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File metadata and controls

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Azure services spans

We describe how to instrument some of Azure's services in this document. Some of the services can use existing specs. When there are differences or additions, they have been noted below.

NOTE: Azure Storage can be run as part of Azure Stack. Azure services cannot be inferred from Azure Stack HTTP service endpoints.

Azure Storage

Azure Storage is a collection of storage services, accessed through a Storage account. The services include

  • Blob storage
  • Queue storage
  • File share storage
  • Table storage

A storage account is created in an Azure location (region), but the location is not discoverable through REST API calls.

Blob storage

Object storage for binary and text data via a REST API. There are three types of blobs: block blobs, page blobs and append blobs.

Blobs are organized into containers, where a container can contain an unlimited number of blobs, and a storage account can contain an unlimited number of containers. Although blob storage is a flat storage scheme (only one level of containers), blob names can include path segments (/), providing a virtual hierarchy.

<ResourceName> is the full name of the container and blob. For example, Given container foo and blob bar/baz, the resource name is foo/bar/baz.

<Storage Account Name> is the leftmost subdomain of the domain of an Azure storage account endpoint.

APM field Required? Format Notes Example yes AzureBlob <OperationName> <ResourceName> Pascal case Operation name AzureBlob Upload foo/bar/baz
span.type yes storage
span.subtype yes azureblob
span.action yes <OperationName> Pascal case Upload

Span context fields

APM field Required? Format Notes Example
context.destination.address yes URL host
context.destination.service.resource yes azureblob/<Storage Account Name> azureblob/accountname

Determining operations

There are many blob storage operations.

Azure service endpoints for blob storage have one of the following host names

Cloud Azure Service Endpoint
Azure Global <Storage Account Name>
Azure Government <Storage Account Name>
Azure China <Storage Account Name>
Azure Germany <Storage Account Name>

where <Storage Account Name> is the name of the storage account. New Azure service endpoints may be introduced by Azure later.

Rules derived from the Blob service REST API reference. The rules determine the operation name based on the presence of data in the HTTP request

HTTP verb HTTP headers HTTP query string Resulting Operation Name
GET restype=container GetProperties
GET comp=metadata GetMetadata
GET restype=container and comp=acl GetAcl
GET restype=container and comp=list ListBlobs
GET comp=list ListContainers
GET comp=tags GetTags
GET comp=tags and where=<expression> FindTags
GET comp=blocklist GetBlockList
GET Download
GET comp=pagelist GetPageRanges
GET comp=stats Stats
GET comp=blobs FilterBlobs
HEAD GetProperties
HEAD restype=container and comp=metadata GetMetadata
HEAD restype=container and comp=acl GetAcl
POST comp=batch Batch
POST comp=query Query
POST comp=userdelegationkey GetUserDelegationKey
PUT x-ms-copy-source Copy
PUT x-ms-copy-source comp=block Copy
PUT x-ms-copy-source comp=page Copy
PUT x-ms-copy-source comp=incrementalcopy Copy
PUT x-ms-copy-source comp=appendblock Copy
PUT comp=copy Abort
PUT x-ms-blob-type Upload
PUT comp=block Upload
PUT comp=blocklist Upload
PUT comp=page Upload
PUT comp=appendblock Upload
PUT Create
PUT comp=metadata SetMetadata
PUT restype=container and comp=acl SetAcl
PUT comp=properties SetProperties
PUT comp=lease Lease
PUT comp=snapshot Snapshot
PUT comp=undelete Undelete
PUT comp=tags SetTags
PUT comp=tier SetTier
PUT comp=expiry SetExpiry
PUT comp=seal Seal
PUT comp=rename Rename
PUT x-ms-page-write comp=page Clear

Queue storage

Queue storage allows sending and receiving messages that may be read by any client who has access to the storage account. Messages are sent to and received from queues.

The messaging spec can be used for instrumenting Queue storage, with the following additions superseding the messaging spec.

A new span is created when there is a current transaction, and when a message is sent to a queue

APM field Required? Format Notes Example yes AzureQueue <OperationName> to <QueueName> Upper case Operation name AzureQueue SEND to queuename
span.type yes messaging
span.subtype yes azurequeue
span.action yes <OperationName> lower case send

Span context fields

APM field Required? Format Notes Example
context.destination.address yes URL host
context.destination.service.resource yes azurequeue/<QueueName> azurequeue/queuename yes azurequeue yes <QueueName> queuename

A new transaction is created when one or more messages are received from a queue

APM field Required? Format Notes Example yes AzureQueue <OperationName> from <QueueName> Upper case Operation name AzureQueue RECEIVE from queuename
transaction.type yes messaging

Transaction context fields

APM field Required? Format Notes Example
context.service.framework yes AzureQueue

Determining operations

Azure service endpoints for queue storage have one of the following host names

Cloud Azure Service Endpoint
Azure Global <Storage Account Name>
Azure Government <Storage Account Name>
Azure China <Storage Account Name>
Azure Germany <Storage Account Name>

where <Storage Account Name> is the name of the storage account. New Azure service endpoints may be introduced by Azure later.

Rules derived from the Queue service REST API reference

URL HTTP verb HTTP headers HTTP query string Resulting Operation Name
ends with /messages DELETE no popreceipt CLEAR
DELETE popreceipt=<value> DELETE
GET comp=properties GETPROPERTIES
GET comp=stats STATS
GET comp=metadata GETMETADATA
GET comp=acl GETACL
GET peekonly=true PEEK
HEAD comp=metadata GETMETADATA
HEAD comp=acl GETACL
PUT comp=acl SETACL
PUT comp=properties SETPROPERTIES
PUT comp=metadata SETMETADATA
PUT popreceipt=<value> UPDATE

Table storage

The Table service offers non-relational schema-less structured storage in the form of tables. It is a popular service due to its cost-to-capability, though messaging in recent years from Microsoft has deprecated Table storage and encouraged the use of CosmosDB and its Table storage compatible API.

Tables store data as a collection of entities, where an entity is a collection of properties. Entities are similar to rows and properties are similar to columns.

<ResourceName> is the name of the resource in the form of the table, or the table and partition key and row key of an entity. For example,

  • tablename
  • tablename(PartitionKey='partitionkey', RowKey='rowkey')

<Storage Account Name> is the leftmost subdomain of the domain of an Azure storage account endpoint.

APM field Required? Format Notes Example yes AzureTable <OperationName> <ResourceName> Pascal case Operation name AzureTable Insert tablename
span.type yes storage
span.subtype yes azuretable
span.action yes <OperationName> Pascal case Insert

Span context fields

APM field Required? Format Notes Example
context.destination.address yes URL host
context.destination.service.resource yes azuretable/<Storage Account Name> azuretable/accountname

Determining operations

Azure service endpoints for table storage have one of the following host names

Cloud Azure Service Endpoint
Azure Global <Storage Account Name>
Azure Government <Storage Account Name>
Azure China <Storage Account Name>
Azure Germany <Storage Account Name>

where <Storage Account Name> is the name of the storage account. New Azure service endpoints may be introduced by Azure later.

Rules derived from the Table service REST API reference

URL HTTP verb HTTP headers HTTP query string Resulting Operation Name Notes
PUT comp=properties SetProperties
GET comp=properties GetProperties
GET comp=stats Stats
ends with /Tables GET Query
ends with /Tables POST Create <ResourceName> is in request_body["TableName"]
ends with /Tables('<table>') DELETE Delete
ends with /<table> OPTIONS Preflight
HEAD comp=acl GetAcl
GET comp=acl GetAcl
PUT comp=acl SetAcl
ends with /<table>() or /<table>(PartitionKey='<partition-key>',RowKey='<row-key>')` GET Query
ends with /<table> POST Insert
ends with /<table>(PartitionKey='<partition-key>',RowKey='<row-key>')` PUT Update
ends with /<table>(PartitionKey='<partition-key>',RowKey='<row-key>')` MERGE Merge
ends with /<table>(PartitionKey='<partition-key>',RowKey='<row-key>')` DELETE Delete

File share storage

Azure file service (known also as AFS or file share storage) is a managed file share service that uses Server Message Block (SMB) protocol or Network File System (NFS) protocol to provide general purpose file shares. File shares can be mounted concurrently by machines in the cloud or on-premises.

The <ResourceName> is determined from the path of the URL.

<Storage Account Name> is the leftmost subdomain of the domain of an Azure storage account endpoint.

APM field Required? Format Notes Example yes AzureFile <OperationName> <ResourceName> Pascal case Operation name AzureFile Create directoryname
span.type yes storage
span.subtype yes azurefile
span.action yes <OperationName> Pascal case Insert

Span context fields

APM field Required? Format Notes Example
context.destination.address yes URL host
context.destination.service.resource yes azurefile/<Storage Account Name> azurefile/accountname

Determining operations

Azure service endpoints for file share storage have one of the following host names

Cloud Azure Service Endpoint
Azure Global <Storage Account Name>
Azure Government <Storage Account Name>
Azure China <Storage Account Name>
Azure Germany <Storage Account Name>

where <Storage Account Name> is the name of the storage account. New Azure service endpoints may be introduced by Azure later.

Rules derived from the File service REST API reference.

URL HTTP verb HTTP headers HTTP query string Resulting Operation Name
GET comp=list List
PUT comp=properties SetProperties
GET comp=properties GetProperties
ends with /<resource> OPTIONS Preflight
PUT Create
PUT comp=snapshot Snapshot
PUT restype=share and comp=properties SetProperties
GET restype=share GetProperties
HEAD restype=share GetProperties
GET comp=metadata GetMetadata
HEAD comp=metadata GetMetadata
PUT comp=metadata SetMetadata
PUT comp=undelete Undelete
HEAD comp=acl GetAcl
GET comp=acl GetAcl
PUT comp=acl SetAcl
GET comp=stats Stats
GET comp=filepermission GetPermission
PUT comp=filepermission SetPermission
PUT restype=directory Create
GET comp=listhandles ListHandles
PUT comp=forceclosehandles CloseHandles
GET Download
HEAD GetProperties
PUT comp=range Upload
PUT x-ms-copy-source Copy
PUT x-ms-copy-action:abort comp=copy Abort
GET comp=rangelist ListRanges
PUT comp=lease Lease

Azure Service Bus

Azure Service Bus is a message broker service. The messaging spec can be used for instrumenting Azure Service Bus, but the follow specifications supersede those of the messaging spec.

Azure Service Bus can use the following protocols

  • Advanced Message Queuing Protocol 1.0 (AMQP)
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol 1.1 with TLS (HTTPS)

The offical Azure SDKs generally use AMQP for sending and receiving messages.


A new span is created when there is a current transaction, and when a message is sent or scheduled to a queue or topic

APM field Required? Format Notes Example yes `AzureServiceBus to <Queue Topic>` Upper case Operation name
span.type yes messaging
span.subtype yes azureservicebus
span.action yes <OperationName> lower case send

Span context fields

APM field Required? Format Notes Example
context.destination.address yes URL host
context.destination.service.resource yes azureservicebus/<Queue>|<Topic> azurequeue/myqueue, azureservicebus/mytopic yes azureservicebus yes <Queue>|<Topic> mytopic

A new transaction is created when one or more messages are received or receive deferred from a queue or topic subscription

APM field Required? Format Notes Example yes AzureServiceBus <OperationName> from <Queue>|<Topic Subscription> Upper case Operation name AzureServiceBus RECEIVE from queuename
transaction.type yes messaging

Transaction context fields

APM field Required? Format Notes Example
context.service.framework yes AzureServiceBus

Additional actions

Azure Service Bus supports actions that should be traced in addition to SEND and RECEIVE:


    Message published to the bus, but not visible until some later point.


    Message received from the bus, but marked as deferred on the bus, then later retrieved with receive deferred.


Messages can be sent to queues and topics, and can be received from queues and topic subscriptions.

Transaction and span names should follow these patterns:

For send and schedule,

  • AzureServiceBus SEND|SCHEDULE to <Queue>
  • AzureServiceBus SEND|SCHEDULE to <Topic>

For receive and receive deferred,

  • AzureServiceBus RECEIVE|RECEIVEDEFERRED from <Queue>
  • AzureServiceBus RECEIVE|RECEIVEDEFERRED from <Topic>/Subscriptions/<Subscription>