diff --git a/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/action/admin/cluster/snapshots/get/TransportGetSnapshotsAction.java b/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/action/admin/cluster/snapshots/get/TransportGetSnapshotsAction.java
index ca910a8d94078..4996096492354 100644
--- a/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/action/admin/cluster/snapshots/get/TransportGetSnapshotsAction.java
+++ b/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/action/admin/cluster/snapshots/get/TransportGetSnapshotsAction.java
@@ -109,598 +109,514 @@ protected void masterOperation(
) {
assert task instanceof CancellableTask : task + " not cancellable";
- getMultipleReposSnapshotInfo(
- request.isSingleRepositoryRequest() == false,
- SnapshotsInProgress.get(state),
+ new GetSnapshotsOperation(
+ (CancellableTask) task,
TransportGetRepositoriesAction.getRepositories(state, request.repositories()),
+ request.isSingleRepositoryRequest() == false,
- request.verbose(),
- (CancellableTask) task,
+ SnapshotPredicates.fromRequest(request),
- request.after(),
- request.offset(),
- request.size(),
- SnapshotPredicates.fromRequest(request),
- request.includeIndexNames(),
- listener
- );
+ request.offset(),
+ request.after(),
+ request.size(),
+ SnapshotsInProgress.get(state),
+ request.verbose(),
+ request.includeIndexNames()
+ ).getMultipleReposSnapshotInfo(listener);
- * Filters the list of repositories that a request will fetch snapshots from in the special case of sorting by repository
- * name and having a non-null value for {@link GetSnapshotsRequest#fromSortValue()} on the request to exclude repositories outside
- * the sort value range if possible.
+ * A single invocation of the get-snapshots API.
+ *
+ * Decides which repositories to query, picks a collection of candidate {@link SnapshotId} values from each {@link RepositoryData},
+ * chosen according to the request parameters, loads the relevant {@link SnapshotInfo} blobs, and finally sorts and filters the
+ * results.
- private static List maybeFilterRepositories(
- List repositories,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- SortOrder order,
- @Nullable String fromSortValue
- ) {
- if (sortBy != GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy.REPOSITORY || fromSortValue == null) {
- return repositories;
- }
- final Predicate predicate = order == SortOrder.ASC
- ? repositoryMetadata -> fromSortValue.compareTo(repositoryMetadata.name()) <= 0
- : repositoryMetadata -> fromSortValue.compareTo(repositoryMetadata.name()) >= 0;
- return repositories.stream().filter(predicate).toList();
- }
- private void getMultipleReposSnapshotInfo(
- boolean isMultiRepoRequest,
- SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress,
- TransportGetRepositoriesAction.RepositoriesResult repositoriesResult,
- String[] snapshots,
- boolean ignoreUnavailable,
- boolean verbose,
- CancellableTask cancellableTask,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- @Nullable GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
- int offset,
- int size,
- SortOrder order,
- String fromSortValue,
- SnapshotPredicates predicates,
- boolean indices,
- ActionListener listener
- ) {
- // Process the missing repositories
- final Map failures = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap();
- for (String missingRepo : repositoriesResult.missing()) {
- failures.put(missingRepo, new RepositoryMissingException(missingRepo));
+ private class GetSnapshotsOperation {
+ private final CancellableTask cancellableTask;
+ // repositories
+ private final List repositories;
+ private final boolean isMultiRepoRequest;
+ // snapshots selection
+ private final String[] snapshots;
+ private final boolean ignoreUnavailable;
+ private final SnapshotPredicates predicates;
+ // snapshot ordering/pagination
+ private final GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy;
+ private final SortOrder order;
+ @Nullable
+ private final String fromSortValue;
+ private final int offset;
+ @Nullable
+ private final GetSnapshotsRequest.After after;
+ private final int size;
+ // current state
+ private final SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress;
+ // output detail
+ private final boolean verbose;
+ private final boolean indices;
+ // results
+ private final Map failuresByRepository = ConcurrentCollections.newConcurrentMap();
+ private final Queue> allSnapshotInfos = ConcurrentCollections.newQueue();
+ private final AtomicInteger remaining = new AtomicInteger();
+ private final AtomicInteger totalCount = new AtomicInteger();
+ GetSnapshotsOperation(
+ CancellableTask cancellableTask,
+ TransportGetRepositoriesAction.RepositoriesResult repositoriesResult,
+ boolean isMultiRepoRequest,
+ String[] snapshots,
+ boolean ignoreUnavailable,
+ SnapshotPredicates predicates,
+ GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
+ SortOrder order,
+ String fromSortValue,
+ int offset,
+ GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
+ int size,
+ SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress,
+ boolean verbose,
+ boolean indices
+ ) {
+ this.cancellableTask = cancellableTask;
+ this.repositories = repositoriesResult.metadata();
+ this.isMultiRepoRequest = isMultiRepoRequest;
+ this.snapshots = snapshots;
+ this.ignoreUnavailable = ignoreUnavailable;
+ this.predicates = predicates;
+ this.sortBy = sortBy;
+ this.order = order;
+ this.fromSortValue = fromSortValue;
+ this.offset = offset;
+ this.after = after;
+ this.size = size;
+ this.snapshotsInProgress = snapshotsInProgress;
+ this.verbose = verbose;
+ this.indices = indices;
+ for (final var missingRepo : repositoriesResult.missing()) {
+ failuresByRepository.put(missingRepo, new RepositoryMissingException(missingRepo));
+ }
- final Queue> allSnapshotInfos = ConcurrentCollections.newQueue();
- final var remaining = new AtomicInteger();
- final var totalCount = new AtomicInteger();
- List repositories = maybeFilterRepositories(repositoriesResult.metadata(), sortBy, order, fromSortValue);
- try (var listeners = new RefCountingListener(listener.map(ignored -> {
- cancellableTask.ensureNotCancelled();
- final var sortedSnapshotsInRepos = sortSnapshots(
- allSnapshotInfos.stream().flatMap(Collection::stream),
- totalCount.get(),
- sortBy,
- after,
- offset,
- size,
- order
- );
- final var snapshotInfos = sortedSnapshotsInRepos.snapshotInfos();
- assert indices || snapshotInfos.stream().allMatch(snapshotInfo -> snapshotInfo.indices().isEmpty());
- final int finalRemaining = sortedSnapshotsInRepos.remaining() + remaining.get();
- return new GetSnapshotsResponse(
- snapshotInfos,
- failures,
- finalRemaining > 0
- ? GetSnapshotsRequest.After.from(snapshotInfos.get(snapshotInfos.size() - 1), sortBy).asQueryParam()
- : null,
- totalCount.get(),
- finalRemaining
- );
- }))) {
- for (final RepositoryMetadata repository : repositories) {
- final String repoName = repository.name();
- getSingleRepoSnapshotInfo(
- snapshotsInProgress,
- repoName,
- snapshots,
- predicates,
- ignoreUnavailable,
- verbose,
- cancellableTask,
- sortBy,
- after,
- order,
- indices,
- listeners.acquire((SnapshotsInRepo snapshotsInRepo) -> {
+ /**
+ * Filters the list of repositories that a request will fetch snapshots from in the special case of sorting by repository
+ * name and having a non-null value for {@link GetSnapshotsRequest#fromSortValue()} on the request to exclude repositories outside
+ * the sort value range if possible.
+ */
+ private List maybeFilterRepositories() {
+ if (sortBy != GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy.REPOSITORY || fromSortValue == null) {
+ return repositories;
+ }
+ final Predicate predicate = order == SortOrder.ASC
+ ? repositoryMetadata -> fromSortValue.compareTo(repositoryMetadata.name()) <= 0
+ : repositoryMetadata -> fromSortValue.compareTo(repositoryMetadata.name()) >= 0;
+ return repositories.stream().filter(predicate).toList();
+ }
+ void getMultipleReposSnapshotInfo(ActionListener listener) {
+ List filteredRepositories = maybeFilterRepositories();
+ try (var listeners = new RefCountingListener(listener.map(ignored -> {
+ cancellableTask.ensureNotCancelled();
+ final var sortedSnapshotsInRepos = sortSnapshots(
+ allSnapshotInfos.stream().flatMap(Collection::stream),
+ totalCount.get(),
+ offset,
+ size
+ );
+ final var snapshotInfos = sortedSnapshotsInRepos.snapshotInfos();
+ assert indices || snapshotInfos.stream().allMatch(snapshotInfo -> snapshotInfo.indices().isEmpty());
+ final int finalRemaining = sortedSnapshotsInRepos.remaining() + remaining.get();
+ return new GetSnapshotsResponse(
+ snapshotInfos,
+ failuresByRepository,
+ finalRemaining > 0
+ ? GetSnapshotsRequest.After.from(snapshotInfos.get(snapshotInfos.size() - 1), sortBy).asQueryParam()
+ : null,
+ totalCount.get(),
+ finalRemaining
+ );
+ }))) {
+ for (final RepositoryMetadata repository : filteredRepositories) {
+ final String repoName = repository.name();
+ getSingleRepoSnapshotInfo(repoName, listeners.acquire((SnapshotsInRepo snapshotsInRepo) -> {
}).delegateResponse((l, e) -> {
if (isMultiRepoRequest && e instanceof ElasticsearchException elasticsearchException) {
- failures.put(repoName, elasticsearchException);
+ failuresByRepository.put(repoName, elasticsearchException);
} else {
- })
- );
+ }));
+ }
- }
- private void getSingleRepoSnapshotInfo(
- SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress,
- String repo,
- String[] snapshots,
- SnapshotPredicates predicates,
- boolean ignoreUnavailable,
- boolean verbose,
- CancellableTask task,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- @Nullable final GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
- SortOrder order,
- boolean indices,
- ActionListener listener
- ) {
- final Map allSnapshotIds = new HashMap<>();
- final List currentSnapshots = new ArrayList<>();
- for (SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo : currentSnapshots(snapshotsInProgress, repo)) {
- Snapshot snapshot = snapshotInfo.snapshot();
- allSnapshotIds.put(snapshot.getSnapshotId().getName(), snapshot);
- currentSnapshots.add(snapshotInfo.maybeWithoutIndices(indices));
- }
+ private void getSingleRepoSnapshotInfo(String repo, ActionListener listener) {
+ final Map allSnapshotIds = new HashMap<>();
+ final List currentSnapshots = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo : currentSnapshots(repo)) {
+ Snapshot snapshot = snapshotInfo.snapshot();
+ allSnapshotIds.put(snapshot.getSnapshotId().getName(), snapshot);
+ currentSnapshots.add(snapshotInfo.maybeWithoutIndices(indices));
+ }
- final ListenableFuture repositoryDataListener = new ListenableFuture<>();
- if (isCurrentSnapshotsOnly(snapshots)) {
- repositoryDataListener.onResponse(null);
- } else {
- repositoriesService.getRepositoryData(repo, repositoryDataListener);
- }
+ final ListenableFuture repositoryDataListener = new ListenableFuture<>();
+ if (isCurrentSnapshotsOnly()) {
+ repositoryDataListener.onResponse(null);
+ } else {
+ repositoriesService.getRepositoryData(repo, repositoryDataListener);
+ }
- repositoryDataListener.addListener(
- listener.delegateFailureAndWrap(
- (l, repositoryData) -> loadSnapshotInfos(
- snapshotsInProgress,
- repo,
- snapshots,
- ignoreUnavailable,
- verbose,
- allSnapshotIds,
- currentSnapshots,
- repositoryData,
- task,
- sortBy,
- after,
- order,
- predicates,
- indices,
- l
+ repositoryDataListener.addListener(
+ listener.delegateFailureAndWrap(
+ (l, repositoryData) -> loadSnapshotInfos(repo, allSnapshotIds, currentSnapshots, repositoryData, l)
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of currently running snapshots from repository sorted by snapshot creation date
- *
- * @param snapshotsInProgress snapshots in progress in the cluster state
- * @param repositoryName repository name
- * @return list of snapshots
- */
- private static List currentSnapshots(SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress, String repositoryName) {
- List snapshotList = new ArrayList<>();
- List entries = SnapshotsService.currentSnapshots(
- snapshotsInProgress,
- repositoryName,
- Collections.emptyList()
- );
- for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : entries) {
- snapshotList.add(SnapshotInfo.inProgress(entry));
+ );
- return snapshotList;
- }
- private void loadSnapshotInfos(
- SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress,
- String repo,
- String[] snapshots,
- boolean ignoreUnavailable,
- boolean verbose,
- Map allSnapshotIds,
- List currentSnapshots,
- @Nullable RepositoryData repositoryData,
- CancellableTask task,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- @Nullable final GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
- SortOrder order,
- SnapshotPredicates predicates,
- boolean indices,
- ActionListener listener
- ) {
- if (task.notifyIfCancelled(listener)) {
- return;
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of currently running snapshots from repository sorted by snapshot creation date
+ *
+ * @param repositoryName repository name
+ * @return list of snapshots
+ */
+ private List currentSnapshots(String repositoryName) {
+ List snapshotList = new ArrayList<>();
+ List entries = SnapshotsService.currentSnapshots(
+ snapshotsInProgress,
+ repositoryName,
+ Collections.emptyList()
+ );
+ for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : entries) {
+ snapshotList.add(SnapshotInfo.inProgress(entry));
+ }
+ return snapshotList;
- if (repositoryData != null) {
- for (SnapshotId snapshotId : repositoryData.getSnapshotIds()) {
- if (predicates.test(snapshotId, repositoryData)) {
- allSnapshotIds.put(snapshotId.getName(), new Snapshot(repo, snapshotId));
+ private void loadSnapshotInfos(
+ String repo,
+ Map allSnapshotIds,
+ List currentSnapshots,
+ @Nullable RepositoryData repositoryData,
+ ActionListener listener
+ ) {
+ if (cancellableTask.notifyIfCancelled(listener)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (repositoryData != null) {
+ for (SnapshotId snapshotId : repositoryData.getSnapshotIds()) {
+ if (predicates.test(snapshotId, repositoryData)) {
+ allSnapshotIds.put(snapshotId.getName(), new Snapshot(repo, snapshotId));
+ }
- }
- final Set toResolve = new HashSet<>();
- if (TransportGetRepositoriesAction.isMatchAll(snapshots)) {
- toResolve.addAll(allSnapshotIds.values());
- } else {
- final List includePatterns = new ArrayList<>();
- final List excludePatterns = new ArrayList<>();
- boolean hasCurrent = false;
- boolean seenWildcard = false;
- for (String snapshotOrPattern : snapshots) {
- if (seenWildcard && snapshotOrPattern.length() > 1 && snapshotOrPattern.startsWith("-")) {
- excludePatterns.add(snapshotOrPattern.substring(1));
- } else {
- if (Regex.isSimpleMatchPattern(snapshotOrPattern)) {
- seenWildcard = true;
- includePatterns.add(snapshotOrPattern);
- } else if (GetSnapshotsRequest.CURRENT_SNAPSHOT.equalsIgnoreCase(snapshotOrPattern)) {
- hasCurrent = true;
- seenWildcard = true;
+ final Set toResolve = new HashSet<>();
+ if (TransportGetRepositoriesAction.isMatchAll(snapshots)) {
+ toResolve.addAll(allSnapshotIds.values());
+ } else {
+ final List includePatterns = new ArrayList<>();
+ final List excludePatterns = new ArrayList<>();
+ boolean hasCurrent = false;
+ boolean seenWildcard = false;
+ for (String snapshotOrPattern : snapshots) {
+ if (seenWildcard && snapshotOrPattern.length() > 1 && snapshotOrPattern.startsWith("-")) {
+ excludePatterns.add(snapshotOrPattern.substring(1));
} else {
- if (ignoreUnavailable == false && allSnapshotIds.containsKey(snapshotOrPattern) == false) {
- throw new SnapshotMissingException(repo, snapshotOrPattern);
+ if (Regex.isSimpleMatchPattern(snapshotOrPattern)) {
+ seenWildcard = true;
+ includePatterns.add(snapshotOrPattern);
+ } else if (GetSnapshotsRequest.CURRENT_SNAPSHOT.equalsIgnoreCase(snapshotOrPattern)) {
+ hasCurrent = true;
+ seenWildcard = true;
+ } else {
+ if (ignoreUnavailable == false && allSnapshotIds.containsKey(snapshotOrPattern) == false) {
+ throw new SnapshotMissingException(repo, snapshotOrPattern);
+ }
+ includePatterns.add(snapshotOrPattern);
- includePatterns.add(snapshotOrPattern);
- }
- final String[] includes = includePatterns.toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY);
- final String[] excludes = excludePatterns.toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY);
- for (Map.Entry entry : allSnapshotIds.entrySet()) {
- final Snapshot snapshot = entry.getValue();
- if (toResolve.contains(snapshot) == false
- && Regex.simpleMatch(includes, entry.getKey())
- && Regex.simpleMatch(excludes, entry.getKey()) == false) {
- toResolve.add(snapshot);
- }
- }
- if (hasCurrent) {
- for (SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo : currentSnapshots) {
- final Snapshot snapshot = snapshotInfo.snapshot();
- if (Regex.simpleMatch(excludes, snapshot.getSnapshotId().getName()) == false) {
+ final String[] includes = includePatterns.toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ final String[] excludes = excludePatterns.toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ for (Map.Entry entry : allSnapshotIds.entrySet()) {
+ final Snapshot snapshot = entry.getValue();
+ if (toResolve.contains(snapshot) == false
+ && Regex.simpleMatch(includes, entry.getKey())
+ && Regex.simpleMatch(excludes, entry.getKey()) == false) {
+ if (hasCurrent) {
+ for (SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo : currentSnapshots) {
+ final Snapshot snapshot = snapshotInfo.snapshot();
+ if (Regex.simpleMatch(excludes, snapshot.getSnapshotId().getName()) == false) {
+ toResolve.add(snapshot);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (toResolve.isEmpty() && ignoreUnavailable == false && isCurrentSnapshotsOnly() == false) {
+ throw new SnapshotMissingException(repo, snapshots[0]);
+ }
- if (toResolve.isEmpty() && ignoreUnavailable == false && isCurrentSnapshotsOnly(snapshots) == false) {
- throw new SnapshotMissingException(repo, snapshots[0]);
+ if (verbose) {
+ snapshots(repo, toResolve.stream().map(Snapshot::getSnapshotId).toList(), listener);
+ } else {
+ assert predicates.isMatchAll() : "filtering is not supported in non-verbose mode";
+ final SnapshotsInRepo snapshotInfos;
+ if (repositoryData != null) {
+ // want non-current snapshots as well, which are found in the repository data
+ snapshotInfos = buildSimpleSnapshotInfos(toResolve, repo, repositoryData, currentSnapshots);
+ } else {
+ // only want current snapshots
+ snapshotInfos = sortSnapshotsWithNoOffsetOrLimit(currentSnapshots.stream().map(SnapshotInfo::basic).toList());
+ }
+ listener.onResponse(snapshotInfos);
- if (verbose) {
- snapshots(
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of snapshots from repository sorted by snapshot creation date
+ *
+ * @param repositoryName repository name
+ * @param snapshotIds snapshots for which to fetch snapshot information
+ */
+ private void snapshots(String repositoryName, Collection snapshotIds, ActionListener listener) {
+ if (cancellableTask.notifyIfCancelled(listener)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ final Set snapshotSet = new HashSet<>();
+ final Set snapshotIdsToIterate = new HashSet<>(snapshotIds);
+ // first, look at the snapshots in progress
+ final List entries = SnapshotsService.currentSnapshots(
- repo,
- toResolve.stream().map(Snapshot::getSnapshotId).toList(),
- ignoreUnavailable,
- task,
- sortBy,
- after,
- order,
- predicates,
- indices,
- listener
+ repositoryName,
+ snapshotIdsToIterate.stream().map(SnapshotId::getName).toList()
- } else {
- assert predicates.isMatchAll() : "filtering is not supported in non-verbose mode";
- final SnapshotsInRepo snapshotInfos;
- if (repositoryData != null) {
- // want non-current snapshots as well, which are found in the repository data
- snapshotInfos = buildSimpleSnapshotInfos(toResolve, repo, repositoryData, currentSnapshots, sortBy, after, order, indices);
+ for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : entries) {
+ if (snapshotIdsToIterate.remove(entry.snapshot().getSnapshotId())) {
+ final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = SnapshotInfo.inProgress(entry);
+ if (predicates.test(snapshotInfo)) {
+ snapshotSet.add(snapshotInfo.maybeWithoutIndices(indices));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // then, look in the repository if there's any matching snapshots left
+ final List snapshotInfos;
+ if (snapshotIdsToIterate.isEmpty()) {
+ snapshotInfos = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
- // only want current snapshots
- snapshotInfos = sortSnapshots(
- currentSnapshots.stream().map(SnapshotInfo::basic).toList(),
- sortBy,
- after,
- 0,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.NO_LIMIT,
- order
- );
+ snapshotInfos = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
- listener.onResponse(snapshotInfos);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of snapshots from repository sorted by snapshot creation date
- *
- * @param snapshotsInProgress snapshots in progress in the cluster state
- * @param repositoryName repository name
- * @param snapshotIds snapshots for which to fetch snapshot information
- * @param ignoreUnavailable if true, snapshots that could not be read will only be logged with a warning,
- * @param indices if false, drop the list of indices from each result
- */
- private void snapshots(
- SnapshotsInProgress snapshotsInProgress,
- String repositoryName,
- Collection snapshotIds,
- boolean ignoreUnavailable,
- CancellableTask task,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- @Nullable GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
- SortOrder order,
- SnapshotPredicates predicate,
- boolean indices,
- ActionListener listener
- ) {
- if (task.notifyIfCancelled(listener)) {
- return;
- }
- final Set snapshotSet = new HashSet<>();
- final Set snapshotIdsToIterate = new HashSet<>(snapshotIds);
- // first, look at the snapshots in progress
- final List entries = SnapshotsService.currentSnapshots(
- snapshotsInProgress,
- repositoryName,
- snapshotIdsToIterate.stream().map(SnapshotId::getName).toList()
- );
- for (SnapshotsInProgress.Entry entry : entries) {
- if (snapshotIdsToIterate.remove(entry.snapshot().getSnapshotId())) {
- final SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo = SnapshotInfo.inProgress(entry);
- if (predicate.test(snapshotInfo)) {
- snapshotSet.add(snapshotInfo.maybeWithoutIndices(indices));
- }
+ final ActionListener allDoneListener = listener.safeMap(v -> {
+ final ArrayList snapshotList = new ArrayList<>(snapshotInfos);
+ snapshotList.addAll(snapshotSet);
+ return sortSnapshotsWithNoOffsetOrLimit(snapshotList);
+ });
+ if (snapshotIdsToIterate.isEmpty()) {
+ allDoneListener.onResponse(null);
+ return;
+ final Repository repository;
+ try {
+ repository = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName);
+ } catch (RepositoryMissingException e) {
+ listener.onFailure(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ repository.getSnapshotInfo(
+ new GetSnapshotInfoContext(
+ snapshotIdsToIterate,
+ ignoreUnavailable == false,
+ cancellableTask::isCancelled,
+ (context, snapshotInfo) -> {
+ if (predicates.test(snapshotInfo)) {
+ snapshotInfos.add(snapshotInfo.maybeWithoutIndices(indices));
+ }
+ },
+ allDoneListener
+ )
+ );
- // then, look in the repository if there's any matching snapshots left
- final List snapshotInfos;
- if (snapshotIdsToIterate.isEmpty()) {
- snapshotInfos = Collections.emptyList();
- } else {
- snapshotInfos = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
- }
- final ActionListener allDoneListener = listener.safeMap(v -> {
- final ArrayList snapshotList = new ArrayList<>(snapshotInfos);
- snapshotList.addAll(snapshotSet);
- return sortSnapshots(snapshotList, sortBy, after, 0, GetSnapshotsRequest.NO_LIMIT, order);
- });
- if (snapshotIdsToIterate.isEmpty()) {
- allDoneListener.onResponse(null);
- return;
- }
- final Repository repository;
- try {
- repository = repositoriesService.repository(repositoryName);
- } catch (RepositoryMissingException e) {
- listener.onFailure(e);
- return;
- }
- repository.getSnapshotInfo(
- new GetSnapshotInfoContext(snapshotIdsToIterate, ignoreUnavailable == false, task::isCancelled, (context, snapshotInfo) -> {
- if (predicate.test(snapshotInfo)) {
- snapshotInfos.add(snapshotInfo.maybeWithoutIndices(indices));
- }
- }, allDoneListener)
- );
- }
- private static boolean isCurrentSnapshotsOnly(String[] snapshots) {
- return (snapshots.length == 1 && GetSnapshotsRequest.CURRENT_SNAPSHOT.equalsIgnoreCase(snapshots[0]));
- }
+ private boolean isCurrentSnapshotsOnly() {
+ return snapshots.length == 1 && GetSnapshotsRequest.CURRENT_SNAPSHOT.equalsIgnoreCase(snapshots[0]);
+ }
- private static SnapshotsInRepo buildSimpleSnapshotInfos(
- final Set toResolve,
- final String repoName,
- final RepositoryData repositoryData,
- final List currentSnapshots,
- final GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- @Nullable final GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
- final SortOrder order,
- boolean indices
- ) {
- List snapshotInfos = new ArrayList<>();
- for (SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo : currentSnapshots) {
- if (toResolve.remove(snapshotInfo.snapshot())) {
- snapshotInfos.add(snapshotInfo.basic());
+ private SnapshotsInRepo buildSimpleSnapshotInfos(
+ final Set toResolve,
+ final String repoName,
+ final RepositoryData repositoryData,
+ final List currentSnapshots
+ ) {
+ List snapshotInfos = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo : currentSnapshots) {
+ if (toResolve.remove(snapshotInfo.snapshot())) {
+ snapshotInfos.add(snapshotInfo.basic());
+ }
- }
- Map> snapshotsToIndices = new HashMap<>();
- if (indices) {
- for (IndexId indexId : repositoryData.getIndices().values()) {
- for (SnapshotId snapshotId : repositoryData.getSnapshots(indexId)) {
- if (toResolve.contains(new Snapshot(repoName, snapshotId))) {
- snapshotsToIndices.computeIfAbsent(snapshotId, (k) -> new ArrayList<>()).add(indexId.getName());
+ Map> snapshotsToIndices = new HashMap<>();
+ if (indices) {
+ for (IndexId indexId : repositoryData.getIndices().values()) {
+ for (SnapshotId snapshotId : repositoryData.getSnapshots(indexId)) {
+ if (toResolve.contains(new Snapshot(repoName, snapshotId))) {
+ snapshotsToIndices.computeIfAbsent(snapshotId, (k) -> new ArrayList<>()).add(indexId.getName());
+ }
+ for (Snapshot snapshot : toResolve) {
+ snapshotInfos.add(
+ new SnapshotInfo(
+ snapshot,
+ snapshotsToIndices.getOrDefault(snapshot.getSnapshotId(), Collections.emptyList()),
+ Collections.emptyList(),
+ Collections.emptyList(),
+ repositoryData.getSnapshotState(snapshot.getSnapshotId())
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return sortSnapshotsWithNoOffsetOrLimit(snapshotInfos);
- for (Snapshot snapshot : toResolve) {
- snapshotInfos.add(
- new SnapshotInfo(
- snapshot,
- snapshotsToIndices.getOrDefault(snapshot.getSnapshotId(), Collections.emptyList()),
- Collections.emptyList(),
- Collections.emptyList(),
- repositoryData.getSnapshotState(snapshot.getSnapshotId())
- )
- );
- }
- return sortSnapshots(snapshotInfos, sortBy, after, 0, GetSnapshotsRequest.NO_LIMIT, order);
- }
- private static final Comparator BY_START_TIME = Comparator.comparingLong(SnapshotInfo::startTime)
- .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
+ private static final Comparator BY_START_TIME = Comparator.comparingLong(SnapshotInfo::startTime)
+ .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
- private static final Comparator BY_DURATION = Comparator.comparingLong(
- sni -> sni.endTime() - sni.startTime()
- ).thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
+ private static final Comparator BY_DURATION = Comparator.comparingLong(
+ sni -> sni.endTime() - sni.startTime()
+ ).thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
- private static final Comparator BY_INDICES_COUNT = Comparator.comparingInt(sni -> sni.indices().size())
- .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
+ private static final Comparator BY_INDICES_COUNT = Comparator.comparingInt(sni -> sni.indices().size())
+ .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
- private static final Comparator BY_SHARDS_COUNT = Comparator.comparingInt(SnapshotInfo::totalShards)
- .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
+ private static final Comparator BY_SHARDS_COUNT = Comparator.comparingInt(SnapshotInfo::totalShards)
+ .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
- private static final Comparator BY_FAILED_SHARDS_COUNT = Comparator.comparingInt(SnapshotInfo::failedShards)
- .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
+ private static final Comparator BY_FAILED_SHARDS_COUNT = Comparator.comparingInt(SnapshotInfo::failedShards)
+ .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
- private static final Comparator BY_NAME = Comparator.comparing(sni -> sni.snapshotId().getName());
+ private static final Comparator BY_NAME = Comparator.comparing(sni -> sni.snapshotId().getName());
- private static final Comparator BY_REPOSITORY = Comparator.comparing(SnapshotInfo::repository)
- .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
+ private static final Comparator BY_REPOSITORY = Comparator.comparing(SnapshotInfo::repository)
+ .thenComparing(SnapshotInfo::snapshotId);
- private static long getDuration(SnapshotId snapshotId, RepositoryData repositoryData) {
- final RepositoryData.SnapshotDetails details = repositoryData.getSnapshotDetails(snapshotId);
- if (details == null) {
- return -1;
- }
- final long startTime = details.getStartTimeMillis();
- if (startTime == -1) {
- return -1;
+ private SnapshotsInRepo sortSnapshotsWithNoOffsetOrLimit(List snapshotInfos) {
+ return sortSnapshots(snapshotInfos.stream(), snapshotInfos.size(), 0, GetSnapshotsRequest.NO_LIMIT);
- final long endTime = details.getEndTimeMillis();
- if (endTime == -1) {
- return -1;
- }
- return endTime - startTime;
- }
- private static long getStartTime(SnapshotId snapshotId, RepositoryData repositoryData) {
- final RepositoryData.SnapshotDetails details = repositoryData.getSnapshotDetails(snapshotId);
- return details == null ? -1 : details.getStartTimeMillis();
- }
+ private SnapshotsInRepo sortSnapshots(Stream infos, int totalCount, int offset, int size) {
+ final Comparator comparator = switch (sortBy) {
+ case NAME -> BY_NAME;
+ };
- private static int indexCount(SnapshotId snapshotId, RepositoryData repositoryData) {
- // TODO: this could be made more efficient by caching this number in RepositoryData
- int indexCount = 0;
- for (IndexId idx : repositoryData.getIndices().values()) {
- if (repositoryData.getSnapshots(idx).contains(snapshotId)) {
- indexCount++;
+ if (after != null) {
+ assert offset == 0 : "can't combine after and offset but saw [" + after + "] and offset [" + offset + "]";
+ infos = infos.filter(buildAfterPredicate());
+ infos = infos.sorted(order == SortOrder.DESC ? comparator.reversed() : comparator).skip(offset);
+ final List allSnapshots = infos.toList();
+ final List snapshots;
+ if (size != GetSnapshotsRequest.NO_LIMIT) {
+ snapshots = allSnapshots.stream().limit(size + 1).toList();
+ } else {
+ snapshots = allSnapshots;
+ }
+ final List resultSet = size != GetSnapshotsRequest.NO_LIMIT && size < snapshots.size()
+ ? snapshots.subList(0, size)
+ : snapshots;
+ return new SnapshotsInRepo(resultSet, totalCount, allSnapshots.size() - resultSet.size());
+ }
+ private Predicate buildAfterPredicate() {
+ final String snapshotName = after.snapshotName();
+ final String repoName = after.repoName();
+ final String value = after.value();
+ return switch (sortBy) {
+ case START_TIME -> filterByLongOffset(SnapshotInfo::startTime, Long.parseLong(value), snapshotName, repoName, order);
+ case NAME ->
+ // TODO: cover via pre-flight predicate
+ order == SortOrder.ASC
+ ? (info -> compareName(snapshotName, repoName, info) < 0)
+ : (info -> compareName(snapshotName, repoName, info) > 0);
+ case DURATION -> filterByLongOffset(
+ info -> info.endTime() - info.startTime(),
+ Long.parseLong(value),
+ snapshotName,
+ repoName,
+ order
+ );
+ case INDICES ->
+ // TODO: cover via pre-flight predicate
+ filterByLongOffset(info -> info.indices().size(), Integer.parseInt(value), snapshotName, repoName, order);
+ case SHARDS -> filterByLongOffset(SnapshotInfo::totalShards, Integer.parseInt(value), snapshotName, repoName, order);
+ case FAILED_SHARDS -> filterByLongOffset(
+ SnapshotInfo::failedShards,
+ Integer.parseInt(value),
+ snapshotName,
+ repoName,
+ order
+ );
+ case REPOSITORY ->
+ // TODO: cover via pre-flight predicate
+ order == SortOrder.ASC
+ ? (info -> compareRepositoryName(snapshotName, repoName, info) < 0)
+ : (info -> compareRepositoryName(snapshotName, repoName, info) > 0);
+ };
+ }
+ private static Predicate filterByLongOffset(
+ ToLongFunction extractor,
+ long after,
+ String snapshotName,
+ String repoName,
+ SortOrder order
+ ) {
+ return order == SortOrder.ASC ? info -> {
+ final long val = extractor.applyAsLong(info);
+ return after < val || (after == val && compareName(snapshotName, repoName, info) < 0);
+ } : info -> {
+ final long val = extractor.applyAsLong(info);
+ return after > val || (after == val && compareName(snapshotName, repoName, info) > 0);
+ };
+ }
+ private static int compareRepositoryName(String name, String repoName, SnapshotInfo info) {
+ final int res = repoName.compareTo(info.repository());
+ if (res != 0) {
+ return res;
+ }
+ return name.compareTo(info.snapshotId().getName());
- return indexCount;
- }
- private static SnapshotsInRepo sortSnapshots(
- List snapshotInfos,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- @Nullable GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
- int offset,
- int size,
- SortOrder order
- ) {
- return sortSnapshots(snapshotInfos.stream(), snapshotInfos.size(), sortBy, after, offset, size, order);
- }
- private static SnapshotsInRepo sortSnapshots(
- Stream infos,
- int totalCount,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- @Nullable GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
- int offset,
- int size,
- SortOrder order
- ) {
- final Comparator comparator = switch (sortBy) {
- case NAME -> BY_NAME;
- };
- if (after != null) {
- assert offset == 0 : "can't combine after and offset but saw [" + after + "] and offset [" + offset + "]";
- infos = infos.filter(buildAfterPredicate(sortBy, after, order));
- }
- infos = infos.sorted(order == SortOrder.DESC ? comparator.reversed() : comparator).skip(offset);
- final List allSnapshots = infos.toList();
- final List snapshots;
- if (size != GetSnapshotsRequest.NO_LIMIT) {
- snapshots = allSnapshots.stream().limit(size + 1).toList();
- } else {
- snapshots = allSnapshots;
- }
- final List resultSet = size != GetSnapshotsRequest.NO_LIMIT && size < snapshots.size()
- ? snapshots.subList(0, size)
- : snapshots;
- return new SnapshotsInRepo(resultSet, totalCount, allSnapshots.size() - resultSet.size());
- }
- private static Predicate buildAfterPredicate(
- GetSnapshotsRequest.SortBy sortBy,
- GetSnapshotsRequest.After after,
- SortOrder order
- ) {
- final String snapshotName = after.snapshotName();
- final String repoName = after.repoName();
- final String value = after.value();
- return switch (sortBy) {
- case START_TIME -> filterByLongOffset(SnapshotInfo::startTime, Long.parseLong(value), snapshotName, repoName, order);
- case NAME ->
- // TODO: cover via pre-flight predicate
- order == SortOrder.ASC
- ? (info -> compareName(snapshotName, repoName, info) < 0)
- : (info -> compareName(snapshotName, repoName, info) > 0);
- case DURATION -> filterByLongOffset(
- info -> info.endTime() - info.startTime(),
- Long.parseLong(value),
- snapshotName,
- repoName,
- order
- );
- case INDICES ->
- // TODO: cover via pre-flight predicate
- filterByLongOffset(info -> info.indices().size(), Integer.parseInt(value), snapshotName, repoName, order);
- case SHARDS -> filterByLongOffset(SnapshotInfo::totalShards, Integer.parseInt(value), snapshotName, repoName, order);
- case FAILED_SHARDS -> filterByLongOffset(SnapshotInfo::failedShards, Integer.parseInt(value), snapshotName, repoName, order);
- case REPOSITORY ->
- // TODO: cover via pre-flight predicate
- order == SortOrder.ASC
- ? (info -> compareRepositoryName(snapshotName, repoName, info) < 0)
- : (info -> compareRepositoryName(snapshotName, repoName, info) > 0);
- };
- }
- private static Predicate filterByLongOffset(
- ToLongFunction extractor,
- long after,
- String snapshotName,
- String repoName,
- SortOrder order
- ) {
- return order == SortOrder.ASC ? info -> {
- final long val = extractor.applyAsLong(info);
- return after < val || (after == val && compareName(snapshotName, repoName, info) < 0);
- } : info -> {
- final long val = extractor.applyAsLong(info);
- return after > val || (after == val && compareName(snapshotName, repoName, info) > 0);
- };
- }
- private static int compareRepositoryName(String name, String repoName, SnapshotInfo info) {
- final int res = repoName.compareTo(info.repository());
- if (res != 0) {
- return res;
+ private static int compareName(String name, String repoName, SnapshotInfo info) {
+ final int res = name.compareTo(info.snapshotId().getName());
+ if (res != 0) {
+ return res;
+ }
+ return repoName.compareTo(info.repository());
- return name.compareTo(info.snapshotId().getName());
- }
- private static int compareName(String name, String repoName, SnapshotInfo info) {
- final int res = name.compareTo(info.snapshotId().getName());
- if (res != 0) {
- return res;
- }
- return repoName.compareTo(info.repository());
@@ -881,6 +797,37 @@ private static Predicate filterByLongOffset(ToLongFunction after <= extractor.applyAsLong(info) : info -> after >= extractor.applyAsLong(info);
+ private static long getDuration(SnapshotId snapshotId, RepositoryData repositoryData) {
+ final RepositoryData.SnapshotDetails details = repositoryData.getSnapshotDetails(snapshotId);
+ if (details == null) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ final long startTime = details.getStartTimeMillis();
+ if (startTime == -1) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ final long endTime = details.getEndTimeMillis();
+ if (endTime == -1) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return endTime - startTime;
+ }
+ private static long getStartTime(SnapshotId snapshotId, RepositoryData repositoryData) {
+ final RepositoryData.SnapshotDetails details = repositoryData.getSnapshotDetails(snapshotId);
+ return details == null ? -1 : details.getStartTimeMillis();
+ }
+ private static int indexCount(SnapshotId snapshotId, RepositoryData repositoryData) {
+ // TODO: this could be made more efficient by caching this number in RepositoryData
+ int indexCount = 0;
+ for (IndexId idx : repositoryData.getIndices().values()) {
+ if (repositoryData.getSnapshots(idx).contains(snapshotId)) {
+ indexCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ return indexCount;
+ }
private record SnapshotsInRepo(List snapshotInfos, int totalCount, int remaining) {