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File metadata and controls

220 lines (150 loc) · 11.5 KB

A react component for displaying different types of images, including network images, static resources, temporary local images, and images from local disk, such as the camera roll.

Example usage:

renderImages: function() {
  return (
        source={{uri: ''}}


accessibilityLabel string

accessibilityLabel - Custom string to display for accessibility.

accessible bool

accessible - Whether this element should be revealed as an accessible element.

capInsets {top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number}

capInsets - When the image is resized, the corners of the size specified by capInsets will stay a fixed size, but the center content and borders of the image will be stretched. This is useful for creating resizable rounded buttons, shadows, and other resizable assets. More info:

source {uri: string}

style style

├─Flexbox... ├─backgroundColor string ├─borderColor string ├─borderRadius number ├─borderWidth number ├─opacity number ├─resizeMode Object.keys(ImageResizeMode) ├─tintColor string └─testID string

testID - A unique identifier for this element to be used in UI Automation testing scripts.

Displaying images is a fascinating subject, React Native uses some cool tricks to make it a better experience.

No Automatic Sizing

If you don't give a size to an image, the browser is going to render a 0x0 element, download the image, and then render the image based with the correct size. The big issue with this behavior is that your UI is going to jump all around as images load, this makes for a very bad user experience.

In React Native, this behavior is intentionally not implemented. It is more work for the developer to know the dimensions (or just aspect ratio) of the image in advance, but we believe that it leads to a better user experience.

Background Image via Nesting

A common feature request from developers familiar with the web is background-image. To handle this use case, simply create a normal <Image> component and add whatever children to it you would like to layer on top of it.

return (
  <Image source={...}>

Off-thread Decoding

Image decoding can take more than a frame-worth of time. This is one of the major source of frame drops on the web because decoding is done in the main thread. In React Native, image decoding is done in a different thread. In practice, you already need to handle the case when the image is not downloaded yet, so displaying the placeholder for a few more frames while it is decoding does not require any code change.

Static Assets

In the course of a project, it is not uncommon to add and remove many images and accidentally end up shipping images you are no longer using in the app. In order to fight this, we need to find a way to know statically which images are being used in the app. To do that, we introduced a marker on require. The only allowed way to refer to an image in the bundle is to literally write require('image!name-of-the-asset') in the source.

<Image source={require('image!my-icon')} />

// BAD
var icon = ? 'my-icon-active' : 'my-icon-inactive';
<Image source={require('image!' + icon)} />

var icon = ? require('image!my-icon-active') : require('image!my-icon-inactive');
<Image source={icon} />

When your entire codebase respects this convention, you're able to do interesting things like automatically packaging the assets that are being used in your app. Note that in the current form, nothing is enforced, but it will be in the future.

Best Camera Roll Image

iOS saves multiple sizes for the same image in your Camera Roll, it is very important to pick the one that's as close as possible for performance reasons. You wouldn't want to use the full quality 3264x2448 image as source when displaying a 200x200 thumbnail. If there's an exact match, React Native will pick it, otherwise it's going to use the first one that's at least 50% bigger in order to avoid blur when resizing from a close size. All of this is done by default so you don't have to worry about writing the tedious (and error prone) code to do it yourself.

Source being an object

In React Native, one interesting decision is that the src attribute is named source and doesn't take a string but an object with an uri attribute.

<Image source={{uri: 'something.jpg'}} />

On the infrastructure side, the reason is that it allows to attach metadata to this object. For example if you are using require('image!icon'), then we add an isStatic attribute to flag it as a local file (don't rely on this fact, it's likely to change in the future!). This is also future proofing, for example we may want to support sprites at some point, instead of outputting {uri: ...}, we can output {uri: ..., crop: {left: 10, top: 50, width: 20, height: 40}} and transparently support spriting on all the existing call sites.

On the user side, this lets you annotate the object with useful attributes such as the dimension of the image in order to compute the size it's going to be displayed in. Feel free to use it as your data structure to store more information about your image.

一个 react 的组件用以显示不同类型的图片,包括网络图片,静态资源,临时的本地图片,还有本地磁盘的图片,比如手机照片。


renderImages: function() {
  return (
        source={{uri: ''}}


accessibilityLabel string

accessibilityLabel - 用来自定义更方便使用的字符串.

accessible bool

accessible - 标识是否是一个可使用的元素.

capInsets {top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number}

capInsets - 当图片的尺寸被改变时, capInsets 定义的角度大小会保持不变,但是图片的中心内容还有边框会被拉伸。但你想创建可以改变大小的圆角按钮,阴影还有其他可伸缩的元素时,这个属性会很重要。

source {uri: string}

style style

├─Flexbox... ├─backgroundColor string ├─borderColor string ├─borderRadius number ├─borderWidth number ├─opacity number ├─resizeMode Object.keys(ImageResizeMode) ├─tintColor string └─testID string

testID - 当运行 UI 自动化测试脚本的时候,这会作为一个唯一的标识符。

将图片显示出来是一件让人着迷的事情, 在这方面,React Native 为了让图片体验更好而浑身解数。


如果你不为图片设定一个特定的尺寸,那么浏览器会将它渲染成 0x0 的元素,下载这张图片,然后根据正确的尺寸来渲染。这种情况糟糕在于,如果你正在加载图片,那么你的 UI 会因此而变得面目全非,这将会是一个非常糟糕的用户体验。

在 React Native 中, 我们有意地规避这种情况。让开发者提前了解学习几何尺寸相关的知识(或者比例)会更加有效,同时我们相信这样用户体验会更加好。


一个对于 web 开发者们很常见的需求是 background-image。这种情况下,创建一个简单的 <Image> 组件然后将它作为子 layer 添加到你想要添加的 layer 上面。

return (
  <Image source={...}>


图片的解析会花费很多的时间。这是导致网页的帧数下降的其中一个重要的原因,因为解析工作会被执行在主线程中。在 React Native 中,图片的解析会在不同的线程中执行。在实际操作中,你已经处理好这种情况,当图片还没有下载完成,因此需要将 placeholder 显示出来,这不用你写任何代码。

静态 Assets

在项目的进程中,添加并且移除并且处理那些在应用程序不是经常使用的图片是很常见的情况。为了解决这种情况,我们需要找到一个方法来静态地定位那些被用在应用程序里的图片。因此,我们使用了一个标记器。唯一允许的指向 bundle 里的图片的方法就是在源文件中遍历地搜索 require('image!name-of-the-asset')

<Image source={require('image!my-icon')} />

// BAD
var icon = ? 'my-icon-active' : 'my-icon-inactive';
<Image source={require('image!' + icon)} />

var icon = ? require('image!my-icon-active') : require('image!my-icon-inactive');
<Image source={icon} />

当主要的代码执行到这里,你就可以干一些有趣的事情,比如自动将那些用于应用程序的 assets 打包。注意,这些代码不是强制实施的,但不排除将来会。


iOS 的相片册可以让你对于同一张图片,保存为不同的尺寸,对于选择那张接近你想要尺寸的图片来说,这很重要。你不会想用一张 3264x2448 分辨率的图片作为资源来显示一个 200x200 的缩略图。如果确实有符合你要求的尺寸, React Native 会自动选择它,否则它会使用第一张比特定尺寸大 50% 的图片来避免重新定义尺寸时带来的模糊失真。这些工作 React Native 自动帮你完成了,所以你不必再自己编写乏味和容易出错的代码。

Source 是一个对象类型

在 React Native 中,一个有趣的决定是 src 特性将会被命名为 source,并且不作为一个字符串而是一个 uri 特性的对象类型。

<Image source={{uri: 'something.jpg'}} />

站在在底层来看,这样做的原因是它允许将元数据依附到这个对象中。举个例子,你正在使用 require('image!icon'),我们将添加 isStatic 作为一个 flag 来标识本地文件(不要依赖这例子,将来这可能会改变!)。这在将来同时也会成为可能,比如我们可能会支持子画面,并用它来取代输出 {uri: ...},我们可以输出 {uri: ..., crop: {left: 10, top: 50, width: 20, height: 40}} 同时支持在所有已经存在的网站中透明地显示子画面。
