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Christoph Läubrich edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 18 revisions

Useful Tips

  • You can output the generated poms with the following option: -Dpolyglot.dump.pom=pom.xml just keep in mind that pom.xml takes precedence over pomless configuration, so maybe choose a different name if you only like to use this for debug purpose!

Overwrite Group and Artifact IDs

The group id of generated poms is inherited from the parent pom, while the artifact id is derived from the directory, in which the polygot file is located. Within a reactor build, this id pair has to be unique.

You can influence this behavior by creating a in the same directory as the polygot file you want to modify, with the following entries:

There are even more properties supported, here is a full list: = <custom name of the module>
pom.model.description = <custom description of the module>
pom.model.url = <project page of the module>
pom.model.packaging = <different packaging type> (not much useful here)
pom.model.version = <custom version of the module>
pom.model.groupId = <custom group id of the module>
pom.model.artifactId = <custom artifact id of the module><custom property> = <custom value> ( you can use multiple of those to configure additional properties in the pom>

Use Case:

  • A project with multiple features or plugins directories.


 +- component A
 |   +- plugins
 |   |   + plugin1
 |   |   + ...
 |   |   +
 |   |
 |   +- features
 |       + feature1
 |       + ...
 |       +
 +- component B
 |   +- plugins
 |   |   + ...
 |   |   +
 |   |
 |   +- features
 |       + ...
 |       +
 +- releng
 +- products
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