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React Rock Paper Scissors GUI App

Project is build using the create-react-app cli and being deployed over Vercel

Demo - GUI Game is also available

Project Game App Build Instructions

Make sure you've git, yarn & nodejs installed in your system.

Open terminal and follow these steps;

  • Step 1: Clone the repo.
git clone

You should now see a react-rock-paper-scissors folder in your present working directory. Let's change directory to it.

cd react-rock-paper-scissors/
cd GameGUIApp
  • Step 2: Frontend Build Instructions. Install dependencies.
yarn install

This will use yarn to install project dependencies.

  • Step 3: Start the frontend project.
yarn start

This will run a local instance of the application http://localhost:3000/

Project test Instructions

  • Step 1: Use following command to run Test cases
yarn run test

Project Extension

  • If you would like to add more Game Objects.
  • Simply open src/gameEngine.ts file you wil find a GameRules. Add JSON as follows:
    name: "pencil",
    image: "pencil.png",
    rules: {
      pencil: undefined, //default case when opponet choose the same Object
      paper: true
      scissors: false,
      rock: true,
Note: Do not forget to add pencil.png in `public/images` folder. Furthermore, Add rule for pencil in other json Objects

- `true` if other object beats pencil
- `false` if other object does notbeats pencil

  • Also, add object name pencil in GameObjectsType in file src/types/Game.ts.

Project Features

  • Simple Rock Paper Scissors Game app.
  • Choose mode between Player vs Computer or Computer vs Computer.
  • For Player vs Computer, user will jump to game screen and then chose a option. After, that a loader for 3 seconds will appear and once the loader finish results will be displayed.
  • For Player vs Computer, user will jump to game screen. After, that a loader for 5 seconds will appear and once the loader finish random selection will be done for both players and results will be displayed.

Project Screenshots

Img 1

Img 2

Img 3

Img 4

Img 5

Thank You