From 177468fd09187e2a69dbdbbe6dd2e2caaef59cb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DanielSteffenReichert Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 11:28:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Create BatteryPass3.0.0 in Tractus-X Repository --- .../3.0.0/BatteryPass.ttl | 937 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 937 insertions(+) create mode 100644 io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/BatteryPass.ttl diff --git a/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/BatteryPass.ttl b/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/BatteryPass.ttl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb1a83fa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/BatteryPass.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,937 @@ +####################################################################### +# Copyright (c) 2022 Badische Anilin und Sodafabrik societates Europaea +# Copyright (c) 2022 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft +# Copyright (c) 2022 Robert Bosch GmbH +# Copyright (c) 2022 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation +# Copyright (c) 2022 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA +# Copyright (c) 2022 SAP SE +# Copyright (c) 2022 T-Systems International GmbH +# Copyright (c) 2022 ZF Friedrichshafen AG +# Copyright (c) 2022 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation +# +# See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional +# information regarding copyright ownership. +# +# This work is made available under the terms of the +# Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) license, +# which is available at +# +# +# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 +####################################################################### + + +@prefix bamm: . +@prefix bamm-c: . +@prefix bamm-e: . +@prefix unit: . +@prefix rdf: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix xsd: . +@prefix : . +@prefix address-c: . +@prefix contact-c: . + +:BatteryPass a bamm:Aspect; + bamm:name "BatteryPass"; + bamm:properties ([ + bamm:property :document; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] :manufacturer :electrochemicalProperties :physicalDimensions :stateOfBattery :batteryIdentification :manufacturing :datePlacedOnMarket :cellChemistry :composition :cO2FootprintTotal :temperatureRangeIdleState :warrantyPeriod :batteryCycleLife); + bamm:operations (); + bamm:preferredName "battery pass"@en; + bamm:description "The battery pass describes information collected during the lifecycle of a battery"@en; + bamm:see ; + bamm:events (). +:document a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "document"; + bamm:preferredName "document"@en; + bamm:description "Set of documents containing the description of battery components"@en; + bamm:characteristic :DocumentCharacteristic. +:manufacturer a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "manufacturer"; + bamm:preferredName "manufacturer"@en; + bamm:description "Legal entity which sells and invoices the battery"@en; + bamm:characteristic :ManufacturerCharacteristic. +:electrochemicalProperties a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "electrochemicalProperties"; + bamm:preferredName "electrochemical properties"@en; + bamm:description "Electrochemical properties of an electrochemical energy storage"@en; + bamm:characteristic :ElectrochemicalPropertiesCharacteristic. +:physicalDimensions a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "physicalDimensions"; + bamm:preferredName "physical dimensions"@en; + bamm:description "Geometrical properties of the battery"@en; + bamm:characteristic :PhysicalDimensionsCharacteristic. +:stateOfBattery a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "stateOfBattery"; + bamm:preferredName "state of battery"@en; + bamm:description "The condition of the battery at the end of life i.e. when entering recycling scheme"@en; + bamm:characteristic :StateOfBatteryCharacteristic. +:batteryIdentification a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryIdentification"; + bamm:preferredName "battery identification"@en; + bamm:description "Information to identify a specific battery."@en; + bamm:characteristic :BatteryIdentificationCharacteristic. +:manufacturing a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "manufacturing"; + bamm:preferredName "manufacturing"@en; + bamm:description "Information about the manufacturing process of a battery"@en; + bamm:characteristic :ManufacturingCharacteristic. +:datePlacedOnMarket a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "datePlacedOnMarket"; + bamm:preferredName "date placed on market"@en; + bamm:description "Date on which vehicle is produced i.e. when battery is put in the market or production date of the vehicle is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :Datestamp. +:cellChemistry a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "cellChemistry"; + bamm:preferredName "cell chemistry"@en; + bamm:description "Information about the cell chemistry of a battery cell"@en; + bamm:characteristic :CellChemistryCharacteristic. +:composition a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "composition"; + bamm:preferredName "composition"@en; + bamm:description "Information about the composition of a battery and the combination of materials is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CompositionCharacteristic. +:cO2FootprintTotal a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "cO2FootprintTotal"; + bamm:preferredName "CO2 footprint total"@en; + bamm:description "The total carbon footprint of the battery, calculated as kg of carbon dioxide equivalent is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CO2FootprintTotalCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "124.00"^^xsd:double. +:temperatureRangeIdleState a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "temperatureRangeIdleState"; + bamm:preferredName "temperature range idle state"@en; + bamm:description "The range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :TemperatureRangeIdleStateCharacterisitic. +:warrantyPeriod a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "warrantyPeriod"; + bamm:preferredName "warranty period"@en; + bamm:description "Commercial warranty period of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :WarrantyPeriodCharacterisitic; + bamm:exampleValue "60"^^xsd:positiveInteger. +:batteryCycleLife a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryCycleLife"; + bamm:preferredName "battery cycle life"@en; + bamm:description "Property describing the cycle life of a battery"@en; + bamm:characteristic :BatteryCycleLifeCharacteristic. +:DocumentCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "DocumentCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "document characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Set of documents containing the description of battery components"@en; + bamm:dataType :DocumentEntity. +:ManufacturerCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "ManufacturerCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "manufacturer characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "A manufacturer of goods"@en; + bamm:dataType :ManufacturerEntity. +:ElectrochemicalPropertiesCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "ElectrochemicalPropertiesCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "electrochemical properties characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Electrochemical characteristics to describe a battery"@en; + bamm:dataType :ElectrochemicalPropertiesEntity. +:PhysicalDimensionsCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "PhysicalDimensionsCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "physical dimensions characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Geometrical properties of the battery"@en; + bamm:dataType :PhysicalDimensionsEntity. +:StateOfBatteryCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "StateOfBatteryCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "state of battery characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "The condition of the battery at the end of life i.e. when entering recycling scheme"@en; + bamm:dataType :StateOfBatteryEntity. +:BatteryIdentificationCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "BatteryIdentificationCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "battery identification characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Information to identify a specific battery."@en; + bamm:dataType :BatteryIdentificationEntity. +:ManufacturingCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "ManufacturingCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "manufacturing characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Information about the manufacturing process of a battery"@en; + bamm:dataType :ManufacturingEntity. +:Datestamp a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "Datestamp"; + bamm:preferredName "datestamp"@en; + bamm:description "Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an optional timezone."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:date. +:CellChemistryCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "CellChemistryCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "cell chemistry"@en; + bamm:description "Information about the the cell chemistry of a battery cell"@en; + bamm:dataType :CellChemistryEntity. +:CompositionCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "CompositionCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "composition"@en; + bamm:description "Information about the composition of a battery and the combination of materials is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType :CompositionEntity. +:CO2FootprintTotalCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "CO2FootprintTotalCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "co2 footprint total"@en; + bamm:description "The total carbon footprint of the battery, calculated as kg of carbon dioxide equivalent is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:double; + bamm-c:unit unit:kilogram. +:TemperatureRangeIdleStateCharacterisitic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "TemperatureRangeIdleStateCharacterisitic"; + bamm:preferredName "temperature range idle state"@en; + bamm:description "The range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType :TemperatureRangeIdleStateEntity. +:WarrantyPeriodCharacterisitic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "WarrantyPeriodCharacterisitic"; + bamm:preferredName "warranty period"@en; + bamm:description "Commercial warranty period of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:positiveInteger; + bamm-c:unit unit:month. +:BatteryCycleLifeCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "BatteryCycleLifeCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "battery cycle life"@en; + bamm:description "Characterisitic describing the cycle life of a battery"@en; + bamm:dataType :BatteryCycleLifeEntity. +:DocumentEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "DocumentEntity"; + bamm:properties ([ + bamm:property :packagingInstructions; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] [ + bamm:property :transportationInstructions; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] [ + bamm:property :vehicleDismantlingProcedure; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] [ + bamm:property :batteryDismantlingProcedure; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] [ + bamm:property :safetyMeasures; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] [ + bamm:property :testReportsResults; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] [ + bamm:property :declarationOfConformity; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] [ + bamm:property :responsibleSourcing; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +]); + bamm:preferredName "document entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity encapsulating the details of a attachment for the battery"@en. +:ManufacturerEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "ManufacturerEntity"; + bamm:properties (:name :contact :address); + bamm:preferredName "manufacturer"@en; + bamm:description "Entity encapsulating the details of a manufacturer of goods"@en. +:ElectrochemicalPropertiesEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "ElectrochemicalPropertiesEntity"; + bamm:properties (:batteryPower :batteryVoltage :ratedCapacity :capacityFade :internalResistance :capacityThresholdExhaustion :batteryEnergy :ratioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergy); + bamm:preferredName "electrochemical properties entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity encapsulating the electrochemical details of a battery"@en. +:PhysicalDimensionsEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "PhysicalDimensionsEntity"; + bamm:properties (:length :width :height :diameter :weight); + bamm:preferredName "physical dimensions entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the characterisitics describing the physical dimensions"@en. +:StateOfBatteryEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "StateOfBatteryEntity"; + bamm:properties (:stateOfHealth :stateOfCharge :statusBattery); + bamm:preferredName "state of battery entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the characterisitics describing the state of a battery"@en. +:BatteryIdentificationEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "BatteryIdentificationEntity"; + bamm:properties (:batteryType :batteryModel :batteryIDDMCCode); + bamm:preferredName "battery identification entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the characterisitics describing the identification of a battery"@en. +:ManufacturingEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "ManufacturingEntity"; + bamm:properties (:dateOfManufacturing :address); + bamm:preferredName "manufacturing entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the characterisitics describing the manufacturing (place and date of manufacture)"@en. +:CellChemistryEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "CellChemistryEntity"; + bamm:properties (:cathodeActiveMaterials :recyclateContentActiveMaterials :anodeActiveMaterials :cathodeCompositionOther :anodeCompositionOther :electrolyteComposition); + bamm:preferredName "cell chemistry"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the characterisitics describing a battery's cell chemistry"@en. +:CompositionEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "CompositionEntity"; + bamm:properties (:components :compositionOfBattery :criticalRawMaterials); + bamm:preferredName "composition"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the characterisitics describing a battery's composition"@en. +:TemperatureRangeIdleStateEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "TemperatureRangeIdleStateEntity"; + bamm:properties (:temperatureRangeIdleStateLowerLimit :temperatureRangeIdleStateUpperLimit); + bamm:preferredName "temperature range idle state"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the characterisitics describing the battery's temperature range"@en. +:BatteryCycleLifeEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "BatteryCycleLifeEntity"; + bamm:properties (:cycleLifeTestCRate :cycleLifeTestDepthOfDischarge :expectedLifetime); + bamm:preferredName "battery cycle life entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the characterisitics describing the cycle life of a battery"@en. +:packagingInstructions a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "packagingInstructions"; + bamm:preferredName "packaging instructions"@en; + bamm:description "Instructions for safely packaging\nbatteries is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :AttachmentLinkCharacteristic. +:transportationInstructions a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "transportationInstructions"; + bamm:preferredName "transportation instructions"@en; + bamm:description "Instructions for safely transporting\nbatteries is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :AttachmentLinkCharacteristic. +:vehicleDismantlingProcedure a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "vehicleDismantlingProcedure"; + bamm:preferredName "vehicle dismantling procedure"@en; + bamm:description "Document containing the vehicle dismantling procedure is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :AttachmentLinkCharacteristic. +:batteryDismantlingProcedure a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryDismantlingProcedure"; + bamm:preferredName "battery dismantling procedure"@en; + bamm:description "Document containing the battery dismantling procedure is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :AttachmentLinkCharacteristic. +:safetyMeasures a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "safetyMeasures"; + bamm:preferredName "safety measures"@en; + bamm:description "Safety measures document(s) is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :AttachmentLinkCharacteristic. +:testReportsResults a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "testReportsResults"; + bamm:preferredName "test reports results"@en; + bamm:description "Results of test reports which prove that the battery fulfills this regulation and its delegated regulations is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :AttachmentLinkCharacteristic. +:declarationOfConformity a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "declarationOfConformity"; + bamm:preferredName "declaration of conformity"@en; + bamm:description "Declaration of conformity (CE) is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :AttachmentLinkCharacteristic. +:responsibleSourcing a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "responsibleSourcing"; + bamm:preferredName "responsible sourcing"@en; + bamm:description "Document/Certificates on organizations compliance to ethical business practices"@en; + bamm:characteristic :AttachmentLinkCharacteristic. +:name a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "name"; + bamm:preferredName "name"@en; + bamm:description "Name of the manufacturer is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic bamm-c:Text; + bamm:exampleValue "Samsung". +:contact a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "contact"; + bamm:preferredName "contact"@en; + bamm:description "Contact details of the manufacturer"@en; + bamm:characteristic contact-c:ContactCharacteristic. +:address a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "address"; + bamm:preferredName "address"@en; + bamm:description "An postal address"@en; + bamm:characteristic address-c:PostalAddress. +:batteryPower a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryPower"; + bamm:preferredName "attachment"@en; + bamm:description "Characterisitic to describe the power (W) properties of the batterie."@en; + bamm:characteristic :BatteryPowerCharacteristic. +:batteryVoltage a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryVoltage"; + bamm:preferredName "battery voltage"@en; + bamm:description "Voltage (V) of the battery."@en; + bamm:characteristic :BatteryVoltageCharacteristiC. +:ratedCapacity a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "ratedCapacity"; + bamm:preferredName "rated capacity"@en; + bamm:description "The total number of ampere-hours (Ah) that can be withdrawn from a fully charged battery under specific conditions is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :RatedCapacityCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "210"^^xsd:decimal. +:capacityFade a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "capacityFade"; + bamm:preferredName "capacity fade"@en; + bamm:description "The decrease over time and upon usage in the amount of charge that a battery can deliver at the rated voltage, with respect to the original rated capacity declared by the manufacturer is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CapacityFadeCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "34"^^xsd:decimal. +:internalResistance a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "internalResistance"; + bamm:preferredName "internal resistance"@en; + bamm:description "Internal resistance in a battery cell or pack is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :InternalResistanceCharacteristic. +:capacityThresholdExhaustion a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "capacityThresholdExhaustion"; + bamm:preferredName "internal resistance"@en; + bamm:description "Capacity threshold for exhaustion as percentage value is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CapacityThresholdExhaustionCharacterisitic; + bamm:exampleValue "23"^^xsd:decimal. +:batteryEnergy a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryEnergy"; + bamm:preferredName "battery energy"@en; + bamm:description "Characterisitic to describe the energy (kWh) properties of the batterie."@en; + bamm:characteristic :BatteryEnergyCharacterisitc. +:ratioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergy a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "ratioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergy"; + bamm:preferredName "ratio maximum allowed battery power and maximum allowed battery energy"@en; + bamm:description "Ratio between maximum allowed battery power (W) and battery energy (Wh) is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :RatioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacterisitic; + bamm:exampleValue "0.611"^^xsd:float. +:length a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "length"; + bamm:preferredName "length"@en; + bamm:description "Length of the item is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :MillimetreCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "20000"^^xsd:integer. +:width a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "width"; + bamm:preferredName "width"@en; + bamm:description "Width of the item is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :MillimetreCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "1000"^^xsd:integer. +:height a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "height"; + bamm:preferredName "height"@en; + bamm:description "Height of the item is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :MillimetreCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "1"^^xsd:integer. +:diameter a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "diameter"; + bamm:preferredName "diameter"@en; + bamm:description "Diameter of the item."@en; + bamm:characteristic :MillimetreCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "3"^^xsd:integer. +:weight a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "weight"; + bamm:preferredName "weight"@en; + bamm:description "Weight of the item is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :KilogramCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "1007"^^xsd:integer. +:stateOfHealth a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "stateOfHealth"; + bamm:preferredName "state of health"@en; + bamm:description "Evidence/Certificate of the health evaluation of a battery for its use following repurposing or remanufacturing operations is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :StateOfHealthCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "12"^^xsd:integer. +:stateOfCharge a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "stateOfCharge"; + bamm:preferredName "state of charge"@en; + bamm:description "The value of the state of charge of the battery at the end of life i.e. when entering recycling scheme is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :StateOfChargeCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "23"^^xsd:integer. +:statusBattery a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "statusBattery"; + bamm:preferredName "status battery"@en; + bamm:description "Status of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement. Value list provided by the regulators."@en; + bamm:characteristic bamm-c:Text; + bamm:exampleValue "first life/ waste/ repaired/ repurposed/ recycled". +:batteryType a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryType"; + bamm:preferredName "battery type"@en; + bamm:description "Battery type as described by the contents of the battery e.g. cell chemistry is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic bamm-c:Text; + bamm:exampleValue "LFP, Natrium, Li-Ion, NMC, NCA, Solid-State". +:batteryModel a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryModel"; + bamm:preferredName "battery model"@en; + bamm:description "Battery type as described by the contents of the battery e.g. cell chemistry is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic bamm-c:Text; + bamm:exampleValue "LFP, Natrium, Li-Ion, NMC, NCA, Solid-State". +:batteryIDDMCCode a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "batteryIDDMCCode"; + bamm:preferredName "battery ID DMC code"@en; + bamm:description "Digital Matrix Code (DMC) of the battery i.e. serial number allowing for unequivocal identification of a battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic bamm-c:Text; + bamm:exampleValue "X123456789012X12345678901234567". +:dateOfManufacturing a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "dateOfManufacturing"; + bamm:preferredName "date of manufacturing"@en; + bamm:description "Manufacturing date of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :Datestamp; + bamm:exampleValue "2022-03-07"^^xsd:date. +:cathodeActiveMaterials a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "cathodeActiveMaterials"; + bamm:preferredName "cathode active materials"@en; + bamm:description "The total amount of valuable materials contained in CAM material: Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CathodeActiveMaterialsCharacterisitic. +:recyclateContentActiveMaterials a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "recyclateContentActiveMaterials"; + bamm:preferredName "recyclate content active materials"@en; + bamm:description "List of recovered Recyclate Content in Active Material Recycled is describing a regulatory requirement. The following materials have to be reported on as a minimium: Cobalt, Lithium, Nickel, Lead"@en; + bamm:characteristic :RecyclateContentActiveMaterialsCharacteristic. +:anodeActiveMaterials a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "anodeActiveMaterials"; + bamm:preferredName "anode active materials"@en; + bamm:description "The total amount of valuable materials contained in Anode: graphite"@en; + bamm:characteristic :AnodeActiveMaterialsCharacteristic. +:cathodeCompositionOther a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "cathodeCompositionOther"; + bamm:preferredName "cathode composition other"@en; + bamm:description "The composition or materials contained in the Cathode is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CathodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic. +:anodeCompositionOther a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "anodeCompositionOther"; + bamm:preferredName "anode composition other"@en; + bamm:description "The composition or materials contained in the anode is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :AnodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic. +:electrolyteComposition a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "electrolyteComposition"; + bamm:preferredName "electrolyte composition"@en; + bamm:description "List of materials contained in the electrolyte is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:see ; + bamm:characteristic :ElectrolyteCompositionCharacteristic. +:components a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "components"; + bamm:preferredName "components"@en; + bamm:description "Properties of the batterie's comoponents."@en; + bamm:characteristic :ComponentsCharacteristic. +:compositionOfBattery a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "compositionOfBattery"; + bamm:preferredName "composition of battery"@en; + bamm:description "Full composition of battery is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CompositionOfBatteryCharacteristic. +:criticalRawMaterials a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "criticalRawMaterials"; + bamm:preferredName "critical raw materials"@en; + bamm:description "List of critical raw materials (CRM) as specified by EU in a battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CriticalRawMaterialsCharacteristic. +:temperatureRangeIdleStateLowerLimit a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "temperatureRangeIdleStateLowerLimit"; + bamm:preferredName "temperature range idle state lower limit"@en; + bamm:description "The lower range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :TemperatureRangeCharacterisitic; + bamm:exampleValue "67"^^xsd:decimal. +:temperatureRangeIdleStateUpperLimit a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "temperatureRangeIdleStateUpperLimit"; + bamm:preferredName "temperature rangeIdle state upper limit"@en; + bamm:description "The upper range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :TemperatureRangeCharacterisitic; + bamm:exampleValue "67"^^xsd:decimal. +:cycleLifeTestCRate a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "cycleLifeTestCRate"; + bamm:preferredName "cycle life test c-rate"@en; + bamm:description "C-rate of Relevant Cycle-life Test is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CycleLifeTestCRateCharacterisitc; + bamm:exampleValue "45"^^xsd:decimal. +:cycleLifeTestDepthOfDischarge a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "cycleLifeTestDepthOfDischarge"; + bamm:preferredName "cycle-life test depth of discharge"@en; + bamm:description "Depth of discharge in the cycle-life test is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :CycleLifeTestDepthOfDischargeCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "23"^^xsd:decimal. +:expectedLifetime a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "expectedLifetime"; + bamm:preferredName "expected lifetime"@en; + bamm:description "Expected battery lifetime expressed in cycles, and reference test used is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :ExpectedLifetime; + bamm:exampleValue "456"^^xsd:decimal. +:AttachmentLinkCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "AttachmentLinkCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "attachment"@en; + bamm:description "Links the referenced attachments"@en; + bamm:dataType :AttachmentEntity. +:BatteryPowerCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "BatteryPowerCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "battery power characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Characterisitic to describe the power (W) properties of the batterie."@en; + bamm:dataType :BatteryPowerEntity. +:BatteryVoltageCharacteristiC a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "BatteryVoltageCharacteristiC"; + bamm:preferredName "BatteryVoltageCharacteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Characterisitic to describe the voltage (V) properties of the batterie."@en; + bamm:dataType :BatteryVoltageEntity. +:RatedCapacityCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "RatedCapacityCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "rated capacity characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "The total number of ampere-hours (Ah) that can be withdrawn from a fully charged battery under specific conditions is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:ampere. +:CapacityFadeCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "CapacityFadeCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "capacity fade characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "The decrease over time and upon usage in the amount of charge that a battery can deliver at the rated voltage, with respect to the original rated capacity declared by the manufacturer is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:InternalResistanceCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "InternalResistanceCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "internal resistance"@en; + bamm:description "Internal resistance in a battery cell or pack is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType :InternalResistanceEntity. +:CapacityThresholdExhaustionCharacterisitic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "CapacityThresholdExhaustionCharacterisitic"; + bamm:preferredName "capacity threshold exhaustion characterisitic"@en; + bamm:description "Capacity threshold for exhaustion as percentage value is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:BatteryEnergyCharacterisitc a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "BatteryEnergyCharacterisitc"; + bamm:preferredName "battery energy characterisitc"@en; + bamm:description "Characterisitic to describe the energy (kWh) properties of the batterie."@en; + bamm:dataType :BatteryEnergyEntity. +:RatioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacterisitic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "RatioMaximumAllowedBatteryPowerAndMaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacterisitic"; + bamm:preferredName "ratio maximum allowed battery power and maximum allowed battery energy characterisitic"@en; + bamm:description "Ratio between maximum allowed battery power (W) and battery energy (Wh) is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:float. +:MillimetreCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "MillimetreCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "millimetre characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "A measurment for the length/width/height of an item."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:integer; + bamm-c:unit unit:millimetre. +:KilogramCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "KilogramCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "kilogram characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "A measurement for the weight of an item."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:integer; + bamm-c:unit unit:kilogram. +:StateOfHealthCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "StateOfHealthCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "state of health characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Evidence/Certificate of the health evaluation of a battery for its use following repurposing or remanufacturing operations is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:integer; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:StateOfChargeCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "StateOfChargeCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "state of charge characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "The value of the state of charge of the battery at the end of life i.e. when entering recycling scheme is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:integer; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:CathodeActiveMaterialsCharacterisitic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "CathodeActiveMaterialsCharacterisitic"; + bamm:preferredName "cathode active materials"@en; + bamm:description "The total amount of valuable materials contained in CAM material: Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium."@en; + bamm:dataType :MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity. +:RecyclateContentActiveMaterialsCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "RecyclateContentActiveMaterialsCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "recyclate content active materials"@en; + bamm:description "List of recovered Recyclate Content in Active Material Recycled is describing a regulatory requirement. The following materials have to be reported on as a minimium: Cobalt, Lithium, Nickel, Lead"@en; + bamm:dataType :MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity. +:AnodeActiveMaterialsCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "AnodeActiveMaterialsCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "anode active materials"@en; + bamm:description "The total amount of valuable materials contained in Anode: graphite"@en; + bamm:dataType :MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity. +:CathodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "CathodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "cathode composition other"@en; + bamm:description "The composition or materials contained in the Cathode is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType :MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity. +:AnodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "AnodeCompositionOtherCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "anode composition other"@en; + bamm:description "The composition or materials contained in the anode is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType :MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity. +:ElectrolyteCompositionCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "ElectrolyteCompositionCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "electrolyte composition"@en; + bamm:description "List of materials contained in the electrolyte is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:see ; + bamm:dataType :MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity. +:ComponentsCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "ComponentsCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "components"@en; + bamm:description "Characteristics of the batterie's comoponents."@en; + bamm:dataType :CompomenentsEntity. +:CompositionOfBatteryCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "CompositionOfBatteryCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "composition of battery"@en; + bamm:description "Full composition of battery is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType :MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity. +:CriticalRawMaterialsCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "CriticalRawMaterialsCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "critical raw materials"@en; + bamm:description "List of critical raw materials (CRM) as specified by EU in a battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:string. +:TemperatureRangeCharacterisitic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "TemperatureRangeCharacterisitic"; + bamm:preferredName "temperature range"@en; + bamm:description "The lower range of temperature the battery can withstand when not in use is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:degreeCelsius. +:CycleLifeTestCRateCharacterisitc a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "CycleLifeTestCRateCharacterisitc"; + bamm:preferredName "cycle life test c-rate"@en; + bamm:description "C-rate of Relevant Cycle-life Test is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal. +:CycleLifeTestDepthOfDischargeCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "CycleLifeTestDepthOfDischargeCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "cycle life test depth of discharge"@en; + bamm:description "Depth of discharge in the cycle-life test is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:ExpectedLifetime a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "ExpectedLifetime"; + bamm:preferredName "expected lifetime"@en; + bamm:description "Expected battery lifetime expressed in cycles, and reference test used is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:piece. +:AttachmentEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "AttachmentEntity"; + bamm:properties (:fileLocation :title); + bamm:preferredName "AttachmentEntity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity encapsulating the details of a attachment for the battery"@en. +:BatteryPowerEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "BatteryPowerEntity"; + bamm:properties (:maximumAllowedBatteryPower :originalPower :powerFade :powerCapabilityAt20Charge :powerCapabilityAt80Charge :originalPowerCapability :originalPowerCapabilityLimits); + bamm:preferredName "battery power entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the power properties of a battery."@en. +:BatteryVoltageEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "BatteryVoltageEntity"; + bamm:properties (:minVoltage :nominalVoltage :maxVoltage); + bamm:preferredName "battery voltage entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the voltage properties of a battery."@en. +:InternalResistanceEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "InternalResistanceEntity"; + bamm:properties (:cellInternalResistance :packInternalResistance :packInternalResistanceIncrease); + bamm:preferredName "internal resistance"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the internal resistance properties of a battery."@en. +:BatteryEnergyEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "BatteryEnergyEntity"; + bamm:properties (:maximumAllowedBatteryEnergy :energyRoundtripEfficiency :energyRoundtripEfficiencyChange); + bamm:preferredName "battery energy entity"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the energy properties of a battery."@en. +:MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "MaterialNameAndWeightAndPercentageMassFractionEntity"; + bamm:properties ([ + bamm:property :matierialPercentageMassFraction; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] [ + bamm:property :matierialWeight; + bamm:optional "true"^^xsd:boolean +] :materialName); + bamm:preferredName "material name and weight and percent"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle a material's name, weight and percentage of mass."@en. +:CompomenentsEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "CompomenentsEntity"; + bamm:properties (:componentsSupplier :componentsPartNumber); + bamm:preferredName "components"@en; + bamm:description "Entity to bundle the components properties of a battery."@en. +:fileLocation a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "fileLocation"; + bamm:preferredName "file location"@en; + bamm:description "Location of the file"@en; + bamm:characteristic :FileLocationCharacteristic. +:title a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "title"; + bamm:preferredName "title"@en; + bamm:description "Title of the attached file"@en; + bamm:characteristic bamm-c:Text. +:maximumAllowedBatteryPower a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "maximumAllowedBatteryPower"; + bamm:preferredName "maximum allowed battery power"@en; + bamm:description "Maximum allowed battery power (W) of the battery is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:see ; + bamm:characteristic :PowerCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "55000.0"^^xsd:float. +:originalPower a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "originalPower"; + bamm:preferredName "battery original power"@en; + bamm:description "Original power capability in Watts is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :PowerCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "7.56"^^xsd:float. +:powerFade a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "powerFade"; + bamm:preferredName "maximum allowed battery power"@en; + bamm:description "Maximum allowed battery power (W) of the battery is describing a business requirement."@en; + bamm:see ; + bamm:characteristic :PowerFadeCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "23.0"^^xsd:float. +:powerCapabilityAt20Charge a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "powerCapabilityAt20Charge"; + bamm:preferredName "power capability at 20 charge"@en; + bamm:description "Power (capability) at 20% state of charge. Description from the Regulation is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :PowerCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "643"^^xsd:float. +:powerCapabilityAt80Charge a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "powerCapabilityAt80Charge"; + bamm:preferredName "power capability at 80 charge"@en; + bamm:description "Power (capability) at 80% state of charge. Description from the Regulation is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :PowerCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "47"^^xsd:float. +:originalPowerCapability a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "originalPowerCapability"; + bamm:preferredName "original power capability"@en; + bamm:description "Performance ability of the high voltage battery i.e. the amount of energy that a battery is capable to provide over a given period of time is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :KilowattCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "123"^^xsd:decimal. +:originalPowerCapabilityLimits a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "originalPowerCapabilityLimits"; + bamm:preferredName "original power capability limits"@en; + bamm:description "Performance ability of the high voltage battery according to limits i.e. how much power it can provide within given limits is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :KilowattCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "123"^^xsd:decimal. +:minVoltage a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "minVoltage"; + bamm:preferredName "min voltage"@en; + bamm:description "Value of the minimal voltage the battery is rated for is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :VoltCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "2"^^xsd:float. +:nominalVoltage a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "nominalVoltage"; + bamm:preferredName "nominal voltage"@en; + bamm:description "Value of the nominal voltage the battery is rated for is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :VoltCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "4.3"^^xsd:float. +:maxVoltage a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "maxVoltage"; + bamm:preferredName "max voltage"@en; + bamm:description "Value of the maximum voltage the battery is rated for is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :VoltCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "6"^^xsd:float. +:cellInternalResistance a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "cellInternalResistance"; + bamm:preferredName "cell internal resistance"@en; + bamm:description "The resistance offered by the cell in the flow of the current"@en; + bamm:characteristic :MilliohmCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "45"^^xsd:decimal. +:packInternalResistance a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "packInternalResistance"; + bamm:preferredName "pack internal resistance"@en; + bamm:description "Total internal resistance in a battery pack is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :OhmCharacterisitic; + bamm:exampleValue "67"^^xsd:decimal. +:packInternalResistanceIncrease a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "packInternalResistanceIncrease"; + bamm:preferredName "pack internal resistanceIncrease"@en; + bamm:description "Increase in internal resistance of a battery pack over a period of time is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :PercentCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "23"^^xsd:decimal. +:maximumAllowedBatteryEnergy a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "maximumAllowedBatteryEnergy"; + bamm:preferredName "maximum allowed battery energy"@en; + bamm:description "Maximum allowed battery energy (Wh) of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:see ; + bamm:characteristic :MaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "90000"^^xsd:float. +:energyRoundtripEfficiency a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "energyRoundtripEfficiency"; + bamm:preferredName "energy roundtrip efficiency"@en; + bamm:description "Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into storage is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :EnergyRoundtripEfficiency; + bamm:exampleValue "56"^^xsd:decimal. +:energyRoundtripEfficiencyChange a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "energyRoundtripEfficiencyChange"; + bamm:preferredName "energy roundtrip efficiency"@en; + bamm:description "Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into storage is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :EnergyRoundtripEfficiencyChangeCharacterisitic; + bamm:exampleValue "67"^^xsd:decimal. +:matierialPercentageMassFraction a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "matierialPercentageMassFraction"; + bamm:preferredName "matierial percentage mass fraction"@en; + bamm:description "Percentage mass fraction of a material."@en; + bamm:characteristic :MatierialPercentageMassFractionCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "19"^^xsd:decimal. +:matierialWeight a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "matierialWeight"; + bamm:preferredName "material weight"@en; + bamm:description "Weight of the material (in gram)"@en; + bamm:characteristic :GramCharacteristic; + bamm:exampleValue "2.5"^^xsd:decimal. +:materialName a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "materialName"; + bamm:preferredName "material name"@en; + bamm:description "Name of the material"@en; + bamm:characteristic :Text. +:componentsSupplier a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "componentsSupplier"; + bamm:preferredName "components supplier"@en; + bamm:description "Contact details of the suppliers of replacement parts / spare parts is describing a regulatory requirement. Available fields should be like:\nName - Street - Number - ZIP Code - City - State - Country - Phone - Fax - Email - Website"@en; + bamm:characteristic :ComponentsSupplierCharacteristic. +:componentsPartNumber a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "componentsPartNumber"; + bamm:preferredName "components part number"@en; + bamm:description "The unique serial numbers of the different parts of a battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:characteristic :ComponentsPartNumberList; + bamm:exampleValue "Case xxxxxxx/xx; Controller xxxxxxx/xx". +:FileLocationCharacteristic a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "FileLocationCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "file location"@en; + bamm:description "The path to the file"@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:anyURI. +:PowerCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "PowerCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "power characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Power capability in Watts"@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:float; + bamm-c:unit unit:watt. +:PowerFadeCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "PowerFadeCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "power fade characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "The decrease over time and upon usage in the amount of power that a battery can deliver at the rated voltage is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:float; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:KilowattCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "KilowattCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "kilowatt characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "A measurement for the power of the battery."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:kilowatt. +:VoltCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "VoltCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "volt characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Value of the voltage the battery is rated for"@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:float; + bamm-c:unit unit:volt. +:MilliohmCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "MilliohmCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "milliohm characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "The resistance offered by the cell in the flow of the current"@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:milliohm. +:OhmCharacterisitic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "OhmCharacterisitic"; + bamm:preferredName "ohm characterisitic"@en; + bamm:description "Total internal resistance in a battery pack"@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:ohm. +:PercentCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "PercentCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "percent characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Increase in internal resistance of a battery pack over a period of time"@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:MaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "MaximumAllowedBatteryEnergyCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "maximum allowed battery energy"@en; + bamm:description "Characterisitic to describe the energy (Wh) properties of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:float; + bamm-c:unit unit:wattHour. +:EnergyRoundtripEfficiency a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "EnergyRoundtripEfficiency"; + bamm:preferredName "energy roundtrip efficiency"@en; + bamm:description "Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into storage is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:EnergyRoundtripEfficiencyChangeCharacterisitic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "EnergyRoundtripEfficiencyChangeCharacterisitic"; + bamm:preferredName "energy roundtrip efficiency change"@en; + bamm:description "Round-trip efficiency is the percentage of electricity put into storage after 50% of life of the battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:MatierialPercentageMassFractionCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "MatierialPercentageMassFractionCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "matierial percentage mass fraction"@en; + bamm:description "Percentage mass fraction of a material"@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:percent. +:GramCharacteristic a bamm-c:Measurement; + bamm:name "GramCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "gram characteristic"@en; + bamm:description "Weight of the material (in gram)"@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:decimal; + bamm-c:unit unit:gram. +:Text a bamm:Characteristic; + bamm:name "Text"; + bamm:description "Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:string. +:ComponentsSupplierCharacteristic a bamm-c:Set; + bamm:name "ComponentsSupplierCharacteristic"; + bamm:preferredName "components supplier"@en; + bamm:description "Contact details of the suppliers of replacement parts / spare parts is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType :ComponentsSupplierEntity. +:ComponentsSupplierEntity a bamm:Entity; + bamm:name "ComponentsSupplierEntity"; + bamm:properties (:address :contact :componentsSupplierName); + bamm:preferredName "components supplier"@en; + bamm:description "Entity encapsulating the details of a components supplier"@en. +:componentsSupplierName a bamm:Property; + bamm:name "componentsSupplierName"; + bamm:preferredName "components supplier name"@en; + bamm:description "Name of the components supplier"@en; + bamm:characteristic :Text; + bamm:exampleValue "XY Corporation". +:ComponentsPartNumberList a bamm-c:Collection; + bamm:name "ComponentsPartNumberList"; + bamm:preferredName "components part number list"@en; + bamm:description "A list of the unique serial numbers of the different parts of a battery is describing a regulatory requirement."@en; + bamm:dataType xsd:string. From 20eea4dc28263799b550a96b101ca39a7575b6f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DanielSteffenReichert <> Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 16:15:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Create metadata.json --- io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/metadata.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/metadata.json diff --git a/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/metadata.json b/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/metadata.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb94ac1ea --- /dev/null +++ b/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/3.0.0/metadata.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{ "status" : "release"} From ccc6a27684230ee922394a17e56ecae756bdfb62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DanielSteffenReichert <> Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 16:18:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Create --- .../ | 20 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+) create mode 100644 io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/ diff --git a/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/ b/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4f53fa60 --- /dev/null +++ b/io.catenax.battery.battery_pass/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# Changelog +All notable changes to this model will be documented in this file. + +## [Unreleased] + +## [2.0.0] - 2022-09-07 +### Added +- attributes describing battery or its condition in more detail +- set namespace to io.catenax + +## [3.0.0] - 2022-12-05 +### Added +- added ā€žcomponentsSupplierNameā€œ +- attribute "ComponentsPartNumber" was changed to a collection + +### Changed +n/a + +### Removed +