Releases: dtcenter/METplus
METplus v2.1 Release Notes:
Added gather_by_date.conf for grid-to-grid and grid-to-obs use cases
Created specific directory for plotting use case config files
Added error checking so it is more clear what config items need to be added or changed to run
Renamed many config variables for clarity
Variables specific to a wrapper will contain the app name in the variable name
Error message at startup listing all deprecated config items and the suggested new item to use
MET configuration files updated to contain new default values that were recently added
Current time environment variables set to be used in MET or METplus config files if needed (See section describing Timing Control).
Added INIT_SEQ for looping by valid time to calculate forecast lead list (instead of specifying with LEAD_SEQ)
Adding window begin and end variables for individual wrappers instead of having the same window for every wrapper (See OBS_WINDOW_BEGIN and OBS_WINDOW_END in section describing A-Z Config Glossary)
Added option to skip processing of a file in some wrappers (i.e. pb2nc or regrid_data_plane) if the output file already exists (See PB2NC_SKIP_IF_OUTPUT_EXISTS in section describing A-Z Config Glossary)
Wrapper specific:
- Reworked following the changes to the work done on
- Reworked to give users greater use of the MET stat_analysis tool
Added support for -derive mode
Fixed bugs in -subtract mode and -sum mode
- Refactored to allow looping by valid time and utilize filename templates instead of regex
Refactored to allow looping by valid time and utilize filename templates instead of regex
Added verification mask and neighborhood width/shape configurations
- Refactored to allow looping by valid time
- Added verification mask and neighborhood width/shape configurations
- Changed configuration names for forecast hour to more closely match other wrappers (See LEAD_SEQ_[N], LEAD_SEQ_[N]_LABEL, SERIES_BY_LEAD_GROUP_FCSTS, and LEAD_SEQ in section describing A-Z Config Glossary)
- Improved string template substitution and extraction functionality to be more flexible and to allow time shifting/truncating (See section describing Directory and Filename Template Info)
• Improve timed handling so filename templates can be more flexible
• Added 'now' time item to allow start and end time of run to be defined relative to the current time at execution (See section describing Timing Control)
• Logfiles now contains METplus version number and start/end logs to easily discern multiple runs within a single log file
• Various bug fixes
METplus v2.0.4 Release Notes:
- Updated config files to match sample data directory structure
- Moved large mask files from repository to sample data tarballs
- Improved logging message clarity
- List METplus version number in final configuration file and logging output
NOTE: To use wget from a linux server, mouse over the file to be downloaded and enter that URL after the wget command. Example:
METplus v2.0.3 Release Notes:
• Added DO_NOT_RUN_EXE config variable to prevent applications from actually running
• Added LOG_TIMESTAMP_USE_RUNTIME config variable to use data time in log file names instead of run time
• METPLUS_BASE config variable is automatically set to the location METplus is being run
• Added automatically generated CLOCK_TIME config variable to keep track of time METplus was run
Wrapper specific:
• mode_wrapper
– new python wrapper for MET tool mode
• mtd_wrapper
– new python wrapper for MET tool mtd (mode time domain)
• pcp_combine_wrapper
– Threshold values specified in the config files now require a comparison operator (>,>=,==,!=,<,<=,gt,ge,eq,ne,lt,le) Previously _THRESH values were assumed to use >= by pcp_combine
• grid_stat_wrapper
– grid_stat will now process all name/level/threshold combinations in a single run if desired (some cases require splitting up calls to grid_stat, such as processing probabilistic forecasts or precip accumulations)
– Added probability threshold configs for grid_stat probabilistic forecast evaluation
• Compressed input files with certain file extensions (gz, zip, bz2) will be automatically uncompressed and placed into a staging area for use in METplus (with option to scrub staging directory after run) - Gempak files now can automatically be converted to NetCDF for use in METplus (See [FCST/OBS]_[MET-APP]_DATATYPE)
• NetCDF field levels can now be specified in config files, i.e. (0,0,,). NOTE: Quotes around these items are required
• Updated MET config files to use MET 8.0
• Cleanup of plotting scripts
Minor release including addition of user_env_vars conf functionality.
Users can add variables to a new conf section called [user_env_vars] in METplus config files. These new conf items will be set as environment variables with the same name to be used in MET config files.
See Assets from v2.0.1, as nothing has changed between these versions in that regard.
Minor release including bug fixes.
See the METplus_Users_Guide.pdf Release Notes for details.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop'
Merging all changes from the develop branch to master branch in
preparation for the METplus-2.0 Release which will be cut from
the master branch.
This commit has been run through and passed all working functional
use case tests.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' Merging all changes from the develop branch to master branch in preparation for the METplus Gamma Release which will be cut from the master branch. This commit has been run through and passed all working unit and integration tests.