<?php require "db_connection.php"; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { header("Location:index.php"); } $error = ""; date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Manila"); $username = $_SESSION['username']; $id = $_GET['quiz_id']; $sql = "SELECT subject.subject_id, subject.subject_code, subject.course_title, subject.course_description, subject.course_about, subject.teacher_id, quiz.quiz_title, quiz.date_posted, quiz.deadline_date, quiz.deadline_time, quiz.total_grade from subject INNER JOIN quiz on (quiz.quiz_id = $id and subject.subject_id = quiz.subject_id)"; $result = mysqli_query($dbconn, $sql); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); $subject_id = $row['subject_id']; $subject_code = $row['subject_code']; $course_title = $row['course_title']; $course_description = $row['course_description']; $course_about = $row['course_about']; $teacher_id = $row['teacher_id']; $quiz_title = $row['quiz_title']; $deadline_date = $row['deadline_date']; $deadline_time = $row['deadline_time']; $date_posted = $row['date_posted']; $score = $row['total_grade']; $combinedtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("$deadline_date $deadline_time")); $xdate = new DateTime($combinedtime); $combinedtime = date_format($xdate, 'M d, Y - h:i A'); $get_student = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from student where username = '$username';"); $srow = mysqli_fetch_array($get_student); $s_id = $srow['student_id']; $s_username = $srow['username']; $s_firstname = $srow['first_name']; $s_lastname = $srow['last_name']; $image = $srow['image']; $getIdentification = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from identification_quiz where quiz_id = '$id' "); $getIdenSize = mysqli_num_rows($getIdentification); $getMultipleChoice = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from multiplechoice_quiz where quiz_id = '$id' "); $getMulChoSize = mysqli_num_rows($getMultipleChoice); $getMultipleAnswer = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from multipleanswer_quiz where quiz_id = '$id' "); $getMulAnsSize = mysqli_num_rows($getMultipleAnswer); $getEssay = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from essay_quiz where quiz_id = '$id' "); $getEssaySize = mysqli_num_rows($getEssay); if(isset($_POST['submit_answer'])) { $insertAnswer = $dbconn->query("INSERT into answer_quiz(date_posted, total_grade, student_id, quiz_id) values(NOW(), -1, '$s_id', '$id')" ); $answer_id = $dbconn->insert_id; $total_grade = 0; if ($insertAnswer) { $idenAnswer = $_POST['iden_quiz_answer']; $mcAnswer = $_POST['mc_quiz_answer']; $maAnswer = $_POST['ma_quiz_answer']; $essayAnswer = $_POST['essay_quiz_answer']; $count = 1; foreach($idenAnswer as $key => $n ) { $insertIdenAnswer = $dbconn->query("INSERT into answer_iden_quiz(answer_id, question_number, answer, grade) values('$answer_id', '$count', '$n', -1) "); $count++; } $count = 1; foreach($mcAnswer as $key => $n) { $insertMCAnswer = $dbconn->query("INSERT into answer_mc_quiz(answer_id, question_number, answer, grade) values('$answer_id', '$count', '$n', -1) "); $count++; } // $count = 1; // $maPicks = array(); // foreach($maAnswer as $key => $n) { // $maPicks[] = $n; // foreach($maPicks as $key => $n ) { // $insertMAAnswer = $dbconn->query("INSERT into answer_ma_quiz(answer_id, question_number, answer, grade) values('$answer_id', '$count', '$n', -1) "); // } // $count++; // } $count = 1; foreach($essayAnswer as $key => $n ) { $insertEssayAnswer = $dbconn->query("INSERT into answer_essay_quiz(answer_id, question_number, answer, grade) values('$answer_id', '$count', '$n', -1) "); $count++; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <!-- The above 4 meta tags *Must* come first in the head; any other head content must come *after* these tags --> <!-- Title --> <title>Online Classroom | Quiz</title> <!-- Favicon --> <link rel="icon" href="img/core-img/favicon.ico"> <!-- Stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/expand.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap-toggle.min.css"> <!-- <script src="js/getdate.js"></script> --> <!-- https://stephanwagner.me/auto-resizing-textarea --> <style> #answerDiv { display: none; 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".$iden['question']." (".$iden['grade']."pts)</h6>"; ?> <textarea data-autoresize rows="1" cols="50" class="form-control expand_this" id="iden_quiz_answer[]" name="iden_quiz_answer[]"></textarea> <br> <?php } } if ($getMulChoSize != 0) { echo "<br>"; echo "<h5>Multiple Choice</h5>"; for ($i=1; $i<=$getMulChoSize; $i++) { $getMC = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from multiplechoice_quiz where quiz_id = '$id' and question_number = '$i' "); $mc = mysqli_fetch_array($getMC); echo "<h6 style='font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 20px;'>".$i.". ".$mc['question']." (".$mc['grade']."pts)</h6>"; $getMCchoices = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from multiplechoice_choices where quiz_id = '$id' and question_number = '$i' "); echo "<div style='margin-left: 20px'>"; while ($choice = mysqli_fetch_array($getMCchoices)) { echo "<input style='margin-left: 30px;' type='radio' name='mc_quiz_answer[]' id='mc_quiz_answer[]' value=".$choice['option']."> ".$choice['option']; } echo "</div>"; echo "<br>"; } } if ($getMulAnsSize != 0) { echo "<h5>Multiple Answers</h5>"; for ($i=1; $i<=$getMulAnsSize; $i++) { $getMA = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from multipleanswer_quiz where quiz_id = '$id' and question_number = '$i' "); $ma = mysqli_fetch_array($getMA); echo "<h6 style='font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 20px;'>".$i.". ".$ma['question']." (".$ma['grade']."pts)</h6>"; $getMAchoices = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from multipleanswer_choices where quiz_id = '$id' and question_number = '$i' "); echo "<div style='margin-left: 20px'>"; while ($choice = mysqli_fetch_array($getMAchoices)) { echo "<input style='margin-left: 30px;' type='checkbox' name='ma_quiz_answer[]' id='ma_quiz_answer[]' value=".$choice['option']."> ".$choice['option']; } echo "</div>"; echo "<br>"; } } if ($getEssaySize != 0) { echo "<h5>Essay</h5>"; for ($i=1; $i<=$getEssaySize; $i++) { $getEssay = $dbconn->query("SELECT * from essay_quiz where quiz_id = '$id' and question_number = '$i' "); $essay = mysqli_fetch_array($getEssay); echo "<h6 style='font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 20px;'>".$i.". ".$essay['question']." (".$essay['grade']."pts)</h6>"; ?> <textarea data-autoresize rows="1" cols="50" class="form-control expand_this" id="essay_quiz_answer[]" name="essay_quiz_answer[]"></textarea> <br> <?php } } ?> </div> <br> <button class="btn btn-success pull-right" id="submit_answer" name="submit_answer">Submit Answer</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php include "footer.php"; ?> <!-- ##### All Javascript Script ##### --> <!-- jQuery-2.2.4 js --> <script src="js/jquery/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script> <!-- Popper js --> <script src="js/bootstrap/popper.min.js"></script> <!-- Bootstrap js --> <script src="js/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- All Plugins js --> <script src="js/plugins/plugins.js"></script> <!-- Active js --> <script src="js/active.js"></script> <!-- Toggle --> <script src="js/bootstrap-toggle.min.js"></script> <script src="js/expand.js"></script> </body> </html>