Text to be displayed at the top of the list. (Parent Account Contacts)
Sub text to be displayed under the header. (Showing the contacts of the Parent Account)
An icon to display at the top of the list from https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/icons/
If you wanted to show grand child records - this would be the api name of the parent (If you want to show contacts from a parent account of the current account you are on ParentId
Shows the new button
shows the delete button
Api name of the object of the to show in teh table
Comma sperated list of fields to show in order (LastName, Phone, email
Where statment to be passed into the query phone LIKE '%7189%'
Api field to sort the list on email
or desc
A couple examples...
Using the grandparent method - not very common
Notice tokyo and effordev are related to Effordev account not Magic Seaweeds. Magic Seaweeds is a child account of Effordev.
To show just child records from the current record you are viewing