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-== Beats overview
+== What are {beats}?
{beats} are open source data shippers that you install as agents on your
servers to send operational data to
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-=== 7.0 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.0.
-For a complete list of highlights, see the
-https://www.elastic.co/blog/beats-7-0-0-released[{beats} 7.0 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-==== Elastic Common Schema (ECS)
-The {ecs-ref}/index.html[Elastic Common Schema], or ECS, is an open source
-specification that defines a common set of document fields for event data
-ingested into {es}. ECS makes it dramatically easier for users to correlate data
-across sources and develop common content, such as dashboards and machine
-learning jobs.
-In 7.0, all {beats} and {beats} modules generate ECS format events by default.
-This means that adopting ECS is as easy as upgrading to {beats} 7.0. All {beats}
-module dashboards in 7.0 make use of ECS.
-Migrating to a common schema means that many fields have been renamed. We have
-developed an upgrade procedure that uses {es} field aliases to make the
-transition easier. After the upgrade is complete, we strongly advise that you
-adjust your custom {kib} dashboards, machine learning jobs, and other content to
-use the new ECS field names.
-See the {beats-ref}/upgrading.html[{beats} upgrade documentation] for more
-==== Index lifecycle management (ILM)
-In 6.6, {es} added advanced capabilities for index management. Rather than
-simply performing management actions on your indices on a set schedule, you can
-base actions on other factors such as shard size and performance requirements.
-You control how indices are handled as they age by attaching a lifecycle policy
-to the index template used to create them. You can update the policy to modify
-the lifecycle of both new and existing indices. This set of capabilities are
-grouped in the {ref}/index-lifecycle-management.html[index lifecycle management
-(ILM)] APIs.
-In 7.0, {beats} defaults to rotating indices by using ILM policies, if the {es}
-version to which they connect supports ILM. The default policy rotates indices
-when they reach 50 GB or 30 days. You can edit the ILM policy by using the {kib}
-management UI, or directly via the {es} API.
-==== Stack monitoring
-The full suite of modules to {ref}/monitoring-production.html[monitor your
-{stack}] are now GA. These include the {metricbeat} modules for {es}, {ls}, and
-In the future, we will switch to {metricbeat} as the recommended agent
-for monitoring the {stack}. To prepare for the switch, see
-{ref}/configuring-metricbeat.html[Collecting {es} monitoring data with {metricbeat}].
-==== Logs and infrastructure metrics
-{beats} adds several new modules, focusing on datastores and the cloud.
-On the cloud side, {metricbeat} adds the
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-aws.html[AWS] module, which collects and
-centralizes basic resource utilization metrics from all your EC2 instances,
-directly from Cloudwatch. A widely used messaging platform,
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-nats.html[NATS], earns its own module for
-capturing stats, connections, routes, and subscriptions metrics.
-For datastores, {metricbeat} offers modules for Microsoft SQL Server and
-CouchDB. The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-mssql.html[MSSQL] module
-captures transaction log and performance counters, while the
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-couchdb.html[CouchDB] module provides a
-server metricset.
-==== Security analytics data sources
-For data relevant to security analytics, {filebeat} adds a
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-zeek.html[Zeek] module that integrates with the
-popular open-source Zeek project, formerly known as Bro, and a
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-santa.html[Santa] module, which tracks process
-executions on macOS. These modules add to the list of data sources already
-supported in the 6.x series, including
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-iptables.html[IPtables], and
-In addition, the {auditbeat}
-{auditbeat-ref}/auditbeat-module-system.html[system] module keeps improving, and
-the transition to ECS makes all {beats} modules more useful for security
-use cases.
-// end::notable-highlights[]
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-=== 7.1 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.1.
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-Some Elastic Stack security features, such as encrypted communications,
-file and native authentication, and role-based access control, are now available
-in more subscription levels. For details, see https://www.elastic.co/subscriptions.
-// end::notable-highlights[]
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-=== 7.2 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.2.
-For a complete list of highlights, see the
-https://www.elastic.co/blog/beats-7-2-0-released[{beats} 7.2 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-==== Scripted processing
-In this release, Beats offers a {filebeat-ref}/processor-script.html[script
-processor] for processing events with Javascript code. It also includes an event
-API that eases the overall event manipulation experience. As Beats often run on
-host servers, the script processor has been properly sandboxed to only execute
-https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/[ECMAScript 5.1 code]. It can
-therefore only manipulate the event that it’s given and cannot interact with the
-host or any external services.
-==== Security analytics
-{beats} adds several new integrations for security use cases. {filebeat} offers
-new logging modules for popular firewall technologies. The
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-panw.html[Palo Alto Networks module] monitors
-PAN-OS firewall logs, and the {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-cisco.html[Cisco
-ASA module] monitors Cisco ASA firewall logs. These logs can be received via
-syslog or extracted directly from a file. {filebeat} also offers a new
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-netflow.html[NetFlow module] that monitors
-NetFlow and IPFIX flow records.
-Beyond these integrations, the 7.2 release introduces the Elastic
-{kibana-ref}/xpack-siem.html[SIEM application in {kib}].
-==== Cloud monitoring
-The {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-nats.html[NATS module] is now available in
-{filebeat} for monitoring the NATS messaging system logs. This complements the
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-nats.html[NATS module in {metricbeat}] that
-was introduced in {beats} 7.0.0. This release also adds
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-coredns.html[CoreDNS modules in {filebeat}] and
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-coredns.html[{metricbeat}] to monitor CoreDNS
-logs and metrics.
-{filebeat} also introduces a new
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-input-container.html[container input] as a more dynamic
-way of collecting container logs. It supports auto-detection of both Docker and
-CRI-O log formats. CRI-O is an increasingly popular container runtime for
-Kubernetes. You should use the container input in favor of the existing Docker
-input, which is now deprecated.
-==== Windows monitoring
-Winlogbeat adds two new modules in this release. The
-{winlogbeat-ref}/winlogbeat-module-sysmon.html[Sysmon module] monitors event log
-records from the Sysinternals System Monitor, and the
-{winlogbeat-ref}/winlogbeat-module-security.html[Security module] monitors
-Windows security event logs. This release also adds support for the newer
-Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format.
-// end::notable-highlights[]
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-=== 7.3 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.3.
-For a complete list of highlights, see the
-https://www.elastic.co/blog/beats-7-3-0-released[{beats} 7.3 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-==== Automated {functionbeat} deployment with CloudFormation templates
-{functionbeat} 7.3.0 introduces the ability to export a CloudFormation
-template for integration with automation systems. Previously, {functionbeat} was
-only available for manual command line deployment, but with this new
-functionality, you can more easily automate {functionbeat} deployments through
-their own CloudFormation stacks.
-To export CloudFormation templates, use the following command:
-$ ./functionbeat export function
-==== Google Cloud integrations
-{filebeat} 7.3.0 introduces a
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-googlecloud.html[Google Cloud module] that
-monitors Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) flow logs from Google Cloud through
-Stackdriver. It ships data to {es} in ECS format, so it’s immediately available
-for analysis in the https://www.elastic.co/products/siem[SIEM app] (or with
-https://www.elastic.co/products/maps[Maps] or a
-https://www.elastic.co/what-is/kibana-canvas[Canvas] workpad).
-Along with the module, {filebeat} also introduces a
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-input-google-pubsub.html[Google Cloud Pub/Sub] input for
-consuming from Google Cloud Pub/Sub topics. You can use this input to ingest all
-your events from Google Cloud for real-time analytics with the {stack}.
-==== Expanded database monitoring
-7.3.0 introduces support for three new databases in {metricbeat} and a new
-database source in {filebeat}.
-* *Oracle Database*
-The {metricbeat} {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-oracle.html[Oracle
-module] provides the
-metricset, which includes information about data files and temp files, grouped
-by tablespace. This module includes information about used and free space, the
-status of the data files, and the status of the tablespace itself.
-* *Amazon RDS*
-If you’re using https://aws.amazon.com/rds/[Amazon Relational Database Service
-(RDS)], you can now collect a rich set of metrics about your deployment, from
-CPU and memory usage, to disk and network throughput and latency. See all the
-details in the {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-aws-rds.html[`RDS`]
-metricset, now available in the {metricbeat}
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-aws.html[AWS module].
-* *CockroachDB*
-The {metricbeat} {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-cockroachdb.html[CockroachDB
-module] exposes the
-metricset, which is compatible with any CockroachDB version exposing metrics in
-Prometheus format.
-* *Microsoft SQL Server*
-The {filebeat} {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-mssql.html[MS SQL module] monitors
-the Microsoft SQL Server error logs with the {stack}.
-==== Improved Kubernetes monitoring
-{metricbeat} 7.3.0 strengthens Kubernetes observability by introducing
-metricsets for three additional Kubernetes components:
-* The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-kubernetes-controllermanager.html[`controllermanager`]
-metricset captures metrics from
-* The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-kubernetes-proxy.html[`proxy`]
-metricset covers
-the network proxy component in Kubernetes.
-* The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-kubernetes-scheduler.html[`scheduler`]
-metricset provides visibility into the
-==== Configuration-only {metricbeat} modules
-For developers, we've streamlined the process of adding new data sources. 7.3.0
-introduces a new way of creating {metricbeat} modules, called _light modules_,
-that doesn’t require a single line of Go code. Light modules provide pre-defined
-configurations on top of existing, more generic modules, such as
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-prometheus.html[Prometheus] or
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-jolokia.html[Jolokia]. In fact, the
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-cockroachdb.html[CockroachDB] module,
-introduced in this release, is a light module.
-// end::notable-highlights[]
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-=== 7.4 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.4.
-For a complete list of highlights, see the
-https://www.elastic.co/blog/beats-7-4-0-released[{beats} 7.4 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-==== New {filebeat} inputs for ingesting S3 and Kafka logs
-The {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-input-s3.html[S3 input] in {filebeat} is a beta
-feature available under the Basic license, meaning it’s free to use. It ingests
-raw log lines from S3 buckets by leveraging SQS queues for scalable consumption.
-We recommend using this {filebeat} input instead of the {ls} S3 input if you are
-looking for a horizontally scalable solution for ingesting logs from S3.
-The {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-input-kafka.html[kafka input] in {filebeat} enables
-data consumption from Kafka topics. Multiple {filebeat} instances can subscribe
-to the same Kafka consumer group for parallel processing from topics.
-Additionally, the Kafka input can consume data from Azure Event Hubs given the
-service supports Kafka interface compatibility.
-// end::notable-highlights[]
-==== {functionbeat} improvements
-{functionbeat} now supports {ls} as an output for data processing.
-We've also added configurable function tags that you can use for grouping,
-filtering, and cost allocation with AWS Lambda.
-==== Expanded platform support
-In Beats 7.4.0, we’ve added support for the following platforms:
-* RHEL 8
-* Amazon Linux 2
-* Ubuntu 18.04
-* Windows Server 2019.
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-=== 7.5 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.5.
-For a complete list of highlights, see the
-https://www.elastic.co/blog/beats-7-5-0-released[{beats} 7.5 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-==== New modules for Azure cloud monitoring
-With the addition of {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-azure.html[{metricbeat}]
-and {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-azure.html[{filebeat}] modules for Azure
-monitoring, Azure users can now directly monitor logs and metrics from Azure
-Event Hub and Azure Monitor and use prebuilt {kib} dashboards to speed up the
-==== {heartbeat} enhanced with hint-based autodiscover
-In 7.5, we’ve enhanced {heartbeat}, as part of our Uptime solution, to include
-{heartbeat-ref}/[hint-based autodiscover], which is a particularly great fit
-for monitoring the health of Kubernetes services.
-// end::notable-highlights[]
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-=== 7.6 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.6.
-For a complete list of related highlights, see the
-https://www.elastic.co/blog/elastic-observability-7-6-0-released[Observability 7.6 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-==== Support added for TLS 1.3
-In 7.6, we've added support for TLS 1.3, enabling you to take advantage
-of the security and performance improvements available in TLS 1.3 when {beats}
-connects to an {es} cluster that supports it.
-TLS 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 are now enabled by default.
-==== Azure cloud monitoring improvements
-The new {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-azure-storage.html[`storage`]
-metricset in the {metricbeat} {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-azure.html[Azure
-module] adds the ability to collect metrics from storage accounts.
-We've also made it easier for you to do a cost analysis on metrics
-collection by adding a cost warning message to each metrics API call. The
-message indicates the cost applied while retrieving metric values from Azure
-==== Google cloud monitoring improvements
-Starting with 7.6, you can deploy {functionbeat} as a Google Function via Google
-Cloud Deployment Manager and pull log events from
-https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/[Google Pub/Sub] and
-https://cloud.google.com/storage/[Google Cloud Storage].
-We've also expanded support in {metricbeat} by adding a beta release of the
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-googlecloud.html[Google Cloud Platform module].
-This module fetches monitoring metrics from Google Cloud Platform (GCP) by using
-https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/metrics_gcp[Stackdriver Monitoring API].
-On the logging side, we've added two new filesets to the {filebeat}
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-module-googlecloud.html[Google Cloud module] to make it
-easier for you to ingest Gloogle Cloud logs:
-* The `audit` fileset parses
-https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/audit/[Google Cloud Audit Logs].
-* The `firewall` fileset parses firewall logs generated by firewall rules
-==== Better support for document deduplication
-To help prevent duplicate events, we've introduced `document_id` settings
-in {beats} that you can use to set the document ID _before_ sending events to
-an output. The ID is stored in the {beats} `@metadata._id` field and used to
-set the document ID during indexing. Both the `decode_json_fields` processor and
-`json` options in the {filebeat} have been enhanced to include a
-`document_id` setting to use when decoding JSON data.
-We've also added new processors for generating IDs when your data has no natural
-key field. The {filebeat-ref}/add-id.html[`add_id`] processor generates a unique
-ID for an event. The {filebeat-ref}/fingerprint.html[`fingerprint`] processor
-generates a fingerprint of an event based on a specified subset of its fields.
-To learn more, see {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-deduplication.html[Data
-// end::notable-highlights[]
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-=== 7.7 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.7.
-For a complete list of related highlights, see the
-https://www.elastic.co/blog/elastic-observability-7-7-0-released[Observability 7.7 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-==== Azure Kubernetes and container monitoring
-We've enhanced the {metricbeat} Azure module with three new metricsets
-for monitoring Microsoft Azure container services:
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-azure-container_registry.html[`container_registry`], and
-These metricsets collect metrics from the following services:
-* Azure Kubernetes Service
-* Azure Container Instances
-* Azure Container Registry
-Each metricset comes with a dashboard that makes it easy to get started
-monitoring Azure containers.
-==== AWS VPCs, Lambdas, and DynamoDB monitoring
-In the {metricbeat} AWS module, we've added support for monitoring
-mission-critical services in the Amazon VPC ecosystem:
-* The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-aws-natgateway.html[`natgateway`]
-metricset enables you to monitor NAT gateway services to gain a
-better perspective on how web applications or services are performing.
-* The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-aws-natgateway.html[`transitgateway`]
-metricset collects metrics sent to CloudWatch by VPC when requests are flowing
-through the gateway.
-* The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-aws-vpn.html[`vpn`] metricset
-enables you to monitor VPN tunnels. VPN metric data is automatically sent to
-CloudWatch as it becomes available.
-Also new in this release, the
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-aws-lambda.html[`lambda`] metricset monitors
-Lambda functions across multiple accounts and regions. The metricset collects
-metrics such as total invocations, errors, duration, throttles, dead-letter queue
-errors, and iterator age for stream-based invocations. You can use these metrics
-to configure alerts to respond to events such as changes in performance and
-error rates.
-We’ve also added the
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-aws-dynamodb.html[`dynamodb`] metricset to
-monitor AWS DynamoDB instances. This metricset collects metrics, such as request
-latency, transaction conflicts, provisioned and consumed capacity, and many
-For Amazon Aurora users, we've enhanced the
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-aws-rds.html[`rds`] metricset to collect
-metrics about your Aurora instances.
-==== Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Pub/Sub and Load Balancer monitoring
-We've enhanced the {metricbeat} Google Cloud Platform module with support
-for monitoring additional services:
-* The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-googlecloud-pubsub.html[`pubsub`]
-metricset connects to the Stackdriver API and collects metrics for topics,
-subscriptions, and snapshots used by a specified account.
-* The {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-googlecloud-loadbalancing.html[`loadbalancing`]
-metricset captures load balancing performance metrics for HTTP(S), TCP, and UDP
-==== Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) monitoring
-We continue to expand coverage of container platforms by adding support for
-Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
-The new {metricbeat}
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-cloudfoundry.html[Cloudfoundry module]
-connects to the Cloud Foundry API and pulls container, counter, and value
-metrics from it. These metrics are stored in `cloudfoundry.container`,
-`cloudfoundry.counter` and `cloudfoundry.value` metricsets.
-In {filebeat}, the new
-{filebeat-ref}/filebeat-input-cloudfoundry.html[`cloudfoundry`] input collects
-http access logs, container logs, and error logs from Cloud Foundry.
-To learn how to run {beats} on Cloud Foundry, see:
-* {metricbeat-ref}/running-on-cloudfoundry.html[Run {metricbeat} on Cloud Foundry]
-* {filebeat-ref}/running-on-cloudfoundry.html[Run {filebeat} on Cloud Foundry]
-==== IBM MQ monitoring
-Prior to this release, we offered support in {filebeat} for collecting and
-parsing queue manager error logs from IBM MQ.
-In this release, we’ve added the missing piece: metrics. The new {metricbeat}
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-ibmmq.html[IBM MQ module] pulls status
-information for the Queue Manager, which is responsible for maintaining queues
-and ensuring that messages in the queues reach their destination.
-==== Redis Enterprise monitoring
-In addition to our existing Redis module, which focuses on the open source
-version of the database, we’ve added the new {metricbeat}
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-redisenterprise.html[Redis Enterprise] module
-to monitor features such as nodes and proxies in a Redis cluster.
-==== Istio monitoring
-For Istio users, we've introduced the {metricbeat}
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-istio.html[Istio module] to
-collect metrics about service traffic (in, out, and within a service mesh),
-control-plane metrics for Istio Pilot, Galley, Mixer components, and much
-==== ECS field improvements in {filebeat}
-The {ecs-ref}/index.html[Elastic Common Schema] (ECS) defines a common set of
-fields to be used when storing event data in {es}.
-In 7.7, we've improved ECS field mappings in numerous {filebeat} modules,
-making it easier for you to analyze, visualize, and correlate data across
-events. For a list of affected modules, see the
-{beats-ref}/release-notes.html[Release Notes] for 7.7.0.
-// end::notable-highlights[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights-7.8.0.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights-7.8.0.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 590e5de2894..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights-7.8.0.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-=== 7.8 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 7.8.
-For a complete list of related highlights, see the
-https://www.elastic.co/blog/elastic-observability-7-7-0-released[Observability 7.8 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-==== Support for monitoring Google Cloud service metrics
-In this release, we've added support for monitoring Google Cloud operations
-suite (formerly Stackdriver). The new
-metricset in the Google Cloud Platform module collects any service metrics from
-Google Cloud by using the `ListTimeSeries` API call.
-For a full list of metric types that Google Cloud monitoring supports, see the
-https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/metrics_gcp#gcp[Google Cloud metrics]
-==== Specialized Linux integration
-To simplify Linux monitoring, we’ve introduced a new
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-module-linux.html[Linux] module that contains metrics
-exclusive to the Linux kernel and various subsystems. This is done primarily to
-avoid cluttering the System module with metricsets that are not broadly
-cross-compatible. The new Linux module currently includes these metricsets:
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-metricset-linux-ksm.html[ksm], and
-// end::notable-highlights[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights-8.0.0.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights-8.0.0.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 91941572402..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights-8.0.0.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-=== 8.0 release highlights
-Each release of {beats} brings new features and product improvements.
-Following are the most notable features and enhancements in 8.0.
-//For a complete list of highlights, see the
-//https://www.elastic.co/blog/beats-8-0-0-released[{beats} 8.0 release blog].
-For a list of bug fixes and other changes, see the {beats}
-<> and <>.
-//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
-//Installation and Upgrade Guide
-// tag::notable-highlights[]
-//==== Add title here
-//Add description here.
-//==== Add title here
-//Add description here.
-// end::notable-highlights[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index c963c6dd06a..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/release-notes/highlights/highlights.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-== Release highlights
-This section summarizes the most important changes in each release. For the
-full list, see <> and <>.
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/release-notes/whats-new.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/release-notes/whats-new.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..439d68a4da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/release-notes/whats-new.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+== What's new in {beats} {minor-version}
+What's new in {minor-version}
+Here are the highlights of what's new and improved in {minor-version}.
+//Uncomment when release notes are available.
+//For detailed information about this release, check out the
+//<> and
+//Starting with n.1, uncomment this list and add links to previous releases
+//with most recent listed first:
+//Other versions: {beats-ref-all}/8.0/release-highlights-8.0.0.html[8.0] |
+//{beats-ref-all}/n.n/release-highlights-n.n.n.html[n.n] |
+//NOTE: The notable-highlights tagged regions are re-used in the
+//Installation and Upgrade Guide
+// tag::notable-highlights[]
+// end::notable-highlights[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc
index 4a285b4759c..56dee789d4d 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
:beatsdevguide: http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/devguide/{branch}
+:beats-ref-all: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/libbeat
:dashboards: https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/beats-dashboards/beats-dashboards-{version}.zip
:dockerimage: docker.elastic.co/beats/{beatname_lc}:{version}
:dockerconfig: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/beats/{branch}/deploy/docker/{beatname_lc}.docker.yml