action: action_id: 59c47640-7c44-11eb-b1f6-1755d2a3f765 action_type: POLICY_CHANGE policy: agent: monitoring: enabled: true logs: true metrics: true use_output: default fleet: kibana: hosts: - protocol: https id: 4c69e200-7c44-11eb-b1f6-1755d2a3f765 inputs: - data_stream: namespace: default id: c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 meta: package: name: system version: 0.10.9 name: system-1 revision: 1 streams: - data_stream: dataset: system.auth type: logs exclude_files: - .gz$ id: logfile-system.auth-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 multiline: match: after pattern: ^\s paths: - /var/log/auth.log* - /var/log/secure* processors: - add_locale: null - add_fields: fields: ecs.version: 1.5.0 target: "" - data_stream: dataset: system.syslog type: logs exclude_files: - .gz$ id: logfile-system.syslog-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 multiline: match: after pattern: ^\s paths: - /var/log/messages* - /var/log/syslog* processors: - add_locale: null - add_fields: fields: ecs.version: 1.5.0 target: "" type: logfile use_output: default - data_stream: namespace: default id: c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 meta: package: name: system version: 0.10.9 name: system-1 revision: 1 streams: - condition: ${host.platform} == 'windows' data_stream: dataset: system.application type: logs id: winlog-system.application-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 ignore_older: 72h name: Application - condition: ${host.platform} == 'windows' data_stream: dataset: type: logs id: name: Security processors: - add_fields: fields: ecs.version: 1.6.0 target: "" - script: id: security lang: javascript source: |- // Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one // or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License; // you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License. var security = (function () { var path = require("path"); var processor = require("processor"); var windows = require("windows"); // Logon Types // var logonTypes = { "2": "Interactive", "3": "Network", "4": "Batch", "5": "Service", "7": "Unlock", "8": "NetworkCleartext", "9": "NewCredentials", "10": "RemoteInteractive", "11": "CachedInteractive", }; // User Account Control Attributes Table // var uacFlags = [ [0x0001, 'SCRIPT'], [0x0002, 'ACCOUNTDISABLE'], [0x0008, 'HOMEDIR_REQUIRED'], [0x0010, 'LOCKOUT'], [0x0020, 'PASSWD_NOTREQD'], [0x0040, 'PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE'], [0x0080, 'ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED'], [0x0100, 'TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT'], [0x0200, 'NORMAL_ACCOUNT'], [0x0800, 'INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT'], [0x1000, 'WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT'], [0x2000, 'SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT'], [0x10000, 'DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD'], [0x20000, 'MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT'], [0x40000, 'SMARTCARD_REQUIRED'], [0x80000, 'TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION'], [0x100000, 'NOT_DELEGATED'], [0x200000, 'USE_DES_KEY_ONLY'], [0x400000, 'DONT_REQ_PREAUTH'], [0x800000, 'PASSWORD_EXPIRED'], [0x1000000, 'TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION'], [0x04000000, 'PARTIAL_SECRETS_ACCOUNT'], ]; // Kerberos TGT and TGS Ticket Options // // var ticketOptions = [ "Reserved", "Forwardable", "Forwarded", "Proxiable", "Proxy", "Allow-postdate", "Postdated", "Invalid", "Renewable", "Initial", "Pre-authent", "Opt-hardware-auth", "Transited-policy-checked", "Ok-as-delegate", "Request-anonymous", "Name-canonicalize", "Unused", "Unused", "Unused", "Unused", "Unused", "Unused", "Unused", "Unused", "Unused", "Unused", "Disable-transited-check", "Renewable-ok", "Enc-tkt-in-skey", "Unused", "Renew", "Validate"]; // Kerberos Encryption Types // // var ticketEncryptionTypes = { "0x1": "DES-CBC-CRC", "0x3": "DES-CBC-MD5", "0x11": "AES128-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96", "0x12": "AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96", "0x17": "RC4-HMAC", "0x18": "RC4-HMAC-EXP", "0xffffffff": "FAIL", }; // Kerberos Result Status Codes // // var kerberosTktStatusCodes = { "0x0": "KDC_ERR_NONE", "0x1": "KDC_ERR_NAME_EXP", "0x2": "KDC_ERR_SERVICE_EXP", "0x3": "KDC_ERR_BAD_PVNO", "0x4": "KDC_ERR_C_OLD_MAST_KVNO", "0x5": "KDC_ERR_S_OLD_MAST_KVNO", "0x6": "KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN", "0x7": "KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN", "0x8": "KDC_ERR_PRINCIPAL_NOT_UNIQUE", "0x9": "KDC_ERR_NULL_KEY", "0xA": "KDC_ERR_CANNOT_POSTDATE", "0xB": "KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID", "0xC": "KDC_ERR_POLICY", "0xD": "KDC_ERR_BADOPTION", "0xE": "KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOTSUPP", "0xF": "KDC_ERR_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP", "0x10": "KDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP", "0x11": "KDC_ERR_TRTYPE_NO_SUPP", "0x12": "KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED", "0x13": "KDC_ERR_SERVICE_REVOKED", "0x14": "KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED", "0x15": "KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NOTYET", "0x16": "KDC_ERR_SERVICE_NOTYET", "0x17": "KDC_ERR_KEY_EXPIRED", "0x18": "KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED", "0x19": "KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED", "0x1A": "KDC_ERR_SERVER_NOMATCH", "0x1B": "KDC_ERR_MUST_USE_USER2USER", "0x1F": "KRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY", "0x20": "KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_EXPIRED", "0x21": "KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_NYV", "0x22": "KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT", "0x23": "KRB_AP_ERR_NOT_US", "0x24": "KRB_AP_ERR_BADMATCH", "0x25": "KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW", "0x26": "KRB_AP_ERR_BADADDR", "0x27": "KRB_AP_ERR_BADVERSION", "0x28": "KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE", "0x29": "KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED", "0x2A": "KRB_AP_ERR_BADORDER", "0x2C": "KRB_AP_ERR_BADKEYVER", "0x2D": "KRB_AP_ERR_NOKEY", "0x2E": "KRB_AP_ERR_MUT_FAIL", "0x2F": "KRB_AP_ERR_BADDIRECTION", "0x30": "KRB_AP_ERR_METHOD", "0x31": "KRB_AP_ERR_BADSEQ", "0x32": "KRB_AP_ERR_INAPP_CKSUM", "0x33": "KRB_AP_PATH_NOT_ACCEPTED", "0x34": "KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG", "0x3C": "KRB_ERR_GENERIC", "0x3D": "KRB_ERR_FIELD_TOOLONG", "0x3E": "KDC_ERR_CLIENT_NOT_TRUSTED", "0x3F": "KDC_ERR_KDC_NOT_TRUSTED", "0x40": "KDC_ERR_INVALID_SIG", "0x41": "KDC_ERR_KEY_TOO_WEAK", "0x42": "KRB_AP_ERR_USER_TO_USER_REQUIRED", "0x43": "KRB_AP_ERR_NO_TGT", "0x44": "KDC_ERR_WRONG_REALM", }; // event.category, event.type, event.action var eventActionTypes = { "1100": ["process","end","logging-service-shutdown"], "1102": ["iam", "admin", "audit-log-cleared"], "1104": ["iam","admin","logging-full"], "1105": ["iam","admin","auditlog-archieved"], "1108": ["iam","admin","logging-processing-error"], "4624": ["authentication","start","logged-in"], "4625": ["authentication","start","logon-failed"], "4634": ["authentication","end","logged-out"], "4647": ["authentication","end","logged-out"], "4648": ["authentication","start","logged-in-explicit"], "4672": ["iam","admin","logged-in-special"], "4673": ["iam","admin","privileged-service-called"], "4674": ["iam","admin","privileged-operation"], "4688": ["process","start","created-process"], "4689": ["process", "end", "exited-process"], "4697": ["iam","admin","service-installed"], "4698": ["iam","creation","scheduled-task-created"], "4699": ["iam","deletion","scheduled-task-deleted"], "4700": ["iam","change","scheduled-task-enabled"], "4701": ["iam","change","scheduled-task-disabled"], "4702": ["iam","change","scheduled-task-updated"], "4719": ["iam","admin","changed-audit-config"], "4720": ["iam","creation","added-user-account"], "4722": ["iam","creation","enabled-user-account"], "4723": ["iam","change","changed-password"], "4724": ["iam","change","reset-password"], "4725": ["iam","deletion","disabled-user-account"], "4726": ["iam","deletion","deleted-user-account"], "4727": ["iam","creation","added-group-account"], "4728": ["iam","change","added-member-to-group"], "4729": ["iam","change","removed-member-from-group"], "4730": ["iam","deletion","deleted-group-account"], "4731": ["iam","creation","added-group-account"], "4732": ["iam","change","added-member-to-group"], "4733": ["iam","change","removed-member-from-group"], "4734": ["iam","deletion","deleted-group-account"], "4735": ["iam","change","modified-group-account"], "4737": ["iam","change","modified-group-account"], "4738": ["iam","change","modified-user-account"], "4740": ["iam","change","locked-out-user-account"], "4741": ["iam","creation","added-computer-account"], "4742": ["iam","change","changed-computer-account"], "4743": ["iam","deletion","deleted-computer-account"], "4744": ["iam","creation","added-distribution-group-account"], "4745": ["iam","change","changed-distribution-group-account"], "4746": ["iam","change","added-member-to-distribution-group"], "4747": ["iam","change","removed-member-from-distribution-group"], "4748": ["iam","deletion","deleted-distribution-group-account"], "4749": ["iam","creation","added-distribution-group-account"], "4750": ["iam","change","changed-distribution-group-account"], "4751": ["iam","change","added-member-to-distribution-group"], "4752": ["iam","change","removed-member-from-distribution-group"], "4753": ["iam","deletion","deleted-distribution-group-account"], "4754": ["iam","creation","added-group-account"], "4755": ["iam","change","modified-group-account"], "4756": ["iam","change","added-member-to-group"], "4757": ["iam","change","removed-member-from-group"], "4758": ["iam","deletion","deleted-group-account"], "4759": ["iam","creation","added-distribution-group-account"], "4760": ["iam","change","changed-distribution-group-account"], "4761": ["iam","change","added-member-to-distribution-group"], "4762": ["iam","change","removed-member-from-distribution-group"], "4763": ["iam","deletion","deleted-distribution-group-account"], "4764": ["iam","change","type-changed-group-account"], "4767": ["iam","change","unlocked-user-account"], "4768": ["authentication","start","kerberos-authentication-ticket-requested"], "4769": ["authentication","start","kerberos-service-ticket-requested"], "4770": ["authentication","start","kerberos-service-ticket-renewed"], "4771": ["authentication","start","kerberos-preauth-failed"], "4776": ["authentication","start","credential-validated"], "4778": ["authentication","start","session-reconnected"], "4779": ["authentication","end","session-disconnected"], "4781": ["iam","change","renamed-user-account","dummy"], "4798": ["iam","info","group-membership-enumerated"], "4799": ["iam","info","user-member-enumerated","dummy"], "4964": ["iam","admin","logged-in-special"], }; // Audit Policy Changes Table // var auditActions = { "8448": "Success Removed", "8450": "Failure Removed", "8449": "Success Added", "8451": "Failure Added", }; // Services Types // var serviceTypes = { "0x1": "Kernel Driver", "0x2": "File System Driver", "0x8": "Recognizer Driver", "0x10": "Win32 Own Process", "0x20": "Win32 Share Process", "0x110": "Interactive Own Process", "0x120": "Interactive Share Process", }; // Audit Categories Description // var auditDescription = { "0CCE9210-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Security State Change", "System"], "0CCE9211-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Security System Extension", "System"], "0CCE9212-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["System Integrity", "System"], "0CCE9213-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["IPsec Driver", "System"], "0CCE9214-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Other System Events", "System"], "0CCE9215-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Logon", "Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE9216-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Logoff","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE9217-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Account Lockout","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE9218-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["IPsec Main Mode","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE9219-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["IPsec Quick Mode","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE921A-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["IPsec Extended Mode","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE921B-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Special Logon","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE921C-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Other Logon/Logoff Events","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE9243-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Network Policy Server","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE9247-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["User / Device Claims","Logon/Logoff"], "0CCE921D-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["File System","Object Access"], "0CCE921E-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Registry","Object Access"], "0CCE921F-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Kernel Object","Object Access"], "0CCE9220-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["SAM","Object Access"], "0CCE9221-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Certification Services","Object Access"], "0CCE9222-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Application Generated","Object Access"], "0CCE9223-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Handle Manipulation","Object Access"], "0CCE9224-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["File Share","Object Access"], "0CCE9225-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Filtering Platform Packet Drop","Object Access"], "0CCE9226-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Filtering Platform Connection ","Object Access"], "0CCE9227-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Other Object Access Events","Object Access"], "0CCE9244-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Detailed File Share","Object Access"], "0CCE9245-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Removable Storage","Object Access"], "0CCE9246-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Central Policy Staging","Object Access"], "0CCE9228-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Sensitive Privilege Use","Privilege Use"], "0CCE9229-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Non Sensitive Privilege Use","Privilege Use"], "0CCE922A-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Other Privilege Use Events","Privilege Use"], "0CCE922B-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Process Creation","Detailed Tracking"], "0CCE922C-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Process Termination","Detailed Tracking"], "0CCE922D-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["DPAPI Activity","Detailed Tracking"], "0CCE922E-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["RPC Events","Detailed Tracking"], "0CCE9248-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Plug and Play Events","Detailed Tracking"], "0CCE922F-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Audit Policy Change","Policy Change"], "0CCE9230-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Authentication Policy Change","Policy Change"], "0CCE9231-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Authorization Policy Change","Policy Change"], "0CCE9232-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change","Policy Change"], "0CCE9233-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Filtering Platform Policy Change","Policy Change"], "0CCE9234-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Other Policy Change Events","Policy Change"], "0CCE9235-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["User Account Management","Account Management"], "0CCE9236-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Computer Account Management","Account Management"], "0CCE9237-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Security Group Management","Account Management"], "0CCE9238-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Distribution Group Management","Account Management"], "0CCE9239-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Application Group Management","Account Management"], "0CCE923A-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Other Account Management Events","Account Management"], "0CCE923B-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Directory Service Access","Account Management"], "0CCE923C-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Directory Service Changes","Account Management"], "0CCE923D-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Directory Service Replication","Account Management"], "0CCE923E-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Detailed Directory Service Replication","Account Management"], "0CCE923F-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Credential Validation","Account Logon"], "0CCE9240-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Kerberos Service Ticket Operations","Account Logon"], "0CCE9241-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Other Account Logon Events","Account Logon"], "0CCE9242-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030":["Kerberos Authentication Service","Account Logon"], }; // Descriptions of failure status codes. // // var logonFailureStatus = { "0xc000005e": "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.", "0xc0000064": "User logon with misspelled or bad user account", "0xc000006a": "User logon with misspelled or bad password", "0xc000006d": "This is either due to a bad username or authentication information", "0xc000006e": "Unknown user name or bad password.", "0xc000006f": "User logon outside authorized hours", "0xc0000070": "User logon from unauthorized workstation", "0xc0000071": "User logon with expired password", "0xc0000072": "User logon to account disabled by administrator", "0xc00000dc": "Indicates the Sam Server was in the wrong state to perform the desired operation.", "0xc0000133": "Clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync", "0xc000015b": "The user has not been granted the requested logon type (aka logon right) at this machine", "0xc000018c": "The logon request failed because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.", "0xc0000192": "An attempt was made to logon, but the Netlogon service was not started.", "0xc0000193": "User logon with expired account", "0xc0000224": "User is required to change password at next logon", "0xc0000225": "Evidently a bug in Windows and not a risk", "0xc0000234": "User logon with account locked", "0xc00002ee": "Failure Reason: An Error occurred during Logon", "0xc0000413": "Logon Failure: The machine you are logging onto is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine.", "0xc0000371": "The local account store does not contain secret material for the specified account", "0x0": "Status OK.", }; // Message table extracted from msobjs.dll on Windows 2019. // var msobjsMessageTable = { "279": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "1536": "Unused message ID", "1537": "DELETE", "1538": "READ_CONTROL", "1539": "WRITE_DAC", "1540": "WRITE_OWNER", "1541": "SYNCHRONIZE", "1542": "ACCESS_SYS_SEC", "1543": "MAX_ALLOWED", "1552": "Unknown specific access (bit 0)", "1553": "Unknown specific access (bit 1)", "1554": "Unknown specific access (bit 2)", "1555": "Unknown specific access (bit 3)", "1556": "Unknown specific access (bit 4)", "1557": "Unknown specific access (bit 5)", "1558": "Unknown specific access (bit 6)", "1559": "Unknown specific access (bit 7)", "1560": "Unknown specific access (bit 8)", "1561": "Unknown specific access (bit 9)", "1562": "Unknown specific access (bit 10)", "1563": "Unknown specific access (bit 11)", "1564": "Unknown specific access (bit 12)", "1565": "Unknown specific access (bit 13)", "1566": "Unknown specific access (bit 14)", "1567": "Unknown specific access (bit 15)", "1601": "Not used", "1603": "Assign Primary Token Privilege", "1604": "Lock Memory Privilege", "1605": "Increase Memory Quota Privilege", "1606": "Unsolicited Input Privilege", "1607": "Trusted Computer Base Privilege", "1608": "Security Privilege", "1609": "Take Ownership Privilege", "1610": "Load/Unload Driver Privilege", "1611": "Profile System Privilege", "1612": "Set System Time Privilege", "1613": "Profile Single Process Privilege", "1614": "Increment Base Priority Privilege", "1615": "Create Pagefile Privilege", "1616": "Create Permanent Object Privilege", "1617": "Backup Privilege", "1618": "Restore From Backup Privilege", "1619": "Shutdown System Privilege", "1620": "Debug Privilege", "1621": "View or Change Audit Log Privilege", "1622": "Change Hardware Environment Privilege", "1623": "Change Notify (and Traverse) Privilege", "1624": "Remotely Shut System Down Privilege", "1792": "", "1794": "", "1795": "Enabled", "1796": "Disabled", "1797": "All", "1798": "None", "1799": "Audit Policy query/set API Operation", "1800": "", "1801": "Granted by", "1802": "Denied by", "1803": "Denied by Integrity Policy check", "1804": "Granted by Ownership", "1805": "Not granted", "1806": "Granted by NULL DACL", "1807": "Denied by Empty DACL", "1808": "Granted by NULL Security Descriptor", "1809": "Unknown or unchecked", "1810": "Not granted due to missing", "1811": "Granted by ACE on parent folder", "1812": "Denied by ACE on parent folder", "1813": "Granted by Central Access Rule", "1814": "NOT Granted by Central Access Rule", "1815": "Granted by parent folder's Central Access Rule", "1816": "NOT Granted by parent folder's Central Access Rule", "1817": "Unknown Type", "1818": "String", "1819": "Unsigned 64-bit Integer", "1820": "64-bit Integer", "1821": "FQBN", "1822": "Blob", "1823": "Sid", "1824": "Boolean", "1825": "TRUE", "1826": "FALSE", "1827": "Invalid", "1828": "an ACE too long to display", "1829": "a Security Descriptor too long to display", "1830": "Not granted to AppContainers", "1831": "...", "1832": "Identification", "1833": "Impersonation", "1840": "Delegation", "1841": "Denied by Process Trust Label ACE", "1842": "Yes", "1843": "No", "1844": "System", "1845": "Not Available", "1846": "Default", "1847": "DisallowMmConfig", "1848": "Off", "1849": "Auto", "1872": "REG_NONE", "1873": "REG_SZ", "1874": "REG_EXPAND_SZ", "1875": "REG_BINARY", "1876": "REG_DWORD", "1877": "REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN", "1878": "REG_LINK", "1879": "REG_MULTI_SZ (New lines are replaced with *. A * is replaced with **)", "1880": "REG_RESOURCE_LIST", "1881": "REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR", "1882": "REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST", "1883": "REG_QWORD", "1904": "New registry value created", "1905": "Existing registry value modified", "1906": "Registry value deleted", "1920": "Sunday", "1921": "Monday", "1922": "Tuesday", "1923": "Wednesday", "1924": "Thursday", "1925": "Friday", "1926": "Saturday", "1936": "TokenElevationTypeDefault (1)", "1937": "TokenElevationTypeFull (2)", "1938": "TokenElevationTypeLimited (3)", "2048": "Account Enabled", "2049": "Home Directory Required' - Disabled", "2050": "Password Not Required' - Disabled", "2051": "Temp Duplicate Account' - Disabled", "2052": "Normal Account' - Disabled", "2053": "MNS Logon Account' - Disabled", "2054": "Interdomain Trust Account' - Disabled", "2055": "Workstation Trust Account' - Disabled", "2056": "Server Trust Account' - Disabled", "2057": "Don't Expire Password' - Disabled", "2058": "Account Unlocked", "2059": "Encrypted Text Password Allowed' - Disabled", "2060": "Smartcard Required' - Disabled", "2061": "Trusted For Delegation' - Disabled", "2062": "Not Delegated' - Disabled", "2063": "Use DES Key Only' - Disabled", "2064": "Don't Require Preauth' - Disabled", "2065": "Password Expired' - Disabled", "2066": "Trusted To Authenticate For Delegation' - Disabled", "2067": "Exclude Authorization Information' - Disabled", "2068": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 20' - Disabled", "2069": "Protect Kerberos Service Tickets with AES Keys' - Disabled", "2070": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 22' - Disabled", "2071": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 23' - Disabled", "2072": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 24' - Disabled", "2073": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 25' - Disabled", "2074": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 26' - Disabled", "2075": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 27' - Disabled", "2076": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 28' - Disabled", "2077": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 29' - Disabled", "2078": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 30' - Disabled", "2079": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 31' - Disabled", "2080": "Account Disabled", "2081": "Home Directory Required' - Enabled", "2082": "Password Not Required' - Enabled", "2083": "Temp Duplicate Account' - Enabled", "2084": "Normal Account' - Enabled", "2085": "MNS Logon Account' - Enabled", "2086": "Interdomain Trust Account' - Enabled", "2087": "Workstation Trust Account' - Enabled", "2088": "Server Trust Account' - Enabled", "2089": "Don't Expire Password' - Enabled", "2090": "Account Locked", "2091": "Encrypted Text Password Allowed' - Enabled", "2092": "Smartcard Required' - Enabled", "2093": "Trusted For Delegation' - Enabled", "2094": "Not Delegated' - Enabled", "2095": "Use DES Key Only' - Enabled", "2096": "Don't Require Preauth' - Enabled", "2097": "Password Expired' - Enabled", "2098": "Trusted To Authenticate For Delegation' - Enabled", "2099": "Exclude Authorization Information' - Enabled", "2100": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 20' - Enabled", "2101": "Protect Kerberos Service Tickets with AES Keys' - Enabled", "2102": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 22' - Enabled", "2103": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 23' - Enabled", "2104": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 24' - Enabled", "2105": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 25' - Enabled", "2106": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 26' - Enabled", "2107": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 27' - Enabled", "2108": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 28' - Enabled", "2109": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 29' - Enabled", "2110": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 30' - Enabled", "2111": "Undefined UserAccountControl Bit 31' - Enabled", "2304": "An Error occured during Logon.", "2305": "The specified user account has expired.", "2306": "The NetLogon component is not active.", "2307": "Account locked out.", "2308": "The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this machine.", "2309": "The specified account's password has expired.", "2310": "Account currently disabled.", "2311": "Account logon time restriction violation.", "2312": "User not allowed to logon at this computer.", "2313": "Unknown user name or bad password.", "2314": "Domain sid inconsistent.", "2315": "Smartcard logon is required and was not used.", "2432": "Not Available.", "2436": "Random number generator failure.", "2437": "Random number generation failed FIPS-140 pre-hash check.", "2438": "Failed to zero secret data.", "2439": "Key failed pair wise consistency check.", "2448": "Failed to unprotect persistent cryptographic key.", "2449": "Key export checks failed.", "2450": "Validation of public key failed.", "2451": "Signature verification failed.", "2456": "Open key file.", "2457": "Delete key file.", "2458": "Read persisted key from file.", "2459": "Write persisted key to file.", "2464": "Export of persistent cryptographic key.", "2465": "Import of persistent cryptographic key.", "2480": "Open Key.", "2481": "Create Key.", "2482": "Delete Key.", "2483": "Encrypt.", "2484": "Decrypt.", "2485": "Sign hash.", "2486": "Secret agreement.", "2487": "Domain settings", "2488": "Local settings", "2489": "Add provider.", "2490": "Remove provider.", "2491": "Add context.", "2492": "Remove context.", "2493": "Add function.", "2494": "Remove function.", "2495": "Add function provider.", "2496": "Remove function provider.", "2497": "Add function property.", "2498": "Remove function property.", "2499": "Machine key.", "2500": "User key.", "2501": "Key Derivation.", "4352": "Device Access Bit 0", "4353": "Device Access Bit 1", "4354": "Device Access Bit 2", "4355": "Device Access Bit 3", "4356": "Device Access Bit 4", "4357": "Device Access Bit 5", "4358": "Device Access Bit 6", "4359": "Device Access Bit 7", "4360": "Device Access Bit 8", "4361": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4362": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4363": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4364": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4365": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4366": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4367": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4368": "Query directory", "4369": "Traverse", "4370": "Create object in directory", "4371": "Create sub-directory", "4372": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4373": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4374": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4375": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4376": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4377": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4378": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4379": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4380": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4381": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4382": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4383": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4384": "Query event state", "4385": "Modify event state", "4386": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "4387": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "4388": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4389": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4390": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4391": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4392": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4393": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4394": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4395": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4396": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4397": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4398": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4399": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4416": "ReadData (or ListDirectory)", "4417": "WriteData (or AddFile)", "4418": "AppendData (or AddSubdirectory or CreatePipeInstance)", "4419": "ReadEA", "4420": "WriteEA", "4421": "Execute/Traverse", "4422": "DeleteChild", "4423": "ReadAttributes", "4424": "WriteAttributes", "4425": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4426": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4427": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4428": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4429": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4430": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4431": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4432": "Query key value", "4433": "Set key value", "4434": "Create sub-key", "4435": "Enumerate sub-keys", "4436": "Notify about changes to keys", "4437": "Create Link", "4438": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4439": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4440": "Enable 64(or 32) bit application to open 64 bit key", "4441": "Enable 64(or 32) bit application to open 32 bit key", "4442": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4443": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4444": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4445": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4446": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4447": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4448": "Query mutant state", "4449": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 1", "4450": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "4451": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "4452": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4453": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4454": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4455": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4456": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4457": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4458": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4459": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4460": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4461": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4462": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4463": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4464": "Communicate using port", "4465": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 1", "4466": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "4467": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "4468": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4469": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4470": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4471": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4472": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4473": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4474": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4475": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4476": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4477": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4478": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4479": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4480": "Force process termination", "4481": "Create new thread in process", "4482": "Set process session ID", "4483": "Perform virtual memory operation", "4484": "Read from process memory", "4485": "Write to process memory", "4486": "Duplicate handle into or out of process", "4487": "Create a subprocess of process", "4488": "Set process quotas", "4489": "Set process information", "4490": "Query process information", "4491": "Set process termination port", "4492": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4493": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4494": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4495": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4496": "Control profile", "4497": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 1", "4498": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "4499": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "4500": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4501": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4502": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4503": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4504": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4505": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4506": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4507": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4508": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4509": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4510": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4511": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4512": "Query section state", "4513": "Map section for write", "4514": "Map section for read", "4515": "Map section for execute", "4516": "Extend size", "4517": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4518": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4519": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4520": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4521": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4522": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4523": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4524": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4525": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4526": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4527": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4528": "Query semaphore state", "4529": "Modify semaphore state", "4530": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "4531": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "4532": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4533": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4534": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4535": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4536": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4537": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4538": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4539": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4540": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4541": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4542": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4543": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4544": "Use symbolic link", "4545": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 1", "4546": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "4547": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "4548": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4549": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4550": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4551": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4552": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4553": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4554": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4555": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4556": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4557": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4558": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4559": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4560": "Force thread termination", "4561": "Suspend or resume thread", "4562": "Send an alert to thread", "4563": "Get thread context", "4564": "Set thread context", "4565": "Set thread information", "4566": "Query thread information", "4567": "Assign a token to the thread", "4568": "Cause thread to directly impersonate another thread", "4569": "Directly impersonate this thread", "4570": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4571": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4572": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4573": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4574": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4575": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4576": "Query timer state", "4577": "Modify timer state", "4578": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "4579": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "4580": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4581": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4582": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4584": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4585": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4586": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4587": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4588": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4589": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4590": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4591": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4592": "AssignAsPrimary", "4593": "Duplicate", "4594": "Impersonate", "4595": "Query", "4596": "QuerySource", "4597": "AdjustPrivileges", "4598": "AdjustGroups", "4599": "AdjustDefaultDacl", "4600": "AdjustSessionID", "4601": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4602": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4603": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4604": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4605": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4606": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4607": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4608": "Create instance of object type", "4609": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 1", "4610": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "4611": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "4612": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "4613": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "4614": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "4615": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "4616": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "4617": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "4618": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "4619": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "4620": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "4621": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "4622": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "4623": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "4864": "Query State", "4865": "Modify State", "5120": "Channel read message", "5121": "Channel write message", "5122": "Channel query information", "5123": "Channel set information", "5124": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "5125": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "5126": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5127": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5128": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5129": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5130": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5131": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5132": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5133": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5134": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5135": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5136": "Assign process", "5137": "Set Attributes", "5138": "Query Attributes", "5139": "Terminate Job", "5140": "Set Security Attributes", "5141": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "5142": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5143": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5144": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5145": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5146": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5147": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5148": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5149": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5150": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5151": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5376": "ConnectToServer", "5377": "ShutdownServer", "5378": "InitializeServer", "5379": "CreateDomain", "5380": "EnumerateDomains", "5381": "LookupDomain", "5382": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5383": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5384": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5385": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5386": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5387": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5388": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5389": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5390": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5391": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5392": "ReadPasswordParameters", "5393": "WritePasswordParameters", "5394": "ReadOtherParameters", "5395": "WriteOtherParameters", "5396": "CreateUser", "5397": "CreateGlobalGroup", "5398": "CreateLocalGroup", "5399": "GetLocalGroupMembership", "5400": "ListAccounts", "5401": "LookupIDs", "5402": "AdministerServer", "5403": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5404": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5405": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5406": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5407": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5408": "ReadInformation", "5409": "WriteAccount", "5410": "AddMember", "5411": "RemoveMember", "5412": "ListMembers", "5413": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "5414": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5415": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5416": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5417": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5418": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5419": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5420": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5421": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5422": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5423": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5424": "AddMember", "5425": "RemoveMember", "5426": "ListMembers", "5427": "ReadInformation", "5428": "WriteAccount", "5429": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "5430": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5431": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5432": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5433": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5434": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5435": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5436": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5437": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5438": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5439": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5440": "ReadGeneralInformation", "5441": "ReadPreferences", "5442": "WritePreferences", "5443": "ReadLogon", "5444": "ReadAccount", "5445": "WriteAccount", "5446": "ChangePassword (with knowledge of old password)", "5447": "SetPassword (without knowledge of old password)", "5448": "ListGroups", "5449": "ReadGroupMembership", "5450": "ChangeGroupMembership", "5451": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5452": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5453": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5454": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5455": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5632": "View non-sensitive policy information", "5633": "View system audit requirements", "5634": "Get sensitive policy information", "5635": "Modify domain trust relationships", "5636": "Create special accounts (for assignment of user rights)", "5637": "Create a secret object", "5638": "Create a privilege", "5639": "Set default quota limits", "5640": "Change system audit requirements", "5641": "Administer audit log attributes", "5642": "Enable/Disable LSA", "5643": "Lookup Names/SIDs", "5648": "Change secret value", "5649": "Query secret value", "5650": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "5651": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "5652": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "5653": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "5654": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5655": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5656": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5657": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5658": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5659": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5660": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5661": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5662": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5663": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5664": "Query trusted domain name/SID", "5665": "Retrieve the controllers in the trusted domain", "5666": "Change the controllers in the trusted domain", "5667": "Query the Posix ID offset assigned to the trusted domain", "5668": "Change the Posix ID offset assigned to the trusted domain", "5669": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "5670": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5671": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5672": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5673": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5674": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5675": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5676": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5677": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5678": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5679": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5680": "Query account information", "5681": "Change privileges assigned to account", "5682": "Change quotas assigned to account", "5683": "Change logon capabilities assigned to account", "5684": "Change the Posix ID offset assigned to the accounted domain", "5685": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "5686": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5687": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5688": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5689": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5690": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5691": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5692": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5693": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5694": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5695": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "5696": "KeyedEvent Wait", "5697": "KeyedEvent Wake", "5698": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 2", "5699": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 3", "5700": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 4", "5701": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 5", "5702": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 6", "5703": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 7", "5704": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 8", "5705": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "5706": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "5707": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "5708": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "5709": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "5710": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "5711": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "6656": "Enumerate desktops", "6657": "Read attributes", "6658": "Access Clipboard", "6659": "Create desktop", "6660": "Write attributes", "6661": "Access global atoms", "6662": "Exit windows", "6663": "Unused Access Flag", "6664": "Include this windowstation in enumerations", "6665": "Read screen", "6672": "Read Objects", "6673": "Create window", "6674": "Create menu", "6675": "Hook control", "6676": "Journal (record)", "6677": "Journal (playback)", "6678": "Include this desktop in enumerations", "6679": "Write objects", "6680": "Switch to this desktop", "6912": "Administer print server", "6913": "Enumerate printers", "6930": "Full Control", "6931": "Print", "6948": "Administer Document", "7168": "Connect to service controller", "7169": "Create a new service", "7170": "Enumerate services", "7171": "Lock service database for exclusive access", "7172": "Query service database lock state", "7173": "Set last-known-good state of service database", "7184": "Query service configuration information", "7185": "Set service configuration information", "7186": "Query status of service", "7187": "Enumerate dependencies of service", "7188": "Start the service", "7189": "Stop the service", "7190": "Pause or continue the service", "7191": "Query information from service", "7192": "Issue service-specific control commands", "7424": "DDE Share Read", "7425": "DDE Share Write", "7426": "DDE Share Initiate Static", "7427": "DDE Share Initiate Link", "7428": "DDE Share Request", "7429": "DDE Share Advise", "7430": "DDE Share Poke", "7431": "DDE Share Execute", "7432": "DDE Share Add Items", "7433": "DDE Share List Items", "7680": "Create Child", "7681": "Delete Child", "7682": "List Contents", "7683": "Write Self", "7684": "Read Property", "7685": "Write Property", "7686": "Delete Tree", "7687": "List Object", "7688": "Control Access", "7689": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 9", "7690": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 10", "7691": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 11", "7692": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 12", "7693": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 13", "7694": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 14", "7695": "Undefined Access (no effect) Bit 15", "7936": "Audit Set System Policy", "7937": "Audit Query System Policy", "7938": "Audit Set Per User Policy", "7939": "Audit Query Per User Policy", "7940": "Audit Enumerate Users", "7941": "Audit Set Options", "7942": "Audit Query Options", "8064": "Port sharing (read)", "8065": "Port sharing (write)", "8096": "Default credentials", "8097": "Credentials manager", "8098": "Fresh credentials", "8192": "Kerberos", "8193": "Preshared key", "8194": "Unknown authentication", "8195": "DES", "8196": "3DES", "8197": "MD5", "8198": "SHA1", "8199": "Local computer", "8200": "Remote computer", "8201": "No state", "8202": "Sent first (SA) payload", "8203": "Sent second (KE) payload", "8204": "Sent third (ID) payload", "8205": "Initiator", "8206": "Responder", "8207": "No state", "8208": "Sent first (SA) payload", "8209": "Sent final payload", "8210": "Complete", "8211": "Unknown", "8212": "Transport", "8213": "Tunnel", "8214": "IKE/AuthIP DoS prevention mode started", "8215": "IKE/AuthIP DoS prevention mode stopped", "8216": "Enabled", "8217": "Not enabled", "8218": "No state", "8219": "Sent first (EM attributes) payload", "8220": "Sent second (SSPI) payload", "8221": "Sent third (hash) payload", "8222": "IKEv1", "8223": "AuthIP", "8224": "Anonymous", "8225": "NTLM V2", "8226": "CGA", "8227": "Certificate", "8228": "SSL", "8229": "None", "8230": "DH group 1", "8231": "DH group 2", "8232": "DH group 14", "8233": "DH group ECP 256", "8234": "DH group ECP 384", "8235": "AES-128", "8236": "AES-192", "8237": "AES-256", "8238": "Certificate ECDSA P256", "8239": "Certificate ECDSA P384", "8240": "SSL ECDSA P256", "8241": "SSL ECDSA P384", "8242": "SHA 256", "8243": "SHA 384", "8244": "IKEv2", "8245": "EAP payload sent", "8246": "Authentication payload sent", "8247": "EAP", "8248": "DH group 24", "8272": "System", "8273": "Logon/Logoff", "8274": "Object Access", "8275": "Privilege Use", "8276": "Detailed Tracking", "8277": "Policy Change", "8278": "Account Management", "8279": "DS Access", "8280": "Account Logon", "8448": "Success removed", "8449": "Success Added", "8450": "Failure removed", "8451": "Failure added", "8452": "Success include removed", "8453": "Success include added", "8454": "Success exclude removed", "8455": "Success exclude added", "8456": "Failure include removed", "8457": "Failure include added", "8458": "Failure exclude removed", "8459": "Failure exclude added", "12288": "Security State Change", "12289": "Security System Extension", "12290": "System Integrity", "12291": "IPsec Driver", "12292": "Other System Events", "12544": "Logon", "12545": "Logoff", "12546": "Account Lockout", "12547": "IPsec Main Mode", "12548": "Special Logon", "12549": "IPsec Quick Mode", "12550": "IPsec Extended Mode", "12551": "Other Logon/Logoff Events", "12552": "Network Policy Server", "12553": "User / Device Claims", "12554": "Group Membership", "12800": "File System", "12801": "Registry", "12802": "Kernel Object", "12803": "SAM", "12804": "Other Object Access Events", "12805": "Certification Services", "12806": "Application Generated", "12807": "Handle Manipulation", "12808": "File Share", "12809": "Filtering Platform Packet Drop", "12810": "Filtering Platform Connection", "12811": "Detailed File Share", "12812": "Removable Storage", "12813": "Central Policy Staging", "13056": "Sensitive Privilege Use", "13057": "Non Sensitive Privilege Use", "13058": "Other Privilege Use Events", "13312": "Process Creation", "13313": "Process Termination", "13314": "DPAPI Activity", "13315": "RPC Events", "13316": "Plug and Play Events", "13317": "Token Right Adjusted Events", "13568": "Audit Policy Change", "13569": "Authentication Policy Change", "13570": "Authorization Policy Change", "13571": "MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change", "13572": "Filtering Platform Policy Change", "13573": "Other Policy Change Events", "13824": "User Account Management", "13825": "Computer Account Management", "13826": "Security Group Management", "13827": "Distribution Group Management", "13828": "Application Group Management", "13829": "Other Account Management Events", "14080": "Directory Service Access", "14081": "Directory Service Changes", "14082": "Directory Service Replication", "14083": "Detailed Directory Service Replication", "14336": "Credential Validation", "14337": "Kerberos Service Ticket Operations", "14338": "Other Account Logon Events", "14339": "Kerberos Authentication Service", "14592": "Inbound", "14593": "Outbound", "14594": "Forward", "14595": "Bidirectional", "14596": "IP Packet", "14597": "Transport", "14598": "Forward", "14599": "Stream", "14600": "Datagram Data", "14601": "ICMP Error", "14602": "MAC 802.3", "14603": "MAC Native", "14604": "vSwitch", "14608": "Resource Assignment", "14609": "Listen", "14610": "Receive/Accept", "14611": "Connect", "14612": "Flow Established", "14614": "Resource Release", "14615": "Endpoint Closure", "14616": "Connect Redirect", "14617": "Bind Redirect", "14624": "Stream Packet", "14640": "ICMP Echo-Request", "14641": "vSwitch Ingress", "14642": "vSwitch Egress", "14672": "", "14673": "[NULL]", "14674": "Value Added", "14675": "Value Deleted", "14676": "Active Directory Domain Services", "14677": "Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services", "14678": "Yes", "14679": "No", "14680": "Value Added With Expiration Time", "14681": "Value Deleted With Expiration Time", "14688": "Value Auto Deleted With Expiration Time", "16384": "Add", "16385": "Delete", "16386": "Boot-time", "16387": "Persistent", "16388": "Not persistent", "16389": "Block", "16390": "Permit", "16391": "Callout", "16392": "MD5", "16393": "SHA-1", "16394": "SHA-256", "16395": "AES-GCM 128", "16396": "AES-GCM 192", "16397": "AES-GCM 256", "16398": "DES", "16399": "3DES", "16400": "AES-128", "16401": "AES-192", "16402": "AES-256", "16403": "Transport", "16404": "Tunnel", "16405": "Responder", "16406": "Initiator", "16407": "AES-GMAC 128", "16408": "AES-GMAC 192", "16409": "AES-GMAC 256", "16416": "AuthNoEncap Transport", "16896": "Enable WMI Account", "16897": "Execute Method", "16898": "Full Write", "16899": "Partial Write", "16900": "Provider Write", "16901": "Remote Access", "16902": "Subscribe", "16903": "Publish", }; // lookupMessageCode returns the string associated with the code. key should // be the name of the field in evt containing the code (e.g. %%2313). var lookupMessageCode = function (evt, key) { var code = evt.Get(key); if (!code) { return; } code = code.replace("%%", ""); return msobjsMessageTable[code]; }; var addEventFields = function(evt){ var code = evt.Get("event.code"); if (!code) { return; } var eventActionDescription = eventActionTypes[code][2]; if (eventActionDescription) { evt.AppendTo("event.category", eventActionTypes[code][0]); evt.AppendTo("event.type", eventActionTypes[code][1]); evt.Put("event.action", eventActionTypes[code][2]); } }; var addLogonType = function(evt) { var code = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.LogonType"); if (!code) { return; } var descriptiveLogonType = logonTypes[code]; if (descriptiveLogonType === undefined) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.logon.type", descriptiveLogonType); }; var addFailureCode = function(evt) { var msg = lookupMessageCode(evt, "winlog.event_data.FailureReason"); if (!msg) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.logon.failure.reason", msg); }; var addFailureStatus = function(evt) { var code = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.Status"); if (!code) { return; } var descriptiveFailureStatus = logonFailureStatus[code]; if (descriptiveFailureStatus === undefined) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.logon.failure.status", descriptiveFailureStatus); }; var addFailureSubStatus = function(evt) { var code = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.SubStatus"); if (!code) { return; } var descriptiveFailureStatus = logonFailureStatus[code]; if (descriptiveFailureStatus === undefined) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.logon.failure.sub_status", descriptiveFailureStatus); }; var addUACDescription = function(evt) { var code = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.NewUacValue"); if (!code) { return; } var uacCode = parseInt(code); var uacResult = []; for (var i = 0; i < uacFlags.length; i++) { if ((uacCode | uacFlags[i][0]) === uacCode) { uacResult.push(uacFlags[i][1]); } } if (uacResult) { evt.Put("winlog.event_data.NewUACList", uacResult); } var uacList = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.UserAccountControl").replace(/\s/g, '').split("%%").filter(String); if (!uacList) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.event_data.UserAccountControl", uacList); }; var addAuditInfo = function(evt) { var subcategoryGuid = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.SubcategoryGuid").replace("{", '').replace("}", '').toUpperCase(); if (!subcategoryGuid) { return; } if (!auditDescription[subcategoryGuid]) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.event_data.Category", auditDescription[subcategoryGuid][1]); evt.Put("winlog.event_data.SubCategory", auditDescription[subcategoryGuid][0]); var codedActions = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.AuditPolicyChanges").split(","); var actionResults = []; for (var j = 0; j < codedActions.length; j++) { var actionCode = codedActions[j].replace("%%", '').replace(' ', ''); actionResults.push(auditActions[actionCode]); } evt.Put("winlog.event_data.AuditPolicyChangesDescription", actionResults); }; var addTicketOptionsDescription = function(evt) { var code = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.TicketOptions"); if (!code) { return; } var tktCode = parseInt(code, 16).toString(2); var tktResult = []; var tktCodeLen = tktCode.length; for (var i = tktCodeLen; i >= 0; i--) { if (tktCode[i] == 1) { tktResult.push(ticketOptions[(32-tktCodeLen)+i]); } } if (tktResult) { evt.Put("winlog.event_data.TicketOptionsDescription", tktResult); } }; var addTicketEncryptionType = function(evt) { var code = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.TicketEncryptionType"); if (!code) { return; } var encTypeCode = code.toLowerCase(); evt.Put("winlog.event_data.TicketEncryptionTypeDescription", ticketEncryptionTypes[encTypeCode]); }; var addTicketStatus = function(evt) { var code = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.Status"); if (!code) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.event_data.StatusDescription", kerberosTktStatusCodes[code]); }; var addSessionData = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.AccountName", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.AccountDomain", to: "user.domain"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.ClientAddress", to: "source.ip"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.ClientName", to: "source.domain"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.LogonID", to: ""}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Add(function(evt) { var user = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.AccountName"); evt.AppendTo('related.user', user); }) .Build(); var addServiceFields = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.ServiceName", to: ""}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Add(function(evt) { var code = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.ServiceType"); if (!code) { return; } evt.Put("service.type", serviceTypes[code]); }) .Build(); var copyTargetUser = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetUserSid", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetUserName", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetDomainName", to: "user.domain"}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Add(function(evt) { var user = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.TargetUserName"); if (/.@*/.test(user)) { user = user.split('@')[0]; evt.Put('', user); } evt.AppendTo('related.user', user); }) .Build(); var copyTargetUserToGroup = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetUserSid", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetUserName", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetDomainName", to: "group.domain"}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Build(); var copyTargetUserToComputerObject = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetSid", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetUserName", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetDomainName", to: "winlog.computerObject.domain"}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Build(); var copyTargetUserLogonId = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.TargetLogonId", to: ""}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Build(); var copySubjectUser = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.SubjectUserSid", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.SubjectUserName", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.event_data.SubjectDomainName", to: "user.domain"}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Add(function(evt) { var user = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.SubjectUserName"); evt.AppendTo('related.user', user); }) .Build(); var copySubjectUserFromUserData = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.user_data.SubjectUserSid", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.user_data.SubjectUserName", to: ""}, {from: "winlog.user_data.SubjectDomainName", to: "user.domain"}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Add(function(evt) { var user = evt.Get("winlog.user_data.SubjectUserName"); evt.AppendTo('related.user', user); }) .Build(); var copySubjectUserLogonId = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.SubjectLogonId", to: ""}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Build(); var copySubjectUserLogonIdFromUserData = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.user_data.SubjectLogonId", to: ""}, ], ignore_missing: true, }) .Build(); var renameCommonAuthFields = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.ProcessId", to: "", type: "long"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.ProcessName", to: "process.executable"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.IpAddress", to: "source.ip", type: "ip"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.IpPort", to: "source.port", type: "long"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.WorkstationName", to: "source.domain"}, ], mode: "rename", ignore_missing: true, fail_on_error: false, }) .Add(function(evt) { var name = evt.Get(""); if (name) { return; } var exe = evt.Get("process.executable"); if (!exe) { return; } evt.Put("", path.basename(exe)); }) .Build(); var renameNewProcessFields = new processor.Chain() .Convert({ fields: [ {from: "winlog.event_data.NewProcessId", to: "", type: "long"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.NewProcessName", to: "process.executable"}, {from: "winlog.event_data.ParentProcessName", to: "process.parent.executable"} ], mode: "rename", ignore_missing: true, fail_on_error: false, }) .Add(function(evt) { var name = evt.Get(""); if (name) { return; } var exe = evt.Get("process.executable"); if (!exe) { return; } evt.Put("", path.basename(exe)); }) .Add(function(evt) { var name = evt.Get(""); if (name) { return; } var exe = evt.Get("process.parent.executable"); if (!exe) { return; } evt.Put("", path.basename(exe)); }) .Add(function(evt) { var cl = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.CommandLine"); if (!cl) { return; } evt.Put("process.args", windows.splitCommandLine(cl)); evt.Put("process.command_line", cl); }) .Build(); // Handles 4634 and 4647. var logoff = new processor.Chain() .Add(copyTargetUser) .Add(copyTargetUserLogonId) .Add(addLogonType) .Add(addEventFields) .Build(); // Handles both 4624 var logonSuccess = new processor.Chain() .Add(copyTargetUser) .Add(copyTargetUserLogonId) .Add(addLogonType) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { var user = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.SubjectUserName"); if (user) { var res = /^-$/.test(user); if (!res) { evt.AppendTo('related.user', user); } } }) .Build(); // Handles both 4648 var event4648 = new processor.Chain() .Add(copyTargetUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { var user = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.SubjectUserName"); if (user) { var res = /^-$/.test(user); if (!res) { evt.AppendTo('related.user', user); } } }) .Build(); var event4625 = new processor.Chain() .Add(copyTargetUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(addLogonType) .Add(addFailureCode) .Add(addFailureStatus) .Add(addFailureSubStatus) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Build(); var event4672 = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(function(evt) { var privs = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.PrivilegeList"); if (!privs) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.event_data.PrivilegeList", privs.split(/\s+/)); }) .Add(addEventFields) .Build(); var event4688 = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(renameNewProcessFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { var user = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.TargetUserName"); var res = /^-$/.test(user); if (!res) { evt.AppendTo('related.user', user); } }) .Build(); var event4689 = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Build(); var event4697 = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addServiceFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { evt.AppendTo("event.type", "change"); }) .Build(); var userMgmtEvts = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addUACDescription) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { var user = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.TargetUserName"); evt.AppendTo('related.user', user); evt.AppendTo("event.type", "user"); }) .Build(); var userRenamed = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { var userNew = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.NewTargetUserName"); evt.AppendTo('related.user', userNew); var userOld = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.OldTargetUserName"); evt.AppendTo('related.user', userOld); evt.AppendTo("event.type", "user"); }) .Build(); var groupMgmtEvts = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(copyTargetUserToGroup) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { evt.AppendTo("event.type", "group"); var member = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.MemberName"); if (!member) { return; } evt.AppendTo("related.user", member.split(',')[0].replace('CN=', '').replace('cn=', '')); }) .Build(); var auditLogCleared = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUserFromUserData) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonIdFromUserData) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { evt.AppendTo("event.type", "change"); }) .Build(); var auditChanged = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addAuditInfo) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { evt.AppendTo("event.type", "change"); }) .Build(); var auditLogMgmt = new processor.Chain() .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Build(); var computerMgmtEvts = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(copyTargetUserToComputerObject) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addUACDescription) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { var privs = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.PrivilegeList"); if (!privs) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.event_data.PrivilegeList", privs.split(/\s+/)); evt.AppendTo("event.type", "admin"); }) .Build(); var sessionEvts = new processor.Chain() .Add(addSessionData) .Add(addEventFields) .Build(); var event4964 = new processor.Chain() .Add(copyTargetUser) .Add(copyTargetUserLogonId) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { evt.AppendTo("event.type", "group"); }) .Build(); var kerberosTktEvts = new processor.Chain() .Add(copyTargetUser) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addTicketOptionsDescription) .Add(addTicketEncryptionType) .Add(addTicketStatus) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { var ip = evt.Get("source.ip"); if (/::ffff:/.test(ip)) { evt.Put("source.ip", ip.replace("::ffff:", "")); } }) .Build(); var event4776 = new processor.Chain() .Add(copyTargetUser) .Add(addFailureStatus) .Add(addEventFields) .Build(); var scheduledTask = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { evt.AppendTo("event.type", "admin"); }) .Build(); var sensitivePrivilege = new processor.Chain() .Add(copySubjectUser) .Add(copySubjectUserLogonId) .Add(renameCommonAuthFields) .Add(addEventFields) .Add(function(evt) { var privs = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.PrivilegeList"); if (!privs) { return; } evt.Put("winlog.event_data.PrivilegeList", privs.split(/\s+/)); }) .Add(function(evt){ var maskCodes = evt.Get("winlog.event_data.AccessMask"); if (!maskCodes) { return; } var maskList = maskCodes.replace(/\s+/g, '').split("%%").filter(String); evt.Put("winlog.event_data.AccessMask", maskList); var maskResults = []; for (var j = 0; j < maskList.length; j++) { var description = msobjsMessageTable[maskList[j]]; if (description === undefined) { return; } maskResults.push(description); } evt.Put("winlog.event_data.AccessMaskDescription", maskResults); }) .Build(); return { // 1100 - The event logging service has shut down. 1100: auditLogMgmt.Run, // 1102 - The audit log was cleared. 1102: auditLogCleared.Run, // 1104 - The security log is now full. 1104: auditLogMgmt.Run, // 1105 - Event log automatic backup. 1105: auditLogMgmt.Run, // 1108 - The event logging service encountered an error while processing an incoming event published from %1 1108: auditLogMgmt.Run, // 4624 - An account was successfully logged on. 4624: logonSuccess.Run, // 4625 - An account failed to log on. 4625: event4625.Run, // 4634 - An account was logged off. 4634: logoff.Run, // 4647 - User initiated logoff. 4647: logoff.Run, // 4648 - A logon was attempted using explicit credentials. 4648: event4648.Run, // 4672 - Special privileges assigned to new logon. 4672: event4672.Run, // 4673 - A privileged service was called. 4673: sensitivePrivilege.Run, // 4674 - An operation was attempted on a privileged object. 4674: sensitivePrivilege.Run, // 4688 - A new process has been created. 4688: event4688.Run, // 4689 - A process has exited. 4689: event4689.Run, // 4697 - A service was installed in the system. 4697: event4697.Run, // 4698 - A scheduled task was created. 4698: scheduledTask.Run, // 4699 - A scheduled task was deleted. 4699: scheduledTask.Run, // 4700 - A scheduled task was enabled. 4700: scheduledTask.Run, // 4701 - A scheduled task was disabled. 4701: scheduledTask.Run, // 4702 - A scheduled task was updated. 4702: scheduledTask.Run, // 4719 - System audit policy was changed. 4719: auditChanged.Run, // 4720 - A user account was created 4720: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4722 - A user account was enabled 4722: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4723 - An attempt was made to change an account's password 4723: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4724 - An attempt was made to reset an account's password 4724: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4725 - A user account was disabled. 4725: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4726 - An user account was deleted. 4726: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4727 - A security-enabled global group was created. 4727: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4728 - A member was added to a security-enabled global group. 4728: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4729 - A member was removed from a security-enabled global group. 4729: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4730 - A security-enabled global group was deleted. 4730: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4731 - A security-enabled local group was created. 4731: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4732 - A member was added to a security-enabled local group. 4732: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4733 - A member was removed from a security-enabled local group. 4733: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4734 - A security-enabled local group was deleted. 4734: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4735 - A security-enabled local group was changed. 4735: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4737 - A security-enabled global group was changed. 4737: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4738 - An user account was changed. 4738: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4740 - An account was locked out 4740: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4741 - A computer account was created. 4741: computerMgmtEvts.Run, // 4742 - A computer account was changed. 4742: computerMgmtEvts.Run, // 4743 - A computer account was deleted. 4743: computerMgmtEvts.Run, // 4744 - A security-disabled local group was created. 4744: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4745 - A security-disabled local group was changed. 4745: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4746 - A member was added to a security-disabled local group. 4746: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4747 - A member was removed from a security-disabled local group. 4747: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4748 - A security-disabled local group was deleted. 4748: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4749 - A security-disabled global group was created. 4749: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4750 - A security-disabled global group was changed. 4750: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4751 - A member was added to a security-disabled global group. 4751: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4752 - A member was removed from a security-disabled global group. 4752: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4753 - A security-disabled global group was deleted. 4753: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4754 - A security-enabled universal group was created. 4754: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4755 - A security-enabled universal group was changed. 4755: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4756 - A member was added to a security-enabled universal group. 4756: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4757 - A member was removed from a security-enabled universal group. 4757: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4758 - A security-enabled universal group was deleted. 4758: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4759 - A security-disabled universal group was created. 4759: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4760 - A security-disabled universal group was changed. 4760: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4761 - A member was added to a security-disabled universal group. 4761: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4762 - A member was removed from a security-disabled universal group. 4762: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4763 - A security-disabled global group was deleted. 4763: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4764 - A group\'s type was changed. 4764: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4767 - A user account was unlocked. 4767: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4768 - A Kerberos authentication ticket TGT was requested. 4768: kerberosTktEvts.Run, // 4769 - A Kerberos service ticket was requested. 4769: kerberosTktEvts.Run, // 4770 - A Kerberos service ticket was renewed. 4770: kerberosTktEvts.Run, // 4771 - Kerberos pre-authentication failed. 4771: kerberosTktEvts.Run, // 4776 - The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account. 4776: event4776.Run, // 4778 - A session was reconnected to a Window Station. 4778: sessionEvts.Run, // 4779 - A session was disconnected from a Window Station. 4779: sessionEvts.Run, // 4781 - The name of an account was changed. 4781: userRenamed.Run, // 4798 - A user's local group membership was enumerated. 4798: userMgmtEvts.Run, // 4799 - A security-enabled local group membership was enumerated. 4799: groupMgmtEvts.Run, // 4964 - Special groups have been assigned to a new logon. 4964: event4964.Run, process: function(evt) { var eventId = evt.Get("winlog.event_id"); var processor = this[eventId]; if (processor === undefined) { return; } evt.Put("event.module", "security"); processor(evt); }, }; })(); function process(evt) { return security.process(evt); } - condition: ${host.platform} == 'windows' data_stream: dataset: system.system type: logs id: winlog-system.system-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 name: System type: winlog use_output: default - data_stream: namespace: default id: c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 meta: package: name: system version: 0.10.9 name: system-1 revision: 1 streams: - cpu.metrics: - percentages - normalized_percentages data_stream: dataset: system.cpu type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.cpu-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - cpu period: 10s - data_stream: dataset: system.diskio type: metrics diskio.include_devices: null id: system/metrics-system.diskio-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - diskio period: 10s - data_stream: dataset: system.filesystem type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.filesystem-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - filesystem period: 1m processors: - drop_event.when.regexp: system.filesystem.mount_point: ^/(sys|cgroup|proc|dev|etc|host|lib|snap)($|/) - data_stream: dataset: system.fsstat type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.fsstat-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - fsstat period: 1m processors: - drop_event.when.regexp: system.fsstat.mount_point: ^/(sys|cgroup|proc|dev|etc|host|lib|snap)($|/) - condition: ${host.platform} != 'windows' data_stream: dataset: system.load type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.load-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - load period: 10s - data_stream: dataset: system.memory type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.memory-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - memory period: 10s - data_stream: dataset: type: metrics id: system/ metricsets: - network network.interfaces: null period: 10s - data_stream: dataset: system.process type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.process-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - process period: 10s process.cgroups.enabled: false process.cmdline.cache.enabled: true process.include_cpu_ticks: false process.include_top_n.by_cpu: 5 process.include_top_n.by_memory: 5 processes: - .* - data_stream: dataset: system.process_summary type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.process_summary-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - process_summary period: 10s - data_stream: dataset: system.socket_summary type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.socket_summary-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - socket_summary period: 10s - data_stream: dataset: system.uptime type: metrics id: system/metrics-system.uptime-c9c5db03-3f80-40f7-ad02-79b76fefa503 metricsets: - uptime period: 10s type: system/metrics use_output: default outputs: default: api_key: fLt4-XcBf5vOK2cNy_gT:DEyeDKedQpeytYTmrqCqAw hosts: - type: elasticsearch revision: 1