bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.allowedTypes |
string |
"oen,wmi" |
allowed types for deployed application. (oen,...) |
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.description |
string |
"" |
Bpn discovery endpoint (description) informationen for the self registration on discoveryfinder |
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.endpointAddress |
string |
"" |
Bpn discovery endpoint (host of bpn discovery) informationen for the self registration on discoveryfinder |
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.documentation |
string |
"" |
Bpn discovery endpoint (documentation) informationen for the self registration on discoveryfinder |
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpoint.timeToLive |
integer |
min = 1, max = 31536000 |
The timeToLive value of the endpoint. This is needed for the selfregistration of bpn discovery |
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.baseUrl |
string |
"" |
The host of discoveryfinder. This is needed for the selfregistration of bpn discovery |
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.registration.clientId |
string |
"" |
Discovery finder client information (clientId) to the selfregistration. |
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.registration.clientSecret |
string |
"" |
Discovery finder client information (clientSecret) to the self registration. |
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.registration.authorizationGrantType |
string |
"client_credentials" |
Discovery finder client information (authorizationGrantType) to the self registration. |
bpndiscovery.discoveryfinderClient.provider.tokenUri |
string |
"" |
Discovery finder client information (tokenUri) to the self registration. |
bpndiscovery.bpndiscoveryEndpointallowedTypes |
string |
"oen,bpid" |
allowed types for deployed application. (oen,...) |
bpndiscovery.authentication |
bool |
true |
Enables OAuth2 based authentication/authorization |
bpndiscovery.containerPort |
int |
4243 |
Containerport |
bpndiscovery.dataSource.driverClassName |
string |
"org.postgresql.Driver" |
The driver class name for the database connection |
bpndiscovery.dataSource.password |
string |
"password" |
Datasource password |
bpndiscovery.dataSource.sqlInitPlatform |
string |
"pg" |
Datasource InitPlatform |
bpndiscovery.dataSource.url |
string |
"jdbc:postgresql://database:5432" |
Datasource URL |
bpndiscovery.dataSource.user |
string |
"user" |
Datasource user |
bpndiscovery.host |
string |
"localhost" |
This value is used by the Ingress object (if enabled) to route traffic |
bpndiscovery.idp.bpnIdClaimName |
string |
"bpn" |
bpnId claim Name |
bpndiscovery.idp.issuerUri |
string |
"" |
The issuer URI of the OAuth2 identity provider |
bpndiscovery.idp.publicClientId |
string |
"default-cleint" |
ClientId |
bpndiscovery.image.imagePullPolicy |
string |
"IfNotPresent" |
ImagepullPolicy |
bpndiscovery.image.registry |
string |
"docker.io" |
Image registry |
bpndiscovery.image.repository |
string |
"sldt-bpn-discovery" |
Image repository |
bpndiscovery.image.version |
string |
"" |
ersion of image. By default the app Version from Chart.yml is used. You can overwrite the version to use an other version of sldt-bpn-discovery |
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer" |
string |
"selfsigned-cluster-issuer" |
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/cors-allow-credentials" |
string |
"true" |
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/enable-cors" |
string |
"true" |
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target" |
string |
"/$2" |
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex" |
string |
"true" |
bpndiscovery.ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/x-forwarded-prefix" |
string |
"/bpndiscovery" |
bpndiscovery.ingress.className |
string |
"nginx" |
The Ingress class name |
bpndiscovery.ingress.enabled |
bool |
false |
Configures if an Ingress resource is created |
bpndiscovery.ingress.tls |
bool |
false |
Configures whether the Ingress should include TLS configuration. In that case, a separate Secret (as defined by registry.ingress.tlsSecretName ) needs to be provided manually or by using cert-manager |
bpndiscovery.ingress.urlPrefix |
string |
"/bpndiscovery" |
The url prefix that is used by the Ingress resource to route traffic |
bpndiscovery.replicaCount |
int |
1 |
Replica count |
bpndiscovery.resources.limits.memory |
string |
"1024Mi" |
Resources limit memory |
bpndiscovery.resources.requests.memory |
string |
"512Mi" |
Resources request memory |
bpndiscovery.service.port |
int |
8080 |
Service port |
bpndiscovery.service.type |
string |
"ClusterIP" |
Service type |
bpndiscovery.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
int |
100 |
bpndiscovery.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
int |
3 |
bpndiscovery.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
int |
3 |
bpndiscovery.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
int |
100 |
bpndiscovery.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
int |
3 |
bpndiscovery.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
int |
3 |