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File metadata and controls

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Build and Install Instructions


A supported C and Fortran compiler (see table below). Other versions may work, in particular if close to the versions listed below.

Compiler vendor Supported (tested) versions
Intel and above
GNU 10.3.0 and above

A supported MPI library (see table below). Other versions may work, in particular if close to the versions listed below.

MPI library Supported (tested) versions
MPICH 3.3.1 and above
Open MPI 3.1.5 and above
Intel MPI 2018.0.4 and above

Third-party libraries (TPL) compiled with the same compiler and MPI library (where applicable).

Library Supported (tested) versions
CMake 3.20.1 and above
HDF5 1.10.4 and above
NetCDF-C 4.7.3 and above
NetCDF-Fortran 4.5.2 and above

NCEP Libraries (NCEPLibs) compiled with the same compiler and MPI library (where applicable).

Library Supported (tested) versions
BUFR 11.4.0 and above
CRTM 2.3.0 and above
IP 3.3.3 and above
SP 2.3.3 and above
BACIO 2.4.1 and above
W3EMC 2.9.1 and above
SIGIO 2.3.2 and above
SFCIO 1.4.1 and above
NEMSIO 2.5.2 and above
NCIO 1.0.0 and above
WRF_IO 1.2.0 and above

Building the GSI

CMake employs an out-of-source build. Create a directory for configuring the build and cd into it:

mkdir -p build && cd build

Set the compilers, if needed, to match those being used for compiling the TPL and NCEPLibs listed above: CC and FC environment variables can be used to point to the desired C and Fortran compilers.

Execute cmake from inside your build directory.

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install-prefix> <CMAKE_OPTIONS> /path/to/GSI-source

If the dependencies are not located in a path recognized by cmake e.g. /usr/local, it may be necessary to provide the appropriate environment variables e.g. <package_ROOT> or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH so that cmake is able to locate these dependencies.

The installation prefix for GSI is provided by the cmake command-line argument -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install-prefix>

To build and install:

make -j<x>
make install

CMake Options

CMake allows for various options that can be specified on the command line via -DCMAKE_OPTION=VALUE or from within the ccmake gui. The list of options currently available is as follows:

Option Description (Default)
OPENMP Enable OpenMP Threading (OFF)
ENABLE_MKL Use MKL (ON), If not found use LAPACK
BUILD_NCDIAG Build GSI NetCDF Diagnostics Library (ON)
BUILD_GSDCLOUD Build GSD Cloud Library (OFF)
BUILD_GSI Build GSI library and executable (ON)
BUILD_ENKF Build EnKF library and executable (ON)
BUILD_REG_TESTING Enable Regression Testing (ON)
BUILD_UTIL Build Utilities (ON)
BUILD_UTIL_ALL Build All Utilities (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_AERODA Build Aerosol DA utility (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_COV_CALC Build Correlated Obs. Error utility (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_EFSOI Build Ensemble FSOI application (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_ENKF_GFS Build GFS ensemble utilities (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_ENKF_ARW Build ARW ensemble utilities (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_NCIO Build NetCDF IO utilities (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_COM Build Miscellaneous community utilities (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_BKGERR Build Background Error utility (OFF)
BUILD_UTIL_ETC Build Miscellaneous utilities (OFF)

The flavor of GSI and EnKF can be defined with the use of the following options:

CMake Option Description (Default) Valid Options
GSI_MODE GSI application mode (GFS) GFS, Regional
ENKF_MODE EnKF application mode (GFS) GFS, WRF, NMMB, FV3REG

Regression Testing

When Regression tests are enabled (-DBUILD_REG_TESTING=ON), it is necessary to provide the path to search for the control GSI and EnKF executables. This can be provided with the option CONTROLPATH. Other search variables are GSICONTROLPATH or ENKFCONTROLPATH for GSI and EnKF control executables respectively.

If the control executables are not found, the Regression tests will be disabled.

Once the build is complete and control executables have been found, regression testing can be launched from the build directory by executing:


Refer to the ctest manual for more information on ctest framework.