Releases: eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
Full Changelog: 10.2.1...10.2.1
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
- Import Data Service for data provisioning
- Added UI to publish own assets
- Sequence Diagrams for Data Provisioning Flow
- Added User Manual for Data import
- Added github action to connect pull request with github issue
- Added bpn validator to bpn edc mapping
- Added new /irs/job/callback endpoint to handle irs job finished callback
- Added Asset import info to parts table and parts detail view
- SubmodelServerService for calling submodel server with feign client
- Added GET /policies endpoint to retrieve accepted policies
- Added POST assets/publish endpoint to publish transient assets
- Fixed security findings
- Rework GET alerts and investigations endpoint to POST to send a request body
- Fixed deadline overlap issues for Q-investigations in update menu
- Fixed sorting of asPlanned parts
- Fixed unlimited filter parameter length by setting it to 1000 characters max
- Adjusted cypress tests to new cancellation flow
- Fixed bug where applying a filter in one table erroneously affected sorting in the other table
- Moved UpdateAssetRequest to tx-models module
- updated Compatibility Matrix
- Irs Jobs are now created with callback parameter set to new /irs/job/callback endpoint
- Upgraded irs version from 6.12.0 to 6.13.0
- Switched from OAuth2.0 to API Key authentication for IRS API Requests
- switched from json-schema-friend:0.12.3 to json-schema-validator:5.4.0 for import file validation
- Moved logic for active notifications to frontend
- Updated com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to
- Updated actions/github-script from 5 to 7
- Updated org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.5
- Updated org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.0.0-M8 to 3.2.5
- Updated aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.16.0 to 0.16.1
- Updated actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4
- Updated github/codeql-action from 2 to 3
- Updated actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4
- Updated com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.37.1 to 9.37.3
- Shell descriptor entity with underlying logic
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
[10.1.0 - 22.12.2023]
- Added an option for testdata upload in Argo Workflow
- GitHub action that ensures an up-to-date
- Restricted datefield on investigation creation to be only clickable and not editable
- Removed duplication of request notification component and combined it into a reusable component
- bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.14.0 to 0.16.0
- bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5
- bump mikefarah/yq from 4.40.2 to 4.40.5
- bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4
- bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jxr-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
- bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
- bump schedlock.version from 5.9.1 to 5.10.0
- fixed bug where filter was reset when sorting filtered notifications
- redesigned notification status confirmation modal
- bump irs version from 6.9.1 to 6.12.0
- moved rights and roles matrix from arc42 doc to administration guide
- Moved accepted policy to helm environments
- Request IRS policy store to accept IRS policies in addition to our own policy
- Removed registry lookups feature
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
[10.0.0 - 12.12.2023]
- new filtering capabilities ( receivedQualityAlertIdsInStatusActive, sentQualityAlertIdsInStatusActive, receivedQualityInvestigationIdsInStatusActive, sentQualityInvestigationIdsInStatusActive )
- Validation check if table-settings correct and reset on invalid state
- Added Api-Input in Argo Workflow to fix bugs
- Added implementation for cucumber tests for quality investigations
- Added implementation of cypress tests for quality alerts
- Separation of auto complete mechanism (selected / searched elements)
- Added new step definition for cucumber tests "I use assets with ids {string}" allowing to specify assets used for notification creation
- Added autocomplete endpoints for notifications
- Added BPN column to parts table
- Emit change check to observables in frontend
- Added an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) into the Architecture Documentation to visually represent our tables and their relationships.
- Added a step for testing input and included an option for a hard refresh in Argo Workflow
- Added manufacturer_id to assets_as_planned
- Added local filtering and auto complete for notifications
- Filter configuration for tables to be resuable and easy to adapt
- Realigned some mappings e.g. (manufacturer / manufacturerName) to be more clear
- Updated mikefarah/yq from 4.35.2 to 4.40.2
- Upgraded maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
- Upgraded nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.31 to 9.37.1
- Upgraded maven-install-plugin from 3.0.1 to 3.1.1
- Upgraded json-unit-assertj from 2.38.0 to 3.2.2
- Upgraded asciidoctorj-diagram from 2.2.9 to 2.2.13
- Cucumber test steps for creating notifications no longer support default assetId when no asset is provided with previous step
- Upgraded the Upload_Testdata job in Argo Workflow to fix bugs
- Auto format for frontend source code applied
- Updated user-manual for Parts filtering autocomplete functionality
- Fixed issue when requesting autocomplete api endpoints with no size provided
- Default pagination size to 50.
- Split up bpn column in notification table views to show bpn and name separately
- Changed detailed part view action from clicking on list item to a menu action column
- Changed FE fieldName mapping to fix bug for properties catenaxSiteId and function
- Fix of global search field
- Parts autocomplete API now is case insensitive when using "startWith" parameter
- changed mapping for manufacturerName when syncing assets_as_planned so it is being resolved when assets are resolved
- Behaviour of auto complete toggle selections
- Updated springboot version from 3.1.3 to 3.1.6
- updated spring core version from 6.0.13 to 6.0.14
- Update tomcat-embed-websocket from 10.0.15 to 10.0.16
- Update logback-classic and logback-core version to 1.4.14 to mitigate high finding
- Fixed sorting on empty notification tables
- removed asset filters ( qualityInvestigationIdsInStatusActive, qualityInvestigationIdsInStatusActive )
- Removed Cucumber tests steps for creating alerts with two parts as new step definition is enough for the same feature
An umbrella Helm chart for eclipse-tractusx/traceability-foss project
[9.0.0 - 05.12.2023] - Catena Release 23.12
Helm Chart: helm-charts-1.3.23
- Upgraded irs-client library from 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.4.1
[9.0.0-rc3 - 27.11.2023]
- DEPENDENCIES_FRONTEND,,, LICENSE file to frontend docker image
- Added a step-by-step guide to register a server in pgAdmin in the database dump README
- Documentation about technical users
- Added new dashboard layout and additional widgets
- Fixed helm repository path for backend & frontend (wrong prefix)
- Refactored dashboard response
- Updated user manual
- Autocomplete endpoints changed owner String type param to Owner for input validation and sql injection prevention
- Autocomplete endpoints repository uses now criteria api rather than native query
- Fixed several bugs in local filtering of the parts table
- apk upgrade in docker image built as requested by TRG 4.02
[9.0.0-rc2 - 15.11.2023]
- Cypress Login to E2E Environment to enable cypress e2e tests.
- Fixed bug in argo workflow which allows to successfully run on INT-A/INT-B
- database dumps for environments A and B, along with a README guide for database recovery.
- New job named 'print_environment' to the Argo-workflow that prints the selected environment to the GitHub Step Summary.
- Added NOTIFICATION_COUNT_EQUAL filter strategy for Assets as built Specifications
- Added new supported filter for notifications assetId that allows filtering alerts and investigations by assetId
- Added autocompletion and local filter selection on parts table
- Fixed bug in argo workflow which allows to successfully upload testdata
- No logging option for cypress
Fixed table-settings reset bug
Changed datepicker in FE to date range picker
Fixed name of veracode backend job
Bump jetty-http from 11.0.15 to 11.0.17
Assets response have now list of notification ids rather than count of existing notifications
Frontend adapt to backend api changes for activeAlerts and activeInvestigations
Reconfigured all docker images user settings
Adapted memory / cpu requests and limits in default values helm file
Fixed textarea field for dialog.
Removed duplicated cancel buttons from investigation and alerts workflows
Migrate to not deprecated methods in HTTP security
Bump actions/setup-node@ from v3 to v4
Bump helm/chart-releaser-action from v1.5.0 to v1.6.0
Bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.12.0 to 0.14.0
Bump cypress-io/github-action from v6.5.0 to v6.6.0
Bump spring-core version from 6.0.12 to 6.0.13
Bump compiler-plugin version 3.10.1 to 3.11.0
Bump commons-io version 2.13.0 to 2.15.0
Update IRS-helm version from 6.8.0 to 6.9.1
Update EDC from 0.5.0 to 0.5.3
Added owner param to distinctFilterValues endpoints
[9.0.0-rc1 - 03.11.2023]
- Added Table columns settings in part tables to show/hide/reorder table columns
- new endpoints supporting filtering feature for investigations and alers api/investigations api/alerts
- Added support for aspectmodel traction battery code
- Added missing translations
- support for date ranges BEFORE_LOCAL_DATE and AFTER_LOCAL_DATE providing both will cause filter result to return only relevant date ranges
- added supported searchCriteriaFieldsMappers for investigations, alerts, assetsAsBuilt and assetAsPlanned related endpoints
- added cache busting to build output of FE application
- added Argo Github-Action
- handling for invalid LocalDate string provided in filterCriteria for date related filtering
- support for filtering join tables for Specification searchCriteria
- added PR comment in case of HIGH/CRITICAL dependency check findings
- Functionality to indicate that no Dependency Check findings occur in a PR
- Badge to show successful Dependency Check status
- Updated user manual to reflect the table column settings feature
- Fixed a bug which removed all parts asBuilt selection at once when creating notifications
- Changed Filter to support Logical operator (AND,OR) on searchCriteria
- Adapt frontend to use the changed filter logic with the correct operator per use case
- Reworked business logic of /registry/reload to always sync all assets
- Only include configured severities into report
- Shedlock version from 5.7.0 to 5.9.1
- Swagger Annotation Version from 1.6.11 to 1.6.12
- Testcontainer Postgresql Version from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.20.13 to 7.23.2 in frontend
- distinctFilterValues endpoints now support startWith parameter that will cause result to contain only suggestions starting with given string
- changed qualityNotification filtering changed from side to channel as response field name
- changed assetAsBuilt filtering manufacturerId to businessPartner
- IRS-Client-Lib from 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.4.0
- Decoupled dependency check in a separate GitHub action
- Mitigated Dependency Check findings
- Removed &filterOperator=AND from filtering requests
- Removed no longer needed endpoints api/investigations/created, api/investigations/received, api/alerts/created, api/alerts/received