diff --git a/source/SharpGL/Core/SharpGL/OpenGL.cs b/source/SharpGL/Core/SharpGL/OpenGL.cs
index b8cb13e..6933957 100644
--- a/source/SharpGL/Core/SharpGL/OpenGL.cs
+++ b/source/SharpGL/Core/SharpGL/OpenGL.cs
@@ -6916,14 +6916,17 @@ protected virtual void PreGLCall()
// If we are in debug mode, clear the error flag.
- // GetError() should not be called at all inside glBegin-glEnd
-if (insideGLBegin == false)
- GetError();
- }
+ // GetError() should not be called at all inside glBegin-glEnd
+ if (insideGLBegin == false)
+ {
+ GetError();
+ // ftlPhysicsGuy
+ // Clear Errors, noting any errors still in the buffer
+ CheckErrors(10, true);
+ }
- // If we are not the current OpenGL object, make ourselves current.
+ // If we are not the current OpenGL object, make ourselves current.
if (currentOpenGLInstance != this)
@@ -6940,17 +6943,64 @@ protected virtual void PostGLCall()
// are not in a glBegin function.
if (insideGLBegin == false)
- // This error check is very useful, as you can break anytime
- // an OpenGL error occurs, going through a program with this on
- // can rid it of bugs. It's VERY slow though, as every call is monitored.
- uint errorCode = GetError();
+ // ftlPhysicsGuy:
+ // Call CheckErrors to report on any errors encountered (accommodates multiple errors)
+ CheckErrors(10, false);
+ //// This error check is very useful, as you can break anytime
+ //// an OpenGL error occurs, going through a program with this on
+ //// can rid it of bugs. It's VERY slow though, as every call is monitored.
+ //uint errorCode = GetError();
+ //// What error is it?
+ //if (errorCode != GL_NO_ERROR)
+ //{
+ // // Get the error message.
+ // var errorMessage = GetErrorDescription(errorCode);
+ // // Create a stack trace.
+ // var stackTrace = new StackTrace();
+ // // Get the stack frames.
+ // var stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames();
+ // // Write the error to the trace log.
+ // var functionName = (stackFrames != null && stackFrames.Length > 1) ? stackFrames[1].GetMethod().Name : "Unknown Function";
+ // Trace.WriteLine("OpenGL Error: \"" + errorMessage + "\", when calling function SharpGL." + functionName);
+ //}
+ }
+ }
- // What error is it?
- if (errorCode != GL_NO_ERROR)
- {
- // Get the error message.
- var errorMessage = GetErrorDescription(errorCode);
+ ///
+ /// ftlPhysicsGuy: Added to make a consistent method for accommodating multiple errors.
+ /// Calls GetErrors and uses the return value in a Trace.WriteLine call to report any
+ /// errors found. Because there can be multiple errors, the call to GetErrors is
+ /// performed in a loop until no errors are found or until the loop has been executed for
+ /// a given maximum number of counts.
+ ///
+ /// Maximum number of times to report new errors before giving up
+ /// True if using CheckErrors to clear any existing errors (checks for any errors already in the buffer that have not yet been reported).
+ protected void CheckErrors(int maxLoopCount, bool clearingErrors)
+ {
+ if (renderContextProvider == null) return;
+ // This error check is very useful, as you can break anytime
+ // an OpenGL error occurs, going through a program with this on
+ // can rid it of bugs. It's VERY slow though, as every call is monitored.
+ uint errorCode = GetError();
+ int loopCount = 0;
+ while (errorCode != GL_NO_ERROR && loopCount < maxLoopCount) // JWH: added while loop with count checks
+ {
+ // Get the error message.
+ var errorMessage = GetErrorDescription(errorCode);
+ if (clearingErrors)
+ {
+ Trace.WriteLine("OpenGL Error: when trying to CLEAR errors, found an old, unreported error: \"" + errorMessage + "\"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
// Create a stack trace.
var stackTrace = new StackTrace();
@@ -6958,11 +7008,16 @@ protected virtual void PostGLCall()
var stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames();
// Write the error to the trace log.
- var functionName = (stackFrames != null && stackFrames.Length > 1) ? stackFrames[1].GetMethod().Name : "Unknown Function";
+ var functionName = (stackFrames != null && stackFrames.Length > 2) ? stackFrames[2].GetMethod().Name : "Unknown Function";
Trace.WriteLine("OpenGL Error: \"" + errorMessage + "\", when calling function SharpGL." + functionName);
+ // Loop until all errors are checked and reset:
+ errorCode = GetError();
+ loopCount++;
+ if (loopCount >= maxLoopCount)
+ Trace.WriteLine("PreGLCall Error: looped with GetError() " + maxLoopCount + " times without clearing GL errors");