DevOps :: Build automation software, Infrastructure management, Packaging, Release engineering/ management tools, Software configuration management (SCM) software, Software Quality: Quality-Analysis (QA), continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), Test-Driven-Development (TDD), Behaviour-Driven-Development (BDD), Documentation Driven Development (DDD), Unit testing, et al.
- Operating System Technology
- Devops Weekly.
- How to do test driven development (TDD) in Julia.
- Download and install Julia on various Operating Systems
- List of Julia Modules.
- The Julia Standard Library
- Julia Sample programs
- Julia-Backports Mailing list.
- Jake.jl :: Rake for Julia.
- jlbuild :: A bot that controls the julia buildbots to build releases and perform some additional continous integration on secondary platforms. Ping (
) in a comment, PR, issue, etc... and this GitHub comment-based interface to testing buildbots will build the relevant Julia version on all platforms, post download links and even execute small chunks of code across those platforms. - Juke.jl ::
in Julia. - OpenStack.jl.
- Merge your Julia code with mainline to test it on a Travis-CI build server.
- TestDocs.jl :: A test package to try to automatically build docs on travis.
- TravisTest.jl :: Repository for testing Julia support at the Travis Continuous Integration (CI) service.
- julia-helper :: Scripts to help Julia developers.
- GitlabJuliaDemo.jl :: A minimal example for setting up CI with Julia on Gitlab. The blog post describing how a Julia package repo in Gitlab can be setup with continuous integration and coverage summary.
Helper tools for core julia
language development.
- FemtoCleaner.jl :: The FemtoCleaner app cleans your julia projects by upgrading deprecated syntax, removing version compatibility workarounds and anything else that has a unique upgrade path.
- HackThatBase.jl :: A helper tool to reload and test modifications to base without recompiling the full system image.
- PkgSearch :: A Julia REPL utility for package discovery.
- PkgVerifierPrototype :: Julia package verifier prototype.
Pre-compiled Binaries
- BinaryBuilder.jl :: Binary Dependency Builder for Julia.
- BinaryProvider.jl :: A reliable binary provider for Julia.
- BinDeps.jl :: Tool for building binary dependencies for Julia modules.
- SnappyBuilder :: BinaryBuilder for
. - Conda.jl :: Conda managing Julia binary dependencies.
- Julia-0.3.9 for Linux 64-bit, as a gzipped tar ball.
- Build an executable binary with this script.
- Ansible and Docker
- julia-ansible-scripts :: Various julia ansible scripts for provisioning servers, buildbots etc...
- Docker image for Julia.
- julia :: Docker Official Image packaging for Julia.
- RudeOil.jl :: A package to easily interact with docker and docker-machine.
- julia-vagrant :: Packer/Vagrant script recipes for making virtual machines (VM's) - create Vagrant boxes and Openstack images for performing builds and tests of Julia.
- Track versions of julia in the Repology service which tracks and compares package versions in more than 120 package repositories.
- APT.jl :: A module to manipulate Debian Advanced Package Tool (APT). It comes with
, an executable that allows to manage package name lists. - DebbyPacker.jl :: Set of scripts to easily create debian packages.
- Fedora :: Milan Bouchet-Valat (@nalimilan on github) maintains the builds for Fedora 19 and 20, a mirror is also available from the Fedoraprojet site.
- RPMmd.jl :: A front-end installer for RPM-md packages and a fork of WinRPM.jl.
- WinRPM.jl :: RPM-md processing library - WinRPM is an installer for RPM packages provided by an RPM-md build system.
- Getting Julia to build on PowerPC under Linux and the devel thread on julia-dev.
- Homebrew.jl :: OSX Binary dependency provider for Julia.
- BuildExecutable.jl :: Build standalone executables from a Julia script.
Package/Infrastructure management tools and Documentation
- Official Julia Package list.
- METADATA.jl :: The official set of Julia packages.
- MetadataTools.jl :: Functionality to analyze the structure of Julia's METADATA repository.
- JuliaArchive :: Abandoned packages that no longer have a maintainer or no longer fit into the Julia oraganization that initially hosted the package are listed in the Julia Archive organisation.
- Pkg3.jl :: Next-generation package manager for Julia.
- Stefan Karpinski talking about "Pkg3 : Julia's New Package Manager" at JuliaCon 2017.
- Uncurated :: The official, public, uncurated registry of Julia packages.
- Julia Ecosystem Status :: Track the status of various parts of the Julia language ecosystem; from nightly binary builds of Julia to automated testing of packages.
- attobot :: Julia package release bot.
- Compat.jl :: A package for cross-version compatibility between Julia v0.3 and v0.4 - takes care of syntax breakage and provides compatibility constructs that will work in both versions without warnings.
- DeclarativePackages.jl :: (jdp for short), allows the project to declaratively specify which Julia packages are being used, with exact version or commit details.
- EasyPkg.jl :: A Julia package to simplify package development.
- Help.jl :: Reverse documentation for Julia.
- julia-buildbot :: Buildbot configuration for It is written in Python and is listed by virtue of being a tool used within the Julia ecosystem.
- julia-require :: Macros to make loading (and reloading) files in Julia easier. {NB: Not maintained for the current Julia releases}.
- JuliaPackageMirrors :: An organization that mirrors/archives and tracks METADATA - the official Julia package manager for all registered Julia packages.
- mirror-updater :: Update script for JuliaPackageMirrors.
- PrivateModules.jl :: Julia package mirror.
- Julz.jl :: Opinionated Framework for Developing Packages.
- JPM.jl :: Decentralised Julia Packages.
- Kip.jl :: A metadata free package manager for Julia.
- LibALPM.jl :: Wrapper for libalpm, the ArchLinux package manager.
- MetadataTools.jl :: Functionality to analyze the structure of Julia's METADATA repository.
- :: Concept for a next-gen package listing.
- :: Super-simple bottle-caching infrastructure for the site.
- Package Development Documentation
- NettleBuilder :: BinaryBuilder repo for
. - Nix.jl :: Package manager for Julia.
- PackageEvaluator.jl :: The Julia package evaluator.
- PkgDev.jl :: Julia Package Development Kit.
- PkgUtils.jl :: Tools for analyzing Julia packages.
- Require.jl :: A better module system for Julia.
- Requires.jl :: A Julia package that will quickly load your package dependencies.
- VersionParsing.jl :: flexible VersionNumber parsing in Julia.
- JDock :: An IJulia sandboxed by Docker containers.
- Playground.jl :: A Julia-lang environment builder (like python's virtualenv) package to create Julia sandboxes, similar to python virtual environments.
- Digger.jl :: Digger is a fuzz tester designed to fish bugs out of Dagger.jl
- Fuzz.jl :: A naive fuzzer that can generate bugs.
- Log4jl.jl :: A comprehensive and flexible logging framework for Julia programs.
- Logging.jl :: The Logging module.
- LogMover.jl
- Lumberjack.jl :: A logging library by Westley Hennigh.
- Stage.jl :: has stage macros, checkpoints and loggers for Julia.
- VisualRegressionTests.jl Automated integrated regression tests for graphics libraries.
- BaseTestDeprecated.jl :: Provides the
functionality removed inJulia v0.5
. - CoverageBase.jl :: Measuring internal test coverage of the Julia programming language.
- Coverage.jl :: Take the Julia test coverage results and bundle them up in JSON - it processes a .jl file and its matching .cov file, tracking your Julia packages for test coverage and works with Coveralls, which integrates with TravisCI.
- Debug.jl :: Prototype interactive debugger for Julia.
- FactCheck.jl :: Midje-like testing framework written for Julia.
- Fixtures.jl :: provides fixtures, mocks, matchers and patching to improve your tests with Julia.
- Jig.jl :: Testing framework for Julia.
- JLTest :: A unittest framework for Julia (inspired by Python's unittest).
- JulieTest.jl :: A Julia testing framework inspired by javascript's Mocha. See the Wiki
- microcoverage :: This module computes code coverage for a Julia program at a more fine-grained level than the built-in coverage feature. Specifically, it provides coverage counts for each branch of the ||, && and ?: operators where they occur. It also counts the number of invocations to statement-functions.
- Mocking.jl : Allows temporary overwriting of Julia methods for testing purposes.
- PackageTesting.jl :: A standard for testing Julia packages.
- RunTests.jl :: A test running framework for Julia that extends Base.Test
- Saute.jl :: is another testing framework for Julia.
- testfast.jl :: Automatically finds test files and runs them.
- UnitTest.jl :: Another unit-testing library for Julia, that provides nose test style output to the command line and is capable of producing an junit compatible xml result file.
- Watcher.jl:: File watcher in Julia - can be used to auto-run unit tests etc.