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Firstfm is a ruby wrapper for the Last.fm APIs ( www.last.fm/api ).
My main focus is to import events from Last.FM, but with time I will try to add support for all API methods.
sudo gem install firstfm
or add to your Gemfile
gem 'firstfm'
This goes to your initializers/firstfm.rb
Firstfm.configure do |ffm| ffm.api_key = "YOUR_KEY_HERE" end
Firstfm::Venue.search("arena") Firstfm::Venue.get_events(8908030) Firstfm::Geo.get_events :location => "Berlin" Firstfm::Artist.search "Eminem" Firstfm::Artist.get_top_tracks "Eminem" Firstfm::Track.search "Believe"