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Research Dataset Example

Steve Van Tuyl edited this page Nov 8, 2016 · 5 revisions

title: Research Dataset
author: Steve Van Tuyl
date: 2016-11-08

organization: Oregon State University


This model describes a research dataset of geospatial data (netCDF files) representing global average temperature for a number of individual years and an average of all years of temperature. The data packages is comprised of:

    • a readme file that describes the contents of the dataset and basic information about how to use the data
    • a summary data file that representing average global temperature
    • a group of individual data files each representing global temperature data for a single year

A condition of the deposit, set by the depositor, is that the data files representing individual years of global temperatures be grouped together but separate from the average temperature data file. The reason behind this condition for deposit is to allow a researcher to download any of these files individually, download the grouping of individual year files, or to download the entire data package. This structure also serves to allow items in the repository to be linked to any individual data file.

Use Cases

  • Describing the structure of a research dataset that include multiple files, some of which are grouped as their own logical entity (in this case, the single year temperature datasets)

Model Diagram


Steve Van Tuyl - @vantuyls - Oregon State University