We need to speak the same language so that we are not talking past each other!
For each definition please use the format described in A Modest Proposal, except limit of one definition per term:
TERM : Definition
- Related Terms:
- Alternative 1
- Alternative 2
- Examples:
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Optional - link to further discussion
Optional code block
On a few lines
DECENTRALIZED GOVERANCE SYSTEM : An API that allows users to vote on arbitrary proposals including proposals to change the goverance system. The sytem is democratic and cannot be captured by malicious actors.
- Related Terms:
- Decentralized Autonomous Orginization ( DAO )
- Cooperative Organization ( Co-Op )
- Examples:
- aragon.org
- colony.io
DECENTRALIZED IDENTITY : A unique string that is used to attribute ownership of content in a decentralized system. The string may not be globally unique.
- Related Terms:
- Web3 ID
- ENS name
- Blockchain wallet address
- Examples:
- W3C DID Spec
- ENS name
DECENTRALIZED STORAGE SYSTEM : An API that allows users to CRUD data in a way that cannot be censored by individual or groups.
- Related Terms:
- Blockchain
- Distributed Public Ledger
- Examples:
- Arweave
- Bitcoin ledger
DHT (distributed hash table) : A data structure for distributed data storage with no central directory.
- Related Terms:
- Examples:
- Chord
- Kademlia (most popular)
- Pastry
- Tapestry
DIDs (W3C spec for Decentralized Identifiers v1.0) : A new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity.
- Related Terms:
- Web3 ID
- ENS name
- Blockchain Wallet Address
- Examples:
FEDERATED SERVICE : A service of a specific type that shares its data with services of the same type in a peer-to-peer architecture such that a user of the service can interact with a user of another service of the same type as though they are both on the same service.
- Related Terms:
- Fediverse
- Examples:
- A matrix node
- A mastdodon node
FIREWALL BYPASS : Connect computers that are behind one way firewalls and NATs.
- Related Terms:
- Examples:
- libp2p
Merkle DAG (directed acyclic graph) : A DAG where the links are cryptographic hashes.
- Related Terms:
- Merkle Tree
- Block chain
- Examples:
- SHA1 used in Git to link objects
- SHA2 used in Bitcoin to link blocks
MODERATOR : A user who has special permissions to control which content is available to a specific set of users.
- Related Terms:
- Mod
- Trust and safety team
- Administrator
- Examples:
PUBLIC LEDGER (PLT) : A immutable and orderd log of events or mesages.
- Related Terms:
- Blockchain
- Examples:
SELF CERTIFYING KNOWLEDGE GRAPH : A graph where the nodes are linked by cryptographic hashes or signatures.
SELF HOSTING : A service that is hosted by the person or group who uses it. More relevant with federation of services than with centralised service
- Related Terms:
- Examples:
- mastodon
- gitea
- matrix-synapse
SMART CONTRACT : A piece of code that executes in a virtual machine that is governed by a public consensus mechanism.
- Related Terms:
- dapp
- decentralized app
- Solidity code
- Examples:
- cryptokitties.co
- fairmint.co
- A physical vending machine
- Bitcoin protocol
ZERO-KNOWLEDGE PROOF : A method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true while the prover avoids conveying any additional information apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true.
- Related Terms:
- zk-snark
- Examples:
- zcash
- zksync.io
- minaprotocol.com