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Using Apache Mesos with Clojure

Think of something catchy


What’s Mesos?

Originally Written by Benjamin Hindman

Cluster resouce manager

Uses CGroups and Containers to isolate tasks

Used by Twitter, Airbnb, Groupon, Apple, among a few


How does it work?

Based Around Frameworks

Implement a Scheduler and Executors

Connect to Mesos with Drivers

Mesos track cluster usage and offers resources to Schedulers



Production Ready

Slightly out of date with mainline Mesos

Some Other Tools for Development


Let’s Build a Framework


Manages resources of your framework

Lauches Tasks

Interact through Callbacks

  (disconnected [driver])
  (error [driver message])
  (executorLost [driver executor-id slave-id status])
  (frameworkMessage [driver executor-id])
  (offerRescinded [driver offer-id])
  (registered [driver framework-id master-info])
  (reregistered [driver master-info])
  (resourceOffers [driver offers])
  (slaveLost [driver slave-id])
  (statusUpdate [driver status]))


Manages Executor of Tasks

Can be ‘Corse-Grained’ or ‘Fine-Grained’

Like the Scheduler interact through Callbacks

 (disconnected [driver])
 (error [driver message])
 (frameworkMessage [driver data])
 (killTask [driver task-id])
 (launchTask [driver task-info])
 (registered [driver executor-info framework-info slave-info])
 (reregistered [driver slave-info])
 (shutdown [driver]))

Hello Mesos

Has a Scheduler, but no Executor

Just Prints “Hello Mesos”

(clj-mesos.scheduler/launch-tasks driver
                                  [{:task-id 1
                                    :name "Task"
                                    :slave-id (:slave-id offer)
                                    :resources {:cpus 1.0
                                                :mem 128.0}
                                    :executor {}
                                    :command {}}])

Hello Mesos [Slight Return]

Has a Scheduler and a Executor

Demonstrates a status update

(clj-mesos.executor/send-status-update driver
                                       {:task-id (:task-id task-info)
                                        :state :task-running})



A Framework that does something


Allows Executors and Schedulers to Communicate

Only makes a best attempt at delivering the message

(clj-mesos.executor/send-framework-message driver
                                           (.getBytes "A Message!"))

Other Topics

High Availabilty Mode

Crash Recovery

Mesos State

What else is there?

Use existing distributed applications

Manage Traditional Applications

Similar to Mesos