClient property
-A client for the `data` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly dataClient: IClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = core.elasticsearch.dataClient;
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+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.dataClient property
+A client for the `data` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly dataClient: IClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = core.elasticsearch.dataClient;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup interface
-export interface ElasticsearchServiceSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [adminClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>admin</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [createClient](./ | <code>(type: string, clientConfig?: Partial&lt;ElasticsearchClientConfig&gt;) =&gt; ICustomClusterClient</code> | Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [dataClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>data</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
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+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup interface
+export interface ElasticsearchServiceSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [adminClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>admin</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [createClient](./ | <code>(type: string, clientConfig?: Partial&lt;ElasticsearchClientConfig&gt;) =&gt; ICustomClusterClient</code> | Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [dataClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>data</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
-## property
-dev: boolean;
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+## property
+dev: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
-## EnvironmentMode interface
-export interface EnvironmentMode 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
-|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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+## EnvironmentMode interface
+export interface EnvironmentMode 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
+|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: 'development' | 'production';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: 'development' | 'production';
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-## property
-prod: boolean;
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+## property
+prod: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: ResponseError;
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+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: ResponseError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters
-export interface ErrorHttpResponseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>ResponseError</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters
+export interface ErrorHttpResponseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>ResponseError</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [FakeRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## FakeRequest.headers property
-Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch
-headers: Headers;
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+## FakeRequest.headers property
+Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch
+headers: Headers;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [FakeRequest](./
-## FakeRequest interface
-Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins.
-export interface FakeRequest 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>Headers</code> | Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch |
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+## FakeRequest interface
+Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins.
+export interface FakeRequest 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>Headers</code> | Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthHeaders](./
-## GetAuthHeaders type
-Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch.
-export declare type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthHeaders](./
+## GetAuthHeaders type
+Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch.
+export declare type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthState](./
-## GetAuthState type
-Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
-export declare type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
-    status: AuthStatus;
-    state: T;
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+## GetAuthState type
+Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
+export declare type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
+    status: AuthStatus;
+    state: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
-## HandlerContextType type
-Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
-export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
+## HandlerContextType type
+Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
+export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
-## HandlerFunction type
-A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
-export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
+## HandlerFunction type
+A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
+export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
-## HandlerParameters type
-Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
+## HandlerParameters type
+Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Headers](./
-## Headers type
-Http request headers to read.
-export declare type Headers = {
-    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[] | undefined;
-} & {
-    [header: string]: string | string[] | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Headers](./
+## Headers type
+Http request headers to read.
+export declare type Headers = {
+    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[] | undefined;
+} & {
+    [header: string]: string | string[] | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: HttpResponsePayload;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## HttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: HttpResponsePayload;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./
-## HttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters
-export interface HttpResponseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>HttpResponsePayload</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./
+## HttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters
+export interface HttpResponseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>HttpResponsePayload</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponsePayload](./
-## HttpResponsePayload type
-Data send to the client as a response payload.
-export declare type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record<string, any> | Buffer | Stream;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponsePayload](./
+## HttpResponsePayload type
+Data send to the client as a response payload.
+export declare type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record<string, any> | Buffer | Stream;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [auth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.auth property
-auth: {
-        get: GetAuthState;
-        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [auth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.auth property
+auth: {
+        get: GetAuthState;
+        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.basePath property
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->.
-basePath: IBasePath;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.basePath property
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->.
+basePath: IBasePath;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.createCookieSessionStorageFactory property
-Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./
-createCookieSessionStorageFactory: <T>(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions<T>) => Promise<SessionStorageFactory<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.createCookieSessionStorageFactory property
+Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./
+createCookieSessionStorageFactory: <T>(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions<T>) => Promise<SessionStorageFactory<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createRouter](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.createRouter property
-Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method.
-createRouter: () => IRouter;
-## Remarks
-Each route can have only one handler function, which is executed when the route is matched. See the [IRouter](./ documentation for more information.
-## Example
-const router = createRouter();
-// handler is called when '/path' resource is requested with `GET` method
-router.get({ path: '/path', validate: false }, (context, req, res) => res.ok({ content: 'ok' }));
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createRouter](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.createRouter property
+Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method.
+createRouter: () => IRouter;
+## Remarks
+Each route can have only one handler function, which is executed when the route is matched. See the [IRouter](./ documentation for more information.
+## Example
+const router = createRouter();
+// handler is called when '/path' resource is requested with `GET` method
+router.get({ path: '/path', validate: false }, (context, req, res) => res.ok({ content: 'ok' }));
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [csp](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.csp property
-The CSP config used for Kibana.
-csp: ICspConfig;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [csp](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.csp property
+The CSP config used for Kibana.
+csp: ICspConfig;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [isTlsEnabled](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.isTlsEnabled property
-Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection.
-isTlsEnabled: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [isTlsEnabled](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.isTlsEnabled property
+Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection.
+isTlsEnabled: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./
-## HttpServiceSetup interface
-Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to `hapi` server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs.
-export interface HttpServiceSetup 
-## Example
-To handle an incoming request in your plugin you should: - Create a `Router` instance.
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-- Use `@kbn/config-schema` package to create a schema to validate the request `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, and `body`<!-- -->. Every incoming request will be validated against the created schema. If validation failed, the request is rejected with `400` status and `Bad request` error without calling the route's handler. To opt out of validating the request, specify `false`<!-- -->.
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-const validate = {
-  params: schema.object({
-    id: schema.string(),
-  }),
-- Declare a function to respond to incoming request. The function will receive `request` object containing request details: url, headers, matched route, as well as validated `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, `body`<!-- -->. And `response` object instructing HTTP server to create HTTP response with information sent back to the client as the response body, headers, and HTTP status. Unlike, `hapi` route handler in the Legacy platform, any exception raised during the handler call will generate `500 Server error` response and log error details for further investigation. See below for returning custom error responses.
-const handler = async (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest, response: ResponseFactory) => {
-  const data = await findObject(;
-  // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
-  if (!data) return response.notFound();
-  // creates a command to send found data to the client and set response headers
-  return response.ok({
-    body: data,
-    headers: {
-      'content-type': 'application/json'
-    }
-  });
-- Register route handler for GET request to 'path/<!-- -->{<!-- -->id<!-- -->}<!-- -->' path
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-const validate = {
-  params: schema.object({
-    id: schema.string(),
-  }),
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate
-async (context, request, response) => {
-  const data = await findObject(;
-  if (!data) return response.notFound();
-  return response.ok({
-    body: data,
-    headers: {
-      'content-type': 'application/json'
-    }
-  });
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [auth](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: GetAuthState;</code><br/><code>        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SessionStorageFactory&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./ |
-|  [createRouter](./ | <code>() =&gt; IRouter</code> | Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method. |
-|  [csp](./ | <code>ICspConfig</code> | The CSP config used for Kibana. |
-|  [isTlsEnabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection. |
-|  [registerAuth](./ | <code>(handler: AuthenticationHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPostAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPostAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPreAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPreResponse](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreResponseHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for the server response. |
-|  [registerRouteHandlerContext](./ | <code>&lt;T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext&gt;(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandlerContextContainer</code> | Register a context provider for a route handler. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./
+## HttpServiceSetup interface
+Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to `hapi` server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs.
+export interface HttpServiceSetup 
+## Example
+To handle an incoming request in your plugin you should: - Create a `Router` instance.
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+- Use `@kbn/config-schema` package to create a schema to validate the request `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, and `body`<!-- -->. Every incoming request will be validated against the created schema. If validation failed, the request is rejected with `400` status and `Bad request` error without calling the route's handler. To opt out of validating the request, specify `false`<!-- -->.
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+const validate = {
+  params: schema.object({
+    id: schema.string(),
+  }),
+- Declare a function to respond to incoming request. The function will receive `request` object containing request details: url, headers, matched route, as well as validated `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, `body`<!-- -->. And `response` object instructing HTTP server to create HTTP response with information sent back to the client as the response body, headers, and HTTP status. Unlike, `hapi` route handler in the Legacy platform, any exception raised during the handler call will generate `500 Server error` response and log error details for further investigation. See below for returning custom error responses.
+const handler = async (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest, response: ResponseFactory) => {
+  const data = await findObject(;
+  // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
+  if (!data) return response.notFound();
+  // creates a command to send found data to the client and set response headers
+  return response.ok({
+    body: data,
+    headers: {
+      'content-type': 'application/json'
+    }
+  });
+- Register route handler for GET request to 'path/<!-- -->{<!-- -->id<!-- -->}<!-- -->' path
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+const validate = {
+  params: schema.object({
+    id: schema.string(),
+  }),
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate
+async (context, request, response) => {
+  const data = await findObject(;
+  if (!data) return response.notFound();
+  return response.ok({
+    body: data,
+    headers: {
+      'content-type': 'application/json'
+    }
+  });
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [auth](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: GetAuthState;</code><br/><code>        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SessionStorageFactory&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./ |
+|  [createRouter](./ | <code>() =&gt; IRouter</code> | Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method. |
+|  [csp](./ | <code>ICspConfig</code> | The CSP config used for Kibana. |
+|  [isTlsEnabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection. |
+|  [registerAuth](./ | <code>(handler: AuthenticationHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPostAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPostAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPreAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPreResponse](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreResponseHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for the server response. |
+|  [registerRouteHandlerContext](./ | <code>&lt;T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext&gt;(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandlerContextContainer</code> | Register a context provider for a route handler. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerAuth property
-To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests.
-registerAuth: (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-A handler should return a state to associate with the incoming request. The state can be retrieved later via http.auth.get(..) Only one AuthenticationHandler can be registered. See [AuthenticationHandler](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerAuth property
+To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests.
+registerAuth: (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+A handler should return a state to associate with the incoming request. The state can be retrieved later via http.auth.get(..) Only one AuthenticationHandler can be registered. See [AuthenticationHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPostAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPostAuth property
-To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
-registerOnPostAuth: (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Runs the handler after Auth interceptor did make sure a user has access to the requested resource. The auth state is available at stage via http.auth.get(..) Can register any number of registerOnPreAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPostAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPostAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPostAuth property
+To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
+registerOnPostAuth: (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Runs the handler after Auth interceptor did make sure a user has access to the requested resource. The auth state is available at stage via http.auth.get(..) Can register any number of registerOnPreAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPostAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreAuth property
-To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
-registerOnPreAuth: (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Runs the handler before Auth interceptor performs a check that user has access to requested resources, so it's the only place when you can forward a request to another URL right on the server. Can register any number of registerOnPostAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPreAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreAuth property
+To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
+registerOnPreAuth: (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Runs the handler before Auth interceptor performs a check that user has access to requested resources, so it's the only place when you can forward a request to another URL right on the server. Can register any number of registerOnPostAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPreAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreResponse](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreResponse property
-To define custom logic to perform for the server response.
-registerOnPreResponse: (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Doesn't provide the whole response object. Supports extending response with custom headers. See [OnPreResponseHandler](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreResponse](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreResponse property
+To define custom logic to perform for the server response.
+registerOnPreResponse: (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Doesn't provide the whole response object. Supports extending response with custom headers. See [OnPreResponseHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerRouteHandlerContext](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerRouteHandlerContext property
-Register a context provider for a route handler.
-registerRouteHandlerContext: <T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext>(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider<T>) => RequestHandlerContextContainer;
-## Example
- // my-plugin.ts
- deps.http.registerRouteHandlerContext(
-   'myApp',
-   (context, req) => {
-    async function search (id: string) {
-      return await context.elasticsearch.adminClient.callAsInternalUser('endpoint', id);
-    }
-    return { search };
-   }
- );
-// my-route-handler.ts
- router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, async (context, req, res) => {
-   const response = await;
-   return res.ok(response);
- });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerRouteHandlerContext](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerRouteHandlerContext property
+Register a context provider for a route handler.
+registerRouteHandlerContext: <T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext>(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider<T>) => RequestHandlerContextContainer;
+## Example
+ // my-plugin.ts
+ deps.http.registerRouteHandlerContext(
+   'myApp',
+   (context, req) => {
+    async function search (id: string) {
+      return await context.elasticsearch.adminClient.callAsInternalUser('endpoint', id);
+    }
+    return { search };
+   }
+ );
+// my-route-handler.ts
+ router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, async (context, req, res) => {
+   const response = await;
+   return res.ok(response);
+ });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./ &gt; [isListening](./
-## HttpServiceStart.isListening property
-Indicates if http server is listening on a given port
-isListening: (port: number) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./ &gt; [isListening](./
+## HttpServiceStart.isListening property
+Indicates if http server is listening on a given port
+isListening: (port: number) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./
-## HttpServiceStart interface
-export interface HttpServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isListening](./ | <code>(port: number) =&gt; boolean</code> | Indicates if http server is listening on a given port |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./
+## HttpServiceStart interface
+export interface HttpServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isListening](./ | <code>(port: number) =&gt; boolean</code> | Indicates if http server is listening on a given port |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
-## IBasePath type
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
-export declare type IBasePath = Pick<BasePath, keyof BasePath>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
+## IBasePath type
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
+export declare type IBasePath = Pick<BasePath, keyof BasePath>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IClusterClient](./
-## IClusterClient type
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'asScoped'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IClusterClient](./
+## IClusterClient type
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'asScoped'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
-## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
-Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
-createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
-|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
-`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
-A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
+## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
+Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
+createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
+|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
+`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
+A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
-## IContextContainer interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
-|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
+## IContextContainer interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
+|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
-## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
-Register a new context provider.
-registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
-|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
-The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
-## Remarks
-The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
-Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
+## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
+Register a new context provider.
+registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
+|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
+The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
+## Remarks
+The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
+Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
-## IContextProvider type
-A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
-export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
-## Remarks
-This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
+## IContextProvider type
+A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
+export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
+## Remarks
+This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
-## ICspConfig.header property
-The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a `Content-Security-Policy` header.
-readonly header: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
+## ICspConfig.header property
+The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a `Content-Security-Policy` header.
+readonly header: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./
-## ICspConfig interface
-CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
-export interface ICspConfig 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [header](./ | <code>string</code> | The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a <code>Content-Security-Policy</code> header. |
-|  [rules](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The CSP rules used for Kibana. |
-|  [strict](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use <code>true</code> to block and <code>false</code> to allow. |
-|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./
+## ICspConfig interface
+CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
+export interface ICspConfig 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [header](./ | <code>string</code> | The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a <code>Content-Security-Policy</code> header. |
+|  [rules](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The CSP rules used for Kibana. |
+|  [strict](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use <code>true</code> to block and <code>false</code> to allow. |
+|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
-## ICspConfig.rules property
-The CSP rules used for Kibana.
-readonly rules: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
+## ICspConfig.rules property
+The CSP rules used for Kibana.
+readonly rules: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
-## ICspConfig.strict property
-Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use `true` to block and `false` to allow.
-readonly strict: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
+## ICspConfig.strict property
+Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use `true` to block and `false` to allow.
+readonly strict: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
-## ICspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
-Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance.
-readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
+## ICspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
+Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance.
+readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICustomClusterClient](./
-## ICustomClusterClient type
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ICustomClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'close' | 'asScoped'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICustomClusterClient](./
+## ICustomClusterClient type
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ICustomClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'close' | 'asScoped'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./
-## IKibanaResponse interface
-A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution
-export interface IKibanaResponse<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [options](./ | <code>HttpResponseOptions</code> |  |
-|  [payload](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [status](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./
+## IKibanaResponse interface
+A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution
+export interface IKibanaResponse<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [options](./ | <code>HttpResponseOptions</code> |  |
+|  [payload](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [status](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [options](./
-## IKibanaResponse.options property
-readonly options: HttpResponseOptions;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [options](./
+## IKibanaResponse.options property
+readonly options: HttpResponseOptions;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [payload](./
-## IKibanaResponse.payload property
-readonly payload?: T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [payload](./
+## IKibanaResponse.payload property
+readonly payload?: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [status](./
-## IKibanaResponse.status property
-readonly status: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [status](./
+## IKibanaResponse.status property
+readonly status: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorizationError](./
-## IKibanaSocket.authorizationError property
-The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when `authorized` is `false`<!-- -->.
-readonly authorizationError?: Error;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorizationError](./
+## IKibanaSocket.authorizationError property
+The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when `authorized` is `false`<!-- -->.
+readonly authorizationError?: Error;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorized](./
-## IKibanaSocket.authorized property
-Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is `undefined`<!-- -->.
-readonly authorized?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorized](./
+## IKibanaSocket.authorized property
+Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is `undefined`<!-- -->.
+readonly authorized?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>true</code> |  |
-`DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>true</code> |  |
+`DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-getPeerCertificate(detailed: false): PeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>false</code> |  |
-`PeerCertificate | null`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+getPeerCertificate(detailed: false): PeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>false</code> |  |
+`PeerCertificate | null`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null.
-getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>boolean</code> | If true; the full chain with issuer property will be returned. |
-`PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
-An object representing the peer's certificate.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null.
+getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>boolean</code> | If true; the full chain with issuer property will be returned. |
+`PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
+An object representing the peer's certificate.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./
-## IKibanaSocket interface
-A tiny abstraction for TCP socket.
-export interface IKibanaSocket 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authorizationError](./ | <code>Error</code> | The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when <code>authorized</code> is <code>false</code>. |
-|  [authorized](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is <code>undefined</code>. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ | Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./
+## IKibanaSocket interface
+A tiny abstraction for TCP socket.
+export interface IKibanaSocket 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authorizationError](./ | <code>Error</code> | The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when <code>authorized</code> is <code>false</code>. |
+|  [authorized](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is <code>undefined</code>. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ | Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
-## ImageValidation.maxSize property
-maxSize: {
-        length: number;
-        description: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
+## ImageValidation.maxSize property
+maxSize: {
+        length: number;
+        description: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
-## ImageValidation interface
-export interface ImageValidation 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
+## ImageValidation interface
+export interface ImageValidation 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./
-## IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo interface
-export interface IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./
+## IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo interface
+export interface IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./ &gt; [includeUserSettings](./
-## IRenderOptions.includeUserSettings property
-Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. `true` by default.
-includeUserSettings?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./ &gt; [includeUserSettings](./
+## IRenderOptions.includeUserSettings property
+Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. `true` by default.
+includeUserSettings?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./
-## IRenderOptions interface
-export interface IRenderOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [includeUserSettings](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. <code>true</code> by default. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./
+## IRenderOptions interface
+export interface IRenderOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [includeUserSettings](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. <code>true</code> by default. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## IRouter.delete property
-Register a route handler for `DELETE` request.
-delete: RouteRegistrar<'delete'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## IRouter.delete property
+Register a route handler for `DELETE` request.
+delete: RouteRegistrar<'delete'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IRouter.get property
-Register a route handler for `GET` request.
-get: RouteRegistrar<'get'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IRouter.get property
+Register a route handler for `GET` request.
+get: RouteRegistrar<'get'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [handleLegacyErrors](./
-## IRouter.handleLegacyErrors property
-Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors.
-handleLegacyErrors: <P, Q, B>(handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B>) => RequestHandler<P, Q, B>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [handleLegacyErrors](./
+## IRouter.handleLegacyErrors property
+Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors.
+handleLegacyErrors: <P, Q, B>(handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B>) => RequestHandler<P, Q, B>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./
-## IRouter interface
-Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations.
-export interface IRouter 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [delete](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'delete'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>DELETE</code> request. |
-|  [get](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'get'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>GET</code> request. |
-|  [handleLegacyErrors](./ | <code>&lt;P, Q, B&gt;(handler: RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;</code> | Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors. |
-|  [patch](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'patch'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PATCH</code> request. |
-|  [post](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'post'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>POST</code> request. |
-|  [put](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'put'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PUT</code> request. |
-|  [routerPath](./ | <code>string</code> | Resulted path |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./
+## IRouter interface
+Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations.
+export interface IRouter 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [delete](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'delete'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>DELETE</code> request. |
+|  [get](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'get'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>GET</code> request. |
+|  [handleLegacyErrors](./ | <code>&lt;P, Q, B&gt;(handler: RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;</code> | Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors. |
+|  [patch](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'patch'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PATCH</code> request. |
+|  [post](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'post'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>POST</code> request. |
+|  [put](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'put'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PUT</code> request. |
+|  [routerPath](./ | <code>string</code> | Resulted path |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [patch](./
-## IRouter.patch property
-Register a route handler for `PATCH` request.
-patch: RouteRegistrar<'patch'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [patch](./
+## IRouter.patch property
+Register a route handler for `PATCH` request.
+patch: RouteRegistrar<'patch'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [post](./
-## property
-Register a route handler for `POST` request.
-post: RouteRegistrar<'post'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [post](./
+## property
+Register a route handler for `POST` request.
+post: RouteRegistrar<'post'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [put](./
-## IRouter.put property
-Register a route handler for `PUT` request.
-put: RouteRegistrar<'put'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [put](./
+## IRouter.put property
+Register a route handler for `PUT` request.
+put: RouteRegistrar<'put'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [routerPath](./
-## IRouter.routerPath property
-Resulted path
-routerPath: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [routerPath](./
+## IRouter.routerPath property
+Resulted path
+routerPath: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IsAuthenticated](./
-## IsAuthenticated type
-Returns authentication status for a request.
-export declare type IsAuthenticated = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IsAuthenticated](./
+## IsAuthenticated type
+Returns authentication status for a request.
+export declare type IsAuthenticated = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ISavedObjectsRepository](./
-## ISavedObjectsRepository type
-See [SavedObjectsRepository](./
-export declare type ISavedObjectsRepository = Pick<SavedObjectsRepository, keyof SavedObjectsRepository>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ISavedObjectsRepository](./
+## ISavedObjectsRepository type
+See [SavedObjectsRepository](./
+export declare type ISavedObjectsRepository = Pick<SavedObjectsRepository, keyof SavedObjectsRepository>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedClusterClient](./
-## IScopedClusterClient type
-Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
-See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IScopedClusterClient = Pick<ScopedClusterClient, 'callAsCurrentUser' | 'callAsInternalUser'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedClusterClient](./
+## IScopedClusterClient type
+Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
+See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IScopedClusterClient = Pick<ScopedClusterClient, 'callAsCurrentUser' | 'callAsInternalUser'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./
-## IScopedRenderingClient interface
-export interface IScopedRenderingClient 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [render(options)](./ | Generate a <code>KibanaResponse</code> which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the <code>core</code> bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./
+## IScopedRenderingClient interface
+export interface IScopedRenderingClient 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [render(options)](./ | Generate a <code>KibanaResponse</code> which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the <code>core</code> bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./ &gt; [render](./
-## IScopedRenderingClient.render() method
-Generate a `KibanaResponse` which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the `core` bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers.
-render(options?: Pick<IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'>): Promise<string>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  options | <code>Pick&lt;IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-  { path: '/', validate: false },
-  (context, request, response) =>
-    response.ok({
-      body: await context.core.rendering.render(),
-      headers: {
-        'content-security-policy': context.core.http.csp.header,
-      },
-    })
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./ &gt; [render](./
+## IScopedRenderingClient.render() method
+Generate a `KibanaResponse` which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the `core` bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers.
+render(options?: Pick<IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'>): Promise<string>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  options | <code>Pick&lt;IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+  { path: '/', validate: false },
+  (context, request, response) =>
+    response.ok({
+      body: await context.core.rendering.render(),
+      headers: {
+        'content-security-policy': context.core.http.csp.header,
+      },
+    })
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get property
-Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
-get: <T = any>(key: string) => Promise<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get property
+Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
+get: <T = any>(key: string) => Promise<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
-Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
-getAll: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
+Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
+getAll: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getRegistered](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getRegistered property
-Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./
-getRegistered: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getRegistered](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getRegistered property
+Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./
+getRegistered: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUserProvided](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUserProvided property
-Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user.
-getUserProvided: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, UserProvidedValues<T>>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUserProvided](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUserProvided property
+Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user.
+getUserProvided: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, UserProvidedValues<T>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
-Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
-isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
+Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
+isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
-## IUiSettingsClient interface
-Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI.
-export interface IUiSettingsClient 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;T&gt;</code> | Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
-|  [getAll](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, T&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
-|  [getRegistered](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./ |
-|  [getUserProvided](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, UserProvidedValues&lt;T&gt;&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user. |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes uiSettings value by key. |
-|  [removeMany](./ | <code>(keys: string[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys. |
-|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user. |
-|  [setMany](./ | <code>(changes: Record&lt;string, any&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
+## IUiSettingsClient interface
+Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI.
+export interface IUiSettingsClient 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;T&gt;</code> | Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
+|  [getAll](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, T&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
+|  [getRegistered](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./ |
+|  [getUserProvided](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, UserProvidedValues&lt;T&gt;&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user. |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes uiSettings value by key. |
+|  [removeMany](./ | <code>(keys: string[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys. |
+|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user. |
+|  [setMany](./ | <code>(changes: Record&lt;string, any&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
-Removes uiSettings value by key.
-remove: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
+Removes uiSettings value by key.
+remove: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [removeMany](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.removeMany property
-Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys.
-removeMany: (keys: string[]) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [removeMany](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.removeMany property
+Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys.
+removeMany: (keys: string[]) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.set property
-Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user.
-set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.set property
+Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user.
+set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [setMany](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.setMany property
-Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user.
-setMany: (changes: Record<string, any>) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [setMany](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.setMany property
+Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user.
+setMany: (changes: Record<string, any>) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## KibanaRequest.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `KibanaRequest` class
-constructor(request: Request, params: Params, query: Query, body: Body, withoutSecretHeaders: boolean);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  params | <code>Params</code> |  |
-|  query | <code>Query</code> |  |
-|  body | <code>Body</code> |  |
-|  withoutSecretHeaders | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## KibanaRequest.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `KibanaRequest` class
+constructor(request: Request, params: Params, query: Query, body: Body, withoutSecretHeaders: boolean);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  params | <code>Params</code> |  |
+|  query | <code>Query</code> |  |
+|  body | <code>Body</code> |  |
+|  withoutSecretHeaders | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [body](./
-## KibanaRequest.body property
-readonly body: Body;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [body](./
+## KibanaRequest.body property
+readonly body: Body;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [events](./
-## property
-Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./
-readonly events: KibanaRequestEvents;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [events](./
+## property
+Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./
+readonly events: KibanaRequestEvents;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## KibanaRequest.headers property
-Readonly copy of incoming request headers.
-readonly headers: Headers;
-## Remarks
-This property will contain a `filtered` copy of request headers.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## KibanaRequest.headers property
+Readonly copy of incoming request headers.
+readonly headers: Headers;
+## Remarks
+This property will contain a `filtered` copy of request headers.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [isSystemRequest](./
-## KibanaRequest.isSystemRequest property
-Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the `HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest` option.
-readonly isSystemRequest: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [isSystemRequest](./
+## KibanaRequest.isSystemRequest property
+Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the `HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest` option.
+readonly isSystemRequest: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./
-## KibanaRequest class
-Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request.
-export declare class KibanaRequest<Params = unknown, Query = unknown, Body = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(request, params, query, body, withoutSecretHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>KibanaRequest</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ |  | <code>Body</code> |  |
-|  [events](./ |  | <code>KibanaRequestEvents</code> | Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./ |
-|  [headers](./ |  | <code>Headers</code> | Readonly copy of incoming request headers. |
-|  [isSystemRequest](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the <code>HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest</code> option. |
-|  [params](./ |  | <code>Params</code> |  |
-|  [query](./ |  | <code>Query</code> |  |
-|  [route](./ |  | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;KibanaRequestRoute&lt;Method&gt;&gt;</code> | matched route details |
-|  [socket](./ |  | <code>IKibanaSocket</code> | [IKibanaSocket](./ |
-|  [url](./ |  | <code>Url</code> | a WHATWG URL standard object. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./
+## KibanaRequest class
+Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request.
+export declare class KibanaRequest<Params = unknown, Query = unknown, Body = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(request, params, query, body, withoutSecretHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>KibanaRequest</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ |  | <code>Body</code> |  |
+|  [events](./ |  | <code>KibanaRequestEvents</code> | Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./ |
+|  [headers](./ |  | <code>Headers</code> | Readonly copy of incoming request headers. |
+|  [isSystemRequest](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the <code>HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest</code> option. |
+|  [params](./ |  | <code>Params</code> |  |
+|  [query](./ |  | <code>Query</code> |  |
+|  [route](./ |  | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;KibanaRequestRoute&lt;Method&gt;&gt;</code> | matched route details |
+|  [socket](./ |  | <code>IKibanaSocket</code> | [IKibanaSocket](./ |
+|  [url](./ |  | <code>Url</code> | a WHATWG URL standard object. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [params](./
-## KibanaRequest.params property
-readonly params: Params;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [params](./
+## KibanaRequest.params property
+readonly params: Params;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [query](./
-## KibanaRequest.query property
-readonly query: Query;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [query](./
+## KibanaRequest.query property
+readonly query: Query;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [route](./
-## KibanaRequest.route property
-matched route details
-readonly route: RecursiveReadonly<KibanaRequestRoute<Method>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [route](./
+## KibanaRequest.route property
+matched route details
+readonly route: RecursiveReadonly<KibanaRequestRoute<Method>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [socket](./
-## KibanaRequest.socket property
-readonly socket: IKibanaSocket;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [socket](./
+## KibanaRequest.socket property
+readonly socket: IKibanaSocket;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [url](./
-## KibanaRequest.url property
-a WHATWG URL standard object.
-readonly url: Url;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [url](./
+## KibanaRequest.url property
+a WHATWG URL standard object.
+readonly url: Url;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./ &gt; [aborted$](./
-## KibanaRequestEvents.aborted$ property
-Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted.
-aborted$: Observable<void>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./ &gt; [aborted$](./
+## KibanaRequestEvents.aborted$ property
+Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted.
+aborted$: Observable<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./
-## KibanaRequestEvents interface
-Request events.
-export interface KibanaRequestEvents 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [aborted$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;void&gt;</code> | Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./
+## KibanaRequestEvents interface
+Request events.
+export interface KibanaRequestEvents 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [aborted$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;void&gt;</code> | Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute interface
-Request specific route information exposed to a handler.
-export interface KibanaRequestRoute<Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>Method</code> |  |
-|  [options](./ | <code>KibanaRequestRouteOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute interface
+Request specific route information exposed to a handler.
+export interface KibanaRequestRoute<Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>Method</code> |  |
+|  [options](./ | <code>KibanaRequestRouteOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [method](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.method property
-method: Method;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [method](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute.method property
+method: Method;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [options](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.options property
-options: KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [options](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute.options property
+options: KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [path](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.path property
-path: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [path](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute.path property
+path: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./
-## KibanaRequestRouteOptions type
-Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned.
-export declare type KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> = Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? Required<Omit<RouteConfigOptions<Method>, 'body'>> : Required<RouteConfigOptions<Method>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./
+## KibanaRequestRouteOptions type
+Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned.
+export declare type KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> = Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? Required<Omit<RouteConfigOptions<Method>, 'body'>> : Required<RouteConfigOptions<Method>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [kibanaResponseFactory](./
-## kibanaResponseFactory variable
-Set of helpers used to create `KibanaResponse` to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution.
-kibanaResponseFactory: {
-    custom: <T extends string | Error | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any> | {
-        message: string | Error;
-        attributes?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
-    } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<T>) => KibanaResponse<T>;
-    badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<ResponseError>) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<undefined>;
-## Example
-1. Successful response. Supported types of response body are: - `undefined`<!-- -->, no content to send. - `string`<!-- -->, send text - `JSON`<!-- -->, send JSON object, HTTP server will throw if given object is not valid (has circular references, for example) - `Stream` send data stream - `Buffer` send binary stream
-return response.ok();
-return response.ok({ body: 'ack' });
-return response.ok({ body: { id: '1' } });
-return response.ok({ body: Buffer.from(...) });
-const stream = new Stream.PassThrough();
-return res.ok({ body: stream });
-HTTP headers are configurable via response factory parameter `options` [HttpResponseOptions](./<!-- -->.
-return response.ok({
-  body: { id: '1' },
-  headers: {
-    'content-type': 'application/json'
-  }
-2. Redirection response. Redirection URL is configures via 'Location' header.
-return response.redirected({
-  body: 'The document has moved',
-  headers: {
-   location: '/new-url',
-  },
-3. Error response. You may pass an error message to the client, where error message can be: - `string` send message text - `Error` send the message text of given Error object. - `{ message: string | Error, attributes: {data: Record<string, any>, ...} }` - send message text and attach additional error data.
-return response.unauthorized({
-  body: 'User has no access to the requested resource.',
-  headers: {
-    'WWW-Authenticate': 'challenge',
-  }
-return response.badRequest();
-return response.badRequest({ body: 'validation error' });
-try {
-  // ...
-} catch(error){
-  return response.badRequest({ body: error });
-return response.badRequest({
- body:{
-   message: 'validation error',
-   attributes: {
-     requestBody: request.body,
-     failedFields: validationResult
-   }
- }
-try {
-  // ...
-} catch(error) {
-  return response.badRequest({
-    body: error
-  });
-4. Custom response. `ResponseFactory` may not cover your use case, so you can use the `custom` function to customize the response.
-return response.custom({
-  body: 'ok',
-  statusCode: 201,
-  headers: {
-    location: '/created-url'
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [kibanaResponseFactory](./
+## kibanaResponseFactory variable
+Set of helpers used to create `KibanaResponse` to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution.
+kibanaResponseFactory: {
+    custom: <T extends string | Error | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any> | {
+        message: string | Error;
+        attributes?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
+    } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<T>) => KibanaResponse<T>;
+    badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<ResponseError>) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<undefined>;
+## Example
+1. Successful response. Supported types of response body are: - `undefined`<!-- -->, no content to send. - `string`<!-- -->, send text - `JSON`<!-- -->, send JSON object, HTTP server will throw if given object is not valid (has circular references, for example) - `Stream` send data stream - `Buffer` send binary stream
+return response.ok();
+return response.ok({ body: 'ack' });
+return response.ok({ body: { id: '1' } });
+return response.ok({ body: Buffer.from(...) });
+const stream = new Stream.PassThrough();
+return res.ok({ body: stream });
+HTTP headers are configurable via response factory parameter `options` [HttpResponseOptions](./<!-- -->.
+return response.ok({
+  body: { id: '1' },
+  headers: {
+    'content-type': 'application/json'
+  }
+2. Redirection response. Redirection URL is configures via 'Location' header.
+return response.redirected({
+  body: 'The document has moved',
+  headers: {
+   location: '/new-url',
+  },
+3. Error response. You may pass an error message to the client, where error message can be: - `string` send message text - `Error` send the message text of given Error object. - `{ message: string | Error, attributes: {data: Record<string, any>, ...} }` - send message text and attach additional error data.
+return response.unauthorized({
+  body: 'User has no access to the requested resource.',
+  headers: {
+    'WWW-Authenticate': 'challenge',
+  }
+return response.badRequest();
+return response.badRequest({ body: 'validation error' });
+try {
+  // ...
+} catch(error){
+  return response.badRequest({ body: error });
+return response.badRequest({
+ body:{
+   message: 'validation error',
+   attributes: {
+     requestBody: request.body,
+     failedFields: validationResult
+   }
+ }
+try {
+  // ...
+} catch(error) {
+  return response.badRequest({
+    body: error
+  });
+4. Custom response. `ResponseFactory` may not cover your use case, so you can use the `custom` function to customize the response.
+return response.custom({
+  body: 'ok',
+  statusCode: 201,
+  headers: {
+    location: '/created-url'
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KnownHeaders](./
-## KnownHeaders type
-Set of well-known HTTP headers.
-export declare type KnownHeaders = KnownKeys<IncomingHttpHeaders>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KnownHeaders](./
+## KnownHeaders type
+Set of well-known HTTP headers.
+export declare type KnownHeaders = KnownKeys<IncomingHttpHeaders>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyRequest](./
-## LegacyRequest interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> `hapi` request object, supported during migration process only for backward compatibility.
-export interface LegacyRequest extends Request 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyRequest](./
+## LegacyRequest interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> `hapi` request object, supported during migration process only for backward compatibility.
+export interface LegacyRequest extends Request 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.core property
-core: LegacyCoreSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.core property
+core: LegacyCoreSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-export interface LegacyServiceSetupDeps 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreSetup</code> |  |
-|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./
+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+export interface LegacyServiceSetupDeps 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreSetup</code> |  |
+|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.plugins property
-plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.plugins property
+plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps.core property
-core: LegacyCoreStart;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
+## LegacyServiceStartDeps.core property
+core: LegacyCoreStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-export interface LegacyServiceStartDeps 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreStart</code> |  |
-|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./
+## LegacyServiceStartDeps interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+export interface LegacyServiceStartDeps 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreStart</code> |  |
+|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps.plugins property
-plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
+## LegacyServiceStartDeps.plugins property
+plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LifecycleResponseFactory](./
-## LifecycleResponseFactory type
-Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client.
-export declare type LifecycleResponseFactory = typeof lifecycleResponseFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LifecycleResponseFactory](./
+## LifecycleResponseFactory type
+Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client.
+export declare type LifecycleResponseFactory = typeof lifecycleResponseFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [debug](./
-## Logger.debug() method
-Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation
-debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [debug](./
+## Logger.debug() method
+Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation
+debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [error](./
-## Logger.error() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow
-error(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [error](./
+## Logger.error() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow
+error(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [fatal](./
-## Logger.fatal() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure
-fatal(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [fatal](./
+## Logger.fatal() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure
+fatal(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [get](./
-## Logger.get() method
-Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context.
-get(...childContextPaths: string[]): Logger;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  childContextPaths | <code>string[]</code> |  |
-## Example
-const logger = loggerFactory.get('plugin', 'service'); // 'plugin.service' context
-const subLogger = logger.get('feature'); // 'plugin.service.feature' context
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [get](./
+## Logger.get() method
+Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context.
+get(...childContextPaths: string[]): Logger;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  childContextPaths | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+## Example
+const logger = loggerFactory.get('plugin', 'service'); // 'plugin.service' context
+const subLogger = logger.get('feature'); // 'plugin.service.feature' context
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [info](./
-## method
-Logs messages related to general application flow
-info(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [info](./
+## method
+Logs messages related to general application flow
+info(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./
-## Logger interface
-Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins.
-export interface Logger 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [debug(message, meta)](./ | Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation |
-|  [error(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow |
-|  [fatal(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure |
-|  [get(childContextPaths)](./ | Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context. |
-|  [info(message, meta)](./ | Logs messages related to general application flow |
-|  [trace(message, meta)](./ | Log messages at the most detailed log level |
-|  [warn(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages |
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+## Logger interface
+Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins.
+export interface Logger 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [debug(message, meta)](./ | Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation |
+|  [error(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow |
+|  [fatal(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure |
+|  [get(childContextPaths)](./ | Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context. |
+|  [info(message, meta)](./ | Logs messages related to general application flow |
+|  [trace(message, meta)](./ | Log messages at the most detailed log level |
+|  [warn(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [trace](./
-## Logger.trace() method
-Log messages at the most detailed log level
-trace(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [trace](./
+## Logger.trace() method
+Log messages at the most detailed log level
+trace(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [warn](./
-## Logger.warn() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages
-warn(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [warn](./
+## Logger.warn() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages
+warn(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./ &gt; [get](./
-## LoggerFactory.get() method
-Returns a `Logger` instance for the specified context.
-get(...contextParts: string[]): Logger;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextParts | <code>string[]</code> | Parts of the context to return logger for. For example get('plugins', 'pid') will return a logger for the <code></code> context. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./ &gt; [get](./
+## LoggerFactory.get() method
+Returns a `Logger` instance for the specified context.
+get(...contextParts: string[]): Logger;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextParts | <code>string[]</code> | Parts of the context to return logger for. For example get('plugins', 'pid') will return a logger for the <code></code> context. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./
-## LoggerFactory interface
-The single purpose of `LoggerFactory` interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance.
-export interface LoggerFactory 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [get(contextParts)](./ | Returns a <code>Logger</code> instance for the specified context. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./
+## LoggerFactory interface
+The single purpose of `LoggerFactory` interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance.
+export interface LoggerFactory 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [get(contextParts)](./ | Returns a <code>Logger</code> instance for the specified context. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LogMeta](./
-## LogMeta interface
-Contextual metadata
-export interface LogMeta 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LogMeta](./
+## LogMeta interface
+Contextual metadata
+export interface LogMeta 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./
-## kibana-plugin-server package
-The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.
-A plugin requires a `kibana.json` file at it's root directory that follows [the manfiest schema](./ to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.
-A plugin's `server/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
-The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
-## Classes
-|  Class | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [BasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path |
-|  [ClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [CspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
-|  [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ | Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as <code>body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]</code> |
-|  [KibanaRequest](./ | Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request. |
-|  [RouteValidationError](./ | Error to return when the validation is not successful. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |  |
-|  [ScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-## Enumerations
-|  Enumeration | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AuthResultType](./ |  |
-|  [AuthStatus](./ | Status indicating an outcome of the authentication. |
-## Interfaces
-|  Interface | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [APICaller](./ |  |
-|  [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ |  |
-|  [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ |  |
-|  [Authenticated](./ |  |
-|  [AuthResultParams](./ | Result of an incoming request authentication. |
-|  [AuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [CallAPIOptions](./ | The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed. |
-|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
-|  [CapabilitiesSetup](./ | APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.<!-- -->Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the <code>registerProvider</code> method.<!-- -->Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the <code>registerSwitcher</code> method.<!-- -->Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples. |
-|  [CapabilitiesStart](./ | APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ | Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See methods documentation for more detailed examples. |
-|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [CoreSetup](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>setup</code> method. |
-|  [CoreStart](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>start</code> method. |
-|  [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code. |
-|  [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationInfo](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationSettings](./ | UiSettings deprecation field options. |
-|  [DiscoveredPlugin](./ | Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started. |
-|  [ElasticsearchError](./ |  |
-|  [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
-|  [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
-|  [FakeRequest](./ | Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins. |
-|  [HttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
-|  [HttpServiceSetup](./ | Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to <code>hapi</code> server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs. |
-|  [HttpServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [ICspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
-|  [IKibanaResponse](./ | A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution |
-|  [IKibanaSocket](./ | A tiny abstraction for TCP socket. |
-|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
-|  [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./ |  |
-|  [IRenderOptions](./ |  |
-|  [IRouter](./ | Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations. |
-|  [IScopedRenderingClient](./ |  |
-|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. |
-|  [KibanaRequestEvents](./ | Request events. |
-|  [KibanaRequestRoute](./ | Request specific route information exposed to a handler. |
-|  [LegacyRequest](./ |  |
-|  [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ |  |
-|  [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ |  |
-|  [Logger](./ | Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins. |
-|  [LoggerFactory](./ | The single purpose of <code>LoggerFactory</code> interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance. |
-|  [LogMeta](./ | Contextual metadata |
-|  [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ | Additional data to extend a response. |
-|  [OnPreResponseInfo](./ | Response status code. |
-|  [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
-|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
-|  [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ | Describes a plugin configuration properties. |
-|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage. |
-|  [PluginManifest](./ | Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file. |
-|  [PluginsServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [PluginsServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [RequestHandlerContext](./ | Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.<!-- -->Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request |
-|  [RouteConfig](./ | Route specific configuration. |
-|  [RouteConfigOptions](./ | Additional route options. |
-|  [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ | Additional body options for a route |
-|  [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ | Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [RouteValidatorConfig](./ | The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set <code>params</code>, <code>query</code> and/or <code>body</code> to specify the validation logic to follow for that property. |
-|  [RouteValidatorOptions](./ | Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour. |
-|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ | Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ | Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance. |
-|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ | Options controlling the export operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ | Structure of the export result details entry |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ | Options to control the import operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
-|  [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ | A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index. |
-|  [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ | Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ | Options to control the "resolve import" operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers. |
-|  [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects. |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ | Return type from a function to validate cookie contents. |
-|  [SessionStorage](./ | Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests. |
-|  [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ | Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism. |
-|  [SessionStorageFactory](./ | SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request |
-|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
-|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
-|  [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
-|  [UuidServiceSetup](./ | APIs to access the application's instance uuid. |
-## Variables
-|  Variable | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibanaResponseFactory](./ | Set of helpers used to create <code>KibanaResponse</code> to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution. |
-|  [validBodyOutput](./ | The set of valid body.output |
-## Type Aliases
-|  Type Alias | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AuthenticationHandler](./ | See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AuthHeaders](./ | Auth Headers map |
-|  [AuthResult](./ |  |
-|  [CapabilitiesProvider](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [ConfigDeprecation](./ | Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration. |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./ | Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./ |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ | A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples. |
-|  [ConfigPath](./ |  |
-|  [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./ |  |
-|  [GetAuthHeaders](./ | Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch. |
-|  [GetAuthState](./ | Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by <code>auth</code> interceptor. |
-|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
-|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
-|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [Headers](./ | Http request headers to read. |
-|  [HttpResponsePayload](./ | Data send to the client as a response payload. |
-|  [IBasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path[BasePath](./ |
-|  [IClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
-|  [ICustomClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IsAuthenticated](./ | Returns authentication status for a request. |
-|  [ISavedObjectsRepository](./ | See [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |
-|  [IScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./ | Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned. |
-|  [KibanaResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing request response payload, HTTP headers, error details, and other data transmitted to the client. |
-|  [KnownHeaders](./ | Set of well-known HTTP headers. |
-|  [LifecycleResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client. |
-|  [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./ | Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation |
-|  [OnPostAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [OnPreAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [OnPreResponseHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [PluginConfigSchema](./ | Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema. |
-|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>server</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
-|  [PluginName](./ | Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious. |
-|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
-|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
-|  [RedirectResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for redirection response |
-|  [RequestHandler](./ | A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions. |
-|  [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of http request context providers. |
-|  [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./ | Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data. |
-|  [ResponseError](./ | Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error. |
-|  [ResponseErrorAttributes](./ | Additional data to provide error details. |
-|  [ResponseHeaders](./ | Http response headers to set. |
-|  [RouteContentType](./ | The set of supported parseable Content-Types |
-|  [RouteMethod](./ | The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing. |
-|  [RouteRegistrar](./ | Route handler common definition |
-|  [RouteValidationFunction](./ | The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements. |
-|  [RouteValidationSpec](./ | Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation. |
-|  [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./ | Route validations config and options merged into one object |
-|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.<!-- -->\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors<!-- -->Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:<!-- -->1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./<!-- -->Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the <code>isXYZError()</code> helpers exposed at <code>SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> should be used to understand and manage error responses from the <code>SavedObjectsClient</code>.<!-- -->Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for <code>error.body.error.type</code> or doing substring checks on <code>error.body.error.reason</code>, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:<!-- -->\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }<!-- -->if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }<!-- -->// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`<!-- -->\#\#\# 404s from missing index<!-- -->From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.<!-- -->At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.<!-- -->From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.<!-- -->\#\#\# 503s from missing index<!-- -->Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's <code>action.auto_create_index</code> setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.<!-- -->See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./ | Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers. |
-|  [ScopeableRequest](./ | A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.<!-- -->See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [SharedGlobalConfig](./ |  |
-|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./
+## kibana-plugin-server package
+The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.
+A plugin requires a `kibana.json` file at it's root directory that follows [the manfiest schema](./ to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.
+A plugin's `server/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
+The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
+## Classes
+|  Class | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [BasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path |
+|  [ClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [CspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
+|  [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ | Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as <code>body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]</code> |
+|  [KibanaRequest](./ | Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request. |
+|  [RouteValidationError](./ | Error to return when the validation is not successful. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |  |
+|  [ScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+## Enumerations
+|  Enumeration | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AuthResultType](./ |  |
+|  [AuthStatus](./ | Status indicating an outcome of the authentication. |
+## Interfaces
+|  Interface | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [APICaller](./ |  |
+|  [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ |  |
+|  [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ |  |
+|  [Authenticated](./ |  |
+|  [AuthResultParams](./ | Result of an incoming request authentication. |
+|  [AuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [CallAPIOptions](./ | The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed. |
+|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
+|  [CapabilitiesSetup](./ | APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.<!-- -->Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the <code>registerProvider</code> method.<!-- -->Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the <code>registerSwitcher</code> method.<!-- -->Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples. |
+|  [CapabilitiesStart](./ | APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ | Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See methods documentation for more detailed examples. |
+|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [CoreSetup](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>setup</code> method. |
+|  [CoreStart](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>start</code> method. |
+|  [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code. |
+|  [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationInfo](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationSettings](./ | UiSettings deprecation field options. |
+|  [DiscoveredPlugin](./ | Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started. |
+|  [ElasticsearchError](./ |  |
+|  [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
+|  [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
+|  [FakeRequest](./ | Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins. |
+|  [HttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
+|  [HttpServiceSetup](./ | Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to <code>hapi</code> server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs. |
+|  [HttpServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [ICspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
+|  [IKibanaResponse](./ | A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution |
+|  [IKibanaSocket](./ | A tiny abstraction for TCP socket. |
+|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
+|  [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./ |  |
+|  [IRenderOptions](./ |  |
+|  [IRouter](./ | Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations. |
+|  [IScopedRenderingClient](./ |  |
+|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. |
+|  [KibanaRequestEvents](./ | Request events. |
+|  [KibanaRequestRoute](./ | Request specific route information exposed to a handler. |
+|  [LegacyRequest](./ |  |
+|  [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ |  |
+|  [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ |  |
+|  [Logger](./ | Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins. |
+|  [LoggerFactory](./ | The single purpose of <code>LoggerFactory</code> interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance. |
+|  [LogMeta](./ | Contextual metadata |
+|  [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ | Additional data to extend a response. |
+|  [OnPreResponseInfo](./ | Response status code. |
+|  [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
+|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
+|  [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ | Describes a plugin configuration properties. |
+|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage. |
+|  [PluginManifest](./ | Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file. |
+|  [PluginsServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [PluginsServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [RequestHandlerContext](./ | Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.<!-- -->Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request |
+|  [RouteConfig](./ | Route specific configuration. |
+|  [RouteConfigOptions](./ | Additional route options. |
+|  [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ | Additional body options for a route |
+|  [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ | Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [RouteValidatorConfig](./ | The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set <code>params</code>, <code>query</code> and/or <code>body</code> to specify the validation logic to follow for that property. |
+|  [RouteValidatorOptions](./ | Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour. |
+|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ | Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ | Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance. |
+|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ | Options controlling the export operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ | Structure of the export result details entry |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ | Options to control the import operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
+|  [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ | A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index. |
+|  [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ | Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ | Options to control the "resolve import" operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers. |
+|  [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects. |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ | Return type from a function to validate cookie contents. |
+|  [SessionStorage](./ | Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests. |
+|  [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ | Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism. |
+|  [SessionStorageFactory](./ | SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request |
+|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
+|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
+|  [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
+|  [UuidServiceSetup](./ | APIs to access the application's instance uuid. |
+## Variables
+|  Variable | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibanaResponseFactory](./ | Set of helpers used to create <code>KibanaResponse</code> to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution. |
+|  [validBodyOutput](./ | The set of valid body.output |
+## Type Aliases
+|  Type Alias | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AuthenticationHandler](./ | See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AuthHeaders](./ | Auth Headers map |
+|  [AuthResult](./ |  |
+|  [CapabilitiesProvider](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [ConfigDeprecation](./ | Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration. |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./ | Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./ |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ | A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples. |
+|  [ConfigPath](./ |  |
+|  [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./ |  |
+|  [GetAuthHeaders](./ | Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch. |
+|  [GetAuthState](./ | Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by <code>auth</code> interceptor. |
+|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
+|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
+|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [Headers](./ | Http request headers to read. |
+|  [HttpResponsePayload](./ | Data send to the client as a response payload. |
+|  [IBasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path[BasePath](./ |
+|  [IClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
+|  [ICustomClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IsAuthenticated](./ | Returns authentication status for a request. |
+|  [ISavedObjectsRepository](./ | See [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |
+|  [IScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./ | Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned. |
+|  [KibanaResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing request response payload, HTTP headers, error details, and other data transmitted to the client. |
+|  [KnownHeaders](./ | Set of well-known HTTP headers. |
+|  [LifecycleResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client. |
+|  [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./ | Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation |
+|  [OnPostAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [OnPreAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [OnPreResponseHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [PluginConfigSchema](./ | Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema. |
+|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>server</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
+|  [PluginName](./ | Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious. |
+|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
+|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
+|  [RedirectResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for redirection response |
+|  [RequestHandler](./ | A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions. |
+|  [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of http request context providers. |
+|  [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./ | Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data. |
+|  [ResponseError](./ | Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error. |
+|  [ResponseErrorAttributes](./ | Additional data to provide error details. |
+|  [ResponseHeaders](./ | Http response headers to set. |
+|  [RouteContentType](./ | The set of supported parseable Content-Types |
+|  [RouteMethod](./ | The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing. |
+|  [RouteRegistrar](./ | Route handler common definition |
+|  [RouteValidationFunction](./ | The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements. |
+|  [RouteValidationSpec](./ | Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation. |
+|  [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./ | Route validations config and options merged into one object |
+|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.<!-- -->\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors<!-- -->Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:<!-- -->1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./<!-- -->Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the <code>isXYZError()</code> helpers exposed at <code>SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> should be used to understand and manage error responses from the <code>SavedObjectsClient</code>.<!-- -->Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for <code>error.body.error.type</code> or doing substring checks on <code>error.body.error.reason</code>, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:<!-- -->\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }<!-- -->if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }<!-- -->// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`<!-- -->\#\#\# 404s from missing index<!-- -->From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.<!-- -->At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.<!-- -->From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.<!-- -->\#\#\# 503s from missing index<!-- -->Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's <code>action.auto_create_index</code> setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.<!-- -->See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./ | Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers. |
+|  [ScopeableRequest](./ | A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.<!-- -->See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [SharedGlobalConfig](./ |  |
+|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_ASSISTANCE\_INDEX\_ACTION](./
-export declare type MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION = 'upgrade' | 'reindex';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_ASSISTANCE\_INDEX\_ACTION](./
+export declare type MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION = 'upgrade' | 'reindex';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_DEPRECATION\_LEVEL](./
-export declare type MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL = 'none' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_DEPRECATION\_LEVEL](./
+export declare type MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL = 'none' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./
-## MutatingOperationRefreshSetting type
-Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation
-export declare type MutatingOperationRefreshSetting = boolean | 'wait_for';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./
+## MutatingOperationRefreshSetting type
+Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation
+export declare type MutatingOperationRefreshSetting = boolean | 'wait_for';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthHandler](./
-## OnPostAuthHandler type
-See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPostAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPostAuthToolkit) => OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthHandler](./
+## OnPostAuthHandler type
+See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPostAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPostAuthToolkit) => OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./
-## OnPostAuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPostAuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPostAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./
+## OnPostAuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPostAuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPostAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: () => OnPostAuthResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: () => OnPostAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthHandler](./
-## OnPreAuthHandler type
-See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPreAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPreAuthToolkit) => OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthHandler](./
+## OnPreAuthHandler type
+See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPreAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPreAuthToolkit) => OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./
-## OnPreAuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPreAuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
-|  [rewriteUrl](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./
+## OnPreAuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPreAuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
+|  [rewriteUrl](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: () => OnPreAuthResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: () => OnPreAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [rewriteUrl](./
-## OnPreAuthToolkit.rewriteUrl property
-Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler
-rewriteUrl: (url: string) => OnPreAuthResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [rewriteUrl](./
+## OnPreAuthToolkit.rewriteUrl property
+Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler
+rewriteUrl: (url: string) => OnPreAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## OnPreResponseExtensions.headers property
-additional headers to attach to the response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## OnPreResponseExtensions.headers property
+additional headers to attach to the response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./
-## OnPreResponseExtensions interface
-Additional data to extend a response.
-export interface OnPreResponseExtensions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | additional headers to attach to the response |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./
+## OnPreResponseExtensions interface
+Additional data to extend a response.
+export interface OnPreResponseExtensions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | additional headers to attach to the response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseHandler](./
-## OnPreResponseHandler type
-See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPreResponseHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, preResponse: OnPreResponseInfo, toolkit: OnPreResponseToolkit) => OnPreResponseResult | Promise<OnPreResponseResult>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseHandler](./
+## OnPreResponseHandler type
+See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPreResponseHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, preResponse: OnPreResponseInfo, toolkit: OnPreResponseToolkit) => OnPreResponseResult | Promise<OnPreResponseResult>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./
-## OnPreResponseInfo interface
-Response status code.
-export interface OnPreResponseInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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+## OnPreResponseInfo interface
+Response status code.
+export interface OnPreResponseInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## OnPreResponseInfo.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## OnPreResponseInfo.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./
-## OnPreResponseToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPreResponseToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>(responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) =&gt; OnPreResponseResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./
+## OnPreResponseToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPreResponseToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>(responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) =&gt; OnPreResponseResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: (responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) => OnPreResponseResult;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: (responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) => OnPreResponseResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
-## PackageInfo.branch property
-branch: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
+## PackageInfo.branch property
+branch: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
-## PackageInfo.buildNum property
-buildNum: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
+## PackageInfo.buildNum property
+buildNum: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
-## PackageInfo.buildSha property
-buildSha: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
+## PackageInfo.buildSha property
+buildSha: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
-## PackageInfo.dist property
-dist: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
+## PackageInfo.dist property
+dist: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
-## PackageInfo interface
-export interface PackageInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
+## PackageInfo interface
+export interface PackageInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PackageInfo.version property
-version: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PackageInfo.version property
+version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
-## Plugin interface
-The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
-export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [stop()](./ |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
+## Plugin interface
+The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
+export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [stop()](./ |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
-## Plugin.setup() method
-setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreSetup</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
-`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
+## Plugin.setup() method
+setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreSetup</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
+`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
-## Plugin.start() method
-start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
-`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
+## Plugin.start() method
+start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
+`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
-## Plugin.stop() method
-stop?(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
+## Plugin.stop() method
+stop?(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [deprecations](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.deprecations property
-Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration.
-deprecations?: ConfigDeprecationProvider;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [deprecations](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.deprecations property
+Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration.
+deprecations?: ConfigDeprecationProvider;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [exposeToBrowser](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.exposeToBrowser property
-List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin.
-exposeToBrowser?: {
-        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [exposeToBrowser](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.exposeToBrowser property
+List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin.
+exposeToBrowser?: {
+        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor interface
-Describes a plugin configuration properties.
-export interface PluginConfigDescriptor<T = any> 
-## Example
-// my_plugin/server/index.ts
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-import { PluginConfigDescriptor } from 'kibana/server';
-const configSchema = schema.object({
-  secret: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Only on server' }),
-  uiProp: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Accessible from client' }),
-type ConfigType = TypeOf<typeof configSchema>;
-export const config: PluginConfigDescriptor<ConfigType> = {
-  exposeToBrowser: {
-    uiProp: true,
-  },
-  schema: configSchema,
-  deprecations: ({ rename, unused }) => [
-    rename('securityKey', 'secret'),
-    unused('deprecatedProperty'),
-  ],
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [deprecations](./ | <code>ConfigDeprecationProvider</code> | Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration. |
-|  [exposeToBrowser](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin. |
-|  [schema](./ | <code>PluginConfigSchema&lt;T&gt;</code> | Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.[PluginConfigSchema](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor interface
+Describes a plugin configuration properties.
+export interface PluginConfigDescriptor<T = any> 
+## Example
+// my_plugin/server/index.ts
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+import { PluginConfigDescriptor } from 'kibana/server';
+const configSchema = schema.object({
+  secret: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Only on server' }),
+  uiProp: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Accessible from client' }),
+type ConfigType = TypeOf<typeof configSchema>;
+export const config: PluginConfigDescriptor<ConfigType> = {
+  exposeToBrowser: {
+    uiProp: true,
+  },
+  schema: configSchema,
+  deprecations: ({ rename, unused }) => [
+    rename('securityKey', 'secret'),
+    unused('deprecatedProperty'),
+  ],
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [deprecations](./ | <code>ConfigDeprecationProvider</code> | Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration. |
+|  [exposeToBrowser](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin. |
+|  [schema](./ | <code>PluginConfigSchema&lt;T&gt;</code> | Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.[PluginConfigSchema](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [schema](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.schema property
-Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.
-schema: PluginConfigSchema<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [schema](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.schema property
+Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.
+schema: PluginConfigSchema<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigSchema](./
-## PluginConfigSchema type
-Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema.
-export declare type PluginConfigSchema<T> = Type<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigSchema](./
+## PluginConfigSchema type
+Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema.
+export declare type PluginConfigSchema<T> = Type<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
-## PluginInitializer type
-The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `server` directory should conform to this interface.
-export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
+## PluginInitializer type
+The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `server` directory should conform to this interface.
+export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.config property
-config: {
-        legacy: {
-            globalConfig$: Observable<SharedGlobalConfig>;
-        };
-        create: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T>;
-        createIfExists: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T | undefined>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.config property
+config: {
+        legacy: {
+            globalConfig$: Observable<SharedGlobalConfig>;
+        };
+        create: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T>;
+        createIfExists: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T | undefined>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.env property
-env: {
-        mode: EnvironmentMode;
-        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.env property
+env: {
+        mode: EnvironmentMode;
+        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [logger](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.logger property
-logger: LoggerFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [logger](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.logger property
+logger: LoggerFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
-## PluginInitializerContext interface
-Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage.
-export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema = unknown> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        legacy: {</code><br/><code>            globalConfig$: Observable&lt;SharedGlobalConfig&gt;;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        create: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;;</code><br/><code>        createIfExists: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T &#124; undefined&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: EnvironmentMode;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [logger](./ | <code>LoggerFactory</code> |  |
-|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
+## PluginInitializerContext interface
+Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage.
+export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema = unknown> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        legacy: {</code><br/><code>            globalConfig$: Observable&lt;SharedGlobalConfig&gt;;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        create: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;;</code><br/><code>        createIfExists: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T &#124; undefined&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: EnvironmentMode;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [logger](./ | <code>LoggerFactory</code> |  |
+|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
-opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
+opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [configPath](./
-## PluginManifest.configPath property
-Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
-readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
-## Example
-id: myPlugin configPath: my\_plugin
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [configPath](./
+## PluginManifest.configPath property
+Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
+readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
+## Example
+id: myPlugin configPath: my\_plugin
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc.
-readonly id: PluginName;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc.
+readonly id: PluginName;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [kibanaVersion](./
-## PluginManifest.kibanaVersion property
-The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version".
-readonly kibanaVersion: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [kibanaVersion](./
+## PluginManifest.kibanaVersion property
+The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version".
+readonly kibanaVersion: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./
-## PluginManifest interface
-Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file.
-export interface PluginManifest 
-## Remarks
-Should never be used in code outside of Core but is exported for documentation purposes.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc. |
-|  [kibanaVersion](./ | <code>string</code> | The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version". |
-|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
-|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
-|  [server](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality. |
-|  [ui](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via <code>public/ui_plugin.js</code> file. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | Version of the plugin. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./
+## PluginManifest interface
+Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file.
+export interface PluginManifest 
+## Remarks
+Should never be used in code outside of Core but is exported for documentation purposes.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc. |
+|  [kibanaVersion](./ | <code>string</code> | The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version". |
+|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
+|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
+|  [server](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality. |
+|  [ui](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via <code>public/ui_plugin.js</code> file. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | Version of the plugin. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
-## PluginManifest.optionalPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
-readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
+## PluginManifest.optionalPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
+readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
-## PluginManifest.requiredPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
-readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
+## PluginManifest.requiredPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
+readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [server](./
-## PluginManifest.server property
-Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality.
-readonly server: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [server](./
+## PluginManifest.server property
+Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality.
+readonly server: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [ui](./
-## PluginManifest.ui property
-Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via `public/ui_plugin.js` file.
-readonly ui: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [ui](./
+## PluginManifest.ui property
+Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via `public/ui_plugin.js` file.
+readonly ui: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PluginManifest.version property
-Version of the plugin.
-readonly version: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PluginManifest.version property
+Version of the plugin.
+readonly version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginName](./
-## PluginName type
-Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious.
-export declare type PluginName = string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginName](./
+## PluginName type
+Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious.
+export declare type PluginName = string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
-## PluginOpaqueId type
-export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
+## PluginOpaqueId type
+export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [contracts](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup.contracts property
-contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [contracts](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup.contracts property
+contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup interface
-export interface PluginsServiceSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [uiPlugins](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        internal: Map&lt;PluginName, InternalPluginInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>        public: Map&lt;PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin&gt;;</code><br/><code>        browserConfigs: Map&lt;PluginName, Observable&lt;unknown&gt;&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup interface
+export interface PluginsServiceSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [uiPlugins](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        internal: Map&lt;PluginName, InternalPluginInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>        public: Map&lt;PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin&gt;;</code><br/><code>        browserConfigs: Map&lt;PluginName, Observable&lt;unknown&gt;&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [uiPlugins](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup.uiPlugins property
-uiPlugins: {
-        internal: Map<PluginName, InternalPluginInfo>;
-        public: Map<PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin>;
-        browserConfigs: Map<PluginName, Observable<unknown>>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [uiPlugins](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup.uiPlugins property
+uiPlugins: {
+        internal: Map<PluginName, InternalPluginInfo>;
+        public: Map<PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin>;
+        browserConfigs: Map<PluginName, Observable<unknown>>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./ &gt; [contracts](./
-## PluginsServiceStart.contracts property
-contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./ &gt; [contracts](./
+## PluginsServiceStart.contracts property
+contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./
-## PluginsServiceStart interface
-export interface PluginsServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./
+## PluginsServiceStart interface
+export interface PluginsServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
-## RecursiveReadonly type
-export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
-    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
-}> : T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
+## RecursiveReadonly type
+export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
+    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
+}> : T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RedirectResponseOptions](./
-## RedirectResponseOptions type
-HTTP response parameters for redirection response
-export declare type RedirectResponseOptions = HttpResponseOptions & {
-    headers: {
-        location: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RedirectResponseOptions](./
+## RedirectResponseOptions type
+HTTP response parameters for redirection response
+export declare type RedirectResponseOptions = HttpResponseOptions & {
+    headers: {
+        location: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandler](./
-## RequestHandler type
-A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions.
-export declare type RequestHandler<P = unknown, Q = unknown, B = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> = (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest<P, Q, B, Method>, response: KibanaResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse<any> | Promise<IKibanaResponse<any>>;
-## Example
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-// creates a route handler for GET request on 'my-app/path/{id}' path
-  {
-    path: 'path/{id}',
-    // defines a validation schema for a named segment of the route path
-    validate: {
-      params: schema.object({
-        id: schema.string(),
-      }),
-    },
-  },
-  // function to execute to create a responses
-  async (context, request, response) => {
-    const data = await context.findObject(;
-    // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
-    if (!data) return response.notFound();
-    // creates a command to send found data to the client
-    return response.ok(data);
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandler](./
+## RequestHandler type
+A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions.
+export declare type RequestHandler<P = unknown, Q = unknown, B = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> = (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest<P, Q, B, Method>, response: KibanaResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse<any> | Promise<IKibanaResponse<any>>;
+## Example
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+// creates a route handler for GET request on 'my-app/path/{id}' path
+  {
+    path: 'path/{id}',
+    // defines a validation schema for a named segment of the route path
+    validate: {
+      params: schema.object({
+        id: schema.string(),
+      }),
+    },
+  },
+  // function to execute to create a responses
+  async (context, request, response) => {
+    const data = await context.findObject(;
+    // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
+    if (!data) return response.notFound();
+    // creates a command to send found data to the client
+    return response.ok(data);
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./ &gt; [core](./
-## RequestHandlerContext.core property
-core: {
-        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;
-        savedObjects: {
-            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
-        };
-        elasticsearch: {
-            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;
-            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;
-        };
-        uiSettings: {
-            client: IUiSettingsClient;
-        };
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./ &gt; [core](./
+## RequestHandlerContext.core property
+core: {
+        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;
+        savedObjects: {
+            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+        };
+        elasticsearch: {
+            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;
+            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;
+        };
+        uiSettings: {
+            client: IUiSettingsClient;
+        };
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./
-## RequestHandlerContext interface
-Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.
-Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request
-export interface RequestHandlerContext 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: {</code><br/><code>            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        elasticsearch: {</code><br/><code>            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: {</code><br/><code>            client: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./
+## RequestHandlerContext interface
+Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.
+Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request
+export interface RequestHandlerContext 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: {</code><br/><code>            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        elasticsearch: {</code><br/><code>            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: {</code><br/><code>            client: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./
-## RequestHandlerContextContainer type
-An object that handles registration of http request context providers.
-export declare type RequestHandlerContextContainer = IContextContainer<RequestHandler<any, any, any>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./
+## RequestHandlerContextContainer type
+An object that handles registration of http request context providers.
+export declare type RequestHandlerContextContainer = IContextContainer<RequestHandler<any, any, any>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./
-## RequestHandlerContextProvider type
-Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data.
-export declare type RequestHandlerContextProvider<TContextName extends keyof RequestHandlerContext> = IContextProvider<RequestHandler<any, any, any>, TContextName>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./
+## RequestHandlerContextProvider type
+Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data.
+export declare type RequestHandlerContextProvider<TContextName extends keyof RequestHandlerContext> = IContextProvider<RequestHandler<any, any, any>, TContextName>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseError](./
-## ResponseError type
-Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error.
-export declare type ResponseError = string | Error | {
-    message: string | Error;
-    attributes?: ResponseErrorAttributes;
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+## ResponseError type
+Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error.
+export declare type ResponseError = string | Error | {
+    message: string | Error;
+    attributes?: ResponseErrorAttributes;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseErrorAttributes](./
-## ResponseErrorAttributes type
-Additional data to provide error details.
-export declare type ResponseErrorAttributes = Record<string, any>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseErrorAttributes](./
+## ResponseErrorAttributes type
+Additional data to provide error details.
+export declare type ResponseErrorAttributes = Record<string, any>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseHeaders](./
-## ResponseHeaders type
-Http response headers to set.
-export declare type ResponseHeaders = {
-    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[];
-} & {
-    [header: string]: string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseHeaders](./
+## ResponseHeaders type
+Http response headers to set.
+export declare type ResponseHeaders = {
+    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[];
+} & {
+    [header: string]: string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./
-## RouteConfig interface
-Route specific configuration.
-export interface RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [options](./ | <code>RouteConfigOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> | Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route. |
-|  [validate](./ | <code>RouteValidatorFullConfig&lt;P, Q, B&gt; &#124; false</code> | A schema created with <code>@kbn/config-schema</code> that every request will be validated against. |
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+## RouteConfig interface
+Route specific configuration.
+export interface RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [options](./ | <code>RouteConfigOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> | Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route. |
+|  [validate](./ | <code>RouteValidatorFullConfig&lt;P, Q, B&gt; &#124; false</code> | A schema created with <code>@kbn/config-schema</code> that every request will be validated against. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [options](./
-## RouteConfig.options property
-Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->.
-options?: RouteConfigOptions<Method>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [options](./
+## RouteConfig.options property
+Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->.
+options?: RouteConfigOptions<Method>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [path](./
-## RouteConfig.path property
-The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route.
-path: string;
-## Remarks
-E.g. if the router is registered at `/elasticsearch` and the route path is `/search`<!-- -->, the full path for the route is `/elasticsearch/search`<!-- -->. Supports: - named path segments `path/{name}`<!-- -->. - optional path segments `path/{position?}`<!-- -->. - multi-segments `path/{coordinates*2}`<!-- -->. Segments are accessible within a handler function as `params` property of [KibanaRequest](./ object. To have read access to `params` you \*must\* specify validation schema with [RouteConfig.validate](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [path](./
+## RouteConfig.path property
+The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route.
+path: string;
+## Remarks
+E.g. if the router is registered at `/elasticsearch` and the route path is `/search`<!-- -->, the full path for the route is `/elasticsearch/search`<!-- -->. Supports: - named path segments `path/{name}`<!-- -->. - optional path segments `path/{position?}`<!-- -->. - multi-segments `path/{coordinates*2}`<!-- -->. Segments are accessible within a handler function as `params` property of [KibanaRequest](./ object. To have read access to `params` you \*must\* specify validation schema with [RouteConfig.validate](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [validate](./
-## RouteConfig.validate property
-A schema created with `@kbn/config-schema` that every request will be validated against.
-validate: RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> | false;
-## Remarks
-You \*must\* specify a validation schema to be able to read: - url path segments - request query - request body To opt out of validating the request, specify `validate: false`<!-- -->. In this case request params, query, and body will be \*\*empty\*\* objects and have no access to raw values. In some cases you may want to use another validation library. To do this, you need to instruct the `@kbn/config-schema` library to output \*\*non-validated values\*\* with setting schema as `schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })`<!-- -->;
-## Example
- import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
- router.get({
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: {
-    params: schema.object({
-      id: schema.string(),
-    }),
-    query: schema.object({...}),
-    body: schema.object({...}),
-  },
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{id: string}>
-  console.log(; // value
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: false, // handler has no access to params, query, body values.
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
-  console.log(; // undefined
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: {
-    // handler has access to raw non-validated params in runtime
-    params: schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })
-  },
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
-  console.log(; // value
-  myValidationLibrary.validate({ params: req.params });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [validate](./
+## RouteConfig.validate property
+A schema created with `@kbn/config-schema` that every request will be validated against.
+validate: RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> | false;
+## Remarks
+You \*must\* specify a validation schema to be able to read: - url path segments - request query - request body To opt out of validating the request, specify `validate: false`<!-- -->. In this case request params, query, and body will be \*\*empty\*\* objects and have no access to raw values. In some cases you may want to use another validation library. To do this, you need to instruct the `@kbn/config-schema` library to output \*\*non-validated values\*\* with setting schema as `schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })`<!-- -->;
+## Example
+ import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+ router.get({
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: {
+    params: schema.object({
+      id: schema.string(),
+    }),
+    query: schema.object({...}),
+    body: schema.object({...}),
+  },
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{id: string}>
+  console.log(; // value
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: false, // handler has no access to params, query, body values.
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
+  console.log(; // undefined
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: {
+    // handler has access to raw non-validated params in runtime
+    params: schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })
+  },
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
+  console.log(; // value
+  myValidationLibrary.validate({ params: req.params });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [authRequired](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.authRequired property
-A flag shows that authentication for a route: `enabled` when true `disabled` when false
-Enabled by default.
-authRequired?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [authRequired](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.authRequired property
+A flag shows that authentication for a route: `enabled` when true `disabled` when false
+Enabled by default.
+authRequired?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.body property
-Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->.
-body?: Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.body property
+Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->.
+body?: Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./
-## RouteConfigOptions interface
-Additional route options.
-export interface RouteConfigOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authRequired](./ | <code>boolean</code> | A flag shows that authentication for a route: <code>enabled</code> when true <code>disabled</code> when false<!-- -->Enabled by default. |
-|  [body](./ | <code>Method extends 'get' &#124; 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody</code> | Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [tags](./ | <code>readonly string[]</code> | Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./
+## RouteConfigOptions interface
+Additional route options.
+export interface RouteConfigOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authRequired](./ | <code>boolean</code> | A flag shows that authentication for a route: <code>enabled</code> when true <code>disabled</code> when false<!-- -->Enabled by default. |
+|  [body](./ | <code>Method extends 'get' &#124; 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody</code> | Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [tags](./ | <code>readonly string[]</code> | Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [tags](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.tags property
-Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route.
-tags?: readonly string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [tags](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.tags property
+Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route.
+tags?: readonly string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [accepts](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.accepts property
-A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.
-Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\*
-accepts?: RouteContentType | RouteContentType[] | string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [accepts](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.accepts property
+A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.
+Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\*
+accepts?: RouteContentType | RouteContentType[] | string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [maxBytes](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.maxBytes property
-Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.
-Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter `server.maxPayloadBytes`<!-- -->.
-maxBytes?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [maxBytes](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.maxBytes property
+Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.
+Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter `server.maxPayloadBytes`<!-- -->.
+maxBytes?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody interface
-Additional body options for a route
-export interface RouteConfigOptionsBody 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [accepts](./ | <code>RouteContentType &#124; RouteContentType[] &#124; string &#124; string[]</code> | A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.<!-- -->Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\* |
-|  [maxBytes](./ | <code>number</code> | Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.<!-- -->Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter <code>server.maxPayloadBytes</code>. |
-|  [output](./ | <code>typeof validBodyOutput[number]</code> | The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).<!-- -->Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure. |
-|  [parse](./ | <code>boolean &#124; 'gunzip'</code> | Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.<!-- -->Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody interface
+Additional body options for a route
+export interface RouteConfigOptionsBody 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [accepts](./ | <code>RouteContentType &#124; RouteContentType[] &#124; string &#124; string[]</code> | A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.<!-- -->Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\* |
+|  [maxBytes](./ | <code>number</code> | Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.<!-- -->Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter <code>server.maxPayloadBytes</code>. |
+|  [output](./ | <code>typeof validBodyOutput[number]</code> | The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).<!-- -->Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure. |
+|  [parse](./ | <code>boolean &#124; 'gunzip'</code> | Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.<!-- -->Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [output](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.output property
-The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).
-Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure.
-output?: typeof validBodyOutput[number];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [output](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.output property
+The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).
+Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure.
+output?: typeof validBodyOutput[number];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [parse](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.parse property
-Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.
-Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure.
-parse?: boolean | 'gunzip';
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+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.parse property
+Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.
+Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure.
+parse?: boolean | 'gunzip';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteContentType](./
-## RouteContentType type
-The set of supported parseable Content-Types
-export declare type RouteContentType = 'application/json' | 'application/*+json' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/*';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteContentType](./
+## RouteContentType type
+The set of supported parseable Content-Types
+export declare type RouteContentType = 'application/json' | 'application/*+json' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/*';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteMethod](./
-## RouteMethod type
-The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing.
-export declare type RouteMethod = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'options';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteMethod](./
+## RouteMethod type
+The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing.
+export declare type RouteMethod = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'options';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteRegistrar](./
-## RouteRegistrar type
-Route handler common definition
-export declare type RouteRegistrar<Method extends RouteMethod> = <P, Q, B>(route: RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method>, handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B, Method>) => void;
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+## RouteRegistrar type
+Route handler common definition
+export declare type RouteRegistrar<Method extends RouteMethod> = <P, Q, B>(route: RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method>, handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B, Method>) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationError](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## RouteValidationError.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `RouteValidationError` class
-constructor(error: Error | string, path?: string[]);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; string</code> |  |
-|  path | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+## RouteValidationError.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `RouteValidationError` class
+constructor(error: Error | string, path?: string[]);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; string</code> |  |
+|  path | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationError](./
-## RouteValidationError class
-Error to return when the validation is not successful.
-export declare class RouteValidationError extends SchemaTypeError 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(error, path)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>RouteValidationError</code> class |
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+## RouteValidationError class
+Error to return when the validation is not successful.
+export declare class RouteValidationError extends SchemaTypeError 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(error, path)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>RouteValidationError</code> class |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationFunction](./
-## RouteValidationFunction type
-The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements.
-export declare type RouteValidationFunction<T> = (data: any, validationResult: RouteValidationResultFactory) => {
-    value: T;
-    error?: never;
-} | {
-    value?: never;
-    error: RouteValidationError;
-## Example
-The validation should look something like:
-interface MyExpectedBody {
-  bar: string;
-  baz: number;
-const myBodyValidation: RouteValidationFunction<MyExpectedBody> = (data, validationResult) => {
-  const { ok, badRequest } = validationResult;
-  const { bar, baz } = data || {};
-  if (typeof bar === 'string' && typeof baz === 'number') {
-    return ok({ bar, baz });
-  } else {
-    return badRequest('Wrong payload', ['body']);
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationFunction](./
+## RouteValidationFunction type
+The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements.
+export declare type RouteValidationFunction<T> = (data: any, validationResult: RouteValidationResultFactory) => {
+    value: T;
+    error?: never;
+} | {
+    value?: never;
+    error: RouteValidationError;
+## Example
+The validation should look something like:
+interface MyExpectedBody {
+  bar: string;
+  baz: number;
+const myBodyValidation: RouteValidationFunction<MyExpectedBody> = (data, validationResult) => {
+  const { ok, badRequest } = validationResult;
+  const { bar, baz } = data || {};
+  if (typeof bar === 'string' && typeof baz === 'number') {
+    return ok({ bar, baz });
+  } else {
+    return badRequest('Wrong payload', ['body']);
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [badRequest](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory.badRequest property
-badRequest: (error: Error | string, path?: string[]) => {
-        error: RouteValidationError;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [badRequest](./
+## RouteValidationResultFactory.badRequest property
+badRequest: (error: Error | string, path?: string[]) => {
+        error: RouteValidationError;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory interface
-Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors
-See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->.
-export interface RouteValidationResultFactory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [badRequest](./ | <code>(error: Error &#124; string, path?: string[]) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        error: RouteValidationError;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [ok](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(value: T) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        value: T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./
+## RouteValidationResultFactory interface
+Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors
+See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->.
+export interface RouteValidationResultFactory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [badRequest](./ | <code>(error: Error &#124; string, path?: string[]) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        error: RouteValidationError;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [ok](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(value: T) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        value: T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [ok](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory.ok property
-ok: <T>(value: T) => {
-        value: T;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [ok](./
+## RouteValidationResultFactory.ok property
+ok: <T>(value: T) => {
+        value: T;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationSpec](./
-## RouteValidationSpec type
-Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions
-See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation.
-export declare type RouteValidationSpec<T> = ObjectType | Type<T> | RouteValidationFunction<T>;
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+## RouteValidationSpec type
+Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions
+See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation.
+export declare type RouteValidationSpec<T> = ObjectType | Type<T> | RouteValidationFunction<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [body](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.body property
-Validation logic for the body payload
-body?: RouteValidationSpec<B>;
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+## RouteValidatorConfig.body property
+Validation logic for the body payload
+body?: RouteValidationSpec<B>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig interface
-The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set `params`<!-- -->, `query` and/or `body` to specify the validation logic to follow for that property.
-export interface RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;B&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the body payload |
-|  [params](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;P&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the URL params |
-|  [query](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;Q&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the Query params |
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+## RouteValidatorConfig interface
+The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set `params`<!-- -->, `query` and/or `body` to specify the validation logic to follow for that property.
+export interface RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;B&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the body payload |
+|  [params](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;P&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the URL params |
+|  [query](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;Q&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the Query params |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [params](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.params property
-Validation logic for the URL params
-params?: RouteValidationSpec<P>;
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+## RouteValidatorConfig.params property
+Validation logic for the URL params
+params?: RouteValidationSpec<P>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [query](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.query property
-Validation logic for the Query params
-query?: RouteValidationSpec<Q>;
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+## RouteValidatorConfig.query property
+Validation logic for the Query params
+query?: RouteValidationSpec<Q>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./
-## RouteValidatorFullConfig type
-Route validations config and options merged into one object
-export declare type RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> = RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> & RouteValidatorOptions;
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+## RouteValidatorFullConfig type
+Route validations config and options merged into one object
+export declare type RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> = RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> & RouteValidatorOptions;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./
-## RouteValidatorOptions interface
-Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour.
-export interface RouteValidatorOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [unsafe](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        params?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        query?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        body?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Set the <code>unsafe</code> config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./
+## RouteValidatorOptions interface
+Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour.
+export interface RouteValidatorOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [unsafe](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        params?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        query?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        body?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Set the <code>unsafe</code> config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./ &gt; [unsafe](./
-## RouteValidatorOptions.unsafe property
-Set the `unsafe` config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation
-unsafe?: {
-        params?: boolean;
-        query?: boolean;
-        body?: boolean;
-    };
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+## RouteValidatorOptions.unsafe property
+Set the `unsafe` config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation
+unsafe?: {
+        params?: boolean;
+        query?: boolean;
+        body?: boolean;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: T;
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+## SavedObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObject.error property
-error?: {
-        message: string;
-        statusCode: number;
-    };
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+## SavedObject.error property
+error?: {
+        message: string;
+        statusCode: number;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
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+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
-## SavedObject interface
-export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
-|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
+## SavedObject interface
+export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
+|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObject.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObject.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references: SavedObjectReference[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObject.type property
-The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObject.type property
+The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
-## SavedObject.updated\_at property
-Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
-updated_at?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
+## SavedObject.updated\_at property
+Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
+updated_at?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObject.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObject.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-## SavedObjectAttribute type
-Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
-export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+## SavedObjectAttribute type
+Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
+export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
-## SavedObjectAttributes interface
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
+## SavedObjectAttributes interface
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
-## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
-Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
+## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
+Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
-## SavedObjectReference interface
-A reference to another saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectReference 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
+## SavedObjectReference interface
+A reference to another saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectReference 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectReference.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectReference.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
-Specify the namespace for this operation
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
+Specify the namespace for this operation
+namespace?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
+type: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.fields property
-SavedObject fields to include in the response
-fields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [fields](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.fields property
+SavedObject fields to include in the response
+fields?: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkGetObject 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | SavedObject fields to include in the response |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkGetObject 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | SavedObject fields to include in the response |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.type property
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: Partial<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: Partial<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Pick<SavedObjectsUpdateOptions, 'version' | 'references'> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Pick<SavedObjectsUpdateOptions, 'version' | 'references'> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
-The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
+The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsUpdateResponse&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsUpdateResponse&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate() method
-Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request
-bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate() method
+Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request
+bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet() method
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> | an array of ids, or an array of objects containing id, type and optionally fields |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet() method
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> | an array of ids, or an array of objects containing id, type and optionally fields |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
-Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
+Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.create() method
-Persists a SavedObject
-create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.create() method
+Persists a SavedObject
+create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.delete() method
-Deletes a SavedObject
-delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.delete() method
+Deletes a SavedObject
+delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.errors property
-static errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers;
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+## SavedObjectsClient.errors property
+static errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.find() method
-Find all SavedObjects matching the search query
-find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.find() method
+Find all SavedObjects matching the search query
+find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.get() method
-Retrieves a single object
-get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> | The type of SavedObject to retrieve |
-|  id | <code>string</code> | The ID of the SavedObject to retrieve |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.get() method
+Retrieves a single object
+get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> | The type of SavedObject to retrieve |
+|  id | <code>string</code> | The ID of the SavedObject to retrieve |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsClient class
-export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ |  | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request |
-|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once |
-|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists a SavedObject |
-|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes a SavedObject |
-|  [find(options)](./ |  | Find all SavedObjects matching the search query |
-|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Retrieves a single object |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an SavedObject |
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+## SavedObjectsClient class
+export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ |  | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request |
+|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once |
+|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists a SavedObject |
+|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes a SavedObject |
+|  [find(options)](./ |  | Find all SavedObjects matching the search query |
+|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Retrieves a single object |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an SavedObject |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
-Updates an SavedObject
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
+Updates an SavedObject
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
-## SavedObjectsClientContract type
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.
-\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors
-Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:
-1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
-Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the `isXYZError()` helpers exposed at `SavedObjectsErrorHelpers` should be used to understand and manage error responses from the `SavedObjectsClient`<!-- -->.
-Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for `error.body.error.type` or doing substring checks on `error.body.error.reason`<!-- -->, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:
-\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }
-if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }
-// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`
-\#\#\# 404s from missing index
-From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.
-At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.
-From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.
-\#\#\# 503s from missing index
-Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's `action.auto_create_index` setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.
-See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = Pick<SavedObjectsClient, keyof SavedObjectsClient>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
+## SavedObjectsClientContract type
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.
+\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors
+Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:
+1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
+Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the `isXYZError()` helpers exposed at `SavedObjectsErrorHelpers` should be used to understand and manage error responses from the `SavedObjectsClient`<!-- -->.
+Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for `error.body.error.type` or doing substring checks on `error.body.error.reason`<!-- -->, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:
+\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }
+if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }
+// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`
+\#\#\# 404s from missing index
+From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.
+At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.
+From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.
+\#\#\# 503s from missing index
+Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's `action.auto_create_index` setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.
+See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = Pick<SavedObjectsClient, keyof SavedObjectsClient>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsClientFactory type
-Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: {
-    request: KibanaRequest;
-}) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./
+## SavedObjectsClientFactory type
+Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: {
+    request: KibanaRequest;
+}) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./
-## SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider type
-Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider = (repositoryFactory: SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory) => SavedObjectsClientFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./
+## SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider type
+Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider = (repositoryFactory: SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory) => SavedObjectsClientFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ &gt; [excludedWrappers](./
-## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions.excludedWrappers property
-excludedWrappers?: string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ &gt; [excludedWrappers](./
+## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions.excludedWrappers property
+excludedWrappers?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions interface
-Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client.
-export interface SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [excludedWrappers](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions interface
+Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client.
+export interface SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [excludedWrappers](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory type
-Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory type
+Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [client](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.client property
-client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [client](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.client property
+client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions interface
-Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance.
-export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions interface
+Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance.
+export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [request](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request property
-request: KibanaRequest;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [request](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request property
+request: KibanaRequest;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-(not recommended) Specify an id for the document
-id?: string;
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+## property
+(not recommended) Specify an id for the document
+id?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (not recommended) Specify an id for the document |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false) |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (not recommended) Specify an id for the document |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false) |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
-Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false)
-overwrite?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
+Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false)
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsDeleteOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsDeleteOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createBadRequestError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createBadRequestError() method
-static createBadRequestError(reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createBadRequestError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createBadRequestError() method
+static createBadRequestError(reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createEsAutoCreateIndexError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
-static createEsAutoCreateIndexError(): DecoratedError;
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
+static createEsAutoCreateIndexError(): DecoratedError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createGenericNotFoundError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createGenericNotFoundError() method
-static createGenericNotFoundError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createGenericNotFoundError() method
+static createGenericNotFoundError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createInvalidVersionError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createInvalidVersionError() method
-static createInvalidVersionError(versionInput?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  versionInput | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createInvalidVersionError() method
+static createInvalidVersionError(versionInput?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  versionInput | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createUnsupportedTypeError() method
-static createUnsupportedTypeError(type: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createUnsupportedTypeError() method
+static createUnsupportedTypeError(type: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateBadRequestError() method
-static decorateBadRequestError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateBadRequestError() method
+static decorateBadRequestError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateConflictError() method
-static decorateConflictError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateConflictError() method
+static decorateConflictError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateEsUnavailableError() method
-static decorateEsUnavailableError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateEsUnavailableError() method
+static decorateEsUnavailableError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateForbiddenError() method
-static decorateForbiddenError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateForbiddenError() method
+static decorateForbiddenError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateGeneralError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateGeneralError() method
-static decorateGeneralError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateGeneralError() method
+static decorateGeneralError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
-static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
+static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
-static decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
+static decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isBadRequestError() method
-static isBadRequestError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isBadRequestError() method
+static isBadRequestError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isConflictError() method
-static isConflictError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isConflictError() method
+static isConflictError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
-static isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
+static isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsUnavailableError() method
-static isEsUnavailableError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsUnavailableError() method
+static isEsUnavailableError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isForbiddenError() method
-static isForbiddenError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isForbiddenError() method
+static isForbiddenError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isInvalidVersionError() method
-static isInvalidVersionError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isInvalidVersionError() method
+static isInvalidVersionError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
-static isNotAuthorizedError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
+static isNotAuthorizedError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isNotFoundError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError() method
-static isNotFoundError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError() method
+static isNotFoundError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
-static isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
+static isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isSavedObjectsClientError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isSavedObjectsClientError() method
-static isSavedObjectsClientError(error: any): error is DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
-`error is DecoratedError`
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isSavedObjectsClientError() method
+static isSavedObjectsClientError(error: any): error is DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
+`error is DecoratedError`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers class
-export declare class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createBadRequestError(reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createEsAutoCreateIndexError()](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createGenericNotFoundError(type, id)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createInvalidVersionError(versionInput)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createUnsupportedTypeError(type)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateBadRequestError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateConflictError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateEsUnavailableError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateForbiddenError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateGeneralError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isBadRequestError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isConflictError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isEsUnavailableError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isForbiddenError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isInvalidVersionError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotFoundError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isSavedObjectsClientError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers class
+export declare class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createBadRequestError(reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createEsAutoCreateIndexError()](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createGenericNotFoundError(type, id)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createInvalidVersionError(versionInput)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createUnsupportedTypeError(type)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateBadRequestError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateConflictError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateEsUnavailableError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateForbiddenError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateGeneralError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isBadRequestError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isConflictError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isEsUnavailableError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isForbiddenError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isInvalidVersionError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotFoundError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isSavedObjectsClientError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [excludeExportDetails](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.excludeExportDetails property
-flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream.
-excludeExportDetails?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [excludeExportDetails](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.excludeExportDetails property
+flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream.
+excludeExportDetails?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [exportSizeLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.exportSizeLimit property
-the maximum number of objects to export.
-exportSizeLimit: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [exportSizeLimit](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.exportSizeLimit property
+the maximum number of objects to export.
+exportSizeLimit: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [includeReferencesDeep](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.includeReferencesDeep property
-flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream.
-includeReferencesDeep?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [includeReferencesDeep](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.includeReferencesDeep property
+flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream.
+includeReferencesDeep?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions interface
-Options controlling the export operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [excludeExportDetails](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream. |
-|  [exportSizeLimit](./ | <code>number</code> | the maximum number of objects to export. |
-|  [includeReferencesDeep](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream. |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient. |
-|  [objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | optional array of objects to export. |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | an instance of the SavedObjectsClient. |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | optional query string to filter exported objects. |
-|  [types](./ | <code>string[]</code> | optional array of saved object types. |
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+## SavedObjectsExportOptions interface
+Options controlling the export operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [excludeExportDetails](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream. |
+|  [exportSizeLimit](./ | <code>number</code> | the maximum number of objects to export. |
+|  [includeReferencesDeep](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream. |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient. |
+|  [objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | optional array of objects to export. |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | an instance of the SavedObjectsClient. |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | optional query string to filter exported objects. |
+|  [types](./ | <code>string[]</code> | optional array of saved object types. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.namespace property
-optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient.
-namespace?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.namespace property
+optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient.
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [objects](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.objects property
-optional array of objects to export.
-objects?: Array<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [objects](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.objects property
+optional array of objects to export.
+objects?: Array<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-an instance of the SavedObjectsClient.
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+an instance of the SavedObjectsClient.
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
-## property
-optional query string to filter exported objects.
-search?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+optional query string to filter exported objects.
+search?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [types](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.types property
-optional array of saved object types.
-types?: string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [types](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.types property
+optional array of saved object types.
+types?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [exportedCount](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.exportedCount property
-number of successfully exported objects
-exportedCount: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [exportedCount](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.exportedCount property
+number of successfully exported objects
+exportedCount: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails interface
-Structure of the export result details entry
-export interface SavedObjectsExportResultDetails 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [exportedCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of successfully exported objects |
-|  [missingRefCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of missing references |
-|  [missingReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | missing references details |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails interface
+Structure of the export result details entry
+export interface SavedObjectsExportResultDetails 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [exportedCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of successfully exported objects |
+|  [missingRefCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of missing references |
+|  [missingReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | missing references details |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingRefCount](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingRefCount property
-number of missing references
-missingRefCount: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingRefCount](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingRefCount property
+number of missing references
+missingRefCount: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingReferences property
-missing references details
-missingReferences: Array<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingReferences property
+missing references details
+missingReferences: Array<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
-defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
+defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
-An array of fields to include in the results
-fields?: string[];
-## Example
-SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
+An array of fields to include in the results
+fields?: string[];
+## Example
+SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
-filter?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
+filter?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
-hasReference?: {
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
+hasReference?: {
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
-|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
-|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
-|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
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+## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
+|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
+|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
+|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
-perPage?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
+perPage?: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
-## property
-Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
-search?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
+search?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
-The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
-searchFields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
+The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
+searchFields?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
-sortField?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
+sortField?: string;
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index bae922313db34..32475703199e6 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
-sortOrder?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
+sortOrder?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
-type: string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
+type: string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse interface
-Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
-\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
-export interface SavedObjectsFindResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [per\_page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse interface
+Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
+\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
+export interface SavedObjectsFindResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [per\_page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [per\_page](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse.per\_page property
-per_page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [per\_page](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse.per\_page property
+per_page: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [total](./
-## property
-total: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [total](./
+## property
+total: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
-type: 'conflict';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
+type: 'conflict';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
-error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
+error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError interface
-Represents a failure to import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError interface
+Represents a failure to import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
-title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
+title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
-blocking: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
+blocking: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
-references: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
+references: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
-type: 'missing_references';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
+type: 'missing_references';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions interface
-Options to control the import operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions interface
+Options to control the import operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.objectLimit property
-objectLimit: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.objectLimit property
+objectLimit: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.readStream property
-readStream: Readable;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.readStream property
+readStream: Readable;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.supportedTypes property
-supportedTypes: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.supportedTypes property
+supportedTypes: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
-errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
+errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
-The response describing the result of an import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
-|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
+The response describing the result of an import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
+|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
-success: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
+success: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
-successCount: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
+successCount: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
-Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
+Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
-replaceReferences: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        from: string;
-        to: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
+replaceReferences: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        from: string;
+        to: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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index cf31166157ab7..aeb948de0aa00 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
-type: 'unknown';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
+type: 'unknown';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
-type: 'unsupported_type';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
+type: 'unsupported_type';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> |  |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> |  |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.migrationVersion property
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.migrationVersion property
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [debug](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.debug property
-debug: (msg: string) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [debug](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.debug property
+debug: (msg: string) => void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [info](./
-## property
-info: (msg: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [info](./
+## property
+info: (msg: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger interface
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationLogger 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [debug](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
-|  [info](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
-|  [warning](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger interface
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationLogger 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [debug](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
+|  [info](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
+|  [warning](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [warning](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.warning property
-warning: (msg: string) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [warning](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.warning property
+warning: (msg: string) => void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
-## Example
-migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
+## Example
+migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_id](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_id property
-_id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_id](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_id property
+_id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_primary\_term](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_primary\_term property
-_primary_term?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_primary\_term](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_primary\_term property
+_primary_term?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_seq\_no](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_seq\_no property
-_seq_no?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_seq\_no](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_seq\_no property
+_seq_no?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_source](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_source property
-_source: any;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_source](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_source property
+_source: any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_type](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_type property
-_type?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_type](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_type property
+_type?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc interface
-A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index.
-export interface RawDoc 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\_id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [\_primary\_term](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [\_seq\_no](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [\_source](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
-|  [\_type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc interface
+A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index.
+export interface RawDoc 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\_id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [\_primary\_term](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [\_seq\_no](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [\_source](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
+|  [\_type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkCreate() method
-Creates multiple documents at once
-bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkCreate() method
+Creates multiple documents at once
+bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkGet() method
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\] }
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkGet() method
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\] }
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkUpdate() method
-Updates multiple objects in bulk
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkUpdate() method
+Updates multiple objects in bulk
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.create() method
-Persists an object
-create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [create](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.create() method
+Persists an object
+create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.delete() method
-Deletes an object
-delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.delete() method
+Deletes an object
+delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [deleteByNamespace](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.deleteByNamespace() method
-Deletes all objects from the provided namespace.
-deleteByNamespace(namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  namespace | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { took, timed\_out, total, deleted, batches, version\_conflicts, noops, retries, failures }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [deleteByNamespace](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.deleteByNamespace() method
+Deletes all objects from the provided namespace.
+deleteByNamespace(namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  namespace | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { took, timed\_out, total, deleted, batches, version\_conflicts, noops, retries, failures }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.find() method
-find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  { search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, } | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\], total, per\_page, page }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [find](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.find() method
+find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  { search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, } | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\], total, per\_page, page }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.get() method
-Gets a single object
-get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.get() method
+Gets a single object
+get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [incrementCounter](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.incrementCounter() method
-Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id.
-incrementCounter(type: string, id: string, counterFieldName: string, options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions): Promise<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-        updated_at: string;
-        references: any;
-        version: string;
-        attributes: any;
-    }>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  counterFieldName | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions</code> |  |
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-        updated_at: string;
-        references: any;
-        version: string;
-        attributes: any;
-    }>`
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [incrementCounter](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.incrementCounter() method
+Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id.
+incrementCounter(type: string, id: string, counterFieldName: string, options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions): Promise<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+        updated_at: string;
+        references: any;
+        version: string;
+        attributes: any;
+    }>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  counterFieldName | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions</code> |  |
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+        updated_at: string;
+        references: any;
+        version: string;
+        attributes: any;
+    }>`
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository class
-export declare class SavedObjectsRepository 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Creates multiple documents at once |
-|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Updates multiple objects in bulk |
-|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists an object |
-|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes an object |
-|  [deleteByNamespace(namespace, options)](./ |  | Deletes all objects from the provided namespace. |
-|  [find({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, })](./ |  |  |
-|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Gets a single object |
-|  [incrementCounter(type, id, counterFieldName, options)](./ |  | Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id. |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an object |
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+## SavedObjectsRepository class
+export declare class SavedObjectsRepository 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Creates multiple documents at once |
+|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Updates multiple objects in bulk |
+|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists an object |
+|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes an object |
+|  [deleteByNamespace(namespace, options)](./ |  | Deletes all objects from the provided namespace. |
+|  [find({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, })](./ |  |  |
+|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Gets a single object |
+|  [incrementCounter(type, id, counterFieldName, options)](./ |  | Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id. |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an object |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.update() method
-Updates an object
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [update](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.update() method
+Updates an object
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
-createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
+createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
-createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
+createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory interface
-Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./
-export interface SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory interface
+Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./
+export interface SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions interface
-Options to control the "resolve import" operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
-|  [retries](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportRetry[]</code> |  |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions interface
+Options to control the "resolve import" operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
+|  [retries](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportRetry[]</code> |  |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.objectLimit property
-objectLimit: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.objectLimit property
+objectLimit: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.readStream property
-readStream: Readable;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.readStream property
+readStream: Readable;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [retries](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.retries property
-retries: SavedObjectsImportRetry[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [retries](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.retries property
+retries: SavedObjectsImportRetry[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.supportedTypes property
-supportedTypes: string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.supportedTypes property
+supportedTypes: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [addClientWrapper](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper property
-Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority.
-addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [addClientWrapper](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper property
+Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority.
+addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup interface
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers.
-export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup 
-## Remarks
-Note: The Saved Object setup API's should only be used for creating and registering client wrappers. Constructing a Saved Objects client or repository for use within your own plugin won't have any of the registered wrappers applied and is considered an anti-pattern. Use the Saved Objects client from the [SavedObjectsServiceStart\#getScopedClient](./ method or the [route handler context](./ instead.
-When plugins access the Saved Objects client, a new client is created using the factory provided to `setClientFactory` and wrapped by all wrappers registered through `addClientWrapper`<!-- -->. To create a factory or wrapper, plugins will have to construct a Saved Objects client. First create a repository by calling `scopedRepository` or `internalRepository` and then use this repository as the argument to the [SavedObjectsClient](./ constructor.
-## Example
-import { SavedObjectsClient, CoreSetup } from 'src/core/server';
-export class Plugin() { setup: (core: CoreSetup) =<!-- -->&gt; { core.savedObjects.setClientFactory((<!-- -->{ request: KibanaRequest }<!-- -->) =<!-- -->&gt; { return new SavedObjectsClient(core.savedObjects.scopedRepository(request)); }<!-- -->) } }
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [addClientWrapper](./ | <code>(priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) =&gt; void</code> | Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
-|  [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | <code>(clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) =&gt; void</code> | Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup interface
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers.
+export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup 
+## Remarks
+Note: The Saved Object setup API's should only be used for creating and registering client wrappers. Constructing a Saved Objects client or repository for use within your own plugin won't have any of the registered wrappers applied and is considered an anti-pattern. Use the Saved Objects client from the [SavedObjectsServiceStart\#getScopedClient](./ method or the [route handler context](./ instead.
+When plugins access the Saved Objects client, a new client is created using the factory provided to `setClientFactory` and wrapped by all wrappers registered through `addClientWrapper`<!-- -->. To create a factory or wrapper, plugins will have to construct a Saved Objects client. First create a repository by calling `scopedRepository` or `internalRepository` and then use this repository as the argument to the [SavedObjectsClient](./ constructor.
+## Example
+import { SavedObjectsClient, CoreSetup } from 'src/core/server';
+export class Plugin() { setup: (core: CoreSetup) =<!-- -->&gt; { core.savedObjects.setClientFactory((<!-- -->{ request: KibanaRequest }<!-- -->) =<!-- -->&gt; { return new SavedObjectsClient(core.savedObjects.scopedRepository(request)); }<!-- -->) } }
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [addClientWrapper](./ | <code>(priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) =&gt; void</code> | Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
+|  [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | <code>(clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) =&gt; void</code> | Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [setClientFactoryProvider](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider property
-Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail.
-setClientFactoryProvider: (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [setClientFactoryProvider](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider property
+Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail.
+setClientFactoryProvider: (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
-createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
+createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
-createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
-## Remarks
-Prefer using `getScopedClient`<!-- -->. This should only be used when using methods not exposed on [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
+createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
+## Remarks
+Prefer using `getScopedClient`<!-- -->. This should only be used when using methods not exposed on [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [getScopedClient](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.getScopedClient property
-Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.
-A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->.
-getScopedClient: (req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [getScopedClient](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.getScopedClient property
+Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.
+A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->.
+getScopedClient: (req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart interface
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects.
-export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [getScopedClient](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) =&gt; SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.<!-- -->A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart interface
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects.
+export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [getScopedClient](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) =&gt; SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.<!-- -->A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.attributes property
-attributes: Partial<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.attributes property
+attributes: Partial<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Omit<SavedObject<T>, 'attributes' | 'references'> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[] &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Omit<SavedObject<T>, 'attributes' | 'references'> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[] &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.references property
-references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined;
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+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.references property
+references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopeableRequest](./
-## ScopeableRequest type
-A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.
-See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ScopeableRequest = KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest | FakeRequest;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopeableRequest](./
+## ScopeableRequest type
+A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.
+See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ScopeableRequest = KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest | FakeRequest;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ScopedClusterClient` class
-constructor(internalAPICaller: APICaller, scopedAPICaller: APICaller, headers?: Headers | undefined);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  internalAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
-|  scopedAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
-|  headers | <code>Headers &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ScopedClusterClient` class
+constructor(internalAPICaller: APICaller, scopedAPICaller: APICaller, headers?: Headers | undefined);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  internalAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
+|  scopedAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
+|  headers | <code>Headers &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsCurrentUser](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.callAsCurrentUser() method
-Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsCurrentUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
-|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
-|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsCurrentUser](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.callAsCurrentUser() method
+Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsCurrentUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
+|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
+|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.callAsInternalUser() method
-Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsInternalUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
-|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
-|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.callAsInternalUser() method
+Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsInternalUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
+|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
+|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./
-## ScopedClusterClient class
-Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
-See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare class ScopedClusterClient implements IScopedClusterClient 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(internalAPICaller, scopedAPICaller, headers)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ScopedClusterClient</code> class |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [callAsCurrentUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [callAsInternalUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./
+## ScopedClusterClient class
+Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
+See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare class ScopedClusterClient implements IScopedClusterClient 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(internalAPICaller, scopedAPICaller, headers)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ScopedClusterClient</code> class |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [callAsCurrentUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [callAsInternalUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [isValid](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult.isValid property
-Whether the cookie is valid or not.
-isValid: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [isValid](./
+## SessionCookieValidationResult.isValid property
+Whether the cookie is valid or not.
+isValid: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult interface
-Return type from a function to validate cookie contents.
-export interface SessionCookieValidationResult 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isValid](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the cookie is valid or not. |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./
+## SessionCookieValidationResult interface
+Return type from a function to validate cookie contents.
+export interface SessionCookieValidationResult 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isValid](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the cookie is valid or not. |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [path](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult.path property
-The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it.
-path?: string;
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+## SessionCookieValidationResult.path property
+The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it.
+path?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [clear](./
-## SessionStorage.clear() method
-Clears current session.
-clear(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [clear](./
+## SessionStorage.clear() method
+Clears current session.
+clear(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SessionStorage.get() method
-Retrieves session value from the session storage.
-get(): Promise<T | null>;
-`Promise<T | null>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SessionStorage.get() method
+Retrieves session value from the session storage.
+get(): Promise<T | null>;
+`Promise<T | null>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./
-## SessionStorage interface
-Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests.
-export interface SessionStorage<T> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [clear()](./ | Clears current session. |
-|  [get()](./ | Retrieves session value from the session storage. |
-|  [set(sessionValue)](./ | Puts current session value into the session storage. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./
+## SessionStorage interface
+Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests.
+export interface SessionStorage<T> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [clear()](./ | Clears current session. |
+|  [get()](./ | Retrieves session value from the session storage. |
+|  [set(sessionValue)](./ | Puts current session value into the session storage. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [set](./
-## SessionStorage.set() method
-Puts current session value into the session storage.
-set(sessionValue: T): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  sessionValue | <code>T</code> | value to put |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [set](./
+## SessionStorage.set() method
+Puts current session value into the session storage.
+set(sessionValue: T): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  sessionValue | <code>T</code> | value to put |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [encryptionKey](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.encryptionKey property
-A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long.
-encryptionKey: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [encryptionKey](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.encryptionKey property
+A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long.
+encryptionKey: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [isSecure](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.isSecure property
-Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection.
-isSecure: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [isSecure](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.isSecure property
+Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection.
+isSecure: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions interface
-Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism.
-export interface SessionStorageCookieOptions<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [encryptionKey](./ | <code>string</code> | A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long. |
-|  [isSecure](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection. |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | Name of the session cookie. |
-|  [validate](./ | <code>(sessionValue: T &#124; T[]) =&gt; SessionCookieValidationResult</code> | Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions interface
+Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism.
+export interface SessionStorageCookieOptions<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [encryptionKey](./ | <code>string</code> | A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long. |
+|  [isSecure](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection. |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | Name of the session cookie. |
+|  [validate](./ | <code>(sessionValue: T &#124; T[]) =&gt; SessionCookieValidationResult</code> | Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-Name of the session cookie.
-name: string;
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+## property
+Name of the session cookie.
+name: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [validate](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.validate property
-Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value.
-validate: (sessionValue: T | T[]) => SessionCookieValidationResult;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [validate](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.validate property
+Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value.
+validate: (sessionValue: T | T[]) => SessionCookieValidationResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
-## SessionStorageFactory.asScoped property
-asScoped: (request: KibanaRequest) => SessionStorage<T>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
+## SessionStorageFactory.asScoped property
+asScoped: (request: KibanaRequest) => SessionStorage<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./
-## SessionStorageFactory interface
-SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request
-export interface SessionStorageFactory<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asScoped](./ | <code>(request: KibanaRequest) =&gt; SessionStorage&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./
+## SessionStorageFactory interface
+SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request
+export interface SessionStorageFactory<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asScoped](./ | <code>(request: KibanaRequest) =&gt; SessionStorage&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SharedGlobalConfig](./
-## SharedGlobalConfig type
-export declare type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly<{
-    kibana: Pick<KibanaConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.kibana[number]>;
-    elasticsearch: Pick<ElasticsearchConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.elasticsearch[number]>;
-    path: Pick<PathConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.path[number]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SharedGlobalConfig](./
+## SharedGlobalConfig type
+export declare type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly<{
+    kibana: Pick<KibanaConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.kibana[number]>;
+    elasticsearch: Pick<ElasticsearchConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.elasticsearch[number]>;
+    path: Pick<PathConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.path[number]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
-## StringValidation type
-Allows regex objects or a regex string
-export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
+## StringValidation type
+Allows regex objects or a regex string
+export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
-## StringValidationRegex interface
-StringValidation with regex object
-export interface StringValidationRegex 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
+## StringValidationRegex interface
+StringValidation with regex object
+export interface StringValidationRegex 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegex.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegex.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
-## StringValidationRegex.regex property
-regex: RegExp;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
+## StringValidationRegex.regex property
+regex: RegExp;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString interface
-StringValidation as regex string
-export interface StringValidationRegexString 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString interface
+StringValidation as regex string
+export interface StringValidationRegexString 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
-regexString: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
+regexString: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
-## UiSettingsParams.category property
-used to group the configured setting in the UI
-category?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
+## UiSettingsParams.category property
+used to group the configured setting in the UI
+category?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
-optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
-deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
+optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
+deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
-## UiSettingsParams.description property
-description provided to a user in UI
-description?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
+## UiSettingsParams.description property
+description provided to a user in UI
+description?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
-## UiSettingsParams interface
-UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
-export interface UiSettingsParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
-|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
-|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
-|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
-|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
-|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
-|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
-|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
-|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
-|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
+## UiSettingsParams interface
+UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
+export interface UiSettingsParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
+|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
+|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
+|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
+|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
+|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
+|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
+|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
+|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
+|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-title in the UI
-name?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+title in the UI
+name?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
-## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
-text labels for 'select' type UI element
-optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
+## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
+text labels for 'select' type UI element
+optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
-## UiSettingsParams.options property
-array of permitted values for this setting
-options?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
+## UiSettingsParams.options property
+array of permitted values for this setting
+options?: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
-## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
-a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
-readonly?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
+## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
+a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
+readonly?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
-## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
-a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
-requiresPageReload?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
+## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
+a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
+requiresPageReload?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
-## UiSettingsParams.type property
-defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
-type?: UiSettingsType;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
+## UiSettingsParams.type property
+defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
+type?: UiSettingsType;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.validation property
-validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.validation property
+validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
-## UiSettingsParams.value property
-default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
-value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
+## UiSettingsParams.value property
+default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
+value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./
-## UiSettingsServiceSetup interface
-export interface UiSettingsServiceSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [register(settings)](./ | Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./
+## UiSettingsServiceSetup interface
+export interface UiSettingsServiceSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [register(settings)](./ | Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
-## UiSettingsServiceSetup.register() method
-Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings.
-register(settings: Record<string, UiSettingsParams>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  settings | <code>Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-setup(core: CoreSetup){
- core.uiSettings.register([{
-  foo: {
-   name: i18n.translate('my foo settings'),
-   value: true,
-   description: 'add some awesomeness',
-  },
- }]);
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
+## UiSettingsServiceSetup.register() method
+Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings.
+register(settings: Record<string, UiSettingsParams>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  settings | <code>Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+setup(core: CoreSetup){
+ core.uiSettings.register([{
+  foo: {
+   name: i18n.translate('my foo settings'),
+   value: true,
+   description: 'add some awesomeness',
+  },
+ }]);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ &gt; [asScopedToClient](./
-## UiSettingsServiceStart.asScopedToClient() method
-Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.
-This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->.
-asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract): IUiSettingsClient;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  savedObjectsClient | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-## Example
-start(core: CoreStart) {
- const soClient = core.savedObjects.getScopedClient(arbitraryRequest);
- const uiSettingsClient = core.uiSettings.asScopedToClient(soClient);
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ &gt; [asScopedToClient](./
+## UiSettingsServiceStart.asScopedToClient() method
+Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.
+This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->.
+asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract): IUiSettingsClient;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  savedObjectsClient | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+## Example
+start(core: CoreStart) {
+ const soClient = core.savedObjects.getScopedClient(arbitraryRequest);
+ const uiSettingsClient = core.uiSettings.asScopedToClient(soClient);
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index ee3563552275a..e4375303a1b3d 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./
-## UiSettingsServiceStart interface
-export interface UiSettingsServiceStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient)](./ | Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.<!-- -->This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./
+## UiSettingsServiceStart interface
+export interface UiSettingsServiceStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient)](./ | Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.<!-- -->This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index b78932aecc724..09fb43e974d9b 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
-## UiSettingsType type
-UI element type to represent the settings.
-export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
+## UiSettingsType type
+UI element type to represent the settings.
+export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 01e04b490595d..304999f911fa4 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
-isOverridden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
+isOverridden?: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index e0f5f7fadd12f..e00672070bba8 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
-## UserProvidedValues interface
-Describes the values explicitly set by user.
-export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
+## UserProvidedValues interface
+Describes the values explicitly set by user.
+export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 59d25651b7697..c45efa9296831 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
-## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
-userValue?: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
+## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
+userValue?: T;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index e0b7012bea4aa..c937b49f08e74 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./ &gt; [getInstanceUuid](./
-## UuidServiceSetup.getInstanceUuid() method
-Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid.
-getInstanceUuid(): string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./ &gt; [getInstanceUuid](./
+## UuidServiceSetup.getInstanceUuid() method
+Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid.
+getInstanceUuid(): string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index f2a6cfdeac704..fa319779e01d5 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./
-## UuidServiceSetup interface
-APIs to access the application's instance uuid.
-export interface UuidServiceSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getInstanceUuid()](./ | Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./
+## UuidServiceSetup interface
+APIs to access the application's instance uuid.
+export interface UuidServiceSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getInstanceUuid()](./ | Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index ea866abf887fb..2230fcc988d76 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [validBodyOutput](./
-## validBodyOutput variable
-The set of valid body.output
-validBodyOutput: readonly ["data", "stream"]
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [validBodyOutput](./
+## validBodyOutput variable
+The set of valid body.output
+validBodyOutput: readonly ["data", "stream"]
diff --git a/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js b/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
index e5493df0aecf7..78fc041345577 100644
--- a/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
+++ b/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ export const IGNORE_FILE_GLOBS = [
   // filename is required by storybook
+  // filename required by api-extractor
+  'api-documenter.json',
diff --git a/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts b/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
index 56664477df491..48f31c261c445 100644
--- a/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
+++ b/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ const runBuildTypes = async () => {
 const runApiDocumenter = async (folder: string) => {
   await execa(
-    ['markdown', '-i', `./build/${folder}`, '-o', `./docs/development/core/${folder}`],
+    ['generate', '-i', `./build/${folder}`, '-o', `./docs/development/core/${folder}`],
       preferLocal: true,

From 133c2994ca8ba3c8904fc5f0db524da8f4d72e28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Liza Katz <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:18:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/36] Move search service code to NP  (#55430)

* Move get search params into search strategy

* Move search strategy to NP and clean up courier exports

* Move fetch to NP

* Moved search source to NP

* Move shard failure to data/ui folder

* move getflattenedobject to core/utils

* fix discover

* eslint

* fix scss

* fix ts

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../legacy/config/get_unused_config_keys.ts   |  3 +-
 .../utils/get_flattened_object.test.ts        |  0
 .../utils/get_flattened_object.ts             |  0
 src/core/utils/index.ts                       |  1 +
 src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/index.ts  |  2 -
 src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/plugin.ts | 38 +++++-------
 .../data/public/search/expressions/esaggs.ts  |  5 +-
 .../core_plugins/data/public/search/index.ts  |  2 -
 .../data/public/search/search_service.ts      | 53 ----------------
 .../core_plugins/data/public/search/types.ts  |  3 -
 .../search/utils/courier_inspector_utils.ts   |  3 +-
 .../public/legacy_imports.ts                  |  5 +-
 .../__tests__/get_saved_dashboard_mock.ts     |  3 +-
 .../saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard.ts        |  8 ++-
 .../kibana/public/discover/kibana_services.ts | 16 ++---
 .../discover/np_ready/angular/discover.js     | 14 +++--
 .../public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable.ts |  2 +-
 .../visualizations/public/legacy_mocks.ts     |  3 +-
 .../components/visualization_requesterror.tsx |  2 +-
 .../np_ready/public/legacy/build_pipeline.ts  |  3 +-
 src/legacy/server/config/override.js          |  2 +-
 src/legacy/ui/public/_index.scss              |  1 -
 src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts  |  8 ++-
 src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_configs.ts |  3 +-
 src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts    |  3 +-
 .../ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts      | 12 +++-
 .../ui/public/agg_types/param_types/base.ts   |  2 +-
 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/_index.scss      |  1 -
 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/index.ts         | 62 -------------------
 .../ui/public/courier/search_source/mocks.ts  | 61 ------------------
 .../courier/search_source/search_source.ts    | 20 ------
 .../public/courier/search_strategy/index.ts   | 25 --------
 .../courier/search_strategy/search_error.ts   | 20 ------
 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/types.ts         | 25 --------
 src/legacy/ui/public/private/private.js       |  4 --
 .../helpers/build_saved_object.ts             |  2 +-
 src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/types.ts   |  7 ++-
 .../loader/utils/query_geohash_bounds.ts      |  8 ++-
 src/legacy/utils/index.d.ts                   |  2 -
 src/legacy/utils/index.js                     |  1 -
 .../data/public/index_patterns/index.ts       |  2 +
 .../data/public/index_patterns/lib/index.ts   |  1 +
 .../public/index_patterns/lib/is_default.ts}  |  4 +-
 src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts             |  4 +-
 .../data/public/search/es_client/index.ts     |  2 +-
 .../public/search/fetch/call_client.test.ts   |  4 +-
 .../data/public/search/fetch/call_client.ts   |  4 +-
 .../data/public/search/fetch/errors.ts        |  5 +-
 .../public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.test.ts    |  4 +-
 .../data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.ts    |  2 +-
 .../search/fetch/handle_response.test.ts      |  5 +-
 .../public/search/fetch/handle_response.tsx   | 14 ++---
 .../data/public/search/fetch/index.ts         |  5 +-
 .../data/public/search/fetch/types.ts         |  2 +-
 src/plugins/data/public/search/index.ts       | 20 +++++-
 .../filter_docvalue_fields.test.ts            |  0
 .../search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.ts   |  0
 .../data/public/search/search_source/index.ts |  1 +
 .../data/public/search/search_source/mocks.ts |  0
 .../normalize_sort_request.test.ts            |  2 +-
 .../search_source/normalize_sort_request.ts   |  2 +-
 .../search_source/search_source.test.ts       | 11 +---
 .../search/search_source/search_source.ts     | 19 ++----
 .../data/public/search/search_source/types.ts |  5 +-
 .../default_search_strategy.test.ts           |  4 +-
 .../default_search_strategy.ts                | 11 +---
 .../get_search_params.test.ts                 |  2 +-
 .../search_strategy}/get_search_params.ts     |  2 +-
 .../public/search/search_strategy/index.ts    |  6 +-
 .../search_strategy/no_op_search_strategy.ts  |  0
 .../search/search_strategy/search_error.ts    |  0
 .../search_strategy_registry.test.ts          |  2 +-
 .../search_strategy_registry.ts               |  4 +-
 .../public/search/search_strategy/types.ts    |  4 +-
 src/plugins/data/public/ui/_index.scss        |  2 +
 src/plugins/data/public/ui/index.ts           | 11 +++-
 .../__mocks__/shard_failure_request.ts        |  4 +-
 .../__mocks__/shard_failure_response.ts       |  4 +-
 .../shard_failure_description.test.tsx.snap   |  0
 .../shard_failure_modal.test.tsx.snap         |  0
 .../shard_failure_table.test.tsx.snap         |  0
 .../_shard_failure_modal.scss                 |  0
 .../public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/index.ts   |  3 +-
 .../shard_failure_description.test.tsx        |  0
 .../shard_failure_description.tsx             |  2 +-
 .../shard_failure_description_header.tsx      |  0
 .../shard_failure_modal.test.tsx              |  0
 .../shard_failure_modal.tsx                   |  6 +-
 ...d_failure_open_modal_button.test.mocks.tsx |  3 +-
 .../shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.tsx  |  0
 .../shard_failure_open_modal_button.tsx       | 11 ++--
 .../shard_failure_table.test.tsx              |  0
 .../shard_failure_table.tsx                   |  0
 .../shard_failure_types.ts                    |  4 +-
 .../plugins/maps/public/kibana_services.js    |  4 +-
 .../plugins/rollup/public/search/register.js  |  2 +-
 .../public/search/rollup_search_strategy.js   |  2 +-
 97 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 450 deletions(-)
 rename src/{legacy => core}/utils/get_flattened_object.test.ts (100%)
 rename src/{legacy => core}/utils/get_flattened_object.ts (100%)
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_service.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/_index.scss
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/index.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/mocks.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/search_source.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_strategy/index.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_strategy/search_error.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/public/courier/types.ts
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/is_default_type_index_pattern.ts => plugins/data/public/index_patterns/lib/is_default.ts} (85%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.test.ts (96%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.ts (98%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/errors.ts (88%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.test.ts (97%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.ts (98%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.test.ts (90%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.tsx (78%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/index.ts (87%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/fetch/types.ts (94%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.test.ts (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.ts (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/index.ts (91%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/mocks.ts (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.test.ts (98%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.ts (97%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.test.ts (94%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts (95%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_source/types.ts (94%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.test.ts (98%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.ts (92%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch => plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy}/get_search_params.test.ts (98%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch => plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy}/get_search_params.ts (97%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_strategy/index.ts (93%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_strategy/no_op_search_strategy.ts (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_error.ts (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.test.ts (98%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.ts (95%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins => plugins}/data/public/search/search_strategy/types.ts (90%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/__mocks__/shard_failure_request.ts (92%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/__mocks__/shard_failure_response.ts (93%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/__snapshots__/shard_failure_description.test.tsx.snap (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/__snapshots__/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx.snap (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/__snapshots__/shard_failure_table.test.tsx.snap (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/_shard_failure_modal.scss (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/index.ts (82%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_description.test.tsx (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_description.tsx (96%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_description_header.tsx (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_modal.tsx (96%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.mocks.tsx (87%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.tsx (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_open_modal_button.tsx (84%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_table.test.tsx (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_table.tsx (100%)
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components => plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal}/shard_failure_types.ts (94%)

diff --git a/src/core/server/legacy/config/get_unused_config_keys.ts b/src/core/server/legacy/config/get_unused_config_keys.ts
index e425082ba126d..20c9776f63c58 100644
--- a/src/core/server/legacy/config/get_unused_config_keys.ts
+++ b/src/core/server/legacy/config/get_unused_config_keys.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 import { difference, get, set } from 'lodash';
 // @ts-ignore
 import { getTransform } from '../../../../legacy/deprecation/index';
-import { unset, getFlattenedObject } from '../../../../legacy/utils';
+import { unset } from '../../../../legacy/utils';
+import { getFlattenedObject } from '../../../utils';
 import { hasConfigPathIntersection } from '../../config';
 import { LegacyPluginSpec, LegacyConfig, LegacyVars } from '../types';
diff --git a/src/legacy/utils/get_flattened_object.test.ts b/src/core/utils/get_flattened_object.test.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/utils/get_flattened_object.test.ts
rename to src/core/utils/get_flattened_object.test.ts
diff --git a/src/legacy/utils/get_flattened_object.ts b/src/core/utils/get_flattened_object.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/utils/get_flattened_object.ts
rename to src/core/utils/get_flattened_object.ts
diff --git a/src/core/utils/index.ts b/src/core/utils/index.ts
index 7317c222d3bc3..e35356343cfe2 100644
--- a/src/core/utils/index.ts
+++ b/src/core/utils/index.ts
@@ -28,4 +28,5 @@ export * from './pick';
 export * from './promise';
 export * from './url';
 export * from './unset';
+export * from './get_flattened_object';
 export * from './default_app_categories';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/index.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/index.ts
index 4514d67ea5fcd..7fe487667f94e 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/index.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/index.ts
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ export function plugin() {
 /** @public types */
 export { DataStart };
-export { EsQuerySortValue, FetchOptions, ISearchSource, SortDirection } from './search/types';
-export { SearchSourceFields } from './search/types';
 export {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/plugin.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
index 5329702348207..6bd85ef020f16 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
@@ -18,19 +18,20 @@
 import { CoreSetup, CoreStart, Plugin } from 'kibana/public';
-import { SearchService, SearchStart } from './search';
-import { DataPublicPluginStart } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import {
+  DataPublicPluginStart,
+  addSearchStrategy,
+  defaultSearchStrategy,
+} from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { ExpressionsSetup } from '../../../../plugins/expressions/public';
 import {
-  setFieldFormats,
-  setNotifications,
-  setSearchService,
-  setHttp,
+  setFieldFormats,
+  setSearchService,
   // eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
 } from '../../../../plugins/data/public/services';
@@ -47,9 +48,7 @@ export interface DataPluginStartDependencies {
  * @public
-export interface DataStart {
-  search: SearchStart;
+export interface DataStart {} // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
  * Data Plugin - public
@@ -65,29 +64,22 @@ export interface DataStart {
 export class DataPlugin
   implements Plugin<void, DataStart, DataPluginSetupDependencies, DataPluginStartDependencies> {
-  private readonly search = new SearchService();
   public setup(core: CoreSetup) {
+    // This is to be deprecated once we switch to the new search service fully
+    addSearchStrategy(defaultSearchStrategy);
   public start(core: CoreStart, { data }: DataPluginStartDependencies): DataStart {
-    // This is required for when Angular code uses Field and FieldList.
-    setFieldFormats(data.fieldFormats);
+    setUiSettings(core.uiSettings);
-    setSearchService(;
-    setNotifications(core.notifications);
-    setUiSettings(core.uiSettings);
-    setHttp(core.http);
+    setSearchService(;
-    return {
-      search:,
-    };
+    return {};
-  public stop() {
-  }
+  public stop() {}
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/expressions/esaggs.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/expressions/esaggs.ts
index 889c747c9a62e..143283152d104 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/expressions/esaggs.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/expressions/esaggs.ts
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ import {
 } from 'src/plugins/expressions/public';
 import {
+  ISearchSource,
+  SearchSource,
@@ -43,8 +45,7 @@ import { PersistedState } from '../../../../../ui/public/persisted_state';
 import { Adapters } from '../../../../../../plugins/inspector/public';
 // eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
 import { getQueryService, getIndexPatterns } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public/services';
-import { ISearchSource, getRequestInspectorStats, getResponseInspectorStats } from '../..';
-import { SearchSource } from '../search_source';
+import { getRequestInspectorStats, getResponseInspectorStats } from '../..';
 export interface RequestHandlerParams {
   searchSource: ISearchSource;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/index.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/index.ts
index d930a47219514..e1c93ec0e3b1c 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/index.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/index.ts
@@ -17,6 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-export { SearchService, SearchSetup, SearchStart } from './search_service';
 export { getRequestInspectorStats, getResponseInspectorStats } from './utils';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_service.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_service.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 77203da9ce585..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_service.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import { Plugin, CoreSetup, CoreStart } from '../../../../../core/public';
-import { SearchSource } from './search_source';
-import { defaultSearchStrategy, addSearchStrategy } from './search_strategy';
-import { SearchStrategyProvider } from './search_strategy/types';
-export interface SearchSetup {} // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
-export interface SearchStart {
-  defaultSearchStrategy: SearchStrategyProvider;
-  SearchSource: typeof SearchSource;
- * The contract provided here is a new platform shim for ui/courier.
- *
- * Once it has been refactored to work with new platform services,
- * it will move into the existing search service in src/plugins/data/public/search
- */
-export class SearchService implements Plugin<SearchSetup, SearchStart> {
-  public setup(core: CoreSetup): SearchSetup {
-    return {};
-  }
-  public start(core: CoreStart): SearchStart {
-    addSearchStrategy(defaultSearchStrategy);
-    return {
-      defaultSearchStrategy,
-      SearchSource,
-    };
-  }
-  public stop() {}
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/types.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/types.ts
index 23d74ce6a57da..140ceea487099 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/types.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/types.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-export * from './fetch/types';
-export * from './search_source/types';
-export * from './search_strategy/types';
 export * from './utils/types';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/utils/courier_inspector_utils.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/utils/courier_inspector_utils.ts
index 7f7d216d8f0f3..62b7c572032c8 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/utils/courier_inspector_utils.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/utils/courier_inspector_utils.ts
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { SearchResponse } from 'elasticsearch';
-import { ISearchSource, RequestInspectorStats } from '../types';
+import { RequestInspectorStats } from '../types';
+import { ISearchSource } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export function getRequestInspectorStats(searchSource: ISearchSource) {
   const stats: RequestInspectorStats = {};
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/legacy_imports.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/legacy_imports.ts
index 176fe68fe4788..9270cff84cc07 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/legacy_imports.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/legacy_imports.ts
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
  * under the License.
-import { SearchSource as SearchSourceClass, ISearchSource } from 'ui/courier';
 import { Class } from '@kbn/utility-types';
+import { SearchSource as SearchSourceClass, ISearchSource } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
+export { SearchSourceFields } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export { Vis, VisParams } from 'ui/vis';
 export { VisOptionsProps } from 'ui/vis/editors/default';
 export { ValidatedDualRange } from 'ui/validated_range';
-export { SearchSourceFields } from '../../data/public';
 export type SearchSource = Class<ISearchSource>;
 export const SearchSource = SearchSourceClass;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/__tests__/get_saved_dashboard_mock.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/__tests__/get_saved_dashboard_mock.ts
index 1c2405b5824f2..baf5bad510ce1 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/__tests__/get_saved_dashboard_mock.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/__tests__/get_saved_dashboard_mock.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
  * under the License.
-import { searchSourceMock } from 'ui/courier/search_source/mocks';
+// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
+import { searchSourceMock } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public/search/search_source/mocks';
 import { SavedObjectDashboard } from '../saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard';
 export function getSavedDashboardMock(
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard.ts
index 18e15b215523e..08a6f067d2026 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard.ts
@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-import { ISearchSource } from 'ui/courier';
 import { SavedObject, SavedObjectKibanaServices } from 'ui/saved_objects/types';
 import { createSavedObjectClass } from 'ui/saved_objects/saved_object';
 import { extractReferences, injectReferences } from './saved_dashboard_references';
-import { esFilters, Query, RefreshInterval } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import {
+  esFilters,
+  ISearchSource,
+  Query,
+  RefreshInterval,
+} from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { createDashboardEditUrl } from '..';
 export interface SavedObjectDashboard extends SavedObject {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/kibana_services.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/kibana_services.ts
index a870f6074f506..27aa920c98aad 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/kibana_services.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/kibana_services.ts
@@ -57,16 +57,7 @@ export { wrapInI18nContext } from 'ui/i18n';
 export { buildVislibDimensions } from '../../../visualizations/public';
 // @ts-ignore
 export { callAfterBindingsWorkaround } from 'ui/compat';
-export {
-  getRequestInspectorStats,
-  getResponseInspectorStats,
-  hasSearchStategyForIndexPattern,
-  isDefaultTypeIndexPattern,
-  SearchSource,
-  EsQuerySortValue,
-  SortDirection,
-  ISearchSource,
-} from 'ui/courier';
+export { getRequestInspectorStats, getResponseInspectorStats } from '../../../data/public';
 // @ts-ignore
 export { intervalOptions } from 'ui/agg_types/buckets/_interval_options';
 // @ts-ignore
@@ -93,7 +84,12 @@ export {
+  hasSearchStategyForIndexPattern,
+  SearchSource,
+  ISearchSource,
+  EsQuerySortValue,
+  SortDirection,
 } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export { ElasticSearchHit } from './np_ready/doc_views/doc_views_types';
 export { Adapters } from 'ui/inspector/types';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/np_ready/angular/discover.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/np_ready/angular/discover.js
index 2383e58a7201b..dd782f97b075d 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/np_ready/angular/discover.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/np_ready/angular/discover.js
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ import {
-  isDefaultTypeIndexPattern,
@@ -73,7 +72,10 @@ const {
 } = getServices();
 import { getRootBreadcrumbs, getSavedSearchBreadcrumbs } from '../helpers/breadcrumbs';
-import { generateFilters } from '../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import {
+  generateFilters,
+  indexPatterns as indexPatternsUtils,
+} from '../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { getIndexPatternId } from '../helpers/get_index_pattern_id';
 import { FilterStateManager } from '../../../../../data/public';
@@ -400,7 +402,8 @@ function discoverController(
   // searchSource which applies time range
   const timeRangeSearchSource = savedSearch.searchSource.create();
-  if (isDefaultTypeIndexPattern($scope.indexPattern)) {
+  if (indexPatternsUtils.isDefault($scope.indexPattern)) {
     timeRangeSearchSource.setField('filter', () => {
       return timefilter.createFilter($scope.indexPattern);
@@ -561,7 +564,8 @@ function discoverController(
   $scope.opts = {
     // number of records to fetch, then paginate through
     sampleSize: config.get('discover:sampleSize'),
-    timefield: isDefaultTypeIndexPattern($scope.indexPattern) && $scope.indexPattern.timeFieldName,
+    timefield:
+      indexPatternsUtils.isDefault($scope.indexPattern) && $scope.indexPattern.timeFieldName,
     savedSearch: savedSearch,
     indexPatternList: $route.current.locals.savedObjects.ip.list,
@@ -1162,7 +1166,7 @@ function discoverController(
   // Block the UI from loading if the user has loaded a rollup index pattern but it isn't
   // supported.
   $scope.isUnsupportedIndexPattern =
-    !isDefaultTypeIndexPattern($route.current.locals.savedObjects.ip.loaded) &&
+    !indexPatternsUtils.isDefault($route.current.locals.savedObjects.ip.loaded) &&
   if ($scope.isUnsupportedIndexPattern) {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable.ts
index c1b049ab5e969..557035b91367e 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable.ts
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import { getTableAggs } from 'ui/visualize/loader/pipeline_helpers/utilities';
 import { AppState } from 'ui/state_management/app_state';
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
 import { IExpressionLoaderParams } from 'src/plugins/expressions/public';
-import { ISearchSource } from 'ui/courier';
 import { VISUALIZE_EMBEDDABLE_TYPE } from './constants';
 import {
@@ -38,6 +37,7 @@ import {
+  ISearchSource,
 } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/legacy_mocks.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/legacy_mocks.ts
index e6ca678db563d..6cd57bb88bc26 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/legacy_mocks.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/legacy_mocks.ts
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@
  * under the License.
-export { searchSourceMock } from '../../../ui/public/courier/search_source/mocks';
+// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
+export { searchSourceMock } from '../../../../plugins/data/public/search/search_source/mocks';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/components/visualization_requesterror.tsx b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/components/visualization_requesterror.tsx
index 1af9aa3c3e602..406f24741c911 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/components/visualization_requesterror.tsx
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/components/visualization_requesterror.tsx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import { EuiIcon, EuiSpacer, EuiText } from '@elastic/eui';
 import React from 'react';
-import { SearchError } from '../../../../../data/public/search/search_strategy';
+import { SearchError } from '../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 interface VisualizationRequestErrorProps {
   onInit?: () => void;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy/build_pipeline.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy/build_pipeline.ts
index a3bf98b5e74a3..6749a44b4d5b3 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy/build_pipeline.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy/build_pipeline.ts
@@ -21,14 +21,13 @@ import { cloneDeep, get } from 'lodash';
 // @ts-ignore
 import moment from 'moment';
 import { SerializedFieldFormat } from 'src/plugins/expressions/public';
+import { ISearchSource } from 'src/plugins/data/public';
 import {
 } from '../../../legacy_imports';
-// eslint-disable-next-line
-import { ISearchSource } from '../../../../../../ui/public/courier/search_source/search_source';
 import { Vis, VisParams, VisState } from '..';
 interface SchemaConfigParams {
diff --git a/src/legacy/server/config/override.js b/src/legacy/server/config/override.js
index 934b2165dddcf..bab9387ac006f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/server/config/override.js
+++ b/src/legacy/server/config/override.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import _ from 'lodash';
 import explodeBy from './explode_by';
-import { getFlattenedObject } from '../../utils';
+import { getFlattenedObject } from '../../../core/utils';
 export default function(target, source) {
   const _target = getFlattenedObject(target);
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/_index.scss b/src/legacy/ui/public/_index.scss
index f5a1d0a7922a7..e4e58019dda69 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/_index.scss
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/_index.scss
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 @import './accessibility/index';
 @import './chrome/index';
-@import './courier/index';
 @import './collapsible_sidebar/index';
 @import './directives/index';
 @import './error_auto_create_index/index';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts
index 0edf782318862..c8ce8638fe462 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts
@@ -27,13 +27,17 @@
 import _ from 'lodash';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
-import { ISearchSource, FetchOptions } from '../courier/types';
 import { AggType } from './agg_type';
 import { AggGroupNames } from '../vis/editors/default/agg_groups';
 import { writeParams } from './agg_params';
 import { AggConfigs } from './agg_configs';
 import { Schema } from '../vis/editors/default/schemas';
-import { ContentType, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import {
+  ISearchSource,
+  ContentType,
+  FetchOptions,
+} from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export interface AggConfigOptions {
   enabled: boolean;
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_configs.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_configs.ts
index bd2f261c0bf1d..0320cbd43fca7 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_configs.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_configs.ts
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ import { TimeRange } from 'src/plugins/data/public';
 import { Schema } from '../vis/editors/default/schemas';
 import { AggConfig, AggConfigOptions } from './agg_config';
 import { AggGroupNames } from '../vis/editors/default/agg_groups';
-import { IndexPattern } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
-import { ISearchSource, FetchOptions } from '../courier/types';
+import { IndexPattern, ISearchSource, FetchOptions } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 type Schemas = Record<string, any>;
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts
index 39be1983223bc..952410ae0db49 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts
@@ -24,11 +24,10 @@ import { initParams } from './agg_params';
 import { AggConfig } from '../vis';
 import { AggConfigs } from './agg_configs';
-import { ISearchSource } from '../courier';
 import { Adapters } from '../inspector';
 import { BaseParamType } from './param_types/base';
 import { AggParamType } from '../agg_types/param_types/agg';
-import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES, FieldFormat } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES, FieldFormat, ISearchSource } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export interface AggTypeConfig<
   TAggConfig extends AggConfig = AggConfig,
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts
index c805e53eb2b91..fe2c7cb427fee 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
 import { noop } from 'lodash';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
-import { ISearchSource, getRequestInspectorStats, getResponseInspectorStats } from '../../courier';
+import {
+  getRequestInspectorStats,
+  getResponseInspectorStats,
+} from '../../../../core_plugins/data/public';
 import { BucketAggType } from './_bucket_agg_type';
 import { BUCKET_TYPES } from './bucket_agg_types';
 import { IBucketAggConfig } from './_bucket_agg_type';
@@ -35,7 +38,12 @@ import { OtherBucketParamEditor } from '../../vis/editors/default/controls/other
 import { AggConfigs } from '../agg_configs';
 import { Adapters } from '../../../../../plugins/inspector/public';
-import { ContentType, FieldFormat, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import {
+  ContentType,
+  ISearchSource,
+  FieldFormat,
+} from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 // @ts-ignore
 import { Schemas } from '../../vis/editors/default/schemas';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/base.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/base.ts
index f466a9512edf9..35748c02dd903 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/base.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/base.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import { AggConfigs } from '../agg_configs';
 import { AggConfig } from '../../vis';
-import { ISearchSource, FetchOptions } from '../../courier/types';
+import { FetchOptions, ISearchSource } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export class BaseParamType<TAggConfig extends AggConfig = AggConfig> {
   name: string;
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/_index.scss b/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/_index.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 17382cfa30ce5..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/_index.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-@import '../../../core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_modal';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/index.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 709ff1c11e901..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Nothing to see here!
- *
- * Courier / SearchSource has moved to the data plugin, and is being
- * re-exported from ui/courier for backwards compatibility.
- */
-import { start as dataStart } from '../../../core_plugins/data/public/legacy';
-// runtime contracts
-export const { defaultSearchStrategy, SearchSource } =;
-// types
-export {
-  ISearchSource,
-  EsQuerySortValue, // used externally by Discover
-  FetchOptions, // used externally by AggTypes
-  SortDirection, // used externally by Discover
-} from '../../../core_plugins/data/public';
-// static code
-export {
-  getRequestInspectorStats,
-  getResponseInspectorStats,
-} from '../../../core_plugins/data/public';
-// TODO: Exporting this mock outside of jest tests causes errors because
-// jest is undefined. Need to refactor the mock to be consistent with
-// other NP-style mocks.
-// export { searchSourceMock } from './search_source/mocks';
-// Most these can probably be made internal to the search
-// service, so we are temporarily deeply importing them
-// until we relocate them to a longer-term home.
-/* eslint-disable @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths */
-export {
-  addSearchStrategy, // used externally by Rollups
-  getSearchErrorType, // used externally by Rollups
-  hasSearchStategyForIndexPattern, // used externally by Discover
-  isDefaultTypeIndexPattern, // used externally by Discover
-  SearchError, // used externally by Visualizations & Rollups
-} from '../../../core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy';
-/* eslint-enable @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths */
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/mocks.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/mocks.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b7843d22f519..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/mocks.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-// This mock is here for BWC, but will be left behind and replaced by
-// the data service mock in the new platform.
-import { ISearchSource } from '../index';
-export const searchSourceMock: MockedKeys<ISearchSource> = {
-  setPreferredSearchStrategyId: jest.fn(),
-  setFields: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
-  setField: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
-  getId: jest.fn(),
-  getFields: jest.fn(),
-  getField: jest.fn(),
-  getOwnField: jest.fn(),
-  create: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
-  createCopy: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
-  createChild: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
-  setParent: jest.fn(),
-  getParent: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
-  fetch: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
-  onRequestStart: jest.fn(),
-  getSearchRequestBody: jest.fn(),
-  destroy: jest.fn(),
-  history: [],
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/search_source.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/search_source.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ca48a894b3d..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/search_source.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-export { SearchSource, ISearchSource } from '../index';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_strategy/index.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_strategy/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dce0316596d0..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_strategy/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-export {
-  addSearchStrategy,
-  hasSearchStategyForIndexPattern,
-  isDefaultTypeIndexPattern,
-  SearchError,
-} from '../index';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_strategy/search_error.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_strategy/search_error.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a815ac4ff008f..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_strategy/search_error.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-export { SearchError } from '../index';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/types.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/types.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 75035ceef321f..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/types.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-export {
-  ISearchSource,
-  EsQuerySortValue, // used externally by Discover
-  FetchOptions, // used externally by AggTypes
-  SortDirection, // used externally by Discover
-} from './index';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/private/private.js b/src/legacy/ui/public/private/private.js
index 64c667bf9ce95..05bd55f4e1bdf 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/private/private.js
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/private/private.js
@@ -86,10 +86,6 @@ import { uiModules } from '../modules';
  * ```js
  * beforeEach(module('kibana', function (PrivateProvider) {
  *   PrivateProvider.swap(
- *     // since the courier is required automatically before the tests are loaded,
- *     // we can't stub it's internal components unless we do so before the
- *     // application starts. This is why angular has config functions
- *     require('ui/courier/_redirect_when_missing'),
  *     function StubbedRedirectProvider($decorate) {
  *       // $decorate is a function that will instantiate the original module when called
  *       return sinon.spy($decorate());
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/helpers/build_saved_object.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/helpers/build_saved_object.ts
index a436f70f31ffe..7cd9a151a443d 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/helpers/build_saved_object.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/helpers/build_saved_object.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * under the License.
 import _ from 'lodash';
-import { SearchSource } from 'ui/courier';
+import { SearchSource } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { hydrateIndexPattern } from './hydrate_index_pattern';
 import { intializeSavedObject } from './initialize_saved_object';
 import { serializeSavedObject } from './serialize_saved_object';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/types.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/types.ts
index 2578c2015e819..e44c323aebb87 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/types.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/saved_objects/types.ts
@@ -24,8 +24,11 @@ import {
 } from 'kibana/public';
-import { ISearchSource } from 'ui/courier';
-import { IIndexPattern, IndexPatternsContract } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import {
+  IIndexPattern,
+  IndexPatternsContract,
+  ISearchSource,
+} from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export interface SavedObject {
   _serialize: () => { attributes: SavedObjectAttributes; references: SavedObjectReference[] };
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/visualize/loader/utils/query_geohash_bounds.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/visualize/loader/utils/query_geohash_bounds.ts
index 5054c34118f78..0ae8771dd9469 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/visualize/loader/utils/query_geohash_bounds.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/visualize/loader/utils/query_geohash_bounds.ts
@@ -24,8 +24,12 @@ import { toastNotifications } from 'ui/notify';
 import { AggConfig } from 'ui/vis';
 import { timefilter } from 'ui/timefilter';
 import { Vis } from '../../../vis';
-import { SearchSource, ISearchSource } from '../../../courier';
-import { esFilters, Query } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import {
+  esFilters,
+  Query,
+  SearchSource,
+  ISearchSource,
+} from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 interface QueryGeohashBoundsParams {
   filters?: esFilters.Filter[];
diff --git a/src/legacy/utils/index.d.ts b/src/legacy/utils/index.d.ts
index 8718ffc113e10..7ac9feab09cbe 100644
--- a/src/legacy/utils/index.d.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/utils/index.d.ts
@@ -21,6 +21,4 @@ export function parseCommaSeparatedList(input: string | string[]): string[];
 export function formatListAsProse(list: string[], options?: { inclusive?: boolean }): string;
-export function getFlattenedObject(rootValue: Record<string, any>): { [key: string]: any };
 export function unset(object: object, rawPath: string): void;
diff --git a/src/legacy/utils/index.js b/src/legacy/utils/index.js
index e2323f2ed62ee..cb890f1094b04 100644
--- a/src/legacy/utils/index.js
+++ b/src/legacy/utils/index.js
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ export { BinderFor } from './binder_for';
 export { deepCloneWithBuffers } from './deep_clone_with_buffers';
 export { unset } from './unset';
 export { encodeQueryComponent } from './encode_query_component';
-export { getFlattenedObject } from './get_flattened_object';
 export { watchStdioForLine } from './watch_stdio_for_line';
 export { IS_KIBANA_DISTRIBUTABLE } from './artifact_type';
 export { IS_KIBANA_RELEASE } from './artifact_type';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index.ts
index 6f4821c391721..7444126ee6cae 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index.ts
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import {
+  isDefault,
 } from './lib';
 import { getRoutes } from './utils';
 import { flattenHitWrapper, formatHitProvider } from './index_patterns';
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ export const indexPatterns = {
+  isDefault,
 export { Field, FieldList, IFieldList } from './fields';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/lib/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/lib/index.ts
index c878eb9115427..2893096c4af9d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/lib/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/lib/index.ts
@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ export * from './types';
 export { validateIndexPattern } from './validate_index_pattern';
 export { IndexPatternMissingIndices } from './errors';
 export { getFromSavedObject } from './get_from_saved_object';
+export { isDefault } from './is_default';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/is_default_type_index_pattern.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/lib/is_default.ts
similarity index 85%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/is_default_type_index_pattern.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/lib/is_default.ts
index 7d03b1dc9e0b1..f6aec82af89d5 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/is_default_type_index_pattern.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/lib/is_default.ts
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
  * under the License.
-import { IndexPattern } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { IIndexPattern } from '../..';
-export const isDefaultTypeIndexPattern = (indexPattern: IndexPattern) => {
+export const isDefault = (indexPattern: IIndexPattern) => {
   // Default index patterns don't have `type` defined.
   return !indexPattern.type;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
index 2077e899d1a01..34d858b28c871 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import {
-  setHttp,
+  setUiSettings,
 } from './services';
 import { createFilterAction, GLOBAL_APPLY_FILTER_ACTION } from './actions';
 import { APPLY_FILTER_TRIGGER } from '../../embeddable/public';
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ export class DataPublicPlugin implements Plugin<DataPublicPluginSetup, DataPubli
-    setHttp(core.http);
+    setUiSettings(core.uiSettings);
     const indexPatternsService = new IndexPatterns(uiSettings, savedObjects.client, http);
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/search/es_client/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/es_client/index.ts
index 78ac83af642d8..b1e0ce3116824 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/search/es_client/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/es_client/index.ts
@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@
 export { getEsClient } from './get_es_client';
-export { LegacyApiCaller } from './types';
+export { SearchRequest, SearchResponse, LegacyApiCaller } from './types';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.test.ts
similarity index 96%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.test.ts
index 24a36c9db9df7..6b43157aab83b 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.test.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
 import { callClient } from './call_client';
 import { handleResponse } from './handle_response';
-import { FetchHandlers, SearchRequest, SearchStrategySearchParams } from '../types';
+import { FetchHandlers } from './types';
+import { SearchRequest } from '../..';
+import { SearchStrategySearchParams } from '../search_strategy';
 const mockResponses = [{}, {}];
 const mockAbortFns = [jest.fn(), jest.fn()];
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.ts
similarity index 98%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.ts
index ad18775d5f144..6cc58b05ea183 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/call_client.ts
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 import { groupBy } from 'lodash';
-import { getSearchStrategyForSearchRequest, getSearchStrategyById } from '../search_strategy';
 import { handleResponse } from './handle_response';
 import { FetchOptions, FetchHandlers } from './types';
-import { SearchRequest } from '../types';
+import { getSearchStrategyForSearchRequest, getSearchStrategyById } from '../search_strategy';
+import { SearchRequest } from '..';
 export function callClient(
   searchRequests: SearchRequest[],
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/errors.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/errors.ts
similarity index 88%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/errors.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/errors.ts
index 5f5dc0452df51..e216d32e127cd 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/errors.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/errors.ts
@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@
  * under the License.
-import { SearchError } from '../search_strategy';
-import { KbnError } from '../../../../../../plugins/kibana_utils/public';
-import { SearchResponse } from '../types';
+import { KbnError } from '../../../../kibana_utils/public';
+import { SearchResponse, SearchError } from '..';
  * Request Failure - When an entire multi request fails
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.test.ts
similarity index 97%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.test.ts
index 69a343c78b1e1..a8d593c8501f6 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.test.ts
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 import { fetchSoon } from './fetch_soon';
 import { callClient } from './call_client';
-import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../../core/public';
+import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../core/public';
 import { FetchHandlers, FetchOptions } from './types';
-import { SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from '../types';
+import { SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from '..';
 function getConfigStub(config: any = {}) {
   return {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.ts
similarity index 98%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.ts
index 4830464047ad6..b1405747426ee 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/fetch_soon.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import { callClient } from './call_client';
 import { FetchHandlers, FetchOptions } from './types';
-import { SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from '../types';
+import { SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from '..';
  * This function introduces a slight delay in the request process to allow multiple requests to queue
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.test.ts
similarity index 90%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.test.ts
index 231ebf56993b6..10e6eda3de3d0 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.test.ts
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@ import { handleResponse } from './handle_response';
 // Temporary disable eslint, will be removed after moving to new platform folder
 // eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-import { notificationServiceMock } from '../../../../../../core/public/notifications/notifications_service.mock';
-// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-import { setNotifications } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public/services';
+import { notificationServiceMock } from '../../../../../core/public/notifications/notifications_service.mock';
+import { setNotifications } from '../../services';
 jest.mock('@kbn/i18n', () => {
   return {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.tsx
similarity index 78%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.tsx
index a08b7d14fd1c3..7905468f91c5f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/handle_response.tsx
@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@
 import React from 'react';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
-import { ShardFailureOpenModalButton } from './components/shard_failure_open_modal_button';
-import { Request, ResponseWithShardFailure } from './components/shard_failure_types';
-import { SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from '../types';
-import { toMountPoint } from '../../../../../../plugins/kibana_react/public';
-// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-import { getNotifications } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public/services';
+import { ShardFailureOpenModalButton, ShardFailureRequest, ShardFailureResponse } from '../../ui';
+import { toMountPoint } from '../../../../kibana_react/public';
+import { getNotifications } from '../../services';
+import { SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from '..';
 export function handleResponse(request: SearchRequest, response: SearchResponse) {
   if (response.timed_out) {
@@ -56,8 +54,8 @@ export function handleResponse(request: SearchRequest, response: SearchResponse)
         <EuiSpacer size="s" />
-          request={request.body as Request}
-          response={response as ResponseWithShardFailure}
+          request={request.body as ShardFailureRequest}
+          response={response as ShardFailureResponse}
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/index.ts
similarity index 87%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/index.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/index.ts
index 7b89dea1a110c..8a80b716add32 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/index.ts
@@ -17,5 +17,6 @@
  * under the License.
-export * from './fetch_soon';
-export * from './get_search_params';
+export * from './types';
+export { fetchSoon } from './fetch_soon';
+export { RequestFailure } from './errors';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/types.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/types.ts
similarity index 94%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/types.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/types.ts
index c7f32cf08aa94..62eb965703c3a 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/types.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/fetch/types.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import { ISearchStart } from 'src/plugins/data/public';
-import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../../core/public';
+import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../core/public';
 export interface FetchOptions {
   abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/search/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/index.ts
index 7d62b3823771d..cf7e0268d745a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/search/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/index.ts
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 export { ISearchAppMountContext } from './i_search_app_mount_context';
 export { ISearchSetup } from './i_search_setup';
+export { ISearchStart } from './search_service';
 export { ISearchContext } from './i_search_context';
@@ -39,6 +40,21 @@ export { SYNC_SEARCH_STRATEGY } from './sync_search_strategy';
 export { IKibanaSearchResponse, IKibanaSearchRequest } from '../../common/search';
-export { ISearchStart } from './search_service';
+export { LegacyApiCaller, SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from './es_client';
-export { LegacyApiCaller } from './es_client';
+export {
+  addSearchStrategy,
+  hasSearchStategyForIndexPattern,
+  defaultSearchStrategy,
+  SearchError,
+} from './search_strategy';
+export {
+  ISearchSource,
+  SearchSource,
+  SearchSourceFields,
+  EsQuerySortValue,
+  SortDirection,
+} from './search_source';
+export { FetchOptions } from './fetch';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.test.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.test.ts
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/filter_docvalue_fields.ts
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/index.ts
similarity index 91%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/index.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/index.ts
index 72170adc2b129..10f1b2bc332e1 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/index.ts
@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@
 export * from './search_source';
+export { SortDirection, EsQuerySortValue, SearchSourceFields } from './types';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/mocks.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/mocks.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/mocks.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/mocks.ts
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.test.ts
similarity index 98%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.test.ts
index 22d1d931a9d09..5939074d773bf 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.test.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import { normalizeSortRequest } from './normalize_sort_request';
 import { SortDirection } from './types';
-import { IIndexPattern } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { IIndexPattern } from '../..';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.ts
similarity index 97%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.ts
index 93834c95514dc..9e36d2e416f03 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/normalize_sort_request.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * under the License.
-import { IIndexPattern } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { IIndexPattern } from '../..';
 import { EsQuerySortValue, SortOptions } from './types';
 export function normalizeSortRequest(
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.test.ts
similarity index 94%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.test.ts
index ebeee60b67c8a..936a2ae25ad1f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.test.ts
@@ -18,18 +18,13 @@
 import { SearchSource } from '../search_source';
-import { IndexPattern } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
-import {
-  setSearchService,
-  setUiSettings,
-  setInjectedMetadata,
-  // eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-} from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public/services';
+import { IndexPattern } from '../..';
+import { setSearchService, setUiSettings, setInjectedMetadata } from '../../services';
 import {
-} from '../../../../../../core/public/mocks';
+} from '../../../../../core/public/mocks';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts
similarity index 95%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts
index e977db713ebaa..749c59d891b7e 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts
@@ -71,20 +71,13 @@
 import _ from 'lodash';
 import { normalizeSortRequest } from './normalize_sort_request';
-import { fetchSoon } from '../fetch';
-import { fieldWildcardFilter } from '../../../../../../plugins/kibana_utils/public';
-import { getHighlightRequest, esFilters, esQuery } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
-import { RequestFailure } from '../fetch/errors';
 import { filterDocvalueFields } from './filter_docvalue_fields';
-import { SearchSourceOptions, SearchSourceFields, SearchRequest } from './types';
-import { FetchOptions } from '../fetch/types';
-import {
-  getSearchService,
-  getUiSettings,
-  getInjectedMetadata,
-  // eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-} from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public/services';
+import { fieldWildcardFilter } from '../../../../kibana_utils/public';
+import { getHighlightRequest, esFilters, esQuery, SearchRequest } from '../..';
+import { SearchSourceOptions, SearchSourceFields } from './types';
+import { fetchSoon, FetchOptions, RequestFailure } from '../fetch';
+import { getSearchService, getUiSettings, getInjectedMetadata } from '../../services';
 export type ISearchSource = Pick<SearchSource, keyof SearchSource>;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/types.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/types.ts
similarity index 94%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/types.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/types.ts
index 9c5b57519d75f..17337c905db87 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_source/types.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/types.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * under the License.
 import { NameList } from 'elasticsearch';
-import { esFilters, IndexPattern, Query } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { esFilters, IndexPattern, Query } from '../..';
 export type EsQuerySearchAfter = [string | number, string | number];
@@ -102,6 +102,3 @@ export interface ShardFailure {
   shard: number;
-export type SearchRequest = any;
-export type SearchResponse = any;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.test.ts
similarity index 98%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.test.ts
index 8caf20c50cd3a..80ab7ceb8870f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.test.ts
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
  * under the License.
-import { defaultSearchStrategy } from './default_search_strategy';
-import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../../core/public';
+import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../core/public';
 import { SearchStrategySearchParams } from './types';
+import { defaultSearchStrategy } from './default_search_strategy';
 const { search } = defaultSearchStrategy;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.ts
similarity index 92%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.ts
index 39789504de0a7..6c178fd9cd4c8 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/default_search_strategy.ts
@@ -18,13 +18,8 @@
 import { SearchStrategyProvider, SearchStrategySearchParams } from './types';
-import { isDefaultTypeIndexPattern } from './is_default_type_index_pattern';
-import {
-  getSearchParams,
-  getMSearchParams,
-  getPreference,
-  getTimeout,
-} from '../fetch/get_search_params';
+import { indexPatterns } from '../../index_patterns';
+import { getSearchParams, getMSearchParams, getPreference, getTimeout } from './get_search_params';
 export const defaultSearchStrategy: SearchStrategyProvider = {
   id: 'default',
@@ -34,7 +29,7 @@ export const defaultSearchStrategy: SearchStrategyProvider = {
   isViable: indexPattern => {
-    return indexPattern && isDefaultTypeIndexPattern(indexPattern);
+    return indexPattern && indexPatterns.isDefault(indexPattern);
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/get_search_params.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/get_search_params.test.ts
similarity index 98%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/get_search_params.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/get_search_params.test.ts
index f856aa77bf1f8..76f3105d7f942 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/get_search_params.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/get_search_params.test.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import { getMSearchParams, getSearchParams } from './get_search_params';
-import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../../core/public';
+import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../core/public';
 function getConfigStub(config: any = {}) {
   return {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/get_search_params.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/get_search_params.ts
similarity index 97%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/get_search_params.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/get_search_params.ts
index de9ec4cb920e8..9fb8f2c728c6f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/get_search_params.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/get_search_params.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * under the License.
-import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../../core/public';
+import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../../core/public';
 const sessionId =;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/index.ts
similarity index 93%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/index.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/index.ts
index 1584baa4faade..330e10d7d30e4 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/index.ts
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ export {
 } from './search_strategy_registry';
-export { defaultSearchStrategy } from './default_search_strategy';
+export { SearchError, getSearchErrorType } from './search_error';
-export { isDefaultTypeIndexPattern } from './is_default_type_index_pattern';
+export { SearchStrategyProvider, SearchStrategySearchParams } from './types';
-export { SearchError, getSearchErrorType } from './search_error';
+export { defaultSearchStrategy } from './default_search_strategy';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/no_op_search_strategy.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/no_op_search_strategy.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/no_op_search_strategy.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/no_op_search_strategy.ts
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_error.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_error.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_error.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_error.ts
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.test.ts
similarity index 98%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.test.ts
index 73b011896a97d..eaf86e1b270d5 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.test.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  * under the License.
-import { IndexPattern } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { IndexPattern } from '../..';
 import { noOpSearchStrategy } from './no_op_search_strategy';
 import {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.ts
similarity index 95%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.ts
index d814a04737f75..1ab6f7d4e1eff 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/search_strategy_registry.ts
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
  * under the License.
-import { IndexPattern } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { IndexPattern } from '../..';
 import { SearchStrategyProvider } from './types';
 import { noOpSearchStrategy } from './no_op_search_strategy';
-import { SearchResponse } from '../types';
+import { SearchResponse } from '..';
 export const searchStrategies: SearchStrategyProvider[] = [];
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/types.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/types.ts
similarity index 90%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/types.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/types.ts
index ad8576589e4e3..764370d8ff649 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/types.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_strategy/types.ts
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
  * under the License.
-import { IndexPattern } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { IndexPattern } from '../..';
 import { FetchHandlers } from '../fetch/types';
-import { SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from '../types';
+import { SearchRequest, SearchResponse } from '..';
 export interface SearchStrategyProvider {
   id: string;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/ui/_index.scss b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/_index.scss
index 39f29ac777588..1ca49963f3ded 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/ui/_index.scss
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/_index.scss
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@
 @import './saved_query_management/index';
 @import './query_string_input/index';
+@import './shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_modal';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/ui/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/index.ts
index cd4ec3c3bf74b..0755363c9b16b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/ui/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/index.ts
@@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ export { FilterBar } from './filter_bar';
 export { QueryStringInput } from './query_string_input/query_string_input';
 export { SearchBar, SearchBarProps } from './search_bar';
-// temp export - will be removed as final components are migrated to NP
+// @internal
+export {
+  ShardFailureOpenModalButton,
+  ShardFailureRequest,
+  ShardFailureResponse,
+} from './shard_failure_modal';
+// @internal
 export { SavedQueryManagementComponent } from './saved_query_management';
+// @internal
 export { SaveQueryForm, SavedQueryMeta } from './saved_query_form';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__mocks__/shard_failure_request.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__mocks__/shard_failure_request.ts
similarity index 92%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__mocks__/shard_failure_request.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__mocks__/shard_failure_request.ts
index 701ff19a38ab9..a9192ee98b192 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__mocks__/shard_failure_request.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__mocks__/shard_failure_request.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-import { Request } from '../shard_failure_types';
+import { ShardFailureRequest } from '../shard_failure_types';
 export const shardFailureRequest = {
   version: true,
   size: 500,
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ export const shardFailureRequest = {
   docvalue_fields: [],
   query: {},
   highlight: {},
-} as Request;
+} as ShardFailureRequest;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__mocks__/shard_failure_response.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__mocks__/shard_failure_response.ts
similarity index 93%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__mocks__/shard_failure_response.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__mocks__/shard_failure_response.ts
index 7a519b62a9cc7..573aeefcdf469 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__mocks__/shard_failure_response.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__mocks__/shard_failure_response.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-import { ResponseWithShardFailure } from '../shard_failure_types';
+import { ShardFailureResponse } from '../shard_failure_types';
 export const shardFailureResponse = {
   _shards: {
@@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ export const shardFailureResponse = {
-} as ResponseWithShardFailure;
+} as ShardFailureResponse;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__snapshots__/shard_failure_description.test.tsx.snap b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__snapshots__/shard_failure_description.test.tsx.snap
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__snapshots__/shard_failure_description.test.tsx.snap
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__snapshots__/shard_failure_description.test.tsx.snap
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__snapshots__/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx.snap b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__snapshots__/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx.snap
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__snapshots__/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx.snap
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__snapshots__/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx.snap
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__snapshots__/shard_failure_table.test.tsx.snap b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__snapshots__/shard_failure_table.test.tsx.snap
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/__snapshots__/shard_failure_table.test.tsx.snap
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/__snapshots__/shard_failure_table.test.tsx.snap
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/_shard_failure_modal.scss b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/_shard_failure_modal.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/_shard_failure_modal.scss
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/_shard_failure_modal.scss
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/index.ts
similarity index 82%
rename from src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/index.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/index.ts
index e7ca48a894b3d..f4c2e26a756e3 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/courier/search_source/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/index.ts
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@
  * under the License.
-export { SearchSource, ISearchSource } from '../index';
+export { ShardFailureRequest, ShardFailureResponse } from './shard_failure_types';
+export { ShardFailureOpenModalButton } from './shard_failure_open_modal_button';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_description.test.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_description.test.tsx
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_description.test.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_description.test.tsx
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_description.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_description.tsx
similarity index 96%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_description.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_description.tsx
index 60e0e35a0f152..d440f09ca09dd 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_description.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_description.tsx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import React from 'react';
 import { EuiCodeBlock, EuiDescriptionList, EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { ShardFailure } from './shard_failure_types';
-import { getFlattenedObject } from '../../../../../../../legacy/utils/get_flattened_object';
+import { getFlattenedObject } from '../../../../../core/utils';
 import { ShardFailureDescriptionHeader } from './shard_failure_description_header';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_description_header.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_description_header.tsx
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_description_header.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_description_header.tsx
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_modal.test.tsx
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_modal.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_modal.tsx
similarity index 96%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_modal.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_modal.tsx
index 65cb49c611575..3dcab7732f769 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_modal.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_modal.tsx
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ import {
 } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { ShardFailureTable } from './shard_failure_table';
-import { ResponseWithShardFailure, Request } from './shard_failure_types';
+import { ShardFailureResponse, ShardFailureRequest } from './shard_failure_types';
 export interface Props {
   onClose: () => void;
-  request: Request;
-  response: ResponseWithShardFailure;
+  request: ShardFailureRequest;
+  response: ShardFailureResponse;
   title: string;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.mocks.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.mocks.tsx
similarity index 87%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.mocks.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.mocks.tsx
index 4dd4d5943fadc..516eae9d46a6b 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.mocks.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.mocks.tsx
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
  * under the License.
-// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-import { setOverlays } from '../../../../../../../plugins/data/public/services';
+import { setOverlays } from '../../services';
 import { OverlayStart } from 'kibana/public';
 export const openModal = jest.fn();
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.tsx
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_open_modal_button.test.tsx
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_open_modal_button.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_open_modal_button.tsx
similarity index 84%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_open_modal_button.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_open_modal_button.tsx
index c3ff042083473..fa42745da2e48 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_open_modal_button.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_open_modal_button.tsx
@@ -20,15 +20,14 @@ import React from 'react';
 import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
 import { EuiButton, EuiTextAlign } from '@elastic/eui';
-// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-import { getOverlays } from '../../../../../../../plugins/data/public/services';
-import { toMountPoint } from '../../../../../../../plugins/kibana_react/public';
+import { getOverlays } from '../../services';
+import { toMountPoint } from '../../../../kibana_react/public';
 import { ShardFailureModal } from './shard_failure_modal';
-import { ResponseWithShardFailure, Request } from './shard_failure_types';
+import { ShardFailureResponse, ShardFailureRequest } from './shard_failure_types';
 interface Props {
-  request: Request;
-  response: ResponseWithShardFailure;
+  request: ShardFailureRequest;
+  response: ShardFailureResponse;
   title: string;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_table.test.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_table.test.tsx
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_table.test.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_table.test.tsx
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_table.tsx b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_table.tsx
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_table.tsx
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_table.tsx
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_types.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_types.ts
similarity index 94%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_types.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_types.ts
index 22fc20233cc87..b1ce3f30c4278 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public/search/fetch/components/shard_failure_types.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/shard_failure_modal/shard_failure_types.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-export interface Request {
+export interface ShardFailureRequest {
   docvalue_fields: string[];
   _source: unknown;
   query: unknown;
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export interface Request {
   stored_fields: string[];
-export interface ResponseWithShardFailure {
+export interface ShardFailureResponse {
   _shards: {
     failed: number;
     failures: ShardFailure[];
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/kibana_services.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/kibana_services.js
index 1ec7565df6f26..dadae7a3fdca9 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/kibana_services.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/kibana_services.js
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 import {
-} from '../../../../../src/legacy/ui/public/courier';
+} from '../../../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/data/public';
 import { esFilters } from '../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
-export { SearchSource } from '../../../../../src/legacy/ui/public/courier';
+export { SearchSource } from '../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 export const indexPatternService =;
 let licenseId;
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/rollup/public/search/register.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/rollup/public/search/register.js
index f7f1c681b63ca..05db100088e8a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/rollup/public/search/register.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/rollup/public/search/register.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { addSearchStrategy } from '../../../../../../src/legacy/ui/public/courier';
+import { addSearchStrategy } from '../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 import { rollupSearchStrategy } from './rollup_search_strategy';
 export function initSearch() {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/rollup/public/search/rollup_search_strategy.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/rollup/public/search/rollup_search_strategy.js
index becaf6dd338c8..18e72cdf0fd3d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/rollup/public/search/rollup_search_strategy.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/rollup/public/search/rollup_search_strategy.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 import { kfetch } from 'ui/kfetch';
-import { SearchError, getSearchErrorType } from '../../../../../../src/legacy/ui/public/courier';
+import { SearchError, getSearchErrorType } from '../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 function serializeFetchParams(searchRequests) {
   return JSON.stringify(

From 72a8da2dcb8cbeb474c79112e81280312d74fe60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Mike=20C=C3=B4t=C3=A9?= <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 09:39:02 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 05/36] Re-enable skipped tests for unmuting an alert (#55861)

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts               | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts
index a200bc63155f2..08e6c90a1044c 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts
@@ -752,8 +752,7 @@ export default function alertTests({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
-        // Flaky:
-        it.skip(`should unmute all instances when unmuting an alert`, async () => {
+        it(`should unmute all instances when unmuting an alert`, async () => {
           const testStart = new Date();
           const reference = alertUtils.generateReference();
           const response = await alertUtils.createAlwaysFiringAction({

From 4c2d901dc51a94e06e5d92782f85e47c0984e46c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Alejandro=20Fern=C3=A1ndez=20Haro?=
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 14:50:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 06/36] [X-Pack][Monitoring][Telemetry] Ensure 24h time range
 when fetching Kibana usage stats (#55171)

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../__tests__/get_kibana_stats.js             | 48 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../telemetry_collection/get_kibana_stats.js  | 32 +++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/monitoring/server/telemetry_collection/__tests__/get_kibana_stats.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/monitoring/server/telemetry_collection/__tests__/get_kibana_stats.js
index dfcdf605ba11c..98e0afa28fba3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/monitoring/server/telemetry_collection/__tests__/get_kibana_stats.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/monitoring/server/telemetry_collection/__tests__/get_kibana_stats.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { getUsageStats, combineStats, rollUpTotals } from '../get_kibana_stats';
+import { getUsageStats, combineStats, rollUpTotals, ensureTimeSpan } from '../get_kibana_stats';
 import expect from '@kbn/expect';
 describe('Get Kibana Stats', () => {
@@ -542,4 +542,50 @@ describe('Get Kibana Stats', () => {
       expect(rollUpTotals(rollUp, addOn, 'my_field')).to.eql({ total: 4 });
+  describe('Ensure minimum time difference', () => {
+    it('should return start and end as is when none are provided', () => {
+      const { start, end } = ensureTimeSpan(undefined, undefined);
+      expect(start);
+      expect(end);
+    });
+    it('should return start and end as is when only end is provided', () => {
+      const initialEnd = '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z';
+      const { start, end } = ensureTimeSpan(undefined, initialEnd);
+      expect(start);
+      expect(end);
+    });
+    it('should return start and end as is because they are already 24h away', () => {
+      const initialStart = '2019-12-31T00:00:00Z';
+      const initialEnd = '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z';
+      const { start, end } = ensureTimeSpan(initialStart, initialEnd);
+      expect(start);
+      expect(end);
+    });
+    it('should return start and end as is because they are already 24h+ away', () => {
+      const initialStart = '2019-12-31T00:00:00Z';
+      const initialEnd = '2020-01-01T01:00:00Z';
+      const { start, end } = ensureTimeSpan(initialStart, initialEnd);
+      expect(start);
+      expect(end);
+    });
+    it('should modify start to a date 24h before end', () => {
+      const initialStart = '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z';
+      const initialEnd = '2020-01-01T01:00:00.000Z';
+      const { start, end } = ensureTimeSpan(initialStart, initialEnd);
+      expect(start)'2019-12-31T01:00:00.000Z');
+      expect(end);
+    });
+    it('should modify start to a date 24h before now', () => {
+      const initialStart = new Date().toISOString();
+      const { start, end } = ensureTimeSpan(initialStart, undefined);
+      expect(start);
+      expect(end);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/monitoring/server/telemetry_collection/get_kibana_stats.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/monitoring/server/telemetry_collection/get_kibana_stats.js
index 57dba1796aa5e..1e22507c5baf4 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/monitoring/server/telemetry_collection/get_kibana_stats.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/monitoring/server/telemetry_collection/get_kibana_stats.js
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+import moment from 'moment';
 import { get, isEmpty, omit } from 'lodash';
-import { KIBANA_SYSTEM_ID } from '../../common/constants';
+import { KIBANA_SYSTEM_ID, TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL } from '../../common/constants';
 import { fetchHighLevelStats, handleHighLevelStatsResponse } from './get_high_level_stats';
 export function rollUpTotals(rolledUp, addOn, field) {
@@ -88,17 +89,42 @@ export function combineStats(highLevelStats, usageStats = {}) {
   }, {});
+ * Ensure the start and end dates are, at least, TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL apart
+ * because, otherwise, we are sending telemetry with empty Kibana usage data.
+ *
+ * @param {date} [start] The start time from which to get the telemetry data
+ * @param {date} [end] The end time from which to get the telemetry data
+ */
+export function ensureTimeSpan(start, end) {
+  // We only care if we have a start date, because that's the limit that might make us lose the document
+  if (start) {
+    const duration = moment.duration(TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL, 'milliseconds');
+    // If end exists, we need to ensure they are, at least, TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL apart.
+    // Otherwise start should be, at least, TELEMETRY_COLLECTION_INTERVAL apart from now
+    let safeStart = moment().subtract(duration);
+    if (end) {
+      safeStart = moment(end).subtract(duration);
+    }
+    if (safeStart.isBefore(start)) {
+      return { start: safeStart.toISOString(), end };
+    }
+  }
+  return { start, end };
  * Monkey-patch the modules from get_high_level_stats and add in the
  * specialized usage data that comes with kibana stats (kibana_stats.usage).
 export async function getKibanaStats(server, callCluster, clusterUuids, start, end) {
+  const { start: safeStart, end: safeEnd } = ensureTimeSpan(start, end);
   const rawStats = await fetchHighLevelStats(
-    start,
-    end,
+    safeStart,
+    safeEnd,
   const highLevelStats = handleHighLevelStatsResponse(rawStats, KIBANA_SYSTEM_ID);

From 6f0bfa009ad2d1227e2fd6fa30e87a7ee690c756 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Gowdy <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:22:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 07/36] [ML] Fixing "aggs" use in datafeeds (#56002)

* [ML] Fixing "aggs" use in datafeeds

* removing use of Record
 .../jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/configs/datafeed.ts     | 4 +++-
 .../jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/job_creator.ts          | 6 ++++--
 .../jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/util/general.ts         | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/configs/datafeed.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/configs/datafeed.ts
index 6c7493c5e52d3..c0b9a4872c3c4 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/configs/datafeed.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/configs/datafeed.ts
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export type DatafeedId = string;
 export interface Datafeed {
   datafeed_id: DatafeedId;
   aggregations?: Aggregation;
+  aggs?: Aggregation;
   chunking_config?: ChunkingConfig;
   frequency?: string;
   indices: IndexPatternTitle[];
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ interface Aggregation {
       field: string;
       fixed_interval: string;
-    aggregations: Record<string, any>;
+    aggregations?: { [key: string]: any };
+    aggs?: { [key: string]: any };
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/job_creator.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/job_creator.ts
index 90c189c9d6197..5b33aa3556980 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/job_creator.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/job_creator.ts
@@ -623,8 +623,10 @@ export class JobCreator {
     this._aggregationFields = [];
-    if (this._datafeed_config.aggregations?.buckets !== undefined) {
-      collectAggs(this._datafeed_config.aggregations.buckets, this._aggregationFields);
+    const buckets =
+      this._datafeed_config.aggregations?.buckets || this._datafeed_config.aggs?.buckets;
+    if (buckets !== undefined) {
+      collectAggs(buckets, this._aggregationFields);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/util/general.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/util/general.ts
index e5b6212a4326e..0764e276d635e 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/util/general.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/public/application/jobs/new_job/common/job_creator/util/general.ts
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ export function collectAggs(o: any, aggFields: Field[]) {
     if (o[i] !== null && typeof o[i] === 'object') {
       if (i === 'aggregations' || i === 'aggs') {
         Object.keys(o[i]).forEach(k => {
-          if (k !== 'aggregations' && i !== 'aggs') {
+          if (k !== 'aggregations' && k !== 'aggs') {
               id: k,
               name: k,

From efd3e99064a711ef73f5f43c055161537f404a08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mikhail Shustov <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:29:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/36] Revert "Normalize EOL symbol for the platform docs
 (#55689)" (#56020)

This reverts commit 1ea175e2c613fe105bf33a70471d9925fda53003.
 api-documenter.json                           |   4 -
 docs/development/core/public/         |  24 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../core/public/   |  44 +-
 .../public/  |  36 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +-
 .../public/    |  60 +-- |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../  |  88 ++-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../       |  46 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../    |  30 +- |  42 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  30 +-
 .../  |  42 +- |  48 +- |  94 ++-- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  54 +--
 .../  |  54 +-- |  56 +-- |  58 +--
 .../public/   |  26 +- |  52 +-
 .../   |  48 +- |  44 +- | 116 ++--- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  82 ++--
 .../  |  46 +-
 .../public/  |  42 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  26 +- |  22 +-
 .../       |  42 +-
 .../  |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  24 +- |  68 +--
 .../    |  78 +-- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  32 +- |  24 +-
 .../  |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  70 +-- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../     |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  34 +- |  46 +- |  48 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  48 +-
 .../    |  54 +-- |  56 +-- |  60 +-- |  24 +- |  68 +-- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +-
 .../       | 140 +++--- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  78 +-- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  34 +-
 .../      | 276 +++++------ |  26 +-
 .../ |  34 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  38 +-
 .../public/  |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  38 +-
 .../public/  |  60 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- | 192 ++++----
 .../     |  42 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  42 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../    |  24 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../   |  46 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  52 +-
 .../public/  |  72 +--
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../public/  |  26 +-
 .../ |  30 +-
 .../public/  |  40 +- |  48 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  48 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../public/  |  44 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  54 +--
 .../ | 160 +++--- |  68 +--
 .../  |  36 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  46 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  52 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  28 +-
 .../   |  38 +-
 .../public/    |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../   |  56 +-- |  30 +-
 .../   |  56 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../     |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  22 +-
 .../core/public/       | 322 ++++++-------
 .../public/ |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  54 +-- |  30 +- |  44 +- |  52 +- |  56 +--
 .../  |  34 +-
 .../public/ |  52 +- |  30 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  24 +- |  24 +- |  24 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  46 +- |  22 +-
 .../public/     |  44 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../       |  30 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  28 +- |  44 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  24 +-
 .../ |  28 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  28 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  72 +-- |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  58 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  44 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  38 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  88 ++-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../core/public/ |  26 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +-
 .../  |  42 +- |  44 +-
 .../     |  52 +- |  52 +- |  54 +-- |  52 +- |  52 +-
 .../    |  34 +-
 .../public/  |  64 +--
 .../  |  48 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  60 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  24 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +-
 docs/development/core/server/         |  24 +-
 .../server/  |  24 +- |  30 +- |  38 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../     |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
 .../server/ |  24 +-
 .../  |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  38 +-
 .../server/ |  44 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  40 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../server/   |  56 +--
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../    |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  54 +-- |  92 ++-- |  94 ++--
 .../ |  40 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../     |  70 +--
 .../ |  36 +- |  72 +-- |  72 +-- |  76 +-- |  70 +-- |  74 +-- |  26 +- |  56 +--
 .../server/ |  24 +- |  34 +-
 .../      | 276 +++++------ |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../server/  |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/  |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../server/  |  56 +--
 .../   |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  70 +-- |  44 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  42 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  40 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../      |  32 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../server/    |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  28 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  | 190 ++++---- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  74 +-- |  26 +-
 .../  |  38 +-
 .../server/  |  30 +-
 .../    |  30 +- |  54 +--
 .../ | 160 +++--- |  68 +--
 .../  |  36 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../server/ |  46 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../   |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  52 +-
 .../     |  58 +-- |  28 +-
 .../   |  38 +- |  24 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  38 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/    |  52 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  38 +- |  82 ++-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  36 +- |  26 +-
 .../     |  68 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- | 236 ++++-----
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../     |  32 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../server/ |  66 +--
 .../       |  50 +-
 .../server/     |  52 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../       |  50 +-
 .../ |  48 +-
 .../     |  40 +-
 .../server/    |  26 +-
 .../core/server/       | 456 +++++++++--------- |  24 +- |  24 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../ |  40 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../  |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  46 +- |  22 +-
 .../server/     |  44 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../       |  30 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- | 100 ++-- |  30 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  34 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  36 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  62 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/ |  26 +-
 .../    |  24 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  38 +-
 .../ |  28 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  84 ++-- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../     |  32 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  34 +-
 .../       |  44 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  36 +- | 124 ++--- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  30 +- |  30 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
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 .../    |  26 +- |  42 +- |  40 +- |  84 ++-- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  34 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  28 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  58 +-- |  50 +- |  52 +- |  52 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  52 +- |  72 +-- |  54 +-- |  86 ++-- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  80 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  54 +-- |  26 +- |  32 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  58 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  44 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  54 +-- |  62 +-- |  54 +-- |  56 +-- |  56 +-- |  54 +-- |  48 +- |  56 +-- |  86 ++-- |  56 +-- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  66 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  36 +- |  30 +- |  44 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  30 +- |  44 +- |  52 +- |  52 +- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  44 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  32 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  60 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  80 +-- |  74 +-- |  38 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  34 +-
 .../  |  40 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js |   3 -
 src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts         |   2 +-
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-  "newlineKind": "lf",
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-## API Reference
-## Packages
-|  Package | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibana-plugin-public](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>public/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+## API Reference
+## Packages
+|  Package | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibana-plugin-public](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>public/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 76c5b7952259f..7f35f4346b6b3 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [appRoute](./
-## App.appRoute property
-Override the application's routing path from `/app/${id}`<!-- -->. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP.
-appRoute?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [appRoute](./
+## App.appRoute property
+Override the application's routing path from `/app/${id}`<!-- -->. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP.
+appRoute?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index ce68c68ba8c72..dc1e19bab80b2 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
-## App.chromeless property
-Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
-chromeless?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
+## App.chromeless property
+Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
+chromeless?: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index faea94c467726..acf07cbf62e91 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./
-## App interface
-Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function.
-export interface App extends AppBase 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appRoute](./ | <code>string</code> | Override the application's routing path from <code>/app/${id}</code>. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP. |
-|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
-|  [mount](./ | <code>AppMount &#124; AppMountDeprecated</code> | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./
+## App interface
+Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function.
+export interface App extends AppBase 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appRoute](./ | <code>string</code> | Override the application's routing path from <code>/app/${id}</code>. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP. |
+|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
+|  [mount](./ | <code>AppMount &#124; AppMountDeprecated</code> | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 2af5f0277759a..151fb7baeb138 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [mount](./
-## App.mount property
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->.
-mount: AppMount | AppMountDeprecated;
-## Remarks
-When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [mount](./
+## App.mount property
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->.
+mount: AppMount | AppMountDeprecated;
+## Remarks
+When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## AppBase.capabilities property
-Custom capabilities defined by the app.
-capabilities?: Partial<Capabilities>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## AppBase.capabilities property
+Custom capabilities defined by the app.
+capabilities?: Partial<Capabilities>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [category](./
-## AppBase.category property
-The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference
-category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [category](./
+## AppBase.category property
+The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference
+category?: AppCategory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
-## AppBase.chromeless property
-Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
-chromeless?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
+## AppBase.chromeless property
+Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
+chromeless?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## AppBase.euiIconType property
-A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## AppBase.euiIconType property
+A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
+euiIconType?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## AppBase.icon property
-A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
-icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## AppBase.icon property
+A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
+icon?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The unique identifier of the application
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The unique identifier of the application
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./
-## AppBase interface
-export interface AppBase 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>Partial&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Custom capabilities defined by the app. |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference |
-|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The unique identifier of the application |
-|  [navLinkStatus](./ | <code>AppNavLinkStatus</code> | The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to <code>visible</code> if <code>status</code> is <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if status is <code>inaccessible</code> See [AppNavLinkStatus](./ |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
-|  [status](./ | <code>AppStatus</code> | The initial status of the application. Defaulting to <code>accessible</code> |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over app link. |
-|  [updater$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> | An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./
+## AppBase interface
+export interface AppBase 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>Partial&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Custom capabilities defined by the app. |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference |
+|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The unique identifier of the application |
+|  [navLinkStatus](./ | <code>AppNavLinkStatus</code> | The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to <code>visible</code> if <code>status</code> is <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if status is <code>inaccessible</code> See [AppNavLinkStatus](./ |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
+|  [status](./ | <code>AppStatus</code> | The initial status of the application. Defaulting to <code>accessible</code> |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over app link. |
+|  [updater$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> | An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [navLinkStatus](./
-## AppBase.navLinkStatus property
-The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to `visible` if `status` is `accessible` and `hidden` if status is `inaccessible` See [AppNavLinkStatus](./
-navLinkStatus?: AppNavLinkStatus;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [navLinkStatus](./
+## AppBase.navLinkStatus property
+The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to `visible` if `status` is `accessible` and `hidden` if status is `inaccessible` See [AppNavLinkStatus](./
+navLinkStatus?: AppNavLinkStatus;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [order](./
-## AppBase.order property
-An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
-order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [order](./
+## AppBase.order property
+An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
+order?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [status](./
-## AppBase.status property
-The initial status of the application. Defaulting to `accessible`
-status?: AppStatus;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [status](./
+## AppBase.status property
+The initial status of the application. Defaulting to `accessible`
+status?: AppStatus;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [title](./
-## AppBase.title property
-The title of the application.
-title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [title](./
+## AppBase.title property
+The title of the application.
+title: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## AppBase.tooltip property
-A tooltip shown when hovering over app link.
-tooltip?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## AppBase.tooltip property
+A tooltip shown when hovering over app link.
+tooltip?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [updater$](./
-## AppBase.updater$ property
-An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime.
-updater$?: Observable<AppUpdater>;
-## Example
-How to update an application navLink at runtime
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  private appUpdater = new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(() => ({}));
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.register({
-      id: 'my-app',
-      title: 'My App',
-      updater$: this.appUpdater,
-      async mount(params) {
-        const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
-        return renderApp(params);
-      },
-    });
-  }
-  start() {
-     // later, when the navlink needs to be updated
- => {
-       navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.disabled,
-     })
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [updater$](./
+## AppBase.updater$ property
+An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime.
+updater$?: Observable<AppUpdater>;
+## Example
+How to update an application navLink at runtime
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  private appUpdater = new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(() => ({}));
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.register({
+      id: 'my-app',
+      title: 'My App',
+      updater$: this.appUpdater,
+      async mount(params) {
+        const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
+        return renderApp(params);
+      },
+    });
+  }
+  start() {
+     // later, when the navlink needs to be updated
+ => {
+       navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.disabled,
+     })
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [ariaLabel](./
-## AppCategory.ariaLabel property
-If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here
-ariaLabel?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [ariaLabel](./
+## AppCategory.ariaLabel property
+If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here
+ariaLabel?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## AppCategory.euiIconType property
-Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## AppCategory.euiIconType property
+Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined
+euiIconType?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [label](./
-## AppCategory.label property
-Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set.
-label: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [label](./
+## AppCategory.label property
+Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set.
+label: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./
-## AppCategory interface
-A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav
-export interface AppCategory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [ariaLabel](./ | <code>string</code> | If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined |
-|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> | Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set. |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000) |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./
+## AppCategory interface
+A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav
+export interface AppCategory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [ariaLabel](./ | <code>string</code> | If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined |
+|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> | Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set. |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000) |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [order](./
-## AppCategory.order property
-The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000)
-order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [order](./
+## AppCategory.order property
+The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000)
+order?: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveAction](./
-## AppLeaveAction type
-Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./
-See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
-export declare type AppLeaveAction = AppLeaveDefaultAction | AppLeaveConfirmAction;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveAction](./
+## AppLeaveAction type
+Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./
+See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
+export declare type AppLeaveAction = AppLeaveDefaultAction | AppLeaveConfirmAction;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveActionType](./
-## AppLeaveActionType enum
-Possible type of actions on application leave.
-export declare enum AppLeaveActionType 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  confirm | <code>&quot;confirm&quot;</code> |  |
-|  default | <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveActionType](./
+## AppLeaveActionType enum
+Possible type of actions on application leave.
+export declare enum AppLeaveActionType 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  confirm | <code>&quot;confirm&quot;</code> |  |
+|  default | <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction interface
-Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.
-export interface AppLeaveConfirmAction 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.confirm</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction interface
+Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.
+export interface AppLeaveConfirmAction 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.confirm</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [text](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.text property
-text: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [text](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.text property
+text: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [title](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.title property
-title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [title](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.title property
+title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [type](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.type property
-type: AppLeaveActionType.confirm;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [type](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.type property
+type: AppLeaveActionType.confirm;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
-## AppLeaveDefaultAction interface
-Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.
-export interface AppLeaveDefaultAction 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.default</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
+## AppLeaveDefaultAction interface
+Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.
+export interface AppLeaveDefaultAction 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.default</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ &gt; [type](./
-## AppLeaveDefaultAction.type property
-type: AppLeaveActionType.default;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ &gt; [type](./
+## AppLeaveDefaultAction.type property
+type: AppLeaveActionType.default;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveHandler](./
-## AppLeaveHandler type
-A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return `confirm` to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or `default` to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).
-See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples.
-export declare type AppLeaveHandler = (factory: AppLeaveActionFactory) => AppLeaveAction;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveHandler](./
+## AppLeaveHandler type
+A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return `confirm` to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or `default` to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).
+See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples.
+export declare type AppLeaveHandler = (factory: AppLeaveActionFactory) => AppLeaveAction;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./
-## ApplicationSetup interface
-export interface ApplicationSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [register(app)](./ | Register an mountable application to the system. |
-|  [registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$)](./ | Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.<!-- -->This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the <code>updater$</code> property of the registered application instead. |
-|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./
+## ApplicationSetup interface
+export interface ApplicationSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [register(app)](./ | Register an mountable application to the system. |
+|  [registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$)](./ | Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.<!-- -->This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the <code>updater$</code> property of the registered application instead. |
+|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
-## ApplicationSetup.register() method
-Register an mountable application to the system.
-register(app: App): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  app | <code>App</code> | an [App](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
+## ApplicationSetup.register() method
+Register an mountable application to the system.
+register(app: App): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  app | <code>App</code> | an [App](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerAppUpdater](./
-## ApplicationSetup.registerAppUpdater() method
-Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.
-This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the `updater$` property of the registered application instead.
-registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$: Observable<AppUpdater>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appUpdater$ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to register an application updater that disables some applications:
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.registerAppUpdater(
-      new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(app => {
-         if (myPluginApi.shouldDisable(app))
-           return {
-             status: AppStatus.inaccessible,
-           };
-       })
-     );
-    }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerAppUpdater](./
+## ApplicationSetup.registerAppUpdater() method
+Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.
+This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the `updater$` property of the registered application instead.
+registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$: Observable<AppUpdater>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appUpdater$ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to register an application updater that disables some applications:
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.registerAppUpdater(
+      new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(app => {
+         if (myPluginApi.shouldDisable(app))
+           return {
+             status: AppStatus.inaccessible,
+           };
+       })
+     );
+    }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
-## ApplicationSetup.registerMountContext() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
+## ApplicationSetup.registerMountContext() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## ApplicationStart.capabilities property
-Gets the read-only capabilities.
-capabilities: RecursiveReadonly<Capabilities>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## ApplicationStart.capabilities property
+Gets the read-only capabilities.
+capabilities: RecursiveReadonly<Capabilities>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [getUrlForApp](./
-## ApplicationStart.getUrlForApp() method
-Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path.
-getUrlForApp(appId: string, options?: {
-        path?: string;
-    }): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [getUrlForApp](./
+## ApplicationStart.getUrlForApp() method
+Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path.
+getUrlForApp(appId: string, options?: {
+        path?: string;
+    }): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./
-## ApplicationStart interface
-export interface ApplicationStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Gets the read-only capabilities. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getUrlForApp(appId, options)](./ | Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path. |
-|  [navigateToApp(appId, options)](./ | Navigate to a given app |
-|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./
+## ApplicationStart interface
+export interface ApplicationStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Gets the read-only capabilities. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getUrlForApp(appId, options)](./ | Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path. |
+|  [navigateToApp(appId, options)](./ | Navigate to a given app |
+|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [navigateToApp](./
-## ApplicationStart.navigateToApp() method
-Navigate to a given app
-navigateToApp(appId: string, options?: {
-        path?: string;
-        state?: any;
-    }): Promise<void>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>        state?: any;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [navigateToApp](./
+## ApplicationStart.navigateToApp() method
+Navigate to a given app
+navigateToApp(appId: string, options?: {
+        path?: string;
+        state?: any;
+    }): Promise<void>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>        state?: any;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
-## ApplicationStart.registerMountContext() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
+## ApplicationStart.registerMountContext() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMount](./
-## AppMount type
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
-export declare type AppMount = (params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMount](./
+## AppMount type
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
+export declare type AppMount = (params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./ &gt; [core](./
-## AppMountContext.core property
-Core service APIs available to mounted applications.
-core: {
-        application: Pick<ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' | 'navigateToApp'>;
-        chrome: ChromeStart;
-        docLinks: DocLinksStart;
-        http: HttpStart;
-        i18n: I18nStart;
-        notifications: NotificationsStart;
-        overlays: OverlayStart;
-        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
-        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-        injectedMetadata: {
-            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-        };
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./ &gt; [core](./
+## AppMountContext.core property
+Core service APIs available to mounted applications.
+core: {
+        application: Pick<ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' | 'navigateToApp'>;
+        chrome: ChromeStart;
+        docLinks: DocLinksStart;
+        http: HttpStart;
+        i18n: I18nStart;
+        notifications: NotificationsStart;
+        overlays: OverlayStart;
+        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
+        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+        injectedMetadata: {
+            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+        };
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./
-## AppMountContext interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-export interface AppMountContext 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        application: Pick&lt;ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' &#124; 'navigateToApp'&gt;;</code><br/><code>        chrome: ChromeStart;</code><br/><code>        docLinks: DocLinksStart;</code><br/><code>        http: HttpStart;</code><br/><code>        i18n: I18nStart;</code><br/><code>        notifications: NotificationsStart;</code><br/><code>        overlays: OverlayStart;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        injectedMetadata: {</code><br/><code>            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Core service APIs available to mounted applications. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./
+## AppMountContext interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+export interface AppMountContext 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        application: Pick&lt;ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' &#124; 'navigateToApp'&gt;;</code><br/><code>        chrome: ChromeStart;</code><br/><code>        docLinks: DocLinksStart;</code><br/><code>        http: HttpStart;</code><br/><code>        i18n: I18nStart;</code><br/><code>        notifications: NotificationsStart;</code><br/><code>        overlays: OverlayStart;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        injectedMetadata: {</code><br/><code>            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Core service APIs available to mounted applications. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountDeprecated](./
-## AppMountDeprecated type
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
-export declare type AppMountDeprecated = (context: AppMountContext, params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
-## Remarks
-When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountDeprecated](./
+## AppMountDeprecated type
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
+export declare type AppMountDeprecated = (context: AppMountContext, params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
+## Remarks
+When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [appBasePath](./
-## AppMountParameters.appBasePath property
-The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP.
-appBasePath: string;
-## Example
-How to configure react-router with a base path:
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.register({
-     id: 'my-app',
-     appRoute: '/my-app',
-     async mount(params) {
-       const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
-       return renderApp(params);
-     },
-   });
- }
-// application.tsx
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
-import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
-export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element }: AppMountParams) => {
-  ReactDOM.render(
-    // pass `appBasePath` to `basename`
-    <BrowserRouter basename={appBasePath}>
-      <Route path="/" exact component={HomePage} />
-    </BrowserRouter>,
-    element
-  );
-  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(element);
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [appBasePath](./
+## AppMountParameters.appBasePath property
+The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP.
+appBasePath: string;
+## Example
+How to configure react-router with a base path:
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.register({
+     id: 'my-app',
+     appRoute: '/my-app',
+     async mount(params) {
+       const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
+       return renderApp(params);
+     },
+   });
+ }
+// application.tsx
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
+import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
+export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element }: AppMountParams) => {
+  ReactDOM.render(
+    // pass `appBasePath` to `basename`
+    <BrowserRouter basename={appBasePath}>
+      <Route path="/" exact component={HomePage} />
+    </BrowserRouter>,
+    element
+  );
+  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(element);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [element](./
-## AppMountParameters.element property
-The container element to render the application into.
-element: HTMLElement;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [element](./
+## AppMountParameters.element property
+The container element to render the application into.
+element: HTMLElement;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./
-## AppMountParameters interface
-export interface AppMountParameters 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appBasePath](./ | <code>string</code> | The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP. |
-|  [element](./ | <code>HTMLElement</code> | The container element to render the application into. |
-|  [onAppLeave](./ | <code>(handler: AppLeaveHandler) =&gt; void</code> | A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.<!-- -->This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./
+## AppMountParameters interface
+export interface AppMountParameters 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appBasePath](./ | <code>string</code> | The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP. |
+|  [element](./ | <code>HTMLElement</code> | The container element to render the application into. |
+|  [onAppLeave](./ | <code>(handler: AppLeaveHandler) =&gt; void</code> | A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.<!-- -->This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [onAppLeave](./
-## AppMountParameters.onAppLeave property
-A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.
-This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url.
-onAppLeave: (handler: AppLeaveHandler) => void;
-## Example
-// application.tsx
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
-import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
-export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element, onAppLeave }: AppMountParams) => {
-   const { renderApp, hasUnsavedChanges } = await import('./application');
-   onAppLeave(actions => {
-     if(hasUnsavedChanges()) {
-       return actions.confirm('Some changes were not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?');
-     }
-     return actions.default();
-   });
-   return renderApp(params);
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [onAppLeave](./
+## AppMountParameters.onAppLeave property
+A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.
+This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url.
+onAppLeave: (handler: AppLeaveHandler) => void;
+## Example
+// application.tsx
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
+import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
+export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element, onAppLeave }: AppMountParams) => {
+   const { renderApp, hasUnsavedChanges } = await import('./application');
+   onAppLeave(actions => {
+     if(hasUnsavedChanges()) {
+       return actions.confirm('Some changes were not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?');
+     }
+     return actions.default();
+   });
+   return renderApp(params);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppNavLinkStatus](./
-## AppNavLinkStatus enum
-Status of the application's navLink.
-export declare enum AppNavLinkStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  default | <code>0</code> | The application navLink will be <code>visible</code> if the application's [AppStatus](./ is set to <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if the application status is set to <code>inaccessible</code>. |
-|  disabled | <code>2</code> | The application navLink is visible but inactive and not clickable in the navigation bar. |
-|  hidden | <code>3</code> | The application navLink does not appear in the navigation bar. |
-|  visible | <code>1</code> | The application navLink is visible and clickable in the navigation bar. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppNavLinkStatus](./
+## AppNavLinkStatus enum
+Status of the application's navLink.
+export declare enum AppNavLinkStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  default | <code>0</code> | The application navLink will be <code>visible</code> if the application's [AppStatus](./ is set to <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if the application status is set to <code>inaccessible</code>. |
+|  disabled | <code>2</code> | The application navLink is visible but inactive and not clickable in the navigation bar. |
+|  hidden | <code>3</code> | The application navLink does not appear in the navigation bar. |
+|  visible | <code>1</code> | The application navLink is visible and clickable in the navigation bar. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppStatus](./
-## AppStatus enum
-Accessibility status of an application.
-export declare enum AppStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  accessible | <code>0</code> | Application is accessible. |
-|  inaccessible | <code>1</code> | Application is not accessible. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppStatus](./
+## AppStatus enum
+Accessibility status of an application.
+export declare enum AppStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  accessible | <code>0</code> | Application is accessible. |
+|  inaccessible | <code>1</code> | Application is not accessible. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUnmount](./
-## AppUnmount type
-A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous.
-export declare type AppUnmount = () => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUnmount](./
+## AppUnmount type
+A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous.
+export declare type AppUnmount = () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdatableFields](./
-## AppUpdatableFields type
-Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type AppUpdatableFields = Pick<AppBase, 'status' | 'navLinkStatus' | 'tooltip'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdatableFields](./
+## AppUpdatableFields type
+Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type AppUpdatableFields = Pick<AppBase, 'status' | 'navLinkStatus' | 'tooltip'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdater](./
-## AppUpdater type
-Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./
-export declare type AppUpdater = (app: AppBase) => Partial<AppUpdatableFields> | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdater](./
+## AppUpdater type
+Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./
+export declare type AppUpdater = (app: AppBase) => Partial<AppUpdatableFields> | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
-## Capabilities.catalogue property
-Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
-catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
+## Capabilities.catalogue property
+Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
+catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
-## property
-Management section capabilities.
-management: {
-        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
+## property
+Management section capabilities.
+management: {
+        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
-## Capabilities interface
-The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
-export interface Capabilities 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
-|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
+## Capabilities interface
+The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
+export interface Capabilities 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
+|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## Capabilities.navLinks property
-Navigation link capabilities.
-navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## Capabilities.navLinks property
+Navigation link capabilities.
+navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [iconType](./
-## ChromeBadge.iconType property
-iconType?: IconType;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [iconType](./
+## ChromeBadge.iconType property
+iconType?: IconType;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./
-## ChromeBadge interface
-export interface ChromeBadge 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [iconType](./ | <code>IconType</code> |  |
-|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./
+## ChromeBadge interface
+export interface ChromeBadge 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [iconType](./ | <code>IconType</code> |  |
+|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [text](./
-## ChromeBadge.text property
-text: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [text](./
+## ChromeBadge.text property
+text: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## ChromeBadge.tooltip property
-tooltip: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## ChromeBadge.tooltip property
+tooltip: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [logo](./
-## ChromeBrand.logo property
-logo?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [logo](./
+## ChromeBrand.logo property
+logo?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./
-## ChromeBrand interface
-export interface ChromeBrand 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [logo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [smallLogo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./
+## ChromeBrand interface
+export interface ChromeBrand 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [logo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [smallLogo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [smallLogo](./
-## ChromeBrand.smallLogo property
-smallLogo?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [smallLogo](./
+## ChromeBrand.smallLogo property
+smallLogo?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBreadcrumb](./
-## ChromeBreadcrumb type
-export declare type ChromeBreadcrumb = EuiBreadcrumb;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBreadcrumb](./
+## ChromeBreadcrumb type
+export declare type ChromeBreadcrumb = EuiBreadcrumb;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [change](./
-## ChromeDocTitle.change() method
-Changes the current document title.
-change(newTitle: string | string[]): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  newTitle | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to change the title of the document
-chrome.docTitle.change('My application title')
-chrome.docTitle.change(['My application', 'My section'])
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [change](./
+## ChromeDocTitle.change() method
+Changes the current document title.
+change(newTitle: string | string[]): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  newTitle | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to change the title of the document
+chrome.docTitle.change('My application title')
+chrome.docTitle.change(['My application', 'My section'])
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./
-## ChromeDocTitle interface
-APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
-export interface ChromeDocTitle 
-## Example 1
-How to change the title of the document
-chrome.docTitle.change('My application')
-## Example 2
-How to reset the title of the document to it's initial value
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [change(newTitle)](./ | Changes the current document title. |
-|  [reset()](./ | Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.) |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./
+## ChromeDocTitle interface
+APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
+export interface ChromeDocTitle 
+## Example 1
+How to change the title of the document
+chrome.docTitle.change('My application')
+## Example 2
+How to reset the title of the document to it's initial value
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [change(newTitle)](./ | Changes the current document title. |
+|  [reset()](./ | Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.) |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [reset](./
-## ChromeDocTitle.reset() method
-Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.)
-reset(): void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [reset](./
+## ChromeDocTitle.reset() method
+Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.)
+reset(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [appName](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.appName property
-Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation
-appName: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [appName](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.appName property
+Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation
+appName: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [content](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.content property
-Custom content to occur below the list of links
-content?: (element: HTMLDivElement) => () => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [content](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.content property
+Custom content to occur below the list of links
+content?: (element: HTMLDivElement) => () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [links](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.links property
-Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button
-links?: ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [links](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.links property
+Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button
+links?: ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension interface
-export interface ChromeHelpExtension 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appName](./ | <code>string</code> | Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation |
-|  [content](./ | <code>(element: HTMLDivElement) =&gt; () =&gt; void</code> | Custom content to occur below the list of links |
-|  [links](./ | <code>ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[]</code> | Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension interface
+export interface ChromeHelpExtension 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appName](./ | <code>string</code> | Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation |
+|  [content](./ | <code>(element: HTMLDivElement) =&gt; () =&gt; void</code> | Custom content to occur below the list of links |
+|  [links](./ | <code>ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[]</code> | Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'custom';
-    content: React.ReactNode;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'custom';
+    content: React.ReactNode;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'discuss';
-    href: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'discuss';
+    href: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'documentation';
-    href: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'documentation';
+    href: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'github';
-    labels: string[];
-    title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'github';
+    labels: string[];
+    title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink = ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink, ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink>>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink = ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink, ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./
-## ChromeNavControl interface
-export interface ChromeNavControl 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [mount](./ | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./
+## ChromeNavControl interface
+export interface ChromeNavControl 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [mount](./ | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [mount](./
-## ChromeNavControl.mount property
-mount: MountPoint;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [mount](./
+## ChromeNavControl.mount property
+mount: MountPoint;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [order](./
-## ChromeNavControl.order property
-order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [order](./
+## ChromeNavControl.order property
+order?: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./
-## ChromeNavControls interface
-[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
-export interface ChromeNavControls 
-## Example
-Register a left-side nav control rendered with React.
-  mount(targetDomElement) {
-    ReactDOM.mount(<MyControl />, targetDomElement);
-    return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(targetDomElement);
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [registerLeft(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header. |
-|  [registerRight(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./
+## ChromeNavControls interface
+[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
+export interface ChromeNavControls 
+## Example
+Register a left-side nav control rendered with React.
+  mount(targetDomElement) {
+    ReactDOM.mount(<MyControl />, targetDomElement);
+    return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(targetDomElement);
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [registerLeft(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header. |
+|  [registerRight(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerLeft](./
-## ChromeNavControls.registerLeft() method
-Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header.
-registerLeft(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerLeft](./
+## ChromeNavControls.registerLeft() method
+Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header.
+registerLeft(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerRight](./
-## ChromeNavControls.registerRight() method
-Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header.
-registerRight(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerRight](./
+## ChromeNavControls.registerRight() method
+Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header.
+registerRight(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [active](./
-## property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen.
-readonly active?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [active](./
+## property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen.
+readonly active?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [baseUrl](./
-## ChromeNavLink.baseUrl property
-The base route used to open the root of an application.
-readonly baseUrl: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [baseUrl](./
+## ChromeNavLink.baseUrl property
+The base route used to open the root of an application.
+readonly baseUrl: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
-## ChromeNavLink.category property
-The category the app lives in
-readonly category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
+## ChromeNavLink.category property
+The category the app lives in
+readonly category?: AppCategory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [disabled](./
-## ChromeNavLink.disabled property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Disables a link from being clickable.
-readonly disabled?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [disabled](./
+## ChromeNavLink.disabled property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Disables a link from being clickable.
+readonly disabled?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## ChromeNavLink.euiIconType property
-A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
-readonly euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## ChromeNavLink.euiIconType property
+A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
+readonly euiIconType?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [hidden](./
-## ChromeNavLink.hidden property
-Hides a link from the navigation.
-readonly hidden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [hidden](./
+## ChromeNavLink.hidden property
+Hides a link from the navigation.
+readonly hidden?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## ChromeNavLink.icon property
-A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
-readonly icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## ChromeNavLink.icon property
+A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
+readonly icon?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-A unique identifier for looking up links.
-readonly id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+A unique identifier for looking up links.
+readonly id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [linkToLastSubUrl](./
-## ChromeNavLink.linkToLastSubUrl property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled.
-readonly linkToLastSubUrl?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [linkToLastSubUrl](./
+## ChromeNavLink.linkToLastSubUrl property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled.
+readonly linkToLastSubUrl?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./
-## ChromeNavLink interface
-export interface ChromeNavLink 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [active](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen. |
-|  [baseUrl](./ | <code>string</code> | The base route used to open the root of an application. |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category the app lives in |
-|  [disabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Disables a link from being clickable. |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
-|  [hidden](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hides a link from the navigation. |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | A unique identifier for looking up links. |
-|  [linkToLastSubUrl](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled. |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
-|  [subUrlBase](./ | <code>string</code> | A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application. |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link. |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> | A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./
+## ChromeNavLink interface
+export interface ChromeNavLink 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [active](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen. |
+|  [baseUrl](./ | <code>string</code> | The base route used to open the root of an application. |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category the app lives in |
+|  [disabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Disables a link from being clickable. |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
+|  [hidden](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hides a link from the navigation. |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | A unique identifier for looking up links. |
+|  [linkToLastSubUrl](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled. |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
+|  [subUrlBase](./ | <code>string</code> | A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application. |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link. |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> | A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
-## ChromeNavLink.order property
-An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
-readonly order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
+## ChromeNavLink.order property
+An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
+readonly order?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [subUrlBase](./
-## ChromeNavLink.subUrlBase property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application.
-readonly subUrlBase?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [subUrlBase](./
+## ChromeNavLink.subUrlBase property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application.
+readonly subUrlBase?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
-## ChromeNavLink.title property
-The title of the application.
-readonly title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
+## ChromeNavLink.title property
+The title of the application.
+readonly title: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## ChromeNavLink.tooltip property
-A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link.
-readonly tooltip?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## ChromeNavLink.tooltip property
+A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link.
+readonly tooltip?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
-## ChromeNavLink.url property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications.
-readonly url?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
+## ChromeNavLink.url property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications.
+readonly url?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation() method
-Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated.
-enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation(): void;
-## Remarks
-This is only necessary when rendering the status page in place of another app, as links to that app will set the current URL and change the hash, but the routes for the correct are not loaded so nothing will happen.
-Used only by status\_page plugin
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation() method
+Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated.
+enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation(): void;
+## Remarks
+This is only necessary when rendering the status page in place of another app, as links to that app will set the current URL and change the hash, but the routes for the correct are not loaded so nothing will happen.
+Used only by status\_page plugin
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [get](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.get() method
-Get the state of a navlink at this point in time.
-get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [get](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.get() method
+Get the state of a navlink at this point in time.
+get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getAll() method
-Get the current state of all navlinks.
-getAll(): Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getAll() method
+Get the current state of all navlinks.
+getAll(): Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$() method
-An observable of the forced app switcher state.
-getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$() method
+An observable of the forced app switcher state.
+getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getNavLinks$](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getNavLinks$() method
-Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks.
-getNavLinks$(): Observable<Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getNavLinks$](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getNavLinks$() method
+Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks.
+getNavLinks$(): Observable<Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [has](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.has() method
-Check whether or not a navlink exists.
-has(id: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [has](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.has() method
+Check whether or not a navlink exists.
+has(id: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./
-## ChromeNavLinks interface
-[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
-export interface ChromeNavLinks 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation()](./ | Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated. |
-|  [get(id)](./ | Get the state of a navlink at this point in time. |
-|  [getAll()](./ | Get the current state of all navlinks. |
-|  [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$()](./ | An observable of the forced app switcher state. |
-|  [getNavLinks$()](./ | Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks. |
-|  [has(id)](./ | Check whether or not a navlink exists. |
-|  [showOnly(id)](./ | Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id. |
-|  [update(id, values)](./ | Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or <code>undefined</code> if it does not exist. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./
+## ChromeNavLinks interface
+[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
+export interface ChromeNavLinks 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation()](./ | Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated. |
+|  [get(id)](./ | Get the state of a navlink at this point in time. |
+|  [getAll()](./ | Get the current state of all navlinks. |
+|  [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$()](./ | An observable of the forced app switcher state. |
+|  [getNavLinks$()](./ | Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks. |
+|  [has(id)](./ | Check whether or not a navlink exists. |
+|  [showOnly(id)](./ | Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id. |
+|  [update(id, values)](./ | Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or <code>undefined</code> if it does not exist. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [showOnly](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.showOnly() method
-Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id.
-showOnly(id: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Remarks
-NOTE: this is not reversible.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [showOnly](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.showOnly() method
+Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id.
+showOnly(id: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Remarks
+NOTE: this is not reversible.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [update](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.update() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Uses the [AppBase.updater$](./ property when registering your application with [ApplicationSetup.register()](./ instead.
-Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or `undefined` if it does not exist.
-update(id: string, values: ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  values | <code>ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields</code> |  |
-`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [update](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.update() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Uses the [AppBase.updater$](./ property when registering your application with [ApplicationSetup.register()](./ instead.
+Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or `undefined` if it does not exist.
+update(id: string, values: ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  values | <code>ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields</code> |  |
+`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./
-## ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields type
-export declare type ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields = Partial<Pick<ChromeNavLink, 'active' | 'disabled' | 'hidden' | 'url' | 'subUrlBase'>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./
+## ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields type
+export declare type ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields = Partial<Pick<ChromeNavLink, 'active' | 'disabled' | 'hidden' | 'url' | 'subUrlBase'>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [add](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.add() method
-Adds a new item to the recently accessed history.
-add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  link | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  label | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-chrome.recentlyAccessed.add('/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [add](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.add() method
+Adds a new item to the recently accessed history.
+add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  link | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  label | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+chrome.recentlyAccessed.add('/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get() method
-Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history.
-get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[];
-## Example
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get() method
+Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history.
+get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[];
+## Example
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get$() method
-Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history.
-get$(): Observable<ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[]>;
-## Example
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get$() method
+Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history.
+get$(): Observable<ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[]>;
+## Example
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed interface
-[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
-export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessed 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [add(link, label, id)](./ | Adds a new item to the recently accessed history. |
-|  [get()](./ | Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history. |
-|  [get$()](./ | Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed interface
+[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
+export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessed 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [add(link, label, id)](./ | Adds a new item to the recently accessed history. |
+|  [get()](./ | Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history. |
+|  [get$()](./ | Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [label](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem.label property
-label: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [label](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem.label property
+label: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [link](./
-## property
-link: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [link](./
+## property
+link: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem interface
-export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [link](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem interface
+export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [link](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [addApplicationClass](./
-## ChromeStart.addApplicationClass() method
-Add a className that should be set on the application container.
-addApplicationClass(className: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [addApplicationClass](./
+## ChromeStart.addApplicationClass() method
+Add a className that should be set on the application container.
+addApplicationClass(className: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [docTitle](./
-## ChromeStart.docTitle property
-APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
-docTitle: ChromeDocTitle;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [docTitle](./
+## ChromeStart.docTitle property
+APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
+docTitle: ChromeDocTitle;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getApplicationClasses$](./
-## ChromeStart.getApplicationClasses$() method
-Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container.
-getApplicationClasses$(): Observable<string[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getApplicationClasses$](./
+## ChromeStart.getApplicationClasses$() method
+Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container.
+getApplicationClasses$(): Observable<string[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBadge$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBadge$() method
-Get an observable of the current badge
-getBadge$(): Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>;
-`Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBadge$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBadge$() method
+Get an observable of the current badge
+getBadge$(): Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>;
+`Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBrand$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBrand$() method
-Get an observable of the current brand information.
-getBrand$(): Observable<ChromeBrand>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBrand$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBrand$() method
+Get an observable of the current brand information.
+getBrand$(): Observable<ChromeBrand>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBreadcrumbs$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBreadcrumbs$() method
-Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs
-getBreadcrumbs$(): Observable<ChromeBreadcrumb[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBreadcrumbs$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBreadcrumbs$() method
+Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs
+getBreadcrumbs$(): Observable<ChromeBreadcrumb[]>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getHelpExtension$](./
-## ChromeStart.getHelpExtension$() method
-Get an observable of the current custom help conttent
-getHelpExtension$(): Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>;
-`Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getHelpExtension$](./
+## ChromeStart.getHelpExtension$() method
+Get an observable of the current custom help conttent
+getHelpExtension$(): Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>;
+`Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsCollapsed$](./
-## ChromeStart.getIsCollapsed$() method
-Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome.
-getIsCollapsed$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsCollapsed$](./
+## ChromeStart.getIsCollapsed$() method
+Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome.
+getIsCollapsed$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsVisible$](./
-## ChromeStart.getIsVisible$() method
-Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome.
-getIsVisible$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsVisible$](./
+## ChromeStart.getIsVisible$() method
+Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome.
+getIsVisible$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./
-## ChromeStart interface
-ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser.
-export interface ChromeStart 
-## Remarks
-While ChromeStart exposes many APIs, they should be used sparingly and the developer should understand how they affect other plugins and applications.
-## Example 1
-How to add a recently accessed item to the sidebar:
-```ts'/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
-## Example 2
-How to set the help dropdown extension:
-```tsx => {
-  ReactDOM.render(<MyHelpComponent />, elem);
-  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(elem);
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [docTitle](./ | <code>ChromeDocTitle</code> | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
-|  [navControls](./ | <code>ChromeNavControls</code> | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>ChromeNavLinks</code> | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
-|  [recentlyAccessed](./ | <code>ChromeRecentlyAccessed</code> | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [addApplicationClass(className)](./ | Add a className that should be set on the application container. |
-|  [getApplicationClasses$()](./ | Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container. |
-|  [getBadge$()](./ | Get an observable of the current badge |
-|  [getBrand$()](./ | Get an observable of the current brand information. |
-|  [getBreadcrumbs$()](./ | Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs |
-|  [getHelpExtension$()](./ | Get an observable of the current custom help conttent |
-|  [getIsCollapsed$()](./ | Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome. |
-|  [getIsVisible$()](./ | Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome. |
-|  [removeApplicationClass(className)](./ | Remove a className added with <code>addApplicationClass()</code>. If className is unknown it is ignored. |
-|  [setAppTitle(appTitle)](./ | Sets the current app's title |
-|  [setBadge(badge)](./ | Override the current badge |
-|  [setBrand(brand)](./ | Set the brand configuration. |
-|  [setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs)](./ | Override the current set of breadcrumbs |
-|  [setHelpExtension(helpExtension)](./ | Override the current set of custom help content |
-|  [setHelpSupportUrl(url)](./ | Override the default support URL shown in the help menu |
-|  [setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed)](./ | Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation. |
-|  [setIsVisible(isVisible)](./ | Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./
+## ChromeStart interface
+ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser.
+export interface ChromeStart 
+## Remarks
+While ChromeStart exposes many APIs, they should be used sparingly and the developer should understand how they affect other plugins and applications.
+## Example 1
+How to add a recently accessed item to the sidebar:
+```ts'/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
+## Example 2
+How to set the help dropdown extension:
+```tsx => {
+  ReactDOM.render(<MyHelpComponent />, elem);
+  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(elem);
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [docTitle](./ | <code>ChromeDocTitle</code> | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
+|  [navControls](./ | <code>ChromeNavControls</code> | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>ChromeNavLinks</code> | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
+|  [recentlyAccessed](./ | <code>ChromeRecentlyAccessed</code> | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [addApplicationClass(className)](./ | Add a className that should be set on the application container. |
+|  [getApplicationClasses$()](./ | Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container. |
+|  [getBadge$()](./ | Get an observable of the current badge |
+|  [getBrand$()](./ | Get an observable of the current brand information. |
+|  [getBreadcrumbs$()](./ | Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs |
+|  [getHelpExtension$()](./ | Get an observable of the current custom help conttent |
+|  [getIsCollapsed$()](./ | Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome. |
+|  [getIsVisible$()](./ | Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome. |
+|  [removeApplicationClass(className)](./ | Remove a className added with <code>addApplicationClass()</code>. If className is unknown it is ignored. |
+|  [setAppTitle(appTitle)](./ | Sets the current app's title |
+|  [setBadge(badge)](./ | Override the current badge |
+|  [setBrand(brand)](./ | Set the brand configuration. |
+|  [setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs)](./ | Override the current set of breadcrumbs |
+|  [setHelpExtension(helpExtension)](./ | Override the current set of custom help content |
+|  [setHelpSupportUrl(url)](./ | Override the default support URL shown in the help menu |
+|  [setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed)](./ | Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation. |
+|  [setIsVisible(isVisible)](./ | Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navControls](./
-## ChromeStart.navControls property
-[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
-navControls: ChromeNavControls;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navControls](./
+## ChromeStart.navControls property
+[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
+navControls: ChromeNavControls;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## ChromeStart.navLinks property
-[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
-navLinks: ChromeNavLinks;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## ChromeStart.navLinks property
+[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
+navLinks: ChromeNavLinks;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [recentlyAccessed](./
-## ChromeStart.recentlyAccessed property
-[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
-recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [recentlyAccessed](./
+## ChromeStart.recentlyAccessed property
+[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
+recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [removeApplicationClass](./
-## ChromeStart.removeApplicationClass() method
-Remove a className added with `addApplicationClass()`<!-- -->. If className is unknown it is ignored.
-removeApplicationClass(className: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [removeApplicationClass](./
+## ChromeStart.removeApplicationClass() method
+Remove a className added with `addApplicationClass()`<!-- -->. If className is unknown it is ignored.
+removeApplicationClass(className: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setAppTitle](./
-## ChromeStart.setAppTitle() method
-Sets the current app's title
-setAppTitle(appTitle: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appTitle | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setAppTitle](./
+## ChromeStart.setAppTitle() method
+Sets the current app's title
+setAppTitle(appTitle: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appTitle | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBadge](./
-## ChromeStart.setBadge() method
-Override the current badge
-setBadge(badge?: ChromeBadge): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  badge | <code>ChromeBadge</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBadge](./
+## ChromeStart.setBadge() method
+Override the current badge
+setBadge(badge?: ChromeBadge): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  badge | <code>ChromeBadge</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBrand](./
-## ChromeStart.setBrand() method
-Set the brand configuration.
-setBrand(brand: ChromeBrand): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  brand | <code>ChromeBrand</code> |  |
-## Remarks
-Normally the `logo` property will be rendered as the CSS background for the home link in the chrome navigation, but when the page is rendered in a small window the `smallLogo` will be used and rendered at about 45px wide.
-## Example
-  logo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo.png) center no-repeat'
-  smallLogo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo-small.png) center no-repeat'
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBrand](./
+## ChromeStart.setBrand() method
+Set the brand configuration.
+setBrand(brand: ChromeBrand): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  brand | <code>ChromeBrand</code> |  |
+## Remarks
+Normally the `logo` property will be rendered as the CSS background for the home link in the chrome navigation, but when the page is rendered in a small window the `smallLogo` will be used and rendered at about 45px wide.
+## Example
+  logo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo.png) center no-repeat'
+  smallLogo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo-small.png) center no-repeat'
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBreadcrumbs](./
-## ChromeStart.setBreadcrumbs() method
-Override the current set of breadcrumbs
-setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs: ChromeBreadcrumb[]): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  newBreadcrumbs | <code>ChromeBreadcrumb[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBreadcrumbs](./
+## ChromeStart.setBreadcrumbs() method
+Override the current set of breadcrumbs
+setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs: ChromeBreadcrumb[]): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  newBreadcrumbs | <code>ChromeBreadcrumb[]</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpExtension](./
-## ChromeStart.setHelpExtension() method
-Override the current set of custom help content
-setHelpExtension(helpExtension?: ChromeHelpExtension): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  helpExtension | <code>ChromeHelpExtension</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpExtension](./
+## ChromeStart.setHelpExtension() method
+Override the current set of custom help content
+setHelpExtension(helpExtension?: ChromeHelpExtension): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  helpExtension | <code>ChromeHelpExtension</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpSupportUrl](./
-## ChromeStart.setHelpSupportUrl() method
-Override the default support URL shown in the help menu
-setHelpSupportUrl(url: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  url | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpSupportUrl](./
+## ChromeStart.setHelpSupportUrl() method
+Override the default support URL shown in the help menu
+setHelpSupportUrl(url: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  url | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsCollapsed](./
-## ChromeStart.setIsCollapsed() method
-Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation.
-setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed: boolean): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  isCollapsed | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsCollapsed](./
+## ChromeStart.setIsCollapsed() method
+Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation.
+setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed: boolean): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  isCollapsed | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsVisible](./
-## ChromeStart.setIsVisible() method
-Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button.
-setIsVisible(isVisible: boolean): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  isVisible | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsVisible](./
+## ChromeStart.setIsVisible() method
+Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button.
+setIsVisible(isVisible: boolean): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  isVisible | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
-## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
-Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
-createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
+## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
+Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
+createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
-## ContextSetup interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface ContextSetup 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Example
-Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
-export interface VizRenderContext {
-  core: {
-    i18n: I18nStart;
-    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-  }
-  [contextName: string]: unknown;
-export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
-type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-class VizRenderingPlugin {
-  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
-  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
-        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
-    };
-  }
-  start(core) {
-    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
-    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
-      i18n: core.i18n,
-      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
-    }));
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
-        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
-          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
-        }
-        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
-        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
-        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
-        return handler(domElement);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
+## ContextSetup interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface ContextSetup 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Example
+Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
+export interface VizRenderContext {
+  core: {
+    i18n: I18nStart;
+    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+  }
+  [contextName: string]: unknown;
+export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
+type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+class VizRenderingPlugin {
+  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
+  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
+        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
+    };
+  }
+  start(core) {
+    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
+    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
+      i18n: core.i18n,
+      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
+    }));
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
+        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
+          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
+        }
+        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
+        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
+        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
+        return handler(domElement);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [application](./
-## CoreSetup.application property
-application: ApplicationSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [application](./
+## CoreSetup.application property
+application: ApplicationSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
-## CoreSetup.context property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-context: ContextSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
+## CoreSetup.context property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+context: ContextSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
-## CoreSetup.fatalErrors property
-fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
+## CoreSetup.fatalErrors property
+fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
-## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
-Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->.
-getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
-`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
+## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
+Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->.
+getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
+`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreSetup.http property
-http: HttpSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreSetup.http property
+http: HttpSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## CoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
-injectedMetadata: {
-        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## CoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
+injectedMetadata: {
+        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+    };
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index ae423c6e8d79c..7d75782df2e32 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
-## CoreSetup interface
-Core services exposed to the `Plugin` setup lifecycle
-export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationSetup</code> | [ApplicationSetup](./ |
-|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
-|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsSetup</code> | [FatalErrorsSetup](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpSetup</code> | [HttpSetup](./ |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
-|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsSetup</code> | [NotificationsSetup](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
+## CoreSetup interface
+Core services exposed to the `Plugin` setup lifecycle
+export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationSetup</code> | [ApplicationSetup](./ |
+|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
+|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsSetup</code> | [FatalErrorsSetup](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpSetup</code> | [HttpSetup](./ |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
+|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsSetup</code> | [NotificationsSetup](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 52808b860a9e6..ea050925bbafc 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [notifications](./
-## CoreSetup.notifications property
-notifications: NotificationsSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [notifications](./
+## CoreSetup.notifications property
+notifications: NotificationsSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 51aa9916f7f07..bf9ec12e3eea2 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index b8565c5812aaf..c26701ca80529 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [application](./
-## CoreStart.application property
-application: ApplicationStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [application](./
+## CoreStart.application property
+application: ApplicationStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 02f410b08b024..390bde25bae93 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [chrome](./
-## property
-chrome: ChromeStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [chrome](./
+## property
+chrome: ChromeStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 641b9520be1a4..7f9e4ea10baac 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [docLinks](./
-## CoreStart.docLinks property
-docLinks: DocLinksStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [docLinks](./
+## CoreStart.docLinks property
+docLinks: DocLinksStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 890fcac5a768b..540b17b5a6f0b 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
-## CoreStart.fatalErrors property
-fatalErrors: FatalErrorsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
+## CoreStart.fatalErrors property
+fatalErrors: FatalErrorsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 12fca53774532..6af183480c663 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreStart.http property
-http: HttpStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreStart.http property
+http: HttpStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 75baf18a482e1..6a62025874aa9 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [i18n](./
-## CoreStart.i18n property
-i18n: I18nStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [i18n](./
+## CoreStart.i18n property
+i18n: I18nStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index b3f6361d3a8c3..9224b97bc4300 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## CoreStart.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
-injectedMetadata: {
-        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## CoreStart.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
+injectedMetadata: {
+        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+    };
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index c0a326b3b01cb..83af82d590c36 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
-## CoreStart interface
-Core services exposed to the `Plugin` start lifecycle
-export interface CoreStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationStart</code> | [ApplicationStart](./ |
-|  [chrome](./ | <code>ChromeStart</code> | [ChromeStart](./ |
-|  [docLinks](./ | <code>DocLinksStart</code> | [DocLinksStart](./ |
-|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsStart</code> | [FatalErrorsStart](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpStart</code> | [HttpStart](./ |
-|  [i18n](./ | <code>I18nStart</code> | [I18nStart](./ |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
-|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsStart</code> | [NotificationsStart](./ |
-|  [overlays](./ | <code>OverlayStart</code> | [OverlayStart](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsStart</code> | [SavedObjectsStart](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
+## CoreStart interface
+Core services exposed to the `Plugin` start lifecycle
+export interface CoreStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationStart</code> | [ApplicationStart](./ |
+|  [chrome](./ | <code>ChromeStart</code> | [ChromeStart](./ |
+|  [docLinks](./ | <code>DocLinksStart</code> | [DocLinksStart](./ |
+|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsStart</code> | [FatalErrorsStart](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpStart</code> | [HttpStart](./ |
+|  [i18n](./ | <code>I18nStart</code> | [I18nStart](./ |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
+|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsStart</code> | [NotificationsStart](./ |
+|  [overlays](./ | <code>OverlayStart</code> | [OverlayStart](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsStart</code> | [SavedObjectsStart](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index b9c75a1989096..c9533a1ec2f10 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [notifications](./
-## CoreStart.notifications property
-notifications: NotificationsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [notifications](./
+## CoreStart.notifications property
+notifications: NotificationsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 9f2bf269884a1..53d20b994f43d 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [overlays](./
-## CoreStart.overlays property
-overlays: OverlayStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [overlays](./
+## CoreStart.overlays property
+overlays: OverlayStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 80ba416ec5e0c..5e6e0e33c7f80 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreStart.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreStart.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 2831e4da13578..2ee405591dc08 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreStart.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreStart.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 453d358710f2d..5e7f9f9e48687 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./
-## DocLinksStart.DOC\_LINK\_VERSION property
-readonly DOC_LINK_VERSION: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./
+## DocLinksStart.DOC\_LINK\_VERSION property
+readonly DOC_LINK_VERSION: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 9ef871e776996..b4967038b35d7 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./
-## DocLinksStart.ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL property
-readonly ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./
+## DocLinksStart.ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL property
+readonly ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index bb59d2eabefa2..2a21f00c57461 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [links](./
-## DocLinksStart.links property
-readonly links: {
-        readonly filebeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-            readonly installation: string;
-            readonly configuration: string;
-            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
-            readonly startup: string;
-            readonly exportedFields: string;
-        };
-        readonly auditbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly metricbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly heartbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly logstash: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly functionbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly winlogbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly aggs: {
-            readonly date_histogram: string;
-            readonly date_range: string;
-            readonly filter: string;
-            readonly filters: string;
-            readonly geohash_grid: string;
-            readonly histogram: string;
-            readonly ip_range: string;
-            readonly range: string;
-            readonly significant_terms: string;
-            readonly terms: string;
-            readonly avg: string;
-            readonly avg_bucket: string;
-            readonly max_bucket: string;
-            readonly min_bucket: string;
-            readonly sum_bucket: string;
-            readonly cardinality: string;
-            readonly count: string;
-            readonly cumulative_sum: string;
-            readonly derivative: string;
-            readonly geo_bounds: string;
-            readonly geo_centroid: string;
-            readonly max: string;
-            readonly median: string;
-            readonly min: string;
-            readonly moving_avg: string;
-            readonly percentile_ranks: string;
-            readonly serial_diff: string;
-            readonly std_dev: string;
-            readonly sum: string;
-            readonly top_hits: string;
-        };
-        readonly scriptedFields: {
-            readonly scriptFields: string;
-            readonly scriptAggs: string;
-            readonly painless: string;
-            readonly painlessApi: string;
-            readonly painlessSyntax: string;
-            readonly luceneExpressions: string;
-        };
-        readonly indexPatterns: {
-            readonly loadingData: string;
-            readonly introduction: string;
-        };
-        readonly kibana: string;
-        readonly siem: {
-            readonly guide: string;
-            readonly gettingStarted: string;
-        };
-        readonly query: {
-            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
-            readonly queryDsl: string;
-            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
-        };
-        readonly date: {
-            readonly dateMath: string;
-        };
-        readonly management: Record<string, string>;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [links](./
+## DocLinksStart.links property
+readonly links: {
+        readonly filebeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+            readonly installation: string;
+            readonly configuration: string;
+            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
+            readonly startup: string;
+            readonly exportedFields: string;
+        };
+        readonly auditbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly metricbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly heartbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly logstash: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly functionbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly winlogbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly aggs: {
+            readonly date_histogram: string;
+            readonly date_range: string;
+            readonly filter: string;
+            readonly filters: string;
+            readonly geohash_grid: string;
+            readonly histogram: string;
+            readonly ip_range: string;
+            readonly range: string;
+            readonly significant_terms: string;
+            readonly terms: string;
+            readonly avg: string;
+            readonly avg_bucket: string;
+            readonly max_bucket: string;
+            readonly min_bucket: string;
+            readonly sum_bucket: string;
+            readonly cardinality: string;
+            readonly count: string;
+            readonly cumulative_sum: string;
+            readonly derivative: string;
+            readonly geo_bounds: string;
+            readonly geo_centroid: string;
+            readonly max: string;
+            readonly median: string;
+            readonly min: string;
+            readonly moving_avg: string;
+            readonly percentile_ranks: string;
+            readonly serial_diff: string;
+            readonly std_dev: string;
+            readonly sum: string;
+            readonly top_hits: string;
+        };
+        readonly scriptedFields: {
+            readonly scriptFields: string;
+            readonly scriptAggs: string;
+            readonly painless: string;
+            readonly painlessApi: string;
+            readonly painlessSyntax: string;
+            readonly luceneExpressions: string;
+        };
+        readonly indexPatterns: {
+            readonly loadingData: string;
+            readonly introduction: string;
+        };
+        readonly kibana: string;
+        readonly siem: {
+            readonly guide: string;
+            readonly gettingStarted: string;
+        };
+        readonly query: {
+            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
+            readonly queryDsl: string;
+            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
+        };
+        readonly date: {
+            readonly dateMath: string;
+        };
+        readonly management: Record<string, string>;
+    };
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./
-## DocLinksStart interface
-export interface DocLinksStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [links](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        readonly filebeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly installation: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly configuration: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly startup: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly exportedFields: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly auditbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly metricbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly heartbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly logstash: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly functionbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly winlogbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly aggs: {</code><br/><code>            readonly date_histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly date_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filter: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filters: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geohash_grid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly ip_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly significant_terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cardinality: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly count: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cumulative_sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly derivative: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_bounds: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_centroid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly median: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly moving_avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly percentile_ranks: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly serial_diff: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly std_dev: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly top_hits: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly scriptedFields: {</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptFields: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptAggs: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painless: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessApi: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessSyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneExpressions: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly indexPatterns: {</code><br/><code>            readonly loadingData: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly introduction: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly kibana: string;</code><br/><code>        readonly siem: {</code><br/><code>            readonly guide: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly gettingStarted: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly query: {</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly queryDsl: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly date: {</code><br/><code>            readonly dateMath: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly management: Record&lt;string, string&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./
+## DocLinksStart interface
+export interface DocLinksStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [links](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        readonly filebeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly installation: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly configuration: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly startup: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly exportedFields: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly auditbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly metricbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly heartbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly logstash: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly functionbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly winlogbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly aggs: {</code><br/><code>            readonly date_histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly date_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filter: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filters: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geohash_grid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly ip_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly significant_terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cardinality: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly count: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cumulative_sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly derivative: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_bounds: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_centroid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly median: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly moving_avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly percentile_ranks: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly serial_diff: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly std_dev: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly top_hits: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly scriptedFields: {</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptFields: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptAggs: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painless: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessApi: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessSyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneExpressions: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly indexPatterns: {</code><br/><code>            readonly loadingData: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly introduction: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly kibana: string;</code><br/><code>        readonly siem: {</code><br/><code>            readonly guide: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly gettingStarted: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly query: {</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly queryDsl: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly date: {</code><br/><code>            readonly dateMath: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly management: Record&lt;string, string&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
-## property
-dev: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
+## property
+dev: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
-## EnvironmentMode interface
-export interface EnvironmentMode 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
-|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
+## EnvironmentMode interface
+export interface EnvironmentMode 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
+|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: 'development' | 'production';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: 'development' | 'production';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [prod](./
-## property
-prod: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [prod](./
+## property
+prod: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./
-## ErrorToastOptions interface
-Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs.
-export interface ErrorToastOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message. |
-|  [toastMessage](./ | <code>string</code> | The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./
+## ErrorToastOptions interface
+Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs.
+export interface ErrorToastOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message. |
+|  [toastMessage](./ | <code>string</code> | The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [title](./
-## ErrorToastOptions.title property
-The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message.
-title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [title](./
+## ErrorToastOptions.title property
+The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message.
+title: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [toastMessage](./
-## ErrorToastOptions.toastMessage property
-The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal.
-toastMessage?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [toastMessage](./
+## ErrorToastOptions.toastMessage property
+The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal.
+toastMessage?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./
-## FatalErrorInfo interface
-Represents the `message` and `stack` of a fatal Error
-export interface FatalErrorInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [stack](./ | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./
+## FatalErrorInfo interface
+Represents the `message` and `stack` of a fatal Error
+export interface FatalErrorInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [stack](./ | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
-## FatalErrorInfo.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
+## FatalErrorInfo.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [stack](./
-## FatalErrorInfo.stack property
-stack: string | undefined;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [stack](./
+## FatalErrorInfo.stack property
+stack: string | undefined;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [add](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup.add property
-Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-add: (error: string | Error, source?: string) => never;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [add](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup.add property
+Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+add: (error: string | Error, source?: string) => never;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup.get$ property
-An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with `add()`
-get$: () => Rx.Observable<FatalErrorInfo>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup.get$ property
+An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with `add()`
+get$: () => Rx.Observable<FatalErrorInfo>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup interface
-FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-export interface FatalErrorsSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [add](./ | <code>(error: string &#124; Error, source?: string) =&gt; never</code> | Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [get$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Rx.Observable&lt;FatalErrorInfo&gt;</code> | An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with <code>add()</code> |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup interface
+FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+export interface FatalErrorsSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [add](./ | <code>(error: string &#124; Error, source?: string) =&gt; never</code> | Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [get$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Rx.Observable&lt;FatalErrorInfo&gt;</code> | An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with <code>add()</code> |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsStart](./
-## FatalErrorsStart type
-FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-export declare type FatalErrorsStart = FatalErrorsSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsStart](./
+## FatalErrorsStart type
+FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+export declare type FatalErrorsStart = FatalErrorsSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
-## HandlerContextType type
-Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
-export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
+## HandlerContextType type
+Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
+export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
-## HandlerFunction type
-A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
-export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
+## HandlerFunction type
+A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
+export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
-## HandlerParameters type
-Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
+## HandlerParameters type
+Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asResponse](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.asResponse property
-When `true` the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When `false`<!-- -->, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
-asResponse?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asResponse](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.asResponse property
+When `true` the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When `false`<!-- -->, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
+asResponse?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asSystemRequest](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.asSystemRequest property
-Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
-asSystemRequest?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asSystemRequest](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.asSystemRequest property
+Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
+asSystemRequest?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.headers property
-Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->.
-headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.headers property
+Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->.
+headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./
-## HttpFetchOptions interface
-All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->.
-export interface HttpFetchOptions extends HttpRequestInit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asResponse](./ | <code>boolean</code> | When <code>true</code> the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When <code>false</code>, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
-|  [asSystemRequest](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [prependBasePath](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to <code>true</code>. |
-|  [query](./ | <code>HttpFetchQuery</code> | The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./
+## HttpFetchOptions interface
+All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->.
+export interface HttpFetchOptions extends HttpRequestInit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asResponse](./ | <code>boolean</code> | When <code>true</code> the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When <code>false</code>, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
+|  [asSystemRequest](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [prependBasePath](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to <code>true</code>. |
+|  [query](./ | <code>HttpFetchQuery</code> | The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [prependBasePath](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.prependBasePath property
-Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to `true`<!-- -->.
-prependBasePath?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [prependBasePath](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.prependBasePath property
+Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to `true`<!-- -->.
+prependBasePath?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [query](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.query property
-The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->.
-query?: HttpFetchQuery;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [query](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.query property
+The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->.
+query?: HttpFetchQuery;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./
-## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath interface
-Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included.
-export interface HttpFetchOptionsWithPath extends HttpFetchOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./
+## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath interface
+Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included.
+export interface HttpFetchOptionsWithPath extends HttpFetchOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ &gt; [path](./
-## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath.path property
-path: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ &gt; [path](./
+## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath.path property
+path: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchQuery](./
-## HttpFetchQuery interface
-export interface HttpFetchQuery 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchQuery](./
+## HttpFetchQuery interface
+export interface HttpFetchQuery 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHandler](./
-## HttpHandler interface
-A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response.
-export interface HttpHandler 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHandler](./
+## HttpHandler interface
+A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response.
+export interface HttpHandler 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHeadersInit](./
-## HttpHeadersInit interface
-Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with `kbn-` are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error.
-export interface HttpHeadersInit 
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHeadersInit](./
+## HttpHeadersInit interface
+Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with `kbn-` are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error.
+export interface HttpHeadersInit 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./
-## HttpInterceptor interface
-An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->.
-export interface HttpInterceptor 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [request(fetchOptions, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent. |
-|  [requestError(httpErrorRequest, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
-|  [response(httpResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received. |
-|  [responseError(httpErrorResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./
+## HttpInterceptor interface
+An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->.
+export interface HttpInterceptor 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [request(fetchOptions, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent. |
+|  [requestError(httpErrorRequest, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
+|  [response(httpResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received. |
+|  [responseError(httpErrorResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpInterceptor.request() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent.
-request?(fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  fetchOptions | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpInterceptor.request() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent.
+request?(fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  fetchOptions | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [requestError](./
-## HttpInterceptor.requestError() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
-requestError?(httpErrorRequest: HttpInterceptorRequestError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpErrorRequest | <code>HttpInterceptorRequestError</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [requestError](./
+## HttpInterceptor.requestError() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
+requestError?(httpErrorRequest: HttpInterceptorRequestError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpErrorRequest | <code>HttpInterceptorRequestError</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [response](./
-## HttpInterceptor.response() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received.
-response?(httpResponse: HttpResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpResponse | <code>HttpResponse</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [response](./
+## HttpInterceptor.response() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received.
+response?(httpResponse: HttpResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpResponse | <code>HttpResponse</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [responseError](./
-## HttpInterceptor.responseError() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
-responseError?(httpErrorResponse: HttpInterceptorResponseError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpErrorResponse | <code>HttpInterceptorResponseError</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [responseError](./
+## HttpInterceptor.responseError() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
+responseError?(httpErrorResponse: HttpInterceptorResponseError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpErrorResponse | <code>HttpInterceptorResponseError</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError.error property
-error: Error;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## HttpInterceptorRequestError.error property
+error: Error;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError.fetchOptions property
-fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
+## HttpInterceptorRequestError.fetchOptions property
+fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError interface
-export interface HttpInterceptorRequestError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./
+## HttpInterceptorRequestError interface
+export interface HttpInterceptorRequestError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError.error property
-error: Error | IHttpFetchError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError.error property
+error: Error | IHttpFetchError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError interface
-export interface HttpInterceptorResponseError extends HttpResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>Error &#124; IHttpFetchError</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError interface
+export interface HttpInterceptorResponseError extends HttpResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>Error &#124; IHttpFetchError</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError.request property
-request: Readonly<Request>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError.request property
+request: Readonly<Request>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpRequestInit.body property
-A BodyInit object or null to set request's body.
-body?: BodyInit | null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [body](./
+## HttpRequestInit.body property
+A BodyInit object or null to set request's body.
+body?: BodyInit | null;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [cache](./
-## HttpRequestInit.cache property
-The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching.
-cache?: RequestCache;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [cache](./
+## HttpRequestInit.cache property
+The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching.
+cache?: RequestCache;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [credentials](./
-## HttpRequestInit.credentials property
-The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
-credentials?: RequestCredentials;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [credentials](./
+## HttpRequestInit.credentials property
+The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
+credentials?: RequestCredentials;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpRequestInit.headers property
-headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpRequestInit.headers property
+headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [integrity](./
-## HttpRequestInit.integrity property
-Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace.
-integrity?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [integrity](./
+## HttpRequestInit.integrity property
+Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace.
+integrity?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [keepalive](./
-## HttpRequestInit.keepalive property
-Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created.
-keepalive?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [keepalive](./
+## HttpRequestInit.keepalive property
+Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created.
+keepalive?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./
-## HttpRequestInit interface
-Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s.
-export interface HttpRequestInit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>BodyInit &#124; null</code> | A BodyInit object or null to set request's body. |
-|  [cache](./ | <code>RequestCache</code> | The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching. |
-|  [credentials](./ | <code>RequestCredentials</code> | The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL. |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | [HttpHeadersInit](./ |
-|  [integrity](./ | <code>string</code> | Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace. |
-|  [keepalive](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created. |
-|  [method](./ | <code>string</code> | HTTP method, which is "GET" by default. |
-|  [mode](./ | <code>RequestMode</code> | The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs. |
-|  [redirect](./ | <code>RequestRedirect</code> | The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default. |
-|  [referrer](./ | <code>string</code> | The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the <code>Referer</code> header of the request being made. |
-|  [referrerPolicy](./ | <code>ReferrerPolicy</code> | The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer. |
-|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal &#124; null</code> | Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler. |
-|  [window](./ | <code>null</code> | Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./
+## HttpRequestInit interface
+Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s.
+export interface HttpRequestInit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>BodyInit &#124; null</code> | A BodyInit object or null to set request's body. |
+|  [cache](./ | <code>RequestCache</code> | The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching. |
+|  [credentials](./ | <code>RequestCredentials</code> | The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL. |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | [HttpHeadersInit](./ |
+|  [integrity](./ | <code>string</code> | Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace. |
+|  [keepalive](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created. |
+|  [method](./ | <code>string</code> | HTTP method, which is "GET" by default. |
+|  [mode](./ | <code>RequestMode</code> | The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs. |
+|  [redirect](./ | <code>RequestRedirect</code> | The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default. |
+|  [referrer](./ | <code>string</code> | The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the <code>Referer</code> header of the request being made. |
+|  [referrerPolicy](./ | <code>ReferrerPolicy</code> | The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer. |
+|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal &#124; null</code> | Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler. |
+|  [window](./ | <code>null</code> | Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [method](./
-## HttpRequestInit.method property
-HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
-method?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [method](./
+## HttpRequestInit.method property
+HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
+method?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [mode](./
-## HttpRequestInit.mode property
-The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs.
-mode?: RequestMode;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [mode](./
+## HttpRequestInit.mode property
+The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs.
+mode?: RequestMode;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [redirect](./
-## HttpRequestInit.redirect property
-The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default.
-redirect?: RequestRedirect;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [redirect](./
+## HttpRequestInit.redirect property
+The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default.
+redirect?: RequestRedirect;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrer](./
-## HttpRequestInit.referrer property
-The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request being made.
-referrer?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrer](./
+## HttpRequestInit.referrer property
+The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request being made.
+referrer?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrerPolicy](./
-## HttpRequestInit.referrerPolicy property
-The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
-referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrerPolicy](./
+## HttpRequestInit.referrerPolicy property
+The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
+referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [signal](./
-## HttpRequestInit.signal property
-Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler.
-signal?: AbortSignal | null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [signal](./
+## HttpRequestInit.signal property
+Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler.
+signal?: AbortSignal | null;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [window](./
-## HttpRequestInit.window property
-Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.
-window?: null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [window](./
+## HttpRequestInit.window property
+Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.
+window?: null;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpResponse.body property
-Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly body?: TResponseBody;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [body](./
+## HttpResponse.body property
+Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly body?: TResponseBody;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
-## HttpResponse.fetchOptions property
-The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request.
-readonly fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
+## HttpResponse.fetchOptions property
+The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request.
+readonly fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./
-## HttpResponse interface
-export interface HttpResponse<TResponseBody = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
-|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> | The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request. |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> | Raw request sent to Kibana server. |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./
+## HttpResponse interface
+export interface HttpResponse<TResponseBody = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> | The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request. |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> | Raw request sent to Kibana server. |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpResponse.request property
-Raw request sent to Kibana server.
-readonly request: Readonly<Request>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpResponse.request property
+Raw request sent to Kibana server.
+readonly request: Readonly<Request>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [response](./
-## HttpResponse.response property
-Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [response](./
+## HttpResponse.response property
+Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [addLoadingCountSource](./
-## HttpSetup.addLoadingCountSource() method
-Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0.
-addLoadingCountSource(countSource$: Observable<number>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  countSource$ | <code>Observable&lt;number&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [addLoadingCountSource](./
+## HttpSetup.addLoadingCountSource() method
+Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0.
+addLoadingCountSource(countSource$: Observable<number>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  countSource$ | <code>Observable&lt;number&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [anonymousPaths](./
-## HttpSetup.anonymousPaths property
-APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication
-anonymousPaths: IAnonymousPaths;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [anonymousPaths](./
+## HttpSetup.anonymousPaths property
+APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication
+anonymousPaths: IAnonymousPaths;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
-## HttpSetup.basePath property
-APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
-basePath: IBasePath;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
+## HttpSetup.basePath property
+APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
+basePath: IBasePath;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## HttpSetup.delete property
-Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-delete: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## HttpSetup.delete property
+Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+delete: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [fetch](./
-## HttpSetup.fetch property
-Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-fetch: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [fetch](./
+## HttpSetup.fetch property
+Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+fetch: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [get](./
-## HttpSetup.get property
-Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-get: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [get](./
+## HttpSetup.get property
+Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+get: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [getLoadingCount$](./
-## HttpSetup.getLoadingCount$() method
-Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable.
-getLoadingCount$(): Observable<number>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [getLoadingCount$](./
+## HttpSetup.getLoadingCount$() method
+Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable.
+getLoadingCount$(): Observable<number>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [head](./
-## HttpSetup.head property
-Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-head: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [head](./
+## HttpSetup.head property
+Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+head: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [intercept](./
-## HttpSetup.intercept() method
-Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client.
-intercept(interceptor: HttpInterceptor): () => void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  interceptor | <code>HttpInterceptor</code> |  |
-`() => void`
-a function for removing the attached interceptor.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [intercept](./
+## HttpSetup.intercept() method
+Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client.
+intercept(interceptor: HttpInterceptor): () => void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  interceptor | <code>HttpInterceptor</code> |  |
+`() => void`
+a function for removing the attached interceptor.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./
-## HttpSetup interface
-export interface HttpSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [anonymousPaths](./ | <code>IAnonymousPaths</code> | APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication |
-|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
-|  [delete](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [fetch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [get](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [head](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [options](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [patch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [post](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [put](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [addLoadingCountSource(countSource$)](./ | Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0. |
-|  [getLoadingCount$()](./ | Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable. |
-|  [intercept(interceptor)](./ | Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./
+## HttpSetup interface
+export interface HttpSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [anonymousPaths](./ | <code>IAnonymousPaths</code> | APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication |
+|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
+|  [delete](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [fetch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [get](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [head](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [options](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [patch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [post](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [put](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [addLoadingCountSource(countSource$)](./ | Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0. |
+|  [getLoadingCount$()](./ | Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable. |
+|  [intercept(interceptor)](./ | Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [options](./
-## HttpSetup.options property
-Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-options: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [options](./
+## HttpSetup.options property
+Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+options: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [patch](./
-## HttpSetup.patch property
-Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-patch: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [patch](./
+## HttpSetup.patch property
+Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+patch: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [post](./
-## property
-Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-post: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [post](./
+## property
+Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+post: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [put](./
-## HttpSetup.put property
-Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-put: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [put](./
+## HttpSetup.put property
+Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+put: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpStart](./
-## HttpStart type
-See [HttpSetup](./
-export declare type HttpStart = HttpSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpStart](./
+## HttpStart type
+See [HttpSetup](./
+export declare type HttpStart = HttpSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./ &gt; [Context](./
-## I18nStart.Context property
-React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
-Context: ({ children }: {
-        children: React.ReactNode;
-    }) => JSX.Element;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./ &gt; [Context](./
+## I18nStart.Context property
+React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
+Context: ({ children }: {
+        children: React.ReactNode;
+    }) => JSX.Element;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./
-## I18nStart interface
-I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
-export interface I18nStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [Context](./ | <code>({ children }: {</code><br/><code>        children: React.ReactNode;</code><br/><code>    }) =&gt; JSX.Element</code> | React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./
+## I18nStart interface
+I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
+export interface I18nStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [Context](./ | <code>({ children }: {</code><br/><code>        children: React.ReactNode;</code><br/><code>    }) =&gt; JSX.Element</code> | React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [isAnonymous](./
-## IAnonymousPaths.isAnonymous() method
-Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. `path` should include the current basePath.
-isAnonymous(path: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [isAnonymous](./
+## IAnonymousPaths.isAnonymous() method
+Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. `path` should include the current basePath.
+isAnonymous(path: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./
-## IAnonymousPaths interface
-APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication
-export interface IAnonymousPaths 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [isAnonymous(path)](./ | Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. <code>path</code> should include the current basePath. |
-|  [register(path)](./ | Register <code>path</code> as not requiring authentication. <code>path</code> should not include the current basePath. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./
+## IAnonymousPaths interface
+APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication
+export interface IAnonymousPaths 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [isAnonymous(path)](./ | Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. <code>path</code> should include the current basePath. |
+|  [register(path)](./ | Register <code>path</code> as not requiring authentication. <code>path</code> should not include the current basePath. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [register](./
-## IAnonymousPaths.register() method
-Register `path` as not requiring authentication. `path` should not include the current basePath.
-register(path: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [register](./
+## IAnonymousPaths.register() method
+Register `path` as not requiring authentication. `path` should not include the current basePath.
+register(path: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IBasePath.get property
-Gets the `basePath` string.
-get: () => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IBasePath.get property
+Gets the `basePath` string.
+get: () => string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
-## IBasePath interface
-APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
-export interface IBasePath 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>() =&gt; string</code> | Gets the <code>basePath</code> string. |
-|  [prepend](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
+## IBasePath interface
+APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
+export interface IBasePath 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>() =&gt; string</code> | Gets the <code>basePath</code> string. |
+|  [prepend](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
-## IBasePath.prepend property
-Prepends `path` with the basePath.
-prepend: (url: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
+## IBasePath.prepend property
+Prepends `path` with the basePath.
+prepend: (url: string) => string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IBasePath.remove property
-Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
-remove: (url: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IBasePath.remove property
+Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
+remove: (url: string) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
-## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
-Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
-createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
-|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
-`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
-A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
+## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
+Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
+createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
+|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
+`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
+A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
-## IContextContainer interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
-|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
+## IContextContainer interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
+|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
-## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
-Register a new context provider.
-registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
-|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
-The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
-## Remarks
-The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
-Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
+## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
+Register a new context provider.
+registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
+|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
+The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
+## Remarks
+The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
+Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
-## IContextProvider type
-A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
-export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
-## Remarks
-This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
+## IContextProvider type
+A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
+export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
+## Remarks
+This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [body](./
-## IHttpFetchError.body property
-readonly body?: any;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [body](./
+## IHttpFetchError.body property
+readonly body?: any;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./
-## IHttpFetchError interface
-export interface IHttpFetchError extends Error 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
-|  [req](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  [res](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./
+## IHttpFetchError interface
+export interface IHttpFetchError extends Error 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
+|  [req](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  [res](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [req](./
-## IHttpFetchError.req property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `request` property instead.
-readonly req: Request;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [req](./
+## IHttpFetchError.req property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `request` property instead.
+readonly req: Request;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [request](./
-## IHttpFetchError.request property
-readonly request: Request;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [request](./
+## IHttpFetchError.request property
+readonly request: Request;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [res](./
-## IHttpFetchError.res property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `response` property instead.
-readonly res?: Response;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [res](./
+## IHttpFetchError.res property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `response` property instead.
+readonly res?: Response;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [response](./
-## IHttpFetchError.response property
-readonly response?: Response;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [response](./
+## IHttpFetchError.response property
+readonly response?: Response;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halt](./
-## IHttpInterceptController.halt() method
-Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers.
-halt(): void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halt](./
+## IHttpInterceptController.halt() method
+Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers.
+halt(): void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halted](./
-## IHttpInterceptController.halted property
-Whether or not this chain has been halted.
-halted: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halted](./
+## IHttpInterceptController.halted property
+Whether or not this chain has been halted.
+halted: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./
-## IHttpInterceptController interface
-Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->.
-export interface IHttpInterceptController 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [halted](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not this chain has been halted. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [halt()](./ | Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./
+## IHttpInterceptController interface
+Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->.
+export interface IHttpInterceptController 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [halted](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not this chain has been halted. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [halt()](./ | Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [body](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.body property
-Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly body?: TResponseBody;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [body](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.body property
+Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly body?: TResponseBody;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides interface
-Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response.
-export interface IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides<TResponseBody = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides interface
+Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response.
+export interface IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides<TResponseBody = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [response](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.response property
-Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [response](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.response property
+Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
-## ImageValidation.maxSize property
-maxSize: {
-        length: number;
-        description: string;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
+## ImageValidation.maxSize property
+maxSize: {
+        length: number;
+        description: string;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
-## ImageValidation interface
-export interface ImageValidation 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
+## ImageValidation interface
+export interface ImageValidation 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IToasts](./
-## IToasts type
-Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IToasts = Pick<ToastsApi, 'get$' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'addSuccess' | 'addWarning' | 'addDanger' | 'addError'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IToasts](./
+## IToasts type
+Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IToasts = Pick<ToastsApi, 'get$' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'addSuccess' | 'addWarning' | 'addDanger' | 'addError'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get property
-Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the `defaultOverride` parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin.
-get: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get property
+Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the `defaultOverride` parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin.
+get: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get$ property
-Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a `defaultOverride` argument behaves the same as it does in \#get()
-get$: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => Observable<T>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get$ property
+Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a `defaultOverride` argument behaves the same as it does in \#get()
+get$: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => Observable<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
-Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key.
-getAll: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams & UserProvidedValues>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
+Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key.
+getAll: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams & UserProvidedValues>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getSaved$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getSaved$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
-getSaved$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
-        key: string;
-        newValue: T;
-        oldValue: T;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getSaved$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getSaved$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
+getSaved$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
+        key: string;
+        newValue: T;
+        oldValue: T;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdate$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdate$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
-getUpdate$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
-        key: string;
-        newValue: T;
-        oldValue: T;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdate$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdate$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
+getUpdate$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
+        key: string;
+        newValue: T;
+        oldValue: T;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdateErrors$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdateErrors$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class.
-getUpdateErrors$: () => Observable<Error>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdateErrors$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdateErrors$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class.
+getUpdateErrors$: () => Observable<Error>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isCustom](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isCustom property
-Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via `set()`<!-- -->, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object
-isCustom: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isCustom](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isCustom property
+Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via `set()`<!-- -->, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object
+isCustom: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDeclared](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isDeclared property
-Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the `set()` method.
-isDeclared: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDeclared](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isDeclared property
+Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the `set()` method.
+isDeclared: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDefault](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isDefault property
-Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown
-isDefault: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDefault](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isDefault property
+Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown
+isDefault: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
-Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
-isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
+Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
+isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
-## IUiSettingsClient interface
-Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./
-export interface IUiSettingsClient 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; T</code> | Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the <code>defaultOverride</code> parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin. |
-|  [get$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;</code> | Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a <code>defaultOverride</code> argument behaves the same as it does in \#get() |
-|  [getAll](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams &amp; UserProvidedValues&gt;&gt;</code> | Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key. |
-|  [getSaved$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
-|  [getUpdate$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
-|  [getUpdateErrors$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Observable&lt;Error&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class. |
-|  [isCustom](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via <code>set()</code>, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object |
-|  [isDeclared](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the <code>set()</code> method. |
-|  [isDefault](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
-|  [overrideLocalDefault](./ | <code>(key: string, newDefault: any) =&gt; void</code> | Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling <code>set(key, null)</code>, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method. |
-|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the <code>get()</code> method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before <code>set()</code> was called. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
+## IUiSettingsClient interface
+Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./
+export interface IUiSettingsClient 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; T</code> | Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the <code>defaultOverride</code> parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin. |
+|  [get$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;</code> | Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a <code>defaultOverride</code> argument behaves the same as it does in \#get() |
+|  [getAll](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams &amp; UserProvidedValues&gt;&gt;</code> | Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key. |
+|  [getSaved$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
+|  [getUpdate$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
+|  [getUpdateErrors$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Observable&lt;Error&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class. |
+|  [isCustom](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via <code>set()</code>, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object |
+|  [isDeclared](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the <code>set()</code> method. |
+|  [isDefault](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
+|  [overrideLocalDefault](./ | <code>(key: string, newDefault: any) =&gt; void</code> | Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling <code>set(key, null)</code>, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method. |
+|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the <code>get()</code> method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before <code>set()</code> was called. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [overrideLocalDefault](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.overrideLocalDefault property
-Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost.
-overrideLocalDefault: (key: string, newDefault: any) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [overrideLocalDefault](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.overrideLocalDefault property
+Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost.
+overrideLocalDefault: (key: string, newDefault: any) => void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
-Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling `set(key, null)`<!-- -->, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method.
-remove: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
+Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling `set(key, null)`<!-- -->, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method.
+remove: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.set property
-Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the `get()` method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before `set()` was called.
-set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.set property
+Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the `get()` method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before `set()` was called.
+set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## LegacyCoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## LegacyCoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./
-## LegacyCoreSetup interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
-export interface LegacyCoreSetup extends CoreSetup<any> 
-## Remarks
-Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreSetup](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataSetup</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./
+## LegacyCoreSetup interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
+export interface LegacyCoreSetup extends CoreSetup<any> 
+## Remarks
+Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreSetup](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataSetup</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## LegacyCoreStart.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## LegacyCoreStart.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataStart;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./
-## LegacyCoreStart interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
-export interface LegacyCoreStart extends CoreStart 
-## Remarks
-Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreStart](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataStart</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./
+## LegacyCoreStart interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
+export interface LegacyCoreStart extends CoreStart 
+## Remarks
+Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreStart](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataStart</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
-## LegacyNavLink.category property
-category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
+## LegacyNavLink.category property
+category?: AppCategory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## LegacyNavLink.euiIconType property
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## LegacyNavLink.euiIconType property
+euiIconType?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## LegacyNavLink.icon property
-icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## LegacyNavLink.icon property
+icon?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./
-## LegacyNavLink interface
-export interface LegacyNavLink 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> |  |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./
+## LegacyNavLink interface
+export interface LegacyNavLink 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> |  |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
-## LegacyNavLink.order property
-order: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
+## LegacyNavLink.order property
+order: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 90b1a98a90fef..2cb7a4ebdbc76 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
-## LegacyNavLink.title property
-title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
+## LegacyNavLink.title property
+title: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
-## LegacyNavLink.url property
-url: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
+## LegacyNavLink.url property
+url: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./
-## kibana-plugin-public package
-The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.
-A plugin's `public/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
-The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
-## Classes
-|  Class | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects. |
-|  [SimpleSavedObject](./ | This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations. |
-|  [ToastsApi](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. |
-## Enumerations
-|  Enumeration | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AppLeaveActionType](./ | Possible type of actions on application leave. |
-|  [AppNavLinkStatus](./ | Status of the application's navLink. |
-|  [AppStatus](./ | Accessibility status of an application. |
-## Interfaces
-|  Interface | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [App](./ | Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function. |
-|  [AppBase](./ |  |
-|  [AppCategory](./ | A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav |
-|  [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.<!-- -->See  |
-|  [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.<!-- -->See  |
-|  [ApplicationSetup](./ |  |
-|  [ApplicationStart](./ |  |
-|  [AppMountContext](./ | The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AppMountParameters](./ |  |
-|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
-|  [ChromeBadge](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeBrand](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeDocTitle](./ | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtension](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavControl](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavControls](./ | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
-|  [ChromeNavLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavLinks](./ | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
-|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
-|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeStart](./ | ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser. |
-|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [CoreSetup](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> setup lifecycle |
-|  [CoreStart](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> start lifecycle |
-|  [DocLinksStart](./ |  |
-|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
-|  [ErrorToastOptions](./ | Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
-|  [FatalErrorInfo](./ | Represents the <code>message</code> and <code>stack</code> of a fatal Error |
-|  [FatalErrorsSetup](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [HttpFetchOptions](./ | All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ | Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included. |
-|  [HttpFetchQuery](./ |  |
-|  [HttpHandler](./ | A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response. |
-|  [HttpHeadersInit](./ | Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with <code>kbn-</code> are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error. |
-|  [HttpInterceptor](./ | An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ |  |
-|  [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ |  |
-|  [HttpRequestInit](./ | Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s. |
-|  [HttpResponse](./ |  |
-|  [HttpSetup](./ |  |
-|  [I18nStart](./ | I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
-|  [IAnonymousPaths](./ | APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication |
-|  [IBasePath](./ | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
-|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [IHttpFetchError](./ |  |
-|  [IHttpInterceptController](./ | Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ | Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response. |
-|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
-|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
-|  [LegacyCoreSetup](./ | Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
-|  [LegacyCoreStart](./ | Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
-|  [LegacyNavLink](./ |  |
-|  [NotificationsSetup](./ |  |
-|  [NotificationsStart](./ |  |
-|  [OverlayBannersStart](./ |  |
-|  [OverlayRef](./ | Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay. |
-|  [OverlayStart](./ |  |
-|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
-|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
-|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | The available core services passed to a <code>PluginInitializer</code> |
-|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [SavedObjectsStart](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
-|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
-|  [UiSettingsState](./ |  |
-|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
-## Type Aliases
-|  Type Alias | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AppLeaveAction](./ | Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./<!-- -->See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ |
-|  [AppLeaveHandler](./ | A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return <code>confirm</code> to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or <code>default</code> to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).<!-- -->See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples. |
-|  [AppMount](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
-|  [AppMountDeprecated](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
-|  [AppUnmount](./ | A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous. |
-|  [AppUpdatableFields](./ | Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AppUpdater](./ | Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./ |
-|  [ChromeBreadcrumb](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./ |  |
-|  [FatalErrorsStart](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
-|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
-|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpStart](./ | See [HttpSetup](./ |
-|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
-|  [IToasts](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [MountPoint](./ | A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it. |
-|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>public</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
-|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
-|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
-|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
-|  [Toast](./ |  |
-|  [ToastInput](./ | Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
-|  [ToastInputFields](./ | Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [ToastsSetup](./ | [IToasts](./ |
-|  [ToastsStart](./ | [IToasts](./ |
-|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
-|  [UnmountCallback](./ | A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./
+## kibana-plugin-public package
+The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.
+A plugin's `public/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
+The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
+## Classes
+|  Class | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects. |
+|  [SimpleSavedObject](./ | This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations. |
+|  [ToastsApi](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. |
+## Enumerations
+|  Enumeration | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AppLeaveActionType](./ | Possible type of actions on application leave. |
+|  [AppNavLinkStatus](./ | Status of the application's navLink. |
+|  [AppStatus](./ | Accessibility status of an application. |
+## Interfaces
+|  Interface | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [App](./ | Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function. |
+|  [AppBase](./ |  |
+|  [AppCategory](./ | A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav |
+|  [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.<!-- -->See  |
+|  [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.<!-- -->See  |
+|  [ApplicationSetup](./ |  |
+|  [ApplicationStart](./ |  |
+|  [AppMountContext](./ | The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AppMountParameters](./ |  |
+|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
+|  [ChromeBadge](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeBrand](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeDocTitle](./ | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtension](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavControl](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavControls](./ | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
+|  [ChromeNavLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavLinks](./ | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
+|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
+|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeStart](./ | ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser. |
+|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [CoreSetup](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> setup lifecycle |
+|  [CoreStart](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> start lifecycle |
+|  [DocLinksStart](./ |  |
+|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
+|  [ErrorToastOptions](./ | Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
+|  [FatalErrorInfo](./ | Represents the <code>message</code> and <code>stack</code> of a fatal Error |
+|  [FatalErrorsSetup](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [HttpFetchOptions](./ | All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ | Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included. |
+|  [HttpFetchQuery](./ |  |
+|  [HttpHandler](./ | A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response. |
+|  [HttpHeadersInit](./ | Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with <code>kbn-</code> are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error. |
+|  [HttpInterceptor](./ | An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ |  |
+|  [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ |  |
+|  [HttpRequestInit](./ | Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s. |
+|  [HttpResponse](./ |  |
+|  [HttpSetup](./ |  |
+|  [I18nStart](./ | I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
+|  [IAnonymousPaths](./ | APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication |
+|  [IBasePath](./ | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
+|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [IHttpFetchError](./ |  |
+|  [IHttpInterceptController](./ | Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ | Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response. |
+|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
+|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+|  [LegacyCoreSetup](./ | Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
+|  [LegacyCoreStart](./ | Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
+|  [LegacyNavLink](./ |  |
+|  [NotificationsSetup](./ |  |
+|  [NotificationsStart](./ |  |
+|  [OverlayBannersStart](./ |  |
+|  [OverlayRef](./ | Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay. |
+|  [OverlayStart](./ |  |
+|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
+|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
+|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | The available core services passed to a <code>PluginInitializer</code> |
+|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [SavedObjectsStart](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
+|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
+|  [UiSettingsState](./ |  |
+|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
+## Type Aliases
+|  Type Alias | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AppLeaveAction](./ | Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./<!-- -->See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ |
+|  [AppLeaveHandler](./ | A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return <code>confirm</code> to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or <code>default</code> to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).<!-- -->See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples. |
+|  [AppMount](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
+|  [AppMountDeprecated](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
+|  [AppUnmount](./ | A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous. |
+|  [AppUpdatableFields](./ | Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AppUpdater](./ | Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./ |
+|  [ChromeBreadcrumb](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./ |  |
+|  [FatalErrorsStart](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
+|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
+|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpStart](./ | See [HttpSetup](./ |
+|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
+|  [IToasts](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [MountPoint](./ | A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it. |
+|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>public</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
+|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
+|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
+|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
+|  [Toast](./ |  |
+|  [ToastInput](./ | Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
+|  [ToastInputFields](./ | Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [ToastsSetup](./ | [IToasts](./ |
+|  [ToastsStart](./ | [IToasts](./ |
+|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
+|  [UnmountCallback](./ | A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [MountPoint](./
-## MountPoint type
-A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it.
-export declare type MountPoint<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = (element: T) => UnmountCallback;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [MountPoint](./
+## MountPoint type
+A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it.
+export declare type MountPoint<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = (element: T) => UnmountCallback;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./
-## NotificationsSetup interface
-export interface NotificationsSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsSetup</code> | [ToastsSetup](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./
+## NotificationsSetup interface
+export interface NotificationsSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsSetup</code> | [ToastsSetup](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./ &gt; [toasts](./
-## NotificationsSetup.toasts property
-toasts: ToastsSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./ &gt; [toasts](./
+## NotificationsSetup.toasts property
+toasts: ToastsSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./
-## NotificationsStart interface
-export interface NotificationsStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsStart</code> | [ToastsStart](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./
+## NotificationsStart interface
+export interface NotificationsStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsStart</code> | [ToastsStart](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./ &gt; [toasts](./
-## NotificationsStart.toasts property
-toasts: ToastsStart;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./ &gt; [toasts](./
+## NotificationsStart.toasts property
+toasts: ToastsStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [add](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.add() method
-Add a new banner
-add(mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
-a unique identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [add](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.add() method
+Add a new banner
+add(mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
+a unique identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [getComponent](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.getComponent() method
-getComponent(): JSX.Element;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [getComponent](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.getComponent() method
+getComponent(): JSX.Element;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./
-## OverlayBannersStart interface
-export interface OverlayBannersStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [add(mount, priority)](./ | Add a new banner |
-|  [getComponent()](./ |  |
-|  [remove(id)](./ | Remove a banner |
-|  [replace(id, mount, priority)](./ | Replace a banner in place |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./
+## OverlayBannersStart interface
+export interface OverlayBannersStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [add(mount, priority)](./ | Add a new banner |
+|  [getComponent()](./ |  |
+|  [remove(id)](./ | Remove a banner |
+|  [replace(id, mount, priority)](./ | Replace a banner in place |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.remove() method
-Remove a banner
-remove(id: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-if the banner was found or not
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.remove() method
+Remove a banner
+remove(id: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+if the banner was found or not
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [replace](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.replace() method
-Replace a banner in place
-replace(id: string | undefined, mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
-|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
-a new identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [replace](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.replace() method
+Replace a banner in place
+replace(id: string | undefined, mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
+|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
+a new identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [close](./
-## OverlayRef.close() method
-Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the `onClose` Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing.
-close(): Promise<void>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [close](./
+## OverlayRef.close() method
+Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the `onClose` Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing.
+close(): Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./
-## OverlayRef interface
-Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay.
-export interface OverlayRef 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [onClose](./ | <code>Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.<!-- -->Overlays can close from user interaction, calling <code>close()</code> on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via <code>openModal</code> or <code>openFlyout</code>. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [close()](./ | Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the <code>onClose</code> Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./
+## OverlayRef interface
+Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay.
+export interface OverlayRef 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [onClose](./ | <code>Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.<!-- -->Overlays can close from user interaction, calling <code>close()</code> on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via <code>openModal</code> or <code>openFlyout</code>. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [close()](./ | Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the <code>onClose</code> Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [onClose](./
-## OverlayRef.onClose property
-A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.
-Overlays can close from user interaction, calling `close()` on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via `openModal` or `openFlyout`<!-- -->.
-onClose: Promise<void>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [onClose](./
+## OverlayRef.onClose property
+A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.
+Overlays can close from user interaction, calling `close()` on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via `openModal` or `openFlyout`<!-- -->.
+onClose: Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [banners](./
-## OverlayStart.banners property
-banners: OverlayBannersStart;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [banners](./
+## OverlayStart.banners property
+banners: OverlayBannersStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./
-## OverlayStart interface
-export interface OverlayStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [banners](./ | <code>OverlayBannersStart</code> | [OverlayBannersStart](./ |
-|  [openConfirm](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['openConfirm']</code> |  |
-|  [openFlyout](./ | <code>OverlayFlyoutStart['open']</code> |  |
-|  [openModal](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['open']</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./
+## OverlayStart interface
+export interface OverlayStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [banners](./ | <code>OverlayBannersStart</code> | [OverlayBannersStart](./ |
+|  [openConfirm](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['openConfirm']</code> |  |
+|  [openFlyout](./ | <code>OverlayFlyoutStart['open']</code> |  |
+|  [openModal](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['open']</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openConfirm](./
-## OverlayStart.openConfirm property
-openConfirm: OverlayModalStart['openConfirm'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openConfirm](./
+## OverlayStart.openConfirm property
+openConfirm: OverlayModalStart['openConfirm'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openFlyout](./
-## OverlayStart.openFlyout property
-openFlyout: OverlayFlyoutStart['open'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openFlyout](./
+## OverlayStart.openFlyout property
+openFlyout: OverlayFlyoutStart['open'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openModal](./
-## OverlayStart.openModal property
-openModal: OverlayModalStart['open'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openModal](./
+## OverlayStart.openModal property
+openModal: OverlayModalStart['open'];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
-## PackageInfo.branch property
-branch: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
+## PackageInfo.branch property
+branch: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
-## PackageInfo.buildNum property
-buildNum: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
+## PackageInfo.buildNum property
+buildNum: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
-## PackageInfo.buildSha property
-buildSha: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
+## PackageInfo.buildSha property
+buildSha: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
-## PackageInfo.dist property
-dist: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
+## PackageInfo.dist property
+dist: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
-## PackageInfo interface
-export interface PackageInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
+## PackageInfo interface
+export interface PackageInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PackageInfo.version property
-version: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PackageInfo.version property
+version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
-## Plugin interface
-The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
-export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [stop()](./ |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
+## Plugin interface
+The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
+export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [stop()](./ |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
-## Plugin.setup() method
-setup(core: CoreSetup<TPluginsStart>, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreSetup&lt;TPluginsStart&gt;</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
-`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
+## Plugin.setup() method
+setup(core: CoreSetup<TPluginsStart>, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreSetup&lt;TPluginsStart&gt;</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
+`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
-## Plugin.start() method
-start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
-`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
+## Plugin.start() method
+start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
+`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
-## Plugin.stop() method
-stop?(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
+## Plugin.stop() method
+stop?(): void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
-## PluginInitializer type
-The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `public` directory should conform to this interface.
-export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
+## PluginInitializer type
+The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `public` directory should conform to this interface.
+export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.config property
-readonly config: {
-        get: <T extends object = ConfigSchema>() => T;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.config property
+readonly config: {
+        get: <T extends object = ConfigSchema>() => T;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.env property
-readonly env: {
-        mode: Readonly<EnvironmentMode>;
-        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.env property
+readonly env: {
+        mode: Readonly<EnvironmentMode>;
+        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
-## PluginInitializerContext interface
-The available core services passed to a `PluginInitializer`
-export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: &lt;T extends object = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: Readonly&lt;EnvironmentMode&gt;;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
+## PluginInitializerContext interface
+The available core services passed to a `PluginInitializer`
+export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: &lt;T extends object = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: Readonly&lt;EnvironmentMode&gt;;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
-A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers.
-readonly opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
+A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers.
+readonly opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
-## PluginOpaqueId type
-export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
+## PluginOpaqueId type
+export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
-## RecursiveReadonly type
-export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
-    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
-}> : T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
+## RecursiveReadonly type
+export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
+    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
+}> : T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObject.error property
-error?: {
-        message: string;
-        statusCode: number;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObject.error property
+error?: {
+        message: string;
+        statusCode: number;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
-## SavedObject interface
-export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
-|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
+## SavedObject interface
+export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
+|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObject.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObject.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObject.type property
-The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObject.type property
+The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
-## SavedObject.updated\_at property
-Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
-updated_at?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
+## SavedObject.updated\_at property
+Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
+updated_at?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObject.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObject.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-## SavedObjectAttribute type
-Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
-export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+## SavedObjectAttribute type
+Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
+export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
-## SavedObjectAttributes interface
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
+## SavedObjectAttributes interface
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
-## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
-Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
+## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
+Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
-## SavedObjectReference interface
-A reference to another saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectReference 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
+## SavedObjectReference interface
+A reference to another saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectReference 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectReference.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectReference.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
-Specify the namespace for this operation
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
+Specify the namespace for this operation
+namespace?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBatchResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsBatchResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## SavedObjectsBatchResponse.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: Array<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## SavedObjectsBatchResponse.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: Array<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions.overwrite property
-If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
-overwrite?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions.overwrite property
+If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
+type: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.version property
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.version property
+version?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate property
-Creates multiple documents at once
-bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<SavedObjectAttributes>[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate property
+Creates multiple documents at once
+bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<SavedObjectAttributes>[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet property
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet: (objects?: {
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }[]) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet property
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet: (objects?: {
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }[]) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
-Update multiple documents at once
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]): Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]</code> |  |
-The result of the update operation containing both failed and updated saved objects.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
+Update multiple documents at once
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]): Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]</code> |  |
+The result of the update operation containing both failed and updated saved objects.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.create property
-Persists an object
-create: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.create property
+Persists an object
+create: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.delete property
-Deletes an object
-delete: (type: string, id: string) => Promise<{}>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.delete property
+Deletes an object
+delete: (type: string, id: string) => Promise<{}>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.find property
-Search for objects
-find: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(options: Pick<SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, "search" | "filter" | "type" | "page" | "perPage" | "sortField" | "fields" | "searchFields" | "hasReference" | "defaultSearchOperator">) => Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.find property
+Search for objects
+find: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(options: Pick<SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, "search" | "filter" | "type" | "page" | "perPage" | "sortField" | "fields" | "searchFields" | "hasReference" | "defaultSearchOperator">) => Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.get property
-Fetches a single object
-get: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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+## SavedObjectsClient.get property
+Fetches a single object
+get: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsClient class
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects.
-export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate](./ |  | <code>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates multiple documents at once |
-|  [bulkGet](./ |  | <code>(objects?: {</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [create](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Persists an object |
-|  [delete](./ |  | <code>(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;{}&gt;</code> | Deletes an object |
-|  [find](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(options: Pick&lt;SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, &quot;search&quot; &#124; &quot;filter&quot; &#124; &quot;type&quot; &#124; &quot;page&quot; &#124; &quot;perPage&quot; &#124; &quot;sortField&quot; &#124; &quot;fields&quot; &#124; &quot;searchFields&quot; &#124; &quot;hasReference&quot; &#124; &quot;defaultSearchOperator&quot;&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Search for objects |
-|  [get](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Fetches a single object |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects)](./ |  | Update multiple documents at once |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, { version, migrationVersion, references })](./ |  | Updates an object |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsClient class
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects.
+export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate](./ |  | <code>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates multiple documents at once |
+|  [bulkGet](./ |  | <code>(objects?: {</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [create](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Persists an object |
+|  [delete](./ |  | <code>(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;{}&gt;</code> | Deletes an object |
+|  [find](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(options: Pick&lt;SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, &quot;search&quot; &#124; &quot;filter&quot; &#124; &quot;type&quot; &#124; &quot;page&quot; &#124; &quot;perPage&quot; &#124; &quot;sortField&quot; &#124; &quot;fields&quot; &#124; &quot;searchFields&quot; &#124; &quot;hasReference&quot; &#124; &quot;defaultSearchOperator&quot;&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Search for objects |
+|  [get](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Fetches a single object |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects)](./ |  | Update multiple documents at once |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, { version, migrationVersion, references })](./ |  | Updates an object |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
-Updates an object
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  { version, migrationVersion, references } | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
+Updates an object
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  { version, migrationVersion, references } | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
-## SavedObjectsClientContract type
-SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf<SavedObjectsClient>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
+## SavedObjectsClientContract type
+SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf<SavedObjectsClient>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-(Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you.
-id?: string;
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+## property
+(Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you.
+id?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you. |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you. |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
-If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
-overwrite?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
+If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
-defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
+defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
-An array of fields to include in the results
-fields?: string[];
-## Example
-SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
+An array of fields to include in the results
+fields?: string[];
+## Example
+SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
-filter?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
+filter?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
-hasReference?: {
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
+hasReference?: {
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
-|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
-|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
-|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
+|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
+|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
+|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page?: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
-perPage?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
+perPage?: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
-## property
-Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
-search?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
+search?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
-The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
-searchFields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
+The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
+searchFields?: string[];
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
-sortField?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
+sortField?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
-sortOrder?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
+sortOrder?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
-type: string | string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
+type: string | string[];
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic interface
-Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
-\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
-export interface SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic interface
+Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
+\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
+export interface SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic.perPage property
-perPage: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [perPage](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic.perPage property
+perPage: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [total](./
-## property
-total: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [total](./
+## property
+total: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
-type: 'conflict';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
+type: 'conflict';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
-error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
+error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError interface
-Represents a failure to import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError interface
+Represents a failure to import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
-title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
+title?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
+type: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
-blocking: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
+blocking: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
-references: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
+references: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 62862107c11b4..340b36248d83e 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
-type: 'missing_references';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
+type: 'missing_references';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
-errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
+errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
-The response describing the result of an import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
-|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
+The response describing the result of an import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
+|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
-success: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
+success: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
-successCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
+successCount: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
-Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
+Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
-replaceReferences: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        from: string;
-        to: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
+replaceReferences: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        from: string;
+        to: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
-message: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
-type: 'unknown';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
+type: 'unknown';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
-type: 'unsupported_type';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
+type: 'unsupported_type';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
-## Example
-migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
+## Example
+migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./ &gt; [client](./
-## SavedObjectsStart.client property
-client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./ &gt; [client](./
+## SavedObjectsStart.client property
+client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./
-## SavedObjectsStart interface
-export interface SavedObjectsStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./
+## SavedObjectsStart interface
+export interface SavedObjectsStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `SimpleSavedObject` class
-constructor(client: SavedObjectsClient, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion }: SavedObjectType<T>);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  client | <code>SavedObjectsClient</code> |  |
-|  { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion } | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `SimpleSavedObject` class
+constructor(client: SavedObjectsClient, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion }: SavedObjectType<T>);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  client | <code>SavedObjectsClient</code> |  |
+|  { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion } | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [\_version](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.\_version property
-_version?: SavedObjectType<T>['version'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [\_version](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.\_version property
+_version?: SavedObjectType<T>['version'];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.delete() method
-delete(): Promise<{}>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.delete() method
+delete(): Promise<{}>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.error property
-error: SavedObjectType<T>['error'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.error property
+error: SavedObjectType<T>['error'];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.get() method
-get(key: string): any;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.get() method
+get(key: string): any;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [has](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.has() method
-has(key: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [has](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.has() method
+has(key: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: SavedObjectType<T>['id'];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: SavedObjectType<T>['id'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./
-## SimpleSavedObject class
-This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.
-It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations.
-export declare class SimpleSavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(client, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion })](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>SimpleSavedObject</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\_version](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['version']</code> |  |
-|  [attributes](./ |  | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [error](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['error']</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['id']</code> |  |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['migrationVersion']</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['references']</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['type']</code> |  |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [delete()](./ |  |  |
-|  [get(key)](./ |  |  |
-|  [has(key)](./ |  |  |
-|  [save()](./ |  |  |
-|  [set(key, value)](./ |  |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./
+## SimpleSavedObject class
+This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.
+It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations.
+export declare class SimpleSavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(client, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion })](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>SimpleSavedObject</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\_version](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['version']</code> |  |
+|  [attributes](./ |  | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [error](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['error']</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['id']</code> |  |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['migrationVersion']</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['references']</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['type']</code> |  |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [delete()](./ |  |  |
+|  [get(key)](./ |  |  |
+|  [has(key)](./ |  |  |
+|  [save()](./ |  |  |
+|  [set(key, value)](./ |  |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.migrationVersion property
-migrationVersion: SavedObjectType<T>['migrationVersion'];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.migrationVersion property
+migrationVersion: SavedObjectType<T>['migrationVersion'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.references property
-references: SavedObjectType<T>['references'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.references property
+references: SavedObjectType<T>['references'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [save](./
-## method
-save(): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [save](./
+## method
+save(): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [set](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.set() method
-set(key: string, value: any): T;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  value | <code>any</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [set](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.set() method
+set(key: string, value: any): T;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  value | <code>any</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.type property
-type: SavedObjectType<T>['type'];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.type property
+type: SavedObjectType<T>['type'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
-## StringValidation type
-Allows regex objects or a regex string
-export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
+## StringValidation type
+Allows regex objects or a regex string
+export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
-## StringValidationRegex interface
-StringValidation with regex object
-export interface StringValidationRegex 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
+## StringValidationRegex interface
+StringValidation with regex object
+export interface StringValidationRegex 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegex.message property
-message: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegex.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
-## StringValidationRegex.regex property
-regex: RegExp;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
+## StringValidationRegex.regex property
+regex: RegExp;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString interface
-StringValidation as regex string
-export interface StringValidationRegexString 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString interface
+StringValidation as regex string
+export interface StringValidationRegexString 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.message property
-message: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
-regexString: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
+regexString: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Toast](./
-## Toast type
-export declare type Toast = ToastInputFields & {
-    id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Toast](./
+## Toast type
+export declare type Toast = ToastInputFields & {
+    id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInput](./
-## ToastInput type
-Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs.
-export declare type ToastInput = string | ToastInputFields;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInput](./
+## ToastInput type
+Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs.
+export declare type ToastInput = string | ToastInputFields;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInputFields](./
-## ToastInputFields type
-Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ToastInputFields = Pick<EuiToast, Exclude<keyof EuiToast, 'id' | 'text' | 'title'>> & {
-    title?: string | MountPoint;
-    text?: string | MountPoint;
-## Remarks
-`id` cannot be specified.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInputFields](./
+## ToastInputFields type
+Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ToastInputFields = Pick<EuiToast, Exclude<keyof EuiToast, 'id' | 'text' | 'title'>> & {
+    title?: string | MountPoint;
+    text?: string | MountPoint;
+## Remarks
+`id` cannot be specified.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ToastsApi.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ToastsApi` class
-constructor(deps: {
-        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-    });
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  deps | <code>{</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ToastsApi.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ToastsApi` class
+constructor(deps: {
+        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+    });
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  deps | <code>{</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [add](./
-## ToastsApi.add() method
-Adds a new toast to current array of toast.
-add(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [add](./
+## ToastsApi.add() method
+Adds a new toast to current array of toast.
+add(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addDanger](./
-## ToastsApi.addDanger() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon.
-addDanger(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addDanger](./
+## ToastsApi.addDanger() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon.
+addDanger(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addError](./
-## ToastsApi.addError() method
-Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal.
-addError(error: Error, options: ErrorToastOptions): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> | an <code>Error</code> instance. |
-|  options | <code>ErrorToastOptions</code> | [ErrorToastOptions](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addError](./
+## ToastsApi.addError() method
+Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal.
+addError(error: Error, options: ErrorToastOptions): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> | an <code>Error</code> instance. |
+|  options | <code>ErrorToastOptions</code> | [ErrorToastOptions](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addSuccess](./
-## ToastsApi.addSuccess() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon.
-addSuccess(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addSuccess](./
+## ToastsApi.addSuccess() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon.
+addSuccess(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addWarning](./
-## ToastsApi.addWarning() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon.
-addWarning(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addWarning](./
+## ToastsApi.addWarning() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon.
+addWarning(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## ToastsApi.get$() method
-Observable of the toast messages to show to the user.
-get$(): Rx.Observable<Toast[]>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## ToastsApi.get$() method
+Observable of the toast messages to show to the user.
+get$(): Rx.Observable<Toast[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./
-## ToastsApi class
-Methods for adding and removing global toast messages.
-export declare class ToastsApi implements IToasts 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(deps)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ToastsApi</code> class |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [add(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast to current array of toast. |
-|  [addDanger(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon. |
-|  [addError(error, options)](./ |  | Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal. |
-|  [addSuccess(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon. |
-|  [addWarning(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon. |
-|  [get$()](./ |  | Observable of the toast messages to show to the user. |
-|  [remove(toastOrId)](./ |  | Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./
+## ToastsApi class
+Methods for adding and removing global toast messages.
+export declare class ToastsApi implements IToasts 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(deps)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ToastsApi</code> class |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [add(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast to current array of toast. |
+|  [addDanger(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon. |
+|  [addError(error, options)](./ |  | Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal. |
+|  [addSuccess(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon. |
+|  [addWarning(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon. |
+|  [get$()](./ |  | Observable of the toast messages to show to the user. |
+|  [remove(toastOrId)](./ |  | Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## ToastsApi.remove() method
-Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present.
-remove(toastOrId: Toast | string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrId | <code>Toast &#124; string</code> | a [Toast](./ returned by [ToastsApi.add()](./ or its id |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## ToastsApi.remove() method
+Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present.
+remove(toastOrId: Toast | string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrId | <code>Toast &#124; string</code> | a [Toast](./ returned by [ToastsApi.add()](./ or its id |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsSetup](./
-## ToastsSetup type
-export declare type ToastsSetup = IToasts;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsSetup](./
+## ToastsSetup type
+export declare type ToastsSetup = IToasts;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsStart](./
-## ToastsStart type
-export declare type ToastsStart = IToasts;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsStart](./
+## ToastsStart type
+export declare type ToastsStart = IToasts;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
-## UiSettingsParams.category property
-used to group the configured setting in the UI
-category?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
+## UiSettingsParams.category property
+used to group the configured setting in the UI
+category?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
-optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
-deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
+optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
+deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
-## UiSettingsParams.description property
-description provided to a user in UI
-description?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
+## UiSettingsParams.description property
+description provided to a user in UI
+description?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
-## UiSettingsParams interface
-UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
-export interface UiSettingsParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
-|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
-|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
-|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
-|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
-|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
-|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
-|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
-|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
-|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
+## UiSettingsParams interface
+UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
+export interface UiSettingsParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
+|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
+|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
+|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
+|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
+|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
+|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
+|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
+|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
+|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-title in the UI
-name?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+title in the UI
+name?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
-## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
-text labels for 'select' type UI element
-optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
+## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
+text labels for 'select' type UI element
+optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
-## UiSettingsParams.options property
-array of permitted values for this setting
-options?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
+## UiSettingsParams.options property
+array of permitted values for this setting
+options?: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
-## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
-a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
-readonly?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
+## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
+a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
+readonly?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
-## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
-a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
-requiresPageReload?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
+## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
+a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
+requiresPageReload?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
-## UiSettingsParams.type property
-defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
-type?: UiSettingsType;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
+## UiSettingsParams.type property
+defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
+type?: UiSettingsType;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.validation property
-validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.validation property
+validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
-## UiSettingsParams.value property
-default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
-value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
+## UiSettingsParams.value property
+default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
+value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsState](./
-## UiSettingsState interface
-export interface UiSettingsState 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsState](./
+## UiSettingsState interface
+export interface UiSettingsState 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
-## UiSettingsType type
-UI element type to represent the settings.
-export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
+## UiSettingsType type
+UI element type to represent the settings.
+export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UnmountCallback](./
-## UnmountCallback type
-A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./
-export declare type UnmountCallback = () => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UnmountCallback](./
+## UnmountCallback type
+A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./
+export declare type UnmountCallback = () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
-isOverridden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
+isOverridden?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
-## UserProvidedValues interface
-Describes the values explicitly set by user.
-export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
+## UserProvidedValues interface
+Describes the values explicitly set by user.
+export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
-## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
-userValue?: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
+## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
+userValue?: T;
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-## API Reference
-## Packages
-|  Package | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibana-plugin-server](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin requires a <code>kibana.json</code> file at it's root directory that follows  to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>server/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+## API Reference
+## Packages
+|  Package | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibana-plugin-server](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin requires a <code>kibana.json</code> file at it's root directory that follows  to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>server/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [APICaller](./
-## APICaller interface
-export interface APICaller 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [APICaller](./
+## APICaller interface
+export interface APICaller 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ &gt; [indices](./
-## AssistanceAPIResponse.indices property
-indices: {
-        [indexName: string]: {
-            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;
-        };
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ &gt; [indices](./
+## AssistanceAPIResponse.indices property
+indices: {
+        [indexName: string]: {
+            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;
+        };
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./
-## AssistanceAPIResponse interface
-export interface AssistanceAPIResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [indices](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [indexName: string]: {</code><br/><code>            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./
+## AssistanceAPIResponse interface
+export interface AssistanceAPIResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [indices](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [indexName: string]: {</code><br/><code>            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams interface
-export interface AssistantAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/assistance'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./
+## AssistantAPIClientParams interface
+export interface AssistantAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/assistance'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams.method property
-method: 'GET';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
+## AssistantAPIClientParams.method property
+method: 'GET';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams.path property
-path: '/_migration/assistance';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
+## AssistantAPIClientParams.path property
+path: '/_migration/assistance';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./
-## Authenticated interface
-export interface Authenticated extends AuthResultParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AuthResultType.authenticated</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./
+## Authenticated interface
+export interface Authenticated extends AuthResultParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AuthResultType.authenticated</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./ &gt; [type](./
-## Authenticated.type property
-type: AuthResultType.authenticated;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./ &gt; [type](./
+## Authenticated.type property
+type: AuthResultType.authenticated;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthenticationHandler](./
-## AuthenticationHandler type
-See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type AuthenticationHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: AuthToolkit) => AuthResult | IKibanaResponse | Promise<AuthResult | IKibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthenticationHandler](./
+## AuthenticationHandler type
+See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type AuthenticationHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: AuthToolkit) => AuthResult | IKibanaResponse | Promise<AuthResult | IKibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthHeaders](./
-## AuthHeaders type
-Auth Headers map
-export declare type AuthHeaders = Record<string, string | string[]>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthHeaders](./
+## AuthHeaders type
+Auth Headers map
+export declare type AuthHeaders = Record<string, string | string[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResult](./
-## AuthResult type
-export declare type AuthResult = Authenticated;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResult](./
+## AuthResult type
+export declare type AuthResult = Authenticated;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./
-## AuthResultParams interface
-Result of an incoming request authentication.
-export interface AuthResultParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [requestHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user. |
-|  [responseHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed. |
-|  [state](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./
+## AuthResultParams interface
+Result of an incoming request authentication.
+export interface AuthResultParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [requestHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user. |
+|  [responseHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed. |
+|  [state](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [requestHeaders](./
-## AuthResultParams.requestHeaders property
-Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user.
-requestHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [requestHeaders](./
+## AuthResultParams.requestHeaders property
+Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user.
+requestHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [responseHeaders](./
-## AuthResultParams.responseHeaders property
-Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed.
-responseHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [responseHeaders](./
+## AuthResultParams.responseHeaders property
+Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed.
+responseHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [state](./
-## AuthResultParams.state property
-Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data.
-state?: Record<string, any>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [state](./
+## AuthResultParams.state property
+Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data.
+state?: Record<string, any>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultType](./
-## AuthResultType enum
-export declare enum AuthResultType 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultType](./
+## AuthResultType enum
+export declare enum AuthResultType 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthStatus](./
-## AuthStatus enum
-Status indicating an outcome of the authentication.
-export declare enum AuthStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor successfully authenticated a user |
-|  unauthenticated | <code>&quot;unauthenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor failed user authentication |
-|  unknown | <code>&quot;unknown&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor has not been registered |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthStatus](./
+## AuthStatus enum
+Status indicating an outcome of the authentication.
+export declare enum AuthStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor successfully authenticated a user |
+|  unauthenticated | <code>&quot;unauthenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor failed user authentication |
+|  unknown | <code>&quot;unknown&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor has not been registered |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./ &gt; [authenticated](./
-## AuthToolkit.authenticated property
-Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through
-authenticated: (data?: AuthResultParams) => AuthResult;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./ &gt; [authenticated](./
+## AuthToolkit.authenticated property
+Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through
+authenticated: (data?: AuthResultParams) => AuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./
-## AuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface AuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authenticated](./ | <code>(data?: AuthResultParams) =&gt; AuthResult</code> | Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./
+## AuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface AuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authenticated](./ | <code>(data?: AuthResultParams) =&gt; AuthResult</code> | Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
-## BasePath.get property
-returns `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
-get: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
+## BasePath.get property
+returns `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
+get: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./
-## BasePath class
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
-export declare class BasePath 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BasePath` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;) =&gt; string</code> | returns <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
-|  [prepend](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
-|  [remove](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
-|  [serverBasePath](./ |  | <code>string</code> | returns the server's basePath<!-- -->See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request |
-|  [set](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;, requestSpecificBasePath: string) =&gt; void</code> | sets <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./
+## BasePath class
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
+export declare class BasePath 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BasePath` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;) =&gt; string</code> | returns <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
+|  [prepend](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
+|  [remove](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
+|  [serverBasePath](./ |  | <code>string</code> | returns the server's basePath<!-- -->See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request |
+|  [set](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;, requestSpecificBasePath: string) =&gt; void</code> | sets <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
-## BasePath.prepend property
-Prepends `path` with the basePath.
-prepend: (path: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
+## BasePath.prepend property
+Prepends `path` with the basePath.
+prepend: (path: string) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## BasePath.remove property
-Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
-remove: (path: string) => string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## BasePath.remove property
+Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
+remove: (path: string) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [serverBasePath](./
-## BasePath.serverBasePath property
-returns the server's basePath
-See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request
-readonly serverBasePath: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [serverBasePath](./
+## BasePath.serverBasePath property
+returns the server's basePath
+See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request
+readonly serverBasePath: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [set](./
-## BasePath.set property
-sets `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
-set: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, requestSpecificBasePath: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [set](./
+## BasePath.set property
+sets `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
+set: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, requestSpecificBasePath: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./
-## CallAPIOptions interface
-The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed.
-export interface CallAPIOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal</code> | A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object. |
-|  [wrap401Errors](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether <code>401 Unauthorized</code> errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into <code>Boom</code> error instances with properly set <code>WWW-Authenticate</code> header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then <code>Basic realm=&quot;Authorization Required&quot;</code> is used as <code>WWW-Authenticate</code>. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./
+## CallAPIOptions interface
+The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed.
+export interface CallAPIOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal</code> | A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object. |
+|  [wrap401Errors](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether <code>401 Unauthorized</code> errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into <code>Boom</code> error instances with properly set <code>WWW-Authenticate</code> header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then <code>Basic realm=&quot;Authorization Required&quot;</code> is used as <code>WWW-Authenticate</code>. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [signal](./
-## CallAPIOptions.signal property
-A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object.
-signal?: AbortSignal;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [signal](./
+## CallAPIOptions.signal property
+A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object.
+signal?: AbortSignal;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [wrap401Errors](./
-## CallAPIOptions.wrap401Errors property
-Indicates whether `401 Unauthorized` errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into `Boom` error instances with properly set `WWW-Authenticate` header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then `Basic realm="Authorization Required"` is used as `WWW-Authenticate`<!-- -->.
-wrap401Errors?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [wrap401Errors](./
+## CallAPIOptions.wrap401Errors property
+Indicates whether `401 Unauthorized` errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into `Boom` error instances with properly set `WWW-Authenticate` header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then `Basic realm="Authorization Required"` is used as `WWW-Authenticate`<!-- -->.
+wrap401Errors?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
-## Capabilities.catalogue property
-Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
-catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
+## Capabilities.catalogue property
+Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
+catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
-## property
-Management section capabilities.
-management: {
-        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
+## property
+Management section capabilities.
+management: {
+        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
-## Capabilities interface
-The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
-export interface Capabilities 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
-|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
+## Capabilities interface
+The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
+export interface Capabilities 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
+|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## Capabilities.navLinks property
-Navigation link capabilities.
-navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## Capabilities.navLinks property
+Navigation link capabilities.
+navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesProvider](./
-## CapabilitiesProvider type
-See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-export declare type CapabilitiesProvider = () => Partial<Capabilities>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesProvider](./
+## CapabilitiesProvider type
+See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+export declare type CapabilitiesProvider = () => Partial<Capabilities>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup interface
-APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.
-Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the `registerProvider` method.
-Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the `registerSwitcher` method.
-Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples.
-export interface CapabilitiesSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [registerProvider(provider)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them. |
-|  [registerSwitcher(switcher)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.<!-- -->A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup interface
+APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.
+Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the `registerProvider` method.
+Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the `registerSwitcher` method.
+Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples.
+export interface CapabilitiesSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [registerProvider(provider)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them. |
+|  [registerSwitcher(switcher)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.<!-- -->A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerProvider](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup.registerProvider() method
-Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them.
-registerProvider(provider: CapabilitiesProvider): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  provider | <code>CapabilitiesProvider</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to register a plugin's capabilities during setup
-// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
-public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
-   core.capabilities.registerProvider(() => {
-     return {
-       catalogue: {
-         myPlugin: true,
-       },
-       myPlugin: {
-         someFeature: true,
-         featureDisabledByDefault: false,
-       },
-     }
-   });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerProvider](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup.registerProvider() method
+Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them.
+registerProvider(provider: CapabilitiesProvider): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  provider | <code>CapabilitiesProvider</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to register a plugin's capabilities during setup
+// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
+public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
+   core.capabilities.registerProvider(() => {
+     return {
+       catalogue: {
+         myPlugin: true,
+       },
+       myPlugin: {
+         someFeature: true,
+         featureDisabledByDefault: false,
+       },
+     }
+   });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerSwitcher](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup.registerSwitcher() method
-Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.
-A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored.
-registerSwitcher(switcher: CapabilitiesSwitcher): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  switcher | <code>CapabilitiesSwitcher</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to restrict some capabilities
-// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
-public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
-   core.capabilities.registerSwitcher((request, capabilities) => {
-     if(myPluginApi.shouldRestrictSomePluginBecauseOf(request)) {
-       return {
-         somePlugin: {
-           featureEnabledByDefault: false // `featureEnabledByDefault` will be disabled. All other capabilities will remain unchanged.
-         }
-       }
-     }
-     return {}; // All capabilities will remain unchanged.
-   });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerSwitcher](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup.registerSwitcher() method
+Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.
+A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored.
+registerSwitcher(switcher: CapabilitiesSwitcher): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  switcher | <code>CapabilitiesSwitcher</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to restrict some capabilities
+// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
+public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
+   core.capabilities.registerSwitcher((request, capabilities) => {
+     if(myPluginApi.shouldRestrictSomePluginBecauseOf(request)) {
+       return {
+         somePlugin: {
+           featureEnabledByDefault: false // `featureEnabledByDefault` will be disabled. All other capabilities will remain unchanged.
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     return {}; // All capabilities will remain unchanged.
+   });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./
-## CapabilitiesStart interface
-APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->.
-export interface CapabilitiesStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [resolveCapabilities(request)](./ | Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./
+## CapabilitiesStart interface
+APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->.
+export interface CapabilitiesStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [resolveCapabilities(request)](./ | Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./ &gt; [resolveCapabilities](./
-## CapabilitiesStart.resolveCapabilities() method
-Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request
-resolveCapabilities(request: KibanaRequest): Promise<Capabilities>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./ &gt; [resolveCapabilities](./
+## CapabilitiesStart.resolveCapabilities() method
+Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request
+resolveCapabilities(request: KibanaRequest): Promise<Capabilities>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./
-## CapabilitiesSwitcher type
-See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-export declare type CapabilitiesSwitcher = (request: KibanaRequest, uiCapabilities: Capabilities) => Partial<Capabilities> | Promise<Partial<Capabilities>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./
+## CapabilitiesSwitcher type
+See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+export declare type CapabilitiesSwitcher = (request: KibanaRequest, uiCapabilities: Capabilities) => Partial<Capabilities> | Promise<Partial<Capabilities>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ClusterClient.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ClusterClient` class
-constructor(config: ElasticsearchClientConfig, log: Logger, getAuthHeaders?: GetAuthHeaders);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  config | <code>ElasticsearchClientConfig</code> |  |
-|  log | <code>Logger</code> |  |
-|  getAuthHeaders | <code>GetAuthHeaders</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ClusterClient.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ClusterClient` class
+constructor(config: ElasticsearchClientConfig, log: Logger, getAuthHeaders?: GetAuthHeaders);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  config | <code>ElasticsearchClientConfig</code> |  |
+|  log | <code>Logger</code> |  |
+|  getAuthHeaders | <code>GetAuthHeaders</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
-## ClusterClient.asScoped() method
-Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed.
-asScoped(request?: ScopeableRequest): IScopedClusterClient;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>ScopeableRequest</code> | Request the <code>IScopedClusterClient</code> instance will be scoped to. Supports request optionality, Legacy.Request &amp; FakeRequest for BWC with LegacyPlatform |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
+## ClusterClient.asScoped() method
+Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed.
+asScoped(request?: ScopeableRequest): IScopedClusterClient;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>ScopeableRequest</code> | Request the <code>IScopedClusterClient</code> instance will be scoped to. Supports request optionality, Legacy.Request &amp; FakeRequest for BWC with LegacyPlatform |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
-## ClusterClient.callAsInternalUser property
-Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsInternalUser: APICaller;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
+## ClusterClient.callAsInternalUser property
+Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsInternalUser: APICaller;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [close](./
-## ClusterClient.close() method
-Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API.
-close(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [close](./
+## ClusterClient.close() method
+Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API.
+close(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./
-## ClusterClient class
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare class ClusterClient implements IClusterClient 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(config, log, getAuthHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ClusterClient</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [callAsInternalUser](./ |  | <code>APICaller</code> | Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asScoped(request)](./ |  | Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed. |
-|  [close()](./ |  | Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./
+## ClusterClient class
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare class ClusterClient implements IClusterClient 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(config, log, getAuthHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ClusterClient</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [callAsInternalUser](./ |  | <code>APICaller</code> | Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asScoped(request)](./ |  | Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed. |
+|  [close()](./ |  | Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecation](./
-## ConfigDeprecation type
-Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration.
-export declare type ConfigDeprecation = (config: Record<string, any>, fromPath: string, logger: ConfigDeprecationLogger) => Record<string, any>;
-## Remarks
-This should only be manually implemented if [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ does not provide the proper helpers for a specific deprecation need.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecation](./
+## ConfigDeprecation type
+Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration.
+export declare type ConfigDeprecation = (config: Record<string, any>, fromPath: string, logger: ConfigDeprecationLogger) => Record<string, any>;
+## Remarks
+This should only be manually implemented if [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ does not provide the proper helpers for a specific deprecation need.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory interface
-Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.
-See methods documentation for more detailed examples.
-export interface ConfigDeprecationFactory 
-## Example
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [rename(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied. |
-|  [renameFromRoot(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead. |
-|  [unused(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied. |
-|  [unusedFromRoot(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory interface
+Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.
+See methods documentation for more detailed examples.
+export interface ConfigDeprecationFactory 
+## Example
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [rename(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied. |
+|  [renameFromRoot(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead. |
+|  [unused(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied. |
+|  [unusedFromRoot(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [rename](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.rename() method
-Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
-rename(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Rename 'myplugin.oldKey' to 'myplugin.newKey'
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [rename](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.rename() method
+Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
+rename(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Rename 'myplugin.oldKey' to 'myplugin.newKey'
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [renameFromRoot](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.renameFromRoot() method
-Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
-This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead.
-renameFromRoot(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Rename 'oldplugin.key' to 'newplugin.key'
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ renameFromRoot }) => [
-  renameFromRoot('oldplugin.key', 'newplugin.key'),
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [renameFromRoot](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.renameFromRoot() method
+Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
+This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead.
+renameFromRoot(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Rename 'oldplugin.key' to 'newplugin.key'
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ renameFromRoot }) => [
+  renameFromRoot('oldplugin.key', 'newplugin.key'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unused](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unused() method
-Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
-unused(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Flags 'myplugin.deprecatedKey' as unused
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unused }) => [
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unused](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unused() method
+Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
+unused(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Flags 'myplugin.deprecatedKey' as unused
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unused }) => [
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unusedFromRoot](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unusedFromRoot() method
-Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
-This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead.
-unusedFromRoot(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Flags 'somepath.deprecatedProperty' as unused
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unusedFromRoot }) => [
-  unusedFromRoot('somepath.deprecatedProperty'),
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unusedFromRoot](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unusedFromRoot() method
+Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
+This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead.
+unusedFromRoot(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Flags 'somepath.deprecatedProperty' as unused
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unusedFromRoot }) => [
+  unusedFromRoot('somepath.deprecatedProperty'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./
-## ConfigDeprecationLogger type
-Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./
-export declare type ConfigDeprecationLogger = (message: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./
+## ConfigDeprecationLogger type
+Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./
+export declare type ConfigDeprecationLogger = (message: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./
-## ConfigDeprecationProvider type
-A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.
-See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples.
-export declare type ConfigDeprecationProvider = (factory: ConfigDeprecationFactory) => ConfigDeprecation[];
-## Example
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
-  myCustomDeprecation,
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./
+## ConfigDeprecationProvider type
+A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.
+See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples.
+export declare type ConfigDeprecationProvider = (factory: ConfigDeprecationFactory) => ConfigDeprecation[];
+## Example
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
+  myCustomDeprecation,
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigPath](./
-## ConfigPath type
-export declare type ConfigPath = string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigPath](./
+## ConfigPath type
+export declare type ConfigPath = string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
-## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
-Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
-createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
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+## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
+Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
+createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
-## ContextSetup interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface ContextSetup 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Example
-Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
-export interface VizRenderContext {
-  core: {
-    i18n: I18nStart;
-    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-  }
-  [contextName: string]: unknown;
-export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
-type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-class VizRenderingPlugin {
-  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
-  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
-        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
-    };
-  }
-  start(core) {
-    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
-    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
-      i18n: core.i18n,
-      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
-    }));
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
-        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
-          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
-        }
-        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
-        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
-        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
-        return handler(domElement);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
+## ContextSetup interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface ContextSetup 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Example
+Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
+export interface VizRenderContext {
+  core: {
+    i18n: I18nStart;
+    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+  }
+  [contextName: string]: unknown;
+export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
+type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+class VizRenderingPlugin {
+  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
+  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
+        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
+    };
+  }
+  start(core) {
+    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
+    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
+      i18n: core.i18n,
+      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
+    }));
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
+        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
+          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
+        }
+        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
+        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
+        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
+        return handler(domElement);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## CoreSetup.capabilities property
-capabilities: CapabilitiesSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## CoreSetup.capabilities property
+capabilities: CapabilitiesSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
-## CoreSetup.context property
-context: ContextSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
+## CoreSetup.context property
+context: ContextSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [elasticsearch](./
-## CoreSetup.elasticsearch property
-elasticsearch: ElasticsearchServiceSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [elasticsearch](./
+## CoreSetup.elasticsearch property
+elasticsearch: ElasticsearchServiceSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
-## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
-Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->. This should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed after `start` lifecycle.
-getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
-`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
+## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
+Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->. This should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed after `start` lifecycle.
+getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
+`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreSetup.http property
-http: HttpServiceSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreSetup.http property
+http: HttpServiceSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
-## CoreSetup interface
-Context passed to the plugins `setup` method.
-export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesSetup</code> | [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
-|  [elasticsearch](./ | <code>ElasticsearchServiceSetup</code> | [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpServiceSetup</code> | [HttpServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceSetup</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceSetup</code> | [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [uuid](./ | <code>UuidServiceSetup</code> | [UuidServiceSetup](./ |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. This should only be used inside handlers registered during <code>setup</code> that will only be executed after <code>start</code> lifecycle. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
+## CoreSetup interface
+Context passed to the plugins `setup` method.
+export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesSetup</code> | [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
+|  [elasticsearch](./ | <code>ElasticsearchServiceSetup</code> | [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpServiceSetup</code> | [HttpServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceSetup</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceSetup</code> | [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [uuid](./ | <code>UuidServiceSetup</code> | [UuidServiceSetup](./ |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. This should only be used inside handlers registered during <code>setup</code> that will only be executed after <code>start</code> lifecycle. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreSetup.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreSetup.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uuid](./
-## CoreSetup.uuid property
-uuid: UuidServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uuid](./
+## CoreSetup.uuid property
+uuid: UuidServiceSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## CoreStart.capabilities property
-capabilities: CapabilitiesStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## CoreStart.capabilities property
+capabilities: CapabilitiesStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
-## CoreStart interface
-Context passed to the plugins `start` method.
-export interface CoreStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesStart</code> | [CapabilitiesStart](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceStart</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceStart</code> | [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
+## CoreStart interface
+Context passed to the plugins `start` method.
+export interface CoreStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesStart</code> | [CapabilitiesStart](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceStart</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceStart</code> | [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreStart.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreStart.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreStart.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceStart;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreStart.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [DEFAULT](./
-## CspConfig.DEFAULT property
-static readonly DEFAULT: CspConfig;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [DEFAULT](./
+## CspConfig.DEFAULT property
+static readonly DEFAULT: CspConfig;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
-## CspConfig.header property
-readonly header: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
+## CspConfig.header property
+readonly header: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./
-## CspConfig class
-CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
-export declare class CspConfig implements ICspConfig 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CspConfig` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [DEFAULT](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>CspConfig</code> |  |
-|  [header](./ |  | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [rules](./ |  | <code>string[]</code> |  |
-|  [strict](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./
+## CspConfig class
+CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
+export declare class CspConfig implements ICspConfig 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CspConfig` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [DEFAULT](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>CspConfig</code> |  |
+|  [header](./ |  | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [rules](./ |  | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+|  [strict](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
-## CspConfig.rules property
-readonly rules: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
+## CspConfig.rules property
+readonly rules: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
-## CspConfig.strict property
-readonly strict: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
+## CspConfig.strict property
+readonly strict: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
-## CspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
-readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
+## CspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
+readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code.
-export interface CustomHttpResponseOptions<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>T</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code.
+export interface CustomHttpResponseOptions<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>T</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams interface
-export interface DeprecationAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/deprecations'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams interface
+export interface DeprecationAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/deprecations'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams.method property
-method: 'GET';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams.method property
+method: 'GET';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams.path property
-path: '/_migration/deprecations';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams.path property
+path: '/_migration/deprecations';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [cluster\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.cluster\_settings property
-cluster_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [cluster\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.cluster\_settings property
+cluster_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [index\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.index\_settings property
-index_settings: IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [index\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.index\_settings property
+index_settings: IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse interface
-export interface DeprecationAPIResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [cluster\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
-|  [index\_settings](./ | <code>IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo</code> |  |
-|  [ml\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
-|  [node\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse interface
+export interface DeprecationAPIResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [cluster\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
+|  [index\_settings](./ | <code>IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo</code> |  |
+|  [ml\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
+|  [node\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [ml\_settings](./
-##\_settings property
-ml_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [ml\_settings](./
+##\_settings property
+ml_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [node\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.node\_settings property
-node_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [node\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.node\_settings property
+node_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [details](./
-## DeprecationInfo.details property
-details?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [details](./
+## DeprecationInfo.details property
+details?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [level](./
-## DeprecationInfo.level property
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [level](./
+## DeprecationInfo.level property
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./
-## DeprecationInfo interface
-export interface DeprecationInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [details](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [level](./ | <code>MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL</code> |  |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./
+## DeprecationInfo interface
+export interface DeprecationInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [details](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [level](./ | <code>MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL</code> |  |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
-## DeprecationInfo.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
+## DeprecationInfo.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [url](./
-## DeprecationInfo.url property
-url: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [url](./
+## DeprecationInfo.url property
+url: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [docLinksKey](./
-## DeprecationSettings.docLinksKey property
-Key to documentation links
-docLinksKey: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [docLinksKey](./
+## DeprecationSettings.docLinksKey property
+Key to documentation links
+docLinksKey: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./
-## DeprecationSettings interface
-UiSettings deprecation field options.
-export interface DeprecationSettings 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [docLinksKey](./ | <code>string</code> | Key to documentation links |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> | Deprecation message |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./
+## DeprecationSettings interface
+UiSettings deprecation field options.
+export interface DeprecationSettings 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [docLinksKey](./ | <code>string</code> | Key to documentation links |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> | Deprecation message |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [message](./
-## DeprecationSettings.message property
-Deprecation message
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [message](./
+## DeprecationSettings.message property
+Deprecation message
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [configPath](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.configPath property
-Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
-readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [configPath](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin.configPath property
+Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
+readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-Identifier of the plugin.
-readonly id: PluginName;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+Identifier of the plugin.
+readonly id: PluginName;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin interface
-Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started.
-export interface DiscoveredPlugin 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. |
-|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
-|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin interface
+Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started.
+export interface DiscoveredPlugin 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. |
+|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
+|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.optionalPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
-readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin.optionalPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
+readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.requiredPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
-readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin.requiredPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
+readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./
-## ElasticsearchClientConfig type
-export declare type ElasticsearchClientConfig = Pick<ConfigOptions, 'keepAlive' | 'log' | 'plugins'> & Pick<ElasticsearchConfig, 'apiVersion' | 'customHeaders' | 'logQueries' | 'requestHeadersWhitelist' | 'sniffOnStart' | 'sniffOnConnectionFault' | 'hosts' | 'username' | 'password'> & {
-    pingTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['pingTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['pingTimeout'];
-    requestTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['requestTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['requestTimeout'];
-    sniffInterval?: ElasticsearchConfig['sniffInterval'] | ConfigOptions['sniffInterval'];
-    ssl?: Partial<ElasticsearchConfig['ssl']>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./
+## ElasticsearchClientConfig type
+export declare type ElasticsearchClientConfig = Pick<ConfigOptions, 'keepAlive' | 'log' | 'plugins'> & Pick<ElasticsearchConfig, 'apiVersion' | 'customHeaders' | 'logQueries' | 'requestHeadersWhitelist' | 'sniffOnStart' | 'sniffOnConnectionFault' | 'hosts' | 'username' | 'password'> & {
+    pingTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['pingTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['pingTimeout'];
+    requestTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['requestTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['requestTimeout'];
+    sniffInterval?: ElasticsearchConfig['sniffInterval'] | ConfigOptions['sniffInterval'];
+    ssl?: Partial<ElasticsearchConfig['ssl']>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./ &gt; [\[code\]](./
-## ElasticsearchError.\[code\] property
-[code]?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./ &gt; [\[code\]](./
+## ElasticsearchError.\[code\] property
+[code]?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./
-## ElasticsearchError interface
-export interface ElasticsearchError extends Boom 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\[code\]](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./
+## ElasticsearchError interface
+export interface ElasticsearchError extends Boom 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\[code\]](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateNotAuthorizedError](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
-static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): ElasticsearchError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
+static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): ElasticsearchError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isNotAuthorizedError](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
-static isNotAuthorizedError(error: any): error is ElasticsearchError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
-`error is ElasticsearchError`
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+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
+static isNotAuthorizedError(error: any): error is ElasticsearchError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
+`error is ElasticsearchError`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers class
-Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as `body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]`
-export declare class ElasticsearchErrorHelpers 
-## Example
-Handle errors
-try {
-  await client.asScoped(request).callAsCurrentUser(...);
-} catch (err) {
-  if (ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(err)) {
-    const authHeader = err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate'];
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers class
+Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as `body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]`
+export declare class ElasticsearchErrorHelpers 
+## Example
+Handle errors
+try {
+  await client.asScoped(request).callAsCurrentUser(...);
+} catch (err) {
+  if (ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(err)) {
+    const authHeader = err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate'];
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [adminClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.adminClient property
-A client for the `admin` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly adminClient: IClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = core.elasticsearch.adminClient;
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+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.adminClient property
+A client for the `admin` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly adminClient: IClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = core.elasticsearch.adminClient;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.createClient property
-Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly createClient: (type: string, clientConfig?: Partial<ElasticsearchClientConfig>) => ICustomClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = elasticsearch.createCluster('my-app-name', config);
-const data = await client.callAsInternalUser();
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+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.createClient property
+Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly createClient: (type: string, clientConfig?: Partial<ElasticsearchClientConfig>) => ICustomClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = elasticsearch.createCluster('my-app-name', config);
+const data = await client.callAsInternalUser();
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [dataClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.dataClient property
-A client for the `data` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly dataClient: IClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = core.elasticsearch.dataClient;
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+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.dataClient property
+A client for the `data` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly dataClient: IClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = core.elasticsearch.dataClient;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup interface
-export interface ElasticsearchServiceSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [adminClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>admin</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [createClient](./ | <code>(type: string, clientConfig?: Partial&lt;ElasticsearchClientConfig&gt;) =&gt; ICustomClusterClient</code> | Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [dataClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>data</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
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+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup interface
+export interface ElasticsearchServiceSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [adminClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>admin</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [createClient](./ | <code>(type: string, clientConfig?: Partial&lt;ElasticsearchClientConfig&gt;) =&gt; ICustomClusterClient</code> | Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [dataClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>data</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
-## property
-dev: boolean;
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+## property
+dev: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
-## EnvironmentMode interface
-export interface EnvironmentMode 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
-|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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+## EnvironmentMode interface
+export interface EnvironmentMode 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
+|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-## property
-name: 'development' | 'production';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: 'development' | 'production';
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-## property
-prod: boolean;
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+## property
+prod: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: ResponseError;
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+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: ResponseError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters
-export interface ErrorHttpResponseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>ResponseError</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters
+export interface ErrorHttpResponseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>ResponseError</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [FakeRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## FakeRequest.headers property
-Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch
-headers: Headers;
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+## FakeRequest.headers property
+Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch
+headers: Headers;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [FakeRequest](./
-## FakeRequest interface
-Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins.
-export interface FakeRequest 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>Headers</code> | Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch |
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+## FakeRequest interface
+Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins.
+export interface FakeRequest 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>Headers</code> | Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthHeaders](./
-## GetAuthHeaders type
-Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch.
-export declare type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined;
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+## GetAuthHeaders type
+Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch.
+export declare type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthState](./
-## GetAuthState type
-Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
-export declare type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
-    status: AuthStatus;
-    state: T;
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+## GetAuthState type
+Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
+export declare type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
+    status: AuthStatus;
+    state: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
-## HandlerContextType type
-Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
-export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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+## HandlerContextType type
+Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
+export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
-## HandlerFunction type
-A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
-export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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+## HandlerFunction type
+A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
+export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
-## HandlerParameters type
-Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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+## HandlerParameters type
+Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Headers](./
-## Headers type
-Http request headers to read.
-export declare type Headers = {
-    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[] | undefined;
-} & {
-    [header: string]: string | string[] | undefined;
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+## Headers type
+Http request headers to read.
+export declare type Headers = {
+    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[] | undefined;
+} & {
+    [header: string]: string | string[] | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: HttpResponsePayload;
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+## HttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: HttpResponsePayload;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./
-## HttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters
-export interface HttpResponseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>HttpResponsePayload</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./
+## HttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters
+export interface HttpResponseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>HttpResponsePayload</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponsePayload](./
-## HttpResponsePayload type
-Data send to the client as a response payload.
-export declare type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record<string, any> | Buffer | Stream;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponsePayload](./
+## HttpResponsePayload type
+Data send to the client as a response payload.
+export declare type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record<string, any> | Buffer | Stream;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [auth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.auth property
-auth: {
-        get: GetAuthState;
-        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [auth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.auth property
+auth: {
+        get: GetAuthState;
+        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.basePath property
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->.
-basePath: IBasePath;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.basePath property
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->.
+basePath: IBasePath;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.createCookieSessionStorageFactory property
-Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./
-createCookieSessionStorageFactory: <T>(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions<T>) => Promise<SessionStorageFactory<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.createCookieSessionStorageFactory property
+Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./
+createCookieSessionStorageFactory: <T>(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions<T>) => Promise<SessionStorageFactory<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createRouter](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.createRouter property
-Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method.
-createRouter: () => IRouter;
-## Remarks
-Each route can have only one handler function, which is executed when the route is matched. See the [IRouter](./ documentation for more information.
-## Example
-const router = createRouter();
-// handler is called when '/path' resource is requested with `GET` method
-router.get({ path: '/path', validate: false }, (context, req, res) => res.ok({ content: 'ok' }));
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createRouter](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.createRouter property
+Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method.
+createRouter: () => IRouter;
+## Remarks
+Each route can have only one handler function, which is executed when the route is matched. See the [IRouter](./ documentation for more information.
+## Example
+const router = createRouter();
+// handler is called when '/path' resource is requested with `GET` method
+router.get({ path: '/path', validate: false }, (context, req, res) => res.ok({ content: 'ok' }));
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [csp](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.csp property
-The CSP config used for Kibana.
-csp: ICspConfig;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [csp](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.csp property
+The CSP config used for Kibana.
+csp: ICspConfig;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [isTlsEnabled](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.isTlsEnabled property
-Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection.
-isTlsEnabled: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [isTlsEnabled](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.isTlsEnabled property
+Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection.
+isTlsEnabled: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./
-## HttpServiceSetup interface
-Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to `hapi` server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs.
-export interface HttpServiceSetup 
-## Example
-To handle an incoming request in your plugin you should: - Create a `Router` instance.
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-- Use `@kbn/config-schema` package to create a schema to validate the request `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, and `body`<!-- -->. Every incoming request will be validated against the created schema. If validation failed, the request is rejected with `400` status and `Bad request` error without calling the route's handler. To opt out of validating the request, specify `false`<!-- -->.
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-const validate = {
-  params: schema.object({
-    id: schema.string(),
-  }),
-- Declare a function to respond to incoming request. The function will receive `request` object containing request details: url, headers, matched route, as well as validated `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, `body`<!-- -->. And `response` object instructing HTTP server to create HTTP response with information sent back to the client as the response body, headers, and HTTP status. Unlike, `hapi` route handler in the Legacy platform, any exception raised during the handler call will generate `500 Server error` response and log error details for further investigation. See below for returning custom error responses.
-const handler = async (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest, response: ResponseFactory) => {
-  const data = await findObject(;
-  // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
-  if (!data) return response.notFound();
-  // creates a command to send found data to the client and set response headers
-  return response.ok({
-    body: data,
-    headers: {
-      'content-type': 'application/json'
-    }
-  });
-- Register route handler for GET request to 'path/<!-- -->{<!-- -->id<!-- -->}<!-- -->' path
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-const validate = {
-  params: schema.object({
-    id: schema.string(),
-  }),
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate
-async (context, request, response) => {
-  const data = await findObject(;
-  if (!data) return response.notFound();
-  return response.ok({
-    body: data,
-    headers: {
-      'content-type': 'application/json'
-    }
-  });
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [auth](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: GetAuthState;</code><br/><code>        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SessionStorageFactory&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./ |
-|  [createRouter](./ | <code>() =&gt; IRouter</code> | Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method. |
-|  [csp](./ | <code>ICspConfig</code> | The CSP config used for Kibana. |
-|  [isTlsEnabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection. |
-|  [registerAuth](./ | <code>(handler: AuthenticationHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPostAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPostAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPreAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPreResponse](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreResponseHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for the server response. |
-|  [registerRouteHandlerContext](./ | <code>&lt;T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext&gt;(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandlerContextContainer</code> | Register a context provider for a route handler. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./
+## HttpServiceSetup interface
+Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to `hapi` server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs.
+export interface HttpServiceSetup 
+## Example
+To handle an incoming request in your plugin you should: - Create a `Router` instance.
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+- Use `@kbn/config-schema` package to create a schema to validate the request `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, and `body`<!-- -->. Every incoming request will be validated against the created schema. If validation failed, the request is rejected with `400` status and `Bad request` error without calling the route's handler. To opt out of validating the request, specify `false`<!-- -->.
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+const validate = {
+  params: schema.object({
+    id: schema.string(),
+  }),
+- Declare a function to respond to incoming request. The function will receive `request` object containing request details: url, headers, matched route, as well as validated `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, `body`<!-- -->. And `response` object instructing HTTP server to create HTTP response with information sent back to the client as the response body, headers, and HTTP status. Unlike, `hapi` route handler in the Legacy platform, any exception raised during the handler call will generate `500 Server error` response and log error details for further investigation. See below for returning custom error responses.
+const handler = async (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest, response: ResponseFactory) => {
+  const data = await findObject(;
+  // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
+  if (!data) return response.notFound();
+  // creates a command to send found data to the client and set response headers
+  return response.ok({
+    body: data,
+    headers: {
+      'content-type': 'application/json'
+    }
+  });
+- Register route handler for GET request to 'path/<!-- -->{<!-- -->id<!-- -->}<!-- -->' path
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+const validate = {
+  params: schema.object({
+    id: schema.string(),
+  }),
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate
+async (context, request, response) => {
+  const data = await findObject(;
+  if (!data) return response.notFound();
+  return response.ok({
+    body: data,
+    headers: {
+      'content-type': 'application/json'
+    }
+  });
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [auth](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: GetAuthState;</code><br/><code>        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SessionStorageFactory&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./ |
+|  [createRouter](./ | <code>() =&gt; IRouter</code> | Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method. |
+|  [csp](./ | <code>ICspConfig</code> | The CSP config used for Kibana. |
+|  [isTlsEnabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection. |
+|  [registerAuth](./ | <code>(handler: AuthenticationHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPostAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPostAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPreAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPreResponse](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreResponseHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for the server response. |
+|  [registerRouteHandlerContext](./ | <code>&lt;T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext&gt;(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandlerContextContainer</code> | Register a context provider for a route handler. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerAuth property
-To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests.
-registerAuth: (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-A handler should return a state to associate with the incoming request. The state can be retrieved later via http.auth.get(..) Only one AuthenticationHandler can be registered. See [AuthenticationHandler](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerAuth property
+To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests.
+registerAuth: (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+A handler should return a state to associate with the incoming request. The state can be retrieved later via http.auth.get(..) Only one AuthenticationHandler can be registered. See [AuthenticationHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPostAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPostAuth property
-To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
-registerOnPostAuth: (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Runs the handler after Auth interceptor did make sure a user has access to the requested resource. The auth state is available at stage via http.auth.get(..) Can register any number of registerOnPreAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPostAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPostAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPostAuth property
+To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
+registerOnPostAuth: (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Runs the handler after Auth interceptor did make sure a user has access to the requested resource. The auth state is available at stage via http.auth.get(..) Can register any number of registerOnPreAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPostAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreAuth property
-To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
-registerOnPreAuth: (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Runs the handler before Auth interceptor performs a check that user has access to requested resources, so it's the only place when you can forward a request to another URL right on the server. Can register any number of registerOnPostAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPreAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreAuth property
+To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
+registerOnPreAuth: (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Runs the handler before Auth interceptor performs a check that user has access to requested resources, so it's the only place when you can forward a request to another URL right on the server. Can register any number of registerOnPostAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPreAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreResponse](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreResponse property
-To define custom logic to perform for the server response.
-registerOnPreResponse: (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Doesn't provide the whole response object. Supports extending response with custom headers. See [OnPreResponseHandler](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreResponse](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreResponse property
+To define custom logic to perform for the server response.
+registerOnPreResponse: (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Doesn't provide the whole response object. Supports extending response with custom headers. See [OnPreResponseHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerRouteHandlerContext](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerRouteHandlerContext property
-Register a context provider for a route handler.
-registerRouteHandlerContext: <T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext>(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider<T>) => RequestHandlerContextContainer;
-## Example
- // my-plugin.ts
- deps.http.registerRouteHandlerContext(
-   'myApp',
-   (context, req) => {
-    async function search (id: string) {
-      return await context.elasticsearch.adminClient.callAsInternalUser('endpoint', id);
-    }
-    return { search };
-   }
- );
-// my-route-handler.ts
- router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, async (context, req, res) => {
-   const response = await;
-   return res.ok(response);
- });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerRouteHandlerContext](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerRouteHandlerContext property
+Register a context provider for a route handler.
+registerRouteHandlerContext: <T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext>(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider<T>) => RequestHandlerContextContainer;
+## Example
+ // my-plugin.ts
+ deps.http.registerRouteHandlerContext(
+   'myApp',
+   (context, req) => {
+    async function search (id: string) {
+      return await context.elasticsearch.adminClient.callAsInternalUser('endpoint', id);
+    }
+    return { search };
+   }
+ );
+// my-route-handler.ts
+ router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, async (context, req, res) => {
+   const response = await;
+   return res.ok(response);
+ });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./ &gt; [isListening](./
-## HttpServiceStart.isListening property
-Indicates if http server is listening on a given port
-isListening: (port: number) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./ &gt; [isListening](./
+## HttpServiceStart.isListening property
+Indicates if http server is listening on a given port
+isListening: (port: number) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./
-## HttpServiceStart interface
-export interface HttpServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isListening](./ | <code>(port: number) =&gt; boolean</code> | Indicates if http server is listening on a given port |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./
+## HttpServiceStart interface
+export interface HttpServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isListening](./ | <code>(port: number) =&gt; boolean</code> | Indicates if http server is listening on a given port |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
-## IBasePath type
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
-export declare type IBasePath = Pick<BasePath, keyof BasePath>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
+## IBasePath type
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
+export declare type IBasePath = Pick<BasePath, keyof BasePath>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IClusterClient](./
-## IClusterClient type
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'asScoped'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IClusterClient](./
+## IClusterClient type
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'asScoped'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
-## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
-Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
-createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
-|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
-`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
-A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
+## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
+Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
+createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
+|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
+`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
+A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
-## IContextContainer interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
-|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
+## IContextContainer interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
+|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
-## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
-Register a new context provider.
-registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
-|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
-The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
-## Remarks
-The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
-Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
+## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
+Register a new context provider.
+registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
+|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
+The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
+## Remarks
+The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
+Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
-## IContextProvider type
-A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
-export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
-## Remarks
-This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
+## IContextProvider type
+A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
+export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
+## Remarks
+This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
-## ICspConfig.header property
-The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a `Content-Security-Policy` header.
-readonly header: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
+## ICspConfig.header property
+The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a `Content-Security-Policy` header.
+readonly header: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./
-## ICspConfig interface
-CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
-export interface ICspConfig 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [header](./ | <code>string</code> | The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a <code>Content-Security-Policy</code> header. |
-|  [rules](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The CSP rules used for Kibana. |
-|  [strict](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use <code>true</code> to block and <code>false</code> to allow. |
-|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./
+## ICspConfig interface
+CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
+export interface ICspConfig 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [header](./ | <code>string</code> | The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a <code>Content-Security-Policy</code> header. |
+|  [rules](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The CSP rules used for Kibana. |
+|  [strict](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use <code>true</code> to block and <code>false</code> to allow. |
+|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
-## ICspConfig.rules property
-The CSP rules used for Kibana.
-readonly rules: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
+## ICspConfig.rules property
+The CSP rules used for Kibana.
+readonly rules: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
-## ICspConfig.strict property
-Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use `true` to block and `false` to allow.
-readonly strict: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
+## ICspConfig.strict property
+Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use `true` to block and `false` to allow.
+readonly strict: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
-## ICspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
-Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance.
-readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
+## ICspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
+Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance.
+readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICustomClusterClient](./
-## ICustomClusterClient type
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ICustomClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'close' | 'asScoped'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICustomClusterClient](./
+## ICustomClusterClient type
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ICustomClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'close' | 'asScoped'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./
-## IKibanaResponse interface
-A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution
-export interface IKibanaResponse<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [options](./ | <code>HttpResponseOptions</code> |  |
-|  [payload](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [status](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./
+## IKibanaResponse interface
+A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution
+export interface IKibanaResponse<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [options](./ | <code>HttpResponseOptions</code> |  |
+|  [payload](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [status](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [options](./
-## IKibanaResponse.options property
-readonly options: HttpResponseOptions;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [options](./
+## IKibanaResponse.options property
+readonly options: HttpResponseOptions;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [payload](./
-## IKibanaResponse.payload property
-readonly payload?: T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [payload](./
+## IKibanaResponse.payload property
+readonly payload?: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [status](./
-## IKibanaResponse.status property
-readonly status: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [status](./
+## IKibanaResponse.status property
+readonly status: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorizationError](./
-## IKibanaSocket.authorizationError property
-The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when `authorized` is `false`<!-- -->.
-readonly authorizationError?: Error;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorizationError](./
+## IKibanaSocket.authorizationError property
+The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when `authorized` is `false`<!-- -->.
+readonly authorizationError?: Error;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorized](./
-## IKibanaSocket.authorized property
-Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is `undefined`<!-- -->.
-readonly authorized?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorized](./
+## IKibanaSocket.authorized property
+Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is `undefined`<!-- -->.
+readonly authorized?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>true</code> |  |
-`DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>true</code> |  |
+`DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-getPeerCertificate(detailed: false): PeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>false</code> |  |
-`PeerCertificate | null`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+getPeerCertificate(detailed: false): PeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>false</code> |  |
+`PeerCertificate | null`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null.
-getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>boolean</code> | If true; the full chain with issuer property will be returned. |
-`PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
-An object representing the peer's certificate.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null.
+getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>boolean</code> | If true; the full chain with issuer property will be returned. |
+`PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
+An object representing the peer's certificate.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./
-## IKibanaSocket interface
-A tiny abstraction for TCP socket.
-export interface IKibanaSocket 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authorizationError](./ | <code>Error</code> | The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when <code>authorized</code> is <code>false</code>. |
-|  [authorized](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is <code>undefined</code>. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ | Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./
+## IKibanaSocket interface
+A tiny abstraction for TCP socket.
+export interface IKibanaSocket 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authorizationError](./ | <code>Error</code> | The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when <code>authorized</code> is <code>false</code>. |
+|  [authorized](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is <code>undefined</code>. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ | Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
-## ImageValidation.maxSize property
-maxSize: {
-        length: number;
-        description: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
+## ImageValidation.maxSize property
+maxSize: {
+        length: number;
+        description: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
-## ImageValidation interface
-export interface ImageValidation 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+## ImageValidation interface
+export interface ImageValidation 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./
-## IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo interface
-export interface IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./
+## IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo interface
+export interface IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./ &gt; [includeUserSettings](./
-## IRenderOptions.includeUserSettings property
-Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. `true` by default.
-includeUserSettings?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./ &gt; [includeUserSettings](./
+## IRenderOptions.includeUserSettings property
+Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. `true` by default.
+includeUserSettings?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./
-## IRenderOptions interface
-export interface IRenderOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [includeUserSettings](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. <code>true</code> by default. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./
+## IRenderOptions interface
+export interface IRenderOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [includeUserSettings](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. <code>true</code> by default. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## IRouter.delete property
-Register a route handler for `DELETE` request.
-delete: RouteRegistrar<'delete'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## IRouter.delete property
+Register a route handler for `DELETE` request.
+delete: RouteRegistrar<'delete'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IRouter.get property
-Register a route handler for `GET` request.
-get: RouteRegistrar<'get'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IRouter.get property
+Register a route handler for `GET` request.
+get: RouteRegistrar<'get'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [handleLegacyErrors](./
-## IRouter.handleLegacyErrors property
-Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors.
-handleLegacyErrors: <P, Q, B>(handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B>) => RequestHandler<P, Q, B>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [handleLegacyErrors](./
+## IRouter.handleLegacyErrors property
+Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors.
+handleLegacyErrors: <P, Q, B>(handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B>) => RequestHandler<P, Q, B>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./
-## IRouter interface
-Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations.
-export interface IRouter 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [delete](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'delete'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>DELETE</code> request. |
-|  [get](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'get'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>GET</code> request. |
-|  [handleLegacyErrors](./ | <code>&lt;P, Q, B&gt;(handler: RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;</code> | Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors. |
-|  [patch](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'patch'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PATCH</code> request. |
-|  [post](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'post'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>POST</code> request. |
-|  [put](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'put'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PUT</code> request. |
-|  [routerPath](./ | <code>string</code> | Resulted path |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./
+## IRouter interface
+Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations.
+export interface IRouter 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [delete](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'delete'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>DELETE</code> request. |
+|  [get](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'get'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>GET</code> request. |
+|  [handleLegacyErrors](./ | <code>&lt;P, Q, B&gt;(handler: RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;</code> | Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors. |
+|  [patch](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'patch'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PATCH</code> request. |
+|  [post](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'post'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>POST</code> request. |
+|  [put](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'put'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PUT</code> request. |
+|  [routerPath](./ | <code>string</code> | Resulted path |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [patch](./
-## IRouter.patch property
-Register a route handler for `PATCH` request.
-patch: RouteRegistrar<'patch'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [patch](./
+## IRouter.patch property
+Register a route handler for `PATCH` request.
+patch: RouteRegistrar<'patch'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [post](./
-## property
-Register a route handler for `POST` request.
-post: RouteRegistrar<'post'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [post](./
+## property
+Register a route handler for `POST` request.
+post: RouteRegistrar<'post'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [put](./
-## IRouter.put property
-Register a route handler for `PUT` request.
-put: RouteRegistrar<'put'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [put](./
+## IRouter.put property
+Register a route handler for `PUT` request.
+put: RouteRegistrar<'put'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [routerPath](./
-## IRouter.routerPath property
-Resulted path
-routerPath: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [routerPath](./
+## IRouter.routerPath property
+Resulted path
+routerPath: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IsAuthenticated](./
-## IsAuthenticated type
-Returns authentication status for a request.
-export declare type IsAuthenticated = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IsAuthenticated](./
+## IsAuthenticated type
+Returns authentication status for a request.
+export declare type IsAuthenticated = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ISavedObjectsRepository](./
-## ISavedObjectsRepository type
-See [SavedObjectsRepository](./
-export declare type ISavedObjectsRepository = Pick<SavedObjectsRepository, keyof SavedObjectsRepository>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ISavedObjectsRepository](./
+## ISavedObjectsRepository type
+See [SavedObjectsRepository](./
+export declare type ISavedObjectsRepository = Pick<SavedObjectsRepository, keyof SavedObjectsRepository>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedClusterClient](./
-## IScopedClusterClient type
-Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
-See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IScopedClusterClient = Pick<ScopedClusterClient, 'callAsCurrentUser' | 'callAsInternalUser'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedClusterClient](./
+## IScopedClusterClient type
+Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
+See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IScopedClusterClient = Pick<ScopedClusterClient, 'callAsCurrentUser' | 'callAsInternalUser'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./
-## IScopedRenderingClient interface
-export interface IScopedRenderingClient 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [render(options)](./ | Generate a <code>KibanaResponse</code> which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the <code>core</code> bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./
+## IScopedRenderingClient interface
+export interface IScopedRenderingClient 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [render(options)](./ | Generate a <code>KibanaResponse</code> which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the <code>core</code> bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./ &gt; [render](./
-## IScopedRenderingClient.render() method
-Generate a `KibanaResponse` which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the `core` bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers.
-render(options?: Pick<IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'>): Promise<string>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  options | <code>Pick&lt;IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-  { path: '/', validate: false },
-  (context, request, response) =>
-    response.ok({
-      body: await context.core.rendering.render(),
-      headers: {
-        'content-security-policy': context.core.http.csp.header,
-      },
-    })
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./ &gt; [render](./
+## IScopedRenderingClient.render() method
+Generate a `KibanaResponse` which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the `core` bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers.
+render(options?: Pick<IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'>): Promise<string>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  options | <code>Pick&lt;IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+  { path: '/', validate: false },
+  (context, request, response) =>
+    response.ok({
+      body: await context.core.rendering.render(),
+      headers: {
+        'content-security-policy': context.core.http.csp.header,
+      },
+    })
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get property
-Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
-get: <T = any>(key: string) => Promise<T>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get property
+Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
+get: <T = any>(key: string) => Promise<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
-Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
-getAll: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
+Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
+getAll: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getRegistered](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getRegistered property
-Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./
-getRegistered: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getRegistered](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getRegistered property
+Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./
+getRegistered: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUserProvided](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUserProvided property
-Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user.
-getUserProvided: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, UserProvidedValues<T>>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUserProvided](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUserProvided property
+Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user.
+getUserProvided: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, UserProvidedValues<T>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
-Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
-isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
+Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
+isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
-## IUiSettingsClient interface
-Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI.
-export interface IUiSettingsClient 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;T&gt;</code> | Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
-|  [getAll](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, T&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
-|  [getRegistered](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./ |
-|  [getUserProvided](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, UserProvidedValues&lt;T&gt;&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user. |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes uiSettings value by key. |
-|  [removeMany](./ | <code>(keys: string[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys. |
-|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user. |
-|  [setMany](./ | <code>(changes: Record&lt;string, any&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
+## IUiSettingsClient interface
+Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI.
+export interface IUiSettingsClient 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;T&gt;</code> | Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
+|  [getAll](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, T&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
+|  [getRegistered](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./ |
+|  [getUserProvided](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, UserProvidedValues&lt;T&gt;&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user. |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes uiSettings value by key. |
+|  [removeMany](./ | <code>(keys: string[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys. |
+|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user. |
+|  [setMany](./ | <code>(changes: Record&lt;string, any&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
-Removes uiSettings value by key.
-remove: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
+Removes uiSettings value by key.
+remove: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [removeMany](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.removeMany property
-Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys.
-removeMany: (keys: string[]) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [removeMany](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.removeMany property
+Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys.
+removeMany: (keys: string[]) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.set property
-Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user.
-set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.set property
+Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user.
+set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<void>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [setMany](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.setMany property
-Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user.
-setMany: (changes: Record<string, any>) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [setMany](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.setMany property
+Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user.
+setMany: (changes: Record<string, any>) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## KibanaRequest.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `KibanaRequest` class
-constructor(request: Request, params: Params, query: Query, body: Body, withoutSecretHeaders: boolean);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  params | <code>Params</code> |  |
-|  query | <code>Query</code> |  |
-|  body | <code>Body</code> |  |
-|  withoutSecretHeaders | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## KibanaRequest.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `KibanaRequest` class
+constructor(request: Request, params: Params, query: Query, body: Body, withoutSecretHeaders: boolean);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  params | <code>Params</code> |  |
+|  query | <code>Query</code> |  |
+|  body | <code>Body</code> |  |
+|  withoutSecretHeaders | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [body](./
-## KibanaRequest.body property
-readonly body: Body;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [body](./
+## KibanaRequest.body property
+readonly body: Body;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [events](./
-## property
-Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./
-readonly events: KibanaRequestEvents;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [events](./
+## property
+Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./
+readonly events: KibanaRequestEvents;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## KibanaRequest.headers property
-Readonly copy of incoming request headers.
-readonly headers: Headers;
-## Remarks
-This property will contain a `filtered` copy of request headers.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## KibanaRequest.headers property
+Readonly copy of incoming request headers.
+readonly headers: Headers;
+## Remarks
+This property will contain a `filtered` copy of request headers.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [isSystemRequest](./
-## KibanaRequest.isSystemRequest property
-Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the `HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest` option.
-readonly isSystemRequest: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [isSystemRequest](./
+## KibanaRequest.isSystemRequest property
+Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the `HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest` option.
+readonly isSystemRequest: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./
-## KibanaRequest class
-Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request.
-export declare class KibanaRequest<Params = unknown, Query = unknown, Body = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(request, params, query, body, withoutSecretHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>KibanaRequest</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ |  | <code>Body</code> |  |
-|  [events](./ |  | <code>KibanaRequestEvents</code> | Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./ |
-|  [headers](./ |  | <code>Headers</code> | Readonly copy of incoming request headers. |
-|  [isSystemRequest](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the <code>HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest</code> option. |
-|  [params](./ |  | <code>Params</code> |  |
-|  [query](./ |  | <code>Query</code> |  |
-|  [route](./ |  | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;KibanaRequestRoute&lt;Method&gt;&gt;</code> | matched route details |
-|  [socket](./ |  | <code>IKibanaSocket</code> | [IKibanaSocket](./ |
-|  [url](./ |  | <code>Url</code> | a WHATWG URL standard object. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./
+## KibanaRequest class
+Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request.
+export declare class KibanaRequest<Params = unknown, Query = unknown, Body = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(request, params, query, body, withoutSecretHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>KibanaRequest</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ |  | <code>Body</code> |  |
+|  [events](./ |  | <code>KibanaRequestEvents</code> | Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./ |
+|  [headers](./ |  | <code>Headers</code> | Readonly copy of incoming request headers. |
+|  [isSystemRequest](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the <code>HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest</code> option. |
+|  [params](./ |  | <code>Params</code> |  |
+|  [query](./ |  | <code>Query</code> |  |
+|  [route](./ |  | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;KibanaRequestRoute&lt;Method&gt;&gt;</code> | matched route details |
+|  [socket](./ |  | <code>IKibanaSocket</code> | [IKibanaSocket](./ |
+|  [url](./ |  | <code>Url</code> | a WHATWG URL standard object. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [params](./
-## KibanaRequest.params property
-readonly params: Params;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [params](./
+## KibanaRequest.params property
+readonly params: Params;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [query](./
-## KibanaRequest.query property
-readonly query: Query;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [query](./
+## KibanaRequest.query property
+readonly query: Query;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [route](./
-## KibanaRequest.route property
-matched route details
-readonly route: RecursiveReadonly<KibanaRequestRoute<Method>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [route](./
+## KibanaRequest.route property
+matched route details
+readonly route: RecursiveReadonly<KibanaRequestRoute<Method>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [socket](./
-## KibanaRequest.socket property
-readonly socket: IKibanaSocket;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [socket](./
+## KibanaRequest.socket property
+readonly socket: IKibanaSocket;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [url](./
-## KibanaRequest.url property
-a WHATWG URL standard object.
-readonly url: Url;
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+## KibanaRequest.url property
+a WHATWG URL standard object.
+readonly url: Url;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./ &gt; [aborted$](./
-## KibanaRequestEvents.aborted$ property
-Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted.
-aborted$: Observable<void>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./ &gt; [aborted$](./
+## KibanaRequestEvents.aborted$ property
+Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted.
+aborted$: Observable<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./
-## KibanaRequestEvents interface
-Request events.
-export interface KibanaRequestEvents 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [aborted$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;void&gt;</code> | Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./
+## KibanaRequestEvents interface
+Request events.
+export interface KibanaRequestEvents 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [aborted$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;void&gt;</code> | Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute interface
-Request specific route information exposed to a handler.
-export interface KibanaRequestRoute<Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>Method</code> |  |
-|  [options](./ | <code>KibanaRequestRouteOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute interface
+Request specific route information exposed to a handler.
+export interface KibanaRequestRoute<Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>Method</code> |  |
+|  [options](./ | <code>KibanaRequestRouteOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [method](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.method property
-method: Method;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [method](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute.method property
+method: Method;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [options](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.options property
-options: KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [options](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute.options property
+options: KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [path](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.path property
-path: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [path](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute.path property
+path: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./
-## KibanaRequestRouteOptions type
-Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned.
-export declare type KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> = Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? Required<Omit<RouteConfigOptions<Method>, 'body'>> : Required<RouteConfigOptions<Method>>;
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+## KibanaRequestRouteOptions type
+Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned.
+export declare type KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> = Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? Required<Omit<RouteConfigOptions<Method>, 'body'>> : Required<RouteConfigOptions<Method>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [kibanaResponseFactory](./
-## kibanaResponseFactory variable
-Set of helpers used to create `KibanaResponse` to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution.
-kibanaResponseFactory: {
-    custom: <T extends string | Error | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any> | {
-        message: string | Error;
-        attributes?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
-    } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<T>) => KibanaResponse<T>;
-    badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<ResponseError>) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<undefined>;
-## Example
-1. Successful response. Supported types of response body are: - `undefined`<!-- -->, no content to send. - `string`<!-- -->, send text - `JSON`<!-- -->, send JSON object, HTTP server will throw if given object is not valid (has circular references, for example) - `Stream` send data stream - `Buffer` send binary stream
-return response.ok();
-return response.ok({ body: 'ack' });
-return response.ok({ body: { id: '1' } });
-return response.ok({ body: Buffer.from(...) });
-const stream = new Stream.PassThrough();
-return res.ok({ body: stream });
-HTTP headers are configurable via response factory parameter `options` [HttpResponseOptions](./<!-- -->.
-return response.ok({
-  body: { id: '1' },
-  headers: {
-    'content-type': 'application/json'
-  }
-2. Redirection response. Redirection URL is configures via 'Location' header.
-return response.redirected({
-  body: 'The document has moved',
-  headers: {
-   location: '/new-url',
-  },
-3. Error response. You may pass an error message to the client, where error message can be: - `string` send message text - `Error` send the message text of given Error object. - `{ message: string | Error, attributes: {data: Record<string, any>, ...} }` - send message text and attach additional error data.
-return response.unauthorized({
-  body: 'User has no access to the requested resource.',
-  headers: {
-    'WWW-Authenticate': 'challenge',
-  }
-return response.badRequest();
-return response.badRequest({ body: 'validation error' });
-try {
-  // ...
-} catch(error){
-  return response.badRequest({ body: error });
-return response.badRequest({
- body:{
-   message: 'validation error',
-   attributes: {
-     requestBody: request.body,
-     failedFields: validationResult
-   }
- }
-try {
-  // ...
-} catch(error) {
-  return response.badRequest({
-    body: error
-  });
-4. Custom response. `ResponseFactory` may not cover your use case, so you can use the `custom` function to customize the response.
-return response.custom({
-  body: 'ok',
-  statusCode: 201,
-  headers: {
-    location: '/created-url'
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [kibanaResponseFactory](./
+## kibanaResponseFactory variable
+Set of helpers used to create `KibanaResponse` to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution.
+kibanaResponseFactory: {
+    custom: <T extends string | Error | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any> | {
+        message: string | Error;
+        attributes?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
+    } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<T>) => KibanaResponse<T>;
+    badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<ResponseError>) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<undefined>;
+## Example
+1. Successful response. Supported types of response body are: - `undefined`<!-- -->, no content to send. - `string`<!-- -->, send text - `JSON`<!-- -->, send JSON object, HTTP server will throw if given object is not valid (has circular references, for example) - `Stream` send data stream - `Buffer` send binary stream
+return response.ok();
+return response.ok({ body: 'ack' });
+return response.ok({ body: { id: '1' } });
+return response.ok({ body: Buffer.from(...) });
+const stream = new Stream.PassThrough();
+return res.ok({ body: stream });
+HTTP headers are configurable via response factory parameter `options` [HttpResponseOptions](./<!-- -->.
+return response.ok({
+  body: { id: '1' },
+  headers: {
+    'content-type': 'application/json'
+  }
+2. Redirection response. Redirection URL is configures via 'Location' header.
+return response.redirected({
+  body: 'The document has moved',
+  headers: {
+   location: '/new-url',
+  },
+3. Error response. You may pass an error message to the client, where error message can be: - `string` send message text - `Error` send the message text of given Error object. - `{ message: string | Error, attributes: {data: Record<string, any>, ...} }` - send message text and attach additional error data.
+return response.unauthorized({
+  body: 'User has no access to the requested resource.',
+  headers: {
+    'WWW-Authenticate': 'challenge',
+  }
+return response.badRequest();
+return response.badRequest({ body: 'validation error' });
+try {
+  // ...
+} catch(error){
+  return response.badRequest({ body: error });
+return response.badRequest({
+ body:{
+   message: 'validation error',
+   attributes: {
+     requestBody: request.body,
+     failedFields: validationResult
+   }
+ }
+try {
+  // ...
+} catch(error) {
+  return response.badRequest({
+    body: error
+  });
+4. Custom response. `ResponseFactory` may not cover your use case, so you can use the `custom` function to customize the response.
+return response.custom({
+  body: 'ok',
+  statusCode: 201,
+  headers: {
+    location: '/created-url'
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KnownHeaders](./
-## KnownHeaders type
-Set of well-known HTTP headers.
-export declare type KnownHeaders = KnownKeys<IncomingHttpHeaders>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KnownHeaders](./
+## KnownHeaders type
+Set of well-known HTTP headers.
+export declare type KnownHeaders = KnownKeys<IncomingHttpHeaders>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyRequest](./
-## LegacyRequest interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> `hapi` request object, supported during migration process only for backward compatibility.
-export interface LegacyRequest extends Request 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyRequest](./
+## LegacyRequest interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> `hapi` request object, supported during migration process only for backward compatibility.
+export interface LegacyRequest extends Request 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.core property
-core: LegacyCoreSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.core property
+core: LegacyCoreSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-export interface LegacyServiceSetupDeps 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreSetup</code> |  |
-|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./
+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+export interface LegacyServiceSetupDeps 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreSetup</code> |  |
+|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.plugins property
-plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.plugins property
+plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps.core property
-core: LegacyCoreStart;
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+## LegacyServiceStartDeps.core property
+core: LegacyCoreStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-export interface LegacyServiceStartDeps 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreStart</code> |  |
-|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./
+## LegacyServiceStartDeps interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+export interface LegacyServiceStartDeps 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreStart</code> |  |
+|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps.plugins property
-plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
+## LegacyServiceStartDeps.plugins property
+plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LifecycleResponseFactory](./
-## LifecycleResponseFactory type
-Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client.
-export declare type LifecycleResponseFactory = typeof lifecycleResponseFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LifecycleResponseFactory](./
+## LifecycleResponseFactory type
+Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client.
+export declare type LifecycleResponseFactory = typeof lifecycleResponseFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [debug](./
-## Logger.debug() method
-Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation
-debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [debug](./
+## Logger.debug() method
+Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation
+debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [error](./
-## Logger.error() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow
-error(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [error](./
+## Logger.error() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow
+error(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [fatal](./
-## Logger.fatal() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure
-fatal(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [fatal](./
+## Logger.fatal() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure
+fatal(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [get](./
-## Logger.get() method
-Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context.
-get(...childContextPaths: string[]): Logger;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  childContextPaths | <code>string[]</code> |  |
-## Example
-const logger = loggerFactory.get('plugin', 'service'); // 'plugin.service' context
-const subLogger = logger.get('feature'); // 'plugin.service.feature' context
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [get](./
+## Logger.get() method
+Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context.
+get(...childContextPaths: string[]): Logger;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  childContextPaths | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+## Example
+const logger = loggerFactory.get('plugin', 'service'); // 'plugin.service' context
+const subLogger = logger.get('feature'); // 'plugin.service.feature' context
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [info](./
-## method
-Logs messages related to general application flow
-info(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [info](./
+## method
+Logs messages related to general application flow
+info(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./
-## Logger interface
-Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins.
-export interface Logger 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [debug(message, meta)](./ | Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation |
-|  [error(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow |
-|  [fatal(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure |
-|  [get(childContextPaths)](./ | Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context. |
-|  [info(message, meta)](./ | Logs messages related to general application flow |
-|  [trace(message, meta)](./ | Log messages at the most detailed log level |
-|  [warn(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages |
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+## Logger interface
+Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins.
+export interface Logger 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [debug(message, meta)](./ | Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation |
+|  [error(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow |
+|  [fatal(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure |
+|  [get(childContextPaths)](./ | Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context. |
+|  [info(message, meta)](./ | Logs messages related to general application flow |
+|  [trace(message, meta)](./ | Log messages at the most detailed log level |
+|  [warn(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [trace](./
-## Logger.trace() method
-Log messages at the most detailed log level
-trace(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [trace](./
+## Logger.trace() method
+Log messages at the most detailed log level
+trace(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [warn](./
-## Logger.warn() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages
-warn(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [warn](./
+## Logger.warn() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages
+warn(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./ &gt; [get](./
-## LoggerFactory.get() method
-Returns a `Logger` instance for the specified context.
-get(...contextParts: string[]): Logger;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextParts | <code>string[]</code> | Parts of the context to return logger for. For example get('plugins', 'pid') will return a logger for the <code></code> context. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./ &gt; [get](./
+## LoggerFactory.get() method
+Returns a `Logger` instance for the specified context.
+get(...contextParts: string[]): Logger;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextParts | <code>string[]</code> | Parts of the context to return logger for. For example get('plugins', 'pid') will return a logger for the <code></code> context. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./
-## LoggerFactory interface
-The single purpose of `LoggerFactory` interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance.
-export interface LoggerFactory 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [get(contextParts)](./ | Returns a <code>Logger</code> instance for the specified context. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./
+## LoggerFactory interface
+The single purpose of `LoggerFactory` interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance.
+export interface LoggerFactory 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [get(contextParts)](./ | Returns a <code>Logger</code> instance for the specified context. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LogMeta](./
-## LogMeta interface
-Contextual metadata
-export interface LogMeta 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LogMeta](./
+## LogMeta interface
+Contextual metadata
+export interface LogMeta 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./
-## kibana-plugin-server package
-The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.
-A plugin requires a `kibana.json` file at it's root directory that follows [the manfiest schema](./ to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.
-A plugin's `server/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
-The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
-## Classes
-|  Class | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [BasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path |
-|  [ClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [CspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
-|  [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ | Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as <code>body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]</code> |
-|  [KibanaRequest](./ | Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request. |
-|  [RouteValidationError](./ | Error to return when the validation is not successful. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |  |
-|  [ScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-## Enumerations
-|  Enumeration | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AuthResultType](./ |  |
-|  [AuthStatus](./ | Status indicating an outcome of the authentication. |
-## Interfaces
-|  Interface | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [APICaller](./ |  |
-|  [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ |  |
-|  [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ |  |
-|  [Authenticated](./ |  |
-|  [AuthResultParams](./ | Result of an incoming request authentication. |
-|  [AuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [CallAPIOptions](./ | The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed. |
-|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
-|  [CapabilitiesSetup](./ | APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.<!-- -->Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the <code>registerProvider</code> method.<!-- -->Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the <code>registerSwitcher</code> method.<!-- -->Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples. |
-|  [CapabilitiesStart](./ | APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ | Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See methods documentation for more detailed examples. |
-|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [CoreSetup](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>setup</code> method. |
-|  [CoreStart](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>start</code> method. |
-|  [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code. |
-|  [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationInfo](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationSettings](./ | UiSettings deprecation field options. |
-|  [DiscoveredPlugin](./ | Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started. |
-|  [ElasticsearchError](./ |  |
-|  [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
-|  [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
-|  [FakeRequest](./ | Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins. |
-|  [HttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
-|  [HttpServiceSetup](./ | Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to <code>hapi</code> server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs. |
-|  [HttpServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [ICspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
-|  [IKibanaResponse](./ | A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution |
-|  [IKibanaSocket](./ | A tiny abstraction for TCP socket. |
-|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
-|  [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./ |  |
-|  [IRenderOptions](./ |  |
-|  [IRouter](./ | Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations. |
-|  [IScopedRenderingClient](./ |  |
-|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. |
-|  [KibanaRequestEvents](./ | Request events. |
-|  [KibanaRequestRoute](./ | Request specific route information exposed to a handler. |
-|  [LegacyRequest](./ |  |
-|  [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ |  |
-|  [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ |  |
-|  [Logger](./ | Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins. |
-|  [LoggerFactory](./ | The single purpose of <code>LoggerFactory</code> interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance. |
-|  [LogMeta](./ | Contextual metadata |
-|  [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ | Additional data to extend a response. |
-|  [OnPreResponseInfo](./ | Response status code. |
-|  [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
-|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
-|  [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ | Describes a plugin configuration properties. |
-|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage. |
-|  [PluginManifest](./ | Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file. |
-|  [PluginsServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [PluginsServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [RequestHandlerContext](./ | Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.<!-- -->Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request |
-|  [RouteConfig](./ | Route specific configuration. |
-|  [RouteConfigOptions](./ | Additional route options. |
-|  [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ | Additional body options for a route |
-|  [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ | Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [RouteValidatorConfig](./ | The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set <code>params</code>, <code>query</code> and/or <code>body</code> to specify the validation logic to follow for that property. |
-|  [RouteValidatorOptions](./ | Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour. |
-|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ | Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ | Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance. |
-|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ | Options controlling the export operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ | Structure of the export result details entry |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ | Options to control the import operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
-|  [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ | A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index. |
-|  [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ | Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ | Options to control the "resolve import" operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers. |
-|  [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects. |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ | Return type from a function to validate cookie contents. |
-|  [SessionStorage](./ | Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests. |
-|  [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ | Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism. |
-|  [SessionStorageFactory](./ | SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request |
-|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
-|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
-|  [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
-|  [UuidServiceSetup](./ | APIs to access the application's instance uuid. |
-## Variables
-|  Variable | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibanaResponseFactory](./ | Set of helpers used to create <code>KibanaResponse</code> to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution. |
-|  [validBodyOutput](./ | The set of valid body.output |
-## Type Aliases
-|  Type Alias | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AuthenticationHandler](./ | See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AuthHeaders](./ | Auth Headers map |
-|  [AuthResult](./ |  |
-|  [CapabilitiesProvider](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [ConfigDeprecation](./ | Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration. |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./ | Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./ |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ | A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples. |
-|  [ConfigPath](./ |  |
-|  [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./ |  |
-|  [GetAuthHeaders](./ | Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch. |
-|  [GetAuthState](./ | Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by <code>auth</code> interceptor. |
-|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
-|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
-|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [Headers](./ | Http request headers to read. |
-|  [HttpResponsePayload](./ | Data send to the client as a response payload. |
-|  [IBasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path[BasePath](./ |
-|  [IClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
-|  [ICustomClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IsAuthenticated](./ | Returns authentication status for a request. |
-|  [ISavedObjectsRepository](./ | See [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |
-|  [IScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./ | Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned. |
-|  [KibanaResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing request response payload, HTTP headers, error details, and other data transmitted to the client. |
-|  [KnownHeaders](./ | Set of well-known HTTP headers. |
-|  [LifecycleResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client. |
-|  [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./ | Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation |
-|  [OnPostAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [OnPreAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [OnPreResponseHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [PluginConfigSchema](./ | Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema. |
-|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>server</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
-|  [PluginName](./ | Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious. |
-|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
-|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
-|  [RedirectResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for redirection response |
-|  [RequestHandler](./ | A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions. |
-|  [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of http request context providers. |
-|  [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./ | Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data. |
-|  [ResponseError](./ | Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error. |
-|  [ResponseErrorAttributes](./ | Additional data to provide error details. |
-|  [ResponseHeaders](./ | Http response headers to set. |
-|  [RouteContentType](./ | The set of supported parseable Content-Types |
-|  [RouteMethod](./ | The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing. |
-|  [RouteRegistrar](./ | Route handler common definition |
-|  [RouteValidationFunction](./ | The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements. |
-|  [RouteValidationSpec](./ | Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation. |
-|  [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./ | Route validations config and options merged into one object |
-|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.<!-- -->\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors<!-- -->Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:<!-- -->1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./<!-- -->Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the <code>isXYZError()</code> helpers exposed at <code>SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> should be used to understand and manage error responses from the <code>SavedObjectsClient</code>.<!-- -->Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for <code>error.body.error.type</code> or doing substring checks on <code>error.body.error.reason</code>, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:<!-- -->\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }<!-- -->if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }<!-- -->// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`<!-- -->\#\#\# 404s from missing index<!-- -->From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.<!-- -->At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.<!-- -->From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.<!-- -->\#\#\# 503s from missing index<!-- -->Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's <code>action.auto_create_index</code> setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.<!-- -->See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./ | Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers. |
-|  [ScopeableRequest](./ | A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.<!-- -->See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [SharedGlobalConfig](./ |  |
-|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./
+## kibana-plugin-server package
+The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.
+A plugin requires a `kibana.json` file at it's root directory that follows [the manfiest schema](./ to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.
+A plugin's `server/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
+The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
+## Classes
+|  Class | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [BasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path |
+|  [ClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [CspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
+|  [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ | Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as <code>body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]</code> |
+|  [KibanaRequest](./ | Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request. |
+|  [RouteValidationError](./ | Error to return when the validation is not successful. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |  |
+|  [ScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+## Enumerations
+|  Enumeration | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AuthResultType](./ |  |
+|  [AuthStatus](./ | Status indicating an outcome of the authentication. |
+## Interfaces
+|  Interface | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [APICaller](./ |  |
+|  [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ |  |
+|  [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ |  |
+|  [Authenticated](./ |  |
+|  [AuthResultParams](./ | Result of an incoming request authentication. |
+|  [AuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [CallAPIOptions](./ | The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed. |
+|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
+|  [CapabilitiesSetup](./ | APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.<!-- -->Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the <code>registerProvider</code> method.<!-- -->Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the <code>registerSwitcher</code> method.<!-- -->Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples. |
+|  [CapabilitiesStart](./ | APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ | Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See methods documentation for more detailed examples. |
+|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [CoreSetup](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>setup</code> method. |
+|  [CoreStart](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>start</code> method. |
+|  [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code. |
+|  [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationInfo](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationSettings](./ | UiSettings deprecation field options. |
+|  [DiscoveredPlugin](./ | Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started. |
+|  [ElasticsearchError](./ |  |
+|  [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
+|  [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
+|  [FakeRequest](./ | Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins. |
+|  [HttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
+|  [HttpServiceSetup](./ | Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to <code>hapi</code> server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs. |
+|  [HttpServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [ICspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
+|  [IKibanaResponse](./ | A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution |
+|  [IKibanaSocket](./ | A tiny abstraction for TCP socket. |
+|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
+|  [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./ |  |
+|  [IRenderOptions](./ |  |
+|  [IRouter](./ | Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations. |
+|  [IScopedRenderingClient](./ |  |
+|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. |
+|  [KibanaRequestEvents](./ | Request events. |
+|  [KibanaRequestRoute](./ | Request specific route information exposed to a handler. |
+|  [LegacyRequest](./ |  |
+|  [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ |  |
+|  [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ |  |
+|  [Logger](./ | Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins. |
+|  [LoggerFactory](./ | The single purpose of <code>LoggerFactory</code> interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance. |
+|  [LogMeta](./ | Contextual metadata |
+|  [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ | Additional data to extend a response. |
+|  [OnPreResponseInfo](./ | Response status code. |
+|  [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
+|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
+|  [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ | Describes a plugin configuration properties. |
+|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage. |
+|  [PluginManifest](./ | Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file. |
+|  [PluginsServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [PluginsServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [RequestHandlerContext](./ | Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.<!-- -->Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request |
+|  [RouteConfig](./ | Route specific configuration. |
+|  [RouteConfigOptions](./ | Additional route options. |
+|  [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ | Additional body options for a route |
+|  [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ | Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [RouteValidatorConfig](./ | The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set <code>params</code>, <code>query</code> and/or <code>body</code> to specify the validation logic to follow for that property. |
+|  [RouteValidatorOptions](./ | Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour. |
+|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ | Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ | Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance. |
+|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ | Options controlling the export operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ | Structure of the export result details entry |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ | Options to control the import operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
+|  [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ | A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index. |
+|  [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ | Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ | Options to control the "resolve import" operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers. |
+|  [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects. |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ | Return type from a function to validate cookie contents. |
+|  [SessionStorage](./ | Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests. |
+|  [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ | Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism. |
+|  [SessionStorageFactory](./ | SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request |
+|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
+|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
+|  [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
+|  [UuidServiceSetup](./ | APIs to access the application's instance uuid. |
+## Variables
+|  Variable | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibanaResponseFactory](./ | Set of helpers used to create <code>KibanaResponse</code> to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution. |
+|  [validBodyOutput](./ | The set of valid body.output |
+## Type Aliases
+|  Type Alias | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AuthenticationHandler](./ | See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AuthHeaders](./ | Auth Headers map |
+|  [AuthResult](./ |  |
+|  [CapabilitiesProvider](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [ConfigDeprecation](./ | Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration. |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./ | Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./ |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ | A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples. |
+|  [ConfigPath](./ |  |
+|  [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./ |  |
+|  [GetAuthHeaders](./ | Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch. |
+|  [GetAuthState](./ | Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by <code>auth</code> interceptor. |
+|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
+|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
+|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [Headers](./ | Http request headers to read. |
+|  [HttpResponsePayload](./ | Data send to the client as a response payload. |
+|  [IBasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path[BasePath](./ |
+|  [IClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
+|  [ICustomClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IsAuthenticated](./ | Returns authentication status for a request. |
+|  [ISavedObjectsRepository](./ | See [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |
+|  [IScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./ | Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned. |
+|  [KibanaResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing request response payload, HTTP headers, error details, and other data transmitted to the client. |
+|  [KnownHeaders](./ | Set of well-known HTTP headers. |
+|  [LifecycleResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client. |
+|  [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./ | Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation |
+|  [OnPostAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [OnPreAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [OnPreResponseHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [PluginConfigSchema](./ | Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema. |
+|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>server</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
+|  [PluginName](./ | Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious. |
+|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
+|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
+|  [RedirectResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for redirection response |
+|  [RequestHandler](./ | A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions. |
+|  [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of http request context providers. |
+|  [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./ | Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data. |
+|  [ResponseError](./ | Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error. |
+|  [ResponseErrorAttributes](./ | Additional data to provide error details. |
+|  [ResponseHeaders](./ | Http response headers to set. |
+|  [RouteContentType](./ | The set of supported parseable Content-Types |
+|  [RouteMethod](./ | The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing. |
+|  [RouteRegistrar](./ | Route handler common definition |
+|  [RouteValidationFunction](./ | The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements. |
+|  [RouteValidationSpec](./ | Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation. |
+|  [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./ | Route validations config and options merged into one object |
+|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.<!-- -->\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors<!-- -->Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:<!-- -->1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./<!-- -->Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the <code>isXYZError()</code> helpers exposed at <code>SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> should be used to understand and manage error responses from the <code>SavedObjectsClient</code>.<!-- -->Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for <code>error.body.error.type</code> or doing substring checks on <code>error.body.error.reason</code>, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:<!-- -->\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }<!-- -->if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }<!-- -->// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`<!-- -->\#\#\# 404s from missing index<!-- -->From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.<!-- -->At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.<!-- -->From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.<!-- -->\#\#\# 503s from missing index<!-- -->Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's <code>action.auto_create_index</code> setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.<!-- -->See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./ | Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers. |
+|  [ScopeableRequest](./ | A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.<!-- -->See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [SharedGlobalConfig](./ |  |
+|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_ASSISTANCE\_INDEX\_ACTION](./
-export declare type MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION = 'upgrade' | 'reindex';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_ASSISTANCE\_INDEX\_ACTION](./
+export declare type MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION = 'upgrade' | 'reindex';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_DEPRECATION\_LEVEL](./
-export declare type MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL = 'none' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_DEPRECATION\_LEVEL](./
+export declare type MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL = 'none' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./
-## MutatingOperationRefreshSetting type
-Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation
-export declare type MutatingOperationRefreshSetting = boolean | 'wait_for';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./
+## MutatingOperationRefreshSetting type
+Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation
+export declare type MutatingOperationRefreshSetting = boolean | 'wait_for';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthHandler](./
-## OnPostAuthHandler type
-See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPostAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPostAuthToolkit) => OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthHandler](./
+## OnPostAuthHandler type
+See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPostAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPostAuthToolkit) => OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./
-## OnPostAuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPostAuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPostAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./
+## OnPostAuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPostAuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPostAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: () => OnPostAuthResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: () => OnPostAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthHandler](./
-## OnPreAuthHandler type
-See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPreAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPreAuthToolkit) => OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthHandler](./
+## OnPreAuthHandler type
+See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPreAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPreAuthToolkit) => OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./
-## OnPreAuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPreAuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
-|  [rewriteUrl](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./
+## OnPreAuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPreAuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
+|  [rewriteUrl](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: () => OnPreAuthResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: () => OnPreAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [rewriteUrl](./
-## OnPreAuthToolkit.rewriteUrl property
-Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler
-rewriteUrl: (url: string) => OnPreAuthResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [rewriteUrl](./
+## OnPreAuthToolkit.rewriteUrl property
+Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler
+rewriteUrl: (url: string) => OnPreAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## OnPreResponseExtensions.headers property
-additional headers to attach to the response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## OnPreResponseExtensions.headers property
+additional headers to attach to the response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./
-## OnPreResponseExtensions interface
-Additional data to extend a response.
-export interface OnPreResponseExtensions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | additional headers to attach to the response |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./
+## OnPreResponseExtensions interface
+Additional data to extend a response.
+export interface OnPreResponseExtensions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | additional headers to attach to the response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseHandler](./
-## OnPreResponseHandler type
-See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPreResponseHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, preResponse: OnPreResponseInfo, toolkit: OnPreResponseToolkit) => OnPreResponseResult | Promise<OnPreResponseResult>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseHandler](./
+## OnPreResponseHandler type
+See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPreResponseHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, preResponse: OnPreResponseInfo, toolkit: OnPreResponseToolkit) => OnPreResponseResult | Promise<OnPreResponseResult>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./
-## OnPreResponseInfo interface
-Response status code.
-export interface OnPreResponseInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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+## OnPreResponseInfo interface
+Response status code.
+export interface OnPreResponseInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## OnPreResponseInfo.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## OnPreResponseInfo.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./
-## OnPreResponseToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPreResponseToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>(responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) =&gt; OnPreResponseResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./
+## OnPreResponseToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPreResponseToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>(responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) =&gt; OnPreResponseResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: (responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) => OnPreResponseResult;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: (responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) => OnPreResponseResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
-## PackageInfo.branch property
-branch: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
+## PackageInfo.branch property
+branch: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
-## PackageInfo.buildNum property
-buildNum: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
+## PackageInfo.buildNum property
+buildNum: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
-## PackageInfo.buildSha property
-buildSha: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
+## PackageInfo.buildSha property
+buildSha: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
-## PackageInfo.dist property
-dist: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
+## PackageInfo.dist property
+dist: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
-## PackageInfo interface
-export interface PackageInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
+## PackageInfo interface
+export interface PackageInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PackageInfo.version property
-version: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PackageInfo.version property
+version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
-## Plugin interface
-The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
-export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [stop()](./ |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
+## Plugin interface
+The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
+export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [stop()](./ |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
-## Plugin.setup() method
-setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreSetup</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
-`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
+## Plugin.setup() method
+setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreSetup</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
+`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
-## Plugin.start() method
-start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
-`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
+## Plugin.start() method
+start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
+`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
-## Plugin.stop() method
-stop?(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
+## Plugin.stop() method
+stop?(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [deprecations](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.deprecations property
-Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration.
-deprecations?: ConfigDeprecationProvider;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [deprecations](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.deprecations property
+Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration.
+deprecations?: ConfigDeprecationProvider;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [exposeToBrowser](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.exposeToBrowser property
-List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin.
-exposeToBrowser?: {
-        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [exposeToBrowser](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.exposeToBrowser property
+List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin.
+exposeToBrowser?: {
+        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor interface
-Describes a plugin configuration properties.
-export interface PluginConfigDescriptor<T = any> 
-## Example
-// my_plugin/server/index.ts
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-import { PluginConfigDescriptor } from 'kibana/server';
-const configSchema = schema.object({
-  secret: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Only on server' }),
-  uiProp: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Accessible from client' }),
-type ConfigType = TypeOf<typeof configSchema>;
-export const config: PluginConfigDescriptor<ConfigType> = {
-  exposeToBrowser: {
-    uiProp: true,
-  },
-  schema: configSchema,
-  deprecations: ({ rename, unused }) => [
-    rename('securityKey', 'secret'),
-    unused('deprecatedProperty'),
-  ],
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [deprecations](./ | <code>ConfigDeprecationProvider</code> | Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration. |
-|  [exposeToBrowser](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin. |
-|  [schema](./ | <code>PluginConfigSchema&lt;T&gt;</code> | Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.[PluginConfigSchema](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor interface
+Describes a plugin configuration properties.
+export interface PluginConfigDescriptor<T = any> 
+## Example
+// my_plugin/server/index.ts
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+import { PluginConfigDescriptor } from 'kibana/server';
+const configSchema = schema.object({
+  secret: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Only on server' }),
+  uiProp: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Accessible from client' }),
+type ConfigType = TypeOf<typeof configSchema>;
+export const config: PluginConfigDescriptor<ConfigType> = {
+  exposeToBrowser: {
+    uiProp: true,
+  },
+  schema: configSchema,
+  deprecations: ({ rename, unused }) => [
+    rename('securityKey', 'secret'),
+    unused('deprecatedProperty'),
+  ],
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [deprecations](./ | <code>ConfigDeprecationProvider</code> | Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration. |
+|  [exposeToBrowser](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin. |
+|  [schema](./ | <code>PluginConfigSchema&lt;T&gt;</code> | Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.[PluginConfigSchema](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [schema](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.schema property
-Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.
-schema: PluginConfigSchema<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [schema](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.schema property
+Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.
+schema: PluginConfigSchema<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigSchema](./
-## PluginConfigSchema type
-Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema.
-export declare type PluginConfigSchema<T> = Type<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigSchema](./
+## PluginConfigSchema type
+Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema.
+export declare type PluginConfigSchema<T> = Type<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
-## PluginInitializer type
-The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `server` directory should conform to this interface.
-export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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+## PluginInitializer type
+The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `server` directory should conform to this interface.
+export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.config property
-config: {
-        legacy: {
-            globalConfig$: Observable<SharedGlobalConfig>;
-        };
-        create: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T>;
-        createIfExists: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T | undefined>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.config property
+config: {
+        legacy: {
+            globalConfig$: Observable<SharedGlobalConfig>;
+        };
+        create: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T>;
+        createIfExists: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T | undefined>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.env property
-env: {
-        mode: EnvironmentMode;
-        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.env property
+env: {
+        mode: EnvironmentMode;
+        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [logger](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.logger property
-logger: LoggerFactory;
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+## PluginInitializerContext.logger property
+logger: LoggerFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
-## PluginInitializerContext interface
-Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage.
-export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema = unknown> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        legacy: {</code><br/><code>            globalConfig$: Observable&lt;SharedGlobalConfig&gt;;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        create: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;;</code><br/><code>        createIfExists: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T &#124; undefined&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: EnvironmentMode;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [logger](./ | <code>LoggerFactory</code> |  |
-|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
+## PluginInitializerContext interface
+Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage.
+export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema = unknown> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        legacy: {</code><br/><code>            globalConfig$: Observable&lt;SharedGlobalConfig&gt;;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        create: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;;</code><br/><code>        createIfExists: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T &#124; undefined&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: EnvironmentMode;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [logger](./ | <code>LoggerFactory</code> |  |
+|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
-opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
+opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [configPath](./
-## PluginManifest.configPath property
-Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
-readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
-## Example
-id: myPlugin configPath: my\_plugin
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+## PluginManifest.configPath property
+Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
+readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
+## Example
+id: myPlugin configPath: my\_plugin
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc.
-readonly id: PluginName;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc.
+readonly id: PluginName;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [kibanaVersion](./
-## PluginManifest.kibanaVersion property
-The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version".
-readonly kibanaVersion: string;
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+## PluginManifest.kibanaVersion property
+The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version".
+readonly kibanaVersion: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./
-## PluginManifest interface
-Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file.
-export interface PluginManifest 
-## Remarks
-Should never be used in code outside of Core but is exported for documentation purposes.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc. |
-|  [kibanaVersion](./ | <code>string</code> | The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version". |
-|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
-|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
-|  [server](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality. |
-|  [ui](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via <code>public/ui_plugin.js</code> file. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | Version of the plugin. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./
+## PluginManifest interface
+Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file.
+export interface PluginManifest 
+## Remarks
+Should never be used in code outside of Core but is exported for documentation purposes.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc. |
+|  [kibanaVersion](./ | <code>string</code> | The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version". |
+|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
+|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
+|  [server](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality. |
+|  [ui](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via <code>public/ui_plugin.js</code> file. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | Version of the plugin. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
-## PluginManifest.optionalPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
-readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
+## PluginManifest.optionalPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
+readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
-## PluginManifest.requiredPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
-readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
+## PluginManifest.requiredPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
+readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [server](./
-## PluginManifest.server property
-Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality.
-readonly server: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [server](./
+## PluginManifest.server property
+Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality.
+readonly server: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [ui](./
-## PluginManifest.ui property
-Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via `public/ui_plugin.js` file.
-readonly ui: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [ui](./
+## PluginManifest.ui property
+Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via `public/ui_plugin.js` file.
+readonly ui: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PluginManifest.version property
-Version of the plugin.
-readonly version: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PluginManifest.version property
+Version of the plugin.
+readonly version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginName](./
-## PluginName type
-Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious.
-export declare type PluginName = string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginName](./
+## PluginName type
+Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious.
+export declare type PluginName = string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
-## PluginOpaqueId type
-export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
+## PluginOpaqueId type
+export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [contracts](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup.contracts property
-contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [contracts](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup.contracts property
+contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup interface
-export interface PluginsServiceSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [uiPlugins](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        internal: Map&lt;PluginName, InternalPluginInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>        public: Map&lt;PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin&gt;;</code><br/><code>        browserConfigs: Map&lt;PluginName, Observable&lt;unknown&gt;&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup interface
+export interface PluginsServiceSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [uiPlugins](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        internal: Map&lt;PluginName, InternalPluginInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>        public: Map&lt;PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin&gt;;</code><br/><code>        browserConfigs: Map&lt;PluginName, Observable&lt;unknown&gt;&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [uiPlugins](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup.uiPlugins property
-uiPlugins: {
-        internal: Map<PluginName, InternalPluginInfo>;
-        public: Map<PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin>;
-        browserConfigs: Map<PluginName, Observable<unknown>>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [uiPlugins](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup.uiPlugins property
+uiPlugins: {
+        internal: Map<PluginName, InternalPluginInfo>;
+        public: Map<PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin>;
+        browserConfigs: Map<PluginName, Observable<unknown>>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./ &gt; [contracts](./
-## PluginsServiceStart.contracts property
-contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./ &gt; [contracts](./
+## PluginsServiceStart.contracts property
+contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./
-## PluginsServiceStart interface
-export interface PluginsServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./
+## PluginsServiceStart interface
+export interface PluginsServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
-## RecursiveReadonly type
-export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
-    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
-}> : T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
+## RecursiveReadonly type
+export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
+    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
+}> : T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RedirectResponseOptions](./
-## RedirectResponseOptions type
-HTTP response parameters for redirection response
-export declare type RedirectResponseOptions = HttpResponseOptions & {
-    headers: {
-        location: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RedirectResponseOptions](./
+## RedirectResponseOptions type
+HTTP response parameters for redirection response
+export declare type RedirectResponseOptions = HttpResponseOptions & {
+    headers: {
+        location: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandler](./
-## RequestHandler type
-A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions.
-export declare type RequestHandler<P = unknown, Q = unknown, B = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> = (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest<P, Q, B, Method>, response: KibanaResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse<any> | Promise<IKibanaResponse<any>>;
-## Example
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-// creates a route handler for GET request on 'my-app/path/{id}' path
-  {
-    path: 'path/{id}',
-    // defines a validation schema for a named segment of the route path
-    validate: {
-      params: schema.object({
-        id: schema.string(),
-      }),
-    },
-  },
-  // function to execute to create a responses
-  async (context, request, response) => {
-    const data = await context.findObject(;
-    // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
-    if (!data) return response.notFound();
-    // creates a command to send found data to the client
-    return response.ok(data);
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandler](./
+## RequestHandler type
+A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions.
+export declare type RequestHandler<P = unknown, Q = unknown, B = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> = (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest<P, Q, B, Method>, response: KibanaResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse<any> | Promise<IKibanaResponse<any>>;
+## Example
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+// creates a route handler for GET request on 'my-app/path/{id}' path
+  {
+    path: 'path/{id}',
+    // defines a validation schema for a named segment of the route path
+    validate: {
+      params: schema.object({
+        id: schema.string(),
+      }),
+    },
+  },
+  // function to execute to create a responses
+  async (context, request, response) => {
+    const data = await context.findObject(;
+    // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
+    if (!data) return response.notFound();
+    // creates a command to send found data to the client
+    return response.ok(data);
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./ &gt; [core](./
-## RequestHandlerContext.core property
-core: {
-        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;
-        savedObjects: {
-            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
-        };
-        elasticsearch: {
-            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;
-            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;
-        };
-        uiSettings: {
-            client: IUiSettingsClient;
-        };
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./ &gt; [core](./
+## RequestHandlerContext.core property
+core: {
+        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;
+        savedObjects: {
+            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+        };
+        elasticsearch: {
+            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;
+            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;
+        };
+        uiSettings: {
+            client: IUiSettingsClient;
+        };
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./
-## RequestHandlerContext interface
-Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.
-Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request
-export interface RequestHandlerContext 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: {</code><br/><code>            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        elasticsearch: {</code><br/><code>            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: {</code><br/><code>            client: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./
+## RequestHandlerContext interface
+Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.
+Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request
+export interface RequestHandlerContext 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: {</code><br/><code>            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        elasticsearch: {</code><br/><code>            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: {</code><br/><code>            client: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./
-## RequestHandlerContextContainer type
-An object that handles registration of http request context providers.
-export declare type RequestHandlerContextContainer = IContextContainer<RequestHandler<any, any, any>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./
+## RequestHandlerContextContainer type
+An object that handles registration of http request context providers.
+export declare type RequestHandlerContextContainer = IContextContainer<RequestHandler<any, any, any>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./
-## RequestHandlerContextProvider type
-Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data.
-export declare type RequestHandlerContextProvider<TContextName extends keyof RequestHandlerContext> = IContextProvider<RequestHandler<any, any, any>, TContextName>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./
+## RequestHandlerContextProvider type
+Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data.
+export declare type RequestHandlerContextProvider<TContextName extends keyof RequestHandlerContext> = IContextProvider<RequestHandler<any, any, any>, TContextName>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseError](./
-## ResponseError type
-Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error.
-export declare type ResponseError = string | Error | {
-    message: string | Error;
-    attributes?: ResponseErrorAttributes;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseError](./
+## ResponseError type
+Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error.
+export declare type ResponseError = string | Error | {
+    message: string | Error;
+    attributes?: ResponseErrorAttributes;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseErrorAttributes](./
-## ResponseErrorAttributes type
-Additional data to provide error details.
-export declare type ResponseErrorAttributes = Record<string, any>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseErrorAttributes](./
+## ResponseErrorAttributes type
+Additional data to provide error details.
+export declare type ResponseErrorAttributes = Record<string, any>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseHeaders](./
-## ResponseHeaders type
-Http response headers to set.
-export declare type ResponseHeaders = {
-    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[];
-} & {
-    [header: string]: string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseHeaders](./
+## ResponseHeaders type
+Http response headers to set.
+export declare type ResponseHeaders = {
+    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[];
+} & {
+    [header: string]: string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./
-## RouteConfig interface
-Route specific configuration.
-export interface RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [options](./ | <code>RouteConfigOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> | Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route. |
-|  [validate](./ | <code>RouteValidatorFullConfig&lt;P, Q, B&gt; &#124; false</code> | A schema created with <code>@kbn/config-schema</code> that every request will be validated against. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./
+## RouteConfig interface
+Route specific configuration.
+export interface RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [options](./ | <code>RouteConfigOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> | Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route. |
+|  [validate](./ | <code>RouteValidatorFullConfig&lt;P, Q, B&gt; &#124; false</code> | A schema created with <code>@kbn/config-schema</code> that every request will be validated against. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [options](./
-## RouteConfig.options property
-Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->.
-options?: RouteConfigOptions<Method>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [options](./
+## RouteConfig.options property
+Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->.
+options?: RouteConfigOptions<Method>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [path](./
-## RouteConfig.path property
-The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route.
-path: string;
-## Remarks
-E.g. if the router is registered at `/elasticsearch` and the route path is `/search`<!-- -->, the full path for the route is `/elasticsearch/search`<!-- -->. Supports: - named path segments `path/{name}`<!-- -->. - optional path segments `path/{position?}`<!-- -->. - multi-segments `path/{coordinates*2}`<!-- -->. Segments are accessible within a handler function as `params` property of [KibanaRequest](./ object. To have read access to `params` you \*must\* specify validation schema with [RouteConfig.validate](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [path](./
+## RouteConfig.path property
+The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route.
+path: string;
+## Remarks
+E.g. if the router is registered at `/elasticsearch` and the route path is `/search`<!-- -->, the full path for the route is `/elasticsearch/search`<!-- -->. Supports: - named path segments `path/{name}`<!-- -->. - optional path segments `path/{position?}`<!-- -->. - multi-segments `path/{coordinates*2}`<!-- -->. Segments are accessible within a handler function as `params` property of [KibanaRequest](./ object. To have read access to `params` you \*must\* specify validation schema with [RouteConfig.validate](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [validate](./
-## RouteConfig.validate property
-A schema created with `@kbn/config-schema` that every request will be validated against.
-validate: RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> | false;
-## Remarks
-You \*must\* specify a validation schema to be able to read: - url path segments - request query - request body To opt out of validating the request, specify `validate: false`<!-- -->. In this case request params, query, and body will be \*\*empty\*\* objects and have no access to raw values. In some cases you may want to use another validation library. To do this, you need to instruct the `@kbn/config-schema` library to output \*\*non-validated values\*\* with setting schema as `schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })`<!-- -->;
-## Example
- import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
- router.get({
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: {
-    params: schema.object({
-      id: schema.string(),
-    }),
-    query: schema.object({...}),
-    body: schema.object({...}),
-  },
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{id: string}>
-  console.log(; // value
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: false, // handler has no access to params, query, body values.
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
-  console.log(; // undefined
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: {
-    // handler has access to raw non-validated params in runtime
-    params: schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })
-  },
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
-  console.log(; // value
-  myValidationLibrary.validate({ params: req.params });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [validate](./
+## RouteConfig.validate property
+A schema created with `@kbn/config-schema` that every request will be validated against.
+validate: RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> | false;
+## Remarks
+You \*must\* specify a validation schema to be able to read: - url path segments - request query - request body To opt out of validating the request, specify `validate: false`<!-- -->. In this case request params, query, and body will be \*\*empty\*\* objects and have no access to raw values. In some cases you may want to use another validation library. To do this, you need to instruct the `@kbn/config-schema` library to output \*\*non-validated values\*\* with setting schema as `schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })`<!-- -->;
+## Example
+ import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+ router.get({
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: {
+    params: schema.object({
+      id: schema.string(),
+    }),
+    query: schema.object({...}),
+    body: schema.object({...}),
+  },
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{id: string}>
+  console.log(; // value
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: false, // handler has no access to params, query, body values.
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
+  console.log(; // undefined
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: {
+    // handler has access to raw non-validated params in runtime
+    params: schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })
+  },
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
+  console.log(; // value
+  myValidationLibrary.validate({ params: req.params });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [authRequired](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.authRequired property
-A flag shows that authentication for a route: `enabled` when true `disabled` when false
-Enabled by default.
-authRequired?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [authRequired](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.authRequired property
+A flag shows that authentication for a route: `enabled` when true `disabled` when false
+Enabled by default.
+authRequired?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.body property
-Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->.
-body?: Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.body property
+Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->.
+body?: Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./
-## RouteConfigOptions interface
-Additional route options.
-export interface RouteConfigOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authRequired](./ | <code>boolean</code> | A flag shows that authentication for a route: <code>enabled</code> when true <code>disabled</code> when false<!-- -->Enabled by default. |
-|  [body](./ | <code>Method extends 'get' &#124; 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody</code> | Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [tags](./ | <code>readonly string[]</code> | Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./
+## RouteConfigOptions interface
+Additional route options.
+export interface RouteConfigOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authRequired](./ | <code>boolean</code> | A flag shows that authentication for a route: <code>enabled</code> when true <code>disabled</code> when false<!-- -->Enabled by default. |
+|  [body](./ | <code>Method extends 'get' &#124; 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody</code> | Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [tags](./ | <code>readonly string[]</code> | Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [tags](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.tags property
-Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route.
-tags?: readonly string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [tags](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.tags property
+Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route.
+tags?: readonly string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [accepts](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.accepts property
-A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.
-Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\*
-accepts?: RouteContentType | RouteContentType[] | string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [accepts](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.accepts property
+A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.
+Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\*
+accepts?: RouteContentType | RouteContentType[] | string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [maxBytes](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.maxBytes property
-Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.
-Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter `server.maxPayloadBytes`<!-- -->.
-maxBytes?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [maxBytes](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.maxBytes property
+Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.
+Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter `server.maxPayloadBytes`<!-- -->.
+maxBytes?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody interface
-Additional body options for a route
-export interface RouteConfigOptionsBody 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [accepts](./ | <code>RouteContentType &#124; RouteContentType[] &#124; string &#124; string[]</code> | A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.<!-- -->Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\* |
-|  [maxBytes](./ | <code>number</code> | Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.<!-- -->Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter <code>server.maxPayloadBytes</code>. |
-|  [output](./ | <code>typeof validBodyOutput[number]</code> | The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).<!-- -->Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure. |
-|  [parse](./ | <code>boolean &#124; 'gunzip'</code> | Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.<!-- -->Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody interface
+Additional body options for a route
+export interface RouteConfigOptionsBody 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [accepts](./ | <code>RouteContentType &#124; RouteContentType[] &#124; string &#124; string[]</code> | A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.<!-- -->Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\* |
+|  [maxBytes](./ | <code>number</code> | Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.<!-- -->Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter <code>server.maxPayloadBytes</code>. |
+|  [output](./ | <code>typeof validBodyOutput[number]</code> | The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).<!-- -->Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure. |
+|  [parse](./ | <code>boolean &#124; 'gunzip'</code> | Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.<!-- -->Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [output](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.output property
-The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).
-Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure.
-output?: typeof validBodyOutput[number];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [output](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.output property
+The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).
+Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure.
+output?: typeof validBodyOutput[number];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [parse](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.parse property
-Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.
-Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure.
-parse?: boolean | 'gunzip';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [parse](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.parse property
+Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.
+Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure.
+parse?: boolean | 'gunzip';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteContentType](./
-## RouteContentType type
-The set of supported parseable Content-Types
-export declare type RouteContentType = 'application/json' | 'application/*+json' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/*';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteContentType](./
+## RouteContentType type
+The set of supported parseable Content-Types
+export declare type RouteContentType = 'application/json' | 'application/*+json' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/*';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteMethod](./
-## RouteMethod type
-The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing.
-export declare type RouteMethod = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'options';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteMethod](./
+## RouteMethod type
+The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing.
+export declare type RouteMethod = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'options';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteRegistrar](./
-## RouteRegistrar type
-Route handler common definition
-export declare type RouteRegistrar<Method extends RouteMethod> = <P, Q, B>(route: RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method>, handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B, Method>) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteRegistrar](./
+## RouteRegistrar type
+Route handler common definition
+export declare type RouteRegistrar<Method extends RouteMethod> = <P, Q, B>(route: RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method>, handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B, Method>) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationError](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## RouteValidationError.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `RouteValidationError` class
-constructor(error: Error | string, path?: string[]);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; string</code> |  |
-|  path | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationError](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## RouteValidationError.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `RouteValidationError` class
+constructor(error: Error | string, path?: string[]);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; string</code> |  |
+|  path | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationError](./
-## RouteValidationError class
-Error to return when the validation is not successful.
-export declare class RouteValidationError extends SchemaTypeError 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(error, path)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>RouteValidationError</code> class |
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+## RouteValidationError class
+Error to return when the validation is not successful.
+export declare class RouteValidationError extends SchemaTypeError 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(error, path)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>RouteValidationError</code> class |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationFunction](./
-## RouteValidationFunction type
-The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements.
-export declare type RouteValidationFunction<T> = (data: any, validationResult: RouteValidationResultFactory) => {
-    value: T;
-    error?: never;
-} | {
-    value?: never;
-    error: RouteValidationError;
-## Example
-The validation should look something like:
-interface MyExpectedBody {
-  bar: string;
-  baz: number;
-const myBodyValidation: RouteValidationFunction<MyExpectedBody> = (data, validationResult) => {
-  const { ok, badRequest } = validationResult;
-  const { bar, baz } = data || {};
-  if (typeof bar === 'string' && typeof baz === 'number') {
-    return ok({ bar, baz });
-  } else {
-    return badRequest('Wrong payload', ['body']);
-  }
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+## RouteValidationFunction type
+The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements.
+export declare type RouteValidationFunction<T> = (data: any, validationResult: RouteValidationResultFactory) => {
+    value: T;
+    error?: never;
+} | {
+    value?: never;
+    error: RouteValidationError;
+## Example
+The validation should look something like:
+interface MyExpectedBody {
+  bar: string;
+  baz: number;
+const myBodyValidation: RouteValidationFunction<MyExpectedBody> = (data, validationResult) => {
+  const { ok, badRequest } = validationResult;
+  const { bar, baz } = data || {};
+  if (typeof bar === 'string' && typeof baz === 'number') {
+    return ok({ bar, baz });
+  } else {
+    return badRequest('Wrong payload', ['body']);
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [badRequest](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory.badRequest property
-badRequest: (error: Error | string, path?: string[]) => {
-        error: RouteValidationError;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [badRequest](./
+## RouteValidationResultFactory.badRequest property
+badRequest: (error: Error | string, path?: string[]) => {
+        error: RouteValidationError;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory interface
-Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors
-See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->.
-export interface RouteValidationResultFactory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [badRequest](./ | <code>(error: Error &#124; string, path?: string[]) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        error: RouteValidationError;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [ok](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(value: T) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        value: T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+## RouteValidationResultFactory interface
+Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors
+See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->.
+export interface RouteValidationResultFactory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [badRequest](./ | <code>(error: Error &#124; string, path?: string[]) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        error: RouteValidationError;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [ok](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(value: T) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        value: T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [ok](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory.ok property
-ok: <T>(value: T) => {
-        value: T;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [ok](./
+## RouteValidationResultFactory.ok property
+ok: <T>(value: T) => {
+        value: T;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationSpec](./
-## RouteValidationSpec type
-Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions
-See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation.
-export declare type RouteValidationSpec<T> = ObjectType | Type<T> | RouteValidationFunction<T>;
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+## RouteValidationSpec type
+Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions
+See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation.
+export declare type RouteValidationSpec<T> = ObjectType | Type<T> | RouteValidationFunction<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [body](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.body property
-Validation logic for the body payload
-body?: RouteValidationSpec<B>;
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+## RouteValidatorConfig.body property
+Validation logic for the body payload
+body?: RouteValidationSpec<B>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig interface
-The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set `params`<!-- -->, `query` and/or `body` to specify the validation logic to follow for that property.
-export interface RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;B&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the body payload |
-|  [params](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;P&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the URL params |
-|  [query](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;Q&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the Query params |
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+## RouteValidatorConfig interface
+The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set `params`<!-- -->, `query` and/or `body` to specify the validation logic to follow for that property.
+export interface RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;B&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the body payload |
+|  [params](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;P&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the URL params |
+|  [query](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;Q&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the Query params |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [params](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.params property
-Validation logic for the URL params
-params?: RouteValidationSpec<P>;
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+## RouteValidatorConfig.params property
+Validation logic for the URL params
+params?: RouteValidationSpec<P>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [query](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.query property
-Validation logic for the Query params
-query?: RouteValidationSpec<Q>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [query](./
+## RouteValidatorConfig.query property
+Validation logic for the Query params
+query?: RouteValidationSpec<Q>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./
-## RouteValidatorFullConfig type
-Route validations config and options merged into one object
-export declare type RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> = RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> & RouteValidatorOptions;
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+## RouteValidatorFullConfig type
+Route validations config and options merged into one object
+export declare type RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> = RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> & RouteValidatorOptions;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./
-## RouteValidatorOptions interface
-Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour.
-export interface RouteValidatorOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [unsafe](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        params?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        query?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        body?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Set the <code>unsafe</code> config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation |
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+## RouteValidatorOptions interface
+Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour.
+export interface RouteValidatorOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [unsafe](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        params?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        query?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        body?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Set the <code>unsafe</code> config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./ &gt; [unsafe](./
-## RouteValidatorOptions.unsafe property
-Set the `unsafe` config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation
-unsafe?: {
-        params?: boolean;
-        query?: boolean;
-        body?: boolean;
-    };
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+## RouteValidatorOptions.unsafe property
+Set the `unsafe` config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation
+unsafe?: {
+        params?: boolean;
+        query?: boolean;
+        body?: boolean;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: T;
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+## SavedObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObject.error property
-error?: {
-        message: string;
-        statusCode: number;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObject.error property
+error?: {
+        message: string;
+        statusCode: number;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
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+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
-## SavedObject interface
-export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
-|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
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+## SavedObject interface
+export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
+|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObject.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObject.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObject.type property
-The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObject.type property
+The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
-## SavedObject.updated\_at property
-Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
-updated_at?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
+## SavedObject.updated\_at property
+Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
+updated_at?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObject.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObject.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-## SavedObjectAttribute type
-Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
-export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+## SavedObjectAttribute type
+Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
+export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
-## SavedObjectAttributes interface
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
+## SavedObjectAttributes interface
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
-## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
-Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
+## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
+Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
-## SavedObjectReference interface
-A reference to another saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectReference 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
+## SavedObjectReference interface
+A reference to another saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectReference 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectReference.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectReference.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
-Specify the namespace for this operation
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
+Specify the namespace for this operation
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.fields property
-SavedObject fields to include in the response
-fields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [fields](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.fields property
+SavedObject fields to include in the response
+fields?: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkGetObject 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | SavedObject fields to include in the response |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkGetObject 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | SavedObject fields to include in the response |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.type property
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: Partial<T>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: Partial<T>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Pick<SavedObjectsUpdateOptions, 'version' | 'references'> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Pick<SavedObjectsUpdateOptions, 'version' | 'references'> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
-The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
+The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsUpdateResponse&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsUpdateResponse&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate() method
-Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request
-bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate() method
+Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request
+bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet() method
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> | an array of ids, or an array of objects containing id, type and optionally fields |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet() method
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> | an array of ids, or an array of objects containing id, type and optionally fields |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
-Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
+Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.create() method
-Persists a SavedObject
-create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.create() method
+Persists a SavedObject
+create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.delete() method
-Deletes a SavedObject
-delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.delete() method
+Deletes a SavedObject
+delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.errors property
-static errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers;
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+## SavedObjectsClient.errors property
+static errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.find() method
-Find all SavedObjects matching the search query
-find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.find() method
+Find all SavedObjects matching the search query
+find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.get() method
-Retrieves a single object
-get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> | The type of SavedObject to retrieve |
-|  id | <code>string</code> | The ID of the SavedObject to retrieve |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.get() method
+Retrieves a single object
+get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> | The type of SavedObject to retrieve |
+|  id | <code>string</code> | The ID of the SavedObject to retrieve |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsClient class
-export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ |  | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request |
-|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once |
-|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists a SavedObject |
-|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes a SavedObject |
-|  [find(options)](./ |  | Find all SavedObjects matching the search query |
-|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Retrieves a single object |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an SavedObject |
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+## SavedObjectsClient class
+export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ |  | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request |
+|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once |
+|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists a SavedObject |
+|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes a SavedObject |
+|  [find(options)](./ |  | Find all SavedObjects matching the search query |
+|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Retrieves a single object |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an SavedObject |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
-Updates an SavedObject
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
+Updates an SavedObject
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
-## SavedObjectsClientContract type
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.
-\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors
-Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:
-1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
-Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the `isXYZError()` helpers exposed at `SavedObjectsErrorHelpers` should be used to understand and manage error responses from the `SavedObjectsClient`<!-- -->.
-Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for `error.body.error.type` or doing substring checks on `error.body.error.reason`<!-- -->, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:
-\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }
-if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }
-// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`
-\#\#\# 404s from missing index
-From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.
-At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.
-From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.
-\#\#\# 503s from missing index
-Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's `action.auto_create_index` setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.
-See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = Pick<SavedObjectsClient, keyof SavedObjectsClient>;
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+## SavedObjectsClientContract type
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.
+\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors
+Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:
+1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
+Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the `isXYZError()` helpers exposed at `SavedObjectsErrorHelpers` should be used to understand and manage error responses from the `SavedObjectsClient`<!-- -->.
+Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for `error.body.error.type` or doing substring checks on `error.body.error.reason`<!-- -->, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:
+\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }
+if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }
+// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`
+\#\#\# 404s from missing index
+From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.
+At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.
+From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.
+\#\#\# 503s from missing index
+Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's `action.auto_create_index` setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.
+See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = Pick<SavedObjectsClient, keyof SavedObjectsClient>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsClientFactory type
-Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: {
-    request: KibanaRequest;
-}) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./
+## SavedObjectsClientFactory type
+Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: {
+    request: KibanaRequest;
+}) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./
-## SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider type
-Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider = (repositoryFactory: SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory) => SavedObjectsClientFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./
+## SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider type
+Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider = (repositoryFactory: SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory) => SavedObjectsClientFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ &gt; [excludedWrappers](./
-## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions.excludedWrappers property
-excludedWrappers?: string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ &gt; [excludedWrappers](./
+## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions.excludedWrappers property
+excludedWrappers?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions interface
-Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client.
-export interface SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [excludedWrappers](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions interface
+Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client.
+export interface SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [excludedWrappers](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory type
-Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory type
+Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [client](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.client property
-client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [client](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.client property
+client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions interface
-Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance.
-export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions interface
+Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance.
+export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [request](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request property
-request: KibanaRequest;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [request](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request property
+request: KibanaRequest;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-(not recommended) Specify an id for the document
-id?: string;
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+## property
+(not recommended) Specify an id for the document
+id?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (not recommended) Specify an id for the document |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false) |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (not recommended) Specify an id for the document |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false) |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
-Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false)
-overwrite?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
+Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false)
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsDeleteOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsDeleteOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createBadRequestError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createBadRequestError() method
-static createBadRequestError(reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createBadRequestError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createBadRequestError() method
+static createBadRequestError(reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createEsAutoCreateIndexError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
-static createEsAutoCreateIndexError(): DecoratedError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createEsAutoCreateIndexError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
+static createEsAutoCreateIndexError(): DecoratedError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createGenericNotFoundError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createGenericNotFoundError() method
-static createGenericNotFoundError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createGenericNotFoundError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createGenericNotFoundError() method
+static createGenericNotFoundError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createInvalidVersionError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createInvalidVersionError() method
-static createInvalidVersionError(versionInput?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  versionInput | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createInvalidVersionError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createInvalidVersionError() method
+static createInvalidVersionError(versionInput?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  versionInput | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createUnsupportedTypeError() method
-static createUnsupportedTypeError(type: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createUnsupportedTypeError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createUnsupportedTypeError() method
+static createUnsupportedTypeError(type: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateBadRequestError() method
-static decorateBadRequestError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateBadRequestError() method
+static decorateBadRequestError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateConflictError() method
-static decorateConflictError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateConflictError() method
+static decorateConflictError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateEsUnavailableError() method
-static decorateEsUnavailableError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateEsUnavailableError() method
+static decorateEsUnavailableError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateForbiddenError() method
-static decorateForbiddenError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateForbiddenError() method
+static decorateForbiddenError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateGeneralError() method
-static decorateGeneralError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateGeneralError() method
+static decorateGeneralError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
-static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
+static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
-static decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
+static decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isBadRequestError() method
-static isBadRequestError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isBadRequestError() method
+static isBadRequestError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isConflictError() method
-static isConflictError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isConflictError() method
+static isConflictError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
-static isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
+static isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsUnavailableError() method
-static isEsUnavailableError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsUnavailableError() method
+static isEsUnavailableError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isForbiddenError() method
-static isForbiddenError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isForbiddenError() method
+static isForbiddenError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isInvalidVersionError() method
-static isInvalidVersionError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isInvalidVersionError() method
+static isInvalidVersionError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
-static isNotAuthorizedError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
+static isNotAuthorizedError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError() method
-static isNotFoundError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError() method
+static isNotFoundError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
-static isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
+static isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isSavedObjectsClientError() method
-static isSavedObjectsClientError(error: any): error is DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
-`error is DecoratedError`
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isSavedObjectsClientError() method
+static isSavedObjectsClientError(error: any): error is DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
+`error is DecoratedError`
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers class
-export declare class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createBadRequestError(reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createEsAutoCreateIndexError()](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createGenericNotFoundError(type, id)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createInvalidVersionError(versionInput)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createUnsupportedTypeError(type)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateBadRequestError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateConflictError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateEsUnavailableError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateForbiddenError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateGeneralError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isBadRequestError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isConflictError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isEsUnavailableError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isForbiddenError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isInvalidVersionError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotFoundError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isSavedObjectsClientError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers class
+export declare class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createBadRequestError(reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createEsAutoCreateIndexError()](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createGenericNotFoundError(type, id)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createInvalidVersionError(versionInput)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createUnsupportedTypeError(type)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateBadRequestError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateConflictError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateEsUnavailableError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateForbiddenError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateGeneralError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isBadRequestError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isConflictError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isEsUnavailableError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isForbiddenError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isInvalidVersionError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotFoundError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isSavedObjectsClientError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [excludeExportDetails](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.excludeExportDetails property
-flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream.
-excludeExportDetails?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [excludeExportDetails](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.excludeExportDetails property
+flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream.
+excludeExportDetails?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [exportSizeLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.exportSizeLimit property
-the maximum number of objects to export.
-exportSizeLimit: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [exportSizeLimit](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.exportSizeLimit property
+the maximum number of objects to export.
+exportSizeLimit: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [includeReferencesDeep](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.includeReferencesDeep property
-flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream.
-includeReferencesDeep?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [includeReferencesDeep](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.includeReferencesDeep property
+flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream.
+includeReferencesDeep?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions interface
-Options controlling the export operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [excludeExportDetails](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream. |
-|  [exportSizeLimit](./ | <code>number</code> | the maximum number of objects to export. |
-|  [includeReferencesDeep](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream. |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient. |
-|  [objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | optional array of objects to export. |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | an instance of the SavedObjectsClient. |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | optional query string to filter exported objects. |
-|  [types](./ | <code>string[]</code> | optional array of saved object types. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions interface
+Options controlling the export operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [excludeExportDetails](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream. |
+|  [exportSizeLimit](./ | <code>number</code> | the maximum number of objects to export. |
+|  [includeReferencesDeep](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream. |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient. |
+|  [objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | optional array of objects to export. |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | an instance of the SavedObjectsClient. |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | optional query string to filter exported objects. |
+|  [types](./ | <code>string[]</code> | optional array of saved object types. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.namespace property
-optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient.
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.namespace property
+optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient.
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [objects](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.objects property
-optional array of objects to export.
-objects?: Array<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [objects](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.objects property
+optional array of objects to export.
+objects?: Array<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-an instance of the SavedObjectsClient.
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+an instance of the SavedObjectsClient.
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
-## property
-optional query string to filter exported objects.
-search?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+optional query string to filter exported objects.
+search?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [types](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.types property
-optional array of saved object types.
-types?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [types](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.types property
+optional array of saved object types.
+types?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [exportedCount](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.exportedCount property
-number of successfully exported objects
-exportedCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [exportedCount](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.exportedCount property
+number of successfully exported objects
+exportedCount: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails interface
-Structure of the export result details entry
-export interface SavedObjectsExportResultDetails 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [exportedCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of successfully exported objects |
-|  [missingRefCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of missing references |
-|  [missingReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | missing references details |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails interface
+Structure of the export result details entry
+export interface SavedObjectsExportResultDetails 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [exportedCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of successfully exported objects |
+|  [missingRefCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of missing references |
+|  [missingReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | missing references details |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingRefCount](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingRefCount property
-number of missing references
-missingRefCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingRefCount](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingRefCount property
+number of missing references
+missingRefCount: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingReferences property
-missing references details
-missingReferences: Array<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingReferences property
+missing references details
+missingReferences: Array<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
-defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
+defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
-An array of fields to include in the results
-fields?: string[];
-## Example
-SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
+An array of fields to include in the results
+fields?: string[];
+## Example
+SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
-filter?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
+filter?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
-hasReference?: {
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
+hasReference?: {
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
-|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
-|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
-|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
+|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
+|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
+|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
-perPage?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
+perPage?: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
-## property
-Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
-search?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
+search?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
-The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
-searchFields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
+The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
+searchFields?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
-sortField?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
+sortField?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
-sortOrder?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
+sortOrder?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
-type: string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
+type: string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse interface
-Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
-\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
-export interface SavedObjectsFindResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [per\_page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse interface
+Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
+\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
+export interface SavedObjectsFindResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [per\_page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [per\_page](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse.per\_page property
-per_page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [per\_page](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse.per\_page property
+per_page: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [total](./
-## property
-total: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [total](./
+## property
+total: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
-type: 'conflict';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
+type: 'conflict';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index fd5c667c11a6f..0828ca9e01c34 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
-error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
+error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 791797b88cc63..0791d668f4626 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index f0a734c2f29cc..0d734c21c3151 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError interface
-Represents a failure to import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError interface
+Represents a failure to import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
-title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
+title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
+type: string;
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index 44564f6db6976..bbbd499ea5844 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
-blocking: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
+blocking: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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index 72ce40bd6edfa..fb4e997fe17ba 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
-references: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
+references: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 80ac2efb28dbc..3e6e80f77c447 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
-type: 'missing_references';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
+type: 'missing_references';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 9653fa802a3e8..a1ea33e11b14f 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions interface
-Options to control the import operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions interface
+Options to control the import operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 89c01a13644b8..bb040a560b89b 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.objectLimit property
-objectLimit: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.objectLimit property
+objectLimit: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 54728aaa80fed..4586a93568588 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 7739fdfbc8460..4b54f931797cf 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.readStream property
-readStream: Readable;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.readStream property
+readStream: Readable;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 23d5aba5fe114..f0d439aedc005 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 03ee12ab2a0f7..0359c53d8fcf1 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.supportedTypes property
-supportedTypes: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.supportedTypes property
+supportedTypes: string[];
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
-errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
+errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
-The response describing the result of an import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
-|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
+The response describing the result of an import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
+|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
-success: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
+success: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
-successCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
+successCount: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
-Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
+Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
-replaceReferences: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        from: string;
-        to: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
+replaceReferences: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        from: string;
+        to: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
-type: 'unknown';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
+type: 'unknown';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
-type: 'unsupported_type';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
+type: 'unsupported_type';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> |  |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> |  |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.migrationVersion property
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.migrationVersion property
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [debug](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.debug property
-debug: (msg: string) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [debug](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.debug property
+debug: (msg: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [info](./
-## property
-info: (msg: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [info](./
+## property
+info: (msg: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger interface
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationLogger 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [debug](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
-|  [info](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
-|  [warning](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger interface
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationLogger 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [debug](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
+|  [info](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
+|  [warning](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [warning](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.warning property
-warning: (msg: string) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [warning](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.warning property
+warning: (msg: string) => void;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
-## Example
-migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
+## Example
+migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_id](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_id property
-_id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_id](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_id property
+_id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_primary\_term](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_primary\_term property
-_primary_term?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_primary\_term](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_primary\_term property
+_primary_term?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_seq\_no](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_seq\_no property
-_seq_no?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_seq\_no](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_seq\_no property
+_seq_no?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_source](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_source property
-_source: any;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_source](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_source property
+_source: any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_type](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_type property
-_type?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_type](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_type property
+_type?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc interface
-A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index.
-export interface RawDoc 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\_id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [\_primary\_term](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [\_seq\_no](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [\_source](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
-|  [\_type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc interface
+A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index.
+export interface RawDoc 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\_id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [\_primary\_term](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [\_seq\_no](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [\_source](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
+|  [\_type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkCreate() method
-Creates multiple documents at once
-bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkCreate() method
+Creates multiple documents at once
+bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkGet() method
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\] }
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkGet() method
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\] }
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkUpdate() method
-Updates multiple objects in bulk
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkUpdate() method
+Updates multiple objects in bulk
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.create() method
-Persists an object
-create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [create](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.create() method
+Persists an object
+create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.delete() method
-Deletes an object
-delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.delete() method
+Deletes an object
+delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [deleteByNamespace](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.deleteByNamespace() method
-Deletes all objects from the provided namespace.
-deleteByNamespace(namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  namespace | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { took, timed\_out, total, deleted, batches, version\_conflicts, noops, retries, failures }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [deleteByNamespace](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.deleteByNamespace() method
+Deletes all objects from the provided namespace.
+deleteByNamespace(namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  namespace | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { took, timed\_out, total, deleted, batches, version\_conflicts, noops, retries, failures }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.find() method
-find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  { search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, } | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\], total, per\_page, page }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [find](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.find() method
+find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  { search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, } | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\], total, per\_page, page }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.get() method
-Gets a single object
-get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.get() method
+Gets a single object
+get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [incrementCounter](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.incrementCounter() method
-Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id.
-incrementCounter(type: string, id: string, counterFieldName: string, options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions): Promise<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-        updated_at: string;
-        references: any;
-        version: string;
-        attributes: any;
-    }>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  counterFieldName | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions</code> |  |
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-        updated_at: string;
-        references: any;
-        version: string;
-        attributes: any;
-    }>`
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [incrementCounter](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.incrementCounter() method
+Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id.
+incrementCounter(type: string, id: string, counterFieldName: string, options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions): Promise<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+        updated_at: string;
+        references: any;
+        version: string;
+        attributes: any;
+    }>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  counterFieldName | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions</code> |  |
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+        updated_at: string;
+        references: any;
+        version: string;
+        attributes: any;
+    }>`
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository class
-export declare class SavedObjectsRepository 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Creates multiple documents at once |
-|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Updates multiple objects in bulk |
-|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists an object |
-|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes an object |
-|  [deleteByNamespace(namespace, options)](./ |  | Deletes all objects from the provided namespace. |
-|  [find({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, })](./ |  |  |
-|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Gets a single object |
-|  [incrementCounter(type, id, counterFieldName, options)](./ |  | Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id. |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an object |
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+## SavedObjectsRepository class
+export declare class SavedObjectsRepository 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Creates multiple documents at once |
+|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Updates multiple objects in bulk |
+|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists an object |
+|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes an object |
+|  [deleteByNamespace(namespace, options)](./ |  | Deletes all objects from the provided namespace. |
+|  [find({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, })](./ |  |  |
+|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Gets a single object |
+|  [incrementCounter(type, id, counterFieldName, options)](./ |  | Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id. |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an object |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.update() method
-Updates an object
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [update](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.update() method
+Updates an object
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
-createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
+createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
-createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
+createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory interface
-Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./
-export interface SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
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+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory interface
+Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./
+export interface SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions interface
-Options to control the "resolve import" operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
-|  [retries](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportRetry[]</code> |  |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions interface
+Options to control the "resolve import" operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
+|  [retries](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportRetry[]</code> |  |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.objectLimit property
-objectLimit: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.objectLimit property
+objectLimit: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.readStream property
-readStream: Readable;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.readStream property
+readStream: Readable;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [retries](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.retries property
-retries: SavedObjectsImportRetry[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [retries](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.retries property
+retries: SavedObjectsImportRetry[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.supportedTypes property
-supportedTypes: string[];
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+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.supportedTypes property
+supportedTypes: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [addClientWrapper](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper property
-Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority.
-addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [addClientWrapper](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper property
+Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority.
+addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup interface
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers.
-export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup 
-## Remarks
-Note: The Saved Object setup API's should only be used for creating and registering client wrappers. Constructing a Saved Objects client or repository for use within your own plugin won't have any of the registered wrappers applied and is considered an anti-pattern. Use the Saved Objects client from the [SavedObjectsServiceStart\#getScopedClient](./ method or the [route handler context](./ instead.
-When plugins access the Saved Objects client, a new client is created using the factory provided to `setClientFactory` and wrapped by all wrappers registered through `addClientWrapper`<!-- -->. To create a factory or wrapper, plugins will have to construct a Saved Objects client. First create a repository by calling `scopedRepository` or `internalRepository` and then use this repository as the argument to the [SavedObjectsClient](./ constructor.
-## Example
-import { SavedObjectsClient, CoreSetup } from 'src/core/server';
-export class Plugin() { setup: (core: CoreSetup) =<!-- -->&gt; { core.savedObjects.setClientFactory((<!-- -->{ request: KibanaRequest }<!-- -->) =<!-- -->&gt; { return new SavedObjectsClient(core.savedObjects.scopedRepository(request)); }<!-- -->) } }
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [addClientWrapper](./ | <code>(priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) =&gt; void</code> | Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
-|  [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | <code>(clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) =&gt; void</code> | Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup interface
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers.
+export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup 
+## Remarks
+Note: The Saved Object setup API's should only be used for creating and registering client wrappers. Constructing a Saved Objects client or repository for use within your own plugin won't have any of the registered wrappers applied and is considered an anti-pattern. Use the Saved Objects client from the [SavedObjectsServiceStart\#getScopedClient](./ method or the [route handler context](./ instead.
+When plugins access the Saved Objects client, a new client is created using the factory provided to `setClientFactory` and wrapped by all wrappers registered through `addClientWrapper`<!-- -->. To create a factory or wrapper, plugins will have to construct a Saved Objects client. First create a repository by calling `scopedRepository` or `internalRepository` and then use this repository as the argument to the [SavedObjectsClient](./ constructor.
+## Example
+import { SavedObjectsClient, CoreSetup } from 'src/core/server';
+export class Plugin() { setup: (core: CoreSetup) =<!-- -->&gt; { core.savedObjects.setClientFactory((<!-- -->{ request: KibanaRequest }<!-- -->) =<!-- -->&gt; { return new SavedObjectsClient(core.savedObjects.scopedRepository(request)); }<!-- -->) } }
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [addClientWrapper](./ | <code>(priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) =&gt; void</code> | Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
+|  [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | <code>(clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) =&gt; void</code> | Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [setClientFactoryProvider](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider property
-Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail.
-setClientFactoryProvider: (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [setClientFactoryProvider](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider property
+Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail.
+setClientFactoryProvider: (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
-createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
+createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
-createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
-## Remarks
-Prefer using `getScopedClient`<!-- -->. This should only be used when using methods not exposed on [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
+createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
+## Remarks
+Prefer using `getScopedClient`<!-- -->. This should only be used when using methods not exposed on [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [getScopedClient](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.getScopedClient property
-Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.
-A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->.
-getScopedClient: (req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [getScopedClient](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.getScopedClient property
+Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.
+A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->.
+getScopedClient: (req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart interface
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects.
-export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [getScopedClient](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) =&gt; SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.<!-- -->A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart interface
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects.
+export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [getScopedClient](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) =&gt; SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.<!-- -->A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.attributes property
-attributes: Partial<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.attributes property
+attributes: Partial<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Omit<SavedObject<T>, 'attributes' | 'references'> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[] &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Omit<SavedObject<T>, 'attributes' | 'references'> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[] &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.references property
-references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.references property
+references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopeableRequest](./
-## ScopeableRequest type
-A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.
-See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ScopeableRequest = KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest | FakeRequest;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopeableRequest](./
+## ScopeableRequest type
+A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.
+See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ScopeableRequest = KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest | FakeRequest;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ScopedClusterClient` class
-constructor(internalAPICaller: APICaller, scopedAPICaller: APICaller, headers?: Headers | undefined);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  internalAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
-|  scopedAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
-|  headers | <code>Headers &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ScopedClusterClient` class
+constructor(internalAPICaller: APICaller, scopedAPICaller: APICaller, headers?: Headers | undefined);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  internalAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
+|  scopedAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
+|  headers | <code>Headers &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsCurrentUser](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.callAsCurrentUser() method
-Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsCurrentUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
-|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
-|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsCurrentUser](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.callAsCurrentUser() method
+Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsCurrentUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
+|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
+|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.callAsInternalUser() method
-Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsInternalUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
-|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
-|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.callAsInternalUser() method
+Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsInternalUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
+|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
+|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./
-## ScopedClusterClient class
-Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
-See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare class ScopedClusterClient implements IScopedClusterClient 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(internalAPICaller, scopedAPICaller, headers)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ScopedClusterClient</code> class |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [callAsCurrentUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [callAsInternalUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./
+## ScopedClusterClient class
+Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
+See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare class ScopedClusterClient implements IScopedClusterClient 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(internalAPICaller, scopedAPICaller, headers)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ScopedClusterClient</code> class |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [callAsCurrentUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [callAsInternalUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [isValid](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult.isValid property
-Whether the cookie is valid or not.
-isValid: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [isValid](./
+## SessionCookieValidationResult.isValid property
+Whether the cookie is valid or not.
+isValid: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult interface
-Return type from a function to validate cookie contents.
-export interface SessionCookieValidationResult 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isValid](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the cookie is valid or not. |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./
+## SessionCookieValidationResult interface
+Return type from a function to validate cookie contents.
+export interface SessionCookieValidationResult 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isValid](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the cookie is valid or not. |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [path](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult.path property
-The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it.
-path?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [path](./
+## SessionCookieValidationResult.path property
+The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it.
+path?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [clear](./
-## SessionStorage.clear() method
-Clears current session.
-clear(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [clear](./
+## SessionStorage.clear() method
+Clears current session.
+clear(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SessionStorage.get() method
-Retrieves session value from the session storage.
-get(): Promise<T | null>;
-`Promise<T | null>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SessionStorage.get() method
+Retrieves session value from the session storage.
+get(): Promise<T | null>;
+`Promise<T | null>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./
-## SessionStorage interface
-Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests.
-export interface SessionStorage<T> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [clear()](./ | Clears current session. |
-|  [get()](./ | Retrieves session value from the session storage. |
-|  [set(sessionValue)](./ | Puts current session value into the session storage. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./
+## SessionStorage interface
+Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests.
+export interface SessionStorage<T> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [clear()](./ | Clears current session. |
+|  [get()](./ | Retrieves session value from the session storage. |
+|  [set(sessionValue)](./ | Puts current session value into the session storage. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [set](./
-## SessionStorage.set() method
-Puts current session value into the session storage.
-set(sessionValue: T): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  sessionValue | <code>T</code> | value to put |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [set](./
+## SessionStorage.set() method
+Puts current session value into the session storage.
+set(sessionValue: T): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  sessionValue | <code>T</code> | value to put |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [encryptionKey](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.encryptionKey property
-A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long.
-encryptionKey: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [encryptionKey](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.encryptionKey property
+A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long.
+encryptionKey: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [isSecure](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.isSecure property
-Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection.
-isSecure: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [isSecure](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.isSecure property
+Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection.
+isSecure: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions interface
-Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism.
-export interface SessionStorageCookieOptions<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [encryptionKey](./ | <code>string</code> | A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long. |
-|  [isSecure](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection. |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | Name of the session cookie. |
-|  [validate](./ | <code>(sessionValue: T &#124; T[]) =&gt; SessionCookieValidationResult</code> | Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions interface
+Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism.
+export interface SessionStorageCookieOptions<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [encryptionKey](./ | <code>string</code> | A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long. |
+|  [isSecure](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection. |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | Name of the session cookie. |
+|  [validate](./ | <code>(sessionValue: T &#124; T[]) =&gt; SessionCookieValidationResult</code> | Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-Name of the session cookie.
-name: string;
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+## property
+Name of the session cookie.
+name: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [validate](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.validate property
-Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value.
-validate: (sessionValue: T | T[]) => SessionCookieValidationResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [validate](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.validate property
+Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value.
+validate: (sessionValue: T | T[]) => SessionCookieValidationResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
-## SessionStorageFactory.asScoped property
-asScoped: (request: KibanaRequest) => SessionStorage<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
+## SessionStorageFactory.asScoped property
+asScoped: (request: KibanaRequest) => SessionStorage<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./
-## SessionStorageFactory interface
-SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request
-export interface SessionStorageFactory<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asScoped](./ | <code>(request: KibanaRequest) =&gt; SessionStorage&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./
+## SessionStorageFactory interface
+SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request
+export interface SessionStorageFactory<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asScoped](./ | <code>(request: KibanaRequest) =&gt; SessionStorage&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SharedGlobalConfig](./
-## SharedGlobalConfig type
-export declare type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly<{
-    kibana: Pick<KibanaConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.kibana[number]>;
-    elasticsearch: Pick<ElasticsearchConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.elasticsearch[number]>;
-    path: Pick<PathConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.path[number]>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SharedGlobalConfig](./
+## SharedGlobalConfig type
+export declare type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly<{
+    kibana: Pick<KibanaConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.kibana[number]>;
+    elasticsearch: Pick<ElasticsearchConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.elasticsearch[number]>;
+    path: Pick<PathConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.path[number]>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
-## StringValidation type
-Allows regex objects or a regex string
-export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
+## StringValidation type
+Allows regex objects or a regex string
+export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
-## StringValidationRegex interface
-StringValidation with regex object
-export interface StringValidationRegex 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
+## StringValidationRegex interface
+StringValidation with regex object
+export interface StringValidationRegex 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegex.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegex.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
-## StringValidationRegex.regex property
-regex: RegExp;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
+## StringValidationRegex.regex property
+regex: RegExp;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString interface
-StringValidation as regex string
-export interface StringValidationRegexString 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString interface
+StringValidation as regex string
+export interface StringValidationRegexString 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
-regexString: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
+regexString: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
-## UiSettingsParams.category property
-used to group the configured setting in the UI
-category?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
+## UiSettingsParams.category property
+used to group the configured setting in the UI
+category?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
-optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
-deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
+optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
+deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
-## UiSettingsParams.description property
-description provided to a user in UI
-description?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
+## UiSettingsParams.description property
+description provided to a user in UI
+description?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
-## UiSettingsParams interface
-UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
-export interface UiSettingsParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
-|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
-|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
-|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
-|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
-|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
-|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
-|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
-|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
-|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
+## UiSettingsParams interface
+UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
+export interface UiSettingsParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
+|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
+|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
+|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
+|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
+|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
+|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
+|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
+|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
+|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-title in the UI
-name?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+title in the UI
+name?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
-## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
-text labels for 'select' type UI element
-optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
+## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
+text labels for 'select' type UI element
+optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
-## UiSettingsParams.options property
-array of permitted values for this setting
-options?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
+## UiSettingsParams.options property
+array of permitted values for this setting
+options?: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
-## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
-a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
-readonly?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
+## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
+a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
+readonly?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
-## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
-a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
-requiresPageReload?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
+## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
+a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
+requiresPageReload?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
-## UiSettingsParams.type property
-defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
-type?: UiSettingsType;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
+## UiSettingsParams.type property
+defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
+type?: UiSettingsType;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.validation property
-validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.validation property
+validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
-## UiSettingsParams.value property
-default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
-value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
+## UiSettingsParams.value property
+default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
+value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./
-## UiSettingsServiceSetup interface
-export interface UiSettingsServiceSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [register(settings)](./ | Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./
+## UiSettingsServiceSetup interface
+export interface UiSettingsServiceSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [register(settings)](./ | Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
-## UiSettingsServiceSetup.register() method
-Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings.
-register(settings: Record<string, UiSettingsParams>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  settings | <code>Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-setup(core: CoreSetup){
- core.uiSettings.register([{
-  foo: {
-   name: i18n.translate('my foo settings'),
-   value: true,
-   description: 'add some awesomeness',
-  },
- }]);
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
+## UiSettingsServiceSetup.register() method
+Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings.
+register(settings: Record<string, UiSettingsParams>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  settings | <code>Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+setup(core: CoreSetup){
+ core.uiSettings.register([{
+  foo: {
+   name: i18n.translate('my foo settings'),
+   value: true,
+   description: 'add some awesomeness',
+  },
+ }]);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ &gt; [asScopedToClient](./
-## UiSettingsServiceStart.asScopedToClient() method
-Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.
-This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->.
-asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract): IUiSettingsClient;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  savedObjectsClient | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-## Example
-start(core: CoreStart) {
- const soClient = core.savedObjects.getScopedClient(arbitraryRequest);
- const uiSettingsClient = core.uiSettings.asScopedToClient(soClient);
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ &gt; [asScopedToClient](./
+## UiSettingsServiceStart.asScopedToClient() method
+Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.
+This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->.
+asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract): IUiSettingsClient;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  savedObjectsClient | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+## Example
+start(core: CoreStart) {
+ const soClient = core.savedObjects.getScopedClient(arbitraryRequest);
+ const uiSettingsClient = core.uiSettings.asScopedToClient(soClient);
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./
-## UiSettingsServiceStart interface
-export interface UiSettingsServiceStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient)](./ | Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.<!-- -->This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./
+## UiSettingsServiceStart interface
+export interface UiSettingsServiceStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient)](./ | Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.<!-- -->This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
-## UiSettingsType type
-UI element type to represent the settings.
-export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
+## UiSettingsType type
+UI element type to represent the settings.
+export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
-isOverridden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
+isOverridden?: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index e00672070bba8..e0f5f7fadd12f 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
-## UserProvidedValues interface
-Describes the values explicitly set by user.
-export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
+## UserProvidedValues interface
+Describes the values explicitly set by user.
+export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index c45efa9296831..59d25651b7697 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
-## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
-userValue?: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
+## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
+userValue?: T;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index c937b49f08e74..e0b7012bea4aa 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./ &gt; [getInstanceUuid](./
-## UuidServiceSetup.getInstanceUuid() method
-Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid.
-getInstanceUuid(): string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./ &gt; [getInstanceUuid](./
+## UuidServiceSetup.getInstanceUuid() method
+Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid.
+getInstanceUuid(): string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index fa319779e01d5..f2a6cfdeac704 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./
-## UuidServiceSetup interface
-APIs to access the application's instance uuid.
-export interface UuidServiceSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getInstanceUuid()](./ | Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./
+## UuidServiceSetup interface
+APIs to access the application's instance uuid.
+export interface UuidServiceSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getInstanceUuid()](./ | Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 2230fcc988d76..ea866abf887fb 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/server/
+++ b/docs/development/core/server/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [validBodyOutput](./
-## validBodyOutput variable
-The set of valid body.output
-validBodyOutput: readonly ["data", "stream"]
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [validBodyOutput](./
+## validBodyOutput variable
+The set of valid body.output
+validBodyOutput: readonly ["data", "stream"]
diff --git a/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js b/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
index 78fc041345577..e5493df0aecf7 100644
--- a/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
+++ b/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
@@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ export const IGNORE_FILE_GLOBS = [
   // filename is required by storybook
-  // filename required by api-extractor
-  'api-documenter.json',
diff --git a/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts b/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
index 48f31c261c445..56664477df491 100644
--- a/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
+++ b/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ const runBuildTypes = async () => {
 const runApiDocumenter = async (folder: string) => {
   await execa(
-    ['generate', '-i', `./build/${folder}`, '-o', `./docs/development/core/${folder}`],
+    ['markdown', '-i', `./build/${folder}`, '-o', `./docs/development/core/${folder}`],
       preferLocal: true,

From 1a856c7de77ec5accce4535bf204f065b622db44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Seeders <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 10:39:06 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 09/36] Skip failing watcher tests

 x-pack/test/functional/apps/watcher/watcher_test.js | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/test/functional/apps/watcher/watcher_test.js b/x-pack/test/functional/apps/watcher/watcher_test.js
index 20744d7a03817..8f9dccf853e9e 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/functional/apps/watcher/watcher_test.js
+++ b/x-pack/test/functional/apps/watcher/watcher_test.js
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ export default function({ getService, getPageObjects }) {
   const esSupertest = getService('esSupertest');
   const PageObjects = getPageObjects(['security', 'common', 'header', 'settings', 'watcher']);
-  describe('watcher_test', function() {
+  // Failing:
+  describe.skip('watcher_test', function() {
     before('initialize tests', async () => {
       // There may be system watches if monitoring was previously enabled
       // These cannot be deleted via the UI, so we need to delete via the API

From 7fa5707ad6e3cb01ac2a8703317e528c20365385 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Gowdy <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:48:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 10/36] [ML] Fixing module setup error for insufficient index
 pattern privileges (#55989)

 .../models/data_recognizer/data_recognizer.js  | 18 +++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/server/models/data_recognizer/data_recognizer.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/server/models/data_recognizer/data_recognizer.js
index 423141a87d177..1e7a72ee2750f 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/server/models/data_recognizer/data_recognizer.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/ml/server/models/data_recognizer/data_recognizer.js
@@ -290,7 +290,6 @@ export class DataRecognizer {
   ) {
     this.savedObjectsClient = request.getSavedObjectsClient();
-    this.indexPatterns = await this.loadIndexPatterns();
     // load the config from disk
     const moduleConfig = await this.getModule(moduleId, jobPrefix);
@@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ export class DataRecognizer {
     this.indexPatternName =
       indexPatternName === undefined ? moduleConfig.defaultIndexPattern : indexPatternName;
-    this.indexPatternId = this.getIndexPatternId(this.indexPatternName);
+    this.indexPatternId = await this.getIndexPatternId(this.indexPatternName);
     // the module's jobs contain custom URLs which require an index patten id
     // but there is no corresponding index pattern, throw an error
@@ -450,12 +449,17 @@ export class DataRecognizer {
   // returns a id based on an index pattern name
-  getIndexPatternId(name) {
-    if (this.indexPatterns && this.indexPatterns.saved_objects) {
-      const ip = this.indexPatterns.saved_objects.find(i => i.attributes.title === name);
+  async getIndexPatternId(name) {
+    try {
+      const indexPatterns = await this.loadIndexPatterns();
+      if (indexPatterns === undefined || indexPatterns.saved_objects === undefined) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const ip = indexPatterns.saved_objects.find(i => i.attributes.title === name);
       return ip !== undefined ? : undefined;
-    } else {
-      return undefined;
+    } catch (error) {
+      mlLog.warn(`Error loading index patterns, ${error}`);
+      return;

From 82446048cf93c41467f7901db92b1aa53c331a0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dmitry Lemeshko <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:49:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/36] skip tests due to issue #55992 (#55995)

 test/functional/apps/dashboard/panel_controls.js | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/test/functional/apps/dashboard/panel_controls.js b/test/functional/apps/dashboard/panel_controls.js
index f30f58913bd97..5ec6cf3389c4e 100644
--- a/test/functional/apps/dashboard/panel_controls.js
+++ b/test/functional/apps/dashboard/panel_controls.js
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ export default function({ getService, getPageObjects }) {
       await PageObjects.dashboard.gotoDashboardLandingPage();
-    describe('visualization object replace flyout', () => {
+    // unskip when issue is fixed
+    describe.skip('visualization object replace flyout', () => {
       let intialDimensions;
       before(async () => {
         await PageObjects.dashboard.clickNewDashboard();

From 455a96e107b72bf147700cfdc155a8f129ba0310 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tim Roes <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:25:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/36] Hide nested fields across Kibana apps (#55278)

* Hide nested fields across Kibana apps

* Filter out nested fields in TSVB

* Fix import paths

* Hide nested fields in timelion autocomplete

* Fix remaining map places

* Filter out nested fields in graph

* Fix remaining map places

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../public/helpers/arg_value_suggestions.ts           | 11 ++++++++---
 .../vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/get_fields.js      |  3 ++-
 src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/field.ts   |  3 ++-
 .../data/common/index_patterns/fields/index.ts        |  2 +-
 .../data/common/index_patterns/fields/utils.ts        |  4 ++++
 src/plugins/data/public/index.ts                      |  1 +
 src/plugins/data/server/index.ts                      |  1 +
 .../graph/public/services/persistence/deserialize.ts  |  4 ++--
 .../plugins/lens/public/indexpattern_plugin/loader.ts |  7 ++++---
 .../maps/public/connected_components/gis_map/view.js  |  6 ++++--
 .../layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join.js         |  3 ++-
 .../join_editor/resources/join_expression.js          |  3 ++-
 .../legacy/plugins/maps/public/index_pattern_util.js  |  9 +++++++--
 .../plugins/maps/public/layers/fields/es_doc_field.js |  4 +++-
 .../es_geo_grid_source/create_source_editor.js        | 11 +++++++++--
 .../es_geo_grid_source/update_source_editor.js        |  3 ++-
 .../sources/es_pew_pew_source/create_source_editor.js | 11 +++++++++--
 .../sources/es_pew_pew_source/es_pew_pew_source.js    |  4 +++-
 .../sources/es_pew_pew_source/update_source_editor.js |  3 ++-
 .../sources/es_search_source/create_source_editor.js  | 11 +++++++++--
 .../sources/es_search_source/update_source_editor.js  |  3 ++-
 21 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/helpers/arg_value_suggestions.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/helpers/arg_value_suggestions.ts
index e293a662a4ed7..56562121397ce 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/helpers/arg_value_suggestions.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/helpers/arg_value_suggestions.ts
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import { get } from 'lodash';
 import { getIndexPatterns, getSavedObjectsClient } from './plugin_services';
 import { TimelionFunctionArgs } from '../../../../../plugins/timelion/common/types';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export interface Location {
   min: number;
@@ -120,7 +121,8 @@ export function getArgValueSuggestions() {
             return (
               field.aggregatable &&
               'number' === field.type &&
-              containsFieldName(valueSplit[1], field)
+              containsFieldName(valueSplit[1], field) &&
+              !isNestedField(field)
           .map(field => {
@@ -138,7 +140,8 @@ export function getArgValueSuggestions() {
             return (
               field.aggregatable &&
               ['number', 'boolean', 'date', 'ip', 'string'].includes(field.type) &&
-              containsFieldName(partial, field)
+              containsFieldName(partial, field) &&
+              !isNestedField(field)
           .map(field => {
@@ -153,7 +156,9 @@ export function getArgValueSuggestions() {
         return indexPattern.fields
           .filter(field => {
-            return 'date' === field.type && containsFieldName(partial, field);
+            return (
+              'date' === field.type && containsFieldName(partial, field) && !isNestedField(field)
+            );
           .map(field => {
             return { name: };
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/get_fields.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/get_fields.js
index c16452ab4b895..361ce132f1735 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/get_fields.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/get_fields.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 import { SearchStrategiesRegister } from './search_strategies/search_strategies_register';
 import { uniq } from 'lodash';
 import { getIndexPatternObject } from './vis_data/helpers/get_index_pattern';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../plugins/data/server';
 export async function getFields(req) {
   const indexPattern = req.query.index;
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ export async function getFields(req) {
   const fields = (
     await searchStrategy.getFieldsForWildcard(req, indexPatternString, capabilities)
-  ).filter(field => field.aggregatable);
+  ).filter(field => field.aggregatable && !isNestedField(field));
   return uniq(fields, field =>;
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/field.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/field.ts
index a0fa6ad6e3189..090ea14bb64a9 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/field.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/param_types/field.ts
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import { BaseParamType } from './base';
 import { toastNotifications } from '../../notify';
 import { propFilter } from '../filter';
 import { Field, IFieldList } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 const filterByType = propFilter('type');
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ export class FieldParamType extends BaseParamType {
       const { onlyAggregatable, scriptable, filterFieldTypes } = this;
       if (
-        (onlyAggregatable && (!field.aggregatable || field.subType?.nested)) ||
+        (onlyAggregatable && (!field.aggregatable || isNestedField(field))) ||
         (!scriptable && field.scripted)
       ) {
         return false;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/index_patterns/fields/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/index_patterns/fields/index.ts
index 2b43dffa8c161..5b6fef3e51fa9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/index_patterns/fields/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/index_patterns/fields/index.ts
@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@
 export * from './types';
-export { isFilterable } from './utils';
+export { isFilterable, isNestedField } from './utils';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/index_patterns/fields/utils.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/index_patterns/fields/utils.ts
index c7bec5e5ad347..e587c0fe632f1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/index_patterns/fields/utils.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/index_patterns/fields/utils.ts
@@ -28,3 +28,7 @@ export function isFilterable(field: IFieldType): boolean {
     Boolean(field.searchable && filterableTypes.includes(field.type))
+export function isNestedField(field: IFieldType): boolean {
+  return !!field.subType?.nested;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index.ts
index 19ba246ce02dd..d9b15cb46334a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index.ts
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ export {
   // utils
+  isNestedField,
 } from '../common';
 // Export plugin after all other imports
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/server/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/server/index.ts
index 3cd088744a439..ab908f90fc87b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/server/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/server/index.ts
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ export {
   // utils
+  isNestedField,
 } from '../common';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/graph/public/services/persistence/deserialize.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/graph/public/services/persistence/deserialize.ts
index 43425077cc174..0bef31e9fb7fe 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/graph/public/services/persistence/deserialize.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/graph/public/services/persistence/deserialize.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import {
 } from '../../helpers/style_choices';
-import { IndexPattern } from '../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
+import { IndexPattern, isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 const defaultAdvancedSettings: AdvancedSettings = {
   useSignificance: true,
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export function mapFields(indexPattern: IndexPattern): WorkspaceField[] {
   return indexPattern
-    .filter(field => !blockedFieldNames.includes(
+    .filter(field => !blockedFieldNames.includes( && !isNestedField(field))
     .map((field, index) => ({
       hopSize: defaultHopSize,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/lens/public/indexpattern_plugin/loader.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/lens/public/indexpattern_plugin/loader.ts
index 5b994890deb7a..c9473c1869868 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/lens/public/indexpattern_plugin/loader.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/lens/public/indexpattern_plugin/loader.ts
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import { updateLayerIndexPattern } from './state_helpers';
 import { DateRange, ExistingFields } from '../../common/types';
 import { BASE_API_URL } from '../../common';
 import { documentField } from './document_field';
+import { isNestedField, IFieldType } from '../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 interface SavedIndexPatternAttributes extends SavedObjectAttributes {
   title: string;
@@ -271,9 +272,9 @@ function fromSavedObject(
     title: attributes.title,
-    fields: (JSON.parse(attributes.fields) as IndexPatternField[])
-      .filter(({ aggregatable, scripted }) => !!aggregatable || !!scripted)
-      .concat(documentField),
+    fields: (JSON.parse(attributes.fields) as IFieldType[])
+      .filter(field => !isNestedField(field) && (!!field.aggregatable || !!field.scripted))
+      .concat(documentField) as IndexPatternField[],
     typeMeta: attributes.typeMeta
       ? (JSON.parse(attributes.typeMeta) as SavedRestrictionsInfo)
       : undefined,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/gis_map/view.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/gis_map/view.js
index 64342d6b4b51d..2430ca6503f84 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/gis_map/view.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/gis_map/view.js
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import { EuiFlexGroup, EuiFlexItem, EuiCallOut } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { ExitFullScreenButton } from 'ui/exit_full_screen';
 import { getIndexPatternsFromIds } from '../../index_pattern_util';
 import { ES_GEO_FIELD_TYPE } from '../../../common/constants';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import uuid from 'uuid/v4';
@@ -80,8 +81,9 @@ export class GisMap extends Component {
       indexPatterns.forEach(indexPattern => {
         indexPattern.fields.forEach(field => {
           if (
-            field.type === ES_GEO_FIELD_TYPE.GEO_POINT ||
-            field.type === ES_GEO_FIELD_TYPE.GEO_SHAPE
+            !isNestedField(field) &&
+            (field.type === ES_GEO_FIELD_TYPE.GEO_POINT ||
+              field.type === ES_GEO_FIELD_TYPE.GEO_SHAPE)
           ) {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join.js
index f5738856bd8db..554164bf0e8c4 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join.js
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import { MetricsExpression } from './metrics_expression';
 import { WhereExpression } from './where_expression';
 import { GlobalFilterCheckbox } from '../../../../components/global_filter_checkbox';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 import { indexPatternService } from '../../../../kibana_services';
 const getIndexPatternId = props => {
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ export class Join extends Component {
-      rightFields: indexPattern.fields,
+      rightFields: indexPattern.fields.filter(field => !isNestedField(field)),
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join_expression.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join_expression.js
index b53a0e737fc3d..76827e71df9ec 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join_expression.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/connected_components/layer_panel/join_editor/resources/join_expression.js
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { getTermsFields } from '../../../../index_pattern_util';
 import { indexPatternService } from '../../../../kibana_services';
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 const { IndexPatternSelect } =;
 export class JoinExpression extends Component {
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ export class JoinExpression extends Component {
     const filterStringOrNumberFields = field => {
-      return field.type === 'string' || field.type === 'number';
+      return (field.type === 'string' && !isNestedField(field)) || field.type === 'number';
     return (
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/index_pattern_util.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/index_pattern_util.js
index c16606525b8c1..10837bc2f0d0c 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/index_pattern_util.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/index_pattern_util.js
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import { indexPatternService } from './kibana_services';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 export async function getIndexPatternsFromIds(indexPatternIds = []) {
   const promises = [];
@@ -20,7 +21,11 @@ export async function getIndexPatternsFromIds(indexPatternIds = []) {
 export function getTermsFields(fields) {
   return fields.filter(field => {
-    return field.aggregatable && ['number', 'boolean', 'date', 'ip', 'string'].includes(field.type);
+    return (
+      field.aggregatable &&
+      !isNestedField(field) &&
+      ['number', 'boolean', 'date', 'ip', 'string'].includes(field.type)
+    );
@@ -29,6 +34,6 @@ export function getSourceFields(fields) {
   return fields.filter(field => {
     // Multi fields are not stored in _source and only exist in index.
     const isMultiField = field.subType && field.subType.multi;
-    return !isMultiField;
+    return !isMultiField && !isNestedField(field);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/fields/es_doc_field.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/fields/es_doc_field.js
index f9baf180dfe5c..76bcb8da552d1 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/fields/es_doc_field.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/fields/es_doc_field.js
@@ -7,13 +7,15 @@
 import { AbstractField } from './field';
 import { ESTooltipProperty } from '../tooltips/es_tooltip_property';
 import { COLOR_PALETTE_MAX_SIZE } from '../../../common/constants';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 export class ESDocField extends AbstractField {
   static type = 'ES_DOC';
   async _getField() {
     const indexPattern = await this._source.getIndexPattern();
-    return indexPattern.fields.getByName(this._fieldName);
+    const field = indexPattern.fields.getByName(this._fieldName);
+    return isNestedField(field) ? undefined : field;
   async createTooltipProperty(value) {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_geo_grid_source/create_source_editor.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_geo_grid_source/create_source_editor.js
index bf679e766470c..c32b857b49171 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_geo_grid_source/create_source_editor.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_geo_grid_source/create_source_editor.js
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { EuiFormRow, EuiComboBox, EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { ES_GEO_FIELD_TYPE } from '../../../../common/constants';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
 const { IndexPatternSelect } =;
@@ -115,7 +116,9 @@ export class CreateSourceEditor extends Component {
     //make default selection
-    const geoFields = indexPattern.fields.filter(filterGeoField);
+    const geoFields = indexPattern.fields
+      .filter(field => !isNestedField(field))
+      .filter(filterGeoField);
     if (geoFields[0]) {
@@ -171,7 +174,11 @@ export class CreateSourceEditor extends Component {
-          fields={this.state.indexPattern ? this.state.indexPattern.fields : undefined}
+          fields={
+            this.state.indexPattern
+              ? this.state.indexPattern.fields.filter(field => !isNestedField(field))
+              : undefined
+          }
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_geo_grid_source/update_source_editor.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_geo_grid_source/update_source_editor.js
index 6faed55f24c34..0d9234acd9150 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_geo_grid_source/update_source_editor.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_geo_grid_source/update_source_editor.js
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
 import { EuiPanel, EuiSpacer, EuiTitle } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { isMetricCountable } from '../../util/is_metric_countable';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 export class UpdateSourceEditor extends Component {
   state = {
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ export class UpdateSourceEditor extends Component {
-    this.setState({ fields: indexPattern.fields });
+    this.setState({ fields: indexPattern.fields.filter(field => !isNestedField(field)) });
   _onMetricsChange = metrics => {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/create_source_editor.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/create_source_editor.js
index 6180862d01bba..85d63c9da8a31 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/create_source_editor.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/create_source_editor.js
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
 import { EuiFormRow, EuiCallOut } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { ES_GEO_FIELD_TYPE } from '../../../../common/constants';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
 const { IndexPatternSelect } =;
@@ -91,7 +92,9 @@ export class CreateSourceEditor extends Component {
-    const geoFields = indexPattern.fields.filter(filterGeoField);
+    const geoFields = indexPattern.fields
+      .filter(field => !isNestedField(field))
+      .filter(filterGeoField);
       isLoadingIndexPattern: false,
@@ -163,7 +166,11 @@ export class CreateSourceEditor extends Component {
-            fields={this.state.indexPattern ? this.state.indexPattern.fields : undefined}
+            fields={
+              this.state.indexPattern
+                ? this.state.indexPattern.fields.filter(field => !isNestedField(field))
+                : undefined
+            }
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/es_pew_pew_source.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/es_pew_pew_source.js
index dfc9fca96dd75..e6faf4146435d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/es_pew_pew_source.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/es_pew_pew_source.js
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import { AggConfigs } from 'ui/agg_types';
 import { AbstractESAggSource } from '../es_agg_source';
 import { DynamicStyleProperty } from '../../styles/vector/properties/dynamic_style_property';
 import { COLOR_GRADIENTS } from '../../styles/color_utils';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 const MAX_GEOTILE_LEVEL = 29;
@@ -228,7 +229,8 @@ export class ESPewPewSource extends AbstractESAggSource {
   async _getGeoField() {
     const indexPattern = await this.getIndexPattern();
-    const geoField = indexPattern.fields.getByName(this._descriptor.destGeoField);
+    const field = indexPattern.fields.getByName(this._descriptor.destGeoField);
+    const geoField = isNestedField(field) ? undefined : field;
     if (!geoField) {
       throw new Error(
         i18n.translate('xpack.maps.source.esSource.noGeoFieldErrorMessage', {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/update_source_editor.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/update_source_editor.js
index 028bb3ad6c7f2..6e2583bf85bb8 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/update_source_editor.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_pew_pew_source/update_source_editor.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { indexPatternService } from '../../../kibana_services';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { EuiPanel, EuiTitle, EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 export class UpdateSourceEditor extends Component {
   state = {
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ export class UpdateSourceEditor extends Component {
-    this.setState({ fields: indexPattern.fields });
+    this.setState({ fields: indexPattern.fields.filter(field => !isNestedField(field)) });
   _onMetricsChange = metrics => {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_search_source/create_source_editor.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_search_source/create_source_editor.js
index 28045eeb5e9b5..69e4c09eed118 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_search_source/create_source_editor.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_search_source/create_source_editor.js
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import {
 } from '../../../../common/constants';
 import { DEFAULT_FILTER_BY_MAP_BOUNDS } from './constants';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
 const { IndexPatternSelect } =;
@@ -124,7 +125,9 @@ export class CreateSourceEditor extends Component {
     //make default selection
-    const geoFields = indexPattern.fields.filter(filterGeoField);
+    const geoFields = indexPattern.fields
+      .filter(field => !isNestedField(field))
+      .filter(filterGeoField);
     if (geoFields[0]) {
@@ -178,7 +181,11 @@ export class CreateSourceEditor extends Component {
-          fields={this.state.indexPattern ? this.state.indexPattern.fields : undefined}
+          fields={
+            this.state.indexPattern
+              ? this.state.indexPattern.fields.filter(field => !isNestedField(field))
+              : undefined
+          }
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_search_source/update_source_editor.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_search_source/update_source_editor.js
index 4503856829ef2..fdebbe4c81911 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_search_source/update_source_editor.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/layers/sources/es_search_source/update_source_editor.js
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import { DEFAULT_MAX_INNER_RESULT_WINDOW, SORT_ORDER } from '../../../../common/
 import { ESDocField } from '../../fields/es_doc_field';
 import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
 import { loadIndexSettings } from './load_index_settings';
+import { isNestedField } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 export class UpdateSourceEditor extends Component {
   static propTypes = {
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ export class UpdateSourceEditor extends Component {
       sourceFields: sourceFields,
       termFields: getTermsFields(indexPattern.fields), //todo change term fields to use fields
-      sortFields: indexPattern.fields.filter(field => field.sortable), //todo change sort fields to use fields
+      sortFields: indexPattern.fields.filter(field => field.sortable && !isNestedField(field)), //todo change sort fields to use fields
   _onTooltipPropertiesChange = propertyNames => {

From 13593344a02bb7442af0683134f1f2cb74a0aa16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joe Portner <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:38:20 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 13/36] Add lockfile symlinks (#55440)

This is to enable dependency scanning tools to correctly resolve
the dependencies in each package.json file that is used in
 packages/elastic-datemath/yarn.lock           |   1 +
 packages/kbn-babel-code-parser/yarn.lock      |   1 +
 packages/kbn-babel-preset/yarn.lock           |   1 +
 packages/kbn-dev-utils/yarn.lock              |   1 +
 packages/kbn-es/yarn.lock                     |   1 +
 .../yarn.lock                                 |   1 +
 packages/kbn-eslint-plugin-eslint/yarn.lock   |   1 +
 packages/kbn-i18n/yarn.lock                   |   1 +
 packages/kbn-interpreter/yarn.lock            |   1 +
 packages/kbn-plugin-generator/yarn.lock       |   1 +
 packages/kbn-plugin-helpers/yarn.lock         |   1 +
 packages/kbn-pm/yarn.lock                     |   1 +
 packages/kbn-spec-to-console/yarn.lock        |   1 +
 packages/kbn-storybook/yarn.lock              |   1 +
 packages/kbn-test/yarn.lock                   |   1 +
 packages/kbn-ui-framework/yarn.lock           |   1 +
 packages/kbn-utility-types/yarn.lock          |   1 +
 scripts/check_lockfile_symlinks.js            |  21 ++
 src/dev/run_check_lockfile_symlinks.js        | 182 ++++++++++++++++++
 tasks/config/run.js                           |  11 ++
 tasks/jenkins.js                              |   1 +
 x-pack/.gitignore                             |   3 -
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/yarn.lock         |   1 +
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/yarn.lock          |   1 +
 x-pack/plugins/endpoint/yarn.lock             |   1 +
 x-pack/yarn.lock                              |   1 +
 26 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 120000 packages/elastic-datemath/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-babel-code-parser/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-babel-preset/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-dev-utils/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-es/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-eslint-import-resolver-kibana/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-eslint-plugin-eslint/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-i18n/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-interpreter/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-plugin-generator/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-plugin-helpers/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-pm/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-spec-to-console/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-storybook/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-test/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-ui-framework/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 packages/kbn-utility-types/yarn.lock
 create mode 100644 scripts/check_lockfile_symlinks.js
 create mode 100644 src/dev/run_check_lockfile_symlinks.js
 create mode 120000 x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 x-pack/plugins/endpoint/yarn.lock
 create mode 120000 x-pack/yarn.lock

diff --git a/packages/elastic-datemath/yarn.lock b/packages/elastic-datemath/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/elastic-datemath/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-babel-code-parser/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-babel-code-parser/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-babel-code-parser/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-babel-preset/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-babel-preset/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-babel-preset/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-dev-utils/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-dev-utils/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-dev-utils/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-es/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-es/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-es/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-eslint-import-resolver-kibana/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-eslint-import-resolver-kibana/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-eslint-import-resolver-kibana/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-eslint-plugin-eslint/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-eslint-plugin-eslint/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-eslint-plugin-eslint/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-i18n/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-i18n/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-i18n/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-interpreter/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-interpreter/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-interpreter/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-plugin-generator/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-plugin-generator/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-plugin-generator/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-plugin-helpers/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-plugin-helpers/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-plugin-helpers/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-pm/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-pm/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-pm/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-spec-to-console/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-spec-to-console/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-spec-to-console/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-storybook/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-storybook/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-storybook/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-test/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-test/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-test/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-ui-framework/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-ui-framework/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-ui-framework/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/kbn-utility-types/yarn.lock b/packages/kbn-utility-types/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/kbn-utility-types/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/check_lockfile_symlinks.js b/scripts/check_lockfile_symlinks.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b41a354da83f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/check_lockfile_symlinks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
+ * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
+ * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
diff --git a/src/dev/run_check_lockfile_symlinks.js b/src/dev/run_check_lockfile_symlinks.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c1ba22d3a7a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dev/run_check_lockfile_symlinks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
+ * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
+ * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { existsSync, lstatSync, readFileSync } from 'fs';
+import globby from 'globby';
+import { dirname } from 'path';
+import { run, createFailError } from '@kbn/dev-utils';
+import { REPO_ROOT } from './constants';
+import { File } from './file';
+import { matchesAnyGlob } from './globs';
+const LOCKFILE_GLOBS = ['**/yarn.lock'];
+const MANIFEST_GLOBS = ['**/package.json'];
+  // tests aren't used in production, ignore them
+  '**/test/**/*',
+  // fixtures aren't used in production, ignore them
+  '**/*fixtures*/**/*',
+  // cypress isn't used in production, ignore it
+  'x-pack/legacy/plugins/apm/cypress/*',
+run(async ({ log }) => {
+  const paths = await globby(LOCKFILE_GLOBS.concat(MANIFEST_GLOBS), {
+    cwd: REPO_ROOT,
+    nodir: true,
+    gitignore: true,
+    ignore: [
+      // the gitignore: true option makes sure that we don't
+      // include files from node_modules in the result, but it still
+      // loads all of the files from node_modules before filtering
+      // so it's still super slow. This prevents loading the files
+      // and still relies on gitignore to to final ignores
+      '**/node_modules',
+    ],
+  });
+  const files = => new File(path));
+  await checkLockfileSymlinks(log, files);
+async function checkLockfileSymlinks(log, files) {
+  const filtered = files.filter(file => !matchesAnyGlob(file.getRelativePath(), IGNORE_FILE_GLOBS));
+  await checkOnlyLockfileAtProjectRoot(filtered);
+  await checkSuperfluousSymlinks(log, filtered);
+  await checkMissingSymlinks(log, filtered);
+async function checkOnlyLockfileAtProjectRoot(files) {
+  const errorPaths = [];
+  files
+    .filter(file => matchesAnyGlob(file.getRelativePath(), LOCKFILE_GLOBS))
+    .forEach(file => {
+      const path = file.getRelativePath();
+      const parent = dirname(path);
+      const stats = lstatSync(path);
+      if (!stats.isSymbolicLink() && parent !== '.') {
+        errorPaths.push(path);
+      }
+    });
+  if (errorPaths.length) {
+    throw createFailError(
+      `These directories MUST NOT have a 'yarn.lock' file:\n${listPaths(errorPaths)}`
+    );
+  }
+async function checkSuperfluousSymlinks(log, files) {
+  const errorPaths = [];
+  files
+    .filter(file => matchesAnyGlob(file.getRelativePath(), LOCKFILE_GLOBS))
+    .forEach(file => {
+      const path = file.getRelativePath();
+      const parent = dirname(path);
+      const stats = lstatSync(path);
+      if (!stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      const manifestPath = `${parent}/package.json`;
+      if (!existsSync(manifestPath)) {
+        log.warning(
+          `No manifest found at '${manifestPath}', but found an adjacent 'yarn.lock' symlink.`
+        );
+        errorPaths.push(path);
+        return;
+      }
+      try {
+        const manifest = readFileSync(manifestPath);
+        try {
+          const json = JSON.parse(manifest);
+          if (!json.dependencies || !Object.keys(json.dependencies).length) {
+            log.warning(
+              `Manifest at '${manifestPath}' has an adjacent 'yarn.lock' symlink, but manifest has no dependencies.`
+            );
+            errorPaths.push(path);
+          }
+        } catch (err) {
+          log.warning(
+            `Manifest at '${manifestPath}' has an adjacent 'yarn.lock' symlink, but could not parse manifest JSON (${err.message}).`
+          );
+          errorPaths.push(path);
+        }
+      } catch (err) {
+        log.warning(
+          `Manifest at '${manifestPath}', has an adjacent 'yarn.lock' symlink, but could not read manifest (${err.message}).`
+        );
+        errorPaths.push(path);
+      }
+    });
+  if (errorPaths.length) {
+    throw createFailError(
+      `These directories MUST NOT have a 'yarn.lock' symlink:\n${listPaths(errorPaths)}`
+    );
+  }
+async function checkMissingSymlinks(log, files) {
+  const errorPaths = [];
+  files
+    .filter(file => matchesAnyGlob(file.getRelativePath(), MANIFEST_GLOBS))
+    .forEach(file => {
+      const path = file.getRelativePath();
+      const parent = dirname(path);
+      const lockfilePath = `${parent}/yarn.lock`;
+      if (existsSync(lockfilePath)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      try {
+        const manifest = readFileSync(path);
+        try {
+          const json = JSON.parse(manifest);
+          if (json.dependencies && Object.keys(json.dependencies).length) {
+            log.warning(
+              `Manifest at '${path}' has dependencies, but did not find an adjacent 'yarn.lock' symlink.`
+            );
+            errorPaths.push(`${parent}/yarn.lock`);
+          }
+        } catch (err) {
+          log.warning(`Could not parse manifest JSON at '${path}' (${err.message}).`);
+        }
+      } catch (err) {
+        log.warning(`Could not read manifest at '${path}' (${err.message}).`);
+      }
+    });
+  if (errorPaths.length) {
+    throw createFailError(
+      `These directories MUST have a 'yarn.lock' symlink:\n${listPaths(errorPaths)}`
+    );
+  }
+function listPaths(paths) {
+  return => ` - ${path}`).join('\n');
diff --git a/tasks/config/run.js b/tasks/config/run.js
index 857895d75595c..4ba450129e93c 100644
--- a/tasks/config/run.js
+++ b/tasks/config/run.js
@@ -105,6 +105,17 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
+    // used by the test tasks
+    //    runs the check_lockfile_symlinks script to ensure manifests with non-dev dependencies have adjacent lockfile symlinks
+    checkLockfileSymlinks: scriptWithGithubChecks({
+      title: 'Check lockfile symlinks',
+      cmd: NODE,
+      args: [
+        'scripts/check_lockfile_symlinks',
+        '--quiet', // only log errors, not warnings
+      ],
+    }),
     // used by the test tasks
     //    runs the check_core_api_changes script to ensure API changes are explictily accepted
     checkCoreApiChanges: scriptWithGithubChecks({
diff --git a/tasks/jenkins.js b/tasks/jenkins.js
index 8112b37b47224..733d665630019 100644
--- a/tasks/jenkins.js
+++ b/tasks/jenkins.js
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
+    'run:checkLockfileSymlinks',
diff --git a/x-pack/.gitignore b/x-pack/.gitignore
index 93b9552d61044..40a52f88dbbba 100644
--- a/x-pack/.gitignore
+++ b/x-pack/.gitignore
@@ -12,6 +12,3 @@
-# We don't want any yarn.lock files in here
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/yarn.lock b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..4b16253de2abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/yarn.lock b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..4b16253de2abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/yarn.lock b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..3f82ebc9cdbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/x-pack/yarn.lock b/x-pack/yarn.lock
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000..1fe23b6e377dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file

From 66be6ffae8ba305f163435e8282719b4560348d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Wilhelm <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:40:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/36] Don't throw exception when refreshing fields of an
 indexpattern (#55836)

* An exception when refreshing fields of an selected index pattern causes Discover to load incompletely
* Add index ID + Title to the error message for
 .../public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.ts  | 7 +++++--
 x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json        | 3 +--
 x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json        | 3 +--
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.ts
index e3482dd483035..5c09e22b6dbb4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.ts
@@ -492,10 +492,13 @@ export class IndexPattern implements IIndexPattern {
         toasts.addError(err, {
           title: i18n.translate('data.indexPatterns.fetchFieldErrorTitle', {
-            defaultMessage: 'Error fetching fields',
+            defaultMessage: 'Error fetching fields for index pattern {title} (ID: {id})',
+            values: {
+              id:,
+              title: this.title,
+            },
-        throw err;
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
index d1563ff4a0844..b4c85f369519d 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
@@ -723,7 +723,6 @@
     "data.filter.options.pinAllFiltersButtonLabel": "すべてピン付け",
     "data.filter.options.unpinAllFiltersButtonLabel": "すべてのピンを外す",
     "data.filter.searchBar.changeAllFiltersTitle": "すべてのフィルターの変更",
-    "data.indexPatterns.fetchFieldErrorTitle": "フィールドの取得中にエラーが発生",
     "data.indexPatterns.unableWriteLabel": "インデックスパターンを書き込めません!このインデックスパターンへの最新の変更を取得するには、ページを更新してください。",
     "data.indexPatterns.unknownFieldErrorMessage": "インデックスパターン「{title}」のフィールド「{name}」が不明なフィールドタイプを使用しています。",
     "data.indexPatterns.unknownFieldHeader": "不明なフィールドタイプ {type}",
@@ -13205,4 +13204,4 @@
     "xpack.watcher.watchEdit.thresholdWatchExpression.aggType.fieldIsRequiredValidationMessage": "フィールドを選択してください。",
     "xpack.watcher.watcherDescription": "アラートの作成、管理、監視によりデータへの変更を検知します。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
index 27787a11e43ca..583f181e148c6 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
@@ -723,7 +723,6 @@
     "data.filter.options.pinAllFiltersButtonLabel": "全部固定",
     "data.filter.options.unpinAllFiltersButtonLabel": "全部取消固定",
     "data.filter.searchBar.changeAllFiltersTitle": "更改所有筛选",
-    "data.indexPatterns.fetchFieldErrorTitle": "提取字段时出错",
     "data.indexPatterns.unableWriteLabel": "无法写入索引模式!请刷新页面以获取此索引模式的最新更改。",
     "data.indexPatterns.unknownFieldErrorMessage": "indexPattern “{title}” 中的字段 “{name}” 使用未知字段类型。",
     "data.indexPatterns.unknownFieldHeader": "未知字段类型 {type}",
@@ -13204,4 +13203,4 @@
     "xpack.watcher.watchEdit.thresholdWatchExpression.aggType.fieldIsRequiredValidationMessage": "此字段必填。",
     "xpack.watcher.watcherDescription": "通过创建、管理和监测警报来检测数据中的更改。"
\ No newline at end of file

From c71f4dd1626bcbf0b67369a40dc194f6be964964 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joe Reuter <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:58:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/36] Switch back to first page when fetching new items

 .../kibana_react/public/saved_objects/saved_object_finder.tsx    | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/src/plugins/kibana_react/public/saved_objects/saved_object_finder.tsx b/src/plugins/kibana_react/public/saved_objects/saved_object_finder.tsx
index 1522c6b42824c..2a43f29024ba7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/kibana_react/public/saved_objects/saved_object_finder.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/kibana_react/public/saved_objects/saved_object_finder.tsx
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ class SavedObjectFinderUi extends React.Component<
     if (query === this.state.query) {
         isFetchingItems: false,
+        page: 0,
         items: => {
           const {
             attributes: { title },

From 17011b75597412db3415ba0b030254dfe3bd0774 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kaarina Tungseth <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:33:20 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 16/36] [DOCS] Empty dashboard screen  (#55727)

* [DOCS] AdEmpty dashboard screen redesign

* Review comments f from Gail

* Comments from Gaiail pt 2
 .../Dashboard_add_new_visualization.png       | Bin 0 -> 344294 bytes
 docs/user/dashboard.asciidoc                  | 156 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/images/Dashboard_add_new_visualization.png

diff --git a/docs/images/Dashboard_add_new_visualization.png b/docs/images/Dashboard_add_new_visualization.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b871131805ab538788fd945dfdfc263126623fe2
GIT binary patch
literal 344294

literal 0

diff --git a/docs/user/dashboard.asciidoc b/docs/user/dashboard.asciidoc
index 2923e42c1ab34..490edb9d26338 100644
--- a/docs/user/dashboard.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/user/dashboard.asciidoc
@@ -4,25 +4,23 @@
-A {kib} _dashboard_ is a collection of visualizations, searches, and 
-maps, typically in real-time. Dashboards provide 
-at-a-glance insights into your data and enable you to drill down into details. 
+A _dashboard_ is a collection of visualizations, searches, and
+maps, typically in real-time. Dashboards provide
+at-a-glance insights into your data and enable you to drill down into details.
-To start working with dashboards, click *Dashboard* in the side navigation. 
 With *Dashboard*, you can:
-* <<dashboard-create-new-dashboard, Create a dashboard>>
-* <<customizing-your-dashboard, Arrange dashboard elements>>
-* <<dashboard-customize-filter, Customize time ranges>>
-* <<sharing-dashboards, Share a dashboard>>
-* <<import-dashboards, Import and export dashboards>>
-* <<viewing-detailed-information, Inspect and edit dashboard elements>>
+* Add visualizations, saved searches, and maps for side-by-side analysis
+* Arrange dashboard elements to display exactly how you want
+* Customize time ranges to display only the data you want
+* Inspect and edit dashboard elements to find out exactly what kind of data is displayed
 image:images/Dashboard_example.png[Example dashboard]
 === [xpack]#Read only access#
@@ -32,56 +30,61 @@ then you don't have sufficient privileges to create and save dashboards. The but
 dashboards are not visible. For more information, see <<xpack-security-authorization>>.
-image::images/dashboard-read-only-badge.png[Example of Dashboard's read only access indicator in Kibana's header]
+image::images/dashboard-read-only-badge.png[Example of Dashboard read only access indicator in Kibana header]
-=== Interact with dashboards
+== Create a dashboard
-When you open *Dashboard*, you're presented an overview of your dashboards. 
-If you don't have any dashboards, you can add 
+To create a dashboard, you must have data indexed into {es}, an index pattern
+to retrieve the data from {es}, and
+visualizations, saved searches, or maps. If these don't exist, you're prompted to
+add them as you create the dashboard, or you can add
 <<add-sample-data, sample data sets>>,
-which include pre-built dashboards. 
+which include pre-built dashboards.
-Once you open a dashboard, you can filter the data
-by entering a search query, changing the time filter, or clicking 
-in the visualizations, searches, and maps. If a dashboard element has a stored query, 
-both queries are applied.
+To begin, open *Dashboard*, then click *Create new dashboard.*
+=== Add elements
-== Create a dashboard
+The visualizations, saved searches, and maps are stored as elements in panels
+that you can move and resize.
-To create a dashboard, you must have data indexed into {es}, an index pattern 
-to retrieve the data from {es}, and 
-visualizations, saved searches, or maps. If these don't exist, you're prompted to 
-add them as you create the dashboard.
+You can add elements from multiple indices, and the same element can appear in
+multiple dashboards.
-For an end-to-end example, see <<tutorial-build-dashboard, Building your own dashboard>>.
+To create an element:
+. Click *Create new*.
+. On the *New Visualization* window, click the visualization type.
+image:images/Dashboard_add_new_visualization.png[Example add new visualization to dashboard]
+For information on how to create visualizations, see <<visualize,Visualize>>.
+For information on how to create Maps, see <<maps,Elastic Maps>>.
+To add an existing element:
-. Open *Dashboard.*
-. Click *Create new dashboard.*
 . Click *Add*.
-. Use *Add panels* to add elements to the dashboard.
+. On the *Add panels* flyout, select the panel.
-The visualizations, saved searches, and maps
-are stored in panels that you can move and resize. A
-menu in the upper right of the panel has options for customizing
-the panel. You can add elements from 
-multiple indices, and the same element can appear in multiple dashboards.
+When a dashboard element has a stored query,
+both queries are applied.
 image:images/Dashboard_add_visualization.png[Example add visualization to dashboard]
-. When you're finished adding and arranging the panels,
-*Save* the dashboard.
 === Arrange dashboard elements
-In *Edit* mode, you can move, resize, customize, and delete panels to suit your needs. 
+In *Edit* mode, you can move, resize, customize, and delete panels to suit your needs.
 * To move a panel, click and hold the panel header and drag to the new location.
@@ -95,16 +98,33 @@ to the new dimensions.
 * To delete a panel, open the panel menu and select *Delete from dashboard.* Deleting a panel from a
 dashboard does *not* delete the saved visualization or search.
+=== Inspect and edit elements
+Many dashboard elements allow you to drill down into the data and requests
+behind the element.
+From the panel menu, select *Inspect*.
+The data that displays depends on the element that you inspect.
+image:images/Dashboard_inspect.png[Inspect in dashboard]
+To open an element for editing, put the dashboard in *Edit* mode,
+and then select *Edit visualization* from the panel menu. The changes you make appear in
+every dashboard that uses the element.
 === Customize time ranges
 You can configure each visualization, saved search, and map on your dashboard
 for a specific time range. For example, you might want one visualization to show
-the monthly trend for CPU usage and another to show the current CPU usage.   
+the monthly trend for CPU usage and another to show the current CPU usage.
-From the panel menu, select *Customize time range* to expose a time filter 
-dedicated to that panel. Panels that are not restricted by a specific 
+From the panel menu, select *Customize time range* to expose a time filter
+dedicated to that panel. Panels that are not restricted by a specific
 time range are controlled by the
 global time filter.
@@ -112,20 +132,30 @@ global time filter.
 image:images/time_range_per_panel.gif[Time range per dashboard panel]
+=== Save the dashboard
+When you're finished adding and arranging the panels, save the dashboard.
+. In the {kib} toolbar, click *Save*.
+. Enter the dashboard *Title* and optional *Description*, then *Save* the dashboard.
-=== Share a dashboard
+=== Share the dashboard
-When you've finished your dashboard, you can share it with your teammates. 
+Share your dashboard outside of {kib}.
 From the *Share* menu, you can:
-* Embed the code in a web page. Users must have Kibana access
+* Embed the code in a web page. Users must have {kib} access
 to view an embedded dashboard.
 * Share a direct link to a {kib} dashboard
 * Generate a PDF report
 * Generate a PNG report
-TIP: You can create a link to a dashboard by title by doing this: +
+TIP: To create a link to a dashboard by title, use: +
 TIP: When sharing a link to a dashboard snapshot, use the *Short URL*. Snapshot
@@ -134,29 +164,7 @@ tools. To create a short URL, you must have write access to {kib}.
-=== Import and export dashboards
-To import and export dashboards, go to *Management > Saved Objects*. For details,
-see <<managing-saved-objects, Managing saved objects>>. 
-=== Inspect and edit elements
-Many dashboard elements allow you to drill down into the data and requests 
-behind the element. Open the menu in the upper right of the panel and select *Inspect*. 
-The views you see depend on the element that you inspect. 
-image:images/Dashboard_inspect.png[Inspect in dashboard]
-To open an element for editing, put the dashboard in *Edit* mode, 
-and then select *Edit* from the panel menu. The changes you make appear in
-every dashboard that uses the element. 
+=== Export the dashboard
+To export the dashboard, go to *Management > Saved Objects*. For more information,
+see <<managing-saved-objects, Managing saved objects>>.

From aa695ec6370e83e6cd595004c7d08e266fad0930 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mikhail Shustov <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 18:42:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/36] Normalize EOL symbol in platform docs (#56021)

* use api-extractor generate command with api-documenter config

* update docs

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 api-documenter.json                           |   4 +
 docs/development/core/public/         |  24 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../core/public/   |  44 +-
 .../public/  |  36 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +-
 .../public/    |  60 +-- |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../  |  88 ++-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../       |  46 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../    |  30 +- |  42 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  30 +-
 .../  |  42 +- |  48 +- |  94 ++-- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  54 +--
 .../  |  54 +-- |  56 +-- |  58 +--
 .../public/   |  26 +- |  52 +-
 .../   |  48 +- |  44 +- | 116 ++--- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  82 ++--
 .../  |  46 +-
 .../public/  |  42 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  26 +- |  22 +-
 .../       |  42 +-
 .../  |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  24 +- |  68 +--
 .../    |  78 +-- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  32 +- |  24 +-
 .../  |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  70 +-- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../     |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  34 +- |  46 +- |  48 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  48 +-
 .../    |  54 +-- |  56 +-- |  60 +-- |  24 +- |  68 +-- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  34 +-
 .../       | 140 +++--- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  78 +-- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  48 +- |  34 +-
 .../      | 276 +++++------ |  26 +-
 .../ |  34 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  38 +-
 .../public/  |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  38 +-
 .../public/  |  60 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- | 192 ++++----
 .../     |  42 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  42 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../    |  24 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../   |  46 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  52 +-
 .../public/  |  72 +--
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../public/  |  26 +-
 .../ |  30 +-
 .../public/  |  40 +- |  48 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  48 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../public/  |  44 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  54 +--
 .../ | 160 +++--- |  68 +--
 .../  |  36 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  46 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  52 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  28 +-
 .../   |  38 +-
 .../public/    |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../   |  56 +-- |  30 +-
 .../   |  56 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../     |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  22 +-
 .../core/public/       | 322 ++++++-------
 .../public/ |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  54 +-- |  30 +- |  44 +- |  52 +- |  56 +--
 .../  |  34 +-
 .../public/ |  52 +- |  30 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  24 +- |  24 +- |  24 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  46 +- |  22 +-
 .../public/     |  44 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../       |  30 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  28 +- |  44 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  24 +-
 .../ |  28 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  28 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  72 +-- |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  58 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  44 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  38 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  22 +-
 .../ |  88 ++-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../core/public/ |  26 +-
 .../public/ |  26 +-
 .../  |  42 +- |  44 +-
 .../     |  52 +- |  52 +- |  54 +-- |  52 +- |  52 +-
 .../    |  34 +-
 .../public/  |  64 +--
 .../  |  48 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  60 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  24 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +-
 docs/development/core/server/         |  24 +-
 .../server/  |  24 +- |  30 +- |  38 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../     |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +-
 .../server/ |  24 +-
 .../  |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  38 +-
 .../server/ |  44 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  40 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../server/   |  56 +--
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../    |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../      |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  54 +-- |  92 ++-- |  94 ++--
 .../ |  40 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../     |  70 +--
 .../ |  36 +- |  72 +-- |  72 +-- |  76 +-- |  70 +-- |  74 +-- |  26 +- |  56 +--
 .../server/ |  24 +- |  34 +-
 .../      | 276 +++++------ |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../server/  |  64 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/  |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../server/  |  56 +--
 .../   |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  70 +-- |  44 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  42 +- |  22 +-
 .../   |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +-
 .../       |  40 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../      |  32 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../server/    |  34 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  28 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  | 190 ++++---- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  36 +- |  74 +-- |  26 +-
 .../  |  38 +-
 .../server/  |  30 +-
 .../    |  30 +- |  54 +--
 .../ | 160 +++--- |  68 +--
 .../  |  36 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../server/ |  46 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +-
 .../   |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  52 +-
 .../     |  58 +-- |  28 +-
 .../   |  38 +- |  24 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  38 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/    |  52 +-
 .../     |  26 +-
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../       |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  26 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  38 +- |  82 ++-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  56 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  48 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  36 +- |  26 +-
 .../     |  68 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- | 236 ++++-----
 .../      |  26 +-
 .../     |  32 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  26 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../server/ |  66 +--
 .../       |  50 +-
 .../server/     |  52 +-
 .../      |  50 +-
 .../       |  50 +-
 .../ |  48 +-
 .../     |  40 +-
 .../server/    |  26 +-
 .../core/server/       | 456 +++++++++--------- |  24 +- |  24 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +-
 .../ |  40 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
 .../  |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  22 +-
 .../       |  46 +- |  22 +-
 .../server/     |  44 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../      |  46 +-
 .../       |  30 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- | 100 ++-- |  30 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  34 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  36 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../    |  62 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../server/ |  26 +-
 .../    |  24 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  38 +-
 .../ |  28 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  84 ++-- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../     |  32 +- |  26 +-
 .../   |  34 +-
 .../       |  44 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  36 +- | 124 ++--- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  30 +- |  30 +-
 .../  |  26 +-
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 .../    |  26 +- |  42 +- |  40 +- |  84 ++-- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  40 +- |  34 +- |  26 +-
 .../ |  28 +-
 .../    |  26 +-
 .../       |  52 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  58 +-- |  50 +- |  52 +- |  52 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  52 +- |  72 +-- |  54 +-- |  86 ++-- |  30 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  30 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  46 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  44 +- |  80 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  54 +-- |  26 +- |  32 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  44 +- |  26 +- |  32 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  58 +-- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  28 +- |  44 +- |  28 +- |  22 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  46 +- |  22 +- |  30 +- |  22 +- |  44 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  36 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  48 +- |  54 +-- |  62 +-- |  54 +-- |  56 +-- |  56 +-- |  54 +-- |  48 +- |  56 +-- |  86 ++-- |  56 +-- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  50 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  66 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  36 +- |  30 +- |  44 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  22 +-
 .../  |  30 +- |  44 +- |  52 +- |  52 +- |  58 +-- |  26 +- |  42 +- |  26 +- |  34 +- |  34 +-
 .../    |  44 +- |  48 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  46 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  40 +- |  32 +-
 .../  |  26 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +-
 .../  |  60 +-- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  26 +- |  22 +- |  26 +- |  38 +- |  80 +-- |  74 +-- |  38 +-
 .../    |  26 +- |  22 +- |  42 +- |  22 +- |  34 +-
 .../  |  40 +-
 .../   |  26 +-
 src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js |   3 +
 src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts         |   2 +-
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-## API Reference
-## Packages
-|  Package | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibana-plugin-public](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>public/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+## API Reference
+## Packages
+|  Package | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibana-plugin-public](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>public/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [appRoute](./
-## App.appRoute property
-Override the application's routing path from `/app/${id}`<!-- -->. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP.
-appRoute?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [appRoute](./
+## App.appRoute property
+Override the application's routing path from `/app/${id}`<!-- -->. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP.
+appRoute?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
-## App.chromeless property
-Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
-chromeless?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
+## App.chromeless property
+Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
+chromeless?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./
-## App interface
-Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function.
-export interface App extends AppBase 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appRoute](./ | <code>string</code> | Override the application's routing path from <code>/app/${id}</code>. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP. |
-|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
-|  [mount](./ | <code>AppMount &#124; AppMountDeprecated</code> | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./
+## App interface
+Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function.
+export interface App extends AppBase 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appRoute](./ | <code>string</code> | Override the application's routing path from <code>/app/${id}</code>. Must be unique across registered applications. Should not include the base path from HTTP. |
+|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
+|  [mount](./ | <code>AppMount &#124; AppMountDeprecated</code> | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [mount](./
-## App.mount property
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->.
-mount: AppMount | AppMountDeprecated;
-## Remarks
-When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [App](./ &gt; [mount](./
+## App.mount property
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. May have signature of [AppMount](./ or [AppMountDeprecated](./<!-- -->.
+mount: AppMount | AppMountDeprecated;
+## Remarks
+When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## AppBase.capabilities property
-Custom capabilities defined by the app.
-capabilities?: Partial<Capabilities>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## AppBase.capabilities property
+Custom capabilities defined by the app.
+capabilities?: Partial<Capabilities>;
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index 215ebbbd0e186..d3c6e0acf5e69 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [category](./
-## AppBase.category property
-The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference
-category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [category](./
+## AppBase.category property
+The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference
+category?: AppCategory;
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index ddbf9aafbd28a..8763a25541199 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
-## AppBase.chromeless property
-Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
-chromeless?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [chromeless](./
+## AppBase.chromeless property
+Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings.
+chromeless?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## AppBase.euiIconType property
-A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## AppBase.euiIconType property
+A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
+euiIconType?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## AppBase.icon property
-A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
-icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## AppBase.icon property
+A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
+icon?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The unique identifier of the application
-id: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The unique identifier of the application
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./
-## AppBase interface
-export interface AppBase 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>Partial&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Custom capabilities defined by the app. |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference |
-|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The unique identifier of the application |
-|  [navLinkStatus](./ | <code>AppNavLinkStatus</code> | The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to <code>visible</code> if <code>status</code> is <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if status is <code>inaccessible</code> See [AppNavLinkStatus](./ |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
-|  [status](./ | <code>AppStatus</code> | The initial status of the application. Defaulting to <code>accessible</code> |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over app link. |
-|  [updater$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> | An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./
+## AppBase interface
+export interface AppBase 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>Partial&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Custom capabilities defined by the app. |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category definition of the product See [AppCategory](./ See DEFAULT\_APP\_CATEGORIES for more reference |
+|  [chromeless](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hide the UI chrome when the application is mounted. Defaults to <code>false</code>. Takes precedence over chrome service visibility settings. |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The unique identifier of the application |
+|  [navLinkStatus](./ | <code>AppNavLinkStatus</code> | The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to <code>visible</code> if <code>status</code> is <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if status is <code>inaccessible</code> See [AppNavLinkStatus](./ |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
+|  [status](./ | <code>AppStatus</code> | The initial status of the application. Defaulting to <code>accessible</code> |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over app link. |
+|  [updater$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> | An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [navLinkStatus](./
-## AppBase.navLinkStatus property
-The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to `visible` if `status` is `accessible` and `hidden` if status is `inaccessible` See [AppNavLinkStatus](./
-navLinkStatus?: AppNavLinkStatus;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [navLinkStatus](./
+## AppBase.navLinkStatus property
+The initial status of the application's navLink. Defaulting to `visible` if `status` is `accessible` and `hidden` if status is `inaccessible` See [AppNavLinkStatus](./
+navLinkStatus?: AppNavLinkStatus;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [order](./
-## AppBase.order property
-An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
-order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [order](./
+## AppBase.order property
+An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
+order?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [status](./
-## AppBase.status property
-The initial status of the application. Defaulting to `accessible`
-status?: AppStatus;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [status](./
+## AppBase.status property
+The initial status of the application. Defaulting to `accessible`
+status?: AppStatus;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [title](./
-## AppBase.title property
-The title of the application.
-title: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [title](./
+## AppBase.title property
+The title of the application.
+title: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## AppBase.tooltip property
-A tooltip shown when hovering over app link.
-tooltip?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## AppBase.tooltip property
+A tooltip shown when hovering over app link.
+tooltip?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [updater$](./
-## AppBase.updater$ property
-An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime.
-updater$?: Observable<AppUpdater>;
-## Example
-How to update an application navLink at runtime
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  private appUpdater = new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(() => ({}));
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.register({
-      id: 'my-app',
-      title: 'My App',
-      updater$: this.appUpdater,
-      async mount(params) {
-        const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
-        return renderApp(params);
-      },
-    });
-  }
-  start() {
-     // later, when the navlink needs to be updated
- => {
-       navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.disabled,
-     })
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppBase](./ &gt; [updater$](./
+## AppBase.updater$ property
+An [AppUpdater](./ observable that can be used to update the application [AppUpdatableFields](./ at runtime.
+updater$?: Observable<AppUpdater>;
+## Example
+How to update an application navLink at runtime
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  private appUpdater = new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(() => ({}));
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.register({
+      id: 'my-app',
+      title: 'My App',
+      updater$: this.appUpdater,
+      async mount(params) {
+        const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
+        return renderApp(params);
+      },
+    });
+  }
+  start() {
+     // later, when the navlink needs to be updated
+ => {
+       navLinkStatus: AppNavLinkStatus.disabled,
+     })
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [ariaLabel](./
-## AppCategory.ariaLabel property
-If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here
-ariaLabel?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [ariaLabel](./
+## AppCategory.ariaLabel property
+If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here
+ariaLabel?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## AppCategory.euiIconType property
-Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## AppCategory.euiIconType property
+Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined
+euiIconType?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [label](./
-## AppCategory.label property
-Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set.
-label: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [label](./
+## AppCategory.label property
+Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set.
+label: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./
-## AppCategory interface
-A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav
-export interface AppCategory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [ariaLabel](./ | <code>string</code> | If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined |
-|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> | Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set. |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000) |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./
+## AppCategory interface
+A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav
+export interface AppCategory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [ariaLabel](./ | <code>string</code> | If the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers, can override it here |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | Define an icon to be used for the category If the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon Defaults to initials if no icon is defined |
+|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> | Label used for cateogry name. Also used as aria-label if one isn't set. |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000) |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [order](./
-## AppCategory.order property
-The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000)
-order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppCategory](./ &gt; [order](./
+## AppCategory.order property
+The order that categories will be sorted in Prefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing (Default categories are in steps of 1000)
+order?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveAction](./
-## AppLeaveAction type
-Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./
-See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
-export declare type AppLeaveAction = AppLeaveDefaultAction | AppLeaveConfirmAction;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveAction](./
+## AppLeaveAction type
+Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./
+See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
+export declare type AppLeaveAction = AppLeaveDefaultAction | AppLeaveConfirmAction;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveActionType](./
-## AppLeaveActionType enum
-Possible type of actions on application leave.
-export declare enum AppLeaveActionType 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  confirm | <code>&quot;confirm&quot;</code> |  |
-|  default | <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveActionType](./
+## AppLeaveActionType enum
+Possible type of actions on application leave.
+export declare enum AppLeaveActionType 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  confirm | <code>&quot;confirm&quot;</code> |  |
+|  default | <code>&quot;default&quot;</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction interface
-Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.
-export interface AppLeaveConfirmAction 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.confirm</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction interface
+Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.
+export interface AppLeaveConfirmAction 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.confirm</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [text](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.text property
-text: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [text](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.text property
+text: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [title](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.title property
-title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [title](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.title property
+title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [type](./
-## AppLeaveConfirmAction.type property
-type: AppLeaveActionType.confirm;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ &gt; [type](./
+## AppLeaveConfirmAction.type property
+type: AppLeaveActionType.confirm;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
-## AppLeaveDefaultAction interface
-Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.
-export interface AppLeaveDefaultAction 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.default</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./
+## AppLeaveDefaultAction interface
+Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.
+export interface AppLeaveDefaultAction 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AppLeaveActionType.default</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ &gt; [type](./
-## AppLeaveDefaultAction.type property
-type: AppLeaveActionType.default;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ &gt; [type](./
+## AppLeaveDefaultAction.type property
+type: AppLeaveActionType.default;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveHandler](./
-## AppLeaveHandler type
-A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return `confirm` to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or `default` to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).
-See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples.
-export declare type AppLeaveHandler = (factory: AppLeaveActionFactory) => AppLeaveAction;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppLeaveHandler](./
+## AppLeaveHandler type
+A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return `confirm` to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or `default` to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).
+See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples.
+export declare type AppLeaveHandler = (factory: AppLeaveActionFactory) => AppLeaveAction;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./
-## ApplicationSetup interface
-export interface ApplicationSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [register(app)](./ | Register an mountable application to the system. |
-|  [registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$)](./ | Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.<!-- -->This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the <code>updater$</code> property of the registered application instead. |
-|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./
+## ApplicationSetup interface
+export interface ApplicationSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [register(app)](./ | Register an mountable application to the system. |
+|  [registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$)](./ | Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.<!-- -->This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the <code>updater$</code> property of the registered application instead. |
+|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
-## ApplicationSetup.register() method
-Register an mountable application to the system.
-register(app: App): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  app | <code>App</code> | an [App](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
+## ApplicationSetup.register() method
+Register an mountable application to the system.
+register(app: App): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  app | <code>App</code> | an [App](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerAppUpdater](./
-## ApplicationSetup.registerAppUpdater() method
-Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.
-This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the `updater$` property of the registered application instead.
-registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$: Observable<AppUpdater>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appUpdater$ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to register an application updater that disables some applications:
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.registerAppUpdater(
-      new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(app => {
-         if (myPluginApi.shouldDisable(app))
-           return {
-             status: AppStatus.inaccessible,
-           };
-       })
-     );
-    }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerAppUpdater](./
+## ApplicationSetup.registerAppUpdater() method
+Register an application updater that can be used to change the [AppUpdatableFields](./ fields of all applications at runtime.
+This is meant to be used by plugins that needs to updates the whole list of applications. To only updates a specific application, use the `updater$` property of the registered application instead.
+registerAppUpdater(appUpdater$: Observable<AppUpdater>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appUpdater$ | <code>Observable&lt;AppUpdater&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to register an application updater that disables some applications:
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.registerAppUpdater(
+      new BehaviorSubject<AppUpdater>(app => {
+         if (myPluginApi.shouldDisable(app))
+           return {
+             status: AppStatus.inaccessible,
+           };
+       })
+     );
+    }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
-## ApplicationSetup.registerMountContext() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationSetup](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
+## ApplicationSetup.registerMountContext() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## ApplicationStart.capabilities property
-Gets the read-only capabilities.
-capabilities: RecursiveReadonly<Capabilities>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## ApplicationStart.capabilities property
+Gets the read-only capabilities.
+capabilities: RecursiveReadonly<Capabilities>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [getUrlForApp](./
-## ApplicationStart.getUrlForApp() method
-Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path.
-getUrlForApp(appId: string, options?: {
-        path?: string;
-    }): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [getUrlForApp](./
+## ApplicationStart.getUrlForApp() method
+Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path.
+getUrlForApp(appId: string, options?: {
+        path?: string;
+    }): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./
-## ApplicationStart interface
-export interface ApplicationStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Gets the read-only capabilities. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getUrlForApp(appId, options)](./ | Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path. |
-|  [navigateToApp(appId, options)](./ | Navigate to a given app |
-|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./
+## ApplicationStart interface
+export interface ApplicationStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;Capabilities&gt;</code> | Gets the read-only capabilities. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getUrlForApp(appId, options)](./ | Returns a relative URL to a given app, including the global base path. |
+|  [navigateToApp(appId, options)](./ | Navigate to a given app |
+|  [registerMountContext(contextName, provider)](./ | Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [navigateToApp](./
-## ApplicationStart.navigateToApp() method
-Navigate to a given app
-navigateToApp(appId: string, options?: {
-        path?: string;
-        state?: any;
-    }): Promise<void>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>        state?: any;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [navigateToApp](./
+## ApplicationStart.navigateToApp() method
+Navigate to a given app
+navigateToApp(appId: string, options?: {
+        path?: string;
+        state?: any;
+    }): Promise<void>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appId | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>{</code><br/><code>        path?: string;</code><br/><code>        state?: any;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
-## ApplicationStart.registerMountContext() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ApplicationStart](./ &gt; [registerMountContext](./
+## ApplicationStart.registerMountContext() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Register a context provider for application mounting. Will only be available to applications that depend on the plugin that registered this context. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+registerMountContext<T extends keyof AppMountContext>(contextName: T, provider: IContextProvider<AppMountDeprecated, T>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextName | <code>T</code> | The key of [AppMountContext](./ this provider's return value should be attached to. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;AppMountDeprecated, T&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ function |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMount](./
-## AppMount type
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
-export declare type AppMount = (params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMount](./
+## AppMount type
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
+export declare type AppMount = (params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./ &gt; [core](./
-## AppMountContext.core property
-Core service APIs available to mounted applications.
-core: {
-        application: Pick<ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' | 'navigateToApp'>;
-        chrome: ChromeStart;
-        docLinks: DocLinksStart;
-        http: HttpStart;
-        i18n: I18nStart;
-        notifications: NotificationsStart;
-        overlays: OverlayStart;
-        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
-        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-        injectedMetadata: {
-            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-        };
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./ &gt; [core](./
+## AppMountContext.core property
+Core service APIs available to mounted applications.
+core: {
+        application: Pick<ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' | 'navigateToApp'>;
+        chrome: ChromeStart;
+        docLinks: DocLinksStart;
+        http: HttpStart;
+        i18n: I18nStart;
+        notifications: NotificationsStart;
+        overlays: OverlayStart;
+        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
+        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+        injectedMetadata: {
+            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+        };
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./
-## AppMountContext interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
-export interface AppMountContext 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        application: Pick&lt;ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' &#124; 'navigateToApp'&gt;;</code><br/><code>        chrome: ChromeStart;</code><br/><code>        docLinks: DocLinksStart;</code><br/><code>        http: HttpStart;</code><br/><code>        i18n: I18nStart;</code><br/><code>        notifications: NotificationsStart;</code><br/><code>        overlays: OverlayStart;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        injectedMetadata: {</code><br/><code>            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Core service APIs available to mounted applications. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountContext](./
+## AppMountContext interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+export interface AppMountContext 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        application: Pick&lt;ApplicationStart, 'capabilities' &#124; 'navigateToApp'&gt;;</code><br/><code>        chrome: ChromeStart;</code><br/><code>        docLinks: DocLinksStart;</code><br/><code>        http: HttpStart;</code><br/><code>        i18n: I18nStart;</code><br/><code>        notifications: NotificationsStart;</code><br/><code>        overlays: OverlayStart;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        injectedMetadata: {</code><br/><code>            getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Core service APIs available to mounted applications. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountDeprecated](./
-## AppMountDeprecated type
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
-export declare type AppMountDeprecated = (context: AppMountContext, params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
-## Remarks
-When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountDeprecated](./
+## AppMountDeprecated type
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route.
+export declare type AppMountDeprecated = (context: AppMountContext, params: AppMountParameters) => AppUnmount | Promise<AppUnmount>;
+## Remarks
+When function has two arguments, it will be called with a [context](./ as the first argument. This behavior is \*\*deprecated\*\*, and consumers should instead use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [appBasePath](./
-## AppMountParameters.appBasePath property
-The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP.
-appBasePath: string;
-## Example
-How to configure react-router with a base path:
-// inside your plugin's setup function
-export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
-  setup({ application }) {
-    application.register({
-     id: 'my-app',
-     appRoute: '/my-app',
-     async mount(params) {
-       const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
-       return renderApp(params);
-     },
-   });
- }
-// application.tsx
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
-import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
-export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element }: AppMountParams) => {
-  ReactDOM.render(
-    // pass `appBasePath` to `basename`
-    <BrowserRouter basename={appBasePath}>
-      <Route path="/" exact component={HomePage} />
-    </BrowserRouter>,
-    element
-  );
-  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(element);
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [appBasePath](./
+## AppMountParameters.appBasePath property
+The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP.
+appBasePath: string;
+## Example
+How to configure react-router with a base path:
+// inside your plugin's setup function
+export class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
+  setup({ application }) {
+    application.register({
+     id: 'my-app',
+     appRoute: '/my-app',
+     async mount(params) {
+       const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
+       return renderApp(params);
+     },
+   });
+ }
+// application.tsx
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
+import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
+export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element }: AppMountParams) => {
+  ReactDOM.render(
+    // pass `appBasePath` to `basename`
+    <BrowserRouter basename={appBasePath}>
+      <Route path="/" exact component={HomePage} />
+    </BrowserRouter>,
+    element
+  );
+  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(element);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [element](./
-## AppMountParameters.element property
-The container element to render the application into.
-element: HTMLElement;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [element](./
+## AppMountParameters.element property
+The container element to render the application into.
+element: HTMLElement;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./
-## AppMountParameters interface
-export interface AppMountParameters 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appBasePath](./ | <code>string</code> | The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP. |
-|  [element](./ | <code>HTMLElement</code> | The container element to render the application into. |
-|  [onAppLeave](./ | <code>(handler: AppLeaveHandler) =&gt; void</code> | A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.<!-- -->This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./
+## AppMountParameters interface
+export interface AppMountParameters 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appBasePath](./ | <code>string</code> | The route path for configuring navigation to the application. This string should not include the base path from HTTP. |
+|  [element](./ | <code>HTMLElement</code> | The container element to render the application into. |
+|  [onAppLeave](./ | <code>(handler: AppLeaveHandler) =&gt; void</code> | A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.<!-- -->This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [onAppLeave](./
-## AppMountParameters.onAppLeave property
-A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.
-This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url.
-onAppLeave: (handler: AppLeaveHandler) => void;
-## Example
-// application.tsx
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
-import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
-export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element, onAppLeave }: AppMountParams) => {
-   const { renderApp, hasUnsavedChanges } = await import('./application');
-   onAppLeave(actions => {
-     if(hasUnsavedChanges()) {
-       return actions.confirm('Some changes were not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?');
-     }
-     return actions.default();
-   });
-   return renderApp(params);
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppMountParameters](./ &gt; [onAppLeave](./
+## AppMountParameters.onAppLeave property
+A function that can be used to register a handler that will be called when the user is leaving the current application, allowing to prompt a confirmation message before actually changing the page.
+This will be called either when the user goes to another application, or when trying to close the tab or manually changing the url.
+onAppLeave: (handler: AppLeaveHandler) => void;
+## Example
+// application.tsx
+import React from 'react';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { CoreStart, AppMountParams } from 'src/core/public';
+import { MyPluginDepsStart } from './plugin';
+export renderApp = ({ appBasePath, element, onAppLeave }: AppMountParams) => {
+   const { renderApp, hasUnsavedChanges } = await import('./application');
+   onAppLeave(actions => {
+     if(hasUnsavedChanges()) {
+       return actions.confirm('Some changes were not saved. Are you sure you want to leave?');
+     }
+     return actions.default();
+   });
+   return renderApp(params);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppNavLinkStatus](./
-## AppNavLinkStatus enum
-Status of the application's navLink.
-export declare enum AppNavLinkStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  default | <code>0</code> | The application navLink will be <code>visible</code> if the application's [AppStatus](./ is set to <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if the application status is set to <code>inaccessible</code>. |
-|  disabled | <code>2</code> | The application navLink is visible but inactive and not clickable in the navigation bar. |
-|  hidden | <code>3</code> | The application navLink does not appear in the navigation bar. |
-|  visible | <code>1</code> | The application navLink is visible and clickable in the navigation bar. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppNavLinkStatus](./
+## AppNavLinkStatus enum
+Status of the application's navLink.
+export declare enum AppNavLinkStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  default | <code>0</code> | The application navLink will be <code>visible</code> if the application's [AppStatus](./ is set to <code>accessible</code> and <code>hidden</code> if the application status is set to <code>inaccessible</code>. |
+|  disabled | <code>2</code> | The application navLink is visible but inactive and not clickable in the navigation bar. |
+|  hidden | <code>3</code> | The application navLink does not appear in the navigation bar. |
+|  visible | <code>1</code> | The application navLink is visible and clickable in the navigation bar. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppStatus](./
-## AppStatus enum
-Accessibility status of an application.
-export declare enum AppStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  accessible | <code>0</code> | Application is accessible. |
-|  inaccessible | <code>1</code> | Application is not accessible. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppStatus](./
+## AppStatus enum
+Accessibility status of an application.
+export declare enum AppStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  accessible | <code>0</code> | Application is accessible. |
+|  inaccessible | <code>1</code> | Application is not accessible. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUnmount](./
-## AppUnmount type
-A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous.
-export declare type AppUnmount = () => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUnmount](./
+## AppUnmount type
+A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous.
+export declare type AppUnmount = () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdatableFields](./
-## AppUpdatableFields type
-Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type AppUpdatableFields = Pick<AppBase, 'status' | 'navLinkStatus' | 'tooltip'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdatableFields](./
+## AppUpdatableFields type
+Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type AppUpdatableFields = Pick<AppBase, 'status' | 'navLinkStatus' | 'tooltip'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdater](./
-## AppUpdater type
-Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./
-export declare type AppUpdater = (app: AppBase) => Partial<AppUpdatableFields> | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [AppUpdater](./
+## AppUpdater type
+Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./
+export declare type AppUpdater = (app: AppBase) => Partial<AppUpdatableFields> | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
-## Capabilities.catalogue property
-Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
-catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
+## Capabilities.catalogue property
+Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
+catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
-## property
-Management section capabilities.
-management: {
-        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
+## property
+Management section capabilities.
+management: {
+        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
-## Capabilities interface
-The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
-export interface Capabilities 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
-|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
+## Capabilities interface
+The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
+export interface Capabilities 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
+|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## Capabilities.navLinks property
-Navigation link capabilities.
-navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## Capabilities.navLinks property
+Navigation link capabilities.
+navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [iconType](./
-## ChromeBadge.iconType property
-iconType?: IconType;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [iconType](./
+## ChromeBadge.iconType property
+iconType?: IconType;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./
-## ChromeBadge interface
-export interface ChromeBadge 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [iconType](./ | <code>IconType</code> |  |
-|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./
+## ChromeBadge interface
+export interface ChromeBadge 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [iconType](./ | <code>IconType</code> |  |
+|  [text](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [text](./
-## ChromeBadge.text property
-text: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [text](./
+## ChromeBadge.text property
+text: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## ChromeBadge.tooltip property
-tooltip: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBadge](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## ChromeBadge.tooltip property
+tooltip: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [logo](./
-## ChromeBrand.logo property
-logo?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [logo](./
+## ChromeBrand.logo property
+logo?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./
-## ChromeBrand interface
-export interface ChromeBrand 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [logo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [smallLogo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./
+## ChromeBrand interface
+export interface ChromeBrand 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [logo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [smallLogo](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [smallLogo](./
-## ChromeBrand.smallLogo property
-smallLogo?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBrand](./ &gt; [smallLogo](./
+## ChromeBrand.smallLogo property
+smallLogo?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBreadcrumb](./
-## ChromeBreadcrumb type
-export declare type ChromeBreadcrumb = EuiBreadcrumb;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeBreadcrumb](./
+## ChromeBreadcrumb type
+export declare type ChromeBreadcrumb = EuiBreadcrumb;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [change](./
-## ChromeDocTitle.change() method
-Changes the current document title.
-change(newTitle: string | string[]): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  newTitle | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to change the title of the document
-chrome.docTitle.change('My application title')
-chrome.docTitle.change(['My application', 'My section'])
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [change](./
+## ChromeDocTitle.change() method
+Changes the current document title.
+change(newTitle: string | string[]): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  newTitle | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to change the title of the document
+chrome.docTitle.change('My application title')
+chrome.docTitle.change(['My application', 'My section'])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./
-## ChromeDocTitle interface
-APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
-export interface ChromeDocTitle 
-## Example 1
-How to change the title of the document
-chrome.docTitle.change('My application')
-## Example 2
-How to reset the title of the document to it's initial value
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [change(newTitle)](./ | Changes the current document title. |
-|  [reset()](./ | Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.) |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./
+## ChromeDocTitle interface
+APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
+export interface ChromeDocTitle 
+## Example 1
+How to change the title of the document
+chrome.docTitle.change('My application')
+## Example 2
+How to reset the title of the document to it's initial value
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [change(newTitle)](./ | Changes the current document title. |
+|  [reset()](./ | Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.) |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [reset](./
-## ChromeDocTitle.reset() method
-Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.)
-reset(): void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeDocTitle](./ &gt; [reset](./
+## ChromeDocTitle.reset() method
+Resets the document title to it's initial value. (meaning the one present in the title meta at application load.)
+reset(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [appName](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.appName property
-Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation
-appName: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [appName](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.appName property
+Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation
+appName: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [content](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.content property
-Custom content to occur below the list of links
-content?: (element: HTMLDivElement) => () => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [content](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.content property
+Custom content to occur below the list of links
+content?: (element: HTMLDivElement) => () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [links](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension.links property
-Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button
-links?: ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./ &gt; [links](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension.links property
+Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button
+links?: ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./
-## ChromeHelpExtension interface
-export interface ChromeHelpExtension 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [appName](./ | <code>string</code> | Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation |
-|  [content](./ | <code>(element: HTMLDivElement) =&gt; () =&gt; void</code> | Custom content to occur below the list of links |
-|  [links](./ | <code>ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[]</code> | Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtension](./
+## ChromeHelpExtension interface
+export interface ChromeHelpExtension 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [appName](./ | <code>string</code> | Provide your plugin's name to create a header for separation |
+|  [content](./ | <code>(element: HTMLDivElement) =&gt; () =&gt; void</code> | Custom content to occur below the list of links |
+|  [links](./ | <code>ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink[]</code> | Creates unified links for sending users to documentation, GitHub, Discuss, or a custom link/button |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'custom';
-    content: React.ReactNode;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'custom';
+    content: React.ReactNode;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'discuss';
-    href: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'discuss';
+    href: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'documentation';
-    href: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'documentation';
+    href: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
-    linkType: 'github';
-    labels: string[];
-    title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink = EuiButtonEmptyProps & {
+    linkType: 'github';
+    labels: string[];
+    title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./
-## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink type
-export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink = ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink, ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink>>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./
+## ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink type
+export declare type ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink = ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink, ExclusiveUnion<ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink, ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./
-## ChromeNavControl interface
-export interface ChromeNavControl 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [mount](./ | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./
+## ChromeNavControl interface
+export interface ChromeNavControl 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [mount](./ | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [mount](./
-## ChromeNavControl.mount property
-mount: MountPoint;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [mount](./
+## ChromeNavControl.mount property
+mount: MountPoint;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [order](./
-## ChromeNavControl.order property
-order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControl](./ &gt; [order](./
+## ChromeNavControl.order property
+order?: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./
-## ChromeNavControls interface
-[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
-export interface ChromeNavControls 
-## Example
-Register a left-side nav control rendered with React.
-  mount(targetDomElement) {
-    ReactDOM.mount(<MyControl />, targetDomElement);
-    return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(targetDomElement);
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [registerLeft(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header. |
-|  [registerRight(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./
+## ChromeNavControls interface
+[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
+export interface ChromeNavControls 
+## Example
+Register a left-side nav control rendered with React.
+  mount(targetDomElement) {
+    ReactDOM.mount(<MyControl />, targetDomElement);
+    return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(targetDomElement);
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [registerLeft(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header. |
+|  [registerRight(navControl)](./ | Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerLeft](./
-## ChromeNavControls.registerLeft() method
-Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header.
-registerLeft(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerLeft](./
+## ChromeNavControls.registerLeft() method
+Register a nav control to be presented on the left side of the chrome header.
+registerLeft(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerRight](./
-## ChromeNavControls.registerRight() method
-Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header.
-registerRight(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavControls](./ &gt; [registerRight](./
+## ChromeNavControls.registerRight() method
+Register a nav control to be presented on the right side of the chrome header.
+registerRight(navControl: ChromeNavControl): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  navControl | <code>ChromeNavControl</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [active](./
-## property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen.
-readonly active?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [active](./
+## property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen.
+readonly active?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [baseUrl](./
-## ChromeNavLink.baseUrl property
-The base route used to open the root of an application.
-readonly baseUrl: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [baseUrl](./
+## ChromeNavLink.baseUrl property
+The base route used to open the root of an application.
+readonly baseUrl: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
-## ChromeNavLink.category property
-The category the app lives in
-readonly category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
+## ChromeNavLink.category property
+The category the app lives in
+readonly category?: AppCategory;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [disabled](./
-## ChromeNavLink.disabled property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Disables a link from being clickable.
-readonly disabled?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [disabled](./
+## ChromeNavLink.disabled property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Disables a link from being clickable.
+readonly disabled?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## ChromeNavLink.euiIconType property
-A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
-readonly euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## ChromeNavLink.euiIconType property
+A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the `icon` property.
+readonly euiIconType?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [hidden](./
-## ChromeNavLink.hidden property
-Hides a link from the navigation.
-readonly hidden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [hidden](./
+## ChromeNavLink.hidden property
+Hides a link from the navigation.
+readonly hidden?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## ChromeNavLink.icon property
-A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
-readonly icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## ChromeNavLink.icon property
+A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if `euiIconType` is not provided.
+readonly icon?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-A unique identifier for looking up links.
-readonly id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+A unique identifier for looking up links.
+readonly id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [linkToLastSubUrl](./
-## ChromeNavLink.linkToLastSubUrl property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled.
-readonly linkToLastSubUrl?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [linkToLastSubUrl](./
+## ChromeNavLink.linkToLastSubUrl property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled.
+readonly linkToLastSubUrl?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./
-## ChromeNavLink interface
-export interface ChromeNavLink 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [active](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen. |
-|  [baseUrl](./ | <code>string</code> | The base route used to open the root of an application. |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category the app lives in |
-|  [disabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Disables a link from being clickable. |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
-|  [hidden](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hides a link from the navigation. |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | A unique identifier for looking up links. |
-|  [linkToLastSubUrl](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled. |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
-|  [subUrlBase](./ | <code>string</code> | A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application. |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
-|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link. |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> | A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./
+## ChromeNavLink interface
+export interface ChromeNavLink 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [active](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not this app is currently on the screen. |
+|  [baseUrl](./ | <code>string</code> | The base route used to open the root of an application. |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> | The category the app lives in |
+|  [disabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Disables a link from being clickable. |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> | A EUI iconType that will be used for the app's icon. This icon takes precendence over the <code>icon</code> property. |
+|  [hidden](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Hides a link from the navigation. |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> | A URL to an image file used as an icon. Used as a fallback if <code>euiIconType</code> is not provided. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | A unique identifier for looking up links. |
+|  [linkToLastSubUrl](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the subUrl feature should be enabled. |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> | An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display. |
+|  [subUrlBase](./ | <code>string</code> | A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application. |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the application. |
+|  [tooltip](./ | <code>string</code> | A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link. |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> | A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
-## ChromeNavLink.order property
-An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
-readonly order?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
+## ChromeNavLink.order property
+An ordinal used to sort nav links relative to one another for display.
+readonly order?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [subUrlBase](./
-## ChromeNavLink.subUrlBase property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application.
-readonly subUrlBase?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [subUrlBase](./
+## ChromeNavLink.subUrlBase property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A url base that legacy apps can set to match deep URLs to an application.
+readonly subUrlBase?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
-## ChromeNavLink.title property
-The title of the application.
-readonly title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
+## ChromeNavLink.title property
+The title of the application.
+readonly title: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
-## ChromeNavLink.tooltip property
-A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link.
-readonly tooltip?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [tooltip](./
+## ChromeNavLink.tooltip property
+A tooltip shown when hovering over an app link.
+readonly tooltip?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
-## ChromeNavLink.url property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications.
-readonly url?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
+## ChromeNavLink.url property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+A url that legacy apps can set to deep link into their applications.
+readonly url?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation() method
-Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated.
-enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation(): void;
-## Remarks
-This is only necessary when rendering the status page in place of another app, as links to that app will set the current URL and change the hash, but the routes for the correct are not loaded so nothing will happen.
-Used only by status\_page plugin
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation() method
+Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated.
+enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation(): void;
+## Remarks
+This is only necessary when rendering the status page in place of another app, as links to that app will set the current URL and change the hash, but the routes for the correct are not loaded so nothing will happen.
+Used only by status\_page plugin
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [get](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.get() method
-Get the state of a navlink at this point in time.
-get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [get](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.get() method
+Get the state of a navlink at this point in time.
+get(id: string): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getAll() method
-Get the current state of all navlinks.
-getAll(): Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getAll() method
+Get the current state of all navlinks.
+getAll(): Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$() method
-An observable of the forced app switcher state.
-getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$() method
+An observable of the forced app switcher state.
+getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getNavLinks$](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.getNavLinks$() method
-Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks.
-getNavLinks$(): Observable<Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [getNavLinks$](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.getNavLinks$() method
+Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks.
+getNavLinks$(): Observable<Array<Readonly<ChromeNavLink>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [has](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.has() method
-Check whether or not a navlink exists.
-has(id: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [has](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.has() method
+Check whether or not a navlink exists.
+has(id: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./
-## ChromeNavLinks interface
-[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
-export interface ChromeNavLinks 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation()](./ | Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated. |
-|  [get(id)](./ | Get the state of a navlink at this point in time. |
-|  [getAll()](./ | Get the current state of all navlinks. |
-|  [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$()](./ | An observable of the forced app switcher state. |
-|  [getNavLinks$()](./ | Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks. |
-|  [has(id)](./ | Check whether or not a navlink exists. |
-|  [showOnly(id)](./ | Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id. |
-|  [update(id, values)](./ | Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or <code>undefined</code> if it does not exist. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./
+## ChromeNavLinks interface
+[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
+export interface ChromeNavLinks 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [enableForcedAppSwitcherNavigation()](./ | Enable forced navigation mode, which will trigger a page refresh when a nav link is clicked and only the hash is updated. |
+|  [get(id)](./ | Get the state of a navlink at this point in time. |
+|  [getAll()](./ | Get the current state of all navlinks. |
+|  [getForceAppSwitcherNavigation$()](./ | An observable of the forced app switcher state. |
+|  [getNavLinks$()](./ | Get an observable for a sorted list of navlinks. |
+|  [has(id)](./ | Check whether or not a navlink exists. |
+|  [showOnly(id)](./ | Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id. |
+|  [update(id, values)](./ | Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or <code>undefined</code> if it does not exist. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [showOnly](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.showOnly() method
-Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id.
-showOnly(id: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Remarks
-NOTE: this is not reversible.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [showOnly](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.showOnly() method
+Remove all navlinks except the one matching the given id.
+showOnly(id: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Remarks
+NOTE: this is not reversible.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [update](./
-## ChromeNavLinks.update() method
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Uses the [AppBase.updater$](./ property when registering your application with [ApplicationSetup.register()](./ instead.
-Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or `undefined` if it does not exist.
-update(id: string, values: ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  values | <code>ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields</code> |  |
-`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinks](./ &gt; [update](./
+## ChromeNavLinks.update() method
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Uses the [AppBase.updater$](./ property when registering your application with [ApplicationSetup.register()](./ instead.
+Update the navlink for the given id with the updated attributes. Returns the updated navlink or `undefined` if it does not exist.
+update(id: string, values: ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields): ChromeNavLink | undefined;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  values | <code>ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields</code> |  |
+`ChromeNavLink | undefined`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./
-## ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields type
-export declare type ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields = Partial<Pick<ChromeNavLink, 'active' | 'disabled' | 'hidden' | 'url' | 'subUrlBase'>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./
+## ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields type
+export declare type ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields = Partial<Pick<ChromeNavLink, 'active' | 'disabled' | 'hidden' | 'url' | 'subUrlBase'>>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [add](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.add() method
-Adds a new item to the recently accessed history.
-add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  link | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  label | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-chrome.recentlyAccessed.add('/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [add](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.add() method
+Adds a new item to the recently accessed history.
+add(link: string, label: string, id: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  link | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  label | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+chrome.recentlyAccessed.add('/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get() method
-Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history.
-get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[];
-## Example
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get() method
+Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history.
+get(): ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[];
+## Example
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get$() method
-Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history.
-get$(): Observable<ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[]>;
-## Example
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed.get$() method
+Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history.
+get$(): Observable<ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem[]>;
+## Example
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessed interface
-[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
-export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessed 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [add(link, label, id)](./ | Adds a new item to the recently accessed history. |
-|  [get()](./ | Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history. |
-|  [get$()](./ | Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessed interface
+[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
+export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessed 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [add(link, label, id)](./ | Adds a new item to the recently accessed history. |
+|  [get()](./ | Gets an Array of the current recently accessed history. |
+|  [get$()](./ | Gets an Observable of the array of recently accessed history. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [label](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem.label property
-label: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [label](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem.label property
+label: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [link](./
-## property
-link: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ &gt; [link](./
+## property
+link: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./
-## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem interface
-export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [link](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./
+## ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem interface
+export interface ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [label](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [link](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [addApplicationClass](./
-## ChromeStart.addApplicationClass() method
-Add a className that should be set on the application container.
-addApplicationClass(className: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [addApplicationClass](./
+## ChromeStart.addApplicationClass() method
+Add a className that should be set on the application container.
+addApplicationClass(className: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [docTitle](./
-## ChromeStart.docTitle property
-APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
-docTitle: ChromeDocTitle;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [docTitle](./
+## ChromeStart.docTitle property
+APIs for accessing and updating the document title.
+docTitle: ChromeDocTitle;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getApplicationClasses$](./
-## ChromeStart.getApplicationClasses$() method
-Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container.
-getApplicationClasses$(): Observable<string[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getApplicationClasses$](./
+## ChromeStart.getApplicationClasses$() method
+Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container.
+getApplicationClasses$(): Observable<string[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBadge$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBadge$() method
-Get an observable of the current badge
-getBadge$(): Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>;
-`Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBadge$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBadge$() method
+Get an observable of the current badge
+getBadge$(): Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>;
+`Observable<ChromeBadge | undefined>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBrand$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBrand$() method
-Get an observable of the current brand information.
-getBrand$(): Observable<ChromeBrand>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBrand$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBrand$() method
+Get an observable of the current brand information.
+getBrand$(): Observable<ChromeBrand>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBreadcrumbs$](./
-## ChromeStart.getBreadcrumbs$() method
-Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs
-getBreadcrumbs$(): Observable<ChromeBreadcrumb[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getBreadcrumbs$](./
+## ChromeStart.getBreadcrumbs$() method
+Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs
+getBreadcrumbs$(): Observable<ChromeBreadcrumb[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getHelpExtension$](./
-## ChromeStart.getHelpExtension$() method
-Get an observable of the current custom help conttent
-getHelpExtension$(): Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>;
-`Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getHelpExtension$](./
+## ChromeStart.getHelpExtension$() method
+Get an observable of the current custom help conttent
+getHelpExtension$(): Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>;
+`Observable<ChromeHelpExtension | undefined>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsCollapsed$](./
-## ChromeStart.getIsCollapsed$() method
-Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome.
-getIsCollapsed$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsCollapsed$](./
+## ChromeStart.getIsCollapsed$() method
+Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome.
+getIsCollapsed$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsVisible$](./
-## ChromeStart.getIsVisible$() method
-Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome.
-getIsVisible$(): Observable<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [getIsVisible$](./
+## ChromeStart.getIsVisible$() method
+Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome.
+getIsVisible$(): Observable<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./
-## ChromeStart interface
-ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser.
-export interface ChromeStart 
-## Remarks
-While ChromeStart exposes many APIs, they should be used sparingly and the developer should understand how they affect other plugins and applications.
-## Example 1
-How to add a recently accessed item to the sidebar:
-```ts'/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
-## Example 2
-How to set the help dropdown extension:
-```tsx => {
-  ReactDOM.render(<MyHelpComponent />, elem);
-  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(elem);
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [docTitle](./ | <code>ChromeDocTitle</code> | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
-|  [navControls](./ | <code>ChromeNavControls</code> | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>ChromeNavLinks</code> | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
-|  [recentlyAccessed](./ | <code>ChromeRecentlyAccessed</code> | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [addApplicationClass(className)](./ | Add a className that should be set on the application container. |
-|  [getApplicationClasses$()](./ | Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container. |
-|  [getBadge$()](./ | Get an observable of the current badge |
-|  [getBrand$()](./ | Get an observable of the current brand information. |
-|  [getBreadcrumbs$()](./ | Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs |
-|  [getHelpExtension$()](./ | Get an observable of the current custom help conttent |
-|  [getIsCollapsed$()](./ | Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome. |
-|  [getIsVisible$()](./ | Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome. |
-|  [removeApplicationClass(className)](./ | Remove a className added with <code>addApplicationClass()</code>. If className is unknown it is ignored. |
-|  [setAppTitle(appTitle)](./ | Sets the current app's title |
-|  [setBadge(badge)](./ | Override the current badge |
-|  [setBrand(brand)](./ | Set the brand configuration. |
-|  [setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs)](./ | Override the current set of breadcrumbs |
-|  [setHelpExtension(helpExtension)](./ | Override the current set of custom help content |
-|  [setHelpSupportUrl(url)](./ | Override the default support URL shown in the help menu |
-|  [setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed)](./ | Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation. |
-|  [setIsVisible(isVisible)](./ | Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./
+## ChromeStart interface
+ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser.
+export interface ChromeStart 
+## Remarks
+While ChromeStart exposes many APIs, they should be used sparingly and the developer should understand how they affect other plugins and applications.
+## Example 1
+How to add a recently accessed item to the sidebar:
+```ts'/app/map/1234', 'Map 1234', '1234');
+## Example 2
+How to set the help dropdown extension:
+```tsx => {
+  ReactDOM.render(<MyHelpComponent />, elem);
+  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(elem);
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [docTitle](./ | <code>ChromeDocTitle</code> | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
+|  [navControls](./ | <code>ChromeNavControls</code> | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>ChromeNavLinks</code> | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
+|  [recentlyAccessed](./ | <code>ChromeRecentlyAccessed</code> | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [addApplicationClass(className)](./ | Add a className that should be set on the application container. |
+|  [getApplicationClasses$()](./ | Get the current set of classNames that will be set on the application container. |
+|  [getBadge$()](./ | Get an observable of the current badge |
+|  [getBrand$()](./ | Get an observable of the current brand information. |
+|  [getBreadcrumbs$()](./ | Get an observable of the current list of breadcrumbs |
+|  [getHelpExtension$()](./ | Get an observable of the current custom help conttent |
+|  [getIsCollapsed$()](./ | Get an observable of the current collapsed state of the chrome. |
+|  [getIsVisible$()](./ | Get an observable of the current visibility state of the chrome. |
+|  [removeApplicationClass(className)](./ | Remove a className added with <code>addApplicationClass()</code>. If className is unknown it is ignored. |
+|  [setAppTitle(appTitle)](./ | Sets the current app's title |
+|  [setBadge(badge)](./ | Override the current badge |
+|  [setBrand(brand)](./ | Set the brand configuration. |
+|  [setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs)](./ | Override the current set of breadcrumbs |
+|  [setHelpExtension(helpExtension)](./ | Override the current set of custom help content |
+|  [setHelpSupportUrl(url)](./ | Override the default support URL shown in the help menu |
+|  [setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed)](./ | Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation. |
+|  [setIsVisible(isVisible)](./ | Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navControls](./
-## ChromeStart.navControls property
-[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
-navControls: ChromeNavControls;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navControls](./
+## ChromeStart.navControls property
+[APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar.
+navControls: ChromeNavControls;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## ChromeStart.navLinks property
-[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
-navLinks: ChromeNavLinks;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## ChromeStart.navLinks property
+[APIs](./ for manipulating nav links.
+navLinks: ChromeNavLinks;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [recentlyAccessed](./
-## ChromeStart.recentlyAccessed property
-[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
-recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [recentlyAccessed](./
+## ChromeStart.recentlyAccessed property
+[APIs](./ for recently accessed history.
+recentlyAccessed: ChromeRecentlyAccessed;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [removeApplicationClass](./
-## ChromeStart.removeApplicationClass() method
-Remove a className added with `addApplicationClass()`<!-- -->. If className is unknown it is ignored.
-removeApplicationClass(className: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [removeApplicationClass](./
+## ChromeStart.removeApplicationClass() method
+Remove a className added with `addApplicationClass()`<!-- -->. If className is unknown it is ignored.
+removeApplicationClass(className: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  className | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setAppTitle](./
-## ChromeStart.setAppTitle() method
-Sets the current app's title
-setAppTitle(appTitle: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  appTitle | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setAppTitle](./
+## ChromeStart.setAppTitle() method
+Sets the current app's title
+setAppTitle(appTitle: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  appTitle | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBadge](./
-## ChromeStart.setBadge() method
-Override the current badge
-setBadge(badge?: ChromeBadge): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  badge | <code>ChromeBadge</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBadge](./
+## ChromeStart.setBadge() method
+Override the current badge
+setBadge(badge?: ChromeBadge): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  badge | <code>ChromeBadge</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBrand](./
-## ChromeStart.setBrand() method
-Set the brand configuration.
-setBrand(brand: ChromeBrand): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  brand | <code>ChromeBrand</code> |  |
-## Remarks
-Normally the `logo` property will be rendered as the CSS background for the home link in the chrome navigation, but when the page is rendered in a small window the `smallLogo` will be used and rendered at about 45px wide.
-## Example
-  logo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo.png) center no-repeat'
-  smallLogo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo-small.png) center no-repeat'
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBrand](./
+## ChromeStart.setBrand() method
+Set the brand configuration.
+setBrand(brand: ChromeBrand): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  brand | <code>ChromeBrand</code> |  |
+## Remarks
+Normally the `logo` property will be rendered as the CSS background for the home link in the chrome navigation, but when the page is rendered in a small window the `smallLogo` will be used and rendered at about 45px wide.
+## Example
+  logo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo.png) center no-repeat'
+  smallLogo: 'url(/plugins/app/logo-small.png) center no-repeat'
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBreadcrumbs](./
-## ChromeStart.setBreadcrumbs() method
-Override the current set of breadcrumbs
-setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs: ChromeBreadcrumb[]): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  newBreadcrumbs | <code>ChromeBreadcrumb[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setBreadcrumbs](./
+## ChromeStart.setBreadcrumbs() method
+Override the current set of breadcrumbs
+setBreadcrumbs(newBreadcrumbs: ChromeBreadcrumb[]): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  newBreadcrumbs | <code>ChromeBreadcrumb[]</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpExtension](./
-## ChromeStart.setHelpExtension() method
-Override the current set of custom help content
-setHelpExtension(helpExtension?: ChromeHelpExtension): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  helpExtension | <code>ChromeHelpExtension</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpExtension](./
+## ChromeStart.setHelpExtension() method
+Override the current set of custom help content
+setHelpExtension(helpExtension?: ChromeHelpExtension): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  helpExtension | <code>ChromeHelpExtension</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpSupportUrl](./
-## ChromeStart.setHelpSupportUrl() method
-Override the default support URL shown in the help menu
-setHelpSupportUrl(url: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  url | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setHelpSupportUrl](./
+## ChromeStart.setHelpSupportUrl() method
+Override the default support URL shown in the help menu
+setHelpSupportUrl(url: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  url | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsCollapsed](./
-## ChromeStart.setIsCollapsed() method
-Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation.
-setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed: boolean): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  isCollapsed | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsCollapsed](./
+## ChromeStart.setIsCollapsed() method
+Set the collapsed state of the chrome navigation.
+setIsCollapsed(isCollapsed: boolean): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  isCollapsed | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsVisible](./
-## ChromeStart.setIsVisible() method
-Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button.
-setIsVisible(isVisible: boolean): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  isVisible | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ChromeStart](./ &gt; [setIsVisible](./
+## ChromeStart.setIsVisible() method
+Set the temporary visibility for the chrome. This does nothing if the chrome is hidden by default and should be used to hide the chrome for things like full-screen modes with an exit button.
+setIsVisible(isVisible: boolean): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  isVisible | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
-## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
-Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
-createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
+## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
+Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
+createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index d4399b6ba70c4..fe9a2e3004708 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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@@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
-## ContextSetup interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface ContextSetup 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Example
-Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
-export interface VizRenderContext {
-  core: {
-    i18n: I18nStart;
-    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-  }
-  [contextName: string]: unknown;
-export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
-type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-class VizRenderingPlugin {
-  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
-  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
-        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
-    };
-  }
-  start(core) {
-    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
-    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
-      i18n: core.i18n,
-      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
-    }));
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
-        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
-          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
-        }
-        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
-        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
-        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
-        return handler(domElement);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
+## ContextSetup interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface ContextSetup 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Example
+Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
+export interface VizRenderContext {
+  core: {
+    i18n: I18nStart;
+    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+  }
+  [contextName: string]: unknown;
+export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
+type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+class VizRenderingPlugin {
+  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
+  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
+        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
+    };
+  }
+  start(core) {
+    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
+    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
+      i18n: core.i18n,
+      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
+    }));
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
+        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
+          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
+        }
+        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
+        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
+        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
+        return handler(domElement);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [application](./
-## CoreSetup.application property
-application: ApplicationSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [application](./
+## CoreSetup.application property
+application: ApplicationSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index f2a891c6c674e..12f8255482385 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
-## CoreSetup.context property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-context: ContextSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
+## CoreSetup.context property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+context: ContextSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 5d51af0898e4f..8f96ffd2c15e8 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
-## CoreSetup.fatalErrors property
-fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
+## CoreSetup.fatalErrors property
+fatalErrors: FatalErrorsSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
-## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
-Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->.
-getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
-`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
+## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
+Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->.
+getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
+`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreSetup.http property
-http: HttpSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreSetup.http property
+http: HttpSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## CoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
-injectedMetadata: {
-        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## CoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
+injectedMetadata: {
+        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
-## CoreSetup interface
-Core services exposed to the `Plugin` setup lifecycle
-export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationSetup</code> | [ApplicationSetup](./ |
-|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
-|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsSetup</code> | [FatalErrorsSetup](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpSetup</code> | [HttpSetup](./ |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
-|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsSetup</code> | [NotificationsSetup](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
+## CoreSetup interface
+Core services exposed to the `Plugin` setup lifecycle
+export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationSetup</code> | [ApplicationSetup](./ |
+|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
+|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsSetup</code> | [FatalErrorsSetup](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpSetup</code> | [HttpSetup](./ |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
+|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsSetup</code> | [NotificationsSetup](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers, such as [App.mount](./<!-- -->. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [notifications](./
-## CoreSetup.notifications property
-notifications: NotificationsSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [notifications](./
+## CoreSetup.notifications property
+notifications: NotificationsSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index bf9ec12e3eea2..51aa9916f7f07 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [application](./
-## CoreStart.application property
-application: ApplicationStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [application](./
+## CoreStart.application property
+application: ApplicationStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [chrome](./
-## property
-chrome: ChromeStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [chrome](./
+## property
+chrome: ChromeStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [docLinks](./
-## CoreStart.docLinks property
-docLinks: DocLinksStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [docLinks](./
+## CoreStart.docLinks property
+docLinks: DocLinksStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 540b17b5a6f0b..890fcac5a768b 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
-## CoreStart.fatalErrors property
-fatalErrors: FatalErrorsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [fatalErrors](./
+## CoreStart.fatalErrors property
+fatalErrors: FatalErrorsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 6af183480c663..12fca53774532 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreStart.http property
-http: HttpStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreStart.http property
+http: HttpStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 6a62025874aa9..75baf18a482e1 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [i18n](./
-## CoreStart.i18n property
-i18n: I18nStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [i18n](./
+## CoreStart.i18n property
+i18n: I18nStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 9224b97bc4300..b3f6361d3a8c3 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## CoreStart.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
-injectedMetadata: {
-        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## CoreStart.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead.
+injectedMetadata: {
+        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown;
+    };
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index 83af82d590c36..c0a326b3b01cb 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
-## CoreStart interface
-Core services exposed to the `Plugin` start lifecycle
-export interface CoreStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationStart</code> | [ApplicationStart](./ |
-|  [chrome](./ | <code>ChromeStart</code> | [ChromeStart](./ |
-|  [docLinks](./ | <code>DocLinksStart</code> | [DocLinksStart](./ |
-|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsStart</code> | [FatalErrorsStart](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpStart</code> | [HttpStart](./ |
-|  [i18n](./ | <code>I18nStart</code> | [I18nStart](./ |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
-|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsStart</code> | [NotificationsStart](./ |
-|  [overlays](./ | <code>OverlayStart</code> | [OverlayStart](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsStart</code> | [SavedObjectsStart](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
+## CoreStart interface
+Core services exposed to the `Plugin` start lifecycle
+export interface CoreStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [application](./ | <code>ApplicationStart</code> | [ApplicationStart](./ |
+|  [chrome](./ | <code>ChromeStart</code> | [ChromeStart](./ |
+|  [docLinks](./ | <code>DocLinksStart</code> | [DocLinksStart](./ |
+|  [fatalErrors](./ | <code>FatalErrorsStart</code> | [FatalErrorsStart](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpStart</code> | [HttpStart](./ |
+|  [i18n](./ | <code>I18nStart</code> | [I18nStart](./ |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) =&gt; unknown;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | exposed temporarily until done use \*only\* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values in the new platform. Use the legacy platform API instead. |
+|  [notifications](./ | <code>NotificationsStart</code> | [NotificationsStart](./ |
+|  [overlays](./ | <code>OverlayStart</code> | [OverlayStart](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsStart</code> | [SavedObjectsStart](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>IUiSettingsClient</code> | [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [notifications](./
-## CoreStart.notifications property
-notifications: NotificationsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [notifications](./
+## CoreStart.notifications property
+notifications: NotificationsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 53d20b994f43d..9f2bf269884a1 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [overlays](./
-## CoreStart.overlays property
-overlays: OverlayStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [overlays](./
+## CoreStart.overlays property
+overlays: OverlayStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreStart.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreStart.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 2ee405591dc08..2831e4da13578 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreStart.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreStart.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 5e7f9f9e48687..453d358710f2d 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./
-## DocLinksStart.DOC\_LINK\_VERSION property
-readonly DOC_LINK_VERSION: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./
+## DocLinksStart.DOC\_LINK\_VERSION property
+readonly DOC_LINK_VERSION: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index b4967038b35d7..9ef871e776996 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./
-## DocLinksStart.ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL property
-readonly ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./
+## DocLinksStart.ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL property
+readonly ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [links](./
-## DocLinksStart.links property
-readonly links: {
-        readonly filebeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-            readonly installation: string;
-            readonly configuration: string;
-            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
-            readonly startup: string;
-            readonly exportedFields: string;
-        };
-        readonly auditbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly metricbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly heartbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly logstash: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly functionbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly winlogbeat: {
-            readonly base: string;
-        };
-        readonly aggs: {
-            readonly date_histogram: string;
-            readonly date_range: string;
-            readonly filter: string;
-            readonly filters: string;
-            readonly geohash_grid: string;
-            readonly histogram: string;
-            readonly ip_range: string;
-            readonly range: string;
-            readonly significant_terms: string;
-            readonly terms: string;
-            readonly avg: string;
-            readonly avg_bucket: string;
-            readonly max_bucket: string;
-            readonly min_bucket: string;
-            readonly sum_bucket: string;
-            readonly cardinality: string;
-            readonly count: string;
-            readonly cumulative_sum: string;
-            readonly derivative: string;
-            readonly geo_bounds: string;
-            readonly geo_centroid: string;
-            readonly max: string;
-            readonly median: string;
-            readonly min: string;
-            readonly moving_avg: string;
-            readonly percentile_ranks: string;
-            readonly serial_diff: string;
-            readonly std_dev: string;
-            readonly sum: string;
-            readonly top_hits: string;
-        };
-        readonly scriptedFields: {
-            readonly scriptFields: string;
-            readonly scriptAggs: string;
-            readonly painless: string;
-            readonly painlessApi: string;
-            readonly painlessSyntax: string;
-            readonly luceneExpressions: string;
-        };
-        readonly indexPatterns: {
-            readonly loadingData: string;
-            readonly introduction: string;
-        };
-        readonly kibana: string;
-        readonly siem: {
-            readonly guide: string;
-            readonly gettingStarted: string;
-        };
-        readonly query: {
-            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
-            readonly queryDsl: string;
-            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
-        };
-        readonly date: {
-            readonly dateMath: string;
-        };
-        readonly management: Record<string, string>;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./ &gt; [links](./
+## DocLinksStart.links property
+readonly links: {
+        readonly filebeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+            readonly installation: string;
+            readonly configuration: string;
+            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
+            readonly startup: string;
+            readonly exportedFields: string;
+        };
+        readonly auditbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly metricbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly heartbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly logstash: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly functionbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly winlogbeat: {
+            readonly base: string;
+        };
+        readonly aggs: {
+            readonly date_histogram: string;
+            readonly date_range: string;
+            readonly filter: string;
+            readonly filters: string;
+            readonly geohash_grid: string;
+            readonly histogram: string;
+            readonly ip_range: string;
+            readonly range: string;
+            readonly significant_terms: string;
+            readonly terms: string;
+            readonly avg: string;
+            readonly avg_bucket: string;
+            readonly max_bucket: string;
+            readonly min_bucket: string;
+            readonly sum_bucket: string;
+            readonly cardinality: string;
+            readonly count: string;
+            readonly cumulative_sum: string;
+            readonly derivative: string;
+            readonly geo_bounds: string;
+            readonly geo_centroid: string;
+            readonly max: string;
+            readonly median: string;
+            readonly min: string;
+            readonly moving_avg: string;
+            readonly percentile_ranks: string;
+            readonly serial_diff: string;
+            readonly std_dev: string;
+            readonly sum: string;
+            readonly top_hits: string;
+        };
+        readonly scriptedFields: {
+            readonly scriptFields: string;
+            readonly scriptAggs: string;
+            readonly painless: string;
+            readonly painlessApi: string;
+            readonly painlessSyntax: string;
+            readonly luceneExpressions: string;
+        };
+        readonly indexPatterns: {
+            readonly loadingData: string;
+            readonly introduction: string;
+        };
+        readonly kibana: string;
+        readonly siem: {
+            readonly guide: string;
+            readonly gettingStarted: string;
+        };
+        readonly query: {
+            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
+            readonly queryDsl: string;
+            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
+        };
+        readonly date: {
+            readonly dateMath: string;
+        };
+        readonly management: Record<string, string>;
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./
-## DocLinksStart interface
-export interface DocLinksStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [links](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        readonly filebeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly installation: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly configuration: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly startup: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly exportedFields: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly auditbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly metricbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly heartbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly logstash: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly functionbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly winlogbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly aggs: {</code><br/><code>            readonly date_histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly date_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filter: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filters: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geohash_grid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly ip_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly significant_terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cardinality: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly count: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cumulative_sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly derivative: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_bounds: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_centroid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly median: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly moving_avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly percentile_ranks: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly serial_diff: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly std_dev: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly top_hits: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly scriptedFields: {</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptFields: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptAggs: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painless: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessApi: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessSyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneExpressions: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly indexPatterns: {</code><br/><code>            readonly loadingData: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly introduction: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly kibana: string;</code><br/><code>        readonly siem: {</code><br/><code>            readonly guide: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly gettingStarted: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly query: {</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly queryDsl: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly date: {</code><br/><code>            readonly dateMath: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly management: Record&lt;string, string&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [DocLinksStart](./
+## DocLinksStart interface
+export interface DocLinksStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [links](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        readonly filebeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly installation: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly configuration: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly startup: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly exportedFields: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly auditbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly metricbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly heartbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly logstash: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly functionbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly winlogbeat: {</code><br/><code>            readonly base: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly aggs: {</code><br/><code>            readonly date_histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly date_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filter: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly filters: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geohash_grid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly histogram: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly ip_range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly range: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly significant_terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly terms: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly avg_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum_bucket: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cardinality: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly count: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly cumulative_sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly derivative: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_bounds: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly geo_centroid: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly max: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly median: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly min: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly moving_avg: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly percentile_ranks: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly serial_diff: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly std_dev: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly sum: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly top_hits: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly scriptedFields: {</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptFields: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly scriptAggs: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painless: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessApi: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly painlessSyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneExpressions: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly indexPatterns: {</code><br/><code>            readonly loadingData: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly introduction: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly kibana: string;</code><br/><code>        readonly siem: {</code><br/><code>            readonly guide: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly gettingStarted: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly query: {</code><br/><code>            readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly queryDsl: string;</code><br/><code>            readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly date: {</code><br/><code>            readonly dateMath: string;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        readonly management: Record&lt;string, string&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
-## property
-dev: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
+## property
+dev: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
-## EnvironmentMode interface
-export interface EnvironmentMode 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
-|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
+## EnvironmentMode interface
+export interface EnvironmentMode 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
+|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: 'development' | 'production';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: 'development' | 'production';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [prod](./
-## property
-prod: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [prod](./
+## property
+prod: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./
-## ErrorToastOptions interface
-Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs.
-export interface ErrorToastOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message. |
-|  [toastMessage](./ | <code>string</code> | The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./
+## ErrorToastOptions interface
+Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs.
+export interface ErrorToastOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> | The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message. |
+|  [toastMessage](./ | <code>string</code> | The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [title](./
-## ErrorToastOptions.title property
-The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message.
-title: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [title](./
+## ErrorToastOptions.title property
+The title of the toast and the dialog when expanding the message.
+title: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [toastMessage](./
-## ErrorToastOptions.toastMessage property
-The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal.
-toastMessage?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ErrorToastOptions](./ &gt; [toastMessage](./
+## ErrorToastOptions.toastMessage property
+The message to be shown in the toast. If this is not specified the error's message will be shown in the toast instead. Overwriting that message can be used to provide more user-friendly toasts. If you specify this, the error message will still be shown in the detailed error modal.
+toastMessage?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./
-## FatalErrorInfo interface
-Represents the `message` and `stack` of a fatal Error
-export interface FatalErrorInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [stack](./ | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./
+## FatalErrorInfo interface
+Represents the `message` and `stack` of a fatal Error
+export interface FatalErrorInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [stack](./ | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
-## FatalErrorInfo.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
+## FatalErrorInfo.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [stack](./
-## FatalErrorInfo.stack property
-stack: string | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorInfo](./ &gt; [stack](./
+## FatalErrorInfo.stack property
+stack: string | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [add](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup.add property
-Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-add: (error: string | Error, source?: string) => never;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [add](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup.add property
+Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+add: (error: string | Error, source?: string) => never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup.get$ property
-An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with `add()`
-get$: () => Rx.Observable<FatalErrorInfo>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup.get$ property
+An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with `add()`
+get$: () => Rx.Observable<FatalErrorInfo>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./
-## FatalErrorsSetup interface
-FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-export interface FatalErrorsSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [add](./ | <code>(error: string &#124; Error, source?: string) =&gt; never</code> | Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [get$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Rx.Observable&lt;FatalErrorInfo&gt;</code> | An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with <code>add()</code> |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsSetup](./
+## FatalErrorsSetup interface
+FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+export interface FatalErrorsSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [add](./ | <code>(error: string &#124; Error, source?: string) =&gt; never</code> | Add a new fatal error. This will stop the Kibana Public Core and display a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [get$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Rx.Observable&lt;FatalErrorInfo&gt;</code> | An Observable that will emit whenever a fatal error is added with <code>add()</code> |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsStart](./
-## FatalErrorsStart type
-FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
-export declare type FatalErrorsStart = FatalErrorsSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [FatalErrorsStart](./
+## FatalErrorsStart type
+FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error.
+export declare type FatalErrorsStart = FatalErrorsSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
-## HandlerContextType type
-Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
-export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
+## HandlerContextType type
+Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
+export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
-## HandlerFunction type
-A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
-export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
+## HandlerFunction type
+A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
+export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
-## HandlerParameters type
-Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
+## HandlerParameters type
+Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asResponse](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.asResponse property
-When `true` the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When `false`<!-- -->, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
-asResponse?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asResponse](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.asResponse property
+When `true` the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When `false`<!-- -->, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
+asResponse?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asSystemRequest](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.asSystemRequest property
-Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
-asSystemRequest?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [asSystemRequest](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.asSystemRequest property
+Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to `false`<!-- -->.
+asSystemRequest?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.headers property
-Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->.
-headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.headers property
+Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->.
+headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./
-## HttpFetchOptions interface
-All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->.
-export interface HttpFetchOptions extends HttpRequestInit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asResponse](./ | <code>boolean</code> | When <code>true</code> the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When <code>false</code>, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
-|  [asSystemRequest](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [prependBasePath](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to <code>true</code>. |
-|  [query](./ | <code>HttpFetchQuery</code> | The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./
+## HttpFetchOptions interface
+All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->.
+export interface HttpFetchOptions extends HttpRequestInit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asResponse](./ | <code>boolean</code> | When <code>true</code> the return type of [HttpHandler](./ will be an [HttpResponse](./ with detailed request and response information. When <code>false</code>, the return type will just be the parsed response body. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
+|  [asSystemRequest](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should include the "system request" header to differentiate an end user request from Kibana internal request. Can be read on the server-side using KibanaRequest\#isSystemRequest. Defaults to <code>false</code>. |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | Headers to send with the request. See [HttpHeadersInit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [prependBasePath](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to <code>true</code>. |
+|  [query](./ | <code>HttpFetchQuery</code> | The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [prependBasePath](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.prependBasePath property
-Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to `true`<!-- -->.
-prependBasePath?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [prependBasePath](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.prependBasePath property
+Whether or not the request should automatically prepend the basePath. Defaults to `true`<!-- -->.
+prependBasePath?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [query](./
-## HttpFetchOptions.query property
-The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->.
-query?: HttpFetchQuery;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptions](./ &gt; [query](./
+## HttpFetchOptions.query property
+The query string for an HTTP request. See [HttpFetchQuery](./<!-- -->.
+query?: HttpFetchQuery;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./
-## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath interface
-Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included.
-export interface HttpFetchOptionsWithPath extends HttpFetchOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./
+## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath interface
+Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included.
+export interface HttpFetchOptionsWithPath extends HttpFetchOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ &gt; [path](./
-## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath.path property
-path: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ &gt; [path](./
+## HttpFetchOptionsWithPath.path property
+path: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchQuery](./
-## HttpFetchQuery interface
-export interface HttpFetchQuery 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpFetchQuery](./
+## HttpFetchQuery interface
+export interface HttpFetchQuery 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHandler](./
-## HttpHandler interface
-A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response.
-export interface HttpHandler 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHandler](./
+## HttpHandler interface
+A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response.
+export interface HttpHandler 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHeadersInit](./
-## HttpHeadersInit interface
-Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with `kbn-` are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error.
-export interface HttpHeadersInit 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpHeadersInit](./
+## HttpHeadersInit interface
+Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with `kbn-` are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error.
+export interface HttpHeadersInit 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./
-## HttpInterceptor interface
-An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->.
-export interface HttpInterceptor 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [request(fetchOptions, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent. |
-|  [requestError(httpErrorRequest, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
-|  [response(httpResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received. |
-|  [responseError(httpErrorResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./
+## HttpInterceptor interface
+An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->.
+export interface HttpInterceptor 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [request(fetchOptions, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent. |
+|  [requestError(httpErrorRequest, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
+|  [response(httpResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received. |
+|  [responseError(httpErrorResponse, controller)](./ | Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpInterceptor.request() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent.
-request?(fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  fetchOptions | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpInterceptor.request() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed before a request is sent.
+request?(fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  fetchOptions | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [requestError](./
-## HttpInterceptor.requestError() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
-requestError?(httpErrorRequest: HttpInterceptorRequestError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpErrorRequest | <code>HttpInterceptorRequestError</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [requestError](./
+## HttpInterceptor.requestError() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed if a request interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
+requestError?(httpErrorRequest: HttpInterceptorRequestError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpErrorRequest | <code>HttpInterceptorRequestError</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<Partial<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [response](./
-## HttpInterceptor.response() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received.
-response?(httpResponse: HttpResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpResponse | <code>HttpResponse</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [response](./
+## HttpInterceptor.response() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed after a response is received.
+response?(httpResponse: HttpResponse, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpResponse | <code>HttpResponse</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [responseError](./
-## HttpInterceptor.responseError() method
-Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
-responseError?(httpErrorResponse: HttpInterceptorResponseError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  httpErrorResponse | <code>HttpInterceptorResponseError</code> |  |
-|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
-`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptor](./ &gt; [responseError](./
+## HttpInterceptor.responseError() method
+Define an interceptor to be executed if a response interceptor throws an error or returns a rejected Promise.
+responseError?(httpErrorResponse: HttpInterceptorResponseError, controller: IHttpInterceptController): MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  httpErrorResponse | <code>HttpInterceptorResponseError</code> |  |
+|  controller | <code>IHttpInterceptController</code> |  |
+`MaybePromise<IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides> | void`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError.error property
-error: Error;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## HttpInterceptorRequestError.error property
+error: Error;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError.fetchOptions property
-fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
+## HttpInterceptorRequestError.fetchOptions property
+fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./
-## HttpInterceptorRequestError interface
-export interface HttpInterceptorRequestError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
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+## HttpInterceptorRequestError interface
+export interface HttpInterceptorRequestError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError.error property
-error: Error | IHttpFetchError;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError.error property
+error: Error | IHttpFetchError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError interface
-export interface HttpInterceptorResponseError extends HttpResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>Error &#124; IHttpFetchError</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError interface
+export interface HttpInterceptorResponseError extends HttpResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>Error &#124; IHttpFetchError</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpInterceptorResponseError.request property
-request: Readonly<Request>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpInterceptorResponseError.request property
+request: Readonly<Request>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpRequestInit.body property
-A BodyInit object or null to set request's body.
-body?: BodyInit | null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [body](./
+## HttpRequestInit.body property
+A BodyInit object or null to set request's body.
+body?: BodyInit | null;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [cache](./
-## HttpRequestInit.cache property
-The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching.
-cache?: RequestCache;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [cache](./
+## HttpRequestInit.cache property
+The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching.
+cache?: RequestCache;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [credentials](./
-## HttpRequestInit.credentials property
-The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
-credentials?: RequestCredentials;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [credentials](./
+## HttpRequestInit.credentials property
+The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL.
+credentials?: RequestCredentials;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpRequestInit.headers property
-headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpRequestInit.headers property
+headers?: HttpHeadersInit;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [integrity](./
-## HttpRequestInit.integrity property
-Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace.
-integrity?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [integrity](./
+## HttpRequestInit.integrity property
+Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace.
+integrity?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [keepalive](./
-## HttpRequestInit.keepalive property
-Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created.
-keepalive?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [keepalive](./
+## HttpRequestInit.keepalive property
+Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created.
+keepalive?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./
-## HttpRequestInit interface
-Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s.
-export interface HttpRequestInit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>BodyInit &#124; null</code> | A BodyInit object or null to set request's body. |
-|  [cache](./ | <code>RequestCache</code> | The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching. |
-|  [credentials](./ | <code>RequestCredentials</code> | The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL. |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | [HttpHeadersInit](./ |
-|  [integrity](./ | <code>string</code> | Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace. |
-|  [keepalive](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created. |
-|  [method](./ | <code>string</code> | HTTP method, which is "GET" by default. |
-|  [mode](./ | <code>RequestMode</code> | The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs. |
-|  [redirect](./ | <code>RequestRedirect</code> | The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default. |
-|  [referrer](./ | <code>string</code> | The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the <code>Referer</code> header of the request being made. |
-|  [referrerPolicy](./ | <code>ReferrerPolicy</code> | The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer. |
-|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal &#124; null</code> | Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler. |
-|  [window](./ | <code>null</code> | Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./
+## HttpRequestInit interface
+Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s.
+export interface HttpRequestInit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>BodyInit &#124; null</code> | A BodyInit object or null to set request's body. |
+|  [cache](./ | <code>RequestCache</code> | The cache mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache when fetching. |
+|  [credentials](./ | <code>RequestCredentials</code> | The credentials mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether credentials will be sent with the request always, never, or only when sent to a same-origin URL. |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>HttpHeadersInit</code> | [HttpHeadersInit](./ |
+|  [integrity](./ | <code>string</code> | Subresource integrity metadata, which is a cryptographic hash of the resource being fetched. Its value consists of multiple hashes separated by whitespace. |
+|  [keepalive](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not request can outlive the global in which it was created. |
+|  [method](./ | <code>string</code> | HTTP method, which is "GET" by default. |
+|  [mode](./ | <code>RequestMode</code> | The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs. |
+|  [redirect](./ | <code>RequestRedirect</code> | The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default. |
+|  [referrer](./ | <code>string</code> | The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the <code>Referer</code> header of the request being made. |
+|  [referrerPolicy](./ | <code>ReferrerPolicy</code> | The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer. |
+|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal &#124; null</code> | Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler. |
+|  [window](./ | <code>null</code> | Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [method](./
-## HttpRequestInit.method property
-HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
-method?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [method](./
+## HttpRequestInit.method property
+HTTP method, which is "GET" by default.
+method?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [mode](./
-## HttpRequestInit.mode property
-The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs.
-mode?: RequestMode;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [mode](./
+## HttpRequestInit.mode property
+The mode associated with request, which is a string indicating whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs.
+mode?: RequestMode;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [redirect](./
-## HttpRequestInit.redirect property
-The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default.
-redirect?: RequestRedirect;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [redirect](./
+## HttpRequestInit.redirect property
+The redirect mode associated with request, which is a string indicating how redirects for the request will be handled during fetching. A request will follow redirects by default.
+redirect?: RequestRedirect;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrer](./
-## HttpRequestInit.referrer property
-The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request being made.
-referrer?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrer](./
+## HttpRequestInit.referrer property
+The referrer of request. Its value can be a same-origin URL if explicitly set in init, the empty string to indicate no referrer, and "about:client" when defaulting to the global's default. This is used during fetching to determine the value of the `Referer` header of the request being made.
+referrer?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrerPolicy](./
-## HttpRequestInit.referrerPolicy property
-The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
-referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [referrerPolicy](./
+## HttpRequestInit.referrerPolicy property
+The referrer policy associated with request. This is used during fetching to compute the value of the request's referrer.
+referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [signal](./
-## HttpRequestInit.signal property
-Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler.
-signal?: AbortSignal | null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [signal](./
+## HttpRequestInit.signal property
+Returns the signal associated with request, which is an AbortSignal object indicating whether or not request has been aborted, and its abort event handler.
+signal?: AbortSignal | null;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [window](./
-## HttpRequestInit.window property
-Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.
-window?: null;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpRequestInit](./ &gt; [window](./
+## HttpRequestInit.window property
+Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.
+window?: null;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpResponse.body property
-Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly body?: TResponseBody;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [body](./
+## HttpResponse.body property
+Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly body?: TResponseBody;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
-## HttpResponse.fetchOptions property
-The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request.
-readonly fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [fetchOptions](./
+## HttpResponse.fetchOptions property
+The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request.
+readonly fetchOptions: Readonly<HttpFetchOptionsWithPath>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./
-## HttpResponse interface
-export interface HttpResponse<TResponseBody = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
-|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> | The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request. |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> | Raw request sent to Kibana server. |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./
+## HttpResponse interface
+export interface HttpResponse<TResponseBody = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+|  [fetchOptions](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;HttpFetchOptionsWithPath&gt;</code> | The original [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ used to send this request. |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Request&gt;</code> | Raw request sent to Kibana server. |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [request](./
-## HttpResponse.request property
-Raw request sent to Kibana server.
-readonly request: Readonly<Request>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [request](./
+## HttpResponse.request property
+Raw request sent to Kibana server.
+readonly request: Readonly<Request>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [response](./
-## HttpResponse.response property
-Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpResponse](./ &gt; [response](./
+## HttpResponse.response property
+Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [addLoadingCountSource](./
-## HttpSetup.addLoadingCountSource() method
-Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0.
-addLoadingCountSource(countSource$: Observable<number>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  countSource$ | <code>Observable&lt;number&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [addLoadingCountSource](./
+## HttpSetup.addLoadingCountSource() method
+Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0.
+addLoadingCountSource(countSource$: Observable<number>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  countSource$ | <code>Observable&lt;number&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [anonymousPaths](./
-## HttpSetup.anonymousPaths property
-APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication
-anonymousPaths: IAnonymousPaths;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [anonymousPaths](./
+## HttpSetup.anonymousPaths property
+APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication
+anonymousPaths: IAnonymousPaths;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
-## HttpSetup.basePath property
-APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
-basePath: IBasePath;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
+## HttpSetup.basePath property
+APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
+basePath: IBasePath;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## HttpSetup.delete property
-Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-delete: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## HttpSetup.delete property
+Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+delete: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [fetch](./
-## HttpSetup.fetch property
-Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-fetch: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [fetch](./
+## HttpSetup.fetch property
+Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+fetch: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [get](./
-## HttpSetup.get property
-Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-get: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [get](./
+## HttpSetup.get property
+Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+get: HttpHandler;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [getLoadingCount$](./
-## HttpSetup.getLoadingCount$() method
-Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable.
-getLoadingCount$(): Observable<number>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [getLoadingCount$](./
+## HttpSetup.getLoadingCount$() method
+Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable.
+getLoadingCount$(): Observable<number>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [head](./
-## HttpSetup.head property
-Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-head: HttpHandler;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [head](./
+## HttpSetup.head property
+Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+head: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [intercept](./
-## HttpSetup.intercept() method
-Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client.
-intercept(interceptor: HttpInterceptor): () => void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  interceptor | <code>HttpInterceptor</code> |  |
-`() => void`
-a function for removing the attached interceptor.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [intercept](./
+## HttpSetup.intercept() method
+Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client.
+intercept(interceptor: HttpInterceptor): () => void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  interceptor | <code>HttpInterceptor</code> |  |
+`() => void`
+a function for removing the attached interceptor.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./
-## HttpSetup interface
-export interface HttpSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [anonymousPaths](./ | <code>IAnonymousPaths</code> | APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication |
-|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
-|  [delete](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [fetch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [get](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [head](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [options](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [patch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [post](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-|  [put](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [addLoadingCountSource(countSource$)](./ | Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0. |
-|  [getLoadingCount$()](./ | Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable. |
-|  [intercept(interceptor)](./ | Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./
+## HttpSetup interface
+export interface HttpSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [anonymousPaths](./ | <code>IAnonymousPaths</code> | APIs for denoting certain paths for not requiring authentication |
+|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
+|  [delete](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the DELETE method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [fetch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request. Defaults to a GET request unless overriden. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [get](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the GET method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [head](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the HEAD method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [options](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [patch](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [post](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+|  [put](./ | <code>HttpHandler</code> | Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [addLoadingCountSource(countSource$)](./ | Adds a new source of loading counts. Used to show the global loading indicator when sum of all observed counts are more than 0. |
+|  [getLoadingCount$()](./ | Get the sum of all loading count sources as a single Observable. |
+|  [intercept(interceptor)](./ | Adds a new [HttpInterceptor](./ to the global HTTP client. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [options](./
-## HttpSetup.options property
-Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-options: HttpHandler;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [options](./
+## HttpSetup.options property
+Makes an HTTP request with the OPTIONS method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+options: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [patch](./
-## HttpSetup.patch property
-Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-patch: HttpHandler;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [patch](./
+## HttpSetup.patch property
+Makes an HTTP request with the PATCH method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+patch: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [post](./
-## property
-Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-post: HttpHandler;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [post](./
+## property
+Makes an HTTP request with the POST method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+post: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [put](./
-## HttpSetup.put property
-Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
-put: HttpHandler;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpSetup](./ &gt; [put](./
+## HttpSetup.put property
+Makes an HTTP request with the PUT method. See [HttpHandler](./ for options.
+put: HttpHandler;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpStart](./
-## HttpStart type
-See [HttpSetup](./
-export declare type HttpStart = HttpSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [HttpStart](./
+## HttpStart type
+See [HttpSetup](./
+export declare type HttpStart = HttpSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./ &gt; [Context](./
-## I18nStart.Context property
-React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
-Context: ({ children }: {
-        children: React.ReactNode;
-    }) => JSX.Element;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./ &gt; [Context](./
+## I18nStart.Context property
+React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
+Context: ({ children }: {
+        children: React.ReactNode;
+    }) => JSX.Element;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./
-## I18nStart interface
-I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
-export interface I18nStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [Context](./ | <code>({ children }: {</code><br/><code>        children: React.ReactNode;</code><br/><code>    }) =&gt; JSX.Element</code> | React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [I18nStart](./
+## I18nStart interface
+I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree.
+export interface I18nStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [Context](./ | <code>({ children }: {</code><br/><code>        children: React.ReactNode;</code><br/><code>    }) =&gt; JSX.Element</code> | React Context provider required as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [isAnonymous](./
-## IAnonymousPaths.isAnonymous() method
-Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. `path` should include the current basePath.
-isAnonymous(path: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [isAnonymous](./
+## IAnonymousPaths.isAnonymous() method
+Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. `path` should include the current basePath.
+isAnonymous(path: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./
-## IAnonymousPaths interface
-APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication
-export interface IAnonymousPaths 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [isAnonymous(path)](./ | Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. <code>path</code> should include the current basePath. |
-|  [register(path)](./ | Register <code>path</code> as not requiring authentication. <code>path</code> should not include the current basePath. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./
+## IAnonymousPaths interface
+APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication
+export interface IAnonymousPaths 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [isAnonymous(path)](./ | Determines whether the provided path doesn't require authentication. <code>path</code> should include the current basePath. |
+|  [register(path)](./ | Register <code>path</code> as not requiring authentication. <code>path</code> should not include the current basePath. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [register](./
-## IAnonymousPaths.register() method
-Register `path` as not requiring authentication. `path` should not include the current basePath.
-register(path: string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IAnonymousPaths](./ &gt; [register](./
+## IAnonymousPaths.register() method
+Register `path` as not requiring authentication. `path` should not include the current basePath.
+register(path: string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  path | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IBasePath.get property
-Gets the `basePath` string.
-get: () => string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IBasePath.get property
+Gets the `basePath` string.
+get: () => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
-## IBasePath interface
-APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
-export interface IBasePath 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>() =&gt; string</code> | Gets the <code>basePath</code> string. |
-|  [prepend](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
+## IBasePath interface
+APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments.
+export interface IBasePath 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>() =&gt; string</code> | Gets the <code>basePath</code> string. |
+|  [prepend](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
-## IBasePath.prepend property
-Prepends `path` with the basePath.
-prepend: (url: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
+## IBasePath.prepend property
+Prepends `path` with the basePath.
+prepend: (url: string) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IBasePath.remove property
-Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
-remove: (url: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IBasePath.remove property
+Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
+remove: (url: string) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
-## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
-Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
-createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
-|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
-`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
-A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
+## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
+Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
+createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
+|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
+`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
+A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
-## IContextContainer interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
-|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
+## IContextContainer interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
+|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
-## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
-Register a new context provider.
-registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
-|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
-The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
-## Remarks
-The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
-Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
+## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
+Register a new context provider.
+registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
+|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
+The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
+## Remarks
+The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
+Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
-## IContextProvider type
-A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
-export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
-## Remarks
-This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
+## IContextProvider type
+A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
+export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
+## Remarks
+This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [body](./
-## IHttpFetchError.body property
-readonly body?: any;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [body](./
+## IHttpFetchError.body property
+readonly body?: any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./
-## IHttpFetchError interface
-export interface IHttpFetchError extends Error 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
-|  [req](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  [res](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./
+## IHttpFetchError interface
+export interface IHttpFetchError extends Error 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
+|  [req](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  [res](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Response</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [req](./
-## IHttpFetchError.req property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `request` property instead.
-readonly req: Request;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [req](./
+## IHttpFetchError.req property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `request` property instead.
+readonly req: Request;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [request](./
-## IHttpFetchError.request property
-readonly request: Request;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [request](./
+## IHttpFetchError.request property
+readonly request: Request;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [res](./
-## IHttpFetchError.res property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `response` property instead.
-readonly res?: Response;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [res](./
+## IHttpFetchError.res property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> Provided for legacy compatibility. Prefer the `response` property instead.
+readonly res?: Response;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [response](./
-## IHttpFetchError.response property
-readonly response?: Response;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpFetchError](./ &gt; [response](./
+## IHttpFetchError.response property
+readonly response?: Response;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halt](./
-## IHttpInterceptController.halt() method
-Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers.
-halt(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halt](./
+## IHttpInterceptController.halt() method
+Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers.
+halt(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halted](./
-## IHttpInterceptController.halted property
-Whether or not this chain has been halted.
-halted: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./ &gt; [halted](./
+## IHttpInterceptController.halted property
+Whether or not this chain has been halted.
+halted: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./
-## IHttpInterceptController interface
-Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->.
-export interface IHttpInterceptController 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [halted](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not this chain has been halted. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [halt()](./ | Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpInterceptController](./
+## IHttpInterceptController interface
+Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->.
+export interface IHttpInterceptController 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [halted](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not this chain has been halted. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [halt()](./ | Halt the request Promise chain and do not process further interceptors or response handlers. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [body](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.body property
-Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly body?: TResponseBody;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [body](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.body property
+Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly body?: TResponseBody;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides interface
-Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response.
-export interface IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides<TResponseBody = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
-|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides interface
+Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response.
+export interface IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides<TResponseBody = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>TResponseBody</code> | Parsed body received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
+|  [response](./ | <code>Readonly&lt;Response&gt;</code> | Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [response](./
-## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.response property
-Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
-readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ &gt; [response](./
+## IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides.response property
+Raw response received, may be undefined if there was an error.
+readonly response?: Readonly<Response>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
-## ImageValidation.maxSize property
-maxSize: {
-        length: number;
-        description: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
+## ImageValidation.maxSize property
+maxSize: {
+        length: number;
+        description: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
-## ImageValidation interface
-export interface ImageValidation 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
+## ImageValidation interface
+export interface ImageValidation 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IToasts](./
-## IToasts type
-Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IToasts = Pick<ToastsApi, 'get$' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'addSuccess' | 'addWarning' | 'addDanger' | 'addError'>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IToasts](./
+## IToasts type
+Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IToasts = Pick<ToastsApi, 'get$' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'addSuccess' | 'addWarning' | 'addDanger' | 'addError'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get property
-Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the `defaultOverride` parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin.
-get: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get property
+Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the `defaultOverride` parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin.
+get: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get$ property
-Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a `defaultOverride` argument behaves the same as it does in \#get()
-get$: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => Observable<T>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get$ property
+Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a `defaultOverride` argument behaves the same as it does in \#get()
+get$: <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => Observable<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
-Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key.
-getAll: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams & UserProvidedValues>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
+Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key.
+getAll: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams & UserProvidedValues>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getSaved$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getSaved$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
-getSaved$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
-        key: string;
-        newValue: T;
-        oldValue: T;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getSaved$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getSaved$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
+getSaved$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
+        key: string;
+        newValue: T;
+        oldValue: T;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdate$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdate$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
-getUpdate$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
-        key: string;
-        newValue: T;
-        oldValue: T;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdate$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdate$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed.
+getUpdate$: <T = any>() => Observable<{
+        key: string;
+        newValue: T;
+        oldValue: T;
+    }>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdateErrors$](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdateErrors$ property
-Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class.
-getUpdateErrors$: () => Observable<Error>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUpdateErrors$](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUpdateErrors$ property
+Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class.
+getUpdateErrors$: () => Observable<Error>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isCustom](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isCustom property
-Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via `set()`<!-- -->, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object
-isCustom: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isCustom](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isCustom property
+Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via `set()`<!-- -->, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object
+isCustom: (key: string) => boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDeclared](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isDeclared property
-Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the `set()` method.
-isDeclared: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDeclared](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isDeclared property
+Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the `set()` method.
+isDeclared: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDefault](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isDefault property
-Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown
-isDefault: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isDefault](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isDefault property
+Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown
+isDefault: (key: string) => boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
-Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
-isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
+Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
+isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
-## IUiSettingsClient interface
-Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./
-export interface IUiSettingsClient 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; T</code> | Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the <code>defaultOverride</code> parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin. |
-|  [get$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;</code> | Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a <code>defaultOverride</code> argument behaves the same as it does in \#get() |
-|  [getAll](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams &amp; UserProvidedValues&gt;&gt;</code> | Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key. |
-|  [getSaved$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
-|  [getUpdate$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
-|  [getUpdateErrors$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Observable&lt;Error&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class. |
-|  [isCustom](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via <code>set()</code>, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object |
-|  [isDeclared](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the <code>set()</code> method. |
-|  [isDefault](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
-|  [overrideLocalDefault](./ | <code>(key: string, newDefault: any) =&gt; void</code> | Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling <code>set(key, null)</code>, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method. |
-|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the <code>get()</code> method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before <code>set()</code> was called. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
+## IUiSettingsClient interface
+Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./
+export interface IUiSettingsClient 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; T</code> | Gets the value for a specific uiSetting. If this setting has no user-defined value then the <code>defaultOverride</code> parameter is returned (and parsed if setting is of type "json" or "number). If the parameter is not defined and the key is not registered by any plugin then an error is thrown, otherwise reads the default value defined by a plugin. |
+|  [get$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;</code> | Gets an observable of the current value for a config key, and all updates to that config key in the future. Providing a <code>defaultOverride</code> argument behaves the same as it does in \#get() |
+|  [getAll](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams &amp; UserProvidedValues&gt;&gt;</code> | Gets the metadata about all uiSettings, including the type, default value, and user value for each key. |
+|  [getSaved$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
+|  [getUpdate$](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;{</code><br/><code>        key: string;</code><br/><code>        newValue: T;</code><br/><code>        oldValue: T;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each update to the uiSettings, including the key, newValue, and oldValue of the setting that changed. |
+|  [getUpdateErrors$](./ | <code>() =&gt; Observable&lt;Error&gt;</code> | Returns an Observable that notifies subscribers of each error while trying to update the settings, containing the actual Error class. |
+|  [isCustom](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting wasn't registered by any plugin, but was either added directly via <code>set()</code>, or is an unknown setting found in the uiSettings saved object |
+|  [isDeclared](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the key is a "known" uiSetting, meaning it is either registered by any plugin or was previously added as a custom setting via the <code>set()</code> method. |
+|  [isDefault](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Returns true if the setting has no user-defined value or is unknown |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
+|  [overrideLocalDefault](./ | <code>(key: string, newDefault: any) =&gt; void</code> | Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling <code>set(key, null)</code>, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method. |
+|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;boolean&gt;</code> | Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the <code>get()</code> method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before <code>set()</code> was called. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [overrideLocalDefault](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.overrideLocalDefault property
-Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost.
-overrideLocalDefault: (key: string, newDefault: any) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [overrideLocalDefault](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.overrideLocalDefault property
+Overrides the default value for a setting in this specific browser tab. If the page is reloaded the default override is lost.
+overrideLocalDefault: (key: string, newDefault: any) => void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
-Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling `set(key, null)`<!-- -->, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method.
-remove: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
+Removes the user-defined value for a setting, causing it to revert to the default. This method behaves the same as calling `set(key, null)`<!-- -->, including the synchronization, custom setting, and error behavior of that method.
+remove: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.set property
-Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the `get()` method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before `set()` was called.
-set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<boolean>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.set property
+Sets the value for a uiSetting. If the setting is not registered by any plugin it will be stored as a custom setting. The new value will be synchronously available via the `get()` method and sent to the server in the background. If the request to the server fails then a updateErrors$ will be notified and the setting will be reverted to its value before `set()` was called.
+set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<boolean>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## LegacyCoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## LegacyCoreSetup.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./
-## LegacyCoreSetup interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
-export interface LegacyCoreSetup extends CoreSetup<any> 
-## Remarks
-Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreSetup](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataSetup</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreSetup](./
+## LegacyCoreSetup interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
+export interface LegacyCoreSetup extends CoreSetup<any> 
+## Remarks
+Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreSetup](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataSetup</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
-## LegacyCoreStart.injectedMetadata property
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./ &gt; [injectedMetadata](./
+## LegacyCoreStart.injectedMetadata property
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+injectedMetadata: InjectedMetadataStart;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./
-## LegacyCoreStart interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
-export interface LegacyCoreStart extends CoreStart 
-## Remarks
-Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreStart](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataStart</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyCoreStart](./
+## LegacyCoreStart interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the `ui/new_platform` module.
+export interface LegacyCoreStart extends CoreStart 
+## Remarks
+Some methods are not supported in the legacy platform and while present to make this type compatibile with [CoreStart](./<!-- -->, unsupported methods will throw exceptions when called.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [injectedMetadata](./ | <code>InjectedMetadataStart</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
-## LegacyNavLink.category property
-category?: AppCategory;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [category](./
+## LegacyNavLink.category property
+category?: AppCategory;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
-## LegacyNavLink.euiIconType property
-euiIconType?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [euiIconType](./
+## LegacyNavLink.euiIconType property
+euiIconType?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
-## LegacyNavLink.icon property
-icon?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [icon](./
+## LegacyNavLink.icon property
+icon?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index e112110dd10f8..1476052ed7a43 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./
-## LegacyNavLink interface
-export interface LegacyNavLink 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> |  |
-|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./
+## LegacyNavLink interface
+export interface LegacyNavLink 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>AppCategory</code> |  |
+|  [euiIconType](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [icon](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [order](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index bfb2a2caad623..255fcfd0fb8cf 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
-## LegacyNavLink.order property
-order: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [order](./
+## LegacyNavLink.order property
+order: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 2cb7a4ebdbc76..90b1a98a90fef 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
-## LegacyNavLink.title property
-title: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [title](./
+## LegacyNavLink.title property
+title: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index fc2d55109dc98..e26095bfbfb6e 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
-## LegacyNavLink.url property
-url: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [LegacyNavLink](./ &gt; [url](./
+## LegacyNavLink.url property
+url: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index de6726b34dfab..95a4327728139 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/
@@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./
-## kibana-plugin-public package
-The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.
-A plugin's `public/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
-The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
-## Classes
-|  Class | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects. |
-|  [SimpleSavedObject](./ | This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations. |
-|  [ToastsApi](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. |
-## Enumerations
-|  Enumeration | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AppLeaveActionType](./ | Possible type of actions on application leave. |
-|  [AppNavLinkStatus](./ | Status of the application's navLink. |
-|  [AppStatus](./ | Accessibility status of an application. |
-## Interfaces
-|  Interface | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [App](./ | Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function. |
-|  [AppBase](./ |  |
-|  [AppCategory](./ | A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav |
-|  [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.<!-- -->See  |
-|  [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.<!-- -->See  |
-|  [ApplicationSetup](./ |  |
-|  [ApplicationStart](./ |  |
-|  [AppMountContext](./ | The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AppMountParameters](./ |  |
-|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
-|  [ChromeBadge](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeBrand](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeDocTitle](./ | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtension](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavControl](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavControls](./ | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
-|  [ChromeNavLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavLinks](./ | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
-|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
-|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeStart](./ | ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser. |
-|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [CoreSetup](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> setup lifecycle |
-|  [CoreStart](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> start lifecycle |
-|  [DocLinksStart](./ |  |
-|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
-|  [ErrorToastOptions](./ | Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
-|  [FatalErrorInfo](./ | Represents the <code>message</code> and <code>stack</code> of a fatal Error |
-|  [FatalErrorsSetup](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [HttpFetchOptions](./ | All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ | Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included. |
-|  [HttpFetchQuery](./ |  |
-|  [HttpHandler](./ | A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response. |
-|  [HttpHeadersInit](./ | Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with <code>kbn-</code> are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error. |
-|  [HttpInterceptor](./ | An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ |  |
-|  [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ |  |
-|  [HttpRequestInit](./ | Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s. |
-|  [HttpResponse](./ |  |
-|  [HttpSetup](./ |  |
-|  [I18nStart](./ | I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
-|  [IAnonymousPaths](./ | APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication |
-|  [IBasePath](./ | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
-|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [IHttpFetchError](./ |  |
-|  [IHttpInterceptController](./ | Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ | Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response. |
-|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
-|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
-|  [LegacyCoreSetup](./ | Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
-|  [LegacyCoreStart](./ | Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
-|  [LegacyNavLink](./ |  |
-|  [NotificationsSetup](./ |  |
-|  [NotificationsStart](./ |  |
-|  [OverlayBannersStart](./ |  |
-|  [OverlayRef](./ | Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay. |
-|  [OverlayStart](./ |  |
-|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
-|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
-|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | The available core services passed to a <code>PluginInitializer</code> |
-|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [SavedObjectsStart](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
-|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
-|  [UiSettingsState](./ |  |
-|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
-## Type Aliases
-|  Type Alias | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AppLeaveAction](./ | Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./<!-- -->See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ |
-|  [AppLeaveHandler](./ | A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return <code>confirm</code> to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or <code>default</code> to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).<!-- -->See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples. |
-|  [AppMount](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
-|  [AppMountDeprecated](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
-|  [AppUnmount](./ | A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous. |
-|  [AppUpdatableFields](./ | Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AppUpdater](./ | Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./ |
-|  [ChromeBreadcrumb](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./ |  |
-|  [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./ |  |
-|  [FatalErrorsStart](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
-|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
-|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
-|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [HttpStart](./ | See [HttpSetup](./ |
-|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
-|  [IToasts](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [MountPoint](./ | A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it. |
-|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>public</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
-|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
-|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
-|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
-|  [Toast](./ |  |
-|  [ToastInput](./ | Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
-|  [ToastInputFields](./ | Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [ToastsSetup](./ | [IToasts](./ |
-|  [ToastsStart](./ | [IToasts](./ |
-|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
-|  [UnmountCallback](./ | A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./
+## kibana-plugin-public package
+The Kibana Core APIs for client-side plugins.
+A plugin's `public/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
+The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
+## Classes
+|  Class | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects. |
+|  [SimpleSavedObject](./ | This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations. |
+|  [ToastsApi](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. |
+## Enumerations
+|  Enumeration | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AppLeaveActionType](./ | Possible type of actions on application leave. |
+|  [AppNavLinkStatus](./ | Status of the application's navLink. |
+|  [AppStatus](./ | Accessibility status of an application. |
+## Interfaces
+|  Interface | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [App](./ | Extension of [common app properties](./ with the mount function. |
+|  [AppBase](./ |  |
+|  [AppCategory](./ | A category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav |
+|  [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to show a confirmation message when trying to leave an application.<!-- -->See  |
+|  [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ | Action to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./ to execute the default behaviour when leaving the application.<!-- -->See  |
+|  [ApplicationSetup](./ |  |
+|  [ApplicationStart](./ |  |
+|  [AppMountContext](./ | The context object received when applications are mounted to the DOM. Deprecated, use [CoreSetup.getStartServices()](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AppMountParameters](./ |  |
+|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
+|  [ChromeBadge](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeBrand](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeDocTitle](./ | APIs for accessing and updating the document title. |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtension](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavControl](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavControls](./ | [APIs](./ for registering new controls to be displayed in the navigation bar. |
+|  [ChromeNavLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavLinks](./ | [APIs](./ for manipulating nav links. |
+|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessed](./ | [APIs](./ for recently accessed history. |
+|  [ChromeRecentlyAccessedHistoryItem](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeStart](./ | ChromeStart allows plugins to customize the global chrome header UI and enrich the UX with additional information about the current location of the browser. |
+|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [CoreSetup](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> setup lifecycle |
+|  [CoreStart](./ | Core services exposed to the <code>Plugin</code> start lifecycle |
+|  [DocLinksStart](./ |  |
+|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
+|  [ErrorToastOptions](./ | Options available for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
+|  [FatalErrorInfo](./ | Represents the <code>message</code> and <code>stack</code> of a fatal Error |
+|  [FatalErrorsSetup](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [HttpFetchOptions](./ | All options that may be used with a [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpFetchOptionsWithPath](./ | Similar to [HttpFetchOptions](./ but with the URL path included. |
+|  [HttpFetchQuery](./ |  |
+|  [HttpHandler](./ | A function for making an HTTP requests to Kibana's backend. See [HttpFetchOptions](./ for options and [HttpResponse](./ for the response. |
+|  [HttpHeadersInit](./ | Headers to append to the request. Any headers that begin with <code>kbn-</code> are considered private to Core and will cause [HttpHandler](./ to throw an error. |
+|  [HttpInterceptor](./ | An object that may define global interceptor functions for different parts of the request and response lifecycle. See [IHttpInterceptController](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpInterceptorRequestError](./ |  |
+|  [HttpInterceptorResponseError](./ |  |
+|  [HttpRequestInit](./ | Fetch API options available to [HttpHandler](./<!-- -->s. |
+|  [HttpResponse](./ |  |
+|  [HttpSetup](./ |  |
+|  [I18nStart](./ | I18nStart.Context is required by any localizable React component from @<!-- -->kbn/i18n and @<!-- -->elastic/eui packages and is supposed to be used as the topmost component for any i18n-compatible React tree. |
+|  [IAnonymousPaths](./ | APIs for denoting paths as not requiring authentication |
+|  [IBasePath](./ | APIs for manipulating the basePath on URL segments. |
+|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [IHttpFetchError](./ |  |
+|  [IHttpInterceptController](./ | Used to halt a request Promise chain in a [HttpInterceptor](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IHttpResponseInterceptorOverrides](./ | Properties that can be returned by HttpInterceptor.request to override the response. |
+|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
+|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Client-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. [IUiSettingsClient](./ |
+|  [LegacyCoreSetup](./ | Setup interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
+|  [LegacyCoreStart](./ | Start interface exposed to the legacy platform via the <code>ui/new_platform</code> module. |
+|  [LegacyNavLink](./ |  |
+|  [NotificationsSetup](./ |  |
+|  [NotificationsStart](./ |  |
+|  [OverlayBannersStart](./ |  |
+|  [OverlayRef](./ | Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay. |
+|  [OverlayStart](./ |  |
+|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
+|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
+|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | The available core services passed to a <code>PluginInitializer</code> |
+|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [SavedObjectsStart](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
+|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
+|  [UiSettingsState](./ |  |
+|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
+## Type Aliases
+|  Type Alias | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AppLeaveAction](./ | Possible actions to return from a [AppLeaveHandler](./<!-- -->See [AppLeaveConfirmAction](./ and [AppLeaveDefaultAction](./ |
+|  [AppLeaveHandler](./ | A handler that will be executed before leaving the application, either when going to another application or when closing the browser tab or manually changing the url. Should return <code>confirm</code> to to prompt a message to the user before leaving the page, or <code>default</code> to keep the default behavior (doing nothing).<!-- -->See [AppMountParameters](./ for detailed usage examples. |
+|  [AppMount](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
+|  [AppMountDeprecated](./ | A mount function called when the user navigates to this app's route. |
+|  [AppUnmount](./ | A function called when an application should be unmounted from the page. This function should be synchronous. |
+|  [AppUpdatableFields](./ | Defines the list of fields that can be updated via an [AppUpdater](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AppUpdater](./ | Updater for applications. see [ApplicationSetup](./ |
+|  [ChromeBreadcrumb](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuCustomLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDiscussLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuDocumentationLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuGitHubLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeHelpExtensionMenuLink](./ |  |
+|  [ChromeNavLinkUpdateableFields](./ |  |
+|  [FatalErrorsStart](./ | FatalErrors stop the Kibana Public Core and displays a fatal error screen with details about the Kibana build and the error. |
+|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
+|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
+|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [HttpStart](./ | See [HttpSetup](./ |
+|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
+|  [IToasts](./ | Methods for adding and removing global toast messages. See [ToastsApi](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [MountPoint](./ | A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it. |
+|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>public</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
+|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
+|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
+|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
+|  [Toast](./ |  |
+|  [ToastInput](./ | Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs. |
+|  [ToastInputFields](./ | Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [ToastsSetup](./ | [IToasts](./ |
+|  [ToastsStart](./ | [IToasts](./ |
+|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
+|  [UnmountCallback](./ | A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [MountPoint](./
-## MountPoint type
-A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it.
-export declare type MountPoint<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = (element: T) => UnmountCallback;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [MountPoint](./
+## MountPoint type
+A function that should mount DOM content inside the provided container element and return a handler to unmount it.
+export declare type MountPoint<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = (element: T) => UnmountCallback;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./
-## NotificationsSetup interface
-export interface NotificationsSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsSetup</code> | [ToastsSetup](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./
+## NotificationsSetup interface
+export interface NotificationsSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsSetup</code> | [ToastsSetup](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./ &gt; [toasts](./
-## NotificationsSetup.toasts property
-toasts: ToastsSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsSetup](./ &gt; [toasts](./
+## NotificationsSetup.toasts property
+toasts: ToastsSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./
-## NotificationsStart interface
-export interface NotificationsStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsStart</code> | [ToastsStart](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./
+## NotificationsStart interface
+export interface NotificationsStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [toasts](./ | <code>ToastsStart</code> | [ToastsStart](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./ &gt; [toasts](./
-## NotificationsStart.toasts property
-toasts: ToastsStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [NotificationsStart](./ &gt; [toasts](./
+## NotificationsStart.toasts property
+toasts: ToastsStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [add](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.add() method
-Add a new banner
-add(mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
-a unique identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [add](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.add() method
+Add a new banner
+add(mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
+a unique identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [getComponent](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.getComponent() method
-getComponent(): JSX.Element;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [getComponent](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.getComponent() method
+getComponent(): JSX.Element;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./
-## OverlayBannersStart interface
-export interface OverlayBannersStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [add(mount, priority)](./ | Add a new banner |
-|  [getComponent()](./ |  |
-|  [remove(id)](./ | Remove a banner |
-|  [replace(id, mount, priority)](./ | Replace a banner in place |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./
+## OverlayBannersStart interface
+export interface OverlayBannersStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [add(mount, priority)](./ | Add a new banner |
+|  [getComponent()](./ |  |
+|  [remove(id)](./ | Remove a banner |
+|  [replace(id, mount, priority)](./ | Replace a banner in place |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.remove() method
-Remove a banner
-remove(id: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-if the banner was found or not
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.remove() method
+Remove a banner
+remove(id: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+if the banner was found or not
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [replace](./
-## OverlayBannersStart.replace() method
-Replace a banner in place
-replace(id: string | undefined, mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  id | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
-|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
-|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
-a new identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayBannersStart](./ &gt; [replace](./
+## OverlayBannersStart.replace() method
+Replace a banner in place
+replace(id: string | undefined, mount: MountPoint, priority?: number): string;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  id | <code>string &#124; undefined</code> |  |
+|  mount | <code>MountPoint</code> |  |
+|  priority | <code>number</code> |  |
+a new identifier for the given banner to be used with [OverlayBannersStart.remove()](./ and [OverlayBannersStart.replace()](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [close](./
-## OverlayRef.close() method
-Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the `onClose` Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing.
-close(): Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [close](./
+## OverlayRef.close() method
+Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the `onClose` Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing.
+close(): Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./
-## OverlayRef interface
-Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay.
-export interface OverlayRef 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [onClose](./ | <code>Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.<!-- -->Overlays can close from user interaction, calling <code>close()</code> on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via <code>openModal</code> or <code>openFlyout</code>. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [close()](./ | Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the <code>onClose</code> Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./
+## OverlayRef interface
+Returned by [OverlayStart](./ methods for closing a mounted overlay.
+export interface OverlayRef 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [onClose](./ | <code>Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.<!-- -->Overlays can close from user interaction, calling <code>close()</code> on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via <code>openModal</code> or <code>openFlyout</code>. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [close()](./ | Closes the referenced overlay if it's still open which in turn will resolve the <code>onClose</code> Promise. If the overlay had already been closed this method does nothing. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [onClose](./
-## OverlayRef.onClose property
-A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.
-Overlays can close from user interaction, calling `close()` on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via `openModal` or `openFlyout`<!-- -->.
-onClose: Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayRef](./ &gt; [onClose](./
+## OverlayRef.onClose property
+A Promise that will resolve once this overlay is closed.
+Overlays can close from user interaction, calling `close()` on the overlay reference or another overlay replacing yours via `openModal` or `openFlyout`<!-- -->.
+onClose: Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [banners](./
-## OverlayStart.banners property
-banners: OverlayBannersStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [banners](./
+## OverlayStart.banners property
+banners: OverlayBannersStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./
-## OverlayStart interface
-export interface OverlayStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [banners](./ | <code>OverlayBannersStart</code> | [OverlayBannersStart](./ |
-|  [openConfirm](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['openConfirm']</code> |  |
-|  [openFlyout](./ | <code>OverlayFlyoutStart['open']</code> |  |
-|  [openModal](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['open']</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./
+## OverlayStart interface
+export interface OverlayStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [banners](./ | <code>OverlayBannersStart</code> | [OverlayBannersStart](./ |
+|  [openConfirm](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['openConfirm']</code> |  |
+|  [openFlyout](./ | <code>OverlayFlyoutStart['open']</code> |  |
+|  [openModal](./ | <code>OverlayModalStart['open']</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openConfirm](./
-## OverlayStart.openConfirm property
-openConfirm: OverlayModalStart['openConfirm'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openConfirm](./
+## OverlayStart.openConfirm property
+openConfirm: OverlayModalStart['openConfirm'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openFlyout](./
-## OverlayStart.openFlyout property
-openFlyout: OverlayFlyoutStart['open'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openFlyout](./
+## OverlayStart.openFlyout property
+openFlyout: OverlayFlyoutStart['open'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openModal](./
-## OverlayStart.openModal property
-openModal: OverlayModalStart['open'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [OverlayStart](./ &gt; [openModal](./
+## OverlayStart.openModal property
+openModal: OverlayModalStart['open'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
-## PackageInfo.branch property
-branch: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
+## PackageInfo.branch property
+branch: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
-## PackageInfo.buildNum property
-buildNum: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
+## PackageInfo.buildNum property
+buildNum: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
-## PackageInfo.buildSha property
-buildSha: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
+## PackageInfo.buildSha property
+buildSha: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
-## PackageInfo.dist property
-dist: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
+## PackageInfo.dist property
+dist: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
-## PackageInfo interface
-export interface PackageInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
+## PackageInfo interface
+export interface PackageInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PackageInfo.version property
-version: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PackageInfo.version property
+version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
-## Plugin interface
-The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
-export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [stop()](./ |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
+## Plugin interface
+The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
+export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [stop()](./ |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
-## Plugin.setup() method
-setup(core: CoreSetup<TPluginsStart>, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreSetup&lt;TPluginsStart&gt;</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
-`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
+## Plugin.setup() method
+setup(core: CoreSetup<TPluginsStart>, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreSetup&lt;TPluginsStart&gt;</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
+`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
-## Plugin.start() method
-start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
-`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
+## Plugin.start() method
+start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
+`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
-## Plugin.stop() method
-stop?(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
+## Plugin.stop() method
+stop?(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
-## PluginInitializer type
-The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `public` directory should conform to this interface.
-export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
+## PluginInitializer type
+The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `public` directory should conform to this interface.
+export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.config property
-readonly config: {
-        get: <T extends object = ConfigSchema>() => T;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.config property
+readonly config: {
+        get: <T extends object = ConfigSchema>() => T;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.env property
-readonly env: {
-        mode: Readonly<EnvironmentMode>;
-        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.env property
+readonly env: {
+        mode: Readonly<EnvironmentMode>;
+        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
-## PluginInitializerContext interface
-The available core services passed to a `PluginInitializer`
-export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: &lt;T extends object = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: Readonly&lt;EnvironmentMode&gt;;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
+## PluginInitializerContext interface
+The available core services passed to a `PluginInitializer`
+export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: &lt;T extends object = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: Readonly&lt;EnvironmentMode&gt;;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
-A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers.
-readonly opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
+A symbol used to identify this plugin in the system. Needed when registering handlers or context providers.
+readonly opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
-## PluginOpaqueId type
-export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
+## PluginOpaqueId type
+export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
-## RecursiveReadonly type
-export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
-    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
-}> : T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
+## RecursiveReadonly type
+export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
+    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
+}> : T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObject.error property
-error?: {
-        message: string;
-        statusCode: number;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObject.error property
+error?: {
+        message: string;
+        statusCode: number;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
-## SavedObject interface
-export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
-|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
+## SavedObject interface
+export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
+|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObject.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObject.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObject.type property
-The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObject.type property
+The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
-## SavedObject.updated\_at property
-Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
-updated_at?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
+## SavedObject.updated\_at property
+Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
+updated_at?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObject.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObject.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-## SavedObjectAttribute type
-Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
-export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+## SavedObjectAttribute type
+Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
+export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
-## SavedObjectAttributes interface
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
+## SavedObjectAttributes interface
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
-## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
-Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
+## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
+Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
-## SavedObjectReference interface
-A reference to another saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectReference 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
+## SavedObjectReference interface
+A reference to another saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectReference 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectReference.type property
-type: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectReference.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
-Specify the namespace for this operation
-namespace?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
+Specify the namespace for this operation
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBatchResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsBatchResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## SavedObjectsBatchResponse.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: Array<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBatchResponse](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## SavedObjectsBatchResponse.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: Array<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions.overwrite property
-If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
-overwrite?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions.overwrite property
+If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
-type: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.version property
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.version property
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate property
-Creates multiple documents at once
-bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<SavedObjectAttributes>[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate property
+Creates multiple documents at once
+bulkCreate: (objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<SavedObjectAttributes>[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet property
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet: (objects?: {
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }[]) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet property
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet: (objects?: {
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }[]) => Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
-Update multiple documents at once
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]): Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]</code> |  |
-The result of the update operation containing both failed and updated saved objects.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
+Update multiple documents at once
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]): Promise<SavedObjectsBatchResponse<SavedObjectAttributes>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject[]</code> |  |
+The result of the update operation containing both failed and updated saved objects.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.create property
-Persists an object
-create: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.create property
+Persists an object
+create: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.delete property
-Deletes an object
-delete: (type: string, id: string) => Promise<{}>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.delete property
+Deletes an object
+delete: (type: string, id: string) => Promise<{}>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.find property
-Search for objects
-find: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(options: Pick<SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, "search" | "filter" | "type" | "page" | "perPage" | "sortField" | "fields" | "searchFields" | "hasReference" | "defaultSearchOperator">) => Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.find property
+Search for objects
+find: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(options: Pick<SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, "search" | "filter" | "type" | "page" | "perPage" | "sortField" | "fields" | "searchFields" | "hasReference" | "defaultSearchOperator">) => Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.get property
-Fetches a single object
-get: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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+## SavedObjectsClient.get property
+Fetches a single object
+get: <T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string) => Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsClient class
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects.
-export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate](./ |  | <code>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates multiple documents at once |
-|  [bulkGet](./ |  | <code>(objects?: {</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [create](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Persists an object |
-|  [delete](./ |  | <code>(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;{}&gt;</code> | Deletes an object |
-|  [find](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(options: Pick&lt;SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, &quot;search&quot; &#124; &quot;filter&quot; &#124; &quot;type&quot; &#124; &quot;page&quot; &#124; &quot;perPage&quot; &#124; &quot;sortField&quot; &#124; &quot;fields&quot; &#124; &quot;searchFields&quot; &#124; &quot;hasReference&quot; &#124; &quot;defaultSearchOperator&quot;&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Search for objects |
-|  [get](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Fetches a single object |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects)](./ |  | Update multiple documents at once |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, { version, migrationVersion, references })](./ |  | Updates an object |
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+## SavedObjectsClient class
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state. The client-side SavedObjectsClient is a thin convenience library around the SavedObjects HTTP API for interacting with Saved Objects.
+export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate](./ |  | <code>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;[], options?: SavedObjectsBulkCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates multiple documents at once |
+|  [bulkGet](./ |  | <code>(objects?: {</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsBatchResponse&lt;SavedObjectAttributes&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [create](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Persists an object |
+|  [delete](./ |  | <code>(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;{}&gt;</code> | Deletes an object |
+|  [find](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(options: Pick&lt;SavedObjectFindOptionsServer, &quot;search&quot; &#124; &quot;filter&quot; &#124; &quot;type&quot; &#124; &quot;page&quot; &#124; &quot;perPage&quot; &#124; &quot;sortField&quot; &#124; &quot;fields&quot; &#124; &quot;searchFields&quot; &#124; &quot;hasReference&quot; &#124; &quot;defaultSearchOperator&quot;&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Search for objects |
+|  [get](./ |  | <code>&lt;T extends SavedObjectAttributes&gt;(type: string, id: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;SimpleSavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Fetches a single object |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects)](./ |  | Update multiple documents at once |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, { version, migrationVersion, references })](./ |  | Updates an object |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
-Updates an object
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  { version, migrationVersion, references } | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
+Updates an object
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, id: string, attributes: T, { version, migrationVersion, references }?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  { version, migrationVersion, references } | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
-## SavedObjectsClientContract type
-SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf<SavedObjectsClient>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
+## SavedObjectsClientContract type
+SavedObjectsClientContract as implemented by the [SavedObjectsClient](./
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = PublicMethodsOf<SavedObjectsClient>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-(Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you.
-id?: string;
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+## property
+(Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you.
+id?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you. |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (Not recommended) Specify an id instead of having the saved objects service generate one for you. |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | If a document with the given <code>id</code> already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false). |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
-If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
-overwrite?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
+If a document with the given `id` already exists, overwrite it's contents (default=false).
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
-defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
+defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
-An array of fields to include in the results
-fields?: string[];
-## Example
-SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
+An array of fields to include in the results
+fields?: string[];
+## Example
+SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
-filter?: string;
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+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
+filter?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
-hasReference?: {
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    };
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+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
+hasReference?: {
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    };
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-## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
-|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
-|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
-|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
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+## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
+|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
+|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
+|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
-perPage?: number;
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+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
+perPage?: number;
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-## property
-Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
-search?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
+search?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
-The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
-searchFields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
+The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
+searchFields?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
-sortField?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
+sortField?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
-sortOrder?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
+sortOrder?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
-type: string | string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
+type: string | string[];
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic interface
-Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
-\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
-export interface SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic interface
+Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
+\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
+export interface SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = SavedObjectAttributes> extends SavedObjectsBatchResponse<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic.perPage property
-perPage: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [perPage](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic.perPage property
+perPage: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [total](./
-## property
-total: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponsePublic](./ &gt; [total](./
+## property
+total: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
-type: 'conflict';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
+type: 'conflict';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
-error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
+error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError interface
-Represents a failure to import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError interface
+Represents a failure to import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
-title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
+title?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
+type: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
-blocking: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
+blocking: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
-references: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
+references: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
index 340b36248d83e..62862107c11b4 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
-type: 'missing_references';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
+type: 'missing_references';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
-errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
+errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
-The response describing the result of an import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
-|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
+The response describing the result of an import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
+|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
-success: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
+success: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
-successCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
+successCount: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/ b/docs/development/core/public/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
-Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
+Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
-replaceReferences: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        from: string;
-        to: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
+replaceReferences: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        from: string;
+        to: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
-type: 'unknown';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
+type: 'unknown';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
-type: 'unsupported_type';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
+type: 'unsupported_type';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
-## Example
-migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
+## Example
+migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./ &gt; [client](./
-## SavedObjectsStart.client property
-client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./ &gt; [client](./
+## SavedObjectsStart.client property
+client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./
-## SavedObjectsStart interface
-export interface SavedObjectsStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsStart](./
+## SavedObjectsStart interface
+export interface SavedObjectsStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | [SavedObjectsClient](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `SimpleSavedObject` class
-constructor(client: SavedObjectsClient, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion }: SavedObjectType<T>);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  client | <code>SavedObjectsClient</code> |  |
-|  { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion } | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `SimpleSavedObject` class
+constructor(client: SavedObjectsClient, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion }: SavedObjectType<T>);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  client | <code>SavedObjectsClient</code> |  |
+|  { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion } | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [\_version](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.\_version property
-_version?: SavedObjectType<T>['version'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [\_version](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.\_version property
+_version?: SavedObjectType<T>['version'];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.delete() method
-delete(): Promise<{}>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.delete() method
+delete(): Promise<{}>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.error property
-error: SavedObjectType<T>['error'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.error property
+error: SavedObjectType<T>['error'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.get() method
-get(key: string): any;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.get() method
+get(key: string): any;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [has](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.has() method
-has(key: string): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [has](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.has() method
+has(key: string): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: SavedObjectType<T>['id'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: SavedObjectType<T>['id'];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./
-## SimpleSavedObject class
-This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.
-It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations.
-export declare class SimpleSavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes> 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(client, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion })](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>SimpleSavedObject</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\_version](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['version']</code> |  |
-|  [attributes](./ |  | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [error](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['error']</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['id']</code> |  |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['migrationVersion']</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['references']</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['type']</code> |  |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [delete()](./ |  |  |
-|  [get(key)](./ |  |  |
-|  [has(key)](./ |  |  |
-|  [save()](./ |  |  |
-|  [set(key, value)](./ |  |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./
+## SimpleSavedObject class
+This class is a very simple wrapper for SavedObjects loaded from the server with the [SavedObjectsClient](./<!-- -->.
+It provides basic functionality for creating/saving/deleting saved objects, but doesn't include any type-specific implementations.
+export declare class SimpleSavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes> 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(client, { id, type, version, attributes, error, references, migrationVersion })](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>SimpleSavedObject</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\_version](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['version']</code> |  |
+|  [attributes](./ |  | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [error](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['error']</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['id']</code> |  |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['migrationVersion']</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['references']</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ |  | <code>SavedObjectType&lt;T&gt;['type']</code> |  |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [delete()](./ |  |  |
+|  [get(key)](./ |  |  |
+|  [has(key)](./ |  |  |
+|  [save()](./ |  |  |
+|  [set(key, value)](./ |  |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.migrationVersion property
-migrationVersion: SavedObjectType<T>['migrationVersion'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.migrationVersion property
+migrationVersion: SavedObjectType<T>['migrationVersion'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.references property
-references: SavedObjectType<T>['references'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.references property
+references: SavedObjectType<T>['references'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [save](./
-## method
-save(): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [save](./
+## method
+save(): Promise<SimpleSavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [set](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.set() method
-set(key: string, value: any): T;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  value | <code>any</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [set](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.set() method
+set(key: string, value: any): T;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  key | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  value | <code>any</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SimpleSavedObject.type property
-type: SavedObjectType<T>['type'];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [SimpleSavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SimpleSavedObject.type property
+type: SavedObjectType<T>['type'];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
-## StringValidation type
-Allows regex objects or a regex string
-export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
+## StringValidation type
+Allows regex objects or a regex string
+export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
-## StringValidationRegex interface
-StringValidation with regex object
-export interface StringValidationRegex 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
+## StringValidationRegex interface
+StringValidation with regex object
+export interface StringValidationRegex 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegex.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegex.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
-## StringValidationRegex.regex property
-regex: RegExp;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
+## StringValidationRegex.regex property
+regex: RegExp;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString interface
-StringValidation as regex string
-export interface StringValidationRegexString 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString interface
+StringValidation as regex string
+export interface StringValidationRegexString 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
-regexString: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
+regexString: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Toast](./
-## Toast type
-export declare type Toast = ToastInputFields & {
-    id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [Toast](./
+## Toast type
+export declare type Toast = ToastInputFields & {
+    id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInput](./
-## ToastInput type
-Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs.
-export declare type ToastInput = string | ToastInputFields;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInput](./
+## ToastInput type
+Inputs for [IToasts](./ APIs.
+export declare type ToastInput = string | ToastInputFields;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInputFields](./
-## ToastInputFields type
-Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ToastInputFields = Pick<EuiToast, Exclude<keyof EuiToast, 'id' | 'text' | 'title'>> & {
-    title?: string | MountPoint;
-    text?: string | MountPoint;
-## Remarks
-`id` cannot be specified.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastInputFields](./
+## ToastInputFields type
+Allowed fields for [ToastInput](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ToastInputFields = Pick<EuiToast, Exclude<keyof EuiToast, 'id' | 'text' | 'title'>> & {
+    title?: string | MountPoint;
+    text?: string | MountPoint;
+## Remarks
+`id` cannot be specified.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ToastsApi.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ToastsApi` class
-constructor(deps: {
-        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-    });
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  deps | <code>{</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ToastsApi.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ToastsApi` class
+constructor(deps: {
+        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+    });
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  deps | <code>{</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [add](./
-## ToastsApi.add() method
-Adds a new toast to current array of toast.
-add(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [add](./
+## ToastsApi.add() method
+Adds a new toast to current array of toast.
+add(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addDanger](./
-## ToastsApi.addDanger() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon.
-addDanger(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addDanger](./
+## ToastsApi.addDanger() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon.
+addDanger(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addError](./
-## ToastsApi.addError() method
-Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal.
-addError(error: Error, options: ErrorToastOptions): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> | an <code>Error</code> instance. |
-|  options | <code>ErrorToastOptions</code> | [ErrorToastOptions](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addError](./
+## ToastsApi.addError() method
+Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal.
+addError(error: Error, options: ErrorToastOptions): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> | an <code>Error</code> instance. |
+|  options | <code>ErrorToastOptions</code> | [ErrorToastOptions](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addSuccess](./
-## ToastsApi.addSuccess() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon.
-addSuccess(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addSuccess](./
+## ToastsApi.addSuccess() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon.
+addSuccess(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addWarning](./
-## ToastsApi.addWarning() method
-Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon.
-addWarning(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
-a [Toast](./
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [addWarning](./
+## ToastsApi.addWarning() method
+Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon.
+addWarning(toastOrTitle: ToastInput): Toast;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrTitle | <code>ToastInput</code> | a [ToastInput](./ |
+a [Toast](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [get$](./
-## ToastsApi.get$() method
-Observable of the toast messages to show to the user.
-get$(): Rx.Observable<Toast[]>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [get$](./
+## ToastsApi.get$() method
+Observable of the toast messages to show to the user.
+get$(): Rx.Observable<Toast[]>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./
-## ToastsApi class
-Methods for adding and removing global toast messages.
-export declare class ToastsApi implements IToasts 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(deps)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ToastsApi</code> class |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [add(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast to current array of toast. |
-|  [addDanger(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon. |
-|  [addError(error, options)](./ |  | Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal. |
-|  [addSuccess(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon. |
-|  [addWarning(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon. |
-|  [get$()](./ |  | Observable of the toast messages to show to the user. |
-|  [remove(toastOrId)](./ |  | Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./
+## ToastsApi class
+Methods for adding and removing global toast messages.
+export declare class ToastsApi implements IToasts 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(deps)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ToastsApi</code> class |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [add(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast to current array of toast. |
+|  [addDanger(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon. |
+|  [addError(error, options)](./ |  | Adds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal. |
+|  [addSuccess(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon. |
+|  [addWarning(toastOrTitle)](./ |  | Adds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon. |
+|  [get$()](./ |  | Observable of the toast messages to show to the user. |
+|  [remove(toastOrId)](./ |  | Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## ToastsApi.remove() method
-Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present.
-remove(toastOrId: Toast | string): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  toastOrId | <code>Toast &#124; string</code> | a [Toast](./ returned by [ToastsApi.add()](./ or its id |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsApi](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## ToastsApi.remove() method
+Removes a toast from the current array of toasts if present.
+remove(toastOrId: Toast | string): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  toastOrId | <code>Toast &#124; string</code> | a [Toast](./ returned by [ToastsApi.add()](./ or its id |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsSetup](./
-## ToastsSetup type
-export declare type ToastsSetup = IToasts;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsSetup](./
+## ToastsSetup type
+export declare type ToastsSetup = IToasts;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsStart](./
-## ToastsStart type
-export declare type ToastsStart = IToasts;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [ToastsStart](./
+## ToastsStart type
+export declare type ToastsStart = IToasts;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
-## UiSettingsParams.category property
-used to group the configured setting in the UI
-category?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
+## UiSettingsParams.category property
+used to group the configured setting in the UI
+category?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
-optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
-deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
+optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
+deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
-## UiSettingsParams.description property
-description provided to a user in UI
-description?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
+## UiSettingsParams.description property
+description provided to a user in UI
+description?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
-## UiSettingsParams interface
-UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
-export interface UiSettingsParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
-|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
-|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
-|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
-|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
-|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
-|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
-|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
-|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
-|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
+## UiSettingsParams interface
+UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
+export interface UiSettingsParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
+|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
+|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
+|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
+|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
+|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
+|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
+|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
+|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
+|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-title in the UI
-name?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+title in the UI
+name?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
-## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
-text labels for 'select' type UI element
-optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
+## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
+text labels for 'select' type UI element
+optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
-## UiSettingsParams.options property
-array of permitted values for this setting
-options?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
+## UiSettingsParams.options property
+array of permitted values for this setting
+options?: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
-## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
-a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
-readonly?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
+## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
+a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
+readonly?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
-## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
-a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
-requiresPageReload?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
+## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
+a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
+requiresPageReload?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
-## UiSettingsParams.type property
-defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
-type?: UiSettingsType;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
+## UiSettingsParams.type property
+defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
+type?: UiSettingsType;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.validation property
-validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.validation property
+validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
-## UiSettingsParams.value property
-default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
-value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
+## UiSettingsParams.value property
+default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
+value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsState](./
-## UiSettingsState interface
-export interface UiSettingsState 
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsState](./
+## UiSettingsState interface
+export interface UiSettingsState 
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
-## UiSettingsType type
-UI element type to represent the settings.
-export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
+## UiSettingsType type
+UI element type to represent the settings.
+export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UnmountCallback](./
-## UnmountCallback type
-A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./
-export declare type UnmountCallback = () => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UnmountCallback](./
+## UnmountCallback type
+A function that will unmount the element previously mounted by the associated [MountPoint](./
+export declare type UnmountCallback = () => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
-isOverridden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
+isOverridden?: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
-## UserProvidedValues interface
-Describes the values explicitly set by user.
-export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
+## UserProvidedValues interface
+Describes the values explicitly set by user.
+export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
-## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
-userValue?: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-public](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
+## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
+userValue?: T;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-## API Reference
-## Packages
-|  Package | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibana-plugin-server](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin requires a <code>kibana.json</code> file at it's root directory that follows  to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>server/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+## API Reference
+## Packages
+|  Package | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibana-plugin-server](./ | The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.<!-- -->A plugin requires a <code>kibana.json</code> file at it's root directory that follows  to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.<!-- -->A plugin's <code>server/index</code> file must contain a named import, <code>plugin</code>, that implements  which returns an object that implements .<!-- -->The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: <code>setup</code>, <code>start</code>, and <code>stop</code>. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either  or ) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [APICaller](./
-## APICaller interface
-export interface APICaller 
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [APICaller](./
+## APICaller interface
+export interface APICaller 
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ &gt; [indices](./
-## AssistanceAPIResponse.indices property
-indices: {
-        [indexName: string]: {
-            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;
-        };
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ &gt; [indices](./
+## AssistanceAPIResponse.indices property
+indices: {
+        [indexName: string]: {
+            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;
+        };
+    };
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./
-## AssistanceAPIResponse interface
-export interface AssistanceAPIResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [indices](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [indexName: string]: {</code><br/><code>            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistanceAPIResponse](./
+## AssistanceAPIResponse interface
+export interface AssistanceAPIResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [indices](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [indexName: string]: {</code><br/><code>            action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams interface
-export interface AssistantAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/assistance'</code> |  |
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+## AssistantAPIClientParams interface
+export interface AssistantAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/assistance'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams.method property
-method: 'GET';
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+## AssistantAPIClientParams.method property
+method: 'GET';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
-## AssistantAPIClientParams.path property
-path: '/_migration/assistance';
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+## AssistantAPIClientParams.path property
+path: '/_migration/assistance';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./
-## Authenticated interface
-export interface Authenticated extends AuthResultParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>AuthResultType.authenticated</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./
+## Authenticated interface
+export interface Authenticated extends AuthResultParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>AuthResultType.authenticated</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./ &gt; [type](./
-## Authenticated.type property
-type: AuthResultType.authenticated;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Authenticated](./ &gt; [type](./
+## Authenticated.type property
+type: AuthResultType.authenticated;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthenticationHandler](./
-## AuthenticationHandler type
-See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type AuthenticationHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: AuthToolkit) => AuthResult | IKibanaResponse | Promise<AuthResult | IKibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthenticationHandler](./
+## AuthenticationHandler type
+See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type AuthenticationHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: AuthToolkit) => AuthResult | IKibanaResponse | Promise<AuthResult | IKibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthHeaders](./
-## AuthHeaders type
-Auth Headers map
-export declare type AuthHeaders = Record<string, string | string[]>;
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+## AuthHeaders type
+Auth Headers map
+export declare type AuthHeaders = Record<string, string | string[]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResult](./
-## AuthResult type
-export declare type AuthResult = Authenticated;
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+## AuthResult type
+export declare type AuthResult = Authenticated;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./
-## AuthResultParams interface
-Result of an incoming request authentication.
-export interface AuthResultParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [requestHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user. |
-|  [responseHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed. |
-|  [state](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./
+## AuthResultParams interface
+Result of an incoming request authentication.
+export interface AuthResultParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [requestHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user. |
+|  [responseHeaders](./ | <code>AuthHeaders</code> | Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed. |
+|  [state](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [requestHeaders](./
-## AuthResultParams.requestHeaders property
-Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user.
-requestHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [requestHeaders](./
+## AuthResultParams.requestHeaders property
+Auth specific headers to attach to a request object. Used to perform a request to Elasticsearch on behalf of an authenticated user.
+requestHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [responseHeaders](./
-## AuthResultParams.responseHeaders property
-Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed.
-responseHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [responseHeaders](./
+## AuthResultParams.responseHeaders property
+Auth specific headers to attach to a response object. Used to send back authentication mechanism related headers to a client when needed.
+responseHeaders?: AuthHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [state](./
-## AuthResultParams.state property
-Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data.
-state?: Record<string, any>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultParams](./ &gt; [state](./
+## AuthResultParams.state property
+Data to associate with an incoming request. Any downstream plugin may get access to the data.
+state?: Record<string, any>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthResultType](./
-## AuthResultType enum
-export declare enum AuthResultType 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> |  |
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+## AuthResultType enum
+export declare enum AuthResultType 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthStatus](./
-## AuthStatus enum
-Status indicating an outcome of the authentication.
-export declare enum AuthStatus 
-## Enumeration Members
-|  Member | Value | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor successfully authenticated a user |
-|  unauthenticated | <code>&quot;unauthenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor failed user authentication |
-|  unknown | <code>&quot;unknown&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor has not been registered |
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+## AuthStatus enum
+Status indicating an outcome of the authentication.
+export declare enum AuthStatus 
+## Enumeration Members
+|  Member | Value | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  authenticated | <code>&quot;authenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor successfully authenticated a user |
+|  unauthenticated | <code>&quot;unauthenticated&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor failed user authentication |
+|  unknown | <code>&quot;unknown&quot;</code> | <code>auth</code> interceptor has not been registered |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./ &gt; [authenticated](./
-## AuthToolkit.authenticated property
-Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through
-authenticated: (data?: AuthResultParams) => AuthResult;
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+## AuthToolkit.authenticated property
+Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through
+authenticated: (data?: AuthResultParams) => AuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [AuthToolkit](./
-## AuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface AuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authenticated](./ | <code>(data?: AuthResultParams) =&gt; AuthResult</code> | Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through |
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+## AuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface AuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authenticated](./ | <code>(data?: AuthResultParams) =&gt; AuthResult</code> | Authentication is successful with given credentials, allow request to pass through |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
-## BasePath.get property
-returns `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
-get: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>) => string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [get](./
+## BasePath.get property
+returns `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
+get: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>) => string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./
-## BasePath class
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
-export declare class BasePath 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BasePath` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;) =&gt; string</code> | returns <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
-|  [prepend](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
-|  [remove](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
-|  [serverBasePath](./ |  | <code>string</code> | returns the server's basePath<!-- -->See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request |
-|  [set](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;, requestSpecificBasePath: string) =&gt; void</code> | sets <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./
+## BasePath class
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
+export declare class BasePath 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `BasePath` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;) =&gt; string</code> | returns <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
+|  [prepend](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Prepends <code>path</code> with the basePath. |
+|  [remove](./ |  | <code>(path: string) =&gt; string</code> | Removes the prepended basePath from the <code>path</code>. |
+|  [serverBasePath](./ |  | <code>string</code> | returns the server's basePath<!-- -->See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request |
+|  [set](./ |  | <code>(request: LegacyRequest &#124; KibanaRequest&lt;unknown, unknown, unknown, any&gt;, requestSpecificBasePath: string) =&gt; void</code> | sets <code>basePath</code> value, specific for an incoming request. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
-## BasePath.prepend property
-Prepends `path` with the basePath.
-prepend: (path: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [prepend](./
+## BasePath.prepend property
+Prepends `path` with the basePath.
+prepend: (path: string) => string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## BasePath.remove property
-Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
-remove: (path: string) => string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## BasePath.remove property
+Removes the prepended basePath from the `path`<!-- -->.
+remove: (path: string) => string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [serverBasePath](./
-## BasePath.serverBasePath property
-returns the server's basePath
-See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request
-readonly serverBasePath: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [serverBasePath](./
+## BasePath.serverBasePath property
+returns the server's basePath
+See [BasePath.get](./ for getting the basePath value for a specific request
+readonly serverBasePath: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [set](./
-## BasePath.set property
-sets `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
-set: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, requestSpecificBasePath: string) => void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [BasePath](./ &gt; [set](./
+## BasePath.set property
+sets `basePath` value, specific for an incoming request.
+set: (request: LegacyRequest | KibanaRequest<unknown, unknown, unknown, any>, requestSpecificBasePath: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./
-## CallAPIOptions interface
-The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed.
-export interface CallAPIOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal</code> | A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object. |
-|  [wrap401Errors](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether <code>401 Unauthorized</code> errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into <code>Boom</code> error instances with properly set <code>WWW-Authenticate</code> header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then <code>Basic realm=&quot;Authorization Required&quot;</code> is used as <code>WWW-Authenticate</code>. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./
+## CallAPIOptions interface
+The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed.
+export interface CallAPIOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [signal](./ | <code>AbortSignal</code> | A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object. |
+|  [wrap401Errors](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether <code>401 Unauthorized</code> errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into <code>Boom</code> error instances with properly set <code>WWW-Authenticate</code> header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then <code>Basic realm=&quot;Authorization Required&quot;</code> is used as <code>WWW-Authenticate</code>. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [signal](./
-## CallAPIOptions.signal property
-A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object.
-signal?: AbortSignal;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [signal](./
+## CallAPIOptions.signal property
+A signal object that allows you to abort the request via an AbortController object.
+signal?: AbortSignal;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [wrap401Errors](./
-## CallAPIOptions.wrap401Errors property
-Indicates whether `401 Unauthorized` errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into `Boom` error instances with properly set `WWW-Authenticate` header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then `Basic realm="Authorization Required"` is used as `WWW-Authenticate`<!-- -->.
-wrap401Errors?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CallAPIOptions](./ &gt; [wrap401Errors](./
+## CallAPIOptions.wrap401Errors property
+Indicates whether `401 Unauthorized` errors returned from the Elasticsearch API should be wrapped into `Boom` error instances with properly set `WWW-Authenticate` header that could have been returned by the API itself. If API didn't specify that then `Basic realm="Authorization Required"` is used as `WWW-Authenticate`<!-- -->.
+wrap401Errors?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
-## Capabilities.catalogue property
-Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
-catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [catalogue](./
+## Capabilities.catalogue property
+Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options.
+catalogue: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
-## property
-Management section capabilities.
-management: {
-        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [management](./
+## property
+Management section capabilities.
+management: {
+        [sectionId: string]: Record<string, boolean>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
-## Capabilities interface
-The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
-export interface Capabilities 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
-|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
-|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./
+## Capabilities interface
+The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.
+export interface Capabilities 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [catalogue](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options. |
+|  [management](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [sectionId: string]: Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Management section capabilities. |
+|  [navLinks](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, boolean&gt;</code> | Navigation link capabilities. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
-## Capabilities.navLinks property
-Navigation link capabilities.
-navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Capabilities](./ &gt; [navLinks](./
+## Capabilities.navLinks property
+Navigation link capabilities.
+navLinks: Record<string, boolean>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesProvider](./
-## CapabilitiesProvider type
-See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-export declare type CapabilitiesProvider = () => Partial<Capabilities>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesProvider](./
+## CapabilitiesProvider type
+See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+export declare type CapabilitiesProvider = () => Partial<Capabilities>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup interface
-APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.
-Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the `registerProvider` method.
-Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the `registerSwitcher` method.
-Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples.
-export interface CapabilitiesSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [registerProvider(provider)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them. |
-|  [registerSwitcher(switcher)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.<!-- -->A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup interface
+APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.
+Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the `registerProvider` method.
+Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the `registerSwitcher` method.
+Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples.
+export interface CapabilitiesSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [registerProvider(provider)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them. |
+|  [registerSwitcher(switcher)](./ | Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.<!-- -->A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerProvider](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup.registerProvider() method
-Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them.
-registerProvider(provider: CapabilitiesProvider): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  provider | <code>CapabilitiesProvider</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to register a plugin's capabilities during setup
-// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
-public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
-   core.capabilities.registerProvider(() => {
-     return {
-       catalogue: {
-         myPlugin: true,
-       },
-       myPlugin: {
-         someFeature: true,
-         featureDisabledByDefault: false,
-       },
-     }
-   });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerProvider](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup.registerProvider() method
+Register a [CapabilitiesProvider](./ to be used to provide [Capabilities](./ when resolving them.
+registerProvider(provider: CapabilitiesProvider): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  provider | <code>CapabilitiesProvider</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to register a plugin's capabilities during setup
+// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
+public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
+   core.capabilities.registerProvider(() => {
+     return {
+       catalogue: {
+         myPlugin: true,
+       },
+       myPlugin: {
+         someFeature: true,
+         featureDisabledByDefault: false,
+       },
+     }
+   });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerSwitcher](./
-## CapabilitiesSetup.registerSwitcher() method
-Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.
-A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored.
-registerSwitcher(switcher: CapabilitiesSwitcher): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  switcher | <code>CapabilitiesSwitcher</code> |  |
-## Example
-How to restrict some capabilities
-// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
-public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
-   core.capabilities.registerSwitcher((request, capabilities) => {
-     if(myPluginApi.shouldRestrictSomePluginBecauseOf(request)) {
-       return {
-         somePlugin: {
-           featureEnabledByDefault: false // `featureEnabledByDefault` will be disabled. All other capabilities will remain unchanged.
-         }
-       }
-     }
-     return {}; // All capabilities will remain unchanged.
-   });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSetup](./ &gt; [registerSwitcher](./
+## CapabilitiesSetup.registerSwitcher() method
+Register a [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ to be used to change the default state of the [Capabilities](./ entries when resolving them.
+A capabilities switcher can only change the state of existing capabilities. Capabilities added or removed when invoking the switcher will be ignored.
+registerSwitcher(switcher: CapabilitiesSwitcher): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  switcher | <code>CapabilitiesSwitcher</code> |  |
+## Example
+How to restrict some capabilities
+// my-plugin/server/plugin.ts
+public setup(core: CoreSetup, deps: {}) {
+   core.capabilities.registerSwitcher((request, capabilities) => {
+     if(myPluginApi.shouldRestrictSomePluginBecauseOf(request)) {
+       return {
+         somePlugin: {
+           featureEnabledByDefault: false // `featureEnabledByDefault` will be disabled. All other capabilities will remain unchanged.
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     return {}; // All capabilities will remain unchanged.
+   });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./
-## CapabilitiesStart interface
-APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->.
-export interface CapabilitiesStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [resolveCapabilities(request)](./ | Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./
+## CapabilitiesStart interface
+APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->.
+export interface CapabilitiesStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [resolveCapabilities(request)](./ | Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./ &gt; [resolveCapabilities](./
-## CapabilitiesStart.resolveCapabilities() method
-Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request
-resolveCapabilities(request: KibanaRequest): Promise<Capabilities>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesStart](./ &gt; [resolveCapabilities](./
+## CapabilitiesStart.resolveCapabilities() method
+Resolve the [Capabilities](./ to be used for given request
+resolveCapabilities(request: KibanaRequest): Promise<Capabilities>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./
-## CapabilitiesSwitcher type
-See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
-export declare type CapabilitiesSwitcher = (request: KibanaRequest, uiCapabilities: Capabilities) => Partial<Capabilities> | Promise<Partial<Capabilities>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./
+## CapabilitiesSwitcher type
+See [CapabilitiesSetup](./
+export declare type CapabilitiesSwitcher = (request: KibanaRequest, uiCapabilities: Capabilities) => Partial<Capabilities> | Promise<Partial<Capabilities>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ClusterClient.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ClusterClient` class
-constructor(config: ElasticsearchClientConfig, log: Logger, getAuthHeaders?: GetAuthHeaders);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  config | <code>ElasticsearchClientConfig</code> |  |
-|  log | <code>Logger</code> |  |
-|  getAuthHeaders | <code>GetAuthHeaders</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ClusterClient.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ClusterClient` class
+constructor(config: ElasticsearchClientConfig, log: Logger, getAuthHeaders?: GetAuthHeaders);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  config | <code>ElasticsearchClientConfig</code> |  |
+|  log | <code>Logger</code> |  |
+|  getAuthHeaders | <code>GetAuthHeaders</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
-## ClusterClient.asScoped() method
-Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed.
-asScoped(request?: ScopeableRequest): IScopedClusterClient;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>ScopeableRequest</code> | Request the <code>IScopedClusterClient</code> instance will be scoped to. Supports request optionality, Legacy.Request &amp; FakeRequest for BWC with LegacyPlatform |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
+## ClusterClient.asScoped() method
+Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed.
+asScoped(request?: ScopeableRequest): IScopedClusterClient;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>ScopeableRequest</code> | Request the <code>IScopedClusterClient</code> instance will be scoped to. Supports request optionality, Legacy.Request &amp; FakeRequest for BWC with LegacyPlatform |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
-## ClusterClient.callAsInternalUser property
-Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsInternalUser: APICaller;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
+## ClusterClient.callAsInternalUser property
+Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsInternalUser: APICaller;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [close](./
-## ClusterClient.close() method
-Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API.
-close(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./ &gt; [close](./
+## ClusterClient.close() method
+Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API.
+close(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./
-## ClusterClient class
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare class ClusterClient implements IClusterClient 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(config, log, getAuthHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ClusterClient</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [callAsInternalUser](./ |  | <code>APICaller</code> | Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asScoped(request)](./ |  | Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed. |
-|  [close()](./ |  | Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ClusterClient](./
+## ClusterClient class
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare class ClusterClient implements IClusterClient 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(config, log, getAuthHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ClusterClient</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [callAsInternalUser](./ |  | <code>APICaller</code> | Calls specified endpoint with provided clientParams on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asScoped(request)](./ |  | Creates an instance of [IScopedClusterClient](./ based on the configuration the current cluster client that exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method scoped to the provided req. Consumers shouldn't worry about closing scoped client instances, these will be automatically closed as soon as the original cluster client isn't needed anymore and closed. |
+|  [close()](./ |  | Closes the cluster client. After that client cannot be used and one should create a new client instance to be able to interact with Elasticsearch API. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecation](./
-## ConfigDeprecation type
-Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration.
-export declare type ConfigDeprecation = (config: Record<string, any>, fromPath: string, logger: ConfigDeprecationLogger) => Record<string, any>;
-## Remarks
-This should only be manually implemented if [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ does not provide the proper helpers for a specific deprecation need.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecation](./
+## ConfigDeprecation type
+Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration.
+export declare type ConfigDeprecation = (config: Record<string, any>, fromPath: string, logger: ConfigDeprecationLogger) => Record<string, any>;
+## Remarks
+This should only be manually implemented if [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ does not provide the proper helpers for a specific deprecation need.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory interface
-Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.
-See methods documentation for more detailed examples.
-export interface ConfigDeprecationFactory 
-## Example
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [rename(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied. |
-|  [renameFromRoot(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead. |
-|  [unused(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied. |
-|  [unusedFromRoot(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory interface
+Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.
+See methods documentation for more detailed examples.
+export interface ConfigDeprecationFactory 
+## Example
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [rename(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied. |
+|  [renameFromRoot(oldKey, newKey)](./ | Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead. |
+|  [unused(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied. |
+|  [unusedFromRoot(unusedKey)](./ | Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.<!-- -->This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [rename](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.rename() method
-Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
-rename(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Rename 'myplugin.oldKey' to 'myplugin.newKey'
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [rename](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.rename() method
+Rename a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
+rename(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Rename 'myplugin.oldKey' to 'myplugin.newKey'
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index d35ba25256fa1..269f242ec35da 100644
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@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [renameFromRoot](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.renameFromRoot() method
-Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
-This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead.
-renameFromRoot(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Rename 'oldplugin.key' to 'newplugin.key'
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ renameFromRoot }) => [
-  renameFromRoot('oldplugin.key', 'newplugin.key'),
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [renameFromRoot](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.renameFromRoot() method
+Rename a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the oldKey was found and deprecation applied.
+This should be only used when renaming properties from different configuration's path. To rename properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'rename' instead.
+renameFromRoot(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  oldKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  newKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Rename 'oldplugin.key' to 'newplugin.key'
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ renameFromRoot }) => [
+  renameFromRoot('oldplugin.key', 'newplugin.key'),
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 0381480e84c4d..87576936607d7 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unused](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unused() method
-Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
-unused(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Flags 'myplugin.deprecatedKey' as unused
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unused }) => [
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unused](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unused() method
+Remove a configuration property from inside a plugin's configuration path. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
+unused(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Flags 'myplugin.deprecatedKey' as unused
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unused }) => [
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index ed37638b07375..f7d81a010f812 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unusedFromRoot](./
-## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unusedFromRoot() method
-Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
-This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead.
-unusedFromRoot(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
-## Example
-Flags 'somepath.deprecatedProperty' as unused
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unusedFromRoot }) => [
-  unusedFromRoot('somepath.deprecatedProperty'),
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ &gt; [unusedFromRoot](./
+## ConfigDeprecationFactory.unusedFromRoot() method
+Remove a configuration property from the root configuration. Will log a deprecation warning if the unused key was found and deprecation applied.
+This should be only used when removing properties from outside of a plugin's configuration. To remove properties from inside a plugin's configuration, use 'unused' instead.
+unusedFromRoot(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  unusedKey | <code>string</code> |  |
+## Example
+Flags 'somepath.deprecatedProperty' as unused
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ unusedFromRoot }) => [
+  unusedFromRoot('somepath.deprecatedProperty'),
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./
-## ConfigDeprecationLogger type
-Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./
-export declare type ConfigDeprecationLogger = (message: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./
+## ConfigDeprecationLogger type
+Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./
+export declare type ConfigDeprecationLogger = (message: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./
-## ConfigDeprecationProvider type
-A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.
-See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples.
-export declare type ConfigDeprecationProvider = (factory: ConfigDeprecationFactory) => ConfigDeprecation[];
-## Example
-const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
-  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
-  unused('deprecatedKey'),
-  myCustomDeprecation,
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./
+## ConfigDeprecationProvider type
+A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.
+See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples.
+export declare type ConfigDeprecationProvider = (factory: ConfigDeprecationFactory) => ConfigDeprecation[];
+## Example
+const provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider = ({ rename, unused }) => [
+  rename('oldKey', 'newKey'),
+  unused('deprecatedKey'),
+  myCustomDeprecation,
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigPath](./
-## ConfigPath type
-export declare type ConfigPath = string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ConfigPath](./
+## ConfigPath type
+export declare type ConfigPath = string | string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
-## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
-Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
-createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./ &gt; [createContextContainer](./
+## ContextSetup.createContextContainer() method
+Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner.
+createContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>>(): IContextContainer<THandler>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
-## ContextSetup interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface ContextSetup 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Example
-Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
-export interface VizRenderContext {
-  core: {
-    i18n: I18nStart;
-    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
-  }
-  [contextName: string]: unknown;
-export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
-type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
-class VizRenderingPlugin {
-  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
-  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
-        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
-    };
-  }
-  start(core) {
-    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
-    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
-      i18n: core.i18n,
-      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
-    }));
-    return {
-      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
-      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
-        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
-          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
-        }
-        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
-        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
-        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
-        return handler(domElement);
-      }
-    };
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ContextSetup](./
+## ContextSetup interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface ContextSetup 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Example
+Say we're creating a plugin for rendering visualizations that allows new rendering methods to be registered. If we want to offer context to these rendering methods, we can leverage the ContextService to manage these contexts.
+export interface VizRenderContext {
+  core: {
+    i18n: I18nStart;
+    uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient;
+  }
+  [contextName: string]: unknown;
+export type VizRenderer = (context: VizRenderContext, domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+// When a renderer is bound via `contextContainer.createHandler` this is the type that will be returned.
+type BoundVizRenderer = (domElement: HTMLElement) => () => void;
+class VizRenderingPlugin {
+  private readonly contextContainer?: IContextContainer<VizRenderer>;
+  private readonly vizRenderers = new Map<string, BoundVizRenderer>();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      registerVizRenderer: (plugin: PluginOpaqueId, renderMethod: string, renderer: VizTypeRenderer) =>
+        this.vizRenderers.set(renderMethod, this.contextContainer.createHandler(plugin, renderer)),
+    };
+  }
+  start(core) {
+    // Register the core context available to all renderers. Use the VizRendererContext's opaqueId as the first arg.
+    this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, 'core', () => ({
+      i18n: core.i18n,
+      uiSettings: core.uiSettings
+    }));
+    return {
+      registerContext: this.contextContainer.registerContext,
+      renderVizualization: (renderMethod: string, domElement: HTMLElement) => {
+        if (!this.vizRenderer.has(renderMethod)) {
+          throw new Error(`Render method '${renderMethod}' has not been registered`);
+        }
+        // The handler can now be called directly with only an `HTMLElement` and will automatically
+        // have a new `context` object created and populated by the context container.
+        const handler = this.vizRenderers.get(renderMethod)
+        return handler(domElement);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createContextContainer()](./ | Creates a new [IContextContainer](./ for a service owner. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## CoreSetup.capabilities property
-capabilities: CapabilitiesSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## CoreSetup.capabilities property
+capabilities: CapabilitiesSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
-## CoreSetup.context property
-context: ContextSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [context](./
+## CoreSetup.context property
+context: ContextSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [elasticsearch](./
-## CoreSetup.elasticsearch property
-elasticsearch: ElasticsearchServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [elasticsearch](./
+## CoreSetup.elasticsearch property
+elasticsearch: ElasticsearchServiceSetup;
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index 589529cf2a7f7..b05d28899f9d2 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
-## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
-Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->. This should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed after `start` lifecycle.
-getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
-`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [getStartServices](./
+## CoreSetup.getStartServices() method
+Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed `start`<!-- -->. This should only be used inside handlers registered during `setup` that will only be executed after `start` lifecycle.
+getStartServices(): Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>;
+`Promise<[CoreStart, TPluginsStart]>`
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
-## CoreSetup.http property
-http: HttpServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [http](./
+## CoreSetup.http property
+http: HttpServiceSetup;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
-## CoreSetup interface
-Context passed to the plugins `setup` method.
-export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesSetup</code> | [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
-|  [elasticsearch](./ | <code>ElasticsearchServiceSetup</code> | [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [http](./ | <code>HttpServiceSetup</code> | [HttpServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceSetup</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceSetup</code> | [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |
-|  [uuid](./ | <code>UuidServiceSetup</code> | [UuidServiceSetup](./ |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. This should only be used inside handlers registered during <code>setup</code> that will only be executed after <code>start</code> lifecycle. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./
+## CoreSetup interface
+Context passed to the plugins `setup` method.
+export interface CoreSetup<TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesSetup</code> | [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [context](./ | <code>ContextSetup</code> | [ContextSetup](./ |
+|  [elasticsearch](./ | <code>ElasticsearchServiceSetup</code> | [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [http](./ | <code>HttpServiceSetup</code> | [HttpServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceSetup</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceSetup</code> | [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |
+|  [uuid](./ | <code>UuidServiceSetup</code> | [UuidServiceSetup](./ |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getStartServices()](./ | Allows plugins to get access to APIs available in start inside async handlers. Promise will not resolve until Core and plugin dependencies have completed <code>start</code>. This should only be used inside handlers registered during <code>setup</code> that will only be executed after <code>start</code> lifecycle. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreSetup.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreSetup.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreSetup.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uuid](./
-## CoreSetup.uuid property
-uuid: UuidServiceSetup;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreSetup](./ &gt; [uuid](./
+## CoreSetup.uuid property
+uuid: UuidServiceSetup;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 03930d367ee75..937f5f76cd803 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
-## CoreStart.capabilities property
-capabilities: CapabilitiesStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [capabilities](./
+## CoreStart.capabilities property
+capabilities: CapabilitiesStart;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 167c69d5fe329..0dd69f7b1494e 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
-## CoreStart interface
-Context passed to the plugins `start` method.
-export interface CoreStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesStart</code> | [CapabilitiesStart](./ |
-|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceStart</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ |
-|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceStart</code> | [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./
+## CoreStart interface
+Context passed to the plugins `start` method.
+export interface CoreStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [capabilities](./ | <code>CapabilitiesStart</code> | [CapabilitiesStart](./ |
+|  [savedObjects](./ | <code>SavedObjectsServiceStart</code> | [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ |
+|  [uiSettings](./ | <code>UiSettingsServiceStart</code> | [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |
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index 531b04e9eed07..516dd3d9532d4 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
-## CoreStart.savedObjects property
-savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [savedObjects](./
+## CoreStart.savedObjects property
+savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceStart;
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index 323e929f2918e..408a83585f01c 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
-## CoreStart.uiSettings property
-uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceStart;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CoreStart](./ &gt; [uiSettings](./
+## CoreStart.uiSettings property
+uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceStart;
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index 56e6cf35cdd13..c031db6aa3749 100644
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [DEFAULT](./
-## CspConfig.DEFAULT property
-static readonly DEFAULT: CspConfig;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [DEFAULT](./
+## CspConfig.DEFAULT property
+static readonly DEFAULT: CspConfig;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
-## CspConfig.header property
-readonly header: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
+## CspConfig.header property
+readonly header: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./
-## CspConfig class
-CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
-export declare class CspConfig implements ICspConfig 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CspConfig` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [DEFAULT](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>CspConfig</code> |  |
-|  [header](./ |  | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [rules](./ |  | <code>string[]</code> |  |
-|  [strict](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./
+## CspConfig class
+CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
+export declare class CspConfig implements ICspConfig 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `CspConfig` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [DEFAULT](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>CspConfig</code> |  |
+|  [header](./ |  | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [rules](./ |  | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+|  [strict](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
-## CspConfig.rules property
-readonly rules: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
+## CspConfig.rules property
+readonly rules: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
-## CspConfig.strict property
-readonly strict: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
+## CspConfig.strict property
+readonly strict: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
-## CspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
-readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
+## CspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
+readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: T;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code.
-export interface CustomHttpResponseOptions<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>T</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code.
+export interface CustomHttpResponseOptions<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>T</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## CustomHttpResponseOptions.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## CustomHttpResponseOptions.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams interface
-export interface DeprecationAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/deprecations'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams interface
+export interface DeprecationAPIClientParams extends GenericParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>'GET'</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>'/_migration/deprecations'</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams.method property
-method: 'GET';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [method](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams.method property
+method: 'GET';
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
-## DeprecationAPIClientParams.path property
-path: '/_migration/deprecations';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ &gt; [path](./
+## DeprecationAPIClientParams.path property
+path: '/_migration/deprecations';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [cluster\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.cluster\_settings property
-cluster_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [cluster\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.cluster\_settings property
+cluster_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [index\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.index\_settings property
-index_settings: IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [index\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.index\_settings property
+index_settings: IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse interface
-export interface DeprecationAPIResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [cluster\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
-|  [index\_settings](./ | <code>IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo</code> |  |
-|  [ml\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
-|  [node\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
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+## DeprecationAPIResponse interface
+export interface DeprecationAPIResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [cluster\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
+|  [index\_settings](./ | <code>IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo</code> |  |
+|  [ml\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
+|  [node\_settings](./ | <code>DeprecationInfo[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [ml\_settings](./
-##\_settings property
-ml_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [ml\_settings](./
+##\_settings property
+ml_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [node\_settings](./
-## DeprecationAPIResponse.node\_settings property
-node_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ &gt; [node\_settings](./
+## DeprecationAPIResponse.node\_settings property
+node_settings: DeprecationInfo[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [details](./
-## DeprecationInfo.details property
-details?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [details](./
+## DeprecationInfo.details property
+details?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [level](./
-## DeprecationInfo.level property
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+## DeprecationInfo.level property
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./
-## DeprecationInfo interface
-export interface DeprecationInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [details](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [level](./ | <code>MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL</code> |  |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## DeprecationInfo interface
+export interface DeprecationInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [details](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [level](./ | <code>MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL</code> |  |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [url](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
-## DeprecationInfo.message property
-message: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [message](./
+## DeprecationInfo.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [url](./
-## DeprecationInfo.url property
-url: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationInfo](./ &gt; [url](./
+## DeprecationInfo.url property
+url: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [docLinksKey](./
-## DeprecationSettings.docLinksKey property
-Key to documentation links
-docLinksKey: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [docLinksKey](./
+## DeprecationSettings.docLinksKey property
+Key to documentation links
+docLinksKey: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./
-## DeprecationSettings interface
-UiSettings deprecation field options.
-export interface DeprecationSettings 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [docLinksKey](./ | <code>string</code> | Key to documentation links |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> | Deprecation message |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./
+## DeprecationSettings interface
+UiSettings deprecation field options.
+export interface DeprecationSettings 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [docLinksKey](./ | <code>string</code> | Key to documentation links |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> | Deprecation message |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [message](./
-## DeprecationSettings.message property
-Deprecation message
-message: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DeprecationSettings](./ &gt; [message](./
+## DeprecationSettings.message property
+Deprecation message
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [configPath](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.configPath property
-Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
-readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [configPath](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin.configPath property
+Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
+readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-Identifier of the plugin.
-readonly id: PluginName;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+Identifier of the plugin.
+readonly id: PluginName;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin interface
-Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started.
-export interface DiscoveredPlugin 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. |
-|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
-|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin interface
+Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started.
+export interface DiscoveredPlugin 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root configuration path used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. |
+|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
+|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.optionalPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
-readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin.optionalPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
+readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
-## DiscoveredPlugin.requiredPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
-readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [DiscoveredPlugin](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
+## DiscoveredPlugin.requiredPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
+readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./
-## ElasticsearchClientConfig type
-export declare type ElasticsearchClientConfig = Pick<ConfigOptions, 'keepAlive' | 'log' | 'plugins'> & Pick<ElasticsearchConfig, 'apiVersion' | 'customHeaders' | 'logQueries' | 'requestHeadersWhitelist' | 'sniffOnStart' | 'sniffOnConnectionFault' | 'hosts' | 'username' | 'password'> & {
-    pingTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['pingTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['pingTimeout'];
-    requestTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['requestTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['requestTimeout'];
-    sniffInterval?: ElasticsearchConfig['sniffInterval'] | ConfigOptions['sniffInterval'];
-    ssl?: Partial<ElasticsearchConfig['ssl']>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./
+## ElasticsearchClientConfig type
+export declare type ElasticsearchClientConfig = Pick<ConfigOptions, 'keepAlive' | 'log' | 'plugins'> & Pick<ElasticsearchConfig, 'apiVersion' | 'customHeaders' | 'logQueries' | 'requestHeadersWhitelist' | 'sniffOnStart' | 'sniffOnConnectionFault' | 'hosts' | 'username' | 'password'> & {
+    pingTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['pingTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['pingTimeout'];
+    requestTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['requestTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['requestTimeout'];
+    sniffInterval?: ElasticsearchConfig['sniffInterval'] | ConfigOptions['sniffInterval'];
+    ssl?: Partial<ElasticsearchConfig['ssl']>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./ &gt; [\[code\]](./
-## ElasticsearchError.\[code\] property
-[code]?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./ &gt; [\[code\]](./
+## ElasticsearchError.\[code\] property
+[code]?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./
-## ElasticsearchError interface
-export interface ElasticsearchError extends Boom 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\[code\]](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchError](./
+## ElasticsearchError interface
+export interface ElasticsearchError extends Boom 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\[code\]](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateNotAuthorizedError](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
-static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): ElasticsearchError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateNotAuthorizedError](./
+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
+static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): ElasticsearchError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isNotAuthorizedError](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
-static isNotAuthorizedError(error: any): error is ElasticsearchError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
-`error is ElasticsearchError`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isNotAuthorizedError](./
+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
+static isNotAuthorizedError(error: any): error is ElasticsearchError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
+`error is ElasticsearchError`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./
-## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers class
-Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as `body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]`
-export declare class ElasticsearchErrorHelpers 
-## Example
-Handle errors
-try {
-  await client.asScoped(request).callAsCurrentUser(...);
-} catch (err) {
-  if (ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(err)) {
-    const authHeader = err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate'];
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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+## ElasticsearchErrorHelpers class
+Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as `body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]`
+export declare class ElasticsearchErrorHelpers 
+## Example
+Handle errors
+try {
+  await client.asScoped(request).callAsCurrentUser(...);
+} catch (err) {
+  if (ElasticsearchErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(err)) {
+    const authHeader = err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate'];
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [adminClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.adminClient property
-A client for the `admin` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly adminClient: IClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = core.elasticsearch.adminClient;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [adminClient](./
+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.adminClient property
+A client for the `admin` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly adminClient: IClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = core.elasticsearch.adminClient;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.createClient property
-Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly createClient: (type: string, clientConfig?: Partial<ElasticsearchClientConfig>) => ICustomClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = elasticsearch.createCluster('my-app-name', config);
-const data = await client.callAsInternalUser();
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createClient](./
+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.createClient property
+Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly createClient: (type: string, clientConfig?: Partial<ElasticsearchClientConfig>) => ICustomClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = elasticsearch.createCluster('my-app-name', config);
+const data = await client.callAsInternalUser();
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [dataClient](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.dataClient property
-A client for the `data` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-readonly dataClient: IClusterClient;
-## Example
-const client = core.elasticsearch.dataClient;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ &gt; [dataClient](./
+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup.dataClient property
+A client for the `data` cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+readonly dataClient: IClusterClient;
+## Example
+const client = core.elasticsearch.dataClient;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./
-## ElasticsearchServiceSetup interface
-export interface ElasticsearchServiceSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [adminClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>admin</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [createClient](./ | <code>(type: string, clientConfig?: Partial&lt;ElasticsearchClientConfig&gt;) =&gt; ICustomClusterClient</code> | Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [dataClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>data</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./
+## ElasticsearchServiceSetup interface
+export interface ElasticsearchServiceSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [adminClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>admin</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [createClient](./ | <code>(type: string, clientConfig?: Partial&lt;ElasticsearchClientConfig&gt;) =&gt; ICustomClusterClient</code> | Create application specific Elasticsearch cluster API client with customized config. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [dataClient](./ | <code>IClusterClient</code> | A client for the <code>data</code> cluster. All Elasticsearch config value changes are processed under the hood. See [IClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
-## property
-dev: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [dev](./
+## property
+dev: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
-## EnvironmentMode interface
-export interface EnvironmentMode 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
-|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./
+## EnvironmentMode interface
+export interface EnvironmentMode 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [dev](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>'development' &#124; 'production'</code> |  |
+|  [prod](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: 'development' | 'production';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: 'development' | 'production';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [prod](./
-## property
-prod: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [EnvironmentMode](./ &gt; [prod](./
+## property
+prod: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: ResponseError;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: ResponseError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./
-## ErrorHttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters
-export interface ErrorHttpResponseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>ResponseError</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./
+## ErrorHttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters
+export interface ErrorHttpResponseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>ResponseError</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [FakeRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## FakeRequest.headers property
-Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch
-headers: Headers;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [FakeRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## FakeRequest.headers property
+Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch
+headers: Headers;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [FakeRequest](./
-## FakeRequest interface
-Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins.
-export interface FakeRequest 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>Headers</code> | Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [FakeRequest](./
+## FakeRequest interface
+Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins.
+export interface FakeRequest 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>Headers</code> | Headers used for authentication against Elasticsearch |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthHeaders](./
-## GetAuthHeaders type
-Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch.
-export declare type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthHeaders](./
+## GetAuthHeaders type
+Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch.
+export declare type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthState](./
-## GetAuthState type
-Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
-export declare type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
-    status: AuthStatus;
-    state: T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [GetAuthState](./
+## GetAuthState type
+Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by `auth` interceptor.
+export declare type GetAuthState = <T = unknown>(request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => {
+    status: AuthStatus;
+    state: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
-## HandlerContextType type
-Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
-export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerContextType](./
+## HandlerContextType type
+Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context.
+export declare type HandlerContextType<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends HandlerFunction<infer U> ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
-## HandlerFunction type
-A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
-export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerFunction](./
+## HandlerFunction type
+A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./
+export declare type HandlerFunction<T extends object> = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
-## HandlerParameters type
-Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HandlerParameters](./
+## HandlerParameters type
+Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type HandlerParameters<T extends HandlerFunction<any>> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Headers](./
-## Headers type
-Http request headers to read.
-export declare type Headers = {
-    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[] | undefined;
-} & {
-    [header: string]: string | string[] | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Headers](./
+## Headers type
+Http request headers to read.
+export declare type Headers = {
+    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[] | undefined;
+} & {
+    [header: string]: string | string[] | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## HttpResponseOptions.body property
-HTTP message to send to the client
-body?: HttpResponsePayload;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## HttpResponseOptions.body property
+HTTP message to send to the client
+body?: HttpResponsePayload;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## HttpResponseOptions.headers property
-HTTP Headers with additional information about response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## HttpResponseOptions.headers property
+HTTP Headers with additional information about response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./
-## HttpResponseOptions interface
-HTTP response parameters
-export interface HttpResponseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>HttpResponsePayload</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponseOptions](./
+## HttpResponseOptions interface
+HTTP response parameters
+export interface HttpResponseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>HttpResponsePayload</code> | HTTP message to send to the client |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | HTTP Headers with additional information about response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponsePayload](./
-## HttpResponsePayload type
-Data send to the client as a response payload.
-export declare type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record<string, any> | Buffer | Stream;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpResponsePayload](./
+## HttpResponsePayload type
+Data send to the client as a response payload.
+export declare type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record<string, any> | Buffer | Stream;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [auth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.auth property
-auth: {
-        get: GetAuthState;
-        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [auth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.auth property
+auth: {
+        get: GetAuthState;
+        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.basePath property
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->.
-basePath: IBasePath;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [basePath](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.basePath property
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->.
+basePath: IBasePath;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.createCookieSessionStorageFactory property
-Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./
-createCookieSessionStorageFactory: <T>(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions<T>) => Promise<SessionStorageFactory<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.createCookieSessionStorageFactory property
+Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./
+createCookieSessionStorageFactory: <T>(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions<T>) => Promise<SessionStorageFactory<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createRouter](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.createRouter property
-Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method.
-createRouter: () => IRouter;
-## Remarks
-Each route can have only one handler function, which is executed when the route is matched. See the [IRouter](./ documentation for more information.
-## Example
-const router = createRouter();
-// handler is called when '/path' resource is requested with `GET` method
-router.get({ path: '/path', validate: false }, (context, req, res) => res.ok({ content: 'ok' }));
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [createRouter](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.createRouter property
+Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method.
+createRouter: () => IRouter;
+## Remarks
+Each route can have only one handler function, which is executed when the route is matched. See the [IRouter](./ documentation for more information.
+## Example
+const router = createRouter();
+// handler is called when '/path' resource is requested with `GET` method
+router.get({ path: '/path', validate: false }, (context, req, res) => res.ok({ content: 'ok' }));
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [csp](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.csp property
-The CSP config used for Kibana.
-csp: ICspConfig;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [csp](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.csp property
+The CSP config used for Kibana.
+csp: ICspConfig;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [isTlsEnabled](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.isTlsEnabled property
-Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection.
-isTlsEnabled: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [isTlsEnabled](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.isTlsEnabled property
+Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection.
+isTlsEnabled: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./
-## HttpServiceSetup interface
-Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to `hapi` server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs.
-export interface HttpServiceSetup 
-## Example
-To handle an incoming request in your plugin you should: - Create a `Router` instance.
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-- Use `@kbn/config-schema` package to create a schema to validate the request `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, and `body`<!-- -->. Every incoming request will be validated against the created schema. If validation failed, the request is rejected with `400` status and `Bad request` error without calling the route's handler. To opt out of validating the request, specify `false`<!-- -->.
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-const validate = {
-  params: schema.object({
-    id: schema.string(),
-  }),
-- Declare a function to respond to incoming request. The function will receive `request` object containing request details: url, headers, matched route, as well as validated `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, `body`<!-- -->. And `response` object instructing HTTP server to create HTTP response with information sent back to the client as the response body, headers, and HTTP status. Unlike, `hapi` route handler in the Legacy platform, any exception raised during the handler call will generate `500 Server error` response and log error details for further investigation. See below for returning custom error responses.
-const handler = async (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest, response: ResponseFactory) => {
-  const data = await findObject(;
-  // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
-  if (!data) return response.notFound();
-  // creates a command to send found data to the client and set response headers
-  return response.ok({
-    body: data,
-    headers: {
-      'content-type': 'application/json'
-    }
-  });
-- Register route handler for GET request to 'path/<!-- -->{<!-- -->id<!-- -->}<!-- -->' path
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-const validate = {
-  params: schema.object({
-    id: schema.string(),
-  }),
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate
-async (context, request, response) => {
-  const data = await findObject(;
-  if (!data) return response.notFound();
-  return response.ok({
-    body: data,
-    headers: {
-      'content-type': 'application/json'
-    }
-  });
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [auth](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: GetAuthState;</code><br/><code>        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SessionStorageFactory&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./ |
-|  [createRouter](./ | <code>() =&gt; IRouter</code> | Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method. |
-|  [csp](./ | <code>ICspConfig</code> | The CSP config used for Kibana. |
-|  [isTlsEnabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection. |
-|  [registerAuth](./ | <code>(handler: AuthenticationHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPostAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPostAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPreAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
-|  [registerOnPreResponse](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreResponseHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for the server response. |
-|  [registerRouteHandlerContext](./ | <code>&lt;T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext&gt;(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandlerContextContainer</code> | Register a context provider for a route handler. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./
+## HttpServiceSetup interface
+Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to `hapi` server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs.
+export interface HttpServiceSetup 
+## Example
+To handle an incoming request in your plugin you should: - Create a `Router` instance.
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+- Use `@kbn/config-schema` package to create a schema to validate the request `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, and `body`<!-- -->. Every incoming request will be validated against the created schema. If validation failed, the request is rejected with `400` status and `Bad request` error without calling the route's handler. To opt out of validating the request, specify `false`<!-- -->.
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+const validate = {
+  params: schema.object({
+    id: schema.string(),
+  }),
+- Declare a function to respond to incoming request. The function will receive `request` object containing request details: url, headers, matched route, as well as validated `params`<!-- -->, `query`<!-- -->, `body`<!-- -->. And `response` object instructing HTTP server to create HTTP response with information sent back to the client as the response body, headers, and HTTP status. Unlike, `hapi` route handler in the Legacy platform, any exception raised during the handler call will generate `500 Server error` response and log error details for further investigation. See below for returning custom error responses.
+const handler = async (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest, response: ResponseFactory) => {
+  const data = await findObject(;
+  // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
+  if (!data) return response.notFound();
+  // creates a command to send found data to the client and set response headers
+  return response.ok({
+    body: data,
+    headers: {
+      'content-type': 'application/json'
+    }
+  });
+- Register route handler for GET request to 'path/<!-- -->{<!-- -->id<!-- -->}<!-- -->' path
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+const validate = {
+  params: schema.object({
+    id: schema.string(),
+  }),
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate
+async (context, request, response) => {
+  const data = await findObject(;
+  if (!data) return response.notFound();
+  return response.ok({
+    body: data,
+    headers: {
+      'content-type': 'application/json'
+    }
+  });
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [auth](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        get: GetAuthState;</code><br/><code>        isAuthenticated: IsAuthenticated;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [basePath](./ | <code>IBasePath</code> | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path See [IBasePath](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [createCookieSessionStorageFactory](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;SessionStorageFactory&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> | Creates cookie based session storage factory [SessionStorageFactory](./ |
+|  [createRouter](./ | <code>() =&gt; IRouter</code> | Provides ability to declare a handler function for a particular path and HTTP request method. |
+|  [csp](./ | <code>ICspConfig</code> | The CSP config used for Kibana. |
+|  [isTlsEnabled](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag showing whether a server was configured to use TLS connection. |
+|  [registerAuth](./ | <code>(handler: AuthenticationHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPostAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPostAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPreAuth](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreAuthHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests. |
+|  [registerOnPreResponse](./ | <code>(handler: OnPreResponseHandler) =&gt; void</code> | To define custom logic to perform for the server response. |
+|  [registerRouteHandlerContext](./ | <code>&lt;T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext&gt;(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandlerContextContainer</code> | Register a context provider for a route handler. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerAuth property
-To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests.
-registerAuth: (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-A handler should return a state to associate with the incoming request. The state can be retrieved later via http.auth.get(..) Only one AuthenticationHandler can be registered. See [AuthenticationHandler](./<!-- -->.
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerAuth property
+To define custom authentication and/or authorization mechanism for incoming requests.
+registerAuth: (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+A handler should return a state to associate with the incoming request. The state can be retrieved later via http.auth.get(..) Only one AuthenticationHandler can be registered. See [AuthenticationHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPostAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPostAuth property
-To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
-registerOnPostAuth: (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Runs the handler after Auth interceptor did make sure a user has access to the requested resource. The auth state is available at stage via http.auth.get(..) Can register any number of registerOnPreAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPostAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPostAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPostAuth property
+To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
+registerOnPostAuth: (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Runs the handler after Auth interceptor did make sure a user has access to the requested resource. The auth state is available at stage via http.auth.get(..) Can register any number of registerOnPreAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPostAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreAuth](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreAuth property
-To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
-registerOnPreAuth: (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Runs the handler before Auth interceptor performs a check that user has access to requested resources, so it's the only place when you can forward a request to another URL right on the server. Can register any number of registerOnPostAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPreAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreAuth](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreAuth property
+To define custom logic to perform for incoming requests.
+registerOnPreAuth: (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Runs the handler before Auth interceptor performs a check that user has access to requested resources, so it's the only place when you can forward a request to another URL right on the server. Can register any number of registerOnPostAuth, which are called in sequence (from the first registered to the last). See [OnPreAuthHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreResponse](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreResponse property
-To define custom logic to perform for the server response.
-registerOnPreResponse: (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void;
-## Remarks
-Doesn't provide the whole response object. Supports extending response with custom headers. See [OnPreResponseHandler](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerOnPreResponse](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerOnPreResponse property
+To define custom logic to perform for the server response.
+registerOnPreResponse: (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void;
+## Remarks
+Doesn't provide the whole response object. Supports extending response with custom headers. See [OnPreResponseHandler](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerRouteHandlerContext](./
-## HttpServiceSetup.registerRouteHandlerContext property
-Register a context provider for a route handler.
-registerRouteHandlerContext: <T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext>(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider<T>) => RequestHandlerContextContainer;
-## Example
- // my-plugin.ts
- deps.http.registerRouteHandlerContext(
-   'myApp',
-   (context, req) => {
-    async function search (id: string) {
-      return await context.elasticsearch.adminClient.callAsInternalUser('endpoint', id);
-    }
-    return { search };
-   }
- );
-// my-route-handler.ts
- router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, async (context, req, res) => {
-   const response = await;
-   return res.ok(response);
- });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceSetup](./ &gt; [registerRouteHandlerContext](./
+## HttpServiceSetup.registerRouteHandlerContext property
+Register a context provider for a route handler.
+registerRouteHandlerContext: <T extends keyof RequestHandlerContext>(contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider<T>) => RequestHandlerContextContainer;
+## Example
+ // my-plugin.ts
+ deps.http.registerRouteHandlerContext(
+   'myApp',
+   (context, req) => {
+    async function search (id: string) {
+      return await context.elasticsearch.adminClient.callAsInternalUser('endpoint', id);
+    }
+    return { search };
+   }
+ );
+// my-route-handler.ts
+ router.get({ path: '/', validate: false }, async (context, req, res) => {
+   const response = await;
+   return res.ok(response);
+ });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./ &gt; [isListening](./
-## HttpServiceStart.isListening property
-Indicates if http server is listening on a given port
-isListening: (port: number) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./ &gt; [isListening](./
+## HttpServiceStart.isListening property
+Indicates if http server is listening on a given port
+isListening: (port: number) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./
-## HttpServiceStart interface
-export interface HttpServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isListening](./ | <code>(port: number) =&gt; boolean</code> | Indicates if http server is listening on a given port |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [HttpServiceStart](./
+## HttpServiceStart interface
+export interface HttpServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isListening](./ | <code>(port: number) =&gt; boolean</code> | Indicates if http server is listening on a given port |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
-## IBasePath type
-Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
-export declare type IBasePath = Pick<BasePath, keyof BasePath>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IBasePath](./
+## IBasePath type
+Access or manipulate the Kibana base path
+export declare type IBasePath = Pick<BasePath, keyof BasePath>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IClusterClient](./
-## IClusterClient type
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'asScoped'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IClusterClient](./
+## IClusterClient type
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'asScoped'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
-## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
-Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
-createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
-|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
-`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
-A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [createHandler](./
+## IContextContainer.createHandler() method
+Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin.
+createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): ( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this handler. |
+|  handler | <code>THandler</code> | Handler function to pass context object to. |
+`( HandlerParameters<THandler>) => ShallowPromise<ReturnType<THandler>>`
+A function that takes `THandlerParameters`<!-- -->, calls `handler` with a new context, and returns a Promise of the `handler` return value.
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
-## IContextContainer interface
-An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
-export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
-## Remarks
-A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
-Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
-In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
-When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
-// Correct
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-// Incorrect
-class MyPlugin {
-  private readonly handlers = new Map();
-  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
-  setup(core) {
-    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
-    return {
-      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
-        // BUG!
-        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
-        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
-      },
-      registerRoute(path, handler) {
-        this.handlers.set(
-          path,
-          // BUG!
-          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
-          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
-        );
-      }
-    }
-  }
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
-|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./
+## IContextContainer interface
+An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context.
+export interface IContextContainer<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>> 
+## Remarks
+A [IContextContainer](./ can be used by any Core service or plugin (known as the "service owner") which wishes to expose APIs in a handler function. The container object will manage registering context providers and configuring a handler with all of the contexts that should be exposed to the handler's plugin. This is dependent on the dependencies that the handler's plugin declares.
+Contexts providers are executed in the order they were registered. Each provider gets access to context values provided by any plugins that it depends on.
+In order to configure a handler with context, you must call the [IContextContainer.createHandler()](./ function and use the returned handler which will automatically build a context object when called.
+When registering context or creating handlers, the \_calling plugin's opaque id\_ must be provided. This id is passed in via the plugin's initializer and can be accessed from the [PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId](./ Note this should NOT be the context service owner's id, but the plugin that is actually registering the context or handler.
+// Correct
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider) {
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(pluginOpaqueId, path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Incorrect
+class MyPlugin {
+  private readonly handlers = new Map();
+  constructor(private readonly initContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  setup(core) {
+    this.contextContainer = core.context.createContextContainer();
+    return {
+      registerContext(contextName, provider) {
+        // BUG!
+        // This would leak this context to all handlers rather that only plugins that depend on the calling plugin.
+        this.contextContainer.registerContext(this.initContext.opaqueId, contextName, provider);
+      },
+      registerRoute(path, handler) {
+        this.handlers.set(
+          path,
+          // BUG!
+          // This handler will not receive any contexts provided by other dependencies of the calling plugin.
+          this.contextContainer.createHandler(this.initContext.opaqueId, handler)
+        );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [createHandler(pluginOpaqueId, handler)](./ | Create a new handler function pre-wired to context for the plugin. |
+|  [registerContext(pluginOpaqueId, contextName, provider)](./ | Register a new context provider. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
-## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
-Register a new context provider.
-registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
-|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
-|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
-The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
-## Remarks
-The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
-Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextContainer](./ &gt; [registerContext](./
+## IContextContainer.registerContext() method
+Register a new context provider.
+registerContext<TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider<THandler, TContextName>): this;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  pluginOpaqueId | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> | The plugin opaque ID for the plugin that registers this context. |
+|  contextName | <code>TContextName</code> | The key of the <code>TContext</code> object this provider supplies the value for. |
+|  provider | <code>IContextProvider&lt;THandler, TContextName&gt;</code> | A [IContextProvider](./ to be called each time a new context is created. |
+The [IContextContainer](./ for method chaining.
+## Remarks
+The value (or resolved Promise value) returned by the `provider` function will be attached to the context object on the key specified by `contextName`<!-- -->.
+Throws an exception if more than one provider is registered for the same `contextName`<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
-## IContextProvider type
-A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
-export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
-## Remarks
-This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IContextProvider](./
+## IContextProvider type
+A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type.
+export declare type IContextProvider<THandler extends HandlerFunction<any>, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType<THandler>> = (context: Partial<HandlerContextType<THandler>>, HandlerParameters<THandler>) => Promise<HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType<THandler>[TContextName];
+## Remarks
+This function will be called each time a new context is built for a handler invocation.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
-## ICspConfig.header property
-The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a `Content-Security-Policy` header.
-readonly header: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [header](./
+## ICspConfig.header property
+The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a `Content-Security-Policy` header.
+readonly header: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./
-## ICspConfig interface
-CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
-export interface ICspConfig 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [header](./ | <code>string</code> | The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a <code>Content-Security-Policy</code> header. |
-|  [rules](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The CSP rules used for Kibana. |
-|  [strict](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use <code>true</code> to block and <code>false</code> to allow. |
-|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./
+## ICspConfig interface
+CSP configuration for use in Kibana.
+export interface ICspConfig 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [header](./ | <code>string</code> | The CSP rules in a formatted directives string for use in a <code>Content-Security-Policy</code> header. |
+|  [rules](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The CSP rules used for Kibana. |
+|  [strict](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use <code>true</code> to block and <code>false</code> to allow. |
+|  [warnLegacyBrowsers](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
-## ICspConfig.rules property
-The CSP rules used for Kibana.
-readonly rules: string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [rules](./
+## ICspConfig.rules property
+The CSP rules used for Kibana.
+readonly rules: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
-## ICspConfig.strict property
-Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use `true` to block and `false` to allow.
-readonly strict: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [strict](./
+## ICspConfig.strict property
+Specify whether browsers that do not support CSP should be able to use Kibana. Use `true` to block and `false` to allow.
+readonly strict: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
-## ICspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
-Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance.
-readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICspConfig](./ &gt; [warnLegacyBrowsers](./
+## ICspConfig.warnLegacyBrowsers property
+Specify whether users with legacy browsers should be warned about their lack of Kibana security compliance.
+readonly warnLegacyBrowsers: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICustomClusterClient](./
-## ICustomClusterClient type
-Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
-See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ICustomClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'close' | 'asScoped'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ICustomClusterClient](./
+## ICustomClusterClient type
+Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via `asScoped(...)`<!-- -->).
+See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ICustomClusterClient = Pick<ClusterClient, 'callAsInternalUser' | 'close' | 'asScoped'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./
-## IKibanaResponse interface
-A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution
-export interface IKibanaResponse<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [options](./ | <code>HttpResponseOptions</code> |  |
-|  [payload](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [status](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./
+## IKibanaResponse interface
+A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution
+export interface IKibanaResponse<T extends HttpResponsePayload | ResponseError = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [options](./ | <code>HttpResponseOptions</code> |  |
+|  [payload](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [status](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [options](./
-## IKibanaResponse.options property
-readonly options: HttpResponseOptions;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [options](./
+## IKibanaResponse.options property
+readonly options: HttpResponseOptions;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [payload](./
-## IKibanaResponse.payload property
-readonly payload?: T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [payload](./
+## IKibanaResponse.payload property
+readonly payload?: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [status](./
-## IKibanaResponse.status property
-readonly status: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaResponse](./ &gt; [status](./
+## IKibanaResponse.status property
+readonly status: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorizationError](./
-## IKibanaSocket.authorizationError property
-The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when `authorized` is `false`<!-- -->.
-readonly authorizationError?: Error;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorizationError](./
+## IKibanaSocket.authorizationError property
+The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when `authorized` is `false`<!-- -->.
+readonly authorizationError?: Error;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorized](./
-## IKibanaSocket.authorized property
-Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is `undefined`<!-- -->.
-readonly authorized?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [authorized](./
+## IKibanaSocket.authorized property
+Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is `undefined`<!-- -->.
+readonly authorized?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>true</code> |  |
-`DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>true</code> |  |
+`DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-getPeerCertificate(detailed: false): PeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>false</code> |  |
-`PeerCertificate | null`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+getPeerCertificate(detailed: false): PeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>false</code> |  |
+`PeerCertificate | null`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
-## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
-Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null.
-getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  detailed | <code>boolean</code> | If true; the full chain with issuer property will be returned. |
-`PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
-An object representing the peer's certificate.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./ &gt; [getPeerCertificate](./
+## IKibanaSocket.getPeerCertificate() method
+Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null.
+getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  detailed | <code>boolean</code> | If true; the full chain with issuer property will be returned. |
+`PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null`
+An object representing the peer's certificate.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./
-## IKibanaSocket interface
-A tiny abstraction for TCP socket.
-export interface IKibanaSocket 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authorizationError](./ | <code>Error</code> | The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when <code>authorized</code> is <code>false</code>. |
-|  [authorized](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is <code>undefined</code>. |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
-|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ | Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IKibanaSocket](./
+## IKibanaSocket interface
+A tiny abstraction for TCP socket.
+export interface IKibanaSocket 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authorizationError](./ | <code>Error</code> | The reason why the peer's certificate has not been verified. This property becomes available only when <code>authorized</code> is <code>false</code>. |
+|  [authorized](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Indicates whether or not the peer certificate was signed by one of the specified CAs. When TLS isn't used the value is <code>undefined</code>. |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ |  |
+|  [getPeerCertificate(detailed)](./ | Returns an object representing the peer's certificate. The returned object has some properties corresponding to the field of the certificate. If detailed argument is true the full chain with issuer property will be returned, if false only the top certificate without issuer property. If the peer does not provide a certificate, it returns null. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
-## ImageValidation.maxSize property
-maxSize: {
-        length: number;
-        description: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./ &gt; [maxSize](./
+## ImageValidation.maxSize property
+maxSize: {
+        length: number;
+        description: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
-## ImageValidation interface
-export interface ImageValidation 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ImageValidation](./
+## ImageValidation interface
+export interface ImageValidation 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [maxSize](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        length: number;</code><br/><code>        description: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./
-## IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo interface
-export interface IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./
+## IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo interface
+export interface IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./ &gt; [includeUserSettings](./
-## IRenderOptions.includeUserSettings property
-Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. `true` by default.
-includeUserSettings?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./ &gt; [includeUserSettings](./
+## IRenderOptions.includeUserSettings property
+Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. `true` by default.
+includeUserSettings?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./
-## IRenderOptions interface
-export interface IRenderOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [includeUserSettings](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. <code>true</code> by default. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRenderOptions](./
+## IRenderOptions interface
+export interface IRenderOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [includeUserSettings](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Set whether to output user settings in the page metadata. <code>true</code> by default. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## IRouter.delete property
-Register a route handler for `DELETE` request.
-delete: RouteRegistrar<'delete'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## IRouter.delete property
+Register a route handler for `DELETE` request.
+delete: RouteRegistrar<'delete'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IRouter.get property
-Register a route handler for `GET` request.
-get: RouteRegistrar<'get'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IRouter.get property
+Register a route handler for `GET` request.
+get: RouteRegistrar<'get'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [handleLegacyErrors](./
-## IRouter.handleLegacyErrors property
-Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors.
-handleLegacyErrors: <P, Q, B>(handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B>) => RequestHandler<P, Q, B>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [handleLegacyErrors](./
+## IRouter.handleLegacyErrors property
+Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors.
+handleLegacyErrors: <P, Q, B>(handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B>) => RequestHandler<P, Q, B>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./
-## IRouter interface
-Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations.
-export interface IRouter 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [delete](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'delete'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>DELETE</code> request. |
-|  [get](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'get'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>GET</code> request. |
-|  [handleLegacyErrors](./ | <code>&lt;P, Q, B&gt;(handler: RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;</code> | Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors. |
-|  [patch](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'patch'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PATCH</code> request. |
-|  [post](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'post'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>POST</code> request. |
-|  [put](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'put'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PUT</code> request. |
-|  [routerPath](./ | <code>string</code> | Resulted path |
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+## IRouter interface
+Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations.
+export interface IRouter 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [delete](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'delete'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>DELETE</code> request. |
+|  [get](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'get'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>GET</code> request. |
+|  [handleLegacyErrors](./ | <code>&lt;P, Q, B&gt;(handler: RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;) =&gt; RequestHandler&lt;P, Q, B&gt;</code> | Wrap a router handler to catch and converts legacy boom errors to proper custom errors. |
+|  [patch](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'patch'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PATCH</code> request. |
+|  [post](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'post'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>POST</code> request. |
+|  [put](./ | <code>RouteRegistrar&lt;'put'&gt;</code> | Register a route handler for <code>PUT</code> request. |
+|  [routerPath](./ | <code>string</code> | Resulted path |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [patch](./
-## IRouter.patch property
-Register a route handler for `PATCH` request.
-patch: RouteRegistrar<'patch'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [patch](./
+## IRouter.patch property
+Register a route handler for `PATCH` request.
+patch: RouteRegistrar<'patch'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [post](./
-## property
-Register a route handler for `POST` request.
-post: RouteRegistrar<'post'>;
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+## property
+Register a route handler for `POST` request.
+post: RouteRegistrar<'post'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [put](./
-## IRouter.put property
-Register a route handler for `PUT` request.
-put: RouteRegistrar<'put'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [put](./
+## IRouter.put property
+Register a route handler for `PUT` request.
+put: RouteRegistrar<'put'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [routerPath](./
-## IRouter.routerPath property
-Resulted path
-routerPath: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IRouter](./ &gt; [routerPath](./
+## IRouter.routerPath property
+Resulted path
+routerPath: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IsAuthenticated](./
-## IsAuthenticated type
-Returns authentication status for a request.
-export declare type IsAuthenticated = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IsAuthenticated](./
+## IsAuthenticated type
+Returns authentication status for a request.
+export declare type IsAuthenticated = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ISavedObjectsRepository](./
-## ISavedObjectsRepository type
-See [SavedObjectsRepository](./
-export declare type ISavedObjectsRepository = Pick<SavedObjectsRepository, keyof SavedObjectsRepository>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ISavedObjectsRepository](./
+## ISavedObjectsRepository type
+See [SavedObjectsRepository](./
+export declare type ISavedObjectsRepository = Pick<SavedObjectsRepository, keyof SavedObjectsRepository>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedClusterClient](./
-## IScopedClusterClient type
-Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
-See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type IScopedClusterClient = Pick<ScopedClusterClient, 'callAsCurrentUser' | 'callAsInternalUser'>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedClusterClient](./
+## IScopedClusterClient type
+Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
+See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type IScopedClusterClient = Pick<ScopedClusterClient, 'callAsCurrentUser' | 'callAsInternalUser'>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./
-## IScopedRenderingClient interface
-export interface IScopedRenderingClient 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [render(options)](./ | Generate a <code>KibanaResponse</code> which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the <code>core</code> bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./
+## IScopedRenderingClient interface
+export interface IScopedRenderingClient 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [render(options)](./ | Generate a <code>KibanaResponse</code> which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the <code>core</code> bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./ &gt; [render](./
-## IScopedRenderingClient.render() method
-Generate a `KibanaResponse` which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the `core` bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers.
-render(options?: Pick<IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'>): Promise<string>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  options | <code>Pick&lt;IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-  { path: '/', validate: false },
-  (context, request, response) =>
-    response.ok({
-      body: await context.core.rendering.render(),
-      headers: {
-        'content-security-policy': context.core.http.csp.header,
-      },
-    })
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IScopedRenderingClient](./ &gt; [render](./
+## IScopedRenderingClient.render() method
+Generate a `KibanaResponse` which renders an HTML page bootstrapped with the `core` bundle. Intended as a response body for HTTP route handlers.
+render(options?: Pick<IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'>): Promise<string>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  options | <code>Pick&lt;IRenderOptions, 'includeUserSettings'&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+  { path: '/', validate: false },
+  (context, request, response) =>
+    response.ok({
+      body: await context.core.rendering.render(),
+      headers: {
+        'content-security-policy': context.core.http.csp.header,
+      },
+    })
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.get property
-Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
-get: <T = any>(key: string) => Promise<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.get property
+Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
+get: <T = any>(key: string) => Promise<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
-Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
-getAll: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, T>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getAll](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getAll property
+Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified.
+getAll: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getRegistered](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getRegistered property
-Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./
-getRegistered: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getRegistered](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getRegistered property
+Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./
+getRegistered: () => Readonly<Record<string, UiSettingsParams>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUserProvided](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.getUserProvided property
-Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user.
-getUserProvided: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, UserProvidedValues<T>>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [getUserProvided](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.getUserProvided property
+Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user.
+getUserProvided: <T = any>() => Promise<Record<string, UserProvidedValues<T>>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
-Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
-isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.isOverridden property
+Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user.
+isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
-## IUiSettingsClient interface
-Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI.
-export interface IUiSettingsClient 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;T&gt;</code> | Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
-|  [getAll](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, T&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
-|  [getRegistered](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./ |
-|  [getUserProvided](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, UserProvidedValues&lt;T&gt;&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user. |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
-|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes uiSettings value by key. |
-|  [removeMany](./ | <code>(keys: string[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys. |
-|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user. |
-|  [setMany](./ | <code>(changes: Record&lt;string, any&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./
+## IUiSettingsClient interface
+Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI.
+export interface IUiSettingsClient 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [get](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;T&gt;</code> | Retrieves uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
+|  [getAll](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, T&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user with fallbacks to default values if not specified. |
+|  [getRegistered](./ | <code>() =&gt; Readonly&lt;Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;&gt;</code> | Returns registered uiSettings values [UiSettingsParams](./ |
+|  [getUserProvided](./ | <code>&lt;T = any&gt;() =&gt; Promise&lt;Record&lt;string, UserProvidedValues&lt;T&gt;&gt;&gt;</code> | Retrieves a set of all uiSettings values set by the user. |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; boolean</code> | Shows whether the uiSettings value set by the user. |
+|  [remove](./ | <code>(key: string) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes uiSettings value by key. |
+|  [removeMany](./ | <code>(keys: string[]) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys. |
+|  [set](./ | <code>(key: string, value: any) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user. |
+|  [setMany](./ | <code>(changes: Record&lt;string, any&gt;) =&gt; Promise&lt;void&gt;</code> | Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
-Removes uiSettings value by key.
-remove: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [remove](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.remove property
+Removes uiSettings value by key.
+remove: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [removeMany](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.removeMany property
-Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys.
-removeMany: (keys: string[]) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [removeMany](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.removeMany property
+Removes multiple uiSettings values by keys.
+removeMany: (keys: string[]) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.set property
-Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user.
-set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<void>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [set](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.set property
+Writes uiSettings value and marks it as set by the user.
+set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [setMany](./
-## IUiSettingsClient.setMany property
-Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user.
-setMany: (changes: Record<string, any>) => Promise<void>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [IUiSettingsClient](./ &gt; [setMany](./
+## IUiSettingsClient.setMany property
+Writes multiple uiSettings values and marks them as set by the user.
+setMany: (changes: Record<string, any>) => Promise<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## KibanaRequest.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `KibanaRequest` class
-constructor(request: Request, params: Params, query: Query, body: Body, withoutSecretHeaders: boolean);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  request | <code>Request</code> |  |
-|  params | <code>Params</code> |  |
-|  query | <code>Query</code> |  |
-|  body | <code>Body</code> |  |
-|  withoutSecretHeaders | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## KibanaRequest.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `KibanaRequest` class
+constructor(request: Request, params: Params, query: Query, body: Body, withoutSecretHeaders: boolean);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  request | <code>Request</code> |  |
+|  params | <code>Params</code> |  |
+|  query | <code>Query</code> |  |
+|  body | <code>Body</code> |  |
+|  withoutSecretHeaders | <code>boolean</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [body](./
-## KibanaRequest.body property
-readonly body: Body;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [body](./
+## KibanaRequest.body property
+readonly body: Body;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [events](./
-## property
-Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./
-readonly events: KibanaRequestEvents;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [events](./
+## property
+Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./
+readonly events: KibanaRequestEvents;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## KibanaRequest.headers property
-Readonly copy of incoming request headers.
-readonly headers: Headers;
-## Remarks
-This property will contain a `filtered` copy of request headers.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## KibanaRequest.headers property
+Readonly copy of incoming request headers.
+readonly headers: Headers;
+## Remarks
+This property will contain a `filtered` copy of request headers.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [isSystemRequest](./
-## KibanaRequest.isSystemRequest property
-Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the `HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest` option.
-readonly isSystemRequest: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [isSystemRequest](./
+## KibanaRequest.isSystemRequest property
+Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the `HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest` option.
+readonly isSystemRequest: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./
-## KibanaRequest class
-Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request.
-export declare class KibanaRequest<Params = unknown, Query = unknown, Body = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(request, params, query, body, withoutSecretHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>KibanaRequest</code> class |
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ |  | <code>Body</code> |  |
-|  [events](./ |  | <code>KibanaRequestEvents</code> | Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./ |
-|  [headers](./ |  | <code>Headers</code> | Readonly copy of incoming request headers. |
-|  [isSystemRequest](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the <code>HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest</code> option. |
-|  [params](./ |  | <code>Params</code> |  |
-|  [query](./ |  | <code>Query</code> |  |
-|  [route](./ |  | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;KibanaRequestRoute&lt;Method&gt;&gt;</code> | matched route details |
-|  [socket](./ |  | <code>IKibanaSocket</code> | [IKibanaSocket](./ |
-|  [url](./ |  | <code>Url</code> | a WHATWG URL standard object. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./
+## KibanaRequest class
+Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request.
+export declare class KibanaRequest<Params = unknown, Query = unknown, Body = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(request, params, query, body, withoutSecretHeaders)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>KibanaRequest</code> class |
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ |  | <code>Body</code> |  |
+|  [events](./ |  | <code>KibanaRequestEvents</code> | Request events [KibanaRequestEvents](./ |
+|  [headers](./ |  | <code>Headers</code> | Readonly copy of incoming request headers. |
+|  [isSystemRequest](./ |  | <code>boolean</code> | Whether or not the request is a "system request" rather than an application-level request. Can be set on the client using the <code>HttpFetchOptions#asSystemRequest</code> option. |
+|  [params](./ |  | <code>Params</code> |  |
+|  [query](./ |  | <code>Query</code> |  |
+|  [route](./ |  | <code>RecursiveReadonly&lt;KibanaRequestRoute&lt;Method&gt;&gt;</code> | matched route details |
+|  [socket](./ |  | <code>IKibanaSocket</code> | [IKibanaSocket](./ |
+|  [url](./ |  | <code>Url</code> | a WHATWG URL standard object. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [params](./
-## KibanaRequest.params property
-readonly params: Params;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [params](./
+## KibanaRequest.params property
+readonly params: Params;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [query](./
-## KibanaRequest.query property
-readonly query: Query;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [query](./
+## KibanaRequest.query property
+readonly query: Query;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [route](./
-## KibanaRequest.route property
-matched route details
-readonly route: RecursiveReadonly<KibanaRequestRoute<Method>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [route](./
+## KibanaRequest.route property
+matched route details
+readonly route: RecursiveReadonly<KibanaRequestRoute<Method>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [socket](./
-## KibanaRequest.socket property
-readonly socket: IKibanaSocket;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [socket](./
+## KibanaRequest.socket property
+readonly socket: IKibanaSocket;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [url](./
-## KibanaRequest.url property
-a WHATWG URL standard object.
-readonly url: Url;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequest](./ &gt; [url](./
+## KibanaRequest.url property
+a WHATWG URL standard object.
+readonly url: Url;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./ &gt; [aborted$](./
-## KibanaRequestEvents.aborted$ property
-Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted.
-aborted$: Observable<void>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./ &gt; [aborted$](./
+## KibanaRequestEvents.aborted$ property
+Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted.
+aborted$: Observable<void>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./
-## KibanaRequestEvents interface
-Request events.
-export interface KibanaRequestEvents 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [aborted$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;void&gt;</code> | Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestEvents](./
+## KibanaRequestEvents interface
+Request events.
+export interface KibanaRequestEvents 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [aborted$](./ | <code>Observable&lt;void&gt;</code> | Observable that emits once if and when the request has been aborted. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute interface
-Request specific route information exposed to a handler.
-export interface KibanaRequestRoute<Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [method](./ | <code>Method</code> |  |
-|  [options](./ | <code>KibanaRequestRouteOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute interface
+Request specific route information exposed to a handler.
+export interface KibanaRequestRoute<Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [method](./ | <code>Method</code> |  |
+|  [options](./ | <code>KibanaRequestRouteOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [method](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.method property
-method: Method;
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+## KibanaRequestRoute.method property
+method: Method;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [options](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.options property
-options: KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [options](./
+## KibanaRequestRoute.options property
+options: KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRoute](./ &gt; [path](./
-## KibanaRequestRoute.path property
-path: string;
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+## KibanaRequestRoute.path property
+path: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./
-## KibanaRequestRouteOptions type
-Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned.
-export declare type KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> = Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? Required<Omit<RouteConfigOptions<Method>, 'body'>> : Required<RouteConfigOptions<Method>>;
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+## KibanaRequestRouteOptions type
+Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned.
+export declare type KibanaRequestRouteOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> = Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? Required<Omit<RouteConfigOptions<Method>, 'body'>> : Required<RouteConfigOptions<Method>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [kibanaResponseFactory](./
-## kibanaResponseFactory variable
-Set of helpers used to create `KibanaResponse` to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution.
-kibanaResponseFactory: {
-    custom: <T extends string | Error | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any> | {
-        message: string | Error;
-        attributes?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
-    } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<T>) => KibanaResponse<T>;
-    badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<ResponseError>) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
-    redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
-    noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<undefined>;
-## Example
-1. Successful response. Supported types of response body are: - `undefined`<!-- -->, no content to send. - `string`<!-- -->, send text - `JSON`<!-- -->, send JSON object, HTTP server will throw if given object is not valid (has circular references, for example) - `Stream` send data stream - `Buffer` send binary stream
-return response.ok();
-return response.ok({ body: 'ack' });
-return response.ok({ body: { id: '1' } });
-return response.ok({ body: Buffer.from(...) });
-const stream = new Stream.PassThrough();
-return res.ok({ body: stream });
-HTTP headers are configurable via response factory parameter `options` [HttpResponseOptions](./<!-- -->.
-return response.ok({
-  body: { id: '1' },
-  headers: {
-    'content-type': 'application/json'
-  }
-2. Redirection response. Redirection URL is configures via 'Location' header.
-return response.redirected({
-  body: 'The document has moved',
-  headers: {
-   location: '/new-url',
-  },
-3. Error response. You may pass an error message to the client, where error message can be: - `string` send message text - `Error` send the message text of given Error object. - `{ message: string | Error, attributes: {data: Record<string, any>, ...} }` - send message text and attach additional error data.
-return response.unauthorized({
-  body: 'User has no access to the requested resource.',
-  headers: {
-    'WWW-Authenticate': 'challenge',
-  }
-return response.badRequest();
-return response.badRequest({ body: 'validation error' });
-try {
-  // ...
-} catch(error){
-  return response.badRequest({ body: error });
-return response.badRequest({
- body:{
-   message: 'validation error',
-   attributes: {
-     requestBody: request.body,
-     failedFields: validationResult
-   }
- }
-try {
-  // ...
-} catch(error) {
-  return response.badRequest({
-    body: error
-  });
-4. Custom response. `ResponseFactory` may not cover your use case, so you can use the `custom` function to customize the response.
-return response.custom({
-  body: 'ok',
-  statusCode: 201,
-  headers: {
-    location: '/created-url'
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [kibanaResponseFactory](./
+## kibanaResponseFactory variable
+Set of helpers used to create `KibanaResponse` to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution.
+kibanaResponseFactory: {
+    custom: <T extends string | Error | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any> | {
+        message: string | Error;
+        attributes?: Record<string, any> | undefined;
+    } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<T>) => KibanaResponse<T>;
+    badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions<ResponseError>) => KibanaResponse<ResponseError>;
+    redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<string | Buffer | Stream | Record<string, any>>;
+    noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse<undefined>;
+## Example
+1. Successful response. Supported types of response body are: - `undefined`<!-- -->, no content to send. - `string`<!-- -->, send text - `JSON`<!-- -->, send JSON object, HTTP server will throw if given object is not valid (has circular references, for example) - `Stream` send data stream - `Buffer` send binary stream
+return response.ok();
+return response.ok({ body: 'ack' });
+return response.ok({ body: { id: '1' } });
+return response.ok({ body: Buffer.from(...) });
+const stream = new Stream.PassThrough();
+return res.ok({ body: stream });
+HTTP headers are configurable via response factory parameter `options` [HttpResponseOptions](./<!-- -->.
+return response.ok({
+  body: { id: '1' },
+  headers: {
+    'content-type': 'application/json'
+  }
+2. Redirection response. Redirection URL is configures via 'Location' header.
+return response.redirected({
+  body: 'The document has moved',
+  headers: {
+   location: '/new-url',
+  },
+3. Error response. You may pass an error message to the client, where error message can be: - `string` send message text - `Error` send the message text of given Error object. - `{ message: string | Error, attributes: {data: Record<string, any>, ...} }` - send message text and attach additional error data.
+return response.unauthorized({
+  body: 'User has no access to the requested resource.',
+  headers: {
+    'WWW-Authenticate': 'challenge',
+  }
+return response.badRequest();
+return response.badRequest({ body: 'validation error' });
+try {
+  // ...
+} catch(error){
+  return response.badRequest({ body: error });
+return response.badRequest({
+ body:{
+   message: 'validation error',
+   attributes: {
+     requestBody: request.body,
+     failedFields: validationResult
+   }
+ }
+try {
+  // ...
+} catch(error) {
+  return response.badRequest({
+    body: error
+  });
+4. Custom response. `ResponseFactory` may not cover your use case, so you can use the `custom` function to customize the response.
+return response.custom({
+  body: 'ok',
+  statusCode: 201,
+  headers: {
+    location: '/created-url'
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KnownHeaders](./
-## KnownHeaders type
-Set of well-known HTTP headers.
-export declare type KnownHeaders = KnownKeys<IncomingHttpHeaders>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [KnownHeaders](./
+## KnownHeaders type
+Set of well-known HTTP headers.
+export declare type KnownHeaders = KnownKeys<IncomingHttpHeaders>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyRequest](./
-## LegacyRequest interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-> `hapi` request object, supported during migration process only for backward compatibility.
-export interface LegacyRequest extends Request 
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+## LegacyRequest interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+> `hapi` request object, supported during migration process only for backward compatibility.
+export interface LegacyRequest extends Request 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.core property
-core: LegacyCoreSetup;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.core property
+core: LegacyCoreSetup;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-export interface LegacyServiceSetupDeps 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreSetup</code> |  |
-|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+export interface LegacyServiceSetupDeps 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreSetup</code> |  |
+|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
-## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.plugins property
-plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
+## LegacyServiceSetupDeps.plugins property
+plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps.core property
-core: LegacyCoreStart;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [core](./
+## LegacyServiceStartDeps.core property
+core: LegacyCoreStart;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps interface
-> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
-export interface LegacyServiceStartDeps 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreStart</code> |  |
-|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+## LegacyServiceStartDeps interface
+> Warning: This API is now obsolete.
+export interface LegacyServiceStartDeps 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>LegacyCoreStart</code> |  |
+|  [plugins](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
-## LegacyServiceStartDeps.plugins property
-plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ &gt; [plugins](./
+## LegacyServiceStartDeps.plugins property
+plugins: Record<string, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LifecycleResponseFactory](./
-## LifecycleResponseFactory type
-Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client.
-export declare type LifecycleResponseFactory = typeof lifecycleResponseFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LifecycleResponseFactory](./
+## LifecycleResponseFactory type
+Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client.
+export declare type LifecycleResponseFactory = typeof lifecycleResponseFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [debug](./
-## Logger.debug() method
-Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation
-debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [debug](./
+## Logger.debug() method
+Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation
+debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [error](./
-## Logger.error() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow
-error(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [error](./
+## Logger.error() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow
+error(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [fatal](./
-## Logger.fatal() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure
-fatal(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [fatal](./
+## Logger.fatal() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure
+fatal(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [get](./
-## Logger.get() method
-Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context.
-get(...childContextPaths: string[]): Logger;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  childContextPaths | <code>string[]</code> |  |
-## Example
-const logger = loggerFactory.get('plugin', 'service'); // 'plugin.service' context
-const subLogger = logger.get('feature'); // 'plugin.service.feature' context
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [get](./
+## Logger.get() method
+Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context.
+get(...childContextPaths: string[]): Logger;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  childContextPaths | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+## Example
+const logger = loggerFactory.get('plugin', 'service'); // 'plugin.service' context
+const subLogger = logger.get('feature'); // 'plugin.service.feature' context
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [info](./
-## method
-Logs messages related to general application flow
-info(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [info](./
+## method
+Logs messages related to general application flow
+info(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./
-## Logger interface
-Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins.
-export interface Logger 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [debug(message, meta)](./ | Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation |
-|  [error(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow |
-|  [fatal(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure |
-|  [get(childContextPaths)](./ | Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context. |
-|  [info(message, meta)](./ | Logs messages related to general application flow |
-|  [trace(message, meta)](./ | Log messages at the most detailed log level |
-|  [warn(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./
+## Logger interface
+Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins.
+export interface Logger 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [debug(message, meta)](./ | Log messages useful for debugging and interactive investigation |
+|  [error(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused a failure in the application flow |
+|  [fatal(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages that caused an unrecoverable failure |
+|  [get(childContextPaths)](./ | Returns a new [Logger](./ instance extending the current logger context. |
+|  [info(message, meta)](./ | Logs messages related to general application flow |
+|  [trace(message, meta)](./ | Log messages at the most detailed log level |
+|  [warn(errorOrMessage, meta)](./ | Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [trace](./
-## Logger.trace() method
-Log messages at the most detailed log level
-trace(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [trace](./
+## Logger.trace() method
+Log messages at the most detailed log level
+trace(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  message | <code>string</code> | The log message |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [warn](./
-## Logger.warn() method
-Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages
-warn(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
-|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Logger](./ &gt; [warn](./
+## Logger.warn() method
+Logs abnormal or unexpected errors or messages
+warn(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  errorOrMessage | <code>string &#124; Error</code> | An Error object or message string to log |
+|  meta | <code>LogMeta</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./ &gt; [get](./
-## LoggerFactory.get() method
-Returns a `Logger` instance for the specified context.
-get(...contextParts: string[]): Logger;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  contextParts | <code>string[]</code> | Parts of the context to return logger for. For example get('plugins', 'pid') will return a logger for the <code></code> context. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./ &gt; [get](./
+## LoggerFactory.get() method
+Returns a `Logger` instance for the specified context.
+get(...contextParts: string[]): Logger;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  contextParts | <code>string[]</code> | Parts of the context to return logger for. For example get('plugins', 'pid') will return a logger for the <code></code> context. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./
-## LoggerFactory interface
-The single purpose of `LoggerFactory` interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance.
-export interface LoggerFactory 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [get(contextParts)](./ | Returns a <code>Logger</code> instance for the specified context. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LoggerFactory](./
+## LoggerFactory interface
+The single purpose of `LoggerFactory` interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance.
+export interface LoggerFactory 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [get(contextParts)](./ | Returns a <code>Logger</code> instance for the specified context. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LogMeta](./
-## LogMeta interface
-Contextual metadata
-export interface LogMeta 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [LogMeta](./
+## LogMeta interface
+Contextual metadata
+export interface LogMeta 
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./
-## kibana-plugin-server package
-The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.
-A plugin requires a `kibana.json` file at it's root directory that follows [the manfiest schema](./ to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.
-A plugin's `server/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
-The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
-## Classes
-|  Class | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [BasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path |
-|  [ClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [CspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
-|  [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ | Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as <code>body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]</code> |
-|  [KibanaRequest](./ | Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request. |
-|  [RouteValidationError](./ | Error to return when the validation is not successful. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |  |
-|  [ScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-## Enumerations
-|  Enumeration | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AuthResultType](./ |  |
-|  [AuthStatus](./ | Status indicating an outcome of the authentication. |
-## Interfaces
-|  Interface | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [APICaller](./ |  |
-|  [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ |  |
-|  [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ |  |
-|  [Authenticated](./ |  |
-|  [AuthResultParams](./ | Result of an incoming request authentication. |
-|  [AuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [CallAPIOptions](./ | The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed. |
-|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
-|  [CapabilitiesSetup](./ | APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.<!-- -->Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the <code>registerProvider</code> method.<!-- -->Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the <code>registerSwitcher</code> method.<!-- -->Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples. |
-|  [CapabilitiesStart](./ | APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ | Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See methods documentation for more detailed examples. |
-|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [CoreSetup](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>setup</code> method. |
-|  [CoreStart](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>start</code> method. |
-|  [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code. |
-|  [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationInfo](./ |  |
-|  [DeprecationSettings](./ | UiSettings deprecation field options. |
-|  [DiscoveredPlugin](./ | Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started. |
-|  [ElasticsearchError](./ |  |
-|  [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
-|  [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
-|  [FakeRequest](./ | Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins. |
-|  [HttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
-|  [HttpServiceSetup](./ | Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to <code>hapi</code> server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs. |
-|  [HttpServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
-|  [ICspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
-|  [IKibanaResponse](./ | A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution |
-|  [IKibanaSocket](./ | A tiny abstraction for TCP socket. |
-|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
-|  [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./ |  |
-|  [IRenderOptions](./ |  |
-|  [IRouter](./ | Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations. |
-|  [IScopedRenderingClient](./ |  |
-|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. |
-|  [KibanaRequestEvents](./ | Request events. |
-|  [KibanaRequestRoute](./ | Request specific route information exposed to a handler. |
-|  [LegacyRequest](./ |  |
-|  [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ |  |
-|  [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ |  |
-|  [Logger](./ | Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins. |
-|  [LoggerFactory](./ | The single purpose of <code>LoggerFactory</code> interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance. |
-|  [LogMeta](./ | Contextual metadata |
-|  [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ | Additional data to extend a response. |
-|  [OnPreResponseInfo](./ | Response status code. |
-|  [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
-|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
-|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
-|  [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ | Describes a plugin configuration properties. |
-|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage. |
-|  [PluginManifest](./ | Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file. |
-|  [PluginsServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [PluginsServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [RequestHandlerContext](./ | Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.<!-- -->Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request |
-|  [RouteConfig](./ | Route specific configuration. |
-|  [RouteConfigOptions](./ | Additional route options. |
-|  [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ | Additional body options for a route |
-|  [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ | Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [RouteValidatorConfig](./ | The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set <code>params</code>, <code>query</code> and/or <code>body</code> to specify the validation logic to follow for that property. |
-|  [RouteValidatorOptions](./ | Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour. |
-|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ | Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ | Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance. |
-|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ | Options controlling the export operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ | Structure of the export result details entry |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ | Options to control the import operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
-|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
-|  [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ | A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index. |
-|  [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ | Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ | Options to control the "resolve import" operation. |
-|  [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers. |
-|  [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects. |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
-|  [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ |  |
-|  [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ | Return type from a function to validate cookie contents. |
-|  [SessionStorage](./ | Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests. |
-|  [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ | Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism. |
-|  [SessionStorageFactory](./ | SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request |
-|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
-|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
-|  [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |  |
-|  [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |  |
-|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
-|  [UuidServiceSetup](./ | APIs to access the application's instance uuid. |
-## Variables
-|  Variable | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [kibanaResponseFactory](./ | Set of helpers used to create <code>KibanaResponse</code> to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution. |
-|  [validBodyOutput](./ | The set of valid body.output |
-## Type Aliases
-|  Type Alias | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [AuthenticationHandler](./ | See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [AuthHeaders](./ | Auth Headers map |
-|  [AuthResult](./ |  |
-|  [CapabilitiesProvider](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
-|  [ConfigDeprecation](./ | Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration. |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./ | Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./ |
-|  [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ | A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples. |
-|  [ConfigPath](./ |  |
-|  [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./ |  |
-|  [GetAuthHeaders](./ | Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch. |
-|  [GetAuthState](./ | Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by <code>auth</code> interceptor. |
-|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
-|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
-|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [Headers](./ | Http request headers to read. |
-|  [HttpResponsePayload](./ | Data send to the client as a response payload. |
-|  [IBasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path[BasePath](./ |
-|  [IClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
-|  [ICustomClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [IsAuthenticated](./ | Returns authentication status for a request. |
-|  [ISavedObjectsRepository](./ | See [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |
-|  [IScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./ | Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned. |
-|  [KibanaResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing request response payload, HTTP headers, error details, and other data transmitted to the client. |
-|  [KnownHeaders](./ | Set of well-known HTTP headers. |
-|  [LifecycleResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client. |
-|  [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./ | Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation |
-|  [OnPostAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [OnPreAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [OnPreResponseHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [PluginConfigSchema](./ | Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema. |
-|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>server</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
-|  [PluginName](./ | Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious. |
-|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
-|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
-|  [RedirectResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for redirection response |
-|  [RequestHandler](./ | A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions. |
-|  [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of http request context providers. |
-|  [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./ | Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data. |
-|  [ResponseError](./ | Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error. |
-|  [ResponseErrorAttributes](./ | Additional data to provide error details. |
-|  [ResponseHeaders](./ | Http response headers to set. |
-|  [RouteContentType](./ | The set of supported parseable Content-Types |
-|  [RouteMethod](./ | The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing. |
-|  [RouteRegistrar](./ | Route handler common definition |
-|  [RouteValidationFunction](./ | The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements. |
-|  [RouteValidationSpec](./ | Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation. |
-|  [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./ | Route validations config and options merged into one object |
-|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
-|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.<!-- -->\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors<!-- -->Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:<!-- -->1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./<!-- -->Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the <code>isXYZError()</code> helpers exposed at <code>SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> should be used to understand and manage error responses from the <code>SavedObjectsClient</code>.<!-- -->Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for <code>error.body.error.type</code> or doing substring checks on <code>error.body.error.reason</code>, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:<!-- -->\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }<!-- -->if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }<!-- -->// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`<!-- -->\#\#\# 404s from missing index<!-- -->From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.<!-- -->At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.<!-- -->From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.<!-- -->\#\#\# 503s from missing index<!-- -->Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's <code>action.auto_create_index</code> setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.<!-- -->See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./ | Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers. |
-|  [ScopeableRequest](./ | A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.<!-- -->See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [SharedGlobalConfig](./ |  |
-|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
-|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./
+## kibana-plugin-server package
+The Kibana Core APIs for server-side plugins.
+A plugin requires a `kibana.json` file at it's root directory that follows [the manfiest schema](./ to define static plugin information required to load the plugin.
+A plugin's `server/index` file must contain a named import, `plugin`<!-- -->, that implements [PluginInitializer](./ which returns an object that implements [Plugin](./<!-- -->.
+The plugin integrates with the core system via lifecycle events: `setup`<!-- -->, `start`<!-- -->, and `stop`<!-- -->. In each lifecycle method, the plugin will receive the corresponding core services available (either [CoreSetup](./ or [CoreStart](./<!-- -->) and any interfaces returned by dependency plugins' lifecycle method. Anything returned by the plugin's lifecycle method will be exposed to downstream dependencies when their corresponding lifecycle methods are invoked.
+## Classes
+|  Class | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [BasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path |
+|  [ClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [CspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
+|  [ElasticsearchErrorHelpers](./ | Helpers for working with errors returned from the Elasticsearch service.Since the internal data of errors are subject to change, consumers of the Elasticsearch service should always use these helpers to classify errors instead of checking error internals such as <code>body.error.header[WWW-Authenticate]</code> |
+|  [KibanaRequest](./ | Kibana specific abstraction for an incoming request. |
+|  [RouteValidationError](./ | Error to return when the validation is not successful. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClient](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |  |
+|  [ScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+## Enumerations
+|  Enumeration | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AuthResultType](./ |  |
+|  [AuthStatus](./ | Status indicating an outcome of the authentication. |
+## Interfaces
+|  Interface | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [APICaller](./ |  |
+|  [AssistanceAPIResponse](./ |  |
+|  [AssistantAPIClientParams](./ |  |
+|  [Authenticated](./ |  |
+|  [AuthResultParams](./ | Result of an incoming request authentication. |
+|  [AuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of Auth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [CallAPIOptions](./ | The set of options that defines how API call should be made and result be processed. |
+|  [Capabilities](./ | The read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session. Capabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID, and the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled. |
+|  [CapabilitiesSetup](./ | APIs to manage the [Capabilities](./ that will be used by the application.<!-- -->Plugins relying on capabilities to toggle some of their features should register them during the setup phase using the <code>registerProvider</code> method.<!-- -->Plugins having the responsibility to restrict capabilities depending on a given context should register their capabilities switcher using the <code>registerSwitcher</code> method.<!-- -->Refers to the methods documentation for complete description and examples. |
+|  [CapabilitiesStart](./ | APIs to access the application [Capabilities](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ | Provides helpers to generates the most commonly used [ConfigDeprecation](./ when invoking a [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See methods documentation for more detailed examples. |
+|  [ContextSetup](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [CoreSetup](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>setup</code> method. |
+|  [CoreStart](./ | Context passed to the plugins <code>start</code> method. |
+|  [CustomHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for a response with adjustable status code. |
+|  [DeprecationAPIClientParams](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationAPIResponse](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationInfo](./ |  |
+|  [DeprecationSettings](./ | UiSettings deprecation field options. |
+|  [DiscoveredPlugin](./ | Small container object used to expose information about discovered plugins that may or may not have been started. |
+|  [ElasticsearchError](./ |  |
+|  [ElasticsearchServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [EnvironmentMode](./ |  |
+|  [ErrorHttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
+|  [FakeRequest](./ | Fake request object created manually by Kibana plugins. |
+|  [HttpResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters |
+|  [HttpServiceSetup](./ | Kibana HTTP Service provides own abstraction for work with HTTP stack. Plugins don't have direct access to <code>hapi</code> server and its primitives anymore. Moreover, plugins shouldn't rely on the fact that HTTP Service uses one or another library under the hood. This gives the platform flexibility to upgrade or changing our internal HTTP stack without breaking plugins. If the HTTP Service lacks functionality you need, we are happy to discuss and support your needs. |
+|  [HttpServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [IContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of context providers and configuring handlers with context. |
+|  [ICspConfig](./ | CSP configuration for use in Kibana. |
+|  [IKibanaResponse](./ | A response data object, expected to returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution |
+|  [IKibanaSocket](./ | A tiny abstraction for TCP socket. |
+|  [ImageValidation](./ |  |
+|  [IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo](./ |  |
+|  [IRenderOptions](./ |  |
+|  [IRouter](./ | Registers route handlers for specified resource path and method. See [RouteConfig](./ and [RequestHandler](./ for more information about arguments to route registrations. |
+|  [IScopedRenderingClient](./ |  |
+|  [IUiSettingsClient](./ | Server-side client that provides access to the advanced settings stored in elasticsearch. The settings provide control over the behavior of the Kibana application. For example, a user can specify how to display numeric or date fields. Users can adjust the settings via Management UI. |
+|  [KibanaRequestEvents](./ | Request events. |
+|  [KibanaRequestRoute](./ | Request specific route information exposed to a handler. |
+|  [LegacyRequest](./ |  |
+|  [LegacyServiceSetupDeps](./ |  |
+|  [LegacyServiceStartDeps](./ |  |
+|  [Logger](./ | Logger exposes all the necessary methods to log any type of information and this is the interface used by the logging consumers including plugins. |
+|  [LoggerFactory](./ | The single purpose of <code>LoggerFactory</code> interface is to define a way to retrieve a context-based logger instance. |
+|  [LogMeta](./ | Contextual metadata |
+|  [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ | Additional data to extend a response. |
+|  [OnPreResponseInfo](./ | Response status code. |
+|  [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ | A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request. |
+|  [PackageInfo](./ |  |
+|  [Plugin](./ | The interface that should be returned by a <code>PluginInitializer</code>. |
+|  [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ | Describes a plugin configuration properties. |
+|  [PluginInitializerContext](./ | Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage. |
+|  [PluginManifest](./ | Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file. |
+|  [PluginsServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [PluginsServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [RequestHandlerContext](./ | Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.<!-- -->Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request |
+|  [RouteConfig](./ | Route specific configuration. |
+|  [RouteConfigOptions](./ | Additional route options. |
+|  [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ | Additional body options for a route |
+|  [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ | Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [RouteValidatorConfig](./ | The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set <code>params</code>, <code>query</code> and/or <code>body</code> to specify the validation logic to follow for that property. |
+|  [RouteValidatorOptions](./ | Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour. |
+|  [SavedObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributes](./ | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [SavedObjectReference](./ | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ | Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ | Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance. |
+|  [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ | Options controlling the export operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ | Structure of the export result details entry |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ | Return type of the Saved Objects <code>find()</code> method.<!-- -->\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to a conflict. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportError](./ | Represents a failure to import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to missing references. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ | Options to control the import operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ | The response describing the result of an import. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ | Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason. |
+|  [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ | Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type. |
+|  [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./ | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ | A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index. |
+|  [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ | Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ | Options to control the "resolve import" operation. |
+|  [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers. |
+|  [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects. |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ |  |
+|  [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ |  |
+|  [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ | Return type from a function to validate cookie contents. |
+|  [SessionStorage](./ | Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests. |
+|  [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ | Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism. |
+|  [SessionStorageFactory](./ | SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request |
+|  [StringValidationRegex](./ | StringValidation with regex object |
+|  [StringValidationRegexString](./ | StringValidation as regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsParams](./ | UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins. |
+|  [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ |  |
+|  [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ |  |
+|  [UserProvidedValues](./ | Describes the values explicitly set by user. |
+|  [UuidServiceSetup](./ | APIs to access the application's instance uuid. |
+## Variables
+|  Variable | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [kibanaResponseFactory](./ | Set of helpers used to create <code>KibanaResponse</code> to form HTTP response on an incoming request. Should be returned as a result of [RequestHandler](./ execution. |
+|  [validBodyOutput](./ | The set of valid body.output |
+## Type Aliases
+|  Type Alias | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [AuthenticationHandler](./ | See [AuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [AuthHeaders](./ | Auth Headers map |
+|  [AuthResult](./ |  |
+|  [CapabilitiesProvider](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [CapabilitiesSwitcher](./ | See [CapabilitiesSetup](./ |
+|  [ConfigDeprecation](./ | Configuration deprecation returned from [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ that handles a single deprecation from the configuration. |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationLogger](./ | Logger interface used when invoking a [ConfigDeprecation](./ |
+|  [ConfigDeprecationProvider](./ | A provider that should returns a list of [ConfigDeprecation](./<!-- -->.<!-- -->See [ConfigDeprecationFactory](./ for more usage examples. |
+|  [ConfigPath](./ |  |
+|  [ElasticsearchClientConfig](./ |  |
+|  [GetAuthHeaders](./ | Get headers to authenticate a user against Elasticsearch. |
+|  [GetAuthState](./ | Gets authentication state for a request. Returned by <code>auth</code> interceptor. |
+|  [HandlerContextType](./ | Extracts the type of the first argument of a [HandlerFunction](./ to represent the type of the context. |
+|  [HandlerFunction](./ | A function that accepts a context object and an optional number of additional arguments. Used for the generic types in [IContextContainer](./ |
+|  [HandlerParameters](./ | Extracts the types of the additional arguments of a [HandlerFunction](./<!-- -->, excluding the [HandlerContextType](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [Headers](./ | Http request headers to read. |
+|  [HttpResponsePayload](./ | Data send to the client as a response payload. |
+|  [IBasePath](./ | Access or manipulate the Kibana base path[BasePath](./ |
+|  [IClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by the platform. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IContextProvider](./ | A function that returns a context value for a specific key of given context type. |
+|  [ICustomClusterClient](./ | Represents an Elasticsearch cluster API client created by a plugin. It allows to call API on behalf of the internal Kibana user and the actual user that is derived from the request headers (via <code>asScoped(...)</code>).<!-- -->See [ClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [IsAuthenticated](./ | Returns authentication status for a request. |
+|  [ISavedObjectsRepository](./ | See [SavedObjectsRepository](./ |
+|  [IScopedClusterClient](./ | Serves the same purpose as "normal" <code>ClusterClient</code> but exposes additional <code>callAsCurrentUser</code> method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as <code>callAsInternalUser</code> does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.<!-- -->See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [KibanaRequestRouteOptions](./ | Route options: If 'GET' or 'OPTIONS' method, body options won't be returned. |
+|  [KibanaResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing request response payload, HTTP headers, error details, and other data transmitted to the client. |
+|  [KnownHeaders](./ | Set of well-known HTTP headers. |
+|  [LifecycleResponseFactory](./ | Creates an object containing redirection or error response with error details, HTTP headers, and other data transmitted to the client. |
+|  [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./ | Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation |
+|  [OnPostAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [OnPreAuthHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [OnPreResponseHandler](./ | See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [PluginConfigSchema](./ | Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema. |
+|  [PluginInitializer](./ | The <code>plugin</code> export at the root of a plugin's <code>server</code> directory should conform to this interface. |
+|  [PluginName](./ | Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious. |
+|  [PluginOpaqueId](./ |  |
+|  [RecursiveReadonly](./ |  |
+|  [RedirectResponseOptions](./ | HTTP response parameters for redirection response |
+|  [RequestHandler](./ | A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions. |
+|  [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./ | An object that handles registration of http request context providers. |
+|  [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./ | Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data. |
+|  [ResponseError](./ | Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error. |
+|  [ResponseErrorAttributes](./ | Additional data to provide error details. |
+|  [ResponseHeaders](./ | Http response headers to set. |
+|  [RouteContentType](./ | The set of supported parseable Content-Types |
+|  [RouteMethod](./ | The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing. |
+|  [RouteRegistrar](./ | Route handler common definition |
+|  [RouteValidationFunction](./ | The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements. |
+|  [RouteValidationSpec](./ | Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions<!-- -->See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation. |
+|  [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./ | Route validations config and options merged into one object |
+|  [SavedObjectAttribute](./ | Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value |
+|  [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./ | Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientContract](./ | Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.<!-- -->\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors<!-- -->Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:<!-- -->1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./<!-- -->Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the <code>isXYZError()</code> helpers exposed at <code>SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> should be used to understand and manage error responses from the <code>SavedObjectsClient</code>.<!-- -->Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for <code>error.body.error.type</code> or doing substring checks on <code>error.body.error.reason</code>, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:<!-- -->\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }<!-- -->if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }<!-- -->// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`<!-- -->\#\#\# 404s from missing index<!-- -->From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.<!-- -->At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.<!-- -->From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.<!-- -->\#\#\# 503s from missing index<!-- -->Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's <code>action.auto_create_index</code> setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.<!-- -->See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./ | Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./ | Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers. |
+|  [ScopeableRequest](./ | A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.<!-- -->See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [SharedGlobalConfig](./ |  |
+|  [StringValidation](./ | Allows regex objects or a regex string |
+|  [UiSettingsType](./ | UI element type to represent the settings. |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_ASSISTANCE\_INDEX\_ACTION](./
-export declare type MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION = 'upgrade' | 'reindex';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_ASSISTANCE\_INDEX\_ACTION](./
+export declare type MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION = 'upgrade' | 'reindex';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_DEPRECATION\_LEVEL](./
-export declare type MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL = 'none' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MIGRATION\_DEPRECATION\_LEVEL](./
+export declare type MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL = 'none' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./
-## MutatingOperationRefreshSetting type
-Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation
-export declare type MutatingOperationRefreshSetting = boolean | 'wait_for';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [MutatingOperationRefreshSetting](./
+## MutatingOperationRefreshSetting type
+Elasticsearch Refresh setting for mutating operation
+export declare type MutatingOperationRefreshSetting = boolean | 'wait_for';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthHandler](./
-## OnPostAuthHandler type
-See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPostAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPostAuthToolkit) => OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthHandler](./
+## OnPostAuthHandler type
+See [OnPostAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPostAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPostAuthToolkit) => OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./
-## OnPostAuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPostAuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPostAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./
+## OnPostAuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPostAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPostAuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPostAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: () => OnPostAuthResult;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPostAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: () => OnPostAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthHandler](./
-## OnPreAuthHandler type
-See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPreAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPreAuthToolkit) => OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthHandler](./
+## OnPreAuthHandler type
+See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPreAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPreAuthToolkit) => OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise<OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./
-## OnPreAuthToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPreAuthToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
-|  [rewriteUrl](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./
+## OnPreAuthToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPreAuthToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>() =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
+|  [rewriteUrl](./ | <code>(url: string) =&gt; OnPreAuthResult</code> | Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: () => OnPreAuthResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: () => OnPreAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [rewriteUrl](./
-## OnPreAuthToolkit.rewriteUrl property
-Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler
-rewriteUrl: (url: string) => OnPreAuthResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreAuthToolkit](./ &gt; [rewriteUrl](./
+## OnPreAuthToolkit.rewriteUrl property
+Rewrite requested resources url before is was authenticated and routed to a handler
+rewriteUrl: (url: string) => OnPreAuthResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ &gt; [headers](./
-## OnPreResponseExtensions.headers property
-additional headers to attach to the response
-headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./ &gt; [headers](./
+## OnPreResponseExtensions.headers property
+additional headers to attach to the response
+headers?: ResponseHeaders;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./
-## OnPreResponseExtensions interface
-Additional data to extend a response.
-export interface OnPreResponseExtensions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | additional headers to attach to the response |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseExtensions](./
+## OnPreResponseExtensions interface
+Additional data to extend a response.
+export interface OnPreResponseExtensions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [headers](./ | <code>ResponseHeaders</code> | additional headers to attach to the response |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseHandler](./
-## OnPreResponseHandler type
-See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type OnPreResponseHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, preResponse: OnPreResponseInfo, toolkit: OnPreResponseToolkit) => OnPreResponseResult | Promise<OnPreResponseResult>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseHandler](./
+## OnPreResponseHandler type
+See [OnPreAuthToolkit](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type OnPreResponseHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, preResponse: OnPreResponseInfo, toolkit: OnPreResponseToolkit) => OnPreResponseResult | Promise<OnPreResponseResult>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./
-## OnPreResponseInfo interface
-Response status code.
-export interface OnPreResponseInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./
+## OnPreResponseInfo interface
+Response status code.
+export interface OnPreResponseInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## OnPreResponseInfo.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseInfo](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## OnPreResponseInfo.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./
-## OnPreResponseToolkit interface
-A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
-export interface OnPreResponseToolkit 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [next](./ | <code>(responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) =&gt; OnPreResponseResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./
+## OnPreResponseToolkit interface
+A tool set defining an outcome of OnPreAuth interceptor for incoming request.
+export interface OnPreResponseToolkit 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [next](./ | <code>(responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) =&gt; OnPreResponseResult</code> | To pass request to the next handler |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
-## property
-To pass request to the next handler
-next: (responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) => OnPreResponseResult;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [OnPreResponseToolkit](./ &gt; [next](./
+## property
+To pass request to the next handler
+next: (responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) => OnPreResponseResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
-## PackageInfo.branch property
-branch: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [branch](./
+## PackageInfo.branch property
+branch: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
-## PackageInfo.buildNum property
-buildNum: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildNum](./
+## PackageInfo.buildNum property
+buildNum: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
-## PackageInfo.buildSha property
-buildSha: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [buildSha](./
+## PackageInfo.buildSha property
+buildSha: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
-## PackageInfo.dist property
-dist: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [dist](./
+## PackageInfo.dist property
+dist: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
-## PackageInfo interface
-export interface PackageInfo 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./
+## PackageInfo interface
+export interface PackageInfo 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [branch](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [buildNum](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [buildSha](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [dist](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PackageInfo.version property
-version: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PackageInfo](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PackageInfo.version property
+version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
-## Plugin interface
-The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
-export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
-|  [stop()](./ |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./
+## Plugin interface
+The interface that should be returned by a `PluginInitializer`<!-- -->.
+export interface Plugin<TSetup = void, TStart = void, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [setup(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [start(core, plugins)](./ |  |
+|  [stop()](./ |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
-## Plugin.setup() method
-setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreSetup</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
-`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [setup](./
+## Plugin.setup() method
+setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise<TSetup>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreSetup</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsSetup</code> |  |
+`TSetup | Promise<TSetup>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
-## Plugin.start() method
-start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
-|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
-`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [start](./
+## Plugin.start() method
+start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise<TStart>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  core | <code>CoreStart</code> |  |
+|  plugins | <code>TPluginsStart</code> |  |
+`TStart | Promise<TStart>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
-## Plugin.stop() method
-stop?(): void;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [Plugin](./ &gt; [stop](./
+## Plugin.stop() method
+stop?(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [deprecations](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.deprecations property
-Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration.
-deprecations?: ConfigDeprecationProvider;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [deprecations](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.deprecations property
+Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration.
+deprecations?: ConfigDeprecationProvider;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [exposeToBrowser](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.exposeToBrowser property
-List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin.
-exposeToBrowser?: {
-        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [exposeToBrowser](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.exposeToBrowser property
+List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin.
+exposeToBrowser?: {
+        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor interface
-Describes a plugin configuration properties.
-export interface PluginConfigDescriptor<T = any> 
-## Example
-// my_plugin/server/index.ts
-import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-import { PluginConfigDescriptor } from 'kibana/server';
-const configSchema = schema.object({
-  secret: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Only on server' }),
-  uiProp: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Accessible from client' }),
-type ConfigType = TypeOf<typeof configSchema>;
-export const config: PluginConfigDescriptor<ConfigType> = {
-  exposeToBrowser: {
-    uiProp: true,
-  },
-  schema: configSchema,
-  deprecations: ({ rename, unused }) => [
-    rename('securityKey', 'secret'),
-    unused('deprecatedProperty'),
-  ],
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [deprecations](./ | <code>ConfigDeprecationProvider</code> | Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration. |
-|  [exposeToBrowser](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin. |
-|  [schema](./ | <code>PluginConfigSchema&lt;T&gt;</code> | Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.[PluginConfigSchema](./ |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor interface
+Describes a plugin configuration properties.
+export interface PluginConfigDescriptor<T = any> 
+## Example
+// my_plugin/server/index.ts
+import { schema, TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+import { PluginConfigDescriptor } from 'kibana/server';
+const configSchema = schema.object({
+  secret: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Only on server' }),
+  uiProp: schema.string({ defaultValue: 'Accessible from client' }),
+type ConfigType = TypeOf<typeof configSchema>;
+export const config: PluginConfigDescriptor<ConfigType> = {
+  exposeToBrowser: {
+    uiProp: true,
+  },
+  schema: configSchema,
+  deprecations: ({ rename, unused }) => [
+    rename('securityKey', 'secret'),
+    unused('deprecatedProperty'),
+  ],
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [deprecations](./ | <code>ConfigDeprecationProvider</code> | Provider for the [ConfigDeprecation](./ to apply to the plugin configuration. |
+|  [exposeToBrowser](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        [P in keyof T]?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | List of configuration properties that will be available on the client-side plugin. |
+|  [schema](./ | <code>PluginConfigSchema&lt;T&gt;</code> | Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.[PluginConfigSchema](./ |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [schema](./
-## PluginConfigDescriptor.schema property
-Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.
-schema: PluginConfigSchema<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigDescriptor](./ &gt; [schema](./
+## PluginConfigDescriptor.schema property
+Schema to use to validate the plugin configuration.
+schema: PluginConfigSchema<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigSchema](./
-## PluginConfigSchema type
-Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema.
-export declare type PluginConfigSchema<T> = Type<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginConfigSchema](./
+## PluginConfigSchema type
+Dedicated type for plugin configuration schema.
+export declare type PluginConfigSchema<T> = Type<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
-## PluginInitializer type
-The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `server` directory should conform to this interface.
-export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializer](./
+## PluginInitializer type
+The `plugin` export at the root of a plugin's `server` directory should conform to this interface.
+export declare type PluginInitializer<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup extends object = object, TPluginsStart extends object = object> = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin<TSetup, TStart, TPluginsSetup, TPluginsStart>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.config property
-config: {
-        legacy: {
-            globalConfig$: Observable<SharedGlobalConfig>;
-        };
-        create: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T>;
-        createIfExists: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T | undefined>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [config](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.config property
+config: {
+        legacy: {
+            globalConfig$: Observable<SharedGlobalConfig>;
+        };
+        create: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T>;
+        createIfExists: <T = ConfigSchema>() => Observable<T | undefined>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.env property
-env: {
-        mode: EnvironmentMode;
-        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [env](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.env property
+env: {
+        mode: EnvironmentMode;
+        packageInfo: Readonly<PackageInfo>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [logger](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.logger property
-logger: LoggerFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [logger](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.logger property
+logger: LoggerFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
-## PluginInitializerContext interface
-Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage.
-export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema = unknown> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        legacy: {</code><br/><code>            globalConfig$: Observable&lt;SharedGlobalConfig&gt;;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        create: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;;</code><br/><code>        createIfExists: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T &#124; undefined&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: EnvironmentMode;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [logger](./ | <code>LoggerFactory</code> |  |
-|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./
+## PluginInitializerContext interface
+Context that's available to plugins during initialization stage.
+export interface PluginInitializerContext<ConfigSchema = unknown> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [config](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        legacy: {</code><br/><code>            globalConfig$: Observable&lt;SharedGlobalConfig&gt;;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        create: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T&gt;;</code><br/><code>        createIfExists: &lt;T = ConfigSchema&gt;() =&gt; Observable&lt;T &#124; undefined&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [env](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        mode: EnvironmentMode;</code><br/><code>        packageInfo: Readonly&lt;PackageInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [logger](./ | <code>LoggerFactory</code> |  |
+|  [opaqueId](./ | <code>PluginOpaqueId</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
-## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
-opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginInitializerContext](./ &gt; [opaqueId](./
+## PluginInitializerContext.opaqueId property
+opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [configPath](./
-## PluginManifest.configPath property
-Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
-readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
-## Example
-id: myPlugin configPath: my\_plugin
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [configPath](./
+## PluginManifest.configPath property
+Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format.
+readonly configPath: ConfigPath;
+## Example
+id: myPlugin configPath: my\_plugin
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc.
-readonly id: PluginName;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc.
+readonly id: PluginName;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [kibanaVersion](./
-## PluginManifest.kibanaVersion property
-The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version".
-readonly kibanaVersion: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [kibanaVersion](./
+## PluginManifest.kibanaVersion property
+The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version".
+readonly kibanaVersion: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./
-## PluginManifest interface
-Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file.
-export interface PluginManifest 
-## Remarks
-Should never be used in code outside of Core but is exported for documentation purposes.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc. |
-|  [kibanaVersion](./ | <code>string</code> | The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version". |
-|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
-|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
-|  [server](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality. |
-|  [ui](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via <code>public/ui_plugin.js</code> file. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | Version of the plugin. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./
+## PluginManifest interface
+Describes the set of required and optional properties plugin can define in its mandatory JSON manifest file.
+export interface PluginManifest 
+## Remarks
+Should never be used in code outside of Core but is exported for documentation purposes.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [configPath](./ | <code>ConfigPath</code> | Root [configuration path](./ used by the plugin, defaults to "id" in snake\_case format. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>PluginName</code> | Identifier of the plugin. Must be a string in camelCase. Part of a plugin public contract. Other plugins leverage it to access plugin API, navigate to the plugin, etc. |
+|  [kibanaVersion](./ | <code>string</code> | The version of Kibana the plugin is compatible with, defaults to "version". |
+|  [optionalPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly. |
+|  [requiredPlugins](./ | <code>readonly PluginName[]</code> | An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly. |
+|  [server](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality. |
+|  [ui](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via <code>public/ui_plugin.js</code> file. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | Version of the plugin. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
-## PluginManifest.optionalPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
-readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [optionalPlugins](./
+## PluginManifest.optionalPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that if installed and enabled \*\*may be\*\* leveraged by this plugin for some additional functionality but otherwise are not required for this plugin to work properly.
+readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
-## PluginManifest.requiredPlugins property
-An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
-readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [requiredPlugins](./
+## PluginManifest.requiredPlugins property
+An optional list of the other plugins that \*\*must be\*\* installed and enabled for this plugin to function properly.
+readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [server](./
-## PluginManifest.server property
-Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality.
-readonly server: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [server](./
+## PluginManifest.server property
+Specifies whether plugin includes some server-side specific functionality.
+readonly server: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [ui](./
-## PluginManifest.ui property
-Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via `public/ui_plugin.js` file.
-readonly ui: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [ui](./
+## PluginManifest.ui property
+Specifies whether plugin includes some client/browser specific functionality that should be included into client bundle via `public/ui_plugin.js` file.
+readonly ui: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [version](./
-## PluginManifest.version property
-Version of the plugin.
-readonly version: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginManifest](./ &gt; [version](./
+## PluginManifest.version property
+Version of the plugin.
+readonly version: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginName](./
-## PluginName type
-Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious.
-export declare type PluginName = string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginName](./
+## PluginName type
+Dedicated type for plugin name/id that is supposed to make Map/Set/Arrays that use it as a key or value more obvious.
+export declare type PluginName = string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
-## PluginOpaqueId type
-export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginOpaqueId](./
+## PluginOpaqueId type
+export declare type PluginOpaqueId = symbol;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [contracts](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup.contracts property
-contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [contracts](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup.contracts property
+contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup interface
-export interface PluginsServiceSetup 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [uiPlugins](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        internal: Map&lt;PluginName, InternalPluginInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>        public: Map&lt;PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin&gt;;</code><br/><code>        browserConfigs: Map&lt;PluginName, Observable&lt;unknown&gt;&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup interface
+export interface PluginsServiceSetup 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [uiPlugins](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        internal: Map&lt;PluginName, InternalPluginInfo&gt;;</code><br/><code>        public: Map&lt;PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin&gt;;</code><br/><code>        browserConfigs: Map&lt;PluginName, Observable&lt;unknown&gt;&gt;;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [uiPlugins](./
-## PluginsServiceSetup.uiPlugins property
-uiPlugins: {
-        internal: Map<PluginName, InternalPluginInfo>;
-        public: Map<PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin>;
-        browserConfigs: Map<PluginName, Observable<unknown>>;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [uiPlugins](./
+## PluginsServiceSetup.uiPlugins property
+uiPlugins: {
+        internal: Map<PluginName, InternalPluginInfo>;
+        public: Map<PluginName, DiscoveredPlugin>;
+        browserConfigs: Map<PluginName, Observable<unknown>>;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./ &gt; [contracts](./
-## PluginsServiceStart.contracts property
-contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./ &gt; [contracts](./
+## PluginsServiceStart.contracts property
+contracts: Map<PluginName, unknown>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [PluginsServiceStart](./
-## PluginsServiceStart interface
-export interface PluginsServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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+## PluginsServiceStart interface
+export interface PluginsServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [contracts](./ | <code>Map&lt;PluginName, unknown&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
-## RecursiveReadonly type
-export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
-    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
-}> : T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RecursiveReadonly](./
+## RecursiveReadonly type
+export declare type RecursiveReadonly<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray<T[number]> : T extends object ? Readonly<{
+    [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly<T[K]>;
+}> : T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RedirectResponseOptions](./
-## RedirectResponseOptions type
-HTTP response parameters for redirection response
-export declare type RedirectResponseOptions = HttpResponseOptions & {
-    headers: {
-        location: string;
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RedirectResponseOptions](./
+## RedirectResponseOptions type
+HTTP response parameters for redirection response
+export declare type RedirectResponseOptions = HttpResponseOptions & {
+    headers: {
+        location: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandler](./
-## RequestHandler type
-A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions.
-export declare type RequestHandler<P = unknown, Q = unknown, B = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> = (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest<P, Q, B, Method>, response: KibanaResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse<any> | Promise<IKibanaResponse<any>>;
-## Example
-const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
-// creates a route handler for GET request on 'my-app/path/{id}' path
-  {
-    path: 'path/{id}',
-    // defines a validation schema for a named segment of the route path
-    validate: {
-      params: schema.object({
-        id: schema.string(),
-      }),
-    },
-  },
-  // function to execute to create a responses
-  async (context, request, response) => {
-    const data = await context.findObject(;
-    // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
-    if (!data) return response.notFound();
-    // creates a command to send found data to the client
-    return response.ok(data);
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandler](./
+## RequestHandler type
+A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of [KibanaResponseFactory](./ functions.
+export declare type RequestHandler<P = unknown, Q = unknown, B = unknown, Method extends RouteMethod = any> = (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest<P, Q, B, Method>, response: KibanaResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse<any> | Promise<IKibanaResponse<any>>;
+## Example
+const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
+// creates a route handler for GET request on 'my-app/path/{id}' path
+  {
+    path: 'path/{id}',
+    // defines a validation schema for a named segment of the route path
+    validate: {
+      params: schema.object({
+        id: schema.string(),
+      }),
+    },
+  },
+  // function to execute to create a responses
+  async (context, request, response) => {
+    const data = await context.findObject(;
+    // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
+    if (!data) return response.notFound();
+    // creates a command to send found data to the client
+    return response.ok(data);
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./ &gt; [core](./
-## RequestHandlerContext.core property
-core: {
-        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;
-        savedObjects: {
-            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
-        };
-        elasticsearch: {
-            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;
-            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;
-        };
-        uiSettings: {
-            client: IUiSettingsClient;
-        };
-    };
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./ &gt; [core](./
+## RequestHandlerContext.core property
+core: {
+        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;
+        savedObjects: {
+            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+        };
+        elasticsearch: {
+            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;
+            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;
+        };
+        uiSettings: {
+            client: IUiSettingsClient;
+        };
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./
-## RequestHandlerContext interface
-Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.
-Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request
-export interface RequestHandlerContext 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: {</code><br/><code>            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        elasticsearch: {</code><br/><code>            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: {</code><br/><code>            client: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContext](./
+## RequestHandlerContext interface
+Plugin specific context passed to a route handler.
+Provides the following clients: - [rendering](./ - Rendering client which uses the data of the incoming request - [savedObjects.client](./ - Saved Objects client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.dataClient](./ - Elasticsearch data client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [elasticsearch.adminClient](./ - Elasticsearch admin client which uses the credentials of the incoming request - [uiSettings.client](./ - uiSettings client which uses the credentials of the incoming request
+export interface RequestHandlerContext 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [core](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        rendering: IScopedRenderingClient;</code><br/><code>        savedObjects: {</code><br/><code>            client: SavedObjectsClientContract;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        elasticsearch: {</code><br/><code>            dataClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>            adminClient: IScopedClusterClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>        uiSettings: {</code><br/><code>            client: IUiSettingsClient;</code><br/><code>        };</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./
-## RequestHandlerContextContainer type
-An object that handles registration of http request context providers.
-export declare type RequestHandlerContextContainer = IContextContainer<RequestHandler<any, any, any>>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextContainer](./
+## RequestHandlerContextContainer type
+An object that handles registration of http request context providers.
+export declare type RequestHandlerContextContainer = IContextContainer<RequestHandler<any, any, any>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./
-## RequestHandlerContextProvider type
-Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data.
-export declare type RequestHandlerContextProvider<TContextName extends keyof RequestHandlerContext> = IContextProvider<RequestHandler<any, any, any>, TContextName>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RequestHandlerContextProvider](./
+## RequestHandlerContextProvider type
+Context provider for request handler. Extends request context object with provided functionality or data.
+export declare type RequestHandlerContextProvider<TContextName extends keyof RequestHandlerContext> = IContextProvider<RequestHandler<any, any, any>, TContextName>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseError](./
-## ResponseError type
-Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error.
-export declare type ResponseError = string | Error | {
-    message: string | Error;
-    attributes?: ResponseErrorAttributes;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseError](./
+## ResponseError type
+Error message and optional data send to the client in case of error.
+export declare type ResponseError = string | Error | {
+    message: string | Error;
+    attributes?: ResponseErrorAttributes;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseErrorAttributes](./
-## ResponseErrorAttributes type
-Additional data to provide error details.
-export declare type ResponseErrorAttributes = Record<string, any>;
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+## ResponseErrorAttributes type
+Additional data to provide error details.
+export declare type ResponseErrorAttributes = Record<string, any>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseHeaders](./
-## ResponseHeaders type
-Http response headers to set.
-export declare type ResponseHeaders = {
-    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[];
-} & {
-    [header: string]: string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ResponseHeaders](./
+## ResponseHeaders type
+Http response headers to set.
+export declare type ResponseHeaders = {
+    [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[];
+} & {
+    [header: string]: string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./
-## RouteConfig interface
-Route specific configuration.
-export interface RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [options](./ | <code>RouteConfigOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> | Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route. |
-|  [validate](./ | <code>RouteValidatorFullConfig&lt;P, Q, B&gt; &#124; false</code> | A schema created with <code>@kbn/config-schema</code> that every request will be validated against. |
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+## RouteConfig interface
+Route specific configuration.
+export interface RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [options](./ | <code>RouteConfigOptions&lt;Method&gt;</code> | Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route. |
+|  [validate](./ | <code>RouteValidatorFullConfig&lt;P, Q, B&gt; &#124; false</code> | A schema created with <code>@kbn/config-schema</code> that every request will be validated against. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [options](./
-## RouteConfig.options property
-Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->.
-options?: RouteConfigOptions<Method>;
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+## RouteConfig.options property
+Additional route options [RouteConfigOptions](./<!-- -->.
+options?: RouteConfigOptions<Method>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [path](./
-## RouteConfig.path property
-The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route.
-path: string;
-## Remarks
-E.g. if the router is registered at `/elasticsearch` and the route path is `/search`<!-- -->, the full path for the route is `/elasticsearch/search`<!-- -->. Supports: - named path segments `path/{name}`<!-- -->. - optional path segments `path/{position?}`<!-- -->. - multi-segments `path/{coordinates*2}`<!-- -->. Segments are accessible within a handler function as `params` property of [KibanaRequest](./ object. To have read access to `params` you \*must\* specify validation schema with [RouteConfig.validate](./<!-- -->.
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [path](./
+## RouteConfig.path property
+The endpoint \_within\_ the router path to register the route.
+path: string;
+## Remarks
+E.g. if the router is registered at `/elasticsearch` and the route path is `/search`<!-- -->, the full path for the route is `/elasticsearch/search`<!-- -->. Supports: - named path segments `path/{name}`<!-- -->. - optional path segments `path/{position?}`<!-- -->. - multi-segments `path/{coordinates*2}`<!-- -->. Segments are accessible within a handler function as `params` property of [KibanaRequest](./ object. To have read access to `params` you \*must\* specify validation schema with [RouteConfig.validate](./<!-- -->.
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [validate](./
-## RouteConfig.validate property
-A schema created with `@kbn/config-schema` that every request will be validated against.
-validate: RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> | false;
-## Remarks
-You \*must\* specify a validation schema to be able to read: - url path segments - request query - request body To opt out of validating the request, specify `validate: false`<!-- -->. In this case request params, query, and body will be \*\*empty\*\* objects and have no access to raw values. In some cases you may want to use another validation library. To do this, you need to instruct the `@kbn/config-schema` library to output \*\*non-validated values\*\* with setting schema as `schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })`<!-- -->;
-## Example
- import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
- router.get({
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: {
-    params: schema.object({
-      id: schema.string(),
-    }),
-    query: schema.object({...}),
-    body: schema.object({...}),
-  },
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{id: string}>
-  console.log(; // value
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: false, // handler has no access to params, query, body values.
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
-  console.log(; // undefined
-  path: 'path/{id}',
-  validate: {
-    // handler has access to raw non-validated params in runtime
-    params: schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })
-  },
-(context, req, res,) {
-  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
-  console.log(; // value
-  myValidationLibrary.validate({ params: req.params });
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfig](./ &gt; [validate](./
+## RouteConfig.validate property
+A schema created with `@kbn/config-schema` that every request will be validated against.
+validate: RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> | false;
+## Remarks
+You \*must\* specify a validation schema to be able to read: - url path segments - request query - request body To opt out of validating the request, specify `validate: false`<!-- -->. In this case request params, query, and body will be \*\*empty\*\* objects and have no access to raw values. In some cases you may want to use another validation library. To do this, you need to instruct the `@kbn/config-schema` library to output \*\*non-validated values\*\* with setting schema as `schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })`<!-- -->;
+## Example
+ import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
+ router.get({
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: {
+    params: schema.object({
+      id: schema.string(),
+    }),
+    query: schema.object({...}),
+    body: schema.object({...}),
+  },
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{id: string}>
+  console.log(; // value
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: false, // handler has no access to params, query, body values.
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
+  console.log(; // undefined
+  path: 'path/{id}',
+  validate: {
+    // handler has access to raw non-validated params in runtime
+    params: schema.object({}, { allowUnknowns: true })
+  },
+(context, req, res,) {
+  req.params; // type Readonly<{}>;
+  console.log(; // value
+  myValidationLibrary.validate({ params: req.params });
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [authRequired](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.authRequired property
-A flag shows that authentication for a route: `enabled` when true `disabled` when false
-Enabled by default.
-authRequired?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [authRequired](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.authRequired property
+A flag shows that authentication for a route: `enabled` when true `disabled` when false
+Enabled by default.
+authRequired?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.body property
-Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->.
-body?: Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [body](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.body property
+Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->.
+body?: Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./
-## RouteConfigOptions interface
-Additional route options.
-export interface RouteConfigOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [authRequired](./ | <code>boolean</code> | A flag shows that authentication for a route: <code>enabled</code> when true <code>disabled</code> when false<!-- -->Enabled by default. |
-|  [body](./ | <code>Method extends 'get' &#124; 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody</code> | Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [tags](./ | <code>readonly string[]</code> | Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route. |
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+## RouteConfigOptions interface
+Additional route options.
+export interface RouteConfigOptions<Method extends RouteMethod> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [authRequired](./ | <code>boolean</code> | A flag shows that authentication for a route: <code>enabled</code> when true <code>disabled</code> when false<!-- -->Enabled by default. |
+|  [body](./ | <code>Method extends 'get' &#124; 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody</code> | Additional body options [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [tags](./ | <code>readonly string[]</code> | Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [tags](./
-## RouteConfigOptions.tags property
-Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route.
-tags?: readonly string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptions](./ &gt; [tags](./
+## RouteConfigOptions.tags property
+Additional metadata tag strings to attach to the route.
+tags?: readonly string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [accepts](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.accepts property
-A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.
-Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\*
-accepts?: RouteContentType | RouteContentType[] | string | string[];
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+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.accepts property
+A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.
+Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\*
+accepts?: RouteContentType | RouteContentType[] | string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [maxBytes](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.maxBytes property
-Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.
-Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter `server.maxPayloadBytes`<!-- -->.
-maxBytes?: number;
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+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.maxBytes property
+Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.
+Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter `server.maxPayloadBytes`<!-- -->.
+maxBytes?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody interface
-Additional body options for a route
-export interface RouteConfigOptionsBody 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [accepts](./ | <code>RouteContentType &#124; RouteContentType[] &#124; string &#124; string[]</code> | A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.<!-- -->Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\* |
-|  [maxBytes](./ | <code>number</code> | Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.<!-- -->Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter <code>server.maxPayloadBytes</code>. |
-|  [output](./ | <code>typeof validBodyOutput[number]</code> | The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).<!-- -->Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure. |
-|  [parse](./ | <code>boolean &#124; 'gunzip'</code> | Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.<!-- -->Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody interface
+Additional body options for a route
+export interface RouteConfigOptionsBody 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [accepts](./ | <code>RouteContentType &#124; RouteContentType[] &#124; string &#124; string[]</code> | A string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Use this settings to limit the set of allowed mime types. Note that allowing additional mime types not listed above will not enable them to be parsed, and if parse is true, the request will result in an error response.<!-- -->Default value: allows parsing of the following mime types: \* application/json \* application/\*+json \* application/octet-stream \* application/x-www-form-urlencoded \* multipart/form-data \* text/\* |
+|  [maxBytes](./ | <code>number</code> | Limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory.<!-- -->Default value: The one set in the kibana.yml config file under the parameter <code>server.maxPayloadBytes</code>. |
+|  [output](./ | <code>typeof validBodyOutput[number]</code> | The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).<!-- -->Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure. |
+|  [parse](./ | <code>boolean &#124; 'gunzip'</code> | Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.<!-- -->Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [output](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.output property
-The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).
-Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure.
-output?: typeof validBodyOutput[number];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [output](./
+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.output property
+The processed payload format. The value must be one of: \* 'data' - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, a raw Buffer is returned. \* 'stream' - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, field values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a hapi property containing the filename and headers properties. Note that payload streams for multipart payloads are a synthetic interface created on top of the entire multipart content loaded into memory. To avoid loading large multipart payloads into memory, set parse to false and handle the multipart payload in the handler using a streaming parser (e.g. pez).
+Default value: 'data', unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is 'stream' to alleviate memory pressure.
+output?: typeof validBodyOutput[number];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteConfigOptionsBody](./ &gt; [parse](./
-## RouteConfigOptionsBody.parse property
-Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.
-Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure.
-parse?: boolean | 'gunzip';
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+## RouteConfigOptionsBody.parse property
+Determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. Available values: \* true - if the request 'Content-Type' matches the allowed mime types set by allow (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Any known content encoding is decoded. \* false - the raw payload is returned unmodified. \* 'gunzip' - the raw payload is returned unmodified after any known content encoding is decoded.
+Default value: true, unless no validation.body is provided in the route definition. In that case the default is false to alleviate memory pressure.
+parse?: boolean | 'gunzip';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteContentType](./
-## RouteContentType type
-The set of supported parseable Content-Types
-export declare type RouteContentType = 'application/json' | 'application/*+json' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/*';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteContentType](./
+## RouteContentType type
+The set of supported parseable Content-Types
+export declare type RouteContentType = 'application/json' | 'application/*+json' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/*';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteMethod](./
-## RouteMethod type
-The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing.
-export declare type RouteMethod = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'options';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteMethod](./
+## RouteMethod type
+The set of common HTTP methods supported by Kibana routing.
+export declare type RouteMethod = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'options';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteRegistrar](./
-## RouteRegistrar type
-Route handler common definition
-export declare type RouteRegistrar<Method extends RouteMethod> = <P, Q, B>(route: RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method>, handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B, Method>) => void;
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+## RouteRegistrar type
+Route handler common definition
+export declare type RouteRegistrar<Method extends RouteMethod> = <P, Q, B>(route: RouteConfig<P, Q, B, Method>, handler: RequestHandler<P, Q, B, Method>) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationError](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## RouteValidationError.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `RouteValidationError` class
-constructor(error: Error | string, path?: string[]);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; string</code> |  |
-|  path | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationError](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## RouteValidationError.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `RouteValidationError` class
+constructor(error: Error | string, path?: string[]);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; string</code> |  |
+|  path | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationError](./
-## RouteValidationError class
-Error to return when the validation is not successful.
-export declare class RouteValidationError extends SchemaTypeError 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(error, path)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>RouteValidationError</code> class |
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+## RouteValidationError class
+Error to return when the validation is not successful.
+export declare class RouteValidationError extends SchemaTypeError 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(error, path)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>RouteValidationError</code> class |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationFunction](./
-## RouteValidationFunction type
-The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements.
-export declare type RouteValidationFunction<T> = (data: any, validationResult: RouteValidationResultFactory) => {
-    value: T;
-    error?: never;
-} | {
-    value?: never;
-    error: RouteValidationError;
-## Example
-The validation should look something like:
-interface MyExpectedBody {
-  bar: string;
-  baz: number;
-const myBodyValidation: RouteValidationFunction<MyExpectedBody> = (data, validationResult) => {
-  const { ok, badRequest } = validationResult;
-  const { bar, baz } = data || {};
-  if (typeof bar === 'string' && typeof baz === 'number') {
-    return ok({ bar, baz });
-  } else {
-    return badRequest('Wrong payload', ['body']);
-  }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationFunction](./
+## RouteValidationFunction type
+The custom validation function if @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema is not a valid solution for your specific plugin requirements.
+export declare type RouteValidationFunction<T> = (data: any, validationResult: RouteValidationResultFactory) => {
+    value: T;
+    error?: never;
+} | {
+    value?: never;
+    error: RouteValidationError;
+## Example
+The validation should look something like:
+interface MyExpectedBody {
+  bar: string;
+  baz: number;
+const myBodyValidation: RouteValidationFunction<MyExpectedBody> = (data, validationResult) => {
+  const { ok, badRequest } = validationResult;
+  const { bar, baz } = data || {};
+  if (typeof bar === 'string' && typeof baz === 'number') {
+    return ok({ bar, baz });
+  } else {
+    return badRequest('Wrong payload', ['body']);
+  }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [badRequest](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory.badRequest property
-badRequest: (error: Error | string, path?: string[]) => {
-        error: RouteValidationError;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [badRequest](./
+## RouteValidationResultFactory.badRequest property
+badRequest: (error: Error | string, path?: string[]) => {
+        error: RouteValidationError;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory interface
-Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors
-See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->.
-export interface RouteValidationResultFactory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [badRequest](./ | <code>(error: Error &#124; string, path?: string[]) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        error: RouteValidationError;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [ok](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(value: T) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        value: T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./
+## RouteValidationResultFactory interface
+Validation result factory to be used in the custom validation function to return the valid data or validation errors
+See [RouteValidationFunction](./<!-- -->.
+export interface RouteValidationResultFactory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [badRequest](./ | <code>(error: Error &#124; string, path?: string[]) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        error: RouteValidationError;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [ok](./ | <code>&lt;T&gt;(value: T) =&gt; {</code><br/><code>        value: T;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [ok](./
-## RouteValidationResultFactory.ok property
-ok: <T>(value: T) => {
-        value: T;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationResultFactory](./ &gt; [ok](./
+## RouteValidationResultFactory.ok property
+ok: <T>(value: T) => {
+        value: T;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationSpec](./
-## RouteValidationSpec type
-Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions
-See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation.
-export declare type RouteValidationSpec<T> = ObjectType | Type<T> | RouteValidationFunction<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidationSpec](./
+## RouteValidationSpec type
+Allowed property validation options: either @<!-- -->kbn/config-schema validations or custom validation functions
+See [RouteValidationFunction](./ for custom validation.
+export declare type RouteValidationSpec<T> = ObjectType | Type<T> | RouteValidationFunction<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [body](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.body property
-Validation logic for the body payload
-body?: RouteValidationSpec<B>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [body](./
+## RouteValidatorConfig.body property
+Validation logic for the body payload
+body?: RouteValidationSpec<B>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig interface
-The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set `params`<!-- -->, `query` and/or `body` to specify the validation logic to follow for that property.
-export interface RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [body](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;B&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the body payload |
-|  [params](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;P&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the URL params |
-|  [query](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;Q&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the Query params |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./
+## RouteValidatorConfig interface
+The configuration object to the RouteValidator class. Set `params`<!-- -->, `query` and/or `body` to specify the validation logic to follow for that property.
+export interface RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [body](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;B&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the body payload |
+|  [params](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;P&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the URL params |
+|  [query](./ | <code>RouteValidationSpec&lt;Q&gt;</code> | Validation logic for the Query params |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [params](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.params property
-Validation logic for the URL params
-params?: RouteValidationSpec<P>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [params](./
+## RouteValidatorConfig.params property
+Validation logic for the URL params
+params?: RouteValidationSpec<P>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [query](./
-## RouteValidatorConfig.query property
-Validation logic for the Query params
-query?: RouteValidationSpec<Q>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorConfig](./ &gt; [query](./
+## RouteValidatorConfig.query property
+Validation logic for the Query params
+query?: RouteValidationSpec<Q>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./
-## RouteValidatorFullConfig type
-Route validations config and options merged into one object
-export declare type RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> = RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> & RouteValidatorOptions;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorFullConfig](./
+## RouteValidatorFullConfig type
+Route validations config and options merged into one object
+export declare type RouteValidatorFullConfig<P, Q, B> = RouteValidatorConfig<P, Q, B> & RouteValidatorOptions;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./
-## RouteValidatorOptions interface
-Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour.
-export interface RouteValidatorOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [unsafe](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        params?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        query?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        body?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Set the <code>unsafe</code> config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./
+## RouteValidatorOptions interface
+Additional options for the RouteValidator class to modify its default behaviour.
+export interface RouteValidatorOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [unsafe](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        params?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        query?: boolean;</code><br/><code>        body?: boolean;</code><br/><code>    }</code> | Set the <code>unsafe</code> config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./ &gt; [unsafe](./
-## RouteValidatorOptions.unsafe property
-Set the `unsafe` config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation
-unsafe?: {
-        params?: boolean;
-        query?: boolean;
-        body?: boolean;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [RouteValidatorOptions](./ &gt; [unsafe](./
+## RouteValidatorOptions.unsafe property
+Set the `unsafe` config to avoid running some additional internal \*safe\* validations on top of your custom validation
+unsafe?: {
+        params?: boolean;
+        query?: boolean;
+        body?: boolean;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: T;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObject.error property
-error?: {
-        message: string;
-        statusCode: number;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObject.error property
+error?: {
+        message: string;
+        statusCode: number;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
-## SavedObject interface
-export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
-|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./
+## SavedObject interface
+export interface SavedObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [error](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        message: string;</code><br/><code>        statusCode: number;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
+|  [updated\_at](./ | <code>string</code> | Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated. |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObject.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObject.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObject.type property
-The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObject.type property
+The type of Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
-## SavedObject.updated\_at property
-Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
-updated_at?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [updated\_at](./
+## SavedObject.updated\_at property
+Timestamp of the last time this document had been updated.
+updated_at?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObject.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObject](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObject.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-## SavedObjectAttribute type
-Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
-export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+## SavedObjectAttribute type
+Type definition for a Saved Object attribute value
+export declare type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
-## SavedObjectAttributes interface
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributes](./
+## SavedObjectAttributes interface
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+export interface SavedObjectAttributes 
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
-## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
-Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
-export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectAttributeSingle](./
+## SavedObjectAttributeSingle type
+Don't use this type, it's simply a helper type for [SavedObjectAttribute](./
+export declare type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
-## SavedObjectReference interface
-A reference to another saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectReference 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./
+## SavedObjectReference interface
+A reference to another saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectReference 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-name: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+name: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectReference.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectReference](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectReference.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | Specify the namespace for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
-Specify the namespace for this operation
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBaseOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsBaseOptions.namespace property
+Specify the namespace for this operation
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
-attributes: T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.attributes property
+attributes: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject.type property
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.fields property
-SavedObject fields to include in the response
-fields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [fields](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.fields property
+SavedObject fields to include in the response
+fields?: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkGetObject 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | SavedObject fields to include in the response |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkGetObject 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | SavedObject fields to include in the response |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkGetObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkGetObject.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
-The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
-attributes: Partial<T>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.attributes property
+The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the `attributes` property.
+attributes: Partial<T>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same `type`
+id: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Pick<SavedObjectsUpdateOptions, 'version' | 'references'> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Pick<SavedObjectsUpdateOptions, 'version' | 'references'> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> | The data for a Saved Object is stored as an object in the <code>attributes</code> property. |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | The ID of this Saved Object, guaranteed to be unique for all objects of the same <code>type</code> |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> | The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types. |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
-The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject.type property
+The type of this Saved Object. Each plugin can define it's own custom Saved Object types.
+type: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsUpdateResponse&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsUpdateResponse&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
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+## SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate() method
-Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request
-bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkCreate() method
+Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request
+bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet() method
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> | an array of ids, or an array of objects containing id, type and optionally fields |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkGet() method
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> | an array of ids, or an array of objects containing id, type and optionally fields |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
-Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.bulkUpdate() method
+Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.create() method
-Persists a SavedObject
-create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [create](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.create() method
+Persists a SavedObject
+create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.delete() method
-Deletes a SavedObject
-delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.delete() method
+Deletes a SavedObject
+delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.errors property
-static errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers;
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+## SavedObjectsClient.errors property
+static errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.find() method
-Find all SavedObjects matching the search query
-find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [find](./
+## SavedObjectsClient.find() method
+Find all SavedObjects matching the search query
+find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.get() method
-Retrieves a single object
-get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> | The type of SavedObject to retrieve |
-|  id | <code>string</code> | The ID of the SavedObject to retrieve |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.get() method
+Retrieves a single object
+get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> | The type of SavedObject to retrieve |
+|  id | <code>string</code> | The ID of the SavedObject to retrieve |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsClient class
-export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
-## Remarks
-The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
-## Properties
-|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ |  | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request |
-|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once |
-|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists a SavedObject |
-|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes a SavedObject |
-|  [find(options)](./ |  | Find all SavedObjects matching the search query |
-|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Retrieves a single object |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an SavedObject |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsClient class
+export declare class SavedObjectsClient 
+## Remarks
+The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `SavedObjectsClient` class.
+## Properties
+|  Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ |  | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>static</code> | <code>typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers</code> |  |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Persists multiple documents batched together as a single request |
+|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Bulk Updates multiple SavedObject at once |
+|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists a SavedObject |
+|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes a SavedObject |
+|  [find(options)](./ |  | Find all SavedObjects matching the search query |
+|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Retrieves a single object |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an SavedObject |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClient](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
-Updates an SavedObject
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClient.update() method
+Updates an SavedObject
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
-## SavedObjectsClientContract type
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.
-\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors
-Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:
-1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
-Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the `isXYZError()` helpers exposed at `SavedObjectsErrorHelpers` should be used to understand and manage error responses from the `SavedObjectsClient`<!-- -->.
-Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for `error.body.error.type` or doing substring checks on `error.body.error.reason`<!-- -->, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:
-\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }
-if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }
-// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`
-\#\#\# 404s from missing index
-From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.
-At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.
-From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.
-\#\#\# 503s from missing index
-Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's `action.auto_create_index` setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.
-See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = Pick<SavedObjectsClient, keyof SavedObjectsClient>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
+## SavedObjectsClientContract type
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing plugin state.
+\#\# SavedObjectsClient errors
+Since the SavedObjectsClient has its hands in everything we are a little paranoid about the way we present errors back to to application code. Ideally, all errors will be either:
+1. Caused by bad implementation (ie. undefined is not a function) and as such unpredictable 2. An error that has been classified and decorated appropriately by the decorators in [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
+Type 1 errors are inevitable, but since all expected/handle-able errors should be Type 2 the `isXYZError()` helpers exposed at `SavedObjectsErrorHelpers` should be used to understand and manage error responses from the `SavedObjectsClient`<!-- -->.
+Type 2 errors are decorated versions of the source error, so if the elasticsearch client threw an error it will be decorated based on its type. That means that rather than looking for `error.body.error.type` or doing substring checks on `error.body.error.reason`<!-- -->, just use the helpers to understand the meaning of the error:
+\`\`\`<!-- -->js if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError(error)) { // handle 404 }
+if (SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError(error)) { // 401 handling should be automatic, but in case you wanted to know }
+// always rethrow the error unless you handle it throw error; \`\`\`
+\#\#\# 404s from missing index
+From the perspective of application code and APIs the SavedObjectsClient is a black box that persists objects. One of the internal details that users have no control over is that we use an elasticsearch index for persistance and that index might be missing.
+At the time of writing we are in the process of transitioning away from the operating assumption that the SavedObjects index is always available. Part of this transition is handling errors resulting from an index missing. These used to trigger a 500 error in most cases, and in others cause 404s with different error messages.
+From my (Spencer) perspective, a 404 from the SavedObjectsApi is a 404; The object the request/call was targeting could not be found. This is why \#14141 takes special care to ensure that 404 errors are generic and don't distinguish between index missing or document missing.
+\#\#\# 503s from missing index
+Unlike all other methods, create requests are supposed to succeed even when the Kibana index does not exist because it will be automatically created by elasticsearch. When that is not the case it is because Elasticsearch's `action.auto_create_index` setting prevents it from being created automatically so we throw a special 503 with the intention of informing the user that their Elasticsearch settings need to be updated.
+See [SavedObjectsClient](./ See [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientContract = Pick<SavedObjectsClient, keyof SavedObjectsClient>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsClientFactory type
-Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: {
-    request: KibanaRequest;
-}) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./
+## SavedObjectsClientFactory type
+Describes the factory used to create instances of the Saved Objects Client.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: {
+    request: KibanaRequest;
+}) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./
-## SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider type
-Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider = (repositoryFactory: SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory) => SavedObjectsClientFactory;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider](./
+## SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider type
+Provider to invoke to retrieve a [SavedObjectsClientFactory](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider = (repositoryFactory: SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory) => SavedObjectsClientFactory;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./ &gt; [excludedWrappers](./
-## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions.excludedWrappers property
-excludedWrappers?: string[];
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+## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions.excludedWrappers property
+excludedWrappers?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions interface
-Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client.
-export interface SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [excludedWrappers](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions interface
+Options to control the creation of the Saved Objects Client.
+export interface SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [excludedWrappers](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory type
-Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers.
-export declare type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory type
+Describes the factory used to create instances of Saved Objects Client Wrappers.
+export declare type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [client](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.client property
-client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [client](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.client property
+client: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions interface
-Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance.
-export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [request](./ | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions interface
+Options passed to each SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory to aid in creating the wrapper instance.
+export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [client](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [request](./ | <code>KibanaRequest</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [request](./
-## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request property
-request: KibanaRequest;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions](./ &gt; [request](./
+## SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions.request property
+request: KibanaRequest;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-(not recommended) Specify an id for the document
-id?: string;
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+## property
+(not recommended) Specify an id for the document
+id?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (not recommended) Specify an id for the document |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false) |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> | (not recommended) Specify an id for the document |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> | Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value. |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false) |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> |  |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.migrationVersion property
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
-Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false)
-overwrite?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.overwrite property
+Overwrite existing documents (defaults to false)
+overwrite?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.references property
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsCreateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsCreateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsDeleteOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsDeleteOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsDeleteOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsDeleteOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createBadRequestError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createBadRequestError() method
-static createBadRequestError(reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createBadRequestError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createBadRequestError() method
+static createBadRequestError(reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createEsAutoCreateIndexError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
-static createEsAutoCreateIndexError(): DecoratedError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createEsAutoCreateIndexError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
+static createEsAutoCreateIndexError(): DecoratedError;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createGenericNotFoundError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createGenericNotFoundError() method
-static createGenericNotFoundError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createGenericNotFoundError() method
+static createGenericNotFoundError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string &#124; null</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createInvalidVersionError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createInvalidVersionError() method
-static createInvalidVersionError(versionInput?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  versionInput | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createInvalidVersionError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createInvalidVersionError() method
+static createInvalidVersionError(versionInput?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  versionInput | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [createUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createUnsupportedTypeError() method
-static createUnsupportedTypeError(type: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.createUnsupportedTypeError() method
+static createUnsupportedTypeError(type: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateBadRequestError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateBadRequestError() method
-static decorateBadRequestError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateBadRequestError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateBadRequestError() method
+static decorateBadRequestError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateConflictError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateConflictError() method
-static decorateConflictError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateConflictError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateConflictError() method
+static decorateConflictError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateEsUnavailableError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateEsUnavailableError() method
-static decorateEsUnavailableError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateEsUnavailableError](./
+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateEsUnavailableError() method
+static decorateEsUnavailableError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateForbiddenError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateForbiddenError() method
-static decorateForbiddenError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateForbiddenError() method
+static decorateForbiddenError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [decorateGeneralError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateGeneralError() method
-static decorateGeneralError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateGeneralError() method
+static decorateGeneralError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
-static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateNotAuthorizedError() method
+static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
-static decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
-|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
+static decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error</code> |  |
+|  reason | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isBadRequestError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isBadRequestError() method
-static isBadRequestError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isBadRequestError() method
+static isBadRequestError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isConflictError() method
-static isConflictError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isConflictError() method
+static isConflictError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
-static isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsAutoCreateIndexError() method
+static isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsUnavailableError() method
-static isEsUnavailableError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isEsUnavailableError() method
+static isEsUnavailableError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isForbiddenError() method
-static isForbiddenError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isForbiddenError() method
+static isForbiddenError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isInvalidVersionError() method
-static isInvalidVersionError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isInvalidVersionError() method
+static isInvalidVersionError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
-static isNotAuthorizedError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotAuthorizedError() method
+static isNotAuthorizedError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isNotFoundError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError() method
-static isNotFoundError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isNotFoundError() method
+static isNotFoundError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
-static isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isRequestEntityTooLargeError() method
+static isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>Error &#124; DecoratedError</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsErrorHelpers](./ &gt; [isSavedObjectsClientError](./
-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isSavedObjectsClientError() method
-static isSavedObjectsClientError(error: any): error is DecoratedError;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
-`error is DecoratedError`
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers.isSavedObjectsClientError() method
+static isSavedObjectsClientError(error: any): error is DecoratedError;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  error | <code>any</code> |  |
+`error is DecoratedError`
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-## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers class
-export declare class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createBadRequestError(reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createEsAutoCreateIndexError()](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createGenericNotFoundError(type, id)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createInvalidVersionError(versionInput)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [createUnsupportedTypeError(type)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateBadRequestError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateConflictError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateEsUnavailableError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateForbiddenError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateGeneralError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isBadRequestError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isConflictError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isEsUnavailableError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isForbiddenError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isInvalidVersionError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isNotFoundError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
-|  [isSavedObjectsClientError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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+## SavedObjectsErrorHelpers class
+export declare class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createBadRequestError(reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createEsAutoCreateIndexError()](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createGenericNotFoundError(type, id)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createInvalidVersionError(versionInput)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [createUnsupportedTypeError(type)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateBadRequestError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateConflictError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateEsUnavailableError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateForbiddenError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateGeneralError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateNotAuthorizedError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error, reason)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isBadRequestError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isConflictError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isEsUnavailableError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isForbiddenError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isInvalidVersionError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotAuthorizedError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isNotFoundError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
+|  [isSavedObjectsClientError(error)](./ | <code>static</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [excludeExportDetails](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.excludeExportDetails property
-flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream.
-excludeExportDetails?: boolean;
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+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.excludeExportDetails property
+flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream.
+excludeExportDetails?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [exportSizeLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.exportSizeLimit property
-the maximum number of objects to export.
-exportSizeLimit: number;
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+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.exportSizeLimit property
+the maximum number of objects to export.
+exportSizeLimit: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [includeReferencesDeep](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.includeReferencesDeep property
-flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream.
-includeReferencesDeep?: boolean;
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+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.includeReferencesDeep property
+flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream.
+includeReferencesDeep?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions interface
-Options controlling the export operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [excludeExportDetails](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream. |
-|  [exportSizeLimit](./ | <code>number</code> | the maximum number of objects to export. |
-|  [includeReferencesDeep](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream. |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient. |
-|  [objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | optional array of objects to export. |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | an instance of the SavedObjectsClient. |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | optional query string to filter exported objects. |
-|  [types](./ | <code>string[]</code> | optional array of saved object types. |
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+## SavedObjectsExportOptions interface
+Options controlling the export operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [excludeExportDetails](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to not append [export details](./ to the end of the export stream. |
+|  [exportSizeLimit](./ | <code>number</code> | the maximum number of objects to export. |
+|  [includeReferencesDeep](./ | <code>boolean</code> | flag to also include all related saved objects in the export stream. |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> | optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient. |
+|  [objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | optional array of objects to export. |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | an instance of the SavedObjectsClient. |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | optional query string to filter exported objects. |
+|  [types](./ | <code>string[]</code> | optional array of saved object types. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.namespace property
-optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient.
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.namespace property
+optional namespace to override the namespace used by the savedObjectsClient.
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [objects](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.objects property
-optional array of objects to export.
-objects?: Array<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [objects](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.objects property
+optional array of objects to export.
+objects?: Array<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-an instance of the SavedObjectsClient.
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+an instance of the SavedObjectsClient.
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
-## property
-optional query string to filter exported objects.
-search?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+optional query string to filter exported objects.
+search?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [types](./
-## SavedObjectsExportOptions.types property
-optional array of saved object types.
-types?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportOptions](./ &gt; [types](./
+## SavedObjectsExportOptions.types property
+optional array of saved object types.
+types?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [exportedCount](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.exportedCount property
-number of successfully exported objects
-exportedCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [exportedCount](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.exportedCount property
+number of successfully exported objects
+exportedCount: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails interface
-Structure of the export result details entry
-export interface SavedObjectsExportResultDetails 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [exportedCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of successfully exported objects |
-|  [missingRefCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of missing references |
-|  [missingReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | missing references details |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails interface
+Structure of the export result details entry
+export interface SavedObjectsExportResultDetails 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [exportedCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of successfully exported objects |
+|  [missingRefCount](./ | <code>number</code> | number of missing references |
+|  [missingReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> | missing references details |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingRefCount](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingRefCount property
-number of missing references
-missingRefCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingRefCount](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingRefCount property
+number of missing references
+missingRefCount: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingReferences property
-missing references details
-missingReferences: Array<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsExportResultDetails](./ &gt; [missingReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsExportResultDetails.missingReferences property
+missing references details
+missingReferences: Array<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
-defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [defaultSearchOperator](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.defaultSearchOperator property
+defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
-An array of fields to include in the results
-fields?: string[];
-## Example
-SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [fields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.fields property
+An array of fields to include in the results
+fields?: string[];
+## Example
+SavedObjects.find(<!-- -->{<!-- -->type: 'dashboard', fields: \['', 'attributes.location'\]<!-- -->}<!-- -->)
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
-filter?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [filter](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.filter property
+filter?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
-hasReference?: {
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    };
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [hasReference](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.hasReference property
+hasReference?: {
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    };
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
-|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
-|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
-|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
-|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [defaultSearchOperator](./ | <code>'AND' &#124; 'OR'</code> |  |
+|  [fields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | An array of fields to include in the results |
+|  [filter](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [hasReference](./ | <code>{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }</code> |  |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [perPage](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [search](./ | <code>string</code> | Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>query</code> argument for more information |
+|  [searchFields](./ | <code>string[]</code> | The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String <code>fields</code> argument for more information |
+|  [sortField](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [sortOrder](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string &#124; string[]</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page?: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
-perPage?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [perPage](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.perPage property
+perPage?: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
-## property
-Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
-search?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [search](./
+## property
+Search documents using the Elasticsearch Simple Query String syntax. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `query` argument for more information
+search?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
-The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
-searchFields?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [searchFields](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.searchFields property
+The fields to perform the parsed query against. See Elasticsearch Simple Query String `fields` argument for more information
+searchFields?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
-sortField?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortField](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortField property
+sortField?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
-sortOrder?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [sortOrder](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.sortOrder property
+sortOrder?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
-type: string | string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindOptions](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsFindOptions.type property
+type: string | string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse interface
-Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
-\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
-export interface SavedObjectsFindResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [per\_page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse interface
+Return type of the Saved Objects `find()` method.
+\*Note\*: this type is different between the Public and Server Saved Objects clients.
+export interface SavedObjectsFindResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [per\_page](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [saved\_objects](./ | <code>Array&lt;SavedObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [total](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [page](./
-## property
-page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [page](./
+## property
+page: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [per\_page](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse.per\_page property
-per_page: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [per\_page](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse.per\_page property
+per_page: number;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
-## SavedObjectsFindResponse.saved\_objects property
-saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [saved\_objects](./
+## SavedObjectsFindResponse.saved\_objects property
+saved_objects: Array<SavedObject<T>>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [total](./
-## property
-total: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsFindResponse](./ &gt; [total](./
+## property
+total: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to a conflict.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'conflict'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
-type: 'conflict';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportConflictError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportConflictError.type property
+type: 'conflict';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
-error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [error](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.error property
+error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError interface
-Represents a failure to import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError interface
+Represents a failure to import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [error](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportConflictError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError &#124; SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError &#124; SavedObjectsImportUnknownError</code> |  |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [title](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
-title?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [title](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.title property
+title?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportError.type property
+type: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
-blocking: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [blocking](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.blocking property
+blocking: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to missing references.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [blocking](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        id: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'missing_references'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
-references: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        id: string;
-    }>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.references property
+references: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        id: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
-type: 'missing_references';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError.type property
+type: 'missing_references';
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions interface
-Options to control the import operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions interface
+Options to control the import operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.objectLimit property
-objectLimit: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.objectLimit property
+objectLimit: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 4586a93568588..54728aaa80fed 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 4b54f931797cf..7739fdfbc8460 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.readStream property
-readStream: Readable;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.readStream property
+readStream: Readable;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
-## SavedObjectsImportOptions.supportedTypes property
-supportedTypes: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
+## SavedObjectsImportOptions.supportedTypes property
+supportedTypes: string[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
-errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [errors](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.errors property
+errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[];
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
-The response describing the result of an import.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
-|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse interface
+The response describing the result of an import.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [errors](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportError[]</code> |  |
+|  [success](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [successCount](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
-success: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [success](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.success property
+success: boolean;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
-## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
-successCount: number;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportResponse](./ &gt; [successCount](./
+## SavedObjectsImportResponse.successCount property
+successCount: number;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index 568185b2438b7..6491f514c4a3d 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
-## property
-id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [id](./
+## property
+id: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
index dc842afbf9f29..d7fcc613b2508 100644
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
-Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry interface
+Describes a retry operation for importing a saved object.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [overwrite](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [replaceReferences](./ | <code>Array&lt;{</code><br/><code>        type: string;</code><br/><code>        from: string;</code><br/><code>        to: string;</code><br/><code>    }&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
diff --git a/docs/development/core/server/ b/docs/development/core/server/
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
-overwrite: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [overwrite](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.overwrite property
+overwrite: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
-replaceReferences: Array<{
-        type: string;
-        from: string;
-        to: string;
-    }>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [replaceReferences](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.replaceReferences property
+replaceReferences: Array<{
+        type: string;
+        from: string;
+        to: string;
+    }>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
-type: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportRetry](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportRetry.type property
+type: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to an unknown reason.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [statusCode](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unknown'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [message](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
-statusCode: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [statusCode](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.statusCode property
+statusCode: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
-type: 'unknown';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnknownError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnknownError.type property
+type: 'unknown';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
-Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
-export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError interface
+Represents a failure to import due to having an unsupported saved object type.
+export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [type](./ | <code>'unsupported_type'</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
-## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
-type: 'unsupported_type';
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError](./ &gt; [type](./
+## SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError.type property
+type: 'unsupported_type';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> |  |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [migrationVersion](./ | <code>SavedObjectsMigrationVersion</code> |  |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.migrationVersion property
-migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [migrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.migrationVersion property
+migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [debug](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.debug property
-debug: (msg: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [debug](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.debug property
+debug: (msg: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [info](./
-## property
-info: (msg: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [info](./
+## property
+info: (msg: string) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger interface
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationLogger 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [debug](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
-|  [info](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
-|  [warning](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger interface
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationLogger 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [debug](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
+|  [info](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
+|  [warning](./ | <code>(msg: string) =&gt; void</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [warning](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.warning property
-warning: (msg: string) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationLogger](./ &gt; [warning](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationLogger.warning property
+warning: (msg: string) => void;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
-## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
-Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
-export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
-## Example
-migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsMigrationVersion](./
+## SavedObjectsMigrationVersion interface
+Information about the migrations that have been applied to this SavedObject. When Kibana starts up, KibanaMigrator detects outdated documents and migrates them based on this value. For each migration that has been applied, the plugin's name is used as a key and the latest migration version as the value.
+export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion 
+## Example
+migrationVersion: { dashboard: '7.1.1', space: '6.6.6', }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_id](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_id property
-_id: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_id](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_id property
+_id: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_primary\_term](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_primary\_term property
-_primary_term?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_primary\_term](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_primary\_term property
+_primary_term?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_seq\_no](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_seq\_no property
-_seq_no?: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_seq\_no](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_seq\_no property
+_seq_no?: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_source](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_source property
-_source: any;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_source](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_source property
+_source: any;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_type](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_type property
-_type?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./ &gt; [\_type](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc.\_type property
+_type?: string;
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./
-## SavedObjectsRawDoc interface
-A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index.
-export interface RawDoc 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [\_id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [\_primary\_term](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [\_seq\_no](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [\_source](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
-|  [\_type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRawDoc](./
+## SavedObjectsRawDoc interface
+A raw document as represented directly in the saved object index.
+export interface RawDoc 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [\_id](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [\_primary\_term](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [\_seq\_no](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [\_source](./ | <code>any</code> |  |
+|  [\_type](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkCreate() method
-Creates multiple documents at once
-bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkCreate](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkCreate() method
+Creates multiple documents at once
+bulkCreate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkGet() method
-Returns an array of objects by id
-bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\] }
-## Example
-bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkGet](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkGet() method
+Returns an array of objects by id
+bulkGet<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[]</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\] }
+## Example
+bulkGet(\[ { id: 'one', type: 'config' }<!-- -->, { id: 'foo', type: 'index-pattern' } \])
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkUpdate() method
-Updates multiple objects in bulk
-bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [bulkUpdate](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.bulkUpdate() method
+Updates multiple objects in bulk
+bulkUpdate<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(objects: Array<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject<T>>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  objects | <code>Array&lt;SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject&lt;T&gt;&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - {<!-- -->saved\_objects: \[\[{ id, type, version, references, attributes, error: { message } }<!-- -->\]<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [create](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.create() method
-Persists an object
-create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [create](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.create() method
+Persists an object
+create<T extends SavedObjectAttributes>(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>T</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsCreateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [delete](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.delete() method
-Deletes an object
-delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [delete](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.delete() method
+Deletes an object
+delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [deleteByNamespace](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.deleteByNamespace() method
-Deletes all objects from the provided namespace.
-deleteByNamespace(namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  namespace | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { took, timed\_out, total, deleted, batches, version\_conflicts, noops, retries, failures }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [deleteByNamespace](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.deleteByNamespace() method
+Deletes all objects from the provided namespace.
+deleteByNamespace(namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  namespace | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { took, timed\_out, total, deleted, batches, version\_conflicts, noops, retries, failures }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [find](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.find() method
-find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  { search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, } | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\], total, per\_page, page }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [find](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.find() method
+find<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsFindResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  { search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, } | <code>SavedObjectsFindOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { saved\_objects: \[{ id, type, version, attributes }<!-- -->\], total, per\_page, page }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.get() method
-Gets a single object
-get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.get() method
+Gets a single object
+get<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise<SavedObject<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsBaseOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->} - { id, type, version, attributes }
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [incrementCounter](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.incrementCounter() method
-Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id.
-incrementCounter(type: string, id: string, counterFieldName: string, options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions): Promise<{
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-        updated_at: string;
-        references: any;
-        version: string;
-        attributes: any;
-    }>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  counterFieldName | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions</code> |  |
-        id: string;
-        type: string;
-        updated_at: string;
-        references: any;
-        version: string;
-        attributes: any;
-    }>`
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [incrementCounter](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.incrementCounter() method
+Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id.
+incrementCounter(type: string, id: string, counterFieldName: string, options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions): Promise<{
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+        updated_at: string;
+        references: any;
+        version: string;
+        attributes: any;
+    }>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  counterFieldName | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions</code> |  |
+        id: string;
+        type: string;
+        updated_at: string;
+        references: any;
+        version: string;
+        attributes: any;
+    }>`
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository class
-export declare class SavedObjectsRepository 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Creates multiple documents at once |
-|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
-|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Updates multiple objects in bulk |
-|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists an object |
-|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes an object |
-|  [deleteByNamespace(namespace, options)](./ |  | Deletes all objects from the provided namespace. |
-|  [find({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, })](./ |  |  |
-|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Gets a single object |
-|  [incrementCounter(type, id, counterFieldName, options)](./ |  | Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id. |
-|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an object |
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+## SavedObjectsRepository class
+export declare class SavedObjectsRepository 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [bulkCreate(objects, options)](./ |  | Creates multiple documents at once |
+|  [bulkGet(objects, options)](./ |  | Returns an array of objects by id |
+|  [bulkUpdate(objects, options)](./ |  | Updates multiple objects in bulk |
+|  [create(type, attributes, options)](./ |  | Persists an object |
+|  [delete(type, id, options)](./ |  | Deletes an object |
+|  [deleteByNamespace(namespace, options)](./ |  | Deletes all objects from the provided namespace. |
+|  [find({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, })](./ |  |  |
+|  [get(type, id, options)](./ |  | Gets a single object |
+|  [incrementCounter(type, id, counterFieldName, options)](./ |  | Increases a counter field by one. Creates the document if one doesn't exist for the given id. |
+|  [update(type, id, attributes, options)](./ |  | Updates an object |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [update](./
-## SavedObjectsRepository.update() method
-Updates an object
-update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
-{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepository](./ &gt; [update](./
+## SavedObjectsRepository.update() method
+Updates an object
+update<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any>(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial<T>, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise<SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T>>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  type | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  id | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  attributes | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  options | <code>SavedObjectsUpdateOptions</code> |  |
+{<!-- -->promise<!-- -->}
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
-createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createInternalRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
+createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
-createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory.createScopedRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
+createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory](./
-## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory interface
-Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./
-export interface SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
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+## SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory interface
+Factory provided when invoking a [client factory provider](./ See [SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider](./
+export interface SavedObjectsRepositoryFactory 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions interface
-Options to control the "resolve import" operation.
-export interface SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
-|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
-|  [retries](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportRetry[]</code> |  |
-|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions interface
+Options to control the "resolve import" operation.
+export interface SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [namespace](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [objectLimit](./ | <code>number</code> |  |
+|  [readStream](./ | <code>Readable</code> |  |
+|  [retries](./ | <code>SavedObjectsImportRetry[]</code> |  |
+|  [savedObjectsClient](./ | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+|  [supportedTypes](./ | <code>string[]</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.namespace property
-namespace?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [namespace](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.namespace property
+namespace?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.objectLimit property
-objectLimit: number;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [objectLimit](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.objectLimit property
+objectLimit: number;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.readStream property
-readStream: Readable;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [readStream](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.readStream property
+readStream: Readable;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [retries](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.retries property
-retries: SavedObjectsImportRetry[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [retries](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.retries property
+retries: SavedObjectsImportRetry[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.savedObjectsClient property
-savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [savedObjectsClient](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.savedObjectsClient property
+savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
-## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.supportedTypes property
-supportedTypes: string[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions](./ &gt; [supportedTypes](./
+## SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions.supportedTypes property
+supportedTypes: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [addClientWrapper](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper property
-Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority.
-addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [addClientWrapper](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.addClientWrapper property
+Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority.
+addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup interface
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers.
-export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup 
-## Remarks
-Note: The Saved Object setup API's should only be used for creating and registering client wrappers. Constructing a Saved Objects client or repository for use within your own plugin won't have any of the registered wrappers applied and is considered an anti-pattern. Use the Saved Objects client from the [SavedObjectsServiceStart\#getScopedClient](./ method or the [route handler context](./ instead.
-When plugins access the Saved Objects client, a new client is created using the factory provided to `setClientFactory` and wrapped by all wrappers registered through `addClientWrapper`<!-- -->. To create a factory or wrapper, plugins will have to construct a Saved Objects client. First create a repository by calling `scopedRepository` or `internalRepository` and then use this repository as the argument to the [SavedObjectsClient](./ constructor.
-## Example
-import { SavedObjectsClient, CoreSetup } from 'src/core/server';
-export class Plugin() { setup: (core: CoreSetup) =<!-- -->&gt; { core.savedObjects.setClientFactory((<!-- -->{ request: KibanaRequest }<!-- -->) =<!-- -->&gt; { return new SavedObjectsClient(core.savedObjects.scopedRepository(request)); }<!-- -->) } }
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [addClientWrapper](./ | <code>(priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) =&gt; void</code> | Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
-|  [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | <code>(clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) =&gt; void</code> | Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup interface
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persistence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceSetup API exposes methods for creating and registering Saved Object client wrappers.
+export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup 
+## Remarks
+Note: The Saved Object setup API's should only be used for creating and registering client wrappers. Constructing a Saved Objects client or repository for use within your own plugin won't have any of the registered wrappers applied and is considered an anti-pattern. Use the Saved Objects client from the [SavedObjectsServiceStart\#getScopedClient](./ method or the [route handler context](./ instead.
+When plugins access the Saved Objects client, a new client is created using the factory provided to `setClientFactory` and wrapped by all wrappers registered through `addClientWrapper`<!-- -->. To create a factory or wrapper, plugins will have to construct a Saved Objects client. First create a repository by calling `scopedRepository` or `internalRepository` and then use this repository as the argument to the [SavedObjectsClient](./ constructor.
+## Example
+import { SavedObjectsClient, CoreSetup } from 'src/core/server';
+export class Plugin() { setup: (core: CoreSetup) =<!-- -->&gt; { core.savedObjects.setClientFactory((<!-- -->{ request: KibanaRequest }<!-- -->) =<!-- -->&gt; { return new SavedObjectsClient(core.savedObjects.scopedRepository(request)); }<!-- -->) } }
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [addClientWrapper](./ | <code>(priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) =&gt; void</code> | Add a [client wrapper factory](./ with the given priority. |
+|  [setClientFactoryProvider](./ | <code>(clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) =&gt; void</code> | Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [setClientFactoryProvider](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider property
-Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail.
-setClientFactoryProvider: (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [setClientFactoryProvider](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceSetup.setClientFactoryProvider property
+Set the default [factory provider](./ for creating Saved Objects clients. Only one provider can be set, subsequent calls to this method will fail.
+setClientFactoryProvider: (clientFactoryProvider: SavedObjectsClientFactoryProvider) => void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
-createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createInternalRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createInternalRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch.
+createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository property
-Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
-createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
-## Remarks
-Prefer using `getScopedClient`<!-- -->. This should only be used when using methods not exposed on [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [createScopedRepository](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.createScopedRepository property
+Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch.
+createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository;
+## Remarks
+Prefer using `getScopedClient`<!-- -->. This should only be used when using methods not exposed on [SavedObjectsClientContract](./
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [getScopedClient](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart.getScopedClient property
-Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.
-A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->.
-getScopedClient: (req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./ &gt; [getScopedClient](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart.getScopedClient property
+Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.
+A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->.
+getScopedClient: (req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./
-## SavedObjectsServiceStart interface
-Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects.
-export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
-|  [getScopedClient](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) =&gt; SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.<!-- -->A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsServiceStart](./
+## SavedObjectsServiceStart interface
+Saved Objects is Kibana's data persisentence mechanism allowing plugins to use Elasticsearch for storing and querying state. The SavedObjectsServiceStart API provides a scoped Saved Objects client for interacting with Saved Objects.
+export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [createInternalRepository](./ | <code>(extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the internal Kibana user for authenticating with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [createScopedRepository](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) =&gt; ISavedObjectsRepository</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects repository](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. |
+|  [getScopedClient](./ | <code>(req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) =&gt; SavedObjectsClientContract</code> | Creates a [Saved Objects client](./ that uses the credentials from the passed in request to authenticate with Elasticsearch. If other plugins have registered Saved Objects client wrappers, these will be applied to extend the functionality of the client.<!-- -->A client that is already scoped to the incoming request is also exposed from the route handler context see [RequestHandlerContext](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
-|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
-|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[]</code> | A reference to another saved object. |
+|  [refresh](./ | <code>MutatingOperationRefreshSetting</code> | The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation |
+|  [version](./ | <code>string</code> | An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
-A reference to another saved object.
-references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.references property
+A reference to another saved object.
+references?: SavedObjectReference[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.refresh property
-The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
-refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [refresh](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.refresh property
+The Elasticsearch Refresh setting for this operation
+refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
-An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
-version?: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateOptions](./ &gt; [version](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateOptions.version property
+An opaque version number which changes on each successful write operation. Can be used for implementing optimistic concurrency control.
+version?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [attributes](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.attributes property
-attributes: Partial<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [attributes](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.attributes property
+attributes: Partial<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse interface
-export interface SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Omit<SavedObject<T>, 'attributes' | 'references'> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
-|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[] &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse interface
+export interface SavedObjectsUpdateResponse<T extends SavedObjectAttributes = any> extends Omit<SavedObject<T>, 'attributes' | 'references'> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [attributes](./ | <code>Partial&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
+|  [references](./ | <code>SavedObjectReference[] &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [references](./
-## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.references property
-references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SavedObjectsUpdateResponse](./ &gt; [references](./
+## SavedObjectsUpdateResponse.references property
+references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopeableRequest](./
-## ScopeableRequest type
-A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.
-See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->.
-export declare type ScopeableRequest = KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest | FakeRequest;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopeableRequest](./
+## ScopeableRequest type
+A user credentials container. It accommodates the necessary auth credentials to impersonate the current user.
+See [KibanaRequest](./<!-- -->.
+export declare type ScopeableRequest = KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest | FakeRequest;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.(constructor)
-Constructs a new instance of the `ScopedClusterClient` class
-constructor(internalAPICaller: APICaller, scopedAPICaller: APICaller, headers?: Headers | undefined);
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  internalAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
-|  scopedAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
-|  headers | <code>Headers &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [(constructor)](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.(constructor)
+Constructs a new instance of the `ScopedClusterClient` class
+constructor(internalAPICaller: APICaller, scopedAPICaller: APICaller, headers?: Headers | undefined);
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  internalAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
+|  scopedAPICaller | <code>APICaller</code> |  |
+|  headers | <code>Headers &#124; undefined</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsCurrentUser](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.callAsCurrentUser() method
-Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsCurrentUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
-|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
-|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsCurrentUser](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.callAsCurrentUser() method
+Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsCurrentUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
+|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
+|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
-## ScopedClusterClient.callAsInternalUser() method
-Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
-callAsInternalUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
-|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
-|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./ &gt; [callAsInternalUser](./
+## ScopedClusterClient.callAsInternalUser() method
+Calls specified `endpoint` with provided `clientParams` on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->.
+callAsInternalUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record<string, any>, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise<any>;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  endpoint | <code>string</code> | String descriptor of the endpoint e.g. <code>cluster.getSettings</code> or <code>ping</code>. |
+|  clientParams | <code>Record&lt;string, any&gt;</code> | A dictionary of parameters that will be passed directly to the Elasticsearch JS client. |
+|  options | <code>CallAPIOptions</code> | Options that affect the way we call the API and process the result. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./
-## ScopedClusterClient class
-Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
-See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
-export declare class ScopedClusterClient implements IScopedClusterClient 
-## Constructors
-|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [(constructor)(internalAPICaller, scopedAPICaller, headers)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ScopedClusterClient</code> class |
-## Methods
-|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [callAsCurrentUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
-|  [callAsInternalUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [ScopedClusterClient](./
+## ScopedClusterClient class
+Serves the same purpose as "normal" `ClusterClient` but exposes additional `callAsCurrentUser` method that doesn't use credentials of the Kibana internal user (as `callAsInternalUser` does) to request Elasticsearch API, but rather passes HTTP headers extracted from the current user request to the API.
+See [ScopedClusterClient](./<!-- -->.
+export declare class ScopedClusterClient implements IScopedClusterClient 
+## Constructors
+|  Constructor | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [(constructor)(internalAPICaller, scopedAPICaller, headers)](./ |  | Constructs a new instance of the <code>ScopedClusterClient</code> class |
+## Methods
+|  Method | Modifiers | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [callAsCurrentUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the user initiated request to the Kibana server (via HTTP request headers). See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
+|  [callAsInternalUser(endpoint, clientParams, options)](./ |  | Calls specified <code>endpoint</code> with provided <code>clientParams</code> on behalf of the Kibana internal user. See [APICaller](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [isValid](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult.isValid property
-Whether the cookie is valid or not.
-isValid: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [isValid](./
+## SessionCookieValidationResult.isValid property
+Whether the cookie is valid or not.
+isValid: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult interface
-Return type from a function to validate cookie contents.
-export interface SessionCookieValidationResult 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isValid](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the cookie is valid or not. |
-|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./
+## SessionCookieValidationResult interface
+Return type from a function to validate cookie contents.
+export interface SessionCookieValidationResult 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isValid](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the cookie is valid or not. |
+|  [path](./ | <code>string</code> | The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionCookieValidationResult](./ &gt; [path](./
-## SessionCookieValidationResult.path property
-The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it.
-path?: string;
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+## SessionCookieValidationResult.path property
+The "Path" attribute of the cookie; if the cookie is invalid, this is used to clear it.
+path?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [clear](./
-## SessionStorage.clear() method
-Clears current session.
-clear(): void;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [clear](./
+## SessionStorage.clear() method
+Clears current session.
+clear(): void;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [get](./
-## SessionStorage.get() method
-Retrieves session value from the session storage.
-get(): Promise<T | null>;
-`Promise<T | null>`
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [get](./
+## SessionStorage.get() method
+Retrieves session value from the session storage.
+get(): Promise<T | null>;
+`Promise<T | null>`
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./
-## SessionStorage interface
-Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests.
-export interface SessionStorage<T> 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [clear()](./ | Clears current session. |
-|  [get()](./ | Retrieves session value from the session storage. |
-|  [set(sessionValue)](./ | Puts current session value into the session storage. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./
+## SessionStorage interface
+Provides an interface to store and retrieve data across requests.
+export interface SessionStorage<T> 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [clear()](./ | Clears current session. |
+|  [get()](./ | Retrieves session value from the session storage. |
+|  [set(sessionValue)](./ | Puts current session value into the session storage. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [set](./
-## SessionStorage.set() method
-Puts current session value into the session storage.
-set(sessionValue: T): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  sessionValue | <code>T</code> | value to put |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorage](./ &gt; [set](./
+## SessionStorage.set() method
+Puts current session value into the session storage.
+set(sessionValue: T): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  sessionValue | <code>T</code> | value to put |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [encryptionKey](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.encryptionKey property
-A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long.
-encryptionKey: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [encryptionKey](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.encryptionKey property
+A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long.
+encryptionKey: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [isSecure](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.isSecure property
-Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection.
-isSecure: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [isSecure](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.isSecure property
+Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection.
+isSecure: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions interface
-Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism.
-export interface SessionStorageCookieOptions<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [encryptionKey](./ | <code>string</code> | A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long. |
-|  [isSecure](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection. |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | Name of the session cookie. |
-|  [validate](./ | <code>(sessionValue: T &#124; T[]) =&gt; SessionCookieValidationResult</code> | Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value. |
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+## SessionStorageCookieOptions interface
+Configuration used to create HTTP session storage based on top of cookie mechanism.
+export interface SessionStorageCookieOptions<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [encryptionKey](./ | <code>string</code> | A key used to encrypt a cookie's value. Should be at least 32 characters long. |
+|  [isSecure](./ | <code>boolean</code> | Flag indicating whether the cookie should be sent only via a secure connection. |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | Name of the session cookie. |
+|  [validate](./ | <code>(sessionValue: T &#124; T[]) =&gt; SessionCookieValidationResult</code> | Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-Name of the session cookie.
-name: string;
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+## property
+Name of the session cookie.
+name: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [validate](./
-## SessionStorageCookieOptions.validate property
-Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value.
-validate: (sessionValue: T | T[]) => SessionCookieValidationResult;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageCookieOptions](./ &gt; [validate](./
+## SessionStorageCookieOptions.validate property
+Function called to validate a cookie's decrypted value.
+validate: (sessionValue: T | T[]) => SessionCookieValidationResult;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
-## SessionStorageFactory.asScoped property
-asScoped: (request: KibanaRequest) => SessionStorage<T>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./ &gt; [asScoped](./
+## SessionStorageFactory.asScoped property
+asScoped: (request: KibanaRequest) => SessionStorage<T>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./
-## SessionStorageFactory interface
-SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request
-export interface SessionStorageFactory<T> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [asScoped](./ | <code>(request: KibanaRequest) =&gt; SessionStorage&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SessionStorageFactory](./
+## SessionStorageFactory interface
+SessionStorage factory to bind one to an incoming request
+export interface SessionStorageFactory<T> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [asScoped](./ | <code>(request: KibanaRequest) =&gt; SessionStorage&lt;T&gt;</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SharedGlobalConfig](./
-## SharedGlobalConfig type
-export declare type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly<{
-    kibana: Pick<KibanaConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.kibana[number]>;
-    elasticsearch: Pick<ElasticsearchConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.elasticsearch[number]>;
-    path: Pick<PathConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.path[number]>;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [SharedGlobalConfig](./
+## SharedGlobalConfig type
+export declare type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly<{
+    kibana: Pick<KibanaConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.kibana[number]>;
+    elasticsearch: Pick<ElasticsearchConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.elasticsearch[number]>;
+    path: Pick<PathConfigType, typeof SharedGlobalConfigKeys.path[number]>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
-## StringValidation type
-Allows regex objects or a regex string
-export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidation](./
+## StringValidation type
+Allows regex objects or a regex string
+export declare type StringValidation = StringValidationRegex | StringValidationRegexString;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
-## StringValidationRegex interface
-StringValidation with regex object
-export interface StringValidationRegex 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./
+## StringValidationRegex interface
+StringValidation with regex object
+export interface StringValidationRegex 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regex](./ | <code>RegExp</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegex.message property
-message: string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegex.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegex](./ &gt; [regex](./
-## StringValidationRegex.regex property
-regex: RegExp;
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+## StringValidationRegex.regex property
+regex: RegExp;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString interface
-StringValidation as regex string
-export interface StringValidationRegexString 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
-|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString interface
+StringValidation as regex string
+export interface StringValidationRegexString 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [message](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
+|  [regexString](./ | <code>string</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.message property
-message: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [message](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.message property
+message: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
-## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
-regexString: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [StringValidationRegexString](./ &gt; [regexString](./
+## StringValidationRegexString.regexString property
+regexString: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
-## UiSettingsParams.category property
-used to group the configured setting in the UI
-category?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [category](./
+## UiSettingsParams.category property
+used to group the configured setting in the UI
+category?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
-optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
-deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [deprecation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.deprecation property
+optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning.
+deprecation?: DeprecationSettings;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
-## UiSettingsParams.description property
-description provided to a user in UI
-description?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [description](./
+## UiSettingsParams.description property
+description provided to a user in UI
+description?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
-## UiSettingsParams interface
-UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
-export interface UiSettingsParams 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
-|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
-|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
-|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
-|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
-|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
-|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
-|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
-|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
-|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
-|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./
+## UiSettingsParams interface
+UiSettings parameters defined by the plugins.
+export interface UiSettingsParams 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [category](./ | <code>string[]</code> | used to group the configured setting in the UI |
+|  [deprecation](./ | <code>DeprecationSettings</code> | optional deprecation information. Used to generate a deprecation warning. |
+|  [description](./ | <code>string</code> | description provided to a user in UI |
+|  [name](./ | <code>string</code> | title in the UI |
+|  [optionLabels](./ | <code>Record&lt;string, string&gt;</code> | text labels for 'select' type UI element |
+|  [options](./ | <code>string[]</code> | array of permitted values for this setting |
+|  [readonly](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating that value cannot be changed |
+|  [requiresPageReload](./ | <code>boolean</code> | a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading |
+|  [type](./ | <code>UiSettingsType</code> | defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./ |
+|  [validation](./ | <code>ImageValidation &#124; StringValidation</code> |  |
+|  [value](./ | <code>SavedObjectAttribute</code> | default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
-## property
-title in the UI
-name?: string;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [name](./
+## property
+title in the UI
+name?: string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
-## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
-text labels for 'select' type UI element
-optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [optionLabels](./
+## UiSettingsParams.optionLabels property
+text labels for 'select' type UI element
+optionLabels?: Record<string, string>;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
-## UiSettingsParams.options property
-array of permitted values for this setting
-options?: string[];
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [options](./
+## UiSettingsParams.options property
+array of permitted values for this setting
+options?: string[];
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
-## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
-a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
-readonly?: boolean;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [readonly](./
+## UiSettingsParams.readonly property
+a flag indicating that value cannot be changed
+readonly?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
-## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
-a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
-requiresPageReload?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [requiresPageReload](./
+## UiSettingsParams.requiresPageReload property
+a flag indicating whether new value applying requires page reloading
+requiresPageReload?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
-## UiSettingsParams.type property
-defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
-type?: UiSettingsType;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [type](./
+## UiSettingsParams.type property
+defines a type of UI element [UiSettingsType](./
+type?: UiSettingsType;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
-## UiSettingsParams.validation property
-validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [validation](./
+## UiSettingsParams.validation property
+validation?: ImageValidation | StringValidation;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
-## UiSettingsParams.value property
-default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
-value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsParams](./ &gt; [value](./
+## UiSettingsParams.value property
+default value to fall back to if a user doesn't provide any
+value?: SavedObjectAttribute;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./
-## UiSettingsServiceSetup interface
-export interface UiSettingsServiceSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [register(settings)](./ | Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./
+## UiSettingsServiceSetup interface
+export interface UiSettingsServiceSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [register(settings)](./ | Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
-## UiSettingsServiceSetup.register() method
-Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings.
-register(settings: Record<string, UiSettingsParams>): void;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  settings | <code>Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;</code> |  |
-## Example
-setup(core: CoreSetup){
- core.uiSettings.register([{
-  foo: {
-   name: i18n.translate('my foo settings'),
-   value: true,
-   description: 'add some awesomeness',
-  },
- }]);
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceSetup](./ &gt; [register](./
+## UiSettingsServiceSetup.register() method
+Sets settings with default values for the uiSettings.
+register(settings: Record<string, UiSettingsParams>): void;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  settings | <code>Record&lt;string, UiSettingsParams&gt;</code> |  |
+## Example
+setup(core: CoreSetup){
+ core.uiSettings.register([{
+  foo: {
+   name: i18n.translate('my foo settings'),
+   value: true,
+   description: 'add some awesomeness',
+  },
+ }]);
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ &gt; [asScopedToClient](./
-## UiSettingsServiceStart.asScopedToClient() method
-Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.
-This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->.
-asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract): IUiSettingsClient;
-## Parameters
-|  Parameter | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  savedObjectsClient | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
-## Example
-start(core: CoreStart) {
- const soClient = core.savedObjects.getScopedClient(arbitraryRequest);
- const uiSettingsClient = core.uiSettings.asScopedToClient(soClient);
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./ &gt; [asScopedToClient](./
+## UiSettingsServiceStart.asScopedToClient() method
+Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.
+This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->.
+asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract): IUiSettingsClient;
+## Parameters
+|  Parameter | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  savedObjectsClient | <code>SavedObjectsClientContract</code> |  |
+## Example
+start(core: CoreStart) {
+ const soClient = core.savedObjects.getScopedClient(arbitraryRequest);
+ const uiSettingsClient = core.uiSettings.asScopedToClient(soClient);
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-<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./
-## UiSettingsServiceStart interface
-export interface UiSettingsServiceStart 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient)](./ | Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.<!-- -->This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->. |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsServiceStart](./
+## UiSettingsServiceStart interface
+export interface UiSettingsServiceStart 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [asScopedToClient(savedObjectsClient)](./ | Creates a [IUiSettingsClient](./ with provided \*scoped\* saved objects client.<!-- -->This should only be used in the specific case where the client needs to be accessed from outside of the scope of a [RequestHandler](./<!-- -->. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
-## UiSettingsType type
-UI element type to represent the settings.
-export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UiSettingsType](./
+## UiSettingsType type
+UI element type to represent the settings.
+export declare type UiSettingsType = 'undefined' | 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string' | 'array' | 'image';
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
-## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
-isOverridden?: boolean;
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [isOverridden](./
+## UserProvidedValues.isOverridden property
+isOverridden?: boolean;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
-## UserProvidedValues interface
-Describes the values explicitly set by user.
-export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
-## Properties
-|  Property | Type | Description |
-|  --- | --- | --- |
-|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
-|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./
+## UserProvidedValues interface
+Describes the values explicitly set by user.
+export interface UserProvidedValues<T = any> 
+## Properties
+|  Property | Type | Description |
+|  --- | --- | --- |
+|  [isOverridden](./ | <code>boolean</code> |  |
+|  [userValue](./ | <code>T</code> |  |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
-## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
-userValue?: T;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UserProvidedValues](./ &gt; [userValue](./
+## UserProvidedValues.userValue property
+userValue?: T;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./ &gt; [getInstanceUuid](./
-## UuidServiceSetup.getInstanceUuid() method
-Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid.
-getInstanceUuid(): string;
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./ &gt; [getInstanceUuid](./
+## UuidServiceSetup.getInstanceUuid() method
+Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid.
+getInstanceUuid(): string;
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./
-## UuidServiceSetup interface
-APIs to access the application's instance uuid.
-export interface UuidServiceSetup 
-## Methods
-|  Method | Description |
-|  --- | --- |
-|  [getInstanceUuid()](./ | Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid. |
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+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [UuidServiceSetup](./
+## UuidServiceSetup interface
+APIs to access the application's instance uuid.
+export interface UuidServiceSetup 
+## Methods
+|  Method | Description |
+|  --- | --- |
+|  [getInstanceUuid()](./ | Retrieve the Kibana instance uuid. |
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-[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [validBodyOutput](./
-## validBodyOutput variable
-The set of valid body.output
-validBodyOutput: readonly ["data", "stream"]
+<!-- Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter. -->
+[Home](./ &gt; [kibana-plugin-server](./ &gt; [validBodyOutput](./
+## validBodyOutput variable
+The set of valid body.output
+validBodyOutput: readonly ["data", "stream"]
diff --git a/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js b/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
index e5493df0aecf7..78fc041345577 100644
--- a/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
+++ b/src/dev/precommit_hook/casing_check_config.js
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ export const IGNORE_FILE_GLOBS = [
   // filename is required by storybook
+  // filename required by api-extractor
+  'api-documenter.json',
diff --git a/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts b/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
index 56664477df491..48f31c261c445 100644
--- a/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
+++ b/src/dev/run_check_core_api_changes.ts
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ const runBuildTypes = async () => {
 const runApiDocumenter = async (folder: string) => {
   await execa(
-    ['markdown', '-i', `./build/${folder}`, '-o', `./docs/development/core/${folder}`],
+    ['generate', '-i', `./build/${folder}`, '-o', `./docs/development/core/${folder}`],
       preferLocal: true,

From 930153124910aa71507584ce828003f5476ae56a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nnamdifrankie <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 14:23:56 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 18/36] [Endpoint] EMT-65: make endpoint data types common,
 restructure (#54772)

[Endpoint] EMT-65: make endpoint data types common, use schema changes
 x-pack/plugins/endpoint/common/types.ts       |  46 ++
 x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/plugin.ts      |   2 +-
 .../endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.test.ts  |  22 +-
 .../endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.ts       |  25 +-
 .../endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.test.ts  |   8 +-
 .../endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.ts       |  11 +-
 .../server/test_data/all_endpoints_data.json  | 438 ++++++------------
 x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/types.ts       |  42 --
 .../apis/endpoint/endpoints.ts                |  14 +-
 .../endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/data.json  | 364 +++++++++++++++
 .../endpoints/api_feature/mappings.json       | 147 ++++++
 .../endpoint/endpoints/data.json.gz           | Bin 822 -> 0 bytes
 .../endpoint/endpoints/mappings.json          | 104 -----
 13 files changed, 739 insertions(+), 484 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 x-pack/plugins/endpoint/common/types.ts
 create mode 100644 x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/data.json
 create mode 100644 x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/mappings.json
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/data.json.gz
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/mappings.json

diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/common/types.ts b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/common/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1a1402671aa01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/common/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+export class EndpointAppConstants {
+  static ENDPOINT_INDEX_NAME = 'endpoint-agent*';
+export interface EndpointResultList {
+  // the endpoint restricted by the page size
+  endpoints: EndpointMetadata[];
+  // the total number of unique endpoints in the index
+  total: number;
+  // the page size requested
+  request_page_size: number;
+  // the index requested
+  request_page_index: number;
+export interface EndpointMetadata {
+  event: {
+    created: Date;
+  };
+  endpoint: {
+    policy: {
+      id: string;
+    };
+  };
+  agent: {
+    version: string;
+    id: string;
+  };
+  host: {
+    id: string;
+    hostname: string;
+    ip: string[];
+    mac: string[];
+    os: {
+      name: string;
+      full: string;
+      version: string;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/plugin.ts b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/plugin.ts
index 7ed116ba21140..b1ae2adbdbb35 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/plugin.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/plugin.ts
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import { first } from 'rxjs/operators';
 import { addRoutes } from './routes';
 import { PluginSetupContract as FeaturesPluginSetupContract } from '../../features/server';
 import { createConfig$, EndpointConfigType } from './config';
-import { EndpointAppContext } from './types';
 import { registerEndpointRoutes } from './routes/endpoints';
+import { EndpointAppContext } from './types';
 export type EndpointPluginStart = void;
 export type EndpointPluginSetup = void;
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.test.ts b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.test.ts
index 60433f86b6f7e..04a38972401ed 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.test.ts
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import {
 } from '../../../../../src/core/server/mocks';
-import { EndpointData } from '../types';
+import { EndpointMetadata, EndpointResultList } from '../../common/types';
 import { SearchResponse } from 'elasticsearch';
-import { EndpointResultList, registerEndpointRoutes } from './endpoints';
+import { registerEndpointRoutes } from './endpoints';
 import { EndpointConfigSchema } from '../config';
 import * as data from '../test_data/all_endpoints_data.json';
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ describe('test endpoint route', () => {
   it('test find the latest of all endpoints', async () => {
     const mockRequest = httpServerMock.createKibanaRequest({});
-    const response: SearchResponse<EndpointData> = (data as unknown) as SearchResponse<
-      EndpointData
+    const response: SearchResponse<EndpointMetadata> = (data as unknown) as SearchResponse<
+      EndpointMetadata
     mockScopedClient.callAsCurrentUser.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve(response));
     [routeConfig, routeHandler] =[{ path }]) =>
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ describe('test endpoint route', () => {
     expect(routeConfig.options).toEqual({ authRequired: true });
     const endpointResultList = mockResponse.ok.mock.calls[0][0]?.body as EndpointResultList;
-    expect(endpointResultList.endpoints.length).toEqual(3);
-    expect(;
-    expect(endpointResultList.request_index).toEqual(0);
+    expect(endpointResultList.endpoints.length).toEqual(2);
+    expect(;
+    expect(endpointResultList.request_page_index).toEqual(0);
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ describe('test endpoint route', () => {
     mockScopedClient.callAsCurrentUser.mockImplementationOnce(() =>
-      Promise.resolve((data as unknown) as SearchResponse<EndpointData>)
+      Promise.resolve((data as unknown) as SearchResponse<EndpointMetadata>)
     [routeConfig, routeHandler] =[{ path }]) =>
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ describe('test endpoint route', () => {
     expect(routeConfig.options).toEqual({ authRequired: true });
     const endpointResultList = mockResponse.ok.mock.calls[0][0]?.body as EndpointResultList;
-    expect(endpointResultList.endpoints.length).toEqual(3);
-    expect(;
-    expect(endpointResultList.request_index).toEqual(10);
+    expect(endpointResultList.endpoints.length).toEqual(2);
+    expect(;
+    expect(endpointResultList.request_page_index).toEqual(10);
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.ts b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.ts
index 9d2babc61f11f..4fc3e653f9426 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/routes/endpoints.ts
@@ -7,22 +7,13 @@
 import { IRouter } from 'kibana/server';
 import { SearchResponse } from 'elasticsearch';
 import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
-import { EndpointAppContext, EndpointData } from '../types';
 import { kibanaRequestToEndpointListQuery } from '../services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders';
+import { EndpointMetadata, EndpointResultList } from '../../common/types';
+import { EndpointAppContext } from '../types';
 interface HitSource {
-  _source: EndpointData;
-export interface EndpointResultList {
-  // the endpoint restricted by the page size
-  endpoints: EndpointData[];
-  // the total number of unique endpoints in the index
-  total: number;
-  // the page size requested
-  request_page_size: number;
-  // the index requested
-  request_index: number;
+  _source: EndpointMetadata;
 export function registerEndpointRoutes(router: IRouter, endpointAppContext: EndpointAppContext) {
@@ -53,7 +44,7 @@ export function registerEndpointRoutes(router: IRouter, endpointAppContext: Endp
         const response = (await context.core.elasticsearch.dataClient.callAsCurrentUser(
-        )) as SearchResponse<EndpointData>;
+        )) as SearchResponse<EndpointMetadata>;
         return res.ok({ body: mapToEndpointResultList(queryParams, response) });
       } catch (err) {
         return res.internalError({ body: err });
@@ -64,13 +55,13 @@ export function registerEndpointRoutes(router: IRouter, endpointAppContext: Endp
 function mapToEndpointResultList(
   queryParams: Record<string, any>,
-  searchResponse: SearchResponse<EndpointData>
+  searchResponse: SearchResponse<EndpointMetadata>
 ): EndpointResultList {
   const totalNumberOfEndpoints = searchResponse?.aggregations?.total?.value || 0;
   if (searchResponse.hits.hits.length > 0) {
     return {
       request_page_size: queryParams.size,
-      request_index: queryParams.from,
+      request_page_index: queryParams.from,
       endpoints: searchResponse.hits.hits
         .map(response => response.inner_hits.most_recent.hits.hits)
         .flatMap(data => data as HitSource)
@@ -80,7 +71,7 @@ function mapToEndpointResultList(
   } else {
     return {
       request_page_size: queryParams.size,
-      request_index: queryParams.from,
+      request_page_index: queryParams.from,
       total: totalNumberOfEndpoints,
       endpoints: [],
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.test.ts b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.test.ts
index 2a8cecec16526..3c931a251d697 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.test.ts
@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ describe('test query builder', () => {
             match_all: {},
           collapse: {
-            field: 'machine_id',
+            field: '',
             inner_hits: {
               name: 'most_recent',
               size: 1,
-              sort: [{ created_at: 'desc' }],
+              sort: [{ 'event.created': 'desc' }],
           aggs: {
             total: {
               cardinality: {
-                field: 'machine_id',
+                field: '',
           sort: [
-              created_at: {
+              'event.created': {
                 order: 'desc',
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.ts b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.ts
index 7430ba9721608..102c268cf9ec4 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/services/endpoint/endpoint_query_builders.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
 import { KibanaRequest } from 'kibana/server';
-import { EndpointAppConstants, EndpointAppContext } from '../../types';
+import { EndpointAppConstants } from '../../../common/types';
+import { EndpointAppContext } from '../../types';
 export const kibanaRequestToEndpointListQuery = async (
   request: KibanaRequest<any, any, any>,
@@ -17,23 +18,23 @@ export const kibanaRequestToEndpointListQuery = async (
         match_all: {},
       collapse: {
-        field: 'machine_id',
+        field: '',
         inner_hits: {
           name: 'most_recent',
           size: 1,
-          sort: [{ created_at: 'desc' }],
+          sort: [{ 'event.created': 'desc' }],
       aggs: {
         total: {
           cardinality: {
-            field: 'machine_id',
+            field: '',
       sort: [
-          created_at: {
+          'event.created': {
             order: 'desc',
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/test_data/all_endpoints_data.json b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/test_data/all_endpoints_data.json
index d505b2c929828..f1ad5190c55ff 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/test_data/all_endpoints_data.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/test_data/all_endpoints_data.json
@@ -1,228 +1,100 @@
-  "took": 3,
-  "timed_out": false,
-  "_shards": {
-    "total": 1,
-    "successful": 1,
-    "skipped": 0,
-    "failed": 0
+  "took" : 343,
+  "timed_out" : false,
+  "_shards" : {
+    "total" : 1,
+    "successful" : 1,
+    "skipped" : 0,
+    "failed" : 0
-  "hits": {
-    "total": {
-      "value": 9,
-      "relation": "eq"
+  "hits" : {
+    "total" : {
+      "value" : 4,
+      "relation" : "eq"
-    "max_score": null,
-    "hits": [
+    "max_score" : null,
+    "hits" : [
-        "_index": "endpoint-agent",
-        "_id": "UV_6SG8B9c_DH2QsbOZd",
-        "_score": null,
-        "_source": {
-          "machine_id": "606267a9-2e51-42b4-956e-6cc7812e3447",
-          "created_at": "2019-12-27T20:09:28.377Z",
-          "host": {
-            "name": "natalee-2",
-            "hostname": "",
-            "ip": "",
-            "mac_address": "17-5f-c9-f8-ca-d6",
-            "os": {
-              "name": "windows 6.3",
-              "full": "Windows Server 2012R2"
-            }
+        "_index" : "endpoint-agent",
+        "_id" : "WqVo1G8BYQH1gtPUgYkC",
+        "_score" : null,
+        "_source" : {
+          "@timestamp" : 1579816615336,
+          "event" : {
+            "created" : "2020-01-23T21:56:55.336Z"
-          "endpoint": {
-            "domain": "",
-            "is_base_image": false,
-            "active_directory_distinguished_name": "CN=natalee-2,DC=example,DC=com",
-            "active_directory_hostname": "",
-            "upgrade": {
-              "status": null,
-              "updated_at": null
-            },
-            "isolation": {
-              "status": false,
-              "request_status": null,
-              "updated_at": null
-            },
-            "policy": {
-              "name": "With Eventing",
-              "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
-            },
-            "sensor": {
-              "persistence": true,
-              "status": {}
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        "fields": {
-          "machine_id": [
-            "606267a9-2e51-42b4-956e-6cc7812e3447"
-          ]
-        },
-        "sort": [
-          1577477368377
-        ],
-        "inner_hits": {
-          "most_recent": {
-            "hits": {
-              "total": {
-                "value": 3,
-                "relation": "eq"
-              },
-              "max_score": null,
-              "hits": [
-                {
-                  "_index": "endpoint-agent",
-                  "_id": "UV_6SG8B9c_DH2QsbOZd",
-                  "_score": null,
-                  "_source": {
-                    "machine_id": "606267a9-2e51-42b4-956e-6cc7812e3447",
-                    "created_at": "2019-12-27T20:09:28.377Z",
-                    "host": {
-                      "name": "natalee-2",
-                      "hostname": "",
-                      "ip": "",
-                      "mac_address": "17-5f-c9-f8-ca-d6",
-                      "os": {
-                        "name": "windows 6.3",
-                        "full": "Windows Server 2012R2"
-                      }
-                    },
-                    "endpoint": {
-                      "domain": "",
-                      "is_base_image": false,
-                      "active_directory_distinguished_name": "CN=natalee-2,DC=example,DC=com",
-                      "active_directory_hostname": "",
-                      "upgrade": {
-                        "status": null,
-                        "updated_at": null
-                      },
-                      "isolation": {
-                        "status": false,
-                        "request_status": null,
-                        "updated_at": null
-                      },
-                      "policy": {
-                        "name": "With Eventing",
-                        "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
-                      },
-                      "sensor": {
-                        "persistence": true,
-                        "status": {}
-                      }
-                    }
-                  },
-                  "sort": [
-                    1577477368377
-                  ]
-                }
-              ]
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      {
-        "_index": "endpoint-agent",
-        "_id": "Ul_6SG8B9c_DH2QsbOZd",
-        "_score": null,
-        "_source": {
-          "machine_id": "8ec625e1-a80c-4c9f-bdfd-496060aa6310",
-          "created_at": "2019-12-27T20:09:28.377Z",
-          "host": {
-            "name": "luttrell-2",
-            "hostname": "",
-            "ip": "",
-            "mac_address": "dc-d-88-14-c3-c6",
-            "os": {
-              "name": "windows 6.3",
-              "full": "Windows Server 2012R2"
+          "endpoint" : {
+            "policy" : {
+              "id" : "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
-          "endpoint": {
-            "domain": "",
-            "is_base_image": false,
-            "active_directory_distinguished_name": "CN=luttrell-2,DC=example,DC=com",
-            "active_directory_hostname": "",
-            "upgrade": {
-              "status": null,
-              "updated_at": null
-            },
-            "isolation": {
-              "status": false,
-              "request_status": null,
-              "updated_at": null
-            },
-            "policy": {
-              "name": "Default",
-              "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
-            },
-            "sensor": {
-              "persistence": true,
-              "status": {}
+          "agent" : {
+            "version" : "6.8.3",
+            "id" : "56a75650-3c8a-4e4f-ac17-6dd729c650e2"
+          },
+          "host" : {
+            "id" : "7141a48b-e19f-4ae3-89a0-6e7179a84265",
+            "hostname" : "",
+            "ip" : "",
+            "mac" : "77-be-30-f0-e8-d6",
+            "architecture" : "x86_64",
+            "os" : {
+              "name" : "windows 6.2",
+              "full" : "Windows Server 2012",
+              "version" : "6.2"
-        "fields": {
-          "machine_id": [
-            "8ec625e1-a80c-4c9f-bdfd-496060aa6310"
+        "fields" : {
+          "" : [
+            "7141a48b-e19f-4ae3-89a0-6e7179a84265"
-        "sort": [
-          1577477368377
+        "sort" : [
+          1579816615336
-        "inner_hits": {
-          "most_recent": {
-            "hits": {
-              "total": {
-                "value": 3,
-                "relation": "eq"
+        "inner_hits" : {
+          "most_recent" : {
+            "hits" : {
+              "total" : {
+                "value" : 2,
+                "relation" : "eq"
-              "max_score": null,
-              "hits": [
+              "max_score" : null,
+              "hits" : [
-                  "_index": "endpoint-agent",
-                  "_id": "Ul_6SG8B9c_DH2QsbOZd",
-                  "_score": null,
-                  "_source": {
-                    "machine_id": "8ec625e1-a80c-4c9f-bdfd-496060aa6310",
-                    "created_at": "2019-12-27T20:09:28.377Z",
-                    "host": {
-                      "name": "luttrell-2",
-                      "hostname": "",
-                      "ip": "",
-                      "mac_address": "dc-d-88-14-c3-c6",
-                      "os": {
-                        "name": "windows 6.3",
-                        "full": "Windows Server 2012R2"
+                  "_index" : "endpoint-agent",
+                  "_id" : "WqVo1G8BYQH1gtPUgYkC",
+                  "_score" : null,
+                  "_source" : {
+                    "@timestamp" : 1579816615336,
+                    "event" : {
+                      "created" : "2020-01-23T21:56:55.336Z"
+                    },
+                    "endpoint" : {
+                      "policy" : {
+                        "id" : "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
-                    "endpoint": {
-                      "domain": "",
-                      "is_base_image": false,
-                      "active_directory_distinguished_name": "CN=luttrell-2,DC=example,DC=com",
-                      "active_directory_hostname": "",
-                      "upgrade": {
-                        "status": null,
-                        "updated_at": null
-                      },
-                      "isolation": {
-                        "status": false,
-                        "request_status": null,
-                        "updated_at": null
-                      },
-                      "policy": {
-                        "name": "Default",
-                        "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
-                      },
-                      "sensor": {
-                        "persistence": true,
-                        "status": {}
+                    "agent" : {
+                      "version" : "6.8.3",
+                      "id" : "56a75650-3c8a-4e4f-ac17-6dd729c650e2"
+                    },
+                    "host" : {
+                      "id" : "7141a48b-e19f-4ae3-89a0-6e7179a84265",
+                      "hostname" : "",
+                      "ip" : "",
+                      "mac" : "77-be-30-f0-e8-d6",
+                      "architecture" : "x86_64",
+                      "os" : {
+                        "name" : "windows 6.2",
+                        "full" : "Windows Server 2012",
+                        "version" : "6.2"
-                  "sort": [
-                    1577477368377
+                  "sort" : [
+                    1579816615336
@@ -231,106 +103,86 @@
-        "_index": "endpoint-agent",
-        "_id": "U1_6SG8B9c_DH2QsbOZd",
-        "_score": null,
-        "_source": {
-          "machine_id": "853a308c-6e6d-4b92-a32b-2f623b6c8cf4",
-          "created_at": "2019-12-27T20:09:28.377Z",
-          "host": {
-            "name": "akeylah-7",
-            "hostname": "",
-            "ip": "",
-            "mac_address": "27-b9-51-21-31-a",
-            "os": {
-              "name": "windows 6.3",
-              "full": "Windows Server 2012R2"
+        "_index" : "endpoint-agent",
+        "_id" : "W6Vo1G8BYQH1gtPUgYkC",
+        "_score" : null,
+        "_source" : {
+          "@timestamp" : 1579816615336,
+          "event" : {
+            "created" : "2020-01-23T21:56:55.336Z"
+          },
+          "endpoint" : {
+            "policy" : {
+              "id" : "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
-          "endpoint": {
-            "domain": "",
-            "is_base_image": false,
-            "active_directory_distinguished_name": "CN=akeylah-7,DC=example,DC=com",
-            "active_directory_hostname": "",
-            "upgrade": {
-              "status": null,
-              "updated_at": null
-            },
-            "isolation": {
-              "status": false,
-              "request_status": null,
-              "updated_at": null
-            },
-            "policy": {
-              "name": "With Eventing",
-              "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
-            },
-            "sensor": {
-              "persistence": true,
-              "status": {}
+          "agent" : {
+            "version" : "6.4.3",
+            "id" : "c2d84d8f-d355-40de-8b54-5d318d4d1312"
+          },
+          "host" : {
+            "id" : "f35ec6c1-6562-45b1-818f-2f14c0854adf",
+            "hostname" : "",
+            "ip" : "",
+            "mac" : "af-f1-8f-51-25-2a",
+            "architecture" : "x86_64",
+            "os" : {
+              "name" : "windows 10.0",
+              "full" : "Windows 10",
+              "version" : "10.0"
-        "fields": {
-          "machine_id": [
-            "853a308c-6e6d-4b92-a32b-2f623b6c8cf4"
+        "fields" : {
+          "" : [
+            "f35ec6c1-6562-45b1-818f-2f14c0854adf"
-        "sort": [
-          1577477368377
+        "sort" : [
+          1579816615336
-        "inner_hits": {
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-            "hits": {
-              "total": {
-                "value": 3,
-                "relation": "eq"
+        "inner_hits" : {
+          "most_recent" : {
+            "hits" : {
+              "total" : {
+                "value" : 2,
+                "relation" : "eq"
-              "max_score": null,
-              "hits": [
+              "max_score" : null,
+              "hits" : [
-                  "_index": "endpoint-agent",
-                  "_id": "U1_6SG8B9c_DH2QsbOZd",
-                  "_score": null,
-                  "_source": {
-                    "machine_id": "853a308c-6e6d-4b92-a32b-2f623b6c8cf4",
-                    "created_at": "2019-12-27T20:09:28.377Z",
-                    "host": {
-                      "name": "akeylah-7",
-                      "hostname": "",
-                      "ip": "",
-                      "mac_address": "27-b9-51-21-31-a",
-                      "os": {
-                        "name": "windows 6.3",
-                        "full": "Windows Server 2012R2"
+                  "_index" : "endpoint-agent",
+                  "_id" : "W6Vo1G8BYQH1gtPUgYkC",
+                  "_score" : null,
+                  "_source" : {
+                    "@timestamp" : 1579816615336,
+                    "event" : {
+                      "created" : "2020-01-23T21:56:55.336Z"
+                    },
+                    "endpoint" : {
+                      "policy" : {
+                        "id" : "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
-                    "endpoint": {
-                      "domain": "",
-                      "is_base_image": false,
-                      "active_directory_distinguished_name": "CN=akeylah-7,DC=example,DC=com",
-                      "active_directory_hostname": "",
-                      "upgrade": {
-                        "status": null,
-                        "updated_at": null
-                      },
-                      "isolation": {
-                        "status": false,
-                        "request_status": null,
-                        "updated_at": null
-                      },
-                      "policy": {
-                        "name": "With Eventing",
-                        "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
-                      },
-                      "sensor": {
-                        "persistence": true,
-                        "status": {}
+                    "agent" : {
+                      "version" : "6.4.3",
+                      "id" : "c2d84d8f-d355-40de-8b54-5d318d4d1312"
+                    },
+                    "host" : {
+                      "id" : "f35ec6c1-6562-45b1-818f-2f14c0854adf",
+                      "hostname" : "",
+                      "ip" : "",
+                      "mac" : "af-f1-8f-51-25-2a",
+                      "architecture" : "x86_64",
+                      "os" : {
+                        "name" : "windows 10.0",
+                        "full" : "Windows 10",
+                        "version" : "10.0"
-                  "sort": [
-                    1577477368377
+                  "sort" : [
+                    1579816615336
@@ -340,9 +192,9 @@
-  "aggregations": {
-    "total": {
-      "value": 3
+  "aggregations" : {
+    "total" : {
+      "value" : 2
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/types.ts b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/types.ts
index c6d0e3dea70cf..f06cc10f16709 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/types.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/endpoint/server/types.ts
@@ -10,45 +10,3 @@ export interface EndpointAppContext {
   logFactory: LoggerFactory;
   config(): Promise<EndpointConfigType>;
-export class EndpointAppConstants {
-  static ENDPOINT_INDEX_NAME = 'endpoint-agent*';
-export interface EndpointData {
-  machine_id: string;
-  created_at: Date;
-  host: {
-    name: string;
-    hostname: string;
-    ip: string;
-    mac_address: string;
-    os: {
-      name: string;
-      full: string;
-    };
-  };
-  endpoint: {
-    domain: string;
-    is_base_image: boolean;
-    active_directory_distinguished_name: string;
-    active_directory_hostname: string;
-    upgrade: {
-      status?: string;
-      updated_at?: Date;
-    };
-    isolation: {
-      status: boolean;
-      request_status?: string | boolean;
-      updated_at?: Date;
-    };
-    policy: {
-      name: string;
-      id: string;
-    };
-    sensor: {
-      persistence: boolean;
-      status: object;
-    };
-  };
diff --git a/x-pack/test/api_integration/apis/endpoint/endpoints.ts b/x-pack/test/api_integration/apis/endpoint/endpoints.ts
index 32864489d3786..1c520fe92e38e 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/api_integration/apis/endpoint/endpoints.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/api_integration/apis/endpoint/endpoints.ts
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
   describe('test endpoints api', () => {
     describe('POST /api/endpoint/endpoints when index is empty', () => {
       it('endpoints api should return empty result when index is empty', async () => {
-        await esArchiver.unload('endpoint/endpoints');
+        await esArchiver.unload('endpoint/endpoints/api_feature');
         const { body } = await supertest
           .set('kbn-xsrf', 'xxx')
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
-        expect(body.request_index).to.eql(0);
+        expect(body.request_page_index).to.eql(0);
     describe('POST /api/endpoint/endpoints when index is not empty', () => {
-      before(() => esArchiver.load('endpoint/endpoints'));
-      after(() => esArchiver.unload('endpoint/endpoints'));
+      before(() => esArchiver.load('endpoint/endpoints/api_feature'));
+      after(() => esArchiver.unload('endpoint/endpoints/api_feature'));
       it('endpoints api should return one entry for each endpoint with default paging', async () => {
         const { body } = await supertest
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
-        expect(body.request_index).to.eql(0);
+        expect(body.request_page_index).to.eql(0);
       it('endpoints api should return page based on params passed.', async () => {
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
-        expect(body.request_index).to.eql(1);
+        expect(body.request_page_index).to.eql(1);
       /* test that when paging properties produces no result, the total should reflect the actual number of endpoints
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ export default function({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
-        expect(body.request_index).to.eql(30);
+        expect(body.request_page_index).to.eql(30);
       it('endpoints api should return 400 when pagingProperties is below boundaries.', async () => {
diff --git a/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/data.json b/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/data.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b481d56df4d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/data.json
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+  "type": "doc",
+  "value": {
+    "id": "3KVN2G8BYQH1gtPUuYk7",
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+    "source": {
+      "@timestamp": 1579881969541,
+      "agent": {
+        "id": "963b081e-60d1-482c-befd-a5815fa8290f",
+        "version": "6.6.1"
+      },
+      "endpoint": {
+        "policy": {
+          "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
+        }
+      },
+      "event": {
+        "created": "2020-01-24T16:06:09.541Z"
+      },
+      "host": {
+        "architecture": "x86",
+        "hostname": "",
+        "id": "1fb3e58f-6ab0-4406-9d2a-91911207a712",
+        "ip": [
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
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+          "a9-71-6a-cc-93-85",
+          "f7-31-84-d3-21-68",
+          "2-95-12-39-ca-71"
+        ],
+        "os": {
+          "full": "Windows 10",
+          "name": "windows 10.0",
+          "version": "10.0"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  "type": "doc",
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+      "agent": {
+        "id": "b3412d6f-b022-4448-8fee-21cc936ea86b",
+        "version": "6.0.0"
+      },
+      "endpoint": {
+        "policy": {
+          "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
+        }
+      },
+      "event": {
+        "created": "2020-01-24T16:06:09.541Z"
+      },
+      "host": {
+        "architecture": "x86_64",
+        "hostname": "",
+        "id": "2f735e3d-be14-483b-9822-bad06e9045ca",
+        "ip": [
+          ""
+        ],
+        "mac": [
+          "30-8c-45-55-69-b8",
+          "e5-36-7e-8f-a3-84",
+          "39-a1-37-20-18-74"
+        ],
+        "os": {
+          "full": "Windows Server 2016",
+          "name": "windows 10.0",
+          "version": "10.0"
+        }
+      }
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+      "agent": {
+        "id": "3838df35-a095-4af4-8fce-0b6d78793f2e",
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+        }
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+      },
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+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
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+        "os": {
+          "full": "Windows 10",
+          "name": "windows 10.0",
+          "version": "10.0"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
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+      "agent": {
+        "id": "963b081e-60d1-482c-befd-a5815fa8290f",
+        "version": "6.6.1"
+      },
+      "endpoint": {
+        "policy": {
+          "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
+        }
+      },
+      "event": {
+        "created": "2020-01-24T15:06:09.541Z"
+      },
+      "host": {
+        "architecture": "x86",
+        "hostname": "",
+        "id": "1fb3e58f-6ab0-4406-9d2a-91911207a712",
+        "ip": [
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+          "name": "windows 10.0",
+          "version": "10.0"
+        }
+      }
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+      "agent": {
+        "id": "b3412d6f-b022-4448-8fee-21cc936ea86b",
+        "version": "6.0.0"
+      },
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+        "policy": {
+          "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
+        }
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+        "created": "2020-01-24T15:06:09.541Z"
+      },
+      "host": {
+        "hostname": "",
+        "id": "2f735e3d-be14-483b-9822-bad06e9045ca",
+        "ip": [
+          ""
+        ],
+        "mac": [
+          "30-8c-45-55-69-b8",
+          "e5-36-7e-8f-a3-84",
+          "39-a1-37-20-18-74"
+        ],
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+        }
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+        "version": "6.8.0"
+      },
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+          "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
+        }
+      },
+      "event": {
+        "created": "2020-01-24T15:06:09.541Z"
+      },
+      "host": {
+        "architecture": "x86",
+        "hostname": "",
+        "id": "fc0ff548-feba-41b6-8367-65e8790d0eaf",
+        "ip": [
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "mac": [
+          "e2-6d-f9-0-46-2e"
+        ],
+        "os": {
+          "full": "Windows Server 2012",
+          "name": "windows 6.2",
+          "version": "6.2"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  "type": "doc",
+  "value": {
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+      },
+      "endpoint": {
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+          "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
+        }
+      },
+      "event": {
+        "created": "2020-01-24T14:06:09.541Z"
+      },
+      "host": {
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+        "id": "1fb3e58f-6ab0-4406-9d2a-91911207a712",
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+          "",
+          ""
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+          "f7-31-84-d3-21-68",
+          "2-95-12-39-ca-71"
+        ],
+        "os": {
+          "full": "Windows Server 2012R2",
+          "name": "windows 6.3",
+          "version": "6.3"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  "type": "doc",
+  "value": {
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+    "source": {
+      "@timestamp": 1579874769541,
+      "agent": {
+        "id": "b3412d6f-b022-4448-8fee-21cc936ea86b",
+        "version": "6.0.0"
+      },
+      "endpoint": {
+        "policy": {
+          "id": "C2A9093E-E289-4C0A-AA44-8C32A414FA7A"
+        }
+      },
+      "event": {
+        "created": "2020-01-24T14:06:09.541Z"
+      },
+      "host": {
+        "hostname": "",
+        "id": "2f735e3d-be14-483b-9822-bad06e9045ca",
+        "ip": [
+          ""
+        ],
+        "mac": [
+          "30-8c-45-55-69-b8",
+          "e5-36-7e-8f-a3-84",
+          "39-a1-37-20-18-74"
+        ],
+        "os": {
+          "full": "Windows Server 2012R2",
+          "name": "windows 6.3",
+          "version": "6.3"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
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+      "@timestamp": 1579874769541,
+      "agent": {
+        "id": "3838df35-a095-4af4-8fce-0b6d78793f2e",
+        "version": "6.8.0"
+      },
+      "endpoint": {
+        "policy": {
+          "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
+        }
+      },
+      "event": {
+        "created": "2020-01-24T14:06:09.541Z"
+      },
+      "host": {
+        "architecture": "x86",
+        "hostname": "",
+        "id": "fc0ff548-feba-41b6-8367-65e8790d0eaf",
+        "ip": [
+          "",
+          ""
+        ],
+        "mac": [
+          "e2-6d-f9-0-46-2e"
+        ],
+        "os": {
+          "full": "Windows Server 2012",
+          "name": "windows 6.2",
+          "version": "6.2"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/mappings.json b/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/mappings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..11766c12b8fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/api_feature/mappings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+  "type": "index",
+  "value": {
+    "aliases": {
+    },
+    "index": "endpoint-agent",
+    "mappings": {
+      "properties": {
+        "@timestamp": {
+          "type": "long"
+        },
+        "agent": {
+          "properties": {
+            "id": {
+              "fields": {
+                "keyword": {
+                  "ignore_above": 256,
+                  "type": "keyword"
+                }
+              },
+              "type": "text"
+            },
+            "version": {
+              "fields": {
+                "keyword": {
+                  "ignore_above": 256,
+                  "type": "keyword"
+                }
+              },
+              "type": "text"
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        "endpoint": {
+          "properties": {
+            "policy": {
+              "properties": {
+                "id": {
+                  "fields": {
+                    "keyword": {
+                      "ignore_above": 256,
+                      "type": "keyword"
+                    }
+                  },
+                  "type": "text"
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        "event": {
+          "properties": {
+            "created": {
+              "type": "date"
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        "host": {
+          "properties": {
+            "architecture": {
+              "fields": {
+                "keyword": {
+                  "ignore_above": 256,
+                  "type": "keyword"
+                }
+              },
+              "type": "text"
+            },
+            "hostname": {
+              "fields": {
+                "keyword": {
+                  "ignore_above": 256,
+                  "type": "keyword"
+                }
+              },
+              "type": "text"
+            },
+            "id": {
+              "fields": {
+                "keyword": {
+                  "ignore_above": 256,
+                  "type": "keyword"
+                }
+              },
+              "type": "text"
+            },
+            "ip": {
+              "fields": {
+                "keyword": {
+                  "ignore_above": 256,
+                  "type": "keyword"
+                }
+              },
+              "type": "text"
+            },
+            "mac": {
+              "fields": {
+                "keyword": {
+                  "ignore_above": 256,
+                  "type": "keyword"
+                }
+              },
+              "type": "text"
+            },
+            "os": {
+              "properties": {
+                "full": {
+                  "fields": {
+                    "keyword": {
+                      "ignore_above": 256,
+                      "type": "keyword"
+                    }
+                  },
+                  "type": "text"
+                },
+                "name": {
+                  "fields": {
+                    "keyword": {
+                      "ignore_above": 256,
+                      "type": "keyword"
+                    }
+                  },
+                  "type": "text"
+                },
+                "version": {
+                  "fields": {
+                    "keyword": {
+                      "ignore_above": 256,
+                      "type": "keyword"
+                    }
+                  },
+                  "type": "text"
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    "settings": {
+      "index": {
+        "number_of_replicas": "1",
+        "number_of_shards": "1"
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
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GIT binary patch
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literal 822

diff --git a/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/mappings.json b/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/mappings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9544d05d70600..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/test/functional/es_archives/endpoint/endpoints/mappings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-  "type": "index",
-  "value": {
-    "aliases": {
-    },
-    "index": "endpoint-agent",
-    "mappings": {
-      "properties": {
-        "created_at": {
-          "type": "date"
-        },
-        "endpoint": {
-          "properties": {
-            "active_directory_distinguished_name": {
-              "type": "text"
-            },
-            "active_directory_hostname": {
-              "type": "text"
-            },
-            "domain": {
-              "type": "text"
-            },
-            "is_base_image": {
-              "type": "boolean"
-            },
-            "isolation": {
-              "properties": {
-                "status": {
-                  "type": "boolean"
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            "policy": {
-              "properties": {
-                "id": {
-                  "ignore_above": 256,
-                  "type": "keyword"
-                },
-                "name": {
-                  "fields": {
-                    "keyword": {
-                      "ignore_above": 256,
-                      "type": "keyword"
-                    }
-                  },
-                  "type": "text"
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            "sensor": {
-              "properties": {
-                "persistence": {
-                  "type": "boolean"
-                },
-                "status": {
-                  "type": "object"
-                }
-              }
-            },
-            "upgrade": {
-              "type": "object"
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        "host": {
-          "properties": {
-            "hostname": {
-              "type": "text"
-            },
-            "ip": {
-              "ignore_above": 256,
-              "type": "keyword"
-            },
-            "mac_address": {
-              "type": "text"
-            },
-            "name": {
-              "type": "text"
-            },
-            "os": {
-              "properties": {
-                "full": {
-                  "type": "text"
-                },
-                "name": {
-                  "type": "text"
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        },
-        "machine_id": {
-          "type": "keyword"
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    "settings": {
-      "index": {
-        "number_of_replicas": "0",
-        "number_of_shards": "1"
-      }
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file

From 5d6dbf07b028647ee251601a56ef4fb74fb2506c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexey Antonov <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 22:25:39 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 19/36] Expose NP FieldFormats service to server side (#55419)

* Expose NP FieldFormats service to server side

* fix CI

* fix PR comments

* fix PR comments

* fix CI

* getFieldFormatsRegistry -> getFieldFormatRegistry

* fix CI

* memoize - add resolve cache function

* fix Jest

* move IFieldFormatMetaParams to types.ts

* FieldFormatRegistry -> FieldFormatsRegistry

* update src/core/

* update public contract

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .eslintrc.js                                  | 10 +-
 src/core/                         |  4 +-
 src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js       |  2 -
 .../components/metric_vis_component.tsx       |  8 +-
 .../public/metric_vis_type.test.ts            |  4 +-
 .../public/components/vis_types/table/vis.js  |  6 +-
 src/legacy/ui/field_formats/index.ts          | 20 ----
 .../mixin/field_formats_mixin.ts              | 45 ---------
 .../mixin/field_formats_service.test.ts       | 56 -----------
 .../mixin/field_formats_service.ts            | 79 ---------------
 src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts  | 12 +--
 src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts    | 10 +-
 .../buckets/create_filter/date_range.test.ts  |  5 +-
 .../buckets/create_filter/histogram.test.ts   |  5 +-
 .../buckets/create_filter/ip_range.test.ts    |  4 +-
 .../buckets/create_filter/range.test.ts       |  5 +-
 .../ui/public/agg_types/buckets/date_range.ts | 14 +--
 .../ui/public/agg_types/buckets/ip_range.ts   | 14 +--
 .../ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.test.ts |  7 +-
 .../ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.ts      |  4 +-
 .../ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts      | 13 +--
 .../public/agg_types/metrics/cardinality.ts   |  4 +-
 .../ui/public/agg_types/metrics/count.ts      |  4 +-
 .../agg_types/metrics/metric_agg_type.ts      |  6 +-
 .../agg_types/metrics/percentile_ranks.ts     | 12 +--
 .../editors/color/color.js                    |  4 +-
 .../editors/color/color.test.js               |  4 +-
 .../lib/__tests__/get_default_format.test.js  |  8 +-
 .../ui/public/time_buckets/time_buckets.js    |  6 +-
 .../loader/pipeline_helpers/utilities.ts      | 30 +++---
 src/legacy/ui/ui_mixin.js                     |  2 -
 .../constants/base_formatters.ts}             | 60 +++++------
 .../common/field_formats/converters/color.ts  |  2 +-
 .../common/field_formats/converters/custom.ts |  4 +-
 .../field_formats/converters/date_server.ts   | 11 ++-
 .../common/field_formats/converters/string.ts |  2 +-
 .../common/field_formats/converters/url.ts    |  9 +-
 .../data/common/field_formats/field_format.ts | 27 +----
 .../field_formats_registry.test.ts}           | 99 +++++++++----------
 .../field_formats/field_formats_registry.ts}  | 97 ++++++++----------
 .../data/common/field_formats/index.ts        | 13 +--
 .../field_formats/static.ts}                  | 69 +++++--------
 .../data/common/field_formats/types.ts        | 34 ++++++-
 src/plugins/data/common/types.ts              |  1 -
 .../field_formats/field_formats_service.ts    | 55 +++++++++++
 .../index.ts                                  |  1 -
 .../public/field_formats_provider/types.ts    | 26 -----
 src/plugins/data/public/index.ts              | 29 +-----
 .../public/index_patterns/fields/field.ts     |  8 +-
 .../index_patterns/format_hit.ts              |  4 +-
 .../index_patterns/index_pattern.test.ts      |  4 +-
 src/plugins/data/public/mocks.ts              |  5 +-
 src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts             |  2 +-
 .../search/search_source/search_source.ts     |  7 +-
 src/plugins/data/public/types.ts              |  2 +-
 .../query_string_input.test.tsx.snap          |  6 --
 .../field_formats/field_formats_service.ts    | 59 +++++++++++
 .../field_formats}/index.ts                   |  2 +-
 src/plugins/data/server/index.ts              | 55 ++++-------
 src/plugins/data/server/plugin.ts             | 18 +++-
 src/test_utils/public/stub_field_formats.ts   | 45 +--------
 src/test_utils/public/stub_index_pattern.js   |  9 +-
 .../metric_expression.test.tsx                | 11 ++-
 .../csv/server/execute_job.test.js            | 13 +--
 .../export_types/csv/server/execute_job.ts    | 11 +--
 .../csv/server/lib/field_format_map.test.ts   | 13 ++-
 .../csv/server/lib/field_format_map.ts        | 13 ++-
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/index.ts      | 18 +++-
 .../legacy/plugins/reporting/server/plugin.ts |  4 +-
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/types.d.ts    | 11 +--
 70 files changed, 525 insertions(+), 741 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/field_formats/index.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_mixin.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service.test.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service.ts
 rename src/{legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/field_formats/register.js => plugins/data/common/field_formats/constants/base_formatters.ts} (58%)
 rename src/plugins/data/{public/field_formats_provider/field_formats.test.ts => common/field_formats/field_formats_registry.test.ts} (57%)
 rename src/plugins/data/{public/field_formats_provider/field_formats.ts => common/field_formats/field_formats_registry.ts} (81%)
 rename src/plugins/data/{public/field_formats_provider/field_formats_service.ts => common/field_formats/static.ts} (51%)
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/data/public/field_formats/field_formats_service.ts
 rename src/plugins/data/public/{field_formats_provider => field_formats}/index.ts (92%)
 delete mode 100644 src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/types.ts
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/data/server/field_formats/field_formats_service.ts
 rename src/plugins/data/{common/field_formats/constants => server/field_formats}/index.ts (88%)

diff --git a/.eslintrc.js b/.eslintrc.js
index bbe2047271cad..310949b23fe36 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.js
+++ b/.eslintrc.js
@@ -244,15 +244,15 @@ module.exports = {
                 target: [
-                  '!(src|x-pack)/plugins/*/server/**/*',
+                  '!(src|x-pack)/plugins/**/server/**/*',
-                  '!src/legacy/core_plugins/*/server/**/*',
-                  '!src/legacy/core_plugins/*/index.{js,ts,tsx}',
+                  '!src/legacy/core_plugins/**/server/**/*',
+                  '!src/legacy/core_plugins/**/index.{js,ts,tsx}',
-                  '!x-pack/legacy/plugins/*/server/**/*',
-                  '!x-pack/legacy/plugins/*/index.{js,ts,tsx}',
+                  '!x-pack/legacy/plugins/**/server/**/*',
+                  '!x-pack/legacy/plugins/**/index.{js,ts,tsx}',
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
index 087888922ac9b..f8699364fa9e2 100644
--- a/src/core/
+++ b/src/core/
@@ -1231,8 +1231,8 @@ This table shows where these uiExports have moved to in the New Platform. In mos
 | `docViews`                   |                                                                                                                           |                                                                                                                                       |
 | `embeddableActions`          |                                                                                                                           | Should be an API on the embeddables plugin.                                                                                           |
 | `embeddableFactories`        |                                                                                                                           | Should be an API on the embeddables plugin.                                                                                           |
-| `fieldFormatEditors`         |                                                                                                                           |                                                                                                                                       |
-| `fieldFormats`               |                                                                                                                           |                                                                                                                                       |
+| `fieldFormatEditors`         |                                                                                                                          |                                                                                                                                       |
+| `fieldFormats`               | [``](./src/plugins/data/public/field_formats)                                                                                                                          |                                                                                                                                       |
 | `hacks`                      | n/a                                                                                                                       | Just run the code in your plugin's `start` method.                                                                                    |
 | `home`                       | [`plugins.home.featureCatalogue.register`](./src/plugins/home/public/feature_catalogue)                                   | Must add `home` as a dependency in your kibana.json.                                                                                  |
 | `indexManagement`            |                                                                                                                           | Should be an API on the indexManagement plugin.                                                                                       |
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js
index 682a39a516e11..97729a3fce069 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import { migrations } from './migrations';
 import { importApi } from './server/routes/api/import';
 import { exportApi } from './server/routes/api/export';
 import { managementApi } from './server/routes/api/management';
-import { registerFieldFormats } from './server/field_formats/register';
 import * as systemApi from './server/lib/system_api';
 import mappings from './mappings.json';
 import { getUiSettingDefaults } from './ui_setting_defaults';
@@ -331,7 +330,6 @@ export default function(kibana) {
-      registerFieldFormats(server);
       registerCspCollector(usageCollection, server);
       server.expose('systemApi', systemApi);
       server.injectUiAppVars('kibana', () => injectVars(server));
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/components/metric_vis_component.tsx b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/components/metric_vis_component.tsx
index f8398f5c83146..3a6d60a89e610 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/components/metric_vis_component.tsx
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/components/metric_vis_component.tsx
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { isColorDark } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { getHeatmapColors, getFormat, Vis } from '../legacy_imports';
 import { MetricVisValue } from './metric_vis_value';
-import { FieldFormat, ContentType } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { Context } from '../metric_vis_fn';
 import { KibanaDatatable } from '../../../../../plugins/expressions/public';
 import { VisParams, MetricVisMetric } from '../types';
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ export class MetricVisComponent extends Component<MetricVisComponentProps> {
   private getFormattedValue = (
-    fieldFormatter: FieldFormat,
+    fieldFormatter: fieldFormats.FieldFormat,
     value: any,
-    format: ContentType = 'text'
+    format: fieldFormats.ContentType = 'text'
   ) => {
     if (isNaN(value)) return '-';
     return fieldFormatter.convert(value, format);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ export class MetricVisComponent extends Component<MetricVisComponentProps> {
     const metrics: MetricVisMetric[] = [];
     let bucketColumnId: string;
-    let bucketFormatter: FieldFormat;
+    let bucketFormatter: fieldFormats.FieldFormat;
     if (dimensions.bucket) {
       bucketColumnId = table.columns[dimensions.bucket.accessor].id;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/metric_vis_type.test.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/metric_vis_type.test.ts
index 649959054416c..c2b7e6da3f7bd 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/metric_vis_type.test.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/metric_vis_type.test.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
 import getStubIndexPattern from 'fixtures/stubbed_logstash_index_pattern';
 import { Vis } from '../../visualizations/public';
-import { UrlFormat } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import {
   setup as visualizationsSetup,
   start as visualizationsStart,
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ describe('metric_vis - createMetricVisTypeDefinition', () => {
   beforeAll(() => {
     ( as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => {
-      return UrlFormat;
+      return fieldFormats.UrlFormat;
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/components/vis_types/table/vis.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/components/vis_types/table/vis.js
index 10fc34fccd2cc..a82d5bdb1588c 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/components/vis_types/table/vis.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/components/vis_types/table/vis.js
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import { calculateLabel } from '../../../../common/calculate_label';
 import { isSortable } from './is_sortable';
 import { EuiToolTip, EuiIcon } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { replaceVars } from '../../lib/replace_vars';
-import { FIELD_FORMAT_IDS } from '../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
 import { METRIC_TYPES } from '../../../../common/metric_types';
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ export class TableVis extends Component {
   constructor(props) {
-    const fieldFormats =;
-    const DateFormat = fieldFormats.getType(FIELD_FORMAT_IDS.DATE);
+    const fieldFormatsService =;
+    const DateFormat = fieldFormatsService.getType(fieldFormats.FIELD_FORMAT_IDS.DATE);
     this.dateFormatter = new DateFormat({}, this.props.getConfig);
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/index.ts b/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e5cc2cb33d087..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-export { fieldFormatsMixin } from './mixin/field_formats_mixin';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_mixin.ts b/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_mixin.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 370c312706242..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_mixin.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import { has } from 'lodash';
-import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
-import { FieldFormatsService } from './field_formats_service';
-import { IFieldFormatType } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
-export function fieldFormatsMixin(kbnServer: any, server: Legacy.Server) {
-  const fieldFormatClasses: IFieldFormatType[] = [];
-  // for use outside of the request context, for special cases
-  server.decorate('server', 'fieldFormatServiceFactory', async function(uiSettings) {
-    const uiConfigs = await uiSettings.getAll();
-    const registeredUiSettings = uiSettings.getRegistered();
-    Object.keys(registeredUiSettings).forEach(key => {
-      if (has(uiConfigs, key) && registeredUiSettings[key].type === 'json') {
-        uiConfigs[key] = JSON.parse(uiConfigs[key]);
-      }
-    });
-    const getConfig = (key: string) => uiConfigs[key];
-    return new FieldFormatsService(fieldFormatClasses, getConfig);
-  });
-  server.decorate('server', 'registerFieldFormat', customFieldFormat => {
-    fieldFormatClasses.push(customFieldFormat);
-  });
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service.test.ts b/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ca181d3f69d4..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import { FieldFormatsService } from './field_formats_service';
-import { NumberFormat } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
-const getConfig = (key: string) => {
-  switch (key) {
-    case 'format:defaultTypeMap':
-      return {
-        number: { id: 'number', params: {} },
-        _default_: { id: 'string', params: {} },
-      };
-    case 'format:number:defaultPattern':
-      return '0,0.[000]';
-  }
-describe('FieldFormatsService', () => {
-  let fieldFormatsService: FieldFormatsService;
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    const fieldFormatClasses = [NumberFormat];
-    fieldFormatsService = new FieldFormatsService(fieldFormatClasses, getConfig);
-  });
-  test('FieldFormats are accessible via getType method', () => {
-    const Type = fieldFormatsService.getType('number');
-    expect('number');
-  });
-  test('getDefaultInstance returns default FieldFormat instance for fieldType', () => {
-    const instance = fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance('number');
-    expect('number');
-    expect(instance.convert('0.33333')).toBe('0.333');
-  });
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service.ts b/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c5bc25333985b..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import { indexBy, Dictionary } from 'lodash';
-import { FieldFormat, IFieldFormatType } from '../../../../plugins/data/common';
-interface FieldFormatConfig {
-  id: string;
-  params?: Record<string, any>;
-export class FieldFormatsService {
-  getConfig: any;
-  _fieldFormats: Dictionary<IFieldFormatType>;
-  constructor(fieldFormatClasses: IFieldFormatType[], getConfig: Function) {
-    this._fieldFormats = indexBy(fieldFormatClasses, 'id');
-    this.getConfig = getConfig;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Get the id of the default type for this field type
-   * using the format:defaultTypeMap config map
-   *
-   * @param  {String} fieldType - the field type
-   * @return {FieldFormatConfig}
-   */
-  getDefaultConfig(fieldType: string): FieldFormatConfig {
-    const defaultMap = this.getConfig('format:defaultTypeMap');
-    return defaultMap[fieldType] || defaultMap._default_;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Get the default fieldFormat instance for a field type.
-   *
-   * @param  {String} fieldType
-   * @return {FieldFormat}
-   */
-  getDefaultInstance(fieldType: string): FieldFormat {
-    return this.getInstance(this.getDefaultConfig(fieldType));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Get the fieldFormat instance for a field format configuration.
-   *
-   * @param  {FieldFormatConfig} field format config
-   * @return {FieldFormat}
-   */
-  getInstance(conf: FieldFormatConfig): FieldFormat {
-    // @ts-ignore
-    return new this._fieldFormats[](conf.params, this.getConfig);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Get a FieldFormat type (class) by it's id.
-   *
-   * @param  {String} fieldFormatId - the FieldFormat id
-   * @return {FieldFormat}
-   */
-  getType(fieldFormatId: string): any {
-    return this._fieldFormats[fieldFormatId];
-  }
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts
index c8ce8638fe462..efe286c41e17c 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_config.ts
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ import { AggConfigs } from './agg_configs';
 import { Schema } from '../vis/editors/default/schemas';
 import {
-  ContentType,
+  fieldFormats,
 } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export interface AggConfigOptions {
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ export class AggConfig {
     return this.aggConfigs.timeRange;
-  fieldFormatter(contentType?: ContentType, defaultFormat?: any) {
+  fieldFormatter(contentType?: fieldFormats.ContentType, defaultFormat?: any) {
     const format = this.type && this.type.getFormat(this);
     if (format) {
@@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ export class AggConfig {
     return this.fieldOwnFormatter(contentType, defaultFormat);
-  fieldOwnFormatter(contentType?: ContentType, defaultFormat?: any) {
-    const fieldFormats =;
+  fieldOwnFormatter(contentType?: fieldFormats.ContentType, defaultFormat?: any) {
+    const fieldFormatsService =;
     const field = this.getField();
     let format = field && field.format;
     if (!format) format = defaultFormat;
-    if (!format) format = fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.STRING);
+    if (!format) format = fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.STRING);
     return format.getConverterFor(contentType);
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts
index 952410ae0db49..f9b48c373e02f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/agg_type.ts
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import { AggConfigs } from './agg_configs';
 import { Adapters } from '../inspector';
 import { BaseParamType } from './param_types/base';
 import { AggParamType } from '../agg_types/param_types/agg';
-import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES, FieldFormat, ISearchSource } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES, fieldFormats, ISearchSource } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 export interface AggTypeConfig<
   TAggConfig extends AggConfig = AggConfig,
@@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ export interface AggTypeConfig<
     inspectorAdapters: Adapters,
     abortSignal?: AbortSignal
   ) => Promise<any>;
-  getFormat?: (agg: TAggConfig) => FieldFormat;
+  getFormat?: (agg: TAggConfig) => fieldFormats.FieldFormat;
   getValue?: (agg: TAggConfig, bucket: any) => any;
   getKey?: (bucket: any, key: any, agg: TAggConfig) => any;
 const getFormat = (agg: AggConfig) => {
   const field = agg.getField();
-  const fieldFormats =;
+  const fieldFormatsService =;
-  return field ? field.format : fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.STRING);
+  return field ? field.format : fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.STRING);
 export class AggType<
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ export class AggType<
    * @param  {agg} agg - the agg to pick a format for
    * @return {FieldFormat}
-  getFormat: (agg: TAggConfig) => FieldFormat;
+  getFormat: (agg: TAggConfig) => fieldFormats.FieldFormat;
   getValue: (agg: TAggConfig, bucket: any) => any;
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/date_range.test.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/date_range.test.ts
index ddb4102563a7c..9c2c4f72704f4 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/date_range.test.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/date_range.test.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import moment from 'moment';
 import { createFilterDateRange } from './date_range';
-import { DateFormat } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { AggConfigs } from '../../agg_configs';
 import { BUCKET_TYPES } from '../bucket_agg_types';
 import { IBucketAggConfig } from '../_bucket_agg_type';
@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ jest.mock('ui/new_platform');
 describe('AggConfig Filters', () => {
   describe('Date range', () => {
+    const getConfig = (() => {}) as fieldFormats.GetConfigFn;
     const getAggConfigs = () => {
       const field = {
         name: '@timestamp',
-        format: new DateFormat({}, () => {}),
+        format: new fieldFormats.DateFormat({}, getConfig),
       const indexPattern = {
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/histogram.test.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/histogram.test.ts
index d07cf84aef4d9..ef49636f9e0c1 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/histogram.test.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/histogram.test.ts
@@ -20,16 +20,17 @@ import { createFilterHistogram } from './histogram';
 import { AggConfigs } from '../../agg_configs';
 import { BUCKET_TYPES } from '../bucket_agg_types';
 import { IBucketAggConfig } from '../_bucket_agg_type';
-import { BytesFormat } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 describe('AggConfig Filters', () => {
   describe('histogram', () => {
+    const getConfig = (() => {}) as fieldFormats.GetConfigFn;
     const getAggConfigs = () => {
       const field = {
         name: 'bytes',
-        format: new BytesFormat({}, () => {}),
+        format: new fieldFormats.BytesFormat({}, getConfig),
       const indexPattern = {
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/ip_range.test.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/ip_range.test.ts
index bf6b437f17cf2..a9eca3bbb7a56 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/ip_range.test.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/ip_range.test.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import { createFilterIpRange } from './ip_range';
 import { AggConfigs } from '../../agg_configs';
-import { IpFormat } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { BUCKET_TYPES } from '../bucket_agg_types';
 import { IBucketAggConfig } from '../_bucket_agg_type';
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ describe('AggConfig Filters', () => {
     const getAggConfigs = (aggs: Array<Record<string, any>>) => {
       const field = {
         name: 'ip',
-        format: IpFormat,
+        format: fieldFormats.IpFormat,
       const indexPattern = {
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/range.test.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/range.test.ts
index dc02b773edc42..720e952c28821 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/range.test.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/create_filter/range.test.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import { createFilterRange } from './range';
-import { BytesFormat } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { AggConfigs } from '../../agg_configs';
 import { BUCKET_TYPES } from '../bucket_agg_types';
 import { IBucketAggConfig } from '../_bucket_agg_type';
@@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ jest.mock('ui/new_platform');
 describe('AggConfig Filters', () => {
   describe('range', () => {
+    const getConfig = (() => {}) as fieldFormats.GetConfigFn;
     const getAggConfigs = () => {
       const field = {
         name: 'bytes',
-        format: new BytesFormat({}, () => {}),
+        format: new fieldFormats.BytesFormat({}, getConfig),
       const indexPattern = {
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/date_range.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/date_range.ts
index ad54e95ffb7b1..4144765b15068 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/date_range.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/date_range.ts
@@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ import { BucketAggType, IBucketAggConfig } from './_bucket_agg_type';
 import { createFilterDateRange } from './create_filter/date_range';
 import { DateRangesParamEditor } from '../../vis/editors/default/controls/date_ranges';
-import {
-  FieldFormat,
-} from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES, fieldFormats } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 const dateRangeTitle = i18n.translate('common.ui.aggTypes.buckets.dateRangeTitle', {
   defaultMessage: 'Date Range',
@@ -48,13 +44,13 @@ export const dateRangeBucketAgg = new BucketAggType({
     return { from, to };
   getFormat(agg) {
-    const fieldFormats =;
+    const fieldFormatsService =;
     const formatter = agg.fieldOwnFormatter(
-      fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.DATE)
+      fieldFormats.TEXT_CONTEXT_TYPE,
+      fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.DATE)
-    const DateRangeFormat = FieldFormat.from(function(range: DateRangeKey) {
+    const DateRangeFormat = fieldFormats.FieldFormat.from(function(range: DateRangeKey) {
       return convertDateRangeToString(range, formatter);
     return new DateRangeFormat();
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/ip_range.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/ip_range.ts
index 609cd8adb5c39..e730970b9ea05 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/ip_range.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/ip_range.ts
@@ -27,11 +27,7 @@ import { BUCKET_TYPES } from './bucket_agg_types';
 // @ts-ignore
 import { createFilterIpRange } from './create_filter/ip_range';
-import {
-  FieldFormat,
-} from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES, fieldFormats } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 const ipRangeTitle = i18n.translate('common.ui.aggTypes.buckets.ipRangeTitle', {
   defaultMessage: 'IPv4 Range',
@@ -52,12 +48,12 @@ export const ipRangeBucketAgg = new BucketAggType({
     return { type: 'range', from: bucket.from, to: };
   getFormat(agg) {
-    const fieldFormats =;
+    const fieldFormatsService =;
     const formatter = agg.fieldOwnFormatter(
-      fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.IP)
+      fieldFormats.TEXT_CONTEXT_TYPE,
+      fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.IP)
-    const IpRangeFormat = FieldFormat.from(function(range: IpRangeKey) {
+    const IpRangeFormat = fieldFormats.FieldFormat.from(function(range: IpRangeKey) {
       return convertIPRangeToString(range, formatter);
     return new IpRangeFormat();
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.test.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.test.ts
index 5db7eb3c2d8e9..dd85c3b31939f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.test.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.test.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import { AggConfigs } from '../agg_configs';
 import { BUCKET_TYPES } from './bucket_agg_types';
-import { NumberFormat } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
@@ -44,14 +44,15 @@ const buckets = [
 describe('Range Agg', () => {
+  const getConfig = (() => {}) as fieldFormats.GetConfigFn;
   const getAggConfigs = () => {
     const field = {
       name: 'bytes',
-      format: new NumberFormat(
+      format: new fieldFormats.NumberFormat(
           pattern: '0,0.[000] b',
-        () => {}
+        getConfig
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.ts
index 24757a607e005..7f93127d948ce 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/range.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { BucketAggType } from './_bucket_agg_type';
-import { FieldFormat, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { RangeKey } from './range_key';
 import { RangesEditor } from './range_editor';
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ export const rangeBucketAgg = new BucketAggType({
     let aggFormat = formats.get(agg);
     if (aggFormat) return aggFormat;
-    const RangeFormat = FieldFormat.from((range: any) => {
+    const RangeFormat = fieldFormats.FieldFormat.from((range: any) => {
       const format = agg.fieldOwnFormatter();
       const gte = '\u2265';
       const lt = '\u003c';
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts
index fe2c7cb427fee..3a7a529700239 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/buckets/terms.ts
@@ -38,12 +38,7 @@ import { OtherBucketParamEditor } from '../../vis/editors/default/controls/other
 import { AggConfigs } from '../agg_configs';
 import { Adapters } from '../../../../../plugins/inspector/public';
-import {
-  ContentType,
-  ISearchSource,
-  FieldFormat,
-} from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { ISearchSource, fieldFormats, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 // @ts-ignore
 import { Schemas } from '../../vis/editors/default/schemas';
@@ -77,9 +72,9 @@ export const termsBucketAgg = new BucketAggType({
     const params = agg.params;
     return agg.getFieldDisplayName() + ': ' + params.order.text;
-  getFormat(bucket): FieldFormat {
+  getFormat(bucket): fieldFormats.FieldFormat {
     return {
-      getConverterFor: (type: ContentType) => {
+      getConverterFor: (type: fieldFormats.ContentType) => {
         return (val: any) => {
           if (val === '__other__') {
             return bucket.params.otherBucketLabel;
@@ -91,7 +86,7 @@ export const termsBucketAgg = new BucketAggType({
           return bucket.params.field.format.convert(val, type);
-    } as FieldFormat;
+    } as fieldFormats.FieldFormat;
   createFilter: createFilterTerms,
   postFlightRequest: async (
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/cardinality.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/cardinality.ts
index 301ae2c80116c..c69ffae3b4871 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/cardinality.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/cardinality.ts
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ export const cardinalityMetricAgg = new MetricAggType({
   getFormat() {
-    const fieldFormats =;
+    const fieldFormatsService =;
-    return fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER);
+    return fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER);
   params: [
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/count.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/count.ts
index b5b844e8658d6..22a939cd9a3fd 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/count.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/count.ts
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ export const countMetricAgg = new MetricAggType({
   getFormat() {
-    const fieldFormats =;
+    const fieldFormatsService =;
-    return fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER);
+    return fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER);
   getValue(agg, bucket) {
     return bucket.doc_count;
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/metric_agg_type.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/metric_agg_type.ts
index 29499c5be84b8..5cd3dffb10b9d 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/metric_agg_type.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/metric_agg_type.ts
@@ -74,9 +74,11 @@ export class MetricAggType<TMetricAggConfig extends AggConfig = IMetricAggConfig
     this.getFormat =
       config.getFormat ||
       (agg => {
-        const registeredFormats =;
+        const fieldFormatsService =;
         const field = agg.getField();
-        return field ? field.format : registeredFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER);
+        return field
+          ? field.format
+          : fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER);
     this.subtype =
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/percentile_ranks.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/percentile_ranks.ts
index 1a1d5bf04309f..436f9cd66764d 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/percentile_ranks.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/agg_types/metrics/percentile_ranks.ts
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import { getResponseAggConfigClass, IResponseAggConfig } from './lib/get_respons
 import { getPercentileValue } from './percentiles_get_value';
 import { METRIC_TYPES } from './metric_agg_types';
-import { FIELD_FORMAT_IDS, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 // required by the values editor
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ const getFieldFormats = () =>;
 const valueProps = {
   makeLabel(this: IPercentileRanksAggConfig) {
-    const fieldFormats = getFieldFormats();
+    const fieldFormatsService = getFieldFormats();
     const field = this.getField();
     const format =
-      (field && field.format) || fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER);
+      (field && field.format) || fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER);
     const customLabel = this.getParam('customLabel');
     const label = customLabel || this.getFieldDisplayName();
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ export const percentileRanksMetricAgg = new MetricAggType<IPercentileRanksAggCon
     return any) => new ValueAggConfig(value));
   getFormat() {
-    const fieldFormats = getFieldFormats();
+    const fieldFormatsService = getFieldFormats();
     return (
-      fieldFormats.getInstance(FIELD_FORMAT_IDS.PERCENT) ||
-      fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER)
+      fieldFormatsService.getInstance(fieldFormats.FIELD_FORMAT_IDS.PERCENT) ||
+      fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER)
   getValue(agg, bucket) {
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/components/field_format_editor/editors/color/color.js b/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/components/field_format_editor/editors/color/color.js
index 231cc26553037..4ad04f08915e7 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/components/field_format_editor/editors/color/color.js
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/components/field_format_editor/editors/color/color.js
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import { EuiBasicTable, EuiButton, EuiColorPicker, EuiFieldText, EuiSpacer } fro
 import { DefaultFormatEditor } from '../default';
-import { DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR } from '../../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export class ColorFormatEditor extends DefaultFormatEditor {
   addColor = () => {
     const colors = [...this.props.formatParams.colors];
-      colors: [...colors, { ...DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR }],
+      colors: [...colors, { ...fieldFormats.DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR }],
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/components/field_format_editor/editors/color/color.test.js b/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/components/field_format_editor/editors/color/color.test.js
index 6618b624be1d0..486b1e34dcade 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/components/field_format_editor/editors/color/color.test.js
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/components/field_format_editor/editors/color/color.test.js
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ import React from 'react';
 import { shallowWithI18nProvider } from 'test_utils/enzyme_helpers';
 import { ColorFormatEditor } from './color';
-import { DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR } from '../../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 const fieldType = 'string';
 const format = {
   getConverterFor: jest.fn(),
 const formatParams = {
-  colors: [{ ...DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR }],
+  colors: [{ ...fieldFormats.DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR }],
 const onChange = jest.fn();
 const onError = jest.fn();
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/lib/__tests__/get_default_format.test.js b/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/lib/__tests__/get_default_format.test.js
index e4084797c1b1e..96f574bf54ca6 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/lib/__tests__/get_default_format.test.js
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/field_editor/lib/__tests__/get_default_format.test.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import { getDefaultFormat } from '../get_default_format';
-import { NumberFormat } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 const getConfig = () => {
   return '0,0.[000]';
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ const getConfig = () => {
 describe('getDefaultFormat', () => {
   it('should create default format', () => {
-    const DefaultFormat = getDefaultFormat(NumberFormat);
+    const DefaultFormat = getDefaultFormat(fieldFormats.NumberFormat);
     const defaultFormatObject = new DefaultFormat(null, getConfig);
-    const formatObject = new NumberFormat(null, getConfig);
+    const formatObject = new fieldFormats.NumberFormat(null, getConfig);
-    expect(DefaultFormat.resolvedTitle).toEqual(NumberFormat.title);
+    expect(DefaultFormat.resolvedTitle).toEqual(fieldFormats.NumberFormat.title);
     expect(DefaultFormat.title).toEqual('- Default -');
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/time_buckets/time_buckets.js b/src/legacy/ui/public/time_buckets/time_buckets.js
index 96ba4bfb2ac2c..50a57d866099e 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/time_buckets/time_buckets.js
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/time_buckets/time_buckets.js
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import {
 } from './calc_es_interval';
-import { FIELD_FORMAT_IDS, parseInterval } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats, parseInterval } from '../../../../plugins/data/public';
 const getConfig = (...args) => npStart.core.uiSettings.get(...args);
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ TimeBuckets.prototype.getScaledDateFormat = function() {
 TimeBuckets.prototype.getScaledDateFormatter = function() {
-  const fieldFormats =;
-  const DateFieldFormat = fieldFormats.getType(FIELD_FORMAT_IDS.DATE);
+  const fieldFormatsService =;
+  const DateFieldFormat = fieldFormatsService.getType(fieldFormats.FIELD_FORMAT_IDS.DATE);
   return new DateFieldFormat(
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/public/visualize/loader/pipeline_helpers/utilities.ts b/src/legacy/ui/public/visualize/loader/pipeline_helpers/utilities.ts
index 0b99810a85afe..bde865f504fdb 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/public/visualize/loader/pipeline_helpers/utilities.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/public/visualize/loader/pipeline_helpers/utilities.ts
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ import { identity } from 'lodash';
 import { AggConfig, Vis } from 'ui/vis';
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
 import { SerializedFieldFormat } from 'src/plugins/expressions/public';
-import { IFieldFormatId, FieldFormat, ContentType } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { tabifyGetColumns } from '../../../agg_response/tabify/_get_columns';
 import { DateRangeKey, convertDateRangeToString } from '../../../agg_types/buckets/date_range';
@@ -43,13 +42,16 @@ function isTermsFieldFormat(
 const getConfig = (key: string, defaultOverride?: any): any =>
   npStart.core.uiSettings.get(key, defaultOverride);
-const DefaultFieldFormat = FieldFormat.from(identity);
+const DefaultFieldFormat = fieldFormats.FieldFormat.from(identity);
-const getFieldFormat = (id?: IFieldFormatId, params: object = {}): FieldFormat => {
-  const fieldFormats =;
+const getFieldFormat = (
+  id?: fieldFormats.IFieldFormatId,
+  params: object = {}
+): fieldFormats.FieldFormat => {
+  const fieldFormatsService =;
   if (id) {
-    const Format = fieldFormats.getType(id);
+    const Format = fieldFormatsService.getType(id);
     if (Format) {
       return new Format(params, getConfig);
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ export const createFormat = (agg: AggConfig): SerializedFieldFormat => {
   return formats[] ? formats[]() : format;
-export type FormatFactory = (mapping?: SerializedFieldFormat) => FieldFormat;
+export type FormatFactory = (mapping?: SerializedFieldFormat) => fieldFormats.FieldFormat;
 export const getFormat: FormatFactory = mapping => {
   if (!mapping) {
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ export const getFormat: FormatFactory = mapping => {
   const { id } = mapping;
   if (id === 'range') {
-    const RangeFormat = FieldFormat.from((range: any) => {
+    const RangeFormat = fieldFormats.FieldFormat.from((range: any) => {
       const format = getFieldFormat(id, mapping.params);
       const gte = '\u2265';
       const lt = '\u003c';
@@ -116,21 +118,21 @@ export const getFormat: FormatFactory = mapping => {
     return new RangeFormat();
   } else if (id === 'date_range') {
     const nestedFormatter = mapping.params as SerializedFieldFormat;
-    const DateRangeFormat = FieldFormat.from((range: DateRangeKey) => {
+    const DateRangeFormat = fieldFormats.FieldFormat.from((range: DateRangeKey) => {
       const format = getFieldFormat(, nestedFormatter.params);
       return convertDateRangeToString(range, format.convert.bind(format));
     return new DateRangeFormat();
   } else if (id === 'ip_range') {
     const nestedFormatter = mapping.params as SerializedFieldFormat;
-    const IpRangeFormat = FieldFormat.from((range: IpRangeKey) => {
+    const IpRangeFormat = fieldFormats.FieldFormat.from((range: IpRangeKey) => {
       const format = getFieldFormat(, nestedFormatter.params);
       return convertIPRangeToString(range, format.convert.bind(format));
     return new IpRangeFormat();
   } else if (isTermsFieldFormat(mapping) && mapping.params) {
     const { params } = mapping;
-    const convert = (val: string, type: ContentType) => {
+    const convert = (val: string, type: fieldFormats.ContentType) => {
       const format = getFieldFormat(, mapping.params);
       if (val === '__other__') {
@@ -145,8 +147,8 @@ export const getFormat: FormatFactory = mapping => {
     return {
-      getConverterFor: (type: ContentType) => (val: string) => convert(val, type),
-    } as FieldFormat;
+      getConverterFor: (type: fieldFormats.ContentType) => (val: string) => convert(val, type),
+    } as fieldFormats.FieldFormat;
   } else {
     return getFieldFormat(id, mapping.params);
@@ -159,5 +161,3 @@ export const getTableAggs = (vis: Vis): AggConfig[] => {
   const columns = tabifyGetColumns(vis.aggs.getResponseAggs(), !vis.isHierarchical());
   return => c.aggConfig);
-export { FieldFormat };
diff --git a/src/legacy/ui/ui_mixin.js b/src/legacy/ui/ui_mixin.js
index addfed05cdb48..831c2c5deb829 100644
--- a/src/legacy/ui/ui_mixin.js
+++ b/src/legacy/ui/ui_mixin.js
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
  * under the License.
-import { fieldFormatsMixin } from './field_formats';
 import { uiAppsMixin } from './ui_apps';
 import { uiBundlesMixin } from './ui_bundles';
 import { uiRenderMixin } from './ui_render';
@@ -27,6 +26,5 @@ export async function uiMixin(kbnServer) {
   await kbnServer.mixin(uiAppsMixin);
   await kbnServer.mixin(uiBundlesMixin);
   await kbnServer.mixin(uiSettingsMixin);
-  await kbnServer.mixin(fieldFormatsMixin);
   await kbnServer.mixin(uiRenderMixin);
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/field_formats/register.js b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/constants/base_formatters.ts
similarity index 58%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/field_formats/register.js
rename to src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/constants/base_formatters.ts
index 34dc06aab44ac..95aedd02d16d6 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/field_formats/register.js
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/constants/base_formatters.ts
@@ -17,38 +17,40 @@
  * under the License.
+import { IFieldFormatType } from '../types';
 import {
-  UrlFormat,
-  StringFormat,
-  NumberFormat,
+  BoolFormat,
-  TruncateFormat,
-  RelativeDateFormat,
-  PercentFormat,
-  IpFormat,
-  DurationFormat,
-  DateNanosFormat,
-  DateFormat,
-  BoolFormat,
+  DateFormat,
+  DateNanosFormat,
+  DurationFormat,
+  IpFormat,
+  NumberFormat,
+  PercentFormat,
+  RelativeDateFormat,
-} from '../../../../../plugins/data/server';
+  StringFormat,
+  TruncateFormat,
+  UrlFormat,
+} from '../converters';
-export function registerFieldFormats(server) {
-  server.registerFieldFormat(UrlFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(BytesFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(DateFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(DateNanosFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(RelativeDateFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(DurationFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(IpFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(NumberFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(PercentFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(StringFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(SourceFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(ColorFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(TruncateFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(BoolFormat);
-  server.registerFieldFormat(StaticLookupFormat);
+export const baseFormatters: IFieldFormatType[] = [
+  BoolFormat,
+  BytesFormat,
+  ColorFormat,
+  DateFormat,
+  DateNanosFormat,
+  DurationFormat,
+  IpFormat,
+  NumberFormat,
+  PercentFormat,
+  RelativeDateFormat,
+  SourceFormat,
+  StaticLookupFormat,
+  StringFormat,
+  TruncateFormat,
+  UrlFormat,
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/color.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/color.ts
index ffc72ba9a2c30..20d9d6aee6d26 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/color.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/color.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../kbn_field_types/types';
 import { FieldFormat } from '../field_format';
 import { HtmlContextTypeConvert, FIELD_FORMAT_IDS } from '../types';
 import { asPrettyString } from '../utils';
-import { DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR } from '../constants';
+import { DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR } from '../constants/color_default';
 const convertTemplate = template('<span style="<%- style %>"><%- val %></span>');
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/custom.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/custom.ts
index 1c17e231cace8..a1ce0cf3e7b54 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/custom.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/custom.ts
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
  * under the License.
-import { FieldFormat, IFieldFormatType } from '../field_format';
-import { TextContextTypeConvert, FIELD_FORMAT_IDS } from '../types';
+import { FieldFormat } from '../field_format';
+import { TextContextTypeConvert, FIELD_FORMAT_IDS, IFieldFormatType } from '../types';
 export const createCustomFieldFormat = (convert: TextContextTypeConvert): IFieldFormatType =>
   class CustomFieldFormat extends FieldFormat {
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/date_server.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/date_server.ts
index 34278ea9fe641..cc7eba966cf0d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/date_server.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/date_server.ts
@@ -20,8 +20,13 @@
 import { memoize, noop } from 'lodash';
 import moment from 'moment-timezone';
 import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../kbn_field_types/types';
-import { FieldFormat, IFieldFormatMetaParams } from '../field_format';
-import { TextContextTypeConvert, FIELD_FORMAT_IDS } from '../types';
+import { FieldFormat } from '../field_format';
+import {
+  TextContextTypeConvert,
+  GetConfigFn,
+  IFieldFormatMetaParams,
+} from '../types';
 export class DateFormat extends FieldFormat {
   static id = FIELD_FORMAT_IDS.DATE;
@@ -32,7 +37,7 @@ export class DateFormat extends FieldFormat {
   private memoizedPattern: string = '';
   private timeZone: string = '';
-  constructor(params: IFieldFormatMetaParams, getConfig: Function) {
+  constructor(params: IFieldFormatMetaParams, getConfig: GetConfigFn) {
     super(params, getConfig);
     this.memoizedConverter = memoize((val: any) => {
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/string.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/string.ts
index b2d92cf475a16..1a095d4fd3cfd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/string.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/string.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
-import { asPrettyString } from '../index';
+import { asPrettyString } from '../utils';
 import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../kbn_field_types/types';
 import { FieldFormat } from '../field_format';
 import { TextContextTypeConvert, FIELD_FORMAT_IDS } from '../types';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/url.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/url.ts
index 21688dd8d1138..7c3e1e1d2cad1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/url.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/converters/url.ts
@@ -21,8 +21,13 @@ import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { escape, memoize } from 'lodash';
 import { getHighlightHtml } from '../utils';
 import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../kbn_field_types/types';
-import { FieldFormat, IFieldFormatMetaParams } from '../field_format';
-import { TextContextTypeConvert, HtmlContextTypeConvert, FIELD_FORMAT_IDS } from '../types';
+import { FieldFormat } from '../field_format';
+import {
+  TextContextTypeConvert,
+  HtmlContextTypeConvert,
+  IFieldFormatMetaParams,
+} from '../types';
 const templateMatchRE = /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g;
 const whitelistUrlSchemes = ['http://', 'https://'];
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_format.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_format.ts
index a0621b27f5bc0..d605dcd2e78ac 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_format.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_format.ts
@@ -20,12 +20,14 @@
 import { transform, size, cloneDeep, get, defaults } from 'lodash';
 import { createCustomFieldFormat } from './converters/custom';
 import {
+  GetConfigFn,
+  IFieldFormatType,
+  IFieldFormatMetaParams,
 } from './types';
 import {
@@ -37,15 +39,6 @@ import { HtmlContextTypeConvert, TextContextTypeConvert } from './types';
-export interface IFieldFormatMetaParams {
-  [key: string]: any;
-  parsedUrl?: {
-    origin: string;
-    pathname?: string;
-    basePath?: string;
-  };
 export abstract class FieldFormat {
    * @property {string} - Field Format Id
@@ -97,9 +90,9 @@ export abstract class FieldFormat {
   public type: any = this.constructor;
   protected readonly _params: any;
-  protected getConfig: Function | undefined;
+  protected getConfig: GetConfigFn | undefined;
-  constructor(_params: IFieldFormatMetaParams = {}, getConfig?: Function) {
+  constructor(_params: IFieldFormatMetaParams = {}, getConfig?: GetConfigFn) {
     this._params = _params;
     if (getConfig) {
@@ -226,13 +219,3 @@ export abstract class FieldFormat {
     return Boolean(fieldFormat && fieldFormat.convert);
-export type IFieldFormat = PublicMethodsOf<FieldFormat>;
- * @string id type is needed for creating custom converters.
- */
-export type IFieldFormatId = FIELD_FORMAT_IDS | string;
-export type IFieldFormatType = (new (params?: any, getConfig?: Function) => FieldFormat) & {
-  id: IFieldFormatId;
-  fieldType: string | string[];
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_formats_registry.test.ts
similarity index 57%
rename from src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats.test.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_formats_registry.test.ts
index 8ad6cff77abc0..5f6f9fdf897ff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_formats_registry.test.ts
@@ -16,72 +16,67 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-import { CoreSetup, IUiSettingsClient } from 'kibana/public';
-import { FieldFormatRegisty } from './field_formats';
-import {
-  BoolFormat,
-  IFieldFormatType,
-  PercentFormat,
-  StringFormat,
-} from '../../common/field_formats';
-import { coreMock } from '../../../../core/public/mocks';
+import { FieldFormatsRegistry } from './field_formats_registry';
+import { BoolFormat, PercentFormat, StringFormat } from './converters';
+import { GetConfigFn, IFieldFormatType } from './types';
 import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../common';
 const getValueOfPrivateField = (instance: any, field: string) => instance[field];
-const getUiSettingsMock = (data: any): IUiSettingsClient['get'] => () => data;
-describe('FieldFormatRegisty', () => {
-  let mockCoreSetup: CoreSetup;
-  let fieldFormatRegisty: FieldFormatRegisty;
+describe('FieldFormatsRegistry', () => {
+  let fieldFormatsRegistry: FieldFormatsRegistry;
+  let defaultMap = {};
+  const getConfig = (() => defaultMap) as GetConfigFn;
   beforeEach(() => {
-    mockCoreSetup = coreMock.createSetup();
-    fieldFormatRegisty = new FieldFormatRegisty();
+    fieldFormatsRegistry = new FieldFormatsRegistry();
+    fieldFormatsRegistry.init(
+      getConfig,
+      {
+        parsedUrl: {
+          origin: '',
+          pathname: '',
+          basePath: '',
+        },
+      },
+      []
+    );
-  test('should allows to create an instance of "FieldFormatRegisty"', () => {
-    expect(fieldFormatRegisty).toBeDefined();
-    expect(getValueOfPrivateField(fieldFormatRegisty, 'fieldFormats')).toBeDefined();
-    expect(getValueOfPrivateField(fieldFormatRegisty, 'defaultMap')).toEqual({});
+  test('should allows to create an instance of "FieldFormatsRegistry"', () => {
+    expect(fieldFormatsRegistry).toBeDefined();
+    expect(getValueOfPrivateField(fieldFormatsRegistry, 'fieldFormats')).toBeDefined();
+    expect(getValueOfPrivateField(fieldFormatsRegistry, 'defaultMap')).toEqual({});
   describe('init', () => {
     test('should provide an public "init" method', () => {
-      expect(fieldFormatRegisty.init).toBeDefined();
-      expect(typeof fieldFormatRegisty.init).toBe('function');
-    });
-    test('should set basePath value from "init" method', () => {
-      fieldFormatRegisty.init(mockCoreSetup);
-      expect(getValueOfPrivateField(fieldFormatRegisty, 'basePath')).toBe(
-        mockCoreSetup.http.basePath.get()
-      );
+      expect(fieldFormatsRegistry.init).toBeDefined();
+      expect(typeof fieldFormatsRegistry.init).toBe('function');
     test('should populate the "defaultMap" object', () => {
-      const defaultMap = {
+      defaultMap = {
         number: { id: 'number', params: {} },
-      mockCoreSetup.uiSettings.get = getUiSettingsMock(defaultMap);
-      fieldFormatRegisty.init(mockCoreSetup);
-      expect(getValueOfPrivateField(fieldFormatRegisty, 'defaultMap')).toEqual(defaultMap);
+      fieldFormatsRegistry.init(getConfig, {}, []);
+      expect(getValueOfPrivateField(fieldFormatsRegistry, 'defaultMap')).toEqual(defaultMap);
   describe('register', () => {
     test('should provide an public "register" method', () => {
-      expect(fieldFormatRegisty.register).toBeDefined();
-      expect(typeof fieldFormatRegisty.register).toBe('function');
+      expect(fieldFormatsRegistry.register).toBeDefined();
+      expect(typeof fieldFormatsRegistry.register).toBe('function');
     test('should register field formats', () => {
-      fieldFormatRegisty.register([StringFormat, BoolFormat]);
+      fieldFormatsRegistry.register([StringFormat, BoolFormat]);
       const registeredFieldFormatters: Map<string, IFieldFormatType> = getValueOfPrivateField(
-        fieldFormatRegisty,
+        fieldFormatsRegistry,
@@ -95,28 +90,28 @@ describe('FieldFormatRegisty', () => {
   describe('getType', () => {
     test('should provide an public "getType" method', () => {
-      expect(fieldFormatRegisty.getType).toBeDefined();
-      expect(typeof fieldFormatRegisty.getType).toBe('function');
+      expect(fieldFormatsRegistry.getType).toBeDefined();
+      expect(typeof fieldFormatsRegistry.getType).toBe('function');
     test('should return the registered type of the field format by identifier', () => {
-      fieldFormatRegisty.register([StringFormat]);
+      fieldFormatsRegistry.register([StringFormat]);
-      expect(fieldFormatRegisty.getType(;
+      expect(fieldFormatsRegistry.getType(;
     test('should return void if the field format type has not been registered', () => {
-      fieldFormatRegisty.register([BoolFormat]);
+      fieldFormatsRegistry.register([BoolFormat]);
-      expect(fieldFormatRegisty.getType(;
+      expect(fieldFormatsRegistry.getType(;
   describe('fieldFormatMetaParamsDecorator', () => {
     test('should set meta params for all instances of FieldFormats', () => {
-      fieldFormatRegisty.register([StringFormat]);
+      fieldFormatsRegistry.register([StringFormat]);
-      const DecoratedStingFormat = fieldFormatRegisty.getType(;
+      const DecoratedStingFormat = fieldFormatsRegistry.getType(;
@@ -135,9 +130,9 @@ describe('FieldFormatRegisty', () => {
     test('should decorate static fields', () => {
-      fieldFormatRegisty.register([BoolFormat]);
+      fieldFormatsRegistry.register([BoolFormat]);
-      const DecoratedBoolFormat = fieldFormatRegisty.getType(;
+      const DecoratedBoolFormat = fieldFormatsRegistry.getType(;
@@ -150,14 +145,14 @@ describe('FieldFormatRegisty', () => {
   describe('getByFieldType', () => {
     test('should provide an public "getByFieldType" method', () => {
-      expect(fieldFormatRegisty.getByFieldType).toBeDefined();
-      expect(typeof fieldFormatRegisty.getByFieldType).toBe('function');
+      expect(fieldFormatsRegistry.getByFieldType).toBeDefined();
+      expect(typeof fieldFormatsRegistry.getByFieldType).toBe('function');
     test('should decorate returns types', () => {
-      fieldFormatRegisty.register([StringFormat, BoolFormat]);
+      fieldFormatsRegistry.register([StringFormat, BoolFormat]);
-      const [DecoratedStringFormat] = fieldFormatRegisty.getByFieldType(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.STRING);
+      const [DecoratedStringFormat] = fieldFormatsRegistry.getByFieldType(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.STRING);
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_formats_registry.ts
similarity index 81%
rename from src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_formats_registry.ts
index d3d57d42028cd..9b85921b820c8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/field_formats_registry.ts
@@ -19,42 +19,36 @@
 // eslint-disable-next-line max-classes-per-file
 import { forOwn, isFunction, memoize } from 'lodash';
-import { IUiSettingsClient, CoreSetup } from 'kibana/public';
+import { ES_FIELD_TYPES, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../common';
 import {
+  GetConfigFn,
+  IFieldFormatConfig,
-  FieldFormat,
-} from '../../common';
-import { FieldType } from './types';
-export class FieldFormatRegisty {
-  private fieldFormats: Map<IFieldFormatId, IFieldFormatType>;
-  private uiSettings!: IUiSettingsClient;
-  private defaultMap: Record<string, FieldType>;
-  private basePath?: string;
-  constructor() {
-    this.fieldFormats = new Map();
-    this.defaultMap = {};
-  }
-  getConfig = (key: string, override?: any) => this.uiSettings.get(key, override);
-  init({ uiSettings, http }: CoreSetup) {
-    this.uiSettings = uiSettings;
-    this.basePath = http.basePath.get();
-    this.parseDefaultTypeMap(this.uiSettings.get('format:defaultTypeMap'));
-    this.uiSettings.getUpdate$().subscribe(({ key, newValue }) => {
-      if (key === 'format:defaultTypeMap') {
-        this.parseDefaultTypeMap(newValue);
-      }
-    });
+} from './types';
+import { baseFormatters } from './constants/base_formatters';
+import { FieldFormat } from './field_format';
+export class FieldFormatsRegistry {
+  protected fieldFormats: Map<IFieldFormatId, IFieldFormatType> = new Map();
+  protected defaultMap: Record<string, IFieldFormatConfig> = {};
+  protected metaParamsOptions: Record<string, any> = {};
+  protected getConfig?: GetConfigFn;
+  init(
+    getConfig: GetConfigFn,
+    metaParamsOptions: Record<string, any> = {},
+    defaultFieldConverters: IFieldFormatType[] = baseFormatters
+  ) {
+    const defaultTypeMap = getConfig('format:defaultTypeMap');
+    this.register(defaultFieldConverters);
+    this.parseDefaultTypeMap(defaultTypeMap);
+    this.getConfig = getConfig;
+    this.metaParamsOptions = metaParamsOptions;
@@ -65,7 +59,10 @@ export class FieldFormatRegisty {
    * @param  {ES_FIELD_TYPES[]} esTypes - Array of ES data types
    * @return {FieldType}
-  getDefaultConfig = (fieldType: KBN_FIELD_TYPES, esTypes?: ES_FIELD_TYPES[]): FieldType => {
+  getDefaultConfig = (
+    fieldType: KBN_FIELD_TYPES,
+    esTypes?: ES_FIELD_TYPES[]
+  ): IFieldFormatConfig => {
     const type = this.getDefaultTypeName(fieldType, esTypes);
     return (
@@ -151,14 +148,19 @@ export class FieldFormatRegisty {
   getInstance = memoize(
     (formatId: IFieldFormatId, params: Record<string, any> = {}): FieldFormat => {
-      const DerivedFieldFormat = this.getType(formatId);
+      const ConcreteFieldFormat = this.getType(formatId);
-      if (!DerivedFieldFormat) {
+      if (!ConcreteFieldFormat) {
         throw new Error(`Field Format '${formatId}' not found!`);
-      return new DerivedFieldFormat(params, this.getConfig);
-    }
+      return new ConcreteFieldFormat(params, this.getConfig);
+    },
+    (formatId: IFieldFormatId, params: Record<string, any>) =>
+      JSON.stringify({
+        formatId,
+        ...params,
+      })
@@ -171,13 +173,7 @@ export class FieldFormatRegisty {
   getDefaultInstancePlain(fieldType: KBN_FIELD_TYPES, esTypes?: ES_FIELD_TYPES[]): FieldFormat {
     const conf = this.getDefaultConfig(fieldType, esTypes);
-    const DerivedFieldFormat = this.getType(;
-    if (!DerivedFieldFormat) {
-      throw new Error(`Field Format '${}' not found!`);
-    }
-    return new DerivedFieldFormat(conf.params, this.getConfig);
+    return this.getInstance(, conf.params);
    * Returns a cache key built by the given variables for caching in memoized
@@ -233,11 +229,9 @@ export class FieldFormatRegisty {
-  register = (fieldFormats: IFieldFormatType[]) => {
+  register(fieldFormats: IFieldFormatType[]) {
     fieldFormats.forEach(fieldFormat => this.fieldFormats.set(, fieldFormat));
-    return this;
-  };
+  }
    * FieldFormat decorator - provide a one way to add meta-params for all field formatters
@@ -256,7 +250,7 @@ export class FieldFormatRegisty {
         static id =;
         static fieldType = fieldFormat.fieldType;
-        constructor(params: Record<string, any> = {}, getConfig?: Function) {
+        constructor(params: Record<string, any> = {}, getConfig?: GetConfigFn) {
           super(getMetaParams(params), getConfig);
@@ -268,16 +262,11 @@ export class FieldFormatRegisty {
    * Build Meta Params
-   * @static
    * @param  {Record<string, any>} custom params
    * @return {Record<string, any>}
   private buildMetaParams = <T extends IFieldFormatMetaParams>(customParams: T): T => ({
-    parsedUrl: {
-      origin: window.location.origin,
-      pathname: window.location.pathname,
-      basePath: this.basePath,
-    },
+    ...this.metaParamsOptions,
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/index.ts
index b1e8744e26745..e54903375dcf1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/index.ts
@@ -17,13 +17,6 @@
  * under the License.
-export { HTML_CONTEXT_TYPE, TEXT_CONTEXT_TYPE } from './content_types';
-export {
-  FieldFormat,
-  IFieldFormatType,
-  IFieldFormatId,
-  IFieldFormatMetaParams,
-} from './field_format';
-export { getHighlightRequest, asPrettyString, getHighlightHtml } from './utils';
-export * from './converters';
-export * from './constants';
+import * as fieldFormats from './static';
+export { fieldFormats };
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats_service.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/static.ts
similarity index 51%
rename from src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats_service.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/static.ts
index 42abeecc6fda0..186a0ff6ede5c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/field_formats_service.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/static.ts
@@ -17,10 +17,19 @@
  * under the License.
-import { CoreSetup } from 'src/core/public';
-import { FieldFormatRegisty } from './field_formats';
+ * Everything the file exports is public
+ */
+export { HTML_CONTEXT_TYPE, TEXT_CONTEXT_TYPE } from './content_types';
+export { FieldFormat } from './field_format';
+export { FieldFormatsRegistry } from './field_formats_registry';
+export { getHighlightRequest, asPrettyString, getHighlightHtml } from './utils';
+export { baseFormatters } from './constants/base_formatters';
+export { DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR } from './constants/color_default';
-import {
+export {
@@ -33,47 +42,17 @@ import {
+  UrlFormat,
-  UrlFormat,
-} from '../../common/';
-export class FieldFormatsService {
-  private readonly fieldFormats: FieldFormatRegisty = new FieldFormatRegisty();
-  public setup(core: CoreSetup) {
-    this.fieldFormats.init(core);
-    this.fieldFormats.register([
-      BoolFormat,
-      BytesFormat,
-      ColorFormat,
-      DateFormat,
-      DateNanosFormat,
-      DurationFormat,
-      IpFormat,
-      NumberFormat,
-      PercentFormat,
-      RelativeDateFormat,
-      SourceFormat,
-      StaticLookupFormat,
-      StringFormat,
-      TruncateFormat,
-      UrlFormat,
-    ]);
-    return this.fieldFormats as FieldFormatsSetup;
-  }
-  public start() {
-    return this.fieldFormats as FieldFormatsStart;
-  }
-  public stop() {
-    // nothing to do here yet
-  }
-/** @public */
-export type FieldFormatsSetup = Omit<FieldFormatRegisty, 'init'>;
-export type FieldFormatsStart = Omit<FieldFormatRegisty, 'init' & 'register'>;
+} from './converters';
+export {
+  GetConfigFn,
+  ContentType,
+  IFieldFormatConfig,
+  IFieldFormatType,
+  IFieldFormat,
+  IFieldFormatId,
+} from './types';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/types.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/types.ts
index dce3c66b0f886..b6c10c9964f67 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/types.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/types.ts
@@ -17,11 +17,10 @@
  * under the License.
-/** @public **/
-export type ContentType = 'html' | 'text';
+import { FieldFormat } from './field_format';
 /** @public **/
-export { IFieldFormat } from './field_format';
+export type ContentType = 'html' | 'text';
 /** @internal **/
 export interface HtmlContextTypeOptions {
@@ -66,3 +65,32 @@ export enum FIELD_FORMAT_IDS {
   TRUNCATE = 'truncate',
   URL = 'url',
+export interface IFieldFormatConfig {
+  id: IFieldFormatId;
+  params: Record<string, any>;
+  es?: boolean;
+export type GetConfigFn = <T = any>(key: string, defaultOverride?: T) => T;
+export type IFieldFormat = PublicMethodsOf<FieldFormat>;
+ * @string id type is needed for creating custom converters.
+ */
+export type IFieldFormatId = FIELD_FORMAT_IDS | string;
+export type IFieldFormatType = (new (params?: any, getConfig?: GetConfigFn) => FieldFormat) & {
+  id: IFieldFormatId;
+  fieldType: string | string[];
+export interface IFieldFormatMetaParams {
+  [key: string]: any;
+  parsedUrl?: {
+    origin: string;
+    pathname?: string;
+    basePath?: string;
+  };
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/types.ts b/src/plugins/data/common/types.ts
index bc0d0c323bafa..be0d3230b3a0e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/types.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/common/types.ts
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
  * under the License.
-export * from './field_formats/types';
 export * from './timefilter/types';
 export * from './query/types';
 export * from './kbn_field_types/types';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats/field_formats_service.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats/field_formats_service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..68df0aa254580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats/field_formats_service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
+ * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
+ * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { CoreSetup } from 'src/core/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../common/field_formats';
+export class FieldFormatsService {
+  private readonly fieldFormatsRegistry: fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry = new fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry();
+  public setup(core: CoreSetup) {
+    core.uiSettings.getUpdate$().subscribe(({ key, newValue }) => {
+      if (key === 'format:defaultTypeMap') {
+        this.fieldFormatsRegistry.parseDefaultTypeMap(newValue);
+      }
+    });
+    const getConfig = core.uiSettings.get.bind(core.uiSettings);
+    this.fieldFormatsRegistry.init(getConfig, {
+      parsedUrl: {
+        origin: window.location.origin,
+        pathname: window.location.pathname,
+        basePath: core.http.basePath.get(),
+      },
+    });
+    return this.fieldFormatsRegistry as FieldFormatsSetup;
+  }
+  public start() {
+    return this.fieldFormatsRegistry as FieldFormatsStart;
+  }
+/** @public */
+export type FieldFormatsSetup = Pick<fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry, 'register'>;
+/** @public */
+export type FieldFormatsStart = Omit<fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry, 'init' & 'register'>;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats/index.ts
similarity index 92%
rename from src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/index.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/public/field_formats/index.ts
index 442d877c5316a..4550a5781535f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats/index.ts
@@ -17,5 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-export { FieldFormatRegisty } from './field_formats'; // TODO: Try to remove
 export { FieldFormatsService, FieldFormatsSetup, FieldFormatsStart } from './field_formats_service';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/types.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/types.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fc33bf4d38f85..0000000000000
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/field_formats_provider/types.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import { IFieldFormatId } from '../../common';
-export interface FieldType {
-  id: IFieldFormatId;
-  params: Record<string, any>;
-  es?: boolean;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index.ts
index d9b15cb46334a..bc25c64f0e96e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index.ts
@@ -31,12 +31,6 @@ export function plugin(initializerContext: PluginInitializerContext) {
 export { IRequestTypesMap, IResponseTypesMap } from './search';
 export * from './types';
 export {
-  // field formats
-  ContentType, // only used in agg_type
-  IFieldFormat,
-  IFieldFormatId,
-  IFieldFormatType,
   // index patterns
@@ -51,7 +45,7 @@ export {
 } from '../common';
-export * from './field_formats_provider';
+export * from './field_formats';
 export * from './index_patterns';
 export * from './search';
 export * from './query';
@@ -61,26 +55,7 @@ export {
-  // field formats
-  BoolFormat,
-  BytesFormat,
-  ColorFormat,
-  DateFormat,
-  DateNanosFormat,
-  DurationFormat,
-  FieldFormat,
-  getHighlightRequest, // only used in search source
-  IpFormat,
-  NumberFormat,
-  PercentFormat,
-  RelativeDateFormat,
-  SourceFormat,
-  StaticLookupFormat,
-  StringFormat,
-  TEXT_CONTEXT_TYPE, // only used in agg_types
-  TruncateFormat,
-  UrlFormat,
+  fieldFormats,
   // index patterns
   // kbn field types
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/fields/field.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/fields/field.ts
index 6ed3c2be8f96e..730a2f88c5eb7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/fields/field.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/fields/field.ts
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import {
-  FieldFormat,
+  fieldFormats,
 } from '../../../common';
@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ export class Field implements IFieldType {
     let format = spec.format;
-    if (!FieldFormat.isInstanceOfFieldFormat(format)) {
-      const fieldFormats = getFieldFormats();
+    if (!fieldFormats.FieldFormat.isInstanceOfFieldFormat(format)) {
+      const fieldFormatsService = getFieldFormats();
       format =
         indexPattern.fieldFormatMap[] ||
-        fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(spec.type, spec.esTypes);
+        fieldFormatsService.getDefaultInstance(spec.type, spec.esTypes);
     const indexed = !!spec.indexed;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/format_hit.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/format_hit.ts
index 59ee18b3dcb50..f9e15c8650ce0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/format_hit.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/format_hit.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import _ from 'lodash';
 import { IndexPattern } from './index_pattern';
-import { ContentType } from '../../../common';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../common';
 const formattedCache = new WeakMap();
 const partialFormattedCache = new WeakMap();
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export function formatHitProvider(indexPattern: IndexPattern, defaultFormat: any
     hit: Record<string, any>,
     val: any,
     fieldName: string,
-    type: ContentType = 'html'
+    type: fieldFormats.ContentType = 'html'
   ) {
     const field = indexPattern.fields.getByName(fieldName);
     const format = field ? field.format : defaultFormat;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.test.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.test.ts
index 1f83e4bd5b80c..059df6d4eb0f8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.test.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/index_patterns/index_patterns/index_pattern.test.ts
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import { setNotifications, setFieldFormats } from '../../services';
 // Temporary disable eslint, will be removed after moving to new platform folder
 // eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
 import { notificationServiceMock } from '../../../../../core/public/notifications/notifications_service.mock';
-import { FieldFormatRegisty } from '../../field_formats_provider';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../common/field_formats';
 jest.mock('../../../../kibana_utils/public', () => {
   const originalModule = jest.requireActual('../../../../kibana_utils/public');
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ describe('IndexPattern', () => {
       getDefaultInstance: jest.fn(),
-    } as unknown) as FieldFormatRegisty);
+    } as unknown) as fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry);
     return create(indexPatternId).then((pattern: IndexPattern) => {
       indexPattern = pattern;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/mocks.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/mocks.ts
index 0f1c9eeb9d11a..847d79fdc87d1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/mocks.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/mocks.ts
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
  * under the License.
 import {
-  FieldFormatRegisty,
+  fieldFormats,
 } from '.';
 import { searchSetupMock } from './search/mocks';
 import { queryServiceMock } from './query/mocks';
@@ -35,9 +35,8 @@ const autocompleteMock: any = {
   hasQuerySuggestions: jest.fn(),
-const fieldFormatsMock: PublicMethodsOf<FieldFormatRegisty> = {
+const fieldFormatsMock: PublicMethodsOf<fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry> = {
   getByFieldType: jest.fn(),
-  getConfig: jest.fn(),
   getDefaultConfig: jest.fn(),
   getDefaultInstance: jest.fn() as any,
   getDefaultInstanceCacheResolver: jest.fn(),
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
index 34d858b28c871..8a45d9fc2f23b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/plugin.ts
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import {
 } from './types';
 import { AutocompleteService } from './autocomplete';
 import { SearchService } from './search/search_service';
-import { FieldFormatsService } from './field_formats_provider';
+import { FieldFormatsService } from './field_formats';
 import { QueryService } from './query';
 import { createIndexPatternSelect } from './ui/index_pattern_select';
 import { IndexPatterns } from './index_patterns';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts
index 749c59d891b7e..7b1a4533dd1c6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/search/search_source/search_source.ts
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ import _ from 'lodash';
 import { normalizeSortRequest } from './normalize_sort_request';
 import { filterDocvalueFields } from './filter_docvalue_fields';
 import { fieldWildcardFilter } from '../../../../kibana_utils/public';
-import { getHighlightRequest, esFilters, esQuery, SearchRequest } from '../..';
+import { fieldFormats, esFilters, esQuery, SearchRequest } from '../..';
 import { SearchSourceOptions, SearchSourceFields } from './types';
 import { fetchSoon, FetchOptions, RequestFailure } from '../fetch';
@@ -382,7 +382,10 @@ export class SearchSource {
     body.query = esQuery.buildEsQuery(index, query, filters, esQueryConfigs);
     if (highlightAll && body.query) {
-      body.highlight = getHighlightRequest(body.query, getUiSettings().get('doc_table:highlight'));
+      body.highlight = fieldFormats.getHighlightRequest(
+        body.query,
+        getUiSettings().get('doc_table:highlight')
+      );
       delete searchRequest.highlightAll;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/types.ts b/src/plugins/data/public/types.ts
index d2af256302248..6b6ff5e62e63f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/types.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/types.ts
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { CoreStart } from 'src/core/public';
 import { IStorageWrapper } from 'src/plugins/kibana_utils/public';
 import { IUiActionsSetup, IUiActionsStart } from 'src/plugins/ui_actions/public';
 import { AutocompleteSetup, AutocompleteStart } from './autocomplete/types';
-import { FieldFormatsSetup, FieldFormatsStart } from './field_formats_provider';
+import { FieldFormatsSetup, FieldFormatsStart } from './field_formats';
 import { ISearchSetup, ISearchStart } from './search';
 import { QuerySetup, QueryStart } from './query';
 import { IndexPatternSelectProps } from './ui/index_pattern_select';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/public/ui/query_string_input/__snapshots__/query_string_input.test.tsx.snap b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/query_string_input/__snapshots__/query_string_input.test.tsx.snap
index f38adff892099..2f2332bb06e3c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/public/ui/query_string_input/__snapshots__/query_string_input.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/src/plugins/data/public/ui/query_string_input/__snapshots__/query_string_input.test.tsx.snap
@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ exports[`QueryStringInput Should disable autoFocus on EuiFieldText when disableA
               "fieldFormats": Object {
                 "getByFieldType": [MockFunction],
-                "getConfig": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultConfig": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultInstance": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultInstanceCacheResolver": [MockFunction],
@@ -805,7 +804,6 @@ exports[`QueryStringInput Should disable autoFocus on EuiFieldText when disableA
                       "fieldFormats": Object {
                         "getByFieldType": [MockFunction],
-                        "getConfig": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultConfig": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultInstance": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultInstanceCacheResolver": [MockFunction],
@@ -1429,7 +1427,6 @@ exports[`QueryStringInput Should pass the query language to the language switche
               "fieldFormats": Object {
                 "getByFieldType": [MockFunction],
-                "getConfig": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultConfig": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultInstance": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultInstanceCacheResolver": [MockFunction],
@@ -2068,7 +2065,6 @@ exports[`QueryStringInput Should pass the query language to the language switche
                       "fieldFormats": Object {
                         "getByFieldType": [MockFunction],
-                        "getConfig": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultConfig": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultInstance": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultInstanceCacheResolver": [MockFunction],
@@ -2692,7 +2688,6 @@ exports[`QueryStringInput Should render the given query 1`] = `
               "fieldFormats": Object {
                 "getByFieldType": [MockFunction],
-                "getConfig": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultConfig": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultInstance": [MockFunction],
                 "getDefaultInstanceCacheResolver": [MockFunction],
@@ -3331,7 +3326,6 @@ exports[`QueryStringInput Should render the given query 1`] = `
                       "fieldFormats": Object {
                         "getByFieldType": [MockFunction],
-                        "getConfig": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultConfig": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultInstance": [MockFunction],
                         "getDefaultInstanceCacheResolver": [MockFunction],
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/server/field_formats/field_formats_service.ts b/src/plugins/data/server/field_formats/field_formats_service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..923904db9def0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/data/server/field_formats/field_formats_service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
+ * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
+ * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import { has } from 'lodash';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../common/field_formats';
+import { IUiSettingsClient } from '../../../../core/server';
+export class FieldFormatsService {
+  private readonly fieldFormatClasses: fieldFormats.IFieldFormatType[] =
+    fieldFormats.baseFormatters;
+  public setup() {
+    return {
+      register: (customFieldFormat: fieldFormats.IFieldFormatType) =>
+        this.fieldFormatClasses.push(customFieldFormat),
+    };
+  }
+  public start() {
+    return {
+      fieldFormatServiceFactory: async (uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient) => {
+        const fieldFormatsRegistry = new fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry();
+        const uiConfigs = await uiSettings.getAll();
+        const registeredUiSettings = uiSettings.getRegistered();
+        Object.keys(registeredUiSettings).forEach(key => {
+          if (has(uiConfigs, key) && registeredUiSettings[key].type === 'json') {
+            uiConfigs[key] = JSON.parse(uiConfigs[key]);
+          }
+        });
+        fieldFormatsRegistry.init((key: string) => uiConfigs[key], {}, this.fieldFormatClasses);
+        return fieldFormatsRegistry;
+      },
+    };
+  }
+/** @public */
+export type FieldFormatsSetup = ReturnType<FieldFormatsService['setup']>;
+/** @public */
+export type FieldFormatsStart = ReturnType<FieldFormatsService['start']>;
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/constants/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/server/field_formats/index.ts
similarity index 88%
rename from src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/constants/index.ts
rename to src/plugins/data/server/field_formats/index.ts
index 7f95df4449631..4550a5781535f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/common/field_formats/constants/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/server/field_formats/index.ts
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-export { DEFAULT_CONVERTER_COLOR } from './color_default';
+export { FieldFormatsService, FieldFormatsSetup, FieldFormatsStart } from './field_formats_service';
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/server/index.ts b/src/plugins/data/server/index.ts
index ab908f90fc87b..45bd111a2ce4f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/server/index.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/server/index.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import { PluginInitializerContext } from '../../../core/server';
-import { DataServerPlugin, DataPluginSetup } from './plugin';
+import { DataServerPlugin, DataPluginSetup, DataPluginStart } from './plugin';
 export function plugin(initializerContext: PluginInitializerContext) {
   return new DataServerPlugin(initializerContext);
@@ -29,14 +29,20 @@ export function plugin(initializerContext: PluginInitializerContext) {
  * @public
 export { IRequestTypesMap, IResponseTypesMap } from './search';
 export {
-  // field formats
-  IFieldFormat,
-  IFieldFormatId,
-  IFieldFormatType,
+  // es query
+  esFilters,
+  esKuery,
+  esQuery,
+  fieldFormats,
+  // kbn field types
+  castEsToKbnFieldTypeName,
+  getKbnFieldType,
+  getKbnTypeNames,
   // index patterns
+  isFilterable,
   // kbn field types
@@ -62,36 +68,11 @@ export {
 } from './index_patterns';
 export * from './search';
-export {
-  // es query
-  esFilters,
-  esKuery,
-  esQuery,
-  // field formats
-  BoolFormat,
-  BytesFormat,
-  ColorFormat,
-  DateFormat,
-  DateNanosFormat,
-  DurationFormat,
-  FieldFormat,
-  IpFormat,
-  NumberFormat,
-  PercentFormat,
-  RelativeDateFormat,
-  SourceFormat,
-  StaticLookupFormat,
-  StringFormat,
-  TruncateFormat,
-  UrlFormat,
-  // index patterns
-  isFilterable,
-  // kbn field types
-  castEsToKbnFieldTypeName,
-  getKbnFieldType,
-  getKbnTypeNames,
-} from '../common';
-export { DataServerPlugin as Plugin, DataPluginSetup as PluginSetup };
+export {
+  DataServerPlugin as Plugin,
+  DataPluginSetup as PluginSetup,
+  DataPluginStart as PluginStart,
diff --git a/src/plugins/data/server/plugin.ts b/src/plugins/data/server/plugin.ts
index 591fdb4c4080d..fcd3b62b2ec67 100644
--- a/src/plugins/data/server/plugin.ts
+++ b/src/plugins/data/server/plugin.ts
@@ -25,20 +25,28 @@ import { ScriptsService } from './scripts';
 import { KqlTelemetryService } from './kql_telemetry';
 import { UsageCollectionSetup } from '../../usage_collection/server';
 import { AutocompleteService } from './autocomplete';
+import { FieldFormatsService, FieldFormatsSetup, FieldFormatsStart } from './field_formats';
 export interface DataPluginSetup {
   search: ISearchSetup;
+  fieldFormats: FieldFormatsSetup;
+export interface DataPluginStart {
+  fieldFormats: FieldFormatsStart;
 export interface DataPluginSetupDependencies {
   usageCollection?: UsageCollectionSetup;
-export class DataServerPlugin implements Plugin<DataPluginSetup> {
+export class DataServerPlugin implements Plugin<DataPluginSetup, DataPluginStart> {
   private readonly searchService: SearchService;
   private readonly scriptsService: ScriptsService;
   private readonly kqlTelemetryService: KqlTelemetryService;
   private readonly autocompleteService = new AutocompleteService();
   private readonly indexPatterns = new IndexPatternsService();
+  private readonly fieldFormats = new FieldFormatsService();
   constructor(initializerContext: PluginInitializerContext) {
     this.searchService = new SearchService(initializerContext);
@@ -53,11 +61,17 @@ export class DataServerPlugin implements Plugin<DataPluginSetup> {
     this.kqlTelemetryService.setup(core, { usageCollection });
     return {
+      fieldFormats: this.fieldFormats.setup(),
       search: this.searchService.setup(core),
-  public start(core: CoreStart) {}
+  public start(core: CoreStart) {
+    return {
+      fieldFormats: this.fieldFormats.start(),
+    };
+  }
   public stop() {}
diff --git a/src/test_utils/public/stub_field_formats.ts b/src/test_utils/public/stub_field_formats.ts
index ea46710c0dc84..32bdca1eea258 100644
--- a/src/test_utils/public/stub_field_formats.ts
+++ b/src/test_utils/public/stub_field_formats.ts
@@ -17,48 +17,13 @@
  * under the License.
 import { CoreSetup } from 'kibana/public';
-import {
-  FieldFormatRegisty,
-  BoolFormat,
-  BytesFormat,
-  ColorFormat,
-  DateFormat,
-  DateNanosFormat,
-  DurationFormat,
-  IpFormat,
-  NumberFormat,
-  PercentFormat,
-  RelativeDateFormat,
-  SourceFormat,
-  StaticLookupFormat,
-  StringFormat,
-  TruncateFormat,
-  UrlFormat,
-} from '../../plugins/data/public/';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../plugins/data/public';
 export const getFieldFormatsRegistry = (core: CoreSetup) => {
-  const fieldFormats = new FieldFormatRegisty();
-  fieldFormats.register([
-    BoolFormat,
-    BytesFormat,
-    ColorFormat,
-    DateFormat,
-    DateNanosFormat,
-    DurationFormat,
-    IpFormat,
-    NumberFormat,
-    PercentFormat,
-    RelativeDateFormat,
-    SourceFormat,
-    StaticLookupFormat,
-    StringFormat,
-    TruncateFormat,
-    UrlFormat,
-  ]);
+  const fieldFormatsRegistry = new fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry();
+  const getConfig = core.uiSettings.get.bind(core.uiSettings);
-  fieldFormats.init(core);
+  fieldFormatsRegistry.init(getConfig, {});
-  return fieldFormats;
+  return fieldFormatsRegistry;
diff --git a/src/test_utils/public/stub_index_pattern.js b/src/test_utils/public/stub_index_pattern.js
index 7807821ab09bd..4369661e9e197 100644
--- a/src/test_utils/public/stub_index_pattern.js
+++ b/src/test_utils/public/stub_index_pattern.js
@@ -22,12 +22,7 @@ import sinon from 'sinon';
 // because it is one of the few places that we need to access the IndexPattern class itself, rather
 // than just the type. Doing this as a temporary measure; it will be left behind when migrating to NP.
-import {
-  FieldList,
-  IndexPattern,
-  indexPatterns,
-} from '../../plugins/data/public';
+import { FieldList, IndexPattern, indexPatterns, KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '../../plugins/data/public';
 import { setFieldFormats } from '../../plugins/data/public/services';
@@ -61,7 +56,7 @@ export default function StubIndexPattern(pattern, getConfig, timeField, fields,
   this.flattenHit = indexPatterns.flattenHitWrapper(this, this.metaFields);
   this.formatHit = indexPatterns.formatHitProvider(
-    registeredFieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(FIELD_FORMAT_IDS.STRING)
+    registeredFieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(KBN_FIELD_TYPES.STRING)
   this.fieldsFetcher = { apiClient: { baseUrl: '' } };
   this.formatField = this.formatHit.formatField;
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/lens/public/metric_visualization_plugin/metric_expression.test.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/lens/public/metric_visualization_plugin/metric_expression.test.tsx
index 9220c3ec75fad..a9a48c46f5bd0 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/lens/public/metric_visualization_plugin/metric_expression.test.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/lens/public/metric_visualization_plugin/metric_expression.test.tsx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { LensMultiTable } from '../types';
 import React from 'react';
 import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
 import { MetricConfig } from './types';
-import { FieldFormat } from '../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 function sampleArgs() {
   const data: LensMultiTable = {
@@ -54,8 +54,11 @@ describe('metric_expression', () => {
     test('it renders the title and value', () => {
       const { data, args } = sampleArgs();
-      expect(shallow(<MetricChart data={data} args={args} formatFactory={x => x as FieldFormat} />))
-        .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+      expect(
+        shallow(
+          <MetricChart data={data} args={args} formatFactory={x => x as fieldFormats.FieldFormat} />
+        )
+      ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
           reportTitle="My fanci metric chart"
@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ describe('metric_expression', () => {
             args={{ ...args, mode: 'reduced' }}
-            formatFactory={x => x as FieldFormat}
+            formatFactory={x => x as fieldFormats.FieldFormat}
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/execute_job.test.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/execute_job.test.js
index 6109db8542764..1abc923d340e6 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/execute_job.test.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/execute_job.test.js
@@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ import Puid from 'puid';
 import sinon from 'sinon';
 import nodeCrypto from '@elastic/node-crypto';
 import { CancellationToken } from '../../../common/cancellation_token';
-import { FieldFormatsService } from '../../../../../../../src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service';
-// Reporting uses an unconventional directory structure so the linter marks this as a violation
-// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-import { StringFormat } from '../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/server';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/server';
 import { LevelLogger } from '../../../server/lib/level_logger';
 import { executeJobFactory } from './execute_job';
@@ -77,8 +74,12 @@ describe('CSV Execute Job', function() {
         uiConfigMock['format:defaultTypeMap'] = {
           _default_: { id: 'string', params: {} },
-        const getConfig = key => uiConfigMock[key];
-        return new FieldFormatsService([StringFormat], getConfig);
+        const fieldFormatsRegistry = new fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry();
+        fieldFormatsRegistry.init(key => uiConfigMock[key], {}, [fieldFormats.StringFormat]);
+        return fieldFormatsRegistry;
       plugins: {
         elasticsearch: {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/execute_job.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/execute_job.ts
index d8b4cdd9718ea..fe64fdc96d904 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/execute_job.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/execute_job.ts
@@ -5,17 +5,10 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
-// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
 import { KibanaRequest } from '../../../../../../../src/core/server';
 import { CSV_JOB_TYPE } from '../../../common/constants';
 import { cryptoFactory } from '../../../server/lib';
-import {
-  ESQueueWorkerExecuteFn,
-  ExecuteJobFactory,
-  FieldFormats,
-  Logger,
-  ServerFacade,
-} from '../../../types';
+import { ESQueueWorkerExecuteFn, ExecuteJobFactory, Logger, ServerFacade } from '../../../types';
 import { JobDocPayloadDiscoverCsv } from '../types';
 import { fieldFormatMapFactory } from './lib/field_format_map';
 import { createGenerateCsv } from './lib/generate_csv';
@@ -94,7 +87,7 @@ export const executeJobFactory: ExecuteJobFactory<ESQueueWorkerExecuteFn<
     const [formatsMap, uiSettings] = await Promise.all([
       (async () => {
-        const fieldFormats = (await server.fieldFormatServiceFactory(uiConfig)) as FieldFormats;
+        const fieldFormats = await server.fieldFormatServiceFactory(uiConfig);
         return fieldFormatMapFactory(indexPatternSavedObject, fieldFormats);
       (async () => {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/field_format_map.test.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/field_format_map.test.ts
index b3384dd6ca51d..d1fa44773972f 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/field_format_map.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/field_format_map.test.ts
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
 import expect from '@kbn/expect';
-import { FieldFormatsService } from '../../../../../../../../src/legacy/ui/field_formats/mixin/field_formats_service';
-// Reporting uses an unconventional directory structure so the linter marks this as a violation
-// eslint-disable-next-line @kbn/eslint/no-restricted-paths
-import { BytesFormat, NumberFormat } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/server';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/server';
 import { fieldFormatMapFactory } from './field_format_map';
 type ConfigValue = { number: { id: string; params: {} } } | string;
@@ -31,12 +29,13 @@ describe('field format map', function() {
     number: { id: 'number', params: {} },
   configMock['format:number:defaultPattern'] = '0,0.[000]';
-  const getConfig = (key: string) => configMock[key];
+  const getConfig = ((key: string) => configMock[key]) as fieldFormats.GetConfigFn;
   const testValue = '4000';
-  const fieldFormats = new FieldFormatsService([BytesFormat, NumberFormat], getConfig);
+  const fieldFormatsRegistry = new fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry();
+  fieldFormatsRegistry.init(getConfig, {}, [fieldFormats.BytesFormat, fieldFormats.NumberFormat]);
-  const formatMap = fieldFormatMapFactory(indexPatternSavedObject, fieldFormats);
+  const formatMap = fieldFormatMapFactory(indexPatternSavedObject, fieldFormatsRegistry);
   it('should build field format map with entry per index pattern field', function() {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/field_format_map.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/field_format_map.ts
index d013b5e75ee4d..dba97b508f93e 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/field_format_map.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/field_format_map.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 import _ from 'lodash';
-import { FieldFormats } from '../../../../types';
+import { fieldFormats } from '../../../../../../../../src/plugins/data/server';
 interface IndexPatternSavedObject {
   attributes: {
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ interface IndexPatternSavedObject {
 export function fieldFormatMapFactory(
   indexPatternSavedObject: IndexPatternSavedObject,
-  fieldFormats: FieldFormats
+  fieldFormatsRegistry: fieldFormats.FieldFormatsRegistry
 ) {
   const formatsMap = new Map();
@@ -33,10 +33,13 @@ export function fieldFormatMapFactory(
   if (_.has(indexPatternSavedObject, 'attributes.fieldFormatMap')) {
     const fieldFormatMap = JSON.parse(indexPatternSavedObject.attributes.fieldFormatMap);
     Object.keys(fieldFormatMap).forEach(fieldName => {
-      const formatConfig = fieldFormatMap[fieldName];
+      const formatConfig: fieldFormats.IFieldFormatConfig = fieldFormatMap[fieldName];
       if (!_.isEmpty(formatConfig)) {
-        formatsMap.set(fieldName, fieldFormats.getInstance(formatConfig));
+        formatsMap.set(
+          fieldName,
+          fieldFormatsRegistry.getInstance(, formatConfig.params)
+        );
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ export function fieldFormatMapFactory(
   const indexFields = JSON.parse(_.get(indexPatternSavedObject, 'attributes.fields', '[]'));
   indexFields.forEach((field: any) => {
     if (!formatsMap.has( {
-      formatsMap.set(, fieldFormats.getDefaultInstance(field.type));
+      formatsMap.set(, fieldFormatsRegistry.getDefaultInstance(field.type));
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/index.ts
index 3a60fc143c019..3fb297cb8d82c 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/index.ts
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import { resolve } from 'path';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
+import { IUiSettingsClient } from 'kibana/server';
 import { PLUGIN_ID, UI_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_PDF_LOGO } from './common/constants';
 import { ReportingConfigOptions, ReportingPluginSpecOptions } from './types.d';
 import { config as reportingConfig } from './config';
@@ -17,10 +18,16 @@ import {
 } from './server/plugin';
+import { PluginStart as DataPluginStart } from '../../../../src/plugins/data/server';
 const kbToBase64Length = (kb: number) => {
   return Math.floor((kb * 1024 * 8) / 6);
+interface ReportingDeps {
+  data: DataPluginStart;
 export const reporting = (kibana: any) => {
   return new kibana.Plugin({
     id: PLUGIN_ID,
@@ -70,6 +77,14 @@ export const reporting = (kibana: any) => {
       const pluginsSetup: ReportingSetupDeps = {
         usageCollection: server.newPlatform.setup.plugins.usageCollection,
+      const fieldFormatServiceFactory = async (uiSettings: IUiSettingsClient) => {
+        const [, plugins] = await coreSetup.getStartServices();
+        const { fieldFormats } = (plugins as ReportingDeps).data;
+        return fieldFormats.fieldFormatServiceFactory(uiSettings);
+      };
       const __LEGACY: LegacySetup = {
         config: server.config,
@@ -80,9 +95,8 @@ export const reporting = (kibana: any) => {
         savedObjects: server.savedObjects,
+        fieldFormatServiceFactory,
         uiSettingsServiceFactory: server.uiSettingsServiceFactory,
-        // @ts-ignore Property 'fieldFormatServiceFactory' does not exist on type 'Server'.
-        fieldFormatServiceFactory: server.fieldFormatServiceFactory,
       const initializerContext = server.newPlatform.coreContext;
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/server/plugin.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/server/plugin.ts
index b0dc56dd8d8d0..42ef5c3df182e 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/server/plugin.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/server/plugin.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
 import { CoreSetup, CoreStart, Plugin, LoggerFactory } from 'src/core/server';
-import { IUiSettingsClient } from 'src/core/server';
 import { UsageCollectionSetup } from 'src/plugins/usage_collection/server';
 import { XPackMainPlugin } from '../../xpack_main/server/xpack_main';
 // @ts-ignore
@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ import { checkLicenseFactory, getExportTypesRegistry, runValidations, LevelLogge
 import { createBrowserDriverFactory } from './browsers';
 import { registerReportingUsageCollector } from './usage';
 import { logConfiguration } from '../log_configuration';
+import { PluginStart as DataPluginStart } from '../../../../../src/plugins/data/server';
 export interface ReportingInitializerContext {
   logger: LoggerFactory;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export interface LegacySetup {
   route: Legacy.Server['route'];
   savedObjects: Legacy.Server['savedObjects'];
   uiSettingsServiceFactory: Legacy.Server['uiSettingsServiceFactory'];
-  fieldFormatServiceFactory: (uiConfig: IUiSettingsClient) => unknown;
+  fieldFormatServiceFactory: DataPluginStart['fieldFormats']['fieldFormatServiceFactory'];
 export type ReportingPlugin = Plugin<
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/types.d.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/types.d.ts
index 6d769c0d7b717..9ba016d8b828d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/types.d.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/reporting/types.d.ts
@@ -7,10 +7,7 @@
 import { ResponseObject } from 'hapi';
 import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
 import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
-import {
-  ElasticsearchPlugin,
-  CallCluster,
-} from '../../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/elasticsearch';
+import { CallCluster } from '../../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/elasticsearch';
 import { CancellationToken } from './common/cancellation_token';
 import { LevelLogger } from './server/lib/level_logger';
 import { HeadlessChromiumDriverFactory } from './server/browsers/chromium/driver_factory';
@@ -334,9 +331,3 @@ export interface InterceptedRequest {
   frameId: string;
   resourceType: string;
-export interface FieldFormats {
-  getConfig: number;
-  getInstance: (config: any) => any;
-  getDefaultInstance: (key: string) => any;

From 4df1c4c9c16794eec7b48729539880982a12e23b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Seeders <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 14:46:05 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 20/36] [CI] Retry flaky tests (#53961)

 Jenkinsfile                | 29 ++++++++++++---
 vars/githubPr.groovy       | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy |  8 +++-
 vars/retryable.groovy      | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 vars/retryable.groovy

diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index f6844c7f03fe6..4695004cd010a 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -4,16 +4,21 @@ library 'kibana-pipeline-library'
 stage("Kibana Pipeline") { // This stage is just here to help the BlueOcean UI a little bit
-  timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+  timeout(time: 135, unit: 'MINUTES') {
     timestamps {
       ansiColor('xterm') {
         githubPr.withDefaultPrComments {
           catchError {
+            retryable.enable()
               'kibana-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.legacyJobRunner('kibana-intake'),
               'x-pack-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.legacyJobRunner('x-pack-intake'),
               'kibana-oss-agent': kibanaPipeline.withWorkers('kibana-oss-tests', { kibanaPipeline.buildOss() }, [
-                'oss-firefoxSmoke': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('firefoxSmoke', { runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute kibana-firefoxSmoke') }),
+                'oss-firefoxSmoke': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('firefoxSmoke', {
+                  retryable('kibana-firefoxSmoke') {
+                    runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute kibana-firefoxSmoke')
+                  }
+                }),
                 'oss-ciGroup1': kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(1),
                 'oss-ciGroup2': kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(2),
                 'oss-ciGroup3': kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(3),
@@ -26,11 +31,19 @@ stage("Kibana Pipeline") { // This stage is just here to help the BlueOcean UI a
                 'oss-ciGroup10': kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(10),
                 'oss-ciGroup11': kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(11),
                 'oss-ciGroup12': kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(12),
-                'oss-accessibility': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('accessibility', { runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute kibana-accessibility') }),
+                'oss-accessibility': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('accessibility', {
+                  retryable('kibana-accessibility') {
+                    runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute kibana-accessibility')
+                  }
+                }),
                 // 'oss-visualRegression': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('visualRegression', { runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute kibana-visualRegression') }),
               'kibana-xpack-agent': kibanaPipeline.withWorkers('kibana-xpack-tests', { kibanaPipeline.buildXpack() }, [
-                'xpack-firefoxSmoke': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('xpack-firefoxSmoke', { runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute xpack-firefoxSmoke') }),
+                'xpack-firefoxSmoke': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('xpack-firefoxSmoke', {
+                  retryable('xpack-firefoxSmoke') {
+                    runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute xpack-firefoxSmoke')
+                  }
+                }),
                 'xpack-ciGroup1': kibanaPipeline.getXpackCiGroupWorker(1),
                 'xpack-ciGroup2': kibanaPipeline.getXpackCiGroupWorker(2),
                 'xpack-ciGroup3': kibanaPipeline.getXpackCiGroupWorker(3),
@@ -41,12 +54,18 @@ stage("Kibana Pipeline") { // This stage is just here to help the BlueOcean UI a
                 'xpack-ciGroup8': kibanaPipeline.getXpackCiGroupWorker(8),
                 'xpack-ciGroup9': kibanaPipeline.getXpackCiGroupWorker(9),
                 'xpack-ciGroup10': kibanaPipeline.getXpackCiGroupWorker(10),
-                'xpack-accessibility': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('xpack-accessibility', { runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute xpack-accessibility') }),
+                'xpack-accessibility': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('xpack-accessibility', {
+                  retryable('xpack-accessibility') {
+                    runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute xpack-accessibility')
+                  }
+                }),
                 // 'xpack-visualRegression': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('xpack-visualRegression', { runbld('./test/scripts/', 'Execute xpack-visualRegression') }),
+        retryable.printFlakyFailures()
diff --git a/vars/githubPr.groovy b/vars/githubPr.groovy
index ce164ab98ab1e..4c19511bb8953 100644
--- a/vars/githubPr.groovy
+++ b/vars/githubPr.groovy
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ def getHistoryText(builds) {
     .collect { build ->
       if (build.status == "SUCCESS") {
         return "* :green_heart: [Build #${build.number}](${build.url}) succeeded ${build.commit}"
+      } else if(build.status == "UNSTABLE") {
+        return "* :yellow_heart: [Build #${build.number}](${build.url}) was flaky ${build.commit}"
       } else {
         return "* :broken_heart: [Build #${build.number}](${build.url}) failed ${build.commit}"
@@ -97,18 +99,66 @@ def getHistoryText(builds) {
   return "### History\n${list}"
+def getTestFailuresMessage() {
+  def failures = testUtils.getFailures()
+  if (!failures) {
+    return ""
+  }
+  def messages = []
+  failures.take(5).each { failure ->
+    messages << """
+### [Test Failures](${env.BUILD_URL}testReport)
+[Link to Jenkins](${failure.url})
+    """
+  }
+  if (failures.size() > 3) {
+    messages << "and ${failures.size() - 3} more failures, only showing the first 3."
+  }
+  return messages.join("\n")
 def getNextCommentMessage(previousCommentInfo = [:]) {
-  info = previousCommentInfo ?: [:]
+  def info = previousCommentInfo ?: [:]
   info.builds = previousCommentInfo.builds ?: []
   def messages = []
+  def status = buildUtils.getBuildStatus()
-  if (buildUtils.getBuildStatus() == 'SUCCESS') {
+  if (status == 'SUCCESS') {
     messages << """
       ## :green_heart: Build Succeeded
       * [continuous-integration/kibana-ci/pull-request](${env.BUILD_URL})
       * Commit: ${getCommitHash()}
+  } else if(status == 'UNSTABLE') {
+    def message = """
+      ## :yellow_heart: Build succeeded, but was flaky
+      * [continuous-integration/kibana-ci/pull-request](${env.BUILD_URL})
+      * Commit: ${getCommitHash()}
+    """.stripIndent()
+    def failures = retryable.getFlakyFailures()
+    if (failures && failures.size() > 0) {
+      def list = failures.collect { "  * ${it.label}" }.join("\n")
+      message += "* Flaky suites:\n${list}"
+    }
+    messages << message
   } else {
     messages << """
       ## :broken_heart: Build Failed
@@ -117,6 +167,8 @@ def getNextCommentMessage(previousCommentInfo = [:]) {
+  messages << getTestFailuresMessage()
   if (info.builds && info.builds.size() > 0) {
     messages << getHistoryText(info.builds)
@@ -133,7 +185,7 @@ def getNextCommentMessage(previousCommentInfo = [:]) {
   return messages
     .findAll { !!it } // No blank strings
-    .collect { it.stripIndent().trim() }
+    .collect { it.stripIndent().trim() } // This just allows us to indent various strings above, but leaves them un-indented in the comment
diff --git a/vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy b/vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy
index 5c6be70514c61..346bcf77b96b1 100644
--- a/vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy
+++ b/vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ def getOssCiGroupWorker(ciGroup) {
     ]) {
-      runbld("./test/scripts/", "Execute kibana-ciGroup${ciGroup}")
+      retryable("kibana-ciGroup${ciGroup}") {
+        runbld("./test/scripts/", "Execute kibana-ciGroup${ciGroup}")
+      }
@@ -81,7 +83,9 @@ def getXpackCiGroupWorker(ciGroup) {
     ]) {
-      runbld("./test/scripts/", "Execute xpack-kibana-ciGroup${ciGroup}")
+      retryable("xpack-kibana-ciGroup${ciGroup}") {
+        runbld("./test/scripts/", "Execute xpack-kibana-ciGroup${ciGroup}")
+      }
diff --git a/vars/retryable.groovy b/vars/retryable.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..cc34024958aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vars/retryable.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import groovy.transform.Field
+public static @Field GLOBAL_RETRIES_ENABLED = false
+public static @Field MAX_GLOBAL_RETRIES = 1
+public static @Field CURRENT_GLOBAL_RETRIES = 0
+public static @Field FLAKY_FAILURES = []
+def setMax(max) {
+  retryable.MAX_GLOBAL_RETRIES = max
+def enable() {
+  retryable.GLOBAL_RETRIES_ENABLED = true
+def enable(max) {
+  enable()
+  setMax(max)
+def haveReachedMaxRetries() {
+  return retryable.CURRENT_GLOBAL_RETRIES >= retryable.MAX_GLOBAL_RETRIES
+def getFlakyFailures() {
+  return retryable.FLAKY_FAILURES
+def printFlakyFailures() {
+  catchError {
+    def failures = getFlakyFailures()
+    if (failures && failures.size() > 0) {
+      print "This build had the following flaky failures:"
+      failures.each {
+        print "\n${it.label}"
+        buildUtils.printStacktrace(it.exception)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+def call(label, Closure closure) {
+  if (!retryable.GLOBAL_RETRIES_ENABLED) {
+    closure()
+    return
+  }
+  try {
+    closure()
+  } catch (ex) {
+    if (haveReachedMaxRetries()) {
+      print "Couldn't retry '${label}', have already reached the max number of retries for this build."
+      throw ex
+    }
+    buildUtils.printStacktrace(ex)
+    unstable "${label} failed but is retryable, trying a second time..."
+    def JOB = env.JOB ? "${env.JOB}-retry" : ""
+    withEnv([
+      "JOB=${JOB}",
+    ]) {
+      closure()
+    }
+    retryable.FLAKY_FAILURES << [
+      label: label,
+      exception: ex,
+    ]
+    unstable "${label} failed on the first attempt, but succeeded on the second. Marking it as flaky."
+  }

From 8fe39aef9d44684cc69ae29c33a976b95b4c6893 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Mike=20C=C3=B4t=C3=A9?= <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:02:44 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 21/36] Cleanup action task params objects after successful
 execution (#55227)

* Cleanup action task params saved objects after use

* Fix jest tests

* Add integration test to ensure object gets cleaned up

* Add unit tests

* Fix comment

* Re-use updated_at instead of creating createdAt

* Consider null/undefined returned from executor as success as well

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../server/lib/action_executor.mock.ts        |  2 +-
 .../server/lib/task_runner_factory.test.ts    | 55 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.ts | 17 ++++++
 x-pack/plugins/actions/server/plugin.ts       |  2 +
 .../common/fixtures/plugins/alerts/index.ts   |  7 ++-
 .../common/lib/task_manager_utils.ts          | 33 +++++++++++
 .../tests/alerting/alerts.ts                  |  2 +
 .../spaces_only/tests/alerting/alerts_base.ts |  5 ++
 8 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_executor.mock.ts b/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_executor.mock.ts
index 73e5e96ab24ed..b4419cd761bbe 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_executor.mock.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_executor.mock.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { ActionExecutorContract } from './action_executor';
 const createActionExecutorMock = () => {
   const mocked: jest.Mocked<ActionExecutorContract> = {
     initialize: jest.fn(),
-    execute: jest.fn(),
+    execute: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ status: 'ok', actionId: '' }),
   return mocked;
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.test.ts b/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.test.ts
index 2246193057d0e..8890de2483290 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.test.ts
@@ -63,13 +63,18 @@ const actionExecutorInitializerParams = {
 const taskRunnerFactoryInitializerParams = {
+  logger: loggingServiceMock.create().get(),
   encryptedSavedObjectsPlugin: mockedEncryptedSavedObjectsPlugin,
   getBasePath: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(undefined),
+  getScopedSavedObjectsClient: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(services.savedObjectsClient),
 beforeEach(() => {
+  taskRunnerFactoryInitializerParams.getScopedSavedObjectsClient.mockReturnValue(
+    services.savedObjectsClient
+  );
 test(`throws an error if factory isn't initialized`, () => {
@@ -135,6 +140,56 @@ test('executes the task by calling the executor with proper parameters', async (
+test('cleans up action_task_params object', async () => {
+  const taskRunner = taskRunnerFactory.create({
+    taskInstance: mockedTaskInstance,
+  });
+  mockedActionExecutor.execute.mockResolvedValueOnce({ status: 'ok', actionId: '2' });
+  spaceIdToNamespace.mockReturnValueOnce('namespace-test');
+  mockedEncryptedSavedObjectsPlugin.getDecryptedAsInternalUser.mockResolvedValueOnce({
+    id: '3',
+    type: 'action_task_params',
+    attributes: {
+      actionId: '2',
+      params: { baz: true },
+      apiKey: Buffer.from('123:abc').toString('base64'),
+    },
+    references: [],
+  });
+  await;
+  expect(services.savedObjectsClient.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith('action_task_params', '3');
+test('runs successfully when cleanup fails and logs the error', async () => {
+  const taskRunner = taskRunnerFactory.create({
+    taskInstance: mockedTaskInstance,
+  });
+  mockedActionExecutor.execute.mockResolvedValueOnce({ status: 'ok', actionId: '2' });
+  spaceIdToNamespace.mockReturnValueOnce('namespace-test');
+  mockedEncryptedSavedObjectsPlugin.getDecryptedAsInternalUser.mockResolvedValueOnce({
+    id: '3',
+    type: 'action_task_params',
+    attributes: {
+      actionId: '2',
+      params: { baz: true },
+      apiKey: Buffer.from('123:abc').toString('base64'),
+    },
+    references: [],
+  });
+  services.savedObjectsClient.delete.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Fail'));
+  await;
+  expect(services.savedObjectsClient.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith('action_task_params', '3');
+  expect(taskRunnerFactoryInitializerParams.logger.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+    'Failed to cleanup action_task_params object [id="3"]: Fail'
+  );
 test('throws an error with suggested retry logic when return status is error', async () => {
   const taskRunner = taskRunnerFactory.create({
     taskInstance: mockedTaskInstance,
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.ts b/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.ts
index 59da7bdfab318..c3e89e0c16efc 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/task_runner_factory.ts
@@ -6,14 +6,17 @@
 import { ActionExecutorContract } from './action_executor';
 import { ExecutorError } from './executor_error';
+import { Logger, CoreStart } from '../../../../../src/core/server';
 import { RunContext } from '../../../task_manager/server';
 import { PluginStartContract as EncryptedSavedObjectsStartContract } from '../../../encrypted_saved_objects/server';
 import { ActionTaskParams, GetBasePathFunction, SpaceIdToNamespaceFunction } from '../types';
 export interface TaskRunnerContext {
+  logger: Logger;
   encryptedSavedObjectsPlugin: EncryptedSavedObjectsStartContract;
   spaceIdToNamespace: SpaceIdToNamespaceFunction;
   getBasePath: GetBasePathFunction;
+  getScopedSavedObjectsClient: CoreStart['savedObjects']['getScopedClient'];
 export class TaskRunnerFactory {
@@ -40,9 +43,11 @@ export class TaskRunnerFactory {
     const { actionExecutor } = this;
     const {
+      logger,
+      getScopedSavedObjectsClient,
     } = this.taskRunnerContext!;
     return {
@@ -85,6 +90,7 @@ export class TaskRunnerFactory {
           request: fakeRequest,
         if (executorResult.status === 'error') {
           // Task manager error handler only kicks in when an error thrown (at this time)
           // So what we have to do is throw when the return status is `error`.
@@ -94,6 +100,17 @@ export class TaskRunnerFactory {
             executorResult.retry == null ? false : executorResult.retry
+        // Cleanup action_task_params object now that we're done with it
+        try {
+          const savedObjectsClient = getScopedSavedObjectsClient(fakeRequest);
+          await savedObjectsClient.delete('action_task_params', actionTaskParamsId);
+        } catch (e) {
+          // Log error only, we shouldn't fail the task because of an error here (if ever there's retry logic)
+          logger.error(
+            `Failed to cleanup action_task_params object [id="${actionTaskParamsId}"]: ${e.message}`
+          );
+        }
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/plugin.ts b/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/plugin.ts
index 6412593488cf8..cb0e3347541fd 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/plugin.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/actions/server/plugin.ts
@@ -191,9 +191,11 @@ export class ActionsPlugin implements Plugin<Promise<PluginSetupContract>, Plugi
+      logger,
       encryptedSavedObjectsPlugin: plugins.encryptedSavedObjects,
       getBasePath: this.getBasePath,
       spaceIdToNamespace: this.spaceIdToNamespace,
+      getScopedSavedObjectsClient: core.savedObjects.getScopedClient,
     return {
diff --git a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/common/fixtures/plugins/alerts/index.ts b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/common/fixtures/plugins/alerts/index.ts
index 9d019352ff570..6c2a22f2737fe 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/common/fixtures/plugins/alerts/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/common/fixtures/plugins/alerts/index.ts
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export default function(kibana: any) {
             encrypted: schema.string(),
-        async executor({ config, secrets, params, services }: ActionTypeExecutorOptions) {
+        async executor({ config, secrets, params, services, actionId }: ActionTypeExecutorOptions) {
           await services.callCluster('index', {
             index: params.index,
             refresh: 'wait_for',
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ export default function(kibana: any) {
               source: 'action:test.index-record',
+          return { status: 'ok', actionId };
       const failingActionType: ActionType = {
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ export default function(kibana: any) {
             reference: schema.string(),
-        async executor({ params, services }: ActionTypeExecutorOptions) {
+        async executor({ params, services, actionId }: ActionTypeExecutorOptions) {
           // Call cluster
           let callClusterSuccess = false;
           let callClusterError;
@@ -186,8 +187,8 @@ export default function(kibana: any) {
           return {
+            actionId,
             status: 'ok',
-            actionId: '',
diff --git a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/common/lib/task_manager_utils.ts b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/common/lib/task_manager_utils.ts
index b72960b162e76..3a1d035a023c2 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/common/lib/task_manager_utils.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/common/lib/task_manager_utils.ts
@@ -43,4 +43,37 @@ export class TaskManagerUtils {
+  async waitForActionTaskParamsToBeCleanedUp(createdAtFilter: Date): Promise<void> {
+    return await this.retry.try(async () => {
+      const searchResult = await{
+        index: '.kibana',
+        body: {
+          query: {
+            bool: {
+              must: [
+                {
+                  term: {
+                    type: 'action_task_params',
+                  },
+                },
+                {
+                  range: {
+                    updated_at: {
+                      gte: createdAtFilter,
+                    },
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      });
+      if ( {
+        throw new Error(
+          `Expected 0 action_task_params objects but received ${}`
+        );
+      }
+    });
+  }
diff --git a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts
index 08e6c90a1044c..386ba0adf5aab 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/security_and_spaces/tests/alerting/alerts.ts
@@ -147,6 +147,8 @@ export default function alertTests({ getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
                 source: 'action:test.index-record',
+              await taskManagerUtils.waitForActionTaskParamsToBeCleanedUp(testStart);
               throw new Error(`Scenario untested: ${JSON.stringify(scenario)}`);
diff --git a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/spaces_only/tests/alerting/alerts_base.ts b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/spaces_only/tests/alerting/alerts_base.ts
index d9a58851afb31..3c60d2779720a 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/spaces_only/tests/alerting/alerts_base.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/alerting_api_integration/spaces_only/tests/alerting/alerts_base.ts
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
+  TaskManagerUtils,
 } from '../../../common/lib';
 // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ export function alertTests({ getService }: FtrProviderContext, space: Space) {
   const es = getService('legacyEs');
   const retry = getService('retry');
   const esTestIndexTool = new ESTestIndexTool(es, retry);
+  const taskManagerUtils = new TaskManagerUtils(es, retry);
   function getAlertingTaskById(taskId: string) {
     return supertestWithoutAuth
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ export function alertTests({ getService }: FtrProviderContext, space: Space) {
     it('should schedule task, run alert and schedule actions', async () => {
+      const testStart = new Date();
       const reference = alertUtils.generateReference();
       const response = await alertUtils.createAlwaysFiringAction({ reference });
       const alertId =;
@@ -121,6 +124,8 @@ export function alertTests({ getService }: FtrProviderContext, space: Space) {
         source: 'action:test.index-record',
+      await taskManagerUtils.waitForActionTaskParamsToBeCleanedUp(testStart);
     it('should reschedule failing alerts using the alerting interval and not the Task Manager retry logic', async () => {

From 1df019021f445e1a800179ef2bda34001f94edc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Justin Kambic <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 13:07:39 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 22/36] [Uptime] Reintroduce a column for url (#55451)

* Reintroduce a column for url.

* Reintroduce original URL column.

* Update busted test snapshots.

* Truncate long URLs.

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../__snapshots__/monitor_list.test.tsx.snap  | 12 +++++++++
 .../monitor_list_pagination.test.tsx.snap     | 12 +++++++++
 .../functional/monitor_list/monitor_list.tsx  | 25 ++++++++++++++++---
 .../functional/monitor_list/translations.ts   |  4 +++
 4 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/__tests__/__snapshots__/monitor_list.test.tsx.snap b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/__tests__/__snapshots__/monitor_list.test.tsx.snap
index e32771faf5912..1de49f1223699 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/__tests__/__snapshots__/monitor_list.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/__tests__/__snapshots__/monitor_list.test.tsx.snap
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ exports[`MonitorList component renders a no items message when no data is provid
             "sortable": true,
             "width": "30%",
+          Object {
+            "aligh": "left",
+            "field": "state.url.full",
+            "name": "Url",
+            "render": [Function],
+          },
           Object {
             "align": "center",
             "field": "histogram.points",
@@ -128,6 +134,12 @@ exports[`MonitorList component renders the monitor list 1`] = `
             "sortable": true,
             "width": "30%",
+          Object {
+            "aligh": "left",
+            "field": "state.url.full",
+            "name": "Url",
+            "render": [Function],
+          },
           Object {
             "align": "center",
             "field": "histogram.points",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/__tests__/__snapshots__/monitor_list_pagination.test.tsx.snap b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/__tests__/__snapshots__/monitor_list_pagination.test.tsx.snap
index a2cae3e1e3b6b..aa9d3a3ed0d8c 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/__tests__/__snapshots__/monitor_list_pagination.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/__tests__/__snapshots__/monitor_list_pagination.test.tsx.snap
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ exports[`MonitorList component renders a no items message when no data is provid
             "sortable": true,
             "width": "30%",
+          Object {
+            "aligh": "left",
+            "field": "state.url.full",
+            "name": "Url",
+            "render": [Function],
+          },
           Object {
             "align": "center",
             "field": "histogram.points",
@@ -128,6 +134,12 @@ exports[`MonitorList component renders the monitor list 1`] = `
             "sortable": true,
             "width": "30%",
+          Object {
+            "aligh": "left",
+            "field": "state.url.full",
+            "name": "Url",
+            "render": [Function],
+          },
           Object {
             "align": "center",
             "field": "histogram.points",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/monitor_list.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/monitor_list.tsx
index b1b25baf7d873..1d0930f1faaef 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/monitor_list.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/monitor_list.tsx
@@ -5,17 +5,20 @@
 import {
+  EuiButtonIcon,
-  EuiPanel,
-  EuiTitle,
-  EuiButtonIcon,
+  EuiIcon,
+  EuiLink,
+  EuiPanel,
+  EuiTitle,
 } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
 import { get } from 'lodash';
 import React, { useState, Fragment } from 'react';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
 import { withUptimeGraphQL, UptimeGraphQLQueryProps } from '../../higher_order';
 import { monitorStatesQuery } from '../../../queries/monitor_states_query';
 import {
@@ -47,6 +50,12 @@ interface MonitorListProps {
 type Props = UptimeGraphQLQueryProps<MonitorListQueryResult> & MonitorListProps;
+const TruncatedEuiLink = styled(EuiLink)`
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  text-overflow: ellipsis;
 export const MonitorListComponent = (props: Props) => {
   const {
@@ -99,6 +108,16 @@ export const MonitorListComponent = (props: Props) => {
       sortable: true,
+    {
+      aligh: 'left' as const,
+      field: 'state.url.full',
+      name: labels.URL,
+      render: (url: string, summary: MonitorSummary) => (
+        <TruncatedEuiLink href={url} target="_blank" color="text">
+          {url} <EuiIcon size="s" type="popout" color="subbdued" />
+        </TruncatedEuiLink>
+      ),
+    },
       align: 'center' as const,
       field: 'histogram.points',
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/translations.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/translations.ts
index 9f17f6d7f27b0..beacdec1ae265 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/translations.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/public/components/functional/monitor_list/translations.ts
@@ -52,3 +52,7 @@ export const NO_DATA_MESSAGE = i18n.translate('xpack.uptime.monitorList.noItemMe
   defaultMessage: 'No uptime monitors found',
   description: 'This message is shown if the monitors table is rendered but has no items.',
+export const URL = i18n.translate('', {
+  defaultMessage: 'Url',

From 35603c8832af49b485254e83727e42bffe810bb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Cholakian <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 14:42:56 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 23/36] [Uptime] Simplify snapshot max to Infinity (#55931)


Rather than relying on a contant for the max number of monitors, it's
easier to just use infinity. This is simpler than making the iterator
more complex with an 'infinite' mode.

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../plugins/uptime/common/constants/context_defaults.ts     | 6 ------
 .../monitor_states/elasticsearch_monitor_states_adapter.ts  | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/common/constants/context_defaults.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/common/constants/context_defaults.ts
index e0f0333bb8cfd..540e60a28b066 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/common/constants/context_defaults.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/common/constants/context_defaults.ts
@@ -19,10 +19,4 @@ export const CONTEXT_DEFAULTS = {
     cursorDirection: CursorDirection.AFTER,
     sortOrder: SortOrder.ASC,
-  /**
-   * Defines the maximum number of monitors to iterate on
-   * in a single count session. The intention is to catch as many as possible.
-   */
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/server/lib/adapters/monitor_states/elasticsearch_monitor_states_adapter.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/server/lib/adapters/monitor_states/elasticsearch_monitor_states_adapter.ts
index eaaa8087e57cd..7ed973e6f057d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/server/lib/adapters/monitor_states/elasticsearch_monitor_states_adapter.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/uptime/server/lib/adapters/monitor_states/elasticsearch_monitor_states_adapter.ts
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export const elasticsearchMonitorStatesAdapter: UMMonitorStatesAdapter = {
       filters && filters !== '' ? JSON.parse(filters) : null,
+      Infinity,

From be9d9c2ffe4bd01a0b6b366b01688fb50d010a8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Poff Poffenberger <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:01:26 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 24/36] [Canvas] Remove Angular and unnecessary reporting
 config from Canvas (#54050)

* Remove Angular from Canvas

* Remove reporting config behavior from Canvas since it's no longer needed

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../canvas/.storybook/storyshots.test.js      |  8 ---
 .../i18n/{angular.ts => capabilities.ts}      |  8 +--
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/index.ts    |  2 +-
 .../canvas/public/angular/config/index.js     |  8 ---
 .../angular/config/location_provider.ts       | 21 --------
 .../public/angular/config/state_management.js | 13 -----
 .../public/angular/controllers/canvas.tsx     | 54 -------------------
 .../public/angular/controllers/index.ts       |  7 ---
 .../canvas/public/angular/services/index.js   |  7 ---
 .../canvas/public/angular/services/store.js   | 31 -----------
 .../plugins/canvas/public/application.tsx     | 36 +++++++++++++
 .../workpad_export.examples.storyshot         | 45 ----------------
 .../__examples__/disabled_panel.stories.tsx   | 31 -----------
 .../__examples__/workpad_export.examples.tsx  | 33 ++++--------
 .../workpad_export/disabled_panel.tsx         | 50 -----------------
 .../workpad_header/workpad_export/index.ts    |  7 +--
 .../workpad_export/workpad_export.tsx         | 22 +-------
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/legacy.ts |  6 +--
 .../legacy/plugins/canvas/public/plugin.tsx   | 45 +++++++++++-----
 .../canvas/public/state/selectors/app.ts      |  4 --
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/store.ts  | 31 +++++++++++
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/server/plugin.ts | 16 +-----
 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/types/state.ts   |  2 -
 .../translations/translations/ja-JP.json      |  1 -
 .../translations/translations/zh-CN.json      |  1 -
 25 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 371 deletions(-)
 rename x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/{angular.ts => capabilities.ts} (83%)
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/index.js
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/location_provider.ts
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/state_management.js
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/controllers/canvas.tsx
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/controllers/index.ts
 delete mode 100755 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/services/index.js
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/services/store.js
 create mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/application.tsx
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/disabled_panel.stories.tsx
 delete mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/disabled_panel.tsx
 create mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/store.ts

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/.storybook/storyshots.test.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/.storybook/storyshots.test.js
index 76240d212da15..10842f4268fd3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/.storybook/storyshots.test.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/.storybook/storyshots.test.js
@@ -50,14 +50,6 @@ jest.mock('@elastic/eui/packages/react-datepicker', () => {
 jest.mock('plugins/interpreter/registries', () => ({}));
-// Disabling this test due to
-  '../public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/disabled_panel.stories',
-  () => {
-    return 'Disabled Panel';
-  }
 // Disabling this test due to
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/angular.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/capabilities.ts
similarity index 83%
rename from x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/angular.ts
rename to x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/capabilities.ts
index 74e5ceb7d6bb7..a4c2d1d3a1be7 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/angular.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/capabilities.ts
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { CANVAS as canvas } from './constants';
-export const AngularStrings = {
-  CanvasRootController: {
-    getReadOnlyBadgeText: () =>
+export const CapabilitiesStrings = {
+  ReadOnlyBadge: {
+    getText: () =>
       i18n.translate('xpack.canvas.badge.readOnly.text', {
         defaultMessage: 'Read only',
-    getReadOnlyBadgeTooltip: () =>
+    getTooltip: () =>
       i18n.translate('xpack.canvas.badge.readOnly.tooltip', {
         defaultMessage: 'Unable to save {canvas} workpads',
         values: {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/index.ts
index 3be5eb89415b0..a671d0ccdb49f 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/i18n/index.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
-export * from './angular';
+export * from './capabilities';
 export * from './components';
 export * from './constants';
 export * from './errors';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/index.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 020bcf1f7686e..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-export * from './state_management'; // Requires 6.2.0+
-export * from './location_provider';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/location_provider.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/location_provider.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 547e354d7fde9..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/location_provider.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-import { ILocationProvider } from 'angular';
-import { CoreStart, CanvasStartDeps } from '../../plugin';
-export function initLocationProvider(coreStart: CoreStart, plugins: CanvasStartDeps) {
-  // disable angular's location provider
-  const app = plugins.__LEGACY.uiModules.get('apps/canvas');
-  app.config(($locationProvider: ILocationProvider) => {
-    $locationProvider.html5Mode({
-      enabled: false,
-      requireBase: false,
-      rewriteLinks: false,
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/state_management.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/state_management.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4347765748c5d..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/config/state_management.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-export function initStateManagement(coreStart, plugins) {
-  // disable the kibana state management
-  const app = plugins.__LEGACY.uiModules.get('apps/canvas');
-  app.config(stateManagementConfigProvider => {
-    stateManagementConfigProvider.disable();
-  });
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/controllers/canvas.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/controllers/canvas.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dfa1ceecdbc5..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/controllers/canvas.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-import React from 'react';
-import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-dom';
-import { I18nProvider } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
-import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
-import { Store } from 'redux';
-import { CanvasStartDeps, CoreStart } from '../../plugin';
-import { KibanaContextProvider } from '../../../../../../../src/plugins/kibana_react/public';
-// @ts-ignore Untyped local
-import { App } from '../../components/app';
-import { AngularStrings } from '../../../i18n';
-const { CanvasRootController: strings } = AngularStrings;
-export function CanvasRootControllerFactory(coreStart: CoreStart, plugins: CanvasStartDeps) {
-  return function CanvasRootController(
-    canvasStore: Store,
-    $scope: any, // Untyped in Kibana
-    $element: any // Untyped in Kibana
-  ) {
-    const domNode = $element[0];
-    // set the read-only badge when appropriate
-        ? undefined
-        : {
-            text: strings.getReadOnlyBadgeText(),
-            tooltip: strings.getReadOnlyBadgeTooltip(),
-            iconType: 'glasses',
-          }
-    );
-    render(
-      <KibanaContextProvider services={{ ...coreStart, ...plugins }}>
-        <I18nProvider>
-          <Provider store={canvasStore}>
-            <App />
-          </Provider>
-        </I18nProvider>
-      </KibanaContextProvider>,
-      domNode
-    );
-    $scope.$on('$destroy', () => {
-      unmountComponentAtNode(domNode);
-    });
-  };
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/controllers/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/controllers/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 01fe3dda9c971..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/controllers/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-export { CanvasRootControllerFactory } from './canvas';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/services/index.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/services/index.js
deleted file mode 100755
index b472b9bbac993..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/services/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-export * from './store';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/services/store.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/services/store.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f9d8922b99e..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/angular/services/store.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-import { createStore } from '../../state/store';
-import { getInitialState } from '../../state/initial_state';
-export function initStore(coreStart, plugins) {
-  const app = plugins.__LEGACY.uiModules.get('apps/canvas');
-  app.service('canvasStore', (kbnVersion, basePath, reportingBrowserType, serverFunctions) => {
-    const initialState = getInitialState();
-    // Set the defaults from Kibana plugin
- = {
-      kbnVersion,
-      basePath,
-      reportingBrowserType,
-      serverFunctions,
-      ready: false,
-    };
-    const store = createStore(initialState);
-    // TODO: debugging, remove this
-    window.canvasStore = store;
-    return store;
-  });
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/application.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/application.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ff22d68772efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/application.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { Store } from 'redux';
+import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
+import { I18nProvider } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
+import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
+import { AppMountParameters, CoreStart } from 'kibana/public';
+// @ts-ignore Untyped local
+import { App } from './components/app';
+import { KibanaContextProvider } from '../../../../../src/plugins/kibana_react/public';
+export const renderApp = (
+  coreStart: CoreStart,
+  plugins: object,
+  { element }: AppMountParameters,
+  canvasStore: Store
+) => {
+  ReactDOM.render(
+    <KibanaContextProvider services={{ ...coreStart, ...plugins }}>
+      <I18nProvider>
+        <Provider store={canvasStore}>
+          <App />
+        </Provider>
+      </I18nProvider>
+    </KibanaContextProvider>,
+    element
+  );
+  return () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(element);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/__snapshots__/workpad_export.examples.storyshot b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/__snapshots__/workpad_export.examples.storyshot
index 9c7fca6d78190..a598438564130 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/__snapshots__/workpad_export.examples.storyshot
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/__snapshots__/workpad_export.examples.storyshot
@@ -1,50 +1,5 @@
 // Jest Snapshot v1,
-exports[`Storyshots components/Export/WorkpadExport disabled 1`] = `
-  <div
-    className="euiPopover euiPopover--anchorDownCenter"
-    container={null}
-    onKeyDown={[Function]}
-    onMouseDown={[Function]}
-    onMouseUp={[Function]}
-    onTouchEnd={[Function]}
-    onTouchStart={[Function]}
-  >
-    <div
-      className="euiPopover__anchor"
-    >
-      <span
-        className="euiToolTipAnchor"
-        onMouseOut={[Function]}
-        onMouseOver={[Function]}
-      >
-        <button
-          aria-label="Share this workpad"
-          className="euiButtonIcon euiButtonIcon--primary"
-          onBlur={[Function]}
-          onClick={[Function]}
-          onFocus={[Function]}
-          type="button"
-        >
-          <svg
-            aria-hidden={true}
-            className="euiIcon euiIcon--medium euiIcon-isLoading euiButtonIcon__icon"
-            focusable="false"
-            height={16}
-            role="img"
-            style={null}
-            viewBox="0 0 16 16"
-            width={16}
-            xmlns=""
-          />
-        </button>
-      </span>
-    </div>
-  </div>
 exports[`Storyshots components/Export/WorkpadExport enabled 1`] = `
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/disabled_panel.stories.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/disabled_panel.stories.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2164fdd4ac470..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/disabled_panel.stories.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
-import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
-import React from 'react';
-import { DisabledPanel } from '../disabled_panel';
-storiesOf('components/Export/DisabledPanel', module)
-  .addParameters({
-    info: {
-      inline: true,
-      styles: {
-        infoBody: {
-          margin: 20,
-        },
-        infoStory: {
-          margin: '20px 30px',
-          width: '290px',
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  })
-  .add('default', () => (
-    <div className="euiPanel">
-      <DisabledPanel onCopy={action('onCopy')} />
-    </div>
-  ));
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/workpad_export.examples.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/workpad_export.examples.tsx
index 7e401194f44f1..92e7cca40ee3a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/workpad_export.examples.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/__examples__/workpad_export.examples.tsx
@@ -8,26 +8,13 @@ import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
 import React from 'react';
 import { WorkpadExport } from '../workpad_export';
-storiesOf('components/Export/WorkpadExport', module)
-  .add('enabled', () => (
-    <WorkpadExport
-      enabled={true}
-      onCopy={action('onCopy')}
-      onExport={action('onExport')}
-      getExportUrl={(type: string) => {
-        action(`getExportUrl('${type}')`);
-        return type;
-      }}
-    />
-  ))
-  .add('disabled', () => (
-    <WorkpadExport
-      enabled={false}
-      onCopy={action('onCopy')}
-      onExport={action('onExport')}
-      getExportUrl={(type: string) => {
-        action(`getExportUrl('${type}')`);
-        return type;
-      }}
-    />
-  ));
+storiesOf('components/Export/WorkpadExport', module).add('enabled', () => (
+  <WorkpadExport
+    onCopy={action('onCopy')}
+    onExport={action('onExport')}
+    getExportUrl={(type: string) => {
+      action(`getExportUrl('${type}')`);
+      return type;
+    }}
+  />
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/disabled_panel.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/disabled_panel.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 85d1174f50bbd..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/disabled_panel.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
- */
-import React from 'react';
-import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
-import { EuiText, EuiSpacer, EuiCodeBlock, EuiCode } from '@elastic/eui';
-import { Clipboard } from '../../clipboard';
-const REPORTING_CONFIG = `xpack.reporting:
-  enabled: true
-  capture.browser.type: chromium`;
-interface Props {
-  /** Handler to invoke when the Kibana configuration is copied. */
-  onCopy: () => void;
- * A panel to display within the Export menu when reporting is disabled.
- */
-export const DisabledPanel = ({ onCopy }: Props) => (
-  <div className="canvasWorkpadExport__panelContent">
-    <EuiText size="s">
-      <p>
-        <FormattedMessage
-          id="xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelDisabledDescription"
-          defaultMessage="Export to PDF is disabled. You must configure reporting to use the Chromium browser. Add
-          this to your {fileName} file."
-          values={{
-            fileName: <EuiCode>kibana.yml</EuiCode>,
-          }}
-        />
-      </p>
-    </EuiText>
-    <EuiSpacer />
-    <Clipboard content={REPORTING_CONFIG} onCopy={onCopy}>
-      <EuiCodeBlock
-        className="canvasWorkpadExport__reportingConfig"
-        paddingSize="s"
-        fontSize="s"
-        language="yml"
-      >
-      </EuiCodeBlock>
-    </Clipboard>
-  </div>
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/index.ts
index 2b2a582fb4526..39611dd6c2994 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/index.ts
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import { jobCompletionNotifications } from '../../../../../reporting/public/lib/
 // @ts-ignore Untyped local
 import { getWorkpad, getPages } from '../../../state/selectors/workpad';
 // @ts-ignore Untyped local
-import { getReportingBrowserType } from '../../../state/selectors/app';
-// @ts-ignore Untyped local
 import { notify } from '../../../lib/notify';
 import { getWindow } from '../../../lib/get_window';
 // @ts-ignore Untyped local
@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ const { WorkpadHeaderWorkpadExport: strings } = ComponentStrings;
 const mapStateToProps = (state: State) => ({
   workpad: getWorkpad(state),
   pageCount: getPages(state).length,
-  enabled: getReportingBrowserType(state) === 'chromium',
 const getAbsoluteUrl = (path: string) => {
@@ -51,15 +48,13 @@ const getAbsoluteUrl = (path: string) => {
 interface Props {
   workpad: CanvasWorkpad;
   pageCount: number;
-  enabled: boolean;
 export const WorkpadExport = compose<ComponentProps, {}>(
-    ({ workpad, pageCount, enabled, kibana }: Props & WithKibanaProps): ComponentProps => ({
-      enabled,
+    ({ workpad, pageCount, kibana }: Props & WithKibanaProps): ComponentProps => ({
       getExportUrl: type => {
         if (type === 'pdf') {
           const pdfUrl = getPdfUrl(workpad, { pageCount },;
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/workpad_export.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/workpad_export.tsx
index 0558652fb6029..522be043ec457 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/workpad_export.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/components/workpad_header/workpad_export/workpad_export.tsx
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import { EuiButtonIcon, EuiContextMenu, EuiIcon } from '@elastic/eui';
 // @ts-ignore Untyped local
 import { Popover } from '../../popover';
-import { DisabledPanel } from './disabled_panel';
 import { PDFPanel } from './pdf_panel';
 import { ShareWebsiteFlyout } from './flyout';
@@ -29,8 +28,6 @@ export type OnCloseFn = (type: CloseTypes) => void;
 export type GetExportUrlFn = (type: ExportUrlTypes) => string;
 export interface Props {
-  /** True if exporting is enabled, false otherwise. */
-  enabled: boolean;
   /** Handler to invoke when an export URL is copied to the clipboard. */
   onCopy: OnCopyFn;
   /** Handler to invoke when an end product is exported. */
@@ -42,12 +39,7 @@ export interface Props {
  * The Menu for Exporting a Workpad from Canvas.
-export const WorkpadExport: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
-  enabled,
-  onCopy,
-  onExport,
-  getExportUrl,
-}) => {
+export const WorkpadExport: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ onCopy, onExport, getExportUrl }) => {
   const [showFlyout, setShowFlyout] = useState(false);
   const onClose = () => {
@@ -106,16 +98,7 @@ export const WorkpadExport: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
         panel: {
           id: 1,
           title: strings.getShareDownloadPDFTitle(),
-          content: enabled ? (
-            getPDFPanel(closePopover)
-          ) : (
-            <DisabledPanel
-              onCopy={() => {
-                onCopy('reportingConfig');
-                closePopover();
-              }}
-            />
-          ),
+          content: getPDFPanel(closePopover),
@@ -160,7 +143,6 @@ export const WorkpadExport: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({
 WorkpadExport.propTypes = {
-  enabled: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
   onCopy: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
   onExport: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
   getExportUrl: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/legacy.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/legacy.ts
index 61e12893b3e02..254fba0f23ad2 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/legacy.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/legacy.ts
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ import { CanvasStartDeps } from './plugin'; // eslint-disable-line import/order
 // @ts-ignore Untyped Kibana Lib
 import chrome, { loadingCount } from 'ui/chrome'; // eslint-disable-line import/order
-// @ts-ignore Untyped Module
-import { uiModules } from 'ui/modules'; // eslint-disable-line import/order
 import { absoluteToParsedUrl } from 'ui/url/absolute_to_parsed_url'; // eslint-disable-line import/order
 import { Storage } from '../../../../../src/plugins/kibana_utils/public'; // eslint-disable-line import/order
 // @ts-ignore Untyped Kibana Lib
@@ -25,6 +23,7 @@ const shimCoreStart = {
 const shimSetupPlugins = {};
 const shimStartPlugins: CanvasStartDeps = {
   __LEGACY: {
@@ -33,12 +32,9 @@ const shimStartPlugins: CanvasStartDeps = {
     // ToDo: Copy directly into canvas
-    // ToDo: Remove in favor of core.application.register
-    setRootController: chrome.setRootController,
     storage: Storage,
     // ToDo: Won't be a part of New Platform. Will need to handle internally
     trackSubUrlForApp: chrome.trackSubUrlForApp,
-    uiModules,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/plugin.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/plugin.tsx
index 155eef99632a0..7928d46067908 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/plugin.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/plugin.tsx
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
 import React from 'react';
 import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
 import { Chrome } from 'ui/chrome';
-import { IModule } from 'angular';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 import { Storage } from '../../../../../src/plugins/kibana_utils/public';
 import { CoreSetup, CoreStart, Plugin } from '../../../../../src/core/public';
 // @ts-ignore: Untyped Local
-import { initStateManagement, initLocationProvider } from './angular/config';
-import { CanvasRootControllerFactory } from './angular/controllers';
-// @ts-ignore: Untypled Local
-import { initStore } from './angular/services';
+import { CapabilitiesStrings } from '../i18n';
+const { ReadOnlyBadge: strings } = CapabilitiesStrings;
+import { createStore } from './store';
 // @ts-ignore: untyped local component
 import { HelpMenu } from './components/help_menu/help_menu';
 // @ts-ignore: untyped local
@@ -40,12 +40,8 @@ export interface CanvasStartDeps {
     absoluteToParsedUrl: (url: string, basePath: string) => any;
     formatMsg: any;
     QueryString: any;
-    setRootController: Chrome['setRootController'];
     storage: typeof Storage;
     trackSubUrlForApp: Chrome['trackSubUrlForApp'];
-    uiModules: {
-      get: (module: string) => IModule;
-    };
@@ -67,6 +63,22 @@ export class CanvasPlugin
     // Things like registering functions to the interpreter that need
     // to be available everywhere, not just in Canvas
+    core.application.register({
+      id: 'canvas',
+      title: 'Canvas App',
+      async mount(context, params) {
+        // Load application bundle
+        const { renderApp } = await import('./application');
+        // Setup our store
+        const canvasStore = await createStore(core, plugins);
+        // Get start services
+        const [coreStart, depsStart] = await core.getStartServices();
+        return renderApp(coreStart, depsStart, params, canvasStore);
+      },
+    });
     return {};
@@ -74,14 +86,19 @@ export class CanvasPlugin
-    initStateManagement(core, plugins);
-    initLocationProvider(core, plugins);
-    initStore(core, plugins);
-    const CanvasRootController = CanvasRootControllerFactory(core, plugins);
-    plugins.__LEGACY.setRootController('canvas', CanvasRootController);
+      core.application.capabilities.canvas &&
+        ? undefined
+        : {
+            text: strings.getText(),
+            tooltip: strings.getTooltip(),
+            iconType: 'glasses',
+          }
+    );
       appName: i18n.translate('xpack.canvas.helpMenu.appName', {
         defaultMessage: 'Canvas',
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/state/selectors/app.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/state/selectors/app.ts
index 255d45cf558fc..d68702a30d645 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/state/selectors/app.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/state/selectors/app.ts
@@ -32,10 +32,6 @@ export function getBasePath(state: State): State['app']['basePath'] {
-export function getReportingBrowserType(state: State): State['app']['reportingBrowserType'] {
-  return;
 // return true only when the required parameters are in the state
 export function isAppReady(state: State): boolean {
   const appReady = getAppReady(state);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/store.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/store.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0a378979f6ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/public/store.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+// @ts-ignore Untyped local
+import { createStore as createReduxStore } from './state/store';
+// @ts-ignore Untyped local
+import { getInitialState } from './state/initial_state';
+import { CoreSetup } from '../../../../../src/core/public';
+import { CanvasSetupDeps } from './plugin';
+export async function createStore(core: CoreSetup, plugins: CanvasSetupDeps) {
+  const initialState = getInitialState();
+  const basePath = core.http.basePath.get();
+  // Retrieve server functions
+  const serverFunctionsResponse = await core.http.get(`/api/interpreter/fns`);
+  const serverFunctions = Object.values(serverFunctionsResponse);
+ = {
+    basePath,
+    serverFunctions,
+    ready: false,
+  };
+  return createReduxStore(initialState);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/server/plugin.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/server/plugin.ts
index 07f4b7d9ac6db..ac3edbabce930 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/server/plugin.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/server/plugin.ts
@@ -13,25 +13,11 @@ export class Plugin {
   public setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: PluginsSetup) {
-    const { serverFunctions } = plugins.interpreter.register({ serverFunctions: functions });
+    plugins.interpreter.register({ serverFunctions: functions });
     core.injectUiAppVars('canvas', async () => {
-      const config = core.getServerConfig();
-      const basePath = config.get('server.basePath');
-      const reportingBrowserType = (() => {
-        const configKey = 'xpack.reporting.capture.browser.type';
-        if (!config.has(configKey)) {
-          return null;
-        }
-        return config.get(configKey);
-      })();
       return {
-        kbnIndex: config.get('kibana.index'),
-        serverFunctions: serverFunctions.toArray(),
-        basePath,
-        reportingBrowserType,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/types/state.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/types/state.ts
index 3aca3003f9dc5..171c5515fbb2a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/types/state.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/canvas/types/state.ts
@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ export interface AppState {
 interface StoreAppState {
-  kbnVersion: string;
   basePath: string;
-  reportingBrowserType: string;
   // TODO: These server functions are actually missing the fn because they are serialized from the server
   serverFunctions: CanvasFunction[];
   ready: boolean;
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
index b4c85f369519d..9b17de0d91334 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
@@ -5271,7 +5271,6 @@
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelCopyAriaLabel": "この {URL} を使用してスクリプトから、または Watcher で {PDF} を生成することもできます。{URL} をクリップボードにコピーするにはエンターキーを押してください。",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelCopyButtonLabel": "{POST} {URL} をコピー",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelCopyDescription": "{POST} {URL} をコピーして {KIBANA} 外または ウォッチャー から生成することもできます。",
-    "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelDisabledDescription": "PDF へのエクスポートは無効になっています。Chromium ブラウザを使用するにはレポートの構成が必要です。これを {fileName} ファイルに追加します。",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelGenerateButtonLabel": "{PDF} を生成",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelGenerateDescription": "ワークパッドのサイズによって、{PDF} の生成には数分かかる場合があります。",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.shareDownloadJSONTitle": "{JSON} をダウンロード",
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
index 583f181e148c6..932e1e79f949c 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
@@ -5270,7 +5270,6 @@
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelCopyAriaLabel": "或者,也可以从脚本或使用 {URL} 通过 Watcher 生成 {PDF}。按 Enter 键可将 {URL} 复制到剪贴板。",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelCopyButtonLabel": "复制 {POST} {URL}",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelCopyDescription": "或者,复制此 {POST} {URL} 以从 {KIBANA} 外部或从 Watcher 调用生成。",
-    "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelDisabledDescription": "导出到 PDF 已禁用。必须配置报告,才能使用 Chromium 浏览器。将其添加到您的 {fileName} 文件中。",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelGenerateButtonLabel": "生成 {PDF}",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.pdfPanelGenerateDescription": "{PDF} 可能会花费 1 或 2 分钟生成,取决于 Workpad 的大小。",
     "xpack.canvas.workpadHeaderWorkpadExport.shareDownloadJSONTitle": "下载为 {JSON}",

From 551e4dc472642dc584206c90075fc47882c323a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nathan L Smith <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:31:09 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 25/36] Add animation to service map layout (#56042)

We had previously deleted the animation because the method we were using for adding nodes to the map would wipe the whole map out before redrawing it and make for very awkward animation.

The way it works now is the Cytoscape component calls `add` on the cytoscape instance when new elements are added, so the animation looks ok.

Fixes #54796.

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../apm/public/components/app/ServiceMap/cytoscapeOptions.ts | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/apm/public/components/app/ServiceMap/cytoscapeOptions.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/apm/public/components/app/ServiceMap/cytoscapeOptions.ts
index 1a6247388a655..a243021ddc5fd 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/apm/public/components/app/ServiceMap/cytoscapeOptions.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/apm/public/components/app/ServiceMap/cytoscapeOptions.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ import { defaultIcon, iconForNode } from './icons';
 const layout = {
   name: 'dagre',
   nodeDimensionsIncludeLabels: true,
-  rankDir: 'LR'
+  rankDir: 'LR',
+  animate: true,
+  animationEasing: theme.euiAnimSlightBounce,
+  animationDuration: parseInt(theme.euiAnimSpeedNormal, 10)
 function isService(el: cytoscape.NodeSingular) {

From 99f224097c709b2bd2f4136de0f0b3a4728f26f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Seeders <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:10:34 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 26/36] Remove matrix build support (#54202)

 .ci/Jenkinsfile_coverage                      |  4 +-
 .ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es        |  4 +-
 .ci/jobs.yml                                  |  2 +
 .ci/                                    | 50 -----------
 Jenkinsfile                                   |  4 +-
 test/scripts/         | 19 +----
 test/scripts/              | 17 +---
 test/scripts/         | 18 +---
 test/scripts/            | 10 +--
 test/scripts/        | 11 +++
 test/scripts/      | 13 +++
 test/scripts/                  |  4 +-
 test/scripts/     | 16 +---
 test/scripts/                 | 14 ++-
 test/scripts/   | 28 +-----
 test/scripts/        | 45 +---------
 test/scripts/   | 19 +----
 .../        | 19 +----
 vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy                    | 85 +++++++++----------
 19 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 288 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 .ci/
 create mode 100644 test/scripts/
 create mode 100644 test/scripts/

diff --git a/.ci/Jenkinsfile_coverage b/.ci/Jenkinsfile_coverage
index d9ec1861c9979..01c18b10d0804 100644
--- a/.ci/Jenkinsfile_coverage
+++ b/.ci/Jenkinsfile_coverage
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ stage("Kibana Pipeline") { // This stage is just here to help the BlueOcean UI a
                   'NODE_ENV=test' // Needed for jest tests only
                 ]) {
-                  kibanaPipeline.legacyJobRunner('kibana-intake')()
+                  kibanaPipeline.intakeWorker('kibana-intake', './test/scripts/')()
               'x-pack-intake-agent': {
                   'NODE_ENV=test' // Needed for jest tests only
                 ]) {
-                  kibanaPipeline.legacyJobRunner('x-pack-intake')()
+                  kibanaPipeline.intakeWorker('x-pack-intake', './test/scripts/')()
               'kibana-oss-agent': kibanaPipeline.withWorkers('kibana-oss-tests', { kibanaPipeline.buildOss() }, [
diff --git a/.ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es b/.ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es
index 3d5ec75fa0e72..30d52a56547bd 100644
--- a/.ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es
+++ b/.ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES') {
             // TODO we just need to run integration tests from intake?
-            'kibana-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.legacyJobRunner('kibana-intake'),
-            'x-pack-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.legacyJobRunner('x-pack-intake'),
+            'kibana-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.intakeWorker('kibana-intake', './test/scripts/'),
+            'x-pack-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.intakeWorker('x-pack-intake', './test/scripts/'),
             'kibana-oss-agent': kibanaPipeline.withWorkers('kibana-oss-tests', { kibanaPipeline.buildOss() }, [
               'oss-ciGroup1': kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(1),
               'oss-ciGroup2': kibanaPipeline.getOssCiGroupWorker(2),
diff --git a/.ci/jobs.yml b/.ci/jobs.yml
index a2d8100f78efd..3add92aadd256 100644
--- a/.ci/jobs.yml
+++ b/.ci/jobs.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# This file is needed by functionalTests:ensureAllTestsInCiGroup for the list of ciGroups. That must be changed before this file can be removed
   - kibana-intake
   - x-pack-intake
diff --git a/.ci/ b/.ci/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f77438be62d0..0000000000000
--- a/.ci/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
-# move to Kibana root
-cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
-source src/dev/ci_setup/
-source src/dev/ci_setup/
-source src/dev/ci_setup/
-source src/dev/ci_setup/
-case "$JOB" in
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  export CI_GROUP="${JOB##kibana-ciGroup}"
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  export CI_GROUP="${JOB##x-pack-ciGroup}"
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  ./test/scripts/
-  ;;
-  echo "JOB '$JOB' is not implemented."
-  exit 1
-  ;;
diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index 4695004cd010a..4e6f3141a12e7 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ stage("Kibana Pipeline") { // This stage is just here to help the BlueOcean UI a
           catchError {
-              'kibana-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.legacyJobRunner('kibana-intake'),
-              'x-pack-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.legacyJobRunner('x-pack-intake'),
+              'kibana-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.intakeWorker('kibana-intake', './test/scripts/'),
+              'x-pack-intake-agent': kibanaPipeline.intakeWorker('x-pack-intake', './test/scripts/'),
               'kibana-oss-agent': kibanaPipeline.withWorkers('kibana-oss-tests', { kibanaPipeline.buildOss() }, [
                 'oss-firefoxSmoke': kibanaPipeline.getPostBuildWorker('firefoxSmoke', {
                   retryable('kibana-firefoxSmoke') {
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index 0b3d8dc3f85c2..c122d71b58edb 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,23 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
-if [[ -n "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  source src/dev/ci_setup/
-if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  yarn run grunt functionalTests:ensureAllTestsInCiGroup;
-  node scripts/build --debug --oss;
-  installDir="$(realpath $PARENT_DIR/kibana/build/oss/kibana-*-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64)"
-  destDir=${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}
-  cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
+source test/scripts/
 checks-reporter-with-killswitch "Kibana accessibility tests" \
   node scripts/functional_tests \
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index fccdb29ff512b..bef6b518b1999 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,19 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-source test/scripts/
-if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]] ; then
-  if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-    yarn run grunt functionalTests:ensureAllTestsInCiGroup;
-    node scripts/build --debug --oss;
-  else
-    installDir="$(realpath $PARENT_DIR/kibana/build/oss/kibana-*-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64)"
-    destDir=${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}
-    cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
-    export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
-  fi
+source test/scripts/
+if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]]; then
   checks-reporter-with-killswitch "Functional tests / Group ${CI_GROUP}" yarn run grunt "run:functionalTests_ciGroup${CI_GROUP}";
   if [ "$CI_GROUP" == "1" ]; then
@@ -24,8 +13,6 @@ if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]] ; then
   echo " -> Running Functional tests with code coverage"
   export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8192
   yarn run grunt "run:functionalTests_ciGroup${CI_GROUP}";
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index 9a31f5f43d224..0129d4f1bce9f 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,22 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-source test/scripts/
-if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  node scripts/build --debug --oss;
-  linuxBuild="$(find "$KIBANA_DIR/target" -name 'kibana-oss-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz')"
-  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-  mkdir -p "$installDir"
-  tar -xzf "$linuxBuild" -C "$installDir" --strip=1
-  installDir="$(realpath $PARENT_DIR/kibana/build/oss/kibana-*-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64)"
-  destDir=${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}
-  cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
+source test/scripts/
 checks-reporter-with-killswitch "Firefox smoke test" \
   node scripts/functional_tests \
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index e2dd0bc276bb6..49ee8a6b526ca 100644
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
 set -e
 function post_work() {
   set +e
-  if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-    node "$KIBANA_DIR/scripts/report_failed_tests"
-  fi
@@ -15,6 +13,4 @@ trap 'post_work' EXIT
-if [[ -n "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  source src/dev/ci_setup/
+source src/dev/ci_setup/
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9e68272053221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+source test/scripts/
+if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]] ; then
+  installDir="$(realpath $PARENT_DIR/kibana/build/oss/kibana-*-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64)"
+  destDir=${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}
+  cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
+  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..76fc7cfe6c876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+source test/scripts/
+if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]]; then
+  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
+  destDir="${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}"
+  cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
+  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
+  cd "$XPACK_DIR"
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index a8b5e8e4fdf97..fe67594ad8ac2 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
+source test/scripts/
 if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]] ; then
   "$(FORCE_COLOR=0 yarn bin)/grunt" jenkins:unit --dev;
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index 9ca1c0f08d2c9..dda966dea98d0 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-source test/scripts/
+source test/scripts/
 source "$KIBANA_DIR/src/dev/ci_setup/"
-if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  node scripts/build --debug --oss;
-  linuxBuild="$(find "$KIBANA_DIR/target" -name 'kibana-oss-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz')"
-  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-  mkdir -p "$installDir"
-  tar -xzf "$linuxBuild" -C "$installDir" --strip=1
-  installDir="$(realpath $PARENT_DIR/kibana/build/oss/kibana-*-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64)"
-  destDir=${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}
-  cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
 checks-reporter-with-killswitch "Kibana visual regression tests" \
   yarn run percy exec -t 500 \
   node scripts/functional_tests \
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index e0055085d9b37..e076bd43e1c6e 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
+source test/scripts/
 if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]] ; then
   echo " -> Running mocha tests"
@@ -10,26 +8,26 @@ if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]] ; then
   checks-reporter-with-killswitch "X-Pack Karma Tests" yarn test:browser
   echo ""
   echo ""
   echo " -> Running jest tests"
   cd "$XPACK_DIR"
   checks-reporter-with-killswitch "X-Pack Jest" node scripts/jest --ci --verbose
   echo ""
   echo ""
   echo " -> Running SIEM cyclic dependency test"
   cd "$XPACK_DIR"
   checks-reporter-with-killswitch "X-Pack SIEM cyclic dependency test" node legacy/plugins/siem/scripts/check_circular_deps
   echo ""
   echo ""
   # echo " -> Running jest contracts tests"
   # cd "$XPACK_DIR"
   # SLAPSHOT_ONLINE=true CONTRACT_ONLINE=true node scripts/jest_contract.js --ci --verbose
   # echo ""
   # echo ""
   # echo " -> Running jest integration tests"
   # cd "$XPACK_DIR"
   # node scripts/jest_integration --ci --verbose
@@ -48,4 +46,4 @@ else
   echo ""
   echo ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index af813c3c40f84..a3c03dd780886 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,32 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
-if [[ -n "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  source src/dev/ci_setup/
-if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  echo " -> building and extracting default Kibana distributable for use in functional tests"
-  node scripts/build --debug --no-oss
-  linuxBuild="$(find "$KIBANA_DIR/target" -name 'kibana-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz')"
-  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-  mkdir -p "$installDir"
-  tar -xzf "$linuxBuild" -C "$installDir" --strip=1
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$installDir"
-  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-  destDir="${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}"
-  cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
-cd "$XPACK_DIR"
+source test/scripts/
 checks-reporter-with-killswitch "X-Pack accessibility tests" \
   node scripts/functional_tests \
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index 58c407a848ae3..b599dc73005ec 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,47 +1,9 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-source test/scripts/
-if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]] ; then
-  if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-    echo " -> Ensuring all functional tests are in a ciGroup"
-    cd "$XPACK_DIR"
-    node scripts/functional_tests --assert-none-excluded \
-      --include-tag ciGroup1 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup2 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup3 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup4 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup5 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup6 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup7 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup8 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup9 \
-      --include-tag ciGroup10
-  fi
-  cd "$KIBANA_DIR"
-  if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-    echo " -> building and extracting default Kibana distributable for use in functional tests"
-    node scripts/build --debug --no-oss
-    linuxBuild="$(find "$KIBANA_DIR/target" -name 'kibana-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz')"
-    installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-    mkdir -p "$installDir"
-    tar -xzf "$linuxBuild" -C "$installDir" --strip=1
-    export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$installDir"
-  else
-    installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-    destDir="${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}"
-    cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
-    export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
-  fi
+source test/scripts/
+if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]]; then
   echo " -> Running functional and api tests"
-  cd "$XPACK_DIR"
   checks-reporter-with-killswitch "X-Pack Chrome Functional tests / Group ${CI_GROUP}" \
     node scripts/functional_tests \
@@ -53,9 +15,6 @@ if [[ -z "$CODE_COVERAGE" ]] ; then
   echo ""
   echo " -> Running X-Pack functional tests with code coverage"
-  cd "$XPACK_DIR"
   export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8192
   node scripts/functional_tests --debug --include-tag "ciGroup$CI_GROUP"
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index 43220459bcb97..5fe8b41cc0010 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,23 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-source test/scripts/
-if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  node scripts/build --debug --no-oss;
-  linuxBuild="$(find "$KIBANA_DIR/target" -name 'kibana-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz')"
-  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-  mkdir -p "$installDir"
-  tar -xzf "$linuxBuild" -C "$installDir" --strip=1
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$installDir"
-  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-  destDir="${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}"
-  cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
-cd "$XPACK_DIR"
+source test/scripts/
 checks-reporter-with-killswitch "X-Pack firefox smoke test" \
   node scripts/functional_tests \
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
index 5699f9e5ee7c1..6e3d4dd7c249b 100755
--- a/test/scripts/
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -1,25 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-source test/scripts/
+source test/scripts/
 source "$KIBANA_DIR/src/dev/ci_setup/"
-if [[ -z "$IS_PIPELINE_JOB" ]] ; then
-  node scripts/build --debug --no-oss;
-  linuxBuild="$(find "$KIBANA_DIR/target" -name 'kibana-*-linux-x86_64.tar.gz')"
-  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-  mkdir -p "$installDir"
-  tar -xzf "$linuxBuild" -C "$installDir" --strip=1
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$installDir"
-  installDir="$PARENT_DIR/install/kibana"
-  destDir="${installDir}-${CI_WORKER_NUMBER}"
-  cp -R "$installDir" "$destDir"
-  export KIBANA_INSTALL_DIR="$destDir"
-cd "$XPACK_DIR"
 checks-reporter-with-killswitch "X-Pack visual regression tests" \
   yarn run percy exec -t 500 \
   node scripts/functional_tests \
diff --git a/vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy b/vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy
index 346bcf77b96b1..dd66586e912d6 100644
--- a/vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy
+++ b/vars/kibanaPipeline.groovy
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ def withWorkers(machineName, preWorkerClosure = {}, workerClosures = [:]) {
   return {
     jobRunner('tests-xl', true) {
       withGcsArtifactUpload(machineName, {
-        try {
+        withPostBuildReporting {
@@ -26,24 +26,53 @@ def withWorkers(machineName, preWorkerClosure = {}, workerClosures = [:]) {
-        } finally {
-          catchError {
-            runErrorReporter()
-          }
-          catchError {
-            runbld.junit()
-          }
-          catchError {
-            publishJunit()
-          }
+def withWorker(machineName, label, Closure closure) {
+  return {
+    jobRunner(label, false) {
+      withGcsArtifactUpload(machineName) {
+        withPostBuildReporting {
+          doSetup()
+          closure()
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+def intakeWorker(jobName, String script) {
+  return withWorker(jobName, 'linux && immutable') {
+    withEnv([
+      "JOB=${jobName}",
+    ]) {
+      runbld(script, "Execute ${jobName}")
+    }
+  }
+def withPostBuildReporting(Closure closure) {
+  try {
+    closure()
+  } finally {
+    catchError {
+      runErrorReporter()
+    }
+    catchError {
+      runbld.junit()
+    }
+    catchError {
+      publishJunit()
+    }
+  }
 def getPostBuildWorker(name, closure) {
   return { workerNumber ->
     def kibanaPort = "61${workerNumber}1"
@@ -90,34 +119,6 @@ def getXpackCiGroupWorker(ciGroup) {
-def legacyJobRunner(name) {
-  return {
-    parallel([
-      "${name}": {
-        withEnv([
-          "JOB=${name}",
-        ]) {
-          jobRunner('linux && immutable', false) {
-            withGcsArtifactUpload(name, {
-              try {
-                runbld('.ci/', "Execute ${name}", true)
-              } finally {
-                catchError {
-                  runErrorReporter()
-                }
-                catchError {
-                  publishJunit()
-                }
-              }
-            })
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    ])
-  }
 def jobRunner(label, useRamDisk, closure) {
   node(label) {
@@ -168,8 +169,6 @@ def jobRunner(label, useRamDisk, closure) {
-// TODO what should happen if GCS, Junit, or email publishing fails? Unstable build? Failed build?
 def uploadGcsArtifact(uploadPrefix, pattern) {
     credentialsId: 'kibana-ci-gcs-plugin',

From d66489df375013377f7fe30060f474fc35c88e8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Spencer <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:27:36 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 27/36] make test less flaky by retrying if list is re-rendered

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../services/dashboard/add_panel.js           | 23 +++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/functional/services/dashboard/add_panel.js b/test/functional/services/dashboard/add_panel.js
index e390fd918eaee..91e7c15c4f1d9 100644
--- a/test/functional/services/dashboard/add_panel.js
+++ b/test/functional/services/dashboard/add_panel.js
@@ -54,14 +54,23 @@ export function DashboardAddPanelProvider({ getService, getPageObjects }) {
     async addEveryEmbeddableOnCurrentPage() {
       const itemList = await testSubjects.find('savedObjectFinderItemList');
-      const embeddableRows = await itemList.findAllByCssSelector('li');
       const embeddableList = [];
-      for (let i = 0; i < embeddableRows.length; i++) {
-        embeddableList.push(await embeddableRows[i].getVisibleText());
-        await embeddableRows[i].click();
-        await PageObjects.common.closeToast();
-      }
-      log.debug(`Added ${embeddableRows.length} embeddables`);
+      await retry.try(async () => {
+        const embeddableRows = await itemList.findAllByCssSelector('li');
+        for (let i = 0; i < embeddableRows.length; i++) {
+          const name = await embeddableRows[i].getVisibleText();
+          if (embeddableList.includes(name)) {
+            // already added this one
+            continue;
+          }
+          await embeddableRows[i].click();
+          await PageObjects.common.closeToast();
+          embeddableList.push(name);
+        }
+      });
+      log.debug(`Added ${embeddableList.length} embeddables`);
       return embeddableList;

From 80087a399fdf80743662eb47166061a7fcb38a1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Garrett Spong <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:44:58 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 28/36] [SIEM] [Detection Engine] Fixes histogram intervals 

## Summary

This PR wraps up the remaining `Detection Engine` meta tickets:,, and
- [x] Histogram bar interval (bar counts and widths) consistency (
  - [x] Make the bar intervals a consistent 32 bars across the board
  * Enabled `extended_bounds`, `min_doc_count: 0`, and now setting consistent `fixed_interval` when querying to ensure the entire daterange is displayed across all histograms.
- [x] Filter out the "untitled" timelines from both timeline selection options during rule creation (
  - [ ] ~Import query from saved timeline~
    * For 7.7 tracking ticket here:
  - [x] `Investigate detections using this timeline template`
- [x] Everywhere we use "Alerts" (Overview page, Host Tab, Network Tab) we should change the term to "External Alerts"
  - [x] Updated Host Page Tab/Table/Histogram/Breadcrumbs
  - [x] Updated Network Page Tab/Table/Histogram/Breadcrumbs
- [x] Updated DE permission/index  error doc links to go to [corresponding DE docs section](
- [x] Removed `frequency` in favor of `count` for remaining histograms

##### Inconsistent Histogram intervals

##### Consistent Histogram Intervals

cc @MichaelMarcialis @cwurm @MikePaquette

### Checklist

Use ~~strikethroughs~~ to remove checklist items you don't feel are applicable to this PR.

- [ ] ~This was checked for cross-browser compatibility, [including a check against IE11](
- [x] Any text added follows [EUI's writing guidelines](, uses sentence case text and includes [i18n support](
- [ ] ~[Documentation]( was added for features that require explanation or tutorials~
- [ ] ~[Unit or functional tests]( were updated or added to match the most common scenarios~
- [ ] ~This was checked for [keyboard-only and screenreader accessibility](

### For maintainers

- [ ] ~This was checked for breaking API changes and was [labeled appropriately](
- [ ] ~This includes a feature addition or change that requires a release note and was [labeled appropriately](
 .../public/components/alerts_viewer/index.tsx | 10 +++++-
 .../components/alerts_viewer/translations.ts  | 10 +++---
 .../timeline/search_super_select/index.tsx    | 34 ++++++++++++-------
 .../signals_histogram_panel/helpers.tsx       |  9 +++--
 .../signals_histogram_panel/translations.ts   |  2 +-
 .../detection_engine_no_signal_index.tsx      | 29 ++++++++--------
 .../detection_engine_user_unauthenticated.tsx | 28 ++++++++-------
 .../rules/components/pick_timeline/index.tsx  |  1 +
 .../siem/public/pages/hosts/translations.ts   |  2 +-
 .../siem/public/pages/network/translations.ts |  2 +-
 .../public/pages/overview/translations.ts     |  2 +-
 .../siem/server/lib/alerts/query.dsl.ts       | 19 +++++------
 .../query.anomalies_over_time.dsl.ts          | 19 +++++------
 .../query.authentications_over_time.dsl.ts    | 19 +++++------
 .../lib/events/query.events_over_time.dsl.ts  | 19 +++++------
 .../lib/network/query_dns_histogram.dsl.ts    |  6 ++--
 .../calculate_timeseries_interval.ts          | 11 ++----
 17 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/alerts_viewer/index.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/alerts_viewer/index.tsx
index 0b99a8b059df7..2d10928da570a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/alerts_viewer/index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/alerts_viewer/index.tsx
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import { noop } from 'lodash/fp';
 import React, { useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';
 import { EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
+import numeral from '@elastic/numeral';
 import { AlertsComponentsQueryProps } from './types';
 import { AlertsTable } from './alerts_table';
@@ -13,6 +14,8 @@ import * as i18n from './translations';
 import { MatrixHistogramOption } from '../matrix_histogram/types';
 import { MatrixHistogramContainer } from '../../containers/matrix_histogram';
 import { MatrixHistogramGqlQuery } from '../../containers/matrix_histogram/index.gql_query';
+import { useUiSetting$ } from '../../lib/kibana';
+import { DEFAULT_NUMBER_FORMAT } from '../../../common/constants';
 const ID = 'alertsOverTimeQuery';
 export const alertsStackByOptions: MatrixHistogramOption[] = [
@@ -37,6 +40,8 @@ export const AlertsView = ({
   updateDateRange = noop,
 }: AlertsComponentsQueryProps) => {
+  const [defaultNumberFormat] = useUiSetting$<string>(DEFAULT_NUMBER_FORMAT);
   useEffect(() => {
     return () => {
       if (deleteQuery) {
@@ -46,7 +51,10 @@ export const AlertsView = ({
   }, []);
   const getSubtitle = useCallback(
-    (totalCount: number) => `${i18n.SHOWING}: ${totalCount} ${i18n.UNIT(totalCount)}`,
+    (totalCount: number) =>
+      `${i18n.SHOWING}: ${numeral(totalCount).format(defaultNumberFormat)} ${i18n.UNIT(
+        totalCount
+      )}`,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/alerts_viewer/translations.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/alerts_viewer/translations.ts
index 408c406a854be..b0bc38bd3ebdc 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/alerts_viewer/translations.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/alerts_viewer/translations.ts
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
 export const ALERTS_DOCUMENT_TYPE = i18n.translate('xpack.siem.alertsView.alertsDocumentType', {
-  defaultMessage: 'Alerts',
+  defaultMessage: 'External alerts',
 export const TOTAL_COUNT_OF_ALERTS = i18n.translate('xpack.siem.alertsView.totalCountOfAlerts', {
-  defaultMessage: 'alerts match the search criteria',
+  defaultMessage: 'external alerts match the search criteria',
 export const ALERTS_TABLE_TITLE = i18n.translate('xpack.siem.alertsView.alertsTableTitle', {
-  defaultMessage: 'Alerts',
+  defaultMessage: 'External alerts',
 export const ALERTS_GRAPH_TITLE = i18n.translate('xpack.siem.alertsView.alertsGraphTitle', {
-  defaultMessage: 'Alert detection frequency',
+  defaultMessage: 'External alerts count',
 export const ALERTS_STACK_BY_MODULE = i18n.translate(
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export const SHOWING = i18n.translate('xpack.siem.alertsView.showing', {
 export const UNIT = (totalCount: number) =>
   i18n.translate('xpack.siem.alertsView.unit', {
     values: { totalCount },
-    defaultMessage: `{totalCount, plural, =1 {alert} other {alerts}}`,
+    defaultMessage: `external {totalCount, plural, =1 {alert} other {alerts}}`,
 export const ERROR_FETCHING_ALERTS_DATA = i18n.translate(
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/timeline/search_super_select/index.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/timeline/search_super_select/index.tsx
index 009ab141e958e..b8280aedd12fa 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/timeline/search_super_select/index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/components/timeline/search_super_select/index.tsx
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ const MyEuiFlexGroup = styled(EuiFlexGroup)`
 interface SearchTimelineSuperSelectProps {
   isDisabled: boolean;
+  hideUntitled?: boolean;
   timelineId: string | null;
   timelineTitle: string | null;
   onTimelineChange: (timelineTitle: string, timelineId: string | null) => void;
@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ const POPOVER_HEIGHT = 260;
 const SearchTimelineSuperSelectComponent: React.FC<SearchTimelineSuperSelectProps> = ({
+  hideUntitled = false,
@@ -287,7 +289,11 @@ const SearchTimelineSuperSelectComponent: React.FC<SearchTimelineSuperSelectProp
                 rowHeight: TIMELINE_ITEM_HEIGHT,
                 showIcons: false,
                 virtualizedProps: ({
-                  onScroll: handleOnScroll.bind(null, timelines.length, totalCount),
+                  onScroll: handleOnScroll.bind(
+                    null,
+                    timelines.filter(t => !hideUntitled || t.title !== '').length,
+                    totalCount
+                  ),
                 } as unknown) as ListProps,
@@ -308,18 +314,20 @@ const SearchTimelineSuperSelectComponent: React.FC<SearchTimelineSuperSelectProp
                 ...(!onlyFavorites && searchTimelineValue === ''
                   ? getBasicSelectableOptions(timelineId == null ? '-1' : timelineId)
                   : []),
-                  (t, index) =>
-                    ({
-                      description: t.description,
-                      favorite: t.favorite,
-                      label: t.title,
-                      id: t.savedObjectId,
-                      key: `${t.title}-${index}`,
-                      title: t.title,
-                      checked: t.savedObjectId === timelineId ? 'on' : undefined,
-                    } as Option)
-                ),
+                ...timelines
+                  .filter(t => !hideUntitled || t.title !== '')
+                  .map(
+                    (t, index) =>
+                      ({
+                        description: t.description,
+                        favorite: t.favorite,
+                        label: t.title,
+                        id: t.savedObjectId,
+                        key: `${t.title}-${index}`,
+                        title: t.title,
+                        checked: t.savedObjectId === timelineId ? 'on' : undefined,
+                      } as Option)
+                  ),
               {(list, search) => (
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/components/signals_histogram_panel/helpers.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/components/signals_histogram_panel/helpers.tsx
index 71a19d4595f6a..551850fa610db 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/components/signals_histogram_panel/helpers.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/components/signals_histogram_panel/helpers.tsx
@@ -47,9 +47,14 @@ export const getSignalsHistogramQuery = (
       aggs: {
         signals: {
-          auto_date_histogram: {
+          date_histogram: {
             field: '@timestamp',
-            buckets: 36,
+            fixed_interval: `${Math.floor((to - from) / 32)}ms`,
+            min_doc_count: 0,
+            extended_bounds: {
+              min: from,
+              max: to,
+            },
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/components/signals_histogram_panel/translations.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/components/signals_histogram_panel/translations.ts
index 8c88fa4a5dae6..4cecf7376ca41 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/components/signals_histogram_panel/translations.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/components/signals_histogram_panel/translations.ts
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ export const STACK_BY_USERS = i18n.translate(
 export const HISTOGRAM_HEADER = i18n.translate(
-    defaultMessage: 'Signal count',
+    defaultMessage: 'Signals count',
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/detection_engine_no_signal_index.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/detection_engine_no_signal_index.tsx
index 1be6317a91607..f1478ab5858c9 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/detection_engine_no_signal_index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/detection_engine_no_signal_index.tsx
@@ -5,23 +5,24 @@
 import React from 'react';
-import chrome from 'ui/chrome';
 import { EmptyPage } from '../../components/empty_page';
 import * as i18n from './translations';
+import { useKibana } from '../../lib/kibana';
-const basePath = chrome.getBasePath();
-export const DetectionEngineNoIndex = React.memo(() => (
-  <EmptyPage
-    actionPrimaryIcon="documents"
-    actionPrimaryLabel={i18n.GO_TO_DOCUMENTATION}
-    actionPrimaryUrl={`${basePath}/app/kibana#/home/tutorial_directory/siem`}
-    actionPrimaryTarget="_blank"
-    message={i18n.NO_INDEX_MSG_BODY}
-    data-test-subj="no_index"
-    title={i18n.NO_INDEX_TITLE}
-  />
+export const DetectionEngineNoIndex = React.memo(() => {
+  const docLinks = useKibana().services.docLinks;
+  return (
+    <EmptyPage
+      actionPrimaryIcon="documents"
+      actionPrimaryLabel={i18n.GO_TO_DOCUMENTATION}
+      actionPrimaryUrl={`${docLinks.ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/siem/guide/${docLinks.DOC_LINK_VERSION}/detection-engine-overview.html#detections-permissions`}
+      actionPrimaryTarget="_blank"
+      message={i18n.NO_INDEX_MSG_BODY}
+      data-test-subj="no_index"
+      title={i18n.NO_INDEX_TITLE}
+    />
+  );
 DetectionEngineNoIndex.displayName = 'DetectionEngineNoIndex';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/detection_engine_user_unauthenticated.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/detection_engine_user_unauthenticated.tsx
index 33b63aa3bf0fe..b5c805f92135a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/detection_engine_user_unauthenticated.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/detection_engine_user_unauthenticated.tsx
@@ -5,23 +5,25 @@
 import React from 'react';
-import chrome from 'ui/chrome';
 import { EmptyPage } from '../../components/empty_page';
 import * as i18n from './translations';
+import { useKibana } from '../../lib/kibana';
-const basePath = chrome.getBasePath();
+export const DetectionEngineUserUnauthenticated = React.memo(() => {
+  const docLinks = useKibana().services.docLinks;
-export const DetectionEngineUserUnauthenticated = React.memo(() => (
-  <EmptyPage
-    actionPrimaryIcon="documents"
-    actionPrimaryLabel={i18n.GO_TO_DOCUMENTATION}
-    actionPrimaryUrl={`${basePath}/app/kibana#/home/tutorial_directory/siem`}
-    actionPrimaryTarget="_blank"
-    data-test-subj="no_index"
-  />
+  return (
+    <EmptyPage
+      actionPrimaryIcon="documents"
+      actionPrimaryLabel={i18n.GO_TO_DOCUMENTATION}
+      actionPrimaryUrl={`${docLinks.ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL}guide/en/siem/guide/${docLinks.DOC_LINK_VERSION}/detection-engine-overview.html#detections-permissions`}
+      actionPrimaryTarget="_blank"
+      data-test-subj="no_index"
+    />
+  );
 DetectionEngineUserUnauthenticated.displayName = 'DetectionEngineUserUnauthenticated';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/rules/components/pick_timeline/index.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/rules/components/pick_timeline/index.tsx
index 873e0c2184c61..f467d0ebede41 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/rules/components/pick_timeline/index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/detection_engine/rules/components/pick_timeline/index.tsx
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ export const PickTimeline = ({
+        hideUntitled={true}
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/hosts/translations.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/hosts/translations.ts
index 011e1a8574ae4..b8c8779ae0f24 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/hosts/translations.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/hosts/translations.ts
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export const NAVIGATION_EVENTS_TITLE = i18n.translate('xpack.siem.hosts.navigati
 export const NAVIGATION_ALERTS_TITLE = i18n.translate('xpack.siem.hosts.navigation.alertsTitle', {
-  defaultMessage: 'Alerts',
+  defaultMessage: 'External alerts',
 export const ERROR_FETCHING_AUTHENTICATIONS_DATA = i18n.translate(
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/network/translations.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/network/translations.ts
index e5e7144c3ca0e..5d80ded0aa66b 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/network/translations.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/network/translations.ts
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export const NAVIGATION_ANOMALIES_TITLE = i18n.translate(
 export const NAVIGATION_ALERTS_TITLE = i18n.translate('', {
-  defaultMessage: 'Alerts',
+  defaultMessage: 'External alerts',
 export const DOMAINS_COUNT_BY = (groupByField: string) =>
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/overview/translations.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/overview/translations.ts
index 662fc721111ed..656abd3dc0570 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/overview/translations.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/public/pages/overview/translations.ts
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export const ALERTS_COUNT_BY = (groupByField: string) =>
 export const ALERTS_GRAPH_TITLE = i18n.translate('xpack.siem.overview.alertsGraphTitle', {
-  defaultMessage: 'Alert detection frequency',
+  defaultMessage: 'External alerts count',
 export const EVENTS_COUNT_BY = (groupByField: string) =>
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/alerts/query.dsl.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/alerts/query.dsl.ts
index 08015c3508b86..eb82327197543 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/alerts/query.dsl.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/alerts/query.dsl.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeseriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
+import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeSeriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
 import { buildTimelineQuery } from '../events/query.dsl';
 import { RequestOptions, MatrixHistogramRequestOptions } from '../framework';
@@ -68,18 +68,17 @@ export const buildAlertsHistogramQuery = ({
   const getHistogramAggregation = () => {
-    const interval = calculateTimeseriesInterval(from, to);
+    const interval = calculateTimeSeriesInterval(from, to);
     const histogramTimestampField = '@timestamp';
     const dateHistogram = {
       date_histogram: {
         field: histogramTimestampField,
-        fixed_interval: `${interval}s`,
-      },
-    };
-    const autoDateHistogram = {
-      auto_date_histogram: {
-        field: histogramTimestampField,
-        buckets: 36,
+        fixed_interval: interval,
+        min_doc_count: 0,
+        extended_bounds: {
+          min: from,
+          max: to,
+        },
     return {
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ export const buildAlertsHistogramQuery = ({
           size: 10,
         aggs: {
-          alerts: interval ? dateHistogram : autoDateHistogram,
+          alerts: dateHistogram,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/anomalies/query.anomalies_over_time.dsl.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/anomalies/query.anomalies_over_time.dsl.ts
index b0892a68f0a2e..38e8387f43ffd 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/anomalies/query.anomalies_over_time.dsl.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/anomalies/query.anomalies_over_time.dsl.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeseriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
+import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeSeriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
 import { MatrixHistogramRequestOptions } from '../framework';
 export const buildAnomaliesOverTimeQuery = ({
@@ -26,18 +26,17 @@ export const buildAnomaliesOverTimeQuery = ({
   const getHistogramAggregation = () => {
-    const interval = calculateTimeseriesInterval(from, to);
+    const interval = calculateTimeSeriesInterval(from, to);
     const histogramTimestampField = 'timestamp';
     const dateHistogram = {
       date_histogram: {
         field: histogramTimestampField,
-        fixed_interval: `${interval}s`,
-      },
-    };
-    const autoDateHistogram = {
-      auto_date_histogram: {
-        field: histogramTimestampField,
-        buckets: 36,
+        fixed_interval: interval,
+        min_doc_count: 0,
+        extended_bounds: {
+          min: from,
+          max: to,
+        },
     return {
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ export const buildAnomaliesOverTimeQuery = ({
           size: 10,
         aggs: {
-          anomalies: interval ? dateHistogram : autoDateHistogram,
+          anomalies: dateHistogram,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/authentications/query.authentications_over_time.dsl.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/authentications/query.authentications_over_time.dsl.ts
index 77b35fef77dca..ccf0d235abdd3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/authentications/query.authentications_over_time.dsl.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/authentications/query.authentications_over_time.dsl.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeseriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
+import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeSeriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
 import { MatrixHistogramRequestOptions } from '../framework';
 export const buildAuthenticationsOverTimeQuery = ({
@@ -28,18 +28,17 @@ export const buildAuthenticationsOverTimeQuery = ({
   const getHistogramAggregation = () => {
-    const interval = calculateTimeseriesInterval(from, to);
+    const interval = calculateTimeSeriesInterval(from, to);
     const histogramTimestampField = '@timestamp';
     const dateHistogram = {
       date_histogram: {
         field: histogramTimestampField,
-        fixed_interval: `${interval}s`,
-      },
-    };
-    const autoDateHistogram = {
-      auto_date_histogram: {
-        field: histogramTimestampField,
-        buckets: 36,
+        fixed_interval: interval,
+        min_doc_count: 0,
+        extended_bounds: {
+          min: from,
+          max: to,
+        },
     return {
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ export const buildAuthenticationsOverTimeQuery = ({
           size: 2,
         aggs: {
-          events: interval ? dateHistogram : autoDateHistogram,
+          events: dateHistogram,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/events/query.events_over_time.dsl.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/events/query.events_over_time.dsl.ts
index 4b1837497669f..3a4281b980cc4 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/events/query.events_over_time.dsl.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/events/query.events_over_time.dsl.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeseriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
+import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeSeriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
 import { MatrixHistogramRequestOptions } from '../framework';
 export const buildEventsOverTimeQuery = ({
@@ -28,18 +28,17 @@ export const buildEventsOverTimeQuery = ({
   const getHistogramAggregation = () => {
-    const interval = calculateTimeseriesInterval(from, to);
+    const interval = calculateTimeSeriesInterval(from, to);
     const histogramTimestampField = '@timestamp';
     const dateHistogram = {
       date_histogram: {
         field: histogramTimestampField,
-        fixed_interval: `${interval}s`,
-      },
-    };
-    const autoDateHistogram = {
-      auto_date_histogram: {
-        field: histogramTimestampField,
-        buckets: 36,
+        fixed_interval: interval,
+        min_doc_count: 0,
+        extended_bounds: {
+          min: from,
+          max: to,
+        },
     return {
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ export const buildEventsOverTimeQuery = ({
           size: 10,
         aggs: {
-          events: interval ? dateHistogram : autoDateHistogram,
+          events: dateHistogram,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/network/query_dns_histogram.dsl.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/network/query_dns_histogram.dsl.ts
index 67457ab4840ac..1ce324e0ffff8 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/network/query_dns_histogram.dsl.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/network/query_dns_histogram.dsl.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeseriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
+import { createQueryFilterClauses, calculateTimeSeriesInterval } from '../../utils/build_query';
 import { MatrixHistogramRequestOptions } from '../framework';
 export const buildDnsHistogramQuery = ({
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ export const buildDnsHistogramQuery = ({
   const getHistogramAggregation = () => {
-    const interval = calculateTimeseriesInterval(from, to);
+    const interval = calculateTimeSeriesInterval(from, to);
     const histogramTimestampField = '@timestamp';
     const dateHistogram = {
       date_histogram: {
         field: histogramTimestampField,
-        fixed_interval: `${interval}s`,
+        fixed_interval: interval,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/utils/build_query/calculate_timeseries_interval.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/utils/build_query/calculate_timeseries_interval.ts
index 752c686b243ac..5b667f461fc60 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/utils/build_query/calculate_timeseries_interval.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/utils/build_query/calculate_timeseries_interval.ts
@@ -89,13 +89,6 @@ export const calculateAuto = {
-export const calculateTimeseriesInterval = (
-  lowerBoundInMsSinceEpoch: number,
-  upperBoundInMsSinceEpoch: number
-) => {
-  const duration = moment.duration(upperBoundInMsSinceEpoch - lowerBoundInMsSinceEpoch, 'ms');
-  const matchedInterval = calculateAuto.near(50, duration);
-  return matchedInterval ? Math.max(matchedInterval.asSeconds(), 1) : null;
+export const calculateTimeSeriesInterval = (from: number, to: number) => {
+  return `${Math.floor((to - from) / 32)}ms`;

From 1ec7ee79b61811180a8c4e0351c599f4a27d445c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Phillip Burch <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 19:10:34 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 29/36] Create a new menu for observability links (#54847)

* Create a new menu for observability links. Use it on inentory page.

* Change the order of props for clarity

* Fix default message

* Composition over configuration

* Show ids and ips. PR feedback.

* Don't wrap subtitle. Use fields in inventory model for name

* Tooltip was becoming hacky. Keep it simple and wrap the id.

* Create observability plugin. Add action menu to it.

* Fix path

* Satisfy linter and fix test

* Please the linter

* Update translastions

* Update test for disabled links

* Update more tests

Co-authored-by: Elastic Machine <>
 .../common/inventory_models/aws_ec2/index.ts  |   3 +
 .../common/inventory_models/aws_rds/index.ts  |   3 +
 .../common/inventory_models/aws_s3/index.ts   |   3 +
 .../common/inventory_models/aws_sqs/index.ts  |   3 +
 .../inventory_models/container/index.ts       |   3 +
 .../common/inventory_models/host/index.ts     |   3 +
 .../common/inventory_models/pod/index.ts      |   3 +
 .../infra/common/inventory_models/types.ts    |   1 +
 .../components/waffle/node_context_menu.tsx   | 153 ++++++++++++------
 x-pack/plugins/observability/kibana.json      |   6 +
 .../public/components/action_menu.tsx         |  57 +++++++
 x-pack/plugins/observability/public/index.ts  |  16 ++
 x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts |  15 ++
 .../translations/translations/ja-JP.json      |   4 +-
 .../translations/translations/zh-CN.json      |   4 +-
 .../infrastructure_security.ts                |  12 +-
 .../feature_controls/infrastructure_spaces.ts |   6 +-
 17 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 x-pack/plugins/observability/kibana.json
 create mode 100644 x-pack/plugins/observability/public/components/action_menu.tsx
 create mode 100644 x-pack/plugins/observability/public/index.ts
 create mode 100644 x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_ec2/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_ec2/index.ts
index ccfd8cd9851eb..5f667beebd83b 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_ec2/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_ec2/index.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ export const awsEC2: InventoryModel = {
   displayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.awsEC2.displayName', {
     defaultMessage: 'EC2 Instances',
+  singularDisplayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.awsEC2.singularDisplayName', {
+    defaultMessage: 'EC2 Instance',
+  }),
   requiredModule: 'aws',
   crosslinkSupport: {
     details: true,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_rds/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_rds/index.ts
index f1182a942ff06..02cef192b59ef 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_rds/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_rds/index.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ export const awsRDS: InventoryModel = {
   displayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.awsRDS.displayName', {
     defaultMessage: 'RDS Databases',
+  singularDisplayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.awsRDS.singularDisplayName', {
+    defaultMessage: 'RDS Database',
+  }),
   requiredModule: 'aws',
   crosslinkSupport: {
     details: true,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_s3/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_s3/index.ts
index 3bdf319f49c5f..a786283a100a9 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_s3/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_s3/index.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ export const awsS3: InventoryModel = {
   displayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.awsS3.displayName', {
     defaultMessage: 'S3 Buckets',
+  singularDisplayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.awsS3.singularDisplayName', {
+    defaultMessage: 'S3 Bucket',
+  }),
   requiredModule: 'aws',
   crosslinkSupport: {
     details: true,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_sqs/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_sqs/index.ts
index 1733e995a824f..21379ebb1e604 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_sqs/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/aws_sqs/index.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ export const awsSQS: InventoryModel = {
   displayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.awsSQS.displayName', {
     defaultMessage: 'SQS Queues',
+  singularDisplayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.awsSQS.singularDisplayName', {
+    defaultMessage: 'SQS Queue',
+  }),
   requiredModule: 'aws',
   crosslinkSupport: {
     details: true,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/container/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/container/index.ts
index 29b3cfe3af180..c142f600d1d56 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/container/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/container/index.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ export const container: InventoryModel = {
   displayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModel.container.displayName', {
     defaultMessage: 'Docker Containers',
+  singularDisplayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModel.container.singularDisplayName', {
+    defaultMessage: 'Docker Container',
+  }),
   requiredModule: 'docker',
   crosslinkSupport: {
     details: true,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/host/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/host/index.ts
index 364ef0b4c2c91..538af4f5119b4 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/host/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/host/index.ts
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ export const host: InventoryModel = {
   displayName: i18n.translate('', {
     defaultMessage: 'Hosts',
+  singularDisplayName: i18n.translate('', {
+    defaultMessage: 'Host',
+  }),
   requiredModule: 'system',
   crosslinkSupport: {
     details: true,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/pod/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/pod/index.ts
index f76a0304e26c0..961e0248c79da 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/pod/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/pod/index.ts
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ export const pod: InventoryModel = {
   displayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModel.pod.displayName', {
     defaultMessage: 'Kubernetes Pods',
+  singularDisplayName: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.inventoryModels.pod.singularDisplayName', {
+    defaultMessage: 'Kubernetes Pod',
+  }),
   requiredModule: 'kubernetes',
   crosslinkSupport: {
     details: true,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/types.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/types.ts
index cc2396547edc4..2f61b16fb3df8 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/types.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/common/inventory_models/types.ts
@@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ export interface InventoryMetrics {
 export interface InventoryModel {
   id: string;
   displayName: string;
+  singularDisplayName: string;
   requiredModule: string;
   fields: {
     id: string;
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/public/components/waffle/node_context_menu.tsx b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/public/components/waffle/node_context_menu.tsx
index 5a90efcc51a57..86a22c358b4d5 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/public/components/waffle/node_context_menu.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/infra/public/components/waffle/node_context_menu.tsx
@@ -4,21 +4,26 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import {
-  EuiContextMenu,
-  EuiContextMenuPanelDescriptor,
-  EuiPopover,
-  EuiPopoverProps,
-} from '@elastic/eui';
+import { EuiPopoverProps, EuiCode } from '@elastic/eui';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
+import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
-import React from 'react';
+import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
 import { InfraWaffleMapNode, InfraWaffleMapOptions } from '../../lib/lib';
 import { getNodeDetailUrl, getNodeLogsUrl } from '../../pages/link_to';
 import { createUptimeLink } from './lib/create_uptime_link';
-import { findInventoryModel } from '../../../common/inventory_models';
+import { findInventoryModel, findInventoryFields } from '../../../common/inventory_models';
 import { useKibana } from '../../../../../../../src/plugins/kibana_react/public';
 import { InventoryItemType } from '../../../common/inventory_models/types';
+import {
+  Section,
+  SectionLinkProps,
+  ActionMenu,
+  SectionTitle,
+  SectionSubtitle,
+  SectionLinks,
+  SectionLink,
+} from '../../../../../../plugins/observability/public';
 interface Props {
   options: InfraWaffleMapOptions;
@@ -43,15 +48,42 @@ export const NodeContextMenu = ({
 }: Props) => {
   const uiCapabilities = useKibana().services.application?.capabilities;
   const inventoryModel = findInventoryModel(nodeType);
+  const nodeDetailFrom = currentTime - inventoryModel.metrics.defaultTimeRangeInSeconds * 1000;
   // Due to the changing nature of the fields between APM and this UI,
   // We need to have some exceptions until 7.0 & ECS is finalized. Reference
   // #26620 for the details for these fields.
   // TODO: This is tech debt, remove it after 7.0 & ECS migration.
   const apmField = nodeType === 'host' ? 'host.hostname' :;
-  const nodeLogsMenuItem = {
-    name: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewLogsName', {
-      defaultMessage: 'View logs',
+  const showDetail = inventoryModel.crosslinkSupport.details;
+  const showLogsLink =
+    inventoryModel.crosslinkSupport.logs && && uiCapabilities?.logs?.show;
+  const showAPMTraceLink =
+    inventoryModel.crosslinkSupport.apm && uiCapabilities?.apm && uiCapabilities?;
+  const showUptimeLink =
+    inventoryModel.crosslinkSupport.uptime && (['pod', 'container'].includes(nodeType) || node.ip);
+  const inventoryId = useMemo(() => {
+    if (nodeType === 'host') {
+      if (node.ip) {
+        return { label: <EuiCode>host.ip</EuiCode>, value: node.ip };
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (options.fields) {
+        const { id } = findInventoryFields(nodeType, options.fields);
+        return {
+          label: <EuiCode>{id}</EuiCode>,
+          value:,
+        };
+      }
+    }
+    return { label: '', value: '' };
+  }, [nodeType, node.ip,, options.fields]);
+  const nodeLogsMenuItem: SectionLinkProps = {
+    label: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewLogsName', {
+      defaultMessage: '{inventoryName} logs',
+      values: { inventoryName: inventoryModel.singularDisplayName },
     href: getNodeLogsUrl({
@@ -59,12 +91,13 @@ export const NodeContextMenu = ({
       time: currentTime,
     'data-test-subj': 'viewLogsContextMenuItem',
+    isDisabled: !showLogsLink,
-  const nodeDetailFrom = currentTime - inventoryModel.metrics.defaultTimeRangeInSeconds * 1000;
-  const nodeDetailMenuItem = {
-    name: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewMetricsName', {
-      defaultMessage: 'View metrics',
+  const nodeDetailMenuItem: SectionLinkProps = {
+    label: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewMetricsName', {
+      defaultMessage: '{inventoryName} metrics',
+      values: { inventoryName: inventoryModel.singularDisplayName },
     href: getNodeDetailUrl({
@@ -72,54 +105,82 @@ export const NodeContextMenu = ({
       from: nodeDetailFrom,
       to: currentTime,
+    isDisabled: !showDetail,
-  const apmTracesMenuItem = {
-    name: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewAPMTraces', {
-      defaultMessage: 'View APM traces',
+  const apmTracesMenuItem: SectionLinkProps = {
+    label: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewAPMTraces', {
+      defaultMessage: '{inventoryName} APM traces',
+      values: { inventoryName: inventoryModel.singularDisplayName },
     href: `../app/apm#/traces?_g=()&kuery=${apmField}:"${}"`,
     'data-test-subj': 'viewApmTracesContextMenuItem',
+    isDisabled: !showAPMTraceLink,
-  const uptimeMenuItem = {
-    name: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewUptimeLink', {
-      defaultMessage: 'View in Uptime',
+  const uptimeMenuItem: SectionLinkProps = {
+    label: i18n.translate('xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewUptimeLink', {
+      defaultMessage: '{inventoryName} in Uptime',
+      values: { inventoryName: inventoryModel.singularDisplayName },
     href: createUptimeLink(options, nodeType, node),
+    isDisabled: !showUptimeLink,
-  const showDetail = inventoryModel.crosslinkSupport.details;
-  const showLogsLink =
-    inventoryModel.crosslinkSupport.logs && && uiCapabilities?.logs?.show;
-  const showAPMTraceLink =
-    inventoryModel.crosslinkSupport.apm && uiCapabilities?.apm && uiCapabilities?;
-  const showUptimeLink =
-    inventoryModel.crosslinkSupport.uptime && (['pod', 'container'].includes(nodeType) || node.ip);
-  const items = [
-    ...(showLogsLink ? [nodeLogsMenuItem] : []),
-    ...(showDetail ? [nodeDetailMenuItem] : []),
-    ...(showAPMTraceLink ? [apmTracesMenuItem] : []),
-    ...(showUptimeLink ? [uptimeMenuItem] : []),
-  ];
-  const panels: EuiContextMenuPanelDescriptor[] = [{ id: 0, title: '', items }];
-  // If there is nothing to show then we need to return the child as is
-  if (items.length === 0) {
-    return <>{children}</>;
-  }
   return (
-    <EuiPopover
+    <ActionMenu
-      panelPaddingSize="none"
-      <EuiContextMenu initialPanelId={0} panels={panels} data-test-subj="nodeContextMenu" />
-    </EuiPopover>
+      <div style={{ maxWidth: 300 }} data-test-subj="nodeContextMenu">
+        <Section>
+          <SectionTitle>
+            <FormattedMessage
+              id="xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.title"
+              defaultMessage="{inventoryName} details"
+              values={{ inventoryName: inventoryModel.singularDisplayName }}
+            />
+          </SectionTitle>
+          {inventoryId.label && (
+            <SectionSubtitle>
+              <div style={{ wordBreak: 'break-all' }}>
+                <FormattedMessage
+                  id="xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.description"
+                  defaultMessage="View details for {label} {value}"
+                  values={{ label: inventoryId.label, value: inventoryId.value }}
+                />
+              </div>
+            </SectionSubtitle>
+          )}
+          <SectionLinks>
+            <SectionLink
+              data-test-subj="viewLogsContextMenuItem"
+              label={nodeLogsMenuItem.label}
+              href={nodeLogsMenuItem.href}
+              isDisabled={nodeLogsMenuItem.isDisabled}
+            />
+            <SectionLink
+              label={nodeDetailMenuItem.label}
+              href={nodeDetailMenuItem.href}
+              isDisabled={nodeDetailMenuItem.isDisabled}
+            />
+            <SectionLink
+              label={apmTracesMenuItem.label}
+              href={apmTracesMenuItem.href}
+              data-test-subj="viewApmTracesContextMenuItem"
+              isDisabled={apmTracesMenuItem.isDisabled}
+            />
+            <SectionLink
+              label={uptimeMenuItem.label}
+              href={uptimeMenuItem.href}
+              isDisabled={uptimeMenuItem.isDisabled}
+            />
+          </SectionLinks>
+        </Section>
+      </div>
+    </ActionMenu>
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/observability/kibana.json b/x-pack/plugins/observability/kibana.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..57063ea729ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/observability/kibana.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  "id": "observability",
+  "version": "8.0.0",
+  "kibanaVersion": "kibana",
+  "ui": true
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/components/action_menu.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/components/action_menu.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6e964dde3aecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/components/action_menu.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+import {
+  EuiPopover,
+  EuiText,
+  EuiListGroup,
+  EuiSpacer,
+  EuiHorizontalRule,
+  EuiListGroupItem,
+  EuiPopoverProps,
+} from '@elastic/eui';
+import React, { HTMLAttributes } from 'react';
+import { EuiListGroupItemProps } from '@elastic/eui/src/components/list_group/list_group_item';
+type Props = EuiPopoverProps & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
+export const SectionTitle: React.FC<{}> = props => (
+  <>
+    <EuiText size={'s'} grow={false}>
+      <h5>{props.children}</h5>
+    </EuiText>
+    <EuiSpacer size={'s'} />
+  </>
+export const SectionSubtitle: React.FC<{}> = props => (
+  <>
+    <EuiText size={'xs'} color={'subdued'} grow={false}>
+      <small>{props.children}</small>
+    </EuiText>
+    <EuiSpacer size={'s'} />
+  </>
+export const SectionLinks: React.FC<{}> = props => (
+  <EuiListGroup flush={true} bordered={false}>
+    {props.children}
+  </EuiListGroup>
+export const SectionSpacer: React.FC<{}> = () => <EuiSpacer size={'l'} />;
+export const Section: React.FC<{}> = props => <>{props.children}</>;
+export type SectionLinkProps = EuiListGroupItemProps;
+export const SectionLink: React.FC<EuiListGroupItemProps> = props => (
+  <EuiListGroupItem style={{ padding: 0 }} size={'s'} {...props} />
+export const ActionMenuDivider: React.FC<{}> = props => <EuiHorizontalRule margin={'s'} />;
+export const ActionMenu: React.FC<Props> = props => <EuiPopover {...props} ownFocus={true} />;
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/index.ts b/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c822edc3f4de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+import { PluginInitializerContext, PluginInitializer } from 'kibana/public';
+import { Plugin, ClientSetup, ClientStart } from './plugin';
+export const plugin: PluginInitializer<ClientSetup, ClientStart> = (
+  context: PluginInitializerContext
+) => {
+  return new Plugin(context);
+export * from './components/action_menu';
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts b/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a7eb1c50a0392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/observability/public/plugin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+import { Plugin as PluginClass, PluginInitializerContext } from 'kibana/public';
+export type ClientSetup = void;
+export type ClientStart = void;
+export class Plugin implements PluginClass {
+  constructor(context: PluginInitializerContext) {}
+  start() {}
+  setup() {}
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
index 9b17de0d91334..ce6126e79a82b 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
@@ -6636,8 +6636,6 @@
     "xpack.infra.metricsExplorer.openInTSVB": "ビジュアライザーで開く",
     "xpack.infra.metricsExplorer.viewNodeDetail": "{name} のメトリックを表示",
     "xpack.infra.node.ariaLabel": "{nodeName}、クリックしてメニューを開きます",
-    "xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewLogsName": "ログを表示",
-    "xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewMetricsName": "メトリックを表示",
     "xpack.infra.nodeDetails.labels.availabilityZone": "アベイラビリティゾーン",
     "xpack.infra.nodeDetails.labels.cloudProvider": "クラウドプロバイダー",
     "xpack.infra.nodeDetails.labels.containerized": "コンテナー化",
@@ -13203,4 +13201,4 @@
     "xpack.watcher.watchEdit.thresholdWatchExpression.aggType.fieldIsRequiredValidationMessage": "フィールドを選択してください。",
     "xpack.watcher.watcherDescription": "アラートの作成、管理、監視によりデータへの変更を検知します。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
index 932e1e79f949c..a5b2bafaded88 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
@@ -6635,8 +6635,6 @@
     "xpack.infra.metricsExplorer.openInTSVB": "在 Visualize 中打开",
     "xpack.infra.metricsExplorer.viewNodeDetail": "查看 {name} 的指标",
     "xpack.infra.node.ariaLabel": "{nodeName},单击打开菜单",
-    "xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewLogsName": "查看日志",
-    "xpack.infra.nodeContextMenu.viewMetricsName": "查看指标",
     "xpack.infra.nodeDetails.labels.availabilityZone": "可用区",
     "xpack.infra.nodeDetails.labels.cloudProvider": "云服务提供商",
     "xpack.infra.nodeDetails.labels.containerized": "容器化",
@@ -13202,4 +13200,4 @@
     "xpack.watcher.watchEdit.thresholdWatchExpression.aggType.fieldIsRequiredValidationMessage": "此字段必填。",
     "xpack.watcher.watcherDescription": "通过创建、管理和监测警报来检测数据中的更改。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/x-pack/test/functional/apps/infra/feature_controls/infrastructure_security.ts b/x-pack/test/functional/apps/infra/feature_controls/infrastructure_security.ts
index b7c5667a57506..ac7bd66d3466f 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/functional/apps/infra/feature_controls/infrastructure_security.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/functional/apps/infra/feature_controls/infrastructure_security.ts
@@ -104,12 +104,14 @@ export default function({ getPageObjects, getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
           it(`does not show link to view logs`, async () => {
             await retry.waitFor('context menu', () => testSubjects.exists('~nodeContextMenu'));
-            await testSubjects.missingOrFail('~viewLogsContextMenuItem');
+            const link = await testSubjects.find('~viewLogsContextMenuItem');
+            expect(await link.isEnabled());
           it(`does not show link to view apm traces`, async () => {
             await retry.waitFor('context menu', () => testSubjects.exists('~nodeContextMenu'));
-            await testSubjects.missingOrFail('~viewApmTracesContextMenuItem');
+            const link = await testSubjects.find('~viewApmTracesContextMenuItem');
+            expect(await link.isEnabled());
@@ -217,12 +219,14 @@ export default function({ getPageObjects, getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
           it(`does not show link to view logs`, async () => {
             await retry.waitFor('context menu', () => testSubjects.exists('~nodeContextMenu'));
-            await testSubjects.missingOrFail('~viewLogsContextMenuItem');
+            const link = await testSubjects.find('~viewLogsContextMenuItem');
+            expect(await link.isEnabled());
           it(`does not show link to view apm traces`, async () => {
             await retry.waitFor('context menu', () => testSubjects.exists('~nodeContextMenu'));
-            await testSubjects.missingOrFail('~viewApmTracesContextMenuItem');
+            const link = await testSubjects.find('~viewApmTracesContextMenuItem');
+            expect(await link.isEnabled());
diff --git a/x-pack/test/functional/apps/infra/feature_controls/infrastructure_spaces.ts b/x-pack/test/functional/apps/infra/feature_controls/infrastructure_spaces.ts
index 90458ef53dfc2..1d7ef9bea81e6 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/functional/apps/infra/feature_controls/infrastructure_spaces.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/functional/apps/infra/feature_controls/infrastructure_spaces.ts
@@ -191,7 +191,8 @@ export default function({ getPageObjects, getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
         it(`doesn't show link to view logs`, async () => {
           await retry.waitFor('context menu', () => testSubjects.exists('~nodeContextMenu'));
-          await testSubjects.missingOrFail('~viewLogsContextMenuItem');
+          const link = await testSubjects.find('~viewLogsContextMenuItem');
+          expect(await link.isEnabled());
         it(`shows link to view apm traces`, async () => {
@@ -239,7 +240,8 @@ export default function({ getPageObjects, getService }: FtrProviderContext) {
         it(`doesn't show link to view apm traces`, async () => {
           await retry.waitFor('context menu', () => testSubjects.exists('~nodeContextMenu'));
-          await testSubjects.missingOrFail('~viewApmTracesContextMenuItem');
+          const link = await testSubjects.find('~viewApmTracesContextMenuItem');
+          expect(await link.isEnabled());

From 1488aa9eaf99dc19a9af53e9fccea8084a153abf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nathan Reese <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 20:13:21 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 30/36] [Maps] fix join metric field selection bugs (#56044)

* lint fixes

* move aggregation check to MEtricEditor

* fix functional test, handle case where fields are not loaded
 .../maps/public/components/metric_editor.js   | 42 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/components/metric_editor.js b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/components/metric_editor.js
index f6f5b23f14596..e60c2ac0dd7ab 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/components/metric_editor.js
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/maps/public/components/metric_editor.js
@@ -14,12 +14,41 @@ import { MetricSelect, METRIC_AGGREGATION_VALUES } from './metric_select';
 import { SingleFieldSelect } from './single_field_select';
 import { METRIC_TYPE } from '../../common/constants';
+function filterFieldsForAgg(fields, aggType) {
+  if (!fields) {
+    return [];
+  }
+  if (aggType === METRIC_TYPE.UNIQUE_COUNT) {
+    return fields.filter(field => {
+      return field.aggregatable;
+    });
+  }
+  return fields.filter(field => {
+    return field.aggregatable && field.type === 'number';
+  });
 export function MetricEditor({ fields, metricsFilter, metric, onChange, removeButton }) {
   const onAggChange = metricAggregationType => {
-    onChange({
+    const newMetricProps = {
       type: metricAggregationType,
-    });
+    };
+    // unset field when new agg type does not support currently selected field.
+    if (metric.field && metricAggregationType !== METRIC_TYPE.COUNT) {
+      const fieldsForNewAggType = filterFieldsForAgg(fields, metricAggregationType);
+      const found = fieldsForNewAggType.find(field => {
+        return === metric.field;
+      });
+      if (!found) {
+        newMetricProps.field = undefined;
+      }
+    }
+    onChange(newMetricProps);
   const onFieldChange = fieldName => {
@@ -36,12 +65,6 @@ export function MetricEditor({ fields, metricsFilter, metric, onChange, removeBu
   let fieldSelect;
   if (metric.type && metric.type !== METRIC_TYPE.COUNT) {
-    const filterField =
-      metric.type !== METRIC_TYPE.UNIQUE_COUNT
-        ? field => {
-            return field.type === 'number';
-          }
-        : undefined;
     fieldSelect = (
         label={i18n.translate('xpack.maps.metricsEditor.selectFieldLabel', {
@@ -55,8 +78,7 @@ export function MetricEditor({ fields, metricsFilter, metric, onChange, removeBu
-          filterField={filterField}
-          fields={fields}
+          fields={filterFieldsForAgg(fields, metric.type)}

From ba151fea0bfb1d187f9d1cdd7eb9077dc39b2e80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Seeders <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 20:45:24 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 31/36] Fix Github PR comment formatting (#56078)

 vars/githubPr.groovy | 25 +++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vars/githubPr.groovy b/vars/githubPr.groovy
index 4c19511bb8953..91a4a76894d94 100644
--- a/vars/githubPr.groovy
+++ b/vars/githubPr.groovy
@@ -106,23 +106,28 @@ def getTestFailuresMessage() {
   def messages = []
+  messages << "---\n\n### [Test Failures](${env.BUILD_URL}testReport)"
-  failures.take(5).each { failure ->
+  failures.take(3).each { failure ->
     messages << """
-### [Test Failures](${env.BUILD_URL}testReport)
 [Link to Jenkins](${failure.url})
+    if (failure.stdOut) {
+      messages << "\n#### Standard Out\n```\n${failure.stdOut}\n```"
+    }
-    """
+    if (failure.stdErr) {
+      messages << "\n#### Standard Error\n```\n${failure.stdErr}\n```"
+    }
+    if (failure.stacktrace) {
+      messages << "\n#### Stack Trace\n```\n${failure.stacktrace}\n```"
+    }
+    messages << "</details>\n\n---"
   if (failures.size() > 3) {

From e792292923b3567c73226c4eb40d1043f9d67d49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Seeders <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 21:44:58 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 32/36] Fix failing snapshot artifact tests when using env var

 packages/kbn-es/src/artifact.test.js | 21 +++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/kbn-es/src/artifact.test.js b/packages/kbn-es/src/artifact.test.js
index 985b65c747563..453eb1a9a7689 100644
--- a/packages/kbn-es/src/artifact.test.js
+++ b/packages/kbn-es/src/artifact.test.js
@@ -52,21 +52,22 @@ const createArchive = (params = {}) => {
 const mockFetch = mock =>
   fetch.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve(new Response(JSON.stringify(mock))));
-let previousSnapshotManifestValue = null;
+const previousEnvVars = {};
 beforeAll(() => {
-  if ('ES_SNAPSHOT_MANIFEST' in process.env) {
-    previousSnapshotManifestValue = process.env.ES_SNAPSHOT_MANIFEST;
-    delete process.env.ES_SNAPSHOT_MANIFEST;
-  }
+  ENV_VARS_TO_RESET.forEach(key => {
+    if (key in process.env) {
+      previousEnvVars[key] = process.env[key];
+      delete process.env[key];
+    }
+  });
 afterAll(() => {
-  if (previousSnapshotManifestValue !== null) {
-    process.env.ES_SNAPSHOT_MANIFEST = previousSnapshotManifestValue;
-  } else {
-    delete process.env.ES_SNAPSHOT_MANIFEST;
-  }
+  Object.keys(previousEnvVars).forEach(key => {
+    process.env[key] = previousEnvVars[key];
+  });
 beforeEach(() => {

From 4f659859793f29087d2bfbebb91534dd96042ddf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frank Hassanabad <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 20:26:01 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 33/36] [SIEM][Detection Engine] critical blocker, updates the
 pre-packaged rules, removes dead ones, adds license file (#56090)

## Summary

* Adds updated pre-packaged rules with more meta-data (from randomuserid)
* Deletes older rules not shipping (from randomuserid)
* Adds license file for rules (from randomuserid)

### Checklist

Use ~~strikethroughs~~ to remove checklist items you don't feel are applicable to this PR.

~~- [ ] This was checked for cross-browser compatibility, [including a check against IE11]~~(
~~- [ ] Any text added follows [EUI's writing guidelines](, uses sentence case text and includes [i18n support](
~~- [ ] [Documentation]( was added for features that require explanation or tutorials~~
~~- [ ] [Unit or functional tests]( were updated or added to match the most common scenarios~~
~~- [ ] This was checked for [keyboard-only and screenreader accessibility]~~(

### For maintainers

- [x] This was checked for breaking API changes and was [labeled appropriately](
- [x] This includes a feature addition or change that requires a release note and was [labeled appropriately](
 .../403_response_to_a_post.json               |  20 +-
 .../405_response_method_not_allowed.json      |  20 +-
 .../500_response_on_admin_page.json           |  20 --
 .../rules/prepackaged_rules/NOTICE.txt        |  20 ++
 ..._security_adversary_behavior_detected.json |  19 ++
 ...dpoint_security_cred_dumping_detected.json |  19 ++
 ...point_security_cred_dumping_prevented.json |  19 ++
 ...t_security_cred_manipulation_detected.json |  19 ++
 ..._security_cred_manipulation_prevented.json |  18 ++
 ...ic_endpoint_security_exploit_detected.json |  19 ++
 ...c_endpoint_security_exploit_prevented.json |  19 ++
 ...ic_endpoint_security_malware_detected.json |  19 ++
 ...c_endpoint_security_malware_prevented.json |  19 ++
 ...nt_security_permission_theft_detected.json |  19 ++
 ...t_security_permission_theft_prevented.json |  19 ++
 ...t_security_process_injection_detected.json |  19 ++
 ..._security_process_injection_prevented.json |  19 ++
 ...endpoint_security_ransomware_detected.json |  19 ++
 ...ndpoint_security_ransomware_prevented.json |  19 ++
 ...den_file_attribute_with_via_attribexe.json |  17 +-
 .../eql_adobe_hijack_persistence.json         |  13 +-
 .../eql_audio_capture_via_powershell.json     |  13 +-
 .../eql_audio_capture_via_soundrecorder.json  |  13 +-
 .../eql_bypass_uac_event_viewer.json          |  15 +-
 .../eql_bypass_uac_via_cmstp.json             |  17 +-
 .../eql_bypass_uac_via_sdclt.json             |  17 +-
 .../eql_clearing_windows_event_logs.json      |  13 +-
 ...delete_volume_usn_journal_with_fsutil.json |  17 +-
 ...deleting_backup_catalogs_with_wbadmin.json |  17 +-
 .../eql_direct_outbound_smb_connection.json   |  13 +-
 ...ble_windows_firewall_rules_with_netsh.json |  17 +-
 .../eql_dll_search_order_hijack.json          |  13 +-
 ...coding_or_decoding_files_via_certutil.json |  13 +-
 .../eql_local_scheduled_task_commands.json    |  16 +-
 .../eql_local_service_commands.json           |  13 +-
 ...ql_modification_of_boot_configuration.json |  15 +-
 ...ql_msbuild_making_network_connections.json |  13 +-
 .../eql_mshta_making_network_connections.json |  21 +-
 .../eql_msxsl_making_network_connections.json |  17 +-
 .../eql_psexec_lateral_movement_command.json  |  52 +++-
 ...ql_suspicious_ms_office_child_process.json |  13 +-
 ...l_suspicious_ms_outlook_child_process.json |  15 +-
 ...l_suspicious_pdf_reader_child_process.json |  15 +-
 .../eql_system_shells_via_services.json       |  13 +-
 ...usual_network_connection_via_rundll32.json |  15 +-
 .../eql_unusual_parentchild_relationship.json |  15 +-
 ...ql_unusual_process_network_connection.json |  13 +-
 .../eql_user_account_creation.json            |  13 +-
 ...eql_user_added_to_administrator_group.json |  13 +-
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@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
     "Security scans and tests may result in these errors. Misconfigured or buggy applications may produce large numbers of these errors. If the source is unexpected, or the user is unauthorized, or the request is unusual, these may be suspicious or malicious activity."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "apm-*-transaction*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Web Application Suspicious Activity: POST Request Declined",
   "query": "http.response.status_code:403 and http.request.method:post",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "a87a4e42-1d82-44bd-b0bf-d9b7f91fb89e",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "apm"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "APM"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
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@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
     "Security scans and tests may result in these errors. Misconfigured or buggy applications may produce large numbers of these errors. If the source is unexpected, or the user is unauthorized, or the request is unusual, these may be suspicious or malicious activity."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "apm-*-transaction*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Web Application Suspicious Activity: Unauthorized Method",
   "query": "http.response.status_code:405",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 47,
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-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "apm"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "APM"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "500 Response on Admin page",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "500 Response on Admin page",
-  "query": "url.path:\"/admin/\" and http.response.status_code:500",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "054f669c-b065-492e-acd9-15e44fc42380",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+This product bundles rules based on
+which is available under a "MIT" license. The files based on this license are:
+- windows_defense_evasion_via_filter_manager.json
+- windows_process_discovery_via_tasklist_command.json
+- windows_priv_escalation_via_accessibility_features.json
+- windows_persistence_via_application_shimming.json
+- windows_execution_via_trusted_developer_utilities.json
+- windows_execution_via_net_com_assemblies.json
+- windows_execution_via_connection_manager.json
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2019 Edoardo Gerosa, Olaf Hartong
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_adversary_behavior_detected.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_adversary_behavior_detected.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Adversary behavior detected.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Adversary Behavior - Detected - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:rules_engine_event",
+  "risk_score": 47,
+  "rule_id": "77a3c3df-8ec4-4da4-b758-878f551dee69",
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Credential dumping detected.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Cred Dumping - Detected - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:cred_theft_event and endgame.metadata.type:detection",
+  "risk_score": 73,
+  "rule_id": "571afc56-5ed9-465d-a2a9-045f099f6e7e",
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
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index 0000000000000..68c0f5cad8252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_cred_dumping_prevented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Credential dumping prevented.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Cred Dumping - Prevented - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:cred_theft_event and endgame.metadata.type:prevention",
+  "risk_score": 47,
+  "rule_id": "db8c33a8-03cd-4988-9e2c-d0a4863adb13",
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_cred_manipulation_detected.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_cred_manipulation_detected.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0d0d9c71a2ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_cred_manipulation_detected.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Credential manipulation detected.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Cred Manipulation - Detected - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:token_manipulation_event and endgame.metadata.type:detection",
+  "risk_score": 73,
+  "rule_id": "c0be5f31-e180-48ed-aa08-96b36899d48f",
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_cred_manipulation_prevented.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_cred_manipulation_prevented.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..df49c80e3097b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_cred_manipulation_prevented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Credential manipulation prevented.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Cred Manipulation - Prevented - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:token_manipulation_event and endgame.metadata.type:prevention",
+  "risk_score": 47,
+  "rule_id": "c9e38e64-3f4c-4bf3-ad48-0e61a60ea1fa",
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_exploit_detected.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_exploit_detected.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9c3896a70b3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_exploit_detected.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Exploit detected.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Exploit - Detected - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:exploit_event and endgame.metadata.type:detection",
+  "risk_score": 73,
+  "rule_id": "2003cdc8-8d83-4aa5-b132-1f9a8eb48514",
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_exploit_prevented.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_exploit_prevented.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4632ae6a1487b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_exploit_prevented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Exploit prevented.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Exploit - Prevented - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:exploit_event and endgame.metadata.type:prevention",
+  "risk_score": 47,
+  "rule_id": "2863ffeb-bf77-44dd-b7a5-93ef94b72036",
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_malware_detected.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_malware_detected.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..68831392942d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_malware_detected.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Malware detected.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Malware - Detected - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:file_classification_event and endgame.metadata.type:detection",
+  "risk_score": 99,
+  "rule_id": "0a97b20f-4144-49ea-be32-b540ecc445de",
+  "severity": "critical",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_malware_prevented.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_malware_prevented.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..56b41df2a3349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_malware_prevented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Malware prevented.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Malware - Prevented - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:file_classification_event and endgame.metadata.type:prevention",
+  "risk_score": 73,
+  "rule_id": "3b382770-efbb-44f4-beed-f5e0a051b895",
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_permission_theft_detected.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_permission_theft_detected.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..268dc9cf89121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_permission_theft_detected.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Permission theft detected.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Permission Theft - Detected - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:token_protection_event and endgame.metadata.type:detection",
+  "risk_score": 73,
+  "rule_id": "c3167e1b-f73c-41be-b60b-87f4df707fe3",
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_permission_theft_prevented.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_permission_theft_prevented.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6deda3d0453b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_permission_theft_prevented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Permission theft prevented.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Permission Theft - Prevented - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:token_protection_event and endgame.metadata.type:prevention",
+  "risk_score": 47,
+  "rule_id": "453f659e-0429-40b1-bfdb-b6957286e04b",
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_process_injection_detected.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_process_injection_detected.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..25a03e611fe3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_process_injection_detected.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Process injection detected.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Process Injection - Detected - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:kernel_shellcode_event and endgame.metadata.type:detection",
+  "risk_score": 73,
+  "rule_id": "80c52164-c82a-402c-9964-852533d58be1",
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_process_injection_prevented.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_process_injection_prevented.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6c549d70a9d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_process_injection_prevented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Process injection prevented.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Process Injection - Prevented - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:kernel_shellcode_event and endgame.metadata.type:prevention",
+  "risk_score": 47,
+  "rule_id": "990838aa-a953-4f3e-b3cb-6ddf7584de9e",
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_ransomware_detected.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_ransomware_detected.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4a118cf8ab861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_ransomware_detected.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Ransomware detected.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Ransomware - Detected - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:ransomware_event and endgame.metadata.type:detection",
+  "risk_score": 99,
+  "rule_id": "8cb4f625-7743-4dfb-ae1b-ad92be9df7bd",
+  "severity": "critical",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_ransomware_prevented.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_ransomware_prevented.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8b48e8f4c1758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/elastic_endpoint_security_ransomware_prevented.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  "description": "Elastic Endpoint Security Alert - Ransomware prevented.",
+  "index": [
+    "endgame-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Ransomware - Prevented - Elastic Endpoint",
+  "query": "event.kind:alert and event.module:endgame and event.action:ransomware_event and endgame.metadata.type:prevention",
+  "risk_score": 73,
+  "rule_id": "e3c5d5cb-41d5-4206-805c-f30561eae3ac",
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Endpoint"
+  ],
+  "type": "query",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_adding_the_hidden_file_attribute_with_via_attribexe.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_adding_the_hidden_file_attribute_with_via_attribexe.json
index 6843f622bee8f..374691f670b74 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_adding_the_hidden_file_attribute_with_via_attribexe.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_adding_the_hidden_file_attribute_with_via_attribexe.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Adversaries can add the 'hidden' attribute to files to hide them from the user in an attempt to evade detection",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Adding the Hidden File Attribute with via attrib.exe",
-  "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"attrib.exe\" and process.args:\"+h\"",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Adding Hidden File Attribute via Attrib",
+  "query": "    event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"attrib.exe\" and process.args:\"+h\"",
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "4630d948-40d4-4cef-ac69-4002e29bc3db",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_adobe_hijack_persistence.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_adobe_hijack_persistence.json
index fcc105f2447e8..47f171dd7be0e 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_adobe_hijack_persistence.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_adobe_hijack_persistence.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Detects writing executable files that will be automatically launched by Adobe on launch.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Adobe Hijack Persistence",
   "query": "file.path:(\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat Reader DC\\Reader\\AcroCEF\\RdrCEF.exe\" or \"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat Reader DC\\Reader\\AcroCEF\\RdrCEF.exe\") and event.action:\"File created (rule: FileCreate)\" and not",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "2bf78aa2-9c56-48de-b139-f169bf99cf86",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_audio_capture_via_powershell.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_audio_capture_via_powershell.json
index feaa8451754a5..7ec960eea6302 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_audio_capture_via_powershell.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_audio_capture_via_powershell.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "An adversary can leverage a computer's peripheral devices or applications to capture audio recordings for the purpose of listening into sensitive conversations to gather information.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Audio Capture via PowerShell",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"powershell.exe\" and process.args:\"WindowsAudioDevice-Powershell-Cmdlet\"",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "b27b9f47-0a20-4807-8377-7f899b4fbada",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_audio_capture_via_soundrecorder.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_audio_capture_via_soundrecorder.json
index 0365616e86faf..87bdfc4980124 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_audio_capture_via_soundrecorder.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_audio_capture_via_soundrecorder.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "An adversary can leverage a computer's peripheral devices or applications to capture audio recordings for the purpose of listening into sensitive conversations to gather information.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Audio Capture via SoundRecorder",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"SoundRecorder.exe\" and process.args:\"/FILE\"",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "f8e06892-ed10-4452-892e-2c5a38d552f1",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_event_viewer.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_event_viewer.json
index e3d57d2b05503..2fa63fa51f7c1 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_event_viewer.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_event_viewer.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies User Account Control (UAC) bypass via eventvwr.  Attackers bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.",
+  "description": "Identifies User Account Control (UAC) bypass via eventvwr.exe.  Attackers bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Bypass UAC via Event Viewer",
   "query": " and event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and not process.executable:(\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\mmc.exe\" or \"C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\mmc.exe\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "59547add-a400-4baa-aa0c-66c72efdb77f",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_via_cmstp.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_via_cmstp.json
index 0d9346a7e1f88..fdc716dcb3ebe 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_via_cmstp.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_via_cmstp.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies User Account Control (UAC) bypass via cmstp.  Attackers bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.",
+  "description": "Identifies User Account Control (UAC) bypass via cmstp.exe.  Attackers bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Bypass UAC via CMSTP",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Bypass UAC via Cmstp",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"cmstp.exe\" and process.parent.args:(\"/s\" and \"/au\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "2f7403da-1a4c-46bb-8ecc-c1a596e10cd0",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_via_sdclt.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_via_sdclt.json
index 3e99f1be6bf2e..484a01e0211ab 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_via_sdclt.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_bypass_uac_via_sdclt.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies User Account Control (UAC) bypass via cmstp.  Attackers bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.",
+  "description": "Identifies User Account Control (UAC) bypass via sdclt.exe.  Attackers bypass UAC to stealthily execute code with elevated permissions.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Bypass UAC via SDCLT",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Bypass UAC via Sdclt",
   "query": " event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"sdclt.exe\" and process.args:\"/kickoffelev\" and not process.executable:(\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\sdclt.exe\" or \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\control.exe\" or \"C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\sdclt.exe\" or \"C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\control.exe\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "f68d83a1-24cb-4b8d-825b-e8af400b9670",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_clearing_windows_event_logs.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_clearing_windows_event_logs.json
index 9d8d3bab1ace7..e9729ff102619 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_clearing_windows_event_logs.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_clearing_windows_event_logs.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies attempts to clear Windows event log stores. This is often done by attackers in an attempt evade detection or destroy forensic evidence on a system.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Clearing Windows Event Logs",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and (\"wevtutil.exe\" and process.args:\"cl\") or (\"powershell.exe\" and process.args:\"Clear-EventLog\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "d331bbe2-6db4-4941-80a5-8270db72eb61",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_delete_volume_usn_journal_with_fsutil.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_delete_volume_usn_journal_with_fsutil.json
index e69de058960d4..479bb4a2a6d7c 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_delete_volume_usn_journal_with_fsutil.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_delete_volume_usn_journal_with_fsutil.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies use of the fsutil command to delete the volume USNJRNL. This technique is used by attackers to eliminate evidence of files created during post-exploitation activities.",
+  "description": "Identifies use of the fsutil.exe to delete the volume USNJRNL. This technique is used by attackers to eliminate evidence of files created during post-exploitation activities.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Delete Volume USN Journal with fsutil",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Delete Volume USN Journal with Fsutil",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\"  and\"fsutil.exe\" and    process.args:(\"usn\" and \"deletejournal\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "f675872f-6d85-40a3-b502-c0d2ef101e92",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_deleting_backup_catalogs_with_wbadmin.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_deleting_backup_catalogs_with_wbadmin.json
index cbf51ffb7c20b..204925e4b677b 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_deleting_backup_catalogs_with_wbadmin.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_deleting_backup_catalogs_with_wbadmin.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies use of the wbadmin command to delete the backup catalog. Ransomware and other malware may do this to prevent system recovery.",
+  "description": "Identifies use of the wbadmin.exe to delete the backup catalog. Ransomware and other malware may do this to prevent system recovery.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Deleting Backup Catalogs with wbadmin",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Deleting Backup Catalogs with Wbadmin",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\"  and\"wbadmin.exe\" and  process.args:(\"delete\" and \"catalog\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "581add16-df76-42bb-af8e-c979bfb39a59",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_direct_outbound_smb_connection.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_direct_outbound_smb_connection.json
index 5e8321c6777aa..b6398a9985e7e 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_direct_outbound_smb_connection.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_direct_outbound_smb_connection.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies unexpected processes making network connections over port 445. Windows File Sharing is typically implemented over Server Message Block (SMB), which communicates between hosts using port 445. When legitimate, these network connections are established by the kernel. Processes making 445/tcp connections may be port scanners, exploits, or suspicious user-level processes moving laterally.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Direct Outbound SMB Connection",
   "query": " event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and destination.port:445 and   not and not destination.ip:(\"\" or \"::1\")",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "c82c7d8f-fb9e-4874-a4bd-fd9e3f9becf1",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_disable_windows_firewall_rules_with_netsh.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_disable_windows_firewall_rules_with_netsh.json
index c9510913a151f..32b43cc24e91b 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_disable_windows_firewall_rules_with_netsh.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_disable_windows_firewall_rules_with_netsh.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies use of the netsh command to disable or weaken the local firewall. Attackers will use this command line tool to disable the firewall during troubleshooting or to enable network mobility.",
+  "description": "Identifies use of the netsh.exe to disable or weaken the local firewall. Attackers will use this command line tool to disable the firewall during troubleshooting or to enable network mobility.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Disable Windows Firewall Rules with Netsh",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Disable Windows Firewall Rules via Netsh",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"netsh.exe\" and process.args:(\"firewall\" and \"set\" and \"disable\") or process.args:(\"advfirewall\" and \"state\" and \"off\")",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "4b438734-3793-4fda-bd42-ceeada0be8f9",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_dll_search_order_hijack.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_dll_search_order_hijack.json
index 214ddfaf0feec..5740453b6ae6d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_dll_search_order_hijack.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_dll_search_order_hijack.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Detects writing DLL files to known locations associated with Windows files vulnerable to DLL search order hijacking.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "DLL Search Order Hijack",
   "query": " event.action:\"File created (rule: FileCreate)\"  and    not winlog.user.identifier:(\"S-1-5-18\" or \"S-1-5-19\" or \"S-1-5-20\") and    file.path:(\"C\\Windows\\ehome\\cryptbase.dll\" or               \"C\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\cryptbase.dll\" or               \"C\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\cryptsp.dll\" or               \"C\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\rpcrtremote.dll\" or               \"C\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\uxtheme.dll\" or               \"C\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\dwmapi.dll\" or               \"C\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\shcore.dll\" or               \"C\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\oleacc.dll\" or               \"C\\Windows\\System32\\ntwdblib.dll\") ",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "73fbc44c-c3cd-48a8-a473-f4eb2065c716",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_encoding_or_decoding_files_via_certutil.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_encoding_or_decoding_files_via_certutil.json
index e531a2d05a97e..37e1c26885a15 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_encoding_or_decoding_files_via_certutil.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_encoding_or_decoding_files_via_certutil.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies the use of certutil.exe to encode or decode data. CertUtil is a native Windows component which is part of Certificate Services. CertUtil is often abused by attackers to encode or decode base64 data for stealthier command and control or exfiltration.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Encoding or Decoding Files via CertUtil",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"certutil.exe\" and    process.args:(\"-encode\" or \"/encode\" or \"-decode\" or \"/decode\")",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "fd70c98a-c410-42dc-a2e3-761c71848acf",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_local_scheduled_task_commands.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_local_scheduled_task_commands.json
index 426d32b9b1e48..dc4991f86a0f5 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_local_scheduled_task_commands.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_local_scheduled_task_commands.json
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
   "description": "A scheduled task can be used by an adversary to establish persistence, move laterally, and/or escalate privileges.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Legitimate scheduled tasks may be created during installation of new software."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Local Scheduled Task Commands",
   "query": " event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and and process.args:(\"/create\" or \"-create\" or \"/S\" or \"-s\" or \"/run\" or \"-run\" or \"/change\" or \"-change\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "afcce5ad-65de-4ed2-8516-5e093d3ac99a",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_local_service_commands.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_local_service_commands.json
index 71f94ecf91788..eb6f2377376f2 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_local_service_commands.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_local_service_commands.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies use of sc.exe to create, modify, or start services on remote hosts. This could be indicative of adversary lateral movement but will be noisy if commonly done by admins.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Local Service Commands",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and and process.args:(\"create\" or \"config\" or \"failure\" or \"start\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "e8571d5f-bea1-46c2-9f56-998de2d3ed95",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_modification_of_boot_configuration.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_modification_of_boot_configuration.json
index 162dfe717df55..26bd65b897c63 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_modification_of_boot_configuration.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_modification_of_boot_configuration.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies use of the bcdedit command to delete boot configuration data. This tactic is sometimes used as by malware or an attacker as a destructive technique.",
+  "description": "Identifies use of bcdedit.exe to delete boot configuration data. This tactic is sometimes used as by malware or an attacker as a destructive technique.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Modification of Boot Configuration",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"bcdedit.exe\" and    process.args:\"set\" and    process.args:(     (\"bootstatuspolicy\" and \"ignoreallfailures\") or      (\"recoveryenabled\" and \"no\")   ) ",
-  "risk_score": 75,
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "b9ab2f7f-f719-4417-9599-e0252fffe2d8",
   "severity": "high",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_msbuild_making_network_connections.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_msbuild_making_network_connections.json
index 296f6f0862374..d40ffed523c6a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_msbuild_making_network_connections.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_msbuild_making_network_connections.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies MsBuild.exe making outbound network connections. This may indicate adversarial activity as MsBuild is often leveraged by adversaries to execute code and evade detection.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "MsBuild Making Network Connections",
   "query": " event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and and not destination.ip:(\"\" or \"::1\")",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "0e79980b-4250-4a50-a509-69294c14e84b",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_mshta_making_network_connections.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_mshta_making_network_connections.json
index 18c9e286c99ef..7905d80c6e8c2 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_mshta_making_network_connections.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_mshta_making_network_connections.json
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
-  "description": "Identifies Mshta.exe making outbound network connections. This may indicate adversarial activity as Mshta is often leveraged by adversaries to execute malicious scripts and evade detection.",
+  "description": "Identifies mshta.exe making a network connection. This may indicate adversarial activity as mshta.exe is often leveraged by adversaries to execute malicious scripts and evade detection.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Mshta Making Network Connections",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Network Connection via Mshta",
   "query": "event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and\"mshta.exe\" and not\"mshta.exe\"",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "a4ec1382-4557-452b-89ba-e413b22ed4b8",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_msxsl_making_network_connections.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_msxsl_making_network_connections.json
index b21b17cd89abf..16ef15589f48f 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_msxsl_making_network_connections.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_msxsl_making_network_connections.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies MsXsl.exe making outbound network connections. This may indicate adversarial activity as MsXsl is often leveraged by adversaries to execute malicious scripts and evade detection.",
+  "description": "Identifies msxsl.exe making a network connection. This may indicate adversarial activity as msxsl.exe is often leveraged by adversaries to execute malicious scripts and evade detection.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "MsXsl Making Network Connections",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Network Connection via MsXsl",
   "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "d7351b03-135d-43ba-8b36-cc9b07854525",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_psexec_lateral_movement_command.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_psexec_lateral_movement_command.json
index 3e04dd4be292b..fd210005118b8 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_psexec_lateral_movement_command.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_psexec_lateral_movement_command.json
@@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
-  "description": "Identifies use of the SysInternals tool PsExec to execute commands on a remote host. This is an indication of lateral movement and may detect adversaries.",
+  "description": "Identifies use of the SysInternals tool PsExec.exe making a network connection. This could be an indication of lateral movement.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "PsExec is a dual-use tool that can be used for benign or malicious activity. It's important to baseline your environment to determine the amount of noise to expect from this tool."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "PsExec Lateral Movement Command",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "PsExec Network Connection",
   "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" ",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "55d551c6-333b-4665-ab7e-5d14a59715ce",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1035",
+          "name": "Service Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0008",
+        "name": "Lateral Movement",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1035",
+          "name": "Service Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_ms_office_child_process.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_ms_office_child_process.json
index ac66af50ecd1d..a5d71e23a1215 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_ms_office_child_process.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_ms_office_child_process.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies suspicious child processes of frequently targeted Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel). These child processes are often launched during exploitation of Office applications or from documents with malicious macros.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Suspicious MS Office Child Process",
   "query": " event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"winword.exe\" or \"excel.exe\" or \"powerpnt.exe\" or \"eqnedt32.exe\" or \"fltldr.exe\" or \"mspub.exe\" or \"msaccess.exe\") and\"arp.exe\" or \"dsquery.exe\" or \"dsget.exe\" or \"gpresult.exe\" or \"hostname.exe\" or \"ipconfig.exe\" or \"nbtstat.exe\" or \"net.exe\" or \"net1.exe\" or \"netsh.exe\" or \"netstat.exe\" or \"nltest.exe\" or \"ping.exe\" or \"qprocess.exe\" or \"quser.exe\" or \"qwinsta.exe\" or \"reg.exe\" or \"sc.exe\" or \"systeminfo.exe\" or \"tasklist.exe\" or \"tracert.exe\" or \"whoami.exe\" or \"bginfo.exe\" or \"cdb.exe\" or \"cmstp.exe\" or \"csi.exe\" or \"dnx.exe\" or \"fsi.exe\" or \"ieexec.exe\" or \"iexpress.exe\" or \"installutil.exe\" or \"Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe\" or \"msbuild.exe\" or \"mshta.exe\" or \"msxsl.exe\" or \"odbcconf.exe\" or \"rcsi.exe\" or \"regsvr32.exe\" or \"xwizard.exe\" or \"atbroker.exe\" or \"forfiles.exe\" or \"schtasks.exe\" or \"regasm.exe\" or \"regsvcs.exe\" or \"cmd.exe\" or \"cscript.exe\" or \"powershell.exe\" or \"pwsh.exe\" or \"wmic.exe\" or \"wscript.exe\" or \"bitsadmin.exe\" or \"certutil.exe\" or \"ftp.exe\") ",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "a624863f-a70d-417f-a7d2-7a404638d47f",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_ms_outlook_child_process.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_ms_outlook_child_process.json
index 928144f0ecf0c..86716d6608049 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_ms_outlook_child_process.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_ms_outlook_child_process.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies suspicious child processes of Microsoft Outlook. These child processes are often associated with spear phishing activity.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Suspicious MS Outlook Child Process",
-  "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"outlook.exe\" and\"arp.exe\" or \"dsquery.exe\" or \"dsget.exe\" or \"gpresult.exe\" or \"hostname.exe\" or \"ipconfig.exe\" or \"nbtstat.exe\" or \"net.exe\" or \"net1.exe\" or \"netsh.exe\" or \"netstat.exe\" or \"nltest.exe\" or \"ping.exe\" or \"qprocess.exe\" or \"quser.exe\" or \"qwinsta.exe\" or \"reg.exe\" or \"sc.exe\" or \"systeminfo.exe\" or \"tasklist.exe\" or \"tracert.exe\" or \"whoami.exe\" or \"bginfo.exe\" or \"cdb.exe\" or \"cmstp.exe\" or \"csi.exe\" or \"dnx.exe\" or \"fsi.exe\" or \"ieexec.exe\" or \"iexpress.exe\" or \"installutil.exe\" or \"Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe\" or \"msbuild.exe\" or \"mshta.exe\" or \"msxsl.exe\" or \"odbcconf.exe\" or \"rcsi.exe\" or \"regsvr32.exe\" or \"xwizard.exe\" or \"atbroker.exe\" or \"forfiles.exe\" or \"schtasks.exe\" or \"regasm.exe\" or \"regsvcs.exe\" or \"cmd.exe\" or \"cscript.exe\" or \"powershell.exe\" or \"pwsh.exe\" or \"wmic.exe\" or \"wscript.exe\" or \"bitsadmin.exe\" or \"certutil.exe\" or \"ftp.exe\") ",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "query": "  event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"outlook.exe\" and\"arp.exe\" or \"dsquery.exe\" or \"dsget.exe\" or \"gpresult.exe\" or \"hostname.exe\" or \"ipconfig.exe\" or \"nbtstat.exe\" or \"net.exe\" or \"net1.exe\" or \"netsh.exe\" or \"netstat.exe\" or \"nltest.exe\" or \"ping.exe\" or \"qprocess.exe\" or \"quser.exe\" or \"qwinsta.exe\" or \"reg.exe\" or \"sc.exe\" or \"systeminfo.exe\" or \"tasklist.exe\" or \"tracert.exe\" or \"whoami.exe\" or \"bginfo.exe\" or \"cdb.exe\" or \"cmstp.exe\" or \"csi.exe\" or \"dnx.exe\" or \"fsi.exe\" or \"ieexec.exe\" or \"iexpress.exe\" or \"installutil.exe\" or \"Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe\" or \"msbuild.exe\" or \"mshta.exe\" or \"msxsl.exe\" or \"odbcconf.exe\" or \"rcsi.exe\" or \"regsvr32.exe\" or \"xwizard.exe\" or \"atbroker.exe\" or \"forfiles.exe\" or \"schtasks.exe\" or \"regasm.exe\" or \"regsvcs.exe\" or \"cmd.exe\" or \"cscript.exe\" or \"powershell.exe\" or \"pwsh.exe\" or \"wmic.exe\" or \"wscript.exe\" or \"bitsadmin.exe\" or \"certutil.exe\" or \"ftp.exe\") ",
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "32f4675e-6c49-4ace-80f9-97c9259dca2e",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_pdf_reader_child_process.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_pdf_reader_child_process.json
index 160da5b899042..b0fbccf1b67a7 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_pdf_reader_child_process.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_suspicious_pdf_reader_child_process.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies suspicious child processes of PDF reader applications. These child processes are often launched via exploitation of PDF applications or social engineering.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "EQL - Suspicious PDF Reader Child Process",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Suspicious PDF Reader Child Process",
   "query": " event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"acrord32.exe\" or \"rdrcef.exe\" or \"foxitphantomPDF.exe\" or \"foxitreader.exe\") and\"arp.exe\" or \"dsquery.exe\" or \"dsget.exe\" or \"gpresult.exe\" or \"hostname.exe\" or \"ipconfig.exe\" or \"nbtstat.exe\" or \"net.exe\" or \"net1.exe\" or \"netsh.exe\" or \"netstat.exe\" or \"nltest.exe\" or \"ping.exe\" or \"qprocess.exe\" or \"quser.exe\" or \"qwinsta.exe\" or \"reg.exe\" or \"sc.exe\" or \"systeminfo.exe\" or \"tasklist.exe\" or \"tracert.exe\" or \"whoami.exe\" or \"bginfo.exe\" or \"cdb.exe\" or \"cmstp.exe\" or \"csi.exe\" or \"dnx.exe\" or \"fsi.exe\" or \"ieexec.exe\" or \"iexpress.exe\" or \"installutil.exe\" or \"Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe\" or \"msbuild.exe\" or \"mshta.exe\" or \"msxsl.exe\" or \"odbcconf.exe\" or \"rcsi.exe\" or \"regsvr32.exe\" or \"xwizard.exe\" or \"atbroker.exe\" or \"forfiles.exe\" or \"schtasks.exe\" or \"regasm.exe\" or \"regsvcs.exe\" or \"cmd.exe\" or \"cscript.exe\" or \"powershell.exe\" or \"pwsh.exe\" or \"wmic.exe\" or \"wscript.exe\" or \"bitsadmin.exe\" or \"certutil.exe\" or \"ftp.exe\") ",
-  "risk_score": 75,
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "afcac7b1-d092-43ff-a136-aa7accbda38f",
   "severity": "high",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_system_shells_via_services.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_system_shells_via_services.json
index 268e8110c508d..984b522596c1e 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_system_shells_via_services.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_system_shells_via_services.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Windows services typically run as SYSTEM and can be used as a privilege escalation opportunity. Malware or penetration testers may run a shell as a service to gain SYSTEM permissions.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "System Shells via Services",
   "query": " event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"services.exe\" and\"cmd.exe\" or \"powershell.exe\")",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "0022d47d-39c7-4f69-a232-4fe9dc7a3acd",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_network_connection_via_rundll32.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_network_connection_via_rundll32.json
index 7332cc7710347..03b9bebb655c3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_network_connection_via_rundll32.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_network_connection_via_rundll32.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies unusual instances of Rundll32.exe making outbound network connections. This may indicate adversarial activity and may identify malicious DLLs.",
+  "description": "Identifies unusual instances of rundll32.exe making outbound network connections. This may indicate adversarial activity and may identify malicious DLLs.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Unusual Network Connection via RunDLL32",
   "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "52aaab7b-b51c-441a-89ce-4387b3aea886",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_parentchild_relationship.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_parentchild_relationship.json
index d13d23a9354f7..72eb17863e0d3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_parentchild_relationship.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_parentchild_relationship.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies Windows programs run from unexpected parent processes. This could indicate masquerading or other strange activity on a system.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Unusual Parent-Child Relationship ",
-  "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and process.parent.executable:* and   (      (\"smss.exe\" and not\"System\" or \"smss.exe\")) or       (\"csrss.exe\" and not\"smss.exe\" or \"svchost.exe\")) or       (\"wininit.exe\" and not\"smss.exe\") or       (\"winlogon.exe\" and not\"smss.exe\") or       (\"lsass.exe\" and not\"wininit.exe\") or       (\"LogonUI.exe\" and not\"winlogon.exe\" or \"wininit.exe\")) or       (\"services.exe\" and not\"wininit.exe\") or       (\"svchost.exe\" and not\"services.exe\" or \"MsMpEng.exe\")) or      (\"spoolsv.exe\" and not\"services.exe\") or       (\"taskhost.exe\" and not\"services.exe\" or \"svchost.exe\")) or       (\"taskhostw.exe\" and not\"services.exe\" or \"svchost.exe\")) or       (\"userinit.exe\" and not\"dwm.exe\" or \"winlogon.exe\"))    )",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "query": "   event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and process.parent.executable:* and   (      (\"smss.exe\" and not\"System\" or \"smss.exe\")) or       (\"csrss.exe\" and not\"smss.exe\" or \"svchost.exe\")) or       (\"wininit.exe\" and not\"smss.exe\") or       (\"winlogon.exe\" and not\"smss.exe\") or       (\"lsass.exe\" and not\"wininit.exe\") or       (\"LogonUI.exe\" and not\"winlogon.exe\" or \"wininit.exe\")) or       (\"services.exe\" and not\"wininit.exe\") or       (\"svchost.exe\" and not\"services.exe\" or \"MsMpEng.exe\")) or      (\"spoolsv.exe\" and not\"services.exe\") or       (\"taskhost.exe\" and not\"services.exe\" or \"svchost.exe\")) or       (\"taskhostw.exe\" and not\"services.exe\" or \"svchost.exe\")) or       (\"userinit.exe\" and not\"dwm.exe\" or \"winlogon.exe\"))    )",
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "35df0dd8-092d-4a83-88c1-5151a804f31b",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_process_network_connection.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_process_network_connection.json
index 138ecbb820513..8ca16198ff175 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_process_network_connection.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_unusual_process_network_connection.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies network activity from unexpected system applications. This may indicate adversarial activity as these applications are often leveraged by adversaries to execute code and evade detection.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Unusual Process Network Connection",
   "query": " event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and or cdb.exe or cmstp.exe or csi.exe or dnx.exe or fsi.exe or ieexec.exe or iexpress.exe or Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe or odbcconf.exe or rcsi.exe or xwizard.exe)",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "610949a1-312f-4e04-bb55-3a79b8c95267",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_user_account_creation.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_user_account_creation.json
index 9f3ecdb7a7f57..dee3d18bd5eda 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_user_account_creation.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_user_account_creation.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies attempts to create new local users. This is sometimes done by attackers to increase access to a system or domain.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "User Account Creation",
   "query": " event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"net.exe\" or \"net1.exe\") and not\"net.exe\" and process.args:(\"user\" and (\"/add\" or \"/ad\")) ",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "1aa9181a-492b-4c01-8b16-fa0735786b2b",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_user_added_to_administrator_group.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_user_added_to_administrator_group.json
index 1a0e0f8dcb2ad..4ed6a06b18d3b 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_user_added_to_administrator_group.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_user_added_to_administrator_group.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies attempts to add a user to an administrative group with the \"net.exe\" command. This is sometimes done by attackers to increase access of a compromised account or create new account.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "User Added to Administrator Group",
   "query": " event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"net.exe\" or \"net1.exe\") and not\"net.exe\" and process.args:(\"group\" and \"admin\" and \"/add\") ",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "4426de6f-6103-44aa-a77e-49d672836c27",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_vssadmin.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_vssadmin.json
index 794fec38b380e..cdeeb1563dfde 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_vssadmin.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_vssadmin.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
   "description": "Identifies use of vssadmin.exe for shadow copy deletion on endpoints.  This commonly occurs in tandem with ransomware or other destructive attacks.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Volume Shadow Copy Deletion via VssAdmin",
-  "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\"  and\"vssadmin.exe\" and process.args:(\"delete\" and \"shadows\") ",
-  "risk_score": 75,
+  "query": "  event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\"  and\"vssadmin.exe\" and process.args:(\"delete\" and \"shadows\") ",
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "b5ea4bfe-a1b2-421f-9d47-22a75a6f2921",
   "severity": "high",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_wmic.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_wmic.json
index a3e94b08275be..9465cf84d73f4 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_wmic.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_wmic.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies use of wmic for shadow copy deletion on endpoints. This commonly occurs in tandem with ransomware or other destructive attacks.",
+  "description": "Identifies use of wmic.exe for shadow copy deletion on endpoints. This commonly occurs in tandem with ransomware or other destructive attacks.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Volume Shadow Copy Deletion via WMIC",
-  "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"wmic.exe\" and process.args:(\"shadowcopy\" and \"delete\")",
-  "risk_score": 75,
+  "query": "  event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"wmic.exe\" and process.args:(\"shadowcopy\" and \"delete\")",
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "dc9c1f74-dac3-48e3-b47f-eb79db358f57",
   "severity": "high",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_windows_script_executing_powershell.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_windows_script_executing_powershell.json
index 868d84ef9ebce..f3df1276de53d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_windows_script_executing_powershell.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_windows_script_executing_powershell.json
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-  "description": "Identifies a PowerShell process launched by either CScript or WScript. Observing Windows scripting processes executing a PowerShell script, may be indicative of malicious activity.",
+  "description": "Identifies a PowerShell process launched by either cscript.exe or wscript.exe. Observing Windows scripting processes executing a PowerShell script, may be indicative of malicious activity.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Windows Script Executing PowerShell",
   "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"wscript.exe\" or \"cscript.exe\") and\"powershell.exe\"",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "f545ff26-3c94-4fd0-bd33-3c7f95a3a0fc",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_wmic_command_lateral_movement.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_wmic_command_lateral_movement.json
index 5c2804507cbd2..a50d9e64f2e2b 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_wmic_command_lateral_movement.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/eql_wmic_command_lateral_movement.json
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
   "description": "Identifies use of wmic.exe to run commands on remote hosts. This could be indicative of adversary lateral movement but will be noisy if commonly done by admins.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "The WMIC utility provides a command-line interface for WMI, which can be used for an array of administrative capabilities. It's important to baseline your environment to determine any abnormal use of this tool."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
+  "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "WMIC Command Lateral Movement",
-  "query": "event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"wmic.exe\" and process.args:(\"/node\" or \"-node\") and process.args:(\"call\" or \"set\")",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "query": "   event.action:\"Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)\" and\"wmic.exe\" and process.args:(\"/node\" or \"-node\") and process.args:(\"call\" or \"set\")",
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "9616587f-6396-42d0-bd31-ef8dbd806210",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/index.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/index.ts
index a70ff7d13f0ee..cd6d899133bff 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/index.ts
@@ -9,147 +9,117 @@
 import rule1 from './403_response_to_a_post.json';
 import rule2 from './405_response_method_not_allowed.json';
-import rule3 from './500_response_on_admin_page.json';
-import rule4 from './eql_adding_the_hidden_file_attribute_with_via_attribexe.json';
-import rule5 from './eql_adobe_hijack_persistence.json';
-import rule6 from './eql_audio_capture_via_powershell.json';
-import rule7 from './eql_audio_capture_via_soundrecorder.json';
-import rule8 from './eql_bypass_uac_event_viewer.json';
-import rule9 from './eql_bypass_uac_via_cmstp.json';
-import rule10 from './eql_bypass_uac_via_sdclt.json';
-import rule11 from './eql_clearing_windows_event_logs.json';
-import rule12 from './eql_delete_volume_usn_journal_with_fsutil.json';
-import rule13 from './eql_deleting_backup_catalogs_with_wbadmin.json';
-import rule14 from './eql_direct_outbound_smb_connection.json';
-import rule15 from './eql_disable_windows_firewall_rules_with_netsh.json';
-import rule16 from './eql_dll_search_order_hijack.json';
-import rule17 from './eql_encoding_or_decoding_files_via_certutil.json';
-import rule18 from './eql_local_scheduled_task_commands.json';
-import rule19 from './eql_local_service_commands.json';
-import rule20 from './eql_modification_of_boot_configuration.json';
-import rule21 from './eql_msbuild_making_network_connections.json';
-import rule22 from './eql_mshta_making_network_connections.json';
-import rule23 from './eql_msxsl_making_network_connections.json';
-import rule24 from './eql_psexec_lateral_movement_command.json';
-import rule25 from './eql_suspicious_ms_office_child_process.json';
-import rule26 from './eql_suspicious_ms_outlook_child_process.json';
-import rule27 from './eql_suspicious_pdf_reader_child_process.json';
-import rule28 from './eql_system_shells_via_services.json';
-import rule29 from './eql_unusual_network_connection_via_rundll32.json';
-import rule30 from './eql_unusual_parentchild_relationship.json';
-import rule31 from './eql_unusual_process_network_connection.json';
-import rule32 from './eql_user_account_creation.json';
-import rule33 from './eql_user_added_to_administrator_group.json';
-import rule34 from './eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_vssadmin.json';
-import rule35 from './eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_wmic.json';
-import rule36 from './eql_windows_script_executing_powershell.json';
-import rule37 from './eql_wmic_command_lateral_movement.json';
-import rule38 from './linux_hping_activity.json';
-import rule39 from './linux_iodine_activity.json';
-import rule40 from './linux_kernel_module_activity.json';
-import rule41 from './linux_ldso_process_activity.json';
-import rule42 from './linux_lzop_activity.json';
-import rule43 from './linux_mknod_activity.json';
-import rule44 from './linux_netcat_network_connection.json';
-import rule45 from './linux_network_anomalous_process_using_https_ports.json';
-import rule46 from './linux_nmap_activity.json';
-import rule47 from './linux_nping_activity.json';
-import rule48 from './linux_process_started_in_temp_directory.json';
-import rule49 from './linux_ptrace_activity.json';
-import rule50 from './linux_rawshark_activity.json';
-import rule51 from './linux_shell_activity_by_web_server.json';
-import rule52 from './linux_socat_activity.json';
-import rule53 from './linux_ssh_forwarding.json';
-import rule54 from './linux_strace_activity.json';
-import rule55 from './linux_tcpdump_activity.json';
-import rule56 from './linux_web_download.json';
-import rule57 from './linux_whoami_commmand.json';
-import rule58 from './network_dns_directly_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule59 from './network_ftp_file_transfer_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule60 from './network_irc_internet_relay_chat_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule61 from './network_nat_traversal_port_activity.json';
-import rule62 from './network_port_26_activity.json';
-import rule63 from './network_port_8000_activity.json';
-import rule64 from './network_port_8000_activity_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule65 from './network_pptp_point_to_point_tunneling_protocol_activity.json';
-import rule66 from './network_proxy_port_activity_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule67 from './network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_from_the_internet.json';
-import rule68 from './network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule69 from './network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_from_the_internet.json';
-import rule70 from './network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule71 from './network_smb_windows_file_sharing_activity_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule72 from './network_smtp_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule73 from './network_sql_server_port_activity_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule74 from './network_ssh_secure_shell_from_the_internet.json';
-import rule75 from './network_ssh_secure_shell_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule76 from './network_telnet_port_activity.json';
-import rule77 from './network_tor_activity_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule78 from './network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_from_the_internet.json';
-import rule79 from './network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule80 from './null_user_agent.json';
-import rule81 from './sqlmap_user_agent.json';
-import rule82 from './windows_background_intelligent_transfer_service_bits_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule83 from './windows_burp_ce_activity.json';
-import rule84 from './windows_certutil_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule85 from './windows_command_prompt_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule86 from './windows_command_shell_started_by_internet_explorer.json';
-import rule87 from './windows_command_shell_started_by_powershell.json';
-import rule88 from './windows_command_shell_started_by_svchost.json';
-import rule89 from './windows_credential_dumping_commands.json';
-import rule90 from './windows_credential_dumping_via_imageload.json';
-import rule91 from './windows_credential_dumping_via_registry_save.json';
-import rule92 from './windows_data_compression_using_powershell.json';
-import rule93 from './windows_defense_evasion_decoding_using_certutil.json';
-import rule94 from './windows_defense_evasion_or_persistence_via_hidden_files.json';
-import rule95 from './windows_defense_evasion_via_filter_manager.json';
-import rule96 from './windows_defense_evasion_via_windows_event_log_tools.json';
+import rule3 from './elastic_endpoint_security_adversary_behavior_detected.json';
+import rule4 from './elastic_endpoint_security_cred_dumping_detected.json';
+import rule5 from './elastic_endpoint_security_cred_dumping_prevented.json';
+import rule6 from './elastic_endpoint_security_cred_manipulation_detected.json';
+import rule7 from './elastic_endpoint_security_cred_manipulation_prevented.json';
+import rule8 from './elastic_endpoint_security_exploit_detected.json';
+import rule9 from './elastic_endpoint_security_exploit_prevented.json';
+import rule10 from './elastic_endpoint_security_malware_detected.json';
+import rule11 from './elastic_endpoint_security_malware_prevented.json';
+import rule12 from './elastic_endpoint_security_permission_theft_detected.json';
+import rule13 from './elastic_endpoint_security_permission_theft_prevented.json';
+import rule14 from './elastic_endpoint_security_process_injection_detected.json';
+import rule15 from './elastic_endpoint_security_process_injection_prevented.json';
+import rule16 from './elastic_endpoint_security_ransomware_detected.json';
+import rule17 from './elastic_endpoint_security_ransomware_prevented.json';
+import rule18 from './eql_adding_the_hidden_file_attribute_with_via_attribexe.json';
+import rule19 from './eql_adobe_hijack_persistence.json';
+import rule20 from './eql_audio_capture_via_powershell.json';
+import rule21 from './eql_audio_capture_via_soundrecorder.json';
+import rule22 from './eql_bypass_uac_event_viewer.json';
+import rule23 from './eql_bypass_uac_via_cmstp.json';
+import rule24 from './eql_bypass_uac_via_sdclt.json';
+import rule25 from './eql_clearing_windows_event_logs.json';
+import rule26 from './eql_delete_volume_usn_journal_with_fsutil.json';
+import rule27 from './eql_deleting_backup_catalogs_with_wbadmin.json';
+import rule28 from './eql_direct_outbound_smb_connection.json';
+import rule29 from './eql_disable_windows_firewall_rules_with_netsh.json';
+import rule30 from './eql_dll_search_order_hijack.json';
+import rule31 from './eql_encoding_or_decoding_files_via_certutil.json';
+import rule32 from './eql_local_scheduled_task_commands.json';
+import rule33 from './eql_local_service_commands.json';
+import rule34 from './eql_modification_of_boot_configuration.json';
+import rule35 from './eql_msbuild_making_network_connections.json';
+import rule36 from './eql_mshta_making_network_connections.json';
+import rule37 from './eql_msxsl_making_network_connections.json';
+import rule38 from './eql_psexec_lateral_movement_command.json';
+import rule39 from './eql_suspicious_ms_office_child_process.json';
+import rule40 from './eql_suspicious_ms_outlook_child_process.json';
+import rule41 from './eql_suspicious_pdf_reader_child_process.json';
+import rule42 from './eql_system_shells_via_services.json';
+import rule43 from './eql_unusual_network_connection_via_rundll32.json';
+import rule44 from './eql_unusual_parentchild_relationship.json';
+import rule45 from './eql_unusual_process_network_connection.json';
+import rule46 from './eql_user_account_creation.json';
+import rule47 from './eql_user_added_to_administrator_group.json';
+import rule48 from './eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_vssadmin.json';
+import rule49 from './eql_volume_shadow_copy_deletion_via_wmic.json';
+import rule50 from './eql_windows_script_executing_powershell.json';
+import rule51 from './eql_wmic_command_lateral_movement.json';
+import rule52 from './linux_hping_activity.json';
+import rule53 from './linux_iodine_activity.json';
+import rule54 from './linux_kernel_module_activity.json';
+import rule55 from './linux_ldso_process_activity.json';
+import rule56 from './linux_mknod_activity.json';
+import rule57 from './linux_netcat_network_connection.json';
+import rule58 from './linux_nmap_activity.json';
+import rule59 from './linux_nping_activity.json';
+import rule60 from './linux_process_started_in_temp_directory.json';
+import rule61 from './linux_shell_activity_by_web_server.json';
+import rule62 from './linux_socat_activity.json';
+import rule63 from './linux_ssh_forwarding.json';
+import rule64 from './linux_strace_activity.json';
+import rule65 from './linux_tcpdump_activity.json';
+import rule66 from './linux_whoami_commmand.json';
+import rule67 from './network_dns_directly_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule68 from './network_ftp_file_transfer_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule69 from './network_irc_internet_relay_chat_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule70 from './network_nat_traversal_port_activity.json';
+import rule71 from './network_port_26_activity.json';
+import rule72 from './network_port_8000_activity_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule73 from './network_pptp_point_to_point_tunneling_protocol_activity.json';
+import rule74 from './network_proxy_port_activity_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule75 from './network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_from_the_internet.json';
+import rule76 from './network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule77 from './network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_from_the_internet.json';
+import rule78 from './network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule79 from './network_smb_windows_file_sharing_activity_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule80 from './network_smtp_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule81 from './network_sql_server_port_activity_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule82 from './network_ssh_secure_shell_from_the_internet.json';
+import rule83 from './network_ssh_secure_shell_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule84 from './network_telnet_port_activity.json';
+import rule85 from './network_tor_activity_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule86 from './network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_from_the_internet.json';
+import rule87 from './network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule88 from './null_user_agent.json';
+import rule89 from './sqlmap_user_agent.json';
+import rule90 from './windows_background_intelligent_transfer_service_bits_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule91 from './windows_certutil_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule92 from './windows_command_prompt_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule93 from './windows_command_shell_started_by_internet_explorer.json';
+import rule94 from './windows_command_shell_started_by_powershell.json';
+import rule95 from './windows_command_shell_started_by_svchost.json';
+import rule96 from './windows_defense_evasion_via_filter_manager.json';
 import rule97 from './windows_execution_via_compiled_html_file.json';
 import rule98 from './windows_execution_via_connection_manager.json';
-import rule99 from './windows_execution_via_microsoft_html_application_hta.json';
-import rule100 from './windows_execution_via_net_com_assemblies.json';
-import rule101 from './windows_execution_via_regsvr32.json';
-import rule102 from './windows_execution_via_trusted_developer_utilities.json';
-import rule103 from './windows_html_help_executable_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule104 from './windows_image_load_from_a_temp_directory.json';
-import rule105 from './windows_indirect_command_execution.json';
-import rule106 from './windows_iodine_activity.json';
-import rule107 from './windows_management_instrumentation_wmi_execution.json';
-import rule108 from './windows_microsoft_html_application_hta_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule109 from './windows_mimikatz_activity.json';
-import rule110 from './windows_misc_lolbin_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule111 from './windows_net_command_activity_by_the_system_account.json';
-import rule112 from './windows_net_user_command_activity.json';
-import rule113 from './windows_netcat_activity.json';
-import rule114 from './windows_netcat_network_activity.json';
-import rule115 from './windows_network_anomalous_windows_process_using_https_ports.json';
-import rule116 from './windows_nmap_activity.json';
-import rule117 from './windows_nmap_scan_activity.json';
-import rule118 from './windows_payload_obfuscation_via_certutil.json';
-import rule119 from './windows_persistence_or_priv_escalation_via_hooking.json';
-import rule120 from './windows_persistence_via_application_shimming.json';
-import rule121 from './windows_persistence_via_bits_jobs.json';
-import rule122 from './windows_persistence_via_modification_of_existing_service.json';
-import rule123 from './windows_persistence_via_netshell_helper_dll.json';
-import rule124 from './windows_powershell_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule125 from './windows_priv_escalation_via_accessibility_features.json';
-import rule126 from './windows_process_discovery_via_tasklist_command.json';
-import rule127 from './windows_process_execution_via_wmi.json';
-import rule128 from './windows_process_started_by_acrobat_reader_possible_payload.json';
-import rule129 from './windows_process_started_by_ms_office_program_possible_payload.json';
-import rule130 from './windows_process_started_by_the_java_runtime.json';
-import rule131 from './windows_psexec_activity.json';
-import rule132 from './windows_register_server_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule133 from './windows_registry_query_local.json';
-import rule134 from './windows_registry_query_network.json';
-import rule135 from './windows_remote_management_execution.json';
-import rule136 from './windows_scheduled_task_activity.json';
-import rule137 from './windows_script_interpreter_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
-import rule138 from './windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution.json';
-import rule139 from './windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution_download.json';
-import rule140 from './windows_suspicious_process_started_by_a_script.json';
-import rule141 from './windows_whoami_command_activity.json';
-import rule142 from './windows_windump_activity.json';
-import rule143 from './windows_wireshark_activity.json';
+import rule99 from './windows_execution_via_net_com_assemblies.json';
+import rule100 from './windows_execution_via_regsvr32.json';
+import rule101 from './windows_execution_via_trusted_developer_utilities.json';
+import rule102 from './windows_html_help_executable_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule103 from './windows_misc_lolbin_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule104 from './windows_net_command_activity_by_the_system_account.json';
+import rule105 from './windows_persistence_via_application_shimming.json';
+import rule106 from './windows_priv_escalation_via_accessibility_features.json';
+import rule107 from './windows_process_discovery_via_tasklist_command.json';
+import rule108 from './windows_process_execution_via_wmi.json';
+import rule109 from './windows_register_server_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json';
+import rule110 from './windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution.json';
+import rule111 from './windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution_download.json';
+import rule112 from './windows_suspicious_process_started_by_a_script.json';
+import rule113 from './windows_whoami_command_activity.json';
 export const rawRules = [
@@ -264,34 +234,4 @@ export const rawRules = [
-  rule114,
-  rule115,
-  rule116,
-  rule117,
-  rule118,
-  rule119,
-  rule120,
-  rule121,
-  rule122,
-  rule123,
-  rule124,
-  rule125,
-  rule126,
-  rule127,
-  rule128,
-  rule129,
-  rule130,
-  rule131,
-  rule132,
-  rule133,
-  rule134,
-  rule135,
-  rule136,
-  rule137,
-  rule138,
-  rule139,
-  rule140,
-  rule141,
-  rule142,
-  rule143,
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_hping_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_hping_activity.json
index d0a07ce2d0365..517e16fb3d284 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_hping_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_hping_activity.json
@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
     "Normal use of hping is uncommon apart from security testing and research. Use by non-security engineers is very uncommon."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Hping Process Activity",
   "query": " hping  and event.action:executed",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 75,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "90169566-2260-4824-b8e4-8615c3b4ed52",
   "severity": "high",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_iodine_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_iodine_activity.json
index 1a116735e98f3..49f18ef9871a1 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_iodine_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_iodine_activity.json
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-  "description": "Iodine is a tool for tunneling internet protocol version 4 (IPV4) trafic over the DNS protocol in order to circumvent firewalls, network security groups or network access lists while evading detection.",
+  "description": "Iodine is a tool for tunneling Internet protocol version 4 (IPV4) traffic over the DNS protocol in order to circumvent firewalls, network security groups or network access lists while evading detection.",
   "false_positives": [
     "Normal use of Iodine is uncommon apart from security testing and research. Use by non-security engineers is very uncommon."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Potential DNS Tunneling via Iodine",
   "query": " (iodine or iodined) and event.action:executed",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 75,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "041d4d41-9589-43e2-ba13-5680af75ebc2",
   "severity": "high",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_kernel_module_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_kernel_module_activity.json
index 1529862571381..8c94694ca4d04 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_kernel_module_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_kernel_module_activity.json
@@ -3,17 +3,23 @@
   "false_positives": [
     "Security tools and device drivers may run these programs in order to load legitimate kernel modules. Use of these programs by ordinary users is uncommon."
-  "index": ["auditbeat-*"],
+  "index": [
+    "auditbeat-*"
+  ],
+  "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Persistence via Kernel Module Modification",
   "query": " (insmod or kmod or modprobe or rmod) and event.action:executed",
   "references": [
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "81cc58f5-8062-49a2-ba84-5cc4b4d31c40",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "auditbeat"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ldso_process_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ldso_process_activity.json
index 187fc6379ef25..82a2a16080160 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ldso_process_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ldso_process_activity.json
@@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
-  "description": " runs in a privlieged context and can be used to escape restrictive environments by spawning a shell in order to elevate privlieges or move laterally.",
+  "description": "The dynamic linker,, runs in a privileged context and can be used to escape restrictive environments by spawning a shell in order to elevate privileges or move laterally.",
   "false_positives": [
     " is a dual-use tool that can be used for benign or malicious activity. Some normal use of this command may originate from developers or administrators. Use of by non-engineers or ordinary users is uncommon."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": " Process Activity",
   "query": " and event.action:executed",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "3f31a31c-f7cf-4268-a0df-ec1a98099e7f",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_lzop_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_lzop_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8061ff72e130b..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_lzop_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Linux lzop activity - possible @JulianRunnels",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Linux lzop activity",
-  "query": " and event.action:executed",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "d7359214-54a4-4572-9e51-ebf79cda9b04",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_mknod_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_mknod_activity.json
index 1fe4802c6cf79..8f4e1f40fad12 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_mknod_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_mknod_activity.json
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-  "description": "The Linux mknod program is sometimes used in the command paylod of remote command injection (RCI) and other exploits to export a command shell when the traditional version of netcat is not available to the payload.",
+  "description": "The Linux mknod program is sometimes used in the command payload of remote command injection (RCI) and other exploits to export a command shell when the traditional version of netcat is not available to the payload.",
   "false_positives": [
     "Mknod is a Linux system program. Some normal use of this program, at varying levels of frequency, may originate from scripts, automation tools and frameworks. Usage by web servers is more likely to be suspicious."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Mknod Process Activity",
   "query": " mknod and event.action:executed",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "61c31c14-507f-4627-8c31-072556b89a9c",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_netcat_network_connection.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_netcat_network_connection.json
index 6d57d0cbab375..b06a342d24977 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_netcat_network_connection.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_netcat_network_connection.json
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
-  "description": "A netcat process is engaging in network activity on a Linux host. Netcat is often used as a persistence mechanism by exporting a reverse shell or by serving a shell on a listening port. Netcat is also sometimes used for data exfiltation. ",
+  "description": "A netcat process is engaging in network activity on a Linux host. Netcat is often used as a persistence mechanism by exporting a reverse shell or by serving a shell on a listening port. Netcat is also sometimes used for data exfiltration. ",
   "false_positives": [
     "Netcat is a dual-use tool that can be used for benign or malicious activity. Netcat is included in some Linux distributions so its presence is not necessarily suspicious. Some normal use of this program, while uncommon, may originate from scripts, automation tools and frameworks."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
@@ -20,10 +15,13 @@
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "adb961e0-cb74-42a0-af9e-29fc41f88f5f",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_network_anomalous_process_using_https_ports.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_network_anomalous_process_using_https_ports.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f10c940f8bb93..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_network_anomalous_process_using_https_ports.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Linux Network - Anomalous Process Using HTTP/S Ports",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Linux Network - Anomalous Process Using HTTP/S Ports",
-  "query": "(destination.port:443 or destination.port:80) and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "be40c674-1799-4a00-934d-0b2d54495913",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_nmap_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_nmap_activity.json
index b2284eea3f309..406cd8e026e7a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_nmap_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_nmap_activity.json
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-  "description": "Nmap ran on a Linux host. Nmap is a FOSS tool for network scanning and security testing. It can map and discover networks and identify listneing services and operating systems. It is sometimes used to gather information in support of exploitation, execution or lateral movement.",
+  "description": "Nmap was executed on a Linux host. Nmap is a FOSS tool for network scanning and security testing. It can map and discover networks, identify listening services and operating systems. It is sometimes used to gather information in support of exploitation, execution or lateral movement.",
   "false_positives": [
     "Security testing tools and frameworks may run nmap in the course of security auditing. Some normal use of this command may originate from security engineers and network or server administrators. Use of nmap by ordinary users is uncommon."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Nmap Process Activity",
   "query": " nmap",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "c87fca17-b3a9-4e83-b545-f30746c53920",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_nping_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_nping_activity.json
index 4d37f32fb3ca0..de53e05e70fa3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_nping_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_nping_activity.json
@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
     "Some normal use of this command may originate from security engineers and network or server administrators but this is usually not routine or unannounced. Use of nping by non-engineers or ordinary users is uncommon."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Nping Process Activity",
   "query": " nping and event.action:executed",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "0d69150b-96f8-467c-a86d-a67a3378ce77",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_process_started_in_temp_directory.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_process_started_in_temp_directory.json
index d38cead306cd4..4ed021a4c864d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_process_started_in_temp_directory.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_process_started_in_temp_directory.json
@@ -4,21 +4,19 @@
     "Build systems like Jenkins may start processes in the /tmp directory. These can be exempted by name or by username."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Unusual Process Execution - Temp",
   "query": "process.working_directory: /tmp and event.action:executed",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "df959768-b0c9-4d45-988c-5606a2be8e5a",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ptrace_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ptrace_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f99312c04a00..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ptrace_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Linux: Ptrace Activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Linux: Ptrace Activity",
-  "query": " ptrace and event.action:executed",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "1bff9259-e160-4920-bf72-4c96b6dbb7af",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_rawshark_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_rawshark_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 148468e959899..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_rawshark_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Linux: Rawshark Activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Linux: Rawshark Activity",
-  "query": " rawshark and event.action:executed",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "30eb2b9d-b53b-4ba5-bfab-7119a8b84029",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_shell_activity_by_web_server.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_shell_activity_by_web_server.json
index 1711f45e770ed..c7d856cbe61f3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_shell_activity_by_web_server.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_shell_activity_by_web_server.json
@@ -3,16 +3,23 @@
   "false_positives": [
     "Network monitoring or management products may have a web server component that runs shell commands as part of normal behavior."
-  "index": ["auditbeat-*"],
+  "index": [
+    "auditbeat-*"
+  ],
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Potential Shell via Web Server",
   "query": " bash and ( apache or www) and event.action:executed",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "231876e7-4d1f-4d63-a47c-47dd1acdc1cb",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_socat_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_socat_activity.json
index 364a2bee65c23..481a99518d4ed 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_socat_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_socat_activity.json
@@ -4,12 +4,7 @@
     "Socat is a dual-use tool that can be used for benign or malicious activity. Some normal use of this program, at varying levels of frequency, may originate from scripts, automation tools and frameworks. Usage by web servers is more likely to be suspicious."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
@@ -18,10 +13,13 @@
   "references": [
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "cd4d5754-07e1-41d4-b9a5-ef4ea6a0a126",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ssh_forwarding.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ssh_forwarding.json
index 3447689f08d62..3b61814ab66fd 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ssh_forwarding.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_ssh_forwarding.json
@@ -4,22 +4,23 @@
     "Some normal use of this command may originate from usage by engineers as an alternative or ad-hoc remote access solution. Use of this command by non-administrative users is uncommon."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Potential Lateral Movement via SSH Port Forwarding",
   "query": " and process.args:\"-R\" and event.action:executed",
-  "references": ["", ""],
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "references": [
+    "",
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "45d256ab-e665-445b-8306-2f83a8db59f8",
   "severity": "medium",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_strace_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_strace_activity.json
index b0c2b4ecd07c2..6f8bc112fd011 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_strace_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_strace_activity.json
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-  "description": "Strace runs in a privlieged context and can be used to escape restrictive environments by instantiating a shell in order to elevate privlieges or move laterally.",
+  "description": "Strace runs in a privileged context and can be used to escape restrictive environments by instantiating a shell in order to elevate privlieges or move laterally.",
   "false_positives": [
     "Strace is a dual-use tool that can be used for benign or malicious activity. Some normal use of this command may originate from developers or SREs engaged in debugging or system call tracing."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Strace Process Activity",
   "query": " strace and event.action:executed",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "d6450d4e-81c6-46a3-bd94-079886318ed5",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_tcpdump_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_tcpdump_activity.json
index 594aee0eca708..b6dc7f1689770 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_tcpdump_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_tcpdump_activity.json
@@ -4,21 +4,19 @@
     "Some normal use of this command may originate from server or network administrators engaged in network troubleshooting."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "auditbeat-*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Network Sniffing via Tcpdump",
   "query": " tcpdump and event.action:executed",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "7a137d76-ce3d-48e2-947d-2747796a78c0",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_web_download.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_web_download.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 311e2b5779602..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_web_download.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Linux: Web Download",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Linux: Web Download",
-  "query": " (curl or wget) and event.action:executed",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "e8ec93a6-49d2-4467-8c12-81c435fcc519",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_whoami_commmand.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_whoami_commmand.json
index a370a44d4eb46..91c6d2bcc9f95 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_whoami_commmand.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/linux_whoami_commmand.json
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
-  "description": "The 'whoami' command was executed on a Linux host. This is often used by tools and persistence mechanisms to test for privlieged access.",
-  "index": ["auditbeat-*"],
+  "description": "The whoami application was executed on a Linux host. This is often used by tools and persistence mechanisms to test for privileged access.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Security testing tools and frameworks may run this command. Some normal use of this command may originate from automation tools and frameworks."
+  ],
+  "index": [
+    "auditbeat-*"
+  ],
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "User Discovery via Whoami",
   "query": " whoami and event.action:executed",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "120559c6-5e24-49f4-9e30-8ffe697df6b9",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "linux"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Linux"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_dns_directly_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_dns_directly_to_the_internet.json
index 5c1d64e294159..3d1b07a267eca 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_dns_directly_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_dns_directly_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects DNS network traffic logs that indicate an internal network\nclient reaching out to infrastructure on the Internet directly to answer name\nqueries. This activity could be a default or misconfiguration. This impacts\nyour organization's ability to provide enterprise monitoring and logging of DNS\nand opens your network to a variety of abuses or malicious communications.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects internal network client sending DNS traffic directly to the Internet.\nThis is atypical behavior for a managed network and can be indicative of malware,\nexfiltration, command and control or simply misconfiguration. This also impacts your\norganization's ability to provide enterprise monitoring and logging of DNS and opens\nyour network to a variety of abuses or malicious communications.\n",
   "false_positives": [
-    "You should apply a filter to this rule to exclude your enterprise nameservers that are expected to reach out to the Internet"
+    "DNS servers should be excluded from this rule as this is expected behavior for them. Endpoints usually query local DNS servers defined in their DHCP scopes but this may be overridden if a user configures their endpoint to use a remote DNS server. This is uncommon in managed enterprise networks because it would tend to break intra-net name resolution when split horizon DNS is utilized. Some consumer VPN services and browser plug-ins may send DNS traffic to remote Internet destinations; in that case, such devices or networks can be excluded from this rule if this is expected behavior."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
+  "language": "kuery",
   "name": "DNS Activity to the Internet",
   "query": "destination.port:53 and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip:( or or and\n        not destination.ip:( or or or or or or ff02\\:\\:fb or )\n    )\n)\n",
   "references": [
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "6ea71ff0-9e95-475b-9506-2580d1ce6154",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ftp_file_transfer_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ftp_file_transfer_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json
index 62064db7e1443..ef7b39412c808 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ftp_file_transfer_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ftp_file_transfer_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects events that may indicate the use of FTP network connections.\nThe File Transfer Protocol (FTP) has been around in its current form since the\n1980's. It can be an efficient and normal procedure on your network to send and\nreceive files. Because it is common and efficient, adversaries will also often\nuse this protocol to exfiltrate data from your network or download new tools.\nAdditionally, FTP is a plaintext protocol which may expose your username and\npassword, if intercepted.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects events that may indicate the use of FTP network connections to the Internet.\nThe File Transfer Protocol (FTP) has been around in its current form since the\n1980's. It can be an efficient and normal procedure on your network to send and\nreceive files. Because it is common and efficient, adversaries will also often\nuse this protocol to ex-filtrate data from your network or download new tools.\nAdditionally, FTP is a plain-text protocol which may expose your user name and\npassword, if intercepted. FTP activity involving servers subject to regulations or compliance standards may be unauthorized.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "FTP servers should be excluded from this rule as this is expected behavior for them. Some business work-flows may use FTP for data exchange. These work-flows often have expected characteristics such as users, sources and destinations. FTP activity involving an unusual source or destination may be more suspicious. FTP activity involving a production server that has no known associated FTP work-flow or business requirement is often suspicious. NEW NEW"
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Activity to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: (20 or 21) and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "87ec6396-9ac4-4706-bcf0-2ebb22002f43",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
@@ -36,11 +41,11 @@
       "tactic": {
         "id": "TA0010",
         "name": "Exfiltration",
-        "reference": ""
+        "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1043",
+          "id": "T1048",
           "name": "Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol",
           "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_irc_internet_relay_chat_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_irc_internet_relay_chat_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json
index 4590fdf39d143..2700eae977482 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_irc_internet_relay_chat_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_irc_internet_relay_chat_protocol_activity_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects events that use common ports for IRC to the Internet. IRC\nis a common protocol that can be used chat and file transfer. This protocol\nalso makes a good candidate for remote control of malware and data transfer in\nand out of a network.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects events that use common ports for IRC to the Internet. IRC (Internet Relay Chat)\nis a common protocol that can be used chat and file transfer. This protocol\nalso makes a good candidate for remote control of malware and data transfer in\nand out of a network.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "IRC activity may be normal behavior for developers and engineers but is unusual for non-engineering end users. IRC activity involving an unusual source or destination may be more suspicious. IRC activity involving a production server is often suspicious. Because these ports are in the ephemeral range, this rule may false under certain conditions such as when a NATted web server replies to a client which has used a port in the range by coincidence. In this case, such servers can be excluded if desired. Some legacy applications may use these ports but this is very uncommon and usually appears only in local traffic using private IPs which this rule does not match."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Protocol Activity to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port:(6667 or 6697) and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "c6474c34-4953-447a-903e-9fcb7b6661aa",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
@@ -40,7 +45,7 @@
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1043",
+          "id": "T1048",
           "name": "Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol",
           "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_nat_traversal_port_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_nat_traversal_port_activity.json
index e74bed3463993..e87e296017a36 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_nat_traversal_port_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_nat_traversal_port_activity.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
   "description": "This signal detects events that could be describing IPSEC NAT Traversal traffic.\nIPSEC is a VPN technology that allows one system to talk to another using\nencrypted tunnels. NAT Traversal enables these tunnels to communicate over\nthe Internet where one of the sides is behind a NAT router gateway. This may\nbe common on your network, but this technique is also used by threat actors\nto avoid detection.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Some networks may utilize these protocols but usage that is unfamiliar to local network administrators can be unexpected and suspicious. Because this port is in the ephemeral range, this rule may false under certain conditions such as when a application server with a public IP address replies to a client which has used a UDP port in the range by coincidence. This is uncommon but such servers can be excluded if desired."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "IPSEC NAT Traversal Port Activity",
   "query": "network.transport: udp and destination.port: 4500",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "a9cb3641-ff4b-4cdc-a063-b4b8d02a67c7",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_26_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_26_activity.json
index e05e83ff0a1ee..59db16c7b7d3d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_26_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_26_activity.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
   "description": "This signal detects events that may indicate use of SMTP on TCP port 26. This\nport is commonly used by several popular mail transfer agents to deconflict\nwith the default SMTP port 25. This port has also been used by a malware family\ncalled BadPatch for command and control of Windows systems.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Servers that process email traffic may cause false positives and should be excluded from this rule as this is expected behavior for them."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -15,10 +17,13 @@
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "d7e62693-aab9-4f66-a21a-3d79ecdd603d",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_8000_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_8000_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a634a3a9f42..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_8000_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Network - Port 8000 Activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Network - Port 8000 Activity",
-  "query": "destination.port:8000",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "9c5f8092-e3f7-4eda-b9d3-56eed28fb157",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_8000_activity_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_8000_activity_to_the_internet.json
index e193ab83d89fd..2b3d08a7c80d9 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_8000_activity_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_port_8000_activity_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
   "description": "TCP Port 8000 is commonly used for development environments of web server\nsoftware. It generally should not be exposed directly to the Internet. If you are\nrunning software like this on the Internet, you should consider placing it behind\na reverse proxy.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Because this port is in the ephemeral range, this rule may false under certain conditions such as when a NATed web server replies to a client which has used a port in the range by coincidence. In this case, such servers can be excluded if desired. Some applications may use this port but this is very uncommon and usually appears in local traffic using private IPs which this rule does not match. Some cloud environments, particularly development environments, may use this port when VPNs or direct connects are not in use and cloud instances are accessed across the Internet."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "TCP Port 8000 Activity to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: 8000 and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "08d5d7e2-740f-44d8-aeda-e41f4263efaf",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_pptp_point_to_point_tunneling_protocol_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_pptp_point_to_point_tunneling_protocol_activity.json
index 7b527dbc09a44..b008ca2c2bee6 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_pptp_point_to_point_tunneling_protocol_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_pptp_point_to_point_tunneling_protocol_activity.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
   "description": "This signal detects events that may indicate use of a PPTP VPN connection. Some threat actors use these types of connections to tunnel their traffic while avoiding detection.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Some networks may utilize PPTP protocols but this is uncommon as more modern VPN technologies are available. Usage that is unfamiliar to local network administrators can be unexpected and suspicious. Torrenting applications may use this port. Because this port is in the ephemeral range, this rule may false under certain conditions such as when an application server with replies to a client which has used this port by coincidence. This is uncommon but such servers can be excluded if desired."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,30 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) Activity",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: 1723",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "d2053495-8fe7-4168-b3df-dad844046be3",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0011",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1043",
+          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_proxy_port_activity_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_proxy_port_activity_to_the_internet.json
index 50f521ea91e2b..f7c6ffddcaf9e 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_proxy_port_activity_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_proxy_port_activity_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
   "description": "This signal detects events that may describe network events of proxy use to the\nInternet. It includes popular HTTP proxy ports and SOCKS proxy ports. Typically\nenvironments will use an internal IP address for a proxy server. It can also\nbe used to circumvent network controls and detection mechanisms.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Some proxied applications may use these ports but this usually occurs in local traffic using private IPs which this rule does not match. Proxies are widely used as a security technology but in enterprise environments this is usually local traffic which this rule does not match. Internet proxy services using these ports can be white-listed if desired. Some screen recording applications may use these ports. Proxy port activity involving an unusual source or destination may be more suspicious. Some cloud environments may use this port when VPNs or direct connects are not in use and cloud instances are accessed across the Internet. Because these ports are in the ephemeral range, this rule may false under certain conditions such as when a NATed web server replies to a client which has used a port in the range by coincidence. In this case, such servers can be excluded if desired."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "Proxy Port Activity to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: (3128 or 8080 or 1080) and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "ad0e5e75-dd89-4875-8d0a-dfdc1828b5f3",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_from_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_from_the_internet.json
index edd4aa456974d..76528da19a57c 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_from_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_from_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of RDP traffic\nfrom the Internet. RDP is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targetted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or backdoor vector.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of RDP traffic\nfrom the Internet. RDP is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targeted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or back-door vector.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Some network security policies allow RDP directly from the Internet but usage that is unfamiliar to server or network owners can be unexpected and suspicious. RDP services may be exposed directly to the Internet in some networks such as cloud environments. In such cases, only RDP gateways, bastions or jump servers may be expected expose RDP directly to the Internet and can be exempted from this rule. RDP may be required by some work-flows such as remote access and support for specialized software products and servers. Such work-flows are usually known and not unexpected."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,23 +13,56 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) from the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: 3389 and (\n    network.direction: inbound or (\n        not source.ip: ( or or\n        and destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "8c1bdde8-4204-45c0-9e0c-c85ca3902488",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
       "tactic": {
         "id": "TA0011",
-        "name": "Initial Access",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
         "reference": ""
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1043",
+          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0008",
+        "name": "Lateral Movement",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1190",
+          "name": "Remote Services",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0001",
+        "name": "Initial Access",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
       "technique": [
           "id": "T1190",
           "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
-          "reference": ""
+          "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_to_the_internet.json
index c9f3f95ad1e07..55b9716af9346 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rdp_remote_desktop_protocol_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of RDP traffic\nto the Internet. RDP is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targetted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or backdoor vector.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of RDP traffic\nto the Internet. RDP is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targeted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or back-door vector.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "RDP connections may be made directly to Internet destinations in order to access Windows cloud server instances but such connections are usually made only by engineers. In such cases, only RDP gateways, bastions or jump servers may be expected Internet destinations and can be exempted from this rule. RDP may be required by some work-flows such as remote access and support for specialized software products and servers. Such work-flows are usually known and not unexpected. Usage that is unfamiliar to server or network owners can be unexpected and suspicious."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: 3389 and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "e56993d2-759c-4120-984c-9ec9bb940fd5",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
@@ -25,7 +30,7 @@
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1190",
+          "id": "T1043",
           "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
           "reference": ""
@@ -36,11 +41,11 @@
       "tactic": {
         "id": "TA0010",
         "name": "Exfiltration",
-        "reference": ""
+        "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1043",
+          "id": "T1048",
           "name": "Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol",
           "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_from_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_from_the_internet.json
index 9f5a60f1743d7..ca6715ac48785 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_from_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_from_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of RPC traffic\nfrom the Internet. RPC is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targetted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or backdoor vector.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of RPC traffic\nfrom the Internet. RPC is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targeted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or back-door vector.\n",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +10,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "RPC (Remote Procedure Call) from the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: 135 and (\n    network.direction: inbound or (\n        not source.ip: ( or or and\n        destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "143cb236-0956-4f42-a706-814bcaa0cf5a",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_to_the_internet.json
index b860158ef93d3..91db97dabdd46 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_rpc_remote_procedure_call_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of RPC traffic\nto the Internet. RPC is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targetted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or backdoor vector.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of RPC traffic\nto the Internet. RPC is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targeted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or back-door vector.\n",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +10,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "RPC (Remote Procedure Call) to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: 135 and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "32923416-763a-4531-bb35-f33b9232ecdb",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@
           "id": "T1190",
           "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
-          "reference": ""
+          "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_smb_windows_file_sharing_activity_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_smb_windows_file_sharing_activity_to_the_internet.json
index fa1f1aba66e83..ee47dff73db40 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_smb_windows_file_sharing_activity_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_smb_windows_file_sharing_activity_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of Windows\nfile sharing (also called SMB or CIFS) traffic to the Internet. SMB is commonly\nused within networks to share files, printers, and other system resources amongst\ntrusted systems. It should almost never be directly exposed to the Internet, as\nit is frequently targetted and exploited by threat actors as an initial access\nor backdoor vector or for data exfiltration.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of Windows\nfile sharing (also called SMB or CIFS) traffic to the Internet. SMB is commonly\nused within networks to share files, printers, and other system resources amongst\ntrusted systems. It should almost never be directly exposed to the Internet, as\nit is frequently targeted and exploited by threat actors as an initial access\nor back-door vector or for data exfiltration.\n",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +10,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "SMB (Windows File Sharing) Activity to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: (139 or 445) and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "c82b2bd8-d701-420c-ba43-f11a155b681a",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@
           "id": "T1190",
           "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
-          "reference": ""
+          "reference": ""
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@
       "tactic": {
         "id": "TA0010",
         "name": "Exfiltration",
-        "reference": ""
+        "reference": ""
       "technique": [
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_smtp_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_smtp_to_the_internet.json
index 85c8b3f05166c..68daf71d9992a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_smtp_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_smtp_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
   "description": "This signal detects events that may describe SMTP traffic from internal\nhosts to a host across the Internet. In an enterprise network, there is typically\na dedicate host that is internal that could perform this function. It is also\nfrequently abused by threat actors for command and control or data exfiltration.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "NATed servers that process email traffic may false and should be excluded from this rule as this is expected behavior for them. Consumer and / or personal devices may send email traffic to remote Internet destinations; in that case, such devices or networks can be excluded from this rule if this is expected behavior."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "SMTP to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: (25 or 465 or 587) and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "67a9beba-830d-4035-bfe8-40b7e28f8ac4",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
@@ -36,11 +41,11 @@
       "tactic": {
         "id": "TA0010",
         "name": "Exfiltration",
-        "reference": ""
+        "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1043",
+          "id": "T1048",
           "name": "Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol",
           "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_sql_server_port_activity_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_sql_server_port_activity_to_the_internet.json
index e0998029081d3..df779d47246a5 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_sql_server_port_activity_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_sql_server_port_activity_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
   "description": "This signal detects events that may describe database traffic\n(MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, and Postgresql) across the Internet. Databases\nshould almost never be directly exposed to the Internet, as they are\nfrequently targeted by threat actors to gain initial access to network resources.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Because these ports are in the ephemeral range, this rule may false under certain conditions such as when a NATed web server replies to a client which has used a port in the range by coincidence. In this case, such servers can be excluded if desired. Some cloud environments may use this port when VPNs or direct connects are not in use and database instances are accessed directly across the Internet."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,30 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "SQL Traffic to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: (1433 or 1521 or 3336 or 5432) and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "139c7458-566a-410c-a5cd-f80238d6a5cd",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0011",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1043",
+          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ssh_secure_shell_from_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ssh_secure_shell_from_the_internet.json
index 2428909491584..6c278700450b1 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ssh_secure_shell_from_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ssh_secure_shell_from_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of SSH traffic\nfrom the Internet. SSH is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system using the command line shell. If it is exposed to the Internet,\nit should be done with strong security controls as it is frequently targetted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or backdoor vector.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of SSH traffic\nfrom the Internet. SSH is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system using the command line shell. If it is exposed to the Internet,\nit should be done with strong security controls as it is frequently targeted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or back-door vector.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Some network security policies allow SSH directly from the Internet but usage that is unfamiliar to server or network owners can be unexpected and suspicious. SSH services may be exposed directly to the Internet in some networks such as cloud environments. In such cases, only SSH gateways, bastions or jump servers may be expected expose SSH directly to the Internet and can be exempted from this rule. SSH may be required by some work-flows such as remote access and support for specialized software products and servers. Such work-flows are usually known and not unexpected."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,38 +13,56 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "SSH (Secure Shell) from the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port:22 and (\n    network.direction: inbound or (\n        not source.ip: ( or or and\n        destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "ea0784f0-a4d7-4fea-ae86-4baaf27a6f17",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
       "tactic": {
-        "id": "TA0001",
-        "name": "Initial Access",
-        "reference": ""
+        "id": "TA0011",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
+        "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1190",
-          "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
-          "reference": ""
+          "id": "T1043",
+          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
+          "reference": ""
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
       "tactic": {
-        "id": "TA0011",
-        "name": "Command and Control",
-        "reference": ""
+        "id": "TA0008",
+        "name": "Lateral Movement",
+        "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1043",
-          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
-          "reference": ""
+          "id": "T1021",
+          "name": "Remote Services",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0001",
+        "name": "Initial Access",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1190",
+          "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
+          "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ssh_secure_shell_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ssh_secure_shell_to_the_internet.json
index cf77f9363f525..63f2dbc8a34f1 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ssh_secure_shell_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_ssh_secure_shell_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of SSH traffic\nfrom the Internet. SSH is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system using the command line shell. If it is exposed to the Internet,\nit should be done with strong security controls as it is frequently targetted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or backdoor vector.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of SSH traffic\nfrom the Internet. SSH is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system using the command line shell. If it is exposed to the Internet,\nit should be done with strong security controls as it is frequently targeted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or back-door vector.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "SSH connections may be made directly to Internet destinations in order to access Linux cloud server instances but such connections are usually made only by engineers. In such cases, only SSH gateways, bastions or jump servers may be expected Internet destinations and can be exempted from this rule. SSH may be required by some work-flows such as remote access and support for specialized software products and servers. Such work-flows are usually known and not unexpected. Usage that is unfamiliar to server or network owners can be unexpected and suspicious."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "SSH (Secure Shell) to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port:22 and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "6f1500bc-62d7-4eb9-8601-7485e87da2f4",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_telnet_port_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_telnet_port_activity.json
index a9a364b1b14bd..0d28f0ea53d9a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_telnet_port_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_telnet_port_activity.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of Telnet traffic.\nTelnet is commonly used by system administrators to remotely control older or embeded\nsystems using the command line shell. It should almost never be directly exposed to\nthe Internet, as it is frequently targetted and exploited by threat actors as an\ninitial access or backdoor vector. As a plaintext protocol, it may also expose\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of Telnet traffic.\nTelnet is commonly used by system administrators to remotely control older or embed ed\nsystems using the command line shell. It should almost never be directly exposed to\nthe Internet, as it is frequently targeted and exploited by threat actors as an\ninitial access or back-door vector. As a plain-text protocol, it may also expose\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "IoT (Internet of Things) devices and networks may use telnet and can be excluded if desired. Some business work-flows may use Telnet for administration of older devices. These often have a predictable behavior. Telnet activity involving an unusual source or destination may be more suspicious. Telnet activity involving a production server that has no known associated Telnet work-flow or business requirement is often suspicious."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,38 +13,56 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "Telnet Port Activity",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: 23",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "34fde489-94b0-4500-a76f-b8a157cf9269",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
       "tactic": {
         "id": "TA0011",
-        "name": "Initial Access",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
         "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1190",
-          "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
+          "id": "T1043",
+          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
           "reference": ""
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0008",
+        "name": "Lateral Movement",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1021",
+          "name": "Remote Services",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
       "tactic": {
         "id": "TA0011",
-        "name": "Command and Control",
+        "name": "Initial Access",
         "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1043",
-          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
-          "reference": ""
+          "id": "T1190",
+          "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
+          "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_tor_activity_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_tor_activity_to_the_internet.json
index 811a81c0e6754..80893e9404f02 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_tor_activity_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_tor_activity_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of Tor traffic\nto the Internet. Tor is a network protocol that sends traffic through a\nseries of encrypted tunnels used to conceal a user's location and usage.\nTor may be used by threat actors as an alternate communication pathway to\nconceal the actor's indentity and avoid detection.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of Tor traffic\nto the Internet. Tor is a network protocol that sends traffic through a\nseries of encrypted tunnels used to conceal a user's location and usage.\nTor may be used by threat actors as an alternate communication pathway to\nconceal the actor's identity and avoid detection.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Tor client activity is uncommon in managed enterprise networks but may be common in unmanaged or public networks where few security policies apply. Because these ports are in the ephemeral range, this rule may false under certain conditions such as when a NATed web server replies to a client which has used one of these ports by coincidence. In this case, such servers can be excluded if desired."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "Tor Activity to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and destination.port: (9001 or 9030) and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "7d2c38d7-ede7-4bdf-b140-445906e6c540",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
@@ -30,6 +35,21 @@
           "reference": ""
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0011",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1188",
+          "name": "Multi-hop Proxy",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
   "type": "query",
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_from_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_from_the_internet.json
index d46ee76ba72b2..e64138dd053fa 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_from_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_from_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of VNC traffic\nfrom the Internet. VNC is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targetted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or backdoor vector.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of VNC traffic\nfrom the Internet. VNC is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targeted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or back-door vector.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "VNC connections may be received directly to Linux cloud server instances but such connections are usually made only by engineers. VNC is less common than SSH or RDP but may be required by some work-flows such as remote access and support for specialized software products or servers. Such work-flows are usually known and not unexpected. Usage that is unfamiliar to server or network owners can be unexpected and suspicious."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,38 +13,41 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "VNC (Virtual Network Computing) from the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and (destination.port >= 5800 and destination.port <= 5810) and (\n    network.direction: inbound or (\n        not source.ip: ( or or and\n        destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 73,
   "rule_id": "5700cb81-df44-46aa-a5d7-337798f53eb8",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "high",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
       "tactic": {
-        "id": "TA0001",
-        "name": "Initial Access",
+        "id": "TA0011",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
         "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1190",
-          "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
-          "reference": ""
+          "id": "T1219",
+          "name": "Remote Access Tools",
+          "reference": ""
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
       "tactic": {
-        "id": "TA0011",
-        "name": "Command and Control",
-        "reference": ""
+        "id": "TA0001",
+        "name": "Initial Access",
+        "reference": ""
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1043",
-          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
-          "reference": ""
+          "id": "T1190",
+          "name": "Exploit Public-Facing Application",
+          "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_to_the_internet.json
index d820cedc335ab..8c43419c3ead5 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/network_vnc_virtual_network_computing_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of VNC traffic\nfrom the Internet. VNC is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targetted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or backdoor vector.\n",
+  "description": "This signal detects network events that may indicate the use of VNC traffic\nto the Internet. VNC is commonly used by system administrators to remotely\ncontrol a system for maintenance or to use shared resources. It should almost\nnever be directly exposed to the Internet, as it is frequently targeted and\nexploited by threat actors as an initial access or back-door vector.\n",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "VNC connections may be made directly to Linux cloud server instances but such connections are usually made only by engineers. VNC is less common than SSH or RDP but may be required by some work flows such as remote access and support for specialized software products or servers. Such work-flows are usually known and not unexpected. Usage that is unfamiliar to server or network owners can be unexpected and suspicious."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
@@ -11,10 +13,13 @@
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "VNC (Virtual Network Computing) to the Internet",
   "query": "network.transport: tcp and (destination.port >= 5800 and destination.port <= 5810) and (\n    network.direction: outbound or (\n        source.ip: ( or or and\n        not destination.ip: ( or or\n    )\n)\n",
-  "risk_score": 25,
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "3ad49c61-7adc-42c1-b788-732eda2f5abf",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "network"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "network"
+  ],
   "threat": [
       "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
@@ -25,9 +30,9 @@
       "technique": [
-          "id": "T1043",
-          "name": "Commonly Used Port",
-          "reference": ""
+          "id": "T1219",
+          "name": "Remote Access Tools",
+          "reference": ""
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/null_user_agent.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/null_user_agent.json
index 9d787d3ab738f..87a3119ac780d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/null_user_agent.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/null_user_agent.json
@@ -3,14 +3,6 @@
   "false_positives": [
     "Some normal applications and scripts may contain no user agent. Most legitmate web requests from the Internet contain a user agent string. Requests from web browsers almost always contain a user agent string. If the source is unexpected, or the user is unauthorized, or the request is unusual, these may be suspicious or malicious activity."
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
   "filters": [
       "$state": {
@@ -29,15 +21,23 @@
+  "index": [
+    "apm-*-transaction*"
+  ],
   "language": "kuery",
   "max_signals": 33,
   "name": "Web Application Suspicious Activity: No User Agent",
   "query": "url.path: *",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "43303fd4-4839-4e48-b2b2-803ab060758d",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "apm"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "APM"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/sqlmap_user_agent.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/sqlmap_user_agent.json
index c92b801995837..72d85dcbffc06 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/sqlmap_user_agent.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/sqlmap_user_agent.json
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
     "This signal does not indicate that a SQL injection attack occured, only that the sqlmap tool was used. Security scans and tests may result in these errors. If the source is not an authorized security tester, this is generally suspicious or malicious activity."
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
+    "apm-*-transaction*"
   "language": "kuery",
   "name": "Web Application Suspicious Activity: sqlmap User Agent",
   "query": "user_agent.original:\"sqlmap/1.3.11#stable (\"",
-  "references": [""],
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "references": [
+    ""
+  ],
+  "risk_score": 47,
   "rule_id": "d49cc73f-7a16-4def-89ce-9fc7127d7820",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic", "apm"],
+  "severity": "medium",
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "APM"
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_background_intelligent_transfer_service_bits_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_background_intelligent_transfer_service_bits_connecting_to_the_internet.json
index 91abe1368b011..9b3784345b013 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_background_intelligent_transfer_service_bits_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_background_intelligent_transfer_service_bits_connecting_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,20 +1,51 @@
-  "description": "Windows: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Connecting to the Internet",
+  "description": "Adversaries may abuse the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) to download, execute, or clean up after performing a malicious action.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Connecting to the Internet",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) connecting to the Internet",
   "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "7edadee3-98ae-472c-b1c4-8c0a2c4877cc",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1197",
+          "name": "BITS Jobs",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0003",
+        "name": "Persistence",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1197",
+          "name": "BITS Jobs",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_burp_ce_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_burp_ce_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f3e62405d6e18..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_burp_ce_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Burp CE activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Burp CE activity",
-  "query": "",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "0f09845b-2ec8-4770-8155-7df3d4e402cc",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_certutil_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_certutil_connecting_to_the_internet.json
index 451a1ad4942de..0a960fc427d7b 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_certutil_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_certutil_connecting_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,20 +1,36 @@
-  "description": "Windows: Certutil Connecting to the Internet",
+  "description": "Identifies certutil.exe making a network connection. Adversaries could abuse certutil.exe to download a certificate, or malware, from a remote URL.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: Certutil Connecting to the Internet",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Certutil Network Connection",
   "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "1a2cf526-6784-4c51-a2b9-f0adcc05d85c",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0011",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1105",
+          "name": "Remote File Copy",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_prompt_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_prompt_connecting_to_the_internet.json
index 6a2a9213a94a9..87dbd4cd70777 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_prompt_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_prompt_connecting_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
-  "description": "Windows: Command Prompt Connecting to the Internet",
+  "description": "Identifies cmd.exe making a network connection. Adversaries could abuse cmd.exe to download or execute malware from a remote URL.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Administrators may use the command prompt for regular administrative tasks. It's important to baseline your environment for network connections being made from the command prompt to determine any abnormal use of this tool."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: Command Prompt Connecting to the Internet",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Command Prompt Network Connection",
   "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "89f9a4b0-9f8f-4ee0-8823-c4751a6d6696",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1059",
+          "name": "Command-Line Interface",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0011",
+        "name": "Command and Control",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1105",
+          "name": "Remote File Copy",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_internet_explorer.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_internet_explorer.json
index 92edd71a665dd..a214ab4544b97 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_internet_explorer.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_internet_explorer.json
@@ -1,20 +1,36 @@
-  "description": "Command shell started by Internet Explorer",
+  "description": "Identifies a suspicious parent child process relationship with cmd.exe spawning form Internet Explorer.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Command shell started by Internet Explorer",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Internet Explorer spawning cmd.exe",
   "query": " and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "7a6e1e81-deae-4cf6-b807-9a768fff3c06",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1059",
+          "name": "Command-Line Interface",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_powershell.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_powershell.json
index 663b2485fab93..187cc9d344902 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_powershell.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_powershell.json
@@ -1,20 +1,51 @@
-  "description": "Command shell started by Powershell",
+  "description": "Identifies a suspicious parent child process relationship with cmd.exe descending from PowerShell.exe.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Command shell started by Powershell",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "PowerShell spawning cmd.exe",
   "query": " and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "0f616aee-8161-4120-857e-742366f5eeb3",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1059",
+          "name": "Command-Line Interface",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1086",
+          "name": "PowerShell",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_svchost.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_svchost.json
index 73ab27a131e3d..81114bf8b8766 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_svchost.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_command_shell_started_by_svchost.json
@@ -1,20 +1,36 @@
-  "description": "Command shell started by Svchost",
+  "description": "Identifies a suspicious parent child process relationship with cmd.exe descending from svchost.exe",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Command shell started by Svchost",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Svchost spawning cmd.exe",
   "query": " and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "fd7a6052-58fa-4397-93c3-4795249ccfa2",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1059",
+          "name": "Command-Line Interface",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_commands.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_commands.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9516b80412582..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_commands.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Credential Dumping Commands",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Credential Dumping Commands",
-  "query": "event.code: 1 and process.args:*Invoke-Mimikatz-DumpCreds* or process.args:*gsecdump* or process.args:*wce* or (process.args:*procdump* and process.args:*lsass*) or (process.args:*ntdsutil* and process.args:*ntds*ifm*create*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "66885745-ea38-432c-9edb-599b943948d4",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_via_imageload.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_via_imageload.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 06a9de8f20720..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_via_imageload.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Credential Dumping via ImageLoad",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Credential Dumping via ImageLoad",
-  "query": "event.code:7 and not and not and not and not and (file.path:*samlib.dll* or file.path:*WinSCard.dll* or file.path:*cryptdll.dll* or file.path:*hid.dll* or file.path:*vaultcli.dll*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "f872647c-d070-4b1c-afcc-055f081d9205",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_via_registry_save.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_via_registry_save.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a19646d2f83cf..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_credential_dumping_via_registry_save.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Credential Dumping via Registry Save",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Credential Dumping via Registry Save",
-  "query": "event.code: 1 and and process.args:*save* and (process.args:*sam* or process.args:*system*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "9f6fb56f-4bbd-404e-b955-49dfba7c0e68",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_data_compression_using_powershell.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_data_compression_using_powershell.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be27cbec023f..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_data_compression_using_powershell.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Data Compression Using Powershell",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Data Compression Using Powershell",
-  "query": "event.code: 1 and and (process.args:*Recurse* and process.args:*Compress-Archive*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "bc913943-e1f9-4bf5-a593-caca7c2eb0c3",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_decoding_using_certutil.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_decoding_using_certutil.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a4126a9b45ec9..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_decoding_using_certutil.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Defense Evasion - Decoding Using Certutil",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Defense Evasion - Decoding Using Certutil",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and and (process.args:*+h* or process.args:*+s*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "d9642bf2-87d0-45c2-8781-2bd2017cdbb8",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_or_persistence_via_hidden_files.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_or_persistence_via_hidden_files.json
deleted file mode 100644
index edba96cbcc37b..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_or_persistence_via_hidden_files.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Defense Evasion or Persistence via Hidden Files",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Defense Evasion or Persistence via Hidden Files",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and and (process.args:\"+h\" or process.args:\"+s\")",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "340a0063-baba-447b-8396-26a5cc1eb684",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_via_filter_manager.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_via_filter_manager.json
index 56c2a3ecd7eaf..7c999c1fc1e03 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_via_filter_manager.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_via_filter_manager.json
@@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
-  "description": "Windows Defense evasion via Filter Manager",
+  "description": "The Filter Manager Control Program (fltMC.exe) binary may be abused by adversaries to unload a filter driver and evade defenses.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Defense evasion via Filter Manager",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Potential Evasion via Filter Manager",
   "query": "event.code:1 and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "06dceabf-adca-48af-ac79-ffdf4c3b1e9a",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "D-SA",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1222",
+          "name": "File and Directory Permissions Modification",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_via_windows_event_log_tools.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_via_windows_event_log_tools.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f25c7282a87d..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_defense_evasion_via_windows_event_log_tools.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Defense Evasion via Windows Event Log Tools",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Defense Evasion via Windows Event Log Tools",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "07979a67-ab4d-460f-9ff3-bf1352de6762",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_compiled_html_file.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_compiled_html_file.json
index 079d33bf0f676..62c8942dda9c3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_compiled_html_file.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_compiled_html_file.json
@@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
-  "description": "Windows Execution via Compiled HTML File",
+  "description": "Compiled HTML files (.chm) are commonly distributed as part of the Microsoft HTML Help system. Adversaries may conceal malicious code in a CHM file and deliver it to a victim for execution. CHM content is loaded by the HTML Help executable program (hh.exe).",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "The HTML Help executable program (hh.exe) runs whenever a user clicks a compiled help (.chm) file or menu item that opens the help file inside the Help Viewer. This is not always malicious, but adversaries may abuse this technology to conceal malicious code."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Execution via Compiled HTML File",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Process Activity via Compiled HTML File",
   "query": "event.code:1 and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "e3343ab9-4245-4715-b344-e11c56b0a47f",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1223",
+          "name": "Compiled HTML File",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1223",
+          "name": "Compiled HTML File",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_connection_manager.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_connection_manager.json
index 9c8a4f4b47dce..657487232fe81 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_connection_manager.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_connection_manager.json
@@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
-  "description": "Windows Execution via Connection Manager",
+  "description": "Various Windows utilities may be used to execute commands, possibly without invoking cmd.exe, including the Program Compatibility Assistant (pcalua.exe) or forfiles.exe.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Execution via Connection Manager",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Indirect Command Execution",
   "query": "event.code:1 and or ( or or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "f2728299-167a-489c-913c-2e0955ac3c40",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "D-SA",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1202",
+          "name": "Indirect Command Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_microsoft_html_application_hta.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_microsoft_html_application_hta.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d986ccbb865f8..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_microsoft_html_application_hta.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Execution via Microsoft HTML Application (HTA)",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Execution via Microsoft HTML Application (HTA)",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and (process.parent.args:*mshta* or process.args:*mshta*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "b007cc82-c522-48d1-b7a7-53f63c50c494",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_net_com_assemblies.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_net_com_assemblies.json
index 26e99cbb59e48..80d91fa515342 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_net_com_assemblies.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_net_com_assemblies.json
@@ -1,20 +1,40 @@
-  "description": "Windows Execution via .NET COM Assemblies",
+  "description": "Adversaries can use Regsvcs.exe and Regasm.exe to proxy execution of code through a trusted Windows utility.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Administrators may use the command prompt for regular administrative tasks. It's important to baseline your environment for network connections being made from the command prompt to determine any abnormal use of this tool."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Execution via .NET COM Assemblies",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Execution via Regsvcs/Regasm",
   "query": "event.code:1 and ( or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "5c12412f-602c-4120-8c4f-69d723dbba04",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "D-SA",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1121",
+          "name": "Regsvcs/Regasm",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_regsvr32.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_regsvr32.json
index 06d4a075c4e6b..6b2c54d527963 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_regsvr32.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_regsvr32.json
@@ -1,20 +1,51 @@
-  "description": "Windows Execution via Regsvr32",
+  "description": "Identifies scrobj.dll loaded into unusual Microsoft processes. This may indicate a malicious scriptlet is being executed in the target process.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Execution via Regsvr32",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Suspicious Script Object Execution",
   "query": "event.code: 1 and scrobj.dll and ( or or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "b7333d08-be4b-4cb4-b81e-924ae37b3143",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1064",
+          "name": "Scripting",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1064",
+          "name": "Scripting",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_trusted_developer_utilities.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_trusted_developer_utilities.json
index bc3ebf38181a0..e722d311b86c7 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_trusted_developer_utilities.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_execution_via_trusted_developer_utilities.json
@@ -1,20 +1,55 @@
-  "description": "Windows Execution via Trusted Developer Utilities",
+  "description": "Identifies possibly suspicious activity using trusted Windows developer activity.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "These programs may be used by Windows developers but use by non-engineers is unusual."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Execution via Trusted Developer Utilities",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Trusted Developer Application Usage",
   "query": "event.code:1 and ( or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "9d110cb3-5f4b-4c9a-b9f5-53f0a1707ae1",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "D-SA",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1127",
+          "name": "Trusted Developer Utilities",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1127",
+          "name": "Trusted Developer Utilities",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_html_help_executable_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_html_help_executable_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json
index cec9fe4a4aebe..2b4d774281b84 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_html_help_executable_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_html_help_executable_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,20 +1,51 @@
-  "description": "Windows: HTML Help executable Program Connecting to the Internet",
+  "description": "Compiled HTML files (.chm) are commonly distributed as part of the Microsoft HTML Help system. Adversaries may conceal malicious code in a CHM file and deliver it to a victim for execution. CHM content is loaded by the HTML Help executable program (hh.exe).",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: HTML Help executable Program Connecting to the Internet",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Network Connection via Compiled HTML File",
   "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "b29ee2be-bf99-446c-ab1a-2dc0183394b8",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1223",
+          "name": "Compiled HTML File",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1223",
+          "name": "Compiled HTML File",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_image_load_from_a_temp_directory.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_image_load_from_a_temp_directory.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e80b58377af6..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_image_load_from_a_temp_directory.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows image load from a temp directory",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "filters": [
-    {
-      "$state": {
-        "store": "appState"
-      },
-      "meta": {
-        "alias": null,
-        "disabled": false,
-        "indexRefName": "kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON.filter[0].meta.index",
-        "key": "event.action",
-        "negate": false,
-        "params": {
-          "query": "Image loaded (rule: ImageLoad)"
-        },
-        "type": "phrase",
-        "value": "Image loaded (rule: ImageLoad)"
-      },
-      "query": {
-        "match": {
-          "event.action": {
-            "query": "Image loaded (rule: ImageLoad)",
-            "type": "phrase"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows image load from a temp directory",
-  "query": "file.path:Temp",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "f23e4cc7-6825-4a28-b27a-e67437a9a806",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_indirect_command_execution.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_indirect_command_execution.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a7f22358a11d9..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_indirect_command_execution.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Indirect Command Execution",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Indirect Command Execution",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and or ( or or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "ff969842-c573-4e69-8e12-02fb303290f2",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_iodine_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_iodine_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aae9dc83a1cd..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_iodine_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Iodine activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Iodine activity",
-  "query": "event.code: 1 and or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "fcbbf0b2-99c5-4c7f-8411-dc9ee392e43f",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_management_instrumentation_wmi_execution.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_management_instrumentation_wmi_execution.json
deleted file mode 100644
index da525a8573264..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_management_instrumentation_wmi_execution.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Execution",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Execution",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and (process.parent.args:*wmiprvse.exe* or or process.args:*wmic* )",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "cec5eb81-6e01-40e5-a1bf-bf175cce4eb4",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_microsoft_html_application_hta_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_microsoft_html_application_hta_connecting_to_the_internet.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f7a8dbee7c80..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_microsoft_html_application_hta_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows: Microsoft HTML Application (HTA) Connecting to the Internet",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: Microsoft HTML Application (HTA) Connecting to the Internet",
-  "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "b084514b-e8ba-4bc4-bc2b-50fe145a4215",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_mimikatz_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_mimikatz_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 64641bb539cb9..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_mimikatz_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Mimikatz activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Mimikatz activity",
-  "query": "event.code: 1 and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "5346463d-062f-419d-88ff-7a5e97875210",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_misc_lolbin_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_misc_lolbin_connecting_to_the_internet.json
index bb08cd4023e6a..8a4cb75588bff 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_misc_lolbin_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_misc_lolbin_connecting_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,20 +1,51 @@
-  "description": "Windows: Misc LOLBin Connecting to the Internet",
+  "description": "Binaries signed with trusted digital certificates can execute on Windows systems protected by digital signature validation. Adversaries may use these binaries to 'live off the land' and execute malicious files that could bypass application whitelisting and signature validation.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: Misc LOLBin Connecting to the Internet",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Network Connection via Signed Binary",
   "query": "( or or or and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "63e65ec3-43b1-45b0-8f2d-45b34291dc44",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1218",
+          "name": "Signed Binary Proxy Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1218",
+          "name": "Signed Binary Proxy Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_net_command_activity_by_the_system_account.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_net_command_activity_by_the_system_account.json
index fce37db4fae3d..5b3257daec8fb 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_net_command_activity_by_the_system_account.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_net_command_activity_by_the_system_account.json
@@ -1,20 +1,36 @@
-  "description": "Windows net command activity by the SYSTEM account",
+  "description": "Identifies attempts to create new users via the SYSTEM account.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows net command activity by the SYSTEM account",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Net command via SYSTEM account",
   "query": " (net.exe or net1.exe) and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "c3f5dc81-a8b4-4144-95a7-d0a818d7355d",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0003",
+        "name": "Persistence",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1136",
+          "name": "Create Account",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_net_user_command_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_net_user_command_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 555bb4afb0c10..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_net_user_command_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows net user command activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows net user command activity",
-  "query": " and process.args:user and event.code:1",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "b039a69d-7fba-4c84-8029-57ac12548a15",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_netcat_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_netcat_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 288bc6dd2375b..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_netcat_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Netcat activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Netcat activity",
-  "query": " and event.code:1",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "e2437364-0c89-4e65-a34b-782cfbb7690b",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_netcat_network_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_netcat_network_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a533cd36ffdcf..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_netcat_network_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Netcat network activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Netcat network activity",
-  "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\"",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "ebdc4b6f-7fdb-4c21-bbd6-59e1ed11024a",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_network_anomalous_windows_process_using_https_ports.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_network_anomalous_windows_process_using_https_ports.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 173e5191d9e65..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_network_anomalous_windows_process_using_https_ports.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Network - Anomalous Windows Process Using HTTP/S Ports",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Network - Anomalous Windows Process Using HTTP/S Ports",
-  "query": "(destination.port:443 or destination.port:80) and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not and not",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "b486fa9e-e6c7-44a1-b07d-7d5f07f21ce1",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_nmap_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_nmap_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index dc231e5edce1e..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_nmap_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows nmap activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows nmap activity",
-  "query": " and event.code:1",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "5a4b2a98-31a6-4852-b224-d63aeb9e172d",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_nmap_scan_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_nmap_scan_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ccd49169e6497..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_nmap_scan_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows nmap scan activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows nmap scan activity",
-  "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\"",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "54413985-a3da-4f45-b238-75afb65a1bae",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_payload_obfuscation_via_certutil.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_payload_obfuscation_via_certutil.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a331ca01474..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_payload_obfuscation_via_certutil.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Payload Obfuscation via Certutil",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Payload Obfuscation via Certutil",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and and (process.args:*encode* or process.args:*ToBase64String*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "ce7c270c-c69b-47dd-8c21-60a35e92f372",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_or_priv_escalation_via_hooking.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_or_priv_escalation_via_hooking.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 379cab0f07438..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_or_priv_escalation_via_hooking.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Persistence or Priv Escalation via Hooking",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Persistence or Priv Escalation via Hooking",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and and processs.args:*INJECTRUNNING*",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "015f070d-cf70-437c-99d1-472e31d36b03",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_application_shimming.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_application_shimming.json
index ca5daf772a22e..2c10382cdbc7c 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_application_shimming.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_application_shimming.json
@@ -1,20 +1,52 @@
-  "description": "Windows Persistence via Application Shimming",
+  "description": "The Application Shim was created to allow for backward compatibility of software as the operating system codebase changes over time. This Windows functionality has been abused by attackers to stealthily gain persistence and arbitrary code execution in legitimate Windows processes.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Persistence via Application Shimming",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Potential Application Shimming via Sdbinst",
   "query": "event.code:1 and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "fd4a992d-6130-4802-9ff8-829b89ae801f",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "D-SA",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0003",
+        "name": "Persistence",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1138",
+          "name": "Application Shimming",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0004",
+        "name": "Privilege Escalation",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1138",
+          "name": "Application Shimming",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_bits_jobs.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_bits_jobs.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6515f33fad0..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_bits_jobs.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Persistence via BITS Jobs",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Persistence via BITS Jobs",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and ( or process.args:*Start-BitsTransfer*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "7904fb20-172c-43fb-83e4-bfe27e3c702c",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_modification_of_existing_service.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_modification_of_existing_service.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b56a1ecd1e0..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_modification_of_existing_service.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Persistence via Modification of Existing Service",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Persistence via Modification of Existing Service",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and process.args:*sc*config*binpath* and ( or or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "3bb04809-84ab-4487-bd99-ccc58675bd40",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_netshell_helper_dll.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_netshell_helper_dll.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b31aa7033eb..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_persistence_via_netshell_helper_dll.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Persistence via Netshell Helper DLL",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Persistence via Netshell Helper DLL",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and and process.args:*helper*",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "d7c2561d-2758-46ad-b5a9-247efb9eea21",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_powershell_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_powershell_connecting_to_the_internet.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5198f85b999ac..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_powershell_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows: Powershell Connecting to the Internet",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: Powershell Connecting to the Internet",
-  "query": " and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\"  and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "a8cfa646-e4d8-48b5-884e-6204ba77fc8d",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_priv_escalation_via_accessibility_features.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_priv_escalation_via_accessibility_features.json
index f24460373f55d..23d05aaf526e3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_priv_escalation_via_accessibility_features.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_priv_escalation_via_accessibility_features.json
@@ -1,20 +1,52 @@
-  "description": "Windows Priv Escalation via Accessibility Features",
+  "description": "Windows contains accessibility features that may be launched with a key combination before a user has logged in. An adversary can modify the way these programs are launched to get a command prompt or backdoor without logging in to the system.",
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Priv Escalation via Accessibility Features",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Potential Modification of Accessibility Binaries",
   "query": "event.code:1 and and ( or or or or or or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "7405ddf1-6c8e-41ce-818f-48bea6bcaed8",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "D-SA",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0003",
+        "name": "Persistence",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1015",
+          "name": "Accessibility Features",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0004",
+        "name": "Privilege Escalation",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1015",
+          "name": "Accessibility Features",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_discovery_via_tasklist_command.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_discovery_via_tasklist_command.json
index fd2bfcf216bf3..5f5215ddff8c6 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_discovery_via_tasklist_command.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_discovery_via_tasklist_command.json
@@ -1,20 +1,40 @@
-  "description": "Windows Process Discovery via Tasklist Command",
+  "description": "Adversaries may attempt to get information about running processes on a system.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Administrators may use the tasklist command to display a list of currently running processes. By itself, it does not indicate malicious activity. After obtaining a foothold, it's possible adversaries may use discovery commands like tasklist to get information about running processes."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Process Discovery via Tasklist Command",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Process Discovery via Tasklist",
   "query": "event.code:1 and",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "cc16f774-59f9-462d-8b98-d27ccd4519ec",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "D-SA",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0007",
+        "name": "Discovery",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1057",
+          "name": "Process Discovery",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_execution_via_wmi.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_execution_via_wmi.json
index 1e14de81b7cb2..6d6343330a7ff 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_execution_via_wmi.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_execution_via_wmi.json
@@ -1,20 +1,39 @@
-  "description": "Process Execution via WMI",
+  "description": "Identifies use of scrcons.exe, which is a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Standard Event Consumer scripting application.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    " Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) processes can be used for an array of administrative capabilities. It's important to baseline your environment to determine any abnormal use of this tool."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Process Execution via WMI",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Execution via Scrcons",
   "query": "",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "7e6cd4b9-6346-4683-b3e6-6a3e66f3208f",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1047",
+          "name": "Windows Management Instrumentation",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_acrobat_reader_possible_payload.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_acrobat_reader_possible_payload.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 973a7df57f712..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_acrobat_reader_possible_payload.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Process started by Acrobat reader - possible payload",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Process started by Acrobat reader - possible payload",
-  "query": " and event.code:1",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "b6422896-b6e3-45c3-9d9e-4eccb2a25270",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_ms_office_program_possible_payload.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_ms_office_program_possible_payload.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cb7b234c21f8c..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_ms_office_program_possible_payload.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Process started by MS Office program - possible payload",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Process started by MS Office program - possible payload",
-  "query": " or or or or or and event.code:1",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "838dcec6-ce9a-4cdd-9ca8-f6512cf6d559",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_the_java_runtime.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_the_java_runtime.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c684be0732064..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_process_started_by_the_java_runtime.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows process started by the Java runtime",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows process started by the Java runtime",
-  "query": " and event.code:1",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "159168a1-b1d0-4e5c-ad72-c1e9ae2edec2",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_psexec_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_psexec_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e4c91b6f89cd4..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_psexec_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "PSexec activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "PSexec activity",
-  "query": " or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "3e61ab8b-0f39-4d2e-ab64-332f0d0b3ad7",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_register_server_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_register_server_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json
index a106eda988e94..b35e016be15d7 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_register_server_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_register_server_program_connecting_to_the_internet.json
@@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
-  "description": "Windows: Register Server Program Connecting to the Internet",
+  "description": "Identifies the native Windows tools regsvr32.exe and regsvr64.exe making a network connection.  This may be indicative of an attacker bypassing whitelisting or running arbitrary scripts via a signed Microsoft binary.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Security testing may produce events like this. Activity of this kind performed by non-engineers and ordinary users is unusual."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: Register Server Program Connecting to the Internet",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Network Connection via Regsvr",
   "query": "( or and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "fb02b8d3-71ee-4af1-bacd-215d23f17efa",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1117",
+          "name": "Regsvr32",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1117",
+          "name": "Regsvr32",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_registry_query_local.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_registry_query_local.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 49642d271d4ea..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_registry_query_local.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Registry Query, Local",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Registry Query, Local",
-  "query": "event.code: 1 and and process.args:*query* and process.args:*reg*",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "b9074c74-6d23-4b07-927e-cc18b318a088",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_registry_query_network.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_registry_query_network.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 884deb7645a67..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_registry_query_network.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Registry Query, Network",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Registry Query, Network",
-  "query": "event.code: 1 and and process.args:*query* and process.args:*reg*",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "f5412e37-981e-4d37-a1b2-eddaf797445a",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_remote_management_execution.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_remote_management_execution.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 08d96ad741502..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_remote_management_execution.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Remote Management Execution",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Remote Management Execution",
-  "query": "( or and (process.args:*Enable-PSRemoting -Force* or process.args:*Invoke-Command -computer_name* or process.args:*wmic*node*process call create*)",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "ced66221-3e07-40ee-8588-5f107e7d50d8",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_scheduled_task_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_scheduled_task_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 56f5b71ceb510..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_scheduled_task_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Scheduled Task Activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Scheduled Task Activity",
-  "query": "event.code:1 and ( or or (event.code:1 and and not process.parent.executable: \"C:\\Windows\\System32\\services.exe\" )",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "a1abd54d-3021-4f21-b2d1-0c6bc5c4051f",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_script_interpreter_connecting_to_the_internet.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_script_interpreter_connecting_to_the_internet.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a700ac0a48bc2..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_script_interpreter_connecting_to_the_internet.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows: Script Interpreter Connecting to the Internet",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows: Script Interpreter Connecting to the Internet",
-  "query": "( or and event.action:\"Network connection detected (rule: NetworkConnect)\" and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip: and not destination.ip:",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "2cc4597c-b0c9-4481-b1a6-e6c05cfc9f02",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution.json
index 1dc62c7b5db42..cf5135cc490eb 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution.json
@@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
-  "description": "Windows Signed Binary Proxy Execution",
+  "description": "Binaries signed with trusted digital certificates can execute on Windows systems protected by digital signature validation. Adversaries may use these binaries to 'live off the land' and execute malicious files that could bypass application whitelisting and signature validation.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Security testing may produce events like this. Activity of this kind performed by non-engineers and ordinary users is unusual."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Signed Binary Proxy Execution",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Execution via Signed Binary",
   "query": "event.code:1 and http and ( or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "7edb573f-1f9b-4161-8c19-c7c383bb17f2",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1218",
+          "name": "Signed Binary Proxy Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1218",
+          "name": "Signed Binary Proxy Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution_download.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution_download.json
index 717d99ee7901c..117a40d0fdcee 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution_download.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_signed_binary_proxy_execution_download.json
@@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
-  "description": "Windows Signed Binary Proxy Execution Download",
+  "description": "Binaries signed with trusted digital certificates can execute on Windows systems protected by digital signature validation. Adversaries may use these binaries to 'live off the land' and execute malicious files that could bypass application whitelisting and signature validation.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Security testing may produce events like this. Activity of this kind performed by non-engineers and ordinary users is unusual."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Signed Binary Proxy Execution Download",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Potential Download via Signed Binary",
   "query": " event.code:3 and http and ( or",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "68ecc190-cce2-4021-b976-c7c846ac0a00",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1218",
+          "name": "Signed Binary Proxy Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1218",
+          "name": "Signed Binary Proxy Execution",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_suspicious_process_started_by_a_script.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_suspicious_process_started_by_a_script.json
index 82733cbb6b21c..3691c59d784fb 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_suspicious_process_started_by_a_script.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_suspicious_process_started_by_a_script.json
@@ -1,20 +1,54 @@
-  "description": "Suspicious process started by a script",
+  "description": "Identifies a suspicious process being spawned from a script interpreter, which could be indicative of a potential phishing attack.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Security testing may produce events like this. Activity of this kind performed by non-engineers and ordinary users is unusual."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Suspicious process started by a script",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Suspicious Process Spawning from Script Interpreter",
   "query": "( or or or or or or and ( or or mshta.exe or or and event.code:1",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "89db767d-99f9-479f-8052-9205fd3090c4",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0005",
+        "name": "Defense Evasion",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1064",
+          "name": "Scripting",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0002",
+        "name": "Execution",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1064",
+          "name": "Scripting",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_whoami_command_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_whoami_command_activity.json
index 768cd65c5e4f5..3618d304dc32a 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_whoami_command_activity.json
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_whoami_command_activity.json
@@ -1,20 +1,39 @@
-  "description": "Windows whoami command activity",
+  "description": "Identifies use of whoami.exe which displays user, group, and privileges information for the user who is currently logged on to the local system.",
+  "false_positives": [
+    "Some normal use of this program, at varying levels of frequency, may originate from scripts, automation tools and frameworks. Usage by non-engineers and ordinary users is unusual."
+  ],
   "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
   "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows whoami command activity",
+  "max_signals": 33,
+  "name": "Whoami Process Activity",
   "query": " and event.code:1",
-  "risk_score": 50,
+  "risk_score": 21,
   "rule_id": "ef862985-3f13-4262-a686-5f357bbb9bc2",
   "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
+  "tags": [
+    "Elastic",
+    "Windows"
+  ],
+  "threat": [
+    {
+      "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK",
+      "tactic": {
+        "id": "TA0007",
+        "name": "Discovery",
+        "reference": ""
+      },
+      "technique": [
+        {
+          "id": "T1033",
+          "name": "System Owner/User Discovery",
+          "reference": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
   "type": "query",
   "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_windump_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_windump_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f33e95cfe2e9..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_windump_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "WinDump activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "WinDump activity",
-  "query": "",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "a342cfcb-8420-46a4-8d85-53edc631e0d6",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_wireshark_activity.json b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_wireshark_activity.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 72db4aed03c88..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/server/lib/detection_engine/rules/prepackaged_rules/windows_wireshark_activity.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-  "description": "Windows Wireshark activity",
-  "index": [
-    "apm-*-transaction*",
-    "auditbeat-*",
-    "endgame-*",
-    "filebeat-*",
-    "packetbeat-*",
-    "winlogbeat-*"
-  ],
-  "language": "kuery",
-  "name": "Windows Wireshark activity",
-  "query": "",
-  "risk_score": 50,
-  "rule_id": "9af965ed-d501-4541-97f6-5f8d2a39737b",
-  "severity": "low",
-  "tags": ["Elastic"],
-  "type": "query",
-  "version": 1

From 1504e830ac866f9acd7d84683022875c6ce2eaa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Wilhelm <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 05:36:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 34/36] Refactor saved object management registry usage

* Migrate registry to TypeScript

* Migrate management code

* Migrate SavedObjectLoader services registration to management section

* Replace Angular SavedSearchLoader in transform plugin

* Migrate saved_visualizations from visualize to visualizations plugin
 src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js       |  1 -
 .../dashboard/__tests__/saved_dashboards.js   | 36 ---------
 .../kibana/public/dashboard/index.ts          |  1 +
 .../kibana/public/dashboard/legacy.ts         |  1 -
 .../saved_dashboard_register.ts               | 46 -----------
 .../kibana/public/discover/build_services.ts  |  4 +-
 .../kibana/public/discover/index.ts           |  2 +-
 .../public/discover/saved_searches/index.ts   |  1 -
 .../discover/saved_searches/saved_searches.ts |  2 +-
 .../saved_searches/saved_searches_register.ts | 43 ----------
 .../management/saved_object_registry.js       | 32 --------
 .../management/saved_object_registry.ts       | 80 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../management/sections/objects/_objects.js   |  2 +-
 .../management/sections/objects/_view.js      | 13 +--
 .../sections/objects/breadcrumbs.js           |  4 +-
 .../kibana/public/visualize/index.ts          |  3 +-
 .../visualize/np_ready/editor/editor.js       |  1 -
 .../kibana/public/visualize/plugin.ts         | 31 +------
 .../core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js       |  3 +-
 .../timelion/public/services/saved_sheets.ts  |  9 ---
 .../visualize_embeddable_factory.tsx          | 23 ++----
 .../public/np_ready/public/index.ts           |  2 +
 .../public/np_ready/public/mocks.ts           |  1 +
 .../public/np_ready/public/plugin.ts          | 27 ++++++-
 .../saved_visualizations/_saved_vis.ts        | 12 +--
 .../saved_visualizations/find_list_items.js   |  0
 .../find_list_items.test.js                   |  0
 .../public}/saved_visualizations/index.ts     |  2 +-
 .../saved_visualization_references.test.ts    |  2 +-
 .../saved_visualization_references.ts         |  4 +-
 .../saved_visualizations.ts                   | 14 ++--
 .../legacy/plugins/transform/public/plugin.ts | 21 +++--
 .../legacy/plugins/transform/public/shim.ts   |  9 ++-
 33 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 268 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/__tests__/saved_dashboards.js
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard_register.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/saved_searches_register.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/saved_object_registry.js
 create mode 100644 src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/saved_object_registry.ts
 rename src/legacy/core_plugins/{kibana/public/visualize => visualizations/public}/saved_visualizations/_saved_vis.ts (92%)
 rename src/legacy/core_plugins/{kibana/public/visualize => visualizations/public}/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.js (100%)
 rename src/legacy/core_plugins/{kibana/public/visualize => visualizations/public}/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.test.js (100%)
 rename src/legacy/core_plugins/{kibana/public/visualize => visualizations/public}/saved_visualizations/index.ts (95%)
 rename src/legacy/core_plugins/{kibana/public/visualize => visualizations/public}/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.test.ts (98%)
 rename src/legacy/core_plugins/{kibana/public/visualize => visualizations/public}/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.ts (96%)
 rename src/legacy/core_plugins/{kibana/public/visualize => visualizations/public}/saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations.ts (85%)

diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js
index 97729a3fce069..8e0497732e230 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/index.js
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ export default function(kibana) {
-      savedObjectTypes: ['plugins/kibana/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard_register'],
       app: {
         id: 'kibana',
         title: 'Kibana',
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/__tests__/saved_dashboards.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/__tests__/saved_dashboards.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b387467189385..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/__tests__/saved_dashboards.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import ngMock from 'ng_mock';
-import expect from '@kbn/expect';
-describe('SavedDashboards Service', function() {
-  let savedDashboardLoader;
-  beforeEach(ngMock.module('kibana'));
-  beforeEach(
-    ngMock.inject(function(savedDashboards) {
-      savedDashboardLoader = savedDashboards;
-    })
-  );
-  it('delete returns a native promise', function() {
-    expect(savedDashboardLoader.delete(['1', '2']));
-  });
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/index.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/index.ts
index 4a8decab6b00e..d0157882689d3 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/index.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/index.ts
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import { PluginInitializerContext } from 'kibana/public';
 import { DashboardPlugin } from './plugin';
 export * from './np_ready/dashboard_constants';
+export { createSavedDashboardLoader } from './saved_dashboard/saved_dashboards';
 // Core will be looking for this when loading our plugin in the new platform
 export const plugin = (context: PluginInitializerContext) => {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/legacy.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/legacy.ts
index 068a8378f936a..acbc4c4b6c47f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/legacy.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/legacy.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import { npSetup, npStart, legacyChrome } from './legacy_imports';
 import { LegacyAngularInjectedDependencies } from './plugin';
 import { start as data } from '../../../data/public/legacy';
 import { start as embeddables } from '../../../embeddable_api/public/np_ready/public/legacy';
-import './saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard_register';
 import './dashboard_config';
 import { plugin } from './index';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard_register.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard_register.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b9ea49ca4fd44..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/dashboard/saved_dashboard/saved_dashboard_register.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
-import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
-// @ts-ignore
-import { uiModules } from 'ui/modules';
-// @ts-ignore
-import { savedObjectManagementRegistry } from '../../management/saved_object_registry';
-import { createSavedDashboardLoader } from './saved_dashboards';
-const module = uiModules.get('app/dashboard');
-// Register this service with the saved object registry so it can be
-// edited by the object editor.
-  service: 'savedDashboards',
-  title: i18n.translate('kbn.dashboard.savedDashboardsTitle', {
-    defaultMessage: 'dashboards',
-  }),
-// this is no longer used in the conroller, but just here for savedObjectManagementRegistry
-module.service('savedDashboards', () =>
-  createSavedDashboardLoader({
-    savedObjectsClient: npStart.core.savedObjects.client,
-    indexPatterns:,
-    chrome:,
-    overlays: npStart.core.overlays,
-  })
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/build_services.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/build_services.ts
index 1fb8b4abb21c4..bc2436ecdf5ea 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/build_services.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/build_services.ts
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import {
 } from 'src/plugins/data/public';
-import { createSavedSearchesService } from './saved_searches';
+import { createSavedSearchesLoader } from './saved_searches';
 import { DiscoverStartPlugins } from './plugin';
 import { EuiUtilsStart } from '../../../../../plugins/eui_utils/public';
 import { SharePluginStart } from '../../../../../plugins/share/public';
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ export async function buildServices(
     overlays: core.overlays,
-  const savedObjectService = createSavedSearchesService(services);
+  const savedObjectService = createSavedSearchesLoader(services);
   return {
     addBasePath: core.http.basePath.prepend,
     capabilities: core.application.capabilities,
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/index.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/index.ts
index d851cb96a18c4..33b2ad4bf8171 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/index.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/index.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import { PluginInitializerContext } from 'kibana/public';
 import { DiscoverPlugin } from './plugin';
-export { createSavedSearchesService } from './saved_searches/saved_searches';
+export { createSavedSearchesLoader } from './saved_searches/saved_searches';
 // Core will be looking for this when loading our plugin in the new platform
 export const plugin = (context: PluginInitializerContext) => {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/index.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/index.ts
index 1dd99025b4b70..24832df308a3e 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/index.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/index.ts
@@ -18,4 +18,3 @@
 export * from './saved_searches';
-import './saved_searches_register';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/saved_searches.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/saved_searches.ts
index abd3d46820c18..0b34652461026 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/saved_searches.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/saved_searches.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { SavedObjectLoader } from 'ui/saved_objects';
 import { SavedObjectKibanaServices } from 'ui/saved_objects/types';
 import { createSavedSearchClass } from './_saved_search';
-export function createSavedSearchesService(services: SavedObjectKibanaServices) {
+export function createSavedSearchesLoader(services: SavedObjectKibanaServices) {
   const SavedSearchClass = createSavedSearchClass(services);
   const savedSearchLoader = new SavedObjectLoader(
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/saved_searches_register.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/saved_searches_register.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ab7894fd5e730..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches/saved_searches_register.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
-// @ts-ignore
-import { uiModules } from 'ui/modules';
-// @ts-ignore
-import { savedObjectManagementRegistry } from '../../management/saved_object_registry';
-import { createSavedSearchesService } from './saved_searches';
-// this is needed for saved object management
-// Register this service with the saved object registry so it can be
-// edited by the object editor.
-  service: 'savedSearches',
-  title: 'searches',
-const services = {
-  savedObjectsClient: npStart.core.savedObjects.client,
-  indexPatterns:,
-  chrome:,
-  overlays: npStart.core.overlays,
-const savedSearches = createSavedSearchesService(services);
-const module = uiModules.get('discover/saved_searches');
-module.service('savedSearches', () => savedSearches);
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/saved_object_registry.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/saved_object_registry.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 978459dea7c2d..0000000000000
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/saved_object_registry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import _ from 'lodash';
-const registry = [];
-export const savedObjectManagementRegistry = {
-  register: function(service) {
-    registry.push(service);
-  },
-  all: function() {
-    return registry;
-  },
-  get: function(id) {
-    return _.find(registry, { service: id });
-  },
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/saved_object_registry.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/saved_object_registry.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0a6ac20502669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/saved_object_registry.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
+ * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
+ * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import _ from 'lodash';
+import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
+import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
+import { SavedObjectLoader } from 'ui/saved_objects';
+import { createSavedDashboardLoader } from '../dashboard';
+import { createSavedSearchesLoader } from '../discover';
+import { TypesService, createSavedVisLoader } from '../../../visualizations/public';
+ * This registry is used for the editing mode of Saved Searches, Visualizations,
+ * Dashboard and Time Lion saved objects.
+ */
+interface SavedObjectRegistryEntry {
+  id: string;
+  service: SavedObjectLoader;
+  title: string;
+const registry: SavedObjectRegistryEntry[] = [];
+export const savedObjectManagementRegistry = {
+  register: (service: SavedObjectRegistryEntry) => {
+    registry.push(service);
+  },
+  all: () => {
+    return registry;
+  },
+  get: (id: string) => {
+    return _.find(registry, { id });
+  },
+const services = {
+  savedObjectsClient: npStart.core.savedObjects.client,
+  indexPatterns:,
+  chrome:,
+  overlays: npStart.core.overlays,
+  id: 'savedVisualizations',
+  service: createSavedVisLoader({
+    ...{ visualizationTypes: new TypesService().start() },
+  }),
+  title: 'visualizations',
+  id: 'savedDashboards',
+  service: createSavedDashboardLoader(services),
+  title: i18n.translate('kbn.dashboard.savedDashboardsTitle', {
+    defaultMessage: 'dashboards',
+  }),
+  id: 'savedSearches',
+  service: createSavedSearchesLoader(services),
+  title: 'searches',
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/_objects.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/_objects.js
index c9698f6e1f48b..c16e4cb00c2bd 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/_objects.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/_objects.js
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ function updateObjectsTable($scope, $injector) {
   const confirmModalPromise = $injector.get('confirmModalPromise');
   const savedObjectsClient = npStart.core.savedObjects.client;
-  const services = savedObjectManagementRegistry.all().map(obj => $injector.get(obj.service));
+  const services = savedObjectManagementRegistry.all().map(obj => obj.service);
   const uiCapabilites = npStart.core.application.capabilities;
   $scope.$$postDigest(() => {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/_view.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/_view.js
index 540f25c63a861..3205e28fe2314 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/_view.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/_view.js
@@ -49,17 +49,9 @@ uiModules
   .directive('kbnManagementObjectsView', function(kbnIndex, confirmModal) {
     return {
       restrict: 'E',
-      controller: function(
-        $scope,
-        $injector,
-        $routeParams,
-        $location,
-        $window,
-        $rootScope,
-        uiCapabilities
-      ) {
+      controller: function($scope, $routeParams, $location, $window, $rootScope, uiCapabilities) {
         const serviceObj = savedObjectManagementRegistry.get($routeParams.service);
-        const service = $injector.get(serviceObj.service);
+        const service = serviceObj.service;
         const savedObjectsClient = npStart.core.savedObjects.client;
@@ -184,6 +176,7 @@ uiModules
                 return orderIndex > -1 ? orderIndex : Infinity;
+            $scope.$digest();
           .catch(error => fatalError(error, location));
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/breadcrumbs.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/breadcrumbs.js
index 49e57a7c40b16..e9082bfeb680d 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/breadcrumbs.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/management/sections/objects/breadcrumbs.js
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ export function getIndexBreadcrumbs() {
-export function getViewBreadcrumbs($routeParams, $injector) {
+export function getViewBreadcrumbs($routeParams) {
   const serviceObj = savedObjectManagementRegistry.get($routeParams.service);
-  const service = $injector.get(serviceObj.service);
+  const { service } = serviceObj;
   return [
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/index.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/index.ts
index a39779792b83a..e7170836cf749 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/index.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/index.ts
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ import { VisualizePlugin } from './plugin';
 export * from './np_ready/visualize_constants';
 export { showNewVisModal } from './np_ready/wizard';
-export { createSavedVisLoader } from './saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations';
+export { VisualizeConstants, createVisualizeEditUrl } from './np_ready/visualize_constants';
 // Core will be looking for this when loading our plugin in the new platform
 export const plugin = (context: PluginInitializerContext) => {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/np_ready/editor/editor.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/np_ready/editor/editor.js
index 261e3331e4796..2a4fdeb4e4016 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/np_ready/editor/editor.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/np_ready/editor/editor.js
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import angular from 'angular';
 import _ from 'lodash';
 import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
-import '../../saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations';
 import React from 'react';
 import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n/react';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/plugin.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/plugin.ts
index 998fd2e2d9161..26c6691a3613f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/plugin.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/plugin.ts
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ import {
 } from 'kibana/public';
-// @ts-ignore
-import { uiModules } from 'ui/modules';
 import { Storage } from '../../../../../plugins/kibana_utils/public';
 import { DataPublicPluginStart } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { IEmbeddableStart } from '../../../../../plugins/embeddable/public';
@@ -44,9 +41,6 @@ import {
 } from '../../../../../plugins/home/public';
 import { UsageCollectionSetup } from '../../../../../plugins/usage_collection/public';
-import { createSavedVisLoader } from './saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations';
-// @ts-ignore
-import { savedObjectManagementRegistry } from '../management/saved_object_registry';
 import { Chrome } from './legacy_imports';
 export interface VisualizePluginStartDependencies {
@@ -97,13 +91,6 @@ export class VisualizePlugin implements Plugin {
         } = this.startDependencies;
-        const savedVisualizations = createSavedVisLoader({
-          savedObjectsClient,
-          indexPatterns: data.indexPatterns,
-          chrome:,
-          overlays: contextCore.overlays,
-          visualizations,
-        });
         const deps: VisualizeKibanaServices = {
           addBasePath: contextCore.http.basePath.prepend,
@@ -116,7 +103,7 @@ export class VisualizePlugin implements Plugin {
           localStorage: new Storage(localStorage),
-          savedVisualizations,
+          savedVisualizations: visualizations.getSavedVisualizationsLoader(),
           savedQueryService: data.query.savedQueries,
           toastNotifications: contextCore.notifications.toasts,
@@ -158,21 +145,5 @@ export class VisualizePlugin implements Plugin {
-    const savedVisualizations = createSavedVisLoader({
-      savedObjectsClient: core.savedObjects.client,
-      indexPatterns: data.indexPatterns,
-      chrome:,
-      overlays: core.overlays,
-      visualizations,
-    });
-    // TODO: remove once savedobjectregistry is refactored
-    savedObjectManagementRegistry.register({
-      service: 'savedVisualizations',
-      title: 'visualizations',
-    });
-    uiModules.get('app/visualize').service('savedVisualizations', () => savedVisualizations);
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js
index 084e497761e43..e9f8e3496acf4 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/app.js
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import '../../data/public/legacy';
 import './services/saved_sheet_register';
 import rootTemplate from 'plugins/timelion/index.html';
-import { createSavedVisLoader } from '../../kibana/public/visualize';
+import { createSavedVisLoader, TypesService } from '../../visualizations/public';
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ app.controller('timelion', function(
     overlays: npStart.core.overlays,
+    visualizationTypes: new TypesService().start(),
   const timezone = Private(timezoneProvider)();
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/services/saved_sheets.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/services/saved_sheets.ts
index df3898e3410dd..074431bf28da8 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/services/saved_sheets.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/services/saved_sheets.ts
@@ -19,20 +19,11 @@
 import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
 import { SavedObjectLoader } from 'ui/saved_objects';
 // @ts-ignore
-import { savedObjectManagementRegistry } from 'plugins/kibana/management/saved_object_registry';
-// @ts-ignore
 import { uiModules } from 'ui/modules';
 import { createSavedSheetClass } from './_saved_sheet';
 const module = uiModules.get('app/sheet');
-// Register this service with the saved object registry so it can be
-// edited by the object editor.
-  service: 'savedSheets',
-  title: 'sheets',
 const savedObjectsClient = npStart.core.savedObjects.client;
 const services = {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable_factory.tsx b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable_factory.tsx
index 3f29f97afee48..e5836c1372068 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable_factory.tsx
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable_factory.tsx
@@ -18,17 +18,14 @@
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
-import chrome from 'ui/chrome';
-import { SavedObjectAttributes } from 'kibana/server';
+import { SavedObjectAttributes } from 'kibana/public';
 import {
 } from '../../../../../plugins/embeddable/public';
-import { showNewVisModal } from '../../../kibana/public/visualize/np_ready/wizard/show_new_vis';
+import { showNewVisModal } from '../../../kibana/public/visualize';
 import { SavedVisualizations } from '../../../kibana/public/visualize/np_ready/types';
 import { DisabledLabEmbeddable } from './disabled_lab_embeddable';
 import { getIndexPattern } from './get_index_pattern';
@@ -61,11 +58,7 @@ export class VisualizeEmbeddableFactory extends EmbeddableFactory<
 > {
   public readonly type = VISUALIZE_EMBEDDABLE_TYPE;
-  static async createVisualizeEmbeddableFactory(): Promise<VisualizeEmbeddableFactory> {
-    return new VisualizeEmbeddableFactory();
-  }
-  constructor() {
+  constructor(private getSavedVisualizationsLoader: () => SavedVisualizations) {
       savedObjectMetaData: {
         name: i18n.translate('visualizations.savedObjectName', { defaultMessage: 'Visualization' }),
@@ -111,8 +104,7 @@ export class VisualizeEmbeddableFactory extends EmbeddableFactory<
     input: Partial<VisualizeInput> & { id: string },
     parent?: Container
   ): Promise<VisualizeEmbeddable | ErrorEmbeddable | DisabledLabEmbeddable> {
-    const $injector = await chrome.dangerouslyGetActiveInjector();
-    const savedVisualizations = $injector.get<SavedVisualizations>('savedVisualizations');
+    const savedVisualizations = this.getSavedVisualizationsLoader();
     try {
       const visId = as string;
@@ -151,13 +143,10 @@ export class VisualizeEmbeddableFactory extends EmbeddableFactory<
     input: Partial<VisualizeInput> & { id: string },
     parent?: Container
   ): Promise<VisualizeEmbeddable | ErrorEmbeddable | DisabledLabEmbeddable> {
-    const $injector = await chrome.dangerouslyGetActiveInjector();
-    const savedVisualizations = $injector.get<SavedVisualizations>('savedVisualizations');
+    const savedVisualizations = this.getSavedVisualizationsLoader();
     try {
-      const visId = savedObjectId;
-      const savedObject = await savedVisualizations.get(visId);
+      const savedObject = await savedVisualizations.get(savedObjectId);
       return this.createFromObject(savedObject, input, parent);
     } catch (e) {
       console.error(e); // eslint-disable-line no-console
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/index.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/index.ts
index 29ff812b95473..4dffcb8ce995e 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/index.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/index.ts
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export function plugin(initializerContext: PluginInitializerContext) {
 /** @public static code */
 export { Vis, VisParams, VisState } from './vis';
 export * from './filters';
+export { TypesService } from './types/types_service';
 export { Status } from './legacy/update_status';
 export { buildPipeline, buildVislibDimensions, SchemaConfig } from './legacy/build_pipeline';
@@ -54,3 +55,4 @@ export { updateOldState } from './legacy/vis_update_state';
 export { calculateObjectHash } from './legacy/calculate_object_hash';
 // @ts-ignore
 export { createFiltersFromEvent } from './filters/vis_filters';
+export { createSavedVisLoader } from '../../saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/mocks.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/mocks.ts
index 2fa85d86a794e..4c1783408708a 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/mocks.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/mocks.ts
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ const createStartContract = (): VisualizationsStart => ({
     all: jest.fn(),
     getAliases: jest.fn(),
+  getSavedVisualizationsLoader: jest.fn(),
 const createInstance = async () => {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/plugin.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/plugin.ts
index cfd22f88167c5..01059044b98c2 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/plugin.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/plugin.ts
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ import { visualization as visualizationFunction } from './expressions/visualizat
 import { visualization as visualizationRenderer } from './expressions/visualization_renderer';
 import { DataPublicPluginStart } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
 import { UsageCollectionSetup } from '../../../../../../plugins/usage_collection/public';
+import {
+  createSavedVisLoader,
+  SavedObjectKibanaServicesWithVisualizations,
+} from '../../saved_visualizations';
+import { SavedVisualizations } from '../../../../kibana/public/visualize/np_ready/types';
  * Interface for this plugin's returned setup/start contracts.
@@ -47,9 +52,9 @@ export interface VisualizationsSetup {
   types: TypesSetup;
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
 export interface VisualizationsStart {
   types: TypesStart;
+  getSavedVisualizationsLoader: () => SavedVisualizations;
 export interface VisualizationsSetupDeps {
@@ -79,6 +84,8 @@ export class VisualizationsPlugin
     > {
   private readonly types: TypesService = new TypesService();
+  private savedVisualizations?: SavedVisualizations;
+  private savedVisualizationDependencies?: SavedObjectKibanaServicesWithVisualizations;
   constructor(initializerContext: PluginInitializerContext) {}
@@ -92,7 +99,7 @@ export class VisualizationsPlugin
-    const embeddableFactory = new VisualizeEmbeddableFactory();
+    const embeddableFactory = new VisualizeEmbeddableFactory(this.getSavedVisualizationsLoader);
     embeddable.registerEmbeddableFactory(VISUALIZE_EMBEDDABLE_TYPE, embeddableFactory);
     return {
@@ -110,12 +117,28 @@ export class VisualizationsPlugin
+    this.savedVisualizationDependencies = {
+      savedObjectsClient: core.savedObjects.client,
+      indexPatterns: data.indexPatterns,
+      chrome:,
+      overlays: core.overlays,
+      visualizationTypes: types,
+    };
     return {
+      getSavedVisualizationsLoader: () => this.getSavedVisualizationsLoader(),
   public stop() {
+  private getSavedVisualizationsLoader = () => {
+    if (!this.savedVisualizations) {
+      this.savedVisualizations = createSavedVisLoader(this.savedVisualizationDependencies!);
+    }
+    return this.savedVisualizations;
+  };
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/_saved_vis.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/_saved_vis.ts
similarity index 92%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/_saved_vis.ts
rename to src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/_saved_vis.ts
index a0a6f8ea1c8a2..b501c8b68484f 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/_saved_vis.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/_saved_vis.ts
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
 import { Vis } from 'ui/vis';
 import { SavedObject, SavedObjectKibanaServices } from 'ui/saved_objects/types';
 import { createSavedObjectClass } from 'ui/saved_objects/saved_object';
-import { updateOldState } from '../../../../visualizations/public';
+import { updateOldState } from '../index';
 import { extractReferences, injectReferences } from './saved_visualization_references';
-import { IIndexPattern } from '../../../../../../plugins/data/public';
-import { VisSavedObject } from '../legacy_imports';
+import { IIndexPattern } from '../../../../../plugins/data/public';
+import { VisSavedObject } from '../embeddable/visualize_embeddable';
-import { createSavedSearchesService } from '../../discover';
-import { VisualizeConstants } from '../np_ready/visualize_constants';
+import { createSavedSearchesLoader } from '../../../kibana/public/discover';
+import { VisualizeConstants } from '../../../kibana/public/visualize';
 async function _afterEsResp(savedVis: VisSavedObject, services: any) {
   await _getLinkedSavedSearch(savedVis, services);
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ async function _getLinkedSavedSearch(savedVis: VisSavedObject, services: any) {
     delete savedVis.savedSearch;
-  const savedSearches = createSavedSearchesService(services);
+  const savedSearches = createSavedSearchesLoader(services);
   if (linkedSearch) {
     savedVis.savedSearch = await savedSearches.get(savedVis.savedSearchId!);
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.js
rename to src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.js
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.test.js b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.test.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.test.js
rename to src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/find_list_items.test.js
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/index.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/index.ts
similarity index 95%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/index.ts
rename to src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/index.ts
index 62bf106adc0d0..cba68feca81f7 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/index.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/index.ts
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
  * under the License.
-import './saved_visualizations';
+export * from './saved_visualizations';
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.test.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.test.ts
similarity index 98%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.test.ts
rename to src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.test.ts
index 98f5458d5eecc..6549b317d1634 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.test.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.test.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import { extractReferences, injectReferences } from './saved_visualization_references';
-import { VisSavedObject } from '../../../../visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable';
+import { VisSavedObject } from '../embeddable/visualize_embeddable';
 describe('extractReferences', () => {
   test('extracts nothing if savedSearchId is empty', () => {
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.ts
similarity index 96%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.ts
rename to src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.ts
index 403e9c5a8172d..330f5e2dacd10 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualization_references.ts
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-import { SavedObjectAttributes, SavedObjectReference } from 'kibana/server';
-import { VisSavedObject } from '../../../../visualizations/public/embeddable/visualize_embeddable';
+import { SavedObjectAttributes, SavedObjectReference } from 'kibana/public';
+import { VisSavedObject } from '../embeddable/visualize_embeddable';
 export function extractReferences({
diff --git a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations.ts b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations.ts
similarity index 85%
rename from src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations.ts
rename to src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations.ts
index d51fae7428939..4b2a8e27c0208 100644
--- a/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/visualize/saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations.ts
+++ b/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/saved_visualizations/saved_visualizations.ts
@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ import { SavedObjectKibanaServices } from 'ui/saved_objects/types';
 // @ts-ignore
 import { findListItems } from './find_list_items';
 import { createSavedVisClass } from './_saved_vis';
-import { createVisualizeEditUrl } from '../np_ready/visualize_constants';
-import { VisualizationsStart } from '../../../../visualizations/public/np_ready/public';
+import { createVisualizeEditUrl } from '../../../kibana/public/visualize';
+import { TypesStart } from '../np_ready/public/types';
-interface SavedObjectKibanaServicesWithVisualizations extends SavedObjectKibanaServices {
-  visualizations: VisualizationsStart;
+export interface SavedObjectKibanaServicesWithVisualizations extends SavedObjectKibanaServices {
+  visualizationTypes: TypesStart;
 export function createSavedVisLoader(services: SavedObjectKibanaServicesWithVisualizations) {
-  const { savedObjectsClient, visualizations } = services;
+  const { savedObjectsClient, visualizationTypes } = services;
   class SavedObjectLoaderVisualize extends SavedObjectLoader {
     mapHitSource = (source: Record<string, any>, id: string) => {
-      const visTypes = visualizations.types;
+      const visTypes = visualizationTypes; = id;
       source.url = this.urlFor(id);
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export function createSavedVisLoader(services: SavedObjectKibanaServicesWithVisu
         mapSavedObjectApiHits: this.mapSavedObjectApiHits.bind(this),
-        visTypes: visualizations.types.getAliases(),
+        visTypes: visualizationTypes.getAliases(),
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/transform/public/plugin.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/transform/public/plugin.ts
index 5d1c39add4ff6..3b02d07b8c150 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/transform/public/plugin.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/transform/public/plugin.ts
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
 import { unmountComponentAtNode } from 'react-dom';
 import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';
-import { SavedSearchLoader } from '../../../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/np_ready/types';
 import { PLUGIN } from '../common/constants';
 import { CLIENT_BASE_PATH } from './app/constants';
 import { renderReact } from './app/app';
@@ -19,6 +15,7 @@ import { documentationLinksService } from './app/services/documentation';
 import { httpService } from './app/services/http';
 import { textService } from './app/services/text';
 import { uiMetricService } from './app/services/ui_metric';
+import { createSavedSearchesLoader } from '../../../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/saved_searches';
 const REACT_ROOT_ID = 'transformReactRoot';
 const KBN_MANAGEMENT_SECTION = 'elasticsearch/transform';
@@ -36,12 +33,13 @@ export class Plugin {
+      overlays,
     } = core;
     const { management, savedSearches: coreSavedSearches, uiMetric } = plugins;
     // AppCore/AppPlugins to be passed on as React context
     const AppDependencies = {
-      core: { chrome, http, i18n: core.i18n, uiSettings, savedObjects },
+      core: { chrome, http, i18n: core.i18n, uiSettings, savedObjects, overlays },
       plugins: {
         management: { sections: management.sections },
         savedSearches: coreSavedSearches,
@@ -77,12 +75,13 @@ export class Plugin {
     routing.registerAngularRoute(`${CLIENT_BASE_PATH}/:section?/:subsection?/:view?/:id?`, {
       controllerAs: 'transformController',
-      controller: (
-        $scope: any,
-        $route: any,
-        $http: ng.IHttpService,
-        savedSearches: SavedSearchLoader
-      ) => {
+      controller: ($scope: any, $route: any, $http: ng.IHttpService) => {
+        const savedSearches = createSavedSearchesLoader({
+          savedObjectsClient: core.savedObjects.client,
+          indexPatterns:,
+          chrome:,
+          overlays: core.overlays,
+        });
         // NOTE: We depend upon Angular's $http service because it's decorated with interceptors,
         // e.g. to check license status per request.
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/transform/public/shim.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/transform/public/shim.ts
index d739dd2edddcc..758cc90210579 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/transform/public/shim.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/transform/public/shim.ts
@@ -9,16 +9,21 @@ import { npStart } from 'ui/new_platform';
 import { management, MANAGEMENT_BREADCRUMB } from 'ui/management';
 import routes from 'ui/routes';
 import { docTitle } from 'ui/doc_title/doc_title';
+import { CoreStart } from 'kibana/public';
 // @ts-ignore: allow traversal to fail on x-pack build
 import { createUiStatsReporter } from '../../../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/ui_metric/public';
 import { SavedSearchLoader } from '../../../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/discover/np_ready/types';
+import { DataPublicPluginStart } from '../../../../../src/plugins/data/public';
 export type npCore = typeof npStart.core;
 // AppCore/AppPlugins is the set of core features/plugins
 // we pass on via context/hooks to the app and its components.
-export type AppCore = Pick<npCore, 'chrome' | 'http' | 'i18n' | 'savedObjects' | 'uiSettings'>;
+export type AppCore = Pick<
+  CoreStart,
+  'chrome' | 'http' | 'i18n' | 'savedObjects' | 'uiSettings' | 'overlays'
 export interface AppPlugins {
   management: {
@@ -64,6 +69,7 @@ export interface Plugins extends AppPlugins {
   uiMetric: {
     createUiStatsReporter: typeof createUiStatsReporter;
+  data: DataPublicPluginStart;
 export function createPublicShim(): { core: Core; plugins: Plugins } {
@@ -101,6 +107,7 @@ export function createPublicShim(): { core: Core; plugins: Plugins } {
     plugins: {
+      data:,
       management: {
         sections: management,
         constants: {

From 3db8cb34b09f0649e0cba0e5cdf17374f745db5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brandon Morelli <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 21:03:06 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 35/36] [docs] Remove unused callout (#56032)

 docs/api/saved-objects/import.asciidoc | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/docs/api/saved-objects/import.asciidoc b/docs/api/saved-objects/import.asciidoc
index 5b4c5016be4ed..1a380830ed21a 100644
--- a/docs/api/saved-objects/import.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/api/saved-objects/import.asciidoc
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Import an index pattern and dashboard:
-$ curl -X POST "localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_import" -H "kbn-xsrf: true" --form file=@file.ndjson <1>
+$ curl -X POST "localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_import" -H "kbn-xsrf: true" --form file=@file.ndjson
 The `file.ndjson` file contains the following:

From fc10fb6b4fc4d5073a1861577a5d643ff321bb3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MadameSheema <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 10:04:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 36/36] [SIEM] Fields browser readable (#56000)

* extracts methods to tasks

* uses cypress api for assertions

* refactor

* removes tag
 .../integration/lib/fields_browser/helpers.ts |   8 +-
 .../integration/lib/timeline/selectors.ts     |   3 +
 .../fields_browser/fields_browser.spec.ts     | 136 +++++++-----------
 .../cypress/screens/hosts/fields_browser.ts   |   2 -
 .../screens/timeline/fields_browser.ts        |  60 ++++++++
 .../siem/cypress/screens/timeline/main.ts     |  18 +++
 .../cypress/tasks/timeline/fields_browser.ts  |  61 ++++++++
 .../siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/main.ts       |  31 ++++
 8 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/timeline/fields_browser.ts
 create mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/timeline/main.ts
 create mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/fields_browser.ts
 create mode 100644 x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/main.ts

diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/lib/fields_browser/helpers.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/lib/fields_browser/helpers.ts
index 405c8eb34d6fc..b02eda513cba3 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/lib/fields_browser/helpers.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/lib/fields_browser/helpers.ts
@@ -4,18 +4,14 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import {
-} from './selectors';
 import {
 } from '../timeline/helpers';
-import { TIMELINE_DATA_PROVIDERS } from '../timeline/selectors';
+import { TIMELINE_DATA_PROVIDERS, TIMELINE_FIELDS_BUTTON } from '../timeline/selectors';
 /** Opens the timeline's Field Browser */
 export const openTimelineFieldsBrowser = () => {
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/lib/timeline/selectors.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/lib/timeline/selectors.ts
index 0ec0c506cbb1a..5515c1f7d58e2 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/lib/timeline/selectors.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/lib/timeline/selectors.ts
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 /** A data provider rendered in the timeline's data providers drop area */
 export const DATA_PROVIDER = '[data-test-subj="providerContainer"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="show-field-browser"]';
 /** Data providers are dropped and rendered in this area of the timeline */
 export const TIMELINE_DATA_PROVIDERS = '[data-test-subj="dataProviders"]';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/smoke_tests/fields_browser/fields_browser.spec.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/smoke_tests/fields_browser/fields_browser.spec.ts
index d1289732b6d7d..2889d78891a06 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/smoke_tests/fields_browser/fields_browser.spec.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/integration/smoke_tests/fields_browser/fields_browser.spec.ts
@@ -4,27 +4,40 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { drag, drop } from '../../lib/drag_n_drop/helpers';
-import {
-  clearFieldsBrowser,
-  clickOutsideFieldsBrowser,
-  openTimelineFieldsBrowser,
-  populateTimeline,
-  filterFieldsBrowser,
-} from '../../lib/fields_browser/helpers';
+import { HOSTS_PAGE } from '../../lib/urls';
+import { loginAndWaitForPage, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } from '../../../tasks/login';
 import {
-} from '../../lib/fields_browser/selectors';
-import { HOSTS_PAGE } from '../../lib/urls';
-import { loginAndWaitForPage, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } from '../../lib/util/helpers';
+} from '../../../screens/timeline/fields_browser';
+import {
+  openTimeline,
+  populateTimeline,
+  openTimelineFieldsBrowser,
+} from '../../../tasks/timeline/main';
+import {
+  clearFieldsBrowser,
+  filterFieldsBrowser,
+  closeFieldsBrowser,
+  removesMessageField,
+  addsHostGeoCityNameToTimeline,
+  addsHostGeoCountryNameToTimelineDraggingIt,
+  addsHostGeoContinentNameToTimeline,
+  resetFields,
+} from '../../../tasks/timeline/fields_browser';
 const defaultHeaders = [
   { id: '@timestamp' },
@@ -41,6 +54,7 @@ describe('Fields Browser', () => {
   context('Fields Browser rendering', () => {
     before(() => {
+      openTimeline();
@@ -78,7 +92,7 @@ describe('Fields Browser', () => {
         .should('eq', '2 categories');
@@ -88,18 +102,13 @@ describe('Fields Browser', () => {
-      cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_FILTER_INPUT, { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT }).should(
-        'not.have.class',
-        'euiFieldSearch-isLoading'
-      );
         .then(hostCategoriesCount => {
             .then(systemCategoriesCount => {
-              cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_FIELDS_COUNT)
+              cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_FIELDS_COUNT, { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT })
                 .should('eq', `${+hostCategoriesCount + +systemCategoriesCount} fields`);
@@ -120,6 +129,7 @@ describe('Fields Browser', () => {
   context('Editing the timeline', () => {
     before(() => {
+      openTimeline();
@@ -130,31 +140,17 @@ describe('Fields Browser', () => {
     it('removes the message field from the timeline when the user un-checks the field', () => {
-      const toggleField = 'message';
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`).should(
-        'exist'
-      );
+      cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_MESSAGE_HEADER).should('exist');
-      cy.get(
-        `[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="field-${toggleField}-checkbox"]`
-      ).uncheck({
-        force: true,
-      });
+      removesMessageField();
+      closeFieldsBrowser();
-      clickOutsideFieldsBrowser();
-      cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_CONTAINER).should('not.exist');
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`).should(
-        'not.exist'
-      );
+      cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_MESSAGE_HEADER).should('not.exist');
     it('selects a search results label with the expected count of categories matching the filter input', () => {
       const category = 'host';
-      filterFieldsBrowser(`${category}.`);
+      filterFieldsBrowser(category);
@@ -163,75 +159,47 @@ describe('Fields Browser', () => {
     it('adds a field to the timeline when the user clicks the checkbox', () => {
       const filterInput = 'host.geo.c';
-      const toggleField = 'host.geo.city_name';
+      cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_HOST_GEO_CITY_NAME_HEADER).should('not.exist');
+      addsHostGeoCityNameToTimeline();
+      closeFieldsBrowser();
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`).should(
-        'not.exist'
-      );
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="field-${toggleField}-checkbox"]`).check({
-        force: true,
-      });
-      clickOutsideFieldsBrowser();
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`, {
         timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
     it('adds a field to the timeline when the user drags and drops a field', () => {
       const filterInput = 'host.geo.c';
-      const toggleField = 'host.geo.country_name';
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`).should(
-        'not.exist'
-      );
-      cy.get(
-        `[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="field-name-${toggleField}"]`
-      ).then(field => drag(field));
+      cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_HOST_GEO_COUNTRY_NAME_HEADER).should('not.exist');
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="headers-group"]`).then(headersDropArea =>
-        drop(headersDropArea)
-      );
+      addsHostGeoCountryNameToTimelineDraggingIt();
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`, {
         timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
     it('resets all fields in the timeline when `Reset Fields` is clicked', () => {
       const filterInput = 'host.geo.c';
-      const toggleField = 'host.geo.continent_name';
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`).should(
-        'not.exist'
-      );
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="field-${toggleField}-checkbox"]`).check({
-        force: true,
-      });
-      clickOutsideFieldsBrowser();
+      addsHostGeoContinentNameToTimeline();
+      closeFieldsBrowser();
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`).should(
-        'exist'
-      );
+      resetFields();
-      cy.get('[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="reset-fields"]').click({ force: true });
-      cy.get(`[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-${toggleField}"]`).should(
-        'not.exist'
-      );
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/hosts/fields_browser.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/hosts/fields_browser.ts
index f4da73ba5e5f9..252fa7d44a7c7 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/hosts/fields_browser.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/hosts/fields_browser.ts
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
 /** Clicking this button in the timeline opens the Fields browser */
-  '[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="show-field-browser"]';
 /** The title displayed in the fields browser (i.e. Customize Columns) */
 export const FIELDS_BROWSER_TITLE = '[data-test-subj="field-browser-title"]';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/timeline/fields_browser.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/timeline/fields_browser.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..aa63aaf89f98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/timeline/fields_browser.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+export const FIELDS_BROWSER_TITLE = '[data-test-subj="field-browser-title"]';
+/** Typing in this input filters the Field Browser */
+export const FIELDS_BROWSER_FILTER_INPUT = '[data-test-subj="field-search"]';
+/** The title of the selected category in the right-hand side of the fields browser */
+export const FIELDS_BROWSER_SELECTED_CATEGORY_TITLE = '[data-test-subj="selected-category-title"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="selected-category-count-badge"]';
+export const FIELDS_BROWSER_CATEGORIES_COUNT = '[data-test-subj="categories-count"]';
+export const FIELDS_BROWSER_HOST_CATEGORIES_COUNT = '[data-test-subj="host-category-count"]';
+export const FIELDS_BROWSER_SYSTEM_CATEGORIES_COUNT = '[data-test-subj="system-category-count"]';
+export const FIELDS_BROWSER_FIELDS_COUNT = '[data-test-subj="fields-count"]';
+/** Contains the body of the fields browser */
+export const FIELDS_BROWSER_CONTAINER = '[data-test-subj="fields-browser-container"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="header-text-message"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="field-message-checkbox"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="header-text-host.geo.country_name"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="field-host.geo.country_name-checkbox"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="field-name-host.geo.country_name"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="header-text-host.geo.city_name"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="field-host.geo.city_name-checkbox"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="headers-group"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="header-text-host.geo.continent_name"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="field-host.geo.continent_name-checkbox"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="reset-fields"]';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/timeline/main.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/timeline/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..cf3267d2b650e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/screens/timeline/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+/** The `Timeline ^` button that toggles visibility of the Timeline */
+export const TIMELINE_TOGGLE_BUTTON = '[data-test-subj="flyoutOverlay"]';
+/** Contains the KQL bar for searching or filtering in the timeline */
+  '[data-test-subj="timeline-search-or-filter-search-container"]';
+  '[data-test-subj="timeline"] [data-test-subj="show-field-browser"]';
+/** The total server-side count of the events matching the timeline's search criteria */
+export const SERVER_SIDE_EVENT_COUNT = '[data-test-subj="server-side-event-count"]';
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/fields_browser.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/fields_browser.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c78eb8f73f650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/fields_browser.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+import { drag, drop } from '../../integration/lib/drag_n_drop/helpers';
+import {
+} from '../../screens/timeline/fields_browser';
+import { DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } from '../../integration/lib/util/helpers';
+import { KQL_SEARCH_BAR } from '../../screens/hosts/main';
+export const clearFieldsBrowser = () => {
+  cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_FILTER_INPUT).type('{selectall}{backspace}');
+export const filterFieldsBrowser = (fieldName: string) => {
+    .type(fieldName)
+    .should('not.have.class', 'euiFieldSearch-isLoading');
+export const closeFieldsBrowser = () => {
+  cy.get(KQL_SEARCH_BAR, { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT }).click({ force: true });
+export const removesMessageField = () => {
+    force: true,
+  });
+export const addsHostGeoCityNameToTimeline = () => {
+    force: true,
+  });
+export const addsHostGeoCountryNameToTimelineDraggingIt = () => {
+  cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_DRAGGABLE_HOST_GEO_COUNTRY_NAME_HEADER).then(field => drag(field));
+  cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_HEADER_DROP_AREA).then(headersDropArea => drop(headersDropArea));
+export const addsHostGeoContinentNameToTimeline = () => {
+    force: true,
+  });
+export const resetFields = () => {
+  cy.get(FIELDS_BROWSER_RESET_FIELDS).click({ force: true });
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/main.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..51026fef757d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/cypress/tasks/timeline/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+import { DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } from '../../integration/lib/util/helpers';
+import {
+} from '../../screens/timeline/main';
+export const hostExistsQuery = ' *';
+export const openTimeline = () => {
+  cy.get(TIMELINE_TOGGLE_BUTTON, { timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT }).click();
+export const populateTimeline = () => {
+  cy.get(`${SEARCH_OR_FILTER_CONTAINER} input`).type(`${hostExistsQuery} {enter}`);
+    .invoke('text')
+    .should('be.above', 0);
+export const openTimelineFieldsBrowser = () => {
+  cy.get(TIMELINE_FIELDS_BUTTON).click({ force: true });