diff --git a/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/body_orientation_observer.rst b/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/body_orientation_observer.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83b15bccc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/body_orientation_observer.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Body Orientation State Observation
+.. automodule:: gym_jiminy.common.blocks.body_orientation_observer
+   :members:
+   :undoc-members:
+   :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/index.rst b/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/index.rst
index 503021a085..d825f980dc 100644
--- a/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/index.rst
+++ b/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/index.rst
@@ -7,4 +7,6 @@ Blocks
+   body_orientation_observer
+   quantity_observer
diff --git a/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/quantity_observer.rst b/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/quantity_observer.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a29ba2dc0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/api/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/quantity_observer.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Generic Quantity Observer
+.. automodule:: gym_jiminy.common.blocks.quantity_observer
+   :members:
+   :undoc-members:
+   :show-inheritance:
diff --git a/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/__init__.py b/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/__init__.py
index e023858705..12a7fff8c0 100644
--- a/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/__init__.py
+++ b/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/__init__.py
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
 # pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
-from .quantity_observer import QuantityObserver
-from .mahony_filter import MahonyFilter
 from .motor_safety_limit import MotorSafetyLimit
 from .proportional_derivative_controller import PDController, PDAdapter
+from .quantity_observer import QuantityObserver
+from .mahony_filter import MahonyFilter
+from .body_orientation_observer import BodyObserver
 from .deformation_estimator import DeformationEstimator
 __all__ = [
-    'QuantityObserver',
-    'MahonyFilter',
+    'QuantityObserver',
+    'MahonyFilter',
+    'BodyObserver',
diff --git a/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/body_orientation_observer.py b/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/body_orientation_observer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee9785710e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/body_orientation_observer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+"""Implementation of a stateless body orientation state estimator block
+compatible with gym_jiminy reinforcement learning pipeline environment design.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from collections.abc import Mapping
+from typing import List, Dict, Sequence, Union
+import numpy as np
+import gymnasium as gym
+from jiminy_py.core import ImuSensor  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
+from ..bases import BaseAct, BaseObs, BaseObserverBlock, InterfaceJiminyEnv
+from ..wrappers.observation_layout import NestedData
+from ..utils import (DataNested,
+                     quat_to_rpy,
+                     matrices_to_quat,
+                     quat_multiply,
+                     quat_apply,
+                     remove_twist_from_quat)
+class BodyObserver(BaseObserverBlock[
+        Dict[str, np.ndarray], np.ndarray, BaseObs, BaseAct]):
+    """Compute the orientation and angular velocity in local frame of the
+    parent body associated with all the IMU sensors of the robot.
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 name: str,
+                 env: InterfaceJiminyEnv[BaseObs, BaseAct],
+                 *,
+                 nested_imu_quat_key: NestedData = (
+                    "features", "mahony_filter", "quat"),
+                 nested_imu_omega_key: NestedData = (
+                    "features", "mahony_filter", "omega",),
+                 ignore_twist: bool = False,
+                 compute_rpy: bool = True,
+                 update_ratio: int = 1) -> None:
+        """
+        :param name: Name of the block.
+        :param env: Environment to connect with.
+        :param nested_imu_quat_key: Nested key from environment observation
+                                    mapping to the IMU quaternion estimates.
+                                    Their ordering must be consistent with the
+                                    true IMU sensors of the robot.
+        :param nested_imu_omega_key: Nested key from environment observation
+                                     mapping to the IMU angular velocity in
+                                     local frame estimates. Their ordering must
+                                     be consistent with the true IMU sensors of
+                                     the robot.
+        :param ignore_twist: Whether to ignore the twist of the IMU quaternion
+                             estimate.
+        :param compute_rpy: Whether to compute the Yaw-Pitch-Roll Euler angles
+                            representation for the 3D orientation of the IMU,
+                            in addition to the quaternion representation.
+                            Optional: True by default.
+        :param update_ratio: Ratio between the update period of the observer
+                             and the one of the subsequent observer. -1 to
+                             match the simulation timestep of the environment.
+                             Optional: `1` by default.
+        """
+        # Backup some of the user-argument(s)
+        self.ignore_twist = ignore_twist
+        self.compute_rpy = compute_rpy
+        # Define observed / estimated IMU data proxies for fast access
+        obs_imu_data_list: List[np.ndarray] = []
+        for nested_imu_key in (nested_imu_quat_key, nested_imu_omega_key):
+            obs_imu_data: DataNested = env.observation
+            for key in nested_imu_key:
+                if isinstance(key, str):
+                    assert isinstance(obs_imu_data, Mapping)
+                    obs_imu_data = obs_imu_data[key]
+                elif isinstance(key, int):
+                    assert isinstance(obs_imu_data, Sequence)
+                    obs_imu_data = obs_imu_data[key]
+                else:
+                    assert isinstance(obs_imu_data, np.ndarray)
+                    slices: List[Union[int, slice]] = []
+                    for start_end in key:
+                        if isinstance(start_end, int):
+                            slices.append(start_end)
+                        elif not start_end:
+                            slices.append(slice(None,))
+                        else:
+                            slices.append(slice(*start_end))
+                    obs_imu_data = obs_imu_data[tuple(slices)]
+            assert isinstance(obs_imu_data, np.ndarray)
+            obs_imu_data_list.append(obs_imu_data)
+        self._obs_imu_quats, self._obs_imu_omegas = obs_imu_data_list
+        # Extract the relative IMU frame placement wrt its parent body
+        imu_rel_rot_mats: List[np.ndarray] = []
+        for sensor in env.robot.sensors[ImuSensor.type]:
+            frame = env.robot.pinocchio_model.frames[sensor.frame_index]
+            imu_rel_rot_mats.append(frame.placement.rotation)
+        self._imu_rel_quats = matrices_to_quat(tuple(imu_rel_rot_mats))
+        # Initialize the observer
+        super().__init__(name, env, update_ratio)
+        # Define proxies for the body orientations and angular velocities
+        self._quat = self.observation["quat"]
+        if self.compute_rpy:
+            self._rpy = self.observation["rpy"]
+        else:
+            self._rpy = np.array([])
+        self._omega = self.observation["omega"]
+    def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None:
+        num_imu_sensors = len(self.env.robot.sensors[ImuSensor.type])
+        observation_space: Dict[str, gym.Space] = OrderedDict()
+        observation_space["quat"] = gym.spaces.Box(
+            low=np.full((4, num_imu_sensors), -1.0 - 1e-9),
+            high=np.full((4, num_imu_sensors), 1.0 + 1e-9),
+            dtype=np.float64)
+        if self.compute_rpy:
+            high = np.array([np.pi, np.pi/2, np.pi]) + 1e-9
+            observation_space["rpy"] = gym.spaces.Box(
+                low=-high[:, np.newaxis].repeat(num_imu_sensors, axis=1),
+                high=high[:, np.newaxis].repeat(num_imu_sensors, axis=1),
+                dtype=np.float64)
+        observation_space["omega"] = gym.spaces.Box(
+            low=float('-inf'),
+            high=float('inf'),
+            shape=(3, num_imu_sensors),
+            dtype=np.float64)
+        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(observation_space)
+    def _setup(self) -> None:
+        # Call base implementation
+        super()._setup()
+        # Fix initialization of the observation to be valid quaternions
+        self._quat[-1] = 1.0
+    @property
+    def fieldnames(self) -> Dict[str, List[List[str]]]:
+        imu_sensors = self.env.robot.sensors[ImuSensor.type]
+        fieldnames: Dict[str, List[List[str]]] = {}
+        fieldnames["quat"] = [
+            [".".join((sensor.name, f"Quat{e}")) for sensor in imu_sensors]
+            for e in ("X", "Y", "Z", "W")]
+        if self.compute_rpy:
+            fieldnames["rpy"] = [
+                [".".join((sensor.name, e)) for sensor in imu_sensors]
+                for e in ("Roll", "Pitch", "Yaw")]
+        fieldnames["omega"] = [
+            [".".join((sensor.name, e)) for sensor in imu_sensors]
+            for e in ("X", "Y", "Z")]
+        return fieldnames
+    def refresh_observation(self, measurement: BaseObs) -> None:
+        # Compute the parent body orientations
+        quat_multiply(self._obs_imu_quats,
+                      self._imu_rel_quats,
+                      out=self._quat,
+                      is_right_conjugate=True)
+        # Remove twist if requested
+        if self.ignore_twist:
+            remove_twist_from_quat(self._quat)
+        # Compute the parent body angular velocities in local frame.
+        # Note that batched "quaternion apply" is faster than sequential
+        # "rotation matrix apply" in practice, both when using `np.einsum` or
+        # single-threaded numba jitted implementation.
+        quat_apply(self._imu_rel_quats,
+                   self._obs_imu_omegas,
+                   out=self._omega)
+        # Compute the RPY representation if requested
+        if self.compute_rpy:
+            quat_to_rpy(self._quat, self._rpy)
diff --git a/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/deformation_estimator.py b/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/deformation_estimator.py
index f82d2e7ef0..abb4babf6c 100644
--- a/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/deformation_estimator.py
+++ b/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/deformation_estimator.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from collections import OrderedDict
 from collections.abc import Mapping
-from typing import List, Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Optional
+from typing import List, Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Union, Optional
 import numpy as np
 import numba as nb
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import pinocchio as pin
 from ..bases import BaseAct, BaseObs, BaseObserverBlock, InterfaceJiminyEnv
+from ..wrappers.observation_layout import NestedData
 from ..utils import (DataNested,
@@ -508,7 +509,7 @@ def __init__(self,
                  imu_frame_names: Sequence[str],
                  flex_frame_names: Sequence[str],
                  ignore_twist: bool = True,
-                 nested_imu_key: Sequence[str] = (
+                 nested_imu_key: NestedData = (
                     "features", "mahony_filter", "quat"),
                  compute_rpy: bool = True,
                  update_ratio: int = 1) -> None:
@@ -649,11 +650,26 @@ def __init__(self,
             self._is_chain_orphan.append((is_parent_orphan, is_child_orphan))
-        # Define IMU and encoder measurement proxy for fast access
+        # Define IMU observation proxy for fast access
         obs_imu_quats: DataNested = env.observation
         for key in nested_imu_key:
-            assert isinstance(obs_imu_quats, Mapping)
-            obs_imu_quats = obs_imu_quats[key]
+            if isinstance(key, str):
+                assert isinstance(obs_imu_quats, Mapping)
+                obs_imu_quats = obs_imu_quats[key]
+            elif isinstance(key, int):
+                assert isinstance(obs_imu_quats, Sequence)
+                obs_imu_quats = obs_imu_quats[key]
+            else:
+                assert isinstance(obs_imu_quats, np.ndarray)
+                slices: List[Union[int, slice]] = []
+                for start_end in key:
+                    if isinstance(start_end, int):
+                        slices.append(start_end)
+                    elif not start_end:
+                        slices.append(slice(None,))
+                    else:
+                        slices.append(slice(*start_end))
+                obs_imu_quats = obs_imu_quats[tuple(slices)]
         assert isinstance(obs_imu_quats, np.ndarray)
         self._obs_imu_quats = obs_imu_quats
diff --git a/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/mahony_filter.py b/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/mahony_filter.py
index fde3a55ef1..6f9f77d963 100644
--- a/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/mahony_filter.py
+++ b/python/gym_jiminy/common/gym_jiminy/common/blocks/mahony_filter.py
@@ -162,15 +162,16 @@ class MahonyFilter(BaseObserverBlock[
     .. note::
         The feature space of this observer is a dictionary storing quaternion
-        estimates under key 'quat', and optionally, their corresponding
-        Yaw-Pitch-Roll Euler angles representations under key 'key' if
-        `compute_rpy=True`. Both leaves are 2D array of shape (N, M), where
-        N is the number of components of the representation while M is the
-        number of IMUs of the robot. More specifically, `N=4` for quaternions
-        (Qx, Qy, Qz, Qw) and 'N=3' for Euler angles (Roll-Pitch-Yaw). Indeed,
-        the Yaw angle of the Yaw-Pitch-Roll Euler angles representations is
-        systematically included in the feature space, even if its value is
-        meaningless, i.e. `ignore_twist=True`.
+        estimates under key 'quat', optionally, their corresponding
+        Yaw-Pitch-Roll Euler angles representations under key 'rpy' if
+        `compute_rpy=True`, and finally, the angular velocity in local frame
+        estimates under key 'omega'. Both leaves are 2D array of shape (N, M),
+        where N is the number of components of the representation while M is
+        the number of IMUs of the robot. Specifically, `N=4` for quaternions
+        (Qx, Qy, Qz, Qw), 'N=3' for both the Euler angles (Roll-Pitch-Yaw) and
+        the angular velocity. The Yaw angle of the Yaw-Pitch-Roll Euler angles
+        representations is systematically included in the feature space, even
+        if its value is meaningless, i.e. `ignore_twist=True`.
     .. warning::
         This filter works best for 'observe_dt' smaller or equal to 5ms. Its
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ def __init__(self,
                  exact_init: bool = True,
                  kp: Union[np.ndarray, float] = 1.0,
                  ki: Union[np.ndarray, float] = 0.1,
-                 compute_rpy: bool = True,
+                 compute_rpy: bool = False,
                  update_ratio: int = 1) -> None:
         :param name: Name of the block.
@@ -205,14 +206,14 @@ def __init__(self,
                            is not recommended because the robot is often
                            free-falling at init, which is not realistic anyway.
                            Optional: `True` by default.
-        :param mahony_kp: Proportional gain used for gyro-accel sensor fusion.
-                          Set it to 0.0 to use only the gyroscope. In such a
-                          case, the orientation estimate would be exact if the
-                          sensor is bias- and noise-free, and the update period
-                          matches the simulation integrator timestep.
-                          Optional: `1.0` by default.
-        :param mahony_ki: Integral gain used for gyro bias estimate.
-                          Optional: `0.1` by default.
+        :param kp: Proportional gain used for gyro-accel sensor fusion. Set it
+                   to 0.0 to use only the gyroscope. In such a case, the
+                   orientation estimate would be exact if the sensor is bias-
+                   and noise-free, and the update period matches the
+                   simulation integrator timestep.
+                   Optional: `1.0` by default.
+        :param ki: Integral gain used for gyro bias estimate.
+                   Optional: `0.1` by default.
         :param compute_rpy: Whether to compute the Yaw-Pitch-Roll Euler angles
                             representation for the 3D orientation of the IMU,
                             in addition to the quaternion representation.
@@ -279,9 +280,6 @@ def __init__(self,
         if self._update_twist:
             self._state["twist"] = self._twist
-        # Store the estimate angular velocity to avoid redundant computations
-        self._omega = np.zeros((3, num_imu_sensors))
         # Initialize the observer
         super().__init__(name, env, update_ratio)
@@ -291,6 +289,7 @@ def __init__(self,
             self._rpy = self.observation["rpy"]
             self._rpy = np.array([])
+        self._omega = self.observation["omega"]
     def _initialize_state_space(self) -> None:
         """Configure the internal state space of the observer.
@@ -340,6 +339,11 @@ def _initialize_observation_space(self) -> None:
                 low=-high[:, np.newaxis].repeat(num_imu_sensors, axis=1),
                 high=high[:, np.newaxis].repeat(num_imu_sensors, axis=1),
+        observation_space["omega"] = gym.spaces.Box(
+            low=float('-inf'),
+            high=float('inf'),
+            shape=(3, num_imu_sensors),
+            dtype=np.float64)
         self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict(observation_space)
     def _setup(self) -> None:
@@ -390,8 +394,11 @@ def fieldnames(self) -> Dict[str, List[List[str]]]:
         imu_sensors = self.env.robot.sensors[ImuSensor.type]
         fieldnames: Dict[str, List[List[str]]] = {}
         fieldnames["quat"] = [
-            [f"{sensor.name}.Quat{e}" for sensor in imu_sensors]
-            for e in ("x", "y", "z", "w")]
+            [".".join((sensor.name, f"Quat{e}")) for sensor in imu_sensors]
+            for e in ("X", "Y", "Z", "W")]
+        fieldnames["omega"] = [
+            [".".join((sensor.name, e)) for sensor in imu_sensors]
+            for e in ("X", "Y", "Z")]
         if self.compute_rpy:
             fieldnames["rpy"] = [
                 [".".join((sensor.name, e)) for sensor in imu_sensors]
@@ -425,7 +432,7 @@ def refresh_observation(self, measurement: BaseObs) -> None:
                     rot = robot.pinocchio_data.oMf[sensor.frame_index].rotation
-                # Convert it to quaternions
+                # Convert the rotation matrices of the IMUs to quaternions
                 matrices_to_quat(tuple(imu_rots), self._quat)
                 # Keep track of tilt if necessary
@@ -433,6 +440,11 @@ def refresh_observation(self, measurement: BaseObs) -> None:
                     self._twist[:] = np.arctan2(self._quat[2], self._quat[3])
                 self._is_initialized = True
+            # Compute the RPY representation if requested
+            if self.compute_rpy:
+                quat_to_rpy(self._quat, self._rpy)
         # Run an iteration of the filter, computing the next state estimate