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Merge pull request #577 from ejgallego/refactor_recovery
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[fleche] Small refactoring on error recovery code.
  • Loading branch information
ejgallego authored Oct 13, 2023
2 parents 2850989 + 1aa158d commit f2c5fc4
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 78 deletions.
187 changes: 109 additions & 78 deletions fleche/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -415,70 +415,106 @@ let parse_stm ~st ps =
let f ps = Coq.Parsing.parse ~st ps in
Stats.record ~kind:Stats.Kind.Parsing ~f ps

(* Returns node before / after, will be replaced by the right structure, we can
also do dynamic by looking at proof state *)
let rec find_proof_start nodes =
match nodes with
| [] -> None
| { Node.ast = None; _ } :: ns -> find_proof_start ns
| ({ ast = Some ast; _ } as n) :: ns -> (
match (Node.Ast.to_coq ast).CAst.v.Vernacexpr.expr with
| Vernacexpr.VernacSynPure (VernacStartTheoremProof _)
| VernacSynPure (VernacDefinition (_, _, ProveBody _)) ->
Some (n, Util.hd_opt ns)
| _ -> find_proof_start ns)

let recovery_for_failed_qed ~default nodes =
match find_proof_start nodes with
| None -> Coq.Protect.E.ok (default, None)
| Some ({ range; state; _ }, prev) -> (
if !Config.v.admit_on_bad_qed then
Memo.Admit.eval state
|> ~f:(fun state -> (state, Some range))
match prev with
| None -> Coq.Protect.E.ok (default, None)
| Some { state; range; _ } -> Coq.Protect.E.ok (state, Some range))

let log_qed_recovery v = ~f:(fun (st, range) ->
let loc_msg = Option.cata Lang.Range.to_string "no loc" range in
Io.Log.trace "recovery"
("success" ^ loc_msg ^ " " ^ Memo.Interp.input_info (st, v));

(* Contents-based recovery heuristic, special 'Qed.' case when `Qed.` is part of
the error *)
let extract_qed Lang.Range.{ end_; _ } { Contents.lines; _ } =
let Lang.Point.{ line; character; _ } = end_ in
let line = Array.get lines line in
if character > 3 && String.length line > 3 then
let coff = character - 4 in
Some (String.init 3 (fun idx -> line.[idx + coff]))
else None

let qed_lex_recovery last_tok contents nodes st =
match extract_qed last_tok contents with
| Some txt when String.equal txt "Qed" ->
Io.Log.trace "lex recovery" "qed detected";
recovery_for_failed_qed ~default:st nodes |> ~f:fst
| Some _ | None -> Coq.Protect.E.ok st

(* AST-based heuristics: Qed, bullets, ... *)
let state_recovery_heuristic last_tok doc st v =
match (Node.Ast.to_coq v).CAst.v.Vernacexpr.expr with
(* Drop the top proof state if we reach a faulty Qed. *)
| Vernacexpr.VernacSynPure (VernacEndProof _) ->
Io.Log.trace "recovery" "qed";
recovery_for_failed_qed ~default:st doc.nodes |> log_qed_recovery v.v
(* If a new focus (or unfocusing) fails, admit the proof and try again *)
| Vernacexpr.VernacSynPure (VernacBullet _ | Vernacexpr.VernacEndSubproof) ->
Io.Log.trace "recovery" "bullet";
Coq.State.admit_goal ~st
|> Coq.Protect.E.bind ~f:(fun st -> Coq.Interp.interp ~st v.v)
| _ ->
(* Fallback to qed special lex case *)
qed_lex_recovery last_tok doc.contents doc.nodes st
module Recovery_context = struct
type t =
{ contents : Contents.t
(** Contents of the document (for syntax-based recovery) *)
; last_tok : Lang.Range.t (** Position of the last token parsed *)
; nodes : Node.t list
(** All nodes of the document (to be replaced by the structural
solution *)
; ast : Coq.Ast.t option
(** Ast of the sentence that failed, if available *)

let make ~contents ~last_tok ~nodes ?ast () =
{ contents; last_tok; nodes; ast }

(* This is not in its own module because we don't want to move the definition of
[Node.t] out (yet) *)
module Recovery : sig
val handle : context:Recovery_context.t -> st:Coq.State.t -> Coq.State.t
end = struct
(* Returns node before / after, will be replaced by the right structure, we
can also do dynamic by looking at proof state *)
let rec find_proof_start nodes =
match nodes with
| [] -> None
| { Node.ast = None; _ } :: ns -> find_proof_start ns
| ({ ast = Some ast; _ } as n) :: ns -> (
match (Node.Ast.to_coq ast).CAst.v.Vernacexpr.expr with
| Vernacexpr.VernacSynPure (VernacStartTheoremProof _)
| VernacSynPure (VernacDefinition (_, _, ProveBody _)) ->
Some (n, Util.hd_opt ns)
| _ -> find_proof_start ns)

let recovery_for_failed_qed ~default nodes =
match find_proof_start nodes with
| None -> Coq.Protect.E.ok (default, None)
| Some ({ range; state; _ }, prev) -> (
if !Config.v.admit_on_bad_qed then
Memo.Admit.eval state
|> ~f:(fun state -> (state, Some range))
match prev with
| None -> Coq.Protect.E.ok (default, None)
| Some { state; range; _ } -> Coq.Protect.E.ok (state, Some range))

let log_qed_recovery v = ~f:(fun (st, range) ->
let loc_msg = Option.cata Lang.Range.to_string "no loc" range in
Io.Log.trace "recovery"
("success" ^ loc_msg ^ " " ^ Memo.Interp.input_info (st, v));

(* Contents-based recovery heuristic, special 'Qed.' case when `Qed.` is part
of the error *)
let extract_qed Lang.Range.{ end_; _ } { Contents.lines; _ } =
let Lang.Point.{ line; character; _ } = end_ in
let line = Array.get lines line in
if character > 3 && String.length line > 3 then
let coff = character - 4 in
Some (String.init 3 (fun idx -> line.[idx + coff]))
else None

let lex_recovery_heuristic last_tok contents nodes st =
match extract_qed last_tok contents with
| Some txt when String.equal txt "Qed" ->
Io.Log.trace "lex recovery" "qed detected";
recovery_for_failed_qed ~default:st nodes |> ~f:fst
| Some _ | None -> Coq.Protect.E.ok st

(* AST-based heuristics: Qed, bullets, ... *)
let ast_recovery_heuristic last_tok contents nodes st v =
match (Coq.Ast.to_coq v).CAst.v.Vernacexpr.expr with
(* Drop the top proof state if we reach a faulty Qed. *)
| Vernacexpr.VernacSynPure (VernacEndProof _) ->
Io.Log.trace "recovery" "qed";
recovery_for_failed_qed ~default:st nodes |> log_qed_recovery v
(* If a new focus (or unfocusing) fails, admit the proof and try again *)
| Vernacexpr.VernacSynPure (VernacBullet _ | Vernacexpr.VernacEndSubproof)
Io.Log.trace "recovery" "bullet";
Coq.State.admit_goal ~st
|> Coq.Protect.E.bind ~f:(fun st -> Coq.Interp.interp ~st v)
| _ ->
(* Fallback to qed special lex case *)
lex_recovery_heuristic last_tok contents nodes st

(* XXX: This should be refined. *)
let handle ~context ~st =
let { Recovery_context.contents; last_tok; nodes; ast } = context in
let { Coq.Protect.E.r; feedback = _ } =
match ast with
| None -> lex_recovery_heuristic last_tok contents nodes st
| Some ast -> ast_recovery_heuristic last_tok contents nodes st ast
match r with
| Interrupted -> st
| Completed (Ok st) -> st
| Completed (Error _) -> st

let interp_and_info ~parsing_time ~st ast =
let { Gc.major_words = mw_prev; _ } = Gc.quick_stat () in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -576,18 +612,6 @@ let strategy_of_coq_err ~node ~state ~last_tok = function
| Coq.Protect.Error.Anomaly _ -> Stop (Failed last_tok, node)
| User _ -> Continue { state; last_tok; node }

(* XXX: This should be refined. *)
let recovery_interp ~doc ~st ?ast last_tok =
let { Coq.Protect.E.r; feedback = _ } =
match ast with
| None -> qed_lex_recovery last_tok doc.contents doc.nodes st
| Some ast -> state_recovery_heuristic last_tok doc st ast
match r with
| Interrupted -> st
| Completed (Ok st) -> st
| Completed (Error _) -> st

let node_of_coq_result ~doc ~range ~ast ~st ~parsing_diags ~parsing_feedback
~feedback ~info last_tok res =
match res with
Expand All @@ -601,7 +625,11 @@ let node_of_coq_result ~doc ~range ~ast ~st ~parsing_diags ~parsing_feedback
| Error (User (err_range, msg) as coq_err) ->
let err_range = Option.default range err_range in
let err_diags = [ Diags.error ~range:err_range ~msg ~ast ] in
let recovery_st = recovery_interp ~doc ~st ~ast last_tok in
let contents, nodes = (doc.contents, doc.nodes) in
let context =
Recovery_context.make ~contents ~last_tok ~nodes ~ast:ast.v ()
let recovery_st = Recovery.handle ~context ~st in
let node =
parsed_node ~range ~ast ~state:recovery_st ~parsing_diags
~parsing_feedback ~diags:err_diags ~feedback ~info
Expand All @@ -622,7 +650,10 @@ let document_action ~st ~parsing_diags ~parsing_feedback ~parsing_time ~doc
Stop (completed, node)
(* Parsing error *)
| Skip (span_range, last_tok) ->
let st = recovery_interp ~doc ~st last_tok in
let context =
Recovery_context.make ~contents:doc.contents ~last_tok ~nodes:doc.nodes ()
let st = Recovery.handle ~context ~st in
let node =
unparseable_node ~range:span_range ~parsing_diags ~parsing_feedback
~state:st ~parsing_time
Expand Down

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