- Rotations.jl :: Functions related to rotations of coordinate frames, angle2dcm, dcm2angle.
- Quaternions.jl :: A Julia module with quaternion and dual-quaternion functionality.
- ClimateTools.jl :: This package is a collection of commonly-used tools in Climate Science.
- Mimi.jl :: Integrated Assessment Modeling Framework for climate change.
Ecology packages (including subjects such as agronomy, forestry and oceanographic models) are listed under the Biology page for easier reference
- Krige.jl :: Kriging estimators in Julia.
- GeoStats.jl :: Geostatistics in Julia.
- OpenStreetMapParser.jl :: This package provides basic functionality for parsing OpenStreetMap data in Julia, in the following file formats: .osm (XML) and .pbf (binary).
- Proj4.jl :: Julia wrapper for PROJ.4 cartographic projections library.
- PyProj.jl :: A Julia wrapper of PyProj, that performs cartographic transformations and geodetic computations.
- ArchGDAL.jl :: A high level API for GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library.
- DtPlot.jl
- EarthSphere.jl :: A library for measuring approximate distance and location given latitudes and longitudes.
- FlowNetworks.jl :: Types and function to represent hydrological flow networks.
- Gaia.jl :: Unified interface for observational datasets of the Earth's weather and climate.
- GDAL.jl :: Thin Julia wrapper for GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library.
- Geodesy.jl :: Work with points defined in various coordinate systems.
- GeographicLibPy.jl :: Thin wrapper of geographiclib Python package.
- GeoInterface.jl :: A Julia Protocol for Geospatial Data.
- GIS.jl :: A package for the visualization and manipulation of geographic data.
- GeoIP.jl :: is a Julia package that can estimate the geographic location of IP addresses.
- GeoJSON.jl :: Utilities for working with GeoJSON data in Julia.
- GMT.jl :: is a package containing Julia bindings for the Generic Mapping Tools Library, a.k.a libgmt - a set of libraries tht allows manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views.
- hillerislambers :: Julia implementation of the HilleRisLambers et al. 2001 model of arid vegetation dynamics.
- Jultran.jl :: Julia interface for the HITRAN database of spectral lines, based on Ray Pierrehumbert's PyTran.
- OpenStreetMap.jl :: The Julia OpenStreetMap package provides basic functionality for parsing, viewing, and working with OpenStreetMap map data.
- OpenStreetMapX.jl :: OpenStreetMap support for Julia 1.0.
- SpatialStats.jl :: Spatial Statistics.
- Turf.jl :: A geospatial engine encoding the collections of simple geographical features using the JS lib Turfjs in the GeoJSON format.
- Tyndall.jl :: Radiative transfer in Julia.
- Watershed.jl :: Julia version of watershed.
- NMEA.jl :: Julia package for parsing GPS NMEA messages.
- CAIRS.jl :: Continous Assimilation of Integrating Rain Sensors.
- CERESViewer.jl :: Visualize observations of the flows of energy in and out of the Earth.
- Hotwire.jl :: Hotwire anemometry related functions implemented in Julia.
- Met_Plots_Models.jl :: A simple wrapper of matlibplot for a meteorologist.
- Scriabin.jl :: Radiative transfer in Julia.
- TTCal.jl :: A bandpass calibration routine developed for the OVRO LWA.
- Airship.jl :: Julia code for performing temperature, pressure and volume and buoyancy calculations.
- TaylorIntegration.jl :: ODE integration using Taylor's method in Julia.