From cfa4b7f18d302403e4132bf781356c5224b66f24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: BirgitZF <>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2024 07:41:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] [Model Update]: essIncident #572 update changes to
 essIncident data model acc. to industry core

 io.catenax.essincident/ | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)

diff --git a/io.catenax.essincident/ b/io.catenax.essincident/
index b4f90696..1e6c583c 100644
--- a/io.catenax.essincident/
+++ b/io.catenax.essincident/
@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@ All notable changes to this model will be documented in this file.
 ## [Unreleased]
+## [3.0.0] - 2024-02-02
+### Changed
+- updated version of model
+- update reference to shared aspect address
+- update BPN-L/S/A and refer to shared model
+- delete product number
 ## [2.0.0] - 2023-08-21
 ### Changed
 - updated version of model

From 2de44eabcfcc7c1a2a033944a08de3be0b737de7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: BirgitZF <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 11:43:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] update ESSIncident model

 io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl | 349 +++++++++++++++++++
 io.catenax.essincident/      |   3 +-
 2 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl

diff --git a/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl b/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb4422ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, 2024 ZF Friedrichshafen AG
+# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, 2024 T-Systems International GmbH
+# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, 2024 Robert Bosch Manufacturing Solutions GmbH
+# Copyright (c) 2023, 2024 SAP AG
+# Copyright (c) 2023, 2024 Capgemini
+# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, 2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
+# See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
+# information regarding copyright ownership.
+# This work is made available under the terms of the
+# Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) license,
+# which is available at
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
+@prefix samm: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:meta-model:2.1.0#> .
+@prefix samm-c: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:characteristic:2.1.0#> .
+@prefix samm-e: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:entity:2.1.0#> .
+@prefix unit: <urn:samm:org.eclipse.esmf.samm:unit:2.1.0#> .
+@prefix rdf: <> .
+@prefix rdfs: <> .
+@prefix xsd: <> .
+@prefix : <urn:samm:io.catenax.essincident:3.0.0#> .
+@prefix ext-characteristic: <urn:samm:io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic:4.0.0#> .
+@prefix ext-number: <urn:samm:io.catenax.shared.business_partner_number:2.0.0#> .
+:EssIncident a samm:Aspect ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Incident"@en ;
+   samm:description "Aspect for defining an incident in context of Environmental and Social Standards as specified by the Catena-X Sustainability team."@en ;
+   samm:properties ( [ samm:property :productCommodity; samm:optional true ] :productDescription [ samm:property :rawMaterial; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :industry; samm:optional true ] :incidentCategory :incidentSubcategory [ samm:property :incidentSubject; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :incidentExternalSubject; samm:optional true ] :incidentDescription [ samm:property :incidentExternalNotes; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :incidentAttachment; samm:optional true ] :systemDate :incidentDate :incidentId [ samm:property :masterOpCoId; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :incidentDisplayId; samm:optional true ] :incidentStatusInformation :incidentShareFlag [ samm:property :subCaseOpCoIds; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :incidentSystemId; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essOriginatorCompanyName; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essOriginatorAddress; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essOriginatorBpnL; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essOriginatorBpnS; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essOriginatorBpnA; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essOriginatorCoordinates; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essIncidentIssuerFirstName; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essIncidentIssuerEmailAddress; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essIncidentIssuerPhoneNo; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :flagAnonymous; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essIncidentIssuerId; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essIncidentIssuerAddress; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essIncidentIssuerLastName; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essOriginatorCountrySubdivision; samm:optional true ] [ samm:property :essIncidentIssuerCountrySubdivision; samm:optional true ] ) ;
+   samm:operations ( ) ;
+   samm:events ( ) .
+:productCommodity a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Product Commodity"@en ;
+   samm:description "Free-text description for commodity of a product affected by an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Tire" .
+:productDescription a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Product Description"@en ;
+   samm:description "Description of product or component affected by an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards) "@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Natural Rubber" .
+:rawMaterial a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Raw Material"@en ;
+   samm:description "Raw material that causes an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Natural Rubber" .
+:industry a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Industry / Branch"@en ;
+   samm:description "Industry / Branch that causes the incident"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :IndustryCharacteristic ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Extraction of raw material" .
+:incidentCategory a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Category"@en ;
+   samm:description "Environmental and social standards related incident category according to Supply Chain Due Diligence Act"@en ;
+   samm:see <> ;
+   samm:characteristic :IncidentCategoryCharacteristic ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Social" .
+:incidentSubcategory a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Subcategory"@en ;
+   samm:description "Subcategory of an incident Category"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :IncidentSubcategories ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Child labour" .
+:incidentSubject a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Subject"@en ;
+   samm:description "Title/ subject of an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Child labour on rubber producer Farm A" .
+:incidentExternalSubject a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "External Subject"@en ;
+   samm:description "Replaces Incident Subject for external communication"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Child labour on a rubber producer farm" .
+:incidentDescription a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Description"@en ;
+   samm:description "Full text description of an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Child labour at production site of the rubber producer Farm A in Brazil" .
+:incidentExternalNotes a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "External Notes"@en ;
+   samm:description "Incident description for external communication"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Child labour at production site of a rubber producer in Brazil" .
+:incidentAttachment a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Attachment"@en ;
+   samm:description "Picture(s) about the reported incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:ResourcePath .
+:systemDate a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "System Date"@en ;
+   samm:description "System created timestamp when the incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards) was issued and saved"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Timestamp ;
+   samm:exampleValue "2022-08-31T23:22:12Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
+:incidentDate a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Date of Incident"@en ;
+   samm:description "Date and time information when an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards) occurred"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Timestamp ;
+   samm:exampleValue "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
+:incidentId a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident ID"@en ;
+   samm:description "Unique identifier for an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :IdTrait ;
+   samm:exampleValue "9f47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
+:masterOpCoId a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Master Operating Company Incident ID"@en ;
+   samm:description "Incident ID that has been checked and validated. In case of duplicates the \"parent\" incident ID will be used as Master Operating Company Incident ID."@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :IdTrait ;
+   samm:exampleValue "9f47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
+:incidentDisplayId a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Display ID"@en ;
+   samm:description "Human readable format of Incident ID"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "123456789101" .
+:incidentStatusInformation a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Status"@en ;
+   samm:description "Status of incident progress, default value = new"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :IncidentStatusCharacteristic ;
+   samm:exampleValue "new" .
+:incidentShareFlag a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Share Flag"@en ;
+   samm:description "Flag, that can be set to true in order to request to publish the incident, default value is false"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean ;
+   samm:exampleValue false .
+:subCaseOpCoIds a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Sub Case Operating Company Incident Ids"@en ;
+   samm:description "Incident Ids that belong to a Master Operating Company Incident Id"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "9f47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac, 9f47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cad" .
+:incidentSystemId a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident System Id"@en ;
+   samm:description "System Id that defines the tenant"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "123456789" .
+:essOriginatorCompanyName a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Originator Company Name"@en ;
+   samm:description "Name of a company / an organisation that is the originator of an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Rubbery Ltd." .
+:essOriginatorAddress a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Ess Originator Address"@en ;
+   samm:description "Address of ESS Originator "@en ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-characteristic:PostalAddress .
+:essOriginatorBpnL a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Originator BPN-L"@en ;
+   samm:description "BPN-L ID of the company that causes the incident"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-number:BpnlCharacteristic ;
+   samm:exampleValue "BPNL1234567890ZZ" .
+:essOriginatorBpnS a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Originator BPN-S"@en ;
+   samm:description "BPN-S ID of the company that causes the incident"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-number:BpnsCharacteristic ;
+   samm:exampleValue "BPNS1234567890ZZ" .
+:essOriginatorBpnA a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Originator BPN A"@en ;
+   samm:description "BPN-A ID of the company that causes the incident"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-number:BpnaCharacteristic ;
+   samm:exampleValue "BPNA1234567890ZZ" .
+:essOriginatorCoordinates a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Originator Geographic data / Coordinates"@en ;
+   samm:description "Exact geographic position of an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :EssOriginatorCoordinatesCharacteristic .
+:essIncidentIssuerFirstName a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Incident Issuer First Name"@en ;
+   samm:description "First name of ESS incident issuer"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Testuser First name" .
+:essIncidentIssuerEmailAddress a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Incident Issuer Email Address"@en ;
+   samm:description "Email address of ESS incident issuer"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :ContactMailTrait ;
+   samm:exampleValue "" .
+:essIncidentIssuerPhoneNo a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Incident Issuer Phone No"@en ;
+   samm:description "Phone number of ESS incident issuer"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "+49-123-456789" .
+:flagAnonymous a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Flag anonymous"@en ;
+   samm:description "Flag that Incident issuer wants to be anonymous"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean ;
+   samm:exampleValue false .
+:essIncidentIssuerId a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Issuer ID"@en ;
+   samm:description "System generated unique identifier of incident issuer"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :IdTrait ;
+   samm:exampleValue "9a47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
+:essIncidentIssuerAddress a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Ess Incident Issuer Address"@en ;
+   samm:description "Simple form of an address which can belong to a person, organisation, company etc."@en ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-characteristic:PostalAddress .
+:essIncidentIssuerLastName a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Incident Issuer Last Name"@en ;
+   samm:description "Last name of ESS incident Issuer"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "Testuser Last name" .
+:essOriginatorCountrySubdivision a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Originator Country Subdivision"@en ;
+   samm:description "Region within a country of ESS Originator"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "BR-SP" .
+:essIncidentIssuerCountrySubdivision a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Incident Issuer Country Subdivision"@en ;
+   samm:description "Region within a country of ESS Incident Issuer"@en ;
+   samm:characteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm:exampleValue "IN-AP" .
+:IndustryCharacteristic a samm-c:Enumeration ;
+   samm:preferredName "Industry characteristic"@en ;
+   samm:description "Industry Characteristic"@en ;
+   samm:dataType xsd:string ;
+   samm-c:values ( "Extraction of raw materials" "Manufacture of components / intermediates" "Manufacture of final products" "Distribution / Trade" "Waste treatment / recycling" "Services" "Lending / financing / insurance" "Other" ) .
+:IncidentCategoryCharacteristic a samm-c:Enumeration ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Category Characteristic"@en ;
+   samm:description "Characteristic for defining an incident category in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)."@en ;
+   samm:dataType xsd:string ;
+   samm-c:values ( "Environmental" "Social" ) .
+:IncidentSubcategories a samm-c:Enumeration ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Subcategories"@en ;
+   samm:description "Characteristic for defining subcategories of an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)."@en ;
+   samm:dataType xsd:string ;
+   samm-c:values ( "Child labour" "Forced labour" "Slavery" "Work safety" "Freedom of association" "Discrimination" "Minimum wage" "Environmental pollution" "Forced eviction" "Force by state security" "Usage of Mercury" "Usage of harmful chemicals" "Non-environmental friendly handling of waste" "Import and export of hazardous waste" ) .
+:IdTrait a samm-c:Trait ;
+   samm:preferredName "Identifier Trait"@en ;
+   samm:description "Trait for defining an incident ID"@en ;
+   samm-c:baseCharacteristic :UUIDv4 ;
+   samm-c:constraint :RegularExpressionUUIDv4 .
+:IncidentStatusCharacteristic a samm-c:Enumeration ;
+   samm:preferredName "Incident Status"@en ;
+   samm:description "Incident status as defined in a list, defalut value = new"@en ;
+   samm:dataType xsd:string ;
+   samm-c:values ( "new" "in cleansing" "in process" "completed" "closed" ) .
+:EssOriginatorCoordinatesCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Originator Coordinates Characteristic"@en ;
+   samm:description "Characteristic for defining geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude) of an incident originator in context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)."@en ;
+   samm:dataType :EssOriginatorCoordinatesEntity .
+:ContactMailTrait a samm-c:Trait ;
+   samm:preferredName "Contact Mail Trait"@en ;
+   samm:description "Trait for a contact mail address."@en ;
+   samm-c:baseCharacteristic samm-c:Text ;
+   samm-c:constraint :ContactMailConstraint .
+:UUIDv4 a samm:Characteristic ;
+   samm:preferredName "UUIDv4"@en ;
+   samm:description "A version 4 UUID is a universally unique identifier generated using random 32 hexadecimal characters."@en ;
+   samm:dataType xsd:string .
+:RegularExpressionUUIDv4 a samm-c:RegularExpressionConstraint ;
+   samm:preferredName "Regular Expression identifier UUIDv4"@en ;
+   samm:description "Constraint for defining identifier UUIDv4"@en ;
+   samm:value "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" .
+:EssOriginatorCoordinatesEntity a samm:Entity ;
+   samm:preferredName "ESS Originator Coordinates Entity"@en ;
+   samm:description "Entity for geographic coordinates including a longitude and a latitude value."@en ;
+   samm:properties ( :longitude :latitude ) .
+:ContactMailConstraint a samm-c:RegularExpressionConstraint ;
+   samm:preferredName "Contact Mail Constraint"@en ;
+   samm:description "Regular expression for a contact mail address."@en ;
+   samm:value "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&?*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$" .
+:longitude a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Longitude"@en ;
+   samm:description "Longitude information for geographic coordinates."@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :LongitudeTrait ;
+   samm:exampleValue "-79.517415" .
+:latitude a samm:Property ;
+   samm:preferredName "Latitude"@en ;
+   samm:description "Latitude information for geographic coordinates."@en ;
+   samm:characteristic :LatitudeTrait ;
+   samm:exampleValue "-5.422077" .
+:LongitudeTrait a samm-c:Trait ;
+   samm:preferredName "Longitude Trait"@en ;
+   samm:description "Trait for longitude information belonging to geographic coordinates."@en ;
+   samm-c:baseCharacteristic :LongitudeCharacteristic ;
+   samm-c:constraint :LongitudeConstraint .
+:LatitudeTrait a samm-c:Trait ;
+   samm:preferredName "Latitude Trait"@en ;
+   samm:description "Trait for latitude information belonging to geographic coordinates."@en ;
+   samm-c:baseCharacteristic :LatitudeCharacteristic ;
+   samm-c:constraint :LatitudeConstraint .
+:LongitudeCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
+   samm:preferredName "Longitude Characteristic"@en ;
+   samm:description "Characteristic for longitude information of geographic coordinates."@en ;
+   samm:dataType xsd:string .
+:LongitudeConstraint a samm-c:RegularExpressionConstraint ;
+   samm:preferredName "Longitude Constraint"@en ;
+   samm:description "Regular expression for longitude information."@en ;
+   samm:value "^(\\+|-)?(?:180(?:(?:\\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])(?:(?:\\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$" .
+:LatitudeCharacteristic a samm:Characteristic ;
+   samm:preferredName "Latitude Characteristic"@en ;
+   samm:description "Characteristic for latitude information of geographic coordinates."@en ;
+   samm:dataType xsd:string .
+:LatitudeConstraint a samm-c:RegularExpressionConstraint ;
+   samm:preferredName "Latitude Constraint"@en ;
+   samm:description "Regular expression for latitude information of geographic coordinates."@en ;
+   samm:value "^(\\+|-)?(?:90(?:(?:\\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-8][0-9])(?:(?:\\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$" .
diff --git a/io.catenax.essincident/ b/io.catenax.essincident/
index 1e6c583c..e732722b 100644
--- a/io.catenax.essincident/
+++ b/io.catenax.essincident/
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ All notable changes to this model will be documented in this file.
 ## [Unreleased]
-## [3.0.0] - 2024-02-02
+## [3.0.0] - 2024-02-06
 ### Changed
 - updated version of model
 - update reference to shared aspect address
 - update BPN-L/S/A and refer to shared model
 - delete product number
+- update copyright information
 ## [2.0.0] - 2023-08-21

From e75692929103f36dd70feb3187660f2e9d647c76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: BirgitZF <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 15:11:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] add metadata.json

 io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/metadata.json | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/metadata.json

diff --git a/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/metadata.json b/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/metadata.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c22749ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/metadata.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ "status" : "release"}

From f8f6435e56f0784635f459394d8fa4a7a240a93e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: BirgitZF <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 15:11:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] update model, add reference to shared UUID

 io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl | 23 ++++----------------
 io.catenax.essincident/      |  1 +
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl b/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl
index eb4422ec..bbdf529d 100644
--- a/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl
+++ b/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 @prefix : <urn:samm:io.catenax.essincident:3.0.0#> .
 @prefix ext-characteristic: <urn:samm:io.catenax.shared.address_characteristic:4.0.0#> .
 @prefix ext-number: <urn:samm:io.catenax.shared.business_partner_number:2.0.0#> .
+@prefix ext-uuid: <urn:samm:io.catenax.shared.uuid:2.0.0#> .
 :EssIncident a samm:Aspect ;
    samm:preferredName "ESS Incident"@en ;
@@ -116,13 +117,13 @@
 :incidentId a samm:Property ;
    samm:preferredName "Incident ID"@en ;
    samm:description "Unique identifier for an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
-   samm:characteristic :IdTrait ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:Uuidv4Characteristic ;
    samm:exampleValue "9f47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
 :masterOpCoId a samm:Property ;
    samm:preferredName "Master Operating Company Incident ID"@en ;
    samm:description "Incident ID that has been checked and validated. In case of duplicates the \"parent\" incident ID will be used as Master Operating Company Incident ID."@en ;
-   samm:characteristic :IdTrait ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:Uuidv4Characteristic ;
    samm:exampleValue "9f47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
 :incidentDisplayId a samm:Property ;
@@ -216,7 +217,7 @@
 :essIncidentIssuerId a samm:Property ;
    samm:preferredName "Issuer ID"@en ;
    samm:description "System generated unique identifier of incident issuer"@en ;
-   samm:characteristic :IdTrait ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:Uuidv4Characteristic ;
    samm:exampleValue "9a47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
 :essIncidentIssuerAddress a samm:Property ;
@@ -260,12 +261,6 @@
    samm:dataType xsd:string ;
    samm-c:values ( "Child labour" "Forced labour" "Slavery" "Work safety" "Freedom of association" "Discrimination" "Minimum wage" "Environmental pollution" "Forced eviction" "Force by state security" "Usage of Mercury" "Usage of harmful chemicals" "Non-environmental friendly handling of waste" "Import and export of hazardous waste" ) .
-:IdTrait a samm-c:Trait ;
-   samm:preferredName "Identifier Trait"@en ;
-   samm:description "Trait for defining an incident ID"@en ;
-   samm-c:baseCharacteristic :UUIDv4 ;
-   samm-c:constraint :RegularExpressionUUIDv4 .
 :IncidentStatusCharacteristic a samm-c:Enumeration ;
    samm:preferredName "Incident Status"@en ;
    samm:description "Incident status as defined in a list, defalut value = new"@en ;
@@ -283,16 +278,6 @@
    samm-c:baseCharacteristic samm-c:Text ;
    samm-c:constraint :ContactMailConstraint .
-:UUIDv4 a samm:Characteristic ;
-   samm:preferredName "UUIDv4"@en ;
-   samm:description "A version 4 UUID is a universally unique identifier generated using random 32 hexadecimal characters."@en ;
-   samm:dataType xsd:string .
-:RegularExpressionUUIDv4 a samm-c:RegularExpressionConstraint ;
-   samm:preferredName "Regular Expression identifier UUIDv4"@en ;
-   samm:description "Constraint for defining identifier UUIDv4"@en ;
-   samm:value "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" .
 :EssOriginatorCoordinatesEntity a samm:Entity ;
    samm:preferredName "ESS Originator Coordinates Entity"@en ;
    samm:description "Entity for geographic coordinates including a longitude and a latitude value."@en ;
diff --git a/io.catenax.essincident/ b/io.catenax.essincident/
index e732722b..74429e46 100644
--- a/io.catenax.essincident/
+++ b/io.catenax.essincident/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ All notable changes to this model will be documented in this file.
 - updated version of model
 - update reference to shared aspect address
 - update BPN-L/S/A and refer to shared model
+- update IDs and refer to shared Uuidv4Characteristic
 - delete product number
 - update copyright information

From ec537aca4b035ddc7c65f14968c57d7a5b289260 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: BirgitZF <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:50:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] refer to trait uuidv4

 io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl b/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl
index bbdf529d..d0302718 100644
--- a/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl
+++ b/io.catenax.essincident/3.0.0/EssIncident.ttl
@@ -117,13 +117,13 @@
 :incidentId a samm:Property ;
    samm:preferredName "Incident ID"@en ;
    samm:description "Unique identifier for an incident in the context of ESS (Environmental and Social Standards)"@en ;
-   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:Uuidv4Characteristic ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:UuidV4Trait ;
    samm:exampleValue "9f47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
 :masterOpCoId a samm:Property ;
    samm:preferredName "Master Operating Company Incident ID"@en ;
    samm:description "Incident ID that has been checked and validated. In case of duplicates the \"parent\" incident ID will be used as Master Operating Company Incident ID."@en ;
-   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:Uuidv4Characteristic ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:UuidV4Trait ;
    samm:exampleValue "9f47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
 :incidentDisplayId a samm:Property ;
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 :essIncidentIssuerId a samm:Property ;
    samm:preferredName "Issuer ID"@en ;
    samm:description "System generated unique identifier of incident issuer"@en ;
-   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:Uuidv4Characteristic ;
+   samm:characteristic ext-uuid:UuidV4Trait ;
    samm:exampleValue "9a47b3c8-b6d4-44f1-99ba-6bdb33916cac" .
 :essIncidentIssuerAddress a samm:Property ;

From 018ba400a6fcb22cace6b9b14ba74bf20f27c6f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: birgitZF <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 16:14:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Update

update date for version 3.0.0
 io.catenax.essincident/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/io.catenax.essincident/ b/io.catenax.essincident/
index 74429e46..dc15dd71 100644
--- a/io.catenax.essincident/
+++ b/io.catenax.essincident/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ All notable changes to this model will be documented in this file.
 ## [Unreleased]
-## [3.0.0] - 2024-02-06
+## [3.0.0] - 2024-02-19
 ### Changed
 - updated version of model
 - update reference to shared aspect address