The installation of our DID Controller is done via ansible and operated via ssh using a Makefile.
The instructions below may be outdated and lack precision
- git clone
- cd W3C-DID
- In order to You need to generate an ED25519 keypair, using the command ssh-keygen -t ed25519, then:
- Copy the private key in ./devops/sshkey and set it to be accessed only by the used (not group or others)
- Copy the ED25519 pubkey in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the server where the Controller will be running
Before you start the process, you have to configure:
- the ip that Ansible will connect to (it can be a domain name)
- the domain_name to match the domain name of the controller machine (default is,
This can be done in the file ./devops/hosts.toml, which will look like: ansible_port=22
In order to install a Controller, you use the make command:
- make start (will start the controller)
- make install (import restroom, resolver, contracts, ngnix, ...).
- make announce (create a keyring if not present, create the public keys, announce himself (save did on redis and produce tx that is the mpack of its did and a timestamp) and download the public keys). If no keyring is provided, one will be generated during the announce part.
- make stop (stop the controller)