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249 lines (188 loc) · 8.51 KB

File metadata and controls

249 lines (188 loc) · 8.51 KB


Comprehensively tested code for creating concurrent networking systems for multiplayer games.

NetStack is dependant on System.Memory, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe. Optimized for C# 7.3+, Unity 2018.3+ and .NET Core 2.1+. Works on .NET Standard 2.0.

NetStack does NOT depends on System.IO.Pipelines nor System.Threading.Channels nor System.Net.Sockets. Does NOT have code to control threads and sockets.

Exceptions, validation.

All validation and exception are behind #if !NO_EXCEPTIONS. Inlining is behind #if !NO_INLINING.



Serialization (Nuget)

  • Typed limit and composition.
  • Still fast processing
  • Span support
  • Uses modern shortcuts for naming primitives like i32 for int, etc.
  • Compact bit-packing
  • TODO: optimize write of 2,3,4 bits values
  • TODO: add delta methods with small vs big delimeter (Gaffer on games)
  • Debugging write and read with no packing
  • Start write or read from where previous bit buffer finished.
  • Zero copy read write by init from byte array or memory.
  • TODO: add custom visualizer or custom to string (to 01 to to hex)
  • TODO: Given possibility do delta of prediction (allow to pass predictors - provide linear, simple non linear, and simple learning regression and plug for custom predictors)

Optimization priorities

  1. Size of data on the wire
  2. Memory allocation and copy
  3. Raw operations performance
  4. Malleability and partial code reuse
  5. Code readability and maintainability


  • Optimized for heterogenous data in one packet, not stream of same data in each packet.
  • Optimized for games, may be usable in high end CPU in robotics and iot processors.
  • Optimized for 64 bits CPU and vectorized compilers.
  • Not optimized for big data or large data compression-storage.


  • No fluent interface as it adds performance overhead.
  • No domain specific optimizations (like Possible Visible Set compression or Skip Send or Send only to Specific device or other semantics)


  • ArrayQueue is Single-producer single-consumer first-in-first-out non-blocking queue
  • ConcurrentBuffer is Multi-producer multi-consumer first-in-first-out non-blocking queue
  • ConcurrentPool is Self-stabilizing semi-lockless circular buffer
  • Collections (TODO)
    • CyclicSequence (from Gaffer on Games)
    • CyclicSequenceBuffer (from Gaffer on Games)
    • CyclicIdPool (from Gaffer on Games)


Original NetStack was utilized 1 and 2

Concurrent objects pool:
// Define a message object
class MessageObject {
	public uint id;
	public byte[] data;

// Create a new objects pool with 8 objects in the head
var messages = new ConcurrentPool<MessageObject>(8, () => new MessageObject());

// Acquire an object in the pool
MessageObject message = messages.Acquire();

// Do some stuff = 1; = buffers.Rent(64);

byte data = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) {[i] = data++;


// Release pooled object
Concurrent objects buffer:
// Create a new concurrent buffer limited to 8192 cells
var conveyor = new ConcurrentBuffer(8192);

// Enqueue an object

// Dequeue object
MessageObject message = (MessageObject)conveyor.Dequeue();
Compress float:
// Compress data
ushort compressedSpeed = HalfPrecision.Compress(speed);

// Decompress data
float speed = HalfPrecision.Decompress(compressedSpeed);
Compress vector:
// Create a new BoundedRange array for Vector3 position, each entry has bounds and precision
BoundedRange[] worldBounds = new BoundedRange[3];

worldBounds[0] = new BoundedRange(-50f, 50f, 0.05f); // X axis
worldBounds[1] = new BoundedRange(0f, 25f, 0.05f); // Y axis
worldBounds[2] = new BoundedRange(-50f, 50f, 0.05f); // Z axis

// Compress position data
CompressedVector3 compressedPosition = BoundedRange.Compress(position, worldBounds);

// Read compressed data
Console.WriteLine("Compressed position - X: " + compressedPosition.x + ", Y:" + compressedPosition.y + ", Z:" + compressedPosition.z);

// Decompress position data
Vector3 decompressedPosition = BoundedRange.Decompress(compressedPosition, worldBounds);
Compress quaternion:
// Compress rotation data
CompressedQuaternion compressedRotation = SmallestThree.Compress(rotation);

// Read compressed data
Console.WriteLine("Compressed rotation - M: " + compressedRotation.m + ", A:" + compressedRotation.a + ", B:" + compressedRotation.b + ", C:" + compressedRotation.c);

// Decompress rotation data
Quaternion rotation = SmallestThree.Decompress(compressedRotation);
Serialize/deserialize data:
// Create a new bit buffer with 1024 chunks, the buffer can grow automatically if required
var writer = new BitBufferWrite(1024);

// Fill bit buffer and serialize data to a byte array
var bytes = data.ToArray(buffer);

// Get a length of actual data in bit buffer for sending through the network
Console.WriteLine("Data length: " + data.Length);

// Reset bit buffer for further reusing

var reader = new BitBufferWrite(1024);

// Deserialize data from a byte array
reader.FromArray(buffer, length);

// Unload bit buffer in the same order
uint peer = reader.ReadUInt();
string name = reader.ReadString();
bool accelerated = reader.ReadBool();
ushort speed = reader.ReadUShort();
CompressedVector3 position = new CompressedVector3(reader.ReadUInt(), reader.ReadUInt(), reader.ReadUInt());
CompressedQuaternion rotation = new CompressedQuaternion(reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadShort(), reader.ReadShort(), reader.ReadShort());

// Check if bit buffer is fully unloaded
Console.WriteLine("Bit buffer is empty: " + reader.IsFinished);
Abstract data serialization with Span:
// Create a one-time allocation buffer pool
static class BufferPool {
	private static BitBuffer bitBuffer;

	public static BitBuffer GetBitBuffer() {
		if (bitBuffer == null)
			bitBuffer = new BitBuffer(1024);

		return bitBuffer;

// Define a networking message
struct MessageObject {
	public const ushort id = 1; // Used to identify the message, can be packed or sent as packet header
	public uint peer;
	public byte race;
	public ushort skin;

	public void Serialize(ref Span<byte> packet) {
		BitBuffer data = BufferPool.GetBitBuffer();

		.ToSpan(ref packet);


	public void Deserialize(ref ReadOnlySpan<byte> packet, int length) {
		BitBuffer data = BufferPool.GetBitBuffer();

		data.FromSpan(ref packet, length);

		peer = data.ReadUInt();
		race = data.ReadByte();
		skin = data.ReadUShort();



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