diff --git a/docs/dev-tools/console/console.asciidoc b/docs/dev-tools/console/console.asciidoc
index 48fe936dd2db..21334c31011f 100644
--- a/docs/dev-tools/console/console.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/dev-tools/console/console.asciidoc
@@ -129,3 +129,12 @@ image::dev-tools/console/images/console-settings.png["Console Settings", width=6
For a list of available keyboard
shortcuts, click *Help*.
+=== Disable Console
+If you don’t want to use *Console*, you can disable it by setting `console.ui.enabled`
+to `false` in your `kibana.yml` configuration file. Changing this setting
+causes the server to regenerate assets on the next startup,
+which might cause a delay before pages start being served.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.links.md b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.links.md
index e79bc7a0db02..73efed79324f 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.links.md
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.links.md
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ readonly links: {
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
+ installElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
learnMoreBlog: string;
diff --git a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.md b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.md
index d90972d32704..fdf469f443f2 100644
--- a/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.md
+++ b/docs/development/core/public/kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.md
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ export interface DocLinksStart
| --- | --- | --- |
| [DOC\_LINK\_VERSION](./kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.doc_link_version.md) |
- string
| |
| [ELASTIC\_WEBSITE\_URL](./kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.elastic_website_url.md) | string
| |
-| [links](./kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.links.md) | {
readonly settings: string;
readonly elasticStackGetStarted: string;
readonly apm: {
readonly kibanaSettings: string;
readonly supportedServiceMaps: string;
readonly customLinks: string;
readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string;
readonly upgrading: string;
readonly metaData: string;
readonly canvas: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly dashboard: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly drilldowns: string;
readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string;
readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string;
readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string;
readonly discover: Record<string, string>;
readonly filebeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly installation: string;
readonly configuration: string;
readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
readonly elasticsearchModule: string;
readonly startup: string;
readonly exportedFields: string;
readonly suricataModule: string;
readonly zeekModule: string;
readonly auditbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly auditdModule: string;
readonly systemModule: string;
readonly metricbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly configure: string;
readonly httpEndpoint: string;
readonly install: string;
readonly start: string;
readonly enterpriseSearch: {
readonly base: string;
readonly appSearchBase: string;
readonly workplaceSearchBase: string;
readonly heartbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly libbeat: {
readonly getStarted: string;
readonly logstash: {
readonly base: string;
readonly functionbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly winlogbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly aggs: {
readonly composite: string;
readonly composite_missing_bucket: string;
readonly date_histogram: string;
readonly date_range: string;
readonly date_format_pattern: string;
readonly filter: string;
readonly filters: string;
readonly geohash_grid: string;
readonly histogram: string;
readonly ip_range: string;
readonly range: string;
readonly significant_terms: string;
readonly terms: string;
readonly avg: string;
readonly avg_bucket: string;
readonly max_bucket: string;
readonly min_bucket: string;
readonly sum_bucket: string;
readonly cardinality: string;
readonly count: string;
readonly cumulative_sum: string;
readonly derivative: string;
readonly geo_bounds: string;
readonly geo_centroid: string;
readonly max: string;
readonly median: string;
readonly min: string;
readonly moving_avg: string;
readonly percentile_ranks: string;
readonly serial_diff: string;
readonly std_dev: string;
readonly sum: string;
readonly top_hits: string;
readonly runtimeFields: {
readonly overview: string;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly scriptedFields: {
readonly scriptFields: string;
readonly scriptAggs: string;
readonly painless: string;
readonly painlessApi: string;
readonly painlessLangSpec: string;
readonly painlessSyntax: string;
readonly painlessWalkthrough: string;
readonly luceneExpressions: string;
readonly search: {
readonly sessions: string;
readonly sessionLimits: string;
readonly indexPatterns: {
readonly introduction: string;
readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string;
readonly fieldFormattersString: string;
readonly runtimeFields: string;
readonly addData: string;
readonly kibana: string;
readonly upgradeAssistant: string;
readonly rollupJobs: string;
readonly elasticsearch: Record<string, string>;
readonly siem: {
readonly privileges: string;
readonly guide: string;
readonly gettingStarted: string;
readonly ml: string;
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
readonly troubleshootGaps: string;
readonly securitySolution: {
readonly trustedApps: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
readonly percolate: string;
readonly queryDsl: string;
readonly autocompleteChanges: string;
readonly date: {
readonly dateMath: string;
readonly dateMathIndexNames: string;
readonly management: Record<string, string>;
readonly ml: Record<string, string>;
readonly transforms: Record<string, string>;
readonly visualize: Record<string, string>;
readonly apis: Readonly<{
bulkIndexAlias: string;
byteSizeUnits: string;
createAutoFollowPattern: string;
createFollower: string;
createIndex: string;
createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
createRoleMapping: string;
createRoleMappingTemplates: string;
createRollupJobsRequest: string;
createApiKey: string;
createPipeline: string;
createTransformRequest: string;
cronExpressions: string;
executeWatchActionModes: string;
indexExists: string;
openIndex: string;
putComponentTemplate: string;
painlessExecute: string;
painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string;
putComponentTemplateMetadata: string;
putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
putIndexTemplateV1: string;
putWatch: string;
simulatePipeline: string;
timeUnits: string;
updateTransform: string;
readonly observability: Readonly<{
guide: string;
infrastructureThreshold: string;
logsThreshold: string;
metricsThreshold: string;
monitorStatus: string;
monitorUptime: string;
tlsCertificate: string;
uptimeDurationAnomaly: string;
readonly alerting: Record<string, string>;
readonly maps: Record<string, string>;
readonly monitoring: Record<string, string>;
readonly security: Readonly<{
apiKeyServiceSettings: string;
clusterPrivileges: string;
elasticsearchSettings: string;
elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string;
indicesPrivileges: string;
kibanaTLS: string;
kibanaPrivileges: string;
mappingRoles: string;
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
readonly spaces: Readonly<{
kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string;
kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string;
readonly watcher: Record<string, string>;
readonly ccs: Record<string, string>;
readonly plugins: Record<string, string>;
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
fleetServerAddFleetServer: string;
settings: string;
settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string;
troubleshooting: string;
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
learnMoreBlog: string;
apiKeysLearnMore: string;
readonly ecs: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly clients: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly goOverview: string;
readonly javaIndex: string;
readonly jsIntro: string;
readonly netGuide: string;
readonly perlGuide: string;
readonly phpGuide: string;
readonly pythonGuide: string;
readonly rubyOverview: string;
readonly rustGuide: string;
| |
+| [links](./kibana-plugin-core-public.doclinksstart.links.md) | {
readonly settings: string;
readonly elasticStackGetStarted: string;
readonly apm: {
readonly kibanaSettings: string;
readonly supportedServiceMaps: string;
readonly customLinks: string;
readonly droppedTransactionSpans: string;
readonly upgrading: string;
readonly metaData: string;
readonly canvas: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly dashboard: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly drilldowns: string;
readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string;
readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string;
readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string;
readonly discover: Record<string, string>;
readonly filebeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly installation: string;
readonly configuration: string;
readonly elasticsearchOutput: string;
readonly elasticsearchModule: string;
readonly startup: string;
readonly exportedFields: string;
readonly suricataModule: string;
readonly zeekModule: string;
readonly auditbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly auditdModule: string;
readonly systemModule: string;
readonly metricbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly configure: string;
readonly httpEndpoint: string;
readonly install: string;
readonly start: string;
readonly enterpriseSearch: {
readonly base: string;
readonly appSearchBase: string;
readonly workplaceSearchBase: string;
readonly heartbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly libbeat: {
readonly getStarted: string;
readonly logstash: {
readonly base: string;
readonly functionbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly winlogbeat: {
readonly base: string;
readonly aggs: {
readonly composite: string;
readonly composite_missing_bucket: string;
readonly date_histogram: string;
readonly date_range: string;
readonly date_format_pattern: string;
readonly filter: string;
readonly filters: string;
readonly geohash_grid: string;
readonly histogram: string;
readonly ip_range: string;
readonly range: string;
readonly significant_terms: string;
readonly terms: string;
readonly avg: string;
readonly avg_bucket: string;
readonly max_bucket: string;
readonly min_bucket: string;
readonly sum_bucket: string;
readonly cardinality: string;
readonly count: string;
readonly cumulative_sum: string;
readonly derivative: string;
readonly geo_bounds: string;
readonly geo_centroid: string;
readonly max: string;
readonly median: string;
readonly min: string;
readonly moving_avg: string;
readonly percentile_ranks: string;
readonly serial_diff: string;
readonly std_dev: string;
readonly sum: string;
readonly top_hits: string;
readonly runtimeFields: {
readonly overview: string;
readonly mapping: string;
readonly scriptedFields: {
readonly scriptFields: string;
readonly scriptAggs: string;
readonly painless: string;
readonly painlessApi: string;
readonly painlessLangSpec: string;
readonly painlessSyntax: string;
readonly painlessWalkthrough: string;
readonly luceneExpressions: string;
readonly search: {
readonly sessions: string;
readonly sessionLimits: string;
readonly indexPatterns: {
readonly introduction: string;
readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string;
readonly fieldFormattersString: string;
readonly runtimeFields: string;
readonly addData: string;
readonly kibana: string;
readonly upgradeAssistant: string;
readonly rollupJobs: string;
readonly elasticsearch: Record<string, string>;
readonly siem: {
readonly privileges: string;
readonly guide: string;
readonly gettingStarted: string;
readonly ml: string;
readonly ruleChangeLog: string;
readonly detectionsReq: string;
readonly networkMap: string;
readonly troubleshootGaps: string;
readonly securitySolution: {
readonly trustedApps: string;
readonly query: {
readonly eql: string;
readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string;
readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string;
readonly percolate: string;
readonly queryDsl: string;
readonly autocompleteChanges: string;
readonly date: {
readonly dateMath: string;
readonly dateMathIndexNames: string;
readonly management: Record<string, string>;
readonly ml: Record<string, string>;
readonly transforms: Record<string, string>;
readonly visualize: Record<string, string>;
readonly apis: Readonly<{
bulkIndexAlias: string;
byteSizeUnits: string;
createAutoFollowPattern: string;
createFollower: string;
createIndex: string;
createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
createRoleMapping: string;
createRoleMappingTemplates: string;
createRollupJobsRequest: string;
createApiKey: string;
createPipeline: string;
createTransformRequest: string;
cronExpressions: string;
executeWatchActionModes: string;
indexExists: string;
openIndex: string;
putComponentTemplate: string;
painlessExecute: string;
painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string;
putComponentTemplateMetadata: string;
putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string;
putIndexTemplateV1: string;
putWatch: string;
simulatePipeline: string;
timeUnits: string;
updateTransform: string;
readonly observability: Readonly<{
guide: string;
infrastructureThreshold: string;
logsThreshold: string;
metricsThreshold: string;
monitorStatus: string;
monitorUptime: string;
tlsCertificate: string;
uptimeDurationAnomaly: string;
readonly alerting: Record<string, string>;
readonly maps: Record<string, string>;
readonly monitoring: Record<string, string>;
readonly security: Readonly<{
apiKeyServiceSettings: string;
clusterPrivileges: string;
elasticsearchSettings: string;
elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string;
indicesPrivileges: string;
kibanaTLS: string;
kibanaPrivileges: string;
mappingRoles: string;
mappingRolesFieldRules: string;
runAsPrivilege: string;
readonly spaces: Readonly<{
kibanaLegacyUrlAliases: string;
kibanaDisableLegacyUrlAliasesApi: string;
readonly watcher: Record<string, string>;
readonly ccs: Record<string, string>;
readonly plugins: Record<string, string>;
readonly snapshotRestore: Record<string, string>;
readonly ingest: Record<string, string>;
readonly fleet: Readonly<{
guide: string;
fleetServer: string;
fleetServerAddFleetServer: string;
settings: string;
settingsFleetServerHostSettings: string;
troubleshooting: string;
elasticAgent: string;
datastreams: string;
datastreamsNamingScheme: string;
installElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent: string;
upgradeElasticAgent712lower: string;
learnMoreBlog: string;
apiKeysLearnMore: string;
readonly ecs: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly clients: {
readonly guide: string;
readonly goOverview: string;
readonly javaIndex: string;
readonly jsIntro: string;
readonly netGuide: string;
readonly perlGuide: string;
readonly phpGuide: string;
readonly pythonGuide: string;
readonly rubyOverview: string;
readonly rustGuide: string;
| |
diff --git a/docs/getting-started/quick-start-guide.asciidoc b/docs/getting-started/quick-start-guide.asciidoc
index d614aece5b42..2bddd9bf6145 100644
--- a/docs/getting-started/quick-start-guide.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/getting-started/quick-start-guide.asciidoc
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ image::images/dashboard_sampleDataAddFilter_7.15.0.png[The [eCommerce] Revenue D
== What's next?
-*Add your own data.* Ready to add your own data? Go to {fleet-guide}/fleet-quick-start.html[Quick start: Get logs and metrics into the Elastic Stack] to learn how to ingest your data, or go to <World
Array [
- "hello",
- "<h1>World</h1>",
+ "number",
+ 42,
Array [
- Array [
- "_type",
- "doc",
- ],
Array [
+ Array [
+ "_type",
+ "doc",
+ ],
@@ -114,6 +104,10 @@ describe('Row formatter', () => {
uiSettings: {
get: () => 1,
+ fieldFormats: {
+ getDefaultInstance: jest.fn(() => ({ convert: (value: unknown) => value })),
+ getFormatterForField: jest.fn(() => ({ convert: (value: unknown) => value })),
+ },
} as unknown as DiscoverServices);
expect(formatRow(hit, indexPattern, [])).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ ],
+ Array [
+ "number",
+ 42,
+ ],
+ Array [
+ "_id",
+ "a",
+ ],
+ Array [
+ "_score",
+ 1,
+ ],
+ Array [
+ "_type",
+ "doc",
@@ -130,18 +148,18 @@ describe('Row formatter', () => {
it('formats document with highlighted fields first', () => {
- expect(formatRow({ ...hit, highlight: { number: '42' } }, indexPattern, fieldsToShow))
+ expect(formatRow({ ...hit, highlight: { number: ['42'] } }, indexPattern, fieldsToShow))
Array [
- Array [
- "_type",
- "doc",
- ],
Array [
+ Array [
+ "_type",
+ "doc",
+ ],
diff --git a/src/plugins/discover/public/application/apps/main/components/doc_table/lib/row_formatter.tsx b/src/plugins/discover/public/application/apps/main/components/doc_table/lib/row_formatter.tsx
index 14cf1839107e..2702a232f21e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/discover/public/application/apps/main/components/doc_table/lib/row_formatter.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/discover/public/application/apps/main/components/doc_table/lib/row_formatter.tsx
@@ -6,15 +6,17 @@
* Side Public License, v 1.
+import { estypes } from '@elastic/elasticsearch';
import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import type { IndexPattern } from 'src/plugins/data/common';
import { MAX_DOC_FIELDS_DISPLAYED } from '../../../../../../../common';
import { getServices } from '../../../../../../kibana_services';
+import { formatHit } from '../../../../../helpers/format_hit';
import './row_formatter.scss';
interface Props {
- defPairs: Array<[string, unknown]>;
+ defPairs: Array<[string, string]>;
const TemplateComponent = ({ defPairs }: Props) => {
return (
@@ -24,8 +26,8 @@ const TemplateComponent = ({ defPairs }: Props) => {
- also: 'with "quotes" or \'single quotes\'',
- };
- expect(
- convertHtml(hit, { field: 'field', indexPattern: { formatHit: (h: string) => h }, hit })
- ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
- `"
+ expect(convertHtml(hit, { field: 'field', hit })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(
+ `"{"foo":"bar","number":42,"hello":"<h1>World</h1>","also":"with \\\\"quotes\\\\" or 'single quotes'"}"`
diff --git a/src/plugins/field_formats/common/converters/source.tsx b/src/plugins/field_formats/common/converters/source.tsx
index 1caffb5bfb9a..f92027ec0745 100644
--- a/src/plugins/field_formats/common/converters/source.tsx
+++ b/src/plugins/field_formats/common/converters/source.tsx
@@ -7,33 +7,8 @@
import { KBN_FIELD_TYPES } from '@kbn/field-types';
-import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/server';
-import { escape, keys } from 'lodash';
-import { shortenDottedString } from '../utils';
import { FieldFormat } from '../field_format';
-import { TextContextTypeConvert, HtmlContextTypeConvert, FIELD_FORMAT_IDS } from '../types';
-import { FORMATS_UI_SETTINGS } from '../constants/ui_settings';
-interface Props {
- defPairs: Array<[string, string]>;
-const TemplateComponent = ({ defPairs }: Props) => {
- return (
- World
- {defPairs.map((pair, idx) => (
- );
+import { TextContextTypeConvert, FIELD_FORMAT_IDS } from '../types';
/** @public */
export class SourceFormat extends FieldFormat {
@@ -42,32 +17,4 @@ export class SourceFormat extends FieldFormat {
static fieldType = KBN_FIELD_TYPES._SOURCE;
textConvert: TextContextTypeConvert = (value: string) => JSON.stringify(value);
- htmlConvert: HtmlContextTypeConvert = (value: string, options = {}) => {
- const { field, hit, indexPattern } = options;
- if (!field) {
- const converter = this.getConverterFor('text') as Function;
- return escape(converter(value));
- }
- const highlights: Record
- {header}
- {rows}
+ {header}
+ {rows}
( + handler: RequestHandler
+): RequestHandler
+ return async (context, req, res) => {
+ const hasFleetSetupPrivilege = await checkFleetSetupPrivilege(req);
+ if (!hasFleetSetupPrivilege) {
+ return res.forbidden({ body: { message: SUPERUSER_AUTHZ_MESSAGE } });
return handler(context, req, res);
-export function makeRouterEnforcingSuperuser ;
+ * Convenience type for routers in Fleet that includes the FleetRequestHandlerContext type
+ * @internal
+ */
+export type FleetRouter = IRouter