v2.4.0 2022/10/21
Release of version v.2.4.0 of the Re3gistry software with major changes fixing bugs and adding new features.
🚀 New features
- #144 New feature for a simplified workflow has been created as an alternative to the ISO19135.
- #175 Creation of a schema on the fly that is used for XML validations.
- #156 New feature for an email notification to the Submitting organization and Control body once the items or actions have been published
- #160 In the webapp, when a label is not in the selected language a message will be shown
- #159 Only active languages will be shown in the language selector from the webapp
- #138 Items visibility will be taken from the isPublic field corresponding to its status
- #210 New ATOM format
🐛 Bugs
- #120 Fixed the breadcrumbs shown in the frontend for an item
- #112 Fixed an issue with values not being internationalized
- #102 Version of the items shown has been fixed
- #101 Fixed errors in the creation of multiple formats RDF, XML and ISO19135
- #82 Fixed search errors in SOLR with invalid parameters
- #195 Fixed access to a hyperlink field in the webapp
- #216 Files needed for deployment are now part of the source code
- #217 Fixed issue involving the Cache of the application
- #221 Fixed cache property missing in the deployment script
- #223 Fixed format when an item has not any version history
- #228 Vulnerability on Apache Commons Text