When handling non-simple RHS in assign-handler, any variable indicated as an update is also indicated as an input for that expression.
in the above example, cov will NOT be listed as an output (only an update and input)
The reason for this is that all the dependency-related code appeared to assume this would occur.
The function applied is now listed under functions not under inputs (unless funcsAsInputs is TRUE for the collector used...).
Functions applied via the dplyr mutate_(all|if|at) and summarize_(all|if|at) and purrr's map* are handled as called as well. well.
The ... is passed directly to getInputs (and in getVariableDepends' case, to getSectionDepends) when creating the default info value. This allows users to, e.g., specify a collector, or formulaInputs=TRUE directly int he call to the get*Depends functions.
functions argument is now ignored unless inputs is TRUE (user defined functions created in that block are already captured as ouputs by defualt)
The code-paths for other input types is currently broken, and I don't have time to fix it right away, so the documentation has been updated to reflect this.