The 3.0.1 release is a bug fix release of 3.0.0.
Following changes are included:
- wsgen: added ability generate WSDL/Schema files only
- wsgen: avoid NPE when reporting errors
- wsgen: fixed fork=true invocation
- avoid npe when starting wstools
- fixed the fallback factory to implement correct interface
- uses Jakarta XML Web Services Metadata Specification 3.0.0
- uses Jakarta XML Web Services Specification 3.0.1
- uses Jakarta SOAP with Attachments Specification 2.0.1
- uses Jakarta Jakarta Annotations 2.0.0
- uses Jakarta Activation 2.0.1
- uses Jakarta Mail 2.0.1
- uses SAAJ IMPL 2.0.1
- uses JAXB RI 3.0.1
- delivers streambuffer 2.0.2
Get standalone binary distribution